window.browser = window.browser || import utils from "./utils.js" let config, options, redirects, targets function init() { return new Promise(async resolve => {["options", "redirects", "targets"], r => { options = r.options redirects = r.redirects targets = r.targets fetch("/config/config.json") .then(response => response.text()) .then(configData => { config = JSON.parse(configData) resolve() }) }) }) } init() function fetchFrontendInstanceList(service, frontend, redirects, options, config) { let tmp = [] if ([service].frontends[frontend].instanceList) { for (const network in config.networks) { tmp.push(...redirects[network], ...options[frontend][network].custom) } } else if ([service].frontends[frontend].singleInstance) tmp =[service].frontends[frontend].singleInstance return tmp } function all(service, frontend, options, config, redirects) { let instances = [] if (!frontend) { for (const frontend in[service].frontends) { instances.push(...fetchFrontendInstanceList(service, frontend, redirects[frontend], options, config)) } } else { instances.push(...fetchFrontendInstanceList(service, frontend, redirects[frontend], options, config)) } return instances } function regexArray(service, url, config) { let targetList if ([service].targets == "datajson") targetList = targets[service] else targetList =[service].targets for (const targetString in targetList) { const target = new RegExp(targetList[targetString]) if (target.test(url.href)) return true } return false } function redirect(url, type, initiator, forceRedirection) { if (type != "main_frame" && type != "sub_frame") return let randomInstance let frontend for (const service in { if (!forceRedirection && !options[service].enabled) continue if ([service].embeddable && type != options[service].redirectType && options[service].redirectType != "both") continue if (![service].embeddable && type != "main_frame") continue // let targets = new RegExp([service].targets.join("|"), "i") if (!regexArray(service, url, config)) continue // if (initiator) { // console.log( // if (targets.test( continue // //if (all(service, null, options, config, redirects).includes(initiator.origin) && reverse(initiator) == url) return "BYPASSTAB" // } if (Object.keys([service].frontends).length > 1) { if (type == "sub_frame" &&[service].embeddable && ![service].frontends[options[service].frontend].embeddable) frontend = options[service].embedFrontend else frontend = options[service].frontend } else frontend = Object.keys([service].frontends)[0] if ([service].frontends[frontend].instanceList) { let instanceList = [...options[frontend][].enabled, ...options[frontend][].custom] if (instanceList.length === 0 && options.networkFallback) instanceList = [...options[frontend].clearnet.enabled, ...options[frontend].clearnet.custom] if (instanceList.length === 0) return randomInstance = utils.getRandomInstance(instanceList) } else if ([service].frontends[frontend].singleInstance) randomInstance =[service].frontends[frontend].singleInstance break } if (!frontend) return // Here is a (temperory) space for defining constants required in 2 or more switch cases. // When possible, try have the two switch cases share all their code as done with searx and searxng. // Do not do that when they do not share 100% of their code. const mapCentreRegex = /@(-?\d[0-9.]*),(-?\d[0-9.]*),(\d{1,2})[.z]/ const dataLatLngRegex = /!3d(-?[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,})!4d(-?[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,})/ const placeRegex = /\/place\/(.*)\// function convertMapCentre() { let [lat, lon, zoom] = [null, null, null] if (url.pathname.match(mapCentreRegex)) { // Set map centre if present ;[lat, lon, zoom] = url.pathname.match(mapCentreRegex) } else if (url.searchParams.has("center")) { ;[lat, lon] = url.searchParams.get("center").split(",") zoom = url.searchParams.get("zoom") ?? "17" } return [zoom, lon, lat] } switch (frontend) { // This is where all instance-specific code must be ran to convert the service url to one that can be understood by the frontend. case "beatbump": return `${randomInstance}${url.pathname}${}` .replace("/watch?v=", "/listen?id=") .replace("/channel/", "/artist/") .replace("/playlist?list=", "/playlist/VL") .replace(/\/search\?q=.*/, searchQuery => searchQuery.replace("?q=", "/") + "?filter=all") case "hyperpipe": return `${randomInstance}${url.pathname}${}`.replace(/\/search\?q=.*/, searchQuery => searchQuery.replace("?q=", "/")) case "bibliogram": const reservedPaths = ["u", "p", "privacy"] if (url.pathname === "/" || reservedPaths.includes(url.pathname.split("/")[1])) return `${randomInstance}${url.pathname}${}` if (url.pathname.startsWith("/reel") || url.pathname.startsWith("/tv")) return `${randomInstance}/p${url.pathname.replace(/\/reel|\/tv/i, "")}${}` else return `${randomInstance}/u${url.pathname}${}` // Likely a user profile, redirect to '/u/...' case "lbryDesktop": return url.href.replace(/^https?:\/{2}odysee\.com\//, "lbry://").replace(/:(?=[a-zA-Z0-9])/g, "#") case "neuters": if (url.pathname.startsWith("/article/") || url.pathname.startsWith("/pf/") || url.pathname.startsWith("/arc/") || url.pathname.startsWith("/resizer/")) return null else if (url.pathname.endsWith("/")) return `${randomInstance}${url.pathname}` else return `${randomInstance}${url.pathname}/` case "searx": case "searxng": return `${randomInstance}/?q=${encodeURIComponent(url.searchParams.get("q"))}` case "whoogle": return `${randomInstance}/search${encodeURIComponent(url.searchParams.get("q"))}` case "librex": return `${randomInstance}/search.php?q=${encodeURIComponent(url.searchParams.get("q"))}` case "send": return randomInstance case "nitter": let search = new URLSearchParams( search.delete("ref_src") search.delete("ref_url") search = search.toString() if (search !== "") search = `?${search}` if (".")[0] === "pbs" ||".")[0] === "video") { try { const [, id, format, extra] = search.match(/(.*)\?format=(.*)&(.*)/) const query = encodeURIComponent(`${id}.${format}?${extra}`) return `${randomInstance}/pic${url.pathname}${query}` } catch { return `${randomInstance}/pic${url.pathname}${search}` } } if (url.pathname.split("/").includes("tweets")) return `${randomInstance}${url.pathname.replace("/tweets", "")}${search}` if ( == "") return `${randomInstance}/${url.pathname}` return `${randomInstance}${url.pathname}${search}` case "yattee": return url.href.replace(/^https?:\/{2}/, "yattee://") case "freetube": return `freetube://${url.pathname}${}`.replace(/watch\?v=/, "") case "simplyTranslate": return `${randomInstance}/${}` case "libreTranslate": return `${randomInstance}/${}` .replace(/(?<=\/?)sl/, "source") .replace(/(?<=&)tl/, "target") .replace(/(?<=&)text/, "q") case "osm": { if (initiator && === "") return const travelModes = { driving: "fossgis_osrm_car", walking: "fossgis_osrm_foot", bicycling: "fossgis_osrm_bike", transit: "fossgis_osrm_car", // not implemented on OSM, default to car. } function addressToLatLng(address) { const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest()"GET", `${address}?format=json&limit=1`, false) xmlhttp.send() if (xmlhttp.status === 200) { const json = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText)[0] if (json) { console.log("json", json) return [`${},${json.lon}`, `${json.boundingbox[2]},${json.boundingbox[1]},${json.boundingbox[3]},${json.boundingbox[0]}`] } }"Error: Status is " + xmlhttp.status) } let mapCentre = "#" let prefs = {} const mapCentreData = convertMapCentre() if (mapCentreData[0] && mapCentreData[1] && mapCentreData[2]) mapCentre = `#map=${mapCentreData[0]}/${mapCentreData[1]}/${mapCentreData[2]}` if (url.searchParams.get("layer")) prefs.layers = osmLayers[url.searchParams.get("layer")] if (url.pathname.includes("/embed")) { // Handle Google Maps Embed API //,Paris+France //console.log("embed life") let query = "" if (url.searchParams.has("q")) query = url.searchParams.get("q") else if (url.searchParams.has("query")) query = url.searchParams.has("query") else if (url.searchParams.has("pb")) try { query = url.searchParams.get("pb").split(/!2s(.*?)!/)[1] } catch (error) { console.error(error) } // Unable to find map marker in URL. let [coords, boundingbox] = addressToLatLng(query) prefs.bbox = boundingbox prefs.marker = coords prefs.layer = "mapnik" let prefsEncoded = new URLSearchParams(prefs).toString() return `${randomInstance}/export/embed.html?${prefsEncoded}` } else if (url.pathname.includes("/dir")) { // Handle Google Maps Directions // let travMod = url.searchParams.get("travelmode") if (url.searchParams.has("travelmode")) prefs.engine = travelModes[travMod] let orgVal = url.searchParams.get("origin") let destVal = url.searchParams.get("destination") let org = addressToLatLng(orgVal) let dest = addressToLatLng(destVal) prefs.route = `${org};${dest}` let prefsEncoded = new URLSearchParams(prefs).toString() return `${randomInstance}/directions?${prefsEncoded}${mapCentre}` } else if (url.pathname.includes("data=") && url.pathname.match(dataLatLngRegex)) { // Get marker from data attribute //'58.2%22N+40%C2%B029'18.2%22E/@41.032833,40.4862063,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0xf64286eaf72fc49d!7e2!8m2!3d41.0328329!4d40.4883948 //console.log("data life") let [, mlat, mlon] = url.pathname.match(dataLatLngRegex) return `${randomInstance}/search?query=${mlat}%2C${mlon}` } else if (url.searchParams.has("ll")) { // Get marker from ll param //,-76.99017 //console.log("ll life") const [mlat, mlon] = url.searchParams.get("ll").split(",") return `${randomInstance}/search?query=${mlat}%2C${mlon}` } else if (url.searchParams.has("viewpoint")) { // Get marker from viewpoint param. //,2.295226&heading=-45&pitch=38&fov=80 //console.log("viewpoint life") const [mlat, mlon] = url.searchParams.get("viewpoint").split(",") return `${randomInstance}/search?query=${mlat}%2C${mlon}` } else { // Use query as search if present. //console.log("normal life") let query if (url.searchParams.has("q")) query = url.searchParams.get("q") else if (url.searchParams.has("query")) query = url.searchParams.get("query") else if (url.pathname.match(placeRegex)) query = url.pathname.match(placeRegex)[1] let prefsEncoded = new URLSearchParams(prefs).toString() if (query) return `${randomInstance}/search?query="${query}${mapCentre}&${prefsEncoded}` } let prefsEncoded = new URLSearchParams(prefs).toString() console.log("mapCentre", mapCentre) console.log("prefs", prefs) console.log("prefsEncoded", prefsEncoded) return `${randomInstance}/${mapCentre}&${prefsEncoded}` } case "facil": { if (initiator && === "") return const travelModes = { driving: "car", walking: "pedestrian", bicycling: "bicycle", transit: "car", // not implemented on Facil, default to car. } const mapCentreData = convertMapCentre() let mapCentre = "#" if (mapCentreData[0] && mapCentreData[1] && mapCentreData[2]) mapCentre = `#${mapCentreData[0]}/${mapCentreData[1]}/${mapCentreData[2]}` if (url.pathname.includes("/embed")) { // Handle Google Maps Embed API //,Paris+France //console.log("embed life") let query = "" if (url.searchParams.has("q")) query = url.searchParams.get("q") else if (url.searchParams.has("query")) query = url.searchParams.has("query") else if (url.searchParams.has("pb")) try { query = url.searchParams.get("pb").split(/!2s(.*?)!/)[1] } catch (error) { console.error(error) } // Unable to find map marker in URL. return `${randomInstance}/#q=${query}` } else if (url.pathname.includes("/dir")) { // Handle Google Maps Directions // let travMod = url.searchParams.get("travelmode") let orgVal = url.searchParams.get("origin") let destVal = url.searchParams.get("destination") return `${randomInstance}/#q=${orgVal}%20to%20${destVal}%20by%20${travelModes[travMod]}` } else if (url.pathname.includes("data=") && url.pathname.match(dataLatLngRegex)) { // Get marker from data attribute //'58.2%22N+40%C2%B029'18.2%22E/@41.032833,40.4862063,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0xf64286eaf72fc49d!7e2!8m2!3d41.0328329!4d40.4883948 //console.log("data life") let [, mlat, mlon] = url.pathname.match(dataLatLngRegex) return `${randomInstance}/#q=${mlat}%2C${mlon}` } else if (url.searchParams.has("ll")) { // Get marker from ll param //,-76.99017 //console.log("ll life") const [mlat, mlon] = url.searchParams.get("ll").split(",") return `${randomInstance}/#q=${mlat}%2C${mlon}` } else if (url.searchParams.has("viewpoint")) { // Get marker from viewpoint param. //,2.295226&heading=-45&pitch=38&fov=80 //console.log("viewpoint life") const [mlat, mlon] = url.searchParams.get("viewpoint").split(",") return `${randomInstance}/#q=${mlat}%2C${mlon}` } else { // Use query as search if present. //console.log("normal life") let query if (url.searchParams.has("q")) query = url.searchParams.get("q") else if (url.searchParams.has("query")) query = url.searchParams.get("query") else if (url.pathname.match(placeRegex)) query = url.pathname.match(placeRegex)[1] if (query) return `${randomInstance}/${mapCentre}/Mpnk/${query}` } } case "wikiless": let GETArguments = [] if ( > 0) { let search = //get rid of '?' let argstrings = search.split("&") for (let i = 0; i < argstrings.length; i++) { let args = argstrings[i].split("=") GETArguments.push([args[0], args[1]]) } } let link = `${randomInstance}${url.pathname}` let urlSplit =".") if (urlSplit[0] != "wikipedia" && urlSplit[0] != "www") { if (urlSplit[0] == "m") GETArguments.push(["mobileaction", "toggle_view_mobile"]) else GETArguments.push(["lang", urlSplit[0]]) if (urlSplit[1] == "m") GETArguments.push(["mobileaction", "toggle_view_mobile"]) // wikiless doesn't have mobile view support yet } for (let i = 0; i < GETArguments.length; i++) link += (i == 0 ? "?" : "&") + GETArguments[i][0] + "=" + GETArguments[i][1] return link case "lingva": let params_arr ="&") params_arr[0] = params_arr[0].substring(1) let params = {} for (let i = 0; i < params_arr.length; i++) { let pair = params_arr[i].split("=") params[pair[0]] = pair[1] } if ( && && params.text) { return `${randomInstance}/${}/${}/${params.text}` } return randomInstance case "breezeWiki": let wiki = url.hostname.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?=\.fandom\.com)/) if (wiki == "www" || !wiki) wiki = "" else wiki = "/" + wiki if (\?query/) > -1) return `${randomInstance}${wiki}${url.pathname}${}`.replace(/Special:Search\?query/, "search?q").replace(/\/wiki/, "") else return `${randomInstance}${wiki}${url.pathname}${}` case "rimgo": if (^https?:\/{2}(?:[im]\.)?stack\./) > -1) return `${randomInstance}/stack${url.pathname}${}` else return `${randomInstance}${url.pathname}${}` case "libreddit": if (url.hostname.match(/^(i|preview)\.redd\.it/)) { return `${randomInstance}/img${url.pathname}` } return `${randomInstance}${url.pathname}${}` default: return `${randomInstance}${url.pathname}${}` } } function computeService(url, returnFrontend) { return new Promise(resolve => { fetch("/config/config.json") .then(response => response.text()) .then(configData => { const config = JSON.parse(configData)["redirects", "options"], r => { const redirects = r.redirects const options = r.options for (const service in { if (regexArray(service, url, config)) { resolve(service) return } else { for (const frontend in[service].frontends) { if (all(service, frontend, options, config, redirects).includes(utils.protocolHost(url))) { if (returnFrontend) resolve([service, frontend, utils.protocolHost(url)]) else resolve(service) return } } } } resolve() }) }) }) } function switchInstance(url) { return new Promise(async resolve => { await init() const protocolHost = utils.protocolHost(url) for (const service in { if (!all(service, null, options, config, redirects).includes(protocolHost)) continue let instancesList if (Object.keys([service].frontends).length == 1) { const frontend = Object.keys([service].frontends)[0] instancesList = [...options[frontend][].enabled, ...options[frontend][].custom] if (instancesList.length === 0 && options.networkFallback) instancesList = [...options[frontend].clearnet.enabled, ...options[frontend].clearnet.custom] } else { const frontend = options[service].frontend instancesList = [...options[frontend][].enabled, ...options[frontend][].custom] if (instancesList.length === 0 && options.networkFallback) instancesList = [...options[frontend].clearnet.enabled, ...options[frontend].clearnet.custom] } let oldInstance const i = instancesList.indexOf(protocolHost) if (i > -1) { oldInstance = instancesList[i] instancesList.splice(i, 1) } if (instancesList.length === 0) { resolve() return } const randomInstance = utils.getRandomInstance(instancesList) const oldUrl = `${oldInstance}${url.pathname}${}` // This is to make instance switching work when the instance depends on the pathname, eg // Doesn't work because of .includes array method, not a top priotiry atm resolve(oldUrl.replace(oldInstance, randomInstance)) return } resolve() }) } function reverse(url, urlString) { return new Promise(async resolve => { await init() let protocolHost if (!urlString) protocolHost = utils.protocolHost(url) else protocolHost = url.match(/https?:\/{2}(?:[^\s\/]+\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9]+/)[0] for (const service in { if (!all(service, null, options, config, redirects).includes(protocolHost)) continue switch (service) { case "instagram": case "youtube": case "imdb": case "imgur": case "tiktok": case "twitter": case "reddit": case "imdb": case "reuters": case "quora": case "medium": if (!urlString) resolve([service].url + url.pathname + else resolve(url.replace(/https?:\/{2}(?:[^\s\/]+\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9]+/,[service].url)) return default: resolve() return } } resolve() }) } function unifyPreferences(url, tabId) { return new Promise(async resolve => { await init() const protocolHost = utils.protocolHost(url) for (const service in { for (const frontend in[service].frontends) { if (all(service, frontend, options, config, redirects).includes(protocolHost)) { let instancesList = [...options[frontend][].enabled, ...options[frontend][].custom] if (options.networkFallback && != "clearnet") instancesList.push(...options[frontend].clearnet.enabled, ...options[frontend].clearnet.custom) const frontendObject =[service].frontends[frontend] if ("cookies" in frontendObject.preferences) { for (const cookie of frontendObject.preferences.cookies) { await utils.copyCookie(frontendObject, url, instancesList, cookie) } } if ("localstorage" in frontendObject.preferences) {{ tmp: [frontend, frontendObject.preferences.localstorage] }) browser.tabs.executeScript(tabId, { file: "/assets/javascripts/get-localstorage.js", runAt: "document_start", }) for (const instance of instancesList) browser.tabs.create({ url: instance }, tab => browser.tabs.executeScript(, { file: "/assets/javascripts/set-localstorage.js", runAt: "document_start", }) ) } /* if ("indexeddb" in frontendObject.preferences) { } if ("token" in frontendObject.preferences) { } */ resolve(true) return } } } }) } async function setRedirects(redirects) { fetch("/config/config.json") .then(response => response.text()) .then(configData => { //["options", "blacklists"], async r => { //const options = r.options const config = JSON.parse(configData) let targets = {} for (const service in { if ([service].targets == "datajson") { targets[service] = redirects[service] } /* for (const frontend in[service].frontends) { if ([service].frontends[frontend].instanceList) { for (const network in config.networks) { options[frontend][network].enabled = redirects[frontend][network] } for (const blacklist in r.blacklists) { for (const instance of blacklist) { let i = options[frontend].clearnet.enabled.indexOf(instance) if (i > -1) options[frontend].clearnet.enabled.splice(i, 1) } } } } */ // The above will be implemented with }{ redirects, targets /*, options*/ }) //}) }) } function initDefaults() { return new Promise(resolve => { fetch("/instances/data.json") .then(response => response.text()) .then(data => { fetch("/config/config.json") .then(response => response.text()) .then(configData => {["options", "blacklists"], r => { let redirects = JSON.parse(data) let options = r.options let targets = {} let config = JSON.parse(configData) const localstorage = {} const latency = {} for (const service in { options[service] = {} if ([service].targets == "datajson") targets[service] = redirects[service] for (const defaultOption in[service].options) options[service][defaultOption] =[service].options[defaultOption] for (const frontend in[service].frontends) { if ([service].frontends[frontend].instanceList) { options[frontend] = {} for (const network in config.networks) { options[frontend][network] = {} options[frontend][network].enabled = JSON.parse(data)[frontend][network] options[frontend][network].custom = [] } for (const blacklist in r.blacklists) { for (const instance of r.blacklists[blacklist]) { let i = options[frontend].clearnet.enabled.indexOf(instance) if (i > -1) options[frontend].clearnet.enabled.splice(i, 1) } } } } }{ redirects, options, targets, latency, localstorage }) resolve() }) }) }) }) } function upgradeOptions() { return new Promise(resolve => { fetch("/config/config.json") .then(response => response.text()) .then(configData => {, r => { let options = r.options let latency = {} const config = JSON.parse(configData) options.exceptions = r.exceptions if (r.theme != "DEFAULT") options.theme = r.theme options.popupServices = r.popupFrontends let tmp = options.popupServices.indexOf("tikTok") if (tmp > -1) { options.popupServices.splice(tmp, 1) options.popupServices.push("tiktok") } tmp = options.popupServices.indexOf("sendTarget") if (tmp > -1) { options.popupServices.splice(tmp, 1) options.popupServices.push("sendFiles") } options.firstPartyIsolate = r.firstPartyIsolate options.autoRedirect = r.autoRedirect switch (r.onlyEmbeddedVideo) { case "onlyNotEmbedded": = "main_frame" case "onlyEmbedded": = "sub_frame" case "both": = "both" } for (const service in { let oldService switch (service) { case "tiktok": oldService = "tikTok" break case "sendFiles": oldService = "sendTarget" break default: oldService = service } options[service].enabled = !r["disable" + utils.camelCase(oldService)] if (r[oldService + "Frontend"]) { if (r[oldService + "Frontend"] == "yatte") options[service].frontend = "yattee" else options[service].frontend = r[oldService + "Frontend"] } if (r[oldService + "RedirectType"]) options[service].redirectType = r[oldService + "RedirectType"] if (r[oldService + "EmbedFrontend"] && (service != "youtube" || r[oldService + "EmbedFrontend"] == "invidious" || r[oldService + "EmbedFrontend"] == "piped")) options[service].embedFrontend = r[oldService + "EmbedFrontend"] for (const frontend in[service].frontends) { if (r[frontend + "Latency"]) latency[frontend] = r[frontend + "Latency"] for (const network in config.networks) { let protocol if (network == "clearnet") protocol = "normal" else protocol = network if (r[frontend + utils.camelCase(protocol) + "RedirectsChecks"]) { options[frontend][network].enabled = r[frontend + utils.camelCase(protocol) + "RedirectsChecks"] options[frontend][network].custom = r[frontend + utils.camelCase(protocol) + "CustomRedirects"] } } } }{ options, latency }, () => resolve()) }) }) }) } function processUpdate() { return new Promise(resolve => { fetch("/instances/data.json") .then(response => response.text()) .then(data => { fetch("/config/config.json") .then(response => response.text()) .then(configData => {["options", "blacklists", "targets"], r => { let redirects = JSON.parse(data) let options = r.options let targets = r.targets let config = JSON.parse(configData) for (const service in { if (!options[service]) options[service] = {} if ([service].targets == "datajson") targets[service] = redirects[service] for (const defaultOption in[service].options) if (!options[service][defaultOption]) options[service][defaultOption] =[service].options[defaultOption] for (const frontend in[service].frontends) { if ([service].frontends[frontend].instanceList) { if (!options[frontend]) options[frontend] = {} for (const network in config.networks) { if (!options[frontend][network]) { options[frontend][network] = {} options[frontend][network].enabled = JSON.parse(data)[frontend][network] options[frontend][network].custom = [] if (network == "clearnet") { for (const blacklist in r.blacklists) { for (const instance of r.blacklists[blacklist]) { let i = options[frontend].clearnet.enabled.indexOf(instance) if (i > -1) options[frontend].clearnet.enabled.splice(i, 1) } } } } } } } }{ redirects, options, targets }) resolve() }) }) }) }) } // For websites that have a strict policy that would not normally allow these frontends to be embedded within the website. function modifyContentSecurityPolicy(details) { let isChanged = false if (details.type == "main_frame") { for (const header in details.responseHeaders) { if (details.responseHeaders[header].name == "content-security-policy") { let instancesList = [] for (const service in { if ([service].embeddable) { for (const frontend in[service].frontends) { if ([service].frontends[frontend].embeddable) { for (const network in config.networks) { instancesList.push(...options[frontend][network].enabled, ...options[frontend][network].custom) } } } } } let securityPolicyList = details.responseHeaders[header].value.split(";") for (const i in securityPolicyList) securityPolicyList[i] = securityPolicyList[i].trim() let newSecurity = "" for (const item of securityPolicyList) { if (item.trim() == "") continue let regex = item.match(/([a-z-]{0,}) (.*)/) if (regex == null) continue let [, key, vals] = regex if (key == "frame-src") vals = vals + " " + instancesList.join(" ") newSecurity += key + " " + vals + "; " } details.responseHeaders[header].value = newSecurity isChanged = true } } if (isChanged) return { responseHeaders: details.responseHeaders } } } export default { redirect, computeService, switchInstance, reverse, unifyPreferences, setRedirects, initDefaults, upgradeOptions, processUpdate, modifyContentSecurityPolicy, }