module.exports = function(request, fs) { const config = require('../config') this.downloadFile = (url) => { return new Promise(resolve => { request(url, { encoding: 'binary' }, (error, response, body) => { if(!error && response.statusCode === 200) { resolve({ success: true, data: body }) } else { resolve({ success: false, data: null }) } }) }).catch((err) => { console.log(`Downloading media file failed for unknown reason. Details:`, err) }) } this.writeToDisk = (data, filename) => { return new Promise(resolve => { fs.writeFile(filename, data, 'binary', (error, result) => { if(!error) { resolve({ success: true }) } else { resolve({ success: false, error }) } }) }).catch((err) => { console.log(`Writing media file to disk failed for unknown reason. Details:`, err) }) } this.logTimestamp = (date) => { return date.toGMTString() } this.cleanUrl = (url) => { return url.replace(/&/g, '&') } this.teddifyUrl = (url, user_preferences) => { try { let u = new URL(url) let domain_replaced = false if( === '' || === '') { url = url.replace(, config.domain) domain_replaced = true if(u.pathname.startsWith('/gallery/')) url = url.replace('/gallery/', '/comments/') } if( === '' || === '') { let image_exts = ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg'] let video_exts = ['mp4', 'gif', 'gifv'] let file_ext = getFileExtension(url) if(image_exts.includes(file_ext)) url = url.replace(`${}/`, `${config.domain}/pics/w:null_`) domain_replaced = true if(video_exts.includes(file_ext) || !image_exts.includes(file_ext)) url = url.replace(, `${config.domain}/vids`) + '.mp4' domain_replaced = true } if(domain_replaced && !config.https_enabled) { url = url.replace('https:', 'http:') } } catch(e) { } url = replaceDomains(url, user_preferences) return url } this.kFormatter = (num) => { return Math.abs(num) > 999 ? Math.sign(num)*((Math.abs(num)/1000).toFixed(1)) + 'k' : Math.sign(num)*Math.abs(num) } this.timeDifference = (time, hide_suffix) => { time = parseInt(time) * 1000 let ms_per_minute = 60 * 1000 let ms_per_hour = ms_per_minute * 60 let ms_per_day = ms_per_hour * 24 let ms_per_month = ms_per_day * 30 let ms_per_year = ms_per_day * 365 let current = + new Date() let suffix = 'ago' if(hide_suffix) suffix = '' let elapsed = Math.abs(time - current) let r = '' let e if(elapsed < ms_per_minute) { e = Math.round(elapsed/1000) r = `${e} seconds ${suffix}` if(e === 1) r = 'just now' return r } else if(elapsed < ms_per_hour) { e = Math.round(elapsed/ms_per_minute) r = `${e} minutes ${suffix}` if(r === 1) r = `a minute ${suffix}` return r } else if(elapsed < ms_per_day ) { e = Math.round(elapsed/ms_per_hour) r = `${e} hours ${suffix}` if(e === 1) r = `an hour ${suffix}` return r } else if(elapsed < ms_per_month) { e = Math.round(elapsed/ms_per_day) r = `${e} days ${suffix}` if(e === 1) r = `1 day ${suffix}` return r } else if(elapsed < ms_per_year) { e = Math.round(elapsed/ms_per_month) r = `${e} months ${suffix}` if(e === 1) r = `1 month ${suffix}` return r } else { e = Math.round(elapsed/ms_per_year) r = `${e} years ${suffix}` if(e === 1) r = `1 year ${suffix}` return r } } this.toUTCString = (time) => { let d = new Date() d.setTime(time*1000) return d.toUTCString() } this.unescape = (s, user_preferences) => { /* It would make much more sense to rename this function to something * like "formatter". */ if(s) { var re = /&(?:amp|#38|lt|#60|gt|#62|apos|#39|quot|#34);/g; var unescaped = { '&': '&', '&': '&', '<': '<', '<': '<', '>': '>', '>': '>', ''': "'", ''': "'", '"': '"', '"': '"' } let result = s.replace(re, (m) => { return unescaped[m] }) result = replaceDomains(result, user_preferences) return result } else { return '' } } this.replaceDomains = (str, user_preferences) => { if(typeof(str) == 'undefined' || !str) return if (config.domain_replacements) { for (replacement of config.domain_replacements) { str = str.replace(...replacement) } } return this.replaceUserDomains(str, user_preferences) } this.replaceUserDomains = (str, user_preferences) => { let redditRegex = /(?<=href=")(https?:\/\/)([A-z.]+\.)?(reddit(\.com)|redd(\.it))(?=.+")/gm; let youtubeRegex = /(?<=href=")(https?:\/\/)([A-z.]+\.)?youtu(be\.com|\.be)(?=.+")/gm; let twitterRegex = /(?<=href=")(https?:\/\/)(www\.)?twitter\.com(?=.+")/gm; let instagramRegex = /(?<=href=")(https?:\/\/)(www+\.)?")/gm; let quoraRegex = /(?<=href=")(https?:\/\/)([A-z.]+\.)?quora\.com(?=.+")/gm; /* * regex pattern to replace imgur links (,, * source: * license: GNU GPL v3 License -> */ let imgurRegex = /(?<=href=")(https?:\/{2})([im]\.)?(stack\.)?imgur\.(com|io)(?=.+")/gm; let protocol = config.https_enabled || config.api_force_https ? 'https://' : 'http://' /** * Special handling for reddit media domains in comments hrefs or img srcs. * For example a comment might have a direct links to images in * Just refer to this * We want to rewrite these hrefs, but we also need to include the domain * for our backend, so we know where to fetch the media from. * That comment URL then becomes like this after rewriting it: * Just refer to this * And then in our backend, we check if we have a 'teddit_proxy' in the req * query, and proceed to proxy if it does. */ const replacable_media_domains = ['', '', '', ''] replacable_media_domains.forEach((domain) => { if (str.includes(domain + "/")) { const regex = new RegExp(`(?<=(href|src)=")(https?:\/\/)([A-z.]+\.)?(${domain})(.+?(?="))`, 'gm') const hrefs = str.match(regex) if (!hrefs) { return } hrefs.forEach((url) => { let original_url = url const valid_exts = ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'mp4', 'gif', 'gifv'] const file_ext = getFileExtension(url) if (valid_exts.includes(file_ext)) { url = url.replace(domain, config.domain) // append the domain info to the query, for teddit backend let u = new URL(url) if ( { url += '&teddit_proxy=' + domain } else { url += '?teddit_proxy=' + domain } // also replace the protocol for instances using http only if (protocol === 'http://' && u.protocol === 'https:') { url.replace('https://', protocol) } str = str.replace(original_url, url) } }) } }) // Continue the normal replace logic str = str.replace(redditRegex, protocol + config.domain) if(typeof(user_preferences) == 'undefined') return str if(typeof(user_preferences.domain_youtube) != 'undefined') if(user_preferences.domain_youtube){ if (!youtubeRegex.test(str)){ youtubeRegex = /(https?:\/\/)([A-z.]+\.)?youtu(be\.com|\.be)(?=.+)/gm; } str = str.replace(youtubeRegex, protocol + user_preferences.domain_youtube); } if(typeof(user_preferences.domain_twitter) != 'undefined') if(user_preferences.domain_twitter){ if (!twitterRegex.test(str)){ twitterRegex = /(https?:\/\/)(www\.)?twitter\.com(?=.)/gm; } str = str.replace(twitterRegex, protocol + user_preferences.domain_twitter) } if(typeof(user_preferences.domain_instagram) != 'undefined'){ if(user_preferences.domain_instagram){ if (!instagramRegex.test(str)){ instagramRegex = /(https?:\/\/)(www+\.)?; } str = str.replace(instagramRegex, protocol + user_preferences.domain_instagram); } } if(typeof(user_preferences.domain_quora) != 'undefined'){ if(user_preferences.domain_quora){ if (!quoraRegex.test(str)){ quoraRegex = /(https?:\/\/)([A-z.]+\.)?quora\.com(?=.)/gm; } str = str.replace(quoraRegex, protocol + user_preferences.domain_quora) } } if(typeof(user_preferences.domain_imgur) != 'undefined'){ if(user_preferences.domain_imgur){ if (!imgurRegex.test(str)){ imgurRegex = /(https?:\/{2})([im]\.)?(stack\.)?imgur\.(com|io)(?=.)/gm; } str = str.replace(imgurRegex, protocol + user_preferences.domain_imgur) } } return str } this.deleteFiles = (files, callback) => { var i = files.length files.forEach((filepath) => { fs.unlink(filepath, (err) => { i-- if(err) { callback(err) return } else if(i <= 0) { callback(null) } }) }) } this.isGif = (url) => { if(url.startsWith('/r/')) return false try { url = new URL(url) let pathname = url.pathname let file_ext = pathname.substring(pathname.lastIndexOf('.') + 1) if(file_ext === 'gif' || file_ext === 'gifv') { return true } else { return false } } catch (error) { console.error(`Invalid url supplied to isGif(). URL: ${url}`, error) return false } } this.getFileExtension = (url) => { try { url = new URL(url) let pathname = url.pathname let file_ext = pathname.substring(pathname.lastIndexOf('.') + 1) if(file_ext) { return file_ext } else { return '' } } catch (error) { console.error(`Invalid url supplied to getFileExtension(). URL: ${url}`, error) return '' } } this.formatLinkFlair = async (post) => { if (!config.flairs_enabled) { return '' } const wrap = (inner) => `${inner}` if (post.link_flair_text === null) return '' if (post.link_flair_type === 'text') return wrap(post.link_flair_text) if (post.link_flair_type === 'richtext') { let flair = '' for (let fragment of post.link_flair_richtext) { if (fragment.e === 'text') flair += fragment.t else if (fragment.e === 'emoji') flair += `` } return wrap(flair) } return '' } this.formatUserFlair = async (post) => { if (!config.flairs_enabled) { return '' } // Generate the entire HTML here for consistency in both pug and HTML const wrap = (inner) => `${inner}` if (post.author_flair_text === null) return '' if (post.author_flair_type === 'text') return wrap(post.author_flair_text) if (post.author_flair_type === 'richtext') { let flair = '' for (let fragment of post.author_flair_richtext) { // `e` seems to mean `type` if (fragment.e === 'text') flair += fragment.t // `t` is the text else if (fragment.e === 'emoji') flair += `` // `u` is the emoji URL } return wrap(flair) } return '' } }