Makefile Targets

With the aim to simplify development cycles, started with PR 1756 a Makefile based boilerplate was added. If you are not familiar with Makefiles, we recommend to read gnu-make introduction.

The usage is simple, just type make {target-name} to build a target. Calling the help target gives a first overview:

$ make help
  test      - run developer tests
  docs      - build documentation
  docs-live - autobuild HTML documentation while editing
  run       - run developer instance
  install   - developer install (./local)
  uninstall - uninstall (./local)
  gh-pages  - build docs & deploy on gh-pages branch
  clean     - drop builds and environments


The main setup is done in the git://Makefile:

export GIT_URL=
export SEARX_URL=
export DOCS_URL=

Changes this, to point to your searx fork.


Changes this, to point to your searx instance.


If you host your own (branded) documentation, change this URL.

Python environment

With Makefile we do no longer need to build up the virualenv manually (as described in the Development Quickstart guide). Jump into your git working tree and release a make pyenv:

$ cd ~/searx-clone
$ make pyenv
PYENV     usage: source ./local/py3/bin/activate

With target pyenv a development environment (aka virtualenv) was build up in ./local/py3/. To make a developer install of searx (git:// into this environment, use make target install:

$ make install
PYENV     usage: source ./local/py3/bin/activate
PYENV     using virtualenv from ./local/py3
PYENV     install .

You have never to think about intermediate targets like pyenv or install, the Makefile chains them as requisites. Just run your main target.

If you think, something goes wrong with your ./local environment or you change the git:// file (or the requirements listed in git://requirements-dev.txt and git://requirements.txt), you have to call make clean.

make run

To get up a running a developer instance simply call make run. This enables debug option in git://searx/settings.yml, starts a ./searx/ instance, disables debug option again and opens the URL in your favorite WEB browser (xdg-open):

$ make run
PYENV     usage: source ./local/py3/bin/activate
PYENV     install .
./local/py3/bin/python ./searx/
INFO:werkzeug: * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

make clean

Drop all intermediate files, all builds, but keep sources untouched. Includes target pyclean which drops ./local environment. Before calling make clean stop all processes using Python environment.

$ make clean
CLEAN     pyclean
CLEAN     clean

make docs docs-live docs-clean

We describe the usage of the doc* targets in the How to contribute / Documentation section. If you want to edit the documentation read our live build section. If you are working in your own brand, adjust your Makefile setup.

make gh-pages

To deploy on first adjust your Makefile setup. For any further read deploy on

make test

Runs a series of tests: test.pep8, test.unit, test.robot and does additional pylint checks. You can run tests selective, e.g.:

$ make test.pep8 test.unit
. ./local/py3/bin/activate; ./ pep8_check
[!] Running pep8 check
. ./local/py3/bin/activate; ./ unit_tests
[!] Running unit tests

make pylint

Before commiting its recommend to do some (more) linting. Pylint is known as one of the best source-code, bug and quality checker for the Python programming language. Pylint is not yet a quality gate within our searx project (like test.pep8 it is), but Pylint can help to improve code quality anyway. The pylint profile we use at searx project is found in project’s root folder git://.pylintrc.

Code quality is a ongoing process. Don’t try to fix all messages from Pylint, run Pylint and check if your changed lines are bringing up new messages. If so, fix it. By this, code quality gets incremental better and if there comes the day, the linting is balanced out, we might decide to add Pylint as a quality gate.

make pybuild

Build Python packages in ./dist/py.

$ make pybuild
BUILD     pybuild
running sdist
running egg_info
$ ls  ./dist/py/
searx-0.15.0-py3-none-any.whl  searx-0.15.0.tar.gz

To upload packages to PyPi, there is also a upload-pypi target. It needs twine to be installed. Since you are not the owner of PyPi: searx you will never need the latter.