When using `OR` in a where clause, a composite index can't be used. We should use a `UNION` to take advantages of it.
Instead, create 2 indexes on each hashed urls and make 2 queries to find an url. It'll be faster than the previous solution.
- Added index on entry table for given_url field
- Fix tests:
The previous `bit.ly` url redirected to doc.wallabag but that url doesn't exist in the fixtures.
I used our own internal "redirector" to create a redirect to an url which exist in the fixtures.
Also, updating current migration to use the new `WallabagMigration`.
utf8mb4_unicode_ci considers that 'caché' is equal to 'cache' which
can lead to attaching incorrect tags to entries. This issue is due to
some unicode normalization done by MySQL.
utf8mb4_bin makes no unicode normalization, letting wallabag to consider
'cache' and 'caché' as two different tags.
We change the collation of the whole table as Doctrine does not support
setting a collation on a column for a specific platform (it tries to
apply utf8mb4_bin even for pgsql and sqlite).
Signed-off-by: Kevin Decherf <kevin@kdecherf.com>
- Update SchebTwoFactorBundle to version 3
- Enable Google 2fa on the bundle
- Disallow ability to use both email and google as 2fa
- Update Ocramius Proxy Manager to handle typed function & attributes (from PHP 7)
- use `$this->addFlash` shortcut instead of `$this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->add`
- update admin to be able to create/reset the 2fa
Thanks to the BC compatibility, almost nothing have to be changed.
All changes are related to new bundle version of:
- SensioFrameworkExtraBundle
- DoctrineFixturesBundle
First, the setParameter() were done on the same parameter which in fact
just duplicated the condition in the SQL query (like `where t.label =
'test' and t.label = 'test'`.
Changed the parameter doesn't help because the query was then wrong.
Changing the way to match associated tags for an entry and it worked.