=============================== Query more of your NoSQL stores =============================== From now on, searx lets you to query your NoSQL data stores: * `Redis`_ * `MongoDB`_ The reference configuration of the engines are included ``settings.yml`` just commented out, as you have to set various options and install dependencies before using them. By default, the engines use ``key-value`` template for displaying results. If you are not satisfied with the original result layout, you can use your owm template by placing the template under ``searx/templates/{theme_name}/result_templates/{template_name}`` and setting ``result_template`` attribute to ``{template_name}``. Futhermore, if you do not want to expose these engines on a public instance, you can still add them and limit the access by setting ``tokens`` as described in the `blog post about private engines`_. Configuring searx to use the stores =================================== NoSQL data stores are used for storing arbitrary data without first defining their structure. Redis ----- Reqired package: ``redis`` Redis is a key value based data store usually stored in memory. Select a database to search in and set its index in the option ``db``. You can either look for exact matches or use partial keywords to find what you are looking for by configuring ``exact_match_only``. In this example you can search for exact matches in your first database: .. code:: yaml - name : mystore engine : redis_server exact_match_only : True host : port : 6379 password : secret-password db : 0 shortcut : rds enable_http : True MongoDB ------- Required package: ``pymongo`` MongoDB is a document based database program that handles JSON like data. In order to query MongoDB, you have to select a ``database`` and a ``collection``. Furthermore, you have to select a ``key`` that is going to be searched. MongoDB also supports the option ``exact_match_only``, so configure it as you wish. Above is an example configuration for using a MongoDB collection: .. code:: yaml - name : mymongo engine : mongodb shortcut : md host : '' port : 27017 database : personal collection : income key : month enable_http: True Acknowledgement =============== This development was sponsored by `Search and Discovery Fund`_ of `NLnet Foundation`_ . .. _Redis: https://redis.io/ .. _MongoDB: https://mongodb.com/ .. _blog post about private engines: private-engines.html#private-engines .. _Search and Discovery Fund: https://nlnet.nl/discovery .. _NLnet Foundation: https://nlnet.nl/ | Happy hacking. | kvch // 2021.07.13 23:16