0.8.1 2015.12.22

- More efficient result parsing
- Rewritten google engine to prevent app crashes
- Other engine fixes/tweaks

  - Bing news
  - Btdigg
  - Gigablast
  - Google images
  - Startpage


New documentation page is available: https://asciimoo.github.io/searx

0.8.0 2015.09.08

- New engines

  - Blekko (image)
  - Gigablast (general)
  - Spotify (music)
  - Swisscows (general, images)
  - Qwant (general, images, news, social media)
- Plugin system
- New plugins

  - HTTPS rewrite
  - Search on cagetory select
  - User information
  - Tracker url part remover
- Multiple outgoing IP and HTTP/HTTPS proxy support
- New autocompleter: startpage
- New theme: pix-art
- Settings file structure change
- Fabfile, docker deployment
- Optional safesearch result filter
- Force HTTPS in engines if possible
- Disabled HTTP referrer on outgoing links
- Display cookie information
- Prettier search URLs
- Right-to-left text handling in themes
- Translation updates (New locales: Chinese, Hebrew, Portuguese, Romanian)

New dependencies

- pyopenssl
- ndg-httpsclient
- pyasn1
- pyasn1-modules
- certifi


@dalf joined the maintainer "team"

0.7.0 2015.02.03

- New engines

  - Digg
  - Google Play Store
  - Deezer
  - Btdigg
  - Mixcloud
  - 1px
- Image proxy
- Search speed improvements
- Autocompletition of engines, shortcuts and supported languages
- Translation updates (New locales: Turkish, Russian)
- Default theme changed to oscar
- Settings option to disable engines by default
- UI code cleanup and restructure
- Engine tests
- Multiple engine bug fixes and tweaks
- Config option to set default interface locale
- Flexible result template handling
- Application logging and sophisticated engine exception tracebacks
- Kickass torrent size display (oscar theme)

New dependencies

-  pygments - http://pygments.org/

0.6.0 - 2014.12.25

- Changelog added
- New engines

  - Flickr (api)
  - Subtitleseeker
  - photon
  - 500px
  - Searchcode
  - Searchcode doc
  - Kickass torrent
- Precise search request timeout handling
- Better favicon support
- Stricter config parsing
- Translation updates
- Multiple ui fixes
- Flickr (noapi) engine fix
- Pep8 fixes


Health status of searx instances and engines: http://stats.searx.oe5tpo.com
(source: https://github.com/pointhi/searx_stats)