2024-03-10 17:30:29 +01:00
< ? php
declare ( strict_types = 1 );
namespace Application\Migrations ;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySQLPlatform ;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\PostgreSQLPlatform ;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SqlitePlatform ;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema ;
use Wallabag\Doctrine\WallabagMigration ;
final class Version20240310150000 extends WallabagMigration
public function getDescription () : string
return 'Fix schema' ;
public function up ( Schema $schema ) : void
switch ( true ) {
case $this -> platform instanceof MySQLPlatform :
$this -> abortIf ( $this -> connection -> executeQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'annotation' ) . ' WHERE text IS NULL' ) -> fetchOne () > 0 , 'There are rows in the table "' . $this -> getTable ( 'annotation' ) . '" with null value on "text" column.' );
$this -> abortIf ( $this -> connection -> executeQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' WHERE is_not_parsed IS NULL' ) -> fetchOne () > 0 , 'There are rows in the table "' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . '" with null value on "is_not_parsed" column.' );
$this -> abortIf ( $this -> connection -> executeQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . ' WHERE label IS NULL' ) -> fetchOne () > 0 , 'There are rows in the table "' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . '" with null value on "label" column.' );
$this -> abortIf ( $this -> connection -> executeQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . ' WHERE slug IS NULL' ) -> fetchOne () > 0 , 'There are rows in the table "' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . '" with null value on "slug" column.' );
break ;
case $this -> platform instanceof PostgreSQLPlatform :
$this -> abortIf ( $this -> connection -> executeQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' WHERE is_not_parsed IS NULL' ) -> fetchOne () > 0 , 'There are rows in the table "' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . '" with null value on "is_not_parsed" column.' );
$this -> abortIf ( $this -> connection -> executeQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' ) . ' WHERE id IS NULL' ) -> fetchOne () > 0 , 'There are rows in the table "' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' ) . '" with null value on "id" column.' );
$this -> abortIf ( $this -> connection -> executeQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_instance_rule' ) . ' WHERE id IS NULL' ) -> fetchOne () > 0 , 'There are rows in the table "' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_instance_rule' ) . '" with null value on "id" column.' );
$this -> abortIf ( $this -> connection -> executeQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'site_credential' ) . ' WHERE id IS NULL' ) -> fetchOne () > 0 , 'There are rows in the table "' . $this -> getTable ( 'site_credential' ) . '" with null value on "id" column.' );
break ;
case $this -> platform instanceof SqlitePlatform :
$this -> abortIf ( $this -> connection -> executeQuery ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' WHERE is_not_parsed IS NULL' ) -> fetchOne () > 0 , 'There are rows in the table "' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . '" with null value on "is_not_parsed" column.' );
break ;
switch ( true ) {
case $this -> platform instanceof MySQLPlatform :
$this -> write ( 'Align database schema with Doctrine metadata.' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' CHANGE name name LONGTEXT NOT NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' CHANGE salt salt VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' CHANGE password password VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' CHANGE googleAuthenticatorSecret googleAuthenticatorSecret VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' CHANGE published_by published_by LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL COMMENT \'(DC2Type:array)\';' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' CHANGE headers headers LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL COMMENT \'(DC2Type:array)\';' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' CHANGE hashed_url hashed_url VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' CHANGE hashed_given_url hashed_given_url VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' CHANGE is_not_parsed is_not_parsed TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . ' CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . ' CHANGE label label LONGTEXT NOT NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . ' CHANGE slug slug VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'annotation' ) . ' CHANGE text text LONGTEXT NOT NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'annotation' ) . ' CHANGE quote quote LONGTEXT NOT NULL;' );
break ;
case $this -> platform instanceof PostgreSQLPlatform :
$this -> write ( 'Align database schema with Doctrine metadata.' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' ALTER name TYPE TEXT;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_instance_rule' ) . ' ALTER id DROP DEFAULT;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' ALTER salt DROP NOT NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' ALTER confirmation_token TYPE VARCHAR(180);' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' ALTER googleauthenticatorsecret TYPE VARCHAR(255);' );
$this -> addSql ( 'COMMENT ON COLUMN ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . '.published_by IS \'(DC2Type:array)\';' );
$this -> addSql ( 'COMMENT ON COLUMN ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . '.headers IS \'(DC2Type:array)\';' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' ALTER hashed_url TYPE VARCHAR(40);' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' ALTER hashed_given_url TYPE VARCHAR(40);' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' ALTER is_not_parsed SET NOT NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'site_credential' ) . ' ALTER id DROP DEFAULT;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' ) . ' ALTER id DROP DEFAULT;' );
break ;
if ( $this -> platform instanceof MySQLPlatform || $this -> platform instanceof PostgreSQLPlatform ) {
$this -> write ( 'Synchronize indexes and foreign keys with the default naming convention.' );
$this -> renameForeignKey ( 'annotation' , 'FK_A7AED006A76ED395' , 'user' , 'user_id' );
$this -> renameForeignKey ( 'annotation' , 'FK_annotation_entry' , 'entry' , 'entry_id' , true );
$this -> renameForeignKey ( 'config' , 'FK_87E64C53A76ED395' , 'user' , 'user_id' );
$this -> renameForeignKey ( 'entry' , 'FK_F4D18282A76ED395' , 'user' , 'user_id' );
$this -> renameForeignKey ( 'entry_tag' , 'FK_entry_tag_entry' , 'entry' , 'entry_id' , true );
$this -> renameForeignKey ( 'entry_tag' , 'FK_entry_tag_tag' , 'tag' , 'tag_id' , true );
$this -> renameForeignKey ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' , 'fk_config' , 'config' , 'config_id' );
$this -> renameForeignKey ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' , 'FK_368A4209A76ED395' , 'user' , 'user_id' , true );
$this -> renameForeignKey ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' , 'FK_368A420919EB6921' , 'oauth2_clients' , 'client_id' );
$this -> renameForeignKey ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' , 'FK_EE52E3FA19EB6921' , 'oauth2_clients' , 'client_id' );
$this -> renameForeignKey ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' , 'FK_EE52E3FAA76ED395' , 'user' , 'user_id' , true );
$this -> renameForeignKey ( 'oauth2_clients' , 'FK_635D765EA76ED395' , 'user' , 'user_id' );
$this -> renameForeignKey ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' , 'FK_20C9FB24A76ED395' , 'user' , 'user_id' , true );
$this -> renameForeignKey ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' , 'FK_20C9FB2419EB6921' , 'oauth2_clients' , 'client_id' );
$this -> renameForeignKey ( 'site_credential' , 'fk_user' , 'user' , 'user_id' );
$this -> renameForeignKey ( 'tagging_rule' , 'FK_2D9B3C5424DB0683' , 'config' , 'config_id' );
$this -> renameIndex ( 'annotation' , 'idx_a7aed006a76ed395' , 'user_id' );
$this -> renameIndex ( 'annotation' , 'idx_a7aed006ba364942' , 'entry_id' );
$this -> renameIndex ( 'config' , 'config_feed_token' , 'feed_token' );
$this -> renameIndex ( 'entry' , 'hashed_given_url_user_id' , [ 'user_id' , 'hashed_given_url' ]);
$this -> renameIndex ( 'entry' , 'hashed_url_user_id' , [ 'user_id' , 'hashed_url' ]);
$this -> renameIndex ( 'entry' , 'idx_entry_created_at' , 'created_at' );
$this -> renameIndex ( 'entry' , 'idx_entry_uid' , 'uid' );
$this -> renameIndex ( 'entry' , 'idx_f4d18282a76ed395' , 'user_id' );
$this -> renameIndex ( 'entry' , 'user_archived' , [ 'user_id' , 'is_archived' , 'archived_at' ]);
$this -> renameIndex ( 'entry' , 'user_created' , [ 'user_id' , 'created_at' ]);
$this -> renameIndex ( 'entry' , 'user_language' , [ 'language' , 'user_id' ]);
$this -> renameIndex ( 'entry' , 'user_starred' , [ 'user_id' , 'is_starred' , 'starred_at' ]);
$this -> renameIndex ( 'entry_tag' , 'idx_c9f0dd7cba364942' , 'entry_id' );
$this -> renameIndex ( 'entry_tag' , 'idx_c9f0dd7cbad26311' , 'tag_id' );
$this -> renameIndex ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' , 'idx_config' , 'config_id' );
$this -> renameIndex ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' , 'idx_368a4209a76ed395' , 'user_id' );
$this -> renameIndex ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' , 'idx_368a420919eb6921' , 'client_id' );
$this -> renameIndex ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' , 'IDX_EE52E3FA19EB6921' , 'client_id' );
$this -> renameIndex ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' , 'IDX_EE52E3FAA76ED395' , 'user_id' );
$this -> renameIndex ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' , 'idx_20c9fb24a76ed395' , 'user_id' );
$this -> renameIndex ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' , 'idx_20c9fb2419eb6921' , 'client_id' );
$this -> renameIndex ( 'site_credential' , 'idx_user' , 'user_id' );
$this -> renameIndex ( 'tag' , 'tag_label' , 'label' );
$this -> renameIndex ( 'tagging_rule' , 'idx_2d9b3c5424db0683' , 'config_id' );
$this -> renameUniqueIndex ( 'config' , 'uniq_87e64c53a76ed395' , 'user_id' );
$this -> renameUniqueIndex ( 'tag' , 'uniq_4ca58a8c989d9b62' , 'slug' );
$this -> renameUniqueIndex ( 'user' , 'uniq_1d63e7e5a0d96fbf' , 'email_canonical' );
$this -> renameUniqueIndex ( 'user' , 'uniq_1d63e7e5c05fb297' , 'confirmation_token' );
$this -> renameUniqueIndex ( 'user' , 'uniq_1d63e7e592fc23a8' , 'username_canonical' );
$this -> renameUniqueIndex ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' , 'UNIQ_368A42095F37A13B' , 'token' );
$this -> renameUniqueIndex ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' , 'UNIQ_EE52E3FA5F37A13B' , 'token' );
$this -> renameUniqueIndex ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' , 'UNIQ_20C9FB245F37A13B' , 'token' );
$this -> dropIndex ( 'entry' , 'is_archived' , 'IDX_entry_archived' );
$this -> dropIndex ( 'entry' , 'is_starred' , 'IDX_entry_starred' );
$this -> dropUniqueIndex ( 'internal_setting' , 'name' , 'UNIQ_5D9649505E237E06' );
if ( $this -> platform instanceof SqlitePlatform ) {
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_annotation AS SELECT id, user_id, entry_id, text, created_at, updated_at, quote, ranges FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'annotation' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'annotation' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'annotation' ) . ' ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL , user_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL , entry_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL , text CLOB NOT NULL , created_at DATETIME NOT NULL , updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL , quote CLOB NOT NULL , ranges CLOB NOT NULL -- ( DC2Type : array )
, CONSTRAINT ' . $this->getForeignKeyName(' annotation ', ' user_id ') . ' FOREIGN KEY ( user_id ) REFERENCES ' . $this->getTable(' user ') . ' ( id ) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE , CONSTRAINT ' . $this->getForeignKeyName(' annotation ', ' entry_id ') . ' FOREIGN KEY ( entry_id ) REFERENCES ' . $this->getTable(' entry ') . ' ( id ) ON DELETE CASCADE NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ) ' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'annotation' ) . ' (id, user_id, entry_id, text, created_at, updated_at, quote, ranges) SELECT id, user_id, entry_id, text, created_at, updated_at, quote, ranges FROM __temp__wallabag_annotation' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_annotation' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'annotation' , 'user_id' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'annotation' ) . ' (user_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'annotation' , 'entry_id' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'annotation' ) . ' (entry_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_config AS SELECT id, user_id, items_per_page, language, reading_speed, pocket_consumer_key, action_mark_as_read, list_mode, feed_token, feed_limit, display_thumbnails, custom_css, font, fontsize, line_height, max_width FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'config' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'config' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'config' ) . ' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, items_per_page INTEGER NOT NULL, language VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, reading_speed DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT NULL, pocket_consumer_key VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, action_mark_as_read INTEGER DEFAULT 0, list_mode INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, feed_token VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, feed_limit INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, display_thumbnails INTEGER DEFAULT 1, custom_css CLOB DEFAULT NULL, font CLOB DEFAULT NULL, fontsize DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT NULL, line_height DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT NULL, max_width DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT ' . $this -> getForeignKeyName ( 'config' , 'user_id' ) . ' FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' (id) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'config' ) . ' (id, user_id, items_per_page, language, reading_speed, pocket_consumer_key, action_mark_as_read, list_mode, feed_token, feed_limit, display_thumbnails, custom_css, font, fontsize, line_height, max_width) SELECT id, user_id, items_per_page, language, reading_speed, pocket_consumer_key, action_mark_as_read, list_mode, feed_token, feed_limit, display_thumbnails, custom_css, font, fontsize, line_height, max_width FROM __temp__wallabag_config' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_config' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ' . $this -> getUniqueIndexName ( 'config' , 'user_id' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'config' ) . ' (user_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'config' , 'feed_token' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'config' ) . ' (feed_token)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_entry AS SELECT id, user_id, title, url, is_archived, is_starred, content, created_at, updated_at, mimetype, domain_name, preview_picture, uid, http_status, published_at, starred_at, origin_url, archived_at, given_url, reading_time, published_by, headers, hashed_url, hashed_given_url, language, is_not_parsed FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL , user_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL , title CLOB DEFAULT NULL , url CLOB DEFAULT NULL , is_archived BOOLEAN NOT NULL , is_starred BOOLEAN NOT NULL , content CLOB DEFAULT NULL , created_at DATETIME NOT NULL , updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL , mimetype CLOB DEFAULT NULL , domain_name CLOB DEFAULT NULL , preview_picture CLOB DEFAULT NULL , uid VARCHAR ( 23 ) DEFAULT NULL , http_status VARCHAR ( 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , published_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL , starred_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL , origin_url CLOB DEFAULT NULL , archived_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL , given_url CLOB DEFAULT NULL , reading_time INTEGER NOT NULL , published_by CLOB DEFAULT NULL -- ( DC2Type : array )
, headers CLOB DEFAULT NULL -- ( DC2Type : array )
, hashed_url VARCHAR ( 40 ) DEFAULT NULL , hashed_given_url VARCHAR ( 40 ) DEFAULT NULL , language VARCHAR ( 20 ) DEFAULT NULL , is_not_parsed BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT ' . $this->getForeignKeyName(' entry ', ' user_id ') . ' FOREIGN KEY ( user_id ) REFERENCES ' . $this->getTable(' user ') . ' ( id ) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ) ' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (id, user_id, title, url, is_archived, is_starred, content, created_at, updated_at, mimetype, domain_name, preview_picture, uid, http_status, published_at, starred_at, origin_url, archived_at, given_url, reading_time, published_by, headers, hashed_url, hashed_given_url, language, is_not_parsed) SELECT id, user_id, title, url, is_archived, is_starred, content, created_at, updated_at, mimetype, domain_name, preview_picture, uid, http_status, published_at, starred_at, origin_url, archived_at, given_url, reading_time, published_by, headers, hashed_url, hashed_given_url, language, is_not_parsed FROM __temp__wallabag_entry' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_entry' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'entry' , 'user_id' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (user_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'entry' , 'created_at' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (created_at)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'entry' , 'uid' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (uid)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'entry' , [ 'user_id' , 'hashed_url' ]) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (user_id, hashed_url)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'entry' , [ 'user_id' , 'hashed_given_url' ]) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (user_id, hashed_given_url)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'entry' , [ 'language' , 'user_id' ]) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (language, user_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'entry' , [ 'user_id' , 'is_archived' , 'archived_at' ]) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (user_id, is_archived, archived_at)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'entry' , [ 'user_id' , 'created_at' ]) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (user_id, created_at)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'entry' , [ 'user_id' , 'is_starred' , 'starred_at' ]) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (user_id, is_starred, starred_at)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_entry_tag AS SELECT entry_id, tag_id FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry_tag' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry_tag' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry_tag' ) . ' (entry_id INTEGER NOT NULL, tag_id INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(entry_id, tag_id), CONSTRAINT ' . $this -> getForeignKeyName ( 'entry_tag' , 'entry_id' ) . ' FOREIGN KEY (entry_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (id) ON DELETE CASCADE NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE, CONSTRAINT ' . $this -> getForeignKeyName ( 'entry_tag' , 'tag_id' ) . ' FOREIGN KEY (tag_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . ' (id) ON DELETE CASCADE NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry_tag' ) . ' (entry_id, tag_id) SELECT entry_id, tag_id FROM __temp__wallabag_entry_tag' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_entry_tag' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'entry_tag' , 'tag_id' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry_tag' ) . ' (tag_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'entry_tag' , 'entry_id' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry_tag' ) . ' (entry_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_ignore_origin_user_rule AS SELECT id, config_id, rule FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' ) . ' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, config_id INTEGER NOT NULL, rule VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT ' . $this -> getForeignKeyName ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' , 'config_id' ) . ' FOREIGN KEY (config_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'config' ) . ' (id) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' ) . ' (id, config_id, rule) SELECT id, config_id, rule FROM __temp__wallabag_ignore_origin_user_rule' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_ignore_origin_user_rule' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' , 'config_id' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' ) . ' (config_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_internal_setting AS SELECT name, value, section FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'internal_setting' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'internal_setting' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'internal_setting' ) . ' (name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, value VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, section VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(name))' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'internal_setting' ) . ' (name, value, section) SELECT name, value, section FROM __temp__wallabag_internal_setting' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_internal_setting' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_oauth2_access_tokens AS SELECT id, client_id, user_id, expires_at, token, scope FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' ) . ' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, client_id INTEGER NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, expires_at INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, token VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, scope VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT ' . $this -> getForeignKeyName ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' , 'client_id' ) . ' FOREIGN KEY (client_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' (id) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE, CONSTRAINT ' . $this -> getForeignKeyName ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' , 'user_id' ) . ' FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' (id) ON DELETE CASCADE NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' ) . ' (id, client_id, user_id, expires_at, token, scope) SELECT id, client_id, user_id, expires_at, token, scope FROM __temp__wallabag_oauth2_access_tokens' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_oauth2_access_tokens' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' , 'client_id' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' ) . ' (client_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' , 'user_id' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' ) . ' (user_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ' . $this -> getUniqueIndexName ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' , 'token' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' ) . ' (token)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_oauth2_auth_codes AS SELECT id, client_id, user_id, redirect_uri, expires_at, token, scope FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' ) . ' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, client_id INTEGER NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, redirect_uri CLOB NOT NULL, expires_at INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, token VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, scope VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT ' . $this -> getForeignKeyName ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' , 'client_id' ) . ' FOREIGN KEY (client_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' (id) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE, CONSTRAINT ' . $this -> getForeignKeyName ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' , 'user_id' ) . ' FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' (id) ON DELETE CASCADE NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' ) . ' (id, client_id, user_id, redirect_uri, expires_at, token, scope) SELECT id, client_id, user_id, redirect_uri, expires_at, token, scope FROM __temp__wallabag_oauth2_auth_codes' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_oauth2_auth_codes' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' , 'client_id' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' ) . ' (client_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' , 'user_id' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' ) . ' (user_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ' . $this -> getUniqueIndexName ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' , 'token' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' ) . ' (token)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_oauth2_clients AS SELECT id, user_id, random_id, secret, name, redirect_uris, allowed_grant_types FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL , user_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL , random_id VARCHAR ( 255 ) NOT NULL , secret VARCHAR ( 255 ) NOT NULL , name CLOB NOT NULL , redirect_uris CLOB NOT NULL -- ( DC2Type : array )
, allowed_grant_types CLOB NOT NULL -- ( DC2Type : array )
, CONSTRAINT ' . $this->getForeignKeyName(' oauth2_clients ', ' user_id ') . ' FOREIGN KEY ( user_id ) REFERENCES ' . $this->getTable(' user ') . ' ( id ) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ) ' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' (id, user_id, random_id, secret, name, redirect_uris, allowed_grant_types) SELECT id, user_id, random_id, secret, name, redirect_uris, allowed_grant_types FROM __temp__wallabag_oauth2_clients' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_oauth2_clients' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'oauth2_clients' , 'user_id' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' (user_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_oauth2_refresh_tokens AS SELECT id, client_id, user_id, expires_at, token, scope FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' ) . ' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, client_id INTEGER NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, expires_at INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, token VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, scope VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT ' . $this -> getForeignKeyName ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' , 'client_id' ) . ' FOREIGN KEY (client_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' (id) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE, CONSTRAINT ' . $this -> getForeignKeyName ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' , 'user_id' ) . ' FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' (id) ON DELETE CASCADE NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' ) . ' (id, client_id, user_id, expires_at, token, scope) SELECT id, client_id, user_id, expires_at, token, scope FROM __temp__wallabag_oauth2_refresh_tokens' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_oauth2_refresh_tokens' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' , 'client_id' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' ) . ' (client_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' , 'user_id' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' ) . ' (user_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ' . $this -> getUniqueIndexName ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' , 'token' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' ) . ' (token)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_site_credential AS SELECT id, user_id, host, username, password, createdAt, updated_at FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'site_credential' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'site_credential' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'site_credential' ) . ' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, host VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, username CLOB NOT NULL, password CLOB NOT NULL, createdAt DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT ' . $this -> getForeignKeyName ( 'site_credential' , 'user_id' ) . ' FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' (id) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'site_credential' ) . ' (id, user_id, host, username, password, createdAt, updated_at) SELECT id, user_id, host, username, password, createdAt, updated_at FROM __temp__wallabag_site_credential' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_site_credential' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'site_credential' , 'user_id' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'site_credential' ) . ' (user_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_tag AS SELECT id, label, slug FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . ' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, label CLOB NOT NULL, slug VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . ' (id, label, slug) SELECT id, label, slug FROM __temp__wallabag_tag' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_tag' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ' . $this -> getUniqueIndexName ( 'tag' , 'slug' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . ' (slug)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'tag' , 'label' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . ' (label)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_tagging_rule AS SELECT id, config_id, rule, tags FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tagging_rule' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tagging_rule' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tagging_rule' ) . ' ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL , config_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL , rule VARCHAR ( 255 ) NOT NULL , tags CLOB NOT NULL -- ( DC2Type : simple_array )
, CONSTRAINT ' . $this->getForeignKeyName(' tagging_rule ', ' config_id ') . ' FOREIGN KEY ( config_id ) REFERENCES ' . $this->getTable(' config ') . ' ( id ) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ) ' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tagging_rule' ) . ' (id, config_id, rule, tags) SELECT id, config_id, rule, tags FROM __temp__wallabag_tagging_rule' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_tagging_rule' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $this -> getIndexName ( 'tagging_rule' , 'config_id' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tagging_rule' ) . ' (config_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__user AS SELECT id, username, username_canonical, email, email_canonical, enabled, salt, password, last_login, confirmation_token, password_requested_at, roles, name, created_at, updated_at, authCode, googleAuthenticatorSecret, backupCodes, emailTwoFactor FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL , username VARCHAR ( 180 ) NOT NULL , username_canonical VARCHAR ( 180 ) NOT NULL , email VARCHAR ( 180 ) NOT NULL , email_canonical VARCHAR ( 180 ) NOT NULL , enabled BOOLEAN NOT NULL , salt VARCHAR ( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL , password VARCHAR ( 255 ) NOT NULL , last_login DATETIME DEFAULT NULL , confirmation_token VARCHAR ( 180 ) DEFAULT NULL , password_requested_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL , roles CLOB NOT NULL -- ( DC2Type : array )
, name CLOB DEFAULT NULL , created_at DATETIME NOT NULL , updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL , authCode INTEGER DEFAULT NULL , googleAuthenticatorSecret VARCHAR ( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL , backupCodes CLOB DEFAULT NULL -- ( DC2Type : json )
, emailTwoFactor BOOLEAN NOT NULL ) ' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' (id, username, username_canonical, email, email_canonical, enabled, salt, password, last_login, confirmation_token, password_requested_at, roles, name, created_at, updated_at, authCode, googleAuthenticatorSecret, backupCodes, emailTwoFactor) SELECT id, username, username_canonical, email, email_canonical, enabled, salt, password, last_login, confirmation_token, password_requested_at, roles, name, created_at, updated_at, authCode, googleAuthenticatorSecret, backupCodes, emailTwoFactor FROM __temp__user' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__user' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ' . $this -> getUniqueIndexName ( 'user' , 'username_canonical' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' (username_canonical)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ' . $this -> getUniqueIndexName ( 'user' , 'email_canonical' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' (email_canonical)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ' . $this -> getUniqueIndexName ( 'user' , 'confirmation_token' ) . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' (confirmation_token)' );
public function down ( Schema $schema ) : void
switch ( true ) {
case $this -> platform instanceof MySQLPlatform :
$this -> write ( 'Revert: Align database schema with Doctrine metadata.' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' CHANGE name name LONGBLOB NOT NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' CHANGE salt salt VARCHAR(180) NOT NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' CHANGE password password VARCHAR(180) NOT NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' CHANGE googleAuthenticatorSecret googleAuthenticatorSecret VARCHAR(191) DEFAULT NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' CHANGE published_by published_by LONGTEXT;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' CHANGE headers headers LONGTEXT;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' CHANGE hashed_url hashed_url TINYTEXT;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' CHANGE hashed_given_url hashed_given_url TINYTEXT;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' CHANGE is_not_parsed is_not_parsed TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . ' CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . ' CHANGE label label LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . ' CHANGE slug slug VARCHAR(128) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'annotation' ) . ' CHANGE text text LONGTEXT;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'annotation' ) . ' CHANGE quote quote TEXT NOT NULL;' );
break ;
case $this -> platform instanceof PostgreSQLPlatform :
$this -> write ( 'Revert: Align database schema with Doctrine metadata.' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' ALTER name TYPE BYTEA USING name::bytea;' );
2025-01-18 14:51:14 +01:00
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_instance_rule' ) . ' ALTER id SET DEFAULT nextval(\'' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_instance_rule_id_seq' , true ) . '\');' );
2024-03-10 17:30:29 +01:00
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' ALTER salt SET NOT NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' ALTER confirmation_token TYPE VARCHAR(255);' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' ALTER confirmation_token SET DEFAULT NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' ALTER googleauthenticatorsecret TYPE VARCHAR(191);' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' ALTER googleauthenticatorsecret SET DEFAULT NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'COMMENT ON COLUMN ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . '.published_by IS NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'COMMENT ON COLUMN ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . '.headers IS NULL;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' ALTER hashed_url TYPE TEXT;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' ALTER hashed_given_url TYPE TEXT;' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' ALTER is_not_parsed DROP NOT NULL;' );
2025-01-18 14:51:14 +01:00
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'site_credential' ) . ' ALTER id SET DEFAULT nextval(\'' . $this -> getTable ( 'site_credential_id_seq' , true ) . '\');' );
2024-03-10 17:30:29 +01:00
2025-01-18 14:51:14 +01:00
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' ) . ' ALTER id SET DEFAULT nextval(\'' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule_id_seq' , true ) . '\');' );
2024-03-10 17:30:29 +01:00
break ;
if ( $this -> platform instanceof MySQLPlatform || $this -> platform instanceof PostgreSQLPlatform ) {
$this -> write ( 'Revert: Synchronize indexes and foreign keys with the default naming convention.' );
$this -> revertRenameForeignKey ( 'annotation' , 'FK_A7AED006A76ED395' , 'user' , 'user_id' );
$this -> revertRenameForeignKey ( 'annotation' , 'FK_annotation_entry' , 'entry' , 'entry_id' , true );
$this -> revertRenameForeignKey ( 'config' , 'FK_87E64C53A76ED395' , 'user' , 'user_id' );
$this -> revertRenameForeignKey ( 'entry' , 'FK_F4D18282A76ED395' , 'user' , 'user_id' );
$this -> revertRenameForeignKey ( 'entry_tag' , 'FK_entry_tag_entry' , 'entry' , 'entry_id' , true );
$this -> revertRenameForeignKey ( 'entry_tag' , 'FK_entry_tag_tag' , 'tag' , 'tag_id' , true );
$this -> revertRenameForeignKey ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' , 'fk_config' , 'config' , 'config_id' );
$this -> revertRenameForeignKey ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' , 'FK_368A4209A76ED395' , 'user' , 'user_id' , true );
$this -> revertRenameForeignKey ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' , 'FK_368A420919EB6921' , 'oauth2_clients' , 'client_id' );
$this -> revertRenameForeignKey ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' , 'FK_EE52E3FA19EB6921' , 'oauth2_clients' , 'client_id' );
$this -> revertRenameForeignKey ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' , 'FK_EE52E3FAA76ED395' , 'user' , 'user_id' , true );
$this -> revertRenameForeignKey ( 'oauth2_clients' , 'FK_635D765EA76ED395' , 'user' , 'user_id' );
$this -> revertRenameForeignKey ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' , 'FK_20C9FB24A76ED395' , 'user' , 'user_id' , true );
$this -> revertRenameForeignKey ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' , 'FK_20C9FB2419EB6921' , 'oauth2_clients' , 'client_id' );
$this -> revertRenameForeignKey ( 'site_credential' , 'fk_user' , 'user' , 'user_id' );
$this -> revertRenameForeignKey ( 'tagging_rule' , 'FK_2D9B3C5424DB0683' , 'config' , 'config_id' );
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'annotation' , 'idx_a7aed006a76ed395' , 'user_id' );
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'annotation' , 'idx_a7aed006ba364942' , 'entry_id' );
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'config' , 'config_feed_token' , 'feed_token' );
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'entry' , 'hashed_given_url_user_id' , [ 'user_id' , 'hashed_given_url' ]);
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'entry' , 'hashed_url_user_id' , [ 'user_id' , 'hashed_url' ]);
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'entry' , 'IDX_entry_created_at' , 'created_at' );
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'entry' , 'IDX_entry_uid' , 'uid' );
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'entry' , 'idx_f4d18282a76ed395' , 'user_id' );
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'entry' , 'user_archived' , [ 'user_id' , 'is_archived' , 'archived_at' ]);
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'entry' , 'user_created' , [ 'user_id' , 'created_at' ]);
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'entry' , 'user_language' , [ 'language' , 'user_id' ]);
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'entry' , 'user_starred' , [ 'user_id' , 'is_starred' , 'starred_at' ]);
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'entry_tag' , 'idx_c9f0dd7cba364942' , 'entry_id' );
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'entry_tag' , 'idx_c9f0dd7cbad26311' , 'tag_id' );
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' , 'idx_config' , 'config_id' );
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' , 'idx_368a4209a76ed395' , 'user_id' );
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' , 'idx_368a420919eb6921' , 'client_id' );
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' , 'IDX_EE52E3FA19EB6921' , 'client_id' );
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' , 'IDX_EE52E3FAA76ED395' , 'user_id' );
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' , 'idx_20c9fb2419eb6921' , 'client_id' );
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' , 'idx_20c9fb24a76ed395' , 'user_id' );
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'site_credential' , 'idx_user' , 'user_id' );
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'tag' , 'tag_label' , 'label' );
$this -> revertRenameIndex ( 'tagging_rule' , 'idx_2d9b3c5424db0683' , 'config_id' );
$this -> revertRenameUniqueIndex ( 'config' , 'uniq_87e64c53a76ed395' , 'user_id' );
$this -> revertRenameUniqueIndex ( 'tag' , 'uniq_4ca58a8c989d9b62' , 'slug' );
$this -> revertRenameUniqueIndex ( 'user' , 'uniq_1d63e7e5a0d96fbf' , 'email_canonical' );
$this -> revertRenameUniqueIndex ( 'user' , 'uniq_1d63e7e5c05fb297' , 'confirmation_token' );
$this -> revertRenameUniqueIndex ( 'user' , 'uniq_1d63e7e592fc23a8' , 'username_canonical' );
$this -> revertRenameUniqueIndex ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' , 'UNIQ_368A42095F37A13B' , 'token' );
$this -> revertRenameUniqueIndex ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' , 'UNIQ_EE52E3FA5F37A13B' , 'token' );
$this -> revertRenameUniqueIndex ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' , 'UNIQ_20C9FB245F37A13B' , 'token' );
$this -> createIndex ( 'entry' , 'is_archived' , 'IDX_entry_archived' );
$this -> createIndex ( 'entry' , 'is_starred' , 'IDX_entry_starred' );
$this -> createUniqueIndex ( 'internal_setting' , 'name' , 'UNIQ_5D9649505E237E06' );
if ( $this -> platform instanceof SqlitePlatform ) {
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_annotation AS SELECT id, user_id, entry_id, text, created_at, updated_at, quote, ranges FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'annotation' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'annotation' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'annotation' ) . ' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, entry_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, text CLOB NOT NULL, created_at DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, quote CLOB NOT NULL, ranges CLOB NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT ' . $this -> getForeignKeyName ( 'annotation' , 'user_id' ) . ' FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' (id) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE, CONSTRAINT ' . $this -> getForeignKeyName ( 'annotation' , 'entry_id' ) . ' FOREIGN KEY (entry_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (id) ON DELETE CASCADE NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'annotation' ) . ' (id, user_id, entry_id, text, created_at, updated_at, quote, ranges) SELECT id, user_id, entry_id, text, created_at, updated_at, quote, ranges FROM __temp__wallabag_annotation' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_annotation' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_config AS SELECT id, user_id, items_per_page, language, feed_token, feed_limit, reading_speed, pocket_consumer_key, action_mark_as_read, list_mode, display_thumbnails, font, fontsize, line_height, max_width, custom_css FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'config' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'config' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'config' ) . ' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, items_per_page INTEGER NOT NULL, language VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, reading_speed DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT NULL, pocket_consumer_key VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, action_mark_as_read INTEGER DEFAULT 0, list_mode INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, feed_token VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, feed_limit INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, display_thumbnails INTEGER DEFAULT 1, custom_css CLOB DEFAULT NULL, font CLOB DEFAULT NULL, fontsize DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT NULL, line_height DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT NULL, max_width DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT FK_87E64C53A76ED395 FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' (id) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'config' ) . ' (id, user_id, items_per_page, language, feed_token, feed_limit, reading_speed, pocket_consumer_key, action_mark_as_read, list_mode, display_thumbnails, font, fontsize, line_height, max_width, custom_css) SELECT id, user_id, items_per_page, language, feed_token, feed_limit, reading_speed, pocket_consumer_key, action_mark_as_read, list_mode, display_thumbnails, font, fontsize, line_height, max_width, custom_css FROM __temp__wallabag_config' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_config' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_87E64C53A76ED395 ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'config' ) . ' (user_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX config_feed_token ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'config' ) . ' (feed_token)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_entry AS SELECT id, user_id, uid, title, url, hashed_url, origin_url, given_url, hashed_given_url, is_archived, archived_at, is_starred, content, created_at, updated_at, published_at, published_by, starred_at, mimetype, language, reading_time, domain_name, preview_picture, http_status, headers, is_not_parsed FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL , user_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL , title CLOB DEFAULT NULL , url CLOB DEFAULT NULL , is_archived BOOLEAN NOT NULL , is_starred BOOLEAN NOT NULL , content CLOB DEFAULT NULL , created_at DATETIME NOT NULL , updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL , mimetype CLOB DEFAULT NULL , domain_name CLOB DEFAULT NULL , preview_picture CLOB DEFAULT NULL , uid VARCHAR ( 23 ) DEFAULT NULL , http_status VARCHAR ( 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , published_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL , starred_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL , origin_url CLOB DEFAULT NULL , archived_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL , given_url CLOB DEFAULT NULL , reading_time INTEGER NOT NULL , published_by CLOB DEFAULT NULL -- ( DC2Type : array )
, headers CLOB DEFAULT NULL -- ( DC2Type : array )
, hashed_url VARCHAR ( 40 ) DEFAULT NULL , hashed_given_url VARCHAR ( 40 ) DEFAULT NULL , language VARCHAR ( 20 ) DEFAULT NULL , is_not_parsed BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 , CONSTRAINT FK_F4D18282A76ED395 FOREIGN KEY ( user_id ) REFERENCES ' . $this->getTable(' user ') . ' ( id ) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE ) ' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (id, user_id, uid, title, url, hashed_url, origin_url, given_url, hashed_given_url, is_archived, archived_at, is_starred, content, created_at, updated_at, published_at, published_by, starred_at, mimetype, language, reading_time, domain_name, preview_picture, http_status, headers, is_not_parsed) SELECT id, user_id, uid, title, url, hashed_url, origin_url, given_url, hashed_given_url, is_archived, archived_at, is_starred, content, created_at, updated_at, published_at, published_by, starred_at, mimetype, language, reading_time, domain_name, preview_picture, http_status, headers, is_not_parsed FROM __temp__wallabag_entry' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_entry' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX IDX_F4D18282A76ED395 ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (user_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX user_starred ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (user_id, is_starred, starred_at)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX user_created ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (user_id, created_at)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX user_archived ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (user_id, is_archived, archived_at)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX user_language ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (language, user_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX hashed_given_url_user_id ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (user_id, hashed_given_url)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX hashed_url_user_id ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (user_id, hashed_url)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX created_at ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (created_at)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX uid ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (uid)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_entry_tag AS SELECT entry_id, tag_id FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry_tag' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry_tag' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry_tag' ) . ' (entry_id INTEGER NOT NULL, tag_id INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(entry_id, tag_id), CONSTRAINT FK_C9F0DD7CBA364942 FOREIGN KEY (entry_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry' ) . ' (id) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE, CONSTRAINT FK_C9F0DD7CBAD26311 FOREIGN KEY (tag_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . ' (id) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry_tag' ) . ' (entry_id, tag_id) SELECT entry_id, tag_id FROM __temp__wallabag_entry_tag' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_entry_tag' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX IDX_C9F0DD7CBA364942 ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry_tag' ) . ' (entry_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX IDX_C9F0DD7CBAD26311 ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'entry_tag' ) . ' (tag_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_ignore_origin_user_rule AS SELECT id, config_id, rule FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' ) . ' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, config_id INTEGER NOT NULL, rule VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT fk_config FOREIGN KEY (config_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'config' ) . ' (id) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' ) . ' (id, config_id, rule) SELECT id, config_id, rule FROM __temp__wallabag_ignore_origin_user_rule' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_ignore_origin_user_rule' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX idx_config ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'ignore_origin_user_rule' ) . ' (config_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_internal_setting AS SELECT name, section, value FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'internal_setting' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'internal_setting' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'internal_setting' ) . ' (name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, value VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, section VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(name))' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'internal_setting' ) . ' (name, section, value) SELECT name, section, value FROM __temp__wallabag_internal_setting' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_internal_setting' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_5D9649505E237E06 ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'internal_setting' ) . ' (name)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_oauth2_access_tokens AS SELECT id, client_id, user_id, token, expires_at, scope FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' ) . ' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, client_id INTEGER NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, expires_at INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, token VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL, scope VARCHAR(191), CONSTRAINT FK_368A420919EB6921 FOREIGN KEY (client_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' (id) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE, CONSTRAINT FK_368A4209A76ED395 FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' (id) ON DELETE CASCADE NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' ) . ' (id, client_id, user_id, token, expires_at, scope) SELECT id, client_id, user_id, token, expires_at, scope FROM __temp__wallabag_oauth2_access_tokens' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_oauth2_access_tokens' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX IDX_368A420919EB6921 ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' ) . ' (client_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX IDX_368A4209A76ED395 ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_access_tokens' ) . ' (user_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_oauth2_auth_codes AS SELECT id, client_id, user_id, token, redirect_uri, expires_at, scope FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' ) . ' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, client_id INTEGER NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, redirect_uri CLOB NOT NULL, expires_at INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, token VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL, scope VARCHAR(191), CONSTRAINT FK_EE52E3FA19EB6921 FOREIGN KEY (client_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' (id) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE, CONSTRAINT FK_EE52E3FAA76ED395 FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' (id) ON DELETE CASCADE NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' ) . ' (id, client_id, user_id, token, redirect_uri, expires_at, scope) SELECT id, client_id, user_id, token, redirect_uri, expires_at, scope FROM __temp__wallabag_oauth2_auth_codes' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_oauth2_auth_codes' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX IDX_EE52E3FA19EB6921 ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' ) . ' (client_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX IDX_EE52E3FAA76ED395 ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_auth_codes' ) . ' (user_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_oauth2_clients AS SELECT id, user_id, random_id, redirect_uris, secret, allowed_grant_types, name FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, random_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, secret VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, name CLOB NOT NULL, redirect_uris CLOB NOT NULL, allowed_grant_types CLOB NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT FK_635D765EA76ED395 FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' (id) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' (id, user_id, random_id, redirect_uris, secret, allowed_grant_types, name) SELECT id, user_id, random_id, redirect_uris, secret, allowed_grant_types, name FROM __temp__wallabag_oauth2_clients' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_oauth2_clients' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX IDX_635D765EA76ED395 ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' (user_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_oauth2_refresh_tokens AS SELECT id, client_id, user_id, token, expires_at, scope FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' ) . ' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, client_id INTEGER NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, expires_at INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, token VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL, scope VARCHAR(191), CONSTRAINT FK_20C9FB2419EB6921 FOREIGN KEY (client_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' (id) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE, CONSTRAINT FK_20C9FB24A76ED395 FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_clients' ) . ' (id) ON DELETE CASCADE NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' ) . ' (id, client_id, user_id, token, expires_at, scope) SELECT id, client_id, user_id, token, expires_at, scope FROM __temp__wallabag_oauth2_refresh_tokens' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_oauth2_refresh_tokens' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX IDX_20C9FB2419EB6921 ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' ) . ' (client_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX IDX_20C9FB24A76ED395 ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'oauth2_refresh_tokens' ) . ' (user_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_site_credential AS SELECT id, user_id, host, username, password, createdAt, updated_at FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'site_credential' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'site_credential' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'site_credential' ) . ' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, host VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, username CLOB NOT NULL, password CLOB NOT NULL, createdAt DATETIME NOT NULL, updated_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT fk_user FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' (id) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'site_credential' ) . ' (id, user_id, host, username, password, createdAt, updated_at) SELECT id, user_id, host, username, password, createdAt, updated_at FROM __temp__wallabag_site_credential' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_site_credential' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX idx_user ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'site_credential' ) . ' (user_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_tag AS SELECT id, label, slug FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . ' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, label CLOB NOT NULL, slug VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . ' (id, label, slug) SELECT id, label, slug FROM __temp__wallabag_tag' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_tag' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_4CA58A8C989D9B62 ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . ' (slug)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX tag_label ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tag' ) . ' (label)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__wallabag_tagging_rule AS SELECT id, config_id, rule, tags FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tagging_rule' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tagging_rule' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tagging_rule' ) . ' (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, config_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, rule VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, tags CLOB NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT FK_2D9B3C5424DB0683 FOREIGN KEY (config_id) REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( 'config' ) . ' (id) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tagging_rule' ) . ' (id, config_id, rule, tags) SELECT id, config_id, rule, tags FROM __temp__wallabag_tagging_rule' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__wallabag_tagging_rule' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX IDX_2D9B3C5424DB0683 ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'tagging_rule' ) . ' (config_id)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE __temp__user AS SELECT id, username, username_canonical, email, email_canonical, enabled, salt, password, last_login, confirmation_token, password_requested_at, roles, name, created_at, updated_at, authCode, googleAuthenticatorSecret, backupCodes, emailTwoFactor FROM ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ));
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL , username VARCHAR ( 180 ) NOT NULL , username_canonical VARCHAR ( 180 ) NOT NULL , email VARCHAR ( 180 ) NOT NULL , email_canonical VARCHAR ( 180 ) NOT NULL , enabled BOOLEAN NOT NULL , salt VARCHAR ( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL , password VARCHAR ( 255 ) NOT NULL , last_login DATETIME DEFAULT NULL , confirmation_token VARCHAR ( 180 ) DEFAULT NULL , password_requested_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL , roles CLOB NOT NULL -- ( DC2Type : array )
, name CLOB DEFAULT NULL , created_at DATETIME NOT NULL , updated_at DATETIME NOT NULL , authCode INTEGER DEFAULT NULL , googleAuthenticatorSecret VARCHAR ( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL , backupCodes CLOB DEFAULT NULL -- ( DC2Type : json )
, emailTwoFactor BOOLEAN NOT NULL ) ' );
$this -> addSql ( 'INSERT INTO ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' (id, username, username_canonical, email, email_canonical, enabled, salt, password, last_login, confirmation_token, password_requested_at, roles, name, created_at, updated_at, authCode, googleAuthenticatorSecret, backupCodes, emailTwoFactor) SELECT id, username, username_canonical, email, email_canonical, enabled, salt, password, last_login, confirmation_token, password_requested_at, roles, name, created_at, updated_at, authCode, googleAuthenticatorSecret, backupCodes, emailTwoFactor FROM __temp__user' );
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP TABLE __temp__user' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_1D63E7E5C05FB297 ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' (confirmation_token)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_1D63E7E5A0D96FBF ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' (email_canonical)' );
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_1D63E7E592FC23A8 ON ' . $this -> getTable ( 'user' ) . ' (username_canonical)' );
private function renameForeignKey ( string $tableName , string $oldName , string $foreignTableName , string $foreignColumnName , bool $onDeleteCascade = false ) : void
$newName = $this -> getForeignKeyName ( $tableName , $foreignColumnName );
if ( strtolower ( $oldName ) === strtolower ( $newName )) {
return ;
$platform = $this -> connection -> getDatabasePlatform ();
switch ( true ) {
case $platform instanceof MySQLPlatform :
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( $tableName ) . ' DROP FOREIGN KEY ' . $oldName . ';' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( $tableName ) . ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' . $newName . ' FOREIGN KEY (' . $foreignColumnName . ') REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( $foreignTableName ) . ' (id)' . ( $onDeleteCascade ? ' ON DELETE CASCADE' : '' ) . ';' );
break ;
case $platform instanceof PostgreSQLPlatform :
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( $tableName ) . ' RENAME CONSTRAINT ' . $oldName . ' TO ' . $newName . ';' );
break ;
private function revertRenameForeignKey ( string $tableName , string $oldName , string $foreignTableName , string $foreignColumnName , bool $onDeleteCascade = false ) : void
$newName = $this -> getForeignKeyName ( $tableName , $foreignColumnName );
if ( strtolower ( $oldName ) === strtolower ( $newName )) {
return ;
$platform = $this -> connection -> getDatabasePlatform ();
switch ( true ) {
case $platform instanceof MySQLPlatform :
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( $tableName ) . ' DROP FOREIGN KEY ' . $newName . ';' );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( $tableName ) . ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' . $oldName . ' FOREIGN KEY (' . $foreignColumnName . ') REFERENCES ' . $this -> getTable ( $foreignTableName ) . ' (id)' . ( $onDeleteCascade ? ' ON DELETE CASCADE' : '' ) . ';' );
break ;
case $platform instanceof PostgreSQLPlatform :
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( $tableName ) . ' RENAME CONSTRAINT ' . $newName . ' TO ' . $oldName . ';' );
break ;
private function renameIndex ( string $tableName , string $oldName , $indexedColumnNames ) : void
$indexedColumnNames = ( array ) $indexedColumnNames ;
$newName = $this -> getIndexName ( $tableName , $indexedColumnNames );
if ( strtolower ( $oldName ) === strtolower ( $newName )) {
return ;
$platform = $this -> connection -> getDatabasePlatform ();
switch ( true ) {
case $platform instanceof MySQLPlatform :
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( $tableName ) . ' RENAME INDEX ' . $oldName . ' TO ' . $newName . ';' );
break ;
case $platform instanceof PostgreSQLPlatform :
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER INDEX ' . $oldName . ' RENAME TO ' . $newName . ';' );
break ;
private function revertRenameIndex ( string $tableName , string $oldName , $indexedColumnNames ) : void
$indexedColumnNames = ( array ) $indexedColumnNames ;
$newName = $this -> getIndexName ( $tableName , $indexedColumnNames );
if ( strtolower ( $oldName ) === strtolower ( $newName )) {
return ;
$platform = $this -> connection -> getDatabasePlatform ();
switch ( true ) {
case $platform instanceof MySQLPlatform :
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( $tableName ) . ' RENAME INDEX ' . $newName . ' TO ' . $oldName . ';' );
break ;
case $platform instanceof PostgreSQLPlatform :
$oldName = strtolower ( $oldName );
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER INDEX ' . $newName . ' RENAME TO ' . $oldName . ';' );
break ;
private function dropIndex ( string $tableName , string $indexedColumnName , ? string $name = null ) : void
if ( null === $name ) {
$name = $this -> getIndexName ( $tableName , [ $indexedColumnName ]);
$platform = $this -> connection -> getDatabasePlatform ();
switch ( true ) {
case $platform instanceof MySQLPlatform :
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP INDEX ' . $name . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( $tableName ) . ';' );
break ;
case $platform instanceof PostgreSQLPlatform :
$this -> addSql ( 'DROP INDEX ' . $name . ';' );
break ;
private function createIndex ( string $tableName , string $indexedColumnName , ? string $name = null ) : void
if ( null === $name ) {
$name = $this -> getIndexName ( $tableName , [ $indexedColumnName ]);
$platform = $this -> connection -> getDatabasePlatform ();
switch ( true ) {
case $platform instanceof MySQLPlatform :
case $platform instanceof PostgreSQLPlatform :
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE INDEX ' . $name . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( $tableName ) . ' (' . $indexedColumnName . ');' );
break ;
private function renameUniqueIndex ( string $tableName , string $oldName , string $indexedColumnName ) : void
$platform = $this -> connection -> getDatabasePlatform ();
$newName = $this -> getUniqueIndexName ( $tableName , $indexedColumnName );
if ( strtolower ( $oldName ) === strtolower ( $newName )) {
return ;
switch ( true ) {
case $platform instanceof MySQLPlatform :
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( $tableName ) . ' RENAME INDEX ' . $oldName . ' TO ' . $newName . ';' );
break ;
case $platform instanceof PostgreSQLPlatform :
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER INDEX ' . $oldName . ' RENAME TO ' . $newName . ';' );
break ;
private function revertRenameUniqueIndex ( string $tableName , string $oldName , string $indexedColumnName ) : void
$platform = $this -> connection -> getDatabasePlatform ();
$newName = $this -> getUniqueIndexName ( $tableName , $indexedColumnName );
if ( strtolower ( $oldName ) === strtolower ( $newName )) {
return ;
switch ( true ) {
case $platform instanceof MySQLPlatform :
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this -> getTable ( $tableName ) . ' RENAME INDEX ' . $newName . ' TO ' . $oldName . ';' );
break ;
case $platform instanceof PostgreSQLPlatform :
$this -> addSql ( 'ALTER INDEX ' . $newName . ' RENAME TO ' . $oldName . ';' );
break ;
private function dropUniqueIndex ( string $tableName , string $indexedColumnName , ? string $name = null ) : void
if ( null === $name ) {
$name = $this -> getUniqueIndexName ( $tableName , $indexedColumnName );
$this -> dropIndex ( $tableName , $indexedColumnName , $name );
private function createUniqueIndex ( string $tableName , string $indexedColumnName , ? string $name = null ) : void
if ( null === $name ) {
$name = $this -> getUniqueIndexName ( $tableName , $indexedColumnName );
$platform = $this -> connection -> getDatabasePlatform ();
switch ( true ) {
case $platform instanceof MySQLPlatform :
case $platform instanceof PostgreSQLPlatform :
$this -> addSql ( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ' . $name . ' ON ' . $this -> getTable ( $tableName ) . ' (' . $indexedColumnName . ');' );
break ;