diff --git a/app/Resources/static/themes/material/css/main.css b/app/Resources/static/themes/material/css/main.css index 9ea59eb03..005cc3020 100755 --- a/app/Resources/static/themes/material/css/main.css +++ b/app/Resources/static/themes/material/css/main.css @@ -411,12 +411,12 @@ main ul.row { } .card .card-action a { - color: #fff; + color: #fff !important; margin: 0; } .card .card-action a:hover { - color: #fff; + color: #fff !important; } .settings .div_tabs { diff --git a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.da.yml b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.da.yml index 628cdbdb2..da7e2652a 100644 --- a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.da.yml +++ b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.da.yml @@ -268,12 +268,14 @@ howto: quickstart: # page_title: 'Quickstart' + # more: 'More…' # intro: # title: 'Welcome to wallabag!' # paragraph_1: "We'll accompany you to visit wallabag and show you some features which can interest you." # paragraph_2: 'Follow us!' # configure: # title: 'Configure the application' + # description: 'In order to have an application which suits you, have a look into the configuration of wallabag.' # language: 'Change language and design' # rss: 'Enable RSS feeds' # tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles' @@ -287,6 +289,7 @@ quickstart: # import: 'Configure import' # first_steps: # title: 'First steps' + # description: "Now wallabag is well configured, it's time to archive the web. You can click on the top right sign + to add a link." # new_article: 'Save your first article' # unread_articles: 'And classify it!' # migrate: @@ -296,11 +299,15 @@ quickstart: # wallabag_v1: 'Migrate from wallabag v1' # wallabag_v2: 'Migrate from wallabag v2' # readability: 'Migrate from Readability' + # instapaper: 'Migrate from Instapaper' # developer: # title: 'Developers' + # description: 'We also thought to the developers: Docker, API, translations, etc.' # create_application: 'Create your third application' + # use_docker: 'Use Docker to install wallabag' # docs: # title: 'Full documentation' + # description: "There are so much features in wallabag. Don't hesitate to read the manual to know them and to learn how to use them." # annotate: 'Annotate your article' # export: 'Convert your articles into ePUB or PDF' # search_filters: 'See how you can look for an article by using search engine and filters' diff --git a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.de.yml b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.de.yml index 2e683b8c9..eb82f13f3 100644 --- a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.de.yml +++ b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.de.yml @@ -268,12 +268,14 @@ howto: quickstart: page_title: 'Schnelleinstieg' + # more: 'More…' intro: title: 'Willkommen zu wallabag!' paragraph_1: "Wir werden dich bei der Benutzung von wallabag begleiten und dir einige Funktionen zeigen, die dich interessieren könnten." paragraph_2: 'Folge uns!' configure: title: 'Anwendung konfigurieren' + # description: 'In order to have an application which suits you, have a look into the configuration of wallabag.' language: 'Sprache und Design ändern' rss: 'RSS-Feeds aktivieren' tagging_rules: 'Schreibe Regeln, um deine Beiträge automatisch zu taggen (verschlagworten)' @@ -287,6 +289,7 @@ quickstart: import: 'Import-Einstellungen ändern' first_steps: title: 'Erste Schritte' + # description: "Now wallabag is well configured, it's time to archive the web. You can click on the top right sign + to add a link" new_article: 'Speichere deinen ersten Artikel' unread_articles: 'Und klassifiziere ihn!' migrate: @@ -296,11 +299,15 @@ quickstart: wallabag_v1: 'von wallabag v1 migrieren' wallabag_v2: 'von wallabag v2 migrieren' readability: 'von Readability migrieren' + instapaper: 'von Instapaper migrieren' developer: title: 'Entwickler' + # description: 'We also thought to the developers: Docker, API, translations, etc.' create_application: 'Erstelle eine Anwendung und nutze die wallabag API' + # use_docker: 'Use Docker to install wallabag' docs: title: 'Komplette Dokumentation' + # description: "There are so much features in wallabag. Don't hesitate to read the manual to know them and to learn how to use them." annotate: 'Anmerkungen zu Artikeln hinzufügen' export: 'Artikel nach ePUB oder PDF konvertieren' search_filters: 'Schau nach, wie du nach einem Artikel über die Such- und Filterfunktion suchen kannst' diff --git a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.en.yml b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.en.yml index d629312c1..01d8053be 100644 --- a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.en.yml +++ b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.en.yml @@ -268,12 +268,14 @@ howto: quickstart: page_title: 'Quickstart' + more: 'More…' intro: title: 'Welcome to wallabag!' paragraph_1: "We'll accompany you on your visit to wallabag and show you some features that might interest you." paragraph_2: 'Follow us!' configure: title: 'Configure the application' + description: 'In order to have an application which suits you, have a look into the configuration of wallabag.' language: 'Change language and design' rss: 'Enable RSS feeds' tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles' @@ -287,6 +289,7 @@ quickstart: import: 'Configure import' first_steps: title: 'First steps' + description: "Now wallabag is well configured, it's time to archive the web. You can click on the top right sign + to add a link." new_article: 'Save your first article' unread_articles: 'And classify it!' migrate: @@ -296,11 +299,15 @@ quickstart: wallabag_v1: 'Migrate from wallabag v1' wallabag_v2: 'Migrate from wallabag v2' readability: 'Migrate from Readability' + instapaper: 'Migrate from Instapaper' developer: title: 'Developers' + description: 'We also thought to the developers: Docker, API, translations, etc.' create_application: 'Create your third application' + use_docker: 'Use Docker to install wallabag' docs: title: 'Full documentation' + description: "There are so much features in wallabag. Don't hesitate to read the manual to know them and to learn how to use them." annotate: 'Annotate your article' export: 'Convert your articles into ePUB or PDF' search_filters: 'See how you can look for an article by using the search engine and filters' diff --git a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.es.yml b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.es.yml index 860c466f0..5364e99a6 100644 --- a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.es.yml +++ b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.es.yml @@ -268,12 +268,14 @@ howto: quickstart: page_title: 'Comienzo rápido' + # more: 'More…' intro: title: 'Bienvenido a wallabag !' paragraph_1: "Le acompañaremos a su visita de wallabag y le mostraremos algunas características que le pueden interesar." paragraph_2: '¡Síganos!' configure: title: 'Configure la aplicación' + # description: 'In order to have an application which suits you, have a look into the configuration of wallabag.' language: 'Cambie el idioma y el diseño de la aplicación' rss: 'Activar los feeds RSS' tagging_rules: 'Escribir reglas para etiquetear automaticamente sus artículos' @@ -287,6 +289,7 @@ quickstart: import: 'Configure importación' first_steps: title: 'Primeros pasos' + # description: "Now wallabag is well configured, it's time to archive the web. You can click on the top right sign + to add a link." new_article: 'Guarde su primer artículo' unread_articles: '¡Y clasifíquelo!' migrate: @@ -296,11 +299,15 @@ quickstart: wallabag_v1: 'Migrar desde wallabag v1' wallabag_v2: 'Migrar desde wallabag v2' readability: 'Migrar desde Readability' + instapaper: 'Migrar desde Instapaper' developer: title: 'Promotores' + # description: 'We also thought to the developers: Docker, API, translations, etc.' create_application: 'Cree su tercera aplicación' + # use_docker: 'Use Docker to install wallabag' docs: title: 'Documentación completa' + # description: "There are so much features in wallabag. Don't hesitate to read the manual to know them and to learn how to use them." annotate: 'Anote su artículo' export: 'Convierta sus artículos a ePub o a PDF' search_filters: 'Aprenda a utilizar el buscador y los filtros para encontrar el artículo que le interese' diff --git a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.fa.yml b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.fa.yml index 6e02010c5..6f42b173e 100644 --- a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.fa.yml +++ b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.fa.yml @@ -268,6 +268,7 @@ howto: quickstart: page_title: 'Quickstart' + # more: 'More…' intro: title: 'به wallabag خوش آمدید!!' paragraph_1: "به شما کمک خواهیم کرد تا wallabag را بشناسید و با برخی از ویژگیهای جالبش آشنا شوید" @@ -287,6 +288,7 @@ quickstart: import: 'درونریزی را تنظیم کنید' first_steps: title: 'گام نخست' + # description: "Now wallabag is well configured, it's time to archive the web. You can click on the top right sign + to add a link." new_article: 'نخستین مقالهٔ خود را ذخیره کنید' unread_articles: 'و آن را طبقهبندی کنید!' migrate: @@ -296,11 +298,15 @@ quickstart: wallabag_v1: 'مهاجرت از نسخهٔ یکم wallabag' wallabag_v2: 'مهاجرت از نسخهٔ دوم wallabag' readability: 'مهاجرت از نسخهٔ دوم Readability' + instapaper: 'مهاجرت از نسخهٔ دوم Instapaper' developer: title: 'برنامهنویسان' + # description: 'We also thought to the developers: Docker, API, translations, etc.' create_application: 'برنامهٔ wallabag خود را بسازید' + # use_docker: 'Use Docker to install wallabag' docs: title: 'راهنمای کامل' + # description: "There are so much features in wallabag. Don't hesitate to read the manual to know them and to learn how to use them." annotate: 'روی مقالههایتان یادداشت بگذارید' export: 'مقالههایتان را به قالب ePUB یا PDF دربیاورید' search_filters: 'به کمک موتور جستجو و فیلترها به دنبال مقالههایتان بگردید' diff --git a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.fr.yml b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.fr.yml index 0eeda011f..6984be834 100644 --- a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.fr.yml +++ b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.fr.yml @@ -268,12 +268,14 @@ howto: quickstart: page_title: 'Pour bien débuter' + more: 'Et plus encore…' intro: title: 'Bienvenue sur wallabag !' paragraph_1: "Nous allons vous accompagner pour vous faire faire le tour de la maison et vous présenter quelques fonctionnalités qui pourraient vous intéresser pour vous approprier cet outil." paragraph_2: 'Suivez-nous !' configure: title: "Configurez l'application" + description: 'Pour voir une application qui vous correspond, allez voir du côté de la configuration de wallabag.' language: "Changez la langue et le design de l'application" rss: 'Activez les flux RSS' tagging_rules: 'Écrivez des règles pour classer automatiquement vos articles' @@ -287,6 +289,7 @@ quickstart: import: "Configurer l'import" first_steps: title: 'Premiers pas' + description: "Maintenant que wallabag est bien configuré, il est temps d'archiver le web. Vous pouvez cliquer sur le signe + dans le coin en haut à droite." new_article: 'Ajoutez votre premier article' unread_articles: 'Et rangez-le !' migrate: @@ -296,11 +299,15 @@ quickstart: wallabag_v1: 'Migrer depuis wallabag v1' wallabag_v2: 'Migrer depuis wallabag v2' readability: 'Migrer depuis Readability' + instapaper: 'Migrer depuis Instapaper' developer: title: 'Pour les développeurs' + description: 'Nous avons aussi pensé aux développeurs : Docker, API, traductions, etc.' create_application: 'Créer votre application tierce' + use_docker: 'Utiliser Docker pour installer wallabag' docs: title: 'Documentation complète' + description: "Il y a tellement de fonctionnalités dans wallabag. N'hésitez pas à lire le manuel pour les connaitre et apprendre comment les utiliser." annotate: 'Annoter votre article' export: 'Convertissez vos articles en ePub ou en PDF' search_filters: "Apprenez à utiliser le moteur de recherche et les filtres pour retrouver l'article qui vous intéresse" diff --git a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.it.yml b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.it.yml index 34f660f74..30b3287eb 100644 --- a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.it.yml +++ b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.it.yml @@ -267,12 +267,14 @@ howto: quickstart: page_title: 'Introduzione' + # more: 'More…' intro: title: 'Benvenuto su wallabag!' paragraph_1: "Un tour in cui ti guideremo per scoprire e che ti mostrerà delle funzionalità che potrebbero interessarti." paragraph_2: 'Seguici!' configure: title: "Configura l'applicazione" + # description: 'In order to have an application which suits you, have a look into the configuration of wallabag.' language: 'Cambia lingua e design' rss: 'Abilita i feed RSS' tagging_rules: 'Scrivi delle regole per taggare automaticamente i contenuti' @@ -286,6 +288,7 @@ quickstart: import: "Configura l'importazione" first_steps: title: 'Pimi passi' + # description: "Now wallabag is well configured, it's time to archive the web. You can click on the top right sign + to add a link." new_article: 'Salva il tuo primo contenuto' unread_articles: 'E classificalo!' migrate: @@ -295,11 +298,15 @@ quickstart: wallabag_v1: 'Trasferisci da wallabag v1' wallabag_v2: 'Trasferisci da wallabag v2' readability: 'Trasferisci da Readability' + instapaper: 'Trasferisci da Instapaper' developer: title: 'Sviluppatori' + # description: 'We also thought to the developers: Docker, API, translations, etc.' create_application: 'Crea la tua applicazione' + # use_docker: 'Use Docker to install wallabag' docs: title: 'Documentazione completa' + # description: "There are so much features in wallabag. Don't hesitate to read the manual to know them and to learn how to use them." annotate: 'Annota il tuo contenuto' export: 'Converti i tuoi contenuti in EPUB o PDF' search_filters: 'Impara come puoi recuperare un contenuto tramite la ricerca e i filtri' diff --git a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.oc.yml b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.oc.yml index bcc59b291..a077f1bf3 100644 --- a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.oc.yml +++ b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.oc.yml @@ -268,12 +268,14 @@ howto: quickstart: page_title: 'Per ben començar' + # more: 'More…' intro: title: 'Benvenguda sus wallabag !' paragraph_1: "Anem vos guidar per far lo torn de la proprietat e vos presentar unas fonccionalitats que vos poirián interessar per vos apropriar aquesta aisina." paragraph_2: 'Seguètz-nos ' configure: title: "Configuratz l'aplicacio" + # description: 'In order to have an application which suits you, have a look into the configuration of wallabag.' language: "Cambiatz la lenga e l'estil de l'aplicacion" rss: 'Activatz los fluxes RSS' tagging_rules: 'Escrivètz de règlas per classar automaticament vòstres articles' @@ -287,6 +289,7 @@ quickstart: import: 'Configurar los impòrt' first_steps: title: 'Primièrs passes' + # description: "Now wallabag is well configured, it's time to archive the web. You can click on the top right sign + to add a link." new_article: 'Ajustatz vòstre primièr article' unread_articles: 'E racaptatz-lo !' migrate: @@ -296,11 +299,15 @@ quickstart: wallabag_v1: 'Migrar dempuèi wallabag v1' wallabag_v2: 'Migrar dempuèi wallabag v2' readability: 'Migrar dempuèi Readability' + instapaper: 'Migrar dempuèi Instapaper' developer: title: 'Pels desvolopadors' + # description: 'We also thought to the developers: Docker, API, translations, etc.' create_application: 'Crear vòstra aplicacion tèrça' + # use_docker: 'Use Docker to install wallabag' docs: title: 'Documentacion complèta' + # description: "There are so much features in wallabag. Don't hesitate to read the manual to know them and to learn how to use them." annotate: 'Anotatar vòstre article' export: 'Convertissètz vòstres articles en ePub o en PDF' search_filters: "Aprenètz a utilizar lo motor de recèrca e los filtres per retrobar l'article que vos interèssa" diff --git a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.pl.yml b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.pl.yml index ce5ebab9e..cad94dd5d 100644 --- a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.pl.yml +++ b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.pl.yml @@ -268,12 +268,14 @@ howto: quickstart: page_title: 'Szybki start' + # more: 'More…' intro: title: 'Witaj w wallabag!' paragraph_1: "Będziemy ci towarzyszyli w Twojej poznaniu wallabag i pokażemy możliwości, które mogą cię zainteresować." paragraph_2: 'Śledź nas!' configure: title: 'Konfiguruj aplikację' + description: 'In order to have an application which suits you, have a look into the configuration of wallabag.' language: 'Zmień język i wygląd' rss: 'Włącz kanały RSS' tagging_rules: 'Napisz reguły pozwalające na automatyczne otagowanie twoich artykułów' @@ -287,6 +289,7 @@ quickstart: import: 'Skonfigurować import' first_steps: title: 'Pierwsze kroki' + # description: "Now wallabag is well configured, it's time to archive the web. You can click on the top right sign + to add a link" new_article: 'Zapisz swój pierwszy artukuł' unread_articles: 'I sklasyfikuj go!' migrate: @@ -296,11 +299,15 @@ quickstart: wallabag_v1: 'Migruj z wallabag v1' wallabag_v2: 'Migruj z wallabag v2' readability: 'Migruj z Readability' + instapaper: 'Migruj z Instapaper' developer: title: 'Deweloperzy' + # description: 'We also thought to the developers: Docker, API, translations, etc.' create_application: 'Stwórz swoją aplikację' + # use_docker: 'Use Docker to install wallabag' docs: title: 'Pełna Dokumentacja' + # description: "There are so much features in wallabag. Don't hesitate to read the manual to know them and to learn how to use them." annotate: 'Dadaj adnotację do swojego artykułu' export: 'Konwertuj swoje artykuły do ePUB lub PDF' search_filters: 'Zabacz jak możesz znaleźć artykuł dzięku użyciu silnika wyszukiwarki i filtrów' diff --git a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ro.yml b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ro.yml index a54efb4ce..a271d6f3c 100644 --- a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ro.yml +++ b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.ro.yml @@ -268,12 +268,14 @@ howto: quickstart: # page_title: 'Quickstart' + # more: 'More…' # intro: # title: 'Welcome to wallabag!' # paragraph_1: "We'll accompany you to visit wallabag and show you some features which can interest you." # paragraph_2: 'Follow us!' # configure: # title: 'Configure the application' + # description: 'In order to have an application which suits you, have a look into the configuration of wallabag.' # language: 'Change language and design' # rss: 'Enable RSS feeds' # tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles' @@ -287,6 +289,7 @@ quickstart: # import: 'Configure import' # first_steps: # title: 'First steps' + # description: "Now wallabag is well configured, it's time to archive the web. You can click on the top right sign + to add a link." # new_article: 'Save your first article' # unread_articles: 'And classify it!' # migrate: @@ -296,11 +299,15 @@ quickstart: # wallabag_v1: 'Migrate from wallabag v1' # wallabag_v2: 'Migrate from wallabag v2' # readability: 'Migrate from Readability' + # instapaper: 'Migrate from Instapaper' # developer: # title: 'Developers' + # description: 'We also thought to the developers: Docker, API, translations, etc.' # create_application: 'Create your third application' + # use_docker: 'Use Docker to install wallabag' # docs: # title: 'Full documentation' + # description: "There are so much features in wallabag. Don't hesitate to read the manual to know them and to learn how to use them." # annotate: 'Annotate your article' # export: 'Convert your articles into ePUB or PDF' # search_filters: 'See how you can look for an article by using search engine and filters' diff --git a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.tr.yml b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.tr.yml index e46c17c89..f2307e658 100644 --- a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.tr.yml +++ b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/translations/messages.tr.yml @@ -267,12 +267,14 @@ howto: quickstart: page_title: 'Hızlı başlangıç' + # more: 'More…' intro: title: 'wallabag' paragraph_1: "wallabag kurduğunuz için teşekkür ederiz. Bu sayfada biz size eşlik edecek ve ilginizi çekecek birkaç özellik göstereceğim." paragraph_2: 'Bizi takip edin!' configure: title: 'Uygulamayı Yapılandırma' + # description: 'In order to have an application which suits you, have a look into the configuration of wallabag.' language: 'Dili ve tasarımı değiştirme' rss: 'RSS akışını aktifleştirme' # tagging_rules: 'Write rules to automatically tag your articles' @@ -286,6 +288,7 @@ quickstart: # import: 'Configure import' first_steps: title: 'İlk adım' + # description: "Now wallabag is well configured, it's time to archive the web. You can click on the top right sign + to add a link." new_article: 'İlk makalenizi kaydedin' unread_articles: 'Ve bunu sınıflandırın!' migrate: @@ -295,11 +298,15 @@ quickstart: wallabag_v1: "wallabag v1 üzerindeki verilerinizi wallabag'in yeni sürümüne aktarın" wallabag_v2: "wallabag v2 üzerindeki verilerinizi wallabag'in yeni sürümüne aktarın" readability: "Readability üzerindeki verilerinizi wallabag'e aktarın'" + instapaper: "Instapaper üzerindeki verilerinizi wallabag'e aktarın'" developer: # title: 'Developers' + # description: 'We also thought to the developers: Docker, API, translations, etc.' # create_application: 'Create your third application' + # use_docker: 'Use Docker to install wallabag' docs: title: 'Dokümantasyon' + # description: "There are so much features in wallabag. Don't hesitate to read the manual to know them and to learn how to use them." # annotate: 'Annotate your article' export: 'Makalelerinizi ePUB ya da PDF formatına çevirme' search_filters: 'Makaleleri görüntülemek için arama motorlarını ve filteri kullanma' diff --git a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/views/themes/common/Static/quickstart.html.twig b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/views/themes/common/Static/quickstart.html.twig index 8cbf4ab40..226bafead 100644 --- a/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/views/themes/common/Static/quickstart.html.twig +++ b/src/Wallabag/CoreBundle/Resources/views/themes/common/Static/quickstart.html.twig @@ -10,64 +10,106 @@
{{ 'quickstart.intro.paragraph_1'|trans }}
-{{ 'quickstart.intro.paragraph_2'|trans }}
-{{ 'quickstart.configure.description'|trans }}
+{{ 'quickstart.first_steps.description'|trans }}
+{{ 'quickstart.migrate.description'|trans }}
+{{ 'quickstart.developer.description'|trans }}
+{{ 'quickstart.docs.description'|trans }}
+{{ 'quickstart.support.description'|trans }}
+{{ 'quickstart.admin.description'|trans }}
-{{ 'quickstart.migrate.description'|trans }}
-{{ 'quickstart.support.description'|trans }}