doctype html html head title teddit meta(property='og:title', content='frontpage : teddit') meta(property='og:description', content='Teddit is a free and open source alternative Reddit front-end focused on privacy. Teddit doesn\'t require you to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.') meta(property='og:image', content='/logo512.png') meta(property='og:image:width', content='128') meta(property='og:image:height', content='128') meta(property='og:author_name', content='') meta(name='twitter:card', content='summary') include includes/head.pug body(class=""+ (user_preferences.theme === 'auto' ? 'dark' : user_preferences.theme) + "") include includes/topbar.pug if json === null .reddit-error h2 Error p #{JSON.stringify(http_status_code)} p #{JSON.stringify(http_statustext)} if http_status_code == "401" || http_status_code == "503" p This error is probably caused because Reddit itself is down or having server issues. p Checking might give some information. if http_status_code == "404" p The resource you were looking for was not found. else - var subreddit = '' if(user_preferences.subbed_subreddits && Array.isArray(user_preferences.subbed_subreddits)) - subreddit = '/r/' + user_preferences.subbed_subreddits.join('+') header a(href="/", class="main") h1 teddit .bottom ul.tabmenu li(class=!sortby || sortby == 'hot' ? 'active' : '') a(href="" + subreddit + "/") hot li(class=sortby === 'new' ? 'active' : '') a(href="" + subreddit + "/new") new li(class=sortby === 'rising' ? 'active' : '') a(href="" + subreddit + "/rising") rising li(class=sortby === 'controversial' ? 'active' : '') a(href="" + subreddit + "/controversial") controversial li(class=sortby === 'top' ? 'active' : '') a(href="" + subreddit + "/top") top if !before && !after && sortby === 'hot' #intro h1 Welcome to teddit h2 the alternative, privacy respecting, front page of internet. if sortby === 'top' || sortby === 'controversial' details summary if past === 'hour' span links from: past hour if past === 'day' span links from: past 24 hours if past === 'week' span links from: past week if past === 'month' span links from: past month if past === 'year' span links from: past year if past === 'all' span links from: all time ul li(class=past === 'hour' ? 'active' : '') a(href="?t=hour") past hour li(class=past === 'day' ? 'active' : '') a(href="?t=day") past 24 hours li(class=past === 'week' ? 'active' : '') a(href="?t=week") past week li(class=past === 'month' ? 'active' : '') a(href="?t=month") past month li(class=past === 'year' ? 'active' : '') a(href="?t=year") past year li(class=past === 'all' ? 'active' : '') a(href="?t=all") all time each link in json.links include components/link.pug if || .view-more-links - var subreddit = 'all' if(user_preferences.subbed_subreddits && Array.isArray(user_preferences.subbed_subreddits)) - subreddit = user_preferences.subbed_subreddits.join('+') if a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "/" + sortby + "?t=" + (past ? past : '') + "&after=" + + "") next › #search form(action="/r/all/search", method="GET") div label(for="q") search input(type="text", name="q", id="q", placeholder="search") div label(for="nsfw") include NSFW results input(type="checkbox", name="nsfw", id="nsfw", checked="checked") input(type="submit", value="search") include includes/footer.pug