
To get best results from build, its recommend to install additional packages on build hosts (see utils/

sudo -H ./utils/ install buildhost

This will install packages needed by searx:

$ sudo -H apt-get install -y \
    python3-dev python3-babel python3-venv \
    uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python3 \
    git build-essential libxslt-dev zlib1g-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev \

and packages needed to build docuemtation and run tests:

$ sudo -H apt-get install -y \
    firefox graphviz imagemagick texlive-xetex librsvg2-bin \
    texlive-latex-recommended texlive-extra-utils fonts-dejavu \

Build docs

Most of the sphinx requirements are installed from git:// and the docs can be build from scratch with make docs. For better math and image processing additional packages are needed. The XeTeX needed not only for PDF creation, its also needed for Math equations when HTML output is build.

To be able to do Math support for HTML outputs in Sphinx without CDNs, the math are rendered as images (sphinx.ext.imgmath extension).

Here is the extract from the git://docs/ file, setting math renderer to imgmath:

html_math_renderer = 'imgmath'
imgmath_image_format = 'svg'
imgmath_font_size = 14

If your docs build (make docs) shows warnings like this:

WARNING: dot(1) not found, for better output quality install \
         graphviz from
WARNING: LaTeX command 'latex' cannot be run (needed for math \
         display), check the imgmath_latex setting

you need to install additional packages on your build host, to get better HTML output.

$ sudo apt install graphviz imagemagick texlive-xetex librsvg2-bin

For PDF output you also need:

$ sudo apt texlive-latex-recommended texlive-extra-utils ttf-dejavu

Lint shell scripts

To lint shell scripts, we use ShellCheck - A shell script static analysis tool.

$ sudo apt install shellcheck