mirror of https://github.com/searx/searx synced 2025-03-02 10:37:55 +01:00

Merge branch 'master' into master

This commit is contained in:
Noémi Ványi 2021-04-29 22:16:51 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 7463250e76
No known key found for this signature in database
87 changed files with 4712 additions and 1581 deletions

View File

@ -40,8 +40,7 @@ jobs:
FETCH_SCRIPT: ./searx_extra/update/${{ matrix.fetch }}
run: |
source local/py3/bin/activate
V=1 manage pyenv.cmd python "$FETCH_SCRIPT"
- name: Create Pull Request
id: cpr

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Install node dependencies
run: make V=1 node.env
- name: Build themes
run: make V=1 themes
run: make V=1 themes.all
name: Documentation
@ -77,14 +77,15 @@ jobs:
python-version: '3.9'
architecture: 'x64'
- name: Build documentation
run: SEARX_DEBUG=1 make V=1 ci-gh-pages
run: |
make V=1 docs.clean docs.html
- name: Deploy
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@3.7.1
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
BRANCH: gh-pages
FOLDER: build/gh-pages
FOLDER: dist/docs
CLEAN: true # Automatically remove deleted files from the deploy branch

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Searx was created by Adam Tauber and is maintained by Adam Tauber, Alexandre Flament, Noémi Ványi, @pofilo, Gaspard d'Hautefeuille and Markus Heiser.
Searx was created by Adam Tauber and is maintained by Adam Tauber, Noémi Ványi, @pofilo, Gaspard d'Hautefeuille and Émilien Devos.
Major contributing authors:
@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ Major contributing authors:
- @pofilo
- Markus Heiser @return42
- Émilien Devos @unixfox
- Alexandre Flament
People who have submitted patches/translates, reported bugs, consulted features or
People who have submitted patches/translations, reported bugs, consulted features or
generally made searx better:
- Laszlo Hammerl

View File

@ -4,26 +4,19 @@ EXPOSE 8080
VOLUME /etc/searx
VOLUME /var/log/uwsgi
ARG GIT_URL=unknown
RUN addgroup -g ${SEARX_GID} searx && \
adduser -u ${SEARX_UID} -D -h /usr/local/searx -s /bin/sh -G searx searx
SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH=/etc/searx/settings.yml \
WORKDIR /usr/local/searx
@ -60,6 +53,10 @@ RUN apk upgrade --no-cache \
COPY --chown=searx:searx . .
RUN su searx -c "/usr/bin/python3 -m compileall -q searx"; \
touch -c --date=@${TIMESTAMP_SETTINGS} searx/settings.yml; \
touch -c --date=@${TIMESTAMP_UWSGI} dockerfiles/uwsgi.ini; \
@ -70,8 +67,12 @@ RUN su searx -c "/usr/bin/python3 -m compileall -q searx"; \
-o -name '*.svg' -o -name '*.ttf' -o -name '*.eot' \) \
-type f -exec gzip -9 -k {} \+ -exec brotli --best {} \+
# Keep this argument at the end since it change each time
# Keep these arguments at the end to prevent redundant layer rebuilds
ARG GIT_URL=unknown
LABEL maintainer="searx <${GIT_URL}>" \
description="A privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine." \
version="${SEARX_GIT_VERSION}" \

View File

@ -1,265 +1,107 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: makefile-gmake -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
export MTOOLS=./manage
include utils/makefile.include
DOC = docs
PY_SETUP_EXTRAS ?= \[test\]
PYLINT_SEARX_DISABLE_OPTION := I,C,R,W0105,W0212,W0511,W0603,W0613,W0621,W0702,W0703,W1401,E1136
PYLINT_ADDITIONAL_BUILTINS_FOR_ENGINES := supported_languages,language_aliases
include utils/makefile.python
include utils/makefile.sphinx
all: clean install
PHONY += help-min help-all help
PHONY += help
help: help-min
@echo ''
@echo 'to get more help: make help-all'
@./manage --help
@echo '----'
@echo 'run - run developer instance'
@echo 'install - developer install of searx into virtualenv'
@echo 'uninstall - uninstall developer installation'
@echo 'clean - clean up working tree'
@echo 'search.checker - check search engines'
@echo 'test - run shell & CI tests'
@echo 'test.sh - test shell scripts'
@echo 'ci.test - run CI tests'
@echo ' test - run developer tests'
@echo ' docs - build documentation'
@echo ' docs-live - autobuild HTML documentation while editing'
@echo ' run - run developer instance'
@echo ' install - developer install (./local)'
@echo ' uninstall - uninstall (./local)'
@echo ' gh-pages - build docs & deploy on gh-pages branch'
@echo ' clean - drop builds and environments'
@echo ' project - re-build generic files of the searx project'
@echo ' buildenv - re-build environment files (aka brand)'
@echo ' themes - re-build build the source of the themes'
@echo ' docker - build Docker image'
@echo ' node.env - download & install npm dependencies locally'
@echo ''
@$(MAKE) -e -s make-help
help-all: help-min
@echo ''
@$(MAKE) -e -s python-help
@echo ''
@$(MAKE) -e -s docs-help
PHONY += install
install: buildenv pyenvinstall
PHONY += uninstall
uninstall: pyenvuninstall
PHONY += clean
clean: pyclean docs-clean node.clean test.clean
$(call cmd,common_clean)
PHONY += run
run: buildenv pyenvinstall
run: install
$(Q) ( \
sleep 2 ; \
xdg-open ; \
) &
SEARX_DEBUG=1 $(PY_ENV)/bin/python ./searx/webapp.py
SEARX_DEBUG=1 ./manage pyenv.cmd python ./searx/webapp.py
# docs
# ----
PHONY += install uninstall
install uninstall:
$(Q)./manage pyenv.$@
sphinx-doc-prebuilds:: buildenv pyenvinstall prebuild-includes
PHONY += clean
clean: py.clean docs.clean node.clean test.clean
$(Q)./manage build_msg CLEAN "common files"
$(Q)find . -name '*.orig' -exec rm -f {} +
$(Q)find . -name '*.rej' -exec rm -f {} +
$(Q)find . -name '*~' -exec rm -f {} +
$(Q)find . -name '*.bak' -exec rm -f {} +
PHONY += docs
docs: sphinx-doc-prebuilds
$(call cmd,sphinx,html,docs,docs)
PHONY += search.checker search.checker.%
search.checker: install
$(Q)./manage pyenv.cmd searx-checker -v
PHONY += docs-live
docs-live: sphinx-doc-prebuilds
$(call cmd,sphinx_autobuild,html,docs,docs)
search.checker.%: install
$(Q)./manage pyenv.cmd searx-checker -v "$(subst _, ,$(patsubst search.checker.%,%,$@))"
PHONY += prebuild-includes
$(Q)mkdir -p $(DOCS_BUILD)/includes
$(Q)./utils/searx.sh doc | cat > $(DOCS_BUILD)/includes/searx.rst
$(Q)./utils/filtron.sh doc | cat > $(DOCS_BUILD)/includes/filtron.rst
$(Q)./utils/morty.sh doc | cat > $(DOCS_BUILD)/includes/morty.rst
@echo "doc available at --> $(DOCS_URL)"
# update project files
# --------------------
PHONY += project engines.languages useragents.update buildenv
project: buildenv useragents.update engines.languages
engines.languages: pyenvinstall
$(Q)echo "fetch languages .."
$(Q)$(PY_ENV_ACT); python ./searx_extra/update/update_languages.py
$(Q)echo "updated searx/data/engines_languages.json"
$(Q)echo "updated searx/languages.py"
useragents.update: pyenvinstall
$(Q)echo "fetch useragents .."
$(Q)$(PY_ENV_ACT); python ./searx_extra/update/update_firefox_version.py
$(Q)echo "updated searx/data/useragents.json with the most recent versions of Firefox."
buildenv: pyenv
$(Q)$(PY_ENV_ACT); SEARX_DEBUG=1 python utils/build_env.py
# node / npm
# ----------
node.env: buildenv
$(Q)./manage.sh npm_packages
$(Q)echo "CLEAN locally installed npm dependencies"
$(Q)rm -rf \
./node_modules \
./package-lock.json \
./searx/static/themes/oscar/package-lock.json \
./searx/static/themes/oscar/node_modules \
./searx/static/themes/simple/package-lock.json \
# build themes
# ------------
PHONY += themes themes.oscar themes.simple
themes: buildenv themes.oscar themes.simple
quiet_cmd_lessc = LESSC $3
cmd_lessc = PATH="$$(npm bin):$$PATH" \
lessc --clean-css="--s1 --advanced --compatibility=ie9" "searx/static/$2" "searx/static/$3"
quiet_cmd_grunt = GRUNT $2
cmd_grunt = PATH="$$(npm bin):$$PATH" \
grunt --gruntfile "$2"
themes.oscar: node.env
$(Q)echo '[!] build oscar theme'
$(call cmd,grunt,searx/static/themes/oscar/gruntfile.js)
themes.simple: node.env
$(Q)echo '[!] build simple theme'
$(call cmd,grunt,searx/static/themes/simple/gruntfile.js)
# docker
# ------
PHONY += docker
docker: buildenv
$(Q)./manage.sh docker_build
docker.push: buildenv
$(Q)./manage.sh docker_build push
# gecko
# -----
PHONY += gecko.driver
$(PY_ENV_ACT); ./manage.sh install_geckodriver
# search.checker
# --------------
search.checker: pyenvinstall
$(Q)$(PY_ENV_ACT); searx-checker -v
ENGINE_TARGETS=$(patsubst searx/engines/%.py,search.checker.%,$(wildcard searx/engines/[!_]*.py))
$(ENGINE_TARGETS): pyenvinstall
$(Q)$(PY_ENV_ACT); searx-checker -v "$(subst _, ,$(patsubst search.checker.%,%,$@))"
# test
# ----
PHONY += test test.sh test.pylint test.pep8 test.unit test.coverage test.robot
test: buildenv test.pylint test.pep8 test.unit gecko.driver test.robot
searx/preferences.py \
searx/testing.py \
searx/engines/gigablast.py \
searx/engines/deviantart.py \
searx/engines/digg.py \
searx/engines/google.py \
searx/engines/google_news.py \
searx/engines/google_videos.py \
searx/engines/google_images.py \
searx/engines/mediathekviewweb.py \
searx/engines/solidtorrents.py \
searx/engines/solr.py \
searx/engines/google_scholar.py \
searx/engines/yahoo_news.py \
searx/engines/apkmirror.py \
test.pylint: pyenvinstall
$(call cmd,pylint,$(PYLINT_FILES))
$(call cmd,pylint,\
searx/engines \
$(call cmd,pylint,\
--ignore=searx/engines \
searx tests \
# ignored rules:
# E402 module level import not at top of file
# W503 line break before binary operator
# ubu1604: uses shellcheck v0.3.7 (from 04/2015), no longer supported!
PHONY += ci.test test test.sh
ci.test: test.pep8 test.pylint test.unit test.robot
test: ci.test
shellcheck -x -s bash utils/brand.env
shellcheck -x utils/lib.sh
shellcheck -x utils/filtron.sh
shellcheck -x utils/searx.sh
shellcheck -x utils/morty.sh
shellcheck -x utils/lxc.sh
shellcheck -x utils/lxc-searx.env
shellcheck -x .config.sh
test.pep8: pyenvinstall
@echo "TEST pycodestyle (formerly pep8)"
$(Q)$(PY_ENV_ACT); pycodestyle --exclude='searx/static, searx/languages.py, $(foreach f,$(PYLINT_FILES),$(f),)' \
--max-line-length=120 --ignore "E117,E252,E402,E722,E741,W503,W504,W605" searx tests
test.unit: pyenvinstall
@echo "TEST tests/unit"
$(Q)$(PY_ENV_ACT); python -m nose2 -s tests/unit
test.coverage: pyenvinstall
@echo "TEST unit test coverage"
$(Q)$(PY_ENV_ACT); \
python -m nose2 -C --log-capture --with-coverage --coverage searx -s tests/unit \
&& coverage report \
&& coverage html \
test.robot: pyenvinstall gecko.driver
@echo "TEST robot"
$(Q)$(PY_ENV_ACT); PYTHONPATH=. python searx/testing.py robot
@echo "CLEAN intermediate test stuff"
$(Q)rm -rf geckodriver.log .coverage coverage/
$(Q)shellcheck -x -s bash \
utils/brand.env \
./manage \
utils/lib.sh \
utils/filtron.sh \
utils/searx.sh \
utils/morty.sh \
utils/lxc.sh \
utils/lxc-searx.env \
$(Q)./manage build_msg TEST "$@ OK"
# travis
# ------
# wrap ./manage script
PHONY += ci.test
$(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -c "import yaml" || make clean
$(MAKE) test
MANAGE += buildenv
MANAGE += babel.compile
MANAGE += data.all data.languages data.useragents
MANAGE += docs.html docs.live docs.gh-pages docs.prebuild docs.clean
MANAGE += docker.build docker.push
MANAGE += gecko.driver
MANAGE += node.env node.clean
MANAGE += py.build py.clean
MANAGE += pyenv pyenv.install pyenv.uninstall
MANAGE += pypi.upload pypi.upload.test
MANAGE += test.pylint test.pep8 test.unit test.coverage test.robot test.clean
MANAGE += themes.all themes.oscar themes.simple themes.bootstrap
$(Q)$(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -m pip install codecov
$(Q)$(MTOOLS) $@
# deprecated
PHONY += docs docs-clean docs-live docker themes
docs: docs.html
$(Q)./manage build_msg WARN $@ is deprecated use docs.html
docs-clean: docs.clean
$(Q)./manage build_msg WARN $@ is deprecated use docs.clean
docs-live: docs.live
$(Q)./manage build_msg WARN $@ is deprecated use docs.live
docker: docker.build
$(Q)./manage build_msg WARN $@ is deprecated use docker.build
themes: themes.all
$(Q)./manage build_msg WARN $@ is deprecated use themes.all

View File

@ -24,9 +24,6 @@ if [ -z "${BIND_ADDRESS}" ]; then
export UWSGI_SETTINGS_PATH=/etc/searx/uwsgi.ini
export SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH=/etc/searx/settings.yml
# Parse special command line
# see docs/admin/installation-docker.rst
# display the help message without the version

View File

@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ Build docs
- dvisvgm_
Most of the sphinx requirements are installed from :origin:`setup.py` and the
docs can be build from scratch with ``make docs``. For better math and image
processing additional packages are needed. The XeTeX_ needed not only for PDF
creation, its also needed for :ref:`math` when HTML output is build.
docs can be build from scratch with ``make docs.html``. For better math and
image processing additional packages are needed. The XeTeX_ needed not only for
PDF creation, its also needed for :ref:`math` when HTML output is build.
To be able to do :ref:`sphinx:math-support` without CDNs, the math are rendered
as images (``sphinx.ext.imgmath`` extension).
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ to ``imgmath``:
:start-after: # sphinx.ext.imgmath setup
:end-before: # sphinx.ext.imgmath setup END
If your docs build (``make docs``) shows warnings like this::
If your docs build (``make docs.html``) shows warnings like this::
WARNING: dot(1) not found, for better output quality install \
graphviz from https://www.graphviz.org

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ It's also possible to build searx from the embedded Dockerfile.
git clone https://github.com/searx/searx.git
cd searx
make docker
make docker.build
Public instance

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ from the login (*~/.profile*):
.. tip::
Open a second terminal for the configuration tasks and left the ``(searx)$``
Open a second terminal for the configuration tasks and leave the ``(searx)$``
terminal open for the tasks below.

View File

@ -39,13 +39,18 @@ install from ``root``, take into account that the scripts are creating a
these new created users do need read access to the clone of searx, which is not
the case if you clone into a folder below ``/root``.
.. code:: bash
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ git clone https://github.com/searx/searx searx
$ cd searx
.. sidebar:: further read
- :ref:`toolboxing`
- :ref:`update searx`
- :ref:`inspect searx`
**Install** :ref:`searx service <searx.sh>`
This installs searx as described in :ref:`installation basic`.

View File

@ -4,20 +4,56 @@
How to update
How to update depends on the :ref:`installation` method. If you have used the
:ref:`installation scripts`, use ``update`` command from the scripts.
**Update** :ref:`searx service <searx.sh>`
.. code:: sh
sudo -H -u searx -i
(searx)$ git stash
(searx)$ git pull origin master
(searx)$ git stash apply
(searx)$ ./manage.sh update_packages
sudo -H ./utils/searx.sh update searx
Restart uwsgi:
**Update** :ref:`filtron reverse proxy <filtron.sh>`
.. tabs::
.. code:: sh
.. group-tab:: Ubuntu / debian
sudo -H ./utils/filtron.sh update filtron
.. code:: sh
**Update** :ref:`result proxy <morty.sh>`
.. code:: bash
$ sudo -H ./utils/morty.sh update morty
.. _inspect searx:
How to inspect & debug
.. sidebar:: further read
- :ref:`toolboxing`
- :ref:`Makefile`
How to debug depends on the :ref:`installation` method. If you have used the
:ref:`installation scripts`, use ``inspect`` command from the scripts.
**Inspect** :ref:`searx service <searx.sh>`
.. code:: sh
sudo -H ./utils/searx.sh inspect service
**Inspect** :ref:`filtron reverse proxy <filtron.sh>`
.. code:: sh
sudo -H ./utils/filtron.sh inspect service
**Inspect** :ref:`result proxy <morty.sh>`
.. code:: bash
$ sudo -H ./utils/morty.sh inspect service
sudo -H systemctl restart uwsgi

View File

@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ Blog

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ might fail in some aspects we should not overlook.
The environment in which we run all our development processes matters!
The :ref:`makefile` and the :ref:`make pyenv` encapsulate a lot for us, but they
The :ref:`makefile` and the :ref:`make install` encapsulate a lot for us, but they
do not have access to all prerequisites. For example, there may have
dependencies on packages that are installed on the developer's desktop, but
usually are not preinstalled on a server or client system. Another examples
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ daily usage:
.. code:: sh
$ sudo -H ./utils/lxc.sh cmd searx-archlinux \
make docs
make docs.html
.. _blog-lxcdev-202006 abstract:
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ To get remarks from the suite of the archlinux container we can use:
[searx-archlinux] INFO: (eth0) filtron:
[searx-archlinux] INFO: (eth0) morty:
[searx-archlinux] INFO: (eth0) docs-live:
[searx-archlinux] INFO: (eth0) docs.live:
[searx-archlinux] INFO: (eth0) IPv6: http://[fd42:573b:e0b3:e97e:216:3eff:fea5:9b65]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
Query your local search engines
From now on, searx lets you to query your locally running search engines. The following
ones are supported now:
* `Elasticsearch`_
* `Meilisearch`_
* `Solr`_
All of the engines above are added to ``settings.yml`` just commented out, as you have to
``base_url`` for all them.
Please note that if you are not using HTTPS to access these engines, you have to enable
HTTP requests by setting ``enable_http`` to ``True``.
Futhermore, if you do not want to expose these engines on a public instance, you can
still add them and limit the access by setting ``tokens`` as described in the `blog post about
private engines`_.
Configuring searx for search engines
Each search engine is powerful, capable of full-text search.
Elasticsearch supports numerous ways to query the data it is storing. At the moment
the engine supports the most popular search methods: ``match``, ``simple_query_string``, ``term`` and ``terms``.
If none of the methods fit your use case, you can select ``custom`` query type and provide the JSON payload
searx has to submit to Elasticsearch in ``custom_query_json``.
The following is an example configuration for an Elasticsearch instance with authentication
configured to read from ``my-index`` index.
.. code:: yaml
- name : elasticsearch
shortcut : es
engine : elasticsearch
base_url : http://localhost:9200
username : elastic
password : changeme
index : my-index
query_type : match
enable_http : True
This search engine is aimed at individuals and small companies. It is designed for
small-scale (less than 10 million documents) data collections. E.g. it is great for storing
web pages you have visited and searching in the contents later.
The engine supports faceted search, so you can search in a subset of documents of the collection.
Futhermore, you can search in Meilisearch instances that require authentication by setting ``auth_token``.
Here is a simple example to query a Meilisearch instance:
.. code:: yaml
- name : meilisearch
engine : meilisearch
shortcut: mes
base_url : http://localhost:7700
index : my-index
enable_http: True
Solr is a popular search engine based on Lucene, just like Elasticsearch.
But instead of searching in indices, you can search in collections.
This is an example configuration for searching in the collection ``my-collection`` and get
the results in ascending order.
.. code:: yaml
- name : solr
engine : solr
shortcut : slr
base_url : http://localhost:8983
collection : my-collection
sort : asc
enable_http : True
Next steps
The next step is to add support for various SQL databases.
This development was sponsored by `Search and Discovery Fund`_ of `NLnet Foundation`_ .
.. _blog post about private engines: private-engines.html#private-engines
.. _Elasticsearch: https://www.elastic.co/elasticsearch/
.. _Meilisearch: https://www.meilisearch.com/
.. _Solr: https://solr.apache.org/
.. _Search and Discovery Fund: https://nlnet.nl/discovery
.. _NLnet Foundation: https://nlnet.nl/
| Happy hacking.
| kvch // 2021.04.07 23:16

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ mkdir ${SERVICE_HOME}/local
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ wget --progress=bar -O \"${GO_TAR}\" \\
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ tar -C ${SERVICE_HOME}/local/go -xzf \"${GO_TAR}\"
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ tar -C ${SERVICE_HOME}/local -xzf \"${GO_TAR}\"
(${SERVICE_USER}) $ which go

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
import sys, os
from sphinx_build_tools import load_sphinx_config
from pallets_sphinx_themes import ProjectLink
from searx import brand
@ -128,9 +128,3 @@ html_show_sourcelink = False
latex_documents = [
(master_doc, "searx-{}.tex".format(VERSION_STRING), html_title, author, "manual")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Since loadConfig overwrites settings from the global namespace, it has to be
# the last statement in the conf.py file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -132,11 +132,11 @@ Here is an example which makes a complete rebuild:
.. code:: sh
$ make docs-clean docs
$ make docs.clean docs.html
The HTML pages are in dist/docs.
.. _make docs-live:
.. _make docs.live:
live build
@ -144,19 +144,19 @@ live build
.. _sphinx-autobuild:
.. sidebar:: docs-clean
.. sidebar:: docs.clean
It is recommended to assert a complete rebuild before deploying (use
Live build is like WYSIWYG. If you want to edit the documentation, its
recommended to use. The Makefile target ``docs-live`` builds the docs, opens
recommended to use. The Makefile target ``docs.live`` builds the docs, opens
URL in your favorite browser and rebuilds every time a reST file has been
.. code:: sh
$ make docs-live
$ make docs.live
The HTML pages are in dist/docs.
... Serving on
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ argument. E.g to find and use a free port, use:
.. code:: sh
$ SPHINXOPTS="--port 0" make docs-live
$ SPHINXOPTS="--port 0" make docs.live
... Serving on
@ -180,21 +180,10 @@ argument. E.g to find and use a free port, use:
deploy on github.io
To deploy documentation at :docs:`github.io <.>` use Makefile target
:ref:`make gh-pages`, which will builds the documentation, clones searx into a sub
folder ``gh-pages``, cleans it, copies the doc build into and runs all the
needed git add, commit and push:
To deploy documentation at :docs:`github.io <.>` use Makefile target :ref:`make
docs.gh-pages`, which builds the documentation and runs all the needed git add,
commit and push:
.. code:: sh
$ make docs-clean gh-pages
SPHINX docs --> file://<...>/dist/docs
The HTML pages are in dist/docs.
Cloning into 'gh-pages' ...
cd gh-pages; git checkout gh-pages >/dev/null
Switched to a new branch 'gh-pages'
doc available at --> https://searx.github.io/searx
$ make docs.clean docs.gh-pages

View File

@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
.. _makefile:
Makefile Targets
.. _gnu-make: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Introduction
.. sidebar:: build environment
Before looking deeper at the targets, first read about :ref:`make pyenv`.
Before looking deeper at the targets, first read about :ref:`make
To install system requirements follow :ref:`buildhosts`.
With the aim to simplify development cycles, started with :pull:`1756` a
``Makefile`` based boilerplate was added. If you are not familiar with
Makefiles, we recommend to read gnu-make_ introduction.
All relevant build tasks are implemented in :origin:`manage.sh` and for CI or
IDE integration a small ``Makefile`` wrapper is available. If you are not
familiar with Makefiles, we recommend to read gnu-make_ introduction.
The usage is simple, just type ``make {target-name}`` to *build* a target.
Calling the ``help`` target gives a first overview (``make help``):
.. program-output:: bash -c "cd ..; make --no-print-directory help"
.. contents:: Contents
:depth: 2
:backlinks: entry
.. _make pyenv:
.. _make install:
Python environment
@ -36,31 +36,42 @@ Python environment
``source ./local/py3/bin/activate``
With Makefile we do no longer need to build up the virtualenv manually (as
described in the :ref:`devquickstart` guide). Jump into your git working tree
and release a ``make pyenv``:
.. code:: sh
We do no longer need to build up the virtualenv manually. Jump into your git
working tree and release a ``make install`` to get a virtualenv with a
*developer install* of searx (:origin:`setup.py`). ::
$ cd ~/searx-clone
$ make pyenv
PYENV usage: source ./local/py3/bin/activate
$ make install
PYENV [virtualenv] installing ./requirements*.txt into local/py3
PYENV [install] pip install -e 'searx[test]'
Successfully installed argparse-1.4.0 searx
BUILDENV INFO:searx:load the default settings from ./searx/settings.yml
BUILDENV INFO:searx:Initialisation done
BUILDENV build utils/brand.env
With target ``pyenv`` a development environment (aka virtualenv) was build up in
``./local/py3/``. To make a *developer install* of searx (:origin:`setup.py`)
into this environment, use make target ``install``:
.. code:: sh
If you release ``make install`` multiple times the installation will only
rebuild if the sha256 sum of the *requirement files* fails. With other words:
the check fails if you edit the requirements listed in
:origin:`requirements-dev.txt` and :origin:`requirements.txt`). ::
$ make install
PYENV usage: source ./local/py3/bin/activate
PYENV using virtualenv from ./local/py3
PYENV install .
You have never to think about intermediate targets like ``pyenv`` or
``install``, the ``Makefile`` chains them as requisites. Just run your main
PYENV [virtualenv] requirements.sha256 failed
[virtualenv] - 6cea6eb6def9e14a18bf32f8a3e... ./requirements-dev.txt
[virtualenv] - 471efef6c73558e391c3adb35f4... ./requirements.txt
PYENV [virtualenv] installing ./requirements*.txt into local/py3
PYENV [install] pip install -e 'searx[test]'
Successfully installed argparse-1.4.0 searx
BUILDENV INFO:searx:load the default settings from ./searx/settings.yml
BUILDENV INFO:searx:Initialisation done
BUILDENV build utils/brand.env
.. sidebar:: drop environment
@ -68,10 +79,7 @@ target.
<make clean>` first.
If you think, something goes wrong with your ./local environment or you change
the :origin:`setup.py` file (or the requirements listed in
:origin:`requirements-dev.txt` and :origin:`requirements.txt`), you have to call
:ref:`make clean`.
the :origin:`setup.py` file, you have to call :ref:`make clean`.
.. _make run:
@ -81,77 +89,44 @@ the :origin:`setup.py` file (or the requirements listed in
To get up a running a developer instance simply call ``make run``. This enables
*debug* option in :origin:`searx/settings.yml`, starts a ``./searx/webapp.py``
instance, disables *debug* option again and opens the URL in your favorite WEB
browser (:man:`xdg-open`):
.. code:: sh
browser (:man:`xdg-open`)::
$ make run
PYENV usage: source ./local/py3/bin/activate
PYENV install .
./local/py3/bin/python ./searx/webapp.py
SEARX_DEBUG=1 ./manage.sh pyenv.cmd python ./searx/webapp.py
INFO:werkzeug: * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
.. _make clean:
``make clean``
Drop all intermediate files, all builds, but keep sources untouched. Includes
target ``pyclean`` which drops ./local environment. Before calling ``make
clean`` stop all processes using :ref:`make pyenv`.
.. code:: sh
Drop all intermediate files, all builds, but keep sources untouched. Before
calling ``make clean`` stop all processes using :ref:`make install`. ::
$ make clean
CLEAN pyclean
CLEAN clean
CLEAN pyenv
PYENV [virtualenv] drop ./local/py3
CLEAN docs -- ./build/docs ./dist/docs
CLEAN locally installed npm dependencies
CLEAN test stuff
CLEAN common files
.. _make docs:
``make docs docs-live docs-clean``
``make docs docs.autobuild docs.clean``
We describe the usage of the ``doc*`` targets in the :ref:`How to contribute /
We describe the usage of the ``doc.*`` targets in the :ref:`How to contribute /
Documentation <contrib docs>` section. If you want to edit the documentation
read our :ref:`make docs-live` section. If you are working in your own brand,
read our :ref:`make docs.live` section. If you are working in your own brand,
adjust your :ref:`settings global`.
.. _make books:
.. _make docs.gh-pages:
``make books/{name}.html books/{name}.pdf``
.. _intersphinx: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/ext/intersphinx.html
.. _XeTeX: https://tug.org/xetex/
.. sidebar:: info
To build PDF a XeTeX_ is needed, see :ref:`buildhosts`.
The ``books/{name}.*`` targets are building *books*. A *book* is a
sub-directory containing a ``conf.py`` file. One example is the user handbook
which can deployed separately (:origin:`docs/user/conf.py`). Such ``conf.py``
do inherit from :origin:`docs/conf.py` and overwrite values to fit *book's*
With the help of Intersphinx_ (:ref:`reST smart ref`) the links to searxs
documentation outside of the book will be bound by the object inventory of
``DOCS_URL``. Take into account that URLs will be picked from the inventary at
documentation's build time.
Use ``make docs-help`` to see which books available:
.. program-output:: bash -c "cd ..; make --no-print-directory docs-help"
:ellipsis: 0,-6
.. _make gh-pages:
``make gh-pages``
``make docs.gh-pages``
To deploy on github.io first adjust your :ref:`settings global`. For any
further read :ref:`deploy on github.io`.
@ -161,37 +136,66 @@ further read :ref:`deploy on github.io`.
``make test``
Runs a series of tests: ``test.pep8``, ``test.unit``, ``test.robot`` and does
additional :ref:`pylint checks <make pylint>`. You can run tests selective,
.. code:: sh
Runs a series of tests: :ref:`make test.pylint`, ``test.pep8``, ``test.unit``
and ``test.robot``. You can run tests selective, e.g.::
$ make test.pep8 test.unit test.sh
. ./local/py3/bin/activate; ./manage.sh pep8_check
[!] Running pep8 check
. ./local/py3/bin/activate; ./manage.sh unit_tests
[!] Running unit tests
TEST test.pep8 OK
TEST test.unit OK
TEST test.sh OK
.. _make pylint:
.. _make test.sh:
``make pylint``
``make test.sh``
:ref:`sh lint` / if you have changed some bash scripting run this test before
.. _make test.pylint:
``make test.pylint``
.. _Pylint: https://www.pylint.org/
Before commiting its recommend to do some (more) linting. Pylint_ is known as
one of the best source-code, bug and quality checker for the Python programming
language. Pylint_ is not yet a quality gate within our searx project (like
:ref:`test.pep8 <make test>` it is), but Pylint_ can help to improve code
quality anyway. The pylint profile we use at searx project is found in
project's root folder :origin:`.pylintrc`.
Pylint_ is known as one of the best source-code, bug and quality checker for the
Python programming language. The pylint profile we use at searx project is
found in project's root folder :origin:`.pylintrc`.
Code quality is a ongoing process. Don't try to fix all messages from Pylint,
run Pylint and check if your changed lines are bringing up new messages. If so,
fix it. By this, code quality gets incremental better and if there comes the
day, the linting is balanced out, we might decide to add Pylint as a quality
.. _make search.checker:
``search.checker.{engine name}``
To check all engines::
make search.checker
To check a engine with whitespace in the name like *google news* replace space
by underline::
make search.checker.google_news
To see HTTP requests and more use SEARX_DEBUG::
make SEARX_DEBUG=1 search.checker.google_news
.. _3xx: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes#3xx_redirection
To filter out HTTP redirects (3xx_)::
make SEARX_DEBUG=1 search.checker.google_news | grep -A1 "HTTP/1.1\" 3[0-9][0-9]"
Engine google news Checking
https://news.google.com:443 "GET /search?q=life&hl=en&lr=lang_en&ie=utf8&oe=utf8&ceid=US%3Aen&gl=US HTTP/1.1" 302 0
https://news.google.com:443 "GET /search?q=life&hl=en-US&lr=lang_en&ie=utf8&oe=utf8&ceid=US:en&gl=US HTTP/1.1" 200 None
https://news.google.com:443 "GET /search?q=computer&hl=en&lr=lang_en&ie=utf8&oe=utf8&ceid=US%3Aen&gl=US HTTP/1.1" 302 0
https://news.google.com:443 "GET /search?q=computer&hl=en-US&lr=lang_en&ie=utf8&oe=utf8&ceid=US:en&gl=US HTTP/1.1" 200 None
``make pybuild``
@ -200,9 +204,7 @@ gate.
.. _PyPi: https://pypi.org/
.. _twine: https://twine.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Build Python packages in ``./dist/py``.
.. code:: sh
Build Python packages in ``./dist/py``::
$ make pybuild
@ -210,9 +212,11 @@ Build Python packages in ``./dist/py``.
running sdist
running egg_info
$ ls ./dist/py/
searx-0.15.0-py3-none-any.whl searx-0.15.0.tar.gz
running bdist_wheel
To upload packages to PyPi_, there is also a ``upload-pypi`` target. It needs
twine_ to be installed. Since you are not the owner of :pypi:`searx` you will
never need the latter.
$ ls ./dist
searx-0.18.0-py3-none-any.whl searx-0.18.0.tar.gz
To upload packages to PyPi_, there is also a ``pypi.upload`` target (to test use
``pypi.upload.test``). Since you are not the owner of :pypi:`searx` you will
never need to upload.

View File

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ generated and deployed at :docs:`github.io <.>`. For build prerequisites read
:ref:`docs build`.
The source files of Searx's documentation are located at :origin:`docs`. Sphinx
assumes source files to be encoded in UTF-8 by defaul. Run :ref:`make docs-live
<make docs-live>` to build HTML while editing.
assumes source files to be encoded in UTF-8 by defaul. Run :ref:`make docs.live
<make docs.live>` to build HTML while editing.
.. sidebar:: Further reading
@ -1276,13 +1276,12 @@ Templating
.. sidebar:: Build environment
All *generic-doc* tasks are running in the :ref:`build environment <make
All *generic-doc* tasks are running in the :ref:`make install`.
Templating is suitable for documentation which is created generic at the build
time. The sphinx-jinja_ extension evaluates jinja_ templates in the :ref:`build
environment <make pyenv>` (with searx modules installed). We use this e.g. to
build chapter: :ref:`engines generic`. Below the jinja directive from the
time. The sphinx-jinja_ extension evaluates jinja_ templates in the :ref:`make
install` (with searx modules installed). We use this e.g. to build chapter:
:ref:`engines generic`. Below the jinja directive from the
:origin:`docs/admin/engines.rst` is shown:
.. literalinclude:: ../admin/engines.rst

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
"""Configuration for the Searx user handbook
project = 'Searx User-HB'
version = release = VERSION_STRING
intersphinx_mapping['searx'] = (brand.DOCS_URL, None)
# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title,
# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
latex_documents = [
('index' # startdocname
, 'searx-user-hb.tex' # targetname
, '' # take title from .rst
, author # author
, 'howto' # documentclass
, False # toctree_only

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
.. _searx_utils:
.. _toolboxing:
Tooling box ``utils`` for administrators
Admin's tooling box
In the folder :origin:`utils/` we maintain some tools useful for administrators.

View File

@ -119,15 +119,15 @@ of coffee).::
To build (live) documentation inside a archlinux_ container::
sudo -H ./utils/lxc.sh cmd searx-archlinux make docs-clean docs-live
sudo -H ./utils/lxc.sh cmd searx-archlinux make docs.clean docs.live
[I 200331 15:00:42 server:296] Serving on
To get IP of the container and the port number *live docs* is listening::
$ sudo ./utils/lxc.sh show suite | grep docs-live
$ sudo ./utils/lxc.sh show suite | grep docs.live
[searx-archlinux] INFO: (eth0) docs-live: http://n.n.n.12:8080/
[searx-archlinux] INFO: (eth0) docs.live: http://n.n.n.12:8080/
.. _lxc.sh help:

manage Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: sh indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# shellcheck disable=SC2031
# shellcheck source=utils/lib.sh
source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/utils/lib.sh"
# shellcheck source=utils/brand.env
source "${REPO_ROOT}/utils/brand.env"
# config
NPM_PACKAGES="less@2.7 less-plugin-clean-css grunt-cli"
# These py files are linted by test.pylint(), all other files are linted by
# test.pep8()
PYLINT_OPTIONS="-m pylint -j 0 --rcfile .pylintrc"
help() {
cat <<EOF
rebuild ./utils/brand.env
pybabel compile ./searx/translations
all : update searx/languages.py and ./data/*
languages : update searx/data/engines_languages.json & searx/languages.py
useragents: update searx/data/useragents.json with the most recent versions of Firefox.
html : build HTML documentation
live : autobuild HTML documentation while editing
gh-pages : deploy on gh-pages branch
prebuild : build reST include files (./${DOCS_BUILD}/includes)
clean : clean documentation build
build : build docker image
push : build and push docker image
download & install geckodriver if not already installed (required for
env : download & install npm dependencies locally
clean : drop npm installations
build : Build python packages at ./${PYDIST}
clean : delete virtualenv and intermediate py files
pyenv.* :
install : developer install of searx into virtualenv
uninstall : uninstall developer installation
cmd ... : run command ... in virtualenv
OK : test if virtualenv is OK
Upload python packages to PyPi (to test use pypi.upload.test)
test.* :
pylint : lint PYLINT_FILES, searx/engines, searx & tests
pep8 : pycodestyle (pep8) for all files except PYLINT_FILES
unit : run unit tests
coverage : run unit tests with coverage
robot : run robot test
clean : clean intermediate test stuff
themes.* :
all : build all themes
oscar : build oscar theme
simple : build simple theme
if [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ]; then
# needed by sphinx-docs
buildenv() {
SEARX_DEBUG=1 pyenv.cmd python utils/build_env.py 2>&1 \
| prefix_stdout "${_Blue}BUILDENV${_creset} "
return "${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
babel.compile() {
build_msg BABEL compile
pyenv.cmd pybabel compile -d "${REPO_ROOT}/searx/translations"
dump_return $?
data.all() {
build_msg DATA "update searx/data/ahmia_blacklist.txt"
pyenv.cmd python searx_extra/update/update_ahmia_blacklist.py
build_msg DATA "update searx/data/wikidata_units.json"
pyenv.cmd python searx_extra/update/update_wikidata_units.py
build_msg DATA "update searx/data/currencies.json"
pyenv.cmd python searx_extra/update/update_currencies.py
data.languages() {
( set -e
build_msg ENGINES "fetch languages .."
pyenv.cmd python searx_extra/update/update_languages.py
build_msg ENGINES "update update searx/languages.py"
build_msg DATA "update searx/data/engines_languages.json"
dump_return $?
data.useragents() {
build_msg DATA "update searx/data/useragents.json"
pyenv.cmd python searx_extra/update/update_firefox_version.py
dump_return $?
docs.prebuild() {
build_msg DOCS "build ${DOCS_BUILD}/includes"
set -e
[ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && set -x
mkdir -p "${DOCS_BUILD}/includes"
./utils/searx.sh doc | cat > "${DOCS_BUILD}/includes/searx.rst"
./utils/filtron.sh doc | cat > "${DOCS_BUILD}/includes/filtron.rst"
./utils/morty.sh doc | cat > "${DOCS_BUILD}/includes/morty.rst"
dump_return $?
docker.push() {
docker.build push
# shellcheck disable=SC2119
docker.build() {
build_msg DOCKER build
# run installation in a subprocess and activate pyenv
# See https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC1001 and others ..
# shellcheck disable=SC2031,SC2230,SC2002,SC2236,SC2143,SC1001
( set -e
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
source "${PY_ENV_BIN}/activate"
# Check if it is a git repository
if [ ! -d .git ]; then
die 1 "This is not Git repository"
if [ ! -x "$(which git)" ]; then
die 1 "git is not installed"
if ! git remote get-url origin 2> /dev/null; then
die 1 "there is no remote origin"
# This is a git repository
# "git describe" to get the Docker version (for example : v0.15.0-89-g0585788e)
# awk to remove the "v" and the "g"
SEARX_GIT_VERSION=$(git describe --match "v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" HEAD 2>/dev/null | awk -F'-' '{OFS="-"; $1=substr($1, 2); if ($3) { $3=substr($3, 2); } print}')
# add the suffix "-dirty" if the repository has uncommited change
# /!\ HACK for searx/searx: ignore utils/brand.env
git update-index -q --refresh
if [ ! -z "$(git diff-index --name-only HEAD -- | grep -v 'utils/brand.env')" ]; then
# Get the last git commit id, will be added to the Searx version (see Dockerfile)
VERSION_GITCOMMIT=$(echo "$SEARX_GIT_VERSION" | cut -d- -f2-4)
build_msg DOCKER "Last commit : $VERSION_GITCOMMIT"
# Check consistency between the git tag and the searx/version.py file
# /! HACK : parse Python file with bash /!
# otherwise it is not possible build the docker image without all Python
# dependencies ( version.py loads __init__.py )
# SEARX_PYTHON_VERSION=$(python3 -c "import six; import searx.version; six.print_(searx.version.VERSION_STRING)")
SEARX_PYTHON_VERSION=$(cat searx/version.py | grep "\(VERSION_MAJOR\|VERSION_MINOR\|VERSION_BUILD\) =" | cut -d\= -f2 | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' | paste -sd "." -)
if [ "$(echo "$SEARX_GIT_VERSION" | cut -d- -f1)" != "$SEARX_PYTHON_VERSION" ]; then
err_msg "git tag: $SEARX_GIT_VERSION"
err_msg "searx/version.py: $SEARX_PYTHON_VERSION"
die 1 "Inconsistency between the last git tag and the searx/version.py file"
# define the docker image name
GITHUB_USER=$(echo "${GIT_URL}" | sed 's/.*github\.com\/\([^\/]*\).*/\1/')
# build Docker image
build_msg DOCKER "Building image ${SEARX_IMAGE_NAME}:${SEARX_GIT_VERSION}"
sudo docker build \
--build-arg GIT_URL="${GIT_URL}" \
--build-arg LABEL_DATE="$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")" \
--build-arg LABEL_VCS_REF="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" \
--build-arg LABEL_VCS_URL="${GIT_URL}" \
--build-arg TIMESTAMP_SETTINGS="$(git log -1 --format="%cd" --date=unix -- searx/settings.yml)" \
--build-arg TIMESTAMP_UWSGI="$(git log -1 --format="%cd" --date=unix -- dockerfiles/uwsgi.ini)" \
if [ "$1" = "push" ]; then
sudo docker push "${SEARX_IMAGE_NAME}:latest"
sudo docker push "${SEARX_IMAGE_NAME}:${SEARX_GIT_VERSION}"
dump_return $?
# shellcheck disable=SC2119
gecko.driver() {
build_msg INSTALL "gecko.driver"
# run installation in a subprocess and activate pyenv
( set -e
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
source "${PY_ENV_BIN}/activate"
# TODO : check the current geckodriver version
geckodriver -V > /dev/null 2>&1 || NOTFOUND=1
set +e
if [ -z "$NOTFOUND" ]; then
build_msg INSTALL "geckodriver already installed"
PLATFORM="$(python3 -c 'import platform; print(platform.system().lower(), platform.architecture()[0])')"
case "$PLATFORM" in
"linux 32bit" | "linux2 32bit") ARCH="linux32";;
"linux 64bit" | "linux2 64bit") ARCH="linux64";;
"windows 32 bit") ARCH="win32";;
"windows 64 bit") ARCH="win64";;
"mac 64bit") ARCH="macos";;
build_msg GECKO "Installing ${PY_ENV_BIN}/geckodriver from $GECKODRIVER_URL"
wget -qO "$FILE" -- "$GECKODRIVER_URL" && tar xz -C "${PY_ENV_BIN}" -f "$FILE" geckodriver
rm -- "$FILE"
chmod 755 -- "${PY_ENV_BIN}/geckodriver"
dump_return $?
node.env() {
local err=0
pushd "${REPO_ROOT}" &> /dev/null
# shellcheck disable=SC2230
which npm &> /dev/null || die 1 'node.env - npm is not found!'
( set -e
# shellcheck disable=SC2030
PATH="$(npm bin):$PATH"
export PATH
build_msg INSTALL "npm install $NPM_PACKAGES"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
npm install $NPM_PACKAGES
cd "${REPO_ROOT}/searx/static/themes/oscar"
build_msg INSTALL "($(pwd)) npm install"
npm install
build_msg INSTALL "($(pwd)) npm install"
cd "${REPO_ROOT}/searx/static/themes/simple"
npm install
popd &> /dev/null
dump_return "$err"
node.clean() {
build_msg CLEAN "locally installed npm dependencies"
rm -rf \
./node_modules \
./package-lock.json \
./searx/static/themes/oscar/package-lock.json \
./searx/static/themes/oscar/node_modules \
./searx/static/themes/simple/package-lock.json \
dump_return $?
py.build() {
build_msg BUILD "[pylint] python package ${PYDIST}"
pyenv.cmd python setup.py \
sdist -d "${PYDIST}" \
bdist_wheel --bdist-dir "${PYBUILD}" -d "${PYDIST}"
py.clean() {
build_msg CLEAN pyenv
( set -e
[ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && set -x
rm -rf "${PYDIST}" "${PYBUILD}" "${PY_ENV}" ./.tox ./*.egg-info
find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} +
find . -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -f {} +
find . -name __pycache__ -exec rm -rf {} +
pyenv.check() {
cat <<EOF
import yaml
print('import yaml --> OK')
pyenv.install() {
if ! pyenv.OK; then
py.clean > /dev/null
if pyenv.install.OK > /dev/null; then
return 0
( set -e
build_msg PYENV "[install] pip install -e 'searx${PY_SETUP_EXTRAS}'"
"${PY_ENV_BIN}/python" -m pip install -e ".${PY_SETUP_EXTRAS}"
) || die 42 "error while build & install pyenv (${PY_ENV_BIN})"
pyenv.uninstall() {
build_msg PYENV "[pyenv.uninstall] uninstall packages: ${PYOBJECTS}"
pyenv.cmd python setup.py develop --uninstall 2>&1 \
| prefix_stdout "${_Blue}PYENV ${_creset}[pyenv.uninstall] "
pypi.upload() {
# https://github.com/pypa/twine
pyenv.cmd twine upload "${PYDIST}"/*
pypi.upload.test() {
pyenv.cmd twine upload -r testpypi "${PYDIST}"/*
test.pylint() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
( set -e
build_msg TEST "[pylint] \$PYLINT_FILES"
pyenv.cmd python ${PYLINT_OPTIONS} ${PYLINT_VERBOSE} \
build_msg TEST "[pylint] searx/engines"
pyenv.cmd python ${PYLINT_OPTIONS} ${PYLINT_VERBOSE} \
build_msg TEST "[pylint] searx tests"
pyenv.cmd python ${PYLINT_OPTIONS} ${PYLINT_VERBOSE} \
--ignore=searx/engines \
searx tests
dump_return $?
test.pep8() {
build_msg TEST 'pycodestyle (formerly pep8)'
local _exclude=""
printf -v _exclude '%s, ' "${PYLINT_FILES[@]}"
pyenv.cmd pycodestyle \
--exclude="searx/static, searx/languages.py, $_exclude " \
--max-line-length=120 \
--ignore "E117,E252,E402,E722,E741,W503,W504,W605" \
searx tests
dump_return $?
test.unit() {
build_msg TEST 'tests/unit'
pyenv.cmd python -m nose2 -s tests/unit
dump_return $?
test.coverage() {
build_msg TEST 'unit test coverage'
( set -e
pyenv.cmd python -m nose2 -C --log-capture --with-coverage --coverage searx -s tests/unit
pyenv.cmd coverage report
pyenv.cmd coverage html
dump_return $?
test.robot() {
build_msg TEST 'robot'
PYTHONPATH=. pyenv.cmd python searx/testing.py robot
dump_return $?
test.clean() {
build_msg CLEAN "test stuff"
rm -rf geckodriver.log .coverage coverage/
dump_return $?
themes.all() {
( set -e
dump_return $?
themes.oscar() {
local gruntfile=searx/static/themes/oscar/gruntfile.js
build_msg GRUNT "${gruntfile}"
PATH="$(npm bin):$PATH" grunt --gruntfile "${gruntfile}"
dump_return $?
themes.simple() {
local gruntfile=searx/static/themes/simple/gruntfile.js
build_msg GRUNT "${gruntfile}"
PATH="$(npm bin):$PATH" grunt --gruntfile "${gruntfile}"
dump_return $?
# shellcheck disable=SC2119
main() {
local _type
local cmd="$1"; shift
if [ "$cmd" == "" ]; then
err_msg "missing command"
return 42
case "$cmd" in
--getenv) var="$1"; echo "${!var}";;
--help) help;;
err_msg "unknown option $cmd"
return 42
_type="$(type -t "$cmd")"
if [ "$_type" != 'function' ]; then
err_msg "unknown command $1 / use --help"
return 42
"$cmd" "$@"
main "$@"

View File

@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
export LANG=C
BASE_DIR="$(dirname -- "`readlink -f -- "$0"`")"
cd -- "$BASE_DIR"
set -e
# subshell
. "${BASE_DIR}/utils/brand.env"
# Python
update_packages() {
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade setuptools
pip install -Ur "$BASE_DIR/requirements.txt"
update_dev_packages() {
pip install -Ur "$BASE_DIR/requirements-dev.txt"
install_geckodriver() {
echo '[!] Checking geckodriver'
# TODO : check the current geckodriver version
set -e
geckodriver -V > /dev/null 2>&1 || NOTFOUND=1
set +e
if [ -z "$NOTFOUND" ]; then
PLATFORM="`python3 -c "import platform; print(platform.system().lower(), platform.architecture()[0])"`"
case "$PLATFORM" in
"linux 32bit" | "linux2 32bit") ARCH="linux32";;
"linux 64bit" | "linux2 64bit") ARCH="linux64";;
"windows 32 bit") ARCH="win32";;
"windows 64 bit") ARCH="win64";;
"mac 64bit") ARCH="macos";;
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
if [ -z "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ]; then
printf "geckodriver can't be installed because VIRTUAL_ENV is not set, you should download it from\n %s" "$GECKODRIVER_URL"
mkdir -p -- "$GECKODRIVER_DIR"
printf "Installing %s/geckodriver from\n %s" "$GECKODRIVER_DIR" "$GECKODRIVER_URL"
wget -qO "$FILE" -- "$GECKODRIVER_URL" && tar xz -C "$GECKODRIVER_DIR" -f "$FILE" geckodriver
rm -- "$FILE"
chmod 777 -- "$GECKODRIVER_DIR/geckodriver"
locales() {
pybabel compile -d "$SEARX_DIR/translations"
# Web
npm_path_setup() {
which npm || (printf 'Error: npm is not found\n'; exit 1)
export PATH="$(npm bin)":$PATH
npm_packages() {
echo '[!] install NPM packages'
cd -- "$BASE_DIR"
npm install less@2.7 less-plugin-clean-css grunt-cli
echo '[!] install NPM packages for oscar theme'
cd -- "$BASE_DIR/searx/static/themes/oscar"
npm install
echo '[!] install NPM packages for simple theme'
cd -- "$BASE_DIR/searx/static/themes/simple"
npm install
docker_build() {
# Check if it is a git repository
if [ ! -d .git ]; then
echo "This is not Git repository"
exit 1
if [ ! -x "$(which git)" ]; then
echo "git is not installed"
exit 1
if [ ! git remote get-url origin 2> /dev/null ]; then
echo "there is no remote origin"
exit 1
# This is a git repository
# "git describe" to get the Docker version (for example : v0.15.0-89-g0585788e)
# awk to remove the "v" and the "g"
SEARX_GIT_VERSION=$(git describe --match "v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" HEAD 2>/dev/null | awk -F'-' '{OFS="-"; $1=substr($1, 2); if ($3) { $3=substr($3, 2); } print}')
# add the suffix "-dirty" if the repository has uncommited change
# /!\ HACK for searx/searx: ignore utils/brand.env
git update-index -q --refresh
if [ ! -z "$(git diff-index --name-only HEAD -- | grep -v 'utils/brand.env')" ]; then
# Get the last git commit id, will be added to the Searx version (see Dockerfile)
echo "Last commit : $VERSION_GITCOMMIT"
# Check consistency between the git tag and the searx/version.py file
# /!\ HACK : parse Python file with bash /!\
# otherwise it is not possible build the docker image without all Python dependencies ( version.py loads __init__.py )
# SEARX_PYTHON_VERSION=$(python3 -c "import six; import searx.version; six.print_(searx.version.VERSION_STRING)")
SEARX_PYTHON_VERSION=$(cat searx/version.py | grep "\(VERSION_MAJOR\|VERSION_MINOR\|VERSION_BUILD\) =" | cut -d\= -f2 | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' | paste -sd "." -)
if [ $(echo "$SEARX_GIT_VERSION" | cut -d- -f1) != "$SEARX_PYTHON_VERSION" ]; then
echo "Inconsistency between the last git tag and the searx/version.py file"
echo "git tag: $SEARX_GIT_VERSION"
echo "searx/version.py: $SEARX_PYTHON_VERSION"
exit 1
# define the docker image name
GITHUB_USER=$(echo "${GIT_URL}" | sed 's/.*github\.com\/\([^\/]*\).*/\1/')
# build Docker image
echo "Building image ${SEARX_IMAGE_NAME}:${SEARX_GIT_VERSION}"
sudo docker build \
--build-arg GIT_URL="${GIT_URL}" \
--build-arg LABEL_DATE=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") \
--build-arg LABEL_VCS_REF=$(git rev-parse HEAD) \
--build-arg LABEL_VCS_URL="${GIT_URL}" \
--build-arg TIMESTAMP_SETTINGS=$(git log -1 --format="%cd" --date=unix -- searx/settings.yml) \
--build-arg TIMESTAMP_UWSGI=$(git log -1 --format="%cd" --date=unix -- dockerfiles/uwsgi.ini) \
if [ "$1" = "push" ]; then
sudo docker push ${SEARX_IMAGE_NAME}:latest
# Help
help() {
[ -z "$1" ] || printf 'Error: %s\n' "$1"
echo "Searx manage.sh help
help - This text
Build requirements
update_packages - Check & update production dependency changes
update_dev_packages - Check & update development and production dependency changes
install_geckodriver - Download & install geckodriver if not already installed (required for robot_tests)
npm_packages - Download & install npm dependencies
locales - Compile locales
[ "$(command -V "$ACTION" | grep ' function$')" = "" ] \
&& help "action not found" \
|| "$ACTION" "$2"

View File

@ -1,17 +1,18 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -2790,6 +2790,7 @@
"намібійський долар": "NAD",
"納米比亞元": "NAD",
"نيرة نيجيرية": "NGN",
"нигерийска найра": "NGN",
"naira": "NGN",
"nigerijská naira": "NGN",
"nigerian naira": "NGN",
@ -3730,7 +3731,7 @@
"east timor centavo coins": "TLD",
"centavos de dólar de timor oriental": "TLD",
"سکه کنتاووی تیمور شرقی": "TLD",
"סנתאבוס מזרח טימוריים": "TLD",
"סנטאבו מזרח טימורי": "TLD",
"istočnotimorski sentavo": "TLD",
"kelet timori centavoérmék": "TLD",
"centavo est timorense": "TLD",
@ -4123,6 +4124,7 @@
"vietnamdar dong": "VND",
"دانگ ویتنام": "VND",
"vietnamin đồng": "VND",
"dong vietnamita": "VND",
"vijetnamski dong": "VND",
"vietnámi đồng": "VND",
"đồng": "VND",
@ -4758,6 +4760,7 @@
"peso d'argentina": "ARS",
"peso de l'argentina": "ARS",
"pesos argentins": "ARS",
"monedas de 1 2 5 10 20 50 y billetes 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 pesos": "ARS",
"arg$": "ARS",
"peso ley": "ARS",
"peso moneda nacional": "ARS",
@ -5240,6 +5243,7 @@
"ブータン・ルピー": "BTN",
"бутанский нгултрум": "BTN",
"валюта бутана": "BTN",
"不丹努爾特魯姆": "BTN",
"努尔特鲁姆": "BTN",
"努爾特魯姆": "BTN",
"بوتسوانا بولا": "BWP",
@ -5740,6 +5744,7 @@
"丹麦克朗": "DKK",
"بيسو دومنيكاني": "DOP",
"RD$": "DOP",
"peso dominica": "DOP",
"dom$": "DOP",
"rd$": "DOP",
"dop": "DOP",
@ -5878,6 +5883,8 @@
"e": "EUR",
"யூரோ": "EUR",
"avro": "EUR",
"歐元": "EUR",
"歐羅": "EUR",
"F$": "FJD",
"dòlar de fiji": "FJD",
"fjd": "FJD",
@ -6783,6 +6790,7 @@
"тенге": "KZT",
"kazašské tenge": "KZT",
"kazašský tenge": "KZT",
"tenge casachstan": "KZT",
"kzt": "KZT",
"〒": "KZT",
"تنگه": "KZT",
@ -6885,6 +6893,7 @@
"روپیهٔ سری لانکا": "LKR",
"روپیهٔ سریلانکا": "LKR",
"roupie du sri lanka": "LKR",
"רופי סרי לנקי": "LKR",
"srilankaanse roepie": "LKR",
"srilankaanse rupee": "LKR",
"rupia sri lanki": "LKR",
@ -7960,8 +7969,8 @@
"lliura de síria": "SYP",
"syp": "SYP",
"syrisches pfund": "SYP",
"syrian liyra": "SYP",
"syr": "SYP",
"ls": "SYP",
"syrian lira": "SYP",
"dolar sirio": "SYP",
"لیرهٔ سوریه": "SYP",
"پوند سوریه": "SYP",
@ -8060,7 +8069,6 @@
"centavo de dólar de timor oriental": "TLD",
"centavos de dolar de timor oriental": "TLD",
"سکه کنتاووی تیمور خاوری": "TLD",
"סנטאבו מזרח טימורי": "TLD",
"moedas de centavo do timor leste": "TLD",
"восточно тиморские монеты": "TLD",
"T": "TMT",
@ -8402,7 +8410,6 @@
"đôla mỹ": "USD",
"đồng bạc mĩ": "USD",
"đồng bạc mỹ": "USD",
"美刀": "USD",
"美金": "USD",
"بيزو أوروغواني": "UYU",
"$U": "UYU",
@ -8472,7 +8479,6 @@
"vietnamin dong": "VND",
"dong vietnamien": "VND",
"דונג וייטנאמי ": "VND",
"dong vietnamita": "VND",
"ベトナムドン": "VND",
"ベトナム・ドン": "VND",
"越南銅": "VND",
@ -8659,8 +8665,6 @@
"unitate monetară europeană": "XEU",
"европейская валютная единица": "XEU",
"歐洲通貨單位": "XEU",
"stellar lumens": "XLM",
"xlm": "XLM",
"xmr": "XMR",
"mo": "XMR",
"bitmonero": "XMR",
@ -9087,7 +9091,8 @@
"tr": "Arjantin pesosu",
"uk": "аргентинський песо",
"vi": "Peso Argentina",
"zh": "阿根廷比索"
"zh": "阿根廷比索",
"cy": "ars"
"AUD": {
"ar": "دولار أسترالي",
@ -9610,7 +9615,7 @@
"tr": "Ngultrum",
"uk": "Нгултрум",
"vi": "Ngultrum Bhutan",
"zh": "不丹努尔特鲁姆",
"zh": "不丹努爾特魯姆",
"he": "נגולטורם",
"oc": "Ngultrum"
@ -10221,6 +10226,7 @@
"tr": "Dominik pesosu",
"uk": "Домініканський песо",
"zh": "多明尼加比索",
"cy": "Peso Dominica",
"ro": "peso dominican"
"DZD": {
@ -10412,7 +10418,7 @@
"hr": "Euro",
"hu": "euró",
"ia": "Euro",
"it": "Euro",
"it": "euro",
"ja": "ユーロ",
"lt": "Euras",
"nl": "euro",
@ -10430,7 +10436,7 @@
"tr": "Euro",
"uk": "євро",
"vi": "Euro",
"zh": "元"
"zh": "元"
"FJD": {
"ar": "دولار فيجي",
@ -10447,7 +10453,7 @@
"fr": "dollar de Fidji",
"gl": "Dólar fidxiano",
"hr": "Fidžijski dolar",
"hu": "Fidzsi dollár",
"hu": "fidzsi dollár",
"it": "dollaro delle Figi",
"ja": "フィジー・ドル",
"lt": "Fidžio doleris",
@ -11684,6 +11690,7 @@
"uk": "Казахстанський тенге",
"vi": "Tenge Kazakhstan",
"zh": "哈萨克斯坦坚戈",
"cy": "tenge Casachstan",
"he": "טנגה",
"ia": "tenge kazakh",
"oc": "tenge"
@ -11780,7 +11787,8 @@
"uk": "ланкійська рупія",
"vi": "Rupee Sri Lanka",
"zh": "斯里蘭卡盧比",
"cy": "Rupee Sri Lanca"
"cy": "Rupee Sri Lanca",
"he": "רופי סרי לנקי"
"LRD": {
"ar": "دولار ليبيري",
@ -12397,6 +12405,7 @@
"NGN": {
"ar": "نيرة نيجيرية",
"bg": "Нигерийска найра",
"ca": "naira",
"cs": "Nigerijská naira",
"de": "Naira",
@ -13450,7 +13459,7 @@
"cs": "Syrská libra",
"de": "syrische Lira",
"el": "Λίρα Συρίας",
"en": "Syrian liyra",
"en": "Syrian pound",
"eo": "siria pundo",
"es": "Dolar sirio",
"fa": "لیره سوریه",
@ -14044,6 +14053,7 @@
"fa": "دانگ ویتنام",
"fi": "Vietnamin đồng",
"fr": "dong",
"gl": "Dong vietnamita",
"hr": "Vijetnamski dong",
"hu": "vietnámi đồng",
"it": "Đồng vietnamita",
@ -14655,6 +14665,7 @@
"pt": "Zcash",
"ro": "Zcash",
"ru": "Zcash",
"tr": "Zcash",
"uk": "Zcash",
"vi": "Zcash",
"zh": "Zcash",
@ -14706,10 +14717,6 @@
"en": "Unidad de Valor Real",
"es": "Unidad de Valor Real",
"fr": "Unidad de Valor Real colombienne"
"XLM": {
"de": "Stellar Lumens",
"en": "Stellar Lumens"

View File

@ -26998,7 +26998,7 @@
"lij": {
"english_name": "Ligurian",
"name": "L\u00edguru"
"name": "L\u00ecgure"
"lld": {
"english_name": "Ladin",
@ -27476,6 +27476,10 @@
"english_name": "Turkish",
"name": "T\u00fcrk\u00e7e"
"trv": {
"english_name": "Seediq",
"name": "Taroko"
"ts": {
"english_name": "Tsonga",
"name": "Xitsonga"
@ -28232,7 +28236,7 @@
"lij": {
"english_name": "Ligurian",
"name": "L\u00edguru"
"name": "L\u00ecgure"
"lld": {
"english_name": "Ladin",
@ -28710,6 +28714,10 @@
"english_name": "Turkish",
"name": "T\u00fcrk\u00e7e"
"trv": {
"english_name": "Seediq",
"name": "Taroko"
"ts": {
"english_name": "Tsonga",
"name": "Xitsonga"
@ -28876,39 +28884,5 @@
"yahoo news": [

View File

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
"versions": [
"os": [
"Windows NT 10.0; WOW64",

View File

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
"Q100149279": "°We",
"Q100995": "lb",
"Q101194838": "GHz/V",
"Q101427873": "pk (US)",
"Q101427917": "pk (UK)",
"Q101463141": "ym²",
"Q101463237": "zm²",
"Q101463321": "am²",
@ -81,6 +83,8 @@
"Q105519288": "B SPL",
"Q105687125": "eV⁻¹ m⁻³",
"Q1057069": "hg",
"Q105761866": "mV/K",
"Q105840138": "BU",
"Q1063756": "rad/s",
"Q1063786": "in²",
"Q1065153": "mrad",
@ -445,7 +449,6 @@
"Q4041686": "in H20",
"Q4068266": "Ʒ",
"Q4176683": "aC",
"Q420266": "fl oz",
"Q42319606": "people/m²",
"Q4243638": "km³",
"Q4456994": "mF",
@ -458,6 +461,7 @@
"Q4861171": "H",
"Q494083": "fur",
"Q4989854": "kJ",
"Q4992853": "kt",
"Q500515": "Gal",
"Q5042194": "£",
"Q50808017": "kg m²",
@ -726,6 +730,7 @@
"Q87262709": "kΩ",
"Q87416053": "MΩ",
"Q88296091": "tsp",
"Q89187604": "bbl (US)",
"Q89473028": "bu (UK)",
"Q89662131": "pt (UK)",
"Q901492": "ph",
@ -1042,6 +1047,7 @@
"Q97143843": "z°C",
"Q97143849": "Y°C",
"Q97143851": "a°C",
"Q97496530": "eV s",
"Q98492214": "den",
"Q98538634": "eV/m²",
"Q98635536": "eV/m",
@ -1103,5 +1109,6 @@
"Q573": "d",
"Q577": "a",
"Q7727": "min",
"Q8799": "B"
"Q8799": "B",
"Q8805": "bit"

searx/engines/bandcamp.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
Bandcamp (Music)
@website https://bandcamp.com/
@provide-api no
@results HTML
@parse url, title, content, publishedDate, embedded, thumbnail
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlparse, parse_qs
from dateutil.parser import parse as dateparse
from lxml import html
from searx.utils import extract_text
categories = ['music']
paging = True
base_url = "https://bandcamp.com/"
search_string = search_string = 'search?{query}&page={page}'
embedded_url = '''<iframe width="100%" height="166"
scrolling="no" frameborder="no"
def request(query, params):
'''pre-request callback
method : POST/GET
headers : {}
data : {} # if method == POST
url : ''
category: 'search category'
pageno : 1 # number of the requested page
search_path = search_string.format(
query=urlencode({'q': query}),
params['url'] = base_url + search_path
return params
def response(resp):
'''post-response callback
resp: requests response object
results = []
tree = html.fromstring(resp.text)
search_results = tree.xpath('//li[contains(@class, "searchresult")]')
for result in search_results:
link = result.xpath('.//div[@class="itemurl"]/a')[0]
result_id = parse_qs(urlparse(link.get('href')).query)["search_item_id"][0]
title = result.xpath('.//div[@class="heading"]/a/text()')
date = dateparse(result.xpath('//div[@class="released"]/text()')[0].replace("released ", ""))
content = result.xpath('.//div[@class="subhead"]/text()')
new_result = {
"url": extract_text(link),
"title": extract_text(title),
"content": extract_text(content),
"publishedDate": date,
thumbnail = result.xpath('.//div[@class="art"]/img/@src')
if thumbnail:
new_result['thumbnail'] = thumbnail[0]
if "album" in result.classes:
new_result["embedded"] = embedded_url.format(type='album', result_id=result_id)
elif "track" in result.classes:
new_result["embedded"] = embedded_url.format(type='track', result_id=result_id)
return results

View File

@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ def response(resp):
if answer:
results.append({'answer': ' '.join(answer)})
logger.debug("did not found 'answer'")
logger.debug("did not find 'answer'")
# results --> number_of_results

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# pylint: disable=global-statement, missing-function-docstring
from json import loads, dumps
base_url = 'http://localhost:7700'
index = ''
auth_key = ''
facet_filters = list()
_search_url = ''
result_template = 'key-value.html'
categories = ['general']
paging = True
def init(_):
if index == '':
raise ValueError('index cannot be empty')
global _search_url
_search_url = base_url + '/indexes/' + index + '/search'
def request(query, params):
if auth_key != '':
params['headers']['X-Meili-API-Key'] = auth_key
params['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
params['url'] = _search_url
params['method'] = 'POST'
data = {
'q': query,
'offset': 10 * (params['pageno'] - 1),
'limit': 10,
if len(facet_filters) > 0:
data['facetFilters'] = facet_filters
params['data'] = dumps(data)
return params
def response(resp):
results = []
resp_json = loads(resp.text)
for result in resp_json['hits']:
r = {key: str(value) for key, value in result.items()}
r['template'] = result_template
return results

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
MySQL database (Offline)
# error is ignored because the admin has to
# install it manually to use the engine
# pylint: disable=import-error
import mysql.connector
engine_type = 'offline'
auth_plugin = 'caching_sha2_password'
host = ""
database = ""
username = ""
password = ""
query_str = ""
limit = 10
paging = True
result_template = 'key-value.html'
_connection = None
def init(engine_settings):
if 'query_str' not in engine_settings:
raise ValueError('query_str cannot be empty')
if not engine_settings['query_str'].lower().startswith('select '):
raise ValueError('only SELECT query is supported')
global _connection
_connection = mysql.connector.connect(
def search(query, params):
query_params = {'query': query}
query_to_run = query_str + ' LIMIT {0} OFFSET {1}'.format(limit, (params['pageno'] - 1) * limit)
with _connection.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute(query_to_run, query_params)
return _fetch_results(cur)
def _fetch_results(cur):
results = []
for res in cur:
result = dict(zip(cur.column_names, map(str, res)))
result['template'] = result_template
return results

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
PostgreSQL database (Offline)
# error is ignored because the admin has to
# install it manually to use the engine
# pylint: disable=import-error
import psycopg2
engine_type = 'offline'
host = ""
port = "5432"
database = ""
username = ""
password = ""
query_str = ""
limit = 10
paging = True
result_template = 'key-value.html'
_connection = None
def init(engine_settings):
if 'query_str' not in engine_settings:
raise ValueError('query_str cannot be empty')
if not engine_settings['query_str'].lower().startswith('select '):
raise ValueError('only SELECT query is supported')
global _connection
_connection = psycopg2.connect(
def search(query, params):
query_params = {'query': query}
query_to_run = query_str + ' LIMIT {0} OFFSET {1}'.format(limit, (params['pageno'] - 1) * limit)
with _connection:
with _connection.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute(query_to_run, query_params)
return _fetch_results(cur)
def _fetch_results(cur):
results = []
titles = []
titles = [column_desc.name for column_desc in cur.description]
for res in cur:
result = dict(zip(titles, map(str, res)))
result['template'] = result_template
# no results to fetch
except psycopg2.ProgrammingError:
return results

searx/engines/sjp.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Słownik Języka Polskiego (general)
from lxml.html import fromstring
from searx import logger
from searx.utils import extract_text
from searx.raise_for_httperror import raise_for_httperror
logger = logger.getChild('sjp engine')
# about
about = {
"website": 'https://sjp.pwn.pl',
"wikidata_id": 'Q55117369',
"official_api_documentation": None,
"use_official_api": False,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'HTML',
categories = ['general']
paging = False
URL = 'https://sjp.pwn.pl'
SEARCH_URL = URL + '/szukaj/{query}.html'
word_xpath = '//div[@class="query"]'
dict_xpath = ['//div[@class="wyniki sjp-so-wyniki sjp-so-anchor"]',
'//div[@class="wyniki sjp-wyniki sjp-anchor"]',
'//div[@class="wyniki sjp-doroszewski-wyniki sjp-doroszewski-anchor"]']
def request(query, params):
params['url'] = SEARCH_URL.format(query=query)
logger.debug(f"query_url --> {params['url']}")
return params
def response(resp):
results = []
dom = fromstring(resp.text)
word = extract_text(dom.xpath(word_xpath))
definitions = []
for dict_src in dict_xpath:
for src in dom.xpath(dict_src):
src_text = extract_text(src.xpath('.//span[@class="entry-head-title"]/text()')).strip()
src_defs = []
for def_item in src.xpath('.//div[contains(@class, "ribbon-element")]'):
if def_item.xpath('./div[@class="znacz"]'):
sub_defs = []
for def_sub_item in def_item.xpath('./div[@class="znacz"]'):
def_sub_text = extract_text(def_sub_item).lstrip('0123456789. ')
src_defs.append((word, sub_defs))
def_text = extract_text(def_item).strip()
def_link = def_item.xpath('./span/a/@href')
if 'doroszewski' in def_link[0]:
def_text = f"<a href='{def_link[0]}'>{def_text}</a>"
src_defs.append((def_text, ''))
definitions.append((src_text, src_defs))
if not definitions:
return results
infobox = ''
for src in definitions:
infobox += f"<div><small>{src[0]}</small>"
infobox += "<ul>"
for (def_text, sub_def) in src[1]:
infobox += f"<li>{def_text}</li>"
if sub_def:
infobox += "<ol>"
for sub_def_text in sub_def:
infobox += f"<li>{sub_def_text}</li>"
infobox += "</ol>"
infobox += "</ul></div>"
'infobox': word,
'content': infobox,
return results

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def response(resp):
'seed': result["swarm"]["seeders"],
'leech': result["swarm"]["leechers"],
'title': result["title"],
'link': "https://solidtorrents.net/view/" + result["_id"],
'url': "https://solidtorrents.net/view/" + result["_id"],
'filesize': result["size"],
'magnetlink': result["magnet"],
'template': "torrent.html",

searx/engines/wordnik.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Wordnik (general)
from lxml.html import fromstring
from searx import logger
from searx.utils import extract_text
from searx.raise_for_httperror import raise_for_httperror
logger = logger.getChild('Wordnik engine')
# about
about = {
"website": 'https://www.wordnik.com',
"wikidata_id": 'Q8034401',
"official_api_documentation": None,
"use_official_api": False,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'HTML',
categories = ['general']
paging = False
URL = 'https://www.wordnik.com'
SEARCH_URL = URL + '/words/{query}'
def request(query, params):
params['url'] = SEARCH_URL.format(query=query)
logger.debug(f"query_url --> {params['url']}")
return params
def response(resp):
results = []
dom = fromstring(resp.text)
word = extract_text(dom.xpath('//*[@id="headword"]/text()'))
definitions = []
for src in dom.xpath('//*[@id="define"]//h3[@class="source"]'):
src_text = extract_text(src).strip()
if src_text.startswith('from '):
src_text = src_text[5:]
src_defs = []
for def_item in src.xpath('following-sibling::ul[1]/li'):
def_abbr = extract_text(def_item.xpath('.//abbr')).strip()
def_text = extract_text(def_item).strip()
if def_abbr:
def_text = def_text[len(def_abbr):].strip()
src_defs.append((def_abbr, def_text))
definitions.append((src_text, src_defs))
if not definitions:
return results
infobox = ''
for src_text, src_defs in definitions:
infobox += f"<small>{src_text}</small>"
infobox += "<ul>"
for def_abbr, def_text in src_defs:
if def_abbr:
def_abbr += ": "
infobox += f"<li><i>{def_abbr}</i> {def_text}</li>"
infobox += "</ul>"
'infobox': word,
'content': infobox,
return results

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
Youtube (Videos)
from datetime import datetime
from functools import reduce
from json import loads, dumps
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ def request(query, params):
params['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
params['headers']['Cookie'] = "CONSENT=YES+cb.%s-17-p0.en+F+941;" % datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d")
return params

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ from searx.plugins import (oa_doi_rewrite,
@ -168,6 +169,7 @@ plugins.register(hash_plugin)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import re
from urllib.parse import urlunparse
from searx import settings
from searx.plugins import logger
from flask_babel import gettext
name = gettext('Hostname replace')
description = gettext('Rewrite result hostnames')
default_on = False
preference_section = 'general'
plugin_id = 'hostname_replace'
parsed = 'parsed_url'
replacements = {re.compile(p): r for (p, r) in settings[plugin_id].items()} if plugin_id in settings else {}
logger = logger.getChild(plugin_id)
def on_result(request, search, result):
if parsed not in result:
return True
for (pattern, replacement) in replacements.items():
if pattern.search(result[parsed].netloc):
result[parsed] = result[parsed]._replace(netloc=pattern.sub(replacement, result[parsed].netloc))
result['url'] = urlunparse(result[parsed])
return True

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def get_doi_resolver(args, preference_doi_resolver):
doi_resolvers = settings['doi_resolvers']
doi_resolver = args.get('doi_resolver', preference_doi_resolver)[0]
if doi_resolver not in doi_resolvers:
doi_resolvers = settings['default_doi_resolver']
doi_resolver = settings['default_doi_resolver']
doi_resolver_url = doi_resolvers[doi_resolver]
return doi_resolver_url
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def on_result(request, search, result):
doi = extract_doi(result['parsed_url'])
if doi and len(doi) < 50:
for suffix in ('/', '.pdf', '/full', '/meta', '/abstract'):
for suffix in ('/', '.pdf', '.xml', '/full', '/meta', '/abstract'):
if doi.endswith(suffix):
doi = doi[:-len(suffix)]
result['url'] = get_doi_resolver(request.args, request.preferences.get_value('doi_resolver')) + doi

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ from urllib.parse import urlunparse, parse_qsl, urlencode
regexes = {re.compile(r'utm_[^&]+'),
name = gettext('Tracker URL remover')

View File

@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ class Preferences:
'doi_resolver': MultipleChoiceSetting(
[settings['default_doi_resolver'], ],

View File

@ -104,6 +104,18 @@ outgoing: # communication with search engines
# - "HTTPS rewrite"
# - ...
# Example to rewrite hostnames in external links
# enabled_plugins:
# - 'Hostname replace'
# hostname_replace:
# '(.*\.)?youtube\.com$': 'invidious.example.com'
# '(.*\.)?youtu\.be$': 'invidious.example.com'
# '(.*\.)?youtube-noocookie\.com$': 'yotter.example.com'
# '(.*\.)?reddit\.com$': 'teddit.example.com'
# '(.*\.)?redd\.it$': 'teddit.example.com'
# '(www\.)?twitter\.com$': 'nitter.example.com'
# disable checker when in debug mode
off_when_debug: True
@ -197,6 +209,11 @@ engines:
# engine : base
# shortcut : bs
- name: bandcamp
engine: bandcamp
shortcut: bc
categories: music
- name : wikipedia
engine : wikipedia
shortcut : wp
@ -700,6 +717,13 @@ engines:
require_api_key: false
results: HTML
# - name : meilisearch
# engine : meilisearch
# shortcut: mes
# enable_http: True
# base_url : http://localhost:7700
# index : my-index
- name : microsoft academic
engine : microsoft_academic
categories : science
@ -828,6 +852,16 @@ engines:
url: https://thepiratebay.org/
timeout : 3.0
# Required dependency: psychopg2
# - name : postgresql
# engine : postgresql
# database : postgres
# username : postgres
# password : postgres
# limit : 10
# query_str : 'SELECT * from my_table WHERE my_column = %(query)s'
# shortcut : psql
- name : pubmed
engine : pubmed
shortcut : pub
@ -1160,6 +1194,16 @@ engines:
# See : http://mymemory.translated.net/doc/usagelimits.php
# api_key : ''
# Required dependency: mysql-connector-python
# - name : mysql
# engine : mysql_server
# database : mydatabase
# username : user
# password : pass
# limit : 10
# query_str : 'SELECT * from mytable WHERE fieldname=%(query)s'
# shortcut : mysql
- name : 1337x
engine : 1337x
shortcut : 1337x
@ -1264,6 +1308,22 @@ engines:
categories: videos
disabled : True
- name: wordnik
engine: wordnik
shortcut: def
base_url: https://www.wordnik.com/
categories: general
timeout: 5.0
disabled: True
- name: słownik języka polskiego
engine: sjp
shortcut: sjp
base_url: https://sjp.pwn.pl/
categories: general
timeout: 5.0
disabled: True
# Doku engine lets you access to any Doku wiki instance:
# A public one or a privete/corporate one.
# - name : ubuntuwiki
@ -1400,5 +1460,4 @@ doi_resolvers :
sci-hub.bar : 'https://sci-hub.bar/'
sci-hub.it.nf : 'https://sci-hub.it.nf/'
default_doi_resolver : 'sci-hub.do'

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ def update_settings(default_settings, user_settings):
# merge everything except the engines
for k, v in user_settings.items():
if k not in ('use_default_settings', 'engines'):
if k in default_settings:
if k in default_settings and isinstance(v, Mapping):
update_dict(default_settings[k], v)
default_settings[k] = v

View File

@ -3,21 +3,21 @@
* Google Image Layout v0.0.1
* Description, by Anh Trinh.
* Heavily modified for searx
* http://trinhtrunganh.com
* https://ptgamr.github.io/2014-09-12-google-image-layout/
* https://ptgamr.github.io/google-image-layout/src/google-image-layout.js
* @license Free to use under the MIT License.
(function(w, d) {
'use strict';
function ImageLayout(container_selector, results_selector, img_selector, maxHeight) {
(function (w, d) {
function ImageLayout(container_selector, results_selector, img_selector, margin, maxHeight) {
this.container_selector = container_selector;
this.results_selector = results_selector;
this.img_selector = img_selector;
this.margin = 10;
this.margin = margin;
this.maxHeight = maxHeight;
this._alignAllDone = true;
this.isAlignDone = true;
@ -31,12 +31,11 @@
* @return {[type]} the height
ImageLayout.prototype._getHeigth = function(images, width) {
var r = 0,
ImageLayout.prototype._getHeigth = function (images, width) {
var i, img;
var r = 0;
width -= images.length * this.margin;
for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
img = images[i];
if ((img.naturalWidth > 0) && (img.naturalHeight > 0)) {
r += img.naturalWidth / img.naturalHeight;
@ -46,12 +45,14 @@
return width / r; //have to round down because Firefox will automatically roundup value with number of decimals > 3
return (width - images.length * this.margin) / r; //have to round down because Firefox will automatically roundup value with number of decimals > 3
ImageLayout.prototype._setSize = function(images, height) {
var img, imgWidth, imagesLength = images.length;
for (var i = 0; i < imagesLength; i++) {
ImageLayout.prototype._setSize = function (images, height) {
var i, img, imgWidth;
var imagesLength = images.length, resultNode;
for (i = 0; i < imagesLength; i++) {
img = images[i];
if ((img.naturalWidth > 0) && (img.naturalHeight > 0)) {
imgWidth = height * img.naturalWidth / img.naturalHeight;
@ -65,38 +66,52 @@
img.style.marginTop = '3px';
img.style.marginRight = this.margin - 7 + 'px'; // -4 is the negative margin of the inline element
img.style.marginBottom = this.margin - 7 + 'px';
resultNode = img.parentNode.parentNode;
if (!resultNode.classList.contains('js')) {
ImageLayout.prototype._alignImgs = function(imgGroup) {
var slice, h,
containerWidth = d.querySelector(this.container_selector).clientWidth;
ImageLayout.prototype._alignImgs = function (imgGroup) {
var isSearching, slice, i, h;
var containerElement = d.querySelector(this.container_selector);
var containerCompStyles = window.getComputedStyle(containerElement);
var containerPaddingLeft = parseInt(containerCompStyles.getPropertyValue('padding-left'), 10);
var containerPaddingRight = parseInt(containerCompStyles.getPropertyValue('padding-right'), 10);
var containerWidth = containerElement.clientWidth - containerPaddingLeft - containerPaddingRight;
w: while (imgGroup.length > 0) {
for (var i = 1; i <= imgGroup.length; i++) {
while (imgGroup.length > 0) {
isSearching = true;
for (i = 1; i <= imgGroup.length && isSearching; i++) {
slice = imgGroup.slice(0, i);
h = this._getHeigth(slice, containerWidth);
if (h < this.maxHeight) {
this._setSize(slice, h);
// continue with the remaining images
imgGroup = imgGroup.slice(i);
continue w;
isSearching = false;
if (isSearching) {
this._setSize(slice, Math.min(this.maxHeight, h));
ImageLayout.prototype.align = function(results_selector) {
var results_selectorNode = d.querySelectorAll(this.results_selector),
results_length = results_selectorNode.length,
previous = null,
current = null,
imgGroup = [];
for (var i = 0; i < results_length; i++) {
ImageLayout.prototype.align = function () {
var i;
var results_selectorNode = d.querySelectorAll(this.results_selector);
var results_length = results_selectorNode.length;
var previous = null;
var current = null;
var imgGroup = [];
for (i = 0; i < results_length; i++) {
current = results_selectorNode[i];
if (current.previousElementSibling !== previous && imgGroup.length > 0) {
// the current image is not conected to previous one
// the current image is not connected to previous one
// so the current image is the start of a new group of images.
// so call _alignImgs to align the current group
@ -114,32 +129,29 @@
ImageLayout.prototype.watch = function() {
var i, img, imgGroup, imgNodeLength,
obj = this,
results_nodes = d.querySelectorAll(this.results_selector),
results_length = results_nodes.length;
ImageLayout.prototype.watch = function () {
var i, img;
var obj = this;
var results_nodes = d.querySelectorAll(this.results_selector);
var results_length = results_nodes.length;
function align(e) {
function throttleAlign() {
if (obj.isAlignDone) {
obj.isAlignDone = false;
setTimeout(function () {
function throttleAlign(e) {
if (obj._alignAllDone) {
obj._alignAllDone = false;
setTimeout(function() {
obj._alignAllDone = true;
obj.isAlignDone = true;
}, 100);
w.addEventListener('pageshow', throttleAlign);
w.addEventListener('load', throttleAlign);
w.addEventListener('resize', throttleAlign);
w.addEventListener('pageshow', align);
for (i = 0; i < results_length; i++) {
img = results_nodes[i].querySelector(this.img_selector);
if (typeof img !== 'undefined') {
if (img !== null && img !== undefined) {
img.addEventListener('load', throttleAlign);
img.addEventListener('error', throttleAlign);
@ -148,4 +160,4 @@
w.searx.ImageLayout = ImageLayout;
})(window, document);
}(window, document));

View File

@ -202,14 +202,39 @@ input[type=checkbox]:not(:checked) + .label_hide_if_checked + .label_hide_if_not
.result-images {
float: left !important;
width: 24%;
margin: 0.5%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.result-images a {
display: block;
width: 100%;
background-size: cover;
.result-images a .img-thumbnail {
border: none !important;
padding: 0;
.result-images a:hover,
.result-images a:focus {
outline: 0;
.result-images a:hover .img-thumbnail,
.result-images a:focus .img-thumbnail {
box-shadow: 5px 5px 15px 0px black;
.result-images.js a .img-thumbnail {
max-height: inherit;
min-height: inherit;
.result-images:not(.js) {
width: 25%;
padding: 3px 13px 13px 3px;
.result-images:not(.js) a .img-thumbnail {
margin: 0;
max-height: 128px;
min-height: 128px;
.img-thumbnail {
margin: 5px;
max-height: 128px;
@ -341,6 +366,10 @@ input[type=checkbox]:not(:checked) + .label_hide_if_checked + .label_hide_if_not
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 0px;
cursor: pointer;
.infobox .infobox_toggle:hover {
background: #DDD;
.infobox .infobox_checkbox ~ .infobox_body {
max-height: 300px;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -175,14 +175,39 @@ input[type=checkbox]:not(:checked) + .label_hide_if_checked + .label_hide_if_not
.result-images {
float: left !important;
width: 24%;
margin: 0.5%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.result-images a {
display: block;
width: 100%;
background-size: cover;
.result-images a .img-thumbnail {
border: none !important;
padding: 0;
.result-images a:hover,
.result-images a:focus {
outline: 0;
.result-images a:hover .img-thumbnail,
.result-images a:focus .img-thumbnail {
box-shadow: 5px 5px 15px 0px black;
.result-images.js a .img-thumbnail {
max-height: inherit;
min-height: inherit;
.result-images:not(.js) {
width: 25%;
padding: 3px 13px 13px 3px;
.result-images:not(.js) a .img-thumbnail {
margin: 0;
max-height: 128px;
min-height: 128px;
.img-thumbnail {
margin: 5px;
max-height: 128px;
@ -314,6 +339,10 @@ input[type=checkbox]:not(:checked) + .label_hide_if_checked + .label_hide_if_not
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 0px;
cursor: pointer;
.infobox .infobox_toggle:hover {
background: #DDD;
.infobox .infobox_checkbox ~ .infobox_body {
max-height: 300px;
@ -991,6 +1020,14 @@ ul.nav li a {
background: #1d1f21 !important;
border-color: #111 !important;
.panel-footer {
color: #C5C8C6 !important;
background: #282a2e !important;
border-top: 1px solid #111 !important;
.infobox_toggle:hover {
background: #3d3f43 !important;
p.btn.btn-default {
background: none;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
separator: ';'
dist: {
src: ['src/js/*.js'],
src: ['src/js/*.js', '../__common__/js/image_layout.js'],
dest: 'js/searx.js'
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
jshint: {
files: ['gruntfile.js', 'js/searx_src/*.js'],
files: ['gruntfile.js', 'js/searx_src/*.js', '../__common__/js/image_layout.js'],
options: {
reporterOutput: "",
// options here to override JSHint defaults

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 919 B

View File

@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
window.searx = (function(d) {
'use strict';
d.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].className = "js";
// add data- properties
var script = d.currentScript || (function() {
var scripts = d.getElementsByTagName('script');
@ -199,6 +202,12 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
tabs.children().attr("aria-selected", "false");
$(a.target).parent().attr("aria-selected", "true");
* Layout images according to their sizes
searx.image_thumbnail_layout = new searx.ImageLayout('#main_results', '#main_results .result-images', 'img.img-thumbnail', 15, 200);
;window.addEventListener('load', function() {
// Hide infobox toggle if shrunk size already fits all content.
@ -383,3 +392,166 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
* Google Image Layout v0.0.1
* Description, by Anh Trinh.
* Heavily modified for searx
* https://ptgamr.github.io/2014-09-12-google-image-layout/
* https://ptgamr.github.io/google-image-layout/src/google-image-layout.js
* @license Free to use under the MIT License.
(function (w, d) {
function ImageLayout(container_selector, results_selector, img_selector, margin, maxHeight) {
this.container_selector = container_selector;
this.results_selector = results_selector;
this.img_selector = img_selector;
this.margin = margin;
this.maxHeight = maxHeight;
this.isAlignDone = true;
* Get the height that make all images fit the container
* width = w1 + w2 + w3 + ... = r1*h + r2*h + r3*h + ...
* @param {[type]} images the images to be calculated
* @param {[type]} width the container witdth
* @param {[type]} margin the margin between each image
* @return {[type]} the height
ImageLayout.prototype._getHeigth = function (images, width) {
var i, img;
var r = 0;
for (i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
img = images[i];
if ((img.naturalWidth > 0) && (img.naturalHeight > 0)) {
r += img.naturalWidth / img.naturalHeight;
} else {
// assume that not loaded images are square
r += 1;
return (width - images.length * this.margin) / r; //have to round down because Firefox will automatically roundup value with number of decimals > 3
ImageLayout.prototype._setSize = function (images, height) {
var i, img, imgWidth;
var imagesLength = images.length, resultNode;
for (i = 0; i < imagesLength; i++) {
img = images[i];
if ((img.naturalWidth > 0) && (img.naturalHeight > 0)) {
imgWidth = height * img.naturalWidth / img.naturalHeight;
} else {
// not loaded image : make it square as _getHeigth said it
imgWidth = height;
img.style.width = imgWidth + 'px';
img.style.height = height + 'px';
img.style.marginLeft = '3px';
img.style.marginTop = '3px';
img.style.marginRight = this.margin - 7 + 'px'; // -4 is the negative margin of the inline element
img.style.marginBottom = this.margin - 7 + 'px';
resultNode = img.parentNode.parentNode;
if (!resultNode.classList.contains('js')) {
ImageLayout.prototype._alignImgs = function (imgGroup) {
var isSearching, slice, i, h;
var containerElement = d.querySelector(this.container_selector);
var containerCompStyles = window.getComputedStyle(containerElement);
var containerPaddingLeft = parseInt(containerCompStyles.getPropertyValue('padding-left'), 10);
var containerPaddingRight = parseInt(containerCompStyles.getPropertyValue('padding-right'), 10);
var containerWidth = containerElement.clientWidth - containerPaddingLeft - containerPaddingRight;
while (imgGroup.length > 0) {
isSearching = true;
for (i = 1; i <= imgGroup.length && isSearching; i++) {
slice = imgGroup.slice(0, i);
h = this._getHeigth(slice, containerWidth);
if (h < this.maxHeight) {
this._setSize(slice, h);
// continue with the remaining images
imgGroup = imgGroup.slice(i);
isSearching = false;
if (isSearching) {
this._setSize(slice, Math.min(this.maxHeight, h));
ImageLayout.prototype.align = function () {
var i;
var results_selectorNode = d.querySelectorAll(this.results_selector);
var results_length = results_selectorNode.length;
var previous = null;
var current = null;
var imgGroup = [];
for (i = 0; i < results_length; i++) {
current = results_selectorNode[i];
if (current.previousElementSibling !== previous && imgGroup.length > 0) {
// the current image is not connected to previous one
// so the current image is the start of a new group of images.
// so call _alignImgs to align the current group
// and start a new empty group of images
imgGroup = [];
// add the current image to the group (only the img tag)
// update the previous variable
previous = current;
// align the remaining images
if (imgGroup.length > 0) {
ImageLayout.prototype.watch = function () {
var i, img;
var obj = this;
var results_nodes = d.querySelectorAll(this.results_selector);
var results_length = results_nodes.length;
function throttleAlign() {
if (obj.isAlignDone) {
obj.isAlignDone = false;
setTimeout(function () {
obj.isAlignDone = true;
}, 100);
w.addEventListener('pageshow', throttleAlign);
w.addEventListener('load', throttleAlign);
w.addEventListener('resize', throttleAlign);
for (i = 0; i < results_length; i++) {
img = results_nodes[i].querySelector(this.img_selector);
if (img !== null && img !== undefined) {
img.addEventListener('load', throttleAlign);
img.addEventListener('error', throttleAlign);
w.searx.ImageLayout = ImageLayout;
}(window, document));

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
window.searx = (function(d) {
'use strict';
d.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].className = "js";
// add data- properties
var script = d.currentScript || (function() {
var scripts = d.getElementsByTagName('script');

View File

@ -108,4 +108,10 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
tabs.children().attr("aria-selected", "false");
$(a.target).parent().attr("aria-selected", "true");
* Layout images according to their sizes
searx.image_thumbnail_layout = new searx.ImageLayout('#main_results', '#main_results .result-images', 'img.img-thumbnail', 15, 200);

View File

@ -132,6 +132,16 @@ ul.nav li a {
border-color: #111 !important;
.panel-footer {
color: #C5C8C6 !important;
background: #282a2e !important;
border-top: 1px solid #111 !important;
.infobox_toggle:hover {
background: #3d3f43 !important;
background: none;

View File

@ -50,6 +50,11 @@
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 0px;
cursor: pointer;
.infobox_toggle:hover {
background: @mild-gray;
// Shrink infobox size when toggle is off

View File

@ -77,12 +77,39 @@
// image formating of results
.result-images {
float: left !important;
width: 24%;
margin: .5%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
a {
display: block;
width: 100%;
background-size: cover;
.img-thumbnail {
border: none !important;
padding: 0;
&:hover, &:focus {
outline: 0;
.img-thumbnail {
box-shadow: 5px 5px 15px 0px black;
.result-images.js a .img-thumbnail {
max-height: inherit;
min-height: inherit;
.result-images:not(.js) {
width: 25%;
padding: 3px 13px 13px 3px;
a {
.img-thumbnail {
margin: 0;
max-height: 128px;
min-height: 128px;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/*! searx | 16-03-2021 | */
/*! searx | 23-03-2021 | */
* searx, A privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/*! searx | 16-03-2021 | */
/*! searx | 23-03-2021 | */
* searx, A privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
jshint: {
files: ['js/searx_src/*.js', 'js/searx_header/*.js'],
files: ['js/searx_src/*.js', 'js/searx_header/*.js', '../__common__/js/*.js'],
options: {
reporterOutput: "",
proto: true,
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module.exports = function(grunt) {
files: {
'js/searx.head.js': ['js/searx_head/*.js'],
'js/searx.js': ['js/searx_src/*.js']
'js/searx.js': ['js/searx_src/*.js', '../__common__/js/*.js']

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/*! simple/searx.min.js | 16-03-2021 | */
/*! simple/searx.min.js | 23-03-2021 | */
(function(t,e){"use strict";var a=e.currentScript||function(){var t=e.getElementsByTagName("script");return t[t.length-1]}();t.searx={touch:"ontouchstart"in t||t.DocumentTouch&&document instanceof DocumentTouch||false,method:a.getAttribute("data-method"),autocompleter:a.getAttribute("data-autocompleter")==="true",search_on_category_select:a.getAttribute("data-search-on-category-select")==="true",infinite_scroll:a.getAttribute("data-infinite-scroll")==="true",static_path:a.getAttribute("data-static-path"),translations:JSON.parse(a.getAttribute("data-translations"))};e.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].className=t.searx.touch?"js touch":"js"})(window,document);
//# sourceMappingURL=searx.head.min.js.map

View File

@ -698,157 +698,6 @@ module.exports = AutoComplete;
* Google Image Layout v0.0.1
* Description, by Anh Trinh.
* Heavily modified for searx
* http://trinhtrunganh.com
* @license Free to use under the MIT License.
(function(w, d) {
'use strict';
function ImageLayout(container_selector, results_selector, img_selector, maxHeight) {
this.container_selector = container_selector;
this.results_selector = results_selector;
this.img_selector = img_selector;
this.margin = 10;
this.maxHeight = maxHeight;
this._alignAllDone = true;
* Get the height that make all images fit the container
* width = w1 + w2 + w3 + ... = r1*h + r2*h + r3*h + ...
* @param {[type]} images the images to be calculated
* @param {[type]} width the container witdth
* @param {[type]} margin the margin between each image
* @return {[type]} the height
ImageLayout.prototype._getHeigth = function(images, width) {
var r = 0,
width -= images.length * this.margin;
for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
img = images[i];
if ((img.naturalWidth > 0) && (img.naturalHeight > 0)) {
r += img.naturalWidth / img.naturalHeight;
} else {
// assume that not loaded images are square
r += 1;
return width / r; //have to round down because Firefox will automatically roundup value with number of decimals > 3
ImageLayout.prototype._setSize = function(images, height) {
var img, imgWidth, imagesLength = images.length;
for (var i = 0; i < imagesLength; i++) {
img = images[i];
if ((img.naturalWidth > 0) && (img.naturalHeight > 0)) {
imgWidth = height * img.naturalWidth / img.naturalHeight;
} else {
// not loaded image : make it square as _getHeigth said it
imgWidth = height;
img.style.width = imgWidth + 'px';
img.style.height = height + 'px';
img.style.marginLeft = '3px';
img.style.marginTop = '3px';
img.style.marginRight = this.margin - 7 + 'px'; // -4 is the negative margin of the inline element
img.style.marginBottom = this.margin - 7 + 'px';
ImageLayout.prototype._alignImgs = function(imgGroup) {
var slice, h,
containerWidth = d.querySelector(this.container_selector).clientWidth;
w: while (imgGroup.length > 0) {
for (var i = 1; i <= imgGroup.length; i++) {
slice = imgGroup.slice(0, i);
h = this._getHeigth(slice, containerWidth);
if (h < this.maxHeight) {
this._setSize(slice, h);
imgGroup = imgGroup.slice(i);
continue w;
this._setSize(slice, Math.min(this.maxHeight, h));
ImageLayout.prototype.align = function(results_selector) {
var results_selectorNode = d.querySelectorAll(this.results_selector),
results_length = results_selectorNode.length,
previous = null,
current = null,
imgGroup = [];
for (var i = 0; i < results_length; i++) {
current = results_selectorNode[i];
if (current.previousElementSibling !== previous && imgGroup.length > 0) {
// the current image is not conected to previous one
// so the current image is the start of a new group of images.
// so call _alignImgs to align the current group
// and start a new empty group of images
imgGroup = [];
// add the current image to the group (only the img tag)
// update the previous variable
previous = current;
// align the remaining images
if (imgGroup.length > 0) {
ImageLayout.prototype.watch = function() {
var i, img, imgGroup, imgNodeLength,
obj = this,
results_nodes = d.querySelectorAll(this.results_selector),
results_length = results_nodes.length;
function align(e) {
function throttleAlign(e) {
if (obj._alignAllDone) {
obj._alignAllDone = false;
setTimeout(function() {
obj._alignAllDone = true;
}, 100);
w.addEventListener('resize', throttleAlign);
w.addEventListener('pageshow', align);
for (i = 0; i < results_length; i++) {
img = results_nodes[i].querySelector(this.img_selector);
if (typeof img !== 'undefined') {
img.addEventListener('load', throttleAlign);
img.addEventListener('error', throttleAlign);
w.searx.ImageLayout = ImageLayout;
})(window, document);
;searx.ready(function() {
searx.on('.result', 'click', function() {
@ -1411,7 +1260,7 @@ module.exports = AutoComplete;
'use strict';
searx.ready(function() {
searx.image_thumbnail_layout = new searx.ImageLayout('#urls', '#urls .result-images', 'img.image_thumbnail', 200);
searx.image_thumbnail_layout = new searx.ImageLayout('#urls', '#urls .result-images', 'img.image_thumbnail', 10, 200);
searx.on('.btn-collapse', 'click', function(event) {
@ -1575,3 +1424,166 @@ module.exports = AutoComplete;
})(window, document, window.searx);
* Google Image Layout v0.0.1
* Description, by Anh Trinh.
* Heavily modified for searx
* https://ptgamr.github.io/2014-09-12-google-image-layout/
* https://ptgamr.github.io/google-image-layout/src/google-image-layout.js
* @license Free to use under the MIT License.
(function (w, d) {
function ImageLayout(container_selector, results_selector, img_selector, margin, maxHeight) {
this.container_selector = container_selector;
this.results_selector = results_selector;
this.img_selector = img_selector;
this.margin = margin;
this.maxHeight = maxHeight;
this.isAlignDone = true;
* Get the height that make all images fit the container
* width = w1 + w2 + w3 + ... = r1*h + r2*h + r3*h + ...
* @param {[type]} images the images to be calculated
* @param {[type]} width the container witdth
* @param {[type]} margin the margin between each image
* @return {[type]} the height
ImageLayout.prototype._getHeigth = function (images, width) {
var i, img;
var r = 0;
for (i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
img = images[i];
if ((img.naturalWidth > 0) && (img.naturalHeight > 0)) {
r += img.naturalWidth / img.naturalHeight;
} else {
// assume that not loaded images are square
r += 1;
return (width - images.length * this.margin) / r; //have to round down because Firefox will automatically roundup value with number of decimals > 3
ImageLayout.prototype._setSize = function (images, height) {
var i, img, imgWidth;
var imagesLength = images.length, resultNode;
for (i = 0; i < imagesLength; i++) {
img = images[i];
if ((img.naturalWidth > 0) && (img.naturalHeight > 0)) {
imgWidth = height * img.naturalWidth / img.naturalHeight;
} else {
// not loaded image : make it square as _getHeigth said it
imgWidth = height;
img.style.width = imgWidth + 'px';
img.style.height = height + 'px';
img.style.marginLeft = '3px';
img.style.marginTop = '3px';
img.style.marginRight = this.margin - 7 + 'px'; // -4 is the negative margin of the inline element
img.style.marginBottom = this.margin - 7 + 'px';
resultNode = img.parentNode.parentNode;
if (!resultNode.classList.contains('js')) {
ImageLayout.prototype._alignImgs = function (imgGroup) {
var isSearching, slice, i, h;
var containerElement = d.querySelector(this.container_selector);
var containerCompStyles = window.getComputedStyle(containerElement);
var containerPaddingLeft = parseInt(containerCompStyles.getPropertyValue('padding-left'), 10);
var containerPaddingRight = parseInt(containerCompStyles.getPropertyValue('padding-right'), 10);
var containerWidth = containerElement.clientWidth - containerPaddingLeft - containerPaddingRight;
while (imgGroup.length > 0) {
isSearching = true;
for (i = 1; i <= imgGroup.length && isSearching; i++) {
slice = imgGroup.slice(0, i);
h = this._getHeigth(slice, containerWidth);
if (h < this.maxHeight) {
this._setSize(slice, h);
// continue with the remaining images
imgGroup = imgGroup.slice(i);
isSearching = false;
if (isSearching) {
this._setSize(slice, Math.min(this.maxHeight, h));
ImageLayout.prototype.align = function () {
var i;
var results_selectorNode = d.querySelectorAll(this.results_selector);
var results_length = results_selectorNode.length;
var previous = null;
var current = null;
var imgGroup = [];
for (i = 0; i < results_length; i++) {
current = results_selectorNode[i];
if (current.previousElementSibling !== previous && imgGroup.length > 0) {
// the current image is not connected to previous one
// so the current image is the start of a new group of images.
// so call _alignImgs to align the current group
// and start a new empty group of images
imgGroup = [];
// add the current image to the group (only the img tag)
// update the previous variable
previous = current;
// align the remaining images
if (imgGroup.length > 0) {
ImageLayout.prototype.watch = function () {
var i, img;
var obj = this;
var results_nodes = d.querySelectorAll(this.results_selector);
var results_length = results_nodes.length;
function throttleAlign() {
if (obj.isAlignDone) {
obj.isAlignDone = false;
setTimeout(function () {
obj.isAlignDone = true;
}, 100);
w.addEventListener('pageshow', throttleAlign);
w.addEventListener('load', throttleAlign);
w.addEventListener('resize', throttleAlign);
for (i = 0; i < results_length; i++) {
img = results_nodes[i].querySelector(this.img_selector);
if (img !== null && img !== undefined) {
img.addEventListener('load', throttleAlign);
img.addEventListener('error', throttleAlign);
w.searx.ImageLayout = ImageLayout;
}(window, document));

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
'use strict';
searx.ready(function() {
searx.image_thumbnail_layout = new searx.ImageLayout('#urls', '#urls .result-images', 'img.image_thumbnail', 200);
searx.image_thumbnail_layout = new searx.ImageLayout('#urls', '#urls .result-images', 'img.image_thumbnail', 10, 200);
searx.on('.btn-collapse', 'click', function(event) {

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<ShortName>{{ instance_name }}</ShortName>
<Description>a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine</Description>
<Image>{{ urljoin(host, url_for('static', filename='img/favicon.png')) }}</Image>
<Image>{{ url_for('static', filename='img/favicon.png', _external=True) }}</Image>
<LongName>searx metasearch</LongName>
{% if opensearch_method == 'get' %}
<Url rel="results" type="text/html" method="get" template="{{ url_for('search', _external=True) }}?q={searchTerms}"/>
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
{% endif %}
{% if autocomplete %}
<Url rel="suggestions" type="application/x-suggestions+json" template="{{ host }}autocompleter?q={searchTerms}"/>
<Url rel="suggestions" type="application/x-suggestions+json" template="{{ url_for('autocompleter', _external=True) }}?q={searchTerms}"/>
{% endif %}
<Url type="application/opensearchdescription+xml"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{% from 'oscar/macros.html' import icon %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{ preferences.get_value('locale') }}" xml:lang="{{ preferences.get_value('locale') }}"{% if rtl %} dir="rtl"{% endif %}>
<html lang="{{ preferences.get_value('locale') }}" xml:lang="{{ preferences.get_value('locale') }}"{% if rtl %} dir="rtl"{% endif %} class="nojs">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="description" content="searx - a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine" />

View File

@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
{{ preferences_item_header(info, label, rtl, 'doi_resolver') }}
<select class="form-control {{ custom_select_class(rtl) }}" name="doi_resolver" id="doi_resolver">
{% for doi_resolver_name,doi_resolver_url in doi_resolvers.items() %}
<option value="{{ doi_resolver_name }}" {% if doi_resolver_name == current_doi_resolver %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>
<option value="{{ doi_resolver_name }}" {% if doi_resolver_url == current_doi_resolver %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>
{{ doi_resolver_name }} - {{ doi_resolver_url }}
{% endfor %}
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@
<div class="tab-pane">
<input readonly="" class="form-control select-all-on-click cursor-text" type="url" value="{{ base_url }}?preferences={{ preferences_url_params|e }}{% raw %}&amp;q=%s{% endraw %}">
<input readonly="" class="form-control select-all-on-click cursor-text" type="url" value="{{ url_for('index', _external=True) }}?preferences={{ preferences_url_params|e }}{% raw %}&amp;q=%s{% endraw %}">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="{{ _('save') }}" />
<a href="{{ url_for('index') }}"><div class="btn btn-default">{{ _('back') }}</div></a>
<a href="{{ url_for('clear_cookies') }}"><div class="btn btn-default">{{ _('Reset defaults') }}</div></a>

View File

@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
{%- endif -%}
{%- if result.img_src -%}
{%- if result.img_src or result.thumbnail -%}
<div class="container-fluid">{{- "" -}}
<div class="row">{{- "" -}}
<img src="{{ image_proxify(result.img_src) }}" title="{{ result.title|striptags }}" style="width: auto; max-height: 60px; min-height: 60px;" class="col-xs-2 col-sm-4 col-md-4 result-content">
<img src="{{ image_proxify(result.img_src or result.thumbnail) }}" title="{{ result.title|striptags }}" style="width: auto; max-height: 60px; min-height: 60px;" class="col-xs-2 col-sm-4 col-md-4 result-content">
{%- if result.content %}<p class="result-content col-xs-8 col-sm-8 col-md-8">{{ result.content|safe }}</p>{% endif -%}
</div>{{- "" -}}

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
<p class="value">
<select id='doi_resolver' name='doi_resolver'>
{%- for doi_resolver_name,doi_resolver_url in doi_resolvers.items() -%}
<option value="{{ doi_resolver_name }}" {% if doi_resolver_name == current_doi_resolver %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>
<option value="{{ doi_resolver_name }}" {% if doi_resolver_url == current_doi_resolver %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>
{{- doi_resolver_name }} - {{ doi_resolver_url -}}
{%- endfor -%}

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from time import time
from html import escape
from io import StringIO
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urljoin, urlparse
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlparse
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
@ -270,14 +270,7 @@ def extract_domain(url):
def get_base_url():
if settings['server']['base_url']:
hostname = settings['server']['base_url']
scheme = 'http'
if request.is_secure:
scheme = 'https'
hostname = url_for('index', _external=True, _scheme=scheme)
return hostname
return url_for('index', _external=True)
def get_current_theme_name(override=None):
@ -310,10 +303,6 @@ def url_for_theme(endpoint, override_theme=None, **values):
if filename_with_theme in static_files:
values['filename'] = filename_with_theme
url = url_for(endpoint, **values)
if settings['server']['base_url']:
if url.startswith('/'):
url = url[1:]
url = urljoin(settings['server']['base_url'], url)
return url
@ -650,7 +639,7 @@ def search():
result['pretty_url'] = prettify_url(result['url'])
# TODO, check if timezone is calculated right
if 'publishedDate' in result:
if result.get('publishedDate'): # do not try to get a date from an empty string or a None type
try: # test if publishedDate >= 1900 (datetime module bug)
result['pubdate'] = result['publishedDate'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z')
except ValueError:
@ -785,20 +774,26 @@ def autocompleter():
# parse query
raw_text_query = RawTextQuery(request.form.get('q', ''), disabled_engines)
sug_prefix = raw_text_query.getQuery()
# normal autocompletion results only appear if no inner results returned
# and there is a query part
if len(raw_text_query.autocomplete_list) == 0 and len(raw_text_query.getQuery()) > 0:
if len(raw_text_query.autocomplete_list) == 0 and len(sug_prefix) > 0:
# get language from cookie
language = request.preferences.get_value('language')
if not language or language == 'all':
language = 'en'
language = language.split('-')[0]
# run autocompletion
raw_results = search_autocomplete(request.preferences.get_value('autocomplete'),
raw_text_query.getQuery(), language)
raw_results = search_autocomplete(
request.preferences.get_value('autocomplete'), sug_prefix, language
for result in raw_results:
# attention: this loop will change raw_text_query object and this is
# the reason why the sug_prefix was stored before (see above)
if len(raw_text_query.autocomplete_list) > 0:
@ -809,13 +804,16 @@ def autocompleter():
for answer in answers:
# return autocompleter results
if request.headers.get('X-Requested-With') == 'XMLHttpRequest':
return Response(json.dumps(results),
# the suggestion request comes from the searx search form
suggestions = json.dumps(results)
mimetype = 'application/json'
# the suggestion request comes from browser's URL bar
suggestions = json.dumps([sug_prefix, results])
mimetype = 'application/x-suggestions+json'
return Response(json.dumps([raw_text_query.query, results]),
return Response(suggestions, mimetype=mimetype)
@app.route('/preferences', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
@ -824,7 +822,7 @@ def preferences():
# save preferences
if request.method == 'POST':
resp = make_response(redirect(urljoin(settings['server']['base_url'], url_for('index'))))
resp = make_response(redirect(url_for('index', _external=True)))
except ValidationException:
@ -1013,11 +1011,11 @@ def opensearch():
if request.headers.get('User-Agent', '').lower().find('webkit') >= 0:
method = 'get'
ret = render('opensearch.xml',
ret = render(
resp = Response(response=ret,
@ -1038,7 +1036,7 @@ def favicon():
def clear_cookies():
resp = make_response(redirect(urljoin(settings['server']['base_url'], url_for('index'))))
resp = make_response(redirect(url_for('index', _external=True)))
for cookie_name in request.cookies:
return resp
@ -1131,19 +1129,41 @@ class ReverseProxyPathFix:
def __init__(self, app):
self.app = app
self.script_name = None
self.scheme = None
self.server = None
if settings['server']['base_url']:
# If base_url is specified, then these values from are given
# preference over any Flask's generics.
base_url = urlparse(settings['server']['base_url'])
self.script_name = base_url.path
if self.script_name.endswith('/'):
# remove trailing slash to avoid infinite redirect on the index
# see https://github.com/searx/searx/issues/2729
self.script_name = self.script_name[:-1]
self.scheme = base_url.scheme
self.server = base_url.netloc
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
script_name = environ.get('HTTP_X_SCRIPT_NAME', '')
script_name = self.script_name or environ.get('HTTP_X_SCRIPT_NAME', '')
if script_name:
environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = script_name
path_info = environ['PATH_INFO']
if path_info.startswith(script_name):
environ['PATH_INFO'] = path_info[len(script_name):]
scheme = environ.get('HTTP_X_SCHEME', '')
scheme = self.scheme or environ.get('HTTP_X_SCHEME', '')
if scheme:
environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = scheme
server = self.server or environ.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST', '')
if server:
environ['HTTP_HOST'] = server
return self.app(environ, start_response)

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Example to run it from python:
... engine_cs = list(searx.engines.categories.keys())
... # load module
... spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
... 'utils.standalone_searx', 'utils/standalone_searx.py')
... 'utils.standalone_searx', 'searx_extra/standalone_searx.py')
... sas = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
... spec.loader.exec_module(sas)
... # use function from module

View File

@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ set_terminal_colors() {
@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ set_terminal_colors() {
if [ ! -p /dev/stdout ]; then
if [ ! -p /dev/stdout ] && [ ! "$TERM" = 'dumb' ] && [ ! "$TERM" = 'unknown' ]; then
@ -152,6 +152,22 @@ err_msg() { echo -e "${_BRed}ERROR:${_creset} $*" >&2; }
warn_msg() { echo -e "${_BBlue}WARN:${_creset} $*" >&2; }
info_msg() { echo -e "${_BYellow}INFO:${_creset} $*" >&2; }
build_msg() {
local tag="$1 "
echo -e "${_Blue}${tag:0:10}${_creset}$*"
dump_return() {
# Use this as last command in your function to prompt an ERROR message if
# the exit code is not zero.
local err=$1
[ "$err" -ne "0" ] && err_msg "${FUNCNAME[1]} exit with error ($err)"
return "$err"
clean_stdin() {
if [[ $(uname -s) != 'Darwin' ]]; then
while read -r -n1 -t 0.1; do : ; done
@ -496,6 +512,291 @@ service_is_available() {
return "$exit_val"
# python
# ------
# List of python packages (folders) or modules (files) installed by command:
# pyenv.install
# folder where the python distribution takes place
# folder where the intermediate build files take place
# https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0508/#extras
PIP_BOILERPLATE=( pip wheel setuptools )
# shellcheck disable=SC2120
pyenv() {
# usage: pyenv [vtenv_opts ...]
# vtenv_opts: see 'pip install --help'
# Builds virtualenv with 'requirements*.txt' (PY_ENV_REQ) installed. The
# virtualenv will be reused by validating sha256sum of the requirement
# files.
required_commands \
sha256sum "${PYTHON}" \
|| exit
local pip_req=()
if ! pyenv.OK > /dev/null; then
rm -f "${PY_ENV}/${PY_ENV_REQ}.sha256"
pyenv.drop > /dev/null
build_msg PYENV "[virtualenv] installing ${PY_ENV_REQ} into ${PY_ENV}"
"${PYTHON}" -m venv "$@" "${PY_ENV}" || exit
"${PY_ENV_BIN}/python" -m pip install -U "${PIP_BOILERPLATE[@]}" || exit
for i in ${PY_ENV_REQ}; do
pip_req=( "${pip_req[@]}" "-r" "$i" )
[ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && set -x
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
"${PY_ENV_BIN}/python" -m pip install "${pip_req[@]}" \
&& sha256sum ${PY_ENV_REQ} > "${PY_ENV}/requirements.sha256"
pyenv.OK() {
# probes if pyenv exists and runs the script from pyenv.check
[ "$_pyenv_OK" == "OK" ] && return 0
if [ ! -f "${PY_ENV_BIN}/python" ]; then
build_msg PYENV "[virtualenv] missing ${PY_ENV_BIN}/python"
return 1
if [ ! -f "${PY_ENV}/requirements.sha256" ] \
|| ! sha256sum --check --status <"${PY_ENV}/requirements.sha256" 2>/dev/null; then
build_msg PYENV "[virtualenv] requirements.sha256 failed"
sed 's/^/ [virtualenv] - /' <"${PY_ENV}/requirements.sha256"
return 1
pyenv.check \
| "${PY_ENV_BIN}/python" 2>&1 \
| prefix_stdout "${_Blue}PYENV ${_creset}[check] "
local err=${PIPESTATUS[1]}
if [ "$err" -ne "0" ]; then
build_msg PYENV "[check] python test failed"
return "$err"
build_msg PYENV "OK"
return 0
pyenv.drop() {
build_msg PYENV "[virtualenv] drop ${PY_ENV}"
rm -rf "${PY_ENV}"
pyenv.check() {
# Prompts a python script with additional checks. Used by pyenv.OK to check
# if virtualenv is ready to install python objects. This function should be
# overwritten by the application script.
local imp=""
for i in "${PIP_BOILERPLATE[@]}"; do
imp="$imp, $i"
cat <<EOF
import ${imp#,*}
pyenv.install() {
if ! pyenv.OK; then
py.clean > /dev/null
if ! pyenv.install.OK > /dev/null; then
build_msg PYENV "[install] ${PYOBJECTS}"
if ! pyenv.OK >/dev/null; then
for i in ${PYOBJECTS}; do
build_msg PYENV "[install] pip install -e '$i${PY_SETUP_EXTRAS}'"
"${PY_ENV_BIN}/python" -m pip install -e "$i${PY_SETUP_EXTRAS}"
pyenv.install.OK() {
[ "$_pyenv_install_OK" == "OK" ] && return 0
local imp=""
local err=""
if [ "." = "${PYOBJECTS}" ]; then
imp="import $(basename "$(pwd)")"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
for i in ${PYOBJECTS}; do imp="$imp, $i"; done
imp="import ${imp#,*} "
[ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && set -x
"${PY_ENV_BIN}/python" -c "import sys; sys.path.pop(0); $imp;" 2>/dev/null
if [ "$err" -ne "0" ]; then
build_msg PYENV "[install] python installation test failed"
return "$err"
build_msg PYENV "[install] OK"
return 0
pyenv.uninstall() {
build_msg PYENV "[uninstall] ${PYOBJECTS}"
if [ "." = "${PYOBJECTS}" ]; then
pyenv.cmd python setup.py develop --uninstall 2>&1 \
| prefix_stdout "${_Blue}PYENV ${_creset}[pyenv.uninstall] "
pyenv.cmd python -m pip uninstall --yes ${PYOBJECTS} 2>&1 \
| prefix_stdout "${_Blue}PYENV ${_creset}[pyenv.uninstall] "
pyenv.cmd() {
( set -e
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
source "${PY_ENV_BIN}/activate"
[ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && set -x
# Sphinx doc
# ----------
docs.html() {
build_msg SPHINX "HTML ./docs --> file://$(readlink -e "$(pwd)/$DOCS_DIST")"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
PATH="${PY_ENV_BIN}:${PATH}" pyenv.cmd sphinx-build \
-b html -c ./docs -d "${DOCS_BUILD}/.doctrees" ./docs "${DOCS_DIST}"
dump_return $?
docs.live() {
build_msg SPHINX "autobuild ./docs --> file://$(readlink -e "$(pwd)/$DOCS_DIST")"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
PATH="${PY_ENV_BIN}:${PATH}" pyenv.cmd sphinx-autobuild \
${SPHINX_VERBOSE} ${SPHINXOPTS} --open-browser --host \
-b html -c ./docs -d "${DOCS_BUILD}/.doctrees" ./docs "${DOCS_DIST}"
dump_return $?
docs.clean() {
build_msg CLEAN "docs -- ${DOCS_BUILD} ${DOCS_DIST}"
# shellcheck disable=SC2115
rm -rf "${GH_PAGES}" "${DOCS_BUILD}" "${DOCS_DIST}"
dump_return $?
docs.prebuild() {
# Dummy function to run some actions before sphinx-doc build gets started.
# This finction needs to be overwritten by the application script.
dump_return $?
# shellcheck disable=SC2155
docs.gh-pages() {
# The commit history in the gh-pages branch makes no sense, the history only
# inflates the repository unnecessarily. Therefore a *new orphan* branch
# is created each time we deploy on the gh-pages branch.
[ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ] && set -x
local head="$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
local branch="$(git name-rev --name-only HEAD)"
local remote="$(git config branch."${branch}".remote)"
local remote_url="$(git config remote."${remote}".url)"
# prepare the *orphan* gh-pages working tree
git worktree remove -f "${GH_PAGES}"
git branch -D gh-pages
) &> /dev/null || true
git worktree add --no-checkout "${GH_PAGES}" origin/master
pushd "${GH_PAGES}" &> /dev/null
git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git rm -rfq .
popd &> /dev/null
cp -r "${DOCS_DIST}"/* "${GH_PAGES}"/
touch "${GH_PAGES}/.nojekyll"
cat > "${GH_PAGES}/404.html" <<EOF
<html><head><META http-equiv='refresh' content='0;URL=index.html'></head></html>
pushd "${GH_PAGES}" &> /dev/null
git add --all .
git commit -q -m "gh-pages build from: ${branch}@${head} (${remote_url})"
git push -f "${remote}" gh-pages
popd &> /dev/null
set +x
build_msg GH-PAGES "deployed"
# golang
# ------
@ -1382,6 +1683,12 @@ LXC_ENV_FOLDER=
if in_container; then
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
lxc_init_container_env() {

View File

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ main() {
local _usage="unknown or missing $1 command $2"
# don't check prerequisite when in recursion
if [[ ! $1 == __* ]]; then
if [[ ! $1 == __* ]] && [[ ! $1 == --help ]]; then
if ! in_container; then
! required_commands lxc && lxd_info && exit 42

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: makefile-gmake -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
ifeq (,$(wildcard /.lxcenv.mk))
PHONY += lxc-activate lxc-purge
@ -10,60 +11,26 @@ else
include /.lxcenv.mk
PHONY += make-help
ifeq (,$(wildcard /.lxcenv.mk))
make-help: lxc-help
@echo 'options:'
@echo ' make V=0|1 [targets] 0 => quiet build (default), 1 => verbose build'
@echo ' make V=2 [targets] 2 => give reason for rebuild of target'
quiet_cmd_common_clean = CLEAN $@
cmd_common_clean = \
find . -name '*.orig' -exec rm -f {} + ;\
find . -name '*.rej' -exec rm -f {} + ;\
find . -name '*~' -exec rm -f {} + ;\
find . -name '*.bak' -exec rm -f {} + ;\
FMT = cat
ifeq ($(shell which fmt >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $$?), 0)
FMT = fmt
# MS-Windows
# For a minimal *make-environment*, I'am using the gnu-tools from:
# - GNU MCU Eclipse Windows Build Tools, which brings 'make', 'rm' etc.
# https://github.com/gnu-mcu-eclipse/windows-build-tools/releases
# - git for Windows, which brings 'find', 'grep' etc.
# https://git-scm.com/download/win
# normpath
# System-dependent normalization of the path name
# usage: $(call normpath,/path/to/file)
normpath = $1
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
normpath = $(subst /,\,$1)
# stolen from linux/Makefile
ifeq ("$(origin V)", "command line")
ifndef VERBOSE
ifeq ($(KBUILD_VERBOSE),1)
export VERBOSE
ifeq ($(VERBOSE),1)
quiet =
Q =
@ -75,14 +42,8 @@ endif
# Convenient variables
comma := ,
quote := "
#" this comment is only for emacs highlighting
squote := '
#' this comment is only for emacs highlighting
empty :=
space := $(empty) $(empty)
space_escape := _-_SPACE_-_
# Find any prerequisites that is newer than target or that does not exist.
# PHONY targets skipped in both cases.
@ -107,7 +68,7 @@ any-prereq = $(filter-out $(PHONY),$?) $(filter-out $(PHONY) $(wildcard $^),$^)
# (5) No dir/.target.cmd file (used to store command line)
# (6) No dir/.target.cmd file and target not listed in $(targets)
# This is a good hint that there is a bug in the kbuild file
ifeq ($(KBUILD_VERBOSE),2)
ifeq ($(VERBOSE),2)
why = \
$(if $(filter $@, $(PHONY)),- due to target is PHONY, \
$(if $(wildcard $@), \

View File

@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: makefile-gmake -*-
# list of python packages (folders) or modules (files) of this build
SITE_PYTHON ?=$(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))site-python
# folder where the python distribution takes place
# folder where the python intermediate build files take place
# python version to use
PY ?=3
# $(PYTHON) points to the python interpreter from the OS! The python from the
# OS is needed e.g. to create a virtualenv. For tasks inside the virtualenv the
# interpeter from '$(PY_ENV_BIN)/python' is used.
PYTHON ?= python$(PY)
PIP ?= pip$(PY)
PIP_INST ?= --user
# https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0508/#extras
#PY_SETUP_EXTRAS ?= \[develop,test\]
PYDEBUG ?= --pdb
PYLINT_RC ?= .pylintrc
TEST_FOLDER ?= ./tests
TEST ?= .
PY_ENV = ./$(LXC_ENV_FOLDER)local/py$(PY)
PY_ENV_BIN = $(PY_ENV)/bin
PY_ENV_ACT = . $(PY_ENV_BIN)/activate
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
PYTHON = python
PY_ENV_BIN = $(PY_ENV)/Scripts
PY_ENV_ACT = $(PY_ENV_BIN)/activate
@echo 'makefile.python:'
@echo ' pyenv | pyenv[un]install'
@echo ' build $(PY_ENV) & [un]install python objects'
@echo ' targts using pyenv $(PY_ENV):'
@echo ' pylint - run pylint *linting*'
@echo ' pytest - run *tox* test on python objects'
@echo ' pydebug - run tests within a PDB debug session'
@echo ' pybuild - build python packages ($(PYDIST) $(PYBUILD))'
@echo ' pyclean - clean intermediate python objects'
@echo ' targets using system users environment:'
@echo ' py[un]install - [un]install python objects in editable mode'
@echo ' upload-pypi - upload $(PYDIST)/* files to PyPi'
@echo 'options:'
@echo ' make PY=3.7 [targets] => to eval targets with python 3.7 ($(PY))'
@echo ' make PIP_INST= => to set/unset pip install options ($(PIP_INST))'
@echo ' make TEST=. => choose test from $(TEST_FOLDER) (default "." runs all)'
@echo ' make DEBUG= => target "debug": do not invoke PDB on errors'
@echo ' make PY_SETUP_EXTRAS => also install extras_require from setup.py \[develop,test\]'
@echo ' when using target "pydebug", set breakpoints within py-source by adding::'
@echo ' DEBUG()'
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# OS requirements
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PHONY += msg-python-exe python-exe
@echo "\n $(PYTHON) is required\n\n\
Make sure you have $(PYTHON) installed, grab it from\n\
https://www.python.org or install it from your package\n\
manager. On debian based OS these requirements are\n\
installed by::\n\n\
sudo -H add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa\n\
sudo -H apt update\n\
sudo -H apt-get install $(PYTHON) $(PYTHON)-venv\n"
ifeq ($(shell which $(PYTHON) >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $$?), 1)
python-exe: msg-python-exe
$(error The '$(PYTHON)' command was not found)
@echo "\n $(PIP) is required\n\n\
Make sure you have updated pip installed, grab it from\n\
https://pip.pypa.io or install it from your package\n\
manager. On debian based OS these requirements are\n\
installed by::\n\n\
sudo -H apt-get install python$(PY)-pip\n" | $(FMT)
ifeq ($(shell which $(PIP) >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $$?), 1)
pip-exe: msg-pip-exe
$(error The '$(PIP)' command was not found)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# commands
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $2 path to folder with setup.py, this uses pip from the OS
quiet_cmd_pyinstall = INSTALL $2
cmd_pyinstall = $(PIP) $(PIP_VERBOSE) install $(PIP_INST) -e $2$(PY_SETUP_EXTRAS)
# $2 path to folder with setup.py, this uses pip from pyenv (not OS!)
quiet_cmd_pyenvinstall = PYENV install $2
cmd_pyenvinstall = \
if ! cat $(PY_ENV)/requirements.sha256 2>/dev/null | sha256sum --check --status 2>/dev/null; then \
rm -f $(PY_ENV)/requirements.sha256; \
$(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -m pip $(PIP_VERBOSE) install -e $2$(PY_SETUP_EXTRAS) &&\
sha256sum requirements*.txt > $(PY_ENV)/requirements.sha256 ;\
else \
echo "PYENV $2 already installed"; \
# Uninstall the package. Since pip does not uninstall the no longer needed
# depencies (something like autoremove) the depencies remain.
# $2 package name to uninstall, this uses pip from the OS.
quiet_cmd_pyuninstall = UNINSTALL $2
cmd_pyuninstall = $(PIP) $(PIP_VERBOSE) uninstall --yes $2
# $2 path to folder with setup.py, this uses pip from pyenv (not OS!)
quiet_cmd_pyenvuninstall = PYENV uninstall $2
cmd_pyenvuninstall = $(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -m pip $(PIP_VERBOSE) uninstall --yes $2
# $2 path to folder where virtualenv take place
quiet_cmd_virtualenv = PYENV usage: $ source ./$@/bin/activate
cmd_virtualenv = \
if [ -d "./$(PY_ENV)" -a -x "./$(PY_ENV_BIN)/python" ]; then \
echo "PYENV using virtualenv from $2"; \
else \
$(PYTHON) -m venv $(VTENV_OPTS) $2; \
$(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -m pip install $(PIP_VERBOSE) -U pip wheel setuptools; \
$(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -m pip install $(PIP_VERBOSE) -r requirements.txt; \
# $2 path to lint
quiet_cmd_pylint = LINT $@
cmd_pylint = $(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -m pylint -j 0 --rcfile $(PYLINT_RC) $2
quiet_cmd_pytest = TEST $@
cmd_pytest = $(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -m tox -vv
# setuptools, pip, easy_install its a mess full of cracks, a documentation hell
# and broken by design ... all sucks, I really, really hate all this ... aaargh!
# About python packaging see `Python Packaging Authority`_. Most of the names
# here are mapped to ``setup(<name1>=..., <name2>=...)`` arguments in
# ``setup.py``. See `Packaging and distributing projects`_ about ``setup(...)``
# arguments. If this is all new for you, start with `PyPI Quick and Dirty`_.
# Further read:
# - pythonwheels_
# - setuptools_
# - packaging_
# - sdist_
# - installing_
# .. _`Python Packaging Authority`: https://www.pypa.io
# .. _`Packaging and distributing projects`: https://packaging.python.org/guides/distributing-packages-using-setuptools/
# .. _`PyPI Quick and Dirty`: https://hynek.me/articles/sharing-your-labor-of-love-pypi-quick-and-dirty/
# .. _pythonwheels: https://pythonwheels.com/
# .. _setuptools: https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setuptools.html
# .. _packaging: https://packaging.python.org/guides/distributing-packages-using-setuptools/#packaging-and-distributing-projects
# .. _sdist: https://packaging.python.org/guides/distributing-packages-using-setuptools/#source-distributions
# .. _bdist_wheel: https://packaging.python.org/guides/distributing-packages-using-setuptools/#pure-python-wheels
# .. _installing: https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/installing-packages/
quiet_cmd_pybuild = BUILD $@
cmd_pybuild = $(PY_ENV_BIN)/python setup.py \
sdist -d $(PYDIST) \
bdist_wheel --bdist-dir $(PYBUILD) -d $(PYDIST)
quiet_cmd_pyclean = CLEAN $@
# remove 'build' folder since bdist_wheel does not care the --bdist-dir
cmd_pyclean = \
rm -rf $(PYDIST) $(PYBUILD) $(PY_ENV) ./.tox *.egg-info ;\
find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} + ;\
find . -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -f {} + ;\
find . -name __pycache__ -exec rm -rf {} +
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# targets
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# for installation use the pip from the OS!
PHONY += pyinstall
pyinstall: pip-exe
$(call cmd,pyinstall,.)
PHONY += pyuninstall
pyuninstall: pip-exe
$(call cmd,pyuninstall,$(PYOBJECTS))
# for installation use the pip from PY_ENV (not the OS)!
PHONY += pyenvinstall
pyenvinstall: $(PY_ENV)
$(call cmd,pyenvinstall,.)
PHONY += pyenvuninstall
pyenvuninstall: $(PY_ENV)
$(call cmd,pyenvuninstall,$(PYOBJECTS))
PHONY += pyclean
$(call cmd,pyclean)
# to build *local* environment, python from the OS is needed!
pyenv: $(PY_ENV)
$(PY_ENV): python-exe
$(call cmd,virtualenv,$(PY_ENV))
PHONY += pylint-exe
pylint-exe: $(PY_ENV)
@$(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -m pip $(PIP_VERBOSE) install pylint
PHONY += pylint
pylint: pylint-exe
$(call cmd,pylint,$(PYOBJECTS))
PHONY += pybuild
pybuild: $(PY_ENV)
$(call cmd,pybuild)
PHONY += pytest
pytest: $(PY_ENV)
$(call cmd,pytest)
PHONY += pydebug
# set breakpoint with:
# e.g. to run tests in debug mode in emacs use:
# 'M-x pdb' ... 'make pydebug'
pydebug: $(PY_ENV)
# runs python interpreter from ./local/py<N>/bin/python
pyenv-python: pyenvinstall
$(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -i
# With 'dependency_links=' setuptools supports dependencies on packages hosted
# on other reposetories then PyPi, see "Packages Not On PyPI" [1]. The big
# drawback is, due to security reasons (I don't know where the security gate on
# PyPi is), this feature is not supported by pip [2]. Thats why an upload to
# PyPi is required and since uploads via setuptools is not recommended, we have
# to imstall / use twine ... its really a mess.
# [1] https://python-packaging.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dependencies.html#packages-not-on-pypi
# [2] https://github.com/pypa/pip/pull/1519
# https://github.com/pypa/twine
PHONY += upload-pypi upload-pypi-test
upload-pypi: pyclean pyenvinstall pybuild
@$(PY_ENV_BIN)/twine upload $(PYDIST)/*
upload-pypi-test: pyclean pyenvinstall pybuild
@$(PY_ENV_BIN)/twine upload -r testpypi $(PYDIST)/*

View File

@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: makefile-gmake -*-
# You can set these variables from the command line.
SPHINXBUILD ?= $(PY_ENV_BIN)/sphinx-build
SPHINX_CONF ?= conf.py
DOCS_FOLDER = ./docs
DOCS_BUILD = ./$(LXC_ENV_FOLDER)build/docs
DOCS_DIST = ./$(LXC_ENV_FOLDER)dist/docs
GH_PAGES ?= build/gh-pages
BOOKS_DIST = ./$(LXC_ENV_FOLDER)dist/books
ifeq ($(KBUILD_VERBOSE),1)
@echo 'makefile.sphinx:'
@echo ' docs-clean - clean intermediate doc objects'
@echo ' $(GH_PAGES) - create & upload github pages'
@echo ' sphinx-pdf - run sphinx latex & pdf targets'
@echo ''
@echo ' books/{name}.html : build only the HTML of document {name}'
@echo ' valid values for books/{name}.html are:'
@echo ' $(BOOKS_HTML)' | $(FMT)
@echo ' books/{name}.pdf : build only the PDF of document {name}'
@echo ' valid values for books/{name}.pdf are:'
@echo ' $(BOOKS_PDF) ' | $(FMT)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# requirements
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PHONY += msg-texlive texlive
ifeq ($(shell which xelatex >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $$?), 1)
texlive: msg-TeXLive
$(error The 'xelatex' command was not found)
$(Q)echo "\n\
The TeX/PDF output and the *math* extension require TexLive and latexmk:\n\n\
Make sure you have a updated TeXLive with XeTeX engine installed, grab it\n\
it from https://www.tug.org/texlive or install it from your package manager.\n\n\
Install latexmk from your package manager or visit https://ctan.org/pkg/latexmk\n\n\
Sphinx-doc produce (Xe)LaTeX files which might use additional TeX-packages\n\
and fonts. To process these LaTeX files, a TexLive installation with the\n\
additional packages is required. On debian based OS these requirements\n\
are installed by::\n\n\
sudo -H apt-get install\n\
texlive-base texlive-xetex texlive-latex-recommended\n\
texlive-extra-utils dvipng ttf-dejavu\n"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# commands
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $2 sphinx builder e.g. "html"
# $3 path where configuration file (conf.py) is located
# $4 sourcedir
# $5 dest subfolder e.g. "man" for man pages at $(DOCS_DIST)/man
quiet_cmd_sphinx = SPHINX $@ --> file://$(abspath $(DOCS_DIST)/$5)
cmd_sphinx = SPHINX_CONF=$(abspath $4/$(SPHINX_CONF))\
-b $2 -c $3 -d $(DOCS_BUILD)/.doctrees $4 $(DOCS_DIST)/$5
quiet_cmd_sphinx_autobuild = SPHINX $@ --> file://$(abspath $(DOCS_DIST)/$5)
cmd_sphinx_autobuild = PATH="$(PY_ENV_BIN):$(PATH)" $(PY_ENV_BIN)/sphinx-autobuild $(SPHINX_VERBOSE) --open-browser --host $(SPHINXOPTS)\
-b $2 -c $3 -d $(DOCS_BUILD)/.doctrees $4 $(DOCS_DIST)/$5
quiet_cmd_sphinx_clean = CLEAN $@
cmd_sphinx_clean = rm -rf $(DOCS_BUILD) $(DOCS_DIST) $(GH_PAGES)/* $(GH_PAGES)/.buildinfo
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# targets
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# build PDF of whole documentation in: $(DOCS_DIST)/pdf
PHONY += sphinx-pdf
sphinx-pdf: sphinx-latex
$(Q)cd $(DOCS_BUILD)/latex/; make all-pdf
$(Q)mkdir -p $(DOCS_DIST)/pdf
$(Q)cp $(DOCS_BUILD)/latex/*.pdf $(DOCS_DIST)/pdf
@echo "SPHINX *.pdf --> file://$(abspath $(DOCS_DIST)/pdf)"
PHONY += sphinx-latex
sphinx-latex: pyenvinstall texlive
-b latex \
-d $(DOCS_BUILD)/.doctrees \
# Sphinx projects, we call them *books* (what is more common). Books are
# folders under $(BOOKS_FOLDER) containing a conf.py file. The HTML output goes
# to folder $(BOOKS_DIST)/<name> while PDF is placed (BOOKS_DIST)/<name>/pdf
BOOKS=$(patsubst $(BOOKS_FOLDER)/%/conf.py,books/%,$(wildcard $(BOOKS_FOLDER)/*/conf.py))
# fine grained targets
BOOKS_HTML = $(patsubst %,%.html,$(BOOKS))
BOOKS_CLEAN = $(patsubst %,%.clean,$(BOOKS))
BOOKS_LATEX = $(patsubst %,%.latex,$(BOOKS))
BOOKS_PDF = $(patsubst %,%.pdf,$(BOOKS))
BOOKS_LIVE = $(patsubst %,%.live,$(BOOKS))
mkdir -p $(BOOKS_DIST)
$(BOOKS_HTML): pyenvinstall | $(BOOKS_DIST)
SPHINX_CONF=$(patsubst books/%.html,%,$@)/conf.py \
-b html \
-d $(DOCS_BUILD)/books/$(patsubst books/%.html,%,$@)/.doctrees \
$(BOOKS_FOLDER)/$(patsubst books/%.html,%,$@) \
$(BOOKS_DIST)/$(patsubst books/%.html,%,$@)
@echo "SPHINX $@ --> file://$(abspath $(BOOKS_DIST)/$(patsubst books/%.html,%,$@))"
$(BOOKS_LIVE): pyenvinstall | $(BOOKS_DIST)
SPHINX_CONF=$(patsubst books/%.live,%,$@)/conf.py \
$(PY_ENV_BIN)/sphinx-autobuild --poll -B --host --port 8080 $(SPHINX_VERBOSE) $(SPHINXOPTS)\
-b html \
-d $(DOCS_BUILD)/books/$(patsubst books/%.live,%,$@)/.doctrees \
$(BOOKS_FOLDER)/$(patsubst books/%.live,%,$@) \
$(BOOKS_DIST)/$(patsubst books/%.live,%,$@)
$(BOOKS_PDF): %.pdf : %.latex
$(Q)cd $(DOCS_BUILD)/latex/$(patsubst books/%.pdf,%,$@); make all-pdf
$(Q)mkdir -p $(BOOKS_DIST)/$(patsubst books/%.pdf,%,$@)/pdf
$(Q)cp -v $(DOCS_BUILD)/latex/$(patsubst books/%.pdf,%,$@)/*.pdf $(BOOKS_DIST)/$(patsubst books/%.pdf,%,$@)/pdf
@echo "SPHINX $@ --> file://$(abspath $(BOOKS_DIST)/$(patsubst books/%.pdf,%,$@))/pdf"
$(BOOKS_LATEX): pyenvinstall | $(BOOKS_DIST)
SPHINX_CONF=$(patsubst books/%.latex,%,$@)/conf.py \
-b latex \
-d $(DOCS_BUILD)/books/$(patsubst books/%.latex,%,$@)/.doctrees \
$(BOOKS_FOLDER)/$(patsubst books/%.latex,%,$@) \
$(DOCS_BUILD)/latex/$(patsubst books/%.latex,%,$@)
@echo "SPHINX $@ --> file://$(abspath $(DOCS_BUILD)/latex/$(patsubst books/%.latex,%,$@))"
$(Q)rm -rf $(BOOKS_DIST)/$(patsubst books/%.clean,%,$@) \
$(DOCS_BUILD)/books/$(patsubst books/%.clean,%,$@) \
$(DOCS_BUILD)/latex/$(patsubst books/%.clean,%,$@)
# github pages
PHONY += prepare-gh-pages
cp -r $(DOCS_DIST)/* $(GH_PAGES)/
touch $(GH_PAGES)/.nojekyll
echo "<html><head><META http-equiv='refresh' content='0;URL=index.html'></head></html>" > $(GH_PAGES)/404.html
PHONY += gh-pages
gh-pages: docs-clean docs
- git worktree remove -f $(GH_PAGES) || exit 0
- git branch -D gh-pages || exit 0
git worktree add --no-checkout $(GH_PAGES) master
cd $(GH_PAGES); git checkout --orphan gh-pages && git rm -rfq .
$(MAKE) prepare-gh-pages
cd $(GH_PAGES);\
git add --all . ;\
git commit -q -m "make gh-pages: from $(shell git config --get remote.origin.url)@$(shell git rev-parse HEAD)" ;\
git push -f origin gh-pages
PHONY += ci-gh-pages
ci-gh-pages: docs-clean docs
rm -Rf $(GH_PAGES)
mkdir -p $(GH_PAGES)
$(MAKE) prepare-gh-pages
PHONY += docs-clean
docs-clean: $(BOOKS_CLEAN)
$(call cmd,sphinx_clean)

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ SERVICE_GROUP="${SERVICE_USER}"
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ pyenv_is_available() {
create_pyenv() {
rst_title "Create virtualenv (python)" section
if [[ ! -f "${SEARX_SRC}/manage.sh" ]]; then
if [[ ! -f "${SEARX_SRC}/manage" ]]; then
err_msg "to create pyenv for searx, searx has to be cloned first"
return 42

View File

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
"""Implement some sphinx-build tools.
import os
import sys
from sphinx.util.pycompat import execfile_
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def load_sphinx_config(namespace):
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
u"""Load an additional configuration file into *namespace*.
The name of the configuration file is taken from the environment
``SPHINX_CONF``. The external configuration file extends (or overwrites) the
configuration values from the origin ``conf.py``. With this you are able to
maintain *build themes*. To your docs/conf.py add::
from sphinx_build_tools import load_sphinx_config
# Since loadConfig overwrites settings from the global namespace, it has to be
# the last statement in the conf.py file
config_file = os.environ.get("SPHINX_CONF", None)
if (config_file is not None
and os.path.normpath(namespace["__file__"]) != os.path.normpath(config_file) ):
config_file = os.path.abspath(config_file)
if os.path.isfile(config_file):
"load additional sphinx-config: %s\n"
% config_file)
config = namespace.copy()
config['__file__'] = config_file
execfile_(config_file, config)
del config['__file__']
"WARNING: additional sphinx-config not found: %s\n"
% config_file)