{ "extensionName": { "message": "LibRedirect", "description": "extension name" }, "extensionDescription": { "message": "إضافة متصفح تعيد توجيه مواقع مشهورة إلى واجهات أمامية تحترم الخصوصية", "description": "extension description" }, "switchInstance": { "message": "تبديل النُسخة", "description": "used in the popup" }, "settings": { "message": "الإعدادات", "description": "used in the popup" }, "general": { "message": "العامة", "description": "used in the settings page" }, "theme": { "message": "السمة", "description": "used in the settings page" }, "light": { "message": "فاتح", "description": "used in the settings page" }, "dark": { "message": "داكن", "description": "used in the settings page" }, "auto": { "message": "تلقائي", "description": "used in the settings page" }, "excludeFromRedirecting": { "message": "استبعاد من التوجيه", "description": "used in the settings page" }, "importSettings": { "message": "استيراد الإعدادات", "description": "used in the settings page" }, "exportSettings": { "message": "تصدير الإعدادات", "description": "used in the settings page" }, "resetSettings": { "message": "إعادة تعيين الإعدادات", "description": "used in the settings page" }, "enable": { "message": "تفعيل", "description": "used in the settings page" }, "showInPopup": { "message": "الإظهار في المنبثقة", "description": "used in the settings page" }, "frontend": { "message": "الواجهة الأمامية", "description": "used in the settings page" }, "redirectType": { "message": "نوع التوجيه", "description": "used in the settings page" }, "both": { "message": "الإثنين", "description": "used in the settings page" }, "onlyEmbedded": { "message": "فقط المضمنة", "description": "used in the settings page" }, "onlyNotEmbedded": { "message": "فقط الغير مضمنة", "description": "used in the settings page" }, "addYourFavoriteInstances": { "message": "أضِف نُسخك المُفضلة", "description": "used in the settings page" }, "copyOriginal": { "message": "Copy Original" }, "copied": { "message": "تم النسخ", "description": "used in the popup" }, "redirectToOriginal": { "message": "إعادة التوجيه إلى الأصلي", "description": "Used in context menus when right clicking on a page/tab" }, "redirectLink": { "message": "محاولة إعادة توجيه", "description": "Used in context menus when right clicking on a hyperlink" }, "about": { "message": "عن" }, "unsupportedIframesHandling": { "message": "التعامل مع embeds غير المدعوم" }, "fetchPublicInstances": { "message": "اجلب النُسخ العامة" }, "disable": { "message": "عطّل" }, "pingInstances": { "message": "بينج النُسخ" }, "exportSettingsToSync": { "message": "Export Settings to Sync" }, "importSettingsFromSync": { "message": "Import Settings from Sync" }, "services": { "message": "Services" }, "service": { "message": "Service" }, "bookmarksMenu": { "message": "Bookmarks menu" }, "redirectOnlyInIncognito": { "message": "Redirect Only in Incognito" }, "bypass": { "message": "Bypass" }, "block": { "message": "Block" }, "searchHint": { "message": "Set LibRedirect as Default Search Engine. For how to do in chromium browsers, click here." }, "redirect": { "message": "Redirect" }, "autoPickInstance": { "message": "اختر النُسخ تلقائيًا" }, "redirectGoogle": { "message": "إعادة توجيه جوجل" }, "search_frontend": { "message": "واجهة البحث" }, "searchService": { "message": "خدمة البحث" }, "embedFrontend": { "message": "واجهة Embed" } }