Compare commits


No commits in common. "master" and "v0.18.0" have entirely different histories.

727 changed files with 99495 additions and 95381 deletions

View File

@ -28,10 +28,7 @@ fi
# SEARX_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE="${REPO_ROOT}/utils/templates/etc/searx/use_default_settings.yml"
# Only change, if you maintain a searx brand in your searx fork (GIT_URL) which
# is not hold by branch 'master'. The branch has to be a local branch, in the
# repository from which you install (which is most often the case). If you want
# to install branch 'foo', don't forget to run 'git branch foo origin/foo' once.
# Only change, if you maintain a searx brand in your searx fork.
# GIT_BRANCH="${GIT_BRANCH:-master}"

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
;; Alternatively create the virtualenv, source it and install jedi + epc
;; (required by `emacs-jedi <>`_)::
;; $ python -m venv ./local/py3
;; $ virtualenv --python=python3 "--no-site-packages" ./local/py3
;; ...
;; $ source ./local/py3/bin/activate
;; (py3)$ # now install into the activated 'py3' environment ..

View File

@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ labels: bug
assignees: ''
**Version of Searx, commit number if you are using on master branch and stipulate if you forked Searx**
<!-- If you are running on master branch using git execute this command
in order to fetch the latest commit ID:
@ -36,4 +34,4 @@ or manually by executing the searx/ file? -->
<!-- If applicable, add screenshots, logs to help explain your problem. -->
**Additional context**
<!-- Add any other context about the problem here. -->
<!-- Add any other context about the problem here. -->

View File

@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ labels: enhancement, engine request
assignees: ''
**Working URL to the engine**
<!-- Please check if the engine is responding correctly before submitting it. -->
@ -28,4 +26,4 @@ general, files, images, it, map, music, news, science, social media and videos.
You can add multiple categories at the same time. -->
**Additional context**
<!-- Add any other context about this engine here. -->
<!-- Add any other context about this engine here. -->

View File

@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ labels: enhancement
assignees: ''
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
<!-- A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] -->
@ -18,4 +16,4 @@ assignees: ''
<!-- A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered. -->
**Additional context**
<!-- Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here. -->
<!-- Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here. -->

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
version: 2
- package-ecosystem: "pip"
directory: "/"
interval: "weekly"
day: "friday"
open-pull-requests-limit: 5
target-branch: "master"

View File

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
name: "Update"
- cron: "05 06 1 * *"
contents: read
name: Update data - ${{ matrix.fetch }}
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
if: ${{ github.repository_owner == 'searx'}}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install Ubuntu packages
run: |
sudo ./utils/ install packages
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.10'
architecture: 'x64'
- name: Install Python dependencies
run: |
make V=1 install
- name: Fetch data
FETCH_SCRIPT: ./searx_extra/update/${{ matrix.fetch }}
run: |
V=1 ./manage pyenv.cmd python "$FETCH_SCRIPT"
- name: Create Pull Request
id: cpr
uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
token: ${{ secrets.DATA_PR_TOKEN }}
commit-message: Update - ${{ matrix.fetch }}
committer: searx-bot <>
author: ${{ }} <${{ }}>
signoff: false
branch: update_data_${{ matrix.fetch }}
delete-branch: true
draft: false
title: 'Update - ${{ matrix.fetch }}'
body: |
Update - ${{ matrix.fetch }}
labels: |
- name: Check outputs
run: |
echo "Pull Request Number - ${{ steps.cpr.outputs.pull-request-number }}"
echo "Pull Request URL - ${{ steps.cpr.outputs.pull-request-url }}"

View File

@ -1,50 +1,36 @@
name: Integration
branches: ["master"]
branches: ["master"]
contents: read
on: [push, pull_request]
name: Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
os: [ubuntu-20.04]
python-version: [3.7, 3.8, 3.9, "3.10"]
os: [ubuntu-latest]
python-version: [3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8]
- name: Checkout
- name: Checkout 🛎️
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install Ubuntu packages
- name: Install Ubuntu packages 🧰
run: |
sudo ./utils/ install packages
sudo apt install firefox
- name: Set up Python
- name: Set up Python 🧰
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
architecture: 'x64'
- name: Cache Python dependencies
id: cache-python
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ./local
key: python-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ matrix.python-version }}-${{ hashFiles('requirements*.txt', '') }}
- name: Install Python dependencies
if: steps.cache-python.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
- name: Install Python dependencies 🧰
run: |
make V=1 install
make V=1 gecko.driver
- name: Run tests
run: make V=1 ci.test
- name: Test coverage
- name: Run tests 🏗️
run: make V=1 test
- name: Test coverage 🗺️
run: make V=1 test.coverage
- name: Store coverage result
- name: Store coverage result 🗺️
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: coverage-${{ matrix.python-version }}
@ -53,62 +39,41 @@ jobs:
name: Themes
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
- name: Checkout 🛎️
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install Ubuntu packages
- name: Install Ubuntu packages 🧰
run: sudo ./utils/ install packages
- name: Set up Python
- name: Install node dependencies 🧰
run: make V=1 node.env
- name: Build themes 🏗️
run: make V=1 themes
name: Documentation
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout 🛎️
uses: actions/checkout@v2
persist-credentials: false
- name: Install Ubuntu packages 🧰
run: sudo ./utils/ install buildhost
- name: Set up Python 🧰
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.9'
architecture: 'x64'
- name: Cache Python dependencies
id: cache-python
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ./local
key: python-ubuntu-20.04-3.9-${{ hashFiles('requirements*.txt', '') }}
- name: Install node dependencies
run: make V=1 node.env
- name: Build themes
run: make V=1 themes.all
contents: write # for JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action to push changes in repo
name: Documentation
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: '0'
persist-credentials: false
- name: Install Ubuntu packages
run: sudo ./utils/ install buildhost
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.10'
architecture: 'x64'
- name: Cache Python dependencies
id: cache-python
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ./local
key: python-ubuntu-20.04-3.9-${{ hashFiles('requirements*.txt', '') }}
- name: Build documentation
run: |
make V=1 docs.clean docs.html
- name: Deploy
- name: Build documentation 🏗️
run: SEARX_DEBUG=1 make V=1 travis-gh-pages
- name: Deploy 🚀
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@3.7.1
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
BRANCH: gh-pages
FOLDER: dist/docs
FOLDER: gh-pages
CLEAN: true # Automatically remove deleted files from the deploy branch
@ -120,37 +85,26 @@ jobs:
- documentation
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
- name: Checkout 🛎️
if: env.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME != null
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# make sure "make docker.push" can get the git history
fetch-depth: '0'
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.9'
architecture: 'x64'
- name: Cache Python dependencies
id: cache-python
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ./local
key: python-ubuntu-20.04-3.9-${{ hashFiles('requirements*.txt', '') }}
- name: Set up QEMU
- name: Set up QEMU 🧰
if: env.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME != null
uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1
- name: Set up Docker Buildx
- name: Set up Docker Buildx 🧰
if: env.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME != null
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
- name: Login to DockerHub
- name: Login to DockerHub 🔒
if: env.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME != null
uses: docker/login-action@v1
username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Build and push
- name: Build and push 🐳
if: env.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME != null
run: make -e GIT_URL=$(git remote get-url origin) docker.push

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -26,5 +26,3 @@ dist/

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ confidence=
# --enable=similarities". If you want to run only the classes checker, but have
# no Warning level messages displayed, use"--disable=all --enable=classes
# --disable=W"
disable=duplicate-code, consider-using-f-string
disable=bad-whitespace, duplicate-code
# Enable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You can
# either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
@ -105,18 +105,39 @@ max-nested-blocks=5
# List of builtins function names that should not be used, separated by a comma
# Naming hint for argument names
# Regular expression matching correct argument names
# Naming hint for attribute names
# Regular expression matching correct attribute names
# Bad variable names which should always be refused, separated by a comma
# Naming hint for class attribute names
# Regular expression matching correct class attribute names
# Naming hint for class names
# Regular expression matching correct class names
# Naming hint for constant names
# Regular expression matching correct constant names
@ -125,6 +146,9 @@ const-rgx=(([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)|(__.*__))$
# ones are exempt.
# Naming hint for function names
# Regular expression matching correct function names
@ -134,12 +158,21 @@ good-names=i,j,k,ex,Run,_,log,cfg,id
# Include a hint for the correct naming format with invalid-name
# Naming hint for inline iteration names
# Regular expression matching correct inline iteration names
# Naming hint for method names
# Regular expression matching correct method names
# Naming hint for module names
# Regular expression matching correct module names
@ -156,6 +189,9 @@ no-docstring-rgx=^_
# to this list to register other decorators that produce valid properties.
# Naming hint for variable names
# Regular expression matching correct variable names
@ -181,6 +217,12 @@ max-line-length=120
# Maximum number of lines in a module
# List of optional constructs for which whitespace checking is disabled. `dict-
# separator` is used to allow tabulation in dicts, etc.: {1 : 1,\n222: 2}.
# `trailing-comma` allows a space between comma and closing bracket: (a, ).
# `empty-line` allows space-only lines.
# Allow the body of a class to be on the same line as the declaration if body
# contains single statement.No config file found, using default configuration

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Searx was created by Adam Tauber and is maintained by Adam Tauber, Noémi Ványi, @pofilo, Gaspard d'Hautefeuille and Émilien Devos.
Searx was created by Adam Tauber and is maintained by Adam Tauber, Alexandre Flament, Noémi Ványi, @pofilo, Gaspard d'Hautefeuille and Markus Heiser.
Major contributing authors:
@ -12,9 +12,8 @@ Major contributing authors:
- @pofilo
- Markus Heiser @return42
- Émilien Devos @unixfox
- Alexandre Flament
People who have submitted patches/translations, reported bugs, consulted features or
People who have submitted patches/translates, reported bugs, consulted features or
generally made searx better:
- Laszlo Hammerl
@ -67,6 +66,7 @@ generally made searx better:
- @firebovine
- Lorenzo J. Lucchini @luccoj
- @eig8phei
- Joachim Cherqui
- @maxigas
- Jannik Winkel @kiney
- @juanitobananas
@ -154,42 +154,6 @@ generally made searx better:
- @mrwormo
- Xiaoyu WEI @xywei
- @joshu9h
- Daniel Hones
- @cyclaero
- @thezeroalpha
- @Tobi823
- @archiecodes
- @BBaoVanC
- @datagram1
- @lucky13820
- @jhigginbotham
- @xenrox
- @OliveiraHermogenes
- Paul Alcock @Guilvareux
- Ben Collerson
- @3nprob
- @plague-doctor
- @CicadaCinema
- @mikamp116
- @Zackptg5
- @darkmagic13
- @CrocodileCroco
- @allendema
- Jordan Webb @jordemort
- Samuel Dudik @dudik
- @c1492
- @nav1s
- Igor Rzegocki @ajgon
- Dmitrii Faiazov @scientia-ac-labore
- @noctux
- @jecarr
- @israelyago
- Georg @tacerus
- Dario Nuevo @narcoticfresh
- Andy Jones @andyljones
- Maciej Urbański @rooterkyberian
- @ilyakooo0
- Eric Zhang @EricZhang456
- @nathannaveen
- @liimee
- @james-still

View File

@ -1,257 +1,3 @@
1.1.0 2022.08.07
It has been a while since we released a new version of searx. Thus, we have lots of new things to offer, like new engines, autocompleter, plugins, etc. We got numerous contributions from ~30 new developers, but also we got many PRs from our recurring contributors.
Thank you so much for you support! We couldn't have release so many awesome things without you!
- Drop Python 3.6 support #3133
- Run tests under python 3.10 #3035
- Reduce redundant docker build steps #2725
- Allow overriding Docker repository when building docker image #2726
- Add healthcheck endpoint for Docker #2992
New engines
- #2735
- Bandcamp #2763
- SJP - Słownik języka polskiego #2736
- Wikimini #2819
- Dogpile #2822
- PyPI XPATH engine #2830
- ManKier #2829
- #2915
- #2898
- (JSON) #2885
- synonyme (xpath) #2883
- engine (xpath) #2897
- #2861
- #2955
- IMDB #2980
- Prowlarr #3118
- Tineye reverse image search #3040
- Onesearch #3065
- TVmaze #3246
- Emojipedia #3278
- Psychonautwiki by @dimethyltriptamine @kvch
Fixed engines
- Remove hubsbpot tracking URL params #2723
- Fix URL to solidtorrent result page #2786
- Update onion engines to v3 #2904
- Fix Seznam engine #2905
- Add pagination support for Library Genesis #2887
- Fix uppercase ip query #2991
- Fix Libgen + Uncomment Ebay and Urbandictionary #2986
- Fixed Hoogle engine #3146
- Fix Digg engine #3150
- Don't lump all search suggestions together in Yahoo #3208
- Fix DDG safe search #3247
- Fix Qwant: Remove extra q from URL #3091
New plugins
- hostname_replace plugin to rewrite result hostnames #2724
- search_operators plugin to filter search results using -, site: and -site: #3311
Fixed plugins
- Fix default_doi_resolver in preferences #2707
- Add DOI resolver from sci-hub and replace default DOI #2706
- Fix dark "expand" button from infobox #2702
- fix url_for(..., _external=True) in templates #2656
- [enh] oscar: image thumbnail layout #2675
- Improve text overflow of custom select #2985
- Products results: add possibility to show if a product is in stock or not #3120
- Configurable autofocus of search input (#1984) #3285
- option for results page #3308
- Fix keyboard hints for category tabs (#1187) #3276
- Allow overriding env vars SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH, UWSGI_SETTINGS_PATH #2717
- correct typo/grammatical mistake #2744
- Fix bug for 'FileNotFoundError' in '' #2764
- Fix grammar mistake in debug log output #2759
- Fix typo #2768
- Fix redirect when saving preferences #2760
- Replace Makefile boilerplate by shell scripts #2594
- Fix Qwant's fetch_languages function #2799
- Apply HTTPS where possible + fix small typo #2922
- Сhange in user-agent Firefox versions to latest #3008
- Use engine-type when looking up supported_languages from JSON files #3002
- Update about section of Invidious and Rumble + Change filtron error wording #2959
- Verify that Tor proxy works every time searx starts #3015
- Update settings_loader.get_user_settings_path() #3056
- Fix wrong func call #3058
- Improve ranking based on language #3053
1.0.0 2021.03.27
- drop support for Python 3.5 ( #2459 )
- add support for Python 3.9 ( #2397 #2459 )
- update Python dependencies ( #2428 #2459 #2206 ) ⚠️ pyopenssl is not longer required
- automatic update of ( #2555 #2585 #2595 #2592 #2600 )
- update ( #2604 #2605 #2606 #2607 #2415 )
- add ability to send engine data to subsequent requests ( #2615 )
- add checker ( #2419 #2476 #2481 #2682 #2682 #2657 )
- by default allow only HTTPS, not HTTP ( #2641 #2659 )
- replace /translations.js with an embedded JSON ( #2660 )
- activate raise_for_error by default ( #2557 )
- don't dump traceback of SearxEngineResponseException on init ( #2635 )
- update nginx configuration ( #2618 )
- document workaround for using 2 languages simultaneously ( #2479 )
- improve admin-docs about result proxy (morty) configuration ( #2509 )
- fixed typo ( #2457 )
New settings.yml
- `general.contact_url` : add link to contact instance maintainer to footer of each page ( #2391 14c7cc0e118f1d0873b32b34793cdec2c5c9c13e #2412 )
- `brand` : move brand options from Makefile to settings.yml ( #2408 #2473 )
- oscar: Hide links panel in mobile screens ( #2458 )
- oscar: upgrade dependencies ( #2346 #2673 #2662 )
- remove legacy, courgette and pix-art themes ( #2344 )
- add hyperlink to searx instances list in error message ( #2387 )
- preferences: a tooltip is shown when the mouse is over the engine names ( #2661 )
- Ignore double-quotes when highlighting query parts ( #2553 )
- update autocomplete ( #2593 )
New engines
- ccengine ( #2533 )
- mediathekviewweb ( #2541 )
- solidtorrents ( #2626 )
- solr ( #2652 )
- rumble ( #2588 )
- ( #2452 )
Fixed engines
- apk_mirror ( #2556 #2642 )
- bing ( #2602 )
- duckduckgo ( #2560 #2559 )
- library genesis ( #2448 )
- ina ( 0ba71c3644c4d20f70528c10eed1385399ec1c82 )
- invidious ( #2451 )
- json_engine ( #2562 )
- google ( #2482 )
- google images ( #2482 )
- google play apps ( 88657fe9c2a41b9be38ee5146e5870672416db12 )
- google play movies ( 50ba2b9e87ef61e96da124f906d3aff4c7870e3f )
- google news ( #2483 #2498 )
- google scholar ( #2611 )
- google video ( #2482 )
- hoogle ( 6255b33c9dcf0d28f0a3307af988565f69259ce2 )
- naver ( #2542 )
- semantic schollar ( f596f5767bed915a5c3bed59ae26283e53f975ca f596f5767bed915a5c3bed59ae26283e53f975ca )
- startpage ( #2396 )
- seznam ( #2564 28286cf3f2308113bf440fb6e7cf326c6ed07889 )
- wikipedia ( #2554 #2565 #2681 #2681 )
- yacy ( #2669 )
- yahoo news ( #2640 #2655 )
Updated engines
- duckduckgo ( 5f450fda74e80bf350eb1493f66cfa61deaf5cea )
- geektimes ( 45f0e1a859fa12ce2ae0c24dc356922fcad50c8d )
- ( 06b754ad67aa6066aed6df77b5ffb74aabebb040 )
- soundcloud ( #2671 )
- peertube ( #2570 )
- recoll ( #2539 )
- yggtorrent ( #2573 )
Removed engines
- acgsou ( #2654 )
- google_play_music ( #2558 )
- metager ( #2538 )
- voat ( #2445 )
- yandex ( #2566 )
Bug fixes
- Fix empty colon in query from selecting Chinese ( #2454 )
- Get correct locale with country from browser ( #2531 )
Code refactoring / reduce the technical debt
- refactor and ( #2398 )
- dynamically set language_support variable ( #2499 )
- engines: add about variable ( #2460 )
- processors ( #2225 5c6a5407a0b124c3323e73c33b81ec1fbd7d2fce )
- remove Fabric file ( #2494 )
- use unittest from py3, remove unittest2 from py2 ( #2608 )
- add notice for the issue templates ( #2447 )
- every Sunday, call utils/fetch_*.py scripts and create a PR automatically ( #2500 728e09676400221a064627509a31470d8f6e33bf )
- minor change: replace "travis" by "CI" ( #2528 )
Build scripts
- update secret key check ( #2411 )
- fix makefile targets `books/{name}.*` and `books/user.pdf` ( #2420 #2530 )
- upload-pypi-test & linuxdoc has been released on PyPi ( #2456 )
- fix makefile target `gh-pages` : flatten history of branch gh.pages ( #2514 )
- optimize creation of the virtualenv & pyenvinstall targets ( #2421 )
- update pyenv pyenvinstall Make targets ( #2517 )
- makefile.python: remove duplicate pyenv-(un)install targets ( #2418 )
- [fix] make targets engines.languages and useragents.update ( #2643 )
- [fix] utils/ create_pyenv() - drop duplicate 'pip install .' ( #2621 )
Install scripts
- drop Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) support ( #2619 )
- replace ubu1910 image by ubu2010 image ( #2435 )
- LXC switch to Fedora 33 / Fedora 31 reached its EOL #2634 ( #2634 )
- add package which to CentOS-7 boilerplate ( #2623 )
- use SEARX_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE from .config environment ( #2417 )
- determine path to makefile.lxc in a LXC ( #2399 )
- remove unused code ( #2401 #2497 )
- support git versions <v2.22 ( #2620 )
We, the searx maintainer team, would like to say a huge thank you for everybody who had been involved in the development of searx or supported us in the past 7 years - making our first stable release available. Special thanks to [NLNet]( for sponsoring multiple features of this release.
0.18.0 2020.12.14
@ -282,7 +28,7 @@ New settings.yml
- ``server.method: "POST"`` - Make default query submission method configurable ( #2130 )
- ``server.default_http_headers`` - add default http headers ( #2295 )
- ``engines.*.proxies`` - Using proxy only for specific engines ( #1827 #2319 ), see
- ``enabled_plugins`` - Enabled plugins ( a05c660e3036ad8d02072fc6731af54c2ed6151c )
- ``enabled_plugins`` - Enabled plugins ( a05c660e3036ad8d02072fc6731af54c2ed6151c )
- ``preferences.lock`` - Let admins lock user preferences ( #2270 )
Oscar theme
@ -292,10 +38,10 @@ Oscar theme
- Make infoboxes shorter by default.
- Hide the main image by default as well and set a maximum height even when expanded.
- Add a toggle at the bottom of the infobox to expand it or to shrink it again.
- Add a toggle at the bottom of the infobox to expand it or to shrink it again.
- Fix pointhi style
- query suggestion does not keep the language tag of the original query ( #1314 )
- fix the clear button ( #2306 )
- fix the clear button ( #2306 )
Simple theme
@ -424,7 +170,7 @@ Special thanks to `NLNet <>`__ for sponsoring multiple features
- Removed engines: faroo
Special thanks to `NLNet <>`__ for sponsoring multiple features of this release.
Special thanks to for making accessibility audit.
Special thanks to for making accessibilty audit.

View File

@ -1,22 +1,29 @@
FROM alpine:3.15
FROM alpine:3.12
ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/tini","--","/usr/local/searx/dockerfiles/"]
VOLUME /etc/searx
VOLUME /var/log/uwsgi
ARG GIT_URL=unknown
RUN addgroup -g ${SEARX_GID} searx && \
adduser -u ${SEARX_UID} -D -h /usr/local/searx -s /bin/sh -G searx searx
SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH=/etc/searx/settings.yml \
WORKDIR /usr/local/searx
@ -46,19 +53,14 @@ RUN apk upgrade --no-cache \
uwsgi \
uwsgi-python3 \
brotli \
&& pip3 install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools \
&& pip3 install --upgrade pip \
&& pip3 install --no-cache -r requirements.txt \
&& apk del build-dependencies \
&& rm -rf /root/.cache
COPY searx ./searx
COPY dockerfiles ./dockerfiles
COPY --chown=searx:searx . .
RUN /usr/bin/python3 -m compileall -q searx; \
RUN su searx -c "/usr/bin/python3 -m compileall -q searx"; \
touch -c --date=@${TIMESTAMP_SETTINGS} searx/settings.yml; \
touch -c --date=@${TIMESTAMP_UWSGI} dockerfiles/uwsgi.ini; \
if [ ! -z $VERSION_GITCOMMIT ]; then\
@ -68,12 +70,8 @@ RUN /usr/bin/python3 -m compileall -q searx; \
-o -name '*.svg' -o -name '*.ttf' -o -name '*.eot' \) \
-type f -exec gzip -9 -k {} \+ -exec brotli --best {} \+
# Keep these arguments at the end to prevent redundant layer rebuilds
# Keep this argument at the end since it change each time
ARG GIT_URL=unknown
LABEL maintainer="searx <${GIT_URL}>" \
description="A privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine." \
version="${SEARX_GIT_VERSION}" \

View File

@ -1,107 +1,281 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: makefile-gmake -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
export MTOOLS=./manage
# START Makefile setup
export GIT_URL=
export GIT_BRANCH=master
export SEARX_URL=
export DOCS_URL=
# END Makefile setup
include utils/makefile.include
DOC = docs
PY_SETUP_EXTRAS ?= \[test\]
PYLINT_SEARX_DISABLE_OPTION := I,C,R,W0105,W0212,W0511,W0603,W0613,W0621,W0702,W0703,W1401
PYLINT_ADDITIONAL_BUILTINS_FOR_ENGINES := supported_languages,language_aliases
include utils/makefile.python
include utils/makefile.sphinx
all: clean install
PHONY += help
PHONY += help-min help-all help
@./manage --help
@echo '----'
@echo 'run - run developer instance'
@echo 'install - developer install of searx into virtualenv'
@echo 'uninstall - uninstall developer installation'
@echo 'clean - clean up working tree'
@echo 'search.checker - check search engines'
@echo 'test - run shell & CI tests'
@echo ' - test shell scripts'
@echo 'ci.test - run CI tests'
help: help-min
@echo ''
@echo 'to get more help: make help-all'
@echo ' test - run developer tests'
@echo ' docs - build documentation'
@echo ' docs-live - autobuild HTML documentation while editing'
@echo ' run - run developer instance'
@echo ' install - developer install (./local)'
@echo ' uninstall - uninstall (./local)'
@echo ' gh-pages - build docs & deploy on gh-pages branch'
@echo ' clean - drop builds and environments'
@echo ' project - re-build generic files of the searx project'
@echo ' buildenv - re-build environment files (aka brand)'
@echo ' themes - re-build build the source of the themes'
@echo ' docker - build Docker image'
@echo ' node.env - download & install npm dependencies locally'
@echo ''
@echo 'environment'
@echo ' SEARX_URL = $(SEARX_URL)'
@echo ' GIT_URL = $(GIT_URL)'
@echo ' DOCS_URL = $(DOCS_URL)'
@echo ''
@$(MAKE) -e -s make-help
help-all: help-min
@echo ''
@$(MAKE) -e -s python-help
@echo ''
@$(MAKE) -e -s docs-help
PHONY += install
install: buildenv pyenvinstall
PHONY += uninstall
uninstall: pyenvuninstall
PHONY += clean
clean: pyclean docs-clean node.clean test.clean
$(call cmd,common_clean)
PHONY += run
run: install
run: buildenv pyenvinstall
$(Q) ( \
sleep 2 ; \
xdg-open ; \
) &
SEARX_DEBUG=1 ./manage pyenv.cmd python ./searx/
SEARX_DEBUG=1 $(PY_ENV)/bin/python ./searx/
PHONY += install uninstall
install uninstall:
$(Q)./manage pyenv.$@
# docs
# ----
PHONY += clean
clean: py.clean docs.clean node.clean test.clean
$(Q)./manage build_msg CLEAN "common files"
$(Q)find . -name '*.orig' -exec rm -f {} +
$(Q)find . -name '*.rej' -exec rm -f {} +
$(Q)find . -name '*~' -exec rm -f {} +
$(Q)find . -name '*.bak' -exec rm -f {} +
sphinx-doc-prebuilds:: buildenv pyenvinstall prebuild-includes
PHONY += search.checker search.checker.%
search.checker: install
$(Q)./manage pyenv.cmd searx-checker -v
PHONY += docs
docs: sphinx-doc-prebuilds
$(call cmd,sphinx,html,docs,docs)
search.checker.%: install
$(Q)./manage pyenv.cmd searx-checker -v "$(subst _, ,$(patsubst search.checker.%,%,$@))"
PHONY += docs-live
docs-live: sphinx-doc-prebuilds
$(call cmd,sphinx_autobuild,html,docs,docs)
PHONY += ci.test test
ci.test: test.pep8 test.pylint test.unit test.robot
test: ci.test
PHONY += prebuild-includes
$(Q)mkdir -p $(DOCS_BUILD)/includes
$(Q)./utils/ doc | cat > $(DOCS_BUILD)/includes/searx.rst
$(Q)./utils/ doc | cat > $(DOCS_BUILD)/includes/filtron.rst
$(Q)./utils/ doc | cat > $(DOCS_BUILD)/includes/morty.rst
@echo "doc available at --> $(DOCS_URL)"
# update project files
# --------------------
PHONY += project engines.languages useragents.update buildenv
project: buildenv useragents.update engines.languages
engines.languages: pyenvinstall
$(Q)echo "fetch languages .."
$(Q)$(PY_ENV_ACT); python utils/
$(Q)echo "update searx/data/engines_languages.json"
$(Q)mv engines_languages.json searx/data/engines_languages.json
$(Q)echo "update searx/"
$(Q)mv searx/
useragents.update: pyenvinstall
$(Q)echo "Update searx/data/useragents.json with the most recent versions of Firefox."
$(Q)$(PY_ENV_ACT); python utils/
$(Q)echo "build searx/"
$(Q)echo "GIT_URL = '$(GIT_URL)'" > searx/
$(Q)echo "GIT_BRANCH = '$(GIT_BRANCH)'" >> searx/
$(Q)echo "ISSUE_URL = ''" >> searx/
$(Q)echo "SEARX_URL = '$(SEARX_URL)'" >> searx/
$(Q)echo "DOCS_URL = '$(DOCS_URL)'" >> searx/
$(Q)echo "PUBLIC_INSTANCES = ''" >> searx/
$(Q)echo "build utils/brand.env"
$(Q)echo "export GIT_URL='$(GIT_URL)'" > utils/brand.env
$(Q)echo "export GIT_BRANCH='$(GIT_BRANCH)'" >> utils/brand.env
$(Q)echo "export ISSUE_URL=''" >> utils/brand.env
$(Q)echo "export SEARX_URL='$(SEARX_URL)'" >> utils/brand.env
$(Q)echo "export DOCS_URL='$(DOCS_URL)'" >> utils/brand.env
$(Q)echo "export PUBLIC_INSTANCES=''" >> utils/brand.env
# node / npm
# ----------
node.env: buildenv
$(Q)./ npm_packages
$(Q)echo "CLEAN locally installed npm dependencies"
$(Q)rm -rf \
./node_modules \
./package-lock.json \
./searx/static/themes/oscar/package-lock.json \
./searx/static/themes/oscar/node_modules \
./searx/static/themes/simple/package-lock.json \
# build themes
# ------------
PHONY += themes.bootstrap themes themes.oscar themes.simple themes.legacy themes.courgette themes.pixart
themes: buildenv themes.bootstrap themes.oscar themes.simple themes.legacy themes.courgette themes.pixart
quiet_cmd_lessc = LESSC $3
cmd_lessc = PATH="$$(npm bin):$$PATH" \
lessc --clean-css="--s1 --advanced --compatibility=ie9" "searx/static/$2" "searx/static/$3"
quiet_cmd_grunt = GRUNT $2
cmd_grunt = PATH="$$(npm bin):$$PATH" \
grunt --gruntfile "$2"
themes.oscar: node.env
$(Q)echo '[!] build oscar theme'
$(call cmd,grunt,searx/static/themes/oscar/gruntfile.js)
themes.simple: node.env
$(Q)echo '[!] build simple theme'
$(call cmd,grunt,searx/static/themes/simple/gruntfile.js)
themes.legacy: node.env
$(Q)echo '[!] build legacy theme'
$(call cmd,lessc,themes/legacy/less/style-rtl.less,themes/legacy/css/style-rtl.css)
$(call cmd,lessc,themes/legacy/less/style.less,themes/legacy/css/style.css)
themes.courgette: node.env
$(Q)echo '[!] build courgette theme'
$(call cmd,lessc,themes/courgette/less/style.less,themes/courgette/css/style.css)
$(call cmd,lessc,themes/courgette/less/style-rtl.less,themes/courgette/css/style-rtl.css)
themes.pixart: node.env
$(Q)echo '[!] build pixart theme'
$(call cmd,lessc,themes/pix-art/less/style.less,themes/pix-art/css/style.css)
themes.bootstrap: node.env
$(call cmd,lessc,less/bootstrap/bootstrap.less,css/bootstrap.min.css)
# docker
# ------
PHONY += docker
docker: buildenv
$(Q)./ docker_build
docker.push: buildenv
$(Q)./ docker_build push
# gecko
# -----
PHONY += gecko.driver
$(PY_ENV_ACT); ./ install_geckodriver
# test
# ----
PHONY += test test.pylint test.pep8 test.unit test.coverage test.robot
test: buildenv test.pylint test.pep8 test.unit gecko.driver test.robot
searx/ \
searx/ \
searx/engines/ \
searx/engines/ \
test.pylint: pyenvinstall
$(call cmd,pylint,$(PYLINT_FILES))
$(call cmd,pylint,\
searx/engines \
$(call cmd,pylint,\
--ignore=searx/engines \
searx tests \
# ignored rules:
# E402 module level import not at top of file
# W503 line break before binary operator
# ubu1604: uses shellcheck v0.3.7 (from 04/2015), no longer supported!
$(Q)shellcheck -x -s bash \
utils/brand.env \
./manage \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/ \
utils/lxc-searx.env \
$(Q)./manage build_msg TEST "$@ OK"
shellcheck -x -s bash utils/brand.env
shellcheck -x utils/
shellcheck -x utils/
shellcheck -x utils/
shellcheck -x utils/
shellcheck -x utils/
shellcheck -x utils/lxc-searx.env
shellcheck -x
test.pep8: pyenvinstall
@echo "TEST pycodestyle (formerly pep8)"
$(Q)$(PY_ENV_ACT); pycodestyle --exclude='searx/static, searx/, $(foreach f,$(PYLINT_FILES),$(f),)' \
--max-line-length=120 --ignore "E117,E252,E402,E722,E741,W503,W504,W605" searx tests
test.unit: pyenvinstall
@echo "TEST tests/unit"
$(Q)$(PY_ENV_ACT); python -m nose2 -s tests/unit
test.coverage: pyenvinstall
@echo "TEST unit test coverage"
$(Q)$(PY_ENV_ACT); \
python -m nose2 -C --log-capture --with-coverage --coverage searx -s tests/unit \
&& coverage report \
&& coverage html \
test.robot: pyenvinstall gecko.driver
@echo "TEST robot"
$(Q)$(PY_ENV_ACT); PYTHONPATH=. python searx/ robot
@echo "CLEAN intermediate test stuff"
$(Q)rm -rf geckodriver.log .coverage coverage/
# wrap ./manage script
# travis
# ------
MANAGE += buildenv
MANAGE += babel.compile
MANAGE += data.all data.languages data.useragents
MANAGE += docs.html docs.prebuild docs.clean
MANAGE += docker.push
MANAGE += gecko.driver
MANAGE += node.env node.clean
MANAGE += py.clean
MANAGE += pyenv pyenv.install pyenv.uninstall
MANAGE += pypi.upload pypi.upload.test
MANAGE += test.pylint test.pep8 test.unit test.coverage test.robot test.clean
MANAGE += themes.all themes.oscar themes.simple themes.bootstrap
$(Q)$(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -m pip install codecov
$(Q)$(MTOOLS) $@
# deprecated
PHONY += docs docs-clean docs-live docker themes
docs: docs.html
$(Q)./manage build_msg WARN $@ is deprecated use docs.html
docs-clean: docs.clean
$(Q)./manage build_msg WARN $@ is deprecated use docs.clean
$(Q)./manage build_msg WARN $@ is deprecated use
$(Q)./manage build_msg WARN $@ is deprecated use
themes: themes.all
$(Q)./manage build_msg WARN $@ is deprecated use themes.all

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
## Author's checklist
<!-- additional notes for reviewers -->
<!-- additional notes for reviewiers -->
## Related issues

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
Searx is no longer maintained. Thank you for your support and all your contributions.
.. figure::
:alt: searX
@ -19,7 +17,7 @@ Searx is no longer maintained. Thank you for your support and all your contribut
|OpenCollective searx backers|
|OpenCollective searx sponsors|
Privacy-respecting, hackable `metasearch engine`_ / *pronunciation* **sɜːks**.
Privacy-respecting, hackable `metasearch engine`_ / *pronunciation* **səːks**.
.. _metasearch engine:
@ -63,64 +61,13 @@ our homepage_.
.. _homepage:
openhub_ // twitter_ // IRC: #searx @ Libera (
openhub_ // twitter_ // IRC: #searx @ freenode
.. _openhub:
.. _twitter:
Frequently asked questions
Is searx in maintenance mode?
|gluten free|
No, searx is no longer maintained.
What is the difference between searx and SearxNG?
TL;DR: SearXNG is for users that want more features and bugs getting fixed quicker.
If you prefer a minimalist software and stable experience, use searx.
SearxNG is a fork of searx, created by a former maintainer of searx. The fork
was created because the majority of the maintainers at the time did not find
the new proposed features privacy respecting enough. The most significant issue is with
engine metrics.
Searx is built for privacy conscious users. It comes with a unique set of
challenges. One of the problems we face is that users rather not report bugs,
because they do not want to publicly share what engines they use or what search
query triggered a problem. It is a challenge we accepted.
The new metrics feature collects more information to make engine maintenance easier.
We could have had better and more error reports to benefit searx maintainers.
However, we believe that the users of searx must come first, not the
software. We are willing to compromise on the lack of issue reports to avoid
violating the privacy of users.
Furthermore, SearxNG is under heavy refactoring and dependencies are constantly updated, even
if it is unnecessary. It increases the risk of introducing regressions. In searx
we strive for stability, rather than moving fast and breaking things.
Is searx for me?
Are you privacy conscious user? Then yes.
In searx we decided to double down on being privacy respecting. We are picking
engine changes from SearxNG, but we are not implementing engine detailed
monitoring and not adding a new UI that relies on Javascript.
If you are willing to give up some privacy respecting features, we encourage you to
adopt SearxNG. Searx is targeted for privacy conscious users who run their
instances locally, instead of using public instances.
Why should I use SearxNG?
SearxNG has rolling releases, dependencies updated more frequently, and engines are fixed
faster. It is easy to set up your own public instance, and monitor its
performance and metrics. It is simple to maintain as an instance administrator.
As a user, it provides a prettier user interface and nicer experience.
.. |gluten free| image::

View File

@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ if [ -z "${BIND_ADDRESS}" ]; then
export UWSGI_SETTINGS_PATH=/etc/searx/uwsgi.ini
export SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH=/etc/searx/settings.yml
# Parse special command line
# see docs/admin/installation-docker.rst
# display the help message without the version
@ -100,7 +103,7 @@ update_conf() {
# There is a new version
if [ $FORCE_CONF_UPDATE -ne 0 ]; then
# Replace the current configuration
printf '⚠️ Automatically update %s to the new version\n' "${CONF}"
printf '⚠️ Automaticaly update %s to the new version\n' "${CONF}"
if [ ! -f "${OLD_CONF}" ]; then
printf 'The previous configuration is saved to %s\n' "${OLD_CONF}"
mv "${CONF}" "${OLD_CONF}"

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ workers = 4
# The right granted on the created socket
chmod-socket = 666
# Plugin to use and interpreter config
# Plugin to use and interpretor config
single-interpreter = true
master = true
plugin = python3
@ -42,6 +42,3 @@ static-map = /static=/usr/local/searx/searx/static
static-expires = /* 864000
static-gzip-all = True
offload-threads = %k
# Cache
cache2 = name=searxcache,items=2000,blocks=2000,blocksize=4096,bitmap=1

View File

@ -138,3 +138,32 @@ caption {
caption-side: top;
text-align: left;
/* bugs since sphinx 3.1
See sphinx-doc project, PR 7838 & 7484 with elementary patch to the basic CSS:
li > p:first-child {
margin-top: 0;
li > p:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
div.admonition dl {
margin-bottom: 0;
div.sidebar {
clear: none;
div.admonition, div.topic, pre {
clear: none;

View File

@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ Build docs
- dvisvgm_
Most of the sphinx requirements are installed from :origin:`` and the
docs can be build from scratch with ``make docs.html``. For better math and
image processing additional packages are needed. The XeTeX_ needed not only for
PDF creation, its also needed for :ref:`math` when HTML output is build.
docs can be build from scratch with ``make docs``. For better math and image
processing additional packages are needed. The XeTeX_ needed not only for PDF
creation, its also needed for :ref:`math` when HTML output is build.
To be able to do :ref:`sphinx:math-support` without CDNs, the math are rendered
as images (``sphinx.ext.imgmath`` extension).
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ to ``imgmath``:
:start-after: # sphinx.ext.imgmath setup
:end-before: # sphinx.ext.imgmath setup END
If your docs build (``make docs.html``) shows warnings like this::
If your docs build (``make docs``) shows warnings like this::
WARNING: dot(1) not found, for better output quality install \
graphviz from

View File

@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
Run shell commands from your instance
Command line engines are custom engines that run commands in the shell of the
host. In this article you can learn how to create a command engine and how to
customize the result display.
The command
When specifyng commands, you must make sure the commands are available on the
searx host. Searx will not install anything for you. Also, make sure that the
``searx`` user on your host is allowed to run the selected command and has
access to the required files.
Access control
Be careful when creating command engines if you are running a public
instance. Do not expose any sensitive information. You can restrict access by
configuring a list of access tokens under tokens in your ``settings.yml``.
Available settings
* ``command``: A comma separated list of the elements of the command. A special
token ``{{QUERY}}`` tells searx where to put the search terms of the
user. Example: ``['ls', '-l', '-h', '{{QUERY}}']``
* ``query_type``: The expected type of user search terms. Possible values:
``path`` and ``enum``. ``path`` checks if the uesr provided path is inside the
working directory. If not the query is not executed. ``enum`` is a list of
allowed search terms. If the user submits something which is not included in
the list, the query returns an error.
* ``delimiter``: A dict containing a delimiter char and the "titles" of each
element in keys.
* ``parse_regex``: A dict containing the regular expressions for each result
* ``query_enum``: A list containing allowed search terms if ``query_type`` is
set to ``enum``.
* ``working_dir``: The directory where the command has to be executed. Default:
* ``result_separator``: The character that separates results. Default: ``\n``
Customize the result template
There is a default result template for displaying key-value pairs coming from
command engines. If you want something more tailored to your result types, you
can design your own template.
Searx relies on `Jinja2 <>`_ for
templating. If you are familiar with Jinja, you will not have any issues
creating templates. You can access the result attributes with ``{{
result.attribute_name }}``.
In the example below the result has two attributes: ``header`` and ``content``.
To customize their diplay, you need the following template (you must define
these classes yourself):
.. code:: html
<div class="result">
<div class="result-header">
{{ result.header }}
<div class="result-content">
{{ result.content }}
Then put your template under ``searx/templates/{theme-name}/result_templates``
named ``your-template-name.html``. You can select your custom template with the
option ``result_template``.
.. code:: yaml
- name: your engine name
engine: command
result_template: your-template-name.html
Find files by name
The first example is to find files on your searx host. It uses the command
`find` available on most Linux distributions. It expects a path type query. The
path in the search request must be inside the ``working_dir``.
The results are displayed with the default `key-value.html` template. A result
is displayed in a single row table with the key "line".
.. code:: yaml
- name : find
engine : command
command : ['find', '.', '-name', '{{QUERY}}']
query_type : path
shortcut : fnd
tokens : []
disabled : True
delimiter :
chars : ' '
keys : ['line']
Find files by contents
In the second example, we define an engine that searches in the contents of the
files under the ``working_dir``. The search type is not defined, so the user can
input any string they want. To restrict the input, you can set the ``query_type``
to ``enum`` and only allow a set of search terms to protect
yourself. Alternatively, make the engine private, so no one malevolent accesses
the engine.
.. code:: yaml
- name : regex search in files
engine : command
command : ['grep', '{{QUERY}}']
shortcut : gr
tokens : []
disabled : True
delimiter :
chars : ' '
keys : ['line']

View File

@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ Engine .. Paging support **P**
------------------------- -------------------- ------------
Shortcut **S** Language support **L**
Timeout **TO** Time range support **TR**
Disabled **D** Engine type **ET**
Disabled **D** Offline **O**
------------- ----------- -------------------- ------------
Safe search **SS**
------------- ----------- ---------------------------------
Weight **W**
Weigth **W**
------------- ----------- ---------------------------------
Disabled **D**
------------- ----------- ---------------------------------
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Show errors **DE**
.. _configured engines:
.. jinja:: searx
.. jinja:: webapp
.. flat-table:: Engines configured at built time (defaults)
:header-rows: 1
@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ Show errors **DE**
- SS
- D
- TR
- ET
- W
- D
- DE
- O
- W
- D
- DE
{% for name, mod in engines.items() %}
@ -79,67 +79,10 @@ Show errors **DE**
- {{(mod.safesearch and "y") or ""}}
- {{(mod.disabled and "y") or ""}}
- {{(mod.time_range_support and "y") or ""}}
- {{mod.engine_type or ""}}
- {{(mod.offline and "y") or ""}}
- {{mod.weight or 1 }}
- {{(mod.disabled and "y") or ""}}
- {{(mod.display_error_messages and "y") or ""}}
{% endfor %}
.. flat-table:: Additional engines (commented out in settings.yml)
:header-rows: 1
:stub-columns: 2
* - Name
- Base URL
- Host
- Port
- Paging
* - elasticsearch
- localhost:9200
- False
* - meilicsearch
- localhost:7700
- True
* - mongodb
- 21017
- True
* - mysql_server
- 3306
- True
* - postgresql
- 5432
- True
* - redis_server
- 6379
- False
* - solr
- localhost:8983
- True
* - sqlite
- True

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Example
#. Recoll indexes a local filesystem mounted in ``/export/documents/reference``,
#. the Recoll search interface can be reached at and
#. the Recoll search inteface can be reached at and
#. the contents of this filesystem can be reached though
.. code:: yaml

View File

@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ Use it along with ``nginx`` with the following example configuration.
location /searx {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

View File

@ -19,9 +19,5 @@ Administrator documentation

View File

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
Search in indexers
Searx supports three popular indexer search engines:
* Elasticsearch
* Meilisearch
* Solr
Make sure that the Elasticsearch user has access to the index you are querying.
If you are not using TLS during your connection, set ``enable_http`` to ``True``.
.. code:: yaml
- name : elasticsearch
shortcut : es
engine : elasticsearch
base_url : http://localhost:9200
username : elastic
password : changeme
index : my-index
query_type : match
enable_http : True
Available settings
* ``base_url``: URL of Elasticsearch instance. By default it is set to ``http://localhost:9200``.
* ``index``: Name of the index to query. Required.
* ``query_type``: Elasticsearch query method to use. Available: ``match``,
``simple_query_string``, ``term``, ``terms``, ``custom``.
* ``custom_query_json``: If you selected ``custom`` for ``query_type``, you must
provide the JSON payload in this option.
* ``username``: Username in Elasticsearch
* ``password``: Password for the Elasticsearch user
If you are not using TLS during connection, set ``enable_http`` to ``True``.
.. code:: yaml
- name : meilisearch
engine : meilisearch
shortcut: mes
base_url : http://localhost:7700
index : my-index
enable_http: True
Available settings
* ``base_url``: URL of the Meilisearch instance. By default it is set to http://localhost:7700
* ``index``: Name of the index to query. Required.
* ``auth_key``: Key required for authentication.
* ``facet_filters``: List of facets to search in.
If you are not using TLS during connection, set ``enable_http`` to ``True``.
.. code:: yaml
- name : solr
engine : solr
shortcut : slr
base_url : http://localhost:8983
collection : my-collection
sort : asc
enable_http : True
Available settings
* ``base_url``: URL of the Meilisearch instance. By default it is set to http://localhost:8983
* ``collection``: Name of the collection to query. Required.
* ``sort``: Sorting of the results. Available: ``asc``, ``desc``.
* ``rows``: Maximum number of results from a query. Default value: 10.
* ``field_list``: List of fields returned from the query.
* ``default_fields``: Default fields to query.
* ``query_fields``: List of fields with a boost factor. The bigger the boost
factor of a field, the more important the field is in the query. Example:
``qf="field1^2.3 field2"``

View File

@ -180,6 +180,10 @@ modules and create a `Location`_ configuration for the searx site. In most
distributions you have to un-comment the lines in the main configuration file,
except in :ref:`The Debian Layout`.
To pass the HTTP HOST header
With ProxyPreserveHost_ the incoming Host HTTP request header is passed to the
proxied host.
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
@ -227,11 +231,6 @@ except in :ref:`The Debian Layout`.
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
With ProxyPreserveHost_ the incoming Host HTTP request header is passed to the
proxied host.
.. _apache searx via filtron plus morty:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: searx via filtron plus morty
@ -286,15 +285,15 @@ proxied host.
For a fully result proxification add :ref:`morty's <searx morty>` **public
URL** to your :origin:`searx/settings.yml`:
Note that reverse proxy advised to be used in case of single-user or
low-traffic instances. For a fully result proxification add :ref:`morty's
<searx morty>` **public URL** to your :origin:`searx/settings.yml`:
.. code:: yaml
# replace with your server's public name
url :
key : !!binary "insert_your_morty_proxy_key_here"
image_proxy : True

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ It's also possible to build searx from the embedded Dockerfile.
git clone
cd searx
make docker
Public instance

View File

@ -163,8 +163,6 @@ Started wiki`_ is always a good resource *to keep in the pocket*.
Create configuration at ``/etc/nginx/conf.d/searx`` and place a
symlink to sites-enabled:
.. _nginx searx via filtron plus morty:
.. tabs::
.. group-tab:: searx via filtron plus morty
@ -182,7 +180,7 @@ Started wiki`_ is always a good resource *to keep in the pocket*.
location /searx {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
@ -190,8 +188,8 @@ Started wiki`_ is always a good resource *to keep in the pocket*.
proxy_set_header X-Script-Name /searx;
location /searx/static/ {
alias /usr/local/searx/searx-src/searx/static/;
location /searx/static {
alias /usr/local/searx/searx-src/searx/static;
@ -205,28 +203,28 @@ Started wiki`_ is always a good resource *to keep in the pocket*.
location /morty {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
For a fully result proxification add :ref:`morty's <searx morty>` **public
URL** to your :origin:`searx/settings.yml`:
Note that reverse proxy advised to be used in case of single-user or
low-traffic instances. For a fully result proxification add :ref:`morty's
<searx morty>` **public URL** to your :origin:`searx/settings.yml`:
.. code:: yaml
# replace with your server's public name
url :
key : !!binary "insert_your_morty_proxy_key_here"
image_proxy : True
.. group-tab:: proxy or uWSGI
.. group-tab:: proxy or uWSGI
Be warned, with this setup, your instance isn't :ref:`protected <searx
filtron>`. Nevertheless it is good enough for intranet usage and it is a
@ -309,8 +307,8 @@ Started wiki`_ is always a good resource *to keep in the pocket*.
proxy_buffering off;
location /searx/static/ {
alias /usr/local/searx/searx-src/searx/static/;
location /searx/static {
alias /usr/local/searx/searx-src/searx/static;
The ``X-Script-Name /searx`` is needed by the searx implementation to
@ -328,8 +326,8 @@ Started wiki`_ is always a good resource *to keep in the pocket*.
uwsgi_pass unix:/run/uwsgi/app/searx/socket;
location /searx/static/ {
alias /usr/local/searx/searx-src/searx/;
location /searx/static {
alias /usr/local/searx/searx-src/searx;
For searx to work correctly the ``base_url`` must be set in the

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ from the login (*~/.profile*):
.. tip::
Open a second terminal for the configuration tasks and leave the ``(searx)$``
Open a second terminal for the configuration tasks and left the ``(searx)$``
terminal open for the tasks below.
@ -70,20 +70,13 @@ from the login (*~/.profile*):
.. sidebar:: ``use_default_settings: True``
- :ref:`settings global`
- :ref:`settings location`
- :ref:`settings use_default_settings`
- :origin:`/etc/searx/settings.yml <utils/templates/etc/searx/use_default_settings.yml>`
To create a initial ``/etc/searx/settings.yml`` you can start with a copy of the
file :origin:`utils/templates/etc/searx/use_default_settings.yml`. This setup
:ref:`use default settings <settings use_default_settings>` from
:option:ref:`use default settings <settings use_default_settings>` from
:origin:`searx/settings.yml` and is recommended since :pull:`2291` is merged.
For a *minimal setup*, configure like shown below replace ``searx@$(uname
-n)`` with a name of your choice, set ``ultrasecretkey`` -- *and/or* edit
For minimal Setup, configure like shown below replace ``searx@\$(uname -n)``
with a name of your choice, set ``ultrasecretkey`` -- *and/or* edit
``/etc/searx/settings.yml`` to your needs.
.. kernel-include:: $DOCS_BUILD/includes/searx.rst

View File

@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ My experience is, that this command is a bit buggy.
.. _uwsgi configuration:
All together
Create the configuration ini-file according to your distribution (see below) and
restart the uwsgi application.

View File

@ -39,18 +39,13 @@ install from ``root``, take into account that the scripts are creating a
these new created users do need read access to the clone of searx, which is not
the case if you clone into a folder below ``/root``.
.. code:: bash
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ git clone searx
$ cd searx
.. sidebar:: further read
- :ref:`toolboxing`
- :ref:`update searx`
- :ref:`inspect searx`
**Install** :ref:`searx service <>`
This installs searx as described in :ref:`installation basic`.
@ -81,6 +76,6 @@ If all services are running fine, you can add it to your HTTP server:
.. tip::
About script's installation options have a look at chapter :ref:`toolboxing
setup`. How to brand your instance see chapter :ref:`settings global`. To
setup`. How to brand your instance see chapter :ref:`makefile setup`. To
*stash* your instance's setup, `git stash`_ your clone's :origin:`Makefile`
and :origin:`` file .

View File

@ -16,22 +16,15 @@ By default searx can only act as an image proxy for result images, but it is
possible to proxify all the result URLs with an external service, morty_.
To use this feature, morty has to be installed and activated in searx's
``settings.yml``. Add the following snippet to your ``settings.yml`` and
restart searx:
Add the following snippet to your ``settings.yml`` and restart searx:
.. code:: yaml
url :
key : !!binary "insert_your_morty_proxy_key_here"
Note that the example above (````) is only for single-user
instances without a HTTP proxy. If your morty service is public, the url is the
address of the reverse proxy (e.g ````).
For more information about *result proxy* have a look at *"searx via filtron
plus morty"* in the :ref:`nginx <nginx searx via filtron plus morty>` and
:ref:`apache <apache searx via filtron plus morty>` sections.
key : your_morty_proxy_key
Is the address of the running morty service.

View File

@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
Query SQL and NoSQL servers
SQL servers are traditional databases with predefined data schema. Furthermore,
modern versions also support BLOB data.
You can search in the following servers:
* `PostgreSQL`_
* `MySQL`_
* `SQLite`_
The configuration of the new database engines are similar. You must put a valid
SELECT SQL query in ``query_str``. At the moment you can only bind at most
one parameter in your query.
Do not include LIMIT or OFFSET in your SQL query as the engines
rely on these keywords during paging.
Required PyPi package: ``psychopg2``
You can find an example configuration below:
.. code:: yaml
- name : postgresql
engine : postgresql
database : my_database
username : searx
password : password
query_str : 'SELECT * from my_table WHERE my_column = %(query)s'
shortcut : psql
Available options
* ``host``: IP address of the host running PostgreSQL. By default it is ````.
* ``port``: Port number PostgreSQL is listening on. By default it is ``5432``.
* ``database``: Name of the database you are connecting to.
* ``username``: Name of the user connecting to the database.
* ``password``: Password of the database user.
* ``query_str``: Query string to run. Keywords like ``LIMIT`` and ``OFFSET`` are not allowed. Required.
* ``limit``: Number of returned results per page. By default it is 10.
Required PyPi package: ``mysql-connector-python``
This is an example configuration for quering a MySQL server:
.. code:: yaml
- name : mysql
engine : mysql_server
database : my_database
username : searx
password : password
limit : 5
query_str : 'SELECT * from my_table WHERE my_column=%(query)s'
shortcut : mysql
Available options
* ``host``: IP address of the host running MySQL. By default it is ````.
* ``port``: Port number MySQL is listening on. By default it is ``3306``.
* ``database``: Name of the database you are connecting to.
* ``auth_plugin``: Authentication plugin to use. By default it is ``caching_sha2_password``.
* ``username``: Name of the user connecting to the database.
* ``password``: Password of the database user.
* ``query_str``: Query string to run. Keywords like ``LIMIT`` and ``OFFSET`` are not allowed. Required.
* ``limit``: Number of returned results per page. By default it is 10.
You can read from your database ``my_database`` using this example configuration:
.. code:: yaml
- name : sqlite
engine : sqlite
shortcut: sq
database : my_database
query_str : 'SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_column=:query'
Available options
* ``database``: Name of the database you are connecting to.
* ``query_str``: Query string to run. Keywords like ``LIMIT`` and ``OFFSET`` are not allowed. Required.
* ``limit``: Number of returned results per page. By default it is 10.
NoSQL data stores are used for storing arbitrary data without first defining their
structure. To query the supported servers, you must install their drivers using PyPi.
You can search in the following servers:
* `Redis`_
* `MongoDB`_
Reqired PyPi package: ``redis``
Example configuration:
.. code:: yaml
- name : mystore
engine : redis_server
exact_match_only : True
host :
port : 6379
password : secret-password
db : 0
shortcut : rds
enable_http : True
Available options
* ``host``: IP address of the host running Redis. By default it is ````.
* ``port``: Port number Redis is listening on. By default it is ``6379``.
* ``password``: Password if required by Redis.
* ``db``: Number of the database you are connecting to.
* ``exact_match_only``: Enable if you need exact matching. By default it is ``True``.
Required PyPi package: ``pymongo``
Below is an example configuration for using a MongoDB collection:
.. code:: yaml
- name : mymongo
engine : mongodb
shortcut : icm
host : ''
port : 27017
database : personal
collection : income
key : month
enable_http: True
Available options
* ``host``: IP address of the host running MongoDB. By default it is ````.
* ``port``: Port number MongoDB is listening on. By default it is ``27017``.
* ``password``: Password if required by Redis.
* ``database``: Name of the database you are connecting to.
* ``collection``: Name of the collection you want to search in.
* ``exact_match_only``: Enable if you need exact matching. By default it is ``True``.

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Configuration defaults (at built time):
.. _configured plugins:
.. jinja:: searx
.. jinja:: webapp
.. flat-table:: Plugins configured at built time (defaults)
:header-rows: 1

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 74 KiB

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
How to create private engines
If you are running your public searx instance, you might want to restrict access
to some engines. Maybe you are afraid of bots might abusing the engine. Or the
engine might return private results you do not want to share with strangers.
Server side configuration
You can make any engine private by setting a list of tokens in your settings.yml
file. In the following example, we set two different tokens that provide access
to the engine.
.. code:: yaml
- name: my-private-google
engine: google
shortcut: pgo
tokens: ['my-secret-token-1', 'my-secret-token-2']
To access the private engine, you must distribute the tokens to your searx
users. It is up to you how you let them know what the access token is you
Client side configuration
As a searx instance user, you can add any number of access tokens on the
Preferences page. You have to set a comma separated lists of strings in "Engine
tokens" input, then save your new preferences.
.. image:: prefernces-private.png
:width: 600px
:align: center
:alt: location of token textarea
Once the Preferences page is loaded again, you can see the information of the
private engines you got access to. If you cannot see the expected engines in the
engines list, double check your token. If there is no issue with the token,
contact your instance administrator.

View File

@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ First, searx will try to load settings.yml from these locations:
1. the full path specified in the ``SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH`` environment variable.
2. ``/etc/searx/settings.yml``
If these files don't exist (or are empty or can't be read), searx uses the
:origin:`searx/settings.yml` file.
If these files don't exist (or are empty or can't be read), searx uses the :origin:`searx/settings.yml` file.
.. _settings global:
@ -36,46 +35,16 @@ If these files don't exist (or are empty or can't be read), searx uses the
Global Settings
.. code:: yaml
debug : False # Debug mode, only for development
instance_name : "searx" # displayed name
git_branch: master
contact_url: False #
``debug`` :
Allow a more detailed log if you run searx directly. Display *detailed* error
messages in the browser too, so this must be deactivated in production.
Contact ``mailto:`` address or WEB form.
``git_url`` and ``git_branch``:
Changes this, to point to your searx fork (branch).
If you host your own documentation, change this URL.
Link to your wiki (or ``False``)
Link to your tweets (or ``False``)
.. code:: yaml
@ -121,15 +90,13 @@ Global Settings
Set additional HTTP headers, see `#755 <>`__
.. code:: yaml
outgoing: # communication with search engines
request_timeout : 2.0 # default timeout in seconds, can be override by engine
# max_request_timeout: 10.0 # the maximum timeout in seconds
useragent_suffix : "" # information like an email address to the administrator
useragent_suffix : "" # informations like an email address to the administrator
pool_connections : 100 # Number of different hosts
pool_maxsize : 10 # Number of simultaneous requests by host
# uncomment below section if you want to use a proxy
@ -172,10 +139,6 @@ Global Settings
If you use multiple network interfaces, define from which IP the requests must
be made. This parameter is ignored when ``proxies`` is set.
.. code:: yaml
@ -281,76 +244,61 @@ Engine settings
.. sidebar:: ``use_default_settings: True``
.. note::
- :ref:`settings location`
- :ref:`use_default_settings.yml`
- :origin:`/etc/searx/settings.yml <utils/templates/etc/searx/use_default_settings.yml>`
If searx is cloned from a git repository, most probably there is no need to have an user settings.
The user defined ``settings.yml`` is loaded from the :ref:`settings location`
and can relied on the default configuration :origin:`searx/settings.yml` using:
The user defined settings.yml can relied on the default configuration :origin:`searx/settings.yml` using ``use_default_settings: True``.
``use_default_settings: True``
In the following example, the actual settings are the default settings defined in :origin:`searx/settings.yml` with the exception of the ``secret_key`` and the ``bind_address``:
In the following example, the actual settings are the default settings defined
in :origin:`searx/settings.yml` with the exception of the ``secret_key`` and
the ``bind_address``:
.. code-block:: yaml
.. code-block:: yaml
use_default_settings: True
secret_key: "uvys6bRhKHUdFF5CqbJonSDSRN8H0sCBziNSrDGNVdpz7IeZhveVart3yvghoKHA"
bind_address: ""
use_default_settings: True
secret_key: "uvys6bRhKHUdFF5CqbJonSDSRN8H0sCBziNSrDGNVdpz7IeZhveVart3yvghoKHA"
bind_address: ""
With ``use_default_settings: True``, each settings can be override in a similar way, the ``engines`` section is merged according to the engine ``name``.
With ``use_default_settings: True``, each settings can be override in a
similar way, the ``engines`` section is merged according to the engine
``name``. In this example, searx will load all the engine and the arch linux
wiki engine has a :ref:`token<private engines>`:
In this example, searx will load all the engine and the arch linux wiki engine has a :ref:`token<private engines>`:
.. code-block:: yaml
.. code-block:: yaml
use_default_settings: True
secret_key: "uvys6bRhKHUdFF5CqbJonSDSRN8H0sCBziNSrDGNVdpz7IeZhveVart3yvghoKHA"
- name: arch linux wiki
tokens: ['$ecretValue']
use_default_settings: True
secret_key: "uvys6bRhKHUdFF5CqbJonSDSRN8H0sCBziNSrDGNVdpz7IeZhveVart3yvghoKHA"
- name: arch linux wiki
tokens: ['$ecretValue']
``engines:`` / ``remove:``
It is possible to remove some engines from the default settings. The following
example is similar to the above one, but searx doesn't load the the google
It is possible to remove some engines from the default settings. The following example is similar to the above one, but searx doesn't load the the google engine:
.. code-block:: yaml
.. code-block:: yaml
- google
secret_key: "uvys6bRhKHUdFF5CqbJonSDSRN8H0sCBziNSrDGNVdpz7IeZhveVart3yvghoKHA"
- name: arch linux wiki
tokens: ['$ecretValue']
- google
secret_key: "uvys6bRhKHUdFF5CqbJonSDSRN8H0sCBziNSrDGNVdpz7IeZhveVart3yvghoKHA"
- name: arch linux wiki
tokens: ['$ecretValue']
``engines:`` / ``keep_only:``
As an alternative, it is possible to specify the engines to keep. In the
following example, searx has only two engines:
As an alternative, it is possible to specify the engines to keep. In the following example, searx has only two engines:
.. code-block:: yaml
.. code-block:: yaml
- google
- duckduckgo
secret_key: "uvys6bRhKHUdFF5CqbJonSDSRN8H0sCBziNSrDGNVdpz7IeZhveVart3yvghoKHA"
- name: google
tokens: ['$ecretValue']
- name: duckduckgo
tokens: ['$ecretValue']
- google
- duckduckgo
secret_key: "uvys6bRhKHUdFF5CqbJonSDSRN8H0sCBziNSrDGNVdpz7IeZhveVart3yvghoKHA"
- name: google
tokens: ['$ecretValue']
- name: duckduckgo
tokens: ['$ecretValue']

View File

@ -4,56 +4,20 @@
How to update
How to update depends on the :ref:`installation` method. If you have used the
:ref:`installation scripts`, use ``update`` command from the scripts.
**Update** :ref:`searx service <>`
.. code:: sh
sudo -H ./utils/ update searx
sudo -H -u searx -i
(searx)$ git stash
(searx)$ git pull origin master
(searx)$ git stash apply
(searx)$ ./ update_packages
**Update** :ref:`filtron reverse proxy <>`
Restart uwsgi:
.. code:: sh
.. tabs::
sudo -H ./utils/ update filtron
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
**Update** :ref:`result proxy <>`
.. code:: bash
sudo -H ./utils/ update morty
.. _inspect searx:
How to inspect & debug
.. sidebar:: further read
- :ref:`toolboxing`
- :ref:`Makefile`
How to debug depends on the :ref:`installation` method. If you have used the
:ref:`installation scripts`, use ``inspect`` command from the scripts.
**Inspect** :ref:`searx service <>`
.. code:: sh
sudo -H ./utils/ inspect service
**Inspect** :ref:`filtron reverse proxy <>`
.. code:: sh
sudo -H ./utils/ inspect service
**Inspect** :ref:`result proxy <>`
.. code:: bash
sudo -H ./utils/ inspect service
.. code:: sh
sudo -H systemctl restart uwsgi

View File

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
Private searx project is finished
We are officially finished with the Private searx project. The goal was to
extend searx capabilities beyond just searching on the Internet. We added
support for offline engines. These engines do not connect to the Internet,
they find results locally.
As some of the offline engines run commands on the searx host, we added an
option to protect any engine by making them private. Private engines can only be
accessed using a token.
After searx was prepared to run offline queries we added numerous new engines:
1. Command line engine
2. MySQL
3. PostgreSQL
4. SQLite
5. Redis
6. MongoDB
We also added new engines that communicate over HTTP, but you might want to keep
them private:
1. Elasticsearch
2. Meilisearch
3. Solr
The last step was to document this work. We added new tutorials on creating
command engines, making engines private and also adding a custom result template
to your own engines.
The project was sponsored by `Search and Discovery Fund`_ of `NLnet
Foundation`_. We would like to thank the NLnet for not only the funds, but the
conversations and their ideas. They were truly invested and passionate about
supporting searx.
.. _Search and Discovery Fund:
.. _NLnet Foundation:
| Happy hacking.
| kvch // 2022.09.30 23:15

View File

@ -3,16 +3,12 @@ Blog
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ might fail in some aspects we should not overlook.
The environment in which we run all our development processes matters!
The :ref:`makefile` and the :ref:`make install` encapsulate a lot for us, but they
The :ref:`makefile` and the :ref:`make pyenv` encapsulate a lot for us, but they
do not have access to all prerequisites. For example, there may have
dependencies on packages that are installed on the developer's desktop, but
usually are not preinstalled on a server or client system. Another examples
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ debug services from filtron and morty analogous use:
Another point we have to notice is that each service (:ref:`searx <>`,
:ref:`filtron <>` and :ref:`morty <>`) runs under dedicated
system user account with the same name (compare :ref:`create searx user`). To
get a shell from these accounts, simply call one of the scripts:
get a shell from theses accounts, simply call one of the scripts:
.. tabs::
@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ suite. For this, we have to keep an eye on the :ref:`installation basic`:
- virtualenv in: ``/usr/local/searx/searx-pyenv``
- searx software in: ``/usr/local/searx/searx-src``
The searx software is a clone of the ``git_url`` (see :ref:`settings global`) and
the working tree is checked out from the ``git_branch``. With the use of the
The searx software is a clone of the ``GIT_URL`` (see :ref:`makefile setup`) and
the working tree is checked out from the ``GIT_BRANCH``. With the use of the
:ref:`` the searx service was installed as :ref:`uWSGI application
<searx uwsgi>`. To maintain this service, we can use ``systemctl`` (compare
:ref:`service architectures on distributions <uwsgi configuration>`).
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ of the container:
Now we can develop as usual in the working tree of our desktop system. Every
time the software was changed, you have to restart the searx service (in the
.. tabs::
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ daily usage:
.. code:: sh
$ sudo -H ./utils/ cmd searx-archlinux \
make docs.html
make docs
.. _blog-lxcdev-202006 abstract:
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ We build up a fully functional searx suite in a archlinux container:
$ sudo -H ./utils/ install suite searx-archlinux
To access HTTP from the desktop we installed nginx for the services inside the
.. tabs::
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ To get remarks from the suite of the archlinux container we can use:
[searx-archlinux] INFO: (eth0) filtron:
[searx-archlinux] INFO: (eth0) morty:
[searx-archlinux] INFO: (eth0)
[searx-archlinux] INFO: (eth0) docs-live:
[searx-archlinux] INFO: (eth0) IPv6: http://[fd42:573b:e0b3:e97e:216:3eff:fea5:9b65]

View File

@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
Query more of your NoSQL stores
From now on, searx lets you to query your NoSQL data stores:
* `Redis`_
* `MongoDB`_
The reference configuration of the engines are included ``settings.yml`` just commented out,
as you have to set various options and install dependencies before using them.
By default, the engines use ``key-value`` template for displaying results.
If you are not satisfied with the original result layout,
you can use your owm template by placing the template under
``searx/templates/{theme_name}/result_templates/{template_name}`` and setting
``result_template`` attribute to ``{template_name}``.
Furthermore, if you do not want to expose these engines on a public instance, you can
still add them and limit the access by setting ``tokens`` as described in the `blog post about
private engines`_.
Configuring searx to use the stores
NoSQL data stores are used for storing arbitrary data without first defining their
Required package: ``redis``
Redis is a key value based data store usually stored in memory.
Select a database to search in and set its index in the option ``db``. You can
either look for exact matches or use partial keywords to find what you are looking for
by configuring ``exact_match_only``.
In this example you can search for exact matches in your first database:
.. code:: yaml
- name : mystore
engine : redis_server
exact_match_only : True
host :
port : 6379
password : secret-password
db : 0
shortcut : rds
enable_http : True
Required package: ``pymongo``
MongoDB is a document based database program that handles JSON like data.
In order to query MongoDB, you have to select a ``database`` and a ``collection``. Furthermore,
you have to select a ``key`` that is going to be searched. MongoDB also supports the option ``exact_match_only``, so configure it
as you wish.
Above is an example configuration for using a MongoDB collection:
.. code:: yaml
- name : mymongo
engine : mongodb
shortcut : md
host : ''
port : 27017
database : personal
collection : income
key : month
enable_http: True
This development was sponsored by `Search and Discovery Fund`_ of `NLnet Foundation`_ .
.. _Redis:
.. _MongoDB:
.. _blog post about private engines: private-engines.html#private-engines
.. _Search and Discovery Fund:
.. _NLnet Foundation:
| Happy hacking.
| kvch // 2021.07.13 23:16

View File

@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
Query your local search engines
From now on, searx lets you to query your locally running search engines. The following
ones are supported now:
* `Elasticsearch`_
* `Meilisearch`_
* `Solr`_
All of the engines above are added to ``settings.yml`` just commented out, as you have to
``base_url`` for all them.
Please note that if you are not using HTTPS to access these engines, you have to enable
HTTP requests by setting ``enable_http`` to ``True``.
Furthermore, if you do not want to expose these engines on a public instance, you can
still add them and limit the access by setting ``tokens`` as described in the `blog post about
private engines`_.
Configuring searx for search engines
Each search engine is powerful, capable of full-text search.
Elasticsearch supports numerous ways to query the data it is storing. At the moment
the engine supports the most popular search methods: ``match``, ``simple_query_string``, ``term`` and ``terms``.
If none of the methods fit your use case, you can select ``custom`` query type and provide the JSON payload
searx has to submit to Elasticsearch in ``custom_query_json``.
The following is an example configuration for an Elasticsearch instance with authentication
configured to read from ``my-index`` index.
.. code:: yaml
- name : elasticsearch
shortcut : es
engine : elasticsearch
base_url : http://localhost:9200
username : elastic
password : changeme
index : my-index
query_type : match
enable_http : True
This search engine is aimed at individuals and small companies. It is designed for
small-scale (less than 10 million documents) data collections. E.g. it is great for storing
web pages you have visited and searching in the contents later.
The engine supports faceted search, so you can search in a subset of documents of the collection.
Furthermore, you can search in Meilisearch instances that require authentication by setting ``auth_token``.
Here is a simple example to query a Meilisearch instance:
.. code:: yaml
- name : meilisearch
engine : meilisearch
shortcut: mes
base_url : http://localhost:7700
index : my-index
enable_http: True
Solr is a popular search engine based on Lucene, just like Elasticsearch.
But instead of searching in indices, you can search in collections.
This is an example configuration for searching in the collection ``my-collection`` and get
the results in ascending order.
.. code:: yaml
- name : solr
engine : solr
shortcut : slr
base_url : http://localhost:8983
collection : my-collection
sort : asc
enable_http : True
Next steps
The next step is to add support for various SQL databases.
This development was sponsored by `Search and Discovery Fund`_ of `NLnet Foundation`_ .
.. _blog post about private engines: private-engines.html#private-engines
.. _Elasticsearch:
.. _Meilisearch:
.. _Solr:
.. _Search and Discovery Fund:
.. _NLnet Foundation:
| Happy hacking.
| kvch // 2021.04.07 23:16

View File

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
Query SQL servers
Now you can query SQL servers using searx. The following ones are supported:
* `PostgreSQL`_
* `MySQL`_
* `SQLite`_
All of the engines above are added to ``settings.yml`` just commented out, as you have to
set the required attributes for the engines, e.g. ``database``. By default, the engines use
``key-value`` template for displaying results. If you are not satisfied with the original result layout,
you can use your owm template by placing the template under
``searx/templates/{theme_name}/result_templates/{template_name}`` and setting
``result_template`` attribute to ``{template_name}``.
As mentioned in previous blog posts, if you do not wish to expose these engines on a
public instance, you can still add them and limit the access by setting ``tokens``
as described in the `blog post about private engines`_.
Configure the engines
The configuration of the new database engines are similar. You must put a valid
SELECT SQL query in ``query_str``. At the moment you can only bind at most
one parameter in your query. By setting the attribute ``limit`` you can
define how many results you want from the SQL server. Basically, it
is the same as the LIMIT keyword in SQL.
Please, do not include LIMIT or OFFSET in your SQL query as the engines
rely on these keywords during paging. If you want to configure the number of returned results
use the option ``limit``.
PostgreSQL is a powerful and robust open source database.
Before configuring the PostgreSQL engine, you must install the dependency ``psychopg2``.
You can find an example configuration below:
.. code:: yaml
- name : postgresql
engine : postgresql
database : my_database
username : searx
password : password
query_str : 'SELECT * from my_table WHERE my_column = %(query)s'
shortcut : psql
MySQL is said to be the most popular open source database.
Before enabling MySQL engine, you must install the package ``mysql-connector-python``.
The authentication plugin is configurable by setting ``auth_plugin`` in the attributes.
By default it is set to ``caching_sha2_password``.
This is an example configuration for querying a MySQL server:
.. code:: yaml
- name : mysql
engine : mysql_server
database : my_database
username : searx
password : password
limit : 5
query_str : 'SELECT * from my_table WHERE my_column=%(query)s'
shortcut : mysql
SQLite is a small, fast and reliable SQL database engine. It does not require
any extra dependency.
You can read from your database ``my_database`` using this example configuration:
.. code:: yaml
- name : sqlite
engine : sqlite
shortcut: sq
database : my_database
query_str : 'SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_column=:query'
Next steps
The next step is to add support for more data stores, e.g. Redis and MongoDB.
This development was sponsored by `Search and Discovery Fund`_ of `NLnet Foundation`_ .
.. _PostgreSQL:
.. _MySQL:
.. _SQLite:
.. _blog post about private engines: private-engines.html#private-engines
.. _Search and Discovery Fund:
.. _NLnet Foundation:
| Happy hacking.
| kvch // 2021.05.23 23:16

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ mkdir ${SERVICE_HOME}/local
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ wget --progress=bar -O \"${GO_TAR}\" \\
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ tar -C ${SERVICE_HOME}/local -xzf \"${GO_TAR}\"
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ tar -C ${SERVICE_HOME}/local/go -xzf \"${GO_TAR}\"
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ which go

View File

@ -116,7 +116,6 @@ ${fedora_build}
pip install -U pip
pip install -U setuptools
pip install -U wheel
pip install -U pyyaml
# jump to searx's working tree and install searx into virtualenv

View File

@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
import sys, os
from sphinx_build_tools import load_sphinx_config
from searx.version import VERSION_STRING
from pallets_sphinx_themes import ProjectLink
from searx import brand
from searx.version import VERSION_STRING
from searx.brand import GIT_URL
GIT_BRANCH = os.environ.get("GIT_BRANCH", "master")
from searx.brand import SEARX_URL
from searx.brand import DOCS_URL
# Project --------------------------------------------------------------
project = u'searx'
copyright = u'2015-2022, Adam Tauber, Noémi Ványi'
copyright = u'2015-2020, Adam Tauber, Noémi Ványi'
author = u'Adam Tauber'
highlight_language = 'none'
@ -23,41 +27,35 @@ numfig = True
exclude_patterns = ['build-templates/*.rst']
import searx.engines
import searx.plugins
from searx import webapp
jinja_contexts = {
'searx': {
'engines': searx.engines.engines,
'plugins': searx.plugins.plugins
'webapp': dict(**webapp.__dict__),
# usage:: lorem :patch:`f373169` ipsum
extlinks = {}
# upstream links
extlinks['wiki'] = ('', '%s')
extlinks['pull'] = ('', 'PR %s')
extlinks['wiki'] = ('', ' ')
extlinks['pull'] = ('', 'PR ')
# links to custom brand
extlinks['origin'] = (brand.GIT_URL + '/blob/' + brand.GIT_BRANCH + '/%s', 'Origin: %s')
extlinks['patch'] = (brand.GIT_URL + '/commit/%s', 'path %s')
extlinks['search'] = (brand.SEARX_URL + '/%s', 'URL: %s')
extlinks['docs'] = (brand.DOCS_URL + '/%s', 'docs: %s')
extlinks['pypi'] = ('', 'PyPi: %s')
extlinks['man'] = ('', 'man: %s')
extlinks['origin'] = (GIT_URL + '/blob/' + GIT_BRANCH + '/%s', 'git://')
extlinks['patch'] = (GIT_URL + '/commit/%s', '#')
extlinks['search'] = (SEARX_URL + '/%s', '#')
extlinks['docs'] = (DOCS_URL + '/%s', 'docs: ')
extlinks['pypi'] = ('', 'PyPi: ')
extlinks['man'] = ('', '')
#extlinks['role'] = (
# '', '')
extlinks['duref'] = (
'', '%s')
'', '')
extlinks['durole'] = (
'', '%s')
'', '')
extlinks['dudir'] = (
'', '%s')
'', '')
extlinks['ctan'] = (
'', 'CTAN: %s')
'', 'CTAN: ')
extensions = [
@ -67,7 +65,7 @@ extensions = [
"sphinx_issues", #
"sphinx_jinja", #
"sphinxcontrib.jinja", #
"sphinxcontrib.programoutput", #
'linuxdoc.kernel_include', # Implementation of the 'kernel-include' reST-directive.
'linuxdoc.rstFlatTable', # Implementation of the 'flat-table' reST-directive.
@ -100,19 +98,14 @@ imgmath_font_size = 14
# sphinx.ext.imgmath setup END
html_theme_options = {"index_sidebar_logo": True}
html_context = {"project_links": [] }
html_context["project_links"].append(ProjectLink("Blog", brand.DOCS_URL + "/blog/index.html"))
if brand.GIT_URL:
html_context["project_links"].append(ProjectLink("Source", brand.GIT_URL))
if brand.WIKI_URL:
html_context["project_links"].append(ProjectLink("Wiki", brand.WIKI_URL))
if brand.TWITTER_URL:
html_context["project_links"].append(ProjectLink("Twitter", brand.TWITTER_URL))
if brand.ISSUE_URL:
html_context["project_links"].append(ProjectLink("Issue Tracker", brand.ISSUE_URL))
if brand.CONTACT_URL:
html_context["project_links"].append(ProjectLink("Contact", brand.CONTACT_URL))
html_context = {
"project_links": [
ProjectLink("Source", GIT_URL),
ProjectLink("Wiki", ""),
ProjectLink("Public instances", ""),
ProjectLink("Twitter", ""),
html_sidebars = {
"**": ["project.html", "relations.html", "searchbox.html"],
@ -127,3 +120,9 @@ html_show_sourcelink = False
latex_documents = [
(master_doc, "searx-{}.tex".format(VERSION_STRING), html_title, author, "manual")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Since loadConfig overwrites settings from the global namespace, it has to be
# the last statement in the file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -132,11 +132,11 @@ Here is an example which makes a complete rebuild:
.. code:: sh
$ make docs.clean docs.html
$ make docs-clean docs
The HTML pages are in dist/docs.
.. _make
.. _make docs-live:
live build
@ -144,19 +144,19 @@ live build
.. _sphinx-autobuild:
.. sidebar:: docs.clean
.. sidebar:: docs-clean
It is recommended to assert a complete rebuild before deploying (use
Live build is like WYSIWYG. If you want to edit the documentation, its
recommended to use. The Makefile target ```` builds the docs, opens
recommended to use. The Makefile target ``docs-live`` builds the docs, opens
URL in your favorite browser and rebuilds every time a reST file has been
.. code:: sh
$ make
$ make docs-live
The HTML pages are in dist/docs.
... Serving on
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ argument. E.g to find and use a free port, use:
.. code:: sh
$ SPHINXOPTS="--port 0" make
$ SPHINXOPTS="--port 0" make docs-live
... Serving on
@ -180,10 +180,21 @@ argument. E.g to find and use a free port, use:
deploy on
To deploy documentation at :docs:` <.>` use Makefile target :ref:`make`, which builds the documentation and runs all the needed git add,
commit and push:
To deploy documentation at :docs:` <.>` use Makefile target
:ref:`make gh-pages`, which will builds the documentation, clones searx into a sub
folder ``gh-pages``, cleans it, copies the doc build into and runs all the
needed git add, commit and push:
.. code:: sh
$ make docs.clean
$ make docs-clean gh-pages
SPHINX docs --> file://<...>/dist/docs
The HTML pages are in dist/docs.
Cloning into 'gh-pages' ...
cd gh-pages; git checkout gh-pages >/dev/null
Switched to a new branch 'gh-pages'
doc available at -->

View File

@ -37,15 +37,15 @@ settings. However, the standard way is the following:
engine file
======================= =========== ========================================================
======================= =========== ===========================================
argument type information
======================= =========== ========================================================
======================= =========== ===========================================
categories list pages, in which the engine is working
paging boolean support multiple pages
paging boolean support multible pages
language_support boolean support language choosing
time_range_support boolean support search time range
engine_type str ``online`` by default, other possibles values are
``offline``, ``online_dictionary``, ``online_currency``
======================= =========== ========================================================
offline boolean engine runs offline
======================= =========== ===========================================
.. _engine settings:
@ -58,8 +58,6 @@ argument type information
name string name of search-engine
engine string name of searx-engine
(filename without ``.py``)
enable_http bool enable HTTP
(by default only HTTPS is enabled).
shortcut string shortcut of search-engine
timeout string specific timeout for search-engine
display_error_messages boolean display error messages on the web UI
@ -98,6 +96,7 @@ example code
# engine dependent config
categories = ['general']
paging = True
language_support = True
making a request
@ -112,66 +111,38 @@ passed arguments
These arguments can be used to construct the search query. Furthermore,
parameters with default value can be redefined for special purposes.
If the ``engine_type`` is ``online```:
====================== ============== ========================================================================
argument type default-value, information
====================== ============== ========================================================================
url str ``''``
method str ``'GET'``
headers set ``{}``
data set ``{}``
cookies set ``{}``
verify bool ``True``
headers.User-Agent str a random User-Agent
category str current category, like ``'general'``
safesearch int ``0``, between ``0`` and ``2`` (normal, moderate, strict)
time_range Optional[str] ``None``, can be ``day``, ``week``, ``month``, ``year``
pageno int current pagenumber
language str specific language code like ``'en_US'``, or ``'all'`` if unspecified
====================== ============== ========================================================================
If the ``engine_type`` is ``online_dictionary```, in addition to the ``online`` arguments:
====================== ============ ========================================================================
argument type default-value, information
====================== ============ ========================================================================
from_lang str specific language code like ``'en_US'``
to_lang str specific language code like ``'en_US'``
query str the text query without the languages
url string ``''``
method string ``'GET'``
headers set ``{}``
data set ``{}``
cookies set ``{}``
verify boolean ``True``
headers.User-Agent string a random User-Agent
category string current category, like ``'general'``
started datetime current date-time
pageno int current pagenumber
language string specific language code like ``'en_US'``, or ``'all'`` if unspecified
====================== ============ ========================================================================
If the ``engine_type`` is ``online_currency```, in addition to the ``online`` arguments:
====================== ============ ========================================================================
argument type default-value, information
====================== ============ ========================================================================
amount float the amount to convert
from str ISO 4217 code
to str ISO 4217 code
from_name str currency name
to_name str currency name
====================== ============ ========================================================================
parsed arguments
The function ``def request(query, params):`` always returns the ``params``
variable. Inside searx, the following parameters can be used to specify a search
variable. Inside searx, the following paramters can be used to specify a search
=================== =========== ==========================================================================
argument type information
=================== =========== ==========================================================================
url str requested url
method str HTTP request method
url string requested url
method string HTTP request method
headers set HTTP header information
data set HTTP data information
data set HTTP data information (parsed if ``method != 'GET'``)
cookies set HTTP cookies
verify bool Performing SSL-Validity check
follow_redirects bool Follow redirects
verify boolean Performing SSL-Validity check
max_redirects int maximum redirects, hard limit
soft_max_redirects int maximum redirects, soft limit. Record an error but don't stop the engine
raise_for_httperror bool True by default: raise an exception if the HTTP code of response is >= 300

View File

@ -1,33 +1,65 @@
.. _makefile:
Makefile Targets
.. _gnu-make:
.. sidebar:: build environment
Before looking deeper at the targets, first read about :ref:`make
Before looking deeper at the targets, first read about :ref:`makefile setup`
and :ref:`make pyenv`.
To install system requirements follow :ref:`buildhosts`.
All relevant build tasks are implemented in :origin:`` and for CI or
IDE integration a small ``Makefile`` wrapper is available. If you are not
familiar with Makefiles, we recommend to read gnu-make_ introduction.
With the aim to simplify development cycles, started with :pull:`1756` a
``Makefile`` based boilerplate was added. If you are not familiar with
Makefiles, we recommend to read gnu-make_ introduction.
The usage is simple, just type ``make {target-name}`` to *build* a target.
Calling the ``help`` target gives a first overview (``make help``):
.. program-output:: bash -c "cd ..; make --no-print-directory help"
.. contents:: Contents
:depth: 2
:backlinks: entry
.. _make install:
.. _makefile setup:
Makefile setup
.. _git stash:
.. sidebar:: fork & upstream
Commit changes in your (local) branch, fork or whatever, but do not push them
upstream / `git stash`_ is your friend.
The main setup is done in the :origin:`Makefile`.
.. literalinclude:: ../../Makefile
:start-after: START Makefile setup
:end-before: END Makefile setup
:GIT_URL: Changes this, to point to your searx fork.
:GIT_BRANCH: Changes this, to point to your searx branch.
:SEARX_URL: Changes this, to point to your searx instance.
:DOCS_URL: If you host your own (*brand*) documentation, change this URL.
If you change any of this build environment variables, you have to run ``make
$ make buildenv
build searx/
build utils/brand.env
.. _make pyenv:
Python environment
@ -36,42 +68,31 @@ Python environment
``source ./local/py3/bin/activate``
We do no longer need to build up the virtualenv manually. Jump into your git
working tree and release a ``make install`` to get a virtualenv with a
*developer install* of searx (:origin:``). ::
With Makefile we do no longer need to build up the virtualenv manually (as
described in the :ref:`devquickstart` guide). Jump into your git working tree
and release a ``make pyenv``:
.. code:: sh
$ cd ~/searx-clone
$ make install
PYENV [virtualenv] installing ./requirements*.txt into local/py3
$ make pyenv
PYENV usage: source ./local/py3/bin/activate
PYENV [install] pip install -e 'searx[test]'
Successfully installed argparse-1.4.0 searx
BUILDENV INFO:searx:load the default settings from ./searx/settings.yml
BUILDENV INFO:searx:Initialisation done
BUILDENV build utils/brand.env
If you release ``make install`` multiple times the installation will only
rebuild if the sha256 sum of the *requirement files* fails. With other words:
the check fails if you edit the requirements listed in
:origin:`requirements-dev.txt` and :origin:`requirements.txt`). ::
With target ``pyenv`` a development environment (aka virtualenv) was build up in
``./local/py3/``. To make a *developer install* of searx (:origin:``)
into this environment, use make target ``install``:
.. code:: sh
$ make install
PYENV [virtualenv] requirements.sha256 failed
[virtualenv] - 6cea6eb6def9e14a18bf32f8a3e... ./requirements-dev.txt
[virtualenv] - 471efef6c73558e391c3adb35f4... ./requirements.txt
PYENV [virtualenv] installing ./requirements*.txt into local/py3
PYENV [install] pip install -e 'searx[test]'
Successfully installed argparse-1.4.0 searx
BUILDENV INFO:searx:load the default settings from ./searx/settings.yml
BUILDENV INFO:searx:Initialisation done
BUILDENV build utils/brand.env
PYENV usage: source ./local/py3/bin/activate
PYENV using virtualenv from ./local/py3
PYENV install .
You have never to think about intermediate targets like ``pyenv`` or
``install``, the ``Makefile`` chains them as requisites. Just run your main
.. sidebar:: drop environment
@ -79,7 +100,10 @@ the check fails if you edit the requirements listed in
<make clean>` first.
If you think, something goes wrong with your ./local environment or you change
the :origin:`` file, you have to call :ref:`make clean`.
the :origin:`` file (or the requirements listed in
:origin:`requirements-dev.txt` and :origin:`requirements.txt`), you have to call
:ref:`make clean`.
.. _make run:
@ -89,113 +113,88 @@ the :origin:`` file, you have to call :ref:`make clean`.
To get up a running a developer instance simply call ``make run``. This enables
*debug* option in :origin:`searx/settings.yml`, starts a ``./searx/``
instance, disables *debug* option again and opens the URL in your favorite WEB
browser (:man:`xdg-open`)::
browser (:man:`xdg-open`):
$ make run
SEARX_DEBUG=1 ./ pyenv.cmd python ./searx/
INFO:werkzeug: * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
.. code:: sh
$ make run
PYENV usage: source ./local/py3/bin/activate
PYENV install .
./local/py3/bin/python ./searx/
INFO:werkzeug: * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
.. _make clean:
``make clean``
Drop all intermediate files, all builds, but keep sources untouched. Before
calling ``make clean`` stop all processes using :ref:`make install`. ::
Drop all intermediate files, all builds, but keep sources untouched. Includes
target ``pyclean`` which drops ./local environment. Before calling ``make
clean`` stop all processes using :ref:`make pyenv`.
.. code:: sh
$ make clean
CLEAN pyenv
PYENV [virtualenv] drop ./local/py3
CLEAN docs -- ./build/docs ./dist/docs
CLEAN locally installed npm dependencies
CLEAN test stuff
CLEAN common files
CLEAN pyclean
CLEAN clean
.. _make docs:
``make docs docs.autobuild docs.clean``
``make docs docs-live docs-clean``
We describe the usage of the ``doc.*`` targets in the :ref:`How to contribute /
We describe the usage of the ``doc*`` targets in the :ref:`How to contribute /
Documentation <contrib docs>` section. If you want to edit the documentation
read our :ref:`make` section. If you are working in your own brand,
adjust your :ref:`settings global`.
read our :ref:`make docs-live` section. If you are working in your own brand,
adjust your :ref:`Makefile setup <makefile setup>`.
.. _make
.. _make gh-pages:
To deploy on first adjust your :ref:`settings global`. For any
further read :ref:`deploy on`.
``make gh-pages``
To deploy on first adjust your :ref:`Makefile setup <makefile
setup>`. For any further read :ref:`deploy on`.
.. _make test:
``make test``
Runs a series of tests: :ref:`make test.pylint`, ``test.pep8``, ``test.unit``
and ``test.robot``. You can run tests selective, e.g.::
Runs a series of tests: ``test.pep8``, ``test.unit``, ``test.robot`` and does
additional :ref:`pylint checks <make pylint>`. You can run tests selective,
.. code:: sh
$ make test.pep8 test.unit
TEST test.pep8 OK
TEST test.unit OK
. ./local/py3/bin/activate; ./ pep8_check
[!] Running pep8 check
. ./local/py3/bin/activate; ./ unit_tests
[!] Running unit tests
.. _make
.. _make pylint:
:ref:`sh lint` / if you have changed some bash scripting run this test before
.. _make test.pylint:
``make test.pylint``
``make pylint``
.. _Pylint:
Pylint_ is known as one of the best source-code, bug and quality checker for the
Python programming language. The pylint profile we use at searx project is
found in project's root folder :origin:`.pylintrc`.
Before commiting its recommend to do some (more) linting. Pylint_ is known as
one of the best source-code, bug and quality checker for the Python programming
language. Pylint_ is not yet a quality gate within our searx project (like
:ref:`test.pep8 <make test>` it is), but Pylint_ can help to improve code
quality anyway. The pylint profile we use at searx project is found in
project's root folder :origin:`.pylintrc`.
.. _make search.checker:
``search.checker.{engine name}``
To check all engines::
make search.checker
To check a engine with whitespace in the name like *google news* replace space
by underline::
make search.checker.google_news
To see HTTP requests and more use SEARX_DEBUG::
make SEARX_DEBUG=1 search.checker.google_news
.. _3xx:
To filter out HTTP redirects (3xx_)::
make SEARX_DEBUG=1 search.checker.google_news | grep -A1 "HTTP/1.1\" 3[0-9][0-9]"
Engine google news Checking "GET /search?q=life&hl=en&lr=lang_en&ie=utf8&oe=utf8&ceid=US%3Aen&gl=US HTTP/1.1" 302 0 "GET /search?q=life&hl=en-US&lr=lang_en&ie=utf8&oe=utf8&ceid=US:en&gl=US HTTP/1.1" 200 None
-- "GET /search?q=computer&hl=en&lr=lang_en&ie=utf8&oe=utf8&ceid=US%3Aen&gl=US HTTP/1.1" 302 0 "GET /search?q=computer&hl=en-US&lr=lang_en&ie=utf8&oe=utf8&ceid=US:en&gl=US HTTP/1.1" 200 None
Code quality is a ongoing process. Don't try to fix all messages from Pylint,
run Pylint and check if your changed lines are bringing up new messages. If so,
fix it. By this, code quality gets incremental better and if there comes the
day, the linting is balanced out, we might decide to add Pylint as a quality
``make pybuild``
@ -204,7 +203,9 @@ To filter out HTTP redirects (3xx_)::
.. _PyPi:
.. _twine:
Build Python packages in ``./dist/py``::
Build Python packages in ``./dist/py``.
.. code:: sh
$ make pybuild
@ -212,11 +213,9 @@ Build Python packages in ``./dist/py``::
running sdist
running egg_info
running bdist_wheel
$ ls ./dist/py/
searx-0.15.0-py3-none-any.whl searx-0.15.0.tar.gz
$ ls ./dist
searx-0.18.0-py3-none-any.whl searx-0.18.0.tar.gz
To upload packages to PyPi_, there is also a ``pypi.upload`` target (to test use
``pypi.upload.test``). Since you are not the owner of :pypi:`searx` you will
never need to upload.
To upload packages to PyPi_, there is also a ``upload-pypi`` target. It needs
twine_ to be installed. Since you are not the owner of :pypi:`searx` you will
never need the latter.

View File

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ generated and deployed at :docs:` <.>`. For build prerequisites read
:ref:`docs build`.
The source files of Searx's documentation are located at :origin:`docs`. Sphinx
assumes source files to be encoded in UTF-8 by default. Run :ref:`make
<make>` to build HTML while editing.
assumes source files to be encoded in UTF-8 by defaul. Run :ref:`make docs-live
<make docs-live>` to build HTML while editing.
.. sidebar:: Further reading
@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ To refer anchors use the `ref role`_ markup:
.. code:: reST
Visit chapter :ref:`reST anchor`. Or set hyperlink text manually :ref:`foo
Visit chapter :ref:`reST anchor`. Or set hyperlink text manualy :ref:`foo
bar <reST anchor>`.
.. admonition:: ``:ref:`` role
:class: rst-example
Visist chapter :ref:`reST anchor`. Or set hyperlink text manually :ref:`foo
Visist chapter :ref:`reST anchor`. Or set hyperlink text manualy :ref:`foo
bar <reST anchor>`.
.. _reST ordinary ref:
@ -319,9 +319,6 @@ To list all anchors of the inventory (e.g. ``python``) use:
.. code:: sh
$ python -m sphinx.ext.intersphinx
$ python -m sphinx.ext.intersphinx
Literal blocks
@ -494,8 +491,8 @@ Figures & Images
is flexible. To get best results in the generated output format, install
ImageMagick_ and Graphviz_.
Searx's sphinx setup includes: :ref:`linuxdoc:kfigure`. Scalable here means;
scalable in sense of the build process. Normally in absence of a converter
Searx's sphinx setup includes: :ref:`linuxdoc:kfigure`. Scaleable here means;
scaleable in sense of the build process. Normally in absence of a converter
tool, the build process will break. From the authors POV its annoying to care
about the build process when handling with images, especially since he has no
access to the build process. With :ref:`linuxdoc:kfigure` the build process
@ -503,7 +500,7 @@ continues and scales output quality in dependence of installed image processors.
If you want to add an image, you should use the ``kernel-figure`` (inheritance
of :dudir:`figure`) and ``kernel-image`` (inheritance of :dudir:`image`)
directives. E.g. to insert a figure with a scalable image format use SVG
directives. E.g. to insert a figure with a scaleable image format use SVG
(:ref:`svg image example`):
.. code:: reST
@ -1185,7 +1182,7 @@ and *targets* (e.g. a ref to :ref:`row 2 of table's body <row body 2>`).
- cell 4.4
* - row 5
- cell 5.1 with automatic span to right end
- cell 5.1 with automatic span to rigth end
* - row 6
- cell 6.1
@ -1237,7 +1234,7 @@ and *targets* (e.g. a ref to :ref:`row 2 of table's body <row body 2>`).
- cell 4.4
* - row 5
- cell 5.1 with automatic span to right end
- cell 5.1 with automatic span to rigth end
* - row 6
- cell 6.1
@ -1276,33 +1273,28 @@ Templating
.. sidebar:: Build environment
All *generic-doc* tasks are running in the :ref:`make install`.
All *generic-doc* tasks are running in the :ref:`build environment <make
Templating is suitable for documentation which is created generic at the build
time. The sphinx-jinja_ extension evaluates jinja_ templates in the :ref:`make
install` (with searx modules installed). We use this e.g. to build chapter:
:ref:`engines generic`. Below the jinja directive from the
time. The sphinx-jinja_ extension evaluates jinja_ templates in the :ref:`build
environment <make pyenv>` (with searx modules installed). We use this e.g. to
build chapter: :ref:`engines generic`. Below the jinja directive from the
:origin:`docs/admin/engines.rst` is shown:
.. literalinclude:: ../admin/engines.rst
:language: reST
:start-after: .. _configured engines:
The context for the template is selected in the line ``.. jinja:: searx``. In
sphinx's build configuration (:origin:`docs/`) the ``searx`` context
contains the ``engines`` and ``plugins``.
The context for the template is selected in the line ``.. jinja:: webapp``. In
sphinx's build configuration (:origin:`docs/`) the ``webapp`` context
points to the name space of the python module: ``webapp``.
.. code:: py
import searx.engines
import searx.plugins
from searx import webapp
jinja_contexts = {
'searx': {
'engines': searx.engines.engines,
'plugins': searx.plugins.plugins
'webapp': dict(**webapp.__dict__)

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Search API
The search supports both ``GET`` and ``POST``.
Furthermore, two endpoints ``/`` and ``/search`` are available for querying.
Furthermore, two enpoints ``/`` and ``/search`` are available for querying.
``GET /``
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Parameters
supports safe search in the preferences page of an instance.
``theme`` : default ``oscar``
[ ``oscar``, ``simple`` ]
[ ``oscar``, ``simple``, ``legacy``, ``pix-art``, ``courgette`` ]
Theme of instance.

View File

@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ Searx is a free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from more
than 70 search services. Users are neither tracked nor profiled. Additionally,
searx can be used over Tor for online anonymity.
Get started with searx by using one of the Searx-instances_. If you don't trust
anyone, you can set up your own, see :ref:`installation`.
.. sidebar:: Features
- Self hosted
@ -27,6 +30,7 @@ searx can be used over Tor for online anonymity.
.. _Searx-instances:

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
.. _searx_extra:
Tooling box ``searx_extra`` for developers and users
In the folder :origin:`searx_extra/` we maintain some tools useful for
developers and users.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
.. automodule:: searx_extra.standalone_searx

docs/user/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
"""Configuration for the Searx user handbook
project = 'Searx User-HB'
version = release = VERSION_STRING
# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title,
# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
latex_documents = [
('index' # startdocname
, 'searx-user-hb.tex' # targetname
, '' # take title from .rst
, author # author
, 'howto' # documentclass
, False # toctree_only

View File

@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ results.
I see. What about private instances?
If users run their :ref:`own instances <installation>`, everything is in their
control: the source code, logging settings and private data. Unknown instance
administrators do not have to be trusted.
If users run their own instances, everything is in their control: the source
code, logging settings and private data. Unknown instance administrators do not
have to be trusted.
Furthermore, as the default settings of their instance is editable, there is no
need to use cookies to tailor searx to their needs. So preferences will not be

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Prefix: ``:``
Prefix: ``?``
to add engines and categories to the currently selected categories
Abbreviations of the engines and languages are also accepted. Engine/category
Abbrevations of the engines and languages are also accepted. Engine/category
modifiers are chainable and inclusive (e.g. with :search:`!it !ddg !wp qwer
<?q=%21it%20%21ddg%20%21wp%20qwer>` search in IT category **and** duckduckgo
**and** wikipedia for ``qwer``).
@ -40,27 +40,3 @@ Image search:
Custom language in wikipedia:
- :search:`:hu !wp hackerspace <?q=%3Ahu%20%21wp%20hackerspace>`
Multilingual Search
Searx does not support true multilingual search.
You have to use the language prefix in your search query when searching in a different language.
But there is a workaround:
By adding a new search engine with a different language, Searx will search in your default and other language.
Example configuration in settings.yml for a German and English speaker:
.. code-block:: yaml
language : "de"
- name : google english
engine : google
language : english
When searching, the default google engine will return German results and "google english" will return English results.

View File

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
.. _searx_utils:
.. _toolboxing:
Admin's tooling box
Tooling box ``utils/*``
In the folder :origin:`utils/` we maintain some tools useful for administrators.
In the folder :origin:`utils/` we maintain some tools useful for admins and
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ In the folder :origin:`utils/` we maintain some tools useful for administrators.
.. _toolboxing common:
@ -45,8 +47,8 @@ Scripts to maintain services often dispose of common commands and environments.
Tooling box setup
The main setup is done in the :origin:`` (read also :ref:`settings
The main setup is done in the :origin:`` (read also :ref:`makefile
.. literalinclude:: ../../
:language: bash

View File

@ -119,15 +119,15 @@ of coffee).::
To build (live) documentation inside a archlinux_ container::
sudo -H ./utils/ cmd searx-archlinux make docs.clean
sudo -H ./utils/ cmd searx-archlinux make docs-clean docs-live
[I 200331 15:00:42 server:296] Serving on
To get IP of the container and the port number *live docs* is listening::
$ sudo ./utils/ show suite | grep
$ sudo ./utils/ show suite | grep docs-live
[searx-archlinux] INFO: (eth0) http://n.n.n.12:8080/
[searx-archlinux] INFO: (eth0) docs-live: http://n.n.n.12:8080/
.. help:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
.. automodule:: standalone_searx

View File

@ -1,498 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: sh indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# shellcheck disable=SC2031
# shellcheck source=utils/
source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/utils/"
# shellcheck source=utils/brand.env
source "${REPO_ROOT}/utils/brand.env"
# config
NPM_PACKAGES="less@2.7 less-plugin-clean-css grunt-cli"
# These py files are linted by test.pylint(), all other files are linted by
# test.pep8()
PYLINT_OPTIONS="-m pylint -j 0 --rcfile .pylintrc"
help() {
cat <<EOF
rebuild ./utils/brand.env
pybabel compile ./searx/translations
all : update searx/ and ./data/*
languages : update searx/data/engines_languages.json & searx/
useragents: update searx/data/useragents.json with the most recent versions of Firefox.
html : build HTML documentation
live : autobuild HTML documentation while editing
gh-pages : deploy on gh-pages branch
prebuild : build reST include files (./${DOCS_BUILD}/includes)
clean : clean documentation build
build : build docker image
push : build and push docker image
download & install geckodriver if not already installed (required for
env : download & install npm dependencies locally
clean : drop npm installations
build : Build python packages at ./${PYDIST}
clean : delete virtualenv and intermediate py files
pyenv.* :
install : developer install of searx into virtualenv
uninstall : uninstall developer installation
cmd ... : run command ... in virtualenv
OK : test if virtualenv is OK
Upload python packages to PyPi (to test use pypi.upload.test)
test.* :
pylint : lint PYLINT_FILES, searx/engines, searx & tests
pep8 : pycodestyle (pep8) for all files except PYLINT_FILES
unit : run unit tests
coverage : run unit tests with coverage
robot : run robot test
clean : clean intermediate test stuff
themes.* :
all : build all themes
oscar : build oscar theme
simple : build simple theme
if [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ]; then
# needed by sphinx-docs
buildenv() {
SEARX_DEBUG=1 pyenv.cmd python utils/ 2>&1
return "${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
babel.compile() {
build_msg BABEL compile
pyenv.cmd pybabel compile -d "${REPO_ROOT}/searx/translations"
dump_return $?
data.all() {
build_msg DATA "update searx/data/ahmia_blacklist.txt"
pyenv.cmd python searx_extra/update/
build_msg DATA "update searx/data/wikidata_units.json"
pyenv.cmd python searx_extra/update/
build_msg DATA "update searx/data/currencies.json"
pyenv.cmd python searx_extra/update/
data.languages() {
( set -e
build_msg ENGINES "fetch languages .."
pyenv.cmd python searx_extra/update/
build_msg ENGINES "update update searx/"
build_msg DATA "update searx/data/engines_languages.json"
dump_return $?
data.useragents() {
build_msg DATA "update searx/data/useragents.json"
pyenv.cmd python searx_extra/update/
dump_return $?
docs.prebuild() {
build_msg DOCS "build ${DOCS_BUILD}/includes"
set -e
[ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && set -x
mkdir -p "${DOCS_BUILD}/includes"
./utils/ doc | cat > "${DOCS_BUILD}/includes/searx.rst"
./utils/ doc | cat > "${DOCS_BUILD}/includes/filtron.rst"
./utils/ doc | cat > "${DOCS_BUILD}/includes/morty.rst"
dump_return $?
docker.push() { push
# shellcheck disable=SC2119 {
build_msg DOCKER build
# run installation in a subprocess and activate pyenv
# See and others ..
# shellcheck disable=SC2031,SC2230,SC2002,SC2236,SC2143,SC1001
( set -e
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
source "${PY_ENV_BIN}/activate"
# Check if it is a git repository
if [ ! -d .git ]; then
die 1 "This is not Git repository"
if [ ! -x "$(which git)" ]; then
die 1 "git is not installed"
if ! git remote get-url origin 2> /dev/null; then
die 1 "there is no remote origin"
# "git describe" to get the Docker version (for example : v0.15.0-89-g0585788e)
# awk to remove the "v" and the "g"
SEARX_GIT_VERSION=$(git describe --tags | awk -F'-' '{OFS="-"; $1=substr($1, 2); if ($3) { $3=substr($3, 2); } print}')
# add the suffix "-dirty" if the repository has uncommitted change
# /!\ HACK for searx/searx: ignore utils/brand.env
git update-index -q --refresh
if [ ! -z "$(git diff-index --name-only HEAD -- | grep -v 'utils/brand.env')" ]; then
# Get the last git commit id, will be added to the Searx version (see Dockerfile)
VERSION_GITCOMMIT=$(echo "$SEARX_GIT_VERSION" | cut -d- -f2-4)
build_msg DOCKER "Last commit : $VERSION_GITCOMMIT"
# Check consistency between the git tag and the searx/ file
# /! HACK : parse Python file with bash /!
# otherwise it is not possible build the docker image without all Python
# dependencies ( loads )
# SEARX_PYTHON_VERSION=$(python3 -c "import six; import searx.version; six.print_(searx.version.VERSION_STRING)")
SEARX_PYTHON_VERSION=$(cat searx/ | grep "\(VERSION_MAJOR\|VERSION_MINOR\|VERSION_BUILD\) =" | cut -d\= -f2 | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' | paste -sd "." -)
if [ "$(echo "$SEARX_GIT_VERSION" | cut -d- -f1)" != "$SEARX_PYTHON_VERSION" ]; then
err_msg "git tag: $SEARX_GIT_VERSION"
err_msg "searx/ $SEARX_PYTHON_VERSION"
die 1 "Inconsistency between the last git tag and the searx/ file"
# define the docker image name
GITHUB_USER=$(echo "${GIT_URL}" | sed 's/.*github\.com\/\([^\/]*\).*/\1/')
# build Docker image
build_msg DOCKER "Building image ${SEARX_IMAGE_NAME}:${SEARX_GIT_VERSION}"
docker build \
--build-arg GIT_URL="${GIT_URL}" \
--build-arg LABEL_DATE="$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")" \
--build-arg LABEL_VCS_REF="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" \
--build-arg LABEL_VCS_URL="${GIT_URL}" \
--build-arg TIMESTAMP_SETTINGS="$(git log -1 --format="%cd" --date=unix -- searx/settings.yml)" \
--build-arg TIMESTAMP_UWSGI="$(git log -1 --format="%cd" --date=unix -- dockerfiles/uwsgi.ini)" \
if [ "$1" = "push" ]; then
docker push "${SEARX_IMAGE_NAME}:latest"
dump_return $?
# shellcheck disable=SC2119
gecko.driver() {
build_msg INSTALL "gecko.driver"
# run installation in a subprocess and activate pyenv
( set -e
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
source "${PY_ENV_BIN}/activate"
# TODO : check the current geckodriver version
geckodriver -V > /dev/null 2>&1 || NOTFOUND=1
set +e
if [ -z "$NOTFOUND" ]; then
build_msg INSTALL "geckodriver already installed"
PLATFORM="$(python3 -c 'import platform; print(platform.system().lower(), platform.architecture()[0])')"
case "$PLATFORM" in
"linux 32bit" | "linux2 32bit") ARCH="linux32";;
"linux 64bit" | "linux2 64bit") ARCH="linux64";;
"windows 32 bit") ARCH="win32";;
"windows 64 bit") ARCH="win64";;
"mac 64bit") ARCH="macos";;
build_msg GECKO "Installing ${PY_ENV_BIN}/geckodriver from $GECKODRIVER_URL"
wget -qO "$FILE" -- "$GECKODRIVER_URL" && tar xz -C "${PY_ENV_BIN}" -f "$FILE" geckodriver
rm -- "$FILE"
chmod 755 -- "${PY_ENV_BIN}/geckodriver"
dump_return $?
node.env() {
local err=0
pushd "${REPO_ROOT}" &> /dev/null
# shellcheck disable=SC2230
which npm &> /dev/null || die 1 'node.env - npm is not found!'
( set -e
build_msg INSTALL "npm install $NPM_PACKAGES"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
npm install $NPM_PACKAGES
cd "${REPO_ROOT}/searx/static/themes/oscar"
build_msg INSTALL "($(pwd)) npm install"
npm install
build_msg INSTALL "($(pwd)) npm install"
cd "${REPO_ROOT}/searx/static/themes/simple"
npm install
popd &> /dev/null
dump_return "$err"
node.clean() {
build_msg CLEAN "locally installed npm dependencies"
rm -rf \
./node_modules \
./package-lock.json \
./searx/static/themes/oscar/package-lock.json \
./searx/static/themes/oscar/node_modules \
./searx/static/themes/simple/package-lock.json \
dump_return $?
} {
build_msg BUILD "[pylint] python package ${PYDIST}"
pyenv.cmd python \
sdist -d "${PYDIST}" \
bdist_wheel --bdist-dir "${PYBUILD}" -d "${PYDIST}"
py.clean() {
build_msg CLEAN pyenv
( set -e
[ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && set -x
rm -rf "${PYDIST}" "${PYBUILD}" "${PY_ENV}" ./.tox ./*.egg-info
find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} +
find . -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -f {} +
find . -name __pycache__ -exec rm -rf {} +
pyenv.check() {
cat <<EOF
import yaml
print('import yaml --> OK')
pyenv.install() {
if ! pyenv.OK; then
py.clean > /dev/null
if pyenv.install.OK > /dev/null; then
return 0
( set -e
build_msg PYENV "[install] pip install -e 'searx${PY_SETUP_EXTRAS}'"
"${PY_ENV_BIN}/python" -m pip install -e ".${PY_SETUP_EXTRAS}"
) || die 42 "error while build & install pyenv (${PY_ENV_BIN})"
pyenv.uninstall() {
build_msg PYENV "[pyenv.uninstall] uninstall packages: ${PYOBJECTS}"
pyenv.cmd python develop --uninstall 2>&1 \
| prefix_stdout "${_Blue}PYENV ${_creset}[pyenv.uninstall] "
pypi.upload() {
pyenv.cmd twine upload "${PYDIST}"/*
pypi.upload.test() {
pyenv.cmd twine upload -r testpypi "${PYDIST}"/*
test.pylint() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
( set -e
build_msg TEST "[pylint] \$PYLINT_FILES"
pyenv.cmd python ${PYLINT_OPTIONS} ${PYLINT_VERBOSE} \
build_msg TEST "[pylint] searx/engines"
pyenv.cmd python ${PYLINT_OPTIONS} ${PYLINT_VERBOSE} \
build_msg TEST "[pylint] searx tests"
pyenv.cmd python ${PYLINT_OPTIONS} ${PYLINT_VERBOSE} \
--ignore=searx/engines \
dump_return $?
test.pep8() {
build_msg TEST 'pycodestyle (formerly pep8)'
local _exclude=""
printf -v _exclude '%s, ' "${PYLINT_FILES[@]}"
pyenv.cmd pycodestyle \
--exclude="searx/static, searx/, $_exclude " \
--max-line-length=120 \
--ignore "E117,E252,E402,E722,E741,W503,W504,W605" \
searx tests
dump_return $?
test.unit() {
build_msg TEST 'tests/unit'
pyenv.cmd python -m nose2 -s tests/unit
dump_return $?
test.coverage() {
build_msg TEST 'unit test coverage'
( set -e
pyenv.cmd python -m nose2 -C --log-capture --with-coverage --coverage searx -s tests/unit
pyenv.cmd coverage report
pyenv.cmd coverage html
dump_return $?
test.robot() {
build_msg TEST 'robot'
PYTHONPATH=. pyenv.cmd python searx/ robot
dump_return $?
test.clean() {
build_msg CLEAN "test stuff"
rm -rf geckodriver.log .coverage coverage/
dump_return $?
themes.all() {
( set -e
dump_return $?
themes.oscar() {
local gruntfile=searx/static/themes/oscar/gruntfile.js
build_msg GRUNT "${gruntfile}"
PATH="$(npm bin):$PATH" grunt --gruntfile "${gruntfile}"
dump_return $?
themes.simple() {
local gruntfile=searx/static/themes/simple/gruntfile.js
build_msg GRUNT "${gruntfile}"
PATH="$(npm bin):$PATH" grunt --gruntfile "${gruntfile}"
dump_return $?
# shellcheck disable=SC2119
main() {
local _type
local cmd="$1"; shift
if [ "$cmd" == "" ]; then
err_msg "missing command"
return 42
case "$cmd" in
--getenv) var="$1"; echo "${!var}";;
--help) help;;
err_msg "unknown option $cmd"
return 42
_type="$(type -t "$cmd")"
if [ "$_type" != 'function' ]; then
err_msg "unknown command $1 / use --help"
return 42
"$cmd" "$@"
main "$@"

205 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
export LANG=C
BASE_DIR="$(dirname -- "`readlink -f -- "$0"`")"
cd -- "$BASE_DIR"
set -e
# subshell
. "${BASE_DIR}/utils/brand.env"
# Python
update_packages() {
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade setuptools
pip install -Ur "$BASE_DIR/requirements.txt"
update_dev_packages() {
pip install -Ur "$BASE_DIR/requirements-dev.txt"
install_geckodriver() {
echo '[!] Checking geckodriver'
# TODO : check the current geckodriver version
set -e
geckodriver -V > /dev/null 2>&1 || NOTFOUND=1
set +e
if [ -z "$NOTFOUND" ]; then
PLATFORM="`python3 -c "import platform; print(platform.system().lower(), platform.architecture()[0])"`"
case "$PLATFORM" in
"linux 32bit" | "linux2 32bit") ARCH="linux32";;
"linux 64bit" | "linux2 64bit") ARCH="linux64";;
"windows 32 bit") ARCH="win32";;
"windows 64 bit") ARCH="win64";;
"mac 64bit") ARCH="macos";;
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
if [ -z "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ]; then
printf "geckodriver can't be installed because VIRTUAL_ENV is not set, you should download it from\n %s" "$GECKODRIVER_URL"
mkdir -p -- "$GECKODRIVER_DIR"
printf "Installing %s/geckodriver from\n %s" "$GECKODRIVER_DIR" "$GECKODRIVER_URL"
wget -qO "$FILE" -- "$GECKODRIVER_URL" && tar xz -C "$GECKODRIVER_DIR" -f "$FILE" geckodriver
rm -- "$FILE"
chmod 777 -- "$GECKODRIVER_DIR/geckodriver"
locales() {
pybabel compile -d "$SEARX_DIR/translations"
# Web
npm_path_setup() {
which npm || (printf 'Error: npm is not found\n'; exit 1)
export PATH="$(npm bin)":$PATH
npm_packages() {
echo '[!] install NPM packages'
cd -- "$BASE_DIR"
npm install less@2.7 less-plugin-clean-css grunt-cli
echo '[!] install NPM packages for oscar theme'
cd -- "$BASE_DIR/searx/static/themes/oscar"
npm install
echo '[!] install NPM packages for simple theme'
cd -- "$BASE_DIR/searx/static/themes/simple"
npm install
docker_build() {
# Check if it is a git repository
if [ ! -d .git ]; then
echo "This is not Git repository"
exit 1
if [ ! -x "$(which git)" ]; then
echo "git is not installed"
exit 1
if [ ! git remote get-url origin 2> /dev/null ]; then
echo "there is no remote origin"
exit 1
# This is a git repository
# "git describe" to get the Docker version (for example : v0.15.0-89-g0585788e)
# awk to remove the "v" and the "g"
SEARX_GIT_VERSION=$(git describe --match "v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" HEAD 2>/dev/null | awk -F'-' '{OFS="-"; $1=substr($1, 2); if ($3) { $3=substr($3, 2); } print}')
# add the suffix "-dirty" if the repository has uncommited change
# /!\ HACK for searx/searx: ignore searx/ and utils/brand.env
git update-index -q --refresh
if [ ! -z "$(git diff-index --name-only HEAD -- | grep -v 'searx/' | grep -v 'utils/brand.env')" ]; then
# Get the last git commit id, will be added to the Searx version (see Dockerfile)
echo "Last commit : $VERSION_GITCOMMIT"
# Check consistency between the git tag and the searx/ file
# /!\ HACK : parse Python file with bash /!\
# otherwise it is not possible build the docker image without all Python dependencies ( loads )
# SEARX_PYTHON_VERSION=$(python3 -c "import six; import searx.version; six.print_(searx.version.VERSION_STRING)")
SEARX_PYTHON_VERSION=$(cat searx/ | grep "\(VERSION_MAJOR\|VERSION_MINOR\|VERSION_BUILD\) =" | cut -d\= -f2 | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' | paste -sd "." -)
if [ $(echo "$SEARX_GIT_VERSION" | cut -d- -f1) != "$SEARX_PYTHON_VERSION" ]; then
echo "Inconsistency between the last git tag and the searx/ file"
echo "git tag: $SEARX_GIT_VERSION"
exit 1
# define the docker image name
GITHUB_USER=$(echo "${GIT_URL}" | sed 's/.*github\.com\/\([^\/]*\).*/\1/')
# build Docker image
echo "Building image ${SEARX_IMAGE_NAME}:${SEARX_GIT_VERSION}"
sudo docker build \
--build-arg GIT_URL="${GIT_URL}" \
--build-arg LABEL_DATE=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") \
--build-arg LABEL_VCS_REF=$(git rev-parse HEAD) \
--build-arg LABEL_VCS_URL="${GIT_URL}" \
--build-arg TIMESTAMP_SETTINGS=$(git log -1 --format="%cd" --date=unix -- searx/settings.yml) \
--build-arg TIMESTAMP_UWSGI=$(git log -1 --format="%cd" --date=unix -- dockerfiles/uwsgi.ini) \
if [ "$1" = "push" ]; then
sudo docker push ${SEARX_IMAGE_NAME}:latest
# Help
help() {
[ -z "$1" ] || printf 'Error: %s\n' "$1"
echo "Searx help
help - This text
Build requirements
update_packages - Check & update production dependency changes
update_dev_packages - Check & update development and production dependency changes
install_geckodriver - Download & install geckodriver if not already installed (required for robot_tests)
npm_packages - Download & install npm dependencies
locales - Compile locales
[ "$(command -V "$ACTION" | grep ' function$')" = "" ] \
&& help "action not found" \
|| "$ACTION" "$2"

View File

@ -1,19 +1,24 @@
transifex-client==0.14.3; python_version < '3.10'
transifex-client==0.12.5; python_version == '3.10'
twine==3.2.0; python_version >= "3.6"
twine==1.15.0; python_version < "3.6"
Sphinx==3.2.1; python_version >= '3.6'
Sphinx==3.0.1; python_version < '3.6'
sphinx-tabs==1.3.0; python_version >= '3.6'
sphinx-tabs==1.1.13; python_version < '3.6'
sphinx-autobuild==2020.9.1; python_version >= '3.6'
sphinx-autobuild==0.7.1; python_version < '3.6'
linuxdoc @ git+

View File

@ -1,13 +1,12 @@

View File

@ -19,33 +19,23 @@ import logging
import searx.settings_loader
from os import environ
from os.path import realpath, dirname, join, abspath, isfile
from sys import exit
from searx.exceptions import SearxSettingsException
searx_dir = abspath(dirname(__file__))
engine_dir = dirname(realpath(__file__))
static_path = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), 'static'))
settings, settings_outgoing = {}, ''
settings, settings_load_message = searx.settings_loader.load_settings()
except SearxSettingsException as e:
logger = logging.getLogger('searx')
logger.error('Failed to load settings file: {}'.format(str(e)))
settings, settings_load_message = searx.settings_loader.load_settings()
if settings['ui']['static_path']:
static_path = settings['ui']['static_path']
enable debug if
the environment variable SEARX_DEBUG is 1 or true
the environnement variable SEARX_DEBUG is 1 or true
(whatever the value in settings.yml)
or general.debug=True in settings.yml
disable debug if
the environment variable SEARX_DEBUG is 0 or false
the environnement variable SEARX_DEBUG is 0 or false
(whatever the value in settings.yml)
or general.debug=False in settings.yml
@ -71,48 +61,6 @@ if 'SEARX_SECRET' in environ:
if 'SEARX_BIND_ADDRESS' in environ:
settings['server']['bind_address'] = environ['SEARX_BIND_ADDRESS']
class _brand_namespace:
def get_val(cls, group, name, default=''):
return settings.get(group, {}).get(name) or default
def SEARX_URL(self):
return self.get_val('server', 'base_url')
def CONTACT_URL(self):
return self.get_val('general', 'contact_url')
def GIT_URL(self):
return self.get_val('brand', 'git_url')
def GIT_BRANCH(self):
return self.get_val('brand', 'git_branch')
def ISSUE_URL(self):
return self.get_val('brand', 'issue_url')
def DOCS_URL(self):
return self.get_val('brand', 'docs_url')
return self.get_val('brand', 'public_instances')
def WIKI_URL(self):
return self.get_val('brand', 'wiki_url')
def TWITTER_URL(self):
return self.get_val('brand', 'twitter_url')
brand = _brand_namespace()
if not searx_debug and settings['server']['secret_key'] == 'ultrasecretkey':
logger.error('server.secret_key is not changed. Please use something else instead of ultrasecretkey.')

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def ask(query):
results = []
query_parts = list(filter(None, query.query.split()))
if not query_parts or query_parts[0] not in answerers_by_keywords:
if query_parts[0] not in answerers_by_keywords:
return results
for answerer in answerers_by_keywords[query_parts[0]]:

View File

@ -20,34 +20,95 @@ from lxml import etree
from json import loads
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from requests import RequestException
from searx import settings
from searx.languages import language_codes
from searx.engines import (
categories, engines, engine_shortcuts
from searx.poolrequests import get as http_get
from searx.exceptions import SearxEngineResponseException
def get(*args, **kwargs):
if 'timeout' not in kwargs:
kwargs['timeout'] = settings['outgoing']['request_timeout']
kwargs['raise_for_httperror'] = True
return http_get(*args, **kwargs)
def brave(query, lang):
# brave search autocompleter
url = '{query}'
resp = get(url.format(query=urlencode({'q': query})))
def searx_bang(full_query):
'''check if the searchQuery contain a bang, and create fitting autocompleter results'''
# check if there is a query which can be parsed
if len(full_query.getQuery()) == 0:
return []
results = []
if resp.ok:
data = loads(resp.text)
for suggestion in data[1]:
# check if current query stats with !bang
first_char = full_query.getQuery()[0]
if first_char == '!' or first_char == '?':
if len(full_query.getQuery()) == 1:
# show some example queries
# TODO, check if engine is not avaliable
results.append(first_char + "images")
results.append(first_char + "wikipedia")
results.append(first_char + "osm")
engine_query = full_query.getQuery()[1:]
return results
# check if query starts with categorie name
for categorie in categories:
if categorie.startswith(engine_query):
results.append(first_char + '{categorie}'.format(categorie=categorie))
# check if query starts with engine name
for engine in engines:
if engine.startswith(engine_query.replace('_', ' ')):
results.append(first_char + '{engine}'.format(engine=engine.replace(' ', '_')))
# check if query starts with engine shortcut
for engine_shortcut in engine_shortcuts:
if engine_shortcut.startswith(engine_query):
results.append(first_char + '{engine_shortcut}'.format(engine_shortcut=engine_shortcut))
# check if current query stats with :bang
elif first_char == ':':
if len(full_query.getQuery()) == 1:
# show some example queries
engine_query = full_query.getQuery()[1:]
for lc in language_codes:
lang_id, lang_name, country, english_name = map(str.lower, lc)
# check if query starts with language-id
if lang_id.startswith(engine_query):
if len(engine_query) <= 2:
# check if query starts with language name
if lang_name.startswith(engine_query) or english_name.startswith(engine_query):
# check if query starts with country
if country.startswith(engine_query.replace('_', ' ')):
results.append(':{country}'.format(country=country.replace(' ', '_')))
# remove duplicates
result_set = set(results)
# remove results which are already contained in the query
for query_part in full_query.query_parts:
if query_part in result_set:
# convert result_set back to list
return list(result_set)
def dbpedia(query, lang):
@ -92,11 +153,12 @@ def google(query, lang):
def startpage(query, lang):
# startpage autocompleter
lui = ENGINES_LANGUAGES['startpage'].get(lang, 'english')
url = '{query}'
resp = get(url.format(query=urlencode({'q': query, 'segment': 'startpage.udog', 'lui': lui})))
data = resp.json()
return [e['text'] for e in data.get('suggestions', []) if 'text' in e]
url = '{query}'
resp = get(url.format(query=urlencode({'query': query}))).text.split('\n')
if len(resp) > 1:
return resp
return []
def swisscows(query, lang):
@ -134,8 +196,7 @@ def wikipedia(query, lang):
return []
backends = {'brave': brave,
'dbpedia': dbpedia,
backends = {'dbpedia': dbpedia,
'duckduckgo': duckduckgo,
'google': google,
'startpage': startpage,
@ -143,14 +204,3 @@ backends = {'brave': brave,
'qwant': qwant,
'wikipedia': wikipedia
def search_autocomplete(backend_name, query, lang):
backend = backends.get(backend_name)
if backend is None:
return []
return backend(query, lang)
except (RequestException, SearxEngineResponseException):
return []

searx/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
GIT_URL = ''
GIT_BRANCH = 'master'

View File

@ -1,50 +1,29 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# lint: pylint
"""This module holds the *data* created by::
make data.all
__all__ = [
import json
from pathlib import Path
'bangs_loader', 'ahmia_blacklist_loader']
data_dir = Path(__file__).parent
def _load(filename):
with open(data_dir / filename, encoding='utf-8') as f:
return json.load(f)
def load(filename):
# add str(...) for Python 3.5
with open(str(data_dir / filename), encoding='utf-8') as fd:
return json.load(fd)
def bangs_loader():
return load('bangs.json')
def ahmia_blacklist_loader():
"""Load data from `ahmia_blacklist.txt` and return a list of MD5 values of onion
names. The MD5 values are fetched by::
This function is used by :py:mod:`searx.plugins.ahmia_filter`.
with open(str(data_dir / 'ahmia_blacklist.txt'), encoding='utf-8') as f:
with open(str(data_dir / 'ahmia_blacklist.txt'), encoding='utf-8') as fd:
ENGINES_LANGUAGES = _load('engines_languages.json')
CURRENCIES = _load('currencies.json')
USER_AGENTS = _load('useragents.json')
EXTERNAL_URLS = _load('external_urls.json')
WIKIDATA_UNITS = _load('wikidata_units.json')
EXTERNAL_BANGS = _load('external_bangs.json')
OSM_KEYS_TAGS = _load('osm_keys_tags.json')
ENGINES_LANGUAGES = load('engines_languages.json')
CURRENCIES = load('currencies.json')
USER_AGENTS = load('useragents.json')
EXTERNAL_URLS = load('external_urls.json')
WIKIDATA_UNITS = load('wikidata_units.json')

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

searx/data/bangs.json Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
"versions": [
"os": [
"Windows NT 10.0; WOW64",
"X11; Linux x86_64"
"ua": "Mozilla/5.0 ({os}; rv:{version}) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/{version}"

View File

@ -1,64 +1,7 @@
"Q199": "1",
"Q100036106": "int nmi",
"Q100149279": "°We",
"Q100995": "lb",
"Q101194838": "GHz/V",
"Q101427873": "pk (US)",
"Q101427917": "pk (UK)",
"Q101463141": "ym²",
"Q101463237": "zm²",
"Q101463321": "am²",
"Q101463409": "fm²",
"Q101463496": "pm²",
"Q101463679": "hm²",
"Q101464050": "Mm²",
"Q101464215": "Gm²",
"Q101464369": "Tm²",
"Q101464499": "Pm²",
"Q101464624": "Em²",
"Q101464753": "Zm²",
"Q101464875": "Ym²",
"Q101515060": "g/J",
"Q101875087": "cd/cm²",
"Q101879174": "dm/s",
"Q102068844": "cm⁻³",
"Q102130673": "ym/s",
"Q102130674": "zm/s",
"Q102130677": "am/s",
"Q102130679": "fm/s",
"Q102130681": "pm/s",
"Q102130684": "nm/s",
"Q102130686": "μm/s",
"Q102130688": "mm/s",
"Q102130690": "dam/s",
"Q102130692": "hm/s",
"Q102130694": "Mm/s",
"Q102130696": "Gm/s",
"Q102130698": "Tm/s",
"Q102130700": "Pm/s",
"Q102130702": "Em/s",
"Q102130704": "Zm/s",
"Q102130706": "Ym/s",
"Q102130743": "ym/s²",
"Q102130745": "zm/s²",
"Q102130747": "am/s²",
"Q102130748": "fm/s²",
"Q102130751": "pm/s²",
"Q102130753": "nm/s²",
"Q102130755": "μm/s²",
"Q102130756": "mm/s²",
"Q102130758": "dm/s²",
"Q102130759": "dam/s²",
"Q102130761": "hm/s²",
"Q102130762": "km/s²",
"Q102130765": "Mm/s²",
"Q102130767": "Gm/s²",
"Q102130769": "Tm/s²",
"Q102130771": "Pm/s²",
"Q102130773": "Em/s²",
"Q102130775": "Zm/s²",
"Q102130777": "Ym/s²",
"Q1022113": "cm³",
"Q102573": "Bq",
"Q103246": "Sv",
@ -66,207 +9,57 @@
"Q10380431": "TJ",
"Q1040401": "das",
"Q1040427": "hs",
"Q104117265": "Bi",
"Q1042866": "Zib",
"Q104628312": "vars",
"Q104629193": "m/Es²",
"Q104816263": "kg/dm³",
"Q104907398": "μN m",
"Q104907399": "mN m",
"Q1042866": "Zibit",
"Q1050958": "inHg",
"Q1051665": "m/s²",
"Q1052397": "rad",
"Q1054140": "Mm",
"Q10543042": "Ym",
"Q105519288": "B SPL",
"Q1057069": "hg",
"Q105761866": "mV/K",
"Q105816142": "tsp",
"Q105816269": "cup (US)",
"Q105840138": "BU",
"Q1063756": "rad/s",
"Q1063786": "in²",
"Q1065153": "mrad",
"Q106589841": "MHz/T",
"Q106611785": "g/dm³",
"Q106611903": "J/g",
"Q1066138": "Ps",
"Q106617289": "GBq/kg",
"Q106617513": "mGy/s",
"Q106617558": "mSv/s",
"Q106617559": "μSv/s",
"Q106617560": "nSv/s",
"Q106617579": "kBq/kg",
"Q106617585": "MBq/kg",
"Q106623539": "Mg/m³",
"Q106623548": "μg/m³",
"Q106623562": "kg/cm³",
"Q106623580": "kg/kmol",
"Q106623615": "kg cm²",
"Q106623620": "kg mm²",
"Q106639792": "dm³/kg",
"Q106645176": "dz",
"Q106645210": "mg/g",
"Q106645232": "g/mm",
"Q106645237": "kg/mm",
"Q106645241": "mg/m",
"Q106645245": "kg/km",
"Q106645257": "MN m",
"Q106645261": "kN m",
"Q106645290": "dN m",
"Q1067722": "Fg",
"Q106777906": "μS/m",
"Q106777917": "S/cm",
"Q106777923": "mS/cm",
"Q106777925": "MS/m",
"Q106777933": "kS/m",
"Q106777943": "nS/m",
"Q106777952": "nS/cm",
"Q106777957": "pS/m",
"Q106808096": "kJ/g",
"Q106808114": "GC/m³",
"Q106808120": "C/mm³",
"Q106808129": "MC/m³",
"Q106808138": "C/cm³",
"Q106808144": "kC/m³",
"Q106808151": "mC/m³",
"Q106808156": "μC/m³",
"Q106808167": "MC/m²",
"Q106808174": "C/mm²",
"Q106808180": "C/cm²",
"Q106808187": "kC/m²",
"Q106808194": "mC/m²",
"Q106808200": "μC/m²",
"Q106808221": "mC/kg",
"Q106885926": "N/mm",
"Q106886632": "hbar",
"Q106886776": "N/mm²",
"Q1069725": "p.",
"Q106998070": "cm³/m³",
"Q106998079": "dm³/m³",
"Q107028522": "μg/hg",
"Q107028836": "MK⁻¹",
"Q107133620": "mg/m²",
"Q107133637": "g/cm²",
"Q107133667": "mg/cm²",
"Q107133676": "g/m²",
"Q107164998": "cd mm²/m²",
"Q107210119": "g/s",
"Q107210344": "mg/s",
"Q107226391": "cm⁻¹",
"Q1072404": "K",
"Q107244316": "mm⁻¹",
"Q107244475": "dm⁻¹",
"Q107244557": "km⁻¹",
"Q107256474": "l.",
"Q107299747": "kvar",
"Q107299751": "Mvar",
"Q107313731": "μg/kg",
"Q107313738": "ng/kg",
"Q107313800": "cm³/s",
"Q107325155": "kWb/m",
"Q107325173": "Wb/mm",
"Q107361007": "kJ/s",
"Q107361082": "MJ/m³",
"Q107361092": "J/cm²",
"Q107361171": "mW/m²",
"Q107361180": "μW/m²",
"Q107361187": "pW/m²",
"Q107378499": "kN/m²",
"Q107410680": "cN m",
"Q107410689": "N cm",
"Q107410785": "g/mm²",
"Q107410801": "g/(cm s)",
"Q107410895": "kJ/hg",
"Q107440604": "W/cm²",
"Q107440662": "mmol/kg",
"Q107440685": "mmol/g",
"Q107440698": "kmol/kg",
"Q107440839": "g/g",
"Q107440910": "g/hg",
"Q107441004": "mg/hg",
"Q107460729": "mm³/mm³",
"Q107460790": "kg/GJ",
"Q107460866": "g/m",
"Q107460882": "mg/km",
"Q107461064": "MJ/m²",
"Q107461092": "g/(m² s)",
"Q107461119": "μg/(m² s)",
"Q107461139": "μg/J",
"Q107461146": "g/MJ",
"Q107538710": "μH/m",
"Q107538724": "nH/m",
"Q107970291": "mol/dm³",
"Q1084321": "Tb/s",
"Q1086691": "fg",
"Q108730765": "kW a",
"Q108888186": "eV/c²",
"Q108888198": "keV/c²",
"Q108888206": "MeV/c²",
"Q108888224": "GeV/c²",
"Q1091257": "tex",
"Q1092296": "a",
"Q110143852": "Ω cm",
"Q110143896": "cm³/g",
"Q1104069": "$",
"Q1104069": "CAD$",
"Q11061003": "μm²",
"Q11061005": "nm²",
"Q110742003": "dppx",
"Q1131660": "st",
"Q1137675": "cr",
"Q114002440": "𒄀",
"Q114002534": "𒃻",
"Q114002639": "𒈨𒊑",
"Q114002796": "𒂆",
"Q114002930": "𒀺",
"Q114002955": "𒀹𒃷",
"Q114002974": "𒃷",
"Q1140444": "Zb",
"Q1140577": "Yb",
"Q114589269": "A",
"Q1152074": "Pb",
"Q1152323": "Tb",
"Q115277430": "QB",
"Q115280832": "RB",
"Q115359862": "qg",
"Q115359863": "rg",
"Q115359865": "Rg",
"Q115359866": "Qg",
"Q115359910": "Rm",
"Q115533751": "rm",
"Q115533764": "qm",
"Q115533776": "Qm",
"Q116432446": "ᵐ",
"Q116432563": "ˢ",
"Q116443090": "ʰ",
"Q1140444": "Zbit",
"Q1140577": "Ybit",
"Q1152074": "Pbit",
"Q1152323": "Tbit",
"Q1165799": "mil",
"Q11776930": "Mg",
"Q11830636": "psf",
"Q11929860": "kpc",
"Q1194225": "lbf",
"Q1194580": "Mib",
"Q1195111": "Eb",
"Q1194580": "Mibit",
"Q1195111": "Ebit",
"Q1196837": "ω_P",
"Q1197459": "Ms",
"Q11982285": "Em³",
"Q11982288": "Zm³",
"Q11982289": "Tm³",
"Q12011178": "Zs",
"Q12034595": "oz (ap.)",
"Q1204894": "Gib",
"Q1204894": "Gibit",
"Q12257695": "Eb/s",
"Q12257696": "EB/s",
"Q12261466": "kB/s",
"Q12263659": "mgal",
"Q12265780": "Pb/s",
"Q12265783": "PB/s",
"Q12269121": "Yb/s",
"Q12269122": "YB/s",
"Q12269308": "Zb/s",
"Q12269309": "ZB/s",
"Q1238720": "vols.",
"Q1247300": "cm H₂O",
"Q12714022": "cwt",
"Q12714022": "sh cwt",
"Q12789864": "GeV",
"Q12874593": "W h",
"Q128822": "kn",
@ -274,14 +67,13 @@
"Q130964": "cal",
"Q131255": "F",
"Q13147228": "g/cm³",
"Q131723": "₿",
"Q1322380": "Ts",
"Q1323615": "oz t",
"Q132643": "kr",
"Q13400897": "g",
"Q13479685": "mm H2O",
"Q1351253": "Eib",
"Q1351334": "Pib",
"Q13479685": "mm wg",
"Q1351253": "Eibit",
"Q1351334": "Pibit",
"Q13542672": "Ry",
"Q13548586": "THz",
"Q13582667": "kgf/cm²",
@ -294,17 +86,16 @@
"Q1396128": "F",
"Q1413142": "Gb",
"Q14158377": "A_P",
"Q1427899": "U",
"Q14623803": "MDa",
"Q14623804": "kDa",
"Q1472674": "S",
"Q1472674": "Sv",
"Q14754979": "Zg",
"Q14786969": "MJ",
"Q14850704": "℧",
"Q14913554": "Ys",
"Q14914907": "th",
"Q14916719": "Gpc",
"Q14923662": "Pm³",
"Q1511773": "LSd",
"Q15120301": "l atm",
"Q1542309": "xu",
"Q1545979": "ft³",
@ -312,20 +103,21 @@
"Q15551713": "Sh",
"Q1569733": "St",
"Q15784325": "apc",
"Q160680": "Br",
"Q160857": "hp",
"Q162525": "°E",
"Q1628990": "hph",
"Q163343": "T",
"Q163354": "H",
"Q1640501": "hyl",
"Q1645498": "μg",
"Q16859309": "lb ft",
"Q16859309": "lb·ft",
"Q169893": "S",
"Q170804": "Wb",
"Q17093295": "m/h",
"Q17255465": "v_P",
"Q173117": "R$",
"Q1741429": "kpm",
"Q174467": "Lm",
"Q174728": "cm",
"Q174789": "mm",
"Q175821": "μm",
@ -338,7 +130,6 @@
"Q177974": "atm",
"Q178506": "bbl",
"Q178674": "nm",
"Q1790908": "mi3",
"Q1793863": "sn",
"Q179836": "lx",
"Q180154": "km/h",
@ -349,13 +140,14 @@
"Q182429": "m/s",
"Q1826195": "dl",
"Q18413919": "cm/s",
"Q184172": "FF",
"Q185078": "a",
"Q185153": "erg",
"Q185648": "Torr",
"Q185759": "span",
"Q1872619": "zs",
"Q189097": "₧",
"Q190095": "Gy",
"Q19017495": "mm²",
"Q190951": "S$",
"Q191118": "t",
"Q1913097": "fg",
@ -369,7 +161,6 @@
"Q194339": "B$",
"Q1970718": "mam",
"Q1972579": "pdl",
"Q19877834": "cd-ft",
"Q199462": "LE",
"Q199471": "Afs",
"Q200323": "dm",
@ -380,11 +171,11 @@
"Q2029519": "hl",
"Q203567": "₦",
"Q2042279": "m H₂O",
"Q204992": "L.",
"Q204737": "៛",
"Q2051195": "GWh",
"Q2055118": "ppb",
"Q2064166": "fc",
"Q206600": "MRF",
"Q206600": "ރ",
"Q20706220": "cmm",
"Q20706221": "dmm",
"Q2080811": "vol%",
@ -392,7 +183,6 @@
"Q208528": "gon",
"Q208634": "kat",
"Q208788": "fm",
"Q2090348": "Kib/s",
"Q209351": "b",
"Q209426": "",
"Q21006887": "ppm",
@ -402,14 +192,13 @@
"Q21061369": "g/kg",
"Q21062777": "MPa",
"Q21064807": "kPa",
"Q21064845": "mol/L",
"Q21075844": "ml/l",
"Q21077820": "mg/m³",
"Q21091747": "mg/kg",
"Q211256": "mi/h",
"Q21154419": "PD",
"Q211256": "mph",
"Q211580": "BTU (th)",
"Q212120": "A⋅h",
"Q213005": "G$",
"Q212120": "A h",
"Q2140397": "in³",
"Q214377": "ell",
"Q2143992": "kHz",
@ -422,7 +211,7 @@
"Q215571": "N m",
"Q21604951": "g/m³",
"Q2165290": "yd³",
"Q216880": "kgf",
"Q216880": "kp",
"Q217208": "a",
"Q2175964": "dm³",
"Q218593": "in",
@ -437,17 +226,15 @@
"Q2269250": "kb/s",
"Q2282891": "μl",
"Q2282906": "ng",
"Q22934083": "nC",
"Q229354": "Ci",
"Q232291": "mi²",
"Q2332346": "ml",
"Q235729": "y (365 days)",
"Q23823681": "TW",
"Q23925410": "gal (UK)",
"Q23925413": "gal (US)",
"Q23931040": "dam²",
"Q23931103": "nmi²",
"Q240468": "syr£",
"Q2414435": "$b.",
"Q242988": "Lib$",
"Q2438073": "ag",
"Q2448803": "mV",
@ -459,18 +246,16 @@
"Q249439": "q_P",
"Q2518569": "nSv",
"Q253276": "mi",
"Q254532": "deg²",
"Q25472681": "GB/s",
"Q25472693": "TB/s",
"Q25499149": "oct",
"Q25511288": "mb",
"Q2553708": "MV",
"Q2554092": "kV",
"Q259502": "A$",
"Q259502": "AU$",
"Q260126": "rem",
"Q2612219": "Pg",
"Q261247": "ct",
"Q26162546": "mm²/s",
"Q2619500": "foe",
"Q2636421": "nH",
"Q2637946": "dal",
@ -491,7 +276,6 @@
"Q2756030": "pF",
"Q2757753": "PW h",
"Q2762458": "ys",
"Q2784622": "T",
"Q27864215": "μW h",
"Q2793566": "GV",
"Q27949241": "R",
@ -522,12 +306,8 @@
"Q30001831": "aV",
"Q30001832": "aW",
"Q30001833": "aWb",
"Q3013059": "ka",
"Q304479": "tr",
"Q305896": "DPI",
"Q3095010": "γ",
"Q31889818": "ppq",
"Q3194304": "kb",
"Q3013059": "kyr",
"Q3194304": "kbit",
"Q3207456": "mW",
"Q321017": "R",
"Q3221356": "ym",
@ -550,10 +330,10 @@
"Q3312063": "fL",
"Q3320608": "kW",
"Q3331719": "dm²",
"Q3332689": "RT",
"Q3332814": "Mb",
"Q3332689": "ToR",
"Q3332814": "Mbit",
"Q3396758": "daa",
"Q3414243": "qps",
"Q3414243": "rps",
"Q3421309": "R_J",
"Q3495543": "mbar",
"Q355198": "px",
@ -563,11 +343,11 @@
"Q376660": "nat",
"Q37732658": "°R",
"Q3773454": "Mpc",
"Q3815076": "Kib",
"Q3815076": "Kibit",
"Q3833309": "£",
"Q3858002": "mAh",
"Q3858002": "mA h",
"Q3867152": "ft/s²",
"Q389062": "Tib",
"Q389062": "Tibit",
"Q3902688": "pl",
"Q3902709": "ps",
"Q39360235": "US lea",
@ -579,7 +359,7 @@
"Q39462789": "µin²",
"Q39467934": "kgf/m²",
"Q39469927": "N/m²",
"Q39617688": "cwt",
"Q39617688": "cwt long",
"Q39617818": "t lb",
"Q39628023": "y",
"Q39699418": "cm/s²",
@ -587,13 +367,14 @@
"Q39709980": "bd",
"Q39710113": "bhp EDR",
"Q3972226": "kL",
"Q4041686": "in H20",
"Q4041686": "iwg",
"Q4068266": "Ʒ",
"Q4176683": "aC",
"Q420266": "oz. fl.",
"Q42319606": "people/m²",
"Q4243638": "km³",
"Q4456994": "mF",
"Q469356": "T",
"Q469356": "tn. sh.",
"Q476572": "Ha",
"Q482798": "yd",
"Q483261": "Da",
@ -602,7 +383,6 @@
"Q4861171": "H",
"Q494083": "fur",
"Q4989854": "kJ",
"Q4992853": "kt",
"Q500515": "Gal",
"Q5042194": "£",
"Q50808017": "kg m²",
@ -610,24 +390,19 @@
"Q514845": "pz",
"Q5195628": "hm³",
"Q5198770": "dam³",
"Q524410": "Ga",
"Q5299480": "DPCm",
"Q524410": "byr",
"Q53393488": "PHz",
"Q53393490": "EHz",
"Q53393494": "ZHz",
"Q53393498": "YHz",
"Q53393659": "ML",
"Q53393664": "GL",
"Q53393669": "El",
"Q53393674": "ZL",
"Q53393678": "YL",
"Q53393768": "zl",
"Q53393771": "yL",
"Q53393868": "GJ",
"Q53393886": "PJ",
"Q53393890": "EJ",
"Q53393893": "ZJ",
"Q53393898": "YJ",
"Q53448786": "yHz",
"Q53448790": "zHz",
"Q53448794": "fHz",
@ -641,7 +416,6 @@
"Q53448826": "hHz",
"Q53448828": "yJ",
"Q53448832": "zJ",
"Q53448835": "fJ",
"Q53448842": "pJ",
"Q53448844": "nJ",
"Q53448847": "μJ",
@ -704,7 +478,6 @@
"Q53951982": "Mt",
"Q53952048": "kt",
"Q54006645": "ZWb",
"Q54081354": "ZT",
"Q54081925": "ZSv",
"Q54082468": "ZS",
"Q54083144": "ZΩ",
@ -719,7 +492,7 @@
"Q54083813": "Zkat",
"Q5409016": "MVA",
"Q5465723": "ft-pdl",
"Q549389": "b/s",
"Q549389": "bit/s",
"Q550341": "V A",
"Q552299": "ch",
"Q55442349": "U/L",
@ -729,6 +502,8 @@
"Q56157046": "nmol",
"Q56157048": "pmol",
"Q56160603": "fmol",
"Q56302633": "UM",
"Q56317116": "mgal",
"Q56317622": "Q_P",
"Q56318907": "kbar",
"Q56349362": "Bs.S",
@ -748,8 +523,6 @@
"Q6170164": "yg",
"Q6171168": "zg",
"Q61756607": "yd",
"Q61771602": "ft",
"Q61771670": "in",
"Q61793198": "rd",
"Q61794766": "ch (US survey)",
"Q61994988": "Wth",
@ -761,12 +534,13 @@
"Q6414556": "kip",
"Q648908": "bya",
"Q64996135": "gal (US)/min",
"Q65028392": "mm/a",
"Q65028392": "mm/yr",
"Q651336": "M_J",
"Q6517513": "dag",
"Q667419": "UK t",
"Q681996": "M🜨",
"Q681996": "M",
"Q685662": "p_P",
"Q6859652": "mm Hg",
"Q686163": "$",
"Q68725821": "°Rø",
"Q68726230": "°De",
@ -814,17 +588,14 @@
"Q732707": "MHz",
"Q73408": "K",
"Q7350781": "Mb/s",
"Q7398951": "PPI",
"Q743895": "bpm",
"Q748716": "fps",
"Q752079": "RT",
"Q748716": "ft/s",
"Q750178": "‱",
"Q752197": "kJ/mol",
"Q7574000": "sp",
"Q7672057": "TU",
"Q777017": "dBm",
"Q780456": "Td",
"Q78754556": "rot",
"Q78756901": "r",
"Q78756901": "rev",
"Q78757683": "windings",
"Q79726": "kB",
"Q79735": "MB",
@ -866,18 +637,14 @@
"Q848856": "dam",
"Q851872": "o",
"Q854546": "Gm",
"Q855161": "Yib",
"Q855161": "Yibit",
"Q856240": "ft³/min",
"Q857027": "ft²",
"Q85854198": "MN",
"Q864818": "abA",
"Q87262709": "kΩ",
"Q87416053": "MΩ",
"Q88296091": "tsp",
"Q89187604": "bbl (US)",
"Q89473028": "bu (UK)",
"Q89662131": "pt (UK)",
"Q901492": "ph",
"Q902274": "cp",
"Q9026416": "MWth",
"Q9048643": "nl",
"Q905912": "L",
@ -886,10 +653,8 @@
"Q911730": "nx",
"Q914151": "P_P",
"Q915169": "F_P",
"Q93318": "M",
"Q933427": "B",
"Q93678895": "gill (US)",
"Q93679498": "gill (UK)",
"Q93318": "nmi",
"Q940052": "q",
"Q94076025": "dalm",
"Q94076717": "dakat",
"Q942092": "BWI$",
@ -899,7 +664,6 @@
"Q94415255": "GC",
"Q94415438": "Yrad",
"Q94415526": "YC",
"Q94415561": "krad",
"Q94415782": "Mrad",
"Q94416260": "GN",
"Q94416535": "cN",
@ -1011,6 +775,7 @@
"Q95379580": "hC",
"Q95379588": "dC",
"Q95379596": "EC",
"Q95445986": "nC",
"Q95446327": "pC",
"Q95446670": "fC",
"Q95447079": "zC",
@ -1178,7 +943,6 @@
"Q96106385": "h°C",
"Q96106393": "M°C",
"Q96236286": "G°C",
"Q96312779": "μas",
"Q97059641": "p°C",
"Q97059652": "T°C",
"Q97143826": "P°C",
@ -1189,18 +953,9 @@
"Q97143843": "z°C",
"Q97143849": "Y°C",
"Q97143851": "a°C",
"Q98492214": "den",
"Q98793302": "qt (UK)",
"Q98793408": "liq qt (US)",
"Q98793687": "dry qt (US)",
"Q99476928": "gf",
"Q99487704": "ppt",
"Q99490009": "BTU (IT)",
"Q99490479": "BTU (39 °F)",
"Q99490986": "BTU (59 °F)",
"Q99491193": "BTU (60 °F)",
"Q99491447": "BTU (mean)",
"Q99492167": "m Hg",
"Q98538634": "eV/m²",
"Q98635536": "eV/m",
"Q98642859": "eV m²/kg",
"Q11229": "%",
"Q11570": "kg",
"Q11573": "m",
@ -1209,8 +964,9 @@
"Q11582": "L",
"Q12129": "pc",
"Q12438": "N",
"Q1811": "AU",
"Q20764": "Ma",
"Q16068": "DM",
"Q1811": "ua",
"Q20764": "Myr",
"Q2101": "e",
"Q25235": "h",
"Q25236": "W",
@ -1223,29 +979,28 @@
"Q25517": "m³",
"Q33680": "rad",
"Q35852": "ha",
"Q36384": "Eq",
"Q36384": "equiv",
"Q3710": "ft",
"Q39274": "Sv",
"Q39369": "Hz",
"Q41509": "mol",
"Q41803": "g",
"Q42289": "°F",
"Q4406": "$T",
"Q4406": "TV$",
"Q44395": "Pa",
"Q4587": "Le",
"Q4588": "WS$",
"Q4592": "F$",
"Q4596": "Rs",
"Q4597": "$",
"Q47083": "Ω",
"Q48013": "oz",
"Q4917": "US$",
"Q50094": "Np",
"Q50098": "B",
"Q531": "l.y.",
"Q531": "ly",
"Q5329": "dB",
"Q573": "d",
"Q577": "a",
"Q7727": "min",
"Q8799": "B",
"Q8805": "bit"
"Q8799": "B"

View File

@ -1,21 +1,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
from urllib.parse import quote, urljoin
from lxml import html
from searx.utils import extract_text, get_torrent_size, eval_xpath, eval_xpath_list, eval_xpath_getindex
# about
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": 'Q28134166',
"official_api_documentation": None,
"use_official_api": False,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'HTML',
url = ''
search_url = url + 'search/{search_term}/{pageno}/'

View File

@ -26,9 +26,8 @@ from operator import itemgetter
from searx import settings
from searx import logger
from searx.exceptions import SearxEngineResponseException
from searx.poolrequests import get, get_proxy_cycles
from searx.utils import load_module, match_language, get_engine_from_settings, gen_useragent
from searx.utils import load_module, match_language, get_engine_from_settings
logger = logger.getChild('engines')
@ -45,16 +44,16 @@ babel_langs = [lang_parts[0] + '-' + lang_parts[-1] if len(lang_parts) > 1 else
engine_shortcuts = {}
engine_default_args = {'paging': False,
'categories': ['general'],
'language_support': True,
'supported_languages': [],
'safesearch': False,
'timeout': settings['outgoing']['request_timeout'],
'shortcut': '-',
'disabled': False,
'enable_http': False,
'suspend_end_time': 0,
'continuous_errors': 0,
'time_range_support': False,
'engine_type': 'online',
'offline': False,
'display_error_messages': True,
'tokens': []}
@ -110,8 +109,8 @@ def load_engine(engine_data):
# assign supported languages from json file
if engine_data['engine'] in ENGINES_LANGUAGES:
setattr(engine, 'supported_languages', ENGINES_LANGUAGES[engine_data['engine']])
if engine_data['name'] in ENGINES_LANGUAGES:
setattr(engine, 'supported_languages', ENGINES_LANGUAGES[engine_data['name']])
# find custom aliases for non standard language codes
if hasattr(engine, 'supported_languages'):
@ -128,21 +127,14 @@ def load_engine(engine_data):
setattr(engine, 'language_aliases', language_aliases)
# language_support
setattr(engine, 'language_support', len(getattr(engine, 'supported_languages', [])) > 0)
# assign language fetching method if auxiliary method exists
if hasattr(engine, '_fetch_supported_languages'):
headers = {
'User-Agent': gen_useragent(),
'Accept-Language': 'ja-JP,ja;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3', # bing needs a non-English language
setattr(engine, 'fetch_supported_languages',
lambda: engine._fetch_supported_languages(get(engine.supported_languages_url, headers=headers)))
lambda: engine._fetch_supported_languages(get(engine.supported_languages_url)))
engine.stats = {
'sent_search_count': 0, # sent search
'search_count': 0, # successful search
'search_count': 0, # succesful search
'result_count': 0,
'engine_time': 0,
'engine_time_count': 0,
@ -150,9 +142,7 @@ def load_engine(engine_data):
'errors': 0
engine_type = getattr(engine, 'engine_type', 'online')
if engine_type != 'offline':
if not engine.offline:
engine.stats['page_load_time'] = 0
engine.stats['page_load_count'] = 0
@ -171,7 +161,7 @@ def load_engine(engine_data):
categories.setdefault(category_name, []).append(engine)
if engine.shortcut in engine_shortcuts:
logger.error('Engine config error: ambiguous shortcut: {0}'.format(engine.shortcut))
logger.error('Engine config error: ambigious shortcut: {0}'.format(engine.shortcut))
engine_shortcuts[engine.shortcut] =
@ -219,7 +209,7 @@ def get_engines_stats(preferences):
score = score_per_result = 0.0
if engine.engine_type != 'offline':
if not engine.offline:
load_times = 0
if engine.stats['page_load_count'] != 0:
load_times = engine.stats['page_load_time'] / float(engine.stats['page_load_count']) # noqa
@ -277,7 +267,7 @@ def get_engines_stats(preferences):
def load_engines(engine_list):
global engines, engine_shortcuts # pylint: disable=global-variable-not-assigned
global engines, engine_shortcuts
for engine_data in engine_list:
@ -293,8 +283,6 @@ def initialize_engines(engine_list):
def engine_init(engine_name, init_fn):
except SearxEngineResponseException as exc:
logger.warn('%s engine: Fail to initialize // %s', engine_name, exc)
except Exception:
logger.exception('%s engine: Fail to initialize', engine_name)
@ -306,3 +294,34 @@ def initialize_engines(engine_list):
if init_fn:
logger.debug('%s engine: Starting background initialization', engine_name)
threading.Thread(target=engine_init, args=(engine_name, init_fn)).start()
def _set_https_support_for_engine(engine):
# check HTTPS support if it is not disabled
if not engine.offline and not hasattr(engine, 'https_support'):
params = engine.request('http_test', {
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {},
'data': {},
'url': '',
'cookies': {},
'verify': True,
'auth': None,
'pageno': 1,
'time_range': None,
'language': '',
'safesearch': False,
'is_test': True,
'category': 'files',
'raise_for_status': True,
if 'url' not in params:
parsed_url = urlparse(params['url'])
https_support = parsed_url.scheme == 'https'
setattr(engine, 'https_support', https_support)

searx/engines/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Acgsou (Japanese Animation/Music/Comics Bittorrent tracker)
@provide-api no
@using-api no
@results HTML
@stable no (HTML can change)
@parse url, title, content, seed, leech, torrentfile
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from lxml import html
from searx.utils import extract_text, get_torrent_size, eval_xpath_list, eval_xpath_getindex
# engine dependent config
categories = ['files', 'images', 'videos', 'music']
paging = True
# search-url
base_url = ''
search_url = base_url + 'search.php?{query}&page={offset}'
# xpath queries
xpath_results = '//table[contains(@class, "list_style table_fixed")]//tr[not(th)]'
xpath_category = './/td[2]/a[1]'
xpath_title = './/td[3]/a[last()]'
xpath_torrent_links = './/td[3]/a'
xpath_filesize = './/td[4]/text()'
def request(query, params):
query = urlencode({'keyword': query})
params['url'] = search_url.format(query=query, offset=params['pageno'])
return params
def response(resp):
results = []
dom = html.fromstring(resp.text)
for result in eval_xpath_list(dom, xpath_results):
# defaults
filesize = 0
magnet_link = "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:{}&tr="
category = extract_text(eval_xpath_getindex(result, xpath_category, 0, default=[]))
page_a = eval_xpath_getindex(result, xpath_title, 0)
title = extract_text(page_a)
href = base_url + page_a.attrib.get('href')
magnet_link = magnet_link.format(page_a.attrib.get('href')[5:-5])
filesize_info = eval_xpath_getindex(result, xpath_filesize, 0, default=None)
if filesize_info:
filesize = filesize_info[:-2]
filesize_multiplier = filesize_info[-2:]
filesize = get_torrent_size(filesize, filesize_multiplier)
# I didn't add download/seed/leech count since as I figured out they are generated randomly everytime
content = 'Category: "{category}".'
content = content.format(category=category)
results.append({'url': href,
'title': title,
'content': content,
'filesize': filesize,
'magnetlink': magnet_link,
'template': 'torrent.html'})
return results

View File

@ -1,29 +1,26 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
Ahmia (Onions)
@website http://msydqstlz2kzerdg.onion
@provides-api no
@using-api no
@results HTML
@stable no
@parse url, title, content
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlparse, parse_qs
from lxml.html import fromstring
from searx.engines.xpath import extract_url, extract_text, eval_xpath_list, eval_xpath
# about
about = {
"website": 'http://juhanurmihxlp77nkq76byazcldy2hlmovfu2epvl5ankdibsot4csyd.onion',
"wikidata_id": 'Q18693938',
"official_api_documentation": None,
"use_official_api": False,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'HTML',
# engine config
categories = ['onions']
paging = True
page_size = 10
# search url
search_url = 'http://juhanurmihxlp77nkq76byazcldy2hlmovfu2epvl5ankdibsot4csyd.onion/search/?{query}'
search_url = 'http://msydqstlz2kzerdg.onion/search/?{query}'
time_range_support = True
time_range_dict = {'day': 1,
'week': 7,

View File

@ -1,33 +1,25 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
APK Mirror
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, missing-function-docstring
@using-api no
@results HTML
@stable no (HTML can change)
@parse url, title, thumbnail_src
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from lxml import html
from searx.utils import extract_text, eval_xpath_list, eval_xpath_getindex
from searx import logger
from searx.utils import (
logger = logger.getChild('APKMirror engine')
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": None,
"official_api_documentation": None,
"use_official_api": False,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'HTML',
# engine dependent config
categories = ['files']
categories = ['it']
paging = True
# I am not 100% certain about this, as apkmirror appears to be a wordpress site,
# which might support time_range searching. If you want to implement it, go ahead.
time_range_support = False
# search-url
@ -35,34 +27,37 @@ base_url = ''
search_url = base_url + '/?post_type=app_release&searchtype=apk&page={pageno}&{query}'
# do search-request
def request(query, params):
params['url'] = search_url.format(
pageno = params['pageno'],
query = urlencode({'s': query}),
logger.debug("query_url --> %s", params['url'])
params['url'] = search_url.format(pageno=params['pageno'],
query=urlencode({'s': query}))
return params
# get response from search-request
def response(resp):
results = []
dom = html.fromstring(resp.text)
# parse results
for result in eval_xpath_list(dom, "//div[@id='content']//div[@class='listWidget']/div/div[@class='appRow']"):
for result in eval_xpath_list(dom, './/div[@id="content"]/div[@class="listWidget"]/div[@class="appRow"]'):
link = eval_xpath_getindex(result, './/h5/a', 0)
url = base_url + link.attrib.get('href') + '#downloads'
title = extract_text(link)
img_src = base_url + eval_xpath_getindex(result, './/img/@src', 0)
thumbnail_src = base_url\
+ eval_xpath_getindex(result, './/img', 0).attrib.get('src').replace('&w=32&h=32', '&w=64&h=64')
res = {
'url': url,
'title': title,
'img_src': img_src
'thumbnail_src': thumbnail_src
# append result
# return results
return results

View File

@ -1,26 +1,23 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Arch Linux Wiki
API: Mediawiki provides API, but Arch Wiki blocks access to it
@provide-api no (Mediawiki provides API, but Arch Wiki blocks access to it
@using-api no
@results HTML
@stable no (HTML can change)
@parse url, title
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urljoin
from lxml import html
from searx.utils import extract_text, eval_xpath_list, eval_xpath_getindex
# about
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": 'Q101445877',
"official_api_documentation": None,
"use_official_api": False,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'HTML',
# engine dependent config
categories = ['it']
language_support = True
paging = True
base_url = ''

View File

@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
#!/usr/bin/env python
ArXiV (Scientific preprints)
@provide-api yes (
@using-api yes
@results XML-RSS
@stable yes
@parse url, title, publishedDate, content
More info on api:
from lxml import html
from datetime import datetime
from searx.utils import eval_xpath_list, eval_xpath_getindex
# about
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": 'Q118398',
"official_api_documentation": '',
"use_official_api": True,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'XML-RSS',
categories = ['science']
paging = True

View File

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
Bandcamp (Music)
@provide-api no
@results HTML
@parse url, title, content, publishedDate, embedded, thumbnail
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlparse, parse_qs
from dateutil.parser import parse as dateparse
from lxml import html
from searx.utils import extract_text
categories = ['music']
paging = True
base_url = ""
search_string = search_string = 'search?{query}&page={page}'
embedded_url = '''<iframe width="100%" height="166"
scrolling="no" frameborder="no"
def request(query, params):
'''pre-request callback
method : POST/GET
headers : {}
data : {} # if method == POST
url : ''
category: 'search category'
pageno : 1 # number of the requested page
search_path = search_string.format(
query=urlencode({'q': query}),
params['url'] = base_url + search_path
return params
def response(resp):
'''post-response callback
resp: requests response object
results = []
tree = html.fromstring(resp.text)
search_results = tree.xpath('//li[contains(@class, "searchresult")]')
for result in search_results:
link = result.xpath('.//div[@class="itemurl"]/a')[0]
result_id = parse_qs(urlparse(link.get('href')).query)["search_item_id"][0]
title = result.xpath('.//div[@class="heading"]/a/text()')
date = dateparse(result.xpath('//div[@class="released"]/text()')[0].replace("released ", ""))
content = result.xpath('.//div[@class="subhead"]/text()')
new_result = {
"url": extract_text(link),
"title": extract_text(title),
"content": extract_text(content),
"publishedDate": date,
thumbnail = result.xpath('.//div[@class="art"]/img/@src')
if thumbnail:
new_result['thumbnail'] = thumbnail[0]
if "album" in result.classes:
new_result["embedded"] = embedded_url.format(type='album', result_id=result_id)
elif "track" in result.classes:
new_result["embedded"] = embedded_url.format(type='track', result_id=result_id)
return results

View File

@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
#!/usr/bin/env python
BASE (Scholar publications)
@provide-api yes with authorization (
@using-api yes
@results XML
@stable ?
@parse url, title, publishedDate, content
More info on api:
from urllib.parse import urlencode
@ -9,15 +19,6 @@ from datetime import datetime
import re
from searx.utils import searx_useragent
# about
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": 'Q448335',
"official_api_documentation": '',
"use_official_api": True,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'XML',
categories = ['science']

View File

@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
Bing (Web)
@provide-api yes (,
max. 5000 query/month
@using-api no (because of query limit)
@results HTML (using search portal)
@stable no (HTML can change)
@parse url, title, content
@todo publishedDate
import re
@ -11,19 +21,10 @@ from searx.utils import eval_xpath, extract_text, match_language
logger = logger.getChild('bing engine')
# about
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": 'Q182496',
"official_api_documentation": '',
"use_official_api": False,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'HTML',
# engine dependent config
categories = ['general']
paging = True
language_support = True
supported_languages_url = ''
language_aliases = {'zh-CN': 'zh-CHS', 'zh-TW': 'zh-CHT', 'zh-HK': 'zh-CHT'}
@ -52,7 +53,6 @@ def request(query, params):
params['url'] = base_url + search_path
params['headers']['Accept'] = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8'
return params
@ -67,13 +67,11 @@ def response(resp):
for result in eval_xpath(dom, '//div[@class="sa_cc"]'):
link = eval_xpath(result, './/h3/a')[0]
url = link.attrib.get('href')
pretty_url = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './/cite'))
title = extract_text(link)
content = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './/p'))
# append result
results.append({'url': url,
'pretty_url': pretty_url,
'title': title,
'content': content})
@ -81,13 +79,11 @@ def response(resp):
for result in eval_xpath(dom, '//li[@class="b_algo"]'):
link = eval_xpath(result, './/h2/a')[0]
url = link.attrib.get('href')
pretty_url = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './/cite'))
title = extract_text(link)
content = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './/p'))
# append result
results.append({'url': url,
'pretty_url': pretty_url,
'title': title,
'content': content})

View File

@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
Bing (Images)
@provide-api yes (,
max. 5000 query/month
@using-api no (because of query limit)
@results HTML (using search portal)
@stable no (HTML can change)
@parse url, title, img_src
from urllib.parse import urlencode
@ -11,21 +20,12 @@ from searx.utils import match_language
from import language_aliases
from import _fetch_supported_languages, supported_languages_url # NOQA # pylint: disable=unused-import
# about
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": 'Q182496',
"official_api_documentation": '',
"use_official_api": False,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'HTML',
# engine dependent config
categories = ['images']
paging = True
safesearch = True
time_range_support = True
language_support = True
supported_languages_url = ''
number_of_results = 28
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ search_string = 'images/search'\
time_range_string = '&qft=+filterui:age-lt{interval}'
time_range_dict = {'day': '1440',
'week': '10080',

View File

@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
Bing (News)
@provide-api yes (,
max. 5000 query/month
@using-api no (because of query limit)
@results RSS (using search portal)
@stable yes (except perhaps for the images)
@parse url, title, content, publishedDate, thumbnail
from datetime import datetime
@ -12,19 +20,10 @@ from searx.utils import match_language, eval_xpath_getindex
from import language_aliases
from import _fetch_supported_languages, supported_languages_url # NOQA # pylint: disable=unused-import
# about
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": 'Q2878637',
"official_api_documentation": '',
"use_official_api": False,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'RSS',
# engine dependent config
categories = ['news']
paging = True
language_support = True
time_range_support = True
# search-url

View File

@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
Bing (Videos)
@provide-api yes (
@using-api no
@results HTML
@stable no
@parse url, title, content, thumbnail
from json import loads
@ -11,21 +18,12 @@ from searx.utils import match_language
from import language_aliases
from import _fetch_supported_languages, supported_languages_url # NOQA # pylint: disable=unused-import
# about
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": 'Q4914152',
"official_api_documentation": '',
"use_official_api": False,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'HTML',
categories = ['videos']
paging = True
safesearch = True
time_range_support = True
number_of_results = 28
language_support = True
base_url = ''
search_string = 'videos/search'\
@ -70,7 +68,7 @@ def request(query, params):
if params['time_range'] in time_range_dict:
params['url'] += time_range_string.format(interval=time_range_dict[params['time_range']])
# bing videos did not like "older" versions < 70.0.1 when selecting other
# bing videos did not like "older" versions < 70.0.1 when selectin other
# languages then 'en' .. very strange ?!?!
params['headers']['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:73.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/73.0.1'

View File

@ -1,25 +1,19 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
BTDigg (Videos, Music, Files)
@provide-api yes (on demand)
@using-api no
@results HTML (using search portal)
@stable no (HTML can change)
@parse url, title, content, seed, leech, magnetlink
from lxml import html
from urllib.parse import quote, urljoin
from searx.utils import extract_text, get_torrent_size
# about
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": 'Q4836698',
"official_api_documentation": {
'url': '',
'comment': 'on demand'
"use_official_api": False,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'HTML',
# engine dependent config
categories = ['videos', 'music', 'files']
paging = True

View File

@ -1,7 +1,18 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
Command (offline)
searx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
searx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with searx. If not, see < >.
import re
from os.path import expanduser, isabs, realpath, commonprefix
@ -12,7 +23,7 @@ from threading import Thread
from searx import logger
engine_type = 'offline'
offline = True
paging = True
command = []
delimiter = {}
@ -35,7 +46,7 @@ def init(engine_settings):
if 'command' not in engine_settings:
raise ValueError('engine command : missing configuration key: command')
global command, working_dir, delimiter, parse_regex, environment_variables
global command, working_dir, result_template, delimiter, parse_regex, timeout, environment_variables
command = engine_settings['command']

View File

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
"""CORE (science)
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
from json import loads
from datetime import datetime
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from searx import logger
from searx.exceptions import SearxEngineAPIException
logger = logger.getChild('CORE engine')
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": None,
"official_api_documentation": '',
"use_official_api": True,
"require_api_key": True,
"results": 'JSON',
categories = ['science']
paging = True
nb_per_page = 10
api_key = 'unset'
logger = logger.getChild('CORE engine')
base_url = ''
search_string = '{query}?page={page}&pageSize={nb_per_page}&apiKey={apikey}'
def request(query, params):
if api_key == 'unset':
raise SearxEngineAPIException('missing CORE API key')
search_path = search_string.format(
query = urlencode({'q': query}),
nb_per_page = nb_per_page,
page = params['pageno'],
apikey = api_key,
params['url'] = base_url + search_path
logger.debug("query_url --> %s", params['url'])
return params
def response(resp):
results = []
json_data = loads(resp.text)
for result in json_data['data']:
source = result['_source']
time = source['publishedDate'] or source['depositedDate']
if time :
date = datetime.fromtimestamp(time / 1000)
date = None
metadata = []
if source['publisher'] and len(source['publisher']) > 3:
if source['topics']:
if source['doi']:
metadata = ' / '.join(metadata)
'url': source['urls'][0].replace('http://', 'https://', 1),
'title': source['title'],
'content': source['description'],
'publishedDate': date,
'metadata' : metadata,
return results

View File

@ -1,30 +1,54 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
currency convert (DuckDuckGo)
import json
import re
import unicodedata
from import CURRENCIES # NOQA
# about
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": 'Q12805',
"official_api_documentation": '',
"use_official_api": False,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'JSONP',
engine_type = 'online_currency'
categories = []
url = '{0}/{1}'
weight = 100
parser_re = re.compile('.*?(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?) ([^.0-9]+) (?:in|to) ([^.0-9]+)', re.I)
https_support = True
def normalize_name(name):
name = name.lower().replace('-', ' ').rstrip('s')
name = re.sub(' +', ' ', name)
return unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', name).lower()
def name_to_iso4217(name):
name = normalize_name(name)
currency = CURRENCIES['names'].get(name, [name])
return currency[0]
def iso4217_to_name(iso4217, language):
return CURRENCIES['iso4217'].get(iso4217, {}).get(language, iso4217)
def request(query, params):
params['url'] = url.format(params['from'], params['to'])
m = parser_re.match(query)
if not m:
# wrong query
return params
amount, from_currency, to_currency = m.groups()
amount = float(amount)
from_currency = name_to_iso4217(from_currency.strip())
to_currency = name_to_iso4217(to_currency.strip())
params['url'] = url.format(from_currency, to_currency)
params['amount'] = amount
params['from'] = from_currency
params['to'] = to_currency
params['from_name'] = iso4217_to_name(from_currency, 'en')
params['to_name'] = iso4217_to_name(to_currency, 'en')
return params

View File

@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
Dailymotion (Videos)
@provide-api yes (
@using-api yes
@results JSON
@stable yes
@parse url, title, thumbnail, publishedDate, embedded
@todo set content-parameter with correct data
from json import loads
@ -8,19 +17,10 @@ from datetime import datetime
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from searx.utils import match_language, html_to_text
# about
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": 'Q769222',
"official_api_documentation": '',
"use_official_api": True,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'JSON',
# engine dependent config
categories = ['videos']
paging = True
language_support = True
# search-url
# see

View File

@ -1,21 +1,18 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
Deezer (Music)
@provide-api yes (
@using-api yes
@results JSON
@stable yes
@parse url, title, content, embedded
from json import loads
from urllib.parse import urlencode
# about
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": 'Q602243',
"official_api_documentation": '',
"use_official_api": True,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'JSON',
# engine dependent config
categories = ['music']
paging = True

View File

@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
Deviantart (Images)
@provide-api yes ( (RSS)
@using-api no (TODO, rewrite to api)
@results HTML
@stable no (HTML can change)
@parse url, title, img_src
@todo rewrite to api
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from lxml import html
# about
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": 'Q46523',
"official_api_documentation": '',
"use_official_api": False,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'HTML',
# engine dependent config
categories = ['images']
paging = True

View File

@ -1,33 +1,44 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
@provide-api no
@using-api no
@results HTML (using search portal)
@stable no (HTML can change)
@parse url, title, content
import re
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from lxml import html
from searx.utils import eval_xpath
from searx.utils import is_valid_lang, eval_xpath
# about
about = {
"website": '',
"wikidata_id": None,
"official_api_documentation": None,
"use_official_api": False,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'HTML',
engine_type = 'online_dictionary'
categories = ['general']
url = '{from_lang}-{to_lang}-dictionary/{query}'
weight = 100
parser_re = re.compile('.*?([a-z]+)-([a-z]+) ([^ ]+)$', re.I)
results_xpath = './/table[@id="r"]/tr'
https_support = True
def request(query, params):
params['url'] = url.format(from_lang=params['from_lang'][2], to_lang=params['to_lang'][2], query=params['query'])
m = parser_re.match(query)
if not m:
return params
from_lang, to_lang, query = m.groups()
from_lang = is_valid_lang(from_lang)
to_lang = is_valid_lang(to_lang)
if not from_lang or not to_lang:
return params
params['url'] = url.format(from_lang=from_lang[2],
return params
@ -49,12 +60,10 @@ def response(resp):
if t.strip():
'url': urljoin(str(resp.url), '?%d' % k),
'title': from_result.text_content(),
'content': '; '.join(to_results),
'url': urljoin(resp.url, '?%d' % k),
'title': from_result.text_content(),
'content': '; '.join(to_results)
return results

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More