mirror of https://codeberg.org/teddit/teddit synced 2025-02-16 12:10:36 +01:00

add nsfw warnings for subreddits too

This commit is contained in:
teddit 2020-12-28 00:16:45 +01:00
parent 5f8e8eb7a3
commit f220b37012
5 changed files with 261 additions and 169 deletions

View File

@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ module.exports = function() {
let is_self_link = false
let valid_reddit_self_domains = ['reddit.com']
if((config.nsfw_enabled === false && user_preferences.nsfw_enabled != 'true') || user_preferences.nsfw_enabled === 'false')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
module.exports = function() {
const config = require('../config')
this.processSubredditAbout = (subreddit, redis, fetch, RedditAPI) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
(async () => {
if(subreddit && !subreddit.includes('+')) {
let key = `${subreddit}:sidebar`
redis.get(key, (error, json) => {
if(error) {
console.error(`Error getting the ${subreddit}:sidebar key from redis.`, error)
if(json) {
json = JSON.parse(json)
let obj = {
title: json.data.title,
public_description_html: json.data.public_description_html,
active_user_count: json.data.active_user_count,
subscribers: json.data.subscribers,
created_utc: json.data.created_utc,
over18: json.data.over18,
description_html: json.data.description_html
} else {
if(subreddit !== 'all') {
fetch(encodeURI(`https://oauth.reddit.com/r/${subreddit}/about`), redditApiGETHeaders())
.then(result => {
if(result.status === 200) {
.then(json => {
redis.setex(key, config.setexs.sidebar, JSON.stringify(json), (error) => {
if(error) {
console.error('Error setting the sidebar key to redis.', error)
return res.render('index', { json: null, user_preferences: req.cookies })
} else {
console.log('Fetched the sidebar from reddit API.');
(async () => {
let obj = {
title: json.data.title,
public_description_html: json.data.public_description_html,
active_user_count: json.data.active_user_count,
subscribers: json.data.subscribers,
created_utc: json.data.created_utc,
over18: json.data.over18,
description_html: json.data.description_html
} else {
console.error(`Something went wrong while fetching data from reddit API. ${result.status} ${result.statusText}`)
}).catch(error => {
console.error('Error fetching the sidebar.', error)
} else {
} else {

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module.exports = (app, redis, fetch, RedditAPI) => {
let processPost = require('./inc/processJsonPost.js')();
let processUser = require('./inc/processJsonUser.js')();
let processSearches = require('./inc/processSearchResults.js')();
let processSidebar = require('./inc/processSubredditSidebar.js')();
let processAbout = require('./inc/processSubredditAbout.js')();
let tedditApiSubreddit = require('./inc/teddit_api/handleSubreddit.js')();
app.get('/about', (req, res, next) => {
@ -384,16 +384,17 @@ module.exports = (app, redis, fetch, RedditAPI) => {
return handleTedditApiSubreddit(json, req, res, 'redis', api_type, api_target, subreddit)
} else {
let processed_json = await processJsonSubreddit(json, 'redis', null, req.cookies)
let sidebar_data = await processSubredditSidebar(subreddit, redis, fetch, RedditAPI)
let subreddit_about = await processSubredditAbout(subreddit, redis, fetch, RedditAPI)
if(!processed_json.error) {
return res.render('subreddit', {
json: processed_json,
subreddit: subreddit,
sidebar_data: sidebar_data,
subreddit_about: subreddit_about,
subreddit_front: (!before && !after) ? true : false,
sortby: sortby,
past: past,
user_preferences: req.cookies
user_preferences: req.cookies,
instance_nsfw_enabled: config.nsfw_enabled
} else {
return res.render('subreddit', {
@ -422,15 +423,16 @@ module.exports = (app, redis, fetch, RedditAPI) => {
return handleTedditApiSubreddit(json, req, res, 'from_online', api_type, api_target, subreddit)
} else {
let processed_json = await processJsonSubreddit(json, 'from_online', null, req.cookies)
let sidebar_data = await processSubredditSidebar(subreddit, redis, fetch, RedditAPI)
let subreddit_about = await processSubredditAbout(subreddit, redis, fetch, RedditAPI)
return res.render('subreddit', {
json: processed_json,
subreddit: subreddit,
sidebar_data: sidebar_data,
subreddit_about: subreddit_about,
subreddit_front: (!before && !after) ? true : false,
sortby: sortby,
past: past,
user_preferences: req.cookies
user_preferences: req.cookies,
instance_nsfw_enabled: config.nsfw_enabled

View File

@ -402,6 +402,30 @@ header .tabmenu li.active a {
border-color: #d10023;
color: #d10023;
.nsfw-warning {
text-align: center;
float: left;
width: 100%;
margin: 40px 0px;
.nsfw-warning span {
font-size: 3rem;
background: #ff575b;
border-radius: 130px;
display: inline-block;
padding: 39px 20px 39px 20px;
color: white;
.nsfw-warning h2 {
margin: 20px 0px;
.nsfw-warning a {
margin: 20px;
display: inline-block;
background: #4f86b5;
color: white;
padding: 16px;
.btn {
padding: 3px;
@ -852,30 +876,6 @@ input[type="submit"]:hover,
#post .source-url {
overflow-wrap: anywhere;
#post .nsfw-warning {
text-align: center;
float: left;
width: 100%;
margin: 40px 0px;
#post .nsfw-warning span {
font-size: 3rem;
background: #ff575b;
border-radius: 130px;
display: inline-block;
padding: 39px 20px 39px 20px;
color: white;
#post .nsfw-warning h2 {
margin: 20px 0px;
#post .nsfw-warning a {
margin: 20px;
display: inline-block;
background: #4f86b5;
color: white;
padding: 16px;
/* USER */
#user .entries {
float: left;

View File

@ -5,6 +5,15 @@ html
include includes/head.pug
body(class=""+ user_preferences.theme +"")
include includes/topbar.pug
let show_nsfw_warning = false;
if(subreddit_about) {
if(subreddit_about.over18) {
if((instance_nsfw_enabled === false && user_preferences.nsfw_enabled != 'true') || user_preferences.nsfw_enabled === 'false') {
show_nsfw_warning = true;
if json === null
h1 Error occured
if error
@ -12,142 +21,151 @@ html
h2 This is a private subreddit.
p Error: #{JSON.stringify(json.error_data)}
a(href="/", class="main")
h1 teddit
if !subreddit.includes('+')
a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "", class="subreddit")
h2 #{subreddit}
li(class=!sortby || sortby == 'hot' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="/r/" + subreddit) hot
li(class=sortby === 'new' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "/new") new
li(class=sortby === 'rising' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "/rising") rising
li(class=sortby === 'controversial' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "/controversial") controversial
li(class=sortby === 'top' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "/top") top
if sortby === 'top' || sortby === 'controversial'
if past === 'hour'
span links from: past hour
if past === 'day'
span links from: past 24 hours
if past === 'week'
span links from: past week
if past === 'month'
span links from: past month
if past === 'year'
span links from: past year
if past === 'all'
span links from: all time
li(class=past === 'hour' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="?t=hour") past hour
li(class=past === 'day' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="?t=day") past 24 hours
li(class=past === 'week' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="?t=week") past week
li(class=past === 'month' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="?t=month") past month
li(class=past === 'year' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="?t=year") past year
li(class=past === 'all' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="?t=all") all time
if json.links.length === 0
p nothing here
each link in json.links
span #{kFormatter(link.ups)}
if link.images
if link.is_self_link
a(href="" + link.permalink + "")
img(src="" + link.images.thumb + "", alt="")
a(href=""+ link.url +"")
img(src="" + link.images.thumb + "", alt="")
a(href="" + link.permalink + "")
if link.is_self_link
a(href="" + link.permalink + "")
h2(class="" + (link.stickied ? 'green' : '') + "") #{cleanTitle(link.title)}
!= link.link_flair
span (#{link.domain})
a(href="" + link.url + "")
h2(class="" + (link.stickied ? 'green' : '') + "") #{cleanTitle(link.title)}
!= link.link_flair
span (#{link.domain})
p.submitted submitted
span(title="" + toUTCString(link.created) + "") #{timeDifference(link.created)} by
if link.author === '[deleted]'
span(class="deleted") [deleted]
if show_nsfw_warning === true
span 18+
h2 You must be 18+ to view this community
p You must be at least eighteen years old to view this content. Are you over eighteen and willing to see adult content?
a(href="/") No thank you
a(href="?nsfw_enabled=true") Continue
p If you continue, <code>nsfw_enabled</code> cookie preference will be automatically set to <code>true</code>.
a(href="/", class="main")
h1 teddit
if !subreddit.includes('+')
a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "", class="subreddit")
h2 #{subreddit}
li(class=!sortby || sortby == 'hot' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="/r/" + subreddit) hot
li(class=sortby === 'new' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "/new") new
li(class=sortby === 'rising' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "/rising") rising
li(class=sortby === 'controversial' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "/controversial") controversial
li(class=sortby === 'top' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "/top") top
if sortby === 'top' || sortby === 'controversial'
if past === 'hour'
span links from: past hour
if past === 'day'
span links from: past 24 hours
if past === 'week'
span links from: past week
if past === 'month'
span links from: past month
if past === 'year'
span links from: past year
if past === 'all'
span links from: all time
li(class=past === 'hour' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="?t=hour") past hour
li(class=past === 'day' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="?t=day") past 24 hours
li(class=past === 'week' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="?t=week") past week
li(class=past === 'month' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="?t=month") past month
li(class=past === 'year' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="?t=year") past year
li(class=past === 'all' ? 'active' : '')
a(href="?t=all") all time
if json.links.length === 0
p nothing here
each link in json.links
span #{kFormatter(link.ups)}
if link.images
if link.is_self_link
a(href="" + link.permalink + "")
img(src="" + link.images.thumb + "", alt="")
a(href="/u/" + link.author + "")
| #{link.author}
!= link.user_flair
p.to to
a(href="/r/" + link.subreddit + "")
| #{link.subreddit}
if link.stickied
span(class="green") stickied
if link.over_18
span.tag.nsfw NSFW
a(href="" + link.permalink + "", class="comments")
| #{link.num_comments} comments
if json.info.before || json.info.after
if json.info.before && !subreddit_front
a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "/" + sortby + "?t="+ (past ? past : '') +"&before=" + json.info.before + "") prev
if json.info.after
a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "/" + sortby + "?t=" + (past ? past : '') + "&after=" + json.info.after + "") next
p search
form(action="/r/" + subreddit + "/search", method="GET")
input(type="text", name="q", id="q", placeholder="search")
label(for="restrict_sr") limit my search to r/#{subreddit}
input(type="checkbox", name="restrict_sr", id="restrict_sr", checked="checked")
label(for="nsfw") include NSFW results
input(type="checkbox", name="nsfw", id="nsfw", checked="checked")
input(type="submit", value="search")
if sidebar_data
if sidebar_data.subscribers
p subscribers: #{sidebar_data.subscribers.toLocaleString()}
p users here right now: #{sidebar_data.active_user_count.toLocaleString()}
p.title #{sidebar_data.title}
!= unescape(sidebar_data.public_description_html)
!= unescape(sidebar_data.description_html)
if subreddit.includes('+')
p These subreddits
let subreddits = subreddit.split('+')
each subreddit in subreddits
a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "") #{subreddit}
a(href=""+ link.url +"")
img(src="" + link.images.thumb + "", alt="")
a(href="" + link.permalink + "")
if link.is_self_link
a(href="" + link.permalink + "")
h2(class="" + (link.stickied ? 'green' : '') + "") #{cleanTitle(link.title)}
!= link.link_flair
span (#{link.domain})
a(href="" + link.url + "")
h2(class="" + (link.stickied ? 'green' : '') + "") #{cleanTitle(link.title)}
!= link.link_flair
span (#{link.domain})
p.submitted submitted
span(title="" + toUTCString(link.created) + "") #{timeDifference(link.created)} by
if link.author === '[deleted]'
span(class="deleted") [deleted]
a(href="/u/" + link.author + "")
| #{link.author}
!= link.user_flair
p.to to
a(href="/r/" + link.subreddit + "")
| #{link.subreddit}
if link.stickied
span(class="green") stickied
if link.over_18
span.tag.nsfw NSFW
a(href="" + link.permalink + "", class="comments")
| #{link.num_comments} comments
if json.info.before || json.info.after
if json.info.before && !subreddit_front
a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "/" + sortby + "?t="+ (past ? past : '') +"&before=" + json.info.before + "") prev
if json.info.after
a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "/" + sortby + "?t=" + (past ? past : '') + "&after=" + json.info.after + "") next
p search
form(action="/r/" + subreddit + "/search", method="GET")
input(type="text", name="q", id="q", placeholder="search")
label(for="restrict_sr") limit my search to r/#{subreddit}
input(type="checkbox", name="restrict_sr", id="restrict_sr", checked="checked")
label(for="nsfw") include NSFW results
input(type="checkbox", name="nsfw", id="nsfw", checked="checked")
input(type="submit", value="search")
if subreddit_about
if subreddit_about.subscribers
p subscribers: #{subreddit_about.subscribers.toLocaleString()}
p users here right now: #{subreddit_about.active_user_count.toLocaleString()}
p.title #{subreddit_about.title}
!= unescape(subreddit_about.public_description_html)
!= unescape(subreddit_about.description_html)
if subreddit.includes('+')
p These subreddits
let subreddits = subreddit.split('+')
each subreddit in subreddits
a(href="/r/" + subreddit + "") #{subreddit}