doctype html html head title /r/#{subreddit} include includes/head.pug body(class=""+ user_preferences.theme +"") include includes/topbar.pug - let show_nsfw_warning = false; if(subreddit_about) { if(subreddit_about.over18) { if((instance_nsfw_enabled === false && user_preferences.nsfw_enabled != 'true') || user_preferences.nsfw_enabled === 'false') { show_nsfw_warning = true; } } } if json === null h1 Error occured if error if json.error_data.reason === "private" h2 This is a private subreddit. p Error: #{JSON.stringify(json.error_data)} else if show_nsfw_warning === true .nsfw-warning span 18+ h2 You must be 18+ to view this community p You must be at least eighteen years old to view this content. Are you over eighteen and willing to see adult content? a(href="/") No thank you a(href="?nsfw_enabled=true") Continue p If you continue, nsfw_enabled cookie preference will be automatically set to true. else header a(href="/", class="main") h1 teddit .bottom if !subreddit.includes('+') a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "", class="subreddit") h2 #{subreddit} ul.tabmenu li(class=!sortby || sortby == 'hot' ? 'active' : '') a(href="/r/" + subreddit) hot li(class=sortby === 'new' ? 'active' : '') a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "/new") new li(class=sortby === 'rising' ? 'active' : '') a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "/rising") rising li(class=sortby === 'controversial' ? 'active' : '') a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "/controversial") controversial li(class=sortby === 'top' ? 'active' : '') a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "/top") top if sortby === 'top' || sortby === 'controversial' details summary if past === 'hour' span links from: past hour if past === 'day' span links from: past 24 hours if past === 'week' span links from: past week if past === 'month' span links from: past month if past === 'year' span links from: past year if past === 'all' span links from: all time ul li(class=past === 'hour' ? 'active' : '') a(href="?t=hour") past hour li(class=past === 'day' ? 'active' : '') a(href="?t=day") past 24 hours li(class=past === 'week' ? 'active' : '') a(href="?t=week") past week li(class=past === 'month' ? 'active' : '') a(href="?t=month") past month li(class=past === 'year' ? 'active' : '') a(href="?t=year") past year li(class=past === 'all' ? 'active' : '') a(href="?t=all") all time if json.links.length === 0 p nothing here else each link in json.links .link .upvotes .arrow span #{kFormatter(} .arrow.down .image if link.images if link.is_self_link a(href="" + link.permalink + "") img(src="" + link.images.thumb + "", alt="") else a(href=""+ link.url +"", rel="noopener noreferrer") img(src="" + link.images.thumb + "", alt="") else a(href="" + link.permalink + "") .no-image no image .entry .title if link.is_self_link a(href="" + link.permalink + "") h2(class="" + (link.stickied ? 'green' : '') + "") #{cleanTitle(link.title)} != link.link_flair span (#{link.domain}) else a(href="" + link.url + "", rel="noopener noreferrer") h2(class="" + (link.stickied ? 'green' : '') + "") #{cleanTitle(link.title)} != link.link_flair span (#{link.domain}) .meta p.submitted submitted span(title="" + toUTCString(link.created) + "") #{timeDifference(link.created)} by if === '[deleted]' span(class="deleted") [deleted] else a(href="/u/" + + "") | #{} != link.user_flair to a(href="/r/" + link.subreddit + "") | #{link.subreddit} if link.stickied span(class="green") stickied .links if link.over_18 span.tag.nsfw NSFW a(href="" + link.permalink + "", class="comments") | #{link.num_comments} comments if || .view-more-inks if && !subreddit_front a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "/" + sortby + "?t="+ (past ? past : '') +"&before=" + + "") ‹ prev if a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "/" + sortby + "?t=" + (past ? past : '') + "&after=" + + "") next › #sidebar form(action="/r/" + subreddit + "/search", method="GET") div label(for="q") search input(type="text", name="q", id="q", placeholder="search") div label(for="restrict_sr") limit my search to r/#{subreddit} input(type="checkbox", name="restrict_sr", id="restrict_sr", checked="checked") div label(for="nsfw") include NSFW results input(type="checkbox", name="nsfw", id="nsfw", checked="checked") input(type="submit", value="search") if subreddit_about if subreddit_about.subscribers .content p subscribers: #{subreddit_about.subscribers.toLocaleString()} p users here right now: #{subreddit_about.active_user_count.toLocaleString()} br .heading p.title #{subreddit_about.title} .short-description != unescape(subreddit_about.public_description_html) .description != unescape(subreddit_about.description_html) else if subreddit.includes('+') .content p These subreddits - let subreddits = subreddit.split('+') ul(class="subreddit-listing") each subreddit in subreddits li a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "") #{subreddit} include includes/footer.pug