2013-12-06 09:45:27 +01:00
< ? php
// Full-Text RSS: Create Full-Text Feeds
// Author: Keyvan Minoukadeh
// Copyright (c) 2013 Keyvan Minoukadeh
// License: AGPLv3
// Version: 3.1
// Date: 2013-03-05
// More info: http://fivefilters.org/content-only/
// Help: http://help.fivefilters.org
This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program . If not , see < http :// www . gnu . org / licenses />.
// Usage
// -----
// Request this file passing it your feed in the querystring: makefulltextfeed.php?url=mysite.org
// The following options can be passed in the querystring:
// * URL: url=[feed or website url] (required, should be URL-encoded - in php: urlencode($url))
// * URL points to HTML (not feed): html=true (optional, by default it's automatically detected)
// * API key: key=[api key] (optional, refer to config.php)
// * Max entries to process: max=[max number of items] (optional)
error_reporting ( E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE );
ini_set ( " display_errors " , 1 );
@ set_time_limit ( 120 );
// Deal with magic quotes
if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc ()) {
$process = array ( & $_GET , & $_POST , & $_REQUEST );
while ( list ( $key , $val ) = each ( $process )) {
foreach ( $val as $k => $v ) {
unset ( $process [ $key ][ $k ]);
if ( is_array ( $v )) {
$process [ $key ][ stripslashes ( $k )] = $v ;
$process [] = & $process [ $key ][ stripslashes ( $k )];
} else {
$process [ $key ][ stripslashes ( $k )] = stripslashes ( $v );
unset ( $process );
// set include path
set_include_path ( realpath ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/libraries' ) . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path ());
// Autoloading of classes allows us to include files only when they're
// needed. If we've got a cached copy, for example, only Zend_Cache is loaded.
function autoload ( $class_name ) {
static $dir = null ;
if ( $dir === null ) $dir = dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/libraries/' ;
static $mapping = array (
// Include FeedCreator for RSS/Atom creation
'FeedWriter' => 'feedwriter/FeedWriter.php' ,
'FeedItem' => 'feedwriter/FeedItem.php' ,
// Include ContentExtractor and Readability for identifying and extracting content from URLs
'ContentExtractor' => 'content-extractor/ContentExtractor.php' ,
'SiteConfig' => 'content-extractor/SiteConfig.php' ,
'Readability' => 'readability/Readability.php' ,
// Include Humble HTTP Agent to allow parallel requests and response caching
'HumbleHttpAgent' => 'humble-http-agent/HumbleHttpAgent.php' ,
'SimplePie_HumbleHttpAgent' => 'humble-http-agent/SimplePie_HumbleHttpAgent.php' ,
'CookieJar' => 'humble-http-agent/CookieJar.php' ,
// Include Zend Cache to improve performance (cache results)
'Zend_Cache' => 'Zend/Cache.php' ,
// Language detect
'Text_LanguageDetect' => 'language-detect/LanguageDetect.php' ,
// HTML5 Lib
'HTML5_Parser' => 'html5/Parser.php' ,
// htmLawed - used if XSS filter is enabled (xss_filter)
'htmLawed' => 'htmLawed/htmLawed.php'
if ( isset ( $mapping [ $class_name ])) {
debug ( " ** Loading class $class_name ( { $mapping [ $class_name ] } ) " );
require $dir . $mapping [ $class_name ];
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
spl_autoload_register ( 'autoload' );
require dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/libraries/simplepie/autoloader.php' ;
// Load config file
require dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/config.php' ;
// Prevent indexing/following by search engines because:
// 1. The content is already public and presumably indexed (why create duplicates?)
// 2. Not doing so might increase number of requests from search engines, thus increasing server load
// Note: feed readers and services such as Yahoo Pipes will not be affected by this header.
// Note: Using Disallow in a robots.txt file will be more effective (search engines will check
// that before even requesting makefulltextfeed.php).
header ( 'X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow' );
// Check if service is enabled
if ( ! $options -> enabled ) {
die ( 'The full-text RSS service is currently disabled' );
// Debug mode?
// See the config file for debug options.
$debug_mode = false ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug' ])) {
if ( $options -> debug === true || $options -> debug == 'user' ) {
$debug_mode = true ;
} elseif ( $options -> debug == 'admin' ) {
session_start ();
$debug_mode = ( @ $_SESSION [ 'auth' ] == 1 );
if ( $debug_mode ) {
header ( 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8' );
} else {
if ( $options -> debug == 'admin' ) {
die ( 'You must be logged in to the <a href="admin/">admin area</a> to see debug output.' );
} else {
die ( 'Debugging is disabled.' );
// Check for APC
$options -> apc = $options -> apc && function_exists ( 'apc_add' );
if ( $options -> apc ) {
debug ( 'APC is enabled and available on server' );
} else {
debug ( 'APC is disabled or not available on server' );
// Check for smart cache
$options -> smart_cache = $options -> smart_cache && function_exists ( 'apc_inc' );
// Check for feed URL
if ( ! isset ( $_GET [ 'url' ])) {
die ( 'No URL supplied' );
$url = trim ( $_GET [ 'url' ]);
if ( strtolower ( substr ( $url , 0 , 7 )) == 'feed://' ) {
$url = 'http://' . substr ( $url , 7 );
if ( ! preg_match ( '!^https?://.+!i' , $url )) {
$url = 'http://' . $url ;
$url = filter_var ( $url , FILTER_SANITIZE_URL );
// deal with bug http://bugs.php.net/51192 (present in PHP 5.2.13 and PHP 5.3.2)
if ( $test === false ) {
$test = filter_var ( strtr ( $url , '-' , '_' ), FILTER_VALIDATE_URL , FILTER_FLAG_SCHEME_REQUIRED );
if ( $test !== false && $test !== null && preg_match ( '!^https?://!' , $url )) {
// all okay
unset ( $test );
} else {
die ( 'Invalid URL supplied' );
debug ( " Supplied URL: $url " );
// Redirect to hide API key
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'key' ]) && ( $key_index = array_search ( $_GET [ 'key' ], $options -> api_keys )) !== false ) {
$host = $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ];
$path = rtrim ( dirname ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ]), '/\\' );
$_qs_url = ( strtolower ( substr ( $url , 0 , 7 )) == 'http://' ) ? substr ( $url , 7 ) : $url ;
$redirect = 'http://' . htmlspecialchars ( $host . $path ) . '/makefulltextfeed.php?url=' . urlencode ( $_qs_url );
$redirect .= '&key=' . $key_index ;
$redirect .= '&hash=' . urlencode ( sha1 ( $_GET [ 'key' ] . $url ));
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'html' ])) $redirect .= '&html=' . urlencode ( $_GET [ 'html' ]);
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'max' ])) $redirect .= '&max=' . ( int ) $_GET [ 'max' ];
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'links' ])) $redirect .= '&links=' . urlencode ( $_GET [ 'links' ]);
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'exc' ])) $redirect .= '&exc=' . urlencode ( $_GET [ 'exc' ]);
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'format' ])) $redirect .= '&format=' . urlencode ( $_GET [ 'format' ]);
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'callback' ])) $redirect .= '&callback=' . urlencode ( $_GET [ 'callback' ]);
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'l' ])) $redirect .= '&l=' . urlencode ( $_GET [ 'l' ]);
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'xss' ])) $redirect .= '&xss' ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'use_extracted_title' ])) $redirect .= '&use_extracted_title' ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'debug' ])) $redirect .= '&debug' ;
if ( $debug_mode ) {
debug ( 'Redirecting to hide access key, follow URL below to continue' );
debug ( " Location: $redirect " );
} else {
header ( " Location: $redirect " );
exit ;
// Set timezone.
// Prevents warnings, but needs more testing -
// perhaps if timezone is set in php.ini we
// don't need to set it at all...
if ( ! ini_get ( 'date.timezone' ) || !@ date_default_timezone_set ( ini_get ( 'date.timezone' ))) {
date_default_timezone_set ( 'UTC' );
// Check if the request is explicitly for an HTML page
$html_only = ( isset ( $_GET [ 'html' ]) && ( $_GET [ 'html' ] == '1' || $_GET [ 'html' ] == 'true' ));
// Check if valid key supplied
$valid_key = false ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'key' ]) && isset ( $_GET [ 'hash' ]) && isset ( $options -> api_keys [( int ) $_GET [ 'key' ]])) {
$valid_key = ( $_GET [ 'hash' ] == sha1 ( $options -> api_keys [( int ) $_GET [ 'key' ]] . $url ));
$key_index = ( $valid_key ) ? ( int ) $_GET [ 'key' ] : 0 ;
if ( ! $valid_key && $options -> key_required ) {
die ( 'A valid key must be supplied' );
if ( ! $valid_key && isset ( $_GET [ 'key' ]) && $_GET [ 'key' ] != '' ) {
die ( 'The entered key is invalid' );
if ( file_exists ( 'custom_init.php' )) require 'custom_init.php' ;
// Check URL against list of blacklisted URLs
if ( ! url_allowed ( $url )) die ( 'URL blocked' );
// Max entries
// see config.php to find these values
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'max' ])) {
$max = ( int ) $_GET [ 'max' ];
if ( $valid_key ) {
$max = min ( $max , $options -> max_entries_with_key );
} else {
$max = min ( $max , $options -> max_entries );
} else {
if ( $valid_key ) {
$max = $options -> default_entries_with_key ;
} else {
$max = $options -> default_entries ;
// Link handling
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'links' ]) && in_array ( $_GET [ 'links' ], array ( 'preserve' , 'footnotes' , 'remove' ))) {
$links = $_GET [ 'links' ];
} else {
$links = 'preserve' ;
// Favour item titles in feed?
$favour_feed_titles = true ;
if ( $options -> favour_feed_titles == 'user' ) {
$favour_feed_titles = ! isset ( $_GET [ 'use_extracted_title' ]);
} else {
$favour_feed_titles = $options -> favour_feed_titles ;
// Exclude items if extraction fails
if ( $options -> exclude_items_on_fail === 'user' ) {
$exclude_on_fail = ( isset ( $_GET [ 'exc' ]) && ( $_GET [ 'exc' ] == '1' ));
} else {
$exclude_on_fail = $options -> exclude_items_on_fail ;
// Detect language
if ( $options -> detect_language === 'user' ) {
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'l' ])) {
$detect_language = ( int ) $_GET [ 'l' ];
} else {
$detect_language = 1 ;
} else {
$detect_language = $options -> detect_language ;
if ( $detect_language >= 2 ) {
$language_codes = array ( 'albanian' => 'sq' , 'arabic' => 'ar' , 'azeri' => 'az' , 'bengali' => 'bn' , 'bulgarian' => 'bg' ,
'cebuano' => 'ceb' , // ISO 639-2
'croatian' => 'hr' , 'czech' => 'cs' , 'danish' => 'da' , 'dutch' => 'nl' , 'english' => 'en' , 'estonian' => 'et' , 'farsi' => 'fa' , 'finnish' => 'fi' , 'french' => 'fr' , 'german' => 'de' , 'hausa' => 'ha' ,
'hawaiian' => 'haw' , // ISO 639-2
'hindi' => 'hi' , 'hungarian' => 'hu' , 'icelandic' => 'is' , 'indonesian' => 'id' , 'italian' => 'it' , 'kazakh' => 'kk' , 'kyrgyz' => 'ky' , 'latin' => 'la' , 'latvian' => 'lv' , 'lithuanian' => 'lt' , 'macedonian' => 'mk' , 'mongolian' => 'mn' , 'nepali' => 'ne' , 'norwegian' => 'no' , 'pashto' => 'ps' ,
'pidgin' => 'cpe' , // ISO 639-2
'polish' => 'pl' , 'portuguese' => 'pt' , 'romanian' => 'ro' , 'russian' => 'ru' , 'serbian' => 'sr' , 'slovak' => 'sk' , 'slovene' => 'sl' , 'somali' => 'so' , 'spanish' => 'es' , 'swahili' => 'sw' , 'swedish' => 'sv' , 'tagalog' => 'tl' , 'turkish' => 'tr' , 'ukrainian' => 'uk' , 'urdu' => 'ur' , 'uzbek' => 'uz' , 'vietnamese' => 'vi' , 'welsh' => 'cy' );
$use_cld = extension_loaded ( 'cld' ) && ( version_compare ( PHP_VERSION , '5.3.0' ) >= 0 );
// Check for valid format
// (stick to RSS (or RSS as JSON) for the time being)
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'format' ]) && $_GET [ 'format' ] == 'json' ) {
$format = 'json' ;
} else {
$format = 'rss' ;
// Should we do XSS filtering?
if ( $options -> xss_filter === 'user' ) {
$xss_filter = isset ( $_GET [ 'xss' ]);
} else {
$xss_filter = $options -> xss_filter ;
if ( ! $xss_filter && isset ( $_GET [ 'xss' ])) {
die ( 'XSS filtering is disabled in config' );
// Check for JSONP
// Regex from https://gist.github.com/1217080
$callback = null ;
if ( $format == 'json' && isset ( $_GET [ 'callback' ])) {
$callback = trim ( $_GET [ 'callback' ]);
foreach ( explode ( '.' , $callback ) as $_identifier ) {
if ( ! preg_match ( '/^[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*(?:\[(?:".+"|\'.+\'|\d+)\])*?$/' , $_identifier )) {
die ( 'Invalid JSONP callback' );
debug ( " JSONP callback: $callback " );
// Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
if ( $options -> cors ) header ( 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *' );
// Check for cached copy
if ( $options -> caching ) {
debug ( 'Caching is enabled...' );
$cache_id = md5 ( $max . $url . $valid_key . $links . $favour_feed_titles . $xss_filter . $exclude_on_fail . $format . $detect_language . ( int ) isset ( $_GET [ 'pubsub' ]));
$check_cache = true ;
if ( $options -> apc && $options -> smart_cache ) {
apc_add ( " cache. $cache_id " , 0 , 10 * 60 );
$apc_cache_hits = ( int ) apc_fetch ( " cache. $cache_id " );
$check_cache = ( $apc_cache_hits >= 2 );
apc_inc ( " cache. $cache_id " );
if ( $check_cache ) {
debug ( 'Cache key found in APC, we\'ll try to load cache file from disk' );
} else {
debug ( 'Cache key not found in APC' );
if ( $check_cache ) {
$cache = get_cache ();
if ( $data = $cache -> load ( $cache_id )) {
if ( $debug_mode ) {
debug ( 'Loaded cached copy' );
exit ;
if ( $format == 'json' ) {
if ( $callback === null ) {
header ( 'Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' );
} else {
header ( 'Content-type: application/javascript; charset=UTF-8' );
} else {
header ( 'Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8' );
header ( 'X-content-type-options: nosniff' );
if ( headers_sent ()) die ( 'Some data has already been output, can\'t send RSS file' );
if ( $callback ) {
echo " $callback ( $data ); " ;
} else {
echo $data ;
exit ;
// Set Expires header
if ( ! $debug_mode ) {
header ( 'Expires: ' . gmdate ( 'D, d M Y H:i:s' , time () + ( 60 * 10 )) . ' GMT' );
// Set up HTTP agent
2014-02-24 12:19:46 +02:00
global $http ;
2013-12-06 09:45:27 +01:00
$http = new HumbleHttpAgent ();
$http -> debug = $debug_mode ;
$http -> userAgentMap = $options -> user_agents ;
$http -> headerOnlyTypes = array_keys ( $options -> content_type_exc );
$http -> rewriteUrls = $options -> rewrite_url ;
// Set up Content Extractor
2014-02-19 19:08:19 +02:00
global $extractor ;
2013-12-06 09:45:27 +01:00
$extractor = new ContentExtractor ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/site_config/custom' , dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/site_config/standard' );
$extractor -> debug = $debug_mode ;
SiteConfig :: $debug = $debug_mode ;
SiteConfig :: use_apc ( $options -> apc );
$extractor -> fingerprints = $options -> fingerprints ;
$extractor -> allowedParsers = $options -> allowed_parsers ;
// Get RSS/Atom feed
if ( ! $html_only ) {
debug ( '--------' );
debug ( " Attempting to process URL as feed " );
// Send user agent header showing PHP (prevents a HTML response from feedburner)
$http -> userAgentDefault = HumbleHttpAgent :: UA_PHP ;
// configure SimplePie HTTP extension class to use our HumbleHttpAgent instance
SimplePie_HumbleHttpAgent :: set_agent ( $http );
$feed = new SimplePie ();
// some feeds use the text/html content type - force_feed tells SimplePie to process anyway
$feed -> force_feed ( true );
$feed -> set_file_class ( 'SimplePie_HumbleHttpAgent' );
//$feed->set_feed_url($url); // colons appearing in the URL's path get encoded
$feed -> feed_url = $url ;
$feed -> set_autodiscovery_level ( SIMPLEPIE_LOCATOR_NONE );
$feed -> set_timeout ( 20 );
$feed -> enable_cache ( false );
$feed -> set_stupidly_fast ( true );
$feed -> enable_order_by_date ( false ); // we don't want to do anything to the feed
$feed -> set_url_replacements ( array ());
// initialise the feed
// the @ suppresses notices which on some servers causes a 500 internal server error
$result = @ $feed -> init ();
if ( $result && ( ! is_array ( $feed -> data ) || count ( $feed -> data ) == 0 )) {
die ( 'Sorry, no feed items found' );
// from now on, we'll identify ourselves as a browser
$http -> userAgentDefault = HumbleHttpAgent :: UA_BROWSER ;
// Our given URL is not a feed, so let's create our own feed with a single item:
// the given URL. This basically treats all non-feed URLs as if they were
// single-item feeds.
$isDummyFeed = false ;
if ( $html_only || ! $result ) {
debug ( '--------' );
debug ( " Constructing a single-item feed from URL " );
$isDummyFeed = true ;
unset ( $feed , $result );
// create single item dummy feed object
class DummySingleItemFeed {
public $item ;
function __construct ( $url ) { $this -> item = new DummySingleItem ( $url ); }
public function get_title () { return '' ; }
public function get_description () { return 'Content extracted from ' . $this -> item -> url ; }
public function get_link () { return $this -> item -> url ; }
public function get_language () { return false ; }
public function get_image_url () { return false ; }
public function get_items ( $start = 0 , $max = 1 ) { return array ( 0 => $this -> item ); }
class DummySingleItem {
public $url ;
function __construct ( $url ) { $this -> url = $url ; }
public function get_permalink () { return $this -> url ; }
public function get_title () { return null ; }
public function get_date ( $format = '' ) { return false ; }
public function get_author ( $key = 0 ) { return null ; }
public function get_authors () { return null ; }
public function get_description () { return '' ; }
public function get_enclosure ( $key = 0 , $prefer = null ) { return null ; }
public function get_enclosures () { return null ; }
public function get_categories () { return null ; }
$feed = new DummySingleItemFeed ( $url );
// Create full-text feed
$output = new FeedWriter ();
$output -> setTitle ( strip_tags ( $feed -> get_title ()));
$output -> setDescription ( strip_tags ( $feed -> get_description ()));
$output -> setXsl ( 'css/feed.xsl' ); // Chrome uses this, most browsers ignore it
if ( $valid_key && isset ( $_GET [ 'pubsub' ])) { // used only on fivefilters.org at the moment
$output -> addHub ( 'http://fivefilters.superfeedr.com/' );
$output -> addHub ( 'http://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com/' );
$output -> setSelf ( 'http://' . $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ] . $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ]);
$output -> setLink ( $feed -> get_link ()); // Google Reader uses this for pulling in favicons
if ( $img_url = $feed -> get_image_url ()) {
$output -> setImage ( $feed -> get_title (), $feed -> get_link (), $img_url );
// Loop through feed items
$items = $feed -> get_items ( 0 , $max );
// Request all feed items in parallel (if supported)
$urls_sanitized = array ();
$urls = array ();
foreach ( $items as $key => $item ) {
$permalink = htmlspecialchars_decode ( $item -> get_permalink ());
// Colons in URL path segments get encoded by SimplePie, yet some sites expect them unencoded
$permalink = str_replace ( '%3A' , ':' , $permalink );
// validateUrl() strips non-ascii characters
// simplepie already sanitizes URLs so let's not do it again here.
//$permalink = $http->validateUrl($permalink);
if ( $permalink ) {
$urls_sanitized [] = $permalink ;
$urls [ $key ] = $permalink ;
debug ( '--------' );
debug ( 'Fetching feed items' );
$http -> fetchAll ( $urls_sanitized );
// count number of items added to full feed
$item_count = 0 ;
foreach ( $items as $key => $item ) {
debug ( '--------' );
debug ( 'Processing feed item ' . ( $item_count + 1 ));
$do_content_extraction = true ;
$extract_result = false ;
$text_sample = null ;
$permalink = $urls [ $key ];
debug ( " Item URL: $permalink " );
$extracted_title = '' ;
$feed_item_title = $item -> get_title ();
if ( $feed_item_title !== null ) {
$feed_item_title = strip_tags ( htmlspecialchars_decode ( $feed_item_title ));
$newitem = $output -> createNewItem ();
$newitem -> setTitle ( $feed_item_title );
if ( $valid_key && isset ( $_GET [ 'pubsub' ])) { // used only on fivefilters.org at the moment
if ( $permalink !== false ) {
$newitem -> setLink ( 'http://fivefilters.org/content-only/redirect.php?url=' . urlencode ( $permalink ));
} else {
$newitem -> setLink ( 'http://fivefilters.org/content-only/redirect.php?url=' . urlencode ( $item -> get_permalink ()));
} else {
if ( $permalink !== false ) {
$newitem -> setLink ( $permalink );
} else {
$newitem -> setLink ( $item -> get_permalink ());
//if ($permalink && ($response = $http->get($permalink, true)) && $response['status_code'] < 300) {
// Allowing error codes - some sites return correct content with error status
// e.g. prospectmagazine.co.uk returns 403
if ( $permalink && ( $response = $http -> get ( $permalink , true )) && ( $response [ 'status_code' ] < 300 || $response [ 'status_code' ] > 400 )) {
$effective_url = $response [ 'effective_url' ];
if ( ! url_allowed ( $effective_url )) continue ;
// check if action defined for returned Content-Type
$mime_info = get_mime_action_info ( $response [ 'headers' ]);
if ( isset ( $mime_info [ 'action' ])) {
if ( $mime_info [ 'action' ] == 'exclude' ) {
continue ; // skip this feed item entry
} elseif ( $mime_info [ 'action' ] == 'link' ) {
if ( $mime_info [ 'type' ] == 'image' ) {
$html = " <a href= \" $effective_url\ " >< img src = \ " $effective_url\ " alt = \ " { $mime_info [ 'name' ] } \" /></a> " ;
} else {
$html = " <a href= \" $effective_url\ " > Download { $mime_info [ 'name' ]} </ a > " ;
$extracted_title = $mime_info [ 'name' ];
$do_content_extraction = false ;
if ( $do_content_extraction ) {
$html = $response [ 'body' ];
// remove strange things
$html = str_replace ( '</[>' , '' , $html );
$html = convert_to_utf8 ( $html , $response [ 'headers' ]);
// check site config for single page URL - fetch it if found
$is_single_page = false ;
if ( $single_page_response = getSinglePage ( $item , $html , $effective_url )) {
$is_single_page = true ;
$html = $single_page_response [ 'body' ];
// remove strange things
$html = str_replace ( '</[>' , '' , $html );
$html = convert_to_utf8 ( $html , $single_page_response [ 'headers' ]);
$effective_url = $single_page_response [ 'effective_url' ];
debug ( " Retrieved single-page view from $effective_url " );
unset ( $single_page_response );
debug ( '--------' );
debug ( 'Attempting to extract content' );
$extract_result = $extractor -> process ( $html , $effective_url );
$readability = $extractor -> readability ;
$content_block = ( $extract_result ) ? $extractor -> getContent () : null ;
$extracted_title = ( $extract_result ) ? $extractor -> getTitle () : '' ;
// Deal with multi-page articles
//die('Next: '.$extractor->getNextPageUrl());
$is_multi_page = ( ! $is_single_page && $extract_result && $extractor -> getNextPageUrl ());
if ( $options -> multipage && $is_multi_page ) {
debug ( '--------' );
debug ( 'Attempting to process multi-page article' );
$multi_page_urls = array ();
$multi_page_content = array ();
while ( $next_page_url = $extractor -> getNextPageUrl ()) {
debug ( '--------' );
debug ( 'Processing next page: ' . $next_page_url );
// If we've got URL, resolve against $url
if ( $next_page_url = makeAbsoluteStr ( $effective_url , $next_page_url )) {
// check it's not what we have already!
if ( ! in_array ( $next_page_url , $multi_page_urls )) {
// it's not, so let's attempt to fetch it
$multi_page_urls [] = $next_page_url ;
$_prev_ref = $http -> referer ;
if (( $response = $http -> get ( $next_page_url , true )) && $response [ 'status_code' ] < 300 ) {
// make sure mime type is not something with a different action associated
$page_mime_info = get_mime_action_info ( $response [ 'headers' ]);
if ( ! isset ( $page_mime_info [ 'action' ])) {
$html = $response [ 'body' ];
// remove strange things
$html = str_replace ( '</[>' , '' , $html );
$html = convert_to_utf8 ( $html , $response [ 'headers' ]);
if ( $extractor -> process ( $html , $next_page_url )) {
$multi_page_content [] = $extractor -> getContent ();
continue ;
} else { debug ( 'Failed to extract content' ); }
} else { debug ( 'MIME type requires different action' ); }
} else { debug ( 'Failed to fetch URL' ); }
} else { debug ( 'URL already processed' ); }
} else { debug ( 'Failed to resolve against ' . $effective_url ); }
// failed to process next_page_url, so cancel further requests
$multi_page_content = array ();
break ;
// did we successfully deal with this multi-page article?
if ( empty ( $multi_page_content )) {
debug ( 'Failed to extract all parts of multi-page article, so not going to include them' );
$multi_page_content [] = $readability -> dom -> createElement ( 'p' ) -> innerHTML = '<em>This article appears to continue on subsequent pages which we could not extract</em>' ;
foreach ( $multi_page_content as $_page ) {
$_page = $content_block -> ownerDocument -> importNode ( $_page , true );
$content_block -> appendChild ( $_page );
unset ( $multi_page_urls , $multi_page_content , $page_mime_info , $next_page_url );
// use extracted title for both feed and item title if we're using single-item dummy feed
if ( $isDummyFeed ) {
$output -> setTitle ( $extracted_title );
$newitem -> setTitle ( $extracted_title );
} else {
// use extracted title instead of feed item title?
if ( ! $favour_feed_titles && $extracted_title != '' ) {
debug ( 'Using extracted title in generated feed' );
$newitem -> setTitle ( $extracted_title );
if ( $do_content_extraction ) {
// if we failed to extract content...
if ( ! $extract_result ) {
if ( $exclude_on_fail ) {
debug ( 'Failed to extract, so skipping (due to exclude on fail parameter)' );
continue ; // skip this and move to next item
//TODO: get text sample for language detection
$html = $options -> error_message ;
// keep the original item description
$html .= $item -> get_description ();
} else {
$readability -> clean ( $content_block , 'select' );
if ( $options -> rewrite_relative_urls ) makeAbsolute ( $effective_url , $content_block );
// footnotes
if (( $links == 'footnotes' ) && ( strpos ( $effective_url , 'wikipedia.org' ) === false )) {
$readability -> addFootnotes ( $content_block );
// remove nesting: <div><div><div><p>test</p></div></div></div> = <p>test</p>
while ( $content_block -> childNodes -> length == 1 && $content_block -> firstChild -> nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) {
// only follow these tag names
if ( ! in_array ( strtolower ( $content_block -> tagName ), array ( 'div' , 'article' , 'section' , 'header' , 'footer' ))) break ;
//$html = $content_block->firstChild->innerHTML; // FTR 2.9.5
$content_block = $content_block -> firstChild ;
// convert content block to HTML string
// Need to preserve things like body: //img[@id='feature']
if ( in_array ( strtolower ( $content_block -> tagName ), array ( 'div' , 'article' , 'section' , 'header' , 'footer' ))) {
$html = $content_block -> innerHTML ;
} else {
$html = $content_block -> ownerDocument -> saveXML ( $content_block ); // essentially outerHTML
unset ( $content_block );
// post-processing cleanup
$html = preg_replace ( '!<p>[\s\h\v]*</p>!u' , '' , $html );
if ( $links == 'remove' ) {
$html = preg_replace ( '!</?a[^>]*>!' , '' , $html );
// get text sample for language detection
$text_sample = strip_tags ( substr ( $html , 0 , 500 ));
$html = make_substitutions ( $options -> message_to_prepend ) . $html ;
$html .= make_substitutions ( $options -> message_to_append );
if ( $valid_key && isset ( $_GET [ 'pubsub' ])) { // used only on fivefilters.org at the moment
$newitem -> addElement ( 'guid' , 'http://fivefilters.org/content-only/redirect.php?url=' . urlencode ( $item -> get_permalink ()), array ( 'isPermaLink' => 'false' ));
} else {
$newitem -> addElement ( 'guid' , $item -> get_permalink (), array ( 'isPermaLink' => 'true' ));
// filter xss?
if ( $xss_filter ) {
debug ( 'Filtering HTML to remove XSS' );
$html = htmLawed :: hl ( $html , array ( 'safe' => 1 , 'deny_attribute' => 'style' , 'comment' => 1 , 'cdata' => 1 ));
$newitem -> setDescription ( $html );
// set date
if (( int ) $item -> get_date ( 'U' ) > 0 ) {
$newitem -> setDate (( int ) $item -> get_date ( 'U' ));
} elseif ( $extractor -> getDate ()) {
$newitem -> setDate ( $extractor -> getDate ());
// add authors
if ( $authors = $item -> get_authors ()) {
foreach ( $authors as $author ) {
// for some feeds, SimplePie stores author's name as email, e.g. http://feeds.feedburner.com/nymag/intel
if ( $author -> get_name () !== null ) {
$newitem -> addElement ( 'dc:creator' , $author -> get_name ());
} elseif ( $author -> get_email () !== null ) {
$newitem -> addElement ( 'dc:creator' , $author -> get_email ());
} elseif ( $authors = $extractor -> getAuthors ()) {
//TODO: make sure the list size is reasonable
foreach ( $authors as $author ) {
// TODO: xpath often selects authors from other articles linked from the page.
// for now choose first item
$newitem -> addElement ( 'dc:creator' , $author );
break ;
// add language
if ( $detect_language ) {
$language = $extractor -> getLanguage ();
if ( ! $language ) $language = $feed -> get_language ();
if (( $detect_language == 3 || ( ! $language && $detect_language == 2 )) && $text_sample ) {
try {
if ( $use_cld ) {
// Use PHP-CLD extension
$php_cld = 'CLD\detect' ; // in quotes to prevent PHP 5.2 parse error
$res = $php_cld ( $text_sample );
if ( is_array ( $res ) && count ( $res ) > 0 ) {
$language = $res [ 0 ][ 'code' ];
} else {
// Use PEAR's Text_LanguageDetect
if ( ! isset ( $l )) {
$l = new Text_LanguageDetect ( 'libraries/language-detect/lang.dat' , 'libraries/language-detect/unicode_blocks.dat' );
$l_result = $l -> detect ( $text_sample , 1 );
if ( count ( $l_result ) > 0 ) {
$language = $language_codes [ key ( $l_result )];
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
//die('error: '.$e);
// do nothing
if ( $language && ( strlen ( $language ) < 7 )) {
$newitem -> addElement ( 'dc:language' , $language );
// add MIME type (if it appeared in our exclusions lists)
if ( isset ( $mime_info [ 'mime' ])) $newitem -> addElement ( 'dc:format' , $mime_info [ 'mime' ]);
// add effective URL (URL after redirects)
if ( isset ( $effective_url )) {
//TODO: ensure $effective_url is valid witout - sometimes it causes problems, e.g.
//http://www.siasat.pk/forum/showthread.php?108883-Pakistan-Chowk-by-Rana-Mubashir-<2D> -25th-March-2012-Special-Program-from-Liari-(Karachi)
//temporary measure: use utf8_encode()
$newitem -> addElement ( 'dc:identifier' , remove_url_cruft ( utf8_encode ( $effective_url )));
} else {
$newitem -> addElement ( 'dc:identifier' , remove_url_cruft ( $item -> get_permalink ()));
// add categories
if ( $categories = $item -> get_categories ()) {
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
if ( $category -> get_label () !== null ) {
$newitem -> addElement ( 'category' , $category -> get_label ());
// check for enclosures
if ( $options -> keep_enclosures ) {
if ( $enclosures = $item -> get_enclosures ()) {
foreach ( $enclosures as $enclosure ) {
// thumbnails
foreach (( array ) $enclosure -> get_thumbnails () as $thumbnail ) {
$newitem -> addElement ( 'media:thumbnail' , '' , array ( 'url' => $thumbnail ));
if ( ! $enclosure -> get_link ()) continue ;
$enc = array ();
// Media RSS spec ($enc): http://search.yahoo.com/mrss
// SimplePie methods ($enclosure): http://simplepie.org/wiki/reference/start#methods4
$enc [ 'url' ] = $enclosure -> get_link ();
if ( $enclosure -> get_length ()) $enc [ 'fileSize' ] = $enclosure -> get_length ();
if ( $enclosure -> get_type ()) $enc [ 'type' ] = $enclosure -> get_type ();
if ( $enclosure -> get_medium ()) $enc [ 'medium' ] = $enclosure -> get_medium ();
if ( $enclosure -> get_expression ()) $enc [ 'expression' ] = $enclosure -> get_expression ();
if ( $enclosure -> get_bitrate ()) $enc [ 'bitrate' ] = $enclosure -> get_bitrate ();
if ( $enclosure -> get_framerate ()) $enc [ 'framerate' ] = $enclosure -> get_framerate ();
if ( $enclosure -> get_sampling_rate ()) $enc [ 'samplingrate' ] = $enclosure -> get_sampling_rate ();
if ( $enclosure -> get_channels ()) $enc [ 'channels' ] = $enclosure -> get_channels ();
if ( $enclosure -> get_duration ()) $enc [ 'duration' ] = $enclosure -> get_duration ();
if ( $enclosure -> get_height ()) $enc [ 'height' ] = $enclosure -> get_height ();
if ( $enclosure -> get_width ()) $enc [ 'width' ] = $enclosure -> get_width ();
if ( $enclosure -> get_language ()) $enc [ 'lang' ] = $enclosure -> get_language ();
$newitem -> addElement ( 'media:content' , '' , $enc );
/* } */
$output -> addItem ( $newitem );
unset ( $html );
$item_count ++ ;
// output feed
debug ( 'Done!' );
if ( $debug_mode ) {
$_apc_data = apc_cache_info ( 'user' );
var_dump ( $_apc_data ); exit ;
if ( ! $debug_mode ) {
if ( $callback ) echo " $callback ( " ; // if $callback is set, $format also == 'json'
if ( $format == 'json' ) $output -> setFormat (( $callback === null ) ? JSON : JSONP );
$add_to_cache = $options -> caching ;
// is smart cache mode enabled?
if ( $add_to_cache && $options -> apc && $options -> smart_cache ) {
// yes, so only cache if this is the second request for this URL
$add_to_cache = ( $apc_cache_hits >= 2 );
// purge cache
if ( $options -> cache_cleanup > 0 ) {
if ( rand ( 1 , $options -> cache_cleanup ) == 1 ) {
// apc purge code adapted from from http://www.thimbleopensource.com/tutorials-snippets/php-apc-expunge-script
$_apc_data = apc_cache_info ( 'user' );
foreach ( $_apc_data [ 'cache_list' ] as $_apc_item ) {
if ( $_apc_item [ 'ttl' ] > 0 && ( $_apc_item [ 'ttl' ] + $_apc_item [ 'creation_time' ] < time ())) {
apc_delete ( $_apc_item [ 'info' ]);
if ( $add_to_cache ) {
ob_start ();
$output -> genarateFeed ();
$output = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
if ( $html_only && $item_count == 0 ) {
// do not cache - in case of temporary server glitch at source URL
} else {
$cache = get_cache ();
if ( $add_to_cache ) $cache -> save ( $output , $cache_id );
echo $output ;
} else {
$output -> genarateFeed ();
if ( $callback ) echo ');' ;
function url_allowed ( $url ) {
global $options ;
if ( ! empty ( $options -> allowed_urls )) {
$allowed = false ;
foreach ( $options -> allowed_urls as $allowurl ) {
if ( stristr ( $url , $allowurl ) !== false ) {
$allowed = true ;
break ;
if ( ! $allowed ) return false ;
} else {
foreach ( $options -> blocked_urls as $blockurl ) {
if ( stristr ( $url , $blockurl ) !== false ) {
return false ;
return true ;
// Convert $html to UTF8
// (uses HTTP headers and HTML to find encoding)
// adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/910793/php-detect-encoding-and-make-everything-utf-8
function convert_to_utf8 ( $html , $header = null )
$encoding = null ;
if ( $html || $header ) {
if ( is_array ( $header )) $header = implode ( " \n " , $header );
if ( ! $header || ! preg_match_all ( '/^Content-Type:\s+([^;]+)(?:;\s*charset=["\']?([^;"\'\n]*))?/im' , $header , $match , PREG_SET_ORDER )) {
// error parsing the response
debug ( 'Could not find Content-Type header in HTTP response' );
} else {
$match = end ( $match ); // get last matched element (in case of redirects)
if ( isset ( $match [ 2 ])) $encoding = trim ( $match [ 2 ], " \" ' \r \n \0 \x0B \t " );
// TODO: check to see if encoding is supported (can we convert it?)
// If it's not, result will be empty string.
// For now we'll check for invalid encoding types returned by some sites, e.g. 'none'
// Problem URL: http://facta.co.jp/blog/archives/20111026001026.html
if ( ! $encoding || $encoding == 'none' ) {
// search for encoding in HTML - only look at the first 50000 characters
// Why 50000? See, for example, http://www.lemonde.fr/festival-de-cannes/article/2012/05/23/deux-cretes-en-goguette-sur-la-croisette_1705732_766360.html
// TODO: improve this so it looks at smaller chunks first
$html_head = substr ( $html , 0 , 50000 );
if ( preg_match ( '/^<\?xml\s+version=(?:"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\')\s+encoding=("[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\')/s' , $html_head , $match )) {
$encoding = trim ( $match [ 1 ], '"\'' );
} elseif ( preg_match ( '/<meta\s+http-equiv=["\']?Content-Type["\']? content=["\'][^;]+;\s*charset=["\']?([^;"\'>]+)/i' , $html_head , $match )) {
$encoding = trim ( $match [ 1 ]);
} elseif ( preg_match_all ( '/<meta\s+([^>]+)>/i' , $html_head , $match )) {
foreach ( $match [ 1 ] as $_test ) {
if ( preg_match ( '/charset=["\']?([^"\']+)/i' , $_test , $_m )) {
$encoding = trim ( $_m [ 1 ]);
break ;
if ( isset ( $encoding )) $encoding = trim ( $encoding );
// trim is important here!
if ( ! $encoding || ( strtolower ( $encoding ) == 'iso-8859-1' )) {
// replace MS Word smart qutoes
$trans = array ();
$trans [ chr ( 130 )] = '‚' ; // Single Low-9 Quotation Mark
$trans [ chr ( 131 )] = 'ƒ' ; // Latin Small Letter F With Hook
$trans [ chr ( 132 )] = '„' ; // Double Low-9 Quotation Mark
$trans [ chr ( 133 )] = '…' ; // Horizontal Ellipsis
$trans [ chr ( 134 )] = '†' ; // Dagger
$trans [ chr ( 135 )] = '‡' ; // Double Dagger
$trans [ chr ( 136 )] = 'ˆ' ; // Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent
$trans [ chr ( 137 )] = '‰' ; // Per Mille Sign
$trans [ chr ( 138 )] = 'Š' ; // Latin Capital Letter S With Caron
$trans [ chr ( 139 )] = '‹' ; // Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
$trans [ chr ( 140 )] = 'Œ' ; // Latin Capital Ligature OE
$trans [ chr ( 145 )] = '‘' ; // Left Single Quotation Mark
$trans [ chr ( 146 )] = '’' ; // Right Single Quotation Mark
$trans [ chr ( 147 )] = '“' ; // Left Double Quotation Mark
$trans [ chr ( 148 )] = '”' ; // Right Double Quotation Mark
$trans [ chr ( 149 )] = '•' ; // Bullet
$trans [ chr ( 150 )] = '–' ; // En Dash
$trans [ chr ( 151 )] = '—' ; // Em Dash
$trans [ chr ( 152 )] = '˜' ; // Small Tilde
$trans [ chr ( 153 )] = '™' ; // Trade Mark Sign
$trans [ chr ( 154 )] = 'š' ; // Latin Small Letter S With Caron
$trans [ chr ( 155 )] = '›' ; // Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark
$trans [ chr ( 156 )] = 'œ' ; // Latin Small Ligature OE
$trans [ chr ( 159 )] = 'Ÿ' ; // Latin Capital Letter Y With Diaeresis
$html = strtr ( $html , $trans );
if ( ! $encoding ) {
debug ( 'No character encoding found, so treating as UTF-8' );
$encoding = 'utf-8' ;
} else {
debug ( 'Character encoding: ' . $encoding );
if ( strtolower ( $encoding ) != 'utf-8' ) {
debug ( 'Converting to UTF-8' );
$html = SimplePie_Misc :: change_encoding ( $html , $encoding , 'utf-8' );
if ( function_exists ( 'iconv' )) {
// iconv appears to handle certain character encodings better than mb_convert_encoding
$html = iconv ( $encoding , 'utf-8' , $html );
} else {
$html = mb_convert_encoding ( $html , 'utf-8' , $encoding );
return $html ;
function makeAbsolute ( $base , $elem ) {
$base = new SimplePie_IRI ( $base );
// remove '//' in URL path (used to prevent URLs from resolving properly)
// TODO: check if this is still the case
if ( isset ( $base -> path )) $base -> path = preg_replace ( '!//+!' , '/' , $base -> path );
foreach ( array ( 'a' => 'href' , 'img' => 'src' ) as $tag => $attr ) {
$elems = $elem -> getElementsByTagName ( $tag );
for ( $i = $elems -> length - 1 ; $i >= 0 ; $i -- ) {
$e = $elems -> item ( $i );
//$e->parentNode->replaceChild($articleContent->ownerDocument->createTextNode($e->textContent), $e);
makeAbsoluteAttr ( $base , $e , $attr );
if ( strtolower ( $elem -> tagName ) == $tag ) makeAbsoluteAttr ( $base , $elem , $attr );
function makeAbsoluteAttr ( $base , $e , $attr ) {
if ( $e -> hasAttribute ( $attr )) {
// Trim leading and trailing white space. I don't really like this but
// unfortunately it does appear on some sites. e.g. <img src=" /path/to/image.jpg" />
$url = trim ( str_replace ( '%20' , ' ' , $e -> getAttribute ( $attr )));
$url = str_replace ( ' ' , '%20' , $url );
if ( ! preg_match ( '!https?://!i' , $url )) {
if ( $absolute = SimplePie_IRI :: absolutize ( $base , $url )) {
$e -> setAttribute ( $attr , $absolute );
function makeAbsoluteStr ( $base , $url ) {
$base = new SimplePie_IRI ( $base );
// remove '//' in URL path (causes URLs not to resolve properly)
if ( isset ( $base -> path )) $base -> path = preg_replace ( '!//+!' , '/' , $base -> path );
if ( preg_match ( '!^https?://!i' , $url )) {
// already absolute
return $url ;
} else {
if ( $absolute = SimplePie_IRI :: absolutize ( $base , $url )) {
return $absolute ;
return false ;
// returns single page response, or false if not found
function getSinglePage ( $item , $html , $url ) {
global $http , $extractor ;
debug ( 'Looking for site config files to see if single page link exists' );
$site_config = $extractor -> buildSiteConfig ( $url , $html );
$splink = null ;
if ( ! empty ( $site_config -> single_page_link )) {
$splink = $site_config -> single_page_link ;
} elseif ( ! empty ( $site_config -> single_page_link_in_feed )) {
// single page link xpath is targeted at feed
$splink = $site_config -> single_page_link_in_feed ;
// so let's replace HTML with feed item description
$html = $item -> get_description ();
if ( isset ( $splink )) {
// Build DOM tree from HTML
$readability = new Readability ( $html , $url );
$xpath = new DOMXPath ( $readability -> dom );
// Loop through single_page_link xpath expressions
$single_page_url = null ;
foreach ( $splink as $pattern ) {
$elems = @ $xpath -> evaluate ( $pattern , $readability -> dom );
if ( is_string ( $elems )) {
$single_page_url = trim ( $elems );
break ;
} elseif ( $elems instanceof DOMNodeList && $elems -> length > 0 ) {
foreach ( $elems as $item ) {
if ( $item instanceof DOMElement && $item -> hasAttribute ( 'href' )) {
$single_page_url = $item -> getAttribute ( 'href' );
break 2 ;
} elseif ( $item instanceof DOMAttr && $item -> value ) {
$single_page_url = $item -> value ;
break 2 ;
// If we've got URL, resolve against $url
if ( isset ( $single_page_url ) && ( $single_page_url = makeAbsoluteStr ( $url , $single_page_url ))) {
// check it's not what we have already!
if ( $single_page_url != $url ) {
// it's not, so let's try to fetch it...
$_prev_ref = $http -> referer ;
$http -> referer = $single_page_url ;
if (( $response = $http -> get ( $single_page_url , true )) && $response [ 'status_code' ] < 300 ) {
$http -> referer = $_prev_ref ;
return $response ;
$http -> referer = $_prev_ref ;
return false ;
// based on content-type http header, decide what to do
// param: HTTP headers string
// return: array with keys: 'mime', 'type', 'subtype', 'action', 'name'
// e.g. array('mime'=>'image/jpeg', 'type'=>'image', 'subtype'=>'jpeg', 'action'=>'link', 'name'=>'Image')
function get_mime_action_info ( $headers ) {
global $options ;
// check if action defined for returned Content-Type
$info = array ();
if ( preg_match ( '!^Content-Type:\s*(([-\w]+)/([-\w\+]+))!im' , $headers , $match )) {
// look for full mime type (e.g. image/jpeg) or just type (e.g. image)
// match[1] = full mime type, e.g. image/jpeg
// match[2] = first part, e.g. image
// match[3] = last part, e.g. jpeg
$info [ 'mime' ] = strtolower ( trim ( $match [ 1 ]));
$info [ 'type' ] = strtolower ( trim ( $match [ 2 ]));
$info [ 'subtype' ] = strtolower ( trim ( $match [ 3 ]));
foreach ( array ( $info [ 'mime' ], $info [ 'type' ]) as $_mime ) {
if ( isset ( $options -> content_type_exc [ $_mime ])) {
$info [ 'action' ] = $options -> content_type_exc [ $_mime ][ 'action' ];
$info [ 'name' ] = $options -> content_type_exc [ $_mime ][ 'name' ];
break ;
return $info ;
function remove_url_cruft ( $url ) {
// remove google analytics for the time being
// regex adapted from http://navitronic.co.uk/2010/12/removing-google-analytics-cruft-from-urls/
// https://gist.github.com/758177
return preg_replace ( '/(\?|\&)utm_[a-z]+=[^\&]+/' , '' , $url );
function make_substitutions ( $string ) {
if ( $string == '' ) return $string ;
global $item , $effective_url ;
$string = str_replace ( '{url}' , htmlspecialchars ( $item -> get_permalink ()), $string );
$string = str_replace ( '{effective-url}' , htmlspecialchars ( $effective_url ), $string );
return $string ;
function get_cache () {
global $options , $valid_key ;
static $cache = null ;
if ( $cache === null ) {
$frontendOptions = array (
'lifetime' => 10 * 60 , // cache lifetime of 10 minutes
'automatic_serialization' => false ,
'write_control' => false ,
'automatic_cleaning_factor' => $options -> cache_cleanup ,
'ignore_user_abort' => false
$backendOptions = array (
'cache_dir' => ( $valid_key ) ? $options -> cache_dir . '/rss-with-key/' : $options -> cache_dir . '/rss/' , // directory where to put the cache files
'file_locking' => false ,
'read_control' => true ,
'read_control_type' => 'strlen' ,
'hashed_directory_level' => $options -> cache_directory_level ,
'hashed_directory_perm' => 0777 ,
'cache_file_perm' => 0664 ,
'file_name_prefix' => 'ff'
// getting a Zend_Cache_Core object
$cache = Zend_Cache :: factory ( 'Core' , 'File' , $frontendOptions , $backendOptions );
return $cache ;
function debug ( $msg ) {
global $debug_mode ;
if ( $debug_mode ) {
echo '* ' , $msg , " \n " ;
ob_flush ();
flush ();