Merge pull request #816 from zinnober/dev

Complete rework of
This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Lœuillet 2014-09-03 13:14:29 +02:00
commit 19438d3021
2 changed files with 134 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# Author: zinnober
tidy: no
prune: no
# Set author
author: //a[@rel='author']
# Set date
date: //span[@class='Datum']
# Content is here
body: //div[@class='Artikel']
# Tidy up before article
strip: //div[@id='FAZHeaderNeu']
strip: //h2[@itemprop='headline']
strip: //span[@class='Datum']
strip: //span[@class='Autor']
strip_id_or_class: ArticlePagerTop
strip: //div[@class='FAZArtikelEinleitung']/h2
# General cleanup
strip: //div[@class='clear']
strip: //span[@class='Bildnachweis']
strip: //iframe
strip_id_or_class: Community
strip: ' · '
# Remove tracking and ads
strip_image_src: /l.gif?
strip: //img[@width='1']
strip_id_or_class: invisible
strip_id_or_class: Anzeige
strip_id_or_class: billboard
# Remove clutter after article
strip_id_or_class: Tagline
strip_id_or_class: ArtikelAbbinder
strip_id_or_class: FAZArtikelKommentare
strip_id_or_class: ArtikelKommentieren
strip_id_or_class: FAZContentRight
# Try it yourself

inc/3rdparty/site_config/standard/ vendored Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,36 +1,101 @@
# Author: zinnober
# Complete rewrite of the template as the standard one is broken
# I tried to consider as many page variants as possible, which was some serious work
tidy: no
prune: no
# Title
title: //p[@class='Content HeadlineShort']
# Authors
# some are known and have a link, others don't
author: substring-after(//span[@class='Autor'], 'Von')
# Set author
author: substring-after(//span[@class='Autor'], 'von ')
author: //span[@class='caps last']/span[@class='caps last']
author: //a[@rel='author']
# Date
# Set date
date: //span[@class='Datum']
date: //span[@class='Datum'],/span
# Body
# Fetch full multipage articles
next_page_link: //a[@title='Nächste Seite']
# Content is here
body: //div[@class='Artikel']
# Removements before body text
strip: //div[@class='Breadcrumbs']
strip: //div[@class='QuickSearchBox']
strip: //div[@class='FAZArtikelEinleitung']
strip: //div[@class='FAZArtikelReiter']
# Tidy up before article
strip: //div[@id='FAZHeaderNeu']
strip: //h2[@itemprop='headline']
strip: //span[@class='Datum']
strip: //span[@class='Autor']
strip_id_or_class: ArticlePagerTop
# General cleanup
strip: //div[@class='clear']
strip: //a[@title='Zur Homepage FAZ.NET']
strip: //iframe
replace_string( · ):
# General removements
strip: //span[@class='Bildnachweis']
strip: //img[@class='MediaIcon']
strip: //div[@class='ArtikelMediaLink']
dissolve: //a[img]
# Remove tracking and ads
strip_image_src: /l.gif?
strip: //div[contains(@style, 'background-image')]
strip: //img[@width='1']
strip_id_or_class: invisible
strip_id_or_class: Anzeige
strip_id_or_class: billboard
# Removements after body text
strip: //div[@class='ArtikelAbbinder']
strip: //div[@class='ArtikelKommentieren Artikelfuss GETS;tk;;tp;content']
strip: //div[@class='FAZArtikelKommentare FAZArtikelContent']
strip: //div[@class='FAZArtikelFunktionen']
strip: //div[@id='FAZContentRight']
# Remove various text boxes and social media foo
strip_id_or_class: WeitereBeitraege
strip_id_or_class: WBListe
strip_id_or_class: AutorenModul
strip_id_or_class: Community
strip_id_or_class: SocialMediaStatus
strip_id_or_class: RelatedLinkBox
strip_id_or_class: MultimediaNavigation
strip_id_or_class: IndexTitel
# Fix picture caps and pictures (use better resolution and remove clutter)
strip_id_or_class: LightBoxOverlay
strip_id_or_class: exitLarge
strip_id_or_class: PagerBox
strip_id_or_class: Bildnachweis
strip_id_or_class: Bildueberschrift
strip_id_or_class: Bildbeschreibung
strip_id_or_class: ArtikelBild610
strip_id_or_class: MediaLink
strip_id_or_class: FotoBoxInnerLeft
strip_id_or_class: BilderRelatedLinks
# Remove clutter after article
strip_id_or_class: ArticlePagerBottom
strip_id_or_class: backToHome
strip_id_or_class: ArtikelAbbinder
strip_id_or_class: lesermeinungscontainer
strip_id_or_class: ThemenLinks
strip_id_or_class: rechtehinweis
strip_id_or_class: FAZArtikelMap
strip_id_or_class: FAZArtikelKommentare
strip_id_or_class: ArtikelKommentieren
strip_id_or_class: FAZArtikelFunktionen
strip_id_or_class: mailLB
strip_id_or_class: FAZContentRight
strip_id_or_class: stageModule
strip_id_or_class: ContentFooter
strip_id_or_class: ServicesFooter
strip_id_or_class: FAZFooter
# Clean up stuff present just in some articles
strip_id_or_class: Teaser620
strip_id_or_class: TeaserMultimedia
strip_id_or_class: VideoBox
# Remove as soon as Wallabag maight be able to embed flash video
strip_id_or_class: mmoObjectAsTeaserInArticle
strip_id_or_class: additionalStylesAudioVideo
strip_id_or_class: hideMMElements
# Try it yourself
# Fix picture captions
wrap_in(small): //span[@class='Bildunterschrift']/text()