'use strict'; var net = require('net'); var tls = require('tls'); var util = require('util'); var utils = require('./lib/utils'); var Command = require('./lib/command'); var Queue = require('denque'); var errorClasses = require('./lib/customErrors'); var EventEmitter = require('events'); var Parser = require('redis-parser'); var RedisErrors = require('redis-errors'); var commands = require('redis-commands'); var debug = require('./lib/debug'); var unifyOptions = require('./lib/createClient'); var SUBSCRIBE_COMMANDS = { subscribe: true, unsubscribe: true, psubscribe: true, punsubscribe: true }; function noop () {} function handle_detect_buffers_reply (reply, command, buffer_args) { if (buffer_args === false || this.message_buffers) { // If detect_buffers option was specified, then the reply from the parser will be a buffer. // If this command did not use Buffer arguments, then convert the reply to Strings here. reply = utils.reply_to_strings(reply); } if (command === 'hgetall') { reply = utils.reply_to_object(reply); } return reply; } exports.debug_mode = /\bredis\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG); // Attention: The second parameter might be removed at will and is not officially supported. // Do not rely on this function RedisClient (options, stream) { // Copy the options so they are not mutated options = utils.clone(options); EventEmitter.call(this); var cnx_options = {}; var self = this; /* istanbul ignore next: travis does not work with stunnel atm. Therefore the tls tests are skipped on travis */ for (var tls_option in options.tls) { cnx_options[tls_option] = options.tls[tls_option]; // Copy the tls options into the general options to make sure the address is set right if (tls_option === 'port' || tls_option === 'host' || tls_option === 'path' || tls_option === 'family') { options[tls_option] = options.tls[tls_option]; } } if (stream) { // The stream from the outside is used so no connection from this side is triggered but from the server this client should talk to // Reconnect etc won't work with this. This requires monkey patching to work, so it is not officially supported options.stream = stream; this.address = '"Private stream"'; } else if (options.path) { cnx_options.path = options.path; this.address = options.path; } else { cnx_options.port = +options.port || 6379; cnx_options.host = options.host || ''; cnx_options.family = (!options.family && net.isIP(cnx_options.host)) || (options.family === 'IPv6' ? 6 : 4); this.address = cnx_options.host + ':' + cnx_options.port; } this.connection_options = cnx_options; this.connection_id = RedisClient.connection_id++; this.connected = false; this.ready = false; if (options.socket_keepalive === undefined) { options.socket_keepalive = true; } if (options.socket_initial_delay === undefined) { options.socket_initial_delay = 0; // set default to 0, which is aligned to https://nodejs.org/api/net.html#net_socket_setkeepalive_enable_initialdelay } for (var command in options.rename_commands) { options.rename_commands[command.toLowerCase()] = options.rename_commands[command]; } options.return_buffers = !!options.return_buffers; options.detect_buffers = !!options.detect_buffers; // Override the detect_buffers setting if return_buffers is active and print a warning if (options.return_buffers && options.detect_buffers) { self.warn('WARNING: You activated return_buffers and detect_buffers at the same time. The return value is always going to be a buffer.'); options.detect_buffers = false; } if (options.detect_buffers) { // We only need to look at the arguments if we do not know what we have to return this.handle_reply = handle_detect_buffers_reply; } this.should_buffer = false; this.command_queue = new Queue(); // Holds sent commands to de-pipeline them this.offline_queue = new Queue(); // Holds commands issued but not able to be sent this.pipeline_queue = new Queue(); // Holds all pipelined commands // ATTENTION: connect_timeout should change in v.3.0 so it does not count towards ending reconnection attempts after x seconds // This should be done by the retry_strategy. Instead it should only be the timeout for connecting to redis this.connect_timeout = +options.connect_timeout || 3600000; // 60 * 60 * 1000 ms this.enable_offline_queue = options.enable_offline_queue === false ? false : true; this.initialize_retry_vars(); this.pub_sub_mode = 0; this.subscription_set = {}; this.monitoring = false; this.message_buffers = false; this.closing = false; this.server_info = {}; this.auth_pass = options.auth_pass || options.password; this.selected_db = options.db; // Save the selected db here, used when reconnecting this.fire_strings = true; // Determine if strings or buffers should be written to the stream this.pipeline = false; this.sub_commands_left = 0; this.times_connected = 0; this.buffers = options.return_buffers || options.detect_buffers; this.options = options; this.reply = 'ON'; // Returning replies is the default this.create_stream(); // The listeners will not be attached right away, so let's print the deprecation message while the listener is attached this.on('newListener', function (event) { if ((event === 'message_buffer' || event === 'pmessage_buffer' || event === 'messageBuffer' || event === 'pmessageBuffer') && !this.buffers && !this.message_buffers) { this.reply_parser.optionReturnBuffers = true; this.message_buffers = true; this.handle_reply = handle_detect_buffers_reply; } }); } util.inherits(RedisClient, EventEmitter); RedisClient.connection_id = 0; function create_parser (self) { return new Parser({ returnReply: function (data) { self.return_reply(data); }, returnError: function (err) { // Return a ReplyError to indicate Redis returned an error self.return_error(err); }, returnFatalError: function (err) { // Error out all fired commands. Otherwise they might rely on faulty data. We have to reconnect to get in a working state again // Note: the execution order is important. First flush and emit, then create the stream err.message += '. Please report this.'; self.ready = false; self.flush_and_error({ message: 'Fatal error encountered. Command aborted.', code: 'NR_FATAL' }, { error: err, queues: ['command_queue'] }); self.emit('error', err); self.create_stream(); }, returnBuffers: self.buffers || self.message_buffers, stringNumbers: self.options.string_numbers || false }); } /****************************************************************************** All functions in here are internal besides the RedisClient constructor and the exported functions. Don't rely on them as they will be private functions in node_redis v.3 ******************************************************************************/ // Attention: the function name "create_stream" should not be changed, as other libraries need this to mock the stream (e.g. fakeredis) RedisClient.prototype.create_stream = function () { var self = this; // Init parser this.reply_parser = create_parser(this); if (this.options.stream) { // Only add the listeners once in case of a reconnect try (that won't work) if (this.stream) { return; } this.stream = this.options.stream; } else { // On a reconnect destroy the former stream and retry if (this.stream) { this.stream.removeAllListeners(); this.stream.destroy(); } /* istanbul ignore if: travis does not work with stunnel atm. Therefore the tls tests are skipped on travis */ if (this.options.tls) { this.stream = tls.connect(this.connection_options); } else { this.stream = net.createConnection(this.connection_options); } } if (this.options.connect_timeout) { this.stream.setTimeout(this.connect_timeout, function () { // Note: This is only tested if a internet connection is established self.retry_totaltime = self.connect_timeout; self.connection_gone('timeout'); }); } /* istanbul ignore next: travis does not work with stunnel atm. Therefore the tls tests are skipped on travis */ var connect_event = this.options.tls ? 'secureConnect' : 'connect'; this.stream.once(connect_event, function () { this.removeAllListeners('timeout'); self.times_connected++; self.on_connect(); }); this.stream.on('data', function (buffer_from_socket) { // The buffer_from_socket.toString() has a significant impact on big chunks and therefore this should only be used if necessary debug('Net read ' + self.address + ' id ' + self.connection_id); // + ': ' + buffer_from_socket.toString()); self.reply_parser.execute(buffer_from_socket); }); this.stream.on('error', function (err) { self.on_error(err); }); this.stream.once('close', function (hadError) { self.connection_gone('close'); }); this.stream.once('end', function () { self.connection_gone('end'); }); this.stream.on('drain', function () { self.drain(); }); this.stream.setNoDelay(); // Fire the command before redis is connected to be sure it's the first fired command if (this.auth_pass !== undefined) { this.ready = true; // Fail silently as we might not be able to connect this.auth(this.auth_pass, function (err) { if (err && err.code !== 'UNCERTAIN_STATE') { self.emit('error', err); } }); this.ready = false; } }; RedisClient.prototype.handle_reply = function (reply, command) { if (command === 'hgetall') { reply = utils.reply_to_object(reply); } return reply; }; RedisClient.prototype.cork = noop; RedisClient.prototype.uncork = noop; RedisClient.prototype.initialize_retry_vars = function () { this.retry_timer = null; this.retry_totaltime = 0; this.retry_delay = 200; this.retry_backoff = 1.7; this.attempts = 1; }; RedisClient.prototype.warn = function (msg) { var self = this; // Warn on the next tick. Otherwise no event listener can be added // for warnings that are emitted in the redis client constructor process.nextTick(function () { if (self.listeners('warning').length !== 0) { self.emit('warning', msg); } else { console.warn('node_redis:', msg); } }); }; // Flush provided queues, erroring any items with a callback first RedisClient.prototype.flush_and_error = function (error_attributes, options) { options = options || {}; var aggregated_errors = []; var queue_names = options.queues || ['command_queue', 'offline_queue']; // Flush the command_queue first to keep the order intakt for (var i = 0; i < queue_names.length; i++) { // If the command was fired it might have been processed so far if (queue_names[i] === 'command_queue') { error_attributes.message += ' It might have been processed.'; } else { // As the command_queue is flushed first, remove this for the offline queue error_attributes.message = error_attributes.message.replace(' It might have been processed.', ''); } // Don't flush everything from the queue for (var command_obj = this[queue_names[i]].shift(); command_obj; command_obj = this[queue_names[i]].shift()) { var err = new errorClasses.AbortError(error_attributes); if (command_obj.error) { err.stack = err.stack + command_obj.error.stack.replace(/^Error.*?\n/, '\n'); } err.command = command_obj.command.toUpperCase(); if (command_obj.args && command_obj.args.length) { err.args = command_obj.args; } if (options.error) { err.origin = options.error; } if (typeof command_obj.callback === 'function') { command_obj.callback(err); } else { aggregated_errors.push(err); } } } // Currently this would be a breaking change, therefore it's only emitted in debug_mode if (exports.debug_mode && aggregated_errors.length) { var error; if (aggregated_errors.length === 1) { error = aggregated_errors[0]; } else { error_attributes.message = error_attributes.message.replace('It', 'They').replace(/command/i, '$&s'); error = new errorClasses.AggregateError(error_attributes); error.errors = aggregated_errors; } this.emit('error', error); } }; RedisClient.prototype.on_error = function (err) { if (this.closing) { return; } err.message = 'Redis connection to ' + this.address + ' failed - ' + err.message; debug(err.message); this.connected = false; this.ready = false; // Only emit the error if the retry_strategy option is not set if (!this.options.retry_strategy) { this.emit('error', err); } // 'error' events get turned into exceptions if they aren't listened for. If the user handled this error // then we should try to reconnect. this.connection_gone('error', err); }; RedisClient.prototype.on_connect = function () { debug('Stream connected ' + this.address + ' id ' + this.connection_id); this.connected = true; this.ready = false; this.emitted_end = false; this.stream.setKeepAlive(this.options.socket_keepalive, this.options.socket_initial_delay); this.stream.setTimeout(0); this.emit('connect'); this.initialize_retry_vars(); if (this.options.no_ready_check) { this.on_ready(); } else { this.ready_check(); } }; RedisClient.prototype.on_ready = function () { var self = this; debug('on_ready called ' + this.address + ' id ' + this.connection_id); this.ready = true; this.cork = function () { self.pipeline = true; if (self.stream.cork) { self.stream.cork(); } }; this.uncork = function () { if (self.fire_strings) { self.write_strings(); } else { self.write_buffers(); } self.pipeline = false; self.fire_strings = true; if (self.stream.uncork) { // TODO: Consider using next tick here. See https://github.com/NodeRedis/node_redis/issues/1033 self.stream.uncork(); } }; // Restore modal commands from previous connection. The order of the commands is important if (this.selected_db !== undefined) { this.internal_send_command(new Command('select', [this.selected_db])); } if (this.monitoring) { // Monitor has to be fired before pub sub commands this.internal_send_command(new Command('monitor', [])); } var callback_count = Object.keys(this.subscription_set).length; if (!this.options.disable_resubscribing && callback_count) { // only emit 'ready' when all subscriptions were made again // TODO: Remove the countdown for ready here. This is not coherent with all other modes and should therefore not be handled special // We know we are ready as soon as all commands were fired var callback = function () { callback_count--; if (callback_count === 0) { self.emit('ready'); } }; debug('Sending pub/sub on_ready commands'); for (var key in this.subscription_set) { var command = key.slice(0, key.indexOf('_')); var args = this.subscription_set[key]; this[command]([args], callback); } this.send_offline_queue(); return; } this.send_offline_queue(); this.emit('ready'); }; RedisClient.prototype.on_info_cmd = function (err, res) { if (err) { if (err.message === "ERR unknown command 'info'") { this.on_ready(); return; } err.message = 'Ready check failed: ' + err.message; this.emit('error', err); return; } /* istanbul ignore if: some servers might not respond with any info data. This is just a safety check that is difficult to test */ if (!res) { debug('The info command returned without any data.'); this.on_ready(); return; } if (!this.server_info.loading || this.server_info.loading === '0') { // If the master_link_status exists but the link is not up, try again after 50 ms if (this.server_info.master_link_status && this.server_info.master_link_status !== 'up') { this.server_info.loading_eta_seconds = 0.05; } else { // Eta loading should change debug('Redis server ready.'); this.on_ready(); return; } } var retry_time = +this.server_info.loading_eta_seconds * 1000; if (retry_time > 1000) { retry_time = 1000; } debug('Redis server still loading, trying again in ' + retry_time); setTimeout(function (self) { self.ready_check(); }, retry_time, this); }; RedisClient.prototype.ready_check = function () { var self = this; debug('Checking server ready state...'); // Always fire this info command as first command even if other commands are already queued up this.ready = true; this.info(function (err, res) { self.on_info_cmd(err, res); }); this.ready = false; }; RedisClient.prototype.send_offline_queue = function () { for (var command_obj = this.offline_queue.shift(); command_obj; command_obj = this.offline_queue.shift()) { debug('Sending offline command: ' + command_obj.command); this.internal_send_command(command_obj); } this.drain(); }; var retry_connection = function (self, error) { debug('Retrying connection...'); var reconnect_params = { delay: self.retry_delay, attempt: self.attempts, error: error }; if (self.options.camel_case) { reconnect_params.totalRetryTime = self.retry_totaltime; reconnect_params.timesConnected = self.times_connected; } else { reconnect_params.total_retry_time = self.retry_totaltime; reconnect_params.times_connected = self.times_connected; } self.emit('reconnecting', reconnect_params); self.retry_totaltime += self.retry_delay; self.attempts += 1; self.retry_delay = Math.round(self.retry_delay * self.retry_backoff); self.create_stream(); self.retry_timer = null; }; RedisClient.prototype.connection_gone = function (why, error) { // If a retry is already in progress, just let that happen if (this.retry_timer) { return; } error = error || null; debug('Redis connection is gone from ' + why + ' event.'); this.connected = false; this.ready = false; // Deactivate cork to work with the offline queue this.cork = noop; this.uncork = noop; this.pipeline = false; this.pub_sub_mode = 0; // since we are collapsing end and close, users don't expect to be called twice if (!this.emitted_end) { this.emit('end'); this.emitted_end = true; } // If this is a requested shutdown, then don't retry if (this.closing) { debug('Connection ended by quit / end command, not retrying.'); this.flush_and_error({ message: 'Stream connection ended and command aborted.', code: 'NR_CLOSED' }, { error: error }); return; } if (typeof this.options.retry_strategy === 'function') { var retry_params = { attempt: this.attempts, error: error }; if (this.options.camel_case) { retry_params.totalRetryTime = this.retry_totaltime; retry_params.timesConnected = this.times_connected; } else { retry_params.total_retry_time = this.retry_totaltime; retry_params.times_connected = this.times_connected; } this.retry_delay = this.options.retry_strategy(retry_params); if (typeof this.retry_delay !== 'number') { // Pass individual error through if (this.retry_delay instanceof Error) { error = this.retry_delay; } var errorMessage = 'Redis connection in broken state: retry aborted.'; this.flush_and_error({ message: errorMessage, code: 'CONNECTION_BROKEN', }, { error: error }); var retryError = new Error(errorMessage); retryError.code = 'CONNECTION_BROKEN'; if (error) { retryError.origin = error; } this.end(false); this.emit('error', retryError); return; } } if (this.retry_totaltime >= this.connect_timeout) { var message = 'Redis connection in broken state: connection timeout exceeded.'; this.flush_and_error({ message: message, code: 'CONNECTION_BROKEN', }, { error: error }); var err = new Error(message); err.code = 'CONNECTION_BROKEN'; if (error) { err.origin = error; } this.end(false); this.emit('error', err); return; } // Retry commands after a reconnect instead of throwing an error. Use this with caution if (this.options.retry_unfulfilled_commands) { this.offline_queue.unshift.apply(this.offline_queue, this.command_queue.toArray()); this.command_queue.clear(); } else if (this.command_queue.length !== 0) { this.flush_and_error({ message: 'Redis connection lost and command aborted.', code: 'UNCERTAIN_STATE' }, { error: error, queues: ['command_queue'] }); } if (this.retry_totaltime + this.retry_delay > this.connect_timeout) { // Do not exceed the maximum this.retry_delay = this.connect_timeout - this.retry_totaltime; } debug('Retry connection in ' + this.retry_delay + ' ms'); this.retry_timer = setTimeout(retry_connection, this.retry_delay, this, error); }; RedisClient.prototype.return_error = function (err) { var command_obj = this.command_queue.shift(); if (command_obj.error) { err.stack = command_obj.error.stack.replace(/^Error.*?\n/, 'ReplyError: ' + err.message + '\n'); } err.command = command_obj.command.toUpperCase(); if (command_obj.args && command_obj.args.length) { err.args = command_obj.args; } // Count down pub sub mode if in entering modus if (this.pub_sub_mode > 1) { this.pub_sub_mode--; } var match = err.message.match(utils.err_code); // LUA script could return user errors that don't behave like all other errors! if (match) { err.code = match[1]; } utils.callback_or_emit(this, command_obj.callback, err); }; RedisClient.prototype.drain = function () { this.should_buffer = false; }; function normal_reply (self, reply) { var command_obj = self.command_queue.shift(); if (typeof command_obj.callback === 'function') { if (command_obj.command !== 'exec') { reply = self.handle_reply(reply, command_obj.command, command_obj.buffer_args); } command_obj.callback(null, reply); } else { debug('No callback for reply'); } } function subscribe_unsubscribe (self, reply, type) { // Subscribe commands take an optional callback and also emit an event, but only the _last_ response is included in the callback // The pub sub commands return each argument in a separate return value and have to be handled that way var command_obj = self.command_queue.get(0); var buffer = self.options.return_buffers || self.options.detect_buffers && command_obj.buffer_args; var channel = (buffer || reply[1] === null) ? reply[1] : reply[1].toString(); var count = +reply[2]; // Return the channel counter as number no matter if `string_numbers` is activated or not debug(type, channel); // Emit first, then return the callback if (channel !== null) { // Do not emit or "unsubscribe" something if there was no channel to unsubscribe from self.emit(type, channel, count); if (type === 'subscribe' || type === 'psubscribe') { self.subscription_set[type + '_' + channel] = channel; } else { type = type === 'unsubscribe' ? 'subscribe' : 'psubscribe'; // Make types consistent delete self.subscription_set[type + '_' + channel]; } } if (command_obj.args.length === 1 || self.sub_commands_left === 1 || command_obj.args.length === 0 && (count === 0 || channel === null)) { if (count === 0) { // unsubscribed from all channels var running_command; var i = 1; self.pub_sub_mode = 0; // Deactivating pub sub mode // This should be a rare case and therefore handling it this way should be good performance wise for the general case while (running_command = self.command_queue.get(i)) { if (SUBSCRIBE_COMMANDS[running_command.command]) { self.pub_sub_mode = i; // Entering pub sub mode again break; } i++; } } self.command_queue.shift(); if (typeof command_obj.callback === 'function') { // TODO: The current return value is pretty useless. // Evaluate to change this in v.4 to return all subscribed / unsubscribed channels in an array including the number of channels subscribed too command_obj.callback(null, channel); } self.sub_commands_left = 0; } else { if (self.sub_commands_left !== 0) { self.sub_commands_left--; } else { self.sub_commands_left = command_obj.args.length ? command_obj.args.length - 1 : count; } } } function return_pub_sub (self, reply) { var type = reply[0].toString(); if (type === 'message') { // channel, message if (!self.options.return_buffers || self.message_buffers) { // backwards compatible. Refactor this in v.4 to always return a string on the normal emitter self.emit('message', reply[1].toString(), reply[2].toString()); self.emit('message_buffer', reply[1], reply[2]); self.emit('messageBuffer', reply[1], reply[2]); } else { self.emit('message', reply[1], reply[2]); } } else if (type === 'pmessage') { // pattern, channel, message if (!self.options.return_buffers || self.message_buffers) { // backwards compatible. Refactor this in v.4 to always return a string on the normal emitter self.emit('pmessage', reply[1].toString(), reply[2].toString(), reply[3].toString()); self.emit('pmessage_buffer', reply[1], reply[2], reply[3]); self.emit('pmessageBuffer', reply[1], reply[2], reply[3]); } else { self.emit('pmessage', reply[1], reply[2], reply[3]); } } else { subscribe_unsubscribe(self, reply, type); } } RedisClient.prototype.return_reply = function (reply) { if (this.monitoring) { var replyStr; if (this.buffers && Buffer.isBuffer(reply)) { replyStr = reply.toString(); } else { replyStr = reply; } // If in monitor mode, all normal commands are still working and we only want to emit the streamlined commands if (typeof replyStr === 'string' && utils.monitor_regex.test(replyStr)) { var timestamp = replyStr.slice(0, replyStr.indexOf(' ')); var args = replyStr.slice(replyStr.indexOf('"') + 1, -1).split('" "').map(function (elem) { return elem.replace(/\\"/g, '"'); }); this.emit('monitor', timestamp, args, replyStr); return; } } if (this.pub_sub_mode === 0) { normal_reply(this, reply); } else if (this.pub_sub_mode !== 1) { this.pub_sub_mode--; normal_reply(this, reply); } else if (!(reply instanceof Array) || reply.length <= 2) { // Only PING and QUIT are allowed in this context besides the pub sub commands // Ping replies with ['pong', null|value] and quit with 'OK' normal_reply(this, reply); } else { return_pub_sub(this, reply); } }; function handle_offline_command (self, command_obj) { var command = command_obj.command; var err, msg; if (self.closing || !self.enable_offline_queue) { command = command.toUpperCase(); if (!self.closing) { if (self.stream.writable) { msg = 'The connection is not yet established and the offline queue is deactivated.'; } else { msg = 'Stream not writeable.'; } } else { msg = 'The connection is already closed.'; } err = new errorClasses.AbortError({ message: command + " can't be processed. " + msg, code: 'NR_CLOSED', command: command }); if (command_obj.args.length) { err.args = command_obj.args; } utils.reply_in_order(self, command_obj.callback, err); } else { debug('Queueing ' + command + ' for next server connection.'); self.offline_queue.push(command_obj); } self.should_buffer = true; } // Do not call internal_send_command directly, if you are not absolutly certain it handles everything properly // e.g. monitor / info does not work with internal_send_command only RedisClient.prototype.internal_send_command = function (command_obj) { var arg, prefix_keys; var i = 0; var command_str = ''; var args = command_obj.args; var command = command_obj.command; var len = args.length; var big_data = false; var args_copy = new Array(len); if (process.domain && command_obj.callback) { command_obj.callback = process.domain.bind(command_obj.callback); } if (this.ready === false || this.stream.writable === false) { // Handle offline commands right away handle_offline_command(this, command_obj); return false; // Indicate buffering } for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { if (typeof args[i] === 'string') { // 30000 seemed to be a good value to switch to buffers after testing and checking the pros and cons if (args[i].length > 30000) { big_data = true; args_copy[i] = Buffer.from(args[i], 'utf8'); } else { args_copy[i] = args[i]; } } else if (typeof args[i] === 'object') { // Checking for object instead of Buffer.isBuffer helps us finding data types that we can't handle properly if (args[i] instanceof Date) { // Accept dates as valid input args_copy[i] = args[i].toString(); } else if (Buffer.isBuffer(args[i])) { args_copy[i] = args[i]; command_obj.buffer_args = true; big_data = true; } else { var invalidArgError = new Error( 'node_redis: The ' + command.toUpperCase() + ' command contains a invalid argument type.\n' + 'Only strings, dates and buffers are accepted. Please update your code to use valid argument types.' ); invalidArgError.command = command_obj.command.toUpperCase(); if (command_obj.args && command_obj.args.length) { invalidArgError.args = command_obj.args; } if (command_obj.callback) { command_obj.callback(invalidArgError); return false; } throw invalidArgError; } } else if (typeof args[i] === 'undefined') { var undefinedArgError = new Error( 'node_redis: The ' + command.toUpperCase() + ' command contains a invalid argument type of "undefined".\n' + 'Only strings, dates and buffers are accepted. Please update your code to use valid argument types.' ); undefinedArgError.command = command_obj.command.toUpperCase(); if (command_obj.args && command_obj.args.length) { undefinedArgError.args = command_obj.args; } // there is always a callback in this scenario command_obj.callback(undefinedArgError); return false; } else { // Seems like numbers are converted fast using string concatenation args_copy[i] = '' + args[i]; } } if (this.options.prefix) { prefix_keys = commands.getKeyIndexes(command, args_copy); for (i = prefix_keys.pop(); i !== undefined; i = prefix_keys.pop()) { args_copy[i] = this.options.prefix + args_copy[i]; } } if (this.options.rename_commands && this.options.rename_commands[command]) { command = this.options.rename_commands[command]; } // Always use 'Multi bulk commands', but if passed any Buffer args, then do multiple writes, one for each arg. // This means that using Buffers in commands is going to be slower, so use Strings if you don't already have a Buffer. command_str = '*' + (len + 1) + '\r\n$' + command.length + '\r\n' + command + '\r\n'; if (big_data === false) { // Build up a string and send entire command in one write for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { arg = args_copy[i]; command_str += '$' + Buffer.byteLength(arg) + '\r\n' + arg + '\r\n'; } debug('Send ' + this.address + ' id ' + this.connection_id + ': ' + command_str); this.write(command_str); } else { debug('Send command (' + command_str + ') has Buffer arguments'); this.fire_strings = false; this.write(command_str); for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { arg = args_copy[i]; if (typeof arg === 'string') { this.write('$' + Buffer.byteLength(arg) + '\r\n' + arg + '\r\n'); } else { // buffer this.write('$' + arg.length + '\r\n'); this.write(arg); this.write('\r\n'); } debug('send_command: buffer send ' + arg.length + ' bytes'); } } if (command_obj.call_on_write) { command_obj.call_on_write(); } // Handle `CLIENT REPLY ON|OFF|SKIP` // This has to be checked after call_on_write /* istanbul ignore else: TODO: Remove this as soon as we test Redis 3.2 on travis */ if (this.reply === 'ON') { this.command_queue.push(command_obj); } else { // Do not expect a reply // Does this work in combination with the pub sub mode? if (command_obj.callback) { utils.reply_in_order(this, command_obj.callback, null, undefined, this.command_queue); } if (this.reply === 'SKIP') { this.reply = 'SKIP_ONE_MORE'; } else if (this.reply === 'SKIP_ONE_MORE') { this.reply = 'ON'; } } return !this.should_buffer; }; RedisClient.prototype.write_strings = function () { var str = ''; for (var command = this.pipeline_queue.shift(); command; command = this.pipeline_queue.shift()) { // Write to stream if the string is bigger than 4mb. The biggest string may be Math.pow(2, 28) - 15 chars long if (str.length + command.length > 4 * 1024 * 1024) { this.should_buffer = !this.stream.write(str); str = ''; } str += command; } if (str !== '') { this.should_buffer = !this.stream.write(str); } }; RedisClient.prototype.write_buffers = function () { for (var command = this.pipeline_queue.shift(); command; command = this.pipeline_queue.shift()) { this.should_buffer = !this.stream.write(command); } }; RedisClient.prototype.write = function (data) { if (this.pipeline === false) { this.should_buffer = !this.stream.write(data); return; } this.pipeline_queue.push(data); }; Object.defineProperty(exports, 'debugMode', { get: function () { return this.debug_mode; }, set: function (val) { this.debug_mode = val; } }); // Don't officially expose the command_queue directly but only the length as read only variable Object.defineProperty(RedisClient.prototype, 'command_queue_length', { get: function () { return this.command_queue.length; } }); Object.defineProperty(RedisClient.prototype, 'offline_queue_length', { get: function () { return this.offline_queue.length; } }); // Add support for camelCase by adding read only properties to the client // All known exposed snake_case variables are added here Object.defineProperty(RedisClient.prototype, 'retryDelay', { get: function () { return this.retry_delay; } }); Object.defineProperty(RedisClient.prototype, 'retryBackoff', { get: function () { return this.retry_backoff; } }); Object.defineProperty(RedisClient.prototype, 'commandQueueLength', { get: function () { return this.command_queue.length; } }); Object.defineProperty(RedisClient.prototype, 'offlineQueueLength', { get: function () { return this.offline_queue.length; } }); Object.defineProperty(RedisClient.prototype, 'shouldBuffer', { get: function () { return this.should_buffer; } }); Object.defineProperty(RedisClient.prototype, 'connectionId', { get: function () { return this.connection_id; } }); Object.defineProperty(RedisClient.prototype, 'serverInfo', { get: function () { return this.server_info; } }); exports.createClient = function () { return new RedisClient(unifyOptions.apply(null, arguments)); }; exports.RedisClient = RedisClient; exports.print = utils.print; exports.Multi = require('./lib/multi'); exports.AbortError = errorClasses.AbortError; exports.RedisError = RedisErrors.RedisError; exports.ParserError = RedisErrors.ParserError; exports.ReplyError = RedisErrors.ReplyError; exports.AggregateError = errorClasses.AggregateError; // Add all redis commands / node_redis api to the client require('./lib/individualCommands'); require('./lib/extendedApi'); //enables adding new commands (for modules and new commands) exports.addCommand = exports.add_command = require('./lib/commands');