* Self-hostable. Anyone can setup an instance. An instance can either use Reddit's API with or without OAuth (so Reddit API key is not necessarily needed).
| [teddit.sethforprivacy.com](https://teddit.sethforprivacy.com/) | [qtpvyiaqhmwccx...onion/](http://qtpvyiaqhmwccxwzsqubd23xhmmrt75tdyw35kp43w4hvamsgl3x27ad.onion/) | | For more similar hosted tools, see [blog.sethforprivacy.com](https://blog.sethforprivacy.com/about/#my-community-resources) |
| [teddit.privacytools.io](https://teddit.privacytools.io) | [jnuonmf2n36sfdmyksqq....onion](http://jnuonmf2n36sfdmyksqqqyab3w63cq4kx24olyjleh5z6zzfvyt7uqqd.onion) | | Part of [PrivacyTools.io](https://www.privacytools.io/) and hosted by [Privex](https://www.privex.io/) |
Note: This compose is made for a true "production" setup, and is made to be used to have teddit behind a reverse proxy, if you don't want that and prefer to directly access teddit via its port:
- Change `ports: - ""` to `ports: - "8080:8080"`
| domain | Defines URL for Teddit to use (i.e. teddit.domain.com). Defaults to **** |
| use_reddit_oauth | *Boolean* If true, "reddit_app_id" must be set with your own Reddit app ID. If false, Teddit uses Reddit's public API. Defaults to **false** |
| cert_dir | Defines location of certificates if using HTTPS (i.e. /home/teddit/le/live/teddit.net). No trailing slash. |
| theme | Automatically theme the user's browser experience. Options are *auto*, *dark*, *sepia*, or you can set *white* by setting the variable to empty ( '' ). Defaults to **auto** |
| flairs_enabled | Enables the rendering of user and link flairs on Teddit. Defaults to **true** |
| highlight_controversial | Enables controversial comments to be indicated by a typographical dagger (†). Defaults to **true** |
| api_enabled | Teddit API feature. Might increase loads significantly on your instance. Defaults to **true** |
| redirect_www | *Boolean* Redirects from www to non-www URL. For example, if true, Teddit will redirect https://www.teddit.com to https://teddit.com. Defaults to **false** |
| use_compression | *Boolean* If set to true, Teddit will use the [https://github.com/expressjs/compression](Node.js compression middleware) to compress HTTP requests with deflate/gzip. Defaults to **true** |
| use_view_cache | *Boolean* If this is set to true, view template compilation caching is enabled. Defaults to **false** |
| http_proxy | Set http/https proxy to use for outgoing requests. See [https-proxy-agent](https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-https-proxy-agent) for details |
| nsfw_enabled | *Boolean* Enable NSFW (over 18) content. If false, a warning is shown to the user before opening any NSFW post. When the NFSW content is disabled, NSFW posts are hidden from subreddits and from user page feeds. Note: Users can set this to true or false from their preferences. Defaults to **true** |
| post_comments_sort | Defines default sort preference. Options are *confidence* (default sorting option in Reddit), *top*, *new*, *controversal*, *old*, *random*, *qa*, *live*. Defaults to **confidence** |
| reddit_app_id | If "use_reddit_oauth" config key is set to true, you have to obtain your Reddit app ID. For testing purposes it's okay to use this project's default app ID. Create your Reddit app here: https://old.reddit.com/prefs/apps/. Make sure to create an "installed app" type of app. Default is **ABfYqdDc9qPh1w** |
| domain_replacements | Replacements for domains in outgoing links. Tuples with regular expressions to match, and replacement values. This is in addition to user-level configuration of privacyDomains. Defaults to **[]** |
| cache_control_interval | How often the cache directory for static files is emptied (in hours). Default is every 24 hours. Requires cache_control to be true. Defaults to **24** |
| suggested_subreddits | Array of suggested subreddits, which are displayed in the top bar (if the user doesn't have any subscriptions) and in the cleaned home page. Defaults to Reddit's default suggested subreddits. |
See also the [pm2 instructions for running a project on startup](https://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/startup/), and in particular the section on waiting for your machine to connect to its network.