Query SQL servers

Now you can query SQL servers using searx. The following ones are supported:

All of the engines above are added to settings.yml just commented out, as you have to set the required attributes for the engines, e.g. database. By default, the engines use key-value template for displaying results. If you are not satisfied with the original result layout, you can use your owm template by placing the template under searx/templates/{theme_name}/result_templates/{template_name} and setting result_template attribute to {template_name}.

As mentioned in previous blog posts, if you do not wish to expose these engines on a public instance, you can still add them and limit the access by setting tokens as described in the blog post about private engines.

Configure the engines

The configuration of the new database engines are similar. You must put a valid SELECT SQL query in query_str. At the moment you can only bind at most one parameter in your query. By setting the attribute limit you can define how many results you want from the SQL server. Basically, it is the same as the LIMIT keyword in SQL.

Please, do not include LIMIT or OFFSET in your SQL query as the engines rely on these keywords during paging. If you want to configure the number of returned results use the option limit.


PostgreSQL is a powerful and robust open source database.

Before configuring the PostgreSQL engine, you must install the dependency psychopg2.

You can find an example configuration below:

- name : postgresql
  engine : postgresql
  database : my_database
  username : searx
  password : password
  query_str : 'SELECT * from my_table WHERE my_column = %(query)s'
  shortcut : psql


MySQL is said to be the most popular open source database.

Before enabling MySQL engine, you must install the package mysql-connector-python.

The authentication plugin is configurable by setting auth_plugin in the attributes. By default it is set to caching_sha2_password.

This is an example configuration for quering a MySQL server:

- name : mysql
  engine : mysql_server
  database : my_database
  username : searx
  password : password
  limit : 5
  query_str : 'SELECT * from my_table WHERE my_column=%(query)s'
  shortcut : mysql


SQLite is a small, fast and reliable SQL database engine. It does not require any extra dependency.

You can read from your database my_database using this example configuration:

- name : sqlite
  engine : sqlite
  shortcut: sq
  database : my_database
  query_str : 'SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_column=:query'

Next steps

The next step is to add support for more data stores, e.g. Redis and MongoDB.


This development was sponsored by Search and Discovery Fund of NLnet Foundation .

Happy hacking.
kvch // 2021.05.23 23:16