Merge pull request #468 from wallabag/dev

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Lœuillet 2014-02-19 13:47:11 +01:00
commit 60ca369cd3
9 changed files with 440 additions and 16 deletions

check_setup.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
// PHP 5.3 minimum
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.3', '<')) {
die('This software require PHP 5.3.3 minimum');
// Short tags must be enabled for PHP < 5.4
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '<')) {
if (! ini_get('short_open_tag')) {
die('This software require to have short tags enabled, check your php.ini => "short_open_tag = On"');
// Check PDO Sqlite
if (! extension_loaded('pdo_sqlite')) {
die('PHP extension required: pdo_sqlite');
// Check ZIP
if (! extension_loaded('zip')) {
die('PHP extension required: zip');
// Check if /cache is writeable
if (! is_writable('cache')) {
die('The directory "cache" must be writeable by your web server user');
// Check if /db is writeable
if (! is_writable('db')) {
die('The directory "db" must be writeable by your web server user');
// install folder still present, need to install wallabag
if (is_dir('install')) {

View File

@ -241,6 +241,22 @@ class Database {
return isset($entry[0]) ? $entry[0] : null;
public function retrieveOneByURL($url, $user_id) {
$entry = NULL;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM entries WHERE url=? AND user_id=?";
$params = array($url, $user_id);
$query = $this->executeQuery($sql, $params);
$entry = $query->fetchAll();
return isset($entry[0]) ? $entry[0] : null;
public function reassignTags($old_entry_id, $new_entry_id) {
$sql = "UPDATE tags_entries SET entry_id=? WHERE entry_id=?";
$params = array($new_entry_id, $old_entry_id);
$query = $this->executeQuery($sql, $params);
public function getEntriesByView($view, $user_id, $limit = '') {
switch ($_SESSION['sort'])
@ -328,30 +344,36 @@ class Database {
return $this->getHandle()->lastInsertId($column);
public function retrieveAllTags() {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tags";
$query = $this->executeQuery($sql, array());
public function retrieveAllTags($user_id) {
$sql = "SELECT tags.* FROM tags
LEFT JOIN tags_entries ON
LEFT JOIN entries ON
WHERE entries.user_id=?";
$query = $this->executeQuery($sql, array($user_id));
$tags = $query->fetchAll();
return $tags;
public function retrieveTag($id) {
public function retrieveTag($id, $user_id) {
$tag = NULL;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tags WHERE id=?";
$params = array(intval($id));
$sql = "SELECT tags.* FROM tags
LEFT JOIN tags_entries ON
LEFT JOIN entries ON
WHERE AND entries.user_id=?";
$params = array(intval($id), $user_id);
$query = $this->executeQuery($sql, $params);
$tag = $query->fetchAll();
return isset($tag[0]) ? $tag[0] : null;
public function retrieveEntriesByTag($tag_id) {
public function retrieveEntriesByTag($tag_id, $user_id) {
$sql =
"SELECT entries.* FROM entries
LEFT JOIN tags_entries ON
WHERE tags_entries.tag_id = ?";
$query = $this->executeQuery($sql, array($tag_id));
WHERE tags_entries.tag_id = ? AND entries.user_id=?";
$query = $this->executeQuery($sql, array($tag_id, $user_id));
$entries = $query->fetchAll();
return $entries;

View File

@ -374,6 +374,11 @@ class Poche
$title = ($content['rss']['channel']['item']['title'] != '') ? $content['rss']['channel']['item']['title'] : _('Untitled');
$body = $content['rss']['channel']['item']['description'];
//search for possible duplicate if not in import mode
if (!$import) {
$duplicate = $this->store->retrieveOneByURL($url->getUrl(), $this->user->getId());
if ($this->store->add($url->getUrl(), $title, $body, $this->user->getId())) {
Tools::logm('add link ' . $url->getUrl());
$sequence = '';
@ -386,6 +391,20 @@ class Poche
Tools::logm('updating content article');
$this->store->updateContent($last_id, $content, $this->user->getId());
if ($duplicate != NULL) {
// duplicate exists, so, older entry needs to be deleted (as new entry should go to the top of list), BUT favorite mark and tags should be preserved
Tools::logm('link ' . $url->getUrl() . ' is a duplicate');
// 1) - preserve tags and favorite, then drop old entry
$this->store->reassignTags($duplicate['id'], $last_id);
if ($duplicate['is_fav']) {
$this->store->favoriteById($last_id, $this->user->getId());
if ($this->store->deleteById($duplicate['id'], $this->user->getId())) {
Tools::logm('previous link ' . $url->getUrl() .' entry deleted');
if (!$import) {
$this->messages->add('s', _('the link has been added successfully'));
@ -444,6 +463,12 @@ class Poche
case 'add_tag' :
$tags = explode(',', $_POST['value']);
$entry_id = $_POST['entry_id'];
$entry = $this->store->retrieveOneById($entry_id, $this->user->getId());
if (!$entry) {
$this->messages->add('e', _('Article not found!'));
Tools::logm('error : article not found');
foreach($tags as $key => $tag_value) {
$value = trim($tag_value);
$tag = $this->store->retrieveTagByValue($value);
@ -468,6 +493,12 @@ class Poche
case 'remove_tag' :
$tag_id = $_GET['tag_id'];
$entry = $this->store->retrieveOneById($id, $this->user->getId());
if (!$entry) {
$this->messages->add('e', _('Article not found!'));
Tools::logm('error : article not found');
$this->store->removeTagForEntry($id, $tag_id);
@ -506,6 +537,12 @@ class Poche
case 'edit-tags':
# tags
$entry = $this->store->retrieveOneById($id, $this->user->getId());
if (!$entry) {
$this->messages->add('e', _('Article not found!'));
Tools::logm('error : article not found');
$tags = $this->store->retrieveTagsByEntry($id);
$tpl_vars = array(
'entry_id' => $id,
@ -513,8 +550,8 @@ class Poche
case 'tag':
$entries = $this->store->retrieveEntriesByTag($id);
$tag = $this->store->retrieveTag($id);
$entries = $this->store->retrieveEntriesByTag($id, $this->user->getId());
$tag = $this->store->retrieveTag($id, $this->user->getId());
$tpl_vars = array(
'tag' => $tag,
'entries' => $entries,
@ -522,7 +559,7 @@ class Poche
case 'tags':
$token = $this->user->getConfigValue('token');
$tags = $this->store->retrieveAllTags();
$tags = $this->store->retrieveAllTags($this->user->getId());
$tpl_vars = array(
'token' => $token,
'user_id' => $this->user->getId(),
@ -1037,7 +1074,7 @@ class Poche
$feed->setChannelElement('author', 'wallabag');
if ($type == 'tag') {
$entries = $this->store->retrieveEntriesByTag($tag_id);
$entries = $this->store->retrieveEntriesByTag($tag_id, $user_id);
else {
$entries = $this->store->getEntriesByView($type, $user_id);
@ -1057,4 +1094,20 @@ class Poche
public function emptyCache() {
$files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(CACHE, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS),
foreach ($files as $fileinfo) {
$todo = ($fileinfo->isDir() ? 'rmdir' : 'unlink');
Tools::logm('empty cache');
$this->messages->add('s', _('Cache deleted.'));

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
define ('POCHE', '1.5.0');
require 'check_setup.php';
require_once 'inc/poche/';
@ -65,7 +66,9 @@ if (isset($_GET['login'])) {
} elseif (isset($_GET['import'])) {
$import = $poche->import($_GET['from']);
} elseif (isset($_GET['download'])) {
} elseif (isset($_GET['empty-cache'])) {
} elseif (isset($_GET['export'])) {
} elseif (isset($_GET['updatetheme'])) {

install/index.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
$errors = array();
$successes = array();
if ($_POST['download']) {
if (!file_put_contents("cache/", fopen("", 'r'))) {
$errors[] = 'Impossible to download Please <a href="">download it here manually<a> and unzip it in your wallabag folder.';
else {
if (extension_loaded('zip')) {
$zip = new ZipArchive();
if ($zip->open("cache/") !== TRUE){
$errors[] = 'Impossible to open cache/ Please unzip it manually in your wallabag folder.';
if ($zip->extractTo(realpath(''))) {
$successes[] = 'twig is now installed, you can install wallabag.';
else {
$errors[] = 'Impossible to extract cache/ Please unzip it manually in your wallabag folder.';
else {
$errors[] = 'zip extension is not enabled in your PHP configuration. Please unzip cache/ in your wallabag folder.';
else if ($_POST['install']) {
if (!is_dir('vendor')) {
$errors[] = 'You must install twig before.';
else {
$continue = true;
// Create
if (!copy('inc/poche/', 'inc/poche/')) {
$errors[] = 'Installation aborted, impossible to create inc/poche/ file. Maybe you don\'t have write access to create it.';
$continue = false;
else {
function generate_salt() {
mt_srand(microtime(true)*100000 + memory_get_usage(true));
return md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
$content = file_get_contents('inc/poche/');
$salt = generate_salt();
$content = str_replace("define ('SALT', '');", "define ('SALT', '".$salt."');", $content);
file_put_contents('inc/poche/', $content);
if ($continue) {
// User informations
$username = trim($_POST['username']);
$password = trim($_POST['password']);
$salted_password = sha1($password . $username . $salt);
// Database informations
if ($_POST['db_engine'] == 'sqlite') {
if (!copy('install/poche.sqlite', 'db/poche.sqlite')) {
$errors[] = 'Impossible to create inc/poche/ file.';
$continue = false;
else {
$db_path = 'sqlite:' . realpath('') . '/db/poche.sqlite';
$handle = new PDO($db_path);
else {
$content = file_get_contents('inc/poche/');
if ($_POST['db_engine'] == 'mysql') {
$db_path = 'mysql:host=' . $_POST['mysql_server'] . ';dbname=' . $_POST['mysql_database'];
$content = str_replace("define ('STORAGE_SERVER', 'localhost');", "define ('STORAGE_SERVER', '".$_POST['mysql_server']."');", $content);
$content = str_replace("define ('STORAGE_DB', 'poche');", "define ('STORAGE_DB', '".$_POST['mysql_database']."');", $content);
$content = str_replace("define ('STORAGE_USER', 'poche');", "define ('STORAGE_USER', '".$_POST['mysql_user']."');", $content);
$content = str_replace("define ('STORAGE_PASSWORD', 'poche');", "define ('STORAGE_PASSWORD', '".$_POST['mysql_password']."');", $content);
$handle = new PDO($db_path, $_POST['mysql_user'], $_POST['mysql_password']);
$sql_structure = file_get_contents('install/mysql.sql');
else if ($_POST['db_engine'] == 'postgresql') {
$db_path = 'pgsql:host=' . $_POST['pg_server'] . ';dbname=' . $_POST['pg_database'];
$content = str_replace("define ('STORAGE_SERVER', 'localhost');", "define ('STORAGE_SERVER', '".$_POST['pg_server']."');", $content);
$content = str_replace("define ('STORAGE_DB', 'poche');", "define ('STORAGE_DB', '".$_POST['pg_database']."');", $content);
$content = str_replace("define ('STORAGE_USER', 'poche');", "define ('STORAGE_USER', '".$_POST['pg_user']."');", $content);
$content = str_replace("define ('STORAGE_PASSWORD', 'poche');", "define ('STORAGE_PASSWORD', '".$_POST['pg_password']."');", $content);
$handle = new PDO($db_path, $_POST['pg_user'], $_POST['pg_password']);
$sql_structure = file_get_contents('install/postgres.sql');
$content = str_replace("define ('STORAGE', 'sqlite');", "define ('STORAGE', '".$_POST['db_engine']."');", $content);
file_put_contents('inc/poche/', $content);
if ($continue) {
function executeQuery($handle, $sql, $params) {
$query = $handle->prepare($sql);
return $query->fetchAll();
catch (Exception $e)
return FALSE;
// create database structure
$query = executeQuery($handle, $sql_structure, array());
// Create user
$sql = 'INSERT INTO users (username, password, name) VALUES (?, ?, ?)';
$params = array($username, $salted_password, $username);
$query = executeQuery($handle, $sql, $params);
$id_user = $handle->lastInsertId();
$sql = 'INSERT INTO users_config ( user_id, name, value ) VALUES (?, ?, ?)';
$params = array($id_user, 'pager', '10');
$query = executeQuery($handle, $sql, $params);
$sql = 'INSERT INTO users_config ( user_id, name, value ) VALUES (?, ?, ?)';
$params = array($id_user, 'language', 'en_EN.UTF8');
$query = executeQuery($handle, $sql, $params);
$successes[] = 'wallabag is now installed. Don\'t forget to delete install folder.';
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<header class="w600p center mbm">
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<img width="100" height="100" src="themes/baggy/img/logo-w.png" alt="logo poche" />
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<button id="menu" class="icon icon-menu desktopHide"><span>Menu</span></button>
<ul id="links" class="links">
<li><a href="">FAQ</a></li>
<li><a href="">doc</a></li>
<li><a href="">help</a></li>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<?php if (!empty($errors)) : ?>
<div class='messages error'>
<p>Errors during installation:</p>
<?php foreach($errors as $error) :?>
<li><?php echo $error; ?></li>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<p><a href="index.php">Please reload</a> this page when you think you resolved these problems.</p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (!empty($successes)) : ?>
<div class='messages success'>
<?php foreach($successes as $success) :?>
<li><?php echo $success; ?></li>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<p>To install wallabag, you just have to fill the following fields. That's all.</p>
<p>Don't forget to check your server compatibility <a href="wallabag_compatibility_test.php">here</a>.</p>
<form method="post">
<legend><strong>Technical settings</strong></legend>
<?php if (!is_dir('vendor')) : ?>
<div class='messages notice'>wallabag needs twig, a template engine (<a href="">?</a>). Two ways to install it:
<li>automatically download and extract into your wallabag folder.
<p><input type="submit" name="download" value="Download" /></p>
<?php if (!extension_loaded('zip')) : ?>
<b>Be careful, zip extension is not enabled in your PHP configuration. You'll have to unzip manually.</b>
<?php endif; ?>
<em>This method is mainly recommended if you don't have a dedicated server.</em></li>
<li>use <a href="">Composer</a> :<pre><code>curl -s | php
php composer.phar install</code></pre></li>
<?php endif; ?>
Database engine:
<li><label for="sqlite">SQLite</label> <input name="db_engine" type="radio" checked="" id="sqlite" value="sqlite" /></li>
<label for="mysql">MySQL</label> <input name="db_engine" type="radio" id="mysql" value="mysql" />
<ul id="mysql_infos">
<li><label for="mysql_server">Server</label> <input type="text" placeholder="localhost" id="mysql_server" name="mysql_server" /></li>
<li><label for="mysql_database">Database</label> <input type="text" placeholder="wallabag" id="mysql_database" name="mysql_database" /></li>
<li><label for="mysql_user">User</label> <input type="text" placeholder="user" id="mysql_user" name="mysql_user" /></li>
<li><label for="mysql_password">Password</label> <input type="text" placeholder="p4ssw0rd" id="mysql_password" name="mysql_password" /></li>
<label for="postgresql">PostgreSQL</label> <input name="db_engine" type="radio" id="postgresql" value="postgresql" />
<ul id="pg_infos">
<li><label for="pg_server">Server</label> <input type="text" placeholder="localhost" id="pg_server" name="pg_server" /></li>
<li><label for="pg_database">Database</label> <input type="text" placeholder="wallabag" id="pg_database" name="pg_database" /></li>
<li><label for="pg_user">User</label> <input type="text" placeholder="user" id="pg_user" name="pg_user" /></li>
id <li><label for="pg_password">Password</label> <input type="text" placeholder="p4ssw0rd" id="pg_password" name="pg_password" /></li>
<legend><strong>User settings</strong></legend>
<label for="username">Username</label>
<input type="text" required id="username" name="username" value="wallabag" />
<label for="password">Password</label>
<input type="password" required id="password" name="password" value="wallabag" />
<label for="show">Show password:</label> <input name="show" id="show" type="checkbox" onchange="document.getElementById('password').type = this.checked ? 'text' : 'password'">
<input type="submit" value="Install wallabag" name="install" />
if ( $("#mysql").prop('checked')) {
else {
if ( $("#postgresql").prop('checked')) {
else {

View File

@ -116,4 +116,8 @@
{% if constant('STORAGE') == 'sqlite' %}
<p><a href="?download" target="_blank">{% trans "Click here" %}</a> {% trans "to download your database." %}</p>{% endif %}
<p><a href="?export" target="_blank">{% trans "Click here" %}</a> {% trans "to export your wallabag data." %}</p>
<h2>{% trans "Cache" %}</h2>
<p><a href="?empty-cache">{% trans "Click here" %}</a> {% trans "to delete cache." %}</p>
{% endblock %}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
.messages.error {
border: 1px solid #c42608;
color: #c00 !important;
background: #fff0ef;
text-align: left;
.messages.notice {
border: 1px solid #ebcd41;
color: #000;
background: #fffcd3;
text-align: left;
.messages.success {
border: 1px solid #6dc70c;
background: #e0fbcc;
text-align: left;

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
{% endfor %}
{% if view == 'home' %}{% if nb_results > 1 %}<a title="{% trans "Mark all the entries as read" %}" href="./?action=archive_all">{{ "Mark all the entries as read" }} {% trans "" %}</a>{% endif %}{% endif %}
{% if view == 'home' %}{% if nb_results > 1 %}<a title="{% trans "Mark all the entries as read" %}" href="./?action=archive_all">{{ "Mark all the entries as read" }}</a>{% endif %}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ block('pager') }}
{% endblock %}

View File

@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ div.chunk {
<tr class="<?php echo ($php_ok) ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'; ?>">
<td>5.2.0 or higher</td>
<td>5.3.3 or higher</td>
<td><?php echo phpversion(); ?></td>
<tr class="<?php echo ($xml_ok) ? 'enabled, and sane' : 'disabled, or broken'; ?>">