description:'RSS-feeds fra wallabag gør det muligt at læse de artikler, der gemmes i wallabag, med din RSS-læser. Det kræver, at du genererer et token først.'
no_token:'Intet token'
token_create:'Opret token'
token_reset:'Nulstil token'
# rss_limit: 'Number of items in the feed'
# two_factor_description: "Enabling two factor authentication means you'll receive an email with a code on every new untrusted connexion"
# tagging_rules_definition_title: 'What does « tagging rules » mean?'
# tagging_rules_definition_description: 'They are rules used by Wallabag to automatically tag new entries.<br />Each time a new entry is added, all the tagging rules will be used to add the tags you configured, thus saving you the trouble to manually classify your entries.'
# how_to_use_them_title: 'How do I use them?'
# how_to_use_them_description: 'Let assume you want to tag new entries as « <i>short reading</i> » when the reading time is inferior to 3 minutes.<br />In that case, you should put « readingTime <= 3 » in the <i>Rule</i> field and « <i>short reading</i> » in the <i>Tags</i> field.<br />Several tags can added simultaneously by separating them by a comma: « <i>short reading, must read</i> »<br />Complex rules can be written by using predefined operators: if « <i>readingTime >= 5 AND domainName = ""</i> » then tag as « <i>long reading, github </i> »'
# variables_available_title: 'Which variables and operators can I use to write rules?'
# variables_available_description: 'The following variables and operators can be used to create tagging rules:'
# meaning: 'Meaning'
# variable_description:
# label: 'Variable'
# title: 'Title of the entry'
# url: 'URL of the entry'
# isArchived: 'Whether the entry is archived or not'
# isStarred: 'Whether the entry is starred or not'
# content: "The entry's content"
# language: "The entry's language"
# mimetype: "The entry's mime-type"
# readingTime: "The estimated entry's reading time, in minutes"
# page_description: 'Welcome to wallabag importer. Please select your previous service that you want to migrate.'
# action:
# import_contents: 'Import contents'
# form:
# mark_as_read_title: 'Mark all as read?'
# mark_as_read_label: 'Mark all imported entries as read'
# file_label: 'File'
# save_label: 'Upload file'
# pocket:
# page_title: 'Import > Pocket'
# description: "This importer will import all your Pocket data. Pocket doesn't allow us to retrieve content from their service, so the readable content of each article will be re-fetched by wallabag."
# config_missing:
# description: "Pocket import isn't configured."
# admin_message: 'You need to define %keyurls%a pocket_consumer_key%keyurle%.'
# user_message: 'Your server admin needs to define an API Key for Pocket.'
# authorize_message: 'You can import your data from your Pocket account. You just have to click on the below button and authorize the application to connect to'
# connect_to_pocket: 'Connect to Pocket and import data'
# wallabag_v1:
# page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v1'
# description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v1 articles. On your config page, click on "JSON export" in the "Export your wallabag data" section. You will have a "wallabag-export-1-xxxx-xx-xx.json" file.'
# how_to: 'Please select your wallabag export and click on the below button to upload and import it.'
# wallabag_v2:
# page_title: 'Import > Wallabag v2'
# description: 'This importer will import all your wallabag v2 articles. Go to All articles, then, on the export sidebar, click on "JSON". You will have a "All articles.json" file.'
# warn_message_1: 'You have the ability to remove this client. This action is IRREVERSIBLE !'
# warn_message_2: "If you remove it, every app configured with that client won't be able to auth on your wallabag."
# action: 'Remove this client'
# client:
# page_title: 'Developer > New client'
# page_description: 'You are about to create a new client. Please fill the field below for the redirect URI of your application.'
# form:
# redirect_uris_label: 'Redirect URIs'
# save_label: 'Create a new client'
# action_back: 'Back'
# client_parameter:
# page_title: 'Developer > Client parameters'
# page_description: 'Here are your client parameters.'
# field_id: 'Client ID'
# field_secret: 'Client secret'
# back: 'Back'
# read_howto: 'Read the howto "Create my first application"'
# howto:
# page_title: 'Developer > How to create my first application'
# description:
# paragraph_1: 'The following commands make use of the <a href="">HTTPie library</a>. Make sure it is installed on your system before using it.'
# paragraph_2: 'You need a token to communicate between your 3rd application and wallabag API.'
# paragraph_3: 'To create this token, you need <a href="%link%">to create a new client</a>.'
# paragraph_4: 'Now, create your token (replace client_id, client_secret, username and password with the good values):'
# paragraph_5: 'The API will return a response like this:'
# paragraph_6: 'The access_token is useful to do a call to the API endpoint. For example:'
# paragraph_7: 'This call will return all the entries for your user.'
# paragraph_8: 'If you want to see all the API endpoints, you can have a look <a href="%link%">to our API documentation</a>.'
# back: 'Back'
config_saved:'Opsætning gemt. Visse ændringer vil først fremgå ved næste login.'
password_updated:'Adgangskode opdateret'
# password_not_updated_demo: "In demonstration mode, you can't change password for this user."
user_updated:'Oplysninger opdateret'
rss_updated:'RSS-oplysninger opdateret'
# tagging_rules_updated: 'Tagging rules updated'
# tagging_rules_deleted: 'Tagging rule deleted'
# user_added: 'User "%username%" added'
# rss_token_updated: 'RSS token updated'
# entry_already_saved: 'Entry already saved on %date%'
# entry_saved: 'Entry saved'
# entry_updated: 'Entry updated'
# entry_reloaded: 'Entry reloaded'
# entry_reload_failed: 'Failed to reload entry'
entry_archived:'Artikel arkiveret'
entry_unarchived:'Artikel ikke længere arkiveret'
entry_starred:'Artikel markeret som favorit'
entry_unstarred:'Artikel ikke længere markeret som favorit'
entry_deleted:'Artikel slettet'
# tag_added: 'Tag added'
# failed: 'Import failed, please try again.'
# failed_on_file: 'Error while processing import. Please verify your import file.'