@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ class AppKernel extends Kernel
new KPhoen\RulerZBundle\KPhoenRulerZBundle(),
new Wallabag\ImportBundle\WallabagImportBundle(),
new Doctrine\Bundle\MigrationsBundle\DoctrineMigrationsBundle(),
new Craue\ConfigBundle\CraueConfigBundle(),
if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), ['dev', 'test'], true)) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
download_pictures: Download pictures on your server
carrot: Enable share to Carrot
diaspora_url: Diaspora URL, if the service is enabled
export_epub: Enable ePub export
export_mobi: Enable .mobi export
export_pdf: Enable PDF export
export_csv: Enable CSV export
export_json: Enable JSON export
export_txt: Enable TXT export
export_xml: Enable XML export
pocket_consumer_key: Consumer key for Pocket to import contents (
shaarli_url: URL de Shaarli, if the service is enabled
share_diaspora: Enable share to Diaspora
share_mail: Enable share by email
share_shaarli: Enable share to Shaarli
share_twitter: Enable share to Twitter
show_printlink: Display a link to print content
wallabag_support_url: Support URL for wallabag
wallabag_url: URL of *your* wallabag instance
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
download_pictures: Télécharger les images sur le serveur
carrot: Activer le partage vers Carrot
diaspora_url: URL de Diaspora, si le service Diaspora est activé
export_epub: Activer l'export ePub
export_mobi: Activer l'export .mobi
export_pdf: Activer l'export PDF
export_csv: Activer l'export CSV
export_json: Activer l'export JSON
export_txt: Activer l'export TXT
export_xml: Activer l'export XML
pocket_consumer_key: Clé d'authentification Pocket pour importer les données (
shaarli_url: URL de Shaarli, si le service Shaarli est activé
share_diaspora: Activer le partage vers Diaspora
share_mail: Activer le partage par email
share_shaarli: Activer le partage vers Shaarli
share_twitter: Activer le partage vers Twitter
show_printlink: Afficher un lien pour imprimer
wallabag_support_url: URL de support de wallabag
wallabag_url: URL de *votre* instance de wallabag
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
{% extends "WallabagCoreBundle::layout.html.twig" %}
{% block title %}{% trans %}internal settings{% endtrans %}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col s12">
<div class="card-panel settings">
{{ form_start(form, {'attr': {'class': 'craue_config_settings_modify'}}) }}
{{ form_errors(form) }}
<div class="row">
<div class="div_tabs col s12">
<ul class="tabs">
{% for section in sections | craue_sortSections %}
<li class="tab col s3"><a href="#set-{{ section }}">{{ section | trans({}, 'CraueConfigBundle') }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% for section in sections | craue_sortSections %}
<div id="set-{{ section }}" class="col s12">
{% for setting in form.settings if setting.section.vars.value == section %}
{{ form_row( }}
{{ form_row(setting.section) }}
{{ form_row(setting.value, {
'label': | trans({}, 'CraueConfigBundle'),
}) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<button class="btn waves-effect waves-light" type="submit" name="action">
{{ 'modify_settings' | trans({}, 'CraueConfigBundle') }}
{{ form_rest(form) }}
{{ form_end(form) }}
{% endblock %}
@ -28,11 +28,17 @@ framework:
assets: ~
version: 2.0.0-alpha.2
paypal_url: ""
en: 'English'
fr: 'Français'
de: 'Deutsch'
tr: 'Türkçe'
items_on_page: 12
theme: material
language: en
rss_limit: 50
allow_mimetypes: ['application/octet-stream', 'application/json', 'text/plain']
@ -42,29 +48,6 @@ wallabag_import:
debug: "%kernel.debug%"
strict_variables: "%kernel.debug%"
share_twitter: %share_twitter%
share_mail: %share_mail%
share_shaarli: %share_shaarli%
shaarli_url: %shaarli_url%
share_diaspora: %share_diaspora%
diaspora_url: %diaspora_url%
flattr: %flattr%
flattrable: 1
flattred: 2
carrot: %carrot%
show_printlink: %show_printlink%
export_epub: %export_epub%
export_mobi: %export_mobi%
export_pdf: %export_pdf%
export_csv: %export_csv%
export_json: %export_json%
export_txt: %export_txt%
export_xml: %export_xml%
version: %app.version%
twofactor_auth: %twofactor_auth%
warning_message: %warning_message%
paypal_url: ""
- "LexikFormFilterBundle:Form:form_div_layout.html.twig"
@ -37,43 +37,8 @@ parameters:
# A secret key that's used to generate certain security-related tokens
secret: ovmpmAWXRCabNlMgzlzFXDYmCFfzGv
# wallabag misc
app.version: 2.0.0-alpha
# two factor stuff
twofactor_auth: true
# message to display at the bottom of the page
warning_message: >
You're trying wallabag v2, which is in alpha version. If you find a bug, please have a look to <a href="">our issues list</a> and <a href="">open a new if necessary</a>
download_pictures: false # if true, pictures will be stored into data/assets for each article
# Entry view
share_twitter: true
share_mail: true
share_shaarli: true
share_diaspora: true
flattr: true
carrot: true
show_printlink: true
export_epub: true
export_mobi: true
export_pdf: true
export_csv: true
export_json: true
export_txt: true
export_xml: true
wallabag_support_url: ''
# default user config
items_on_page: 12
theme: material
language: en
rss_limit: 50
# pocket import
pocket_consumer_key: xxxxxxxx
@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ rest :
path: "/{page}"
defaults: { _controller: WallabagCoreBundle:Entry:showUnread, page : 1 }
_controller: WallabagCoreBundle:Entry:showUnread
page : 1
page: \d+
@ -31,3 +33,8 @@ fos_user:
resource: "@FOSOAuthServerBundle/Resources/config/routing/token.xml"
path: /settings
_controller: CraueConfigBundle:Settings:modify
@ -57,4 +57,5 @@ security:
- { path: ^/register, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
- { path: ^/resetting, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
- { path: /(unread|starred|archive).xml$, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
- { path: ^/settings, roles: ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN }
- { path: ^/, roles: ROLE_USER }
@ -27,43 +27,8 @@ parameters:
# A secret key that's used to generate certain security-related tokens
secret: ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt
# wallabag misc
app.version: 2.0.0-alpha
# two factor stuff
twofactor_auth: true
# message to display at the bottom of the page
warning_message: >
You're trying wallabag v2, which is in alpha version. If you find a bug, please have a look to <a href="">our issues list</a> and <a href="">open a new if necessary</a>
download_pictures: false # if true, pictures will be stored into data/assets for each article
# Entry view
share_twitter: true
share_mail: true
share_shaarli: true
share_diaspora: true
flattr: true
carrot: true
show_printlink: true
export_epub: true
export_mobi: true
export_pdf: true
export_csv: true
export_json: true
export_txt: true
export_xml: true
wallabag_support_url: ''
# default user config
items_on_page: 12
theme: material
language: en_US
rss_limit: 50
# pocket import
pocket_consumer_key: xxxxxxxx
@ -27,43 +27,8 @@ parameters:
# A secret key that's used to generate certain security-related tokens
secret: ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt
# wallabag misc
app.version: 2.0.0-alpha
# two factor stuff
twofactor_auth: true
# message to display at the bottom of the page
warning_message: >
You're trying wallabag v2, which is in alpha version. If you find a bug, please have a look to <a href="">our issues list</a> and <a href="">open a new if necessary</a>
download_pictures: false # if true, pictures will be stored into data/assets for each article
# Entry view
share_twitter: true
share_mail: true
share_shaarli: true
share_diaspora: true
flattr: true
carrot: true
show_printlink: true
export_epub: true
export_mobi: true
export_pdf: true
export_csv: true
export_json: true
export_txt: true
export_xml: true
wallabag_support_url: ''
# default user config
items_on_page: 12
theme: material
language: en_US
rss_limit: 50
# pocket import
pocket_consumer_key: xxxxxxxx
@ -27,43 +27,8 @@ parameters:
# A secret key that's used to generate certain security-related tokens
secret: ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt
# wallabag misc
app.version: 2.0.0-alpha
# two factor stuff
twofactor_auth: true
# message to display at the bottom of the page
warning_message: >
You're trying wallabag v2, which is in alpha version. If you find a bug, please have a look to <a href="">our issues list</a> and <a href="">open a new if necessary</a>
download_pictures: false # if true, pictures will be stored into data/assets for each article
# Entry view
share_twitter: true
share_mail: true
share_shaarli: true
share_diaspora: true
flattr: true
carrot: true
show_printlink: true
export_epub: true
export_mobi: true
export_pdf: true
export_csv: true
export_json: true
export_txt: true
export_xml: true
wallabag_support_url: ''
# default user config
items_on_page: 12
theme: material
language: en_US
rss_limit: 50
# pocket import
pocket_consumer_key: xxxxxxxx
@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
"pagerfanta/pagerfanta": "~1.0.3",
"lexik/form-filter-bundle": "~5.0",
"j0k3r/graby": "~1.0",
"friendsofsymfony/user-bundle": "dev-master",
"friendsofsymfony/oauth-server-bundle": "^1.5@dev",
"friendsofsymfony/user-bundle": "~2.0@dev",
"friendsofsymfony/oauth-server-bundle": "^1.5",
"stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle": "^1.2@dev",
"scheb/two-factor-bundle": "~2.0",
"grandt/phpepub": "~4.0",
@ -63,7 +63,8 @@
"kphoen/rulerz-bundle": "~0.10",
"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^5.2.0",
"doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle": "^1.0",
"paragonie/random_compat": "~1.0"
"paragonie/random_compat": "~1.0",
"craue/config-bundle": "~1.4"
"require-dev": {
"doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle": "~2.2",
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\ConfirmationQuestion;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\Question;
use Wallabag\CoreBundle\Entity\Config;
use Craue\ConfigBundle\Entity\Setting;
class InstallCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand
@ -204,13 +205,122 @@ class InstallCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand
$config = new Config($user);
// cleanup before insert new stuff
$em->createQuery('DELETE FROM CraueConfigBundle:Setting')->execute();
$settings = [
'name' => 'download_pictures',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'entry',
'name' => 'carrot',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'entry',
'name' => 'share_diaspora',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'entry',
'name' => 'diaspora_url',
'value' => '',
'section' => 'entry',
'name' => 'share_shaarli',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'entry',
'name' => 'shaarli_url',
'value' => '',
'section' => 'entry',
'name' => 'share_mail',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'entry',
'name' => 'share_twitter',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'entry',
'name' => 'export_epub',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'export',
'name' => 'export_mobi',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'export',
'name' => 'export_pdf',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'export',
'name' => 'export_csv',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'export',
'name' => 'export_json',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'export',
'name' => 'export_txt',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'export',
'name' => 'export_xml',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'export',
'name' => 'pocket_consumer_key',
'value' => null,
'section' => 'import',
'name' => 'show_printlink',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'entry',
'name' => 'wallabag_support_url',
'value' => '',
'section' => 'misc',
'name' => 'wallabag_url',
'value' => '',
'section' => 'misc',
foreach ($settings as $setting) {
$newSetting = new Setting();
@ -133,10 +133,10 @@ class ConfigController extends Controller
$userManager->updateUser($newUser, true);
$config = new Config($newUser);
@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ class ConfigController extends Controller
'username' => $user->getUsername(),
'token' => $config->getRssToken(),
'twofactor_auth' => $this->getParameter('twofactor_auth'),
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class RssController extends Controller
$pagerAdapter = new DoctrineORMAdapter($qb->getQuery());
$entries = new Pagerfanta($pagerAdapter);
$perPage = $user->getConfig()->getRssLimit() ?: $this->container->getParameter('rss_limit');
$perPage = $user->getConfig()->getRssLimit() ?: $this->getParameter('wallabag_core.rss_limit');
return $this->render('WallabagCoreBundle:Entry:entries.xml.twig', array(
@ -25,7 +25,10 @@ class StaticController extends Controller
return $this->render(
'version' => $this->getParameter('wallabag_core.version'),
'paypal_url' => $this->getParameter('wallabag_core.paypal_url'),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
namespace Wallabag\CoreBundle\DataFixtures\ORM;
use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\AbstractFixture;
use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\OrderedFixtureInterface;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager;
use Craue\ConfigBundle\Entity\Setting;
class LoadSettingData extends AbstractFixture implements OrderedFixtureInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
$settings = [
'name' => 'download_pictures',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'entry',
'name' => 'carrot',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'entry',
'name' => 'share_diaspora',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'entry',
'name' => 'diaspora_url',
'value' => '',
'section' => 'entry',
'name' => 'share_shaarli',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'entry',
'name' => 'shaarli_url',
'value' => '',
'section' => 'entry',
'name' => 'share_mail',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'entry',
'name' => 'share_twitter',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'entry',
'name' => 'export_epub',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'export',
'name' => 'export_mobi',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'export',
'name' => 'export_pdf',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'export',
'name' => 'export_csv',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'export',
'name' => 'export_json',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'export',
'name' => 'export_txt',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'export',
'name' => 'export_xml',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'export',
'name' => 'pocket_consumer_key',
'value' => null,
'section' => 'import',
'name' => 'show_printlink',
'value' => '1',
'section' => 'entry',
'name' => 'wallabag_support_url',
'value' => '',
'section' => 'misc',
'name' => 'wallabag_url',
'value' => '',
'section' => 'misc',
foreach ($settings as $setting) {
$newSetting = new Setting();
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getOrder()
return 50;
@ -17,6 +17,22 @@ class Configuration implements ConfigurationInterface
@ -13,7 +13,14 @@ class WallabagCoreExtension extends Extension
$configuration = new Configuration();
$config = $this->processConfiguration($configuration, $configs);
$container->setParameter('wallabag_core.languages', $config['languages']);
$container->setParameter('wallabag_core.items_on_page', $config['items_on_page']);
$container->setParameter('wallabag_core.theme', $config['theme']);
$container->setParameter('wallabag_core.language', $config['language']);
$container->setParameter('wallabag_core.rss_limit', $config['rss_limit']);
$container->setParameter('wallabag_core.version', $config['version']);
$container->setParameter('wallabag_core.paypal_url', $config['paypal_url']);
$loader = new Loader\YamlFileLoader($container, new FileLocator(__DIR__.'/../Resources/config'));
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ use JMS\Serializer\SerializerBuilder;
use PHPePub\Core\EPub;
use PHPePub\Core\Structure\OPF\DublinCore;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Craue\ConfigBundle\Util\Config;
* This class doesn't have unit test BUT it's fully covered by a functional test with ExportControllerTest.
@ -27,12 +28,12 @@ class EntriesExport
* @param string $wallabagUrl Wallabag instance url
* @param Config $craueConfig CraueConfig instance to get wallabag instance url from database
* @param string $logoPath Path to the logo FROM THE BUNDLE SCOPE
public function __construct($wallabagUrl, $logoPath)
public function __construct(Config $craueConfig, $logoPath)
$this->wallabagUrl = $wallabagUrl;
$this->wallabagUrl = $craueConfig->get('wallabag_url');
$this->logoPath = $logoPath;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ services:
class: Wallabag\CoreBundle\Helper\DetectActiveTheme
- "@security.token_storage"
- %theme% # default theme from parameters.yml
- %wallabag_core.theme%
# custom form type
@ -76,17 +76,17 @@ services:
class: Wallabag\CoreBundle\EventListener\RegistrationConfirmedListener
- "@doctrine.orm.entity_manager"
- %theme%
- %items_on_page%
- %rss_limit%
- %language%
- %wallabag_core.theme%
- %wallabag_core.items_on_page%
- %wallabag_core.rss_limit%
- %wallabag_core.language%
- { name: kernel.event_subscriber }
class: Wallabag\CoreBundle\Helper\EntriesExport
- %wallabag_url%
- "@craue_config"
- src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/public/themes/_global/img/appicon/apple-touch-icon-152.png
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ archive: 'Lus'
all: 'Tous les articles'
tags: 'Tags'
config: 'Configuration'
internal settings: 'Configuration interne'
import: 'Importer'
howto: 'Aide'
logout: 'Déconnexion'
@ -68,10 +68,8 @@
{% block footer %}{% endblock %}
{% if warning_message %}
<div id="warning_message">
{{ warning_message | raw }}
You're trying wallabag v2, which is in alpha version. If you find a bug, please have a look to <a href="">our issues list</a> and <a href="">open a new if necessary</a>
{% endif %}
@ -11,16 +11,15 @@
<li><a title="{% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}{% trans %}Mark as read{% endtrans %}{% else %}{% trans %}Mark as unread{% endtrans %}{% endif %}" class="tool icon icon-check {% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}archive-off{% else %}archive{% endif %}" href="{{ path('archive_entry', { 'id': }) }}"><span>{% if entry.isArchived == 0 %}{% trans %}Mark as read{% endtrans %}{% else %}{% trans %}Mark as unread{% endtrans %}{% endif %}</span></a></li>
<li><a title="{% trans %}Favorite{% endtrans %}" class="tool icon icon-star {% if entry.isStarred == 0 %}fav-off{% else %}fav{% endif %}" href="{{ path('star_entry', { 'id': }) }}"><span>{% trans %}Toggle favorite{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>
<li><a title="{% trans %}Delete{% endtrans %}" class="tool delete icon icon-trash" href="{{ path('delete_entry', { 'id': }) }}"><span>{% trans %}Delete{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>
{% if share_twitter %}<li><a href="{{entry.title|url_encode}}%20{{ entry.url|url_encode }}%20via%20@wallabagapp" target="_blank" class="tool twitter icon icon-twitter" title="{% trans %}Tweet{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}Tweet{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if share_mail %}<li><a href="mailto:?subject={{ entry.title|url_encode }}&body={{ entry.url|url_encode }}%20via%20@wallabagapp" class="tool email icon icon-mail" title="{% trans %}Email{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}Email{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if share_shaarli %}<li><a href="{{ shaarli_url }}/index.php?post={{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}" target="_blank" class="tool shaarli" title="{% trans %}shaarli{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}shaarli{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if share_diaspora %}<li><a href="{{ diaspora_url }}/bookmarklet?url={{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}¬es=&v=1&noui=1&jump=doclose" target="_blank" class="tool diaspora icon-image icon-image--diaspora" title="{% trans %}diaspora{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}diaspora{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{# {% if flattr %}{% if flattr.status == flattrable %}<li><a href="{{ entry.url }}" class="tool flattr icon icon-flattr" target="_blank" title="{% trans %}flattr{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}flattr{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% elseif flattr.status == flattred %}<li><a href="{{ flattr.flattrItemURL }}" class="tool flattr icon icon-flattr" target="_blank" title="{% trans %}flattr{% endtrans %}><span>{% trans %}flattr{% endtrans %}</span> ({{ flattr.numFlattrs }})</a></li>{% endif %}{% endif %} #}
{% if carrot %}<li><a href="{{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}" class="tool carrot icon-image icon-image--carrot" target="_blank" title="{% trans %}carrot{% endtrans %}"><span>Carrot</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if show_printlink %}<li><a title="{% trans %}Print{% endtrans %}" class="tool icon icon-print" href="javascript: window.print();"><span>{% trans %}Print{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if export_epub %}<li><a href="?epub&method=id&value={{ }}" title="Generate ePub file">EPUB</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if export_mobi %}<li><a href="?mobi&method=id&value={{ }}" title="Generate Mobi file">MOBI</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if export_pdf %}<li><a href="?pdf&method=id&value={{ }}" title="Generate PDF file">PDF</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('share_twitter') %}<li><a href="{{entry.title|url_encode}}%20{{ entry.url|url_encode }}%20via%20@wallabagapp" target="_blank" class="tool twitter icon icon-twitter" title="{% trans %}Tweet{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}Tweet{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('share_mail') %}<li><a href="mailto:?subject={{ entry.title|url_encode }}&body={{ entry.url|url_encode }}%20via%20@wallabagapp" class="tool email icon icon-mail" title="{% trans %}Email{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}Email{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('share_shaarli') %}<li><a href="{{ craue_setting('shaarli_url') }}/index.php?post={{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}" target="_blank" class="tool shaarli" title="{% trans %}shaarli{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}shaarli{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('share_diaspora') %}<li><a href="{{ craue_setting('diaspora_url') }}/bookmarklet?url={{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}¬es=&v=1&noui=1&jump=doclose" target="_blank" class="tool diaspora icon-image icon-image--diaspora" title="{% trans %}diaspora{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}diaspora{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('carrot') %}<li><a href="{{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}" class="tool carrot icon-image icon-image--carrot" target="_blank" title="{% trans %}carrot{% endtrans %}"><span>Carrot</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('show_printlink') %}<li><a title="{% trans %}Print{% endtrans %}" class="tool icon icon-print" href="javascript: window.print();"><span>{% trans %}Print{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_epub') %}<li><a href="?epub&method=id&value={{ }}" title="Generate ePub file">EPUB</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_mobi') %}<li><a href="?mobi&method=id&value={{ }}" title="Generate Mobi file">MOBI</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_pdf') %}<li><a href="?pdf&method=id&value={{ }}" title="Generate PDF file">PDF</a></li>{% endif %}
<li><a href="{{ entry.url|url_encode }}" title="{% trans %}Does this article appear wrong?{% endtrans %}" class="tool bad-display icon icon-delete"><span>{% trans %}Does this article appear wrong?{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>
@ -51,6 +51,9 @@
<li><a href="{{ path('config') }}">{% trans %}config{% endtrans %}</a></li>
{% if is_granted('ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN') %}
<li><a href="{{ path('craue_config_settings_modify') }}">{% trans %}internal settings{% endtrans %}</a></li>
{% endif %}
<li><a href="{{ path('import') }}">{% trans %}import{% endtrans %}</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ path('howto') }}">{% trans %}howto{% endtrans %}</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ path('about') }}">{% trans %}about{% endtrans %}</a></li>
@ -11,14 +11,14 @@
<div class="row">
<div class="div_tabs col s12">
<ul class="tabs">
<li class="tab col s3"><a class="active" href="#set1">{% trans %}Settings{% endtrans %}</a></li>
<li class="tab col s3"><a href="#set2">{% trans %}RSS{% endtrans %}</a></li>
<li class="tab col s3"><a href="#set3">{% trans %}User information{% endtrans %}</a></li>
<li class="tab col s3"><a href="#set4">{% trans %}Password{% endtrans %}</a></li>
<li class="tab col s3"><a href="#set5">{% trans %}Tagging rules{% endtrans %}</a></li>
{% if is_granted('ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN') %}
<li class="tab col s3"><a href="#set6">{% trans %}Add a user{% endtrans %}</a></li>
{% endif %}
<li class="tab col s3"><a class="active" href="#set1">{% trans %}Settings{% endtrans %}</a></li>
<li class="tab col s3"><a href="#set2">{% trans %}RSS{% endtrans %}</a></li>
<li class="tab col s3"><a href="#set3">{% trans %}User information{% endtrans %}</a></li>
<li class="tab col s3"><a href="#set4">{% trans %}Password{% endtrans %}</a></li>
<li class="tab col s3"><a href="#set5">{% trans %}Tagging rules{% endtrans %}</a></li>
{% if is_granted('ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN') %}
<li class="tab col s3"><a href="#set6">{% trans %}Add a user{% endtrans %}</a></li>
{% endif %}
@ -99,13 +99,13 @@
{% endif %}
<h4 class="center">{% trans %}Export{% endtrans %}</h4>
{% if export_epub %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'epub' }) }}">{% trans %}EPUB{% endtrans %}</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if export_mobi %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'mobi' }) }}">{% trans %}MOBI{% endtrans %}</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if export_pdf %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'pdf' }) }}">{% trans %}PDF{% endtrans %}</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if export_xml %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'xml' }) }}">{% trans %}XML{% endtrans %}</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if export_csv %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'json' }) }}">{% trans %}JSON{% endtrans %}</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if export_json %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'csv' }) }}">{% trans %}CSV{% endtrans %}</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if export_txt %}<li class="bold"><del><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'txt' }) }}">{% trans %}TXT{% endtrans %}</a></del></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_epub') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'epub' }) }}">{% trans %}EPUB{% endtrans %}</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_mobi') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'mobi' }) }}">{% trans %}MOBI{% endtrans %}</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_pdf') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'pdf' }) }}">{% trans %}PDF{% endtrans %}</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_xml') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'xml' }) }}">{% trans %}XML{% endtrans %}</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_csv') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'json' }) }}">{% trans %}JSON{% endtrans %}</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_json') %}<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'csv' }) }}">{% trans %}CSV{% endtrans %}</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_txt') %}<li class="bold"><del><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('export_entries', { 'category': currentRoute, 'format': 'txt' }) }}">{% trans %}TXT{% endtrans %}</a></del></li>{% endif %}
@ -97,12 +97,11 @@
<div class="collapsible-body">
{% if share_twitter %}<li><a href="{{entry.title|url_encode}}%20{{ entry.url|url_encode }}%20via%20@wallabagapp" target="_blank" class="tool twitter icon icon-twitter" title="{% trans %}twitter{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}twitter{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if share_shaarli %}<li><a href="{{ shaarli_url }}/index.php?post={{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}" target="_blank" class="tool shaarli" title="{% trans %}shaarli{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}shaarli{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if share_diaspora %}<li><a href="{{ diaspora_url }}/bookmarklet?url={{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}¬es=&v=1&noui=1&jump=doclose" target="_blank" class="tool diaspora icon-image icon-image--diaspora" title="{% trans %}diaspora*{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}diaspora*{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{# {% if flattr %}{% if flattr.status == flattrable %}<li><a href="{{ entry.url }}" class="tool flattr icon icon-flattr" target="_blank" title="{% trans %}flattr{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}flattr{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% elseif flattr.status == flattred %}<li><a href="{{ flattr.flattrItemURL }}" class="tool flattr icon icon-flattr" target="_blank" title="{% trans %}flattr{% endtrans %}><span>{% trans %}flattr{% endtrans %}</span> ({{ flattr.numFlattrs }})</a></li>{% endif %}{% endif %} #}
{% if carrot %}<li><a href="{{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}" class="tool carrot icon-image icon-image--carrot" target="_blank" title="{% trans %}carrot{% endtrans %}"><span>Carrot</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if share_mail %}<li><a href="mailto:?subject={{ entry.title|url_encode }}&body={{ entry.url|url_encode }}%20via%20@wallabagapp" class="tool email icon icon-mail" title="{% trans %}Email{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}Email{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('share_twitter') %}<li><a href="{{entry.title|url_encode}}%20{{ entry.url|url_encode }}%20via%20@wallabagapp" target="_blank" class="tool twitter icon icon-twitter" title="{% trans %}twitter{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}twitter{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('share_shaarli') %}<li><a href="{{ craue_setting('shaarli_url') }}/index.php?post={{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}" target="_blank" class="tool shaarli" title="{% trans %}shaarli{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}shaarli{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('share_diaspora') %}<li><a href="{{ craue_setting('diaspora_url') }}/bookmarklet?url={{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}¬es=&v=1&noui=1&jump=doclose" target="_blank" class="tool diaspora icon-image icon-image--diaspora" title="{% trans %}diaspora*{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}diaspora*{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('carrot') %}<li><a href="{{ entry.url|url_encode }}&title={{ entry.title|url_encode }}" class="tool carrot icon-image icon-image--carrot" target="_blank" title="{% trans %}carrot{% endtrans %}"><span>Carrot</span></a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('share_mail') %}<li><a href="mailto:?subject={{ entry.title|url_encode }}&body={{ entry.url|url_encode }}%20via%20@wallabagapp" class="tool email icon icon-mail" title="{% trans %}Email{% endtrans %}"><span>{% trans %}Email{% endtrans %}</span></a></li>{% endif %}
@ -114,13 +113,13 @@
<div class="collapsible-body">
{% if export_epub %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id':, 'format': 'epub' }) }}" title="Generate ePub file">EPUB</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if export_mobi %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id':, 'format': 'mobi' }) }}" title="Generate Mobi file">MOBI</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if export_pdf %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id':, 'format': 'pdf' }) }}" title="Generate PDF file">PDF</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if export_csv %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id':, 'format': 'csv' }) }}" title="Generate CSV file">CSV</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if export_json %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id':, 'format': 'json' }) }}" title="Generate JSON file">JSON</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if export_txt %}<li><del><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id':, 'format': 'txt' }) }}" title="Generate TXT file">TXT</a></del></li>{% endif %}
{% if export_xml %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id':, 'format': 'xml' }) }}" title="Generate XML file">XML</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_epub') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id':, 'format': 'epub' }) }}" title="Generate ePub file">EPUB</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_mobi') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id':, 'format': 'mobi' }) }}" title="Generate Mobi file">MOBI</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_pdf') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id':, 'format': 'pdf' }) }}" title="Generate PDF file">PDF</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_csv') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id':, 'format': 'csv' }) }}" title="Generate CSV file">CSV</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_json') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id':, 'format': 'json' }) }}" title="Generate JSON file">JSON</a></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_txt') %}<li><del><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id':, 'format': 'txt' }) }}" title="Generate TXT file">TXT</a></del></li>{% endif %}
{% if craue_setting('export_xml') %}<li><a href="{{ path('export_entry', { 'id':, 'format': 'xml' }) }}" title="Generate XML file">XML</a></li>{% endif %}
@ -45,6 +45,9 @@
<li class="bold border-bottom {% if currentRoute == 'all' %}active{% endif %}"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('all') }}">{% trans %}all{% endtrans %}</a></li>
<li class="bold border-bottom {% if currentRoute == 'tags' %}active{% endif %}"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('tag') }}">{% trans %}tags{% endtrans %}</a></li>
<li class="bold {% if currentRoute == 'config' %}active{% endif %}"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('config') }}">{% trans %}config{% endtrans %}</a></li>
{% if is_granted('ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN') %}
<li class="bold border-bottom {% if currentRoute == 'craue_config_settings_modify' %}active{% endif %}"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('craue_config_settings_modify') }}">{% trans %}internal settings{% endtrans %}</a></li>
{% endif %}
<li class="bold {% if currentRoute == 'import' %}active{% endif %}"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('import') }}">{% trans %}import{% endtrans %}</a></li>
<li class="bold {% if currentRoute == 'howto' %}active{% endif %}"><a class="waves-effect" href="{{ path('howto') }}">{% trans %}howto{% endtrans %}</a></li>
<li class="bold"><a class="waves-effect" class="icon icon-power" href="{{ path('fos_user_security_logout') }}" title="{% trans %}logout{% endtrans %}">{% trans %}logout{% endtrans %}</a></li>
@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ class InstallCommandTest extends WallabagCoreTestCase
$this->assertContains('Step 1 of 4. Checking system requirements.', $tester->getDisplay());
$this->assertContains('Step 2 of 4. Setting up database.', $tester->getDisplay());
$this->assertContains('Droping database, creating database and schema, clearing the cache', $tester->getDisplay());
$this->assertContains('Step 3 of 4. Administration setup.', $tester->getDisplay());
$this->assertContains('Step 4 of 4. Installing assets.', $tester->getDisplay());
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
namespace Wallabag\CoreBundle\Tests\Controller;
use Wallabag\CoreBundle\Tests\WallabagCoreTestCase;
* The controller `SettingsController` does not exist.
* This test cover security against the internal settings page managed by CraueConfigBundle
class SettingsControllerTest extends WallabagCoreTestCase
public function testSettingsWithAdmin()
$client = $this->getClient();
$crawler = $client->request('GET', '/settings');
$this->assertEquals(200, $client->getResponse()->getStatusCode());
public function testSettingsWithNormalUser()
$client = $this->getClient();
$crawler = $client->request('GET', '/settings');
$this->assertEquals(403, $client->getResponse()->getStatusCode());
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ class PocketController extends Controller
return $this->render('WallabagImportBundle:Pocket:index.html.twig', [
'import' => $this->get('wallabag_import.pocket.import'),
'has_consumer_key' => '' == trim($this->get('craue_config')->get('pocket_consumer_key')) ? false : true,
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorageInt
use Wallabag\CoreBundle\Entity\Entry;
use Wallabag\CoreBundle\Entity\Tag;
use Wallabag\CoreBundle\Helper\ContentProxy;
use Craue\ConfigBundle\Util\Config;
class PocketImport implements ImportInterface
@ -24,12 +25,12 @@ class PocketImport implements ImportInterface
private $importedEntries = 0;
protected $accessToken;
public function __construct(TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage, EntityManager $em, ContentProxy $contentProxy, $consumerKey)
public function __construct(TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage, EntityManager $em, ContentProxy $contentProxy, Config $craueConfig)
$this->user = $tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser();
$this->em = $em;
$this->contentProxy = $contentProxy;
$this->consumerKey = $consumerKey;
$this->consumerKey = $craueConfig->get('pocket_consumer_key');
$this->logger = new NullLogger();
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ services:
- "@security.token_storage"
- "@doctrine.orm.entity_manager"
- "@wallabag_core.content_proxy"
- %pocket_consumer_key%
- "@craue_config"
- [ setClient, [ "@wallabag_import.pocket.client" ] ]
- [ setLogger, [ "@logger" ]]
@ -5,6 +5,12 @@
<div class="row">
<div class="col s12">
<div class="card-panel settings">
{% if not has_consumer_key %}
<div class="card-panel red darken-1">
{% trans %}Pocket import isn't configured. You need to define pocket_consumer_key.{% endtrans %}
{% endif %}
<blockquote>{{ import.description|trans }}</blockquote>
<p>{% trans %}You can import your data from your Pocket account. You just have to click on the below button and authorize the application to connect to{% endtrans %}</p>
<form method="post" action="{{ path('import_pocket_auth') }}">
@ -55,11 +55,20 @@ class PocketImportTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
$config = $this->getMockBuilder('Craue\ConfigBundle\Util\Config')
$pocket = new PocketImportMock(
$this->logHandler = new TestHandler();
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ namespace Wallabag\UserBundle\Mailer;
use Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Model\Email\TwoFactorInterface;
use Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Mailer\AuthCodeMailerInterface;
use Craue\ConfigBundle\Util\Config;
* Custom mailer for TwoFactorBundle email.
@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ class AuthCodeMailer implements AuthCodeMailerInterface
private $supportUrl;
* Url for the wallabag instance.
* Url for the wallabag instance (only used for image in the HTML email template)
* @var string
@ -60,17 +61,16 @@ class AuthCodeMailer implements AuthCodeMailerInterface
* @param \Twig_Environment $twig
* @param string $senderEmail
* @param string $senderName
* @param string $supportUrl
* @param string $wallabagUrl
* @param Config $craueConfig Craue\Config instance to get wallabag support url from database
public function __construct(\Swift_Mailer $mailer, \Twig_Environment $twig, $senderEmail, $senderName, $supportUrl, $wallabagUrl)
public function __construct(\Swift_Mailer $mailer, \Twig_Environment $twig, $senderEmail, $senderName, Config $craueConfig)
$this->mailer = $mailer;
$this->twig = $twig;
$this->senderEmail = $senderEmail;
$this->senderName = $senderName;
$this->supportUrl = $supportUrl;
$this->wallabagUrl = $wallabagUrl;
$this->supportUrl = $craueConfig->get('wallabag_support_url');
$this->wallabagUrl = $craueConfig->get('wallabag_url');
@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ services:
- "@twig"
- ""
- ""
- "%wallabag_support_url%"
- "%wallabag_url%"
- "@craue_config"
class: Wallabag\UserBundle\EventListener\PasswordResettingListener
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ class AuthCodeMailerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
protected $mailer;
protected $spool;
protected $twig;
protected $config;
protected function setUp()
@ -43,6 +44,14 @@ class AuthCodeMailerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
$this->twig = new \Twig_Environment(new \Twig_Loader_Array(array('@WallabagUserBundle/Resources/views/TwoFactor/email_auth_code.html.twig' => $twigTemplate)));
$this->config = $this->getMockBuilder('Craue\ConfigBundle\Util\Config')
public function testSendEmail()
@ -58,8 +67,7 @@ TWIG;
'wallabag test',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user