From eb7d1ce4c7bd288fb5db37b7c5c1cabed7e8d326 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ManeraKai Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2022 12:37:23 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] Removed Wikiless, Neuters. Optimization --- | 1 - package.json | 4 +- src/assets/images/reuters-icon.svg | 1 - src/assets/images/wikipedia-icon.svg | 3 - src/assets/javascripts/pug.js | 43022 ----------------------- src/assets/javascripts/services.js | 42 +- src/assets/javascripts/utils.js | 196 - src/{config => }/config.json | 36 - src/index.pug | 1 - src/instances/ | 9 +- src/instances/neuters.json | 6 - src/pages/options/index.ejs | 13 - src/pages/options/index.js | 199 + src/pages/options/widgets/general.js | 12 +- src/pages/options/widgets/services.js | 76 - src/pages/options/widgets/services.pug | 11 +- src/pages/popup/index.html | 1893 - src/pages/popup/popup.js | 2 +- 18 files changed, 211 insertions(+), 45316 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 src/assets/images/reuters-icon.svg delete mode 100644 src/assets/images/wikipedia-icon.svg delete mode 100644 src/assets/javascripts/pug.js rename src/{config => }/config.json (93%) delete mode 100644 src/index.pug delete mode 100644 src/instances/neuters.json delete mode 100644 src/pages/options/index.ejs delete mode 100644 src/pages/options/widgets/services.js delete mode 100644 src/pages/popup/index.html diff --git a/ b/ index 437dfb6b..a7bfd030 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ A web extension that redirects YouTube, Twitter, Instagram... requests to altern - TikTok => [ProxiTok]( - Reddit => [Libreddit](, [Teddit]( - Imgur => [Rimgo]( -- Wikipedia => [Wikiless]( - Medium => [Scribe]( - Quora => [Quetre]( - IMDb => [libremdb]( diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 05cd1ecc..d8d2677a 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ "build": "web-ext build", "test": "web-ext lint", "instances": "python3 src/instances/ && git update-index --assume-unchanged src/instances/blacklist.json src/instances/data.json", - "ejs": "ejs src/pages/options/index.ejs -f src/config/config.json -o src/pages/options/index.html && ejs src/pages/popup/popup.ejs -f src/config/config.json -o src/pages/popup/popup.html", - "pug": "pug --pretty --basedir ./ --obj ./src/config/config.json src/pages/options/index.pug --out src/pages/options/ src/pages/popup/popup.pug --out src/pages/popup/" + "pug": "pug --pretty --basedir ./ --obj ./src/config.json src/pages/options/index.pug --out src/pages/options/ && pug --pretty --basedir ./ --obj ./src/config.json src/pages/popup/popup.pug --out src/pages/popup/" }, "repository": { "type": "git", @@ -24,7 +23,6 @@ }, "homepage": "", "devDependencies": { - "pug": "^2.0.4", "web-ext": "^7.2.0" }, "webExt": { diff --git a/src/assets/images/reuters-icon.svg b/src/assets/images/reuters-icon.svg deleted file mode 100644 index aab389c3..00000000 --- a/src/assets/images/reuters-icon.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/images/wikipedia-icon.svg b/src/assets/images/wikipedia-icon.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 87876d46..00000000 --- a/src/assets/images/wikipedia-icon.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - - -Wikipedia logo version 2 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/javascripts/pug.js b/src/assets/javascripts/pug.js deleted file mode 100644 index c52f2226..00000000 --- a/src/assets/javascripts/pug.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43022 +0,0 @@ -require = function () { - return function e(t, n, r) { - function i(o, a) { - if (!n[o]) { - if (!t[o]) { - var u = 'function' == typeof require && require; - if (!a && u) return u(o, !0); - if (s) return s(o, !0); - var l = new Error('Cannot find module \'' + o + '\''); - throw l.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND', - l - } - var c = n[o] = { - exports: { - } - }; - t[o][0].call(c.exports, function (e) { - return i(t[o][1][e] || e) - }, c, c.exports, e, t, n, r) - } - return n[o].exports - } - for (var s = 'function' == typeof require && require, o = 0; o < r.length; o++) i(r[o]); - return i - } - }() ({ - 1: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('acorn'), - i = e('acorn/dist/walk'); - function s(e) { - return 'FunctionExpression' === e.type || 'FunctionDeclaration' === e.type || 'ArrowFunctionExpression' === e.type || 'Program' === e.type - } - function o(e) { - return 'BlockStatement' === e.type || s(e) - } - function a(e) { - return 'FunctionExpression' === e.type || 'FunctionDeclaration' === e.type - } - function u(e) { - return 'FunctionExpression' === e.type || 'FunctionDeclaration' === e.type - } - function l(e) { - return r.parse(e, { - allowReturnOutsideFunction: !0, - allowImportExportEverywhere: !0, - allowHashBang: !0 - }) - } - t.exports = function (e) { - var t, - n = [ - ]; - t = 'string' == typeof e ? l(e) : e; - if (!t || 'object' != typeof t || 'Program' !== t.type) throw new TypeError('Source must be either a string of JavaScript or an acorn AST'); - var r = function (e) { - var t = e; - t.locals = t.locals || { - }, - e.params.forEach(function (e) { - c(e, t) - }), - && (t.locals[] = !0) - }, - c = function (e, t) { - switch (e.type) { - case 'Identifier': - t.locals[] = !0; - break; - case 'ObjectPattern': - (e) { - c(e.value, t) - }); - break; - case 'ArrayPattern': - e.elements.forEach(function (e) { - e && c(e, t) - }); - break; - case 'RestElement': - c(e.argument, t); - break; - case 'AssignmentPattern': - c(e.left, t); - break; - default: - throw new Error('Unrecognized pattern type: ' + e.type) - } - }, - p = function (e, n) { - t.locals = t.locals || { - }, - t.locals[] = !0 - }; - function h(e, t) { - var r =; - if ('undefined' !== r) { - for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { - if ('arguments' === r && a(t[i])) return; - if (t[i].locals && r in t[i].locals) return - } - e.parents = t, - n.push(e) - } - } - i.ancestor(t, { - VariableDeclaration: function (e, t) { - for (var n = null, r = t.length - 1; r >= 0 && null === n; r--) ('var' === e.kind ? s(t[r]) : o(t[r])) && (n = t[r]); - n.locals = n.locals || { - }, - e.declarations.forEach(function (e) { - c(, n) - }) - }, - FunctionDeclaration: function (e, t) { - for (var n = null, i = t.length - 2; i >= 0 && null === n; i--) s(t[i]) && (n = t[i]); - n.locals = n.locals || { - }, - n.locals[] = !0, - r(e) - }, - Function: r, - ClassDeclaration: function (e, t) { - for (var n = null, r = t.length - 2; r >= 0 && null === n; r--) s(t[r]) && (n = t[r]); - n.locals = n.locals || { - }, - n.locals[] = !0 - }, - TryStatement: function (e) { - null !== e.handler && (e.handler.locals = e.handler.locals || { - }, e.handler.locals[] = !0) - }, - ImportDefaultSpecifier: p, - ImportSpecifier: p, - ImportNamespaceSpecifier: p - }), - i.ancestor(t, { - VariablePattern: h, - Identifier: h, - ThisExpression: function (e, t) { - for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) if (u(t[r])) return; - e.parents = t, - n.push(e) - } - }); - var f = { - }; - return n.forEach(function (e) { - var t = 'ThisExpression' === e.type ? 'this' :; - f[t] = f[t] || [ - ], - f[t].push(e) - }), - Object.keys(f).sort().map(function (e) { - return { - name: e, - nodes: f[e] - } - }) - }, - t.exports.parse = l - }, - { - acorn: 2, - 'acorn/dist/walk': 3 - } - ], - 2: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r, - i; - r = this, - i = function (e) { - 'use strict'; - var t = { - 3: 'abstract boolean byte char class double enum export extends final float goto implements import int interface long native package private protected public short static super synchronized throws transient volatile', - 5: 'class enum extends super const export import', - 6: 'enum', - strict: 'implements interface let package private protected public static yield', - strictBind: 'eval arguments' - }, - n = 'break case catch continue debugger default do else finally for function if return switch throw try var while with null true false instanceof typeof void delete new in this', - r = { - 5: n, - 6: n + ' const class extends export import super' - }, - i = 'ªµºÀ-ÖØ-öø-ˁˆ-ˑˠ-ˤˬˮͰ-ʹͶͷͺ-ͽͿΆΈ-ΊΌΎ-ΡΣ-ϵϷ-ҁҊ-ԯԱ-Ֆՙա-ևא-תװ-ײؠ-يٮٯٱ-ۓەۥۦۮۯۺ-ۼۿܐܒ-ܯݍ-ޥޱߊ-ߪߴߵߺࠀ-ࠕࠚࠤࠨࡀ-ࡘࢠ-ࢴࢶ-ࢽऄ-हऽॐक़-ॡॱ-ঀঅ-ঌএঐও-নপ-রলশ-হঽৎড়ঢ়য়-ৡৰৱਅ-ਊਏਐਓ-ਨਪ-ਰਲਲ਼ਵਸ਼ਸਹਖ਼-ੜਫ਼ੲ-ੴઅ-ઍએ-ઑઓ-નપ-રલળવ-હઽૐૠૡૹଅ-ଌଏଐଓ-ନପ-ରଲଳଵ-ହଽଡ଼ଢ଼ୟ-ୡୱஃஅ-ஊஎ-ஐஒ-கஙசஜஞடணதந-பம-ஹௐఅ-ఌఎ-ఐఒ-నప-హఽౘ-ౚౠౡಀಅ-ಌಎ-ಐಒ-ನಪ-ಳವ-ಹಽೞೠೡೱೲഅ-ഌഎ-ഐഒ-ഺഽൎൔ-ൖൟ-ൡൺ-ൿඅ-ඖක-නඳ-රලව-ෆก-ะาำเ-ๆກຂຄງຈຊຍດ-ທນ-ຟມ-ຣລວສຫອ-ະາຳຽເ-ໄໆໜ-ໟༀཀ-ཇཉ-ཬྈ-ྌက-ဪဿၐ-ၕၚ-ၝၡၥၦၮ-ၰၵ-ႁႎႠ-ჅჇჍა-ჺჼ-ቈቊ-ቍቐ-ቖቘቚ-ቝበ-ኈኊ-ኍነ-ኰኲ-ኵኸ-ኾዀዂ-ዅወ-ዖዘ-ጐጒ-ጕጘ-ፚᎀ-ᎏᎠ-Ᏽᏸ-ᏽᐁ-ᙬᙯ-ᙿᚁ-ᚚᚠ-ᛪᛮ-ᛸᜀ-ᜌᜎ-ᜑᜠ-ᜱᝀ-ᝑᝠ-ᝬᝮ-ᝰក-ឳៗៜᠠ-ᡷᢀ-ᢨᢪᢰ-ᣵᤀ-ᤞᥐ-ᥭᥰ-ᥴᦀ-ᦫᦰ-ᧉᨀ-ᨖᨠ-ᩔᪧᬅ-ᬳᭅ-ᭋᮃ-ᮠᮮᮯᮺ-ᯥᰀ-ᰣᱍ-ᱏᱚ-ᱽᲀ-ᲈᳩ-ᳬᳮ-ᳱᳵᳶᴀ-ᶿḀ-ἕἘ-Ἕἠ-ὅὈ-Ὅὐ-ὗὙὛὝὟ-ώᾀ-ᾴᾶ-ᾼιῂ-ῄῆ-ῌῐ-ΐῖ-Ίῠ-Ῥῲ-ῴῶ-ῼⁱⁿₐ-ₜℂℇℊ-ℓℕ℘-ℝℤΩℨK-ℹℼ-ℿⅅ-ⅉⅎⅠ-ↈⰀ-Ⱞⰰ-ⱞⱠ-ⳤⳫ-ⳮⳲⳳⴀ-ⴥⴧⴭⴰ-ⵧⵯⶀ-ⶖⶠ-ⶦⶨ-ⶮⶰ-ⶶⶸ-ⶾⷀ-ⷆⷈ-ⷎⷐ-ⷖⷘ-ⷞ々-〇〡-〩〱-〵〸-〼ぁ-ゖ゛-ゟァ-ヺー-ヿㄅ-ㄭㄱ-ㆎㆠ-ㆺㇰ-ㇿ㐀-䶵一-鿕ꀀ-ꒌꓐ-ꓽꔀ-ꘌꘐ-ꘟꘪꘫꙀ-ꙮꙿ-ꚝꚠ-ꛯꜗ-ꜟꜢ-ꞈꞋ-ꞮꞰ-ꞷꟷ-ꠁꠃ-ꠅꠇ-ꠊꠌ-ꠢꡀ-ꡳꢂ-ꢳꣲ-ꣷꣻꣽꤊ-ꤥꤰ-ꥆꥠ-ꥼꦄ-ꦲꧏꧠ-ꧤꧦ-ꧯꧺ-ꧾꨀ-ꨨꩀ-ꩂꩄ-ꩋꩠ-ꩶꩺꩾ-ꪯꪱꪵꪶꪹ-ꪽꫀꫂꫛ-ꫝꫠ-ꫪꫲ-ꫴꬁ-ꬆꬉ-ꬎꬑ-ꬖꬠ-ꬦꬨ-ꬮꬰ-ꭚꭜ-ꭥꭰ-ꯢ가-힣ힰ-ퟆퟋ-ퟻ豈-舘並-龎ff-stﬓ-ﬗיִײַ-ﬨשׁ-זּטּ-לּמּנּסּףּפּצּ-ﮱﯓ-ﴽﵐ-ﶏﶒ-ﷇﷰ-ﷻﹰ-ﹴﹶ-ﻼA-Za-zヲ-하-ᅦᅧ-ᅬᅭ-ᅲᅳ-ᅵ', - s = '‌‍·̀-ͯ·҃-֑҇-ׇֽֿׁׂׅׄؐ-ًؚ-٩ٰۖ-ۜ۟-۪ۤۧۨ-ۭ۰-۹ܑܰ-݊ަ-ް߀-߉߫-߳ࠖ-࠙ࠛ-ࠣࠥ-ࠧࠩ-࡙࠭-࡛ࣔ-ࣣ࣡-ःऺ-़ा-ॏ॑-ॗॢॣ०-९ঁ-ঃ়া-ৄেৈো-্ৗৢৣ০-৯ਁ-ਃ਼ਾ-ੂੇੈੋ-੍ੑ੦-ੱੵઁ-ઃ઼ા-ૅે-ૉો-્ૢૣ૦-૯ଁ-ଃ଼ା-ୄେୈୋ-୍ୖୗୢୣ୦-୯ஂா-ூெ-ைொ-்ௗ௦-௯ఀ-ఃా-ౄె-ైొ-్ౕౖౢౣ౦-౯ಁ-ಃ಼ಾ-ೄೆ-ೈೊ-್ೕೖೢೣ೦-೯ഁ-ഃാ-ൄെ-ൈൊ-്ൗൢൣ൦-൯ංඃ්ා-ුූෘ-ෟ෦-෯ෲෳัิ-ฺ็-๎๐-๙ັິ-ູົຼ່-ໍ໐-໙༘༙༠-༩༹༵༷༾༿ཱ-྄྆྇ྍ-ྗྙ-ྼ࿆ါ-ှ၀-၉ၖ-ၙၞ-ၠၢ-ၤၧ-ၭၱ-ၴႂ-ႍႏ-ႝ፝-፟፩-፱ᜒ-᜔ᜲ-᜴ᝒᝓᝲᝳ឴-៓៝០-៩᠋-᠍᠐-᠙ᢩᤠ-ᤫᤰ-᤻᥆-᥏᧐-᧚ᨗ-ᨛᩕ-ᩞ᩠-᩿᩼-᪉᪐-᪙᪰-᪽ᬀ-ᬄ᬴-᭄᭐-᭙᭫-᭳ᮀ-ᮂᮡ-ᮭ᮰-᮹᯦-᯳ᰤ-᰷᱀-᱉᱐-᱙᳐-᳔᳒-᳨᳭ᳲ-᳴᳸᳹᷀-᷵᷻-᷿‿⁀⁔⃐-⃥⃜⃡-⃰⳯-⵿⳱ⷠ-〪ⷿ-゙゚〯꘠-꘩꙯ꙴ-꙽ꚞꚟ꛰꛱ꠂ꠆ꠋꠣ-ꠧꢀꢁꢴ-ꣅ꣐-꣙꣠-꣱꤀-꤉ꤦ-꤭ꥇ-꥓ꦀ-ꦃ꦳-꧀꧐-꧙ꧥ꧰-꧹ꨩ-ꨶꩃꩌꩍ꩐-꩙ꩻ-ꩽꪰꪲ-ꪴꪷꪸꪾ꪿꫁ꫫ-ꫯꫵ꫶ꯣ-ꯪ꯬꯭꯰-꯹ﬞ︀-️︠-︯︳︴﹍-﹏0-9_', - o = new RegExp('[' + i + ']'), - a = new RegExp('[' + i + s + ']'); - i = s = null; - var u = [ - 0, - 11, - 2, - 25, - 2, - 18, - 2, - 1, - 2, - 14, - 3, - 13, - 35, - 122, - 70, - 52, - 268, - 28, - 4, - 48, - 48, - 31, - 17, - 26, - 6, - 37, - 11, - 29, - 3, - 35, - 5, - 7, - 2, - 4, - 43, - 157, - 19, - 35, - 5, - 35, - 5, - 39, - 9, - 51, - 157, - 310, - 10, - 21, - 11, - 7, - 153, - 5, - 3, - 0, - 2, - 43, - 2, - 1, - 4, - 0, - 3, - 22, - 11, - 22, - 10, - 30, - 66, - 18, - 2, - 1, - 11, - 21, - 11, - 25, - 71, - 55, - 7, - 1, - 65, - 0, - 16, - 3, - 2, - 2, - 2, - 26, - 45, - 28, - 4, - 28, - 36, - 7, - 2, - 27, - 28, - 53, - 11, - 21, - 11, - 18, - 14, - 17, - 111, - 72, - 56, - 50, - 14, - 50, - 785, - 52, - 76, - 44, - 33, - 24, - 27, - 35, - 42, - 34, - 4, - 0, - 13, - 47, - 15, - 3, - 22, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 36, - 17, - 2, - 24, - 85, - 6, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 3, - 2, - 14, - 2, - 9, - 8, - 46, - 39, - 7, - 3, - 1, - 3, - 21, - 2, - 6, - 2, - 1, - 2, - 4, - 4, - 0, - 19, - 0, - 13, - 4, - 159, - 52, - 19, - 3, - 54, - 47, - 21, - 1, - 2, - 0, - 185, - 46, - 42, - 3, - 37, - 47, - 21, - 0, - 60, - 42, - 86, - 25, - 391, - 63, - 32, - 0, - 449, - 56, - 264, - 8, - 2, - 36, - 18, - 0, - 50, - 29, - 881, - 921, - 103, - 110, - 18, - 195, - 2749, - 1070, - 4050, - 582, - 8634, - 568, - 8, - 30, - 114, - 29, - 19, - 47, - 17, - 3, - 32, - 20, - 6, - 18, - 881, - 68, - 12, - 0, - 67, - 12, - 65, - 0, - 32, - 6124, - 20, - 754, - 9486, - 1, - 3071, - 106, - 6, - 12, - 4, - 8, - 8, - 9, - 5991, - 84, - 2, - 70, - 2, - 1, - 3, - 0, - 3, - 1, - 3, - 3, - 2, - 11, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 6, - 2, - 64, - 2, - 3, - 3, - 7, - 2, - 6, - 2, - 27, - 2, - 3, - 2, - 4, - 2, - 0, - 4, - 6, - 2, - 339, - 3, - 24, - 2, - 24, - 2, - 30, - 2, - 24, - 2, - 30, - 2, - 24, - 2, - 30, - 2, - 24, - 2, - 30, - 2, - 24, - 2, - 7, - 4149, - 196, - 60, - 67, - 1213, - 3, - 2, - 26, - 2, - 1, - 2, - 0, - 3, - 0, - 2, - 9, - 2, - 3, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 7, - 0, - 5, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 2, - 2, - 1, - 2, - 0, - 3, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 1, - 2, - 0, - 3, - 3, - 2, - 6, - 2, - 3, - 2, - 3, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 9, - 2, - 16, - 6, - 2, - 2, - 4, - 2, - 16, - 4421, - 42710, - 42, - 4148, - 12, - 221, - 3, - 5761, - 10591, - 541 - ], - l = [ - 509, - 0, - 227, - 0, - 150, - 4, - 294, - 9, - 1368, - 2, - 2, - 1, - 6, - 3, - 41, - 2, - 5, - 0, - 166, - 1, - 1306, - 2, - 54, - 14, - 32, - 9, - 16, - 3, - 46, - 10, - 54, - 9, - 7, - 2, - 37, - 13, - 2, - 9, - 52, - 0, - 13, - 2, - 49, - 13, - 10, - 2, - 4, - 9, - 83, - 11, - 7, - 0, - 161, - 11, - 6, - 9, - 7, - 3, - 57, - 0, - 2, - 6, - 3, - 1, - 3, - 2, - 10, - 0, - 11, - 1, - 3, - 6, - 4, - 4, - 193, - 17, - 10, - 9, - 87, - 19, - 13, - 9, - 214, - 6, - 3, - 8, - 28, - 1, - 83, - 16, - 16, - 9, - 82, - 12, - 9, - 9, - 84, - 14, - 5, - 9, - 423, - 9, - 838, - 7, - 2, - 7, - 17, - 9, - 57, - 21, - 2, - 13, - 19882, - 9, - 135, - 4, - 60, - 6, - 26, - 9, - 1016, - 45, - 17, - 3, - 19723, - 1, - 5319, - 4, - 4, - 5, - 9, - 7, - 3, - 6, - 31, - 3, - 149, - 2, - 1418, - 49, - 513, - 54, - 5, - 49, - 9, - 0, - 15, - 0, - 23, - 4, - 2, - 14, - 1361, - 6, - 2, - 16, - 3, - 6, - 2, - 1, - 2, - 4, - 2214, - 6, - 110, - 6, - 6, - 9, - 792487, - 239 - ]; - function c(e, t) { - for (var n = 65536, r = 0; r < t.length; r += 2) { - if ((n += t[r]) > e) return !1; - if ((n += t[r + 1]) >= e) return !0 - } - } - function p(e, t) { - return e < 65 ? 36 === e : e < 91 || (e < 97 ? 95 === e : e < 123 || (e <= 65535 ? e >= 170 && o.test(String.fromCharCode(e)) : !1 !== t && c(e, u))) - } - function h(e, t) { - return e < 48 ? 36 === e : e < 58 || !(e < 65) && (e < 91 || (e < 97 ? 95 === e : e < 123 || (e <= 65535 ? e >= 170 && a.test(String.fromCharCode(e)) : !1 !== t && (c(e, u) || c(e, l))))) - } - var f = function (e, t) { - void 0 === t && (t = { - }), - this.label = e, - this.keyword = t.keyword, - this.beforeExpr = !!t.beforeExpr, - this.startsExpr = !!t.startsExpr, - this.isLoop = !!t.isLoop, - this.isAssign = !!t.isAssign, - this.prefix = !!t.prefix, - this.postfix = !!t.postfix, - this.binop = t.binop || null, - this.updateContext = null - }; - function d(e, t) { - return new f(e, { - beforeExpr: !0, - binop: t - }) - } - var m = { - beforeExpr: !0 - }, - g = { - startsExpr: !0 - }, - y = { - }; - function v(e, t) { - return void 0 === t && (t = { - }), - t.keyword = e, - y[e] = new f(e, t) - } - var b = { - num: new f('num', g), - regexp: new f('regexp', g), - string: new f('string', g), - name: new f('name', g), - eof: new f('eof'), - bracketL: new f('[', { - beforeExpr: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - bracketR: new f(']'), - braceL: new f('{', { - beforeExpr: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - braceR: new f('}'), - parenL: new f('(', { - beforeExpr: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - parenR: new f(')'), - comma: new f(',', m), - semi: new f(';', m), - colon: new f(':', m), - dot: new f('.'), - question: new f('?', m), - arrow: new f('=>', m), - template: new f('template'), - ellipsis: new f('...', m), - backQuote: new f('`', g), - dollarBraceL: new f('${', { - beforeExpr: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - eq: new f('=', { - beforeExpr: !0, - isAssign: !0 - }), - assign: new f('_=', { - beforeExpr: !0, - isAssign: !0 - }), - incDec: new f('++/--', { - prefix: !0, - postfix: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - prefix: new f('prefix', { - beforeExpr: !0, - prefix: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - logicalOR: d('||', 1), - logicalAND: d('&&', 2), - bitwiseOR: d('|', 3), - bitwiseXOR: d('^', 4), - bitwiseAND: d('&', 5), - equality: d('==/!=', 6), - relational: d('', 7), - bitShift: d('<>', 8), - plusMin: new f('+/-', { - beforeExpr: !0, - binop: 9, - prefix: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - modulo: d('%', 10), - star: d('*', 10), - slash: d('/', 10), - starstar: new f('**', { - beforeExpr: !0 - }), - _break: v('break'), - _case: v('case', m), - _catch: v('catch'), - _continue: v('continue'), - _debugger: v('debugger'), - _default: v('default', m), - _do: v('do', { - isLoop: !0, - beforeExpr: !0 - }), - _else: v('else', m), - _finally: v('finally'), - _for: v('for', { - isLoop: !0 - }), - _function: v('function', g), - _if: v('if'), - _return: v('return', m), - _switch: v('switch'), - _throw: v('throw', m), - _try: v('try'), - _var: v('var'), - _const: v('const'), - _while: v('while', { - isLoop: !0 - }), - _with: v('with'), - _new: v('new', { - beforeExpr: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - _this: v('this', g), - _super: v('super', g), - _class: v('class'), - _extends: v('extends', m), - _export: v('export'), - _import: v('import'), - _null: v('null', g), - _true: v('true', g), - _false: v('false', g), - _in: v('in', { - beforeExpr: !0, - binop: 7 - }), - _instanceof: v('instanceof', { - beforeExpr: !0, - binop: 7 - }), - _typeof: v('typeof', { - beforeExpr: !0, - prefix: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - _void: v('void', { - beforeExpr: !0, - prefix: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - _delete: v('delete', { - beforeExpr: !0, - prefix: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }) - }, - x = /\r\n?|\n|\u2028|\u2029/, - A = new RegExp(x.source, 'g'); - function E(e) { - return 10 === e || 13 === e || 8232 === e || 8233 === e - } - var _ = /[\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]/, - C = /(?:\s|\/\/.*|\/\*[^]*?\*\/)*/g; - function w(e) { - return '[object Array]' === - } - function D(e, t) { - return, t) - } - var k = function (e, t) { - this.line = e, - this.column = t - }; - k.prototype.offset = function (e) { - return new k(this.line, this.column + e) - }; - var S = function (e, t, n) { - this.start = t, - this.end = n, - null !== e.sourceFile && (this.source = e.sourceFile) - }; - function T(e, t) { - for (var n = 1, r = 0; ; ) { - A.lastIndex = r; - var i = A.exec(e); - if (!(i && i.index < t)) return new k(n, t - r); - ++n, - r = i.index + i[0].length - } - } - var F = { - ecmaVersion: 7, - sourceType: 'script', - onInsertedSemicolon: null, - onTrailingComma: null, - allowReserved: null, - allowReturnOutsideFunction: !1, - allowImportExportEverywhere: !1, - allowHashBang: !1, - locations: !1, - onToken: null, - onComment: null, - ranges: !1, - program: null, - sourceFile: null, - directSourceFile: null, - preserveParens: !1, - plugins: { - } - }; - function O(e) { - var t = { - }; - for (var n in F) t[n] = e && D(e, n) ? e[n] : F[n]; - if (t.ecmaVersion >= 2015 && (t.ecmaVersion -= 2009), null == t.allowReserved && (t.allowReserved = t.ecmaVersion < 5), w(t.onToken)) { - var r = t.onToken; - t.onToken = function (e) { - return r.push(e) - } - } - return w(t.onComment) && (t.onComment = function (e, t) { - return function (n, r, i, s, o, a) { - var u = { - type: n ? 'Block' : 'Line', - value: r, - start: i, - end: s - }; - e.locations && (u.loc = new S(this, o, a)), - e.ranges && (u.range = [ - i, - s - ]), - t.push(u) - } - }(t, t.onComment)), - t - } - var B = { - }; - function P(e) { - return new RegExp('^(' + e.replace(/ /g, '|') + ')$') - } - var N = function (e, n, i) { - this.options = e = O(e), - this.sourceFile = e.sourceFile, - this.keywords = P(r[e.ecmaVersion >= 6 ? 6 : 5]); - var s = ''; - if (!e.allowReserved) { - for (var o = e.ecmaVersion; !(s = t[o]); o--); - 'module' == e.sourceType && (s += ' await') - } - this.reservedWords = P(s); - var a = (s ? s + ' ' : '') + t.strict; - this.reservedWordsStrict = P(a), - this.reservedWordsStrictBind = P(a + ' ' + t.strictBind), - this.input = String(n), - this.containsEsc = !1, - this.loadPlugins(e.plugins), - i ? (this.pos = i, this.lineStart = this.input.lastIndexOf('\n', i - 1) + 1, this.curLine = this.input.slice(0, this.lineStart).split(x).length) : (this.pos = this.lineStart = 0, this.curLine = 1), - this.type = b.eof, - this.value = null, - this.start = this.end = this.pos, - this.startLoc = this.endLoc = this.curPosition(), - this.lastTokEndLoc = this.lastTokStartLoc = null, - this.lastTokStart = this.lastTokEnd = this.pos, - this.context = this.initialContext(), - this.exprAllowed = !0, - this.inModule = 'module' === e.sourceType, - this.strict = this.inModule || this.strictDirective(this.pos), - this.potentialArrowAt = - 1, - this.inFunction = this.inGenerator = this.inAsync = !1, - this.yieldPos = this.awaitPos = 0, - this.labels = [ - ], - 0 === this.pos && e.allowHashBang && '#!' === this.input.slice(0, 2) && this.skipLineComment(2) - }; - N.prototype.isKeyword = function (e) { - return this.keywords.test(e) - }, - N.prototype.isReservedWord = function (e) { - return this.reservedWords.test(e) - }, - N.prototype.extend = function (e, t) { - this[e] = t(this[e]) - }, - N.prototype.loadPlugins = function (e) { - for (var t in e) { - var n = B[t]; - if (!n) throw new Error('Plugin \'' + t + '\' not found'); - n(this, e[t]) - } - }, - N.prototype.parse = function () { - var e = this.options.program || this.startNode(); - return this.nextToken(), - this.parseTopLevel(e) - }; - var R = N.prototype, - L = /^(?:'((?:[^\']|\.)*)'|"((?:[^\"]|\.)*)"|;)/; - R.strictDirective = function (e) { - for (; ; ) { - C.lastIndex = e, - e += C.exec(this.input) [0].length; - var t = L.exec(this.input.slice(e)); - if (!t) return !1; - if ('use strict' == (t[1] || t[2])) return !0; - e += t[0].length - } - }, - = function (e) { - return this.type === e && (, !0) - }, - R.isContextual = function (e) { - return this.type === && this.value === e - }, - R.eatContextual = function (e) { - return this.value === e && - }, - R.expectContextual = function (e) { - this.eatContextual(e) || this.unexpected() - }, - R.canInsertSemicolon = function () { - return this.type === b.eof || this.type === b.braceR || x.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.start)) - }, - R.insertSemicolon = function () { - if (this.canInsertSemicolon()) return this.options.onInsertedSemicolon && this.options.onInsertedSemicolon(this.lastTokEnd, this.lastTokEndLoc), - !0 - }, - R.semicolon = function () { - || this.insertSemicolon() || this.unexpected() - }, - R.afterTrailingComma = function (e, t) { - if (this.type == e) return this.options.onTrailingComma && this.options.onTrailingComma(this.lastTokStart, this.lastTokStartLoc), - t ||, - !0 - }, - R.expect = function (e) { - || this.unexpected() - }, - R.unexpected = function (e) { - this.raise(null != e ? e : this.start, 'Unexpected token') - }; - var I = function () { - this.shorthandAssign = this.trailingComma = this.parenthesizedAssign = this.parenthesizedBind = - 1 - }; - R.checkPatternErrors = function (e, t) { - if (e) { - e.trailingComma > - 1 && this.raiseRecoverable(e.trailingComma, 'Comma is not permitted after the rest element'); - var n = t ? e.parenthesizedAssign : e.parenthesizedBind; - n > - 1 && this.raiseRecoverable(n, 'Parenthesized pattern') - } - }, - R.checkExpressionErrors = function (e, t) { - var n = e ? e.shorthandAssign : - 1; - if (!t) return n >= 0; - n > - 1 && this.raise(n, 'Shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns') - }, - R.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams = function () { - this.yieldPos && (!this.awaitPos || this.yieldPos < this.awaitPos) && this.raise(this.yieldPos, 'Yield expression cannot be a default value'), - this.awaitPos && this.raise(this.awaitPos, 'Await expression cannot be a default value') - }, - R.isSimpleAssignTarget = function (e) { - return 'ParenthesizedExpression' === e.type ? this.isSimpleAssignTarget(e.expression) : 'Identifier' === e.type || 'MemberExpression' === e.type - }; - var j = N.prototype; - j.parseTopLevel = function (e) { - var t = { - }; - for (e.body || (e.body = [ - ]); this.type !== b.eof; ) { - var n = this.parseStatement(!0, !0, t); - e.body.push(n) - } - return, - this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && (e.sourceType = this.options.sourceType), - this.finishNode(e, 'Program') - }; - var M = { - kind: 'loop' - }, - U = { - kind: 'switch' - }; - j.isLet = function () { - if (this.type !== || this.options.ecmaVersion < 6 || 'let' != this.value) return !1; - C.lastIndex = this.pos; - var e = C.exec(this.input), - t = this.pos + e[0].length, - n = this.input.charCodeAt(t); - if (91 === n || 123 == n) return !0; - if (p(n, !0)) { - for (var r = t + 1; h(this.input.charCodeAt(r), !0); ++r); - var i = this.input.slice(t, r); - if (!this.isKeyword(i)) return !0 - } - return !1 - }, - j.isAsyncFunction = function () { - if (this.type !== || this.options.ecmaVersion < 8 || 'async' != this.value) return !1; - C.lastIndex = this.pos; - var e = C.exec(this.input), - t = this.pos + e[0].length; - return !(x.test(this.input.slice(this.pos, t)) || 'function' !== this.input.slice(t, t + 8) || t + 8 != this.input.length && h(this.input.charAt(t + 8))) - }, - j.parseStatement = function (e, t, n) { - var r, - i = this.type, - s = this.startNode(); - switch (this.isLet() && (i = b._var, r = 'let'), i) { - case b._break: - case b._continue: - return this.parseBreakContinueStatement(s, i.keyword); - case b._debugger: - return this.parseDebuggerStatement(s); - case b._do: - return this.parseDoStatement(s); - case b._for: - return this.parseForStatement(s); - case b._function: - return !e && this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.unexpected(), - this.parseFunctionStatement(s, !1); - case b._class: - return e || this.unexpected(), - this.parseClass(s, !0); - case b._if: - return this.parseIfStatement(s); - case b._return: - return this.parseReturnStatement(s); - case b._switch: - return this.parseSwitchStatement(s); - case b._throw: - return this.parseThrowStatement(s); - case b._try: - return this.parseTryStatement(s); - case b._const: - case b._var: - return r = r || this.value, - e || 'var' == r || this.unexpected(), - this.parseVarStatement(s, r); - case b._while: - return this.parseWhileStatement(s); - case b._with: - return this.parseWithStatement(s); - case b.braceL: - return this.parseBlock(); - case b.semi: - return this.parseEmptyStatement(s); - case b._export: - case b._import: - return this.options.allowImportExportEverywhere || (t || this.raise(this.start, '\'import\' and \'export\' may only appear at the top level'), this.inModule || this.raise(this.start, '\'import\' and \'export\' may appear only with \'sourceType: module\'')), - i === b._import ? this.parseImport(s) : this.parseExport(s, n); - default: - if (this.isAsyncFunction() && e) return, - this.parseFunctionStatement(s, !0); - var o = this.value, - a = this.parseExpression(); - return i === && 'Identifier' === a.type && ? this.parseLabeledStatement(s, o, a) : this.parseExpressionStatement(s, a) - } - }, - j.parseBreakContinueStatement = function (e, t) { - var n = 'break' == t; -, - || this.insertSemicolon() ? e.label = null : this.type !== ? this.unexpected() : (e.label = this.parseIdent(), this.semicolon()); - for (var r = 0; r < this.labels.length; ++r) { - var i = this.labels[r]; - if (null == e.label || === { - if (null != i.kind && (n || 'loop' === i.kind)) break; - if (e.label && n) break - } - } - return r === this.labels.length && this.raise(e.start, 'Unsyntactic ' + t), - this.finishNode(e, n ? 'BreakStatement' : 'ContinueStatement') - }, - j.parseDebuggerStatement = function (e) { - return, - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'DebuggerStatement') - }, - j.parseDoStatement = function (e) { - return, - this.labels.push(M), - e.body = this.parseStatement(!1), - this.labels.pop(), - this.expect(b._while), - e.test = this.parseParenExpression(), - this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 ? : this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'DoWhileStatement') - }, - j.parseForStatement = function (e) { - if (, this.labels.push(M), this.expect(b.parenL), this.type === b.semi) return this.parseFor(e, null); - var t = this.isLet(); - if (this.type === b._var || this.type === b._const || t) { - var n = this.startNode(), - r = t ? 'let' : this.value; - return, - this.parseVar(n, !0, r), - this.finishNode(n, 'VariableDeclaration'), - !(this.type === b._in || this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.isContextual('of')) || 1 !== n.declarations.length || 'var' !== r && n.declarations[0].init ? this.parseFor(e, n) : this.parseForIn(e, n) - } - var i = new I, - s = this.parseExpression(!0, i); - return this.type === b._in || this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.isContextual('of') ? (this.toAssignable(s), this.checkLVal(s), this.checkPatternErrors(i, !0), this.parseForIn(e, s)) : (this.checkExpressionErrors(i, !0), this.parseFor(e, s)) - }, - j.parseFunctionStatement = function (e, t) { - return, - this.parseFunction(e, !0, !1, t) - }, - j.isFunction = function () { - return this.type === b._function || this.isAsyncFunction() - }, - j.parseIfStatement = function (e) { - return, - e.test = this.parseParenExpression(), - e.consequent = this.parseStatement(!this.strict && this.isFunction()), - e.alternate = ? this.parseStatement(!this.strict && this.isFunction()) : null, - this.finishNode(e, 'IfStatement') - }, - j.parseReturnStatement = function (e) { - return this.inFunction || this.options.allowReturnOutsideFunction || this.raise(this.start, '\'return\' outside of function'), -, - || this.insertSemicolon() ? e.argument = null : (e.argument = this.parseExpression(), this.semicolon()), - this.finishNode(e, 'ReturnStatement') - }, - j.parseSwitchStatement = function (e) { -, - e.discriminant = this.parseParenExpression(), - e.cases = [ - ], - this.expect(b.braceL), - this.labels.push(U); - for (var t, n = !1; this.type != b.braceR; ) if (this.type === b._case || this.type === b._default) { - var r = this.type === b._case; - t && this.finishNode(t, 'SwitchCase'), - e.cases.push(t = this.startNode()), - t.consequent = [ - ], -, - r ? t.test = this.parseExpression() : (n && this.raiseRecoverable(this.lastTokStart, 'Multiple default clauses'), n = !0, t.test = null), - this.expect(b.colon) - } else t || this.unexpected(), - t.consequent.push(this.parseStatement(!0)); - return t && this.finishNode(t, 'SwitchCase'), -, - this.labels.pop(), - this.finishNode(e, 'SwitchStatement') - }, - j.parseThrowStatement = function (e) { - return, - x.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.start)) && this.raise(this.lastTokEnd, 'Illegal newline after throw'), - e.argument = this.parseExpression(), - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'ThrowStatement') - }; - var V = [ - ]; - j.parseTryStatement = function (e) { - if (, e.block = this.parseBlock(), e.handler = null, this.type === b._catch) { - var t = this.startNode(); -, - this.expect(b.parenL), - t.param = this.parseBindingAtom(), - this.checkLVal(t.param, !0), - this.expect(b.parenR), - t.body = this.parseBlock(), - e.handler = this.finishNode(t, 'CatchClause') - } - return e.finalizer = ? this.parseBlock() : null, - e.handler || e.finalizer || this.raise(e.start, 'Missing catch or finally clause'), - this.finishNode(e, 'TryStatement') - }, - j.parseVarStatement = function (e, t) { - return, - this.parseVar(e, !1, t), - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'VariableDeclaration') - }, - j.parseWhileStatement = function (e) { - return, - e.test = this.parseParenExpression(), - this.labels.push(M), - e.body = this.parseStatement(!1), - this.labels.pop(), - this.finishNode(e, 'WhileStatement') - }, - j.parseWithStatement = function (e) { - return this.strict && this.raise(this.start, '\'with\' in strict mode'), -, - e.object = this.parseParenExpression(), - e.body = this.parseStatement(!1), - this.finishNode(e, 'WithStatement') - }, - j.parseEmptyStatement = function (e) { - return, - this.finishNode(e, 'EmptyStatement') - }, - j.parseLabeledStatement = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0; r < this.labels.length; ++r) this.labels[r].name === t && this.raise(n.start, 'Label \'' + t + '\' is already declared'); - for (var i = this.type.isLoop ? 'loop' : this.type === b._switch ? 'switch' : null, s = this.labels.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) { - var o = this.labels[s]; - if (o.statementStart != e.start) break; - o.statementStart = this.start, - o.kind = i - } - return this.labels.push({ - name: t, - kind: i, - statementStart: this.start - }), - e.body = this.parseStatement(!0), - ('ClassDeclaration' == e.body.type || 'VariableDeclaration' == e.body.type && (this.strict || 'var' != e.body.kind) || 'FunctionDeclaration' == e.body.type && (this.strict || e.body.generator)) && this.raiseRecoverable(e.body.start, 'Invalid labeled declaration'), - this.labels.pop(), - e.label = n, - this.finishNode(e, 'LabeledStatement') - }, - j.parseExpressionStatement = function (e, t) { - return e.expression = t, - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'ExpressionStatement') - }, - j.parseBlock = function () { - var e = this.startNode(); - for (e.body = [ - ], this.expect(b.braceL); !; ) { - var t = this.parseStatement(!0); - e.body.push(t) - } - return this.finishNode(e, 'BlockStatement') - }, - j.parseFor = function (e, t) { - return e.init = t, - this.expect(b.semi), - e.test = this.type === b.semi ? null : this.parseExpression(), - this.expect(b.semi), - e.update = this.type === b.parenR ? null : this.parseExpression(), - this.expect(b.parenR), - e.body = this.parseStatement(!1), - this.labels.pop(), - this.finishNode(e, 'ForStatement') - }, - j.parseForIn = function (e, t) { - var n = this.type === b._in ? 'ForInStatement' : 'ForOfStatement'; - return, - e.left = t, - e.right = this.parseExpression(), - this.expect(b.parenR), - e.body = this.parseStatement(!1), - this.labels.pop(), - this.finishNode(e, n) - }, - j.parseVar = function (e, t, n) { - for (e.declarations = [ - ], e.kind = n; ; ) { - var r = this.startNode(); - if (this.parseVarId(r), ? r.init = this.parseMaybeAssign(t) : 'const' !== n || this.type === b._in || this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.isContextual('of') ? 'Identifier' == || t && (this.type === b._in || this.isContextual('of')) ? r.init = null : this.raise(this.lastTokEnd, 'Complex binding patterns require an initialization value') : this.unexpected(), e.declarations.push(this.finishNode(r, 'VariableDeclarator')), ! break - } - return e - }, - j.parseVarId = function (e) { - = this.parseBindingAtom(), - this.checkLVal(, !0) - }, - j.parseFunction = function (e, t, n, r) { - this.initFunction(e), - this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && !r && (e.generator =, - this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && (e.async = !!r), - null == t && (t = this.type ==, - t && ( = this.parseIdent()); - var i = this.inGenerator, - s = this.inAsync, - o = this.yieldPos, - a = this.awaitPos, - u = this.inFunction; - return this.inGenerator = e.generator, - this.inAsync = e.async, - this.yieldPos = 0, - this.awaitPos = 0, - this.inFunction = !0, - t || this.type !== || ( = this.parseIdent()), - this.parseFunctionParams(e), - this.parseFunctionBody(e, n), - this.inGenerator = i, - this.inAsync = s, - this.yieldPos = o, - this.awaitPos = a, - this.inFunction = u, - this.finishNode(e, t ? 'FunctionDeclaration' : 'FunctionExpression') - }, - j.parseFunctionParams = function (e) { - this.expect(b.parenL), - e.params = this.parseBindingList(b.parenR, !1, this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8, !0), - this.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams() - }, - j.parseClass = function (e, t) { -, - null == t && (t = this.type ===, - this.parseClassId(e, t), - this.parseClassSuper(e); - var n = this.startNode(), - r = !1; - for (n.body = [ - ], this.expect(b.braceL); !; ) if (! { - var i = this.startNode(), - s =, - o = !1, - a = this.type === && 'static' === this.value; - this.parsePropertyName(i), - i.static = a && this.type !== b.parenL, - i.static && (s && this.unexpected(), s =, this.parsePropertyName(i)), - this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && !s && !i.computed && 'Identifier' === i.key.type && 'async' === && this.type !== b.parenL && !this.canInsertSemicolon() && (o = !0, this.parsePropertyName(i)), - i.kind = 'method'; - var u = !1; - if (!i.computed) { - var l = i.key; - s || o || 'Identifier' !== l.type || this.type === b.parenL || 'get' !== && 'set' !== || (u = !0, i.kind =, l = this.parsePropertyName(i)), - !i.static && ('Identifier' === l.type && 'constructor' === || 'Literal' === l.type && 'constructor' === l.value) && (r && this.raise(l.start, 'Duplicate constructor in the same class'), u && this.raise(l.start, 'Constructor can\'t have get/set modifier'), s && this.raise(l.start, 'Constructor can\'t be a generator'), o && this.raise(l.start, 'Constructor can\'t be an async method'), i.kind = 'constructor', r = !0) - } - if (this.parseClassMethod(n, i, s, o), u) { - var c = 'get' === i.kind ? 0 : 1; - if (i.value.params.length !== c) { - var p = i.value.start; - 'get' === i.kind ? this.raiseRecoverable(p, 'getter should have no params') : this.raiseRecoverable(p, 'setter should have exactly one param') - } else 'set' === i.kind && 'RestElement' === i.value.params[0].type && this.raiseRecoverable(i.value.params[0].start, 'Setter cannot use rest params') - } - } - return e.body = this.finishNode(n, 'ClassBody'), - this.finishNode(e, t ? 'ClassDeclaration' : 'ClassExpression') - }, - j.parseClassMethod = function (e, t, n, r) { - t.value = this.parseMethod(n, r), - e.body.push(this.finishNode(t, 'MethodDefinition')) - }, - j.parseClassId = function (e, t) { - = this.type === ? this.parseIdent() : t ? this.unexpected() : null - }, - j.parseClassSuper = function (e) { - e.superClass = ? this.parseExprSubscripts() : null - }, - j.parseExport = function (e, t) { - if (, return this.expectContextual('from'), - e.source = this.type === b.string ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.unexpected(), - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'ExportAllDeclaration'); - if ( { - var n; - if (this.checkExport(t, 'default', this.lastTokStart), this.type === b._function || (n = this.isAsyncFunction())) { - var r = this.startNode(); -, - n &&, - e.declaration = this.parseFunction(r, null, !1, n) - } else if (this.type === b._class) { - var i = this.startNode(); - e.declaration = this.parseClass(i, null) - } else e.declaration = this.parseMaybeAssign(), - this.semicolon(); - return this.finishNode(e, 'ExportDefaultDeclaration') - } - if (this.shouldParseExportStatement()) e.declaration = this.parseStatement(!0), - 'VariableDeclaration' === e.declaration.type ? this.checkVariableExport(t, e.declaration.declarations) : this.checkExport(t,,, - e.specifiers = [ - ], - e.source = null; - else { - if (e.declaration = null, e.specifiers = this.parseExportSpecifiers(t), this.eatContextual('from')) e.source = this.type === b.string ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.unexpected(); - else { - for (var s = 0; s < e.specifiers.length; s++) (this.keywords.test(e.specifiers[s] || this.reservedWords.test(e.specifiers[s] && this.unexpected(e.specifiers[s].local.start); - e.source = null - } - this.semicolon() - } - return this.finishNode(e, 'ExportNamedDeclaration') - }, - j.checkExport = function (e, t, n) { - e && (, t) && this.raiseRecoverable(n, 'Duplicate export \'' + t + '\''), e[t] = !0) - }, - j.checkPatternExport = function (e, t) { - var n = t.type; - if ('Identifier' == n) this.checkExport(e,, t.start); - else if ('ObjectPattern' == n) for (var r = 0; r <; ++r) this.checkPatternExport(e,[r].value); - else if ('ArrayPattern' == n) for (var i = 0; i < t.elements.length; ++i) { - var s = t.elements[i]; - s && this.checkPatternExport(e, s) - } else 'AssignmentPattern' == n ? this.checkPatternExport(e, t.left) : 'ParenthesizedExpression' == n && this.checkPatternExport(e, t.expression) - }, - j.checkVariableExport = function (e, t) { - if (e) for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) this.checkPatternExport(e, t[n].id) - }, - j.shouldParseExportStatement = function () { - return 'var' === this.type.keyword || 'const' === this.type.keyword || 'class' === this.type.keyword || 'function' === this.type.keyword || this.isLet() || this.isAsyncFunction() - }, - j.parseExportSpecifiers = function (e) { - var t = [ - ], - n = !0; - for (this.expect(b.braceL); !; ) { - if (n) n = !1; - else if (this.expect(b.comma), this.afterTrailingComma(b.braceR)) break; - var r = this.startNode(); - r.local = this.parseIdent(!0), - r.exported = this.eatContextual('as') ? this.parseIdent(!0) : r.local, - this.checkExport(e,, r.exported.start), - t.push(this.finishNode(r, 'ExportSpecifier')) - } - return t - }, - j.parseImport = function (e) { - return, - this.type === b.string ? (e.specifiers = V, e.source = this.parseExprAtom()) : (e.specifiers = this.parseImportSpecifiers(), this.expectContextual('from'), e.source = this.type === b.string ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.unexpected()), - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'ImportDeclaration') - }, - j.parseImportSpecifiers = function () { - var e = [ - ], - t = !0; - if (this.type === { - var n = this.startNode(); - if (n.local = this.parseIdent(), this.checkLVal(n.local, !0), e.push(this.finishNode(n, 'ImportDefaultSpecifier')), ! return e - } - if (this.type === { - var r = this.startNode(); - return, - this.expectContextual('as'), - r.local = this.parseIdent(), - this.checkLVal(r.local, !0), - e.push(this.finishNode(r, 'ImportNamespaceSpecifier')), - e - } - for (this.expect(b.braceL); !; ) { - if (t) t = !1; - else if (this.expect(b.comma), this.afterTrailingComma(b.braceR)) break; - var i = this.startNode(); - i.imported = this.parseIdent(!0), - this.eatContextual('as') ? i.local = this.parseIdent() : (i.local = i.imported, this.isKeyword( && this.unexpected(i.local.start), this.reservedWordsStrict.test( && this.raiseRecoverable(i.local.start, 'The keyword \'' + + '\' is reserved')), - this.checkLVal(i.local, !0), - e.push(this.finishNode(i, 'ImportSpecifier')) - } - return e - }; - var z = N.prototype; - z.toAssignable = function (e, t) { - if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && e) switch (e.type) { - case 'Identifier': - this.inAsync && 'await' === && this.raise(e.start, 'Can not use \'await\' as identifier inside an async function'); - break; - case 'ObjectPattern': - case 'ArrayPattern': - break; - case 'ObjectExpression': - e.type = 'ObjectPattern'; - for (var n = 0; n <; n++) { - var r =[n]; - 'init' !== r.kind && this.raise(r.key.start, 'Object pattern can\'t contain getter or setter'), - this.toAssignable(r.value, t) - } - break; - case 'ArrayExpression': - e.type = 'ArrayPattern', - this.toAssignableList(e.elements, t); - break; - case 'AssignmentExpression': - if ('=' !== e.operator) { - this.raise(e.left.end, 'Only \'=\' operator can be used for specifying default value.'); - break - } - e.type = 'AssignmentPattern', - delete e.operator, - this.toAssignable(e.left, t); - case 'AssignmentPattern': - break; - case 'ParenthesizedExpression': - e.expression = this.toAssignable(e.expression, t); - break; - case 'MemberExpression': - if (!t) break; - default: - this.raise(e.start, 'Assigning to rvalue') - } - return e - }, - z.toAssignableList = function (e, t) { - var n = e.length; - if (n) { - var r = e[n - 1]; - if (r && 'RestElement' == r.type) --n; - else if (r && 'SpreadElement' == r.type) { - r.type = 'RestElement'; - var i = r.argument; - this.toAssignable(i, t), - 'Identifier' !== i.type && 'MemberExpression' !== i.type && 'ArrayPattern' !== i.type && this.unexpected(i.start), - --n - } - t && r && 'RestElement' === r.type && 'Identifier' !== r.argument.type && this.unexpected(r.argument.start) - } - for (var s = 0; s < n; s++) { - var o = e[s]; - o && this.toAssignable(o, t) - } - return e - }, - z.parseSpread = function (e) { - var t = this.startNode(); - return, - t.argument = this.parseMaybeAssign(!1, e), - this.finishNode(t, 'SpreadElement') - }, - z.parseRest = function (e) { - var t = this.startNode(); - return, - t.argument = e ? this.type === ? this.parseIdent() : this.unexpected() : this.type === || this.type === b.bracketL ? this.parseBindingAtom() : this.unexpected(), - this.finishNode(t, 'RestElement') - }, - z.parseBindingAtom = function () { - if (this.options.ecmaVersion < 6) return this.parseIdent(); - switch (this.type) { - case - return this.parseIdent(); - case b.bracketL: - var e = this.startNode(); - return, - e.elements = this.parseBindingList(b.bracketR, !0, !0), - this.finishNode(e, 'ArrayPattern'); - case b.braceL: - return this.parseObj(!0); - default: - this.unexpected() - } - }, - z.parseBindingList = function (e, t, n, r) { - for (var i = [ - ], s = !0; !; ) if (s ? s = !1 : this.expect(b.comma), t && this.type === b.comma) i.push(null); - else { - if (n && this.afterTrailingComma(e)) break; - if (this.type === b.ellipsis) { - var o = this.parseRest(r); - this.parseBindingListItem(o), - i.push(o), - this.type === b.comma && this.raise(this.start, 'Comma is not permitted after the rest element'), - this.expect(e); - break - } - var a = this.parseMaybeDefault(this.start, this.startLoc); - this.parseBindingListItem(a), - i.push(a) - } - return i - }, - z.parseBindingListItem = function (e) { - return e - }, - z.parseMaybeDefault = function (e, t, n) { - if (n = n || this.parseBindingAtom(), this.options.ecmaVersion < 6 || ! return n; - var r = this.startNodeAt(e, t); - return r.left = n, - r.right = this.parseMaybeAssign(), - this.finishNode(r, 'AssignmentPattern') - }, - z.checkLVal = function (e, t, n) { - switch (e.type) { - case 'Identifier': - this.strict && this.reservedWordsStrictBind.test( && this.raiseRecoverable(e.start, (t ? 'Binding ' : 'Assigning to ') + + ' in strict mode'), - n && (D(n, && this.raiseRecoverable(e.start, 'Argument name clash'), n[] = !0); - break; - case 'MemberExpression': - t && this.raiseRecoverable(e.start, (t ? 'Binding' : 'Assigning to') + ' member expression'); - break; - case 'ObjectPattern': - for (var r = 0; r <; r++) this.checkLVal([r].value, t, n); - break; - case 'ArrayPattern': - for (var i = 0; i < e.elements.length; i++) { - var s = e.elements[i]; - s && this.checkLVal(s, t, n) - } - break; - case 'AssignmentPattern': - this.checkLVal(e.left, t, n); - break; - case 'RestElement': - this.checkLVal(e.argument, t, n); - break; - case 'ParenthesizedExpression': - this.checkLVal(e.expression, t, n); - break; - default: - this.raise(e.start, (t ? 'Binding' : 'Assigning to') + ' rvalue') - } - }; - var q = N.prototype; - q.checkPropClash = function (e, t) { - if (!(this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && (e.computed || e.method || e.shorthand))) { - var n, - r = e.key; - switch (r.type) { - case 'Identifier': - n =; - break; - case 'Literal': - n = String(r.value); - break; - default: - return - } - var i = e.kind; - if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) '__proto__' === n && 'init' === i && (t.proto && this.raiseRecoverable(r.start, 'Redefinition of __proto__ property'), t.proto = !0); - else { - var s = t[n = '$' + n]; - if (s) { - var o = 'init' !== i; - (!this.strict && !o || !s[i]) && o ^ s.init || this.raiseRecoverable(r.start, 'Redefinition of property') - } else s = t[n] = { - init: !1, - get: !1, - set: !1 - }; - s[i] = !0 - } - } - }, - q.parseExpression = function (e, t) { - var n = this.start, - r = this.startLoc, - i = this.parseMaybeAssign(e, t); - if (this.type === b.comma) { - var s = this.startNodeAt(n, r); - for (s.expressions = [ - i - ];; ) s.expressions.push(this.parseMaybeAssign(e, t)); - return this.finishNode(s, 'SequenceExpression') - } - return i - }, - q.parseMaybeAssign = function (e, t, n) { - if (this.inGenerator && this.isContextual('yield')) return this.parseYield(); - var r = !1, - i = - 1; - t ? (i = t.parenthesizedAssign, t.parenthesizedAssign = - 1) : (t = new I, r = !0); - var s = this.start, - o = this.startLoc; - this.type != b.parenL && this.type != || (this.potentialArrowAt = this.start); - var a = this.parseMaybeConditional(e, t); - if (n && (a =, a, s, o)), this.type.isAssign) { - this.checkPatternErrors(t, !0), - r ||; - var u = this.startNodeAt(s, o); - return u.operator = this.value, - u.left = this.type === b.eq ? this.toAssignable(a) : a, - t.shorthandAssign = - 1, - this.checkLVal(a), -, - u.right = this.parseMaybeAssign(e), - this.finishNode(u, 'AssignmentExpression') - } - return r && this.checkExpressionErrors(t, !0), - i > - 1 && (t.parenthesizedAssign = i), - a - }, - q.parseMaybeConditional = function (e, t) { - var n = this.start, - r = this.startLoc, - i = this.parseExprOps(e, t); - if (this.checkExpressionErrors(t)) return i; - if ( { - var s = this.startNodeAt(n, r); - return s.test = i, - s.consequent = this.parseMaybeAssign(), - this.expect(b.colon), - s.alternate = this.parseMaybeAssign(e), - this.finishNode(s, 'ConditionalExpression') - } - return i - }, - q.parseExprOps = function (e, t) { - var n = this.start, - r = this.startLoc, - i = this.parseMaybeUnary(t, !1); - return this.checkExpressionErrors(t) ? i : this.parseExprOp(i, n, r, - 1, e) - }, - q.parseExprOp = function (e, t, n, r, i) { - var s = this.type.binop; - if (null != s && (!i || this.type !== b._in) && s > r) { - var o = this.type === b.logicalOR || this.type === b.logicalAND, - a = this.value; -; - var u = this.start, - l = this.startLoc, - c = this.parseExprOp(this.parseMaybeUnary(null, !1), u, l, s, i), - p = this.buildBinary(t, n, e, c, a, o); - return this.parseExprOp(p, t, n, r, i) - } - return e - }, - q.buildBinary = function (e, t, n, r, i, s) { - var o = this.startNodeAt(e, t); - return o.left = n, - o.operator = i, - o.right = r, - this.finishNode(o, s ? 'LogicalExpression' : 'BinaryExpression') - }, - q.parseMaybeUnary = function (e, t) { - var n, - r = this.start, - i = this.startLoc; - if (this.inAsync && this.isContextual('await')) n = this.parseAwait(e), - t = !0; - else if (this.type.prefix) { - var s = this.startNode(), - o = this.type === b.incDec; - s.operator = this.value, - s.prefix = !0, -, - s.argument = this.parseMaybeUnary(null, !0), - this.checkExpressionErrors(e, !0), - o ? this.checkLVal(s.argument) : this.strict && 'delete' === s.operator && 'Identifier' === s.argument.type ? this.raiseRecoverable(s.start, 'Deleting local variable in strict mode') : t = !0, - n = this.finishNode(s, o ? 'UpdateExpression' : 'UnaryExpression') - } else { - if (n = this.parseExprSubscripts(e), this.checkExpressionErrors(e)) return n; - for (; this.type.postfix && !this.canInsertSemicolon(); ) { - var a = this.startNodeAt(r, i); - a.operator = this.value, - a.prefix = !1, - a.argument = n, - this.checkLVal(n), -, - n = this.finishNode(a, 'UpdateExpression') - } - } - return !t && ? this.buildBinary(r, i, n, this.parseMaybeUnary(null, !1), '**', !1) : n - }, - q.parseExprSubscripts = function (e) { - var t = this.start, - n = this.startLoc, - r = this.parseExprAtom(e), - i = 'ArrowFunctionExpression' === r.type && ')' !== this.input.slice(this.lastTokStart, this.lastTokEnd); - if (this.checkExpressionErrors(e) || i) return r; - var s = this.parseSubscripts(r, t, n); - return e && 'MemberExpression' === s.type && (e.parenthesizedAssign >= s.start && (e.parenthesizedAssign = - 1), e.parenthesizedBind >= s.start && (e.parenthesizedBind = - 1)), - s - }, - q.parseSubscripts = function (e, t, n, r) { - for (var i, s = this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && 'Identifier' === e.type && 'async' === && this.lastTokEnd == e.end && !this.canInsertSemicolon(); ; ) if ((i = || { - var o = this.startNodeAt(t, n); - o.object = e, - = i ? this.parseExpression() : this.parseIdent(!0), - o.computed = !!i, - i && this.expect(b.bracketR), - e = this.finishNode(o, 'MemberExpression') - } else if (!r && { - var a = new I, - u = this.yieldPos, - l = this.awaitPos; - this.yieldPos = 0, - this.awaitPos = 0; - var c = this.parseExprList(b.parenR, this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8, !1, a); - if (s && !this.canInsertSemicolon() && return this.checkPatternErrors(a, !1), - this.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams(), - this.yieldPos = u, - this.awaitPos = l, - this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(t, n), c, !0); - this.checkExpressionErrors(a, !0), - this.yieldPos = u || this.yieldPos, - this.awaitPos = l || this.awaitPos; - var p = this.startNodeAt(t, n); - p.callee = e, - p.arguments = c, - e = this.finishNode(p, 'CallExpression') - } else { - if (this.type !== b.backQuote) return e; - var h = this.startNodeAt(t, n); - h.tag = e, - h.quasi = this.parseTemplate(), - e = this.finishNode(h, 'TaggedTemplateExpression') - } - }, - q.parseExprAtom = function (e) { - var t, - n = this.potentialArrowAt == this.start; - switch (this.type) { - case b._super: - this.inFunction || this.raise(this.start, '\'super\' outside of function or class'); - case b._this: - var r = this.type === b._this ? 'ThisExpression' : 'Super'; - return t = this.startNode(), -, - this.finishNode(t, r); - case - var i = this.start, - s = this.startLoc, - o = this.parseIdent(this.type !==; - if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && 'async' === && !this.canInsertSemicolon() && return this.parseFunction(this.startNodeAt(i, s), !1, !1, !0); - if (n && !this.canInsertSemicolon()) { - if ( return this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(i, s), [ - o - ], !1); - if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && 'async' === && this.type === return o = this.parseIdent(), - !this.canInsertSemicolon() && || this.unexpected(), - this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(i, s), [ - o - ], !0) - } - return o; - case b.regexp: - var a = this.value; - return (t = this.parseLiteral(a.value)).regex = { - pattern: a.pattern, - flags: a.flags - }, - t; - case b.num: - case b.string: - return this.parseLiteral(this.value); - case b._null: - case b._true: - case b._false: - return (t = this.startNode()).value = this.type === b._null ? null : this.type === b._true, - t.raw = this.type.keyword, -, - this.finishNode(t, 'Literal'); - case b.parenL: - var u = this.start, - l = this.parseParenAndDistinguishExpression(n); - return e && (e.parenthesizedAssign < 0 && !this.isSimpleAssignTarget(l) && (e.parenthesizedAssign = u), e.parenthesizedBind < 0 && (e.parenthesizedBind = u)), - l; - case b.bracketL: - return t = this.startNode(), -, - t.elements = this.parseExprList(b.bracketR, !0, !0, e), - this.finishNode(t, 'ArrayExpression'); - case b.braceL: - return this.parseObj(!1, e); - case b._function: - return t = this.startNode(), -, - this.parseFunction(t, !1); - case b._class: - return this.parseClass(this.startNode(), !1); - case b._new: - return this.parseNew(); - case b.backQuote: - return this.parseTemplate(); - default: - this.unexpected() - } - }, - q.parseLiteral = function (e) { - var t = this.startNode(); - return t.value = e, - t.raw = this.input.slice(this.start, this.end), -, - this.finishNode(t, 'Literal') - }, - q.parseParenExpression = function () { - this.expect(b.parenL); - var e = this.parseExpression(); - return this.expect(b.parenR), - e - }, - q.parseParenAndDistinguishExpression = function (e) { - var t, - n = this.start, - r = this.startLoc, - i = this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8; - if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { -; - var s, - o, - a = this.start, - u = this.startLoc, - l = [ - ], - c = !0, - p = !1, - h = new I, - f = this.yieldPos, - d = this.awaitPos; - for (this.yieldPos = 0, this.awaitPos = 0; this.type !== b.parenR; ) { - if (c ? c = !1 : this.expect(b.comma), i && this.afterTrailingComma(b.parenR, !0)) { - p = !0; - break - } - if (this.type === b.ellipsis) { - s = this.start, - l.push(this.parseParenItem(this.parseRest())), - this.type === b.comma && this.raise(this.start, 'Comma is not permitted after the rest element'); - break - } - this.type !== b.parenL || o || (o = this.start), - l.push(this.parseMaybeAssign(!1, h, this.parseParenItem)) - } - var m = this.start, - g = this.startLoc; - if (this.expect(b.parenR), e && !this.canInsertSemicolon() && return this.checkPatternErrors(h, !1), - this.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams(), - o && this.unexpected(o), - this.yieldPos = f, - this.awaitPos = d, - this.parseParenArrowList(n, r, l); - l.length && !p || this.unexpected(this.lastTokStart), - s && this.unexpected(s), - this.checkExpressionErrors(h, !0), - this.yieldPos = f || this.yieldPos, - this.awaitPos = d || this.awaitPos, - l.length > 1 ? ((t = this.startNodeAt(a, u)).expressions = l, this.finishNodeAt(t, 'SequenceExpression', m, g)) : t = l[0] - } else t = this.parseParenExpression(); - if (this.options.preserveParens) { - var y = this.startNodeAt(n, r); - return y.expression = t, - this.finishNode(y, 'ParenthesizedExpression') - } - return t - }, - q.parseParenItem = function (e) { - return e - }, - q.parseParenArrowList = function (e, t, n) { - return this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(e, t), n) - }; - var K = [ - ]; - q.parseNew = function () { - var e = this.startNode(), - t = this.parseIdent(!0); - if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && return e.meta = t, - = this.parseIdent(!0), - 'target' !== && this.raiseRecoverable(, 'The only valid meta property for new is'), - this.inFunction || this.raiseRecoverable(e.start, ' can only be used in functions'), - this.finishNode(e, 'MetaProperty'); - var n = this.start, - r = this.startLoc; - return e.callee = this.parseSubscripts(this.parseExprAtom(), n, r, !0), - ? e.arguments = this.parseExprList(b.parenR, this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8, !1) : e.arguments = K, - this.finishNode(e, 'NewExpression') - }, - q.parseTemplateElement = function () { - var e = this.startNode(); - return e.value = { - raw: this.input.slice(this.start, this.end).replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n'), - cooked: this.value - }, -, - e.tail = this.type === b.backQuote, - this.finishNode(e, 'TemplateElement') - }, - q.parseTemplate = function () { - var e = this.startNode(); -, - e.expressions = [ - ]; - var t = this.parseTemplateElement(); - for (e.quasis = [ - t - ]; !t.tail; ) this.expect(b.dollarBraceL), - e.expressions.push(this.parseExpression()), - this.expect(b.braceR), - e.quasis.push(t = this.parseTemplateElement()); - return, - this.finishNode(e, 'TemplateLiteral') - }, - q.parseObj = function (e, t) { - var n = this.startNode(), - r = !0, - i = { - }; - for ( = [ - ],; !; ) { - if (r) r = !1; - else if (this.expect(b.comma), this.afterTrailingComma(b.braceR)) break; - var s, - o, - a, - u, - l = this.startNode(); - this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && (l.method = !1, l.shorthand = !1, (e || t) && (a = this.start, u = this.startLoc), e || (s =, - this.parsePropertyName(l), - e || !(this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8) || s || l.computed || 'Identifier' !== l.key.type || 'async' !== || this.type === b.parenL || this.type === b.colon || this.canInsertSemicolon() ? o = !1 : (o = !0, this.parsePropertyName(l, t)), - this.parsePropertyValue(l, e, s, o, a, u, t), - this.checkPropClash(l, i), -, 'Property')) - } - return this.finishNode(n, e ? 'ObjectPattern' : 'ObjectExpression') - }, - q.parsePropertyValue = function (e, t, n, r, i, s, o) { - if ((n || r) && this.type === b.colon && this.unexpected(), e.value = t ? this.parseMaybeDefault(this.start, this.startLoc) : this.parseMaybeAssign(!1, o), - e.kind = 'init'; - else if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.type === b.parenL) t && this.unexpected(), - e.kind = 'init', - e.method = !0, - e.value = this.parseMethod(n, r); - else if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 5 && !e.computed && 'Identifier' === e.key.type && ('get' === || 'set' === && this.type != b.comma && this.type != b.braceR) { - (n || r || t) && this.unexpected(), - e.kind =, - this.parsePropertyName(e), - e.value = this.parseMethod(!1); - var a = 'get' === e.kind ? 0 : 1; - if (e.value.params.length !== a) { - var u = e.value.start; - 'get' === e.kind ? this.raiseRecoverable(u, 'getter should have no params') : this.raiseRecoverable(u, 'setter should have exactly one param') - } else 'set' === e.kind && 'RestElement' === e.value.params[0].type && this.raiseRecoverable(e.value.params[0].start, 'Setter cannot use rest params') - } else this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && !e.computed && 'Identifier' === e.key.type ? ((this.keywords.test( || (this.strict ? this.reservedWordsStrict : this.reservedWords).test( || this.inGenerator && 'yield' == || this.inAsync && 'await' == && this.raiseRecoverable(e.key.start, '\'' + + '\' can not be used as shorthand property'), e.kind = 'init', t ? e.value = this.parseMaybeDefault(i, s, e.key) : this.type === b.eq && o ? (o.shorthandAssign < 0 && (o.shorthandAssign = this.start), e.value = this.parseMaybeDefault(i, s, e.key)) : e.value = e.key, e.shorthand = !0) : this.unexpected() - }, - q.parsePropertyName = function (e) { - if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { - if ( return e.computed = !0, - e.key = this.parseMaybeAssign(), - this.expect(b.bracketR), - e.key; - e.computed = !1 - } - return e.key = this.type === b.num || this.type === b.string ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.parseIdent(!0) - }, - q.initFunction = function (e) { - = null, - this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && (e.generator = !1, e.expression = !1), - this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && (e.async = !1) - }, - q.parseMethod = function (e, t) { - var n = this.startNode(), - r = this.inGenerator, - i = this.inAsync, - s = this.yieldPos, - o = this.awaitPos, - a = this.inFunction; - return this.initFunction(n), - this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && (n.generator = e), - this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && (n.async = !!t), - this.inGenerator = n.generator, - this.inAsync = n.async, - this.yieldPos = 0, - this.awaitPos = 0, - this.inFunction = !0, - this.expect(b.parenL), - n.params = this.parseBindingList(b.parenR, !1, this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8), - this.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams(), - this.parseFunctionBody(n, !1), - this.inGenerator = r, - this.inAsync = i, - this.yieldPos = s, - this.awaitPos = o, - this.inFunction = a, - this.finishNode(n, 'FunctionExpression') - }, - q.parseArrowExpression = function (e, t, n) { - var r = this.inGenerator, - i = this.inAsync, - s = this.yieldPos, - o = this.awaitPos, - a = this.inFunction; - return this.initFunction(e), - this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && (e.async = !!n), - this.inGenerator = !1, - this.inAsync = e.async, - this.yieldPos = 0, - this.awaitPos = 0, - this.inFunction = !0, - e.params = this.toAssignableList(t, !0), - this.parseFunctionBody(e, !0), - this.inGenerator = r, - this.inAsync = i, - this.yieldPos = s, - this.awaitPos = o, - this.inFunction = a, - this.finishNode(e, 'ArrowFunctionExpression') - }, - q.parseFunctionBody = function (e, t) { - var n = t && this.type !== b.braceL, - r = this.strict, - i = !1; - if (n) e.body = this.parseMaybeAssign(), - e.expression = !0; - else { - var s = this.options.ecmaVersion >= 7 && !this.isSimpleParamList(e.params); - r && !s || (i = this.strictDirective(this.end)) && s && this.raiseRecoverable(e.start, 'Illegal \'use strict\' directive in function with non-simple parameter list'); - var o = this.labels; - this.labels = [ - ], - i && (this.strict = !0), - e.body = this.parseBlock(!0), - e.expression = !1, - this.labels = o - } - r || i ? (this.strict = !0, && this.checkLVal(, !0), this.checkParams(e), this.strict = r) : !t && this.isSimpleParamList(e.params) || this.checkParams(e) - }, - q.isSimpleParamList = function (e) { - for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) if ('Identifier' !== e[t].type) return !1; - return !0 - }, - q.checkParams = function (e) { - for (var t = { - }, n = 0; n < e.params.length; n++) this.checkLVal(e.params[n], !0, t) - }, - q.parseExprList = function (e, t, n, r) { - for (var i = [ - ], s = !0; !; ) { - if (s) s = !1; - else if (this.expect(b.comma), t && this.afterTrailingComma(e)) break; - var o; - n && this.type === b.comma ? o = null : this.type === b.ellipsis ? (o = this.parseSpread(r), r && this.type === b.comma && r.trailingComma < 0 && (r.trailingComma = this.start)) : o = this.parseMaybeAssign(!1, r), - i.push(o) - } - return i - }, - q.parseIdent = function (e) { - var t = this.startNode(); - return e && 'never' == this.options.allowReserved && (e = !1), - this.type === ? (!e && (this.strict ? this.reservedWordsStrict : this.reservedWords).test(this.value) && (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 || - 1 == this.input.slice(this.start, this.end).indexOf('\\')) && this.raiseRecoverable(this.start, 'The keyword \'' + this.value + '\' is reserved'), this.inGenerator && 'yield' === this.value && this.raiseRecoverable(this.start, 'Can not use \'yield\' as identifier inside a generator'), this.inAsync && 'await' === this.value && this.raiseRecoverable(this.start, 'Can not use \'await\' as identifier inside an async function'), = this.value) : e && this.type.keyword ? = this.type.keyword : this.unexpected(), -, - this.finishNode(t, 'Identifier') - }, - q.parseYield = function () { - this.yieldPos || (this.yieldPos = this.start); - var e = this.startNode(); - return, - this.type == b.semi || this.canInsertSemicolon() || this.type != && !this.type.startsExpr ? (e.delegate = !1, e.argument = null) : (e.delegate =, e.argument = this.parseMaybeAssign()), - this.finishNode(e, 'YieldExpression') - }, - q.parseAwait = function () { - this.awaitPos || (this.awaitPos = this.start); - var e = this.startNode(); - return, - e.argument = this.parseMaybeUnary(null, !0), - this.finishNode(e, 'AwaitExpression') - }; - var $ = N.prototype; - $.raise = function (e, t) { - var n = T(this.input, e); - t += ' (' + n.line + ':' + n.column + ')'; - var r = new SyntaxError(t); - throw r.pos = e, - r.loc = n, - r.raisedAt = this.pos, - r - }, - $.raiseRecoverable = $.raise, - $.curPosition = function () { - if (this.options.locations) return new k(this.curLine, this.pos - this.lineStart) - }; - var Y = function (e, t, n) { - this.type = '', - this.start = t, - this.end = 0, - e.options.locations && (this.loc = new S(e, n)), - e.options.directSourceFile && (this.sourceFile = e.options.directSourceFile), - e.options.ranges && (this.range = [ - t, - 0 - ]) - }, - W = N.prototype; - function G(e, t, n, r) { - return e.type = t, - e.end = n, - this.options.locations && (e.loc.end = r), - this.options.ranges && (e.range[1] = n), - e - } - W.startNode = function () { - return new Y(this, this.start, this.startLoc) - }, - W.startNodeAt = function (e, t) { - return new Y(this, e, t) - }, - W.finishNode = function (e, t) { - return, e, t, this.lastTokEnd, this.lastTokEndLoc) - }, - W.finishNodeAt = function (e, t, n, r) { - return, e, t, n, r) - }; - var H = function (e, t, n, r) { - this.token = e, - this.isExpr = !!t, - this.preserveSpace = !!n, - this.override = r - }, - X = { - b_stat: new H('{', !1), - b_expr: new H('{', !0), - b_tmpl: new H('${', !0), - p_stat: new H('(', !1), - p_expr: new H('(', !0), - q_tmpl: new H('`', !0, !0, function (e) { - return e.readTmplToken() - }), - f_expr: new H('function', !0) - }, - J = N.prototype; - J.initialContext = function () { - return [X.b_stat] - }, - J.braceIsBlock = function (e) { - if (e === b.colon) { - var t = this.curContext(); - if (t === X.b_stat || t === X.b_expr) return !t.isExpr - } - return e === b._return ? x.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.start)) : e === b._else || e === b.semi || e === b.eof || e === b.parenR || (e == b.braceL ? this.curContext() === X.b_stat : !this.exprAllowed) - }, - J.updateContext = function (e) { - var t, - n = this.type; - n.keyword && e == ? this.exprAllowed = !1 : (t = n.updateContext) ?, e) : this.exprAllowed = n.beforeExpr - }, - b.parenR.updateContext = b.braceR.updateContext = function () { - if (1 != this.context.length) { - var e = this.context.pop(); - e === X.b_stat && this.curContext() === X.f_expr ? (this.context.pop(), this.exprAllowed = !1) : this.exprAllowed = e === X.b_tmpl || !e.isExpr - } else this.exprAllowed = !0 - }, - b.braceL.updateContext = function (e) { - this.context.push(this.braceIsBlock(e) ? X.b_stat : X.b_expr), - this.exprAllowed = !0 - }, - b.dollarBraceL.updateContext = function () { - this.context.push(X.b_tmpl), - this.exprAllowed = !0 - }, - b.parenL.updateContext = function (e) { - var t = e === b._if || e === b._for || e === b._with || e === b._while; - this.context.push(t ? X.p_stat : X.p_expr), - this.exprAllowed = !0 - }, - b.incDec.updateContext = function () { - }, - b._function.updateContext = function (e) { - e.beforeExpr && e !== b.semi && e !== b._else && (e !== b.colon && e !== b.braceL || this.curContext() !== X.b_stat) && this.context.push(X.f_expr), - this.exprAllowed = !1 - }, - b.backQuote.updateContext = function () { - this.curContext() === X.q_tmpl ? this.context.pop() : this.context.push(X.q_tmpl), - this.exprAllowed = !1 - }; - var Q = function (e) { - this.type = e.type, - this.value = e.value, - this.start = e.start, - this.end = e.end, - e.options.locations && (this.loc = new S(e, e.startLoc, e.endLoc)), - e.options.ranges && (this.range = [ - e.start, - e.end - ]) - }, - Z = N.prototype, - ee = 'object' == typeof Packages && '[object JavaPackage]' ==; - function te(e, t, n, r) { - try { - return new RegExp(e, t) - } catch (e) { - if (void 0 !== n) throw e instanceof SyntaxError && r.raise(n, 'Error parsing regular expression: ' + e.message), - e - } - } - = function () { - this.options.onToken && this.options.onToken(new Q(this)), - this.lastTokEnd = this.end, - this.lastTokStart = this.start, - this.lastTokEndLoc = this.endLoc, - this.lastTokStartLoc = this.startLoc, - this.nextToken() - }, - Z.getToken = function () { - return, - new Q(this) - }, - 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && (Z[Symbol.iterator] = function () { - var e = this; - return { - next: function () { - var t = e.getToken(); - return { - done: t.type === b.eof, - value: t - } - } - } - }), - Z.curContext = function () { - return this.context[this.context.length - 1] - }, - Z.nextToken = function () { - var e = this.curContext(); - return e && e.preserveSpace || this.skipSpace(), - this.start = this.pos, - this.options.locations && (this.startLoc = this.curPosition()), - this.pos >= this.input.length ? this.finishToken(b.eof) : e.override ? e.override(this) : void this.readToken(this.fullCharCodeAtPos()) - }, - Z.readToken = function (e) { - return p(e, this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) || 92 === e ? this.readWord() : this.getTokenFromCode(e) - }, - Z.fullCharCodeAtPos = function () { - var e = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); - return e <= 55295 || e >= 57344 ? e : (e << 10) + this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) - 56613888 - }, - Z.skipBlockComment = function () { - var e, - t = this.options.onComment && this.curPosition(), - n = this.pos, - r = this.input.indexOf('*/', this.pos += 2); - if ( - 1 === r && this.raise(this.pos - 2, 'Unterminated comment'), this.pos = r + 2, this.options.locations) for (A.lastIndex = n; (e = A.exec(this.input)) && e.index < this.pos; ) ++this.curLine, - this.lineStart = e.index + e[0].length; - this.options.onComment && this.options.onComment(!0, this.input.slice(n + 2, r), n, this.pos, t, this.curPosition()) - }, - Z.skipLineComment = function (e) { - for (var t = this.pos, n = this.options.onComment && this.curPosition(), r = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos += e); this.pos < this.input.length && 10 !== r && 13 !== r && 8232 !== r && 8233 !== r; ) ++this.pos, - r = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); - this.options.onComment && this.options.onComment(!1, this.input.slice(t + e, this.pos), t, this.pos, n, this.curPosition()) - }, - Z.skipSpace = function () { - e: for (; this.pos < this.input.length; ) { - var e = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); - switch (e) { - case 32: - case 160: - ++this.pos; - break; - case 13: - 10 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) && ++this.pos; - case 10: - case 8232: - case 8233: - ++this.pos, - this.options.locations && (++this.curLine, this.lineStart = this.pos); - break; - case 47: - switch (this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1)) { - case 42: - this.skipBlockComment(); - break; - case 47: - this.skipLineComment(2); - break; - default: - break e - } - break; - default: - if (!(e > 8 && e < 14 || e >= 5760 && _.test(String.fromCharCode(e)))) break e; - ++this.pos - } - } - }, - Z.finishToken = function (e, t) { - this.end = this.pos, - this.options.locations && (this.endLoc = this.curPosition()); - var n = this.type; - this.type = e, - this.value = t, - this.updateContext(n) - }, - Z.readToken_dot = function () { - var e = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); - if (e >= 48 && e <= 57) return this.readNumber(!0); - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2); - return this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && 46 === e && 46 === t ? (this.pos += 3, this.finishToken(b.ellipsis)) : (++this.pos, this.finishToken( - }, - Z.readToken_slash = function () { - var e = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); - return this.exprAllowed ? (++this.pos, this.readRegexp()) : 61 === e ? this.finishOp(b.assign, 2) : this.finishOp(b.slash, 1) - }, - Z.readToken_mult_modulo_exp = function (e) { - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1), - n = 1, - r = 42 === e ? : b.modulo; - return this.options.ecmaVersion >= 7 && 42 === t && (++n, r = b.starstar, t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2)), - 61 === t ? this.finishOp(b.assign, n + 1) : this.finishOp(r, n) - }, - Z.readToken_pipe_amp = function (e) { - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); - return t === e ? this.finishOp(124 === e ? b.logicalOR : b.logicalAND, 2) : 61 === t ? this.finishOp(b.assign, 2) : this.finishOp(124 === e ? b.bitwiseOR : b.bitwiseAND, 1) - }, - Z.readToken_caret = function () { - return 61 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) ? this.finishOp(b.assign, 2) : this.finishOp(b.bitwiseXOR, 1) - }, - Z.readToken_plus_min = function (e) { - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); - return t === e ? 45 == t && 62 == this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) && x.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.pos)) ? (this.skipLineComment(3), this.skipSpace(), this.nextToken()) : this.finishOp(b.incDec, 2) : 61 === t ? this.finishOp(b.assign, 2) : this.finishOp(b.plusMin, 1) - }, - Z.readToken_lt_gt = function (e) { - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1), - n = 1; - return t === e ? (n = 62 === e && 62 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) ? 3 : 2, 61 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + n) ? this.finishOp(b.assign, n + 1) : this.finishOp(b.bitShift, n)) : 33 == t && 60 == e && 45 == this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) && 45 == this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 3) ? (this.inModule && this.unexpected(), this.skipLineComment(4), this.skipSpace(), this.nextToken()) : (61 === t && (n = 2), this.finishOp(b.relational, n)) - }, - Z.readToken_eq_excl = function (e) { - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); - return 61 === t ? this.finishOp(b.equality, 61 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) ? 3 : 2) : 61 === e && 62 === t && this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 ? (this.pos += 2, this.finishToken(b.arrow)) : this.finishOp(61 === e ? b.eq : b.prefix, 1) - }, - Z.getTokenFromCode = function (e) { - switch (e) { - case 46: - return this.readToken_dot(); - case 40: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.parenL); - case 41: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.parenR); - case 59: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.semi); - case 44: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.comma); - case 91: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.bracketL); - case 93: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.bracketR); - case 123: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.braceL); - case 125: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.braceR); - case 58: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.colon); - case 63: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.question); - case 96: - if (this.options.ecmaVersion < 6) break; - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.backQuote); - case 48: - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); - if (120 === t || 88 === t) return this.readRadixNumber(16); - if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { - if (111 === t || 79 === t) return this.readRadixNumber(8); - if (98 === t || 66 === t) return this.readRadixNumber(2) - } - case 49: - case 50: - case 51: - case 52: - case 53: - case 54: - case 55: - case 56: - case 57: - return this.readNumber(!1); - case 34: - case 39: - return this.readString(e); - case 47: - return this.readToken_slash(); - case 37: - case 42: - return this.readToken_mult_modulo_exp(e); - case 124: - case 38: - return this.readToken_pipe_amp(e); - case 94: - return this.readToken_caret(); - case 43: - case 45: - return this.readToken_plus_min(e); - case 60: - case 62: - return this.readToken_lt_gt(e); - case 61: - case 33: - return this.readToken_eq_excl(e); - case 126: - return this.finishOp(b.prefix, 1) - } - this.raise(this.pos, 'Unexpected character \'' + re(e) + '\'') - }, - Z.finishOp = function (e, t) { - var n = this.input.slice(this.pos, this.pos + t); - return this.pos += t, - this.finishToken(e, n) - }; - var ne = !!te('￿', 'u'); - function re(e) { - return e <= 65535 ? String.fromCharCode(e) : (e -= 65536, String.fromCharCode(55296 + (e >> 10), 56320 + (1023 & e))) - } - Z.readRegexp = function () { - for (var e, t, n = this, r = this.pos; ; ) { - n.pos >= n.input.length && n.raise(r, 'Unterminated regular expression'); - var i = n.input.charAt(n.pos); - if (x.test(i) && n.raise(r, 'Unterminated regular expression'), e) e = !1; - else { - if ('[' === i) t = !0; - else if (']' === i && t) t = !1; - else if ('/' === i && !t) break; - e = '\\' === i - } - ++n.pos - } - var s = this.input.slice(r, this.pos); - ++this.pos; - var o = this.readWord1(), - a = s, - u = ''; - if (o) { - var l = /^[gim]*$/; - this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && (l = /^[gimuy]*$/), - l.test(o) || this.raise(r, 'Invalid regular expression flag'), - o.indexOf('u') >= 0 && (ne ? u = 'u' : (a = (a = a.replace(/\\u\{([0-9a-fA-F]+)\}/g, function (e, t, i) { - return (t = Number('0x' + t)) > 1114111 && n.raise(r + i + 3, 'Code point out of bounds'), - 'x' - })).replace(/\\u([a-fA-F0-9]{4})|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g, 'x'), u = u.replace('u', ''))) - } - var c = null; - return ee || (te(a, u, r, this), c = te(s, o)), - this.finishToken(b.regexp, { - pattern: s, - flags: o, - value: c - }) - }, - Z.readInt = function (e, t) { - for (var n = this.pos, r = 0, i = 0, s = null == t ? 1 / 0 : t; i < s; ++i) { - var o, - a = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); - if ((o = a >= 97 ? a - 97 + 10 : a >= 65 ? a - 65 + 10 : a >= 48 && a <= 57 ? a - 48 : 1 / 0) >= e) break; - ++this.pos, - r = r * e + o - } - return this.pos === n || null != t && this.pos - n !== t ? null : r - }, - Z.readRadixNumber = function (e) { - this.pos += 2; - var t = this.readInt(e); - return null == t && this.raise(this.start + 2, 'Expected number in radix ' + e), - p(this.fullCharCodeAtPos()) && this.raise(this.pos, 'Identifier directly after number'), - this.finishToken(b.num, t) - }, - Z.readNumber = function (e) { - var t = this.pos, - n = !1, - r = 48 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); - e || null !== this.readInt(10) || this.raise(t, 'Invalid number'), - r && this.pos == t + 1 && (r = !1); - var i = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); - 46 !== i || r || (++this.pos, this.readInt(10), n = !0, i = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos)), - 69 !== i && 101 !== i || r || (43 !== (i = this.input.charCodeAt(++this.pos)) && 45 !== i || ++this.pos, null === this.readInt(10) && this.raise(t, 'Invalid number'), n = !0), - p(this.fullCharCodeAtPos()) && this.raise(this.pos, 'Identifier directly after number'); - var s, - o = this.input.slice(t, this.pos); - return n ? s = parseFloat(o) : r && 1 !== o.length ? /[89]/.test(o) || this.strict ? this.raise(t, 'Invalid number') : s = parseInt(o, 8) : s = parseInt(o, 10), - this.finishToken(b.num, s) - }, - Z.readCodePoint = function () { - var e; - if (123 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos)) { - this.options.ecmaVersion < 6 && this.unexpected(); - var t = ++this.pos; - e = this.readHexChar(this.input.indexOf('}', this.pos) - this.pos), - ++this.pos, - e > 1114111 && this.raise(t, 'Code point out of bounds') - } else e = this.readHexChar(4); - return e - }, - Z.readString = function (e) { - for (var t = '', n = ++this.pos; ; ) { - this.pos >= this.input.length && this.raise(this.start, 'Unterminated string constant'); - var r = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); - if (r === e) break; - 92 === r ? (t += this.input.slice(n, this.pos), t += this.readEscapedChar(!1), n = this.pos) : (E(r) && this.raise(this.start, 'Unterminated string constant'), ++this.pos) - } - return t += this.input.slice(n, this.pos++), - this.finishToken(b.string, t) - }, - Z.readTmplToken = function () { - for (var e = '', t = this.pos; ; ) { - this.pos >= this.input.length && this.raise(this.start, 'Unterminated template'); - var n = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); - if (96 === n || 36 === n && 123 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1)) return this.pos === this.start && this.type === b.template ? 36 === n ? (this.pos += 2, this.finishToken(b.dollarBraceL)) : (++this.pos, this.finishToken(b.backQuote)) : (e += this.input.slice(t, this.pos), this.finishToken(b.template, e)); - if (92 === n) e += this.input.slice(t, this.pos), - e += this.readEscapedChar(!0), - t = this.pos; - else if (E(n)) { - switch (e += this.input.slice(t, this.pos), ++this.pos, n) { - case 13: - 10 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos) && ++this.pos; - case 10: - e += '\n'; - break; - default: - e += String.fromCharCode(n) - } - this.options.locations && (++this.curLine, this.lineStart = this.pos), - t = this.pos - } else ++this.pos - } - }, - Z.readEscapedChar = function (e) { - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(++this.pos); - switch (++this.pos, t) { - case 110: - return '\n'; - case 114: - return '\r'; - case 120: - return String.fromCharCode(this.readHexChar(2)); - case 117: - return re(this.readCodePoint()); - case 116: - return '\t'; - case 98: - return ''; - case 118: - return '\v'; - case 102: - return '\f'; - case 13: - 10 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos) && ++this.pos; - case 10: - return this.options.locations && (this.lineStart = this.pos, ++this.curLine), - ''; - default: - if (t >= 48 && t <= 55) { - var n = this.input.substr(this.pos - 1, 3).match(/^[0-7]+/) [0], - r = parseInt(n, 8); - return r > 255 && (n = n.slice(0, - 1), r = parseInt(n, 8)), - '0' !== n && (this.strict || e) && this.raise(this.pos - 2, 'Octal literal in strict mode'), - this.pos += n.length - 1, - String.fromCharCode(r) - } - return String.fromCharCode(t) - } - }, - Z.readHexChar = function (e) { - var t = this.pos, - n = this.readInt(16, e); - return null === n && this.raise(t, 'Bad character escape sequence'), - n - }, - Z.readWord1 = function () { - this.containsEsc = !1; - for (var e = '', t = !0, n = this.pos, r = this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6; this.pos < this.input.length; ) { - var i = this.fullCharCodeAtPos(); - if (h(i, r)) this.pos += i <= 65535 ? 1 : 2; - else { - if (92 !== i) break; - this.containsEsc = !0, - e += this.input.slice(n, this.pos); - var s = this.pos; - 117 != this.input.charCodeAt(++this.pos) && this.raise(this.pos, 'Expecting Unicode escape sequence \\uXXXX'), - ++this.pos; - var o = this.readCodePoint(); - (t ? p : h) (o, r) || this.raise(s, 'Invalid Unicode escape'), - e += re(o), - n = this.pos - } - t = !1 - } - return e + this.input.slice(n, this.pos) - }, - Z.readWord = function () { - var e = this.readWord1(), - t =; - return this.keywords.test(e) && (this.containsEsc && this.raiseRecoverable(this.start, 'Escape sequence in keyword ' + e), t = y[e]), - this.finishToken(t, e) - }; - e.version = '4.0.11', - e.parse = function (e, t) { - return new N(t, e).parse() - }, - e.parseExpressionAt = function (e, t, n) { - var r = new N(n, e, t); - return r.nextToken(), - r.parseExpression() - }, - e.tokenizer = function (e, t) { - return new N(t, e) - }, - e.addLooseExports = function (t, n, r) { - e.parse_dammit = t, - e.LooseParser = n, - e.pluginsLoose = r - }, - e.Parser = N, - e.plugins = B, - e.defaultOptions = F, - e.Position = k, - e.SourceLocation = S, - e.getLineInfo = T, - e.Node = Y, - e.TokenType = f, - e.tokTypes = b, - e.keywordTypes = y, - e.TokContext = H, - e.tokContexts = X, - e.isIdentifierChar = h, - e.isIdentifierStart = p, - e.Token = Q, - e.isNewLine = E, - e.lineBreak = x, - e.lineBreakG = A, - Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { - value: !0 - }) - }, - 'object' == typeof n && void 0 !== t ? i(n) : 'function' == typeof define && define.amd ? define(['exports'], i) : i(r.acorn = r.acorn || { - }) - }, - { - } - ], - 3: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r, - i; - r = this, - i = function (e) { - 'use strict'; - function t(e) { - return 'string' == typeof e ? function (t) { - return t == e - } - : e || function () { - return !0 - } - } - var n = function (e, t) { - this.node = e, - this.state = t - }; - var r = Object.create || function (e) { - function t() { - } - return t.prototype = e, - new t - }; - function i(e, t, n) { - n(e, t) - } - function s(e, t, n) { - } - var o = { - }; - o.Program = o.BlockStatement = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0; r < e.body.length; ++r) n(e.body[r], t, 'Statement') - }, - o.Statement = i, - o.EmptyStatement = s, - o.ExpressionStatement = o.ParenthesizedExpression = function (e, t, n) { - return n(e.expression, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.IfStatement = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.test, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.consequent, t, 'Statement'), - e.alternate && n(e.alternate, t, 'Statement') - }, - o.LabeledStatement = function (e, t, n) { - return n(e.body, t, 'Statement') - }, - o.BreakStatement = o.ContinueStatement = s, - o.WithStatement = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.object, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.body, t, 'Statement') - }, - o.SwitchStatement = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.discriminant, t, 'Expression'); - for (var r = 0; r < e.cases.length; ++r) { - var i = e.cases[r]; - i.test && n(i.test, t, 'Expression'); - for (var s = 0; s < i.consequent.length; ++s) n(i.consequent[s], t, 'Statement') - } - }, - o.ReturnStatement = o.YieldExpression = o.AwaitExpression = function (e, t, n) { - e.argument && n(e.argument, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.ThrowStatement = o.SpreadElement = function (e, t, n) { - return n(e.argument, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.TryStatement = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.block, t, 'Statement'), - e.handler && n(e.handler, t), - e.finalizer && n(e.finalizer, t, 'Statement') - }, - o.CatchClause = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.param, t, 'Pattern'), - n(e.body, t, 'ScopeBody') - }, - o.WhileStatement = o.DoWhileStatement = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.test, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.body, t, 'Statement') - }, - o.ForStatement = function (e, t, n) { - e.init && n(e.init, t, 'ForInit'), - e.test && n(e.test, t, 'Expression'), - e.update && n(e.update, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.body, t, 'Statement') - }, - o.ForInStatement = o.ForOfStatement = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.left, t, 'ForInit'), - n(e.right, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.body, t, 'Statement') - }, - o.ForInit = function (e, t, n) { - 'VariableDeclaration' == e.type ? n(e, t) : n(e, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.DebuggerStatement = s, - o.FunctionDeclaration = function (e, t, n) { - return n(e, t, 'Function') - }, - o.VariableDeclaration = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0; r < e.declarations.length; ++r) n(e.declarations[r], t) - }, - o.VariableDeclarator = function (e, t, n) { - n(, t, 'Pattern'), - e.init && n(e.init, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.Function = function (e, t, n) { - && n(, t, 'Pattern'); - for (var r = 0; r < e.params.length; r++) n(e.params[r], t, 'Pattern'); - n(e.body, t, e.expression ? 'ScopeExpression' : 'ScopeBody') - }, - o.ScopeBody = function (e, t, n) { - return n(e, t, 'Statement') - }, - o.ScopeExpression = function (e, t, n) { - return n(e, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.Pattern = function (e, t, n) { - 'Identifier' == e.type ? n(e, t, 'VariablePattern') : 'MemberExpression' == e.type ? n(e, t, 'MemberPattern') : n(e, t) - }, - o.VariablePattern = s, - o.MemberPattern = i, - o.RestElement = function (e, t, n) { - return n(e.argument, t, 'Pattern') - }, - o.ArrayPattern = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0; r < e.elements.length; ++r) { - var i = e.elements[r]; - i && n(i, t, 'Pattern') - } - }, - o.ObjectPattern = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0; r <; ++r) n([r].value, t, 'Pattern') - }, - o.Expression = i, - o.ThisExpression = o.Super = o.MetaProperty = s, - o.ArrayExpression = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0; r < e.elements.length; ++r) { - var i = e.elements[r]; - i && n(i, t, 'Expression') - } - }, - o.ObjectExpression = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0; r <; ++r) n([r], t) - }, - o.FunctionExpression = o.ArrowFunctionExpression = o.FunctionDeclaration, - o.SequenceExpression = o.TemplateLiteral = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0; r < e.expressions.length; ++r) n(e.expressions[r], t, 'Expression') - }, - o.UnaryExpression = o.UpdateExpression = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.argument, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.BinaryExpression = o.LogicalExpression = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.left, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.right, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.AssignmentExpression = o.AssignmentPattern = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.left, t, 'Pattern'), - n(e.right, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.ConditionalExpression = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.test, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.consequent, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.alternate, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.NewExpression = o.CallExpression = function (e, t, n) { - if (n(e.callee, t, 'Expression'), e.arguments) for (var r = 0; r < e.arguments.length; ++r) n(e.arguments[r], t, 'Expression') - }, - o.MemberExpression = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.object, t, 'Expression'), - e.computed && n(, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.ExportNamedDeclaration = o.ExportDefaultDeclaration = function (e, t, n) { - e.declaration && n(e.declaration, t, 'ExportNamedDeclaration' == e.type || ? 'Statement' : 'Expression'), - e.source && n(e.source, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.ExportAllDeclaration = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.source, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.ImportDeclaration = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0; r < e.specifiers.length; r++) n(e.specifiers[r], t); - n(e.source, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.ImportSpecifier = o.ImportDefaultSpecifier = o.ImportNamespaceSpecifier = o.Identifier = o.Literal = s, - o.TaggedTemplateExpression = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.tag, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.quasi, t) - }, - o.ClassDeclaration = o.ClassExpression = function (e, t, n) { - return n(e, t, 'Class') - }, - o.Class = function (e, t, n) { - && n(, t, 'Pattern'), - e.superClass && n(e.superClass, t, 'Expression'); - for (var r = 0; r < e.body.body.length; r++) n(e.body.body[r], t) - }, - o.MethodDefinition = o.Property = function (e, t, n) { - e.computed && n(e.key, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.value, t, 'Expression') - }, - e.simple = function (t, n, r, i, s) { - r || (r = e.base), - function e(t, i, s) { - var o = s || t.type, - a = n[o]; - r[o](t, i, e), - a && a(t, i) - }(t, i, s) - }, - e.ancestor = function (t, n, r, i) { - r || (r = e.base); - var s = [ - ]; - !function e(t, i, o) { - var a = o || t.type, - u = n[a], - l = t != s[s.length - 1]; - l && s.push(t), - r[a](t, i, e), - u && u(t, i || s, s), - l && s.pop() - }(t, i) - }, - e.recursive = function (t, n, r, i, s) { - var o = r ? e.make(r, i) : i; - !function e(t, n, r) { - o[r || t.type](t, n, e) - }(t, n, s) - }, - e.findNodeAt = function (r, i, s, o, a, u) { - o = t(o), - a || (a = e.base); - try { - !function e(t, r, u) { - var l = u || t.type; - if ((null == i || t.start <= i) && (null == s || t.end >= s) && a[l](t, r, e), (null == i || t.start == i) && (null == s || t.end == s) && o(l, t)) throw new n(t, r) - }(r, u) - } catch (e) { - if (e instanceof n) return e; - throw e - } - }, - e.findNodeAround = function (r, i, s, o, a) { - s = t(s), - o || (o = e.base); - try { - !function e(t, r, a) { - var u = a || t.type; - if (!(t.start > i || t.end < i) && (o[u](t, r, e), s(u, t))) throw new n(t, r) - }(r, a) - } catch (e) { - if (e instanceof n) return e; - throw e - } - }, - e.findNodeAfter = function (r, i, s, o, a) { - s = t(s), - o || (o = e.base); - try { - !function e(t, r, a) { - if (!(t.end < i)) { - var u = a || t.type; - if (t.start >= i && s(u, t)) throw new n(t, r); - o[u](t, r, e) - } - }(r, a) - } catch (e) { - if (e instanceof n) return e; - throw e - } - }, - e.findNodeBefore = function (r, i, s, o, a) { - var u; - return s = t(s), - o || (o = e.base), - function e(t, r, a) { - if (!(t.start > i)) { - var l = a || t.type; - t.end <= i && (!u || u.node.end < t.end) && s(l, t) && (u = new n(t, r)), - o[l](t, r, e) - } - }(r, a), - u - }, - e.make = function (t, n) { - n || (n = e.base); - var i = r(n); - for (var s in t) i[s] = t[s]; - return i - }, - e.base = o, - Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { - value: !0 - }) - }, - 'object' == typeof n && void 0 !== t ? i(n) : 'function' == typeof define && define.amd ? define(['exports'], i) : i((r.acorn = r.acorn || { - }, r.acorn.walk = r.acorn.walk || { - })) - }, - { - } - ], - 4: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r, - i; - r = this, - i = function (e) { - 'use strict'; - var t = { - 3: 'abstract boolean byte char class double enum export extends final float goto implements import int interface long native package private protected public short static super synchronized throws transient volatile', - 5: 'class enum extends super const export import', - 6: 'enum', - 7: 'enum', - strict: 'implements interface let package private protected public static yield', - strictBind: 'eval arguments' - }, - n = 'break case catch continue debugger default do else finally for function if return switch throw try var while with null true false instanceof typeof void delete new in this', - r = { - 5: n, - 6: n + ' const class extends export import super' - }, - i = 'ªµºÀ-ÖØ-öø-ˁˆ-ˑˠ-ˤˬˮͰ-ʹͶͷͺ-ͽͿΆΈ-ΊΌΎ-ΡΣ-ϵϷ-ҁҊ-ԯԱ-Ֆՙա-ևא-תװ-ײؠ-يٮٯٱ-ۓەۥۦۮۯۺ-ۼۿܐܒ-ܯݍ-ޥޱߊ-ߪߴߵߺࠀ-ࠕࠚࠤࠨࡀ-ࡘࢠ-ࢴࢶ-ࢽऄ-हऽॐक़-ॡॱ-ঀঅ-ঌএঐও-নপ-রলশ-হঽৎড়ঢ়য়-ৡৰৱਅ-ਊਏਐਓ-ਨਪ-ਰਲਲ਼ਵਸ਼ਸਹਖ਼-ੜਫ਼ੲ-ੴઅ-ઍએ-ઑઓ-નપ-રલળવ-હઽૐૠૡૹଅ-ଌଏଐଓ-ନପ-ରଲଳଵ-ହଽଡ଼ଢ଼ୟ-ୡୱஃஅ-ஊஎ-ஐஒ-கஙசஜஞடணதந-பம-ஹௐఅ-ఌఎ-ఐఒ-నప-హఽౘ-ౚౠౡಀಅ-ಌಎ-ಐಒ-ನಪ-ಳವ-ಹಽೞೠೡೱೲഅ-ഌഎ-ഐഒ-ഺഽൎൔ-ൖൟ-ൡൺ-ൿඅ-ඖක-නඳ-රලව-ෆก-ะาำเ-ๆກຂຄງຈຊຍດ-ທນ-ຟມ-ຣລວສຫອ-ະາຳຽເ-ໄໆໜ-ໟༀཀ-ཇཉ-ཬྈ-ྌက-ဪဿၐ-ၕၚ-ၝၡၥၦၮ-ၰၵ-ႁႎႠ-ჅჇჍა-ჺჼ-ቈቊ-ቍቐ-ቖቘቚ-ቝበ-ኈኊ-ኍነ-ኰኲ-ኵኸ-ኾዀዂ-ዅወ-ዖዘ-ጐጒ-ጕጘ-ፚᎀ-ᎏᎠ-Ᏽᏸ-ᏽᐁ-ᙬᙯ-ᙿᚁ-ᚚᚠ-ᛪᛮ-ᛸᜀ-ᜌᜎ-ᜑᜠ-ᜱᝀ-ᝑᝠ-ᝬᝮ-ᝰក-ឳៗៜᠠ-ᡷᢀ-ᢨᢪᢰ-ᣵᤀ-ᤞᥐ-ᥭᥰ-ᥴᦀ-ᦫᦰ-ᧉᨀ-ᨖᨠ-ᩔᪧᬅ-ᬳᭅ-ᭋᮃ-ᮠᮮᮯᮺ-ᯥᰀ-ᰣᱍ-ᱏᱚ-ᱽᲀ-ᲈᳩ-ᳬᳮ-ᳱᳵᳶᴀ-ᶿḀ-ἕἘ-Ἕἠ-ὅὈ-Ὅὐ-ὗὙὛὝὟ-ώᾀ-ᾴᾶ-ᾼιῂ-ῄῆ-ῌῐ-ΐῖ-Ίῠ-Ῥῲ-ῴῶ-ῼⁱⁿₐ-ₜℂℇℊ-ℓℕ℘-ℝℤΩℨK-ℹℼ-ℿⅅ-ⅉⅎⅠ-ↈⰀ-Ⱞⰰ-ⱞⱠ-ⳤⳫ-ⳮⳲⳳⴀ-ⴥⴧⴭⴰ-ⵧⵯⶀ-ⶖⶠ-ⶦⶨ-ⶮⶰ-ⶶⶸ-ⶾⷀ-ⷆⷈ-ⷎⷐ-ⷖⷘ-ⷞ々-〇〡-〩〱-〵〸-〼ぁ-ゖ゛-ゟァ-ヺー-ヿㄅ-ㄭㄱ-ㆎㆠ-ㆺㇰ-ㇿ㐀-䶵一-鿕ꀀ-ꒌꓐ-ꓽꔀ-ꘌꘐ-ꘟꘪꘫꙀ-ꙮꙿ-ꚝꚠ-ꛯꜗ-ꜟꜢ-ꞈꞋ-ꞮꞰ-ꞷꟷ-ꠁꠃ-ꠅꠇ-ꠊꠌ-ꠢꡀ-ꡳꢂ-ꢳꣲ-ꣷꣻꣽꤊ-ꤥꤰ-ꥆꥠ-ꥼꦄ-ꦲꧏꧠ-ꧤꧦ-ꧯꧺ-ꧾꨀ-ꨨꩀ-ꩂꩄ-ꩋꩠ-ꩶꩺꩾ-ꪯꪱꪵꪶꪹ-ꪽꫀꫂꫛ-ꫝꫠ-ꫪꫲ-ꫴꬁ-ꬆꬉ-ꬎꬑ-ꬖꬠ-ꬦꬨ-ꬮꬰ-ꭚꭜ-ꭥꭰ-ꯢ가-힣ힰ-ퟆퟋ-ퟻ豈-舘並-龎ff-stﬓ-ﬗיִײַ-ﬨשׁ-זּטּ-לּמּנּסּףּפּצּ-ﮱﯓ-ﴽﵐ-ﶏﶒ-ﷇﷰ-ﷻﹰ-ﹴﹶ-ﻼA-Za-zヲ-하-ᅦᅧ-ᅬᅭ-ᅲᅳ-ᅵ', - s = '‌‍·̀-ͯ·҃-֑҇-ׇֽֿׁׂׅׄؐ-ًؚ-٩ٰۖ-ۜ۟-۪ۤۧۨ-ۭ۰-۹ܑܰ-݊ަ-ް߀-߉߫-߳ࠖ-࠙ࠛ-ࠣࠥ-ࠧࠩ-࡙࠭-࡛ࣔ-ࣣ࣡-ःऺ-़ा-ॏ॑-ॗॢॣ०-९ঁ-ঃ়া-ৄেৈো-্ৗৢৣ০-৯ਁ-ਃ਼ਾ-ੂੇੈੋ-੍ੑ੦-ੱੵઁ-ઃ઼ા-ૅે-ૉો-્ૢૣ૦-૯ଁ-ଃ଼ା-ୄେୈୋ-୍ୖୗୢୣ୦-୯ஂா-ூெ-ைொ-்ௗ௦-௯ఀ-ఃా-ౄె-ైొ-్ౕౖౢౣ౦-౯ಁ-ಃ಼ಾ-ೄೆ-ೈೊ-್ೕೖೢೣ೦-೯ഁ-ഃാ-ൄെ-ൈൊ-്ൗൢൣ൦-൯ංඃ්ා-ුූෘ-ෟ෦-෯ෲෳัิ-ฺ็-๎๐-๙ັິ-ູົຼ່-ໍ໐-໙༘༙༠-༩༹༵༷༾༿ཱ-྄྆྇ྍ-ྗྙ-ྼ࿆ါ-ှ၀-၉ၖ-ၙၞ-ၠၢ-ၤၧ-ၭၱ-ၴႂ-ႍႏ-ႝ፝-፟፩-፱ᜒ-᜔ᜲ-᜴ᝒᝓᝲᝳ឴-៓៝០-៩᠋-᠍᠐-᠙ᢩᤠ-ᤫᤰ-᤻᥆-᥏᧐-᧚ᨗ-ᨛᩕ-ᩞ᩠-᩿᩼-᪉᪐-᪙᪰-᪽ᬀ-ᬄ᬴-᭄᭐-᭙᭫-᭳ᮀ-ᮂᮡ-ᮭ᮰-᮹᯦-᯳ᰤ-᰷᱀-᱉᱐-᱙᳐-᳔᳒-᳨᳭ᳲ-᳴᳸᳹᷀-᷵᷻-᷿‿⁀⁔⃐-⃥⃜⃡-⃰⳯-⵿⳱ⷠ-〪ⷿ-゙゚〯꘠-꘩꙯ꙴ-꙽ꚞꚟ꛰꛱ꠂ꠆ꠋꠣ-ꠧꢀꢁꢴ-ꣅ꣐-꣙꣠-꣱꤀-꤉ꤦ-꤭ꥇ-꥓ꦀ-ꦃ꦳-꧀꧐-꧙ꧥ꧰-꧹ꨩ-ꨶꩃꩌꩍ꩐-꩙ꩻ-ꩽꪰꪲ-ꪴꪷꪸꪾ꪿꫁ꫫ-ꫯꫵ꫶ꯣ-ꯪ꯬꯭꯰-꯹ﬞ︀-️︠-︯︳︴﹍-﹏0-9_', - o = new RegExp('[' + i + ']'), - a = new RegExp('[' + i + s + ']'); - i = s = null; - var u = [ - 0, - 11, - 2, - 25, - 2, - 18, - 2, - 1, - 2, - 14, - 3, - 13, - 35, - 122, - 70, - 52, - 268, - 28, - 4, - 48, - 48, - 31, - 17, - 26, - 6, - 37, - 11, - 29, - 3, - 35, - 5, - 7, - 2, - 4, - 43, - 157, - 19, - 35, - 5, - 35, - 5, - 39, - 9, - 51, - 157, - 310, - 10, - 21, - 11, - 7, - 153, - 5, - 3, - 0, - 2, - 43, - 2, - 1, - 4, - 0, - 3, - 22, - 11, - 22, - 10, - 30, - 66, - 18, - 2, - 1, - 11, - 21, - 11, - 25, - 71, - 55, - 7, - 1, - 65, - 0, - 16, - 3, - 2, - 2, - 2, - 26, - 45, - 28, - 4, - 28, - 36, - 7, - 2, - 27, - 28, - 53, - 11, - 21, - 11, - 18, - 14, - 17, - 111, - 72, - 56, - 50, - 14, - 50, - 785, - 52, - 76, - 44, - 33, - 24, - 27, - 35, - 42, - 34, - 4, - 0, - 13, - 47, - 15, - 3, - 22, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 36, - 17, - 2, - 24, - 85, - 6, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 3, - 2, - 14, - 2, - 9, - 8, - 46, - 39, - 7, - 3, - 1, - 3, - 21, - 2, - 6, - 2, - 1, - 2, - 4, - 4, - 0, - 19, - 0, - 13, - 4, - 159, - 52, - 19, - 3, - 54, - 47, - 21, - 1, - 2, - 0, - 185, - 46, - 42, - 3, - 37, - 47, - 21, - 0, - 60, - 42, - 86, - 25, - 391, - 63, - 32, - 0, - 449, - 56, - 264, - 8, - 2, - 36, - 18, - 0, - 50, - 29, - 881, - 921, - 103, - 110, - 18, - 195, - 2749, - 1070, - 4050, - 582, - 8634, - 568, - 8, - 30, - 114, - 29, - 19, - 47, - 17, - 3, - 32, - 20, - 6, - 18, - 881, - 68, - 12, - 0, - 67, - 12, - 65, - 0, - 32, - 6124, - 20, - 754, - 9486, - 1, - 3071, - 106, - 6, - 12, - 4, - 8, - 8, - 9, - 5991, - 84, - 2, - 70, - 2, - 1, - 3, - 0, - 3, - 1, - 3, - 3, - 2, - 11, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 6, - 2, - 64, - 2, - 3, - 3, - 7, - 2, - 6, - 2, - 27, - 2, - 3, - 2, - 4, - 2, - 0, - 4, - 6, - 2, - 339, - 3, - 24, - 2, - 24, - 2, - 30, - 2, - 24, - 2, - 30, - 2, - 24, - 2, - 30, - 2, - 24, - 2, - 30, - 2, - 24, - 2, - 7, - 4149, - 196, - 60, - 67, - 1213, - 3, - 2, - 26, - 2, - 1, - 2, - 0, - 3, - 0, - 2, - 9, - 2, - 3, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 7, - 0, - 5, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 2, - 2, - 1, - 2, - 0, - 3, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 1, - 2, - 0, - 3, - 3, - 2, - 6, - 2, - 3, - 2, - 3, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 9, - 2, - 16, - 6, - 2, - 2, - 4, - 2, - 16, - 4421, - 42710, - 42, - 4148, - 12, - 221, - 3, - 5761, - 10591, - 541 - ], - l = [ - 509, - 0, - 227, - 0, - 150, - 4, - 294, - 9, - 1368, - 2, - 2, - 1, - 6, - 3, - 41, - 2, - 5, - 0, - 166, - 1, - 1306, - 2, - 54, - 14, - 32, - 9, - 16, - 3, - 46, - 10, - 54, - 9, - 7, - 2, - 37, - 13, - 2, - 9, - 52, - 0, - 13, - 2, - 49, - 13, - 10, - 2, - 4, - 9, - 83, - 11, - 7, - 0, - 161, - 11, - 6, - 9, - 7, - 3, - 57, - 0, - 2, - 6, - 3, - 1, - 3, - 2, - 10, - 0, - 11, - 1, - 3, - 6, - 4, - 4, - 193, - 17, - 10, - 9, - 87, - 19, - 13, - 9, - 214, - 6, - 3, - 8, - 28, - 1, - 83, - 16, - 16, - 9, - 82, - 12, - 9, - 9, - 84, - 14, - 5, - 9, - 423, - 9, - 838, - 7, - 2, - 7, - 17, - 9, - 57, - 21, - 2, - 13, - 19882, - 9, - 135, - 4, - 60, - 6, - 26, - 9, - 1016, - 45, - 17, - 3, - 19723, - 1, - 5319, - 4, - 4, - 5, - 9, - 7, - 3, - 6, - 31, - 3, - 149, - 2, - 1418, - 49, - 513, - 54, - 5, - 49, - 9, - 0, - 15, - 0, - 23, - 4, - 2, - 14, - 1361, - 6, - 2, - 16, - 3, - 6, - 2, - 1, - 2, - 4, - 2214, - 6, - 110, - 6, - 6, - 9, - 792487, - 239 - ]; - function c(e, t) { - for (var n = 65536, r = 0; r < t.length; r += 2) { - if ((n += t[r]) > e) return !1; - if ((n += t[r + 1]) >= e) return !0 - } - } - function p(e, t) { - return e < 65 ? 36 === e : e < 91 || (e < 97 ? 95 === e : e < 123 || (e <= 65535 ? e >= 170 && o.test(String.fromCharCode(e)) : !1 !== t && c(e, u))) - } - function h(e, t) { - return e < 48 ? 36 === e : e < 58 || !(e < 65) && (e < 91 || (e < 97 ? 95 === e : e < 123 || (e <= 65535 ? e >= 170 && a.test(String.fromCharCode(e)) : !1 !== t && (c(e, u) || c(e, l))))) - } - var f = function (e, t) { - void 0 === t && (t = { - }), - this.label = e, - this.keyword = t.keyword, - this.beforeExpr = !!t.beforeExpr, - this.startsExpr = !!t.startsExpr, - this.isLoop = !!t.isLoop, - this.isAssign = !!t.isAssign, - this.prefix = !!t.prefix, - this.postfix = !!t.postfix, - this.binop = t.binop || null, - this.updateContext = null - }; - function d(e, t) { - return new f(e, { - beforeExpr: !0, - binop: t - }) - } - var m = { - beforeExpr: !0 - }, - g = { - startsExpr: !0 - }, - y = { - }; - function v(e, t) { - return void 0 === t && (t = { - }), - t.keyword = e, - y[e] = new f(e, t) - } - var b = { - num: new f('num', g), - regexp: new f('regexp', g), - string: new f('string', g), - name: new f('name', g), - eof: new f('eof'), - bracketL: new f('[', { - beforeExpr: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - bracketR: new f(']'), - braceL: new f('{', { - beforeExpr: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - braceR: new f('}'), - parenL: new f('(', { - beforeExpr: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - parenR: new f(')'), - comma: new f(',', m), - semi: new f(';', m), - colon: new f(':', m), - dot: new f('.'), - question: new f('?', m), - arrow: new f('=>', m), - template: new f('template'), - ellipsis: new f('...', m), - backQuote: new f('`', g), - dollarBraceL: new f('${', { - beforeExpr: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - eq: new f('=', { - beforeExpr: !0, - isAssign: !0 - }), - assign: new f('_=', { - beforeExpr: !0, - isAssign: !0 - }), - incDec: new f('++/--', { - prefix: !0, - postfix: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - prefix: new f('prefix', { - beforeExpr: !0, - prefix: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - logicalOR: d('||', 1), - logicalAND: d('&&', 2), - bitwiseOR: d('|', 3), - bitwiseXOR: d('^', 4), - bitwiseAND: d('&', 5), - equality: d('==/!=', 6), - relational: d('', 7), - bitShift: d('<>', 8), - plusMin: new f('+/-', { - beforeExpr: !0, - binop: 9, - prefix: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - modulo: d('%', 10), - star: d('*', 10), - slash: d('/', 10), - starstar: new f('**', { - beforeExpr: !0 - }), - _break: v('break'), - _case: v('case', m), - _catch: v('catch'), - _continue: v('continue'), - _debugger: v('debugger'), - _default: v('default', m), - _do: v('do', { - isLoop: !0, - beforeExpr: !0 - }), - _else: v('else', m), - _finally: v('finally'), - _for: v('for', { - isLoop: !0 - }), - _function: v('function', g), - _if: v('if'), - _return: v('return', m), - _switch: v('switch'), - _throw: v('throw', m), - _try: v('try'), - _var: v('var'), - _const: v('const'), - _while: v('while', { - isLoop: !0 - }), - _with: v('with'), - _new: v('new', { - beforeExpr: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - _this: v('this', g), - _super: v('super', g), - _class: v('class'), - _extends: v('extends', m), - _export: v('export'), - _import: v('import'), - _null: v('null', g), - _true: v('true', g), - _false: v('false', g), - _in: v('in', { - beforeExpr: !0, - binop: 7 - }), - _instanceof: v('instanceof', { - beforeExpr: !0, - binop: 7 - }), - _typeof: v('typeof', { - beforeExpr: !0, - prefix: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - _void: v('void', { - beforeExpr: !0, - prefix: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - _delete: v('delete', { - beforeExpr: !0, - prefix: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }) - }, - x = /\r\n?|\n|\u2028|\u2029/, - A = new RegExp(x.source, 'g'); - function E(e) { - return 10 === e || 13 === e || 8232 === e || 8233 == e - } - var _ = /[\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]/, - C = /(?:\s|\/\/.*|\/\*[^]*?\*\/)*/g; - function w(e) { - return '[object Array]' === - } - function D(e, t) { - return, t) - } - var k = function (e, t) { - this.line = e, - this.column = t - }; - k.prototype.offset = function (e) { - return new k(this.line, this.column + e) - }; - var S = function (e, t, n) { - this.start = t, - this.end = n, - null !== e.sourceFile && (this.source = e.sourceFile) - }; - function T(e, t) { - for (var n = 1, r = 0; ; ) { - A.lastIndex = r; - var i = A.exec(e); - if (!(i && i.index < t)) return new k(n, t - r); - ++n, - r = i.index + i[0].length - } - } - var F = { - ecmaVersion: 6, - sourceType: 'script', - onInsertedSemicolon: null, - onTrailingComma: null, - allowReserved: null, - allowReturnOutsideFunction: !1, - allowImportExportEverywhere: !1, - allowHashBang: !1, - locations: !1, - onToken: null, - onComment: null, - ranges: !1, - program: null, - sourceFile: null, - directSourceFile: null, - preserveParens: !1, - plugins: { - } - }; - function O(e) { - var t = { - }; - for (var n in F) t[n] = e && D(e, n) ? e[n] : F[n]; - if (null == t.allowReserved && (t.allowReserved = t.ecmaVersion < 5), w(t.onToken)) { - var r = t.onToken; - t.onToken = function (e) { - return r.push(e) - } - } - return w(t.onComment) && (t.onComment = function (e, t) { - return function (n, r, i, s, o, a) { - var u = { - type: n ? 'Block' : 'Line', - value: r, - start: i, - end: s - }; - e.locations && (u.loc = new S(this, o, a)), - e.ranges && (u.range = [ - i, - s - ]), - t.push(u) - } - }(t, t.onComment)), - t - } - var B = { - }; - function P(e) { - return new RegExp('^(' + e.replace(/ /g, '|') + ')$') - } - var N = function (e, n, i) { - this.options = e = O(e), - this.sourceFile = e.sourceFile, - this.keywords = P(r[e.ecmaVersion >= 6 ? 6 : 5]); - var s = e.allowReserved ? '' : t[e.ecmaVersion] + ('module' == e.sourceType ? ' await' : ''); - this.reservedWords = P(s); - var o = (s ? s + ' ' : '') + t.strict; - this.reservedWordsStrict = P(o), - this.reservedWordsStrictBind = P(o + ' ' + t.strictBind), - this.input = String(n), - this.containsEsc = !1, - this.loadPlugins(e.plugins), - i ? (this.pos = i, this.lineStart = Math.max(0, this.input.lastIndexOf('\n', i)), this.curLine = this.input.slice(0, this.lineStart).split(x).length) : (this.pos = this.lineStart = 0, this.curLine = 1), - this.type = b.eof, - this.value = null, - this.start = this.end = this.pos, - this.startLoc = this.endLoc = this.curPosition(), - this.lastTokEndLoc = this.lastTokStartLoc = null, - this.lastTokStart = this.lastTokEnd = this.pos, - this.context = this.initialContext(), - this.exprAllowed = !0, - this.strict = this.inModule = 'module' === e.sourceType, - this.potentialArrowAt = - 1, - this.inFunction = this.inGenerator = !1, - this.labels = [ - ], - 0 === this.pos && e.allowHashBang && '#!' === this.input.slice(0, 2) && this.skipLineComment(2) - }; - N.prototype.isKeyword = function (e) { - return this.keywords.test(e) - }, - N.prototype.isReservedWord = function (e) { - return this.reservedWords.test(e) - }, - N.prototype.extend = function (e, t) { - this[e] = t(this[e]) - }, - N.prototype.loadPlugins = function (e) { - for (var t in e) { - var n = B[t]; - if (!n) throw new Error('Plugin \'' + t + '\' not found'); - n(this, e[t]) - } - }, - N.prototype.parse = function () { - var e = this.options.program || this.startNode(); - return this.nextToken(), - this.parseTopLevel(e) - }; - var R = N.prototype; - R.isUseStrict = function (e) { - return this.options.ecmaVersion >= 5 && 'ExpressionStatement' === e.type && 'Literal' === e.expression.type && 'use strict' === e.expression.raw.slice(1, - 1) - }, - = function (e) { - return this.type === e && (, !0) - }, - R.isContextual = function (e) { - return this.type === && this.value === e - }, - R.eatContextual = function (e) { - return this.value === e && - }, - R.expectContextual = function (e) { - this.eatContextual(e) || this.unexpected() - }, - R.canInsertSemicolon = function () { - return this.type === b.eof || this.type === b.braceR || x.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.start)) - }, - R.insertSemicolon = function () { - if (this.canInsertSemicolon()) return this.options.onInsertedSemicolon && this.options.onInsertedSemicolon(this.lastTokEnd, this.lastTokEndLoc), - !0 - }, - R.semicolon = function () { - || this.insertSemicolon() || this.unexpected() - }, - R.afterTrailingComma = function (e) { - if (this.type == e) return this.options.onTrailingComma && this.options.onTrailingComma(this.lastTokStart, this.lastTokStartLoc), -, - !0 - }, - R.expect = function (e) { - || this.unexpected() - }, - R.unexpected = function (e) { - this.raise(null != e ? e : this.start, 'Unexpected token') - }; - var L = function () { - this.shorthandAssign = 0, - this.trailingComma = 0 - }; - R.checkPatternErrors = function (e, t) { - var n = e && e.trailingComma; - if (!t) return !!n; - n && this.raise(n, 'Comma is not permitted after the rest element') - }, - R.checkExpressionErrors = function (e, t) { - var n = e && e.shorthandAssign; - if (!t) return !!n; - n && this.raise(n, 'Shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns') - }; - var I = N.prototype; - I.parseTopLevel = function (e) { - var t = !0; - for (e.body || (e.body = [ - ]); this.type !== b.eof; ) { - var n = this.parseStatement(!0, !0); - e.body.push(n), - t && (this.isUseStrict(n) && this.setStrict(!0), t = !1) - } - return, - this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && (e.sourceType = this.options.sourceType), - this.finishNode(e, 'Program') - }; - var j = { - kind: 'loop' - }, - M = { - kind: 'switch' - }; - I.isLet = function () { - if (this.type !== || this.options.ecmaVersion < 6 || 'let' != this.value) return !1; - C.lastIndex = this.pos; - var e = C.exec(this.input), - t = this.pos + e[0].length, - n = this.input.charCodeAt(t); - if (91 === n || 123 == n) return !0; - if (p(n, !0)) { - for (var r = t + 1; h(this.input.charCodeAt(r), !0); ++r); - var i = this.input.slice(t, r); - if (!this.isKeyword(i)) return !0 - } - return !1 - }, - I.parseStatement = function (e, t) { - var n, - r = this.type, - i = this.startNode(); - switch (this.isLet() && (r = b._var, n = 'let'), r) { - case b._break: - case b._continue: - return this.parseBreakContinueStatement(i, r.keyword); - case b._debugger: - return this.parseDebuggerStatement(i); - case b._do: - return this.parseDoStatement(i); - case b._for: - return this.parseForStatement(i); - case b._function: - return !e && this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.unexpected(), - this.parseFunctionStatement(i); - case b._class: - return e || this.unexpected(), - this.parseClass(i, !0); - case b._if: - return this.parseIfStatement(i); - case b._return: - return this.parseReturnStatement(i); - case b._switch: - return this.parseSwitchStatement(i); - case b._throw: - return this.parseThrowStatement(i); - case b._try: - return this.parseTryStatement(i); - case b._const: - case b._var: - return n = n || this.value, - e || 'var' == n || this.unexpected(), - this.parseVarStatement(i, n); - case b._while: - return this.parseWhileStatement(i); - case b._with: - return this.parseWithStatement(i); - case b.braceL: - return this.parseBlock(); - case b.semi: - return this.parseEmptyStatement(i); - case b._export: - case b._import: - return this.options.allowImportExportEverywhere || (t || this.raise(this.start, '\'import\' and \'export\' may only appear at the top level'), this.inModule || this.raise(this.start, '\'import\' and \'export\' may appear only with \'sourceType: module\'')), - r === b._import ? this.parseImport(i) : this.parseExport(i); - default: - var s = this.value, - o = this.parseExpression(); - return r === && 'Identifier' === o.type && ? this.parseLabeledStatement(i, s, o) : this.parseExpressionStatement(i, o) - } - }, - I.parseBreakContinueStatement = function (e, t) { - var n = 'break' == t; -, - || this.insertSemicolon() ? e.label = null : this.type !== ? this.unexpected() : (e.label = this.parseIdent(), this.semicolon()); - for (var r = 0; r < this.labels.length; ++r) { - var i = this.labels[r]; - if (null == e.label || === { - if (null != i.kind && (n || 'loop' === i.kind)) break; - if (e.label && n) break - } - } - return r === this.labels.length && this.raise(e.start, 'Unsyntactic ' + t), - this.finishNode(e, n ? 'BreakStatement' : 'ContinueStatement') - }, - I.parseDebuggerStatement = function (e) { - return, - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'DebuggerStatement') - }, - I.parseDoStatement = function (e) { - return, - this.labels.push(j), - e.body = this.parseStatement(!1), - this.labels.pop(), - this.expect(b._while), - e.test = this.parseParenExpression(), - this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 ? : this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'DoWhileStatement') - }, - I.parseForStatement = function (e) { - if (, this.labels.push(j), this.expect(b.parenL), this.type === b.semi) return this.parseFor(e, null); - var t = this.isLet(); - if (this.type === b._var || this.type === b._const || t) { - var n = this.startNode(), - r = t ? 'let' : this.value; - return, - this.parseVar(n, !0, r), - this.finishNode(n, 'VariableDeclaration'), - !(this.type === b._in || this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.isContextual('of')) || 1 !== n.declarations.length || 'var' !== r && n.declarations[0].init ? this.parseFor(e, n) : this.parseForIn(e, n) - } - var i = new L, - s = this.parseExpression(!0, i); - return this.type === b._in || this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.isContextual('of') ? (this.checkPatternErrors(i, !0), this.toAssignable(s), this.checkLVal(s), this.parseForIn(e, s)) : (this.checkExpressionErrors(i, !0), this.parseFor(e, s)) - }, - I.parseFunctionStatement = function (e) { - return, - this.parseFunction(e, !0) - }, - I.parseIfStatement = function (e) { - return, - e.test = this.parseParenExpression(), - e.consequent = this.parseStatement(!1), - e.alternate = ? this.parseStatement(!1) : null, - this.finishNode(e, 'IfStatement') - }, - I.parseReturnStatement = function (e) { - return this.inFunction || this.options.allowReturnOutsideFunction || this.raise(this.start, '\'return\' outside of function'), -, - || this.insertSemicolon() ? e.argument = null : (e.argument = this.parseExpression(), this.semicolon()), - this.finishNode(e, 'ReturnStatement') - }, - I.parseSwitchStatement = function (e) { -, - e.discriminant = this.parseParenExpression(), - e.cases = [ - ], - this.expect(b.braceL), - this.labels.push(M); - for (var t, n = !1; this.type != b.braceR; ) if (this.type === b._case || this.type === b._default) { - var r = this.type === b._case; - t && this.finishNode(t, 'SwitchCase'), - e.cases.push(t = this.startNode()), - t.consequent = [ - ], -, - r ? t.test = this.parseExpression() : (n && this.raiseRecoverable(this.lastTokStart, 'Multiple default clauses'), n = !0, t.test = null), - this.expect(b.colon) - } else t || this.unexpected(), - t.consequent.push(this.parseStatement(!0)); - return t && this.finishNode(t, 'SwitchCase'), -, - this.labels.pop(), - this.finishNode(e, 'SwitchStatement') - }, - I.parseThrowStatement = function (e) { - return, - x.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.start)) && this.raise(this.lastTokEnd, 'Illegal newline after throw'), - e.argument = this.parseExpression(), - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'ThrowStatement') - }; - var U = [ - ]; - I.parseTryStatement = function (e) { - if (, e.block = this.parseBlock(), e.handler = null, this.type === b._catch) { - var t = this.startNode(); -, - this.expect(b.parenL), - t.param = this.parseBindingAtom(), - this.checkLVal(t.param, !0), - this.expect(b.parenR), - t.body = this.parseBlock(), - e.handler = this.finishNode(t, 'CatchClause') - } - return e.finalizer = ? this.parseBlock() : null, - e.handler || e.finalizer || this.raise(e.start, 'Missing catch or finally clause'), - this.finishNode(e, 'TryStatement') - }, - I.parseVarStatement = function (e, t) { - return, - this.parseVar(e, !1, t), - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'VariableDeclaration') - }, - I.parseWhileStatement = function (e) { - return, - e.test = this.parseParenExpression(), - this.labels.push(j), - e.body = this.parseStatement(!1), - this.labels.pop(), - this.finishNode(e, 'WhileStatement') - }, - I.parseWithStatement = function (e) { - return this.strict && this.raise(this.start, '\'with\' in strict mode'), -, - e.object = this.parseParenExpression(), - e.body = this.parseStatement(!1), - this.finishNode(e, 'WithStatement') - }, - I.parseEmptyStatement = function (e) { - return, - this.finishNode(e, 'EmptyStatement') - }, - I.parseLabeledStatement = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0; r < this.labels.length; ++r) this.labels[r].name === t && this.raise(n.start, 'Label \'' + t + '\' is already declared'); - for (var i = this.type.isLoop ? 'loop' : this.type === b._switch ? 'switch' : null, s = this.labels.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) { - var o = this.labels[s]; - if (o.statementStart != e.start) break; - o.statementStart = this.start, - o.kind = i - } - return this.labels.push({ - name: t, - kind: i, - statementStart: this.start - }), - e.body = this.parseStatement(!0), - this.labels.pop(), - e.label = n, - this.finishNode(e, 'LabeledStatement') - }, - I.parseExpressionStatement = function (e, t) { - return e.expression = t, - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'ExpressionStatement') - }, - I.parseBlock = function (e) { - var t, - n = this.startNode(), - r = !0; - for (n.body = [ - ], this.expect(b.braceL); !; ) { - var i = this.parseStatement(!0); - n.body.push(i), - r && e && this.isUseStrict(i) && (t = this.strict, this.setStrict(this.strict = !0)), - r = !1 - } - return !1 === t && this.setStrict(!1), - this.finishNode(n, 'BlockStatement') - }, - I.parseFor = function (e, t) { - return e.init = t, - this.expect(b.semi), - e.test = this.type === b.semi ? null : this.parseExpression(), - this.expect(b.semi), - e.update = this.type === b.parenR ? null : this.parseExpression(), - this.expect(b.parenR), - e.body = this.parseStatement(!1), - this.labels.pop(), - this.finishNode(e, 'ForStatement') - }, - I.parseForIn = function (e, t) { - var n = this.type === b._in ? 'ForInStatement' : 'ForOfStatement'; - return, - e.left = t, - e.right = this.parseExpression(), - this.expect(b.parenR), - e.body = this.parseStatement(!1), - this.labels.pop(), - this.finishNode(e, n) - }, - I.parseVar = function (e, t, n) { - for (e.declarations = [ - ], e.kind = n; ; ) { - var r = this.startNode(); - if (this.parseVarId(r), ? r.init = this.parseMaybeAssign(t) : 'const' !== n || this.type === b._in || this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.isContextual('of') ? 'Identifier' == || t && (this.type === b._in || this.isContextual('of')) ? r.init = null : this.raise(this.lastTokEnd, 'Complex binding patterns require an initialization value') : this.unexpected(), e.declarations.push(this.finishNode(r, 'VariableDeclarator')), ! break - } - return e - }, - I.parseVarId = function (e) { - = this.parseBindingAtom(), - this.checkLVal(, !0) - }, - I.parseFunction = function (e, t, n) { - this.initFunction(e), - this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && (e.generator =; - var r = this.inGenerator; - return this.inGenerator = e.generator, - (t || this.type === && ( = this.parseIdent()), - this.parseFunctionParams(e), - this.parseFunctionBody(e, n), - this.inGenerator = r, - this.finishNode(e, t ? 'FunctionDeclaration' : 'FunctionExpression') - }, - I.parseFunctionParams = function (e) { - this.expect(b.parenL), - e.params = this.parseBindingList(b.parenR, !1, !1, !0) - }, - I.parseClass = function (e, t) { -, - this.parseClassId(e, t), - this.parseClassSuper(e); - var n = this.startNode(), - r = !1; - for (n.body = [ - ], this.expect(b.braceL); !; ) if (! { - var i = this.startNode(), - s =, - o = this.type === && 'static' === this.value; - this.parsePropertyName(i), - i.static = o && this.type !== b.parenL, - i.static && (s && this.unexpected(), s =, this.parsePropertyName(i)), - i.kind = 'method'; - var a = !1; - if (!i.computed) { - var u = i.key; - s || 'Identifier' !== u.type || this.type === b.parenL || 'get' !== && 'set' !== || (a = !0, i.kind =, u = this.parsePropertyName(i)), - !i.static && ('Identifier' === u.type && 'constructor' === || 'Literal' === u.type && 'constructor' === u.value) && (r && this.raise(u.start, 'Duplicate constructor in the same class'), a && this.raise(u.start, 'Constructor can\'t have get/set modifier'), s && this.raise(u.start, 'Constructor can\'t be a generator'), i.kind = 'constructor', r = !0) - } - if (this.parseClassMethod(n, i, s), a) { - var l = 'get' === i.kind ? 0 : 1; - if (i.value.params.length !== l) { - var c = i.value.start; - 'get' === i.kind ? this.raiseRecoverable(c, 'getter should have no params') : this.raiseRecoverable(c, 'setter should have exactly one param') - } - 'set' === i.kind && 'RestElement' === i.value.params[0].type && this.raise(i.value.params[0].start, 'Setter cannot use rest params') - } - } - return e.body = this.finishNode(n, 'ClassBody'), - this.finishNode(e, t ? 'ClassDeclaration' : 'ClassExpression') - }, - I.parseClassMethod = function (e, t, n) { - t.value = this.parseMethod(n), - e.body.push(this.finishNode(t, 'MethodDefinition')) - }, - I.parseClassId = function (e, t) { - = this.type === ? this.parseIdent() : t ? this.unexpected() : null - }, - I.parseClassSuper = function (e) { - e.superClass = ? this.parseExprSubscripts() : null - }, - I.parseExport = function (e) { - if (, return this.expectContextual('from'), - e.source = this.type === b.string ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.unexpected(), - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'ExportAllDeclaration'); - if ( { - var t = this.type == b.parenL, - n = this.parseMaybeAssign(), - r = !0; - return t || 'FunctionExpression' != n.type && 'ClassExpression' != n.type || (r = !1, && (n.type = 'FunctionExpression' == n.type ? 'FunctionDeclaration' : 'ClassDeclaration')), - e.declaration = n, - r && this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'ExportDefaultDeclaration') - } - if (this.shouldParseExportStatement()) e.declaration = this.parseStatement(!0), - e.specifiers = [ - ], - e.source = null; - else { - if (e.declaration = null, e.specifiers = this.parseExportSpecifiers(), this.eatContextual('from')) e.source = this.type === b.string ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.unexpected(); - else { - for (var i = 0; i < e.specifiers.length; i++) (this.keywords.test(e.specifiers[i] || this.reservedWords.test(e.specifiers[i] && this.unexpected(e.specifiers[i].local.start); - e.source = null - } - this.semicolon() - } - return this.finishNode(e, 'ExportNamedDeclaration') - }, - I.shouldParseExportStatement = function () { - return this.type.keyword || this.isLet() - }, - I.parseExportSpecifiers = function () { - var e = [ - ], - t = !0; - for (this.expect(b.braceL); !; ) { - if (t) t = !1; - else if (this.expect(b.comma), this.afterTrailingComma(b.braceR)) break; - var n = this.startNode(); - n.local = this.parseIdent(this.type === b._default), - n.exported = this.eatContextual('as') ? this.parseIdent(!0) : n.local, - e.push(this.finishNode(n, 'ExportSpecifier')) - } - return e - }, - I.parseImport = function (e) { - return, - this.type === b.string ? (e.specifiers = U, e.source = this.parseExprAtom()) : (e.specifiers = this.parseImportSpecifiers(), this.expectContextual('from'), e.source = this.type === b.string ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.unexpected()), - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'ImportDeclaration') - }, - I.parseImportSpecifiers = function () { - var e = [ - ], - t = !0; - if (this.type === { - var n = this.startNode(); - if (n.local = this.parseIdent(), this.checkLVal(n.local, !0), e.push(this.finishNode(n, 'ImportDefaultSpecifier')), ! return e - } - if (this.type === { - var r = this.startNode(); - return, - this.expectContextual('as'), - r.local = this.parseIdent(), - this.checkLVal(r.local, !0), - e.push(this.finishNode(r, 'ImportNamespaceSpecifier')), - e - } - for (this.expect(b.braceL); !; ) { - if (t) t = !1; - else if (this.expect(b.comma), this.afterTrailingComma(b.braceR)) break; - var i = this.startNode(); - i.imported = this.parseIdent(!0), - this.eatContextual('as') ? i.local = this.parseIdent() : (i.local = i.imported, this.isKeyword( && this.unexpected(i.local.start), this.reservedWordsStrict.test( && this.raise(i.local.start, 'The keyword \'' + + '\' is reserved')), - this.checkLVal(i.local, !0), - e.push(this.finishNode(i, 'ImportSpecifier')) - } - return e - }; - var V = N.prototype; - V.toAssignable = function (e, t) { - if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && e) switch (e.type) { - case 'Identifier': - case 'ObjectPattern': - case 'ArrayPattern': - break; - case 'ObjectExpression': - e.type = 'ObjectPattern'; - for (var n = 0; n <; n++) { - var r =[n]; - 'init' !== r.kind && this.raise(r.key.start, 'Object pattern can\'t contain getter or setter'), - this.toAssignable(r.value, t) - } - break; - case 'ArrayExpression': - e.type = 'ArrayPattern', - this.toAssignableList(e.elements, t); - break; - case 'AssignmentExpression': - if ('=' !== e.operator) { - this.raise(e.left.end, 'Only \'=\' operator can be used for specifying default value.'); - break - } - e.type = 'AssignmentPattern', - delete e.operator; - case 'AssignmentPattern': - 'YieldExpression' === e.right.type && this.raise(e.right.start, 'Yield expression cannot be a default value'); - break; - case 'ParenthesizedExpression': - e.expression = this.toAssignable(e.expression, t); - break; - case 'MemberExpression': - if (!t) break; - default: - this.raise(e.start, 'Assigning to rvalue') - } - return e - }, - V.toAssignableList = function (e, t) { - var n = e.length; - if (n) { - var r = e[n - 1]; - if (r && 'RestElement' == r.type) --n; - else if (r && 'SpreadElement' == r.type) { - r.type = 'RestElement'; - var i = r.argument; - this.toAssignable(i, t), - 'Identifier' !== i.type && 'MemberExpression' !== i.type && 'ArrayPattern' !== i.type && this.unexpected(i.start), - --n - } - t && r && 'RestElement' === r.type && 'Identifier' !== r.argument.type && this.unexpected(r.argument.start) - } - for (var s = 0; s < n; s++) { - var o = e[s]; - o && this.toAssignable(o, t) - } - return e - }, - V.parseSpread = function (e) { - var t = this.startNode(); - return, - t.argument = this.parseMaybeAssign(!1, e), - this.finishNode(t, 'SpreadElement') - }, - V.parseRest = function (e) { - var t = this.startNode(); - return, - t.argument = e ? this.type === ? this.parseIdent() : this.unexpected() : this.type === || this.type === b.bracketL ? this.parseBindingAtom() : this.unexpected(), - this.finishNode(t, 'RestElement') - }, - V.parseBindingAtom = function () { - if (this.options.ecmaVersion < 6) return this.parseIdent(); - switch (this.type) { - case - return this.parseIdent(); - case b.bracketL: - var e = this.startNode(); - return, - e.elements = this.parseBindingList(b.bracketR, !0, !0), - this.finishNode(e, 'ArrayPattern'); - case b.braceL: - return this.parseObj(!0); - default: - this.unexpected() - } - }, - V.parseBindingList = function (e, t, n, r) { - for (var i = [ - ], s = !0; !; ) if (s ? s = !1 : this.expect(b.comma), t && this.type === b.comma) i.push(null); - else { - if (n && this.afterTrailingComma(e)) break; - if (this.type === b.ellipsis) { - var o = this.parseRest(r); - this.parseBindingListItem(o), - i.push(o), - this.type === b.comma && this.raise(this.start, 'Comma is not permitted after the rest element'), - this.expect(e); - break - } - var a = this.parseMaybeDefault(this.start, this.startLoc); - this.parseBindingListItem(a), - i.push(a) - } - return i - }, - V.parseBindingListItem = function (e) { - return e - }, - V.parseMaybeDefault = function (e, t, n) { - if (n = n || this.parseBindingAtom(), this.options.ecmaVersion < 6 || ! return n; - var r = this.startNodeAt(e, t); - return r.left = n, - r.right = this.parseMaybeAssign(), - this.finishNode(r, 'AssignmentPattern') - }, - V.checkLVal = function (e, t, n) { - switch (e.type) { - case 'Identifier': - this.strict && this.reservedWordsStrictBind.test( && this.raiseRecoverable(e.start, (t ? 'Binding ' : 'Assigning to ') + + ' in strict mode'), - n && (D(n, && this.raiseRecoverable(e.start, 'Argument name clash'), n[] = !0); - break; - case 'MemberExpression': - t && this.raiseRecoverable(e.start, (t ? 'Binding' : 'Assigning to') + ' member expression'); - break; - case 'ObjectPattern': - for (var r = 0; r <; r++) this.checkLVal([r].value, t, n); - break; - case 'ArrayPattern': - for (var i = 0; i < e.elements.length; i++) { - var s = e.elements[i]; - s && this.checkLVal(s, t, n) - } - break; - case 'AssignmentPattern': - this.checkLVal(e.left, t, n); - break; - case 'RestElement': - this.checkLVal(e.argument, t, n); - break; - case 'ParenthesizedExpression': - this.checkLVal(e.expression, t, n); - break; - default: - this.raise(e.start, (t ? 'Binding' : 'Assigning to') + ' rvalue') - } - }; - var z = N.prototype; - z.checkPropClash = function (e, t) { - if (!(this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && (e.computed || e.method || e.shorthand))) { - var n, - r = e.key; - switch (r.type) { - case 'Identifier': - n =; - break; - case 'Literal': - n = String(r.value); - break; - default: - return - } - var i = e.kind; - if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) '__proto__' === n && 'init' === i && (t.proto && this.raiseRecoverable(r.start, 'Redefinition of __proto__ property'), t.proto = !0); - else { - var s = t[n = '$' + n]; - if (s) { - var o = 'init' !== i; - (!this.strict && !o || !s[i]) && o ^ s.init || this.raiseRecoverable(r.start, 'Redefinition of property') - } else s = t[n] = { - init: !1, - get: !1, - set: !1 - }; - s[i] = !0 - } - } - }, - z.parseExpression = function (e, t) { - var n = this.start, - r = this.startLoc, - i = this.parseMaybeAssign(e, t); - if (this.type === b.comma) { - var s = this.startNodeAt(n, r); - for (s.expressions = [ - i - ];; ) s.expressions.push(this.parseMaybeAssign(e, t)); - return this.finishNode(s, 'SequenceExpression') - } - return i - }, - z.parseMaybeAssign = function (e, t, n) { - if (this.inGenerator && this.isContextual('yield')) return this.parseYield(); - var r = !1; - t || (t = new L, r = !0); - var i = this.start, - s = this.startLoc; - this.type != b.parenL && this.type != || (this.potentialArrowAt = this.start); - var o = this.parseMaybeConditional(e, t); - if (n && (o =, o, i, s)), this.type.isAssign) { - this.checkPatternErrors(t, !0), - r ||; - var a = this.startNodeAt(i, s); - return a.operator = this.value, - a.left = this.type === b.eq ? this.toAssignable(o) : o, - t.shorthandAssign = 0, - this.checkLVal(o), -, - a.right = this.parseMaybeAssign(e), - this.finishNode(a, 'AssignmentExpression') - } - return r && this.checkExpressionErrors(t, !0), - o - }, - z.parseMaybeConditional = function (e, t) { - var n = this.start, - r = this.startLoc, - i = this.parseExprOps(e, t); - if (this.checkExpressionErrors(t)) return i; - if ( { - var s = this.startNodeAt(n, r); - return s.test = i, - s.consequent = this.parseMaybeAssign(), - this.expect(b.colon), - s.alternate = this.parseMaybeAssign(e), - this.finishNode(s, 'ConditionalExpression') - } - return i - }, - z.parseExprOps = function (e, t) { - var n = this.start, - r = this.startLoc, - i = this.parseMaybeUnary(t, !1); - return this.checkExpressionErrors(t) ? i : this.parseExprOp(i, n, r, - 1, e) - }, - z.parseExprOp = function (e, t, n, r, i) { - var s = this.type.binop; - if (null != s && (!i || this.type !== b._in) && s > r) { - var o = this.type === b.logicalOR || this.type === b.logicalAND, - a = this.value; -; - var u = this.start, - l = this.startLoc, - c = this.parseExprOp(this.parseMaybeUnary(null, !1), u, l, s, i), - p = this.buildBinary(t, n, e, c, a, o); - return this.parseExprOp(p, t, n, r, i) - } - return e - }, - z.buildBinary = function (e, t, n, r, i, s) { - var o = this.startNodeAt(e, t); - return o.left = n, - o.operator = i, - o.right = r, - this.finishNode(o, s ? 'LogicalExpression' : 'BinaryExpression') - }, - z.parseMaybeUnary = function (e, t) { - var n, - r = this.start, - i = this.startLoc; - if (this.type.prefix) { - var s = this.startNode(), - o = this.type === b.incDec; - s.operator = this.value, - s.prefix = !0, -, - s.argument = this.parseMaybeUnary(null, !0), - this.checkExpressionErrors(e, !0), - o ? this.checkLVal(s.argument) : this.strict && 'delete' === s.operator && 'Identifier' === s.argument.type ? this.raiseRecoverable(s.start, 'Deleting local variable in strict mode') : t = !0, - n = this.finishNode(s, o ? 'UpdateExpression' : 'UnaryExpression') - } else { - if (n = this.parseExprSubscripts(e), this.checkExpressionErrors(e)) return n; - for (; this.type.postfix && !this.canInsertSemicolon(); ) { - var a = this.startNodeAt(r, i); - a.operator = this.value, - a.prefix = !1, - a.argument = n, - this.checkLVal(n), -, - n = this.finishNode(a, 'UpdateExpression') - } - } - return !t && ? this.buildBinary(r, i, n, this.parseMaybeUnary(null, !1), '**', !1) : n - }, - z.parseExprSubscripts = function (e) { - var t = this.start, - n = this.startLoc, - r = this.parseExprAtom(e), - i = 'ArrowFunctionExpression' === r.type && ')' !== this.input.slice(this.lastTokStart, this.lastTokEnd); - return this.checkExpressionErrors(e) || i ? r : this.parseSubscripts(r, t, n) - }, - z.parseSubscripts = function (e, t, n, r) { - for (; ; ) if ( { - var i = this.startNodeAt(t, n); - i.object = e, - = this.parseIdent(!0), - i.computed = !1, - e = this.finishNode(i, 'MemberExpression') - } else if ( { - var s = this.startNodeAt(t, n); - s.object = e, - = this.parseExpression(), - s.computed = !0, - this.expect(b.bracketR), - e = this.finishNode(s, 'MemberExpression') - } else if (!r && { - var o = this.startNodeAt(t, n); - o.callee = e, - o.arguments = this.parseExprList(b.parenR, !1), - e = this.finishNode(o, 'CallExpression') - } else { - if (this.type !== b.backQuote) return e; - var a = this.startNodeAt(t, n); - a.tag = e, - a.quasi = this.parseTemplate(), - e = this.finishNode(a, 'TaggedTemplateExpression') - } - }, - z.parseExprAtom = function (e) { - var t, - n = this.potentialArrowAt == this.start; - switch (this.type) { - case b._super: - this.inFunction || this.raise(this.start, '\'super\' outside of function or class'); - case b._this: - var r = this.type === b._this ? 'ThisExpression' : 'Super'; - return t = this.startNode(), -, - this.finishNode(t, r); - case - var i = this.start, - s = this.startLoc, - o = this.parseIdent(this.type !==; - return n && !this.canInsertSemicolon() && ? this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(i, s), [ - o - ]) : o; - case b.regexp: - var a = this.value; - return (t = this.parseLiteral(a.value)).regex = { - pattern: a.pattern, - flags: a.flags - }, - t; - case b.num: - case b.string: - return this.parseLiteral(this.value); - case b._null: - case b._true: - case b._false: - return (t = this.startNode()).value = this.type === b._null ? null : this.type === b._true, - t.raw = this.type.keyword, -, - this.finishNode(t, 'Literal'); - case b.parenL: - return this.parseParenAndDistinguishExpression(n); - case b.bracketL: - return t = this.startNode(), -, - t.elements = this.parseExprList(b.bracketR, !0, !0, e), - this.finishNode(t, 'ArrayExpression'); - case b.braceL: - return this.parseObj(!1, e); - case b._function: - return t = this.startNode(), -, - this.parseFunction(t, !1); - case b._class: - return this.parseClass(this.startNode(), !1); - case b._new: - return this.parseNew(); - case b.backQuote: - return this.parseTemplate(); - default: - this.unexpected() - } - }, - z.parseLiteral = function (e) { - var t = this.startNode(); - return t.value = e, - t.raw = this.input.slice(this.start, this.end), -, - this.finishNode(t, 'Literal') - }, - z.parseParenExpression = function () { - this.expect(b.parenL); - var e = this.parseExpression(); - return this.expect(b.parenR), - e - }, - z.parseParenAndDistinguishExpression = function (e) { - var t, - n = this.start, - r = this.startLoc; - if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { -; - for (var i, s, o = this.start, a = this.startLoc, u = [ - ], l = !0, c = new L; this.type !== b.parenR; ) { - if (l ? l = !1 : this.expect(b.comma), this.type === b.ellipsis) { - i = this.start, - u.push(this.parseParenItem(this.parseRest())); - break - } - this.type !== b.parenL || s || (s = this.start), - u.push(this.parseMaybeAssign(!1, c, this.parseParenItem)) - } - var p = this.start, - h = this.startLoc; - if (this.expect(b.parenR), e && !this.canInsertSemicolon() && return this.checkPatternErrors(c, !0), - s && this.unexpected(s), - this.parseParenArrowList(n, r, u); - u.length || this.unexpected(this.lastTokStart), - i && this.unexpected(i), - this.checkExpressionErrors(c, !0), - u.length > 1 ? ((t = this.startNodeAt(o, a)).expressions = u, this.finishNodeAt(t, 'SequenceExpression', p, h)) : t = u[0] - } else t = this.parseParenExpression(); - if (this.options.preserveParens) { - var f = this.startNodeAt(n, r); - return f.expression = t, - this.finishNode(f, 'ParenthesizedExpression') - } - return t - }, - z.parseParenItem = function (e) { - return e - }, - z.parseParenArrowList = function (e, t, n) { - return this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(e, t), n) - }; - var q = [ - ]; - z.parseNew = function () { - var e = this.startNode(), - t = this.parseIdent(!0); - if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && return e.meta = t, - = this.parseIdent(!0), - 'target' !== && this.raiseRecoverable(, 'The only valid meta property for new is'), - this.inFunction || this.raiseRecoverable(e.start, ' can only be used in functions'), - this.finishNode(e, 'MetaProperty'); - var n = this.start, - r = this.startLoc; - return e.callee = this.parseSubscripts(this.parseExprAtom(), n, r, !0), - ? e.arguments = this.parseExprList(b.parenR, !1) : e.arguments = q, - this.finishNode(e, 'NewExpression') - }, - z.parseTemplateElement = function () { - var e = this.startNode(); - return e.value = { - raw: this.input.slice(this.start, this.end).replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n'), - cooked: this.value - }, -, - e.tail = this.type === b.backQuote, - this.finishNode(e, 'TemplateElement') - }, - z.parseTemplate = function () { - var e = this.startNode(); -, - e.expressions = [ - ]; - var t = this.parseTemplateElement(); - for (e.quasis = [ - t - ]; !t.tail; ) this.expect(b.dollarBraceL), - e.expressions.push(this.parseExpression()), - this.expect(b.braceR), - e.quasis.push(t = this.parseTemplateElement()); - return, - this.finishNode(e, 'TemplateLiteral') - }, - z.parseObj = function (e, t) { - var n = this.startNode(), - r = !0, - i = { - }; - for ( = [ - ],; !; ) { - if (r) r = !1; - else if (this.expect(b.comma), this.afterTrailingComma(b.braceR)) break; - var s, - o, - a, - u = this.startNode(); - this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && (u.method = !1, u.shorthand = !1, (e || t) && (o = this.start, a = this.startLoc), e || (s =, - this.parsePropertyName(u), - this.parsePropertyValue(u, e, s, o, a, t), - this.checkPropClash(u, i), -, 'Property')) - } - return this.finishNode(n, e ? 'ObjectPattern' : 'ObjectExpression') - }, - z.parsePropertyValue = function (e, t, n, r, i, s) { - if ( e.value = t ? this.parseMaybeDefault(this.start, this.startLoc) : this.parseMaybeAssign(!1, s), - e.kind = 'init'; - else if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.type === b.parenL) t && this.unexpected(), - e.kind = 'init', - e.method = !0, - e.value = this.parseMethod(n); - else if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 5 && !e.computed && 'Identifier' === e.key.type && ('get' === || 'set' === && this.type != b.comma && this.type != b.braceR) { - (n || t) && this.unexpected(), - e.kind =, - this.parsePropertyName(e), - e.value = this.parseMethod(!1); - var o = 'get' === e.kind ? 0 : 1; - if (e.value.params.length !== o) { - var a = e.value.start; - 'get' === e.kind ? this.raiseRecoverable(a, 'getter should have no params') : this.raiseRecoverable(a, 'setter should have exactly one param') - } - 'set' === e.kind && 'RestElement' === e.value.params[0].type && this.raiseRecoverable(e.value.params[0].start, 'Setter cannot use rest params') - } else this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && !e.computed && 'Identifier' === e.key.type ? ((this.keywords.test( || (this.strict ? this.reservedWordsStrictBind : this.reservedWords).test( || this.inGenerator && 'yield' == && this.raiseRecoverable(e.key.start, '\'' + + '\' can not be used as shorthand property'), e.kind = 'init', t ? e.value = this.parseMaybeDefault(r, i, e.key) : this.type === b.eq && s ? (s.shorthandAssign || (s.shorthandAssign = this.start), e.value = this.parseMaybeDefault(r, i, e.key)) : e.value = e.key, e.shorthand = !0) : this.unexpected() - }, - z.parsePropertyName = function (e) { - if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { - if ( return e.computed = !0, - e.key = this.parseMaybeAssign(), - this.expect(b.bracketR), - e.key; - e.computed = !1 - } - return e.key = this.type === b.num || this.type === b.string ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.parseIdent(!0) - }, - z.initFunction = function (e) { - = null, - this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && (e.generator = !1, e.expression = !1) - }, - z.parseMethod = function (e) { - var t = this.startNode(), - n = this.inGenerator; - return this.inGenerator = e, - this.initFunction(t), - this.expect(b.parenL), - t.params = this.parseBindingList(b.parenR, !1, !1), - this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && (t.generator = e), - this.parseFunctionBody(t, !1), - this.inGenerator = n, - this.finishNode(t, 'FunctionExpression') - }, - z.parseArrowExpression = function (e, t) { - var n = this.inGenerator; - return this.inGenerator = !1, - this.initFunction(e), - e.params = this.toAssignableList(t, !0), - this.parseFunctionBody(e, !0), - this.inGenerator = n, - this.finishNode(e, 'ArrowFunctionExpression') - }, - z.parseFunctionBody = function (e, t) { - var n = t && this.type !== b.braceL; - if (n) e.body = this.parseMaybeAssign(), - e.expression = !0; - else { - var r = this.inFunction, - i = this.labels; - this.inFunction = !0, - this.labels = [ - ], - e.body = this.parseBlock(!0), - e.expression = !1, - this.inFunction = r, - this.labels = i - } - var s = !n && e.body.body.length && this.isUseStrict(e.body.body[0]) ? e.body.body[0] : null; - if (this.strict || s) { - var o = this.strict; - this.strict = !0, - && this.checkLVal(, !0), - this.checkParams(e, s), - this.strict = o - } else t && this.checkParams(e, s) - }, - z.checkParams = function (e, t) { - for (var n = { - }, r = 0; r < e.params.length; r++) t && this.options.ecmaVersion >= 7 && 'Identifier' !== e.params[r].type && this.raiseRecoverable(t.start, 'Illegal \'use strict\' directive in function with non-simple parameter list'), - this.checkLVal(e.params[r], !0, n) - }, - z.parseExprList = function (e, t, n, r) { - for (var i = [ - ], s = !0; !; ) { - if (s) s = !1; - else if (this.expect(b.comma), t && this.afterTrailingComma(e)) break; - var o; - n && this.type === b.comma ? o = null : this.type === b.ellipsis ? (o = this.parseSpread(r), this.type === b.comma && r && !r.trailingComma && (r.trailingComma = this.lastTokStart)) : o = this.parseMaybeAssign(!1, r), - i.push(o) - } - return i - }, - z.parseIdent = function (e) { - var t = this.startNode(); - return e && 'never' == this.options.allowReserved && (e = !1), - this.type === ? (!e && (this.strict ? this.reservedWordsStrict : this.reservedWords).test(this.value) && (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 || - 1 == this.input.slice(this.start, this.end).indexOf('\\')) && this.raiseRecoverable(this.start, 'The keyword \'' + this.value + '\' is reserved'), !e && this.inGenerator && 'yield' === this.value && this.raiseRecoverable(this.start, 'Can not use \'yield\' as identifier inside a generator'), = this.value) : e && this.type.keyword ? = this.type.keyword : this.unexpected(), -, - this.finishNode(t, 'Identifier') - }, - z.parseYield = function () { - var e = this.startNode(); - return, - this.type == b.semi || this.canInsertSemicolon() || this.type != && !this.type.startsExpr ? (e.delegate = !1, e.argument = null) : (e.delegate =, e.argument = this.parseMaybeAssign()), - this.finishNode(e, 'YieldExpression') - }; - var K = N.prototype; - K.raise = function (e, t) { - var n = T(this.input, e); - t += ' (' + n.line + ':' + n.column + ')'; - var r = new SyntaxError(t); - throw r.pos = e, - r.loc = n, - r.raisedAt = this.pos, - r - }, - K.raiseRecoverable = K.raise, - K.curPosition = function () { - if (this.options.locations) return new k(this.curLine, this.pos - this.lineStart) - }; - var $ = function (e, t, n) { - this.type = '', - this.start = t, - this.end = 0, - e.options.locations && (this.loc = new S(e, n)), - e.options.directSourceFile && (this.sourceFile = e.options.directSourceFile), - e.options.ranges && (this.range = [ - t, - 0 - ]) - }, - Y = N.prototype; - function W(e, t, n, r) { - return e.type = t, - e.end = n, - this.options.locations && (e.loc.end = r), - this.options.ranges && (e.range[1] = n), - e - } - Y.startNode = function () { - return new $(this, this.start, this.startLoc) - }, - Y.startNodeAt = function (e, t) { - return new $(this, e, t) - }, - Y.finishNode = function (e, t) { - return, e, t, this.lastTokEnd, this.lastTokEndLoc) - }, - Y.finishNodeAt = function (e, t, n, r) { - return, e, t, n, r) - }; - var G = function (e, t, n, r) { - this.token = e, - this.isExpr = !!t, - this.preserveSpace = !!n, - this.override = r - }, - H = { - b_stat: new G('{', !1), - b_expr: new G('{', !0), - b_tmpl: new G('${', !0), - p_stat: new G('(', !1), - p_expr: new G('(', !0), - q_tmpl: new G('`', !0, !0, function (e) { - return e.readTmplToken() - }), - f_expr: new G('function', !0) - }, - X = N.prototype; - X.initialContext = function () { - return [H.b_stat] - }, - X.braceIsBlock = function (e) { - if (e === b.colon) { - var t = this.curContext(); - if (t === H.b_stat || t === H.b_expr) return !t.isExpr - } - return e === b._return ? x.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.start)) : e === b._else || e === b.semi || e === b.eof || e === b.parenR || (e == b.braceL ? this.curContext() === H.b_stat : !this.exprAllowed) - }, - X.updateContext = function (e) { - var t, - n = this.type; - n.keyword && e == ? this.exprAllowed = !1 : (t = n.updateContext) ?, e) : this.exprAllowed = n.beforeExpr - }, - b.parenR.updateContext = b.braceR.updateContext = function () { - if (1 != this.context.length) { - var e = this.context.pop(); - e === H.b_stat && this.curContext() === H.f_expr ? (this.context.pop(), this.exprAllowed = !1) : this.exprAllowed = e === H.b_tmpl || !e.isExpr - } else this.exprAllowed = !0 - }, - b.braceL.updateContext = function (e) { - this.context.push(this.braceIsBlock(e) ? H.b_stat : H.b_expr), - this.exprAllowed = !0 - }, - b.dollarBraceL.updateContext = function () { - this.context.push(H.b_tmpl), - this.exprAllowed = !0 - }, - b.parenL.updateContext = function (e) { - var t = e === b._if || e === b._for || e === b._with || e === b._while; - this.context.push(t ? H.p_stat : H.p_expr), - this.exprAllowed = !0 - }, - b.incDec.updateContext = function () { - }, - b._function.updateContext = function (e) { - e.beforeExpr && e !== b.semi && e !== b._else && (e !== b.colon && e !== b.braceL || this.curContext() !== H.b_stat) && this.context.push(H.f_expr), - this.exprAllowed = !1 - }, - b.backQuote.updateContext = function () { - this.curContext() === H.q_tmpl ? this.context.pop() : this.context.push(H.q_tmpl), - this.exprAllowed = !1 - }; - var J = function (e) { - this.type = e.type, - this.value = e.value, - this.start = e.start, - this.end = e.end, - e.options.locations && (this.loc = new S(e, e.startLoc, e.endLoc)), - e.options.ranges && (this.range = [ - e.start, - e.end - ]) - }, - Q = N.prototype, - Z = 'object' == typeof Packages && '[object JavaPackage]' ==; - function ee(e, t, n, r) { - try { - return new RegExp(e, t) - } catch (e) { - if (void 0 !== n) throw e instanceof SyntaxError && r.raise(n, 'Error parsing regular expression: ' + e.message), - e - } - } - = function () { - this.options.onToken && this.options.onToken(new J(this)), - this.lastTokEnd = this.end, - this.lastTokStart = this.start, - this.lastTokEndLoc = this.endLoc, - this.lastTokStartLoc = this.startLoc, - this.nextToken() - }, - Q.getToken = function () { - return, - new J(this) - }, - 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && (Q[Symbol.iterator] = function () { - var e = this; - return { - next: function () { - var t = e.getToken(); - return { - done: t.type === b.eof, - value: t - } - } - } - }), - Q.setStrict = function (e) { - if (this.strict = e, this.type === b.num || this.type === b.string) { - if (this.pos = this.start, this.options.locations) for (; this.pos < this.lineStart; ) this.lineStart = this.input.lastIndexOf('\n', this.lineStart - 2) + 1, - --this.curLine; - this.nextToken() - } - }, - Q.curContext = function () { - return this.context[this.context.length - 1] - }, - Q.nextToken = function () { - var e = this.curContext(); - return e && e.preserveSpace || this.skipSpace(), - this.start = this.pos, - this.options.locations && (this.startLoc = this.curPosition()), - this.pos >= this.input.length ? this.finishToken(b.eof) : e.override ? e.override(this) : void this.readToken(this.fullCharCodeAtPos()) - }, - Q.readToken = function (e) { - return p(e, this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) || 92 === e ? this.readWord() : this.getTokenFromCode(e) - }, - Q.fullCharCodeAtPos = function () { - var e = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); - return e <= 55295 || e >= 57344 ? e : (e << 10) + this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) - 56613888 - }, - Q.skipBlockComment = function () { - var e, - t = this.options.onComment && this.curPosition(), - n = this.pos, - r = this.input.indexOf('*/', this.pos += 2); - if ( - 1 === r && this.raise(this.pos - 2, 'Unterminated comment'), this.pos = r + 2, this.options.locations) for (A.lastIndex = n; (e = A.exec(this.input)) && e.index < this.pos; ) ++this.curLine, - this.lineStart = e.index + e[0].length; - this.options.onComment && this.options.onComment(!0, this.input.slice(n + 2, r), n, this.pos, t, this.curPosition()) - }, - Q.skipLineComment = function (e) { - for (var t = this.pos, n = this.options.onComment && this.curPosition(), r = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos += e); this.pos < this.input.length && 10 !== r && 13 !== r && 8232 !== r && 8233 !== r; ) ++this.pos, - r = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); - this.options.onComment && this.options.onComment(!1, this.input.slice(t + e, this.pos), t, this.pos, n, this.curPosition()) - }, - Q.skipSpace = function () { - e: for (; this.pos < this.input.length; ) { - var e = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); - switch (e) { - case 32: - case 160: - ++this.pos; - break; - case 13: - 10 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) && ++this.pos; - case 10: - case 8232: - case 8233: - ++this.pos, - this.options.locations && (++this.curLine, this.lineStart = this.pos); - break; - case 47: - switch (this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1)) { - case 42: - this.skipBlockComment(); - break; - case 47: - this.skipLineComment(2); - break; - default: - break e - } - break; - default: - if (!(e > 8 && e < 14 || e >= 5760 && _.test(String.fromCharCode(e)))) break e; - ++this.pos - } - } - }, - Q.finishToken = function (e, t) { - this.end = this.pos, - this.options.locations && (this.endLoc = this.curPosition()); - var n = this.type; - this.type = e, - this.value = t, - this.updateContext(n) - }, - Q.readToken_dot = function () { - var e = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); - if (e >= 48 && e <= 57) return this.readNumber(!0); - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2); - return this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && 46 === e && 46 === t ? (this.pos += 3, this.finishToken(b.ellipsis)) : (++this.pos, this.finishToken( - }, - Q.readToken_slash = function () { - var e = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); - return this.exprAllowed ? (++this.pos, this.readRegexp()) : 61 === e ? this.finishOp(b.assign, 2) : this.finishOp(b.slash, 1) - }, - Q.readToken_mult_modulo_exp = function (e) { - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1), - n = 1, - r = 42 === e ? : b.modulo; - return this.options.ecmaVersion >= 7 && 42 === t && (++n, r = b.starstar, t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2)), - 61 === t ? this.finishOp(b.assign, n + 1) : this.finishOp(r, n) - }, - Q.readToken_pipe_amp = function (e) { - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); - return t === e ? this.finishOp(124 === e ? b.logicalOR : b.logicalAND, 2) : 61 === t ? this.finishOp(b.assign, 2) : this.finishOp(124 === e ? b.bitwiseOR : b.bitwiseAND, 1) - }, - Q.readToken_caret = function () { - return 61 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) ? this.finishOp(b.assign, 2) : this.finishOp(b.bitwiseXOR, 1) - }, - Q.readToken_plus_min = function (e) { - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); - return t === e ? 45 == t && 62 == this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) && x.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.pos)) ? (this.skipLineComment(3), this.skipSpace(), this.nextToken()) : this.finishOp(b.incDec, 2) : 61 === t ? this.finishOp(b.assign, 2) : this.finishOp(b.plusMin, 1) - }, - Q.readToken_lt_gt = function (e) { - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1), - n = 1; - return t === e ? (n = 62 === e && 62 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) ? 3 : 2, 61 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + n) ? this.finishOp(b.assign, n + 1) : this.finishOp(b.bitShift, n)) : 33 == t && 60 == e && 45 == this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) && 45 == this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 3) ? (this.inModule && this.unexpected(), this.skipLineComment(4), this.skipSpace(), this.nextToken()) : (61 === t && (n = 2), this.finishOp(b.relational, n)) - }, - Q.readToken_eq_excl = function (e) { - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); - return 61 === t ? this.finishOp(b.equality, 61 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) ? 3 : 2) : 61 === e && 62 === t && this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 ? (this.pos += 2, this.finishToken(b.arrow)) : this.finishOp(61 === e ? b.eq : b.prefix, 1) - }, - Q.getTokenFromCode = function (e) { - switch (e) { - case 46: - return this.readToken_dot(); - case 40: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.parenL); - case 41: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.parenR); - case 59: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.semi); - case 44: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.comma); - case 91: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.bracketL); - case 93: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.bracketR); - case 123: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.braceL); - case 125: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.braceR); - case 58: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.colon); - case 63: - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.question); - case 96: - if (this.options.ecmaVersion < 6) break; - return ++this.pos, - this.finishToken(b.backQuote); - case 48: - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); - if (120 === t || 88 === t) return this.readRadixNumber(16); - if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { - if (111 === t || 79 === t) return this.readRadixNumber(8); - if (98 === t || 66 === t) return this.readRadixNumber(2) - } - case 49: - case 50: - case 51: - case 52: - case 53: - case 54: - case 55: - case 56: - case 57: - return this.readNumber(!1); - case 34: - case 39: - return this.readString(e); - case 47: - return this.readToken_slash(); - case 37: - case 42: - return this.readToken_mult_modulo_exp(e); - case 124: - case 38: - return this.readToken_pipe_amp(e); - case 94: - return this.readToken_caret(); - case 43: - case 45: - return this.readToken_plus_min(e); - case 60: - case 62: - return this.readToken_lt_gt(e); - case 61: - case 33: - return this.readToken_eq_excl(e); - case 126: - return this.finishOp(b.prefix, 1) - } - this.raise(this.pos, 'Unexpected character \'' + ne(e) + '\'') - }, - Q.finishOp = function (e, t) { - var n = this.input.slice(this.pos, this.pos + t); - return this.pos += t, - this.finishToken(e, n) - }; - var te = !!ee('￿', 'u'); - function ne(e) { - return e <= 65535 ? String.fromCharCode(e) : (e -= 65536, String.fromCharCode(55296 + (e >> 10), 56320 + (1023 & e))) - } - Q.readRegexp = function () { - for (var e, t, n = this, r = this.pos; ; ) { - n.pos >= n.input.length && n.raise(r, 'Unterminated regular expression'); - var i = n.input.charAt(n.pos); - if (x.test(i) && n.raise(r, 'Unterminated regular expression'), e) e = !1; - else { - if ('[' === i) t = !0; - else if (']' === i && t) t = !1; - else if ('/' === i && !t) break; - e = '\\' === i - } - ++n.pos - } - var s = this.input.slice(r, this.pos); - ++this.pos; - var o = this.readWord1(), - a = s, - u = ''; - if (o) { - var l = /^[gim]*$/; - this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && (l = /^[gimuy]*$/), - l.test(o) || this.raise(r, 'Invalid regular expression flag'), - o.indexOf('u') >= 0 && (te ? u = 'u' : (a = (a = a.replace(/\\u\{([0-9a-fA-F]+)\}/g, function (e, t, i) { - return (t = Number('0x' + t)) > 1114111 && n.raise(r + i + 3, 'Code point out of bounds'), - 'x' - })).replace(/\\u([a-fA-F0-9]{4})|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g, 'x'), u = u.replace('u', ''))) - } - var c = null; - return Z || (ee(a, u, r, this), c = ee(s, o)), - this.finishToken(b.regexp, { - pattern: s, - flags: o, - value: c - }) - }, - Q.readInt = function (e, t) { - for (var n = this.pos, r = 0, i = 0, s = null == t ? 1 / 0 : t; i < s; ++i) { - var o, - a = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); - if ((o = a >= 97 ? a - 97 + 10 : a >= 65 ? a - 65 + 10 : a >= 48 && a <= 57 ? a - 48 : 1 / 0) >= e) break; - ++this.pos, - r = r * e + o - } - return this.pos === n || null != t && this.pos - n !== t ? null : r - }, - Q.readRadixNumber = function (e) { - this.pos += 2; - var t = this.readInt(e); - return null == t && this.raise(this.start + 2, 'Expected number in radix ' + e), - p(this.fullCharCodeAtPos()) && this.raise(this.pos, 'Identifier directly after number'), - this.finishToken(b.num, t) - }, - Q.readNumber = function (e) { - var t = this.pos, - n = !1, - r = 48 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); - e || null !== this.readInt(10) || this.raise(t, 'Invalid number'); - var i = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); - 46 === i && (++this.pos, this.readInt(10), n = !0, i = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos)), - 69 !== i && 101 !== i || (43 !== (i = this.input.charCodeAt(++this.pos)) && 45 !== i || ++this.pos, null === this.readInt(10) && this.raise(t, 'Invalid number'), n = !0), - p(this.fullCharCodeAtPos()) && this.raise(this.pos, 'Identifier directly after number'); - var s, - o = this.input.slice(t, this.pos); - return n ? s = parseFloat(o) : r && 1 !== o.length ? /[89]/.test(o) || this.strict ? this.raise(t, 'Invalid number') : s = parseInt(o, 8) : s = parseInt(o, 10), - this.finishToken(b.num, s) - }, - Q.readCodePoint = function () { - var e; - if (123 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos)) { - this.options.ecmaVersion < 6 && this.unexpected(); - var t = ++this.pos; - e = this.readHexChar(this.input.indexOf('}', this.pos) - this.pos), - ++this.pos, - e > 1114111 && this.raise(t, 'Code point out of bounds') - } else e = this.readHexChar(4); - return e - }, - Q.readString = function (e) { - for (var t = '', n = ++this.pos; ; ) { - this.pos >= this.input.length && this.raise(this.start, 'Unterminated string constant'); - var r = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); - if (r === e) break; - 92 === r ? (t += this.input.slice(n, this.pos), t += this.readEscapedChar(!1), n = this.pos) : (E(r) && this.raise(this.start, 'Unterminated string constant'), ++this.pos) - } - return t += this.input.slice(n, this.pos++), - this.finishToken(b.string, t) - }, - Q.readTmplToken = function () { - for (var e = '', t = this.pos; ; ) { - this.pos >= this.input.length && this.raise(this.start, 'Unterminated template'); - var n = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); - if (96 === n || 36 === n && 123 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1)) return this.pos === this.start && this.type === b.template ? 36 === n ? (this.pos += 2, this.finishToken(b.dollarBraceL)) : (++this.pos, this.finishToken(b.backQuote)) : (e += this.input.slice(t, this.pos), this.finishToken(b.template, e)); - if (92 === n) e += this.input.slice(t, this.pos), - e += this.readEscapedChar(!0), - t = this.pos; - else if (E(n)) { - switch (e += this.input.slice(t, this.pos), ++this.pos, n) { - case 13: - 10 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos) && ++this.pos; - case 10: - e += '\n'; - break; - default: - e += String.fromCharCode(n) - } - this.options.locations && (++this.curLine, this.lineStart = this.pos), - t = this.pos - } else ++this.pos - } - }, - Q.readEscapedChar = function (e) { - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(++this.pos); - switch (++this.pos, t) { - case 110: - return '\n'; - case 114: - return '\r'; - case 120: - return String.fromCharCode(this.readHexChar(2)); - case 117: - return ne(this.readCodePoint()); - case 116: - return '\t'; - case 98: - return ''; - case 118: - return '\v'; - case 102: - return '\f'; - case 13: - 10 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos) && ++this.pos; - case 10: - return this.options.locations && (this.lineStart = this.pos, ++this.curLine), - ''; - default: - if (t >= 48 && t <= 55) { - var n = this.input.substr(this.pos - 1, 3).match(/^[0-7]+/) [0], - r = parseInt(n, 8); - return r > 255 && (n = n.slice(0, - 1), r = parseInt(n, 8)), - '0' !== n && (this.strict || e) && this.raise(this.pos - 2, 'Octal literal in strict mode'), - this.pos += n.length - 1, - String.fromCharCode(r) - } - return String.fromCharCode(t) - } - }, - Q.readHexChar = function (e) { - var t = this.pos, - n = this.readInt(16, e); - return null === n && this.raise(t, 'Bad character escape sequence'), - n - }, - Q.readWord1 = function () { - this.containsEsc = !1; - for (var e = '', t = !0, n = this.pos, r = this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6; this.pos < this.input.length; ) { - var i = this.fullCharCodeAtPos(); - if (h(i, r)) this.pos += i <= 65535 ? 1 : 2; - else { - if (92 !== i) break; - this.containsEsc = !0, - e += this.input.slice(n, this.pos); - var s = this.pos; - 117 != this.input.charCodeAt(++this.pos) && this.raise(this.pos, 'Expecting Unicode escape sequence \\uXXXX'), - ++this.pos; - var o = this.readCodePoint(); - (t ? p : h) (o, r) || this.raise(s, 'Invalid Unicode escape'), - e += ne(o), - n = this.pos - } - t = !1 - } - return e + this.input.slice(n, this.pos) - }, - Q.readWord = function () { - var e = this.readWord1(), - t =; - return (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 || !this.containsEsc) && this.keywords.test(e) && (t = y[e]), - this.finishToken(t, e) - }; - e.version = '3.3.0', - e.parse = function (e, t) { - return new N(t, e).parse() - }, - e.parseExpressionAt = function (e, t, n) { - var r = new N(n, e, t); - return r.nextToken(), - r.parseExpression() - }, - e.tokenizer = function (e, t) { - return new N(t, e) - }, - e.Parser = N, - e.plugins = B, - e.defaultOptions = F, - e.Position = k, - e.SourceLocation = S, - e.getLineInfo = T, - e.Node = $, - e.TokenType = f, - e.tokTypes = b, - e.TokContext = G, - e.tokContexts = H, - e.isIdentifierChar = h, - e.isIdentifierStart = p, - e.Token = J, - e.isNewLine = E, - e.lineBreak = x, - e.lineBreakG = A, - Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { - value: !0 - }) - }, - 'object' == typeof n && void 0 !== t ? i(n) : 'function' == typeof define && define.amd ? define(['exports'], i) : i(r.acorn = r.acorn || { - }) - }, - { - } - ], - 5: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r, - i; - r = this, - i = function (e) { - 'use strict'; - function t(e) { - return 'string' == typeof e ? function (t) { - return t == e - } - : e || function () { - return !0 - } - } - var n = function (e, t) { - this.node = e, - this.state = t - }; - var r = Object.create || function (e) { - function t() { - } - return t.prototype = e, - new t - }; - function i(e, t, n) { - n(e, t) - } - function s(e, t, n) { - } - var o = { - }; - o.Program = o.BlockStatement = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0; r < e.body.length; ++r) n(e.body[r], t, 'Statement') - }, - o.Statement = i, - o.EmptyStatement = s, - o.ExpressionStatement = o.ParenthesizedExpression = function (e, t, n) { - return n(e.expression, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.IfStatement = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.test, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.consequent, t, 'Statement'), - e.alternate && n(e.alternate, t, 'Statement') - }, - o.LabeledStatement = function (e, t, n) { - return n(e.body, t, 'Statement') - }, - o.BreakStatement = o.ContinueStatement = s, - o.WithStatement = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.object, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.body, t, 'Statement') - }, - o.SwitchStatement = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.discriminant, t, 'Expression'); - for (var r = 0; r < e.cases.length; ++r) { - var i = e.cases[r]; - i.test && n(i.test, t, 'Expression'); - for (var s = 0; s < i.consequent.length; ++s) n(i.consequent[s], t, 'Statement') - } - }, - o.ReturnStatement = o.YieldExpression = function (e, t, n) { - e.argument && n(e.argument, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.ThrowStatement = o.SpreadElement = function (e, t, n) { - return n(e.argument, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.TryStatement = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.block, t, 'Statement'), - e.handler && n(e.handler, t), - e.finalizer && n(e.finalizer, t, 'Statement') - }, - o.CatchClause = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.param, t, 'Pattern'), - n(e.body, t, 'ScopeBody') - }, - o.WhileStatement = o.DoWhileStatement = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.test, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.body, t, 'Statement') - }, - o.ForStatement = function (e, t, n) { - e.init && n(e.init, t, 'ForInit'), - e.test && n(e.test, t, 'Expression'), - e.update && n(e.update, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.body, t, 'Statement') - }, - o.ForInStatement = o.ForOfStatement = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.left, t, 'ForInit'), - n(e.right, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.body, t, 'Statement') - }, - o.ForInit = function (e, t, n) { - 'VariableDeclaration' == e.type ? n(e, t) : n(e, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.DebuggerStatement = s, - o.FunctionDeclaration = function (e, t, n) { - return n(e, t, 'Function') - }, - o.VariableDeclaration = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0; r < e.declarations.length; ++r) n(e.declarations[r], t) - }, - o.VariableDeclarator = function (e, t, n) { - n(, t, 'Pattern'), - e.init && n(e.init, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.Function = function (e, t, n) { - && n(, t, 'Pattern'); - for (var r = 0; r < e.params.length; r++) n(e.params[r], t, 'Pattern'); - n(e.body, t, e.expression ? 'ScopeExpression' : 'ScopeBody') - }, - o.ScopeBody = function (e, t, n) { - return n(e, t, 'Statement') - }, - o.ScopeExpression = function (e, t, n) { - return n(e, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.Pattern = function (e, t, n) { - 'Identifier' == e.type ? n(e, t, 'VariablePattern') : 'MemberExpression' == e.type ? n(e, t, 'MemberPattern') : n(e, t) - }, - o.VariablePattern = s, - o.MemberPattern = i, - o.RestElement = function (e, t, n) { - return n(e.argument, t, 'Pattern') - }, - o.ArrayPattern = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0; r < e.elements.length; ++r) { - var i = e.elements[r]; - i && n(i, t, 'Pattern') - } - }, - o.ObjectPattern = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0; r <; ++r) n([r].value, t, 'Pattern') - }, - o.Expression = i, - o.ThisExpression = o.Super = o.MetaProperty = s, - o.ArrayExpression = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0; r < e.elements.length; ++r) { - var i = e.elements[r]; - i && n(i, t, 'Expression') - } - }, - o.ObjectExpression = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0; r <; ++r) n([r], t) - }, - o.FunctionExpression = o.ArrowFunctionExpression = o.FunctionDeclaration, - o.SequenceExpression = o.TemplateLiteral = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0; r < e.expressions.length; ++r) n(e.expressions[r], t, 'Expression') - }, - o.UnaryExpression = o.UpdateExpression = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.argument, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.BinaryExpression = o.LogicalExpression = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.left, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.right, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.AssignmentExpression = o.AssignmentPattern = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.left, t, 'Pattern'), - n(e.right, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.ConditionalExpression = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.test, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.consequent, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.alternate, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.NewExpression = o.CallExpression = function (e, t, n) { - if (n(e.callee, t, 'Expression'), e.arguments) for (var r = 0; r < e.arguments.length; ++r) n(e.arguments[r], t, 'Expression') - }, - o.MemberExpression = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.object, t, 'Expression'), - e.computed && n(, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.ExportNamedDeclaration = o.ExportDefaultDeclaration = function (e, t, n) { - e.declaration && n(e.declaration, t, 'ExportNamedDeclaration' == e.type || ? 'Statement' : 'Expression'), - e.source && n(e.source, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.ExportAllDeclaration = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.source, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.ImportDeclaration = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0; r < e.specifiers.length; r++) n(e.specifiers[r], t); - n(e.source, t, 'Expression') - }, - o.ImportSpecifier = o.ImportDefaultSpecifier = o.ImportNamespaceSpecifier = o.Identifier = o.Literal = s, - o.TaggedTemplateExpression = function (e, t, n) { - n(e.tag, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.quasi, t) - }, - o.ClassDeclaration = o.ClassExpression = function (e, t, n) { - return n(e, t, 'Class') - }, - o.Class = function (e, t, n) { - && n(, t, 'Pattern'), - e.superClass && n(e.superClass, t, 'Expression'); - for (var r = 0; r < e.body.body.length; r++) n(e.body.body[r], t) - }, - o.MethodDefinition = o.Property = function (e, t, n) { - e.computed && n(e.key, t, 'Expression'), - n(e.value, t, 'Expression') - }, - e.simple = function (t, n, r, i, s) { - r || (r = e.base), - function e(t, i, s) { - var o = s || t.type, - a = n[o]; - r[o](t, i, e), - a && a(t, i) - }(t, i, s) - }, - e.ancestor = function (t, n, r, i) { - r || (r = e.base); - var s = [ - ]; - !function e(t, i, o) { - var a = o || t.type, - u = n[a], - l = t != s[s.length - 1]; - l && s.push(t), - r[a](t, i, e), - u && u(t, i || s, s), - l && s.pop() - }(t, i) - }, - e.recursive = function (t, n, r, i, s) { - var o = r ? e.make(r, i) : i; - !function e(t, n, r) { - o[r || t.type](t, n, e) - }(t, n, s) - }, - e.findNodeAt = function (r, i, s, o, a, u) { - o = t(o), - a || (a = e.base); - try { - !function e(t, r, u) { - var l = u || t.type; - if ((null == i || t.start <= i) && (null == s || t.end >= s) && a[l](t, r, e), (null == i || t.start == i) && (null == s || t.end == s) && o(l, t)) throw new n(t, r) - }(r, u) - } catch (e) { - if (e instanceof n) return e; - throw e - } - }, - e.findNodeAround = function (r, i, s, o, a) { - s = t(s), - o || (o = e.base); - try { - !function e(t, r, a) { - var u = a || t.type; - if (!(t.start > i || t.end < i) && (o[u](t, r, e), s(u, t))) throw new n(t, r) - }(r, a) - } catch (e) { - if (e instanceof n) return e; - throw e - } - }, - e.findNodeAfter = function (r, i, s, o, a) { - s = t(s), - o || (o = e.base); - try { - !function e(t, r, a) { - if (!(t.end < i)) { - var u = a || t.type; - if (t.start >= i && s(u, t)) throw new n(t, r); - o[u](t, r, e) - } - }(r, a) - } catch (e) { - if (e instanceof n) return e; - throw e - } - }, - e.findNodeBefore = function (r, i, s, o, a) { - var u; - return s = t(s), - o || (o = e.base), - function e(t, r, a) { - if (!(t.start > i)) { - var l = a || t.type; - t.end <= i && (!u || u.node.end < t.end) && s(l, t) && (u = new n(t, r)), - o[l](t, r, e) - } - }(r, a), - u - }, - e.make = function (t, n) { - n || (n = e.base); - var i = r(n); - for (var s in t) i[s] = t[s]; - return i - }, - e.base = o, - Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { - value: !0 - }) - }, - 'object' == typeof n && void 0 !== t ? i(n) : 'function' == typeof define && define.amd ? define(['exports'], i) : i((r.acorn = r.acorn || { - }, r.acorn.walk = r.acorn.walk || { - })) - }, - { - } - ], - 6: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('./raw'), - i = [ - ], - s = [ - ], - o = r.makeRequestCallFromTimer(function () { - if (s.length) throw s.shift() - }); - function a(e) { - var t; - (t = i.length ? i.pop() : new u).task = e, - r(t) - } - function u() { - this.task = null - } - t.exports = a, - = function () { - try { - - } catch (e) { - a.onerror ? a.onerror(e) : (s.push(e), o()) - } finally { - this.task = null, - i[i.length] = this - } - } - }, - { - './raw': 7 - } - ], - 7: [ - function (e, t, n) { - (function (e) { - 'use strict'; - function n(e) { - i.length || (r(), !0), - i[i.length] = e - } - t.exports = n; - var r, - i = [ - ], - s = 0, - o = 1024; - function a() { - for (; s < i.length; ) { - var e = s; - if (s += 1, i[e].call(), s > o) { - for (var t = 0, n = i.length - s; t < n; t++) i[t] = i[t + s]; - i.length -= s, - s = 0 - } - } - i.length = 0, - s = 0, - !1 - } - var u, - l, - c, - p = void 0 !== e ? e : self, - h = p.MutationObserver || p.WebKitMutationObserver; - function f(e) { - return function () { - var t = setTimeout(r, 0), - n = setInterval(r, 50); - function r() { - clearTimeout(t), - clearInterval(n), - e() - } - } - } - 'function' == typeof h ? (u = 1, l = new h(a), c = document.createTextNode(''), l.observe(c, { - characterData: !0 - }), r = function () { - u = - u, - = u - }) : r = f(a), - n.requestFlush = r, - n.makeRequestCallFromTimer = f - }).call(this, 'undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof self ? self : 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : { - }) - }, - { - } - ], - 8: [ - function (e, t, n) { - (function (n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('object-assign'); - function i(e, t) { - if (e === t) return 0; - for (var n = e.length, r = t.length, i = 0, s = Math.min(n, r); i < s; ++i) if (e[i] !== t[i]) { - n = e[i], - r = t[i]; - break - } - return n < r ? - 1 : r < n ? 1 : 0 - } - function s(e) { - return n.Buffer && 'function' == typeof n.Buffer.isBuffer ? n.Buffer.isBuffer(e) : !(null == e || !e._isBuffer) - } - var o = e('util/'), - a = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, - u = Array.prototype.slice, - l = 'foo' === function () { - }.name; - function c(e) { - return - } - function p(e) { - return !s(e) && ('function' == typeof n.ArrayBuffer && ('function' == typeof ArrayBuffer.isView ? ArrayBuffer.isView(e) : !!e && (e instanceof DataView || !!(e.buffer && e.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer)))) - } - var h = t.exports = v, - f = /\s*function\s+([^\(\s]*)\s*/; - function d(e) { - if (o.isFunction(e)) { - if (l) return; - var t = e.toString().match(f); - return t && t[1] - } - } - function m(e, t) { - return 'string' == typeof e ? e.length < t ? e : e.slice(0, t) : e - } - function g(e) { - if (l || !o.isFunction(e)) return o.inspect(e); - var t = d(e); - return '[Function' + (t ? ': ' + t : '') + ']' - } - function y(e, t, n, r, i) { - throw new h.AssertionError({ - message: n, - actual: e, - expected: t, - operator: r, - stackStartFunction: i - }) - } - function v(e, t) { - e || y(e, !0, t, '==', h.ok) - } - function b(e, t, n, r) { - if (e === t) return !0; - if (s(e) && s(t)) return 0 === i(e, t); - if (o.isDate(e) && o.isDate(t)) return e.getTime() === t.getTime(); - if (o.isRegExp(e) && o.isRegExp(t)) return e.source === t.source && === && e.multiline === t.multiline && e.lastIndex === t.lastIndex && e.ignoreCase === t.ignoreCase; - if (null !== e && 'object' == typeof e || null !== t && 'object' == typeof t) { - if (p(e) && p(t) && c(e) === c(t) && !(e instanceof Float32Array || e instanceof Float64Array)) return 0 === i(new Uint8Array(e.buffer), new Uint8Array(t.buffer)); - if (s(e) !== s(t)) return !1; - var a = (r = r || { - actual: [ - ], - expected: [ - ] - }).actual.indexOf(e); - return - 1 !== a && a === r.expected.indexOf(t) || (r.actual.push(e), r.expected.push(t), function (e, t, n, r) { - if (null === e || void 0 === e || null === t || void 0 === t) return !1; - if (o.isPrimitive(e) || o.isPrimitive(t)) return e === t; - if (n && Object.getPrototypeOf(e) !== Object.getPrototypeOf(t)) return !1; - var i = x(e), - s = x(t); - if (i && !s || !i && s) return !1; - if (i) return e =, - t =, - b(e, t, n); - var a, - l, - c = _(e), - p = _(t); - if (c.length !== p.length) return !1; - for (c.sort(), p.sort(), l = c.length - 1; l >= 0; l--) if (c[l] !== p[l]) return !1; - for (l = c.length - 1; l >= 0; l--) if (a = c[l], !b(e[a], t[a], n, r)) return !1; - return !0 - }(e, t, n, r)) - } - return n ? e === t : e == t - } - function x(e) { - return '[object Arguments]' == - } - function A(e, t) { - if (!e || !t) return !1; - if ('[object RegExp]' == return t.test(e); - try { - if (e instanceof t) return !0 - } catch (e) { - } - return !Error.isPrototypeOf(t) && !0 ==={ - }, e) - } - function E(e, t, n, r) { - var i; - if ('function' != typeof t) throw new TypeError('"block" argument must be a function'); - 'string' == typeof n && (r = n, n = null), - i = function (e) { - var t; - try { - e() - } catch (e) { - t = e - } - return t - }(t), - r = (n && ? ' (' + + ').' : '.') + (r ? ' ' + r : '.'), - e && !i && y(i, n, 'Missing expected exception' + r); - var s = 'string' == typeof r, - a = !e && o.isError(i), - u = !e && i && !n; - if ((a && s && A(i, n) || u) && y(i, n, 'Got unwanted exception' + r), e && i && n && !A(i, n) || !e && i) throw i - } - h.AssertionError = function (e) { - var t; - = 'AssertionError', - this.actual = e.actual, - this.expected = e.expected, - this.operator = e.operator, - e.message ? (this.message = e.message, this.generatedMessage = !1) : (this.message = m(g((t = this).actual), 128) + ' ' + t.operator + ' ' + m(g(t.expected), 128), this.generatedMessage = !0); - var n = e.stackStartFunction || y; - if (Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(this, n); - else { - var r = new Error; - if (r.stack) { - var i = r.stack, - s = d(n), - o = i.indexOf('\n' + s); - if (o >= 0) { - var a = i.indexOf('\n', o + 1); - i = i.substring(a + 1) - } - this.stack = i - } - } - }, - o.inherits(h.AssertionError, Error), - = y, - h.ok = v, - h.equal = function (e, t, n) { - e != t && y(e, t, n, '==', h.equal) - }, - h.notEqual = function (e, t, n) { - e == t && y(e, t, n, '!=', h.notEqual) - }, - h.deepEqual = function (e, t, n) { - b(e, t, !1) || y(e, t, n, 'deepEqual', h.deepEqual) - }, - h.deepStrictEqual = function (e, t, n) { - b(e, t, !0) || y(e, t, n, 'deepStrictEqual', h.deepStrictEqual) - }, - h.notDeepEqual = function (e, t, n) { - b(e, t, !1) && y(e, t, n, 'notDeepEqual', h.notDeepEqual) - }, - h.notDeepStrictEqual = function e(t, n, r) { - b(t, n, !0) && y(t, n, r, 'notDeepStrictEqual', e) - }, - h.strictEqual = function (e, t, n) { - e !== t && y(e, t, n, '===', h.strictEqual) - }, - h.notStrictEqual = function (e, t, n) { - e === t && y(e, t, n, '!==', h.notStrictEqual) - }, - h.throws = function (e, t, n) { - E(!0, e, t, n) - }, - h.doesNotThrow = function (e, t, n) { - E(!1, e, t, n) - }, - h.ifError = function (e) { - if (e) throw e - }, - h.strict = r(function e(t, n) { - t || y(t, !0, n, '==', e) - }, h, { - equal: h.strictEqual, - deepEqual: h.deepStrictEqual, - notEqual: h.notStrictEqual, - notDeepEqual: h.notDeepStrictEqual - }), - h.strict.strict = h.strict; - var _ = Object.keys || function (e) { - var t = [ - ]; - for (var n in e), n) && t.push(n); - return t - } - }).call(this, 'undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof self ? self : 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : { - }) - }, - { - 'object-assign': 370, - 'util/': 11 - } - ], - 9: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'function' == typeof Object.create ? t.exports = function (e, t) { - e.super_ = t, - e.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype, { - constructor: { - value: e, - enumerable: !1, - writable: !0, - configurable: !0 - } - }) - } - : t.exports = function (e, t) { - e.super_ = t; - var n = function () { - }; - n.prototype = t.prototype, - e.prototype = new n, - e.prototype.constructor = e - } - }, - { - } - ], - 10: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - return e && 'object' == typeof e && 'function' == typeof e.copy && 'function' == typeof e.fill && 'function' == typeof e.readUInt8 - } - }, - { - } - ], - 11: [ - function (e, t, n) { - (function (t, r) { - var i = /%[sdj%]/g; - n.format = function (e) { - if (!y(e)) { - for (var t = [ - ], n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++) t.push(a(arguments[n])); - return t.join(' ') - } - n = 1; - for (var r = arguments, s = r.length, o = String(e).replace(i, function (e) { - if ('%%' === e) return '%'; - if (n >= s) return e; - switch (e) { - case '%s': - return String(r[n++]); - case '%d': - return Number(r[n++]); - case '%j': - try { - return JSON.stringify(r[n++]) - } catch (e) { - return '[Circular]' - } - default: - return e - } - }), u = r[n]; n < s; u = r[++n]) m(u) || !x(u) ? o += ' ' + u : o += ' ' + a(u); - return o - }, - n.deprecate = function (e, i) { - if (v(r.process)) return function () { - return n.deprecate(e, i).apply(this, arguments) - }; - if (!0 === t.noDeprecation) return e; - var s = !1; - return function () { - if (!s) { - if (t.throwDeprecation) throw new Error(i); - t.traceDeprecation ? console.trace(i) : console.error(i), - s = !0 - } - return e.apply(this, arguments) - } - }; - var s, - o = { - }; - function a(e, t) { - var r = { - seen: [ - ], - stylize: l - }; - return arguments.length >= 3 && (r.depth = arguments[2]), - arguments.length >= 4 && (r.colors = arguments[3]), - d(t) ? r.showHidden = t : t && n._extend(r, t), - v(r.showHidden) && (r.showHidden = !1), - v(r.depth) && (r.depth = 2), - v(r.colors) && (r.colors = !1), - v(r.customInspect) && (r.customInspect = !0), - r.colors && (r.stylize = u), - c(r, e, r.depth) - } - function u(e, t) { - var n = a.styles[t]; - return n ? '[' + a.colors[n][0] + 'm' + e + '[' + a.colors[n][1] + 'm' : e - } - function l(e, t) { - return e - } - function c(e, t, r) { - if (e.customInspect && t && _(t.inspect) && t.inspect !== n.inspect && (!t.constructor || t.constructor.prototype !== t)) { - var i = t.inspect(r, e); - return y(i) || (i = c(e, i, r)), - i - } - var s = function (e, t) { - if (v(t)) return e.stylize('undefined', 'undefined'); - if (y(t)) { - var n = '\'' + JSON.stringify(t).replace(/^"|"$/g, '').replace(/'/g, '\\\'').replace(/\\"/g, '"') + '\''; - return e.stylize(n, 'string') - } - if (g(t)) return e.stylize('' + t, 'number'); - if (d(t)) return e.stylize('' + t, 'boolean'); - if (m(t)) return e.stylize('null', 'null') - }(e, t); - if (s) return s; - var o = Object.keys(t), - a = function (e) { - var t = { - }; - return e.forEach(function (e, n) { - t[e] = !0 - }), - t - }(o); - if (e.showHidden && (o = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t)), E(t) && (o.indexOf('message') >= 0 || o.indexOf('description') >= 0)) return p(t); - if (0 === o.length) { - if (_(t)) { - var u = ? ': ' + : ''; - return e.stylize('[Function' + u + ']', 'special') - } - if (b(t)) return e.stylize(, 'regexp'); - if (A(t)) return e.stylize(, 'date'); - if (E(t)) return p(t) - } - var l, - x = '', - C = !1, - w = [ - '{', - '}' - ]; - (f(t) && (C = !0, w = [ - '[', - ']' - ]), _(t)) && (x = ' [Function' + ( ? ': ' + : '') + ']'); - return b(t) && (x = ' ' +, - A(t) && (x = ' ' +, - E(t) && (x = ' ' + p(t)), - 0 !== o.length || C && 0 != t.length ? r < 0 ? b(t) ? e.stylize(, 'regexp') : e.stylize('[Object]', 'special') : (e.seen.push(t), l = C ? function (e, t, n, r, i) { - for (var s = [ - ], o = 0, a = t.length; o < a; ++o) k(t, String(o)) ? s.push(h(e, t, n, r, String(o), !0)) : s.push(''); - return i.forEach(function (i) { - i.match(/^\d+$/) || s.push(h(e, t, n, r, i, !0)) - }), - s - }(e, t, r, a, o) : (n) { - return h(e, t, r, a, n, C) - }), e.seen.pop(), function (e, t, n) { - if (e.reduce(function (e, t) { - return 0, - t.indexOf('\n') >= 0 && 0, - e + t.replace(/\u001b\[\d\d?m/g, '').length + 1 - }, 0) > 60) return n[0] + ('' === t ? '' : t + '\n ') + ' ' + e.join(',\n ') + ' ' + n[1]; - return n[0] + t + ' ' + e.join(', ') + ' ' + n[1] - }(l, x, w)) : w[0] + x + w[1] - } - function p(e) { - return '[' + + ']' - } - function h(e, t, n, r, i, s) { - var o, - a, - u; - if ((u = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, i) || { - value: t[i] - }).get ? a = u.set ? e.stylize('[Getter/Setter]', 'special') : e.stylize('[Getter]', 'special') : u.set && (a = e.stylize('[Setter]', 'special')), k(r, i) || (o = '[' + i + ']'), a || (e.seen.indexOf(u.value) < 0 ? (a = m(n) ? c(e, u.value, null) : c(e, u.value, n - 1)).indexOf('\n') > - 1 && (a = s ? a.split('\n').map(function (e) { - return ' ' + e - }).join('\n').substr(2) : '\n' + a.split('\n').map(function (e) { - return ' ' + e - }).join('\n')) : a = e.stylize('[Circular]', 'special')), v(o)) { - if (s && i.match(/^\d+$/)) return a; - (o = JSON.stringify('' + i)).match(/^"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)"$/) ? (o = o.substr(1, o.length - 2), o = e.stylize(o, 'name')) : (o = o.replace(/'/g, '\\\'').replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/(^"|"$)/g, '\''), o = e.stylize(o, 'string')) - } - return o + ': ' + a - } - function f(e) { - return Array.isArray(e) - } - function d(e) { - return 'boolean' == typeof e - } - function m(e) { - return null === e - } - function g(e) { - return 'number' == typeof e - } - function y(e) { - return 'string' == typeof e - } - function v(e) { - return void 0 === e - } - function b(e) { - return x(e) && '[object RegExp]' === C(e) - } - function x(e) { - return 'object' == typeof e && null !== e - } - function A(e) { - return x(e) && '[object Date]' === C(e) - } - function E(e) { - return x(e) && ('[object Error]' === C(e) || e instanceof Error) - } - function _(e) { - return 'function' == typeof e - } - function C(e) { - return - } - function w(e) { - return e < 10 ? '0' + e.toString(10) : e.toString(10) - } - n.debuglog = function (e) { - if (v(s) && (s = t.env.NODE_DEBUG || ''), e = e.toUpperCase(), !o[e]) if (new RegExp('\\b' + e + '\\b', 'i').test(s)) { - var r =; - o[e] = function () { - var t = n.format.apply(n, arguments); - console.error('%s %d: %s', e, r, t) - } - } else o[e] = function () { - }; - return o[e] - }, - n.inspect = a, - a.colors = { - bold: [ - 1, - 22 - ], - italic: [ - 3, - 23 - ], - underline: [ - 4, - 24 - ], - inverse: [ - 7, - 27 - ], - white: [ - 37, - 39 - ], - grey: [ - 90, - 39 - ], - black: [ - 30, - 39 - ], - blue: [ - 34, - 39 - ], - cyan: [ - 36, - 39 - ], - green: [ - 32, - 39 - ], - magenta: [ - 35, - 39 - ], - red: [ - 31, - 39 - ], - yellow: [ - 33, - 39 - ] - }, - a.styles = { - special: 'cyan', - number: 'yellow', - boolean: 'yellow', - undefined: 'grey', - null: 'bold', - string: 'green', - date: 'magenta', - regexp: 'red' - }, - n.isArray = f, - n.isBoolean = d, - n.isNull = m, - n.isNullOrUndefined = function (e) { - return null == e - }, - n.isNumber = g, - n.isString = y, - n.isSymbol = function (e) { - return 'symbol' == typeof e - }, - n.isUndefined = v, - n.isRegExp = b, - n.isObject = x, - n.isDate = A, - n.isError = E, - n.isFunction = _, - n.isPrimitive = function (e) { - return null === e || 'boolean' == typeof e || 'number' == typeof e || 'string' == typeof e || 'symbol' == typeof e || void 0 === e - }, - n.isBuffer = e('./support/isBuffer'); - var D = [ - 'Jan', - 'Feb', - 'Mar', - 'Apr', - 'May', - 'Jun', - 'Jul', - 'Aug', - 'Sep', - 'Oct', - 'Nov', - 'Dec' - ]; - function k(e, t) { - return, t) - } - n.log = function () { - var e, - t; - console.log('%s - %s', (e = new Date, t = [ - w(e.getHours()), - w(e.getMinutes()), - w(e.getSeconds()) - ].join(':'), [ - e.getDate(), - D[e.getMonth()], - t - ].join(' ')), n.format.apply(n, arguments)) - }, - n.inherits = e('inherits'), - n._extend = function (e, t) { - if (!t || !x(t)) return e; - for (var n = Object.keys(t), r = n.length; r--; ) e[n[r]] = t[n[r]]; - return e - } - }).call(this, e('_process'), 'undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof self ? self : 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : { - }) - }, - { - './support/isBuffer': 10, - _process: 373, - inherits: 9 - } - ], - 12: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = { - default: - e('core-js/library/fn/get-iterator'), - __esModule: !0 - } - }, - { - 'core-js/library/fn/get-iterator': 150 - } - ], - 13: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = { - default: - e('core-js/library/fn/json/stringify'), - __esModule: !0 - } - }, - { - 'core-js/library/fn/json/stringify': 151 - } - ], - 14: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = { - default: - e('core-js/library/fn/number/max-safe-integer'), - __esModule: !0 - } - }, - { - 'core-js/library/fn/number/max-safe-integer': 152 - } - ], - 15: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = { - default: - e('core-js/library/fn/object/create'), - __esModule: !0 - } - }, - { - 'core-js/library/fn/object/create': 153 - } - ], - 16: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = { - default: - e('core-js/library/fn/object/get-own-property-symbols'), - __esModule: !0 - } - }, - { - 'core-js/library/fn/object/get-own-property-symbols': 154 - } - ], - 17: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = { - default: - e('core-js/library/fn/object/keys'), - __esModule: !0 - } - }, - { - 'core-js/library/fn/object/keys': 155 - } - ], - 18: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = { - default: - e('core-js/library/fn/symbol'), - __esModule: !0 - } - }, - { - 'core-js/library/fn/symbol': 157 - } - ], - 19: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = { - default: - e('core-js/library/fn/symbol/for'), - __esModule: !0 - } - }, - { - 'core-js/library/fn/symbol/for': 156 - } - ], - 20: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = { - default: - e('core-js/library/fn/symbol/iterator'), - __esModule: !0 - } - }, - { - 'core-js/library/fn/symbol/iterator': 158 - } - ], - 21: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - n.__esModule = !0; - var r = o(e('../core-js/symbol/iterator')), - i = o(e('../core-js/symbol')), - s = 'function' == typeof i.default && 'symbol' == typeof r.default ? function (e) { - return typeof e - } - : function (e) { - return e && 'function' == typeof i.default && e.constructor === i.default && e !== i.default.prototype ? 'symbol' : typeof e - }; - function o(e) { - return e && e.__esModule ? e : { - default: - e - } - } - n.default = 'function' == typeof i.default && 'symbol' === s(r.default) ? function (e) { - return void 0 === e ? 'undefined' : s(e) - } - : function (e) { - return e && 'function' == typeof i.default && e.constructor === i.default && e !== i.default.prototype ? 'symbol' : void 0 === e ? 'undefined' : s(e) - } - }, - { - '../core-js/symbol': 18, - '../core-js/symbol/iterator': 20 - } - ], - 22: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - n.__esModule = !0, - n.NOT_LOCAL_BINDING = n.BLOCK_SCOPED_SYMBOL = n.INHERIT_KEYS = n.UNARY_OPERATORS = n.STRING_UNARY_OPERATORS = n.NUMBER_UNARY_OPERATORS = n.BOOLEAN_UNARY_OPERATORS = n.BINARY_OPERATORS = n.NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS = n.BOOLEAN_BINARY_OPERATORS = n.COMPARISON_BINARY_OPERATORS = n.EQUALITY_BINARY_OPERATORS = n.BOOLEAN_NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS = n.UPDATE_OPERATORS = n.LOGICAL_OPERATORS = n.COMMENT_KEYS = n.FOR_INIT_KEYS = n.FLATTENABLE_KEYS = n.STATEMENT_OR_BLOCK_KEYS = void 0; - var r, - i = e('babel-runtime/core-js/symbol/for'), - s = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : { - default: - r - }; - n.STATEMENT_OR_BLOCK_KEYS = [ - 'consequent', - 'body', - 'alternate' - ], - n.FLATTENABLE_KEYS = [ - 'body', - 'expressions' - ], - n.FOR_INIT_KEYS = [ - 'left', - 'init' - ], - n.COMMENT_KEYS = [ - 'leadingComments', - 'trailingComments', - 'innerComments' - ], - n.LOGICAL_OPERATORS = [ - '||', - '&&' - ], - n.UPDATE_OPERATORS = [ - '++', - '--' - ]; - var o = n.BOOLEAN_NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS = [ - '>', - '<', - '>=', - '<=' - ], - a = n.EQUALITY_BINARY_OPERATORS = [ - '==', - '===', - '!=', - '!==' - ], - u = n.COMPARISON_BINARY_OPERATORS = [ - ].concat(a, [ - 'in', - 'instanceof' - ]), - l = n.BOOLEAN_BINARY_OPERATORS = [ - ].concat(u, o), - c = n.NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS = [ - '-', - '/', - '%', - '*', - '**', - '&', - '|', - '>>', - '>>>', - '<<', - '^' - ], - p = (n.BINARY_OPERATORS = [ - '+' - ].concat(c, l), n.BOOLEAN_UNARY_OPERATORS = [ - 'delete', - '!' - ]), - h = n.NUMBER_UNARY_OPERATORS = [ - '+', - '-', - '++', - '--', - '~' - ], - f = n.STRING_UNARY_OPERATORS = [ - 'typeof' - ]; - n.UNARY_OPERATORS = [ - 'void' - ].concat(p, h, f), - n.INHERIT_KEYS = { - optional: [ - 'typeAnnotation', - 'typeParameters', - 'returnType' - ], - force: [ - 'start', - 'loc', - 'end' - ] - }, - n.BLOCK_SCOPED_SYMBOL = (0, s.default) ('var used to be block scoped'), - n.NOT_LOCAL_BINDING = (0, s.default) ('should not be considered a local binding') - }, - { - 'babel-runtime/core-js/symbol/for': 19 - } - ], - 23: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - n.__esModule = !0; - var r = l(e('babel-runtime/core-js/number/max-safe-integer')), - i = l(e('babel-runtime/core-js/json/stringify')), - s = l(e('babel-runtime/core-js/get-iterator')); - n.toComputedKey = function (e) { - var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : e.key ||; - e.computed || u.isIdentifier(t) && (t = u.stringLiteral(; - return t - }, - n.toSequenceExpression = function (e, t) { - if (!e || !e.length) return; - var n = [ - ], - r = function e(t, n, r) { - var i = [ - ]; - var o = !0; - for (var a = t, l = Array.isArray(a), c = 0, a = l ? a : (0, s.default) (a); ; ) { - var p; - if (l) { - if (c >= a.length) break; - p = a[c++] - } else { - if ((c = break; - p = c.value - } - var h = p; - if (o = !1, u.isExpression(h)) i.push(h); - else if (u.isExpressionStatement(h)) i.push(h.expression); - else if (u.isVariableDeclaration(h)) { - if ('var' !== h.kind) return; - for (var f = h.declarations, d = Array.isArray(f), m = 0, f = d ? f : (0, s.default) (f); ; ) { - var g; - if (d) { - if (m >= f.length) break; - g = f[m++] - } else { - if ((m = break; - g = m.value - } - var y = g, - v = u.getBindingIdentifiers(y); - for (var b in v) r.push({ - kind: h.kind, - id: v[b] - }); - y.init && i.push(u.assignmentExpression('=',, y.init)) - } - o = !0 - } else if (u.isIfStatement(h)) { - var x = h.consequent ? e([h.consequent], n, r) : n.buildUndefinedNode(), - A = h.alternate ? e([h.alternate], n, r) : n.buildUndefinedNode(); - if (!x || !A) return; - i.push(u.conditionalExpression(h.test, x, A)) - } else if (u.isBlockStatement(h)) { - var E = e(h.body, n, r); - if (!E) return; - i.push(E) - } else { - if (!u.isEmptyStatement(h)) return; - o = !0 - } - } - o && i.push(n.buildUndefinedNode()); - return 1 === i.length ? i[0] : u.sequenceExpression(i) - }(e, t, n); - if (!r) return; - for (var i = n, o = Array.isArray(i), a = 0, i = o ? i : (0, s.default) (i); ; ) { - var l; - if (o) { - if (a >= i.length) break; - l = i[a++] - } else { - if ((a = break; - l = a.value - } - var c = l; - t.push(c) - } - return r - }, - n.toKeyAlias = c, - n.toIdentifier = p, - n.toBindingIdentifierName = function (e) { - 'eval' !== (e = p(e)) && 'arguments' !== e || (e = '_' + e); - return e - }, - n.toStatement = function (e, t) { - if (u.isStatement(e)) return e; - var n = !1, - r = void 0; - if (u.isClass(e)) n = !0, - r = 'ClassDeclaration'; - else if (u.isFunction(e)) n = !0, - r = 'FunctionDeclaration'; - else if (u.isAssignmentExpression(e)) return u.expressionStatement(e); - n && ! && (r = !1); - if (!r) { - if (t) return !1; - throw new Error('cannot turn ' + e.type + ' to a statement') - } - return e.type = r, - e - }, - n.toExpression = function (e) { - u.isExpressionStatement(e) && (e = e.expression); - if (u.isExpression(e)) return e; - u.isClass(e) ? e.type = 'ClassExpression' : u.isFunction(e) && (e.type = 'FunctionExpression'); - if (!u.isExpression(e)) throw new Error('cannot turn ' + e.type + ' to an expression'); - return e - }, - n.toBlock = function (e, t) { - if (u.isBlockStatement(e)) return e; - u.isEmptyStatement(e) && (e = [ - ]); - Array.isArray(e) || (u.isStatement(e) || (e = u.isFunction(t) ? u.returnStatement(e) : u.expressionStatement(e)), e = [ - e - ]); - return u.blockStatement(e) - }, - n.valueToNode = function (e) { - if (void 0 === e) return u.identifier('undefined'); - if (!0 === e || !1 === e) return u.booleanLiteral(e); - if (null === e) return u.nullLiteral(); - if ('string' == typeof e) return u.stringLiteral(e); - if ('number' == typeof e) return u.numericLiteral(e); - if ((0, a.default) (e)) { - var t = e.source, - n = e.toString().match(/\/([a-z]+|)$/) [1]; - return u.regExpLiteral(t, n) - } - if (Array.isArray(e)) return u.arrayExpression(; - if ((0, o.default) (e)) { - var r = [ - ]; - for (var i in e) { - var s = void 0; - s = u.isValidIdentifier(i) ? u.identifier(i) : u.stringLiteral(i), - r.push(u.objectProperty(s, u.valueToNode(e[i]))) - } - return u.objectExpression(r) - } - throw new Error('don\'t know how to turn this value into a node') - }; - var o = l(e('lodash/isPlainObject')), - a = l(e('lodash/isRegExp')), - u = function (e) { - if (e && e.__esModule) return e; - var t = { - }; - if (null != e) for (var n in e), n) && (t[n] = e[n]); - return t.default = e, - t - }(e('./index')); - function l(e) { - return e && e.__esModule ? e : { - default: - e - } - } - function c(e) { - var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : e.key, - n = void 0; - return 'method' === e.kind ? c.increment() + '' : (n = u.isIdentifier(t) ? : u.isStringLiteral(t) ? (0, i.default) (t.value) : (0, i.default) (u.removePropertiesDeep(u.cloneDeep(t))), e.computed && (n = '[' + n + ']'), e.static && (n = 'static:' + n), n) - } - function p(e) { - return e = (e = (e = (e += '').replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9$_]/g, '-')).replace(/^[-0-9]+/, '')).replace(/[-\s]+(.)?/g, function (e, t) { - return t ? t.toUpperCase() : '' - }), - u.isValidIdentifier(e) || (e = '_' + e), - e || '_' - } - c.uid = 0, - c.increment = function () { - return c.uid >= r.default ? c.uid = 0 : c.uid++ - } - }, - { - './index': 33, - 'babel-runtime/core-js/get-iterator': 12, - 'babel-runtime/core-js/json/stringify': 13, - 'babel-runtime/core-js/number/max-safe-integer': 14, - 'lodash/isPlainObject': 360, - 'lodash/isRegExp': 361 - } - ], - 24: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r, - i = function (e) { - if (e && e.__esModule) return e; - var t = { - }; - if (null != e) for (var n in e), n) && (t[n] = e[n]); - return t.default = e, - t - }(e('../index')), - s = e('../constants'), - o = e('./index'), - a = (r = o) && r.__esModule ? r : { - default: - r - }; - (0, a.default) ('ArrayExpression', { - fields: { - elements: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, o.assertEach) ((0, o.assertNodeOrValueType) ('null', 'Expression', 'SpreadElement'))), - default: - [ - ] - } - }, - visitor: [ - 'elements' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Expression' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('AssignmentExpression', { - fields: { - operator: { - validate: (0, o.assertValueType) ('string') - }, - left: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('LVal') - }, - right: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - } - }, - builder: [ - 'operator', - 'left', - 'right' - ], - visitor: [ - 'left', - 'right' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Expression' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('BinaryExpression', { - builder: [ - 'operator', - 'left', - 'right' - ], - fields: { - operator: { - validate: o.assertOneOf.apply(void 0, s.BINARY_OPERATORS) - }, - left: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - right: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - } - }, - visitor: [ - 'left', - 'right' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Binary', - 'Expression' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('Directive', { - visitor: [ - 'value' - ], - fields: { - value: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('DirectiveLiteral') - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('DirectiveLiteral', { - builder: [ - 'value' - ], - fields: { - value: { - validate: (0, o.assertValueType) ('string') - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('BlockStatement', { - builder: [ - 'body', - 'directives' - ], - visitor: [ - 'directives', - 'body' - ], - fields: { - directives: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, o.assertEach) ((0, o.assertNodeType) ('Directive'))), - default: - [ - ] - }, - body: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, o.assertEach) ((0, o.assertNodeType) ('Statement'))) - } - }, - aliases: [ - 'Scopable', - 'BlockParent', - 'Block', - 'Statement' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('BreakStatement', { - visitor: [ - 'label' - ], - fields: { - label: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Identifier'), - optional: !0 - } - }, - aliases: [ - 'Statement', - 'Terminatorless', - 'CompletionStatement' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('CallExpression', { - visitor: [ - 'callee', - 'arguments' - ], - fields: { - callee: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - arguments: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, o.assertEach) ((0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression', 'SpreadElement'))) - } - }, - aliases: [ - 'Expression' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('CatchClause', { - visitor: [ - 'param', - 'body' - ], - fields: { - param: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Identifier') - }, - body: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('BlockStatement') - } - }, - aliases: [ - 'Scopable' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('ConditionalExpression', { - visitor: [ - 'test', - 'consequent', - 'alternate' - ], - fields: { - test: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - consequent: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - alternate: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - } - }, - aliases: [ - 'Expression', - 'Conditional' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('ContinueStatement', { - visitor: [ - 'label' - ], - fields: { - label: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Identifier'), - optional: !0 - } - }, - aliases: [ - 'Statement', - 'Terminatorless', - 'CompletionStatement' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('DebuggerStatement', { - aliases: [ - 'Statement' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('DoWhileStatement', { - visitor: [ - 'test', - 'body' - ], - fields: { - test: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - body: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Statement') - } - }, - aliases: [ - 'Statement', - 'BlockParent', - 'Loop', - 'While', - 'Scopable' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('EmptyStatement', { - aliases: [ - 'Statement' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('ExpressionStatement', { - visitor: [ - 'expression' - ], - fields: { - expression: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - } - }, - aliases: [ - 'Statement', - 'ExpressionWrapper' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('File', { - builder: [ - 'program', - 'comments', - 'tokens' - ], - visitor: [ - 'program' - ], - fields: { - program: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Program') - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('ForInStatement', { - visitor: [ - 'left', - 'right', - 'body' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Scopable', - 'Statement', - 'For', - 'BlockParent', - 'Loop', - 'ForXStatement' - ], - fields: { - left: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('VariableDeclaration', 'LVal') - }, - right: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - body: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Statement') - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('ForStatement', { - visitor: [ - 'init', - 'test', - 'update', - 'body' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Scopable', - 'Statement', - 'For', - 'BlockParent', - 'Loop' - ], - fields: { - init: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('VariableDeclaration', 'Expression'), - optional: !0 - }, - test: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression'), - optional: !0 - }, - update: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression'), - optional: !0 - }, - body: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Statement') - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('FunctionDeclaration', { - builder: [ - 'id', - 'params', - 'body', - 'generator', - 'async' - ], - visitor: [ - 'id', - 'params', - 'body', - 'returnType', - 'typeParameters' - ], - fields: { - id: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Identifier') - }, - params: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, o.assertEach) ((0, o.assertNodeType) ('LVal'))) - }, - body: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('BlockStatement') - }, - generator: { - default: - !1, - validate: (0, o.assertValueType) ('boolean') - }, - async: { - default: - !1, - validate: (0, o.assertValueType) ('boolean') - } - }, - aliases: [ - 'Scopable', - 'Function', - 'BlockParent', - 'FunctionParent', - 'Statement', - 'Pureish', - 'Declaration' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('FunctionExpression', { - inherits: 'FunctionDeclaration', - aliases: [ - 'Scopable', - 'Function', - 'BlockParent', - 'FunctionParent', - 'Expression', - 'Pureish' - ], - fields: { - id: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Identifier'), - optional: !0 - }, - params: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, o.assertEach) ((0, o.assertNodeType) ('LVal'))) - }, - body: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('BlockStatement') - }, - generator: { - default: - !1, - validate: (0, o.assertValueType) ('boolean') - }, - async: { - default: - !1, - validate: (0, o.assertValueType) ('boolean') - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('Identifier', { - builder: [ - 'name' - ], - visitor: [ - 'typeAnnotation' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Expression', - 'LVal' - ], - fields: { - name: { - validate: function (e, t, n) { - i.isValidIdentifier(n) - } - }, - decorators: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, o.assertEach) ((0, o.assertNodeType) ('Decorator'))) - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('IfStatement', { - visitor: [ - 'test', - 'consequent', - 'alternate' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Statement', - 'Conditional' - ], - fields: { - test: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - consequent: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Statement') - }, - alternate: { - optional: !0, - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Statement') - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('LabeledStatement', { - visitor: [ - 'label', - 'body' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Statement' - ], - fields: { - label: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Identifier') - }, - body: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Statement') - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('StringLiteral', { - builder: [ - 'value' - ], - fields: { - value: { - validate: (0, o.assertValueType) ('string') - } - }, - aliases: [ - 'Expression', - 'Pureish', - 'Literal', - 'Immutable' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('NumericLiteral', { - builder: [ - 'value' - ], - deprecatedAlias: 'NumberLiteral', - fields: { - value: { - validate: (0, o.assertValueType) ('number') - } - }, - aliases: [ - 'Expression', - 'Pureish', - 'Literal', - 'Immutable' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('NullLiteral', { - aliases: [ - 'Expression', - 'Pureish', - 'Literal', - 'Immutable' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('BooleanLiteral', { - builder: [ - 'value' - ], - fields: { - value: { - validate: (0, o.assertValueType) ('boolean') - } - }, - aliases: [ - 'Expression', - 'Pureish', - 'Literal', - 'Immutable' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('RegExpLiteral', { - builder: [ - 'pattern', - 'flags' - ], - deprecatedAlias: 'RegexLiteral', - aliases: [ - 'Expression', - 'Literal' - ], - fields: { - pattern: { - validate: (0, o.assertValueType) ('string') - }, - flags: { - validate: (0, o.assertValueType) ('string'), - default: - '' - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('LogicalExpression', { - builder: [ - 'operator', - 'left', - 'right' - ], - visitor: [ - 'left', - 'right' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Binary', - 'Expression' - ], - fields: { - operator: { - validate: o.assertOneOf.apply(void 0, s.LOGICAL_OPERATORS) - }, - left: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - right: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('MemberExpression', { - builder: [ - 'object', - 'property', - 'computed' - ], - visitor: [ - 'object', - 'property' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Expression', - 'LVal' - ], - fields: { - object: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - property: { - validate: function (e, t, n) { - var r = e.computed ? 'Expression' : 'Identifier'; - (0, o.assertNodeType) (r) (e, t, n) - } - }, - computed: { - default: - !1 - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('NewExpression', { - visitor: [ - 'callee', - 'arguments' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Expression' - ], - fields: { - callee: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - arguments: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, o.assertEach) ((0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression', 'SpreadElement'))) - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('Program', { - visitor: [ - 'directives', - 'body' - ], - builder: [ - 'body', - 'directives' - ], - fields: { - directives: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, o.assertEach) ((0, o.assertNodeType) ('Directive'))), - default: - [ - ] - }, - body: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, o.assertEach) ((0, o.assertNodeType) ('Statement'))) - } - }, - aliases: [ - 'Scopable', - 'BlockParent', - 'Block', - 'FunctionParent' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('ObjectExpression', { - visitor: [ - 'properties' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Expression' - ], - fields: { - properties: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, o.assertEach) ((0, o.assertNodeType) ('ObjectMethod', 'ObjectProperty', 'SpreadProperty'))) - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('ObjectMethod', { - builder: [ - 'kind', - 'key', - 'params', - 'body', - 'computed' - ], - fields: { - kind: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('string'), (0, o.assertOneOf) ('method', 'get', 'set')), - default: - 'method' - }, - computed: { - validate: (0, o.assertValueType) ('boolean'), - default: - !1 - }, - key: { - validate: function (e, t, n) { - var r = e.computed ? [ - 'Expression' - ] : [ - 'Identifier', - 'StringLiteral', - 'NumericLiteral' - ]; - o.assertNodeType.apply(void 0, r) (e, t, n) - } - }, - decorators: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, o.assertEach) ((0, o.assertNodeType) ('Decorator'))) - }, - body: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('BlockStatement') - }, - generator: { - default: - !1, - validate: (0, o.assertValueType) ('boolean') - }, - async: { - default: - !1, - validate: (0, o.assertValueType) ('boolean') - } - }, - visitor: [ - 'key', - 'params', - 'body', - 'decorators', - 'returnType', - 'typeParameters' - ], - aliases: [ - 'UserWhitespacable', - 'Function', - 'Scopable', - 'BlockParent', - 'FunctionParent', - 'Method', - 'ObjectMember' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('ObjectProperty', { - builder: [ - 'key', - 'value', - 'computed', - 'shorthand', - 'decorators' - ], - fields: { - computed: { - validate: (0, o.assertValueType) ('boolean'), - default: - !1 - }, - key: { - validate: function (e, t, n) { - var r = e.computed ? [ - 'Expression' - ] : [ - 'Identifier', - 'StringLiteral', - 'NumericLiteral' - ]; - o.assertNodeType.apply(void 0, r) (e, t, n) - } - }, - value: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression', 'Pattern', 'RestElement') - }, - shorthand: { - validate: (0, o.assertValueType) ('boolean'), - default: - !1 - }, - decorators: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, o.assertEach) ((0, o.assertNodeType) ('Decorator'))), - optional: !0 - } - }, - visitor: [ - 'key', - 'value', - 'decorators' - ], - aliases: [ - 'UserWhitespacable', - 'Property', - 'ObjectMember' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('RestElement', { - visitor: [ - 'argument', - 'typeAnnotation' - ], - aliases: [ - 'LVal' - ], - fields: { - argument: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('LVal') - }, - decorators: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, o.assertEach) ((0, o.assertNodeType) ('Decorator'))) - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('ReturnStatement', { - visitor: [ - 'argument' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Statement', - 'Terminatorless', - 'CompletionStatement' - ], - fields: { - argument: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression'), - optional: !0 - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('SequenceExpression', { - visitor: [ - 'expressions' - ], - fields: { - expressions: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, o.assertEach) ((0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression'))) - } - }, - aliases: [ - 'Expression' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('SwitchCase', { - visitor: [ - 'test', - 'consequent' - ], - fields: { - test: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression'), - optional: !0 - }, - consequent: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, o.assertEach) ((0, o.assertNodeType) ('Statement'))) - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('SwitchStatement', { - visitor: [ - 'discriminant', - 'cases' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Statement', - 'BlockParent', - 'Scopable' - ], - fields: { - discriminant: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - cases: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, o.assertEach) ((0, o.assertNodeType) ('SwitchCase'))) - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('ThisExpression', { - aliases: [ - 'Expression' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('ThrowStatement', { - visitor: [ - 'argument' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Statement', - 'Terminatorless', - 'CompletionStatement' - ], - fields: { - argument: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('TryStatement', { - visitor: [ - 'block', - 'handler', - 'finalizer' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Statement' - ], - fields: { - body: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('BlockStatement') - }, - handler: { - optional: !0, - handler: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('BlockStatement') - }, - finalizer: { - optional: !0, - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('BlockStatement') - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('UnaryExpression', { - builder: [ - 'operator', - 'argument', - 'prefix' - ], - fields: { - prefix: { - default: - !0 - }, - argument: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - operator: { - validate: o.assertOneOf.apply(void 0, s.UNARY_OPERATORS) - } - }, - visitor: [ - 'argument' - ], - aliases: [ - 'UnaryLike', - 'Expression' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('UpdateExpression', { - builder: [ - 'operator', - 'argument', - 'prefix' - ], - fields: { - prefix: { - default: - !1 - }, - argument: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - operator: { - validate: o.assertOneOf.apply(void 0, s.UPDATE_OPERATORS) - } - }, - visitor: [ - 'argument' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Expression' - ] - }), - (0, a.default) ('VariableDeclaration', { - builder: [ - 'kind', - 'declarations' - ], - visitor: [ - 'declarations' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Statement', - 'Declaration' - ], - fields: { - kind: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('string'), (0, o.assertOneOf) ('var', 'let', 'const')) - }, - declarations: { - validate: (0, o.chain) ((0, o.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, o.assertEach) ((0, o.assertNodeType) ('VariableDeclarator'))) - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('VariableDeclarator', { - visitor: [ - 'id', - 'init' - ], - fields: { - id: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('LVal') - }, - init: { - optional: !0, - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('WhileStatement', { - visitor: [ - 'test', - 'body' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Statement', - 'BlockParent', - 'Loop', - 'While', - 'Scopable' - ], - fields: { - test: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - body: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('BlockStatement', 'Statement') - } - } - }), - (0, a.default) ('WithStatement', { - visitor: [ - 'object', - 'body' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Statement' - ], - fields: { - object: { - object: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - body: { - validate: (0, o.assertNodeType) ('BlockStatement', 'Statement') - } - } - }) - }, - { - '../constants': 22, - '../index': 33, - './index': 28 - } - ], - 25: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r, - i = e('./index'), - s = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : { - default: - r - }; - (0, s.default) ('AssignmentPattern', { - visitor: [ - 'left', - 'right' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Pattern', - 'LVal' - ], - fields: { - left: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Identifier') - }, - right: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - decorators: { - validate: (0, i.chain) ((0, i.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, i.assertEach) ((0, i.assertNodeType) ('Decorator'))) - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ArrayPattern', { - visitor: [ - 'elements', - 'typeAnnotation' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Pattern', - 'LVal' - ], - fields: { - elements: { - validate: (0, i.chain) ((0, i.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, i.assertEach) ((0, i.assertNodeType) ('Identifier', 'Pattern', 'RestElement'))) - }, - decorators: { - validate: (0, i.chain) ((0, i.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, i.assertEach) ((0, i.assertNodeType) ('Decorator'))) - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ArrowFunctionExpression', { - builder: [ - 'params', - 'body', - 'async' - ], - visitor: [ - 'params', - 'body', - 'returnType', - 'typeParameters' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Scopable', - 'Function', - 'BlockParent', - 'FunctionParent', - 'Expression', - 'Pureish' - ], - fields: { - params: { - validate: (0, i.chain) ((0, i.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, i.assertEach) ((0, i.assertNodeType) ('LVal'))) - }, - body: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('BlockStatement', 'Expression') - }, - async: { - validate: (0, i.assertValueType) ('boolean'), - default: - !1 - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ClassBody', { - visitor: [ - 'body' - ], - fields: { - body: { - validate: (0, i.chain) ((0, i.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, i.assertEach) ((0, i.assertNodeType) ('ClassMethod', 'ClassProperty'))) - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ClassDeclaration', { - builder: [ - 'id', - 'superClass', - 'body', - 'decorators' - ], - visitor: [ - 'id', - 'body', - 'superClass', - 'mixins', - 'typeParameters', - 'superTypeParameters', - 'implements', - 'decorators' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Scopable', - 'Class', - 'Statement', - 'Declaration', - 'Pureish' - ], - fields: { - id: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Identifier') - }, - body: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('ClassBody') - }, - superClass: { - optional: !0, - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - decorators: { - validate: (0, i.chain) ((0, i.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, i.assertEach) ((0, i.assertNodeType) ('Decorator'))) - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ClassExpression', { - inherits: 'ClassDeclaration', - aliases: [ - 'Scopable', - 'Class', - 'Expression', - 'Pureish' - ], - fields: { - id: { - optional: !0, - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Identifier') - }, - body: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('ClassBody') - }, - superClass: { - optional: !0, - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - decorators: { - validate: (0, i.chain) ((0, i.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, i.assertEach) ((0, i.assertNodeType) ('Decorator'))) - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ExportAllDeclaration', { - visitor: [ - 'source' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Statement', - 'Declaration', - 'ModuleDeclaration', - 'ExportDeclaration' - ], - fields: { - source: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('StringLiteral') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ExportDefaultDeclaration', { - visitor: [ - 'declaration' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Statement', - 'Declaration', - 'ModuleDeclaration', - 'ExportDeclaration' - ], - fields: { - declaration: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('FunctionDeclaration', 'ClassDeclaration', 'Expression') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ExportNamedDeclaration', { - visitor: [ - 'declaration', - 'specifiers', - 'source' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Statement', - 'Declaration', - 'ModuleDeclaration', - 'ExportDeclaration' - ], - fields: { - declaration: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Declaration'), - optional: !0 - }, - specifiers: { - validate: (0, i.chain) ((0, i.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, i.assertEach) ((0, i.assertNodeType) ('ExportSpecifier'))) - }, - source: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('StringLiteral'), - optional: !0 - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ExportSpecifier', { - visitor: [ - 'local', - 'exported' - ], - aliases: [ - 'ModuleSpecifier' - ], - fields: { - local: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Identifier') - }, - exported: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Identifier') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ForOfStatement', { - visitor: [ - 'left', - 'right', - 'body' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Scopable', - 'Statement', - 'For', - 'BlockParent', - 'Loop', - 'ForXStatement' - ], - fields: { - left: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('VariableDeclaration', 'LVal') - }, - right: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - body: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Statement') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ImportDeclaration', { - visitor: [ - 'specifiers', - 'source' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Statement', - 'Declaration', - 'ModuleDeclaration' - ], - fields: { - specifiers: { - validate: (0, i.chain) ((0, i.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, i.assertEach) ((0, i.assertNodeType) ('ImportSpecifier', 'ImportDefaultSpecifier', 'ImportNamespaceSpecifier'))) - }, - source: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('StringLiteral') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ImportDefaultSpecifier', { - visitor: [ - 'local' - ], - aliases: [ - 'ModuleSpecifier' - ], - fields: { - local: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Identifier') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ImportNamespaceSpecifier', { - visitor: [ - 'local' - ], - aliases: [ - 'ModuleSpecifier' - ], - fields: { - local: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Identifier') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ImportSpecifier', { - visitor: [ - 'local', - 'imported' - ], - aliases: [ - 'ModuleSpecifier' - ], - fields: { - local: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Identifier') - }, - imported: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Identifier') - }, - importKind: { - validate: (0, i.assertOneOf) (null, 'type', 'typeof') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('MetaProperty', { - visitor: [ - 'meta', - 'property' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Expression' - ], - fields: { - meta: { - validate: (0, i.assertValueType) ('string') - }, - property: { - validate: (0, i.assertValueType) ('string') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ClassMethod', { - aliases: [ - 'Function', - 'Scopable', - 'BlockParent', - 'FunctionParent', - 'Method' - ], - builder: [ - 'kind', - 'key', - 'params', - 'body', - 'computed', - 'static' - ], - visitor: [ - 'key', - 'params', - 'body', - 'decorators', - 'returnType', - 'typeParameters' - ], - fields: { - kind: { - validate: (0, i.chain) ((0, i.assertValueType) ('string'), (0, i.assertOneOf) ('get', 'set', 'method', 'constructor')), - default: - 'method' - }, - computed: { - default: - !1, - validate: (0, i.assertValueType) ('boolean') - }, - static: { - default: - !1, - validate: (0, i.assertValueType) ('boolean') - }, - key: { - validate: function (e, t, n) { - var r = e.computed ? [ - 'Expression' - ] : [ - 'Identifier', - 'StringLiteral', - 'NumericLiteral' - ]; - i.assertNodeType.apply(void 0, r) (e, t, n) - } - }, - params: { - validate: (0, i.chain) ((0, i.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, i.assertEach) ((0, i.assertNodeType) ('LVal'))) - }, - body: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('BlockStatement') - }, - generator: { - default: - !1, - validate: (0, i.assertValueType) ('boolean') - }, - async: { - default: - !1, - validate: (0, i.assertValueType) ('boolean') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ObjectPattern', { - visitor: [ - 'properties', - 'typeAnnotation' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Pattern', - 'LVal' - ], - fields: { - properties: { - validate: (0, i.chain) ((0, i.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, i.assertEach) ((0, i.assertNodeType) ('RestProperty', 'Property'))) - }, - decorators: { - validate: (0, i.chain) ((0, i.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, i.assertEach) ((0, i.assertNodeType) ('Decorator'))) - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('SpreadElement', { - visitor: [ - 'argument' - ], - aliases: [ - 'UnaryLike' - ], - fields: { - argument: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('Super', { - aliases: [ - 'Expression' - ] - }), - (0, s.default) ('TaggedTemplateExpression', { - visitor: [ - 'tag', - 'quasi' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Expression' - ], - fields: { - tag: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - quasi: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('TemplateLiteral') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('TemplateElement', { - builder: [ - 'value', - 'tail' - ], - fields: { - value: { - }, - tail: { - validate: (0, i.assertValueType) ('boolean'), - default: - !1 - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('TemplateLiteral', { - visitor: [ - 'quasis', - 'expressions' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Expression', - 'Literal' - ], - fields: { - quasis: { - validate: (0, i.chain) ((0, i.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, i.assertEach) ((0, i.assertNodeType) ('TemplateElement'))) - }, - expressions: { - validate: (0, i.chain) ((0, i.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, i.assertEach) ((0, i.assertNodeType) ('Expression'))) - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('YieldExpression', { - builder: [ - 'argument', - 'delegate' - ], - visitor: [ - 'argument' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Expression', - 'Terminatorless' - ], - fields: { - delegate: { - validate: (0, i.assertValueType) ('boolean'), - default: - !1 - }, - argument: { - optional: !0, - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - } - } - }) - }, - { - './index': 28 - } - ], - 26: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r, - i = e('./index'), - s = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : { - default: - r - }; - (0, s.default) ('AwaitExpression', { - builder: [ - 'argument' - ], - visitor: [ - 'argument' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Expression', - 'Terminatorless' - ], - fields: { - argument: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ForAwaitStatement', { - visitor: [ - 'left', - 'right', - 'body' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Scopable', - 'Statement', - 'For', - 'BlockParent', - 'Loop', - 'ForXStatement' - ], - fields: { - left: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('VariableDeclaration', 'LVal') - }, - right: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - }, - body: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Statement') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('BindExpression', { - visitor: [ - 'object', - 'callee' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Expression' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('Import', { - aliases: [ - 'Expression' - ] - }), - (0, s.default) ('Decorator', { - visitor: [ - 'expression' - ], - fields: { - expression: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('DoExpression', { - visitor: [ - 'body' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Expression' - ], - fields: { - body: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('BlockStatement') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ExportDefaultSpecifier', { - visitor: [ - 'exported' - ], - aliases: [ - 'ModuleSpecifier' - ], - fields: { - exported: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Identifier') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ExportNamespaceSpecifier', { - visitor: [ - 'exported' - ], - aliases: [ - 'ModuleSpecifier' - ], - fields: { - exported: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Identifier') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('RestProperty', { - visitor: [ - 'argument' - ], - aliases: [ - 'UnaryLike' - ], - fields: { - argument: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('LVal') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('SpreadProperty', { - visitor: [ - 'argument' - ], - aliases: [ - 'UnaryLike' - ], - fields: { - argument: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - } - } - }) - }, - { - './index': 28 - } - ], - 27: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r, - i = e('./index'), - s = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : { - default: - r - }; - (0, s.default) ('AnyTypeAnnotation', { - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowBaseAnnotation' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ArrayTypeAnnotation', { - visitor: [ - 'elementType' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('BooleanTypeAnnotation', { - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowBaseAnnotation' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation', { - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('NullLiteralTypeAnnotation', { - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowBaseAnnotation' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ClassImplements', { - visitor: [ - 'id', - 'typeParameters' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ClassProperty', { - visitor: [ - 'key', - 'value', - 'typeAnnotation', - 'decorators' - ], - builder: [ - 'key', - 'value', - 'typeAnnotation', - 'decorators', - 'computed' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Property' - ], - fields: { - computed: { - validate: (0, i.assertValueType) ('boolean'), - default: - !1 - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('DeclareClass', { - visitor: [ - 'id', - 'typeParameters', - 'extends', - 'body' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowDeclaration', - 'Statement', - 'Declaration' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('DeclareFunction', { - visitor: [ - 'id' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowDeclaration', - 'Statement', - 'Declaration' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('DeclareInterface', { - visitor: [ - 'id', - 'typeParameters', - 'extends', - 'body' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowDeclaration', - 'Statement', - 'Declaration' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('DeclareModule', { - visitor: [ - 'id', - 'body' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowDeclaration', - 'Statement', - 'Declaration' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('DeclareModuleExports', { - visitor: [ - 'typeAnnotation' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowDeclaration', - 'Statement', - 'Declaration' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('DeclareTypeAlias', { - visitor: [ - 'id', - 'typeParameters', - 'right' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowDeclaration', - 'Statement', - 'Declaration' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('DeclareOpaqueType', { - visitor: [ - 'id', - 'typeParameters', - 'supertype' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowDeclaration', - 'Statement', - 'Declaration' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('DeclareVariable', { - visitor: [ - 'id' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowDeclaration', - 'Statement', - 'Declaration' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('DeclareExportDeclaration', { - visitor: [ - 'declaration', - 'specifiers', - 'source' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowDeclaration', - 'Statement', - 'Declaration' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ExistentialTypeParam', { - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ] - }), - (0, s.default) ('FunctionTypeAnnotation', { - visitor: [ - 'typeParameters', - 'params', - 'rest', - 'returnType' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('FunctionTypeParam', { - visitor: [ - 'name', - 'typeAnnotation' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('GenericTypeAnnotation', { - visitor: [ - 'id', - 'typeParameters' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('InterfaceExtends', { - visitor: [ - 'id', - 'typeParameters' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('InterfaceDeclaration', { - visitor: [ - 'id', - 'typeParameters', - 'extends', - 'body' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowDeclaration', - 'Statement', - 'Declaration' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('IntersectionTypeAnnotation', { - visitor: [ - 'types' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('MixedTypeAnnotation', { - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowBaseAnnotation' - ] - }), - (0, s.default) ('EmptyTypeAnnotation', { - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowBaseAnnotation' - ] - }), - (0, s.default) ('NullableTypeAnnotation', { - visitor: [ - 'typeAnnotation' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('NumericLiteralTypeAnnotation', { - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('NumberTypeAnnotation', { - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowBaseAnnotation' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('StringLiteralTypeAnnotation', { - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('StringTypeAnnotation', { - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowBaseAnnotation' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ThisTypeAnnotation', { - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowBaseAnnotation' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('TupleTypeAnnotation', { - visitor: [ - 'types' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('TypeofTypeAnnotation', { - visitor: [ - 'argument' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('TypeAlias', { - visitor: [ - 'id', - 'typeParameters', - 'right' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowDeclaration', - 'Statement', - 'Declaration' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('OpaqueType', { - visitor: [ - 'id', - 'typeParameters', - 'impltype', - 'supertype' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowDeclaration', - 'Statement', - 'Declaration' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('TypeAnnotation', { - visitor: [ - 'typeAnnotation' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('TypeCastExpression', { - visitor: [ - 'expression', - 'typeAnnotation' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'ExpressionWrapper', - 'Expression' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('TypeParameter', { - visitor: [ - 'bound' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('TypeParameterDeclaration', { - visitor: [ - 'params' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('TypeParameterInstantiation', { - visitor: [ - 'params' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ObjectTypeAnnotation', { - visitor: [ - 'properties', - 'indexers', - 'callProperties' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ObjectTypeCallProperty', { - visitor: [ - 'value' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'UserWhitespacable' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ObjectTypeIndexer', { - visitor: [ - 'id', - 'key', - 'value' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'UserWhitespacable' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ObjectTypeProperty', { - visitor: [ - 'key', - 'value' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'UserWhitespacable' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('ObjectTypeSpreadProperty', { - visitor: [ - 'argument' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'UserWhitespacable' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('QualifiedTypeIdentifier', { - visitor: [ - 'id', - 'qualification' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('UnionTypeAnnotation', { - visitor: [ - 'types' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Flow' - ], - fields: { - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('VoidTypeAnnotation', { - aliases: [ - 'Flow', - 'FlowBaseAnnotation' - ], - fields: { - } - }) - }, - { - './index': 28 - } - ], - 28: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - n.__esModule = !0, - n.DEPRECATED_KEYS = n.BUILDER_KEYS = n.NODE_FIELDS = n.ALIAS_KEYS = n.VISITOR_KEYS = void 0; - var r = a(e('babel-runtime/core-js/get-iterator')), - i = a(e('babel-runtime/core-js/json/stringify')), - s = a(e('babel-runtime/helpers/typeof')); - n.assertEach = function (e) { - function t(t, n, r) { - if (Array.isArray(r)) for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) e(t, n + '[' + i + ']', r[i]) - } - return t.each = e, - t - }, - n.assertOneOf = function () { - for (var e = arguments.length, t = Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; - function r(e, n, r) { - if (t.indexOf(r) < 0) throw new TypeError('Property ' + n + ' expected value to be one of ' + (0, i.default) (t) + ' but got ' + (0, i.default) (r)) - } - return r.oneOf = t, - r - }, - n.assertNodeType = function () { - for (var e = arguments.length, t = Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; - function s(e, n, s) { - for (var a = !1, u = t, l = Array.isArray(u), c = 0, u = l ? u : (0, r.default) (u); ; ) { - var p; - if (l) { - if (c >= u.length) break; - p = u[c++] - } else { - if ((c = break; - p = c.value - } - var h = p; - if (, s)) { - a = !0; - break - } - } - if (!a) throw new TypeError('Property ' + n + ' of ' + e.type + ' expected node to be of a type ' + (0, i.default) (t) + ' but instead got ' + (0, i.default) (s && s.type)) - } - return s.oneOfNodeTypes = t, - s - }, - n.assertNodeOrValueType = function () { - for (var e = arguments.length, t = Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; - function s(e, n, s) { - for (var a = !1, u = t, l = Array.isArray(u), c = 0, u = l ? u : (0, r.default) (u); ; ) { - var p; - if (l) { - if (c >= u.length) break; - p = u[c++] - } else { - if ((c = break; - p = c.value - } - var h = p; - if (f(s) === h ||, s)) { - a = !0; - break - } - } - if (!a) throw new TypeError('Property ' + n + ' of ' + e.type + ' expected node to be of a type ' + (0, i.default) (t) + ' but instead got ' + (0, i.default) (s && s.type)) - } - return s.oneOfNodeOrValueTypes = t, - s - }, - n.assertValueType = d, - n.chain = function () { - for (var e = arguments.length, t = Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; - function i() { - for (var e = t, n = Array.isArray(e), i = 0, e = n ? e : (0, r.default) (e); ; ) { - var s; - if (n) { - if (i >= e.length) break; - s = e[i++] - } else { - if ((i = break; - s = i.value - } - var o = s; - o.apply(void 0, arguments) - } - } - return i.chainOf = t, - i - }, - n.default = function (e) { - var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : { - }, - n = t.inherits && m[t.inherits] || { - }; - t.fields = t.fields || n.fields || { - }, - t.visitor = t.visitor || n.visitor || [ - ], - t.aliases = t.aliases || n.aliases || [ - ], - t.builder = t.builder || n.builder || t.visitor || [ - ], - t.deprecatedAlias && (h[t.deprecatedAlias] = e); - for (var i = t.visitor.concat(t.builder), s = Array.isArray(i), o = 0, i = s ? i : (0, r.default) (i); ; ) { - var a; - if (s) { - if (o >= i.length) break; - a = i[o++] - } else { - if ((o = break; - a = o.value - } - var g = a; - t.fields[g] = t.fields[g] || { - } - } - for (var y in t.fields) { - var v = t.fields[y]; - - 1 === t.builder.indexOf(y) && (v.optional = !0), - void 0 === v.default ? v.default = null : v.validate || (v.validate = d(f(v.default))) - } - u[e] = t.visitor, - p[e] = t.builder, - c[e] = t.fields, - l[e] = t.aliases, - m[e] = t - }; - var o = function (e) { - if (e && e.__esModule) return e; - var t = { - }; - if (null != e) for (var n in e), n) && (t[n] = e[n]); - return t.default = e, - t - }(e('../index')); - function a(e) { - return e && e.__esModule ? e : { - default: - e - } - } - var u = n.VISITOR_KEYS = { - }, - l = n.ALIAS_KEYS = { - }, - c = n.NODE_FIELDS = { - }, - p = n.BUILDER_KEYS = { - }, - h = n.DEPRECATED_KEYS = { - }; - function f(e) { - return Array.isArray(e) ? 'array' : null === e ? 'null' : void 0 === e ? 'undefined' : void 0 === e ? 'undefined' : (0, s.default) (e) - } - function d(e) { - function t(t, n, r) { - if (!(f(r) === e)) throw new TypeError('Property ' + n + ' expected type of ' + e + ' but got ' + f(r)) - } - return t.type = e, - t - } - var m = { - } - }, - { - '../index': 33, - 'babel-runtime/core-js/get-iterator': 12, - 'babel-runtime/core-js/json/stringify': 13, - 'babel-runtime/helpers/typeof': 21 - } - ], - 29: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - e('./index'), - e('./core'), - e('./es2015'), - e('./flow'), - e('./jsx'), - e('./misc'), - e('./experimental') - }, - { - './core': 24, - './es2015': 25, - './experimental': 26, - './flow': 27, - './index': 28, - './jsx': 30, - './misc': 31 - } - ], - 30: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r, - i = e('./index'), - s = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : { - default: - r - }; - (0, s.default) ('JSXAttribute', { - visitor: [ - 'name', - 'value' - ], - aliases: [ - 'JSX', - 'Immutable' - ], - fields: { - name: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('JSXIdentifier', 'JSXNamespacedName') - }, - value: { - optional: !0, - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('JSXElement', 'StringLiteral', 'JSXExpressionContainer') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('JSXClosingElement', { - visitor: [ - 'name' - ], - aliases: [ - 'JSX', - 'Immutable' - ], - fields: { - name: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('JSXIdentifier', 'JSXMemberExpression') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('JSXElement', { - builder: [ - 'openingElement', - 'closingElement', - 'children', - 'selfClosing' - ], - visitor: [ - 'openingElement', - 'children', - 'closingElement' - ], - aliases: [ - 'JSX', - 'Immutable', - 'Expression' - ], - fields: { - openingElement: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('JSXOpeningElement') - }, - closingElement: { - optional: !0, - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('JSXClosingElement') - }, - children: { - validate: (0, i.chain) ((0, i.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, i.assertEach) ((0, i.assertNodeType) ('JSXText', 'JSXExpressionContainer', 'JSXSpreadChild', 'JSXElement'))) - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('JSXEmptyExpression', { - aliases: [ - 'JSX', - 'Expression' - ] - }), - (0, s.default) ('JSXExpressionContainer', { - visitor: [ - 'expression' - ], - aliases: [ - 'JSX', - 'Immutable' - ], - fields: { - expression: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('JSXSpreadChild', { - visitor: [ - 'expression' - ], - aliases: [ - 'JSX', - 'Immutable' - ], - fields: { - expression: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('JSXIdentifier', { - builder: [ - 'name' - ], - aliases: [ - 'JSX', - 'Expression' - ], - fields: { - name: { - validate: (0, i.assertValueType) ('string') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('JSXMemberExpression', { - visitor: [ - 'object', - 'property' - ], - aliases: [ - 'JSX', - 'Expression' - ], - fields: { - object: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('JSXMemberExpression', 'JSXIdentifier') - }, - property: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('JSXIdentifier') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('JSXNamespacedName', { - visitor: [ - 'namespace', - 'name' - ], - aliases: [ - 'JSX' - ], - fields: { - namespace: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('JSXIdentifier') - }, - name: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('JSXIdentifier') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('JSXOpeningElement', { - builder: [ - 'name', - 'attributes', - 'selfClosing' - ], - visitor: [ - 'name', - 'attributes' - ], - aliases: [ - 'JSX', - 'Immutable' - ], - fields: { - name: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('JSXIdentifier', 'JSXMemberExpression') - }, - selfClosing: { - default: - !1, - validate: (0, i.assertValueType) ('boolean') - }, - attributes: { - validate: (0, i.chain) ((0, i.assertValueType) ('array'), (0, i.assertEach) ((0, i.assertNodeType) ('JSXAttribute', 'JSXSpreadAttribute'))) - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('JSXSpreadAttribute', { - visitor: [ - 'argument' - ], - aliases: [ - 'JSX' - ], - fields: { - argument: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - } - } - }), - (0, s.default) ('JSXText', { - aliases: [ - 'JSX', - 'Immutable' - ], - builder: [ - 'value' - ], - fields: { - value: { - validate: (0, i.assertValueType) ('string') - } - } - }) - }, - { - './index': 28 - } - ], - 31: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r, - i = e('./index'), - s = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : { - default: - r - }; - (0, s.default) ('Noop', { - visitor: [ - ] - }), - (0, s.default) ('ParenthesizedExpression', { - visitor: [ - 'expression' - ], - aliases: [ - 'Expression', - 'ExpressionWrapper' - ], - fields: { - expression: { - validate: (0, i.assertNodeType) ('Expression') - } - } - }) - }, - { - './index': 28 - } - ], - 32: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - n.__esModule = !0, - n.createUnionTypeAnnotation = function (e) { - var t = i(e); - return 1 === t.length ? t[0] : r.unionTypeAnnotation(t) - }, - n.removeTypeDuplicates = i, - n.createTypeAnnotationBasedOnTypeof = function (e) { - if ('string' === e) return r.stringTypeAnnotation(); - if ('number' === e) return r.numberTypeAnnotation(); - if ('undefined' === e) return r.voidTypeAnnotation(); - if ('boolean' === e) return r.booleanTypeAnnotation(); - if ('function' === e) return r.genericTypeAnnotation(r.identifier('Function')); - if ('object' === e) return r.genericTypeAnnotation(r.identifier('Object')); - if ('symbol' === e) return r.genericTypeAnnotation(r.identifier('Symbol')); - throw new Error('Invalid typeof value') - }; - var r = function (e) { - if (e && e.__esModule) return e; - var t = { - }; - if (null != e) for (var n in e), n) && (t[n] = e[n]); - return t.default = e, - t - }(e('./index')); - function i(e) { - for (var t = { - }, n = { - }, s = [ - ], o = [ - ], a = 0; a < e.length; a++) { - var u = e[a]; - if (u && !(o.indexOf(u) >= 0)) { - if (r.isAnyTypeAnnotation(u)) return [u]; - if (r.isFlowBaseAnnotation(u)) n[u.type] = u; - else if (r.isUnionTypeAnnotation(u)) s.indexOf(u.types) < 0 && (e = e.concat(u.types), s.push(u.types)); - else if (r.isGenericTypeAnnotation(u)) { - var l =; - if (t[l]) { - var c = t[l]; - c.typeParameters ? u.typeParameters && (c.typeParameters.params = i(c.typeParameters.params.concat(u.typeParameters.params))) : c = u.typeParameters - } else t[l] = u - } else o.push(u) - } - } - for (var p in n) o.push(n[p]); - for (var h in t) o.push(t[h]); - return o - } - }, - { - './index': 33 - } - ], - 33: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - n.__esModule = !0, - n.createTypeAnnotationBasedOnTypeof = n.removeTypeDuplicates = n.createUnionTypeAnnotation = n.valueToNode = n.toBlock = n.toExpression = n.toStatement = n.toBindingIdentifierName = n.toIdentifier = n.toKeyAlias = n.toSequenceExpression = n.toComputedKey = n.isNodesEquivalent = n.isImmutable = n.isScope = n.isSpecifierDefault = n.isVar = n.isBlockScoped = n.isLet = n.isValidIdentifier = n.isReferenced = n.isBinding = n.getOuterBindingIdentifiers = n.getBindingIdentifiers = n.TYPES = n.react = n.DEPRECATED_KEYS = n.BUILDER_KEYS = n.NODE_FIELDS = n.ALIAS_KEYS = n.VISITOR_KEYS = n.NOT_LOCAL_BINDING = n.BLOCK_SCOPED_SYMBOL = n.INHERIT_KEYS = n.UNARY_OPERATORS = n.STRING_UNARY_OPERATORS = n.NUMBER_UNARY_OPERATORS = n.BOOLEAN_UNARY_OPERATORS = n.BINARY_OPERATORS = n.NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS = n.BOOLEAN_BINARY_OPERATORS = n.COMPARISON_BINARY_OPERATORS = n.EQUALITY_BINARY_OPERATORS = n.BOOLEAN_NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS = n.UPDATE_OPERATORS = n.LOGICAL_OPERATORS = n.COMMENT_KEYS = n.FOR_INIT_KEYS = n.FLATTENABLE_KEYS = n.STATEMENT_OR_BLOCK_KEYS = void 0; - var r = y(e('babel-runtime/core-js/object/get-own-property-symbols')), - i = y(e('babel-runtime/core-js/get-iterator')), - s = y(e('babel-runtime/core-js/object/keys')), - o = y(e('babel-runtime/core-js/json/stringify')), - a = e('./constants'); - Object.defineProperty(n, 'STATEMENT_OR_BLOCK_KEYS', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return a.STATEMENT_OR_BLOCK_KEYS - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'FLATTENABLE_KEYS', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return a.FLATTENABLE_KEYS - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'FOR_INIT_KEYS', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return a.FOR_INIT_KEYS - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'COMMENT_KEYS', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return a.COMMENT_KEYS - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'LOGICAL_OPERATORS', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return a.LOGICAL_OPERATORS - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'UPDATE_OPERATORS', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return a.UPDATE_OPERATORS - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'BOOLEAN_NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return a.BOOLEAN_NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'EQUALITY_BINARY_OPERATORS', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return a.EQUALITY_BINARY_OPERATORS - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'COMPARISON_BINARY_OPERATORS', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return a.COMPARISON_BINARY_OPERATORS - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'BOOLEAN_BINARY_OPERATORS', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return a.BOOLEAN_BINARY_OPERATORS - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return a.NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'BINARY_OPERATORS', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return a.BINARY_OPERATORS - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'BOOLEAN_UNARY_OPERATORS', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return a.BOOLEAN_UNARY_OPERATORS - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'NUMBER_UNARY_OPERATORS', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return a.NUMBER_UNARY_OPERATORS - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'STRING_UNARY_OPERATORS', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return a.STRING_UNARY_OPERATORS - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'UNARY_OPERATORS', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return a.UNARY_OPERATORS - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'INHERIT_KEYS', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return a.INHERIT_KEYS - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'BLOCK_SCOPED_SYMBOL', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return a.BLOCK_SCOPED_SYMBOL - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'NOT_LOCAL_BINDING', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return a.NOT_LOCAL_BINDING - } - }), - = function (e, t, n) { - if (!t) return !1; - if (!A(t.type, e)) return !1; - return void 0 === n || v.shallowEqual(t, n) - }, - n.isType = A, - n.validate = C, - n.shallowEqual = function (e, t) { - for (var n = (0, s.default) (t), r = Array.isArray(n), o = 0, n = r ? n : (0, i.default) (n); ; ) { - var a; - if (r) { - if (o >= n.length) break; - a = n[o++] - } else { - if ((o = break; - a = o.value - } - var u = a; - if (e[u] !== t[u]) return !1 - } - return !0 - }, - n.appendToMemberExpression = function (e, t, n) { - return e.object = v.memberExpression(e.object,, e.computed), - = t, - e.computed = !!n, - e - }, - n.prependToMemberExpression = function (e, t) { - return e.object = v.memberExpression(t, e.object), - e - }, - n.ensureBlock = function (e) { - var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 'body'; - return e[t] = v.toBlock(e[t], e) - }, - n.clone = w, - n.cloneWithoutLoc = function (e) { - var t = w(e); - return delete t.loc, - t - }, - n.cloneDeep = function (e) { - if (!e) return e; - var t = { - }; - for (var n in e) if ('_' !== n[0]) { - var r = e[n]; - r && (r.type ? r = v.cloneDeep(r) : Array.isArray(r) && (r =, - t[n] = r - } - return t - }, - n.buildMatchMemberExpression = function (e, t) { - var n = e.split('.'); - return function (e) { - if (!v.isMemberExpression(e)) return !1; - for (var r = [ - e - ], i = 0; r.length; ) { - var s = r.shift(); - if (t && i === n.length) return !0; - if (v.isIdentifier(s)) { - if (n[i] !== return !1 - } else { - if (!v.isStringLiteral(s)) { - if (v.isMemberExpression(s)) { - if (s.computed && !v.isStringLiteral( return !1; - r.push(s.object), - r.push(; - continue - } - return !1 - } - if (n[i] !== s.value) return !1 - } - if (++i > n.length) return !1 - } - return !0 - } - }, - n.removeComments = function (e) { - for (var t = v.COMMENT_KEYS, n = Array.isArray(t), r = 0, t = n ? t : (0, i.default) (t); ; ) { - var s; - if (n) { - if (r >= t.length) break; - s = t[r++] - } else { - if ((r = break; - s = r.value - } - var o = s; - delete e[o] - } - return e - }, - n.inheritsComments = function (e, t) { - return D(e, t), - k(e, t), - S(e, t), - e - }, - n.inheritTrailingComments = D, - n.inheritLeadingComments = k, - n.inheritInnerComments = S, - n.inherits = function (e, t) { - if (!e || !t) return e; - for (var n = v.INHERIT_KEYS.optional, r = Array.isArray(n), s = 0, n = r ? n : (0, i.default) (n); ; ) { - var o; - if (r) { - if (s >= n.length) break; - o = n[s++] - } else { - if ((s = break; - o = s.value - } - var a = o; - null == e[a] && (e[a] = t[a]) - } - for (var u in t) '_' === u[0] && (e[u] = t[u]); - for (var l = v.INHERIT_KEYS.force, c = Array.isArray(l), p = 0, l = c ? l : (0, i.default) (l); ; ) { - var h; - if (c) { - if (p >= l.length) break; - h = l[p++] - } else { - if ((p = break; - h = p.value - } - var f = h; - e[f] = t[f] - } - return v.inheritsComments(e, t), - e - }, - n.assertNode = function (e) { - if (!F(e)) throw new TypeError('Not a valid node ' + (e && e.type)) - }, - n.isNode = F, - n.traverseFast = O, - n.removeProperties = N, - n.removePropertiesDeep = function (e, t) { - return O(e, N, t), - e - }; - var u = e('./retrievers'); - Object.defineProperty(n, 'getBindingIdentifiers', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return u.getBindingIdentifiers - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'getOuterBindingIdentifiers', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return u.getOuterBindingIdentifiers - } - }); - var l = e('./validators'); - Object.defineProperty(n, 'isBinding', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return l.isBinding - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'isReferenced', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return l.isReferenced - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'isValidIdentifier', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return l.isValidIdentifier - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'isLet', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return l.isLet - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'isBlockScoped', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return l.isBlockScoped - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'isVar', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return l.isVar - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'isSpecifierDefault', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return l.isSpecifierDefault - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'isScope', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return l.isScope - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'isImmutable', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return l.isImmutable - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'isNodesEquivalent', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return l.isNodesEquivalent - } - }); - var c = e('./converters'); - Object.defineProperty(n, 'toComputedKey', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return c.toComputedKey - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'toSequenceExpression', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return c.toSequenceExpression - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'toKeyAlias', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return c.toKeyAlias - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'toIdentifier', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return c.toIdentifier - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'toBindingIdentifierName', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return c.toBindingIdentifierName - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'toStatement', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return c.toStatement - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'toExpression', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return c.toExpression - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'toBlock', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return c.toBlock - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'valueToNode', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return c.valueToNode - } - }); - var p = e('./flow'); - Object.defineProperty(n, 'createUnionTypeAnnotation', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return p.createUnionTypeAnnotation - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'removeTypeDuplicates', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return p.removeTypeDuplicates - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(n, 'createTypeAnnotationBasedOnTypeof', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return p.createTypeAnnotationBasedOnTypeof - } - }); - var h = y(e('to-fast-properties')), - f = y(e('lodash/clone')), - d = y(e('lodash/uniq')); - e('./definitions/init'); - var m = e('./definitions'), - g = function (e) { - if (e && e.__esModule) return e; - var t = { - }; - if (null != e) for (var n in e), n) && (t[n] = e[n]); - return t.default = e, - t - }(e('./react')); - function y(e) { - return e && e.__esModule ? e : { - default: - e - } - } - var v = n; - function b(e) { - var t = v['is' + e]; - t || (t = v['is' + e] = function (t, n) { - return, t, n) - }), - v['assert' + e] = function (n, r) { - if (!t(n, r = r || { - })) throw new Error('Expected type ' + (0, o.default) (e) + ' with option ' + (0, o.default) (r)) - } - } - for (var x in n.VISITOR_KEYS = m.VISITOR_KEYS, n.ALIAS_KEYS = m.ALIAS_KEYS, n.NODE_FIELDS = m.NODE_FIELDS, n.BUILDER_KEYS = m.BUILDER_KEYS, n.DEPRECATED_KEYS = m.DEPRECATED_KEYS, n.react = g, v.VISITOR_KEYS) b(x); - v.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS = { - }, - (0, s.default) (v.ALIAS_KEYS).forEach(function (e) { - v.ALIAS_KEYS[e].forEach(function (t) { - (v.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS[t] = v.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS[t] || [ - ]).push(e) - }) - }), - (0, s.default) (v.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS).forEach(function (e) { - v[e.toUpperCase() + '_TYPES'] = v.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS[e], - b(e) - }); - n.TYPES = (0, s.default) (v.VISITOR_KEYS).concat((0, s.default) (v.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS)).concat((0, s.default) (v.DEPRECATED_KEYS)); - function A(e, t) { - if (e === t) return !0; - if (v.ALIAS_KEYS[t]) return !1; - var n = v.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS[t]; - if (n) { - if (n[0] === e) return !0; - var r = n, - s = Array.isArray(r), - o = 0; - for (r = s ? r : (0, i.default) (r); ; ) { - var a; - if (s) { - if (o >= r.length) break; - a = r[o++] - } else { - if ((o = break; - a = o.value - } - if (e === a) return !0 - } - } - return !1 - }(0, s.default) (v.BUILDER_KEYS).forEach(function (e) { - var t = v.BUILDER_KEYS[e]; - function n() { - if (arguments.length > t.length) throw new Error('t.' + e + ': Too many arguments passed. Received ' + arguments.length + ' but can receive no more than ' + t.length); - var n = { - }; - n.type = e; - var r = 0, - s = t, - o = Array.isArray(s), - a = 0; - for (s = o ? s : (0, i.default) (s); ; ) { - var u; - if (o) { - if (a >= s.length) break; - u = s[a++] - } else { - if ((a = break; - u = a.value - } - var l = u, - c = v.NODE_FIELDS[e][l], - p = arguments[r++]; - void 0 === p && (p = (0, f.default) (c.default)), - n[l] = p - } - for (var h in n) C(n, h, n[h]); - return n - } - v[e] = n, - v[e[0].toLowerCase() + e.slice(1)] = n - }); - var E = function (e) { - var t = v.DEPRECATED_KEYS[e]; - function n(n) { - return function () { - return console.trace('The node type ' + e + ' has been renamed to ' + t), - n.apply(this, arguments) - } - } - v[e] = v[e[0].toLowerCase() + e.slice(1)] = n(v[t]), - v['is' + e] = n(v['is' + t]), - v['assert' + e] = n(v['assert' + t]) - }; - for (var _ in v.DEPRECATED_KEYS) E(_); - function C(e, t, n) { - if (e) { - var r = v.NODE_FIELDS[e.type]; - if (r) { - var i = r[t]; - i && i.validate && (i.optional && null == n || i.validate(e, t, n)) - } - } - } - function w(e) { - if (!e) return e; - var t = { - }; - for (var n in e) '_' !== n[0] && (t[n] = e[n]); - return t - } - function D(e, t) { - T('trailingComments', e, t) - } - function k(e, t) { - T('leadingComments', e, t) - } - function S(e, t) { - T('innerComments', e, t) - } - function T(e, t, n) { - t && n && (t[e] = (0, d.default) ([].concat(t[e], n[e]).filter(Boolean))) - } - function F(e) { - return !(!e || !m.VISITOR_KEYS[e.type]) - } - function O(e, t, n) { - if (e) { - var r = v.VISITOR_KEYS[e.type]; - if (r) { - t(e, n = n || { - }); - var s = r, - o = Array.isArray(s), - a = 0; - for (s = o ? s : (0, i.default) (s); ; ) { - var u; - if (o) { - if (a >= s.length) break; - u = s[a++] - } else { - if ((a = break; - u = a.value - } - var l = e[u]; - if (Array.isArray(l)) { - var c = l, - p = Array.isArray(c), - h = 0; - for (c = p ? c : (0, i.default) (c); ; ) { - var f; - if (p) { - if (h >= c.length) break; - f = c[h++] - } else { - if ((h = break; - f = h.value - } - O(f, t, n) - } - } else O(l, t, n) - } - } - } - }(0, h.default) (v), - (0, h.default) (v.VISITOR_KEYS); - var B = [ - 'tokens', - 'start', - 'end', - 'loc', - 'raw', - 'rawValue' - ], - P = v.COMMENT_KEYS.concat(['comments']).concat(B); - function N(e, t) { - var n = (t = t || { - }).preserveComments ? B : P, - s = Array.isArray(n), - o = 0; - for (n = s ? n : (0, i.default) (n); ; ) { - var a; - if (s) { - if (o >= n.length) break; - a = n[o++] - } else { - if ((o = break; - a = o.value - } - var u = a; - null != e[u] && (e[u] = void 0) - } - for (var l in e) '_' === l[0] && null != e[l] && (e[l] = void 0); - var c = (0, r.default) (e), - p = Array.isArray(c), - h = 0; - for (c = p ? c : (0, i.default) (c); ; ) { - var f; - if (p) { - if (h >= c.length) break; - f = c[h++] - } else { - if ((h = break; - f = h.value - } - e[f] = null - } - } - }, - { - './constants': 22, - './converters': 23, - './definitions': 28, - './definitions/init': 29, - './flow': 32, - './react': 34, - './retrievers': 35, - './validators': 36, - 'babel-runtime/core-js/get-iterator': 12, - 'babel-runtime/core-js/json/stringify': 13, - 'babel-runtime/core-js/object/get-own-property-symbols': 16, - 'babel-runtime/core-js/object/keys': 17, - 'lodash/clone': 349, - 'lodash/uniq': 369, - 'to-fast-properties': 37 - } - ], - 34: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - n.__esModule = !0, - n.isReactComponent = void 0, - n.isCompatTag = function (e) { - return !!e && /^[a-z]|\-/.test(e) - }, - n.buildChildren = function (e) { - for (var t = [ - ], n = 0; n < e.children.length; n++) { - var s = e.children[n]; - r.isJSXText(s) ? i(s, t) : (r.isJSXExpressionContainer(s) && (s = s.expression), r.isJSXEmptyExpression(s) || t.push(s)) - } - return t - }; - var r = function (e) { - if (e && e.__esModule) return e; - var t = { - }; - if (null != e) for (var n in e), n) && (t[n] = e[n]); - return t.default = e, - t - }(e('./index')); - n.isReactComponent = r.buildMatchMemberExpression('React.Component'); - function i(e, t) { - for (var n = e.value.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/), i = 0, s = 0; s < n.length; s++) n[s].match(/[^ \t]/) && (i = s); - for (var o = '', a = 0; a < n.length; a++) { - var u = n[a], - l = 0 === a, - c = a === n.length - 1, - p = a === i, - h = u.replace(/\t/g, ' '); - l || (h = h.replace(/^[ ]+/, '')), - c || (h = h.replace(/[ ]+$/, '')), - h && (p || (h += ' '), o += h) - } - o && t.push(r.stringLiteral(o)) - } - }, - { - './index': 33 - } - ], - 35: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - n.__esModule = !0; - var r, - i = e('babel-runtime/core-js/object/create'), - s = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : { - default: - r - }; - n.getBindingIdentifiers = a, - n.getOuterBindingIdentifiers = function (e, t) { - return a(e, t, !0) - }; - var o = function (e) { - if (e && e.__esModule) return e; - var t = { - }; - if (null != e) for (var n in e), n) && (t[n] = e[n]); - return t.default = e, - t - }(e('./index')); - function a(e, t, n) { - for (var r = [ - ].concat(e), i = (0, s.default) (null); r.length; ) { - var a = r.shift(); - if (a) { - var u = o.getBindingIdentifiers.keys[a.type]; - if (o.isIdentifier(a)) t ? (i[] = i[] || [ - ]).push(a) : i[] = a; - else if (o.isExportDeclaration(a)) o.isDeclaration(a.declaration) && r.push(a.declaration); - else { - if (n) { - if (o.isFunctionDeclaration(a)) { - r.push(; - continue - } - if (o.isFunctionExpression(a)) continue - } - if (u) for (var l = 0; l < u.length; l++) { - var c = u[l]; - a[c] && (r = r.concat(a[c])) - } - } - } - } - return i - } - a.keys = { - DeclareClass: [ - 'id' - ], - DeclareFunction: [ - 'id' - ], - DeclareModule: [ - 'id' - ], - DeclareVariable: [ - 'id' - ], - InterfaceDeclaration: [ - 'id' - ], - TypeAlias: [ - 'id' - ], - OpaqueType: [ - 'id' - ], - CatchClause: [ - 'param' - ], - LabeledStatement: [ - 'label' - ], - UnaryExpression: [ - 'argument' - ], - AssignmentExpression: [ - 'left' - ], - ImportSpecifier: [ - 'local' - ], - ImportNamespaceSpecifier: [ - 'local' - ], - ImportDefaultSpecifier: [ - 'local' - ], - ImportDeclaration: [ - 'specifiers' - ], - ExportSpecifier: [ - 'exported' - ], - ExportNamespaceSpecifier: [ - 'exported' - ], - ExportDefaultSpecifier: [ - 'exported' - ], - FunctionDeclaration: [ - 'id', - 'params' - ], - FunctionExpression: [ - 'id', - 'params' - ], - ClassDeclaration: [ - 'id' - ], - ClassExpression: [ - 'id' - ], - RestElement: [ - 'argument' - ], - UpdateExpression: [ - 'argument' - ], - RestProperty: [ - 'argument' - ], - ObjectProperty: [ - 'value' - ], - AssignmentPattern: [ - 'left' - ], - ArrayPattern: [ - 'elements' - ], - ObjectPattern: [ - 'properties' - ], - VariableDeclaration: [ - 'declarations' - ], - VariableDeclarator: [ - 'id' - ] - } - }, - { - './index': 33, - 'babel-runtime/core-js/object/create': 15 - } - ], - 36: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - n.__esModule = !0; - var r = c(e('babel-runtime/core-js/object/keys')), - i = c(e('babel-runtime/helpers/typeof')), - s = c(e('babel-runtime/core-js/get-iterator')); - n.isBinding = function (e, t) { - var n = o.getBindingIdentifiers.keys[t.type]; - if (n) for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { - var i = n[r], - s = t[i]; - if (Array.isArray(s)) { - if (s.indexOf(e) >= 0) return !0 - } else if (s === e) return !0 - } - return !1 - }, - n.isReferenced = function (e, t) { - switch (t.type) { - case 'BindExpression': - return t.object === e || t.callee === e; - case 'MemberExpression': - case 'JSXMemberExpression': - return !( !== e || !t.computed) || t.object === e; - case 'MetaProperty': - return !1; - case 'ObjectProperty': - if (t.key === e) return t.computed; - case 'VariableDeclarator': - return !== e; - case 'ArrowFunctionExpression': - case 'FunctionDeclaration': - case 'FunctionExpression': - for (var n = t.params, r = Array.isArray(n), i = 0, n = r ? n : (0, s.default) (n); ; ) { - var o; - if (r) { - if (i >= n.length) break; - o = n[i++] - } else { - if ((i = break; - o = i.value - } - var a = o; - if (a === e) return !1 - } - return !== e; - case 'ExportSpecifier': - return !t.source && t.local === e; - case 'ExportNamespaceSpecifier': - case 'ExportDefaultSpecifier': - return !1; - case 'JSXAttribute': - return !== e; - case 'ClassProperty': - return t.key === e ? t.computed : t.value === e; - case 'ImportDefaultSpecifier': - case 'ImportNamespaceSpecifier': - case 'ImportSpecifier': - return !1; - case 'ClassDeclaration': - case 'ClassExpression': - return !== e; - case 'ClassMethod': - case 'ObjectMethod': - return t.key === e && t.computed; - case 'LabeledStatement': - return !1; - case 'CatchClause': - return t.param !== e; - case 'RestElement': - return !1; - case 'AssignmentExpression': - case 'AssignmentPattern': - return t.right === e; - case 'ObjectPattern': - case 'ArrayPattern': - return !1 - } - return !0 - }, - n.isValidIdentifier = function (e) { - return 'string' == typeof e && !a.default.keyword.isReservedWordES6(e, !0) && ('await' !== e && a.default.keyword.isIdentifierNameES6(e)) - }, - n.isLet = function (e) { - return u.isVariableDeclaration(e) && ('var' !== e.kind || e[l.BLOCK_SCOPED_SYMBOL]) - }, - n.isBlockScoped = function (e) { - return u.isFunctionDeclaration(e) || u.isClassDeclaration(e) || u.isLet(e) - }, - n.isVar = function (e) { - return u.isVariableDeclaration(e, { - kind: 'var' - }) && !e[l.BLOCK_SCOPED_SYMBOL] - }, - n.isSpecifierDefault = function (e) { - return u.isImportDefaultSpecifier(e) || u.isIdentifier(e.imported || e.exported, { - name: 'default' - }) - }, - n.isScope = function (e, t) { - if (u.isBlockStatement(e) && u.isFunction(t, { - body: e - })) return !1; - return u.isScopable(e) - }, - n.isImmutable = function (e) { - if (u.isType(e.type, 'Immutable')) return !0; - if (u.isIdentifier(e)) return 'undefined' ===; - return !1 - }, - n.isNodesEquivalent = function e(t, n) { - if ('object' !== (void 0 === t ? 'undefined' : (0, i.default) (t)) || 'object' !== (void 0 === t ? 'undefined' : (0, i.default) (t)) || null == t || null == n) return t === n; - if (t.type !== n.type) return !1; - var o = (0, r.default) (u.NODE_FIELDS[t.type] || t.type); - for (var a = o, l = Array.isArray(a), c = 0, a = l ? a : (0, s.default) (a); ; ) { - var p; - if (l) { - if (c >= a.length) break; - p = a[c++] - } else { - if ((c = break; - p = c.value - } - var h = p; - if ((0, i.default) (t[h]) !== (0, i.default) (n[h])) return !1; - if (Array.isArray(t[h])) { - if (!Array.isArray(n[h])) return !1; - if (t[h].length !== n[h].length) return !1; - for (var f = 0; f < t[h].length; f++) if (!e(t[h][f], n[h][f])) return !1 - } else if (!e(t[h], n[h])) return !1 - } - return !0 - }; - var o = e('./retrievers'), - a = c(e('esutils')), - u = function (e) { - if (e && e.__esModule) return e; - var t = { - }; - if (null != e) for (var n in e), n) && (t[n] = e[n]); - return t.default = e, - t - }(e('./index')), - l = e('./constants'); - function c(e) { - return e && e.__esModule ? e : { - default: - e - } - } - }, - { - './constants': 22, - './index': 33, - './retrievers': 35, - 'babel-runtime/core-js/get-iterator': 12, - 'babel-runtime/core-js/object/keys': 17, - 'babel-runtime/helpers/typeof': 21, - esutils: 232 - } - ], - 37: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - t.exports = function e(t) { - function n() { - } - n.prototype = t; - var r = new n; - function i() { - return typeof - } - return i(), - i(), - t - } - }, - { - } - ], - 38: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - function r(e) { - return e = e.split(' '), - function (t) { - return e.indexOf(t) >= 0 - } - } - Object.defineProperty(n, '__esModule', { - value: !0 - }); - var i = { - 6: r('enum await'), - strict: r('implements interface let package private protected public static yield'), - strictBind: r('eval arguments') - }, - s = r('break case catch continue debugger default do else finally for function if return switch throw try var while with null true false instanceof typeof void delete new in this let const class extends export import yield super'), - o = 'ªµºÀ-ÖØ-öø-ˁˆ-ˑˠ-ˤˬˮͰ-ʹͶͷͺ-ͽͿΆΈ-ΊΌΎ-ΡΣ-ϵϷ-ҁҊ-ԯԱ-Ֆՙա-ևא-תװ-ײؠ-يٮٯٱ-ۓەۥۦۮۯۺ-ۼۿܐܒ-ܯݍ-ޥޱߊ-ߪߴߵߺࠀ-ࠕࠚࠤࠨࡀ-ࡘࢠ-ࢴࢶ-ࢽऄ-हऽॐक़-ॡॱ-ঀঅ-ঌএঐও-নপ-রলশ-হঽৎড়ঢ়য়-ৡৰৱਅ-ਊਏਐਓ-ਨਪ-ਰਲਲ਼ਵਸ਼ਸਹਖ਼-ੜਫ਼ੲ-ੴઅ-ઍએ-ઑઓ-નપ-રલળવ-હઽૐૠૡૹଅ-ଌଏଐଓ-ନପ-ରଲଳଵ-ହଽଡ଼ଢ଼ୟ-ୡୱஃஅ-ஊஎ-ஐஒ-கஙசஜஞடணதந-பம-ஹௐఅ-ఌఎ-ఐఒ-నప-హఽౘ-ౚౠౡಀಅ-ಌಎ-ಐಒ-ನಪ-ಳವ-ಹಽೞೠೡೱೲഅ-ഌഎ-ഐഒ-ഺഽൎൔ-ൖൟ-ൡൺ-ൿඅ-ඖක-නඳ-රලව-ෆก-ะาำเ-ๆກຂຄງຈຊຍດ-ທນ-ຟມ-ຣລວສຫອ-ະາຳຽເ-ໄໆໜ-ໟༀཀ-ཇཉ-ཬྈ-ྌက-ဪဿၐ-ၕၚ-ၝၡၥၦၮ-ၰၵ-ႁႎႠ-ჅჇჍა-ჺჼ-ቈቊ-ቍቐ-ቖቘቚ-ቝበ-ኈኊ-ኍነ-ኰኲ-ኵኸ-ኾዀዂ-ዅወ-ዖዘ-ጐጒ-ጕጘ-ፚᎀ-ᎏᎠ-Ᏽᏸ-ᏽᐁ-ᙬᙯ-ᙿᚁ-ᚚᚠ-ᛪᛮ-ᛸᜀ-ᜌᜎ-ᜑᜠ-ᜱᝀ-ᝑᝠ-ᝬᝮ-ᝰក-ឳៗៜᠠ-ᡷᢀ-ᢨᢪᢰ-ᣵᤀ-ᤞᥐ-ᥭᥰ-ᥴᦀ-ᦫᦰ-ᧉᨀ-ᨖᨠ-ᩔᪧᬅ-ᬳᭅ-ᭋᮃ-ᮠᮮᮯᮺ-ᯥᰀ-ᰣᱍ-ᱏᱚ-ᱽᲀ-ᲈᳩ-ᳬᳮ-ᳱᳵᳶᴀ-ᶿḀ-ἕἘ-Ἕἠ-ὅὈ-Ὅὐ-ὗὙὛὝὟ-ώᾀ-ᾴᾶ-ᾼιῂ-ῄῆ-ῌῐ-ΐῖ-Ίῠ-Ῥῲ-ῴῶ-ῼⁱⁿₐ-ₜℂℇℊ-ℓℕ℘-ℝℤΩℨK-ℹℼ-ℿⅅ-ⅉⅎⅠ-ↈⰀ-Ⱞⰰ-ⱞⱠ-ⳤⳫ-ⳮⳲⳳⴀ-ⴥⴧⴭⴰ-ⵧⵯⶀ-ⶖⶠ-ⶦⶨ-ⶮⶰ-ⶶⶸ-ⶾⷀ-ⷆⷈ-ⷎⷐ-ⷖⷘ-ⷞ々-〇〡-〩〱-〵〸-〼ぁ-ゖ゛-ゟァ-ヺー-ヿㄅ-ㄭㄱ-ㆎㆠ-ㆺㇰ-ㇿ㐀-䶵一-鿕ꀀ-ꒌꓐ-ꓽꔀ-ꘌꘐ-ꘟꘪꘫꙀ-ꙮꙿ-ꚝꚠ-ꛯꜗ-ꜟꜢ-ꞈꞋ-ꞮꞰ-ꞷꟷ-ꠁꠃ-ꠅꠇ-ꠊꠌ-ꠢꡀ-ꡳꢂ-ꢳꣲ-ꣷꣻꣽꤊ-ꤥꤰ-ꥆꥠ-ꥼꦄ-ꦲꧏꧠ-ꧤꧦ-ꧯꧺ-ꧾꨀ-ꨨꩀ-ꩂꩄ-ꩋꩠ-ꩶꩺꩾ-ꪯꪱꪵꪶꪹ-ꪽꫀꫂꫛ-ꫝꫠ-ꫪꫲ-ꫴꬁ-ꬆꬉ-ꬎꬑ-ꬖꬠ-ꬦꬨ-ꬮꬰ-ꭚꭜ-ꭥꭰ-ꯢ가-힣ힰ-ퟆퟋ-ퟻ豈-舘並-龎ff-stﬓ-ﬗיִײַ-ﬨשׁ-זּטּ-לּמּנּסּףּפּצּ-ﮱﯓ-ﴽﵐ-ﶏﶒ-ﷇﷰ-ﷻﹰ-ﹴﹶ-ﻼA-Za-zヲ-하-ᅦᅧ-ᅬᅭ-ᅲᅳ-ᅵ', - a = '‌‍·̀-ͯ·҃-֑҇-ׇֽֿׁׂׅׄؐ-ًؚ-٩ٰۖ-ۜ۟-۪ۤۧۨ-ۭ۰-۹ܑܰ-݊ަ-ް߀-߉߫-߳ࠖ-࠙ࠛ-ࠣࠥ-ࠧࠩ-࡙࠭-࡛ࣔ-ࣣ࣡-ःऺ-़ा-ॏ॑-ॗॢॣ०-९ঁ-ঃ়া-ৄেৈো-্ৗৢৣ০-৯ਁ-ਃ਼ਾ-ੂੇੈੋ-੍ੑ੦-ੱੵઁ-ઃ઼ા-ૅે-ૉો-્ૢૣ૦-૯ଁ-ଃ଼ା-ୄେୈୋ-୍ୖୗୢୣ୦-୯ஂா-ூெ-ைொ-்ௗ௦-௯ఀ-ఃా-ౄె-ైొ-్ౕౖౢౣ౦-౯ಁ-ಃ಼ಾ-ೄೆ-ೈೊ-್ೕೖೢೣ೦-೯ഁ-ഃാ-ൄെ-ൈൊ-്ൗൢൣ൦-൯ංඃ්ා-ුූෘ-ෟ෦-෯ෲෳัิ-ฺ็-๎๐-๙ັິ-ູົຼ່-ໍ໐-໙༘༙༠-༩༹༵༷༾༿ཱ-྄྆྇ྍ-ྗྙ-ྼ࿆ါ-ှ၀-၉ၖ-ၙၞ-ၠၢ-ၤၧ-ၭၱ-ၴႂ-ႍႏ-ႝ፝-፟፩-፱ᜒ-᜔ᜲ-᜴ᝒᝓᝲᝳ឴-៓៝០-៩᠋-᠍᠐-᠙ᢩᤠ-ᤫᤰ-᤻᥆-᥏᧐-᧚ᨗ-ᨛᩕ-ᩞ᩠-᩿᩼-᪉᪐-᪙᪰-᪽ᬀ-ᬄ᬴-᭄᭐-᭙᭫-᭳ᮀ-ᮂᮡ-ᮭ᮰-᮹᯦-᯳ᰤ-᰷᱀-᱉᱐-᱙᳐-᳔᳒-᳨᳭ᳲ-᳴᳸᳹᷀-᷵᷻-᷿‿⁀⁔⃐-⃥⃜⃡-⃰⳯-⵿⳱ⷠ-〪ⷿ-゙゚〯꘠-꘩꙯ꙴ-꙽ꚞꚟ꛰꛱ꠂ꠆ꠋꠣ-ꠧꢀꢁꢴ-ꣅ꣐-꣙꣠-꣱꤀-꤉ꤦ-꤭ꥇ-꥓ꦀ-ꦃ꦳-꧀꧐-꧙ꧥ꧰-꧹ꨩ-ꨶꩃꩌꩍ꩐-꩙ꩻ-ꩽꪰꪲ-ꪴꪷꪸꪾ꪿꫁ꫫ-ꫯꫵ꫶ꯣ-ꯪ꯬꯭꯰-꯹ﬞ︀-️︠-︯︳︴﹍-﹏0-9_', - u = new RegExp('[' + o + ']'), - l = new RegExp('[' + o + a + ']'); - o = a = null; - var c = [ - 0, - 11, - 2, - 25, - 2, - 18, - 2, - 1, - 2, - 14, - 3, - 13, - 35, - 122, - 70, - 52, - 268, - 28, - 4, - 48, - 48, - 31, - 17, - 26, - 6, - 37, - 11, - 29, - 3, - 35, - 5, - 7, - 2, - 4, - 43, - 157, - 19, - 35, - 5, - 35, - 5, - 39, - 9, - 51, - 157, - 310, - 10, - 21, - 11, - 7, - 153, - 5, - 3, - 0, - 2, - 43, - 2, - 1, - 4, - 0, - 3, - 22, - 11, - 22, - 10, - 30, - 66, - 18, - 2, - 1, - 11, - 21, - 11, - 25, - 71, - 55, - 7, - 1, - 65, - 0, - 16, - 3, - 2, - 2, - 2, - 26, - 45, - 28, - 4, - 28, - 36, - 7, - 2, - 27, - 28, - 53, - 11, - 21, - 11, - 18, - 14, - 17, - 111, - 72, - 56, - 50, - 14, - 50, - 785, - 52, - 76, - 44, - 33, - 24, - 27, - 35, - 42, - 34, - 4, - 0, - 13, - 47, - 15, - 3, - 22, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 36, - 17, - 2, - 24, - 85, - 6, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 3, - 2, - 14, - 2, - 9, - 8, - 46, - 39, - 7, - 3, - 1, - 3, - 21, - 2, - 6, - 2, - 1, - 2, - 4, - 4, - 0, - 19, - 0, - 13, - 4, - 159, - 52, - 19, - 3, - 54, - 47, - 21, - 1, - 2, - 0, - 185, - 46, - 42, - 3, - 37, - 47, - 21, - 0, - 60, - 42, - 86, - 25, - 391, - 63, - 32, - 0, - 449, - 56, - 264, - 8, - 2, - 36, - 18, - 0, - 50, - 29, - 881, - 921, - 103, - 110, - 18, - 195, - 2749, - 1070, - 4050, - 582, - 8634, - 568, - 8, - 30, - 114, - 29, - 19, - 47, - 17, - 3, - 32, - 20, - 6, - 18, - 881, - 68, - 12, - 0, - 67, - 12, - 65, - 0, - 32, - 6124, - 20, - 754, - 9486, - 1, - 3071, - 106, - 6, - 12, - 4, - 8, - 8, - 9, - 5991, - 84, - 2, - 70, - 2, - 1, - 3, - 0, - 3, - 1, - 3, - 3, - 2, - 11, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 6, - 2, - 64, - 2, - 3, - 3, - 7, - 2, - 6, - 2, - 27, - 2, - 3, - 2, - 4, - 2, - 0, - 4, - 6, - 2, - 339, - 3, - 24, - 2, - 24, - 2, - 30, - 2, - 24, - 2, - 30, - 2, - 24, - 2, - 30, - 2, - 24, - 2, - 30, - 2, - 24, - 2, - 7, - 4149, - 196, - 60, - 67, - 1213, - 3, - 2, - 26, - 2, - 1, - 2, - 0, - 3, - 0, - 2, - 9, - 2, - 3, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 7, - 0, - 5, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 2, - 2, - 1, - 2, - 0, - 3, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 1, - 2, - 0, - 3, - 3, - 2, - 6, - 2, - 3, - 2, - 3, - 2, - 0, - 2, - 9, - 2, - 16, - 6, - 2, - 2, - 4, - 2, - 16, - 4421, - 42710, - 42, - 4148, - 12, - 221, - 3, - 5761, - 10591, - 541 - ], - p = [ - 509, - 0, - 227, - 0, - 150, - 4, - 294, - 9, - 1368, - 2, - 2, - 1, - 6, - 3, - 41, - 2, - 5, - 0, - 166, - 1, - 1306, - 2, - 54, - 14, - 32, - 9, - 16, - 3, - 46, - 10, - 54, - 9, - 7, - 2, - 37, - 13, - 2, - 9, - 52, - 0, - 13, - 2, - 49, - 13, - 10, - 2, - 4, - 9, - 83, - 11, - 7, - 0, - 161, - 11, - 6, - 9, - 7, - 3, - 57, - 0, - 2, - 6, - 3, - 1, - 3, - 2, - 10, - 0, - 11, - 1, - 3, - 6, - 4, - 4, - 193, - 17, - 10, - 9, - 87, - 19, - 13, - 9, - 214, - 6, - 3, - 8, - 28, - 1, - 83, - 16, - 16, - 9, - 82, - 12, - 9, - 9, - 84, - 14, - 5, - 9, - 423, - 9, - 838, - 7, - 2, - 7, - 17, - 9, - 57, - 21, - 2, - 13, - 19882, - 9, - 135, - 4, - 60, - 6, - 26, - 9, - 1016, - 45, - 17, - 3, - 19723, - 1, - 5319, - 4, - 4, - 5, - 9, - 7, - 3, - 6, - 31, - 3, - 149, - 2, - 1418, - 49, - 513, - 54, - 5, - 49, - 9, - 0, - 15, - 0, - 23, - 4, - 2, - 14, - 1361, - 6, - 2, - 16, - 3, - 6, - 2, - 1, - 2, - 4, - 2214, - 6, - 110, - 6, - 6, - 9, - 792487, - 239 - ]; - function h(e, t) { - for (var n = 65536, r = 0; r < t.length; r += 2) { - if ((n += t[r]) > e) return !1; - if ((n += t[r + 1]) >= e) return !0 - } - } - function f(e) { - return e < 65 ? 36 === e : e < 91 || (e < 97 ? 95 === e : e < 123 || (e <= 65535 ? e >= 170 && u.test(String.fromCharCode(e)) : h(e, c))) - } - function d(e) { - return e < 48 ? 36 === e : e < 58 || !(e < 65) && (e < 91 || (e < 97 ? 95 === e : e < 123 || (e <= 65535 ? e >= 170 && l.test(String.fromCharCode(e)) : h(e, c) || h(e, p)))) - } - var m = { - sourceType: 'script', - sourceFilename: void 0, - startLine: 1, - allowReturnOutsideFunction: !1, - allowImportExportEverywhere: !1, - allowSuperOutsideMethod: !1, - plugins: [ - ], - strictMode: null - }; - var g = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (e) { - return typeof e - } - : function (e) { - return e && 'function' == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? 'symbol' : typeof e - }, - y = function (e, t) { - if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function') - }, - v = function (e, t) { - if ('function' != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError('Super expression must either be null or a function, not ' + typeof t); - e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { - constructor: { - value: e, - enumerable: !1, - writable: !0, - configurable: !0 - } - }), - t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t) - }, - b = function (e, t) { - if (!e) throw new ReferenceError('this hasn\'t been initialised - super() hasn\'t been called'); - return !t || 'object' != typeof t && 'function' != typeof t ? e : t - }, - x = !0, - A = function e(t) { - var n = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : { - }; - y(this, e), - this.label = t, - this.keyword = n.keyword, - this.beforeExpr = !!n.beforeExpr, - this.startsExpr = !!n.startsExpr, - this.rightAssociative = !!n.rightAssociative, - this.isLoop = !!n.isLoop, - this.isAssign = !!n.isAssign, - this.prefix = !!n.prefix, - this.postfix = !!n.postfix, - this.binop = n.binop || null, - this.updateContext = null - }, - E = function (e) { - function t(n) { - var r = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : { - }; - return y(this, t), - r.keyword = n, - b(this,, n, r)) - } - return v(t, e), - t - }(A), - _ = function (e) { - function t(n, r) { - return y(this, t), - b(this,, n, { - beforeExpr: x, - binop: r - })) - } - return v(t, e), - t - }(A), - C = { - num: new A('num', { - startsExpr: !0 - }), - regexp: new A('regexp', { - startsExpr: !0 - }), - string: new A('string', { - startsExpr: !0 - }), - name: new A('name', { - startsExpr: !0 - }), - eof: new A('eof'), - bracketL: new A('[', { - beforeExpr: x, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - bracketR: new A(']'), - braceL: new A('{', { - beforeExpr: x, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - braceBarL: new A('{|', { - beforeExpr: x, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - braceR: new A('}'), - braceBarR: new A('|}'), - parenL: new A('(', { - beforeExpr: x, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - parenR: new A(')'), - comma: new A(',', { - beforeExpr: x - }), - semi: new A(';', { - beforeExpr: x - }), - colon: new A(':', { - beforeExpr: x - }), - doubleColon: new A('::', { - beforeExpr: x - }), - dot: new A('.'), - question: new A('?', { - beforeExpr: x - }), - arrow: new A('=>', { - beforeExpr: x - }), - template: new A('template'), - ellipsis: new A('...', { - beforeExpr: x - }), - backQuote: new A('`', { - startsExpr: !0 - }), - dollarBraceL: new A('${', { - beforeExpr: x, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - at: new A('@'), - eq: new A('=', { - beforeExpr: x, - isAssign: !0 - }), - assign: new A('_=', { - beforeExpr: x, - isAssign: !0 - }), - incDec: new A('++/--', { - prefix: !0, - postfix: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - prefix: new A('prefix', { - beforeExpr: x, - prefix: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - logicalOR: new _('||', 1), - logicalAND: new _('&&', 2), - bitwiseOR: new _('|', 3), - bitwiseXOR: new _('^', 4), - bitwiseAND: new _('&', 5), - equality: new _('==/!=', 6), - relational: new _('', 7), - bitShift: new _('<>', 8), - plusMin: new A('+/-', { - beforeExpr: x, - binop: 9, - prefix: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - modulo: new _('%', 10), - star: new _('*', 10), - slash: new _('/', 10), - exponent: new A('**', { - beforeExpr: x, - binop: 11, - rightAssociative: !0 - }) - }, - w = { - break : new E('break'), - case : - new E('case', { - beforeExpr: x - }), - catch : new E('catch'), - continue : new E('continue'), - debugger: new E('debugger'), - default: - new E('default', { - beforeExpr: x - }), - do : new E('do', { - isLoop: !0, - beforeExpr: x - }), - else : new E('else', { - beforeExpr: x - }), - finally : new E('finally'), - for : new E('for', { - isLoop: !0 - }), - function : new E('function', { - startsExpr: !0 - }), - if : new E('if'), - return : new E('return', { - beforeExpr: x - }), - switch : new E('switch'), - throw : new E('throw', { - beforeExpr: x - }), - try : new E('try'), - var : new E('var'), - let: new E('let'), - const : new E('const'), - while : new E('while', { - isLoop: !0 - }), - with : new E('with'), - new : new E('new', { - beforeExpr: x, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - this: new E('this', { - startsExpr: !0 - }), - super : new E('super', { - startsExpr: !0 - }), - class : new E('class'), - extends : new E('extends', { - beforeExpr: x - }), - export : new E('export'), - import : new E('import', { - startsExpr: !0 - }), - yield: new E('yield', { - beforeExpr: x, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - null: new E('null', { - startsExpr: !0 - }), - true: new E('true', { - startsExpr: !0 - }), - false: new E('false', { - startsExpr: !0 - }), - in : new E('in', { - beforeExpr: x, - binop: 7 - }), - instanceof : new E('instanceof', { - beforeExpr: x, - binop: 7 - }), - typeof : new E('typeof', { - beforeExpr: x, - prefix: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - void : new E('void', { - beforeExpr: x, - prefix: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }), - delete : new E('delete', { - beforeExpr: x, - prefix: !0, - startsExpr: !0 - }) - }; - Object.keys(w).forEach(function (e) { - C['_' + e] = w[e] - }); - var D = /\r\n?|\n|\u2028|\u2029/, - k = new RegExp(D.source, 'g'); - function S(e) { - return 10 === e || 13 === e || 8232 === e || 8233 === e - } - var T = /[\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]/, - F = function e(t, n, r, i) { - y(this, e), - this.token = t, - this.isExpr = !!n, - this.preserveSpace = !!r, - this.override = i - }, - O = { - braceStatement: new F('{', !1), - braceExpression: new F('{', !0), - templateQuasi: new F('${', !0), - parenStatement: new F('(', !1), - parenExpression: new F('(', !0), - template: new F('`', !0, !0, function (e) { - return e.readTmplToken() - }), - functionExpression: new F('function', !0) - }; - C.parenR.updateContext = C.braceR.updateContext = function () { - if (1 !== this.state.context.length) { - var e = this.state.context.pop(); - e === O.braceStatement && this.curContext() === O.functionExpression ? (this.state.context.pop(), this.state.exprAllowed = !1) : e === O.templateQuasi ? this.state.exprAllowed = !0 : this.state.exprAllowed = !e.isExpr - } else this.state.exprAllowed = !0 - }, - = function (e) { - this.state.exprAllowed = !1, - e !== C._let && e !== C._const && e !== C._var || D.test(this.input.slice(this.state.end)) && (this.state.exprAllowed = !0) - }, - C.braceL.updateContext = function (e) { - this.state.context.push(this.braceIsBlock(e) ? O.braceStatement : O.braceExpression), - this.state.exprAllowed = !0 - }, - C.dollarBraceL.updateContext = function () { - this.state.context.push(O.templateQuasi), - this.state.exprAllowed = !0 - }, - C.parenL.updateContext = function (e) { - var t = e === C._if || e === C._for || e === C._with || e === C._while; - this.state.context.push(t ? O.parenStatement : O.parenExpression), - this.state.exprAllowed = !0 - }, - C.incDec.updateContext = function () { - }, - C._function.updateContext = function () { - this.curContext() !== O.braceStatement && this.state.context.push(O.functionExpression), - this.state.exprAllowed = !1 - }, - C.backQuote.updateContext = function () { - this.curContext() === O.template ? this.state.context.pop() : this.state.context.push(O.template), - this.state.exprAllowed = !1 - }; - var B = function e(t, n) { - y(this, e), - this.line = t, - this.column = n - }, - P = function e(t, n) { - y(this, e), - this.start = t, - this.end = n - }; - var N = function () { - function e() { - y(this, e) - } - return e.prototype.init = function (e, t) { - return this.strict = !1 !== e.strictMode && 'module' === e.sourceType, - this.input = t, - this.potentialArrowAt = - 1, - this.inMethod = this.inFunction = this.inGenerator = this.inAsync = this.inPropertyName = this.inType = this.inClassProperty = this.noAnonFunctionType = !1, - this.labels = [ - ], - this.decorators = [ - ], - this.tokens = [ - ], - this.comments = [ - ], - this.trailingComments = [ - ], - this.leadingComments = [ - ], - this.commentStack = [ - ], - this.pos = this.lineStart = 0, - this.curLine = e.startLine, - this.type = C.eof, - this.value = null, - this.start = this.end = this.pos, - this.startLoc = this.endLoc = this.curPosition(), - this.lastTokEndLoc = this.lastTokStartLoc = null, - this.lastTokStart = this.lastTokEnd = this.pos, - this.context = [ - O.braceStatement - ], - this.exprAllowed = !0, - this.containsEsc = this.containsOctal = !1, - this.octalPosition = null, - this.invalidTemplateEscapePosition = null, - this.exportedIdentifiers = [ - ], - this - }, - e.prototype.curPosition = function () { - return new B(this.curLine, this.pos - this.lineStart) - }, - e.prototype.clone = function (t) { - var n = new e; - for (var r in this) { - var i = this[r]; - t && 'context' !== r || !Array.isArray(i) || (i = i.slice()), - n[r] = i - } - return n - }, - e - }(); - function R(e) { - return e <= 65535 ? String.fromCharCode(e) : String.fromCharCode(55296 + (e - 65536 >> 10), 56320 + (e - 65536 & 1023)) - } - var L = { - }, - I = [ - 'jsx', - 'doExpressions', - 'objectRestSpread', - 'decorators', - 'classProperties', - 'exportExtensions', - 'asyncGenerators', - 'functionBind', - 'functionSent', - 'dynamicImport', - 'flow' - ], - j = function (e) { - function t(n, r) { - y(this, t), - n = function (e) { - var t = { - }; - for (var n in m) t[n] = e && n in e ? e[n] : m[n]; - return t - }(n); - var i = b(this,, n, r)); - return i.options = n, - i.inModule = 'module' === i.options.sourceType, - i.input = r, - i.plugins = i.loadPlugins(i.options.plugins), - i.filename = n.sourceFilename, - 0 === i.state.pos && '#' === i.input[0] && '!' === i.input[1] && i.skipLineComment(2), - i - } - return v(t, e), - t.prototype.isReservedWord = function (e) { - return 'await' === e ? this.inModule : i[6](e) - }, - t.prototype.hasPlugin = function (e) { - return !!(this.plugins['*'] && I.indexOf(e) > - 1) || !!this.plugins[e] - }, - t.prototype.extend = function (e, t) { - this[e] = t(this[e]) - }, - t.prototype.loadAllPlugins = function () { - var e = this, - t = Object.keys(L).filter(function (e) { - return 'flow' !== e && 'estree' !== e - }); - t.push('flow'), - t.forEach(function (t) { - var n = L[t]; - n && n(e) - }) - }, - t.prototype.loadPlugins = function (e) { - if (e.indexOf('*') >= 0) return this.loadAllPlugins(), - { - '*': !0 - }; - var t = { - }; - e.indexOf('flow') >= 0 && (e = e.filter(function (e) { - return 'flow' !== e - })).push('flow'), - e.indexOf('estree') >= 0 && (e = e.filter(function (e) { - return 'estree' !== e - })).unshift('estree'); - var n = e, - r = Array.isArray(n), - i = 0; - for (n = r ? n : n[Symbol.iterator](); ; ) { - var s; - if (r) { - if (i >= n.length) break; - s = n[i++] - } else { - if ((i = break; - s = i.value - } - var o = s; - if (!t[o]) { - t[o] = !0; - var a = L[o]; - a && a(this) - } - } - return t - }, - t.prototype.parse = function () { - var e = this.startNode(), - t = this.startNode(); - return this.nextToken(), - this.parseTopLevel(e, t) - }, - t - }(function () { - function e(t, n) { - y(this, e), - this.state = new N, - this.state.init(t, n) - } - return = function () { - this.isLookahead || this.state.tokens.push(new function e(t) { - y(this, e), - this.type = t.type, - this.value = t.value, - this.start = t.start, - this.end = t.end, - this.loc = new P(t.startLoc, t.endLoc) - }(this.state)), - this.state.lastTokEnd = this.state.end, - this.state.lastTokStart = this.state.start, - this.state.lastTokEndLoc = this.state.endLoc, - this.state.lastTokStartLoc = this.state.startLoc, - this.nextToken() - }, - = function (e) { - return !!this.match(e) && (, !0) - }, - e.prototype.match = function (e) { - return this.state.type === e - }, - e.prototype.isKeyword = function (e) { - return s(e) - }, - e.prototype.lookahead = function () { - var e = this.state; - this.state = e.clone(!0), - this.isLookahead = !0, -, - this.isLookahead = !1; - var t = this.state.clone(!0); - return this.state = e, - t - }, - e.prototype.setStrict = function (e) { - if (this.state.strict = e, this.match(C.num) || this.match(C.string)) { - for (this.state.pos = this.state.start; this.state.pos < this.state.lineStart; ) this.state.lineStart = this.input.lastIndexOf('\n', this.state.lineStart - 2) + 1, - --this.state.curLine; - this.nextToken() - } - }, - e.prototype.curContext = function () { - return this.state.context[this.state.context.length - 1] - }, - e.prototype.nextToken = function () { - var e = this.curContext(); - return e && e.preserveSpace || this.skipSpace(), - this.state.containsOctal = !1, - this.state.octalPosition = null, - this.state.start = this.state.pos, - this.state.startLoc = this.state.curPosition(), - this.state.pos >= this.input.length ? this.finishToken(C.eof) : e.override ? e.override(this) : this.readToken(this.fullCharCodeAtPos()) - }, - e.prototype.readToken = function (e) { - return f(e) || 92 === e ? this.readWord() : this.getTokenFromCode(e) - }, - e.prototype.fullCharCodeAtPos = function () { - var e = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos); - return e <= 55295 || e >= 57344 ? e : (e << 10) + this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 1) - 56613888 - }, - e.prototype.pushComment = function (e, t, n, r, i, s) { - var o = { - type: e ? 'CommentBlock' : 'CommentLine', - value: t, - start: n, - end: r, - loc: new P(i, s) - }; - this.isLookahead || (this.state.tokens.push(o), this.state.comments.push(o), this.addComment(o)) - }, - e.prototype.skipBlockComment = function () { - var e = this.state.curPosition(), - t = this.state.pos, - n = this.input.indexOf('*/', this.state.pos += 2); - - 1 === n && this.raise(this.state.pos - 2, 'Unterminated comment'), - this.state.pos = n + 2, - k.lastIndex = t; - for (var r = void 0; (r = k.exec(this.input)) && r.index < this.state.pos; ) ++this.state.curLine, - this.state.lineStart = r.index + r[0].length; - this.pushComment(!0, this.input.slice(t + 2, n), t, this.state.pos, e, this.state.curPosition()) - }, - e.prototype.skipLineComment = function (e) { - for (var t = this.state.pos, n = this.state.curPosition(), r = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos += e); this.state.pos < this.input.length && 10 !== r && 13 !== r && 8232 !== r && 8233 !== r; ) ++this.state.pos, - r = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos); - this.pushComment(!1, this.input.slice(t + e, this.state.pos), t, this.state.pos, n, this.state.curPosition()) - }, - e.prototype.skipSpace = function () { - e: for (; this.state.pos < this.input.length; ) { - var e = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos); - switch (e) { - case 32: - case 160: - ++this.state.pos; - break; - case 13: - 10 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 1) && ++this.state.pos; - case 10: - case 8232: - case 8233: - ++this.state.pos, - ++this.state.curLine, - this.state.lineStart = this.state.pos; - break; - case 47: - switch (this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 1)) { - case 42: - this.skipBlockComment(); - break; - case 47: - this.skipLineComment(2); - break; - default: - break e - } - break; - default: - if (!(e > 8 && e < 14 || e >= 5760 && T.test(String.fromCharCode(e)))) break e; - ++this.state.pos - } - } - }, - e.prototype.finishToken = function (e, t) { - this.state.end = this.state.pos, - this.state.endLoc = this.state.curPosition(); - var n = this.state.type; - this.state.type = e, - this.state.value = t, - this.updateContext(n) - }, - e.prototype.readToken_dot = function () { - var e = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 1); - if (e >= 48 && e <= 57) return this.readNumber(!0); - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 2); - return 46 === e && 46 === t ? (this.state.pos += 3, this.finishToken(C.ellipsis)) : (++this.state.pos, this.finishToken( - }, - e.prototype.readToken_slash = function () { - return this.state.exprAllowed ? (++this.state.pos, this.readRegexp()) : 61 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 1) ? this.finishOp(C.assign, 2) : this.finishOp(C.slash, 1) - }, - e.prototype.readToken_mult_modulo = function (e) { - var t = 42 === e ? : C.modulo, - n = 1, - r = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 1); - return 42 === r && (n++, r = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 2), t = C.exponent), - 61 === r && (n++, t = C.assign), - this.finishOp(t, n) - }, - e.prototype.readToken_pipe_amp = function (e) { - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 1); - return t === e ? this.finishOp(124 === e ? C.logicalOR : C.logicalAND, 2) : 61 === t ? this.finishOp(C.assign, 2) : 124 === e && 125 === t && this.hasPlugin('flow') ? this.finishOp(C.braceBarR, 2) : this.finishOp(124 === e ? C.bitwiseOR : C.bitwiseAND, 1) - }, - e.prototype.readToken_caret = function () { - return 61 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 1) ? this.finishOp(C.assign, 2) : this.finishOp(C.bitwiseXOR, 1) - }, - e.prototype.readToken_plus_min = function (e) { - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 1); - return t === e ? 45 === t && 62 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 2) && D.test(this.input.slice(this.state.lastTokEnd, this.state.pos)) ? (this.skipLineComment(3), this.skipSpace(), this.nextToken()) : this.finishOp(C.incDec, 2) : 61 === t ? this.finishOp(C.assign, 2) : this.finishOp(C.plusMin, 1) - }, - e.prototype.readToken_lt_gt = function (e) { - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 1), - n = 1; - return t === e ? (n = 62 === e && 62 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 2) ? 3 : 2, 61 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + n) ? this.finishOp(C.assign, n + 1) : this.finishOp(C.bitShift, n)) : 33 === t && 60 === e && 45 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 2) && 45 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 3) ? (this.inModule && this.unexpected(), this.skipLineComment(4), this.skipSpace(), this.nextToken()) : (61 === t && (n = 2), this.finishOp(C.relational, n)) - }, - e.prototype.readToken_eq_excl = function (e) { - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 1); - return 61 === t ? this.finishOp(C.equality, 61 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 2) ? 3 : 2) : 61 === e && 62 === t ? (this.state.pos += 2, this.finishToken(C.arrow)) : this.finishOp(61 === e ? C.eq : C.prefix, 1) - }, - e.prototype.getTokenFromCode = function (e) { - switch (e) { - case 46: - return this.readToken_dot(); - case 40: - return ++this.state.pos, - this.finishToken(C.parenL); - case 41: - return ++this.state.pos, - this.finishToken(C.parenR); - case 59: - return ++this.state.pos, - this.finishToken(C.semi); - case 44: - return ++this.state.pos, - this.finishToken(C.comma); - case 91: - return ++this.state.pos, - this.finishToken(C.bracketL); - case 93: - return ++this.state.pos, - this.finishToken(C.bracketR); - case 123: - return this.hasPlugin('flow') && 124 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 1) ? this.finishOp(C.braceBarL, 2) : (++this.state.pos, this.finishToken(C.braceL)); - case 125: - return ++this.state.pos, - this.finishToken(C.braceR); - case 58: - return this.hasPlugin('functionBind') && 58 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 1) ? this.finishOp(C.doubleColon, 2) : (++this.state.pos, this.finishToken(C.colon)); - case 63: - return ++this.state.pos, - this.finishToken(C.question); - case 64: - return ++this.state.pos, - this.finishToken(; - case 96: - return ++this.state.pos, - this.finishToken(C.backQuote); - case 48: - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 1); - if (120 === t || 88 === t) return this.readRadixNumber(16); - if (111 === t || 79 === t) return this.readRadixNumber(8); - if (98 === t || 66 === t) return this.readRadixNumber(2); - case 49: - case 50: - case 51: - case 52: - case 53: - case 54: - case 55: - case 56: - case 57: - return this.readNumber(!1); - case 34: - case 39: - return this.readString(e); - case 47: - return this.readToken_slash(); - case 37: - case 42: - return this.readToken_mult_modulo(e); - case 124: - case 38: - return this.readToken_pipe_amp(e); - case 94: - return this.readToken_caret(); - case 43: - case 45: - return this.readToken_plus_min(e); - case 60: - case 62: - return this.readToken_lt_gt(e); - case 61: - case 33: - return this.readToken_eq_excl(e); - case 126: - return this.finishOp(C.prefix, 1) - } - this.raise(this.state.pos, 'Unexpected character \'' + R(e) + '\'') - }, - e.prototype.finishOp = function (e, t) { - var n = this.input.slice(this.state.pos, this.state.pos + t); - return this.state.pos += t, - this.finishToken(e, n) - }, - e.prototype.readRegexp = function () { - for (var e = this.state.pos, t = void 0, n = void 0; ; ) { - this.state.pos >= this.input.length && this.raise(e, 'Unterminated regular expression'); - var r = this.input.charAt(this.state.pos); - if (D.test(r) && this.raise(e, 'Unterminated regular expression'), t) t = !1; - else { - if ('[' === r) n = !0; - else if (']' === r && n) n = !1; - else if ('/' === r && !n) break; - t = '\\' === r - } - ++this.state.pos - } - var i = this.input.slice(e, this.state.pos); - ++this.state.pos; - var s = this.readWord1(); - if (s) { - /^[gmsiyu]*$/.test(s) || this.raise(e, 'Invalid regular expression flag') - } - return this.finishToken(C.regexp, { - pattern: i, - flags: s - }) - }, - e.prototype.readInt = function (e, t) { - for (var n = this.state.pos, r = 0, i = 0, s = null == t ? 1 / 0 : t; i < s; ++i) { - var o = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos), - a = void 0; - if ((a = o >= 97 ? o - 97 + 10 : o >= 65 ? o - 65 + 10 : o >= 48 && o <= 57 ? o - 48 : 1 / 0) >= e) break; - ++this.state.pos, - r = r * e + a - } - return this.state.pos === n || null != t && this.state.pos - n !== t ? null : r - }, - e.prototype.readRadixNumber = function (e) { - this.state.pos += 2; - var t = this.readInt(e); - return null == t && this.raise(this.state.start + 2, 'Expected number in radix ' + e), - f(this.fullCharCodeAtPos()) && this.raise(this.state.pos, 'Identifier directly after number'), - this.finishToken(C.num, t) - }, - e.prototype.readNumber = function (e) { - var t = this.state.pos, - n = 48 === this.input.charCodeAt(t), - r = !1; - e || null !== this.readInt(10) || this.raise(t, 'Invalid number'), - n && this.state.pos == t + 1 && (n = !1); - var i = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos); - 46 !== i || n || (++this.state.pos, this.readInt(10), r = !0, i = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos)), - 69 !== i && 101 !== i || n || (43 !== (i = this.input.charCodeAt(++this.state.pos)) && 45 !== i || ++this.state.pos, null === this.readInt(10) && this.raise(t, 'Invalid number'), r = !0), - f(this.fullCharCodeAtPos()) && this.raise(this.state.pos, 'Identifier directly after number'); - var s = this.input.slice(t, this.state.pos), - o = void 0; - return r ? o = parseFloat(s) : n && 1 !== s.length ? this.state.strict ? this.raise(t, 'Invalid number') : o = /[89]/.test(s) ? parseInt(s, 10) : parseInt(s, 8) : o = parseInt(s, 10), - this.finishToken(C.num, o) - }, - e.prototype.readCodePoint = function (e) { - var t = void 0; - if (123 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos)) { - var n = ++this.state.pos; - if (t = this.readHexChar(this.input.indexOf('}', this.state.pos) - this.state.pos, e), ++this.state.pos, null === t) --this.state.invalidTemplateEscapePosition; - else if (t > 1114111) { - if (!e) return this.state.invalidTemplateEscapePosition = n - 2, - null; - this.raise(n, 'Code point out of bounds') - } - } else t = this.readHexChar(4, e); - return t - }, - e.prototype.readString = function (e) { - for (var t = '', n = ++this.state.pos; ; ) { - this.state.pos >= this.input.length && this.raise(this.state.start, 'Unterminated string constant'); - var r = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos); - if (r === e) break; - 92 === r ? (t += this.input.slice(n, this.state.pos), t += this.readEscapedChar(!1), n = this.state.pos) : (S(r) && this.raise(this.state.start, 'Unterminated string constant'), ++this.state.pos) - } - return t += this.input.slice(n, this.state.pos++), - this.finishToken(C.string, t) - }, - e.prototype.readTmplToken = function () { - for (var e = '', t = this.state.pos, n = !1; ; ) { - this.state.pos >= this.input.length && this.raise(this.state.start, 'Unterminated template'); - var r = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos); - if (96 === r || 36 === r && 123 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos + 1)) return this.state.pos === this.state.start && this.match(C.template) ? 36 === r ? (this.state.pos += 2, this.finishToken(C.dollarBraceL)) : (++this.state.pos, this.finishToken(C.backQuote)) : (e += this.input.slice(t, this.state.pos), this.finishToken(C.template, n ? null : e)); - if (92 === r) { - e += this.input.slice(t, this.state.pos); - var i = this.readEscapedChar(!0); - null === i ? n = !0 : e += i, - t = this.state.pos - } else if (S(r)) { - switch (e += this.input.slice(t, this.state.pos), ++this.state.pos, r) { - case 13: - 10 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos) && ++this.state.pos; - case 10: - e += '\n'; - break; - default: - e += String.fromCharCode(r) - } - ++this.state.curLine, - this.state.lineStart = this.state.pos, - t = this.state.pos - } else ++this.state.pos - } - }, - e.prototype.readEscapedChar = function (e) { - var t = !e, - n = this.input.charCodeAt(++this.state.pos); - switch (++this.state.pos, n) { - case 110: - return '\n'; - case 114: - return '\r'; - case 120: - var r = this.readHexChar(2, t); - return null === r ? null : String.fromCharCode(r); - case 117: - var i = this.readCodePoint(t); - return null === i ? null : R(i); - case 116: - return '\t'; - case 98: - return ''; - case 118: - return '\v'; - case 102: - return '\f'; - case 13: - 10 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos) && ++this.state.pos; - case 10: - return this.state.lineStart = this.state.pos, - ++this.state.curLine, - ''; - default: - if (n >= 48 && n <= 55) { - var s = this.state.pos - 1, - o = this.input.substr(this.state.pos - 1, 3).match(/^[0-7]+/) [0], - a = parseInt(o, 8); - if (a > 255 && (o = o.slice(0, - 1), a = parseInt(o, 8)), a > 0) { - if (e) return this.state.invalidTemplateEscapePosition = s, - null; - this.state.strict ? this.raise(s, 'Octal literal in strict mode') : this.state.containsOctal || (this.state.containsOctal = !0, this.state.octalPosition = s) - } - return this.state.pos += o.length - 1, - String.fromCharCode(a) - } - return String.fromCharCode(n) - } - }, - e.prototype.readHexChar = function (e, t) { - var n = this.state.pos, - r = this.readInt(16, e); - return null === r && (t ? this.raise(n, 'Bad character escape sequence') : (this.state.pos = n - 1, this.state.invalidTemplateEscapePosition = n - 1)), - r - }, - e.prototype.readWord1 = function () { - this.state.containsEsc = !1; - for (var e = '', t = !0, n = this.state.pos; this.state.pos < this.input.length; ) { - var r = this.fullCharCodeAtPos(); - if (d(r)) this.state.pos += r <= 65535 ? 1 : 2; - else { - if (92 !== r) break; - this.state.containsEsc = !0, - e += this.input.slice(n, this.state.pos); - var i = this.state.pos; - 117 !== this.input.charCodeAt(++this.state.pos) && this.raise(this.state.pos, 'Expecting Unicode escape sequence \\uXXXX'), - ++this.state.pos; - var s = this.readCodePoint(!0); - (t ? f : d) (s, !0) || this.raise(i, 'Invalid Unicode escape'), - e += R(s), - n = this.state.pos - } - t = !1 - } - return e + this.input.slice(n, this.state.pos) - }, - e.prototype.readWord = function () { - var e = this.readWord1(), - t =; - return !this.state.containsEsc && this.isKeyword(e) && (t = w[e]), - this.finishToken(t, e) - }, - e.prototype.braceIsBlock = function (e) { - if (e === C.colon) { - var t = this.curContext(); - if (t === O.braceStatement || t === O.braceExpression) return !t.isExpr - } - return e === C._return ? D.test(this.input.slice(this.state.lastTokEnd, this.state.start)) : e === C._else || e === C.semi || e === C.eof || e === C.parenR || (e === C.braceL ? this.curContext() === O.braceStatement : !this.state.exprAllowed) - }, - e.prototype.updateContext = function (e) { - var t = this.state.type, - n = void 0; - t.keyword && e === ? this.state.exprAllowed = !1 : (n = t.updateContext) ?, e) : this.state.exprAllowed = t.beforeExpr - }, - e - }()), - M = j.prototype; - M.addExtra = function (e, t, n) { - e && ((e.extra = e.extra || { - }) [t] = n) - }, - M.isRelational = function (e) { - return this.match(C.relational) && this.state.value === e - }, - M.expectRelational = function (e) { - this.isRelational(e) ? : this.unexpected(null, C.relational) - }, - M.isContextual = function (e) { - return this.match( && this.state.value === e - }, - M.eatContextual = function (e) { - return this.state.value === e && - }, - M.expectContextual = function (e, t) { - this.eatContextual(e) || this.unexpected(null, t) - }, - M.canInsertSemicolon = function () { - return this.match(C.eof) || this.match(C.braceR) || D.test(this.input.slice(this.state.lastTokEnd, this.state.start)) - }, - M.isLineTerminator = function () { - return || this.canInsertSemicolon() - }, - M.semicolon = function () { - this.isLineTerminator() || this.unexpected(null, C.semi) - }, - M.expect = function (e, t) { - return || this.unexpected(t, e) - }, - M.unexpected = function (e) { - var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 'Unexpected token'; - t && 'object' === (void 0 === t ? 'undefined' : g(t)) && t.label && (t = 'Unexpected token, expected ' + t.label), - this.raise(null != e ? e : this.state.start, t) - }; - var U = j.prototype; - U.parseTopLevel = function (e, t) { - return t.sourceType = this.options.sourceType, - this.parseBlockBody(t, !0, !0, C.eof), - e.program = this.finishNode(t, 'Program'), - e.comments = this.state.comments, - e.tokens = this.state.tokens, - this.finishNode(e, 'File') - }; - var V = { - kind: 'loop' - }, - z = { - kind: 'switch' - }; - U.stmtToDirective = function (e) { - var t = e.expression, - n = this.startNodeAt(t.start, t.loc.start), - r = this.startNodeAt(e.start, e.loc.start), - i = this.input.slice(t.start, t.end), - s = n.value = i.slice(1, - 1); - return this.addExtra(n, 'raw', i), - this.addExtra(n, 'rawValue', s), - r.value = this.finishNodeAt(n, 'DirectiveLiteral', t.end, t.loc.end), - this.finishNodeAt(r, 'Directive', e.end, e.loc.end) - }, - U.parseStatement = function (e, t) { - this.match( && this.parseDecorators(!0); - var n = this.state.type, - r = this.startNode(); - switch (n) { - case C._break: - case C._continue: - return this.parseBreakContinueStatement(r, n.keyword); - case C._debugger: - return this.parseDebuggerStatement(r); - case C._do: - return this.parseDoStatement(r); - case C._for: - return this.parseForStatement(r); - case C._function: - return e || this.unexpected(), - this.parseFunctionStatement(r); - case C._class: - return e || this.unexpected(), - this.parseClass(r, !0); - case C._if: - return this.parseIfStatement(r); - case C._return: - return this.parseReturnStatement(r); - case C._switch: - return this.parseSwitchStatement(r); - case C._throw: - return this.parseThrowStatement(r); - case C._try: - return this.parseTryStatement(r); - case C._let: - case C._const: - e || this.unexpected(); - case C._var: - return this.parseVarStatement(r, n); - case C._while: - return this.parseWhileStatement(r); - case C._with: - return this.parseWithStatement(r); - case C.braceL: - return this.parseBlock(); - case C.semi: - return this.parseEmptyStatement(r); - case C._export: - case C._import: - if (this.hasPlugin('dynamicImport') && this.lookahead().type === C.parenL) break; - return this.options.allowImportExportEverywhere || (t || this.raise(this.state.start, '\'import\' and \'export\' may only appear at the top level'), this.inModule || this.raise(this.state.start, '\'import\' and \'export\' may appear only with \'sourceType: "module"\'')), - n === C._import ? this.parseImport(r) : this.parseExport(r); - case - if ('async' === this.state.value) { - var i = this.state.clone(); - if (, this.match(C._function) && !this.canInsertSemicolon()) return this.expect(C._function), - this.parseFunction(r, !0, !1, !0); - this.state = i - } - } - var s = this.state.value, - o = this.parseExpression(); - return n === && 'Identifier' === o.type && ? this.parseLabeledStatement(r, s, o) : this.parseExpressionStatement(r, o) - }, - U.takeDecorators = function (e) { - this.state.decorators.length && (e.decorators = this.state.decorators, this.state.decorators = [ - ]) - }, - U.parseDecorators = function (e) { - for (; this.match(; ) { - var t = this.parseDecorator(); - this.state.decorators.push(t) - } - e && this.match(C._export) || this.match(C._class) || this.raise(this.state.start, 'Leading decorators must be attached to a class declaration') - }, - U.parseDecorator = function () { - this.hasPlugin('decorators') || this.unexpected(); - var e = this.startNode(); - return, - e.expression = this.parseMaybeAssign(), - this.finishNode(e, 'Decorator') - }, - U.parseBreakContinueStatement = function (e, t) { - var n = 'break' === t; -, - this.isLineTerminator() ? e.label = null : this.match( ? (e.label = this.parseIdentifier(), this.semicolon()) : this.unexpected(); - var r = void 0; - for (r = 0; r < this.state.labels.length; ++r) { - var i = this.state.labels[r]; - if (null == e.label || === { - if (null != i.kind && (n || 'loop' === i.kind)) break; - if (e.label && n) break - } - } - return r === this.state.labels.length && this.raise(e.start, 'Unsyntactic ' + t), - this.finishNode(e, n ? 'BreakStatement' : 'ContinueStatement') - }, - U.parseDebuggerStatement = function (e) { - return, - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'DebuggerStatement') - }, - U.parseDoStatement = function (e) { - return, - this.state.labels.push(V), - e.body = this.parseStatement(!1), - this.state.labels.pop(), - this.expect(C._while), - e.test = this.parseParenExpression(), -, - this.finishNode(e, 'DoWhileStatement') - }, - U.parseForStatement = function (e) { -, - this.state.labels.push(V); - var t = !1; - if (this.hasPlugin('asyncGenerators') && this.state.inAsync && this.isContextual('await') && (t = !0,, this.expect(C.parenL), this.match(C.semi)) return t && this.unexpected(), - this.parseFor(e, null); - if (this.match(C._var) || this.match(C._let) || this.match(C._const)) { - var n = this.startNode(), - r = this.state.type; - return, - this.parseVar(n, !0, r), - this.finishNode(n, 'VariableDeclaration'), - !this.match(C._in) && !this.isContextual('of') || 1 !== n.declarations.length || n.declarations[0].init ? (t && this.unexpected(), this.parseFor(e, n)) : this.parseForIn(e, n, t) - } - var i = { - start: 0 - }, - s = this.parseExpression(!0, i); - if (this.match(C._in) || this.isContextual('of')) { - var o = this.isContextual('of') ? 'for-of statement' : 'for-in statement'; - return this.toAssignable(s, void 0, o), - this.checkLVal(s, void 0, void 0, o), - this.parseForIn(e, s, t) - } - return i.start && this.unexpected(i.start), - t && this.unexpected(), - this.parseFor(e, s) - }, - U.parseFunctionStatement = function (e) { - return, - this.parseFunction(e, !0) - }, - U.parseIfStatement = function (e) { - return, - e.test = this.parseParenExpression(), - e.consequent = this.parseStatement(!1), - e.alternate = ? this.parseStatement(!1) : null, - this.finishNode(e, 'IfStatement') - }, - U.parseReturnStatement = function (e) { - return this.state.inFunction || this.options.allowReturnOutsideFunction || this.raise(this.state.start, '\'return\' outside of function'), -, - this.isLineTerminator() ? e.argument = null : (e.argument = this.parseExpression(), this.semicolon()), - this.finishNode(e, 'ReturnStatement') - }, - U.parseSwitchStatement = function (e) { -, - e.discriminant = this.parseParenExpression(), - e.cases = [ - ], - this.expect(C.braceL), - this.state.labels.push(z); - for (var t, n = void 0; !this.match(C.braceR); ) if (this.match(C._case) || this.match(C._default)) { - var r = this.match(C._case); - n && this.finishNode(n, 'SwitchCase'), - e.cases.push(n = this.startNode()), - n.consequent = [ - ], -, - r ? n.test = this.parseExpression() : (t && this.raise(this.state.lastTokStart, 'Multiple default clauses'), t = !0, n.test = null), - this.expect(C.colon) - } else n ? n.consequent.push(this.parseStatement(!0)) : this.unexpected(); - return n && this.finishNode(n, 'SwitchCase'), -, - this.state.labels.pop(), - this.finishNode(e, 'SwitchStatement') - }, - U.parseThrowStatement = function (e) { - return, - D.test(this.input.slice(this.state.lastTokEnd, this.state.start)) && this.raise(this.state.lastTokEnd, 'Illegal newline after throw'), - e.argument = this.parseExpression(), - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'ThrowStatement') - }; - var q = [ - ]; - U.parseTryStatement = function (e) { - if (, e.block = this.parseBlock(), e.handler = null, this.match(C._catch)) { - var t = this.startNode(); -, - this.expect(C.parenL), - t.param = this.parseBindingAtom(), - this.checkLVal(t.param, !0, Object.create(null), 'catch clause'), - this.expect(C.parenR), - t.body = this.parseBlock(), - e.handler = this.finishNode(t, 'CatchClause') - } - return e.guardedHandlers = q, - e.finalizer = ? this.parseBlock() : null, - e.handler || e.finalizer || this.raise(e.start, 'Missing catch or finally clause'), - this.finishNode(e, 'TryStatement') - }, - U.parseVarStatement = function (e, t) { - return, - this.parseVar(e, !1, t), - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'VariableDeclaration') - }, - U.parseWhileStatement = function (e) { - return, - e.test = this.parseParenExpression(), - this.state.labels.push(V), - e.body = this.parseStatement(!1), - this.state.labels.pop(), - this.finishNode(e, 'WhileStatement') - }, - U.parseWithStatement = function (e) { - return this.state.strict && this.raise(this.state.start, '\'with\' in strict mode'), -, - e.object = this.parseParenExpression(), - e.body = this.parseStatement(!1), - this.finishNode(e, 'WithStatement') - }, - U.parseEmptyStatement = function (e) { - return, - this.finishNode(e, 'EmptyStatement') - }, - U.parseLabeledStatement = function (e, t, n) { - var r = this.state.labels, - i = Array.isArray(r), - s = 0; - for (r = i ? r : r[Symbol.iterator](); ; ) { - var o; - if (i) { - if (s >= r.length) break; - o = r[s++] - } else { - if ((s = break; - o = s.value - } - === t && this.raise(n.start, 'Label \'' + t + '\' is already declared') - } - for (var a = this.state.type.isLoop ? 'loop' : this.match(C._switch) ? 'switch' : null, u = this.state.labels.length - 1; u >= 0; u--) { - var l = this.state.labels[u]; - if (l.statementStart !== e.start) break; - l.statementStart = this.state.start, - l.kind = a - } - return this.state.labels.push({ - name: t, - kind: a, - statementStart: this.state.start - }), - e.body = this.parseStatement(!0), - this.state.labels.pop(), - e.label = n, - this.finishNode(e, 'LabeledStatement') - }, - U.parseExpressionStatement = function (e, t) { - return e.expression = t, - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'ExpressionStatement') - }, - U.parseBlock = function (e) { - var t = this.startNode(); - return this.expect(C.braceL), - this.parseBlockBody(t, e, !1, C.braceR), - this.finishNode(t, 'BlockStatement') - }, - U.isValidDirective = function (e) { - return 'ExpressionStatement' === e.type && 'StringLiteral' === e.expression.type && !e.expression.extra.parenthesized - }, - U.parseBlockBody = function (e, t, n, r) { - e.body = [ - ], - e.directives = [ - ]; - for (var i = !1, s = void 0, o = void 0; !; ) { - i || !this.state.containsOctal || o || (o = this.state.octalPosition); - var a = this.parseStatement(!0, n); - if (t && !i && this.isValidDirective(a)) { - var u = this.stmtToDirective(a); - e.directives.push(u), - void 0 === s && 'use strict' === u.value.value && (s = this.state.strict, this.setStrict(!0), o && this.raise(o, 'Octal literal in strict mode')) - } else i = !0, - e.body.push(a) - } - !1 === s && this.setStrict(!1) - }, - U.parseFor = function (e, t) { - return e.init = t, - this.expect(C.semi), - e.test = this.match(C.semi) ? null : this.parseExpression(), - this.expect(C.semi), - e.update = this.match(C.parenR) ? null : this.parseExpression(), - this.expect(C.parenR), - e.body = this.parseStatement(!1), - this.state.labels.pop(), - this.finishNode(e, 'ForStatement') - }, - U.parseForIn = function (e, t, n) { - var r = void 0; - return n ? (this.eatContextual('of'), r = 'ForAwaitStatement') : (r = this.match(C._in) ? 'ForInStatement' : 'ForOfStatement',, - e.left = t, - e.right = this.parseExpression(), - this.expect(C.parenR), - e.body = this.parseStatement(!1), - this.state.labels.pop(), - this.finishNode(e, r) - }, - U.parseVar = function (e, t, n) { - for (e.declarations = [ - ], e.kind = n.keyword; ; ) { - var r = this.startNode(); - if (this.parseVarHead(r), ? r.init = this.parseMaybeAssign(t) : n !== C._const || this.match(C._in) || this.isContextual('of') ? 'Identifier' === || t && (this.match(C._in) || this.isContextual('of')) ? r.init = null : this.raise(this.state.lastTokEnd, 'Complex binding patterns require an initialization value') : this.unexpected(), e.declarations.push(this.finishNode(r, 'VariableDeclarator')), ! break - } - return e - }, - U.parseVarHead = function (e) { - = this.parseBindingAtom(), - this.checkLVal(, !0, void 0, 'variable declaration') - }, - U.parseFunction = function (e, t, n, r, i) { - var s = this.state.inMethod; - return this.state.inMethod = !1, - this.initFunction(e, r), - this.match( && (e.async && !this.hasPlugin('asyncGenerators') ? this.unexpected() : (e.generator = !0,, - !t || i || this.match( || this.match(C._yield) || this.unexpected(), - (this.match( || this.match(C._yield)) && ( = this.parseBindingIdentifier()), - this.parseFunctionParams(e), - this.parseFunctionBody(e, n), - this.state.inMethod = s, - this.finishNode(e, t ? 'FunctionDeclaration' : 'FunctionExpression') - }, - U.parseFunctionParams = function (e) { - this.expect(C.parenL), - e.params = this.parseBindingList(C.parenR) - }, - U.parseClass = function (e, t, n) { - return, - this.takeDecorators(e), - this.parseClassId(e, t, n), - this.parseClassSuper(e), - this.parseClassBody(e), - this.finishNode(e, t ? 'ClassDeclaration' : 'ClassExpression') - }, - U.isClassProperty = function () { - return this.match(C.eq) || this.match(C.semi) || this.match(C.braceR) - }, - U.isClassMethod = function () { - return this.match(C.parenL) - }, - U.isNonstaticConstructor = function (e) { - return !(e.computed || e.static || 'constructor' !== && 'constructor' !== e.key.value) - }, - U.parseClassBody = function (e) { - var t = this.state.strict; - this.state.strict = !0; - var n = !1, - r = !1, - i = [ - ], - s = this.startNode(); - for (s.body = [ - ], this.expect(C.braceL); !; ) if ( i.length > 0 && this.raise(this.state.lastTokEnd, 'Decorators must not be followed by a semicolon'); - else if (this.match( i.push(this.parseDecorator()); - else { - var o = this.startNode(); - if (i.length && (o.decorators = i, i = [ - ]), o.static = !1, this.match( && 'static' === this.state.value) { - var a = this.parseIdentifier(!0); - if (this.isClassMethod()) { - o.kind = 'method', - o.computed = !1, - o.key = a, - this.parseClassMethod(s, o, !1, !1); - continue - } - if (this.isClassProperty()) { - o.computed = !1, - o.key = a, - s.body.push(this.parseClassProperty(o)); - continue - } - o.static = !0 - } - if ( o.kind = 'method', - this.parsePropertyName(o), - this.isNonstaticConstructor(o) && this.raise(o.key.start, 'Constructor can\'t be a generator'), - o.computed || !o.static || 'prototype' !== && 'prototype' !== o.key.value || this.raise(o.key.start, 'Classes may not have static property named prototype'), - this.parseClassMethod(s, o, !0, !1); - else { - var u = this.match(, - l = this.parsePropertyName(o); - if (o.computed || !o.static || 'prototype' !== && 'prototype' !== o.key.value || this.raise(o.key.start, 'Classes may not have static property named prototype'), this.isClassMethod()) this.isNonstaticConstructor(o) ? (r ? this.raise(l.start, 'Duplicate constructor in the same class') : o.decorators && this.raise(o.start, 'You can\'t attach decorators to a class constructor'), r = !0, o.kind = 'constructor') : o.kind = 'method', - this.parseClassMethod(s, o, !1, !1); - else if (this.isClassProperty()) this.isNonstaticConstructor(o) && this.raise(o.key.start, 'Classes may not have a non-static field named \'constructor\''), - s.body.push(this.parseClassProperty(o)); - else if (u && 'async' === && !this.isLineTerminator()) { - var c = this.hasPlugin('asyncGenerators') &&; - o.kind = 'method', - this.parsePropertyName(o), - this.isNonstaticConstructor(o) && this.raise(o.key.start, 'Constructor can\'t be an async function'), - this.parseClassMethod(s, o, c, !0) - } else !u || 'get' !== && 'set' !== || this.isLineTerminator() && this.match( ? this.hasPlugin('classConstructorCall') && u && 'call' === && this.match( && 'constructor' === this.state.value ? (n ? this.raise(o.start, 'Duplicate constructor call in the same class') : o.decorators && this.raise(o.start, 'You can\'t attach decorators to a class constructor'), n = !0, o.kind = 'constructorCall', this.parsePropertyName(o), this.parseClassMethod(s, o, !1, !1)) : this.isLineTerminator() ? (this.isNonstaticConstructor(o) && this.raise(o.key.start, 'Classes may not have a non-static field named \'constructor\''), s.body.push(this.parseClassProperty(o))) : this.unexpected() : (o.kind =, this.parsePropertyName(o), this.isNonstaticConstructor(o) && this.raise(o.key.start, 'Constructor can\'t have get/set modifier'), this.parseClassMethod(s, o, !1, !1), this.checkGetterSetterParamCount(o)) - } - } - i.length && this.raise(this.state.start, 'You have trailing decorators with no method'), - e.body = this.finishNode(s, 'ClassBody'), - this.state.strict = t - }, - U.parseClassProperty = function (e) { - return this.state.inClassProperty = !0, - this.match(C.eq) ? (this.hasPlugin('classProperties') || this.unexpected(),, e.value = this.parseMaybeAssign()) : e.value = null, - this.semicolon(), - this.state.inClassProperty = !1, - this.finishNode(e, 'ClassProperty') - }, - U.parseClassMethod = function (e, t, n, r) { - this.parseMethod(t, n, r), - e.body.push(this.finishNode(t, 'ClassMethod')) - }, - U.parseClassId = function (e, t, n) { - this.match( ? = this.parseIdentifier() : n || !t ? = null : this.unexpected() - }, - U.parseClassSuper = function (e) { - e.superClass = ? this.parseExprSubscripts() : null - }, - U.parseExport = function (e) { - if (, this.match( { - var t = this.startNode(); - if (, !this.hasPlugin('exportExtensions') || !this.eatContextual('as')) return this.parseExportFrom(e, !0), - this.finishNode(e, 'ExportAllDeclaration'); - t.exported = this.parseIdentifier(), - e.specifiers = [ - this.finishNode(t, 'ExportNamespaceSpecifier') - ], - this.parseExportSpecifiersMaybe(e), - this.parseExportFrom(e, !0) - } else if (this.hasPlugin('exportExtensions') && this.isExportDefaultSpecifier()) { - var n = this.startNode(); - if (n.exported = this.parseIdentifier(!0), e.specifiers = [ - this.finishNode(n, 'ExportDefaultSpecifier') - ], this.match(C.comma) && this.lookahead().type === { - this.expect(C.comma); - var r = this.startNode(); - this.expect(, - this.expectContextual('as'), - r.exported = this.parseIdentifier(), - e.specifiers.push(this.finishNode(r, 'ExportNamespaceSpecifier')) - } else this.parseExportSpecifiersMaybe(e); - this.parseExportFrom(e, !0) - } else { - if ( { - var i = this.startNode(), - s = !1; - return ? i = this.parseFunction(i, !0, !1, !1, !0) : this.match(C._class) ? i = this.parseClass(i, !0, !0) : (s = !0, i = this.parseMaybeAssign()), - e.declaration = i, - s && this.semicolon(), - this.checkExport(e, !0, !0), - this.finishNode(e, 'ExportDefaultDeclaration') - } - this.shouldParseExportDeclaration() ? (e.specifiers = [ - ], e.source = null, e.declaration = this.parseExportDeclaration(e)) : (e.declaration = null, e.specifiers = this.parseExportSpecifiers(), this.parseExportFrom(e)) - } - return this.checkExport(e, !0), - this.finishNode(e, 'ExportNamedDeclaration') - }, - U.parseExportDeclaration = function () { - return this.parseStatement(!0) - }, - U.isExportDefaultSpecifier = function () { - if (this.match( return 'async' !== this.state.value; - if (!this.match(C._default)) return !1; - var e = this.lookahead(); - return e.type === C.comma || e.type === && 'from' === e.value - }, - U.parseExportSpecifiersMaybe = function (e) { - && (e.specifiers = e.specifiers.concat(this.parseExportSpecifiers())) - }, - U.parseExportFrom = function (e, t) { - this.eatContextual('from') ? (e.source = this.match(C.string) ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.unexpected(), this.checkExport(e)) : t ? this.unexpected() : e.source = null, - this.semicolon() - }, - U.shouldParseExportDeclaration = function () { - return 'var' === this.state.type.keyword || 'const' === this.state.type.keyword || 'let' === this.state.type.keyword || 'function' === this.state.type.keyword || 'class' === this.state.type.keyword || this.isContextual('async') - }, - U.checkExport = function (e, t, n) { - if (t) if (n) this.checkDuplicateExports(e, 'default'); - else if (e.specifiers && e.specifiers.length) { - var r = e.specifiers, - i = Array.isArray(r), - s = 0; - for (r = i ? r : r[Symbol.iterator](); ; ) { - var o; - if (i) { - if (s >= r.length) break; - o = r[s++] - } else { - if ((s = break; - o = s.value - } - var a = o; - this.checkDuplicateExports(a, - } - } else if (e.declaration) if ('FunctionDeclaration' === e.declaration.type || 'ClassDeclaration' === e.declaration.type) this.checkDuplicateExports(e,; - else if ('VariableDeclaration' === e.declaration.type) { - var u = e.declaration.declarations, - l = Array.isArray(u), - c = 0; - for (u = l ? u : u[Symbol.iterator](); ; ) { - var p; - if (l) { - if (c >= u.length) break; - p = u[c++] - } else { - if ((c = break; - p = c.value - } - var h = p; - this.checkDeclaration( - } - } - if (this.state.decorators.length) { - var f = e.declaration && ('ClassDeclaration' === e.declaration.type || 'ClassExpression' === e.declaration.type); - e.declaration && f || this.raise(e.start, 'You can only use decorators on an export when exporting a class'), - this.takeDecorators(e.declaration) - } - }, - U.checkDeclaration = function (e) { - if ('ObjectPattern' === e.type) { - var t =, - n = Array.isArray(t), - r = 0; - for (t = n ? t : t[Symbol.iterator](); ; ) { - var i; - if (n) { - if (r >= t.length) break; - i = t[r++] - } else { - if ((r = break; - i = r.value - } - var s = i; - this.checkDeclaration(s) - } - } else if ('ArrayPattern' === e.type) { - var o = e.elements, - a = Array.isArray(o), - u = 0; - for (o = a ? o : o[Symbol.iterator](); ; ) { - var l; - if (a) { - if (u >= o.length) break; - l = o[u++] - } else { - if ((u = break; - l = u.value - } - var c = l; - c && this.checkDeclaration(c) - } - } else 'ObjectProperty' === e.type ? this.checkDeclaration(e.value) : 'RestElement' === e.type || 'RestProperty' === e.type ? this.checkDeclaration(e.argument) : 'Identifier' === e.type && this.checkDuplicateExports(e, - }, - U.checkDuplicateExports = function (e, t) { - this.state.exportedIdentifiers.indexOf(t) > - 1 && this.raiseDuplicateExportError(e, t), - this.state.exportedIdentifiers.push(t) - }, - U.raiseDuplicateExportError = function (e, t) { - this.raise(e.start, 'default' === t ? 'Only one default export allowed per module.' : '`' + t + '` has already been exported. Exported identifiers must be unique.') - }, - U.parseExportSpecifiers = function () { - var e = [ - ], - t = !0, - n = void 0; - for (this.expect(C.braceL); !; ) { - if (t) t = !1; - else if (this.expect(C.comma), break; - var r = this.match(C._default); - r && !n && (n = !0); - var i = this.startNode(); - i.local = this.parseIdentifier(r), - i.exported = this.eatContextual('as') ? this.parseIdentifier(!0) : i.local.__clone(), - e.push(this.finishNode(i, 'ExportSpecifier')) - } - return n && !this.isContextual('from') && this.unexpected(), - e - }, - U.parseImport = function (e) { - return, - this.match(C.string) ? (e.specifiers = [ - ], e.source = this.parseExprAtom()) : (e.specifiers = [ - ], this.parseImportSpecifiers(e), this.expectContextual('from'), e.source = this.match(C.string) ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.unexpected()), - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'ImportDeclaration') - }, - U.parseImportSpecifiers = function (e) { - var t = !0; - if (this.match( { - var n = this.state.start, - r = this.state.startLoc; - if (e.specifiers.push(this.parseImportSpecifierDefault(this.parseIdentifier(), n, r)), ! return - } - if (this.match( { - var i = this.startNode(); - return, - this.expectContextual('as'), - i.local = this.parseIdentifier(), - this.checkLVal(i.local, !0, void 0, 'import namespace specifier'), - void e.specifiers.push(this.finishNode(i, 'ImportNamespaceSpecifier')) - } - for (this.expect(C.braceL); !; ) { - if (t) t = !1; - else if ( && this.unexpected(null, 'ES2015 named imports do not destructure. Use another statement for destructuring after the import.'), this.expect(C.comma), break; - this.parseImportSpecifier(e) - } - }, - U.parseImportSpecifier = function (e) { - var t = this.startNode(); - t.imported = this.parseIdentifier(!0), - this.eatContextual('as') ? t.local = this.parseIdentifier() : (this.checkReservedWord(, t.start, !0, !0), t.local = t.imported.__clone()), - this.checkLVal(t.local, !0, void 0, 'import specifier'), - e.specifiers.push(this.finishNode(t, 'ImportSpecifier')) - }, - U.parseImportSpecifierDefault = function (e, t, n) { - var r = this.startNodeAt(t, n); - return r.local = e, - this.checkLVal(r.local, !0, void 0, 'default import specifier'), - this.finishNode(r, 'ImportDefaultSpecifier') - }; - var K = j.prototype; - K.toAssignable = function (e, t, n) { - if (e) switch (e.type) { - case 'Identifier': - case 'ObjectPattern': - case 'ArrayPattern': - case 'AssignmentPattern': - break; - case 'ObjectExpression': - e.type = 'ObjectPattern'; - var r =, - i = Array.isArray(r), - s = 0; - for (r = i ? r : r[Symbol.iterator](); ; ) { - var o; - if (i) { - if (s >= r.length) break; - o = r[s++] - } else { - if ((s = break; - o = s.value - } - var a = o; - 'ObjectMethod' === a.type ? 'get' === a.kind || 'set' === a.kind ? this.raise(a.key.start, 'Object pattern can\'t contain getter or setter') : this.raise(a.key.start, 'Object pattern can\'t contain methods') : this.toAssignable(a, t, 'object destructuring pattern') - } - break; - case 'ObjectProperty': - this.toAssignable(e.value, t, n); - break; - case 'SpreadProperty': - e.type = 'RestProperty'; - var u = e.argument; - this.toAssignable(u, t, n); - break; - case 'ArrayExpression': - e.type = 'ArrayPattern', - this.toAssignableList(e.elements, t, n); - break; - case 'AssignmentExpression': - '=' === e.operator ? (e.type = 'AssignmentPattern', delete e.operator) : this.raise(e.left.end, 'Only \'=\' operator can be used for specifying default value.'); - break; - case 'MemberExpression': - if (!t) break; - default: - var l = 'Invalid left-hand side' + (n ? ' in ' + n : 'expression'); - this.raise(e.start, l) - } - return e - }, - K.toAssignableList = function (e, t, n) { - var r = e.length; - if (r) { - var i = e[r - 1]; - if (i && 'RestElement' === i.type) --r; - else if (i && 'SpreadElement' === i.type) { - i.type = 'RestElement'; - var s = i.argument; - this.toAssignable(s, t, n), - 'Identifier' !== s.type && 'MemberExpression' !== s.type && 'ArrayPattern' !== s.type && this.unexpected(s.start), - --r - } - } - for (var o = 0; o < r; o++) { - var a = e[o]; - a && this.toAssignable(a, t, n) - } - return e - }, - K.toReferencedList = function (e) { - return e - }, - K.parseSpread = function (e) { - var t = this.startNode(); - return, - t.argument = this.parseMaybeAssign(!1, e), - this.finishNode(t, 'SpreadElement') - }, - K.parseRest = function () { - var e = this.startNode(); - return, - e.argument = this.parseBindingIdentifier(), - this.finishNode(e, 'RestElement') - }, - K.shouldAllowYieldIdentifier = function () { - return this.match(C._yield) && !this.state.strict && !this.state.inGenerator - }, - K.parseBindingIdentifier = function () { - return this.parseIdentifier(this.shouldAllowYieldIdentifier()) - }, - K.parseBindingAtom = function () { - switch (this.state.type) { - case C._yield: - (this.state.strict || this.state.inGenerator) && this.unexpected(); - case - return this.parseIdentifier(!0); - case C.bracketL: - var e = this.startNode(); - return, - e.elements = this.parseBindingList(C.bracketR, !0), - this.finishNode(e, 'ArrayPattern'); - case C.braceL: - return this.parseObj(!0); - default: - this.unexpected() - } - }, - K.parseBindingList = function (e, t) { - for (var n = [ - ], r = !0; !; ) if (r ? r = !1 : this.expect(C.comma), t && this.match(C.comma)) n.push(null); - else { - if ( break; - if (this.match(C.ellipsis)) { - n.push(this.parseAssignableListItemTypes(this.parseRest())), - this.expect(e); - break - } - for (var i = [ - ]; this.match(; ) i.push(this.parseDecorator()); - var s = this.parseMaybeDefault(); - i.length && (s.decorators = i), - this.parseAssignableListItemTypes(s), - n.push(this.parseMaybeDefault(s.start, s.loc.start, s)) - } - return n - }, - K.parseAssignableListItemTypes = function (e) { - return e - }, - K.parseMaybeDefault = function (e, t, n) { - if (t = t || this.state.startLoc, e = e || this.state.start, n = n || this.parseBindingAtom(), ! return n; - var r = this.startNodeAt(e, t); - return r.left = n, - r.right = this.parseMaybeAssign(), - this.finishNode(r, 'AssignmentPattern') - }, - K.checkLVal = function (e, t, n, r) { - switch (e.type) { - case 'Identifier': - if (this.checkReservedWord(, e.start, !1, !0), n) { - var i = '_' +; - n[i] ? this.raise(e.start, 'Argument name clash in strict mode') : n[i] = !0 - } - break; - case 'MemberExpression': - t && this.raise(e.start, (t ? 'Binding' : 'Assigning to') + ' member expression'); - break; - case 'ObjectPattern': - var s =, - o = Array.isArray(s), - a = 0; - for (s = o ? s : s[Symbol.iterator](); ; ) { - var u; - if (o) { - if (a >= s.length) break; - u = s[a++] - } else { - if ((a = break; - u = a.value - } - var l = u; - 'ObjectProperty' === l.type && (l = l.value), - this.checkLVal(l, t, n, 'object destructuring pattern') - } - break; - case 'ArrayPattern': - var c = e.elements, - p = Array.isArray(c), - h = 0; - for (c = p ? c : c[Symbol.iterator](); ; ) { - var f; - if (p) { - if (h >= c.length) break; - f = c[h++] - } else { - if ((h = break; - f = h.value - } - var d = f; - d && this.checkLVal(d, t, n, 'array destructuring pattern') - } - break; - case 'AssignmentPattern': - this.checkLVal(e.left, t, n, 'assignment pattern'); - break; - case 'RestProperty': - this.checkLVal(e.argument, t, n, 'rest property'); - break; - case 'RestElement': - this.checkLVal(e.argument, t, n, 'rest element'); - break; - default: - var m = (t ? 'Binding invalid' : 'Invalid') + ' left-hand side' + (r ? ' in ' + r : 'expression'); - this.raise(e.start, m) - } - }; - var $ = j.prototype; - $.checkPropClash = function (e, t) { - if (!e.computed && !e.kind) { - var n = e.key; - '__proto__' === ('Identifier' === n.type ? : String(n.value)) && (t.proto && this.raise(n.start, 'Redefinition of __proto__ property'), t.proto = !0) - } - }, - $.getExpression = function () { - this.nextToken(); - var e = this.parseExpression(); - return this.match(C.eof) || this.unexpected(), - e - }, - $.parseExpression = function (e, t) { - var n = this.state.start, - r = this.state.startLoc, - i = this.parseMaybeAssign(e, t); - if (this.match(C.comma)) { - var s = this.startNodeAt(n, r); - for (s.expressions = [ - i - ];; ) s.expressions.push(this.parseMaybeAssign(e, t)); - return this.toReferencedList(s.expressions), - this.finishNode(s, 'SequenceExpression') - } - return i - }, - $.parseMaybeAssign = function (e, t, n, r) { - var i = this.state.start, - s = this.state.startLoc; - if (this.match(C._yield) && this.state.inGenerator) { - var o = this.parseYield(); - return n && (o =, o, i, s)), - o - } - var a = void 0; - t ? a = !1 : (t = { - start: 0 - }, a = !0), - (this.match(C.parenL) || this.match( && (this.state.potentialArrowAt = this.state.start); - var u = this.parseMaybeConditional(e, t, r); - if (n && (u =, u, i, s)), this.state.type.isAssign) { - var l = this.startNodeAt(i, s); - if (l.operator = this.state.value, l.left = this.match(C.eq) ? this.toAssignable(u, void 0, 'assignment expression') : u, t.start = 0, this.checkLVal(u, void 0, void 0, 'assignment expression'), u.extra && u.extra.parenthesized) { - var c = void 0; - 'ObjectPattern' === u.type ? c = '`({a}) = 0` use `({a} = 0)`' : 'ArrayPattern' === u.type && (c = '`([a]) = 0` use `([a] = 0)`'), - c && this.raise(u.start, 'You\'re trying to assign to a parenthesized expression, eg. instead of ' + c) - } - return, - l.right = this.parseMaybeAssign(e), - this.finishNode(l, 'AssignmentExpression') - } - return a && t.start && this.unexpected(t.start), - u - }, - $.parseMaybeConditional = function (e, t, n) { - var r = this.state.start, - i = this.state.startLoc, - s = this.parseExprOps(e, t); - return t && t.start ? s : this.parseConditional(s, e, r, i, n) - }, - $.parseConditional = function (e, t, n, r) { - if ( { - var i = this.startNodeAt(n, r); - return i.test = e, - i.consequent = this.parseMaybeAssign(), - this.expect(C.colon), - i.alternate = this.parseMaybeAssign(t), - this.finishNode(i, 'ConditionalExpression') - } - return e - }, - $.parseExprOps = function (e, t) { - var n = this.state.start, - r = this.state.startLoc, - i = this.parseMaybeUnary(t); - return t && t.start ? i : this.parseExprOp(i, n, r, - 1, e) - }, - $.parseExprOp = function (e, t, n, r, i) { - var s = this.state.type.binop; - if (!(null == s || i && this.match(C._in)) && s > r) { - var o = this.startNodeAt(t, n); - o.left = e, - o.operator = this.state.value, - '**' !== o.operator || 'UnaryExpression' !== e.type || !e.extra || e.extra.parenthesizedArgument || e.extra.parenthesized || this.raise(e.argument.start, 'Illegal expression. Wrap left hand side or entire exponentiation in parentheses.'); - var a = this.state.type; -; - var u = this.state.start, - l = this.state.startLoc; - return o.right = this.parseExprOp(this.parseMaybeUnary(), u, l, a.rightAssociative ? s - 1 : s, i), - this.finishNode(o, a === C.logicalOR || a === C.logicalAND ? 'LogicalExpression' : 'BinaryExpression'), - this.parseExprOp(o, t, n, r, i) - } - return e - }, - $.parseMaybeUnary = function (e) { - if (this.state.type.prefix) { - var t = this.startNode(), - n = this.match(C.incDec); - t.operator = this.state.value, - t.prefix = !0, -; - var r = this.state.type; - return t.argument = this.parseMaybeUnary(), - this.addExtra(t, 'parenthesizedArgument', !(r !== C.parenL || t.argument.extra && t.argument.extra.parenthesized)), - e && e.start && this.unexpected(e.start), - n ? this.checkLVal(t.argument, void 0, void 0, 'prefix operation') : this.state.strict && 'delete' === t.operator && 'Identifier' === t.argument.type && this.raise(t.start, 'Deleting local variable in strict mode'), - this.finishNode(t, n ? 'UpdateExpression' : 'UnaryExpression') - } - var i = this.state.start, - s = this.state.startLoc, - o = this.parseExprSubscripts(e); - if (e && e.start) return o; - for (; this.state.type.postfix && !this.canInsertSemicolon(); ) { - var a = this.startNodeAt(i, s); - a.operator = this.state.value, - a.prefix = !1, - a.argument = o, - this.checkLVal(o, void 0, void 0, 'postfix operation'), -, - o = this.finishNode(a, 'UpdateExpression') - } - return o - }, - $.parseExprSubscripts = function (e) { - var t = this.state.start, - n = this.state.startLoc, - r = this.state.potentialArrowAt, - i = this.parseExprAtom(e); - return 'ArrowFunctionExpression' === i.type && i.start === r ? i : e && e.start ? i : this.parseSubscripts(i, t, n) - }, - $.parseSubscripts = function (e, t, n, r) { - for (; ; ) { - if (!r && { - var i = this.startNodeAt(t, n); - return i.object = e, - i.callee = this.parseNoCallExpr(), - this.parseSubscripts(this.finishNode(i, 'BindExpression'), t, n, r) - } - if ( { - var s = this.startNodeAt(t, n); - s.object = e, - = this.parseIdentifier(!0), - s.computed = !1, - e = this.finishNode(s, 'MemberExpression') - } else if ( { - var o = this.startNodeAt(t, n); - o.object = e, - = this.parseExpression(), - o.computed = !0, - this.expect(C.bracketR), - e = this.finishNode(o, 'MemberExpression') - } else if (!r && this.match(C.parenL)) { - var a = this.state.potentialArrowAt === e.start && 'Identifier' === e.type && 'async' === && !this.canInsertSemicolon(); -; - var u = this.startNodeAt(t, n); - if (u.callee = e, u.arguments = this.parseCallExpressionArguments(C.parenR, a), 'Import' === u.callee.type && 1 !== u.arguments.length && this.raise(u.start, 'import() requires exactly one argument'), e = this.finishNode(u, 'CallExpression'), a && this.shouldParseAsyncArrow()) return this.parseAsyncArrowFromCallExpression(this.startNodeAt(t, n), u); - this.toReferencedList(u.arguments) - } else { - if (!this.match(C.backQuote)) return e; - var l = this.startNodeAt(t, n); - l.tag = e, - l.quasi = this.parseTemplate(!0), - e = this.finishNode(l, 'TaggedTemplateExpression') - } - } - }, - $.parseCallExpressionArguments = function (e, t) { - for (var n = [ - ], r = void 0, i = !0; !; ) { - if (i) i = !1; - else if (this.expect(C.comma), break; - this.match(C.parenL) && !r && (r = this.state.start), - n.push(this.parseExprListItem(!1, t ? { - start: 0 - } - : void 0, t ? { - start: 0 - } - : void 0)) - } - return t && r && this.shouldParseAsyncArrow() && this.unexpected(), - n - }, - $.shouldParseAsyncArrow = function () { - return this.match(C.arrow) - }, - $.parseAsyncArrowFromCallExpression = function (e, t) { - return this.expect(C.arrow), - this.parseArrowExpression(e, t.arguments, !0) - }, - $.parseNoCallExpr = function () { - var e = this.state.start, - t = this.state.startLoc; - return this.parseSubscripts(this.parseExprAtom(), e, t, !0) - }, - $.parseExprAtom = function (e) { - var t = this.state.potentialArrowAt === this.state.start, - n = void 0; - switch (this.state.type) { - case C._super: - return this.state.inMethod || this.state.inClassProperty || this.options.allowSuperOutsideMethod || this.raise(this.state.start, '\'super\' outside of function or class'), - n = this.startNode(), -, - this.match(C.parenL) || this.match(C.bracketL) || this.match( || this.unexpected(), - this.match(C.parenL) && 'constructor' !== this.state.inMethod && !this.options.allowSuperOutsideMethod && this.raise(n.start, 'super() outside of class constructor'), - this.finishNode(n, 'Super'); - case C._import: - return this.hasPlugin('dynamicImport') || this.unexpected(), - n = this.startNode(), -, - this.match(C.parenL) || this.unexpected(null, C.parenL), - this.finishNode(n, 'Import'); - case C._this: - return n = this.startNode(), -, - this.finishNode(n, 'ThisExpression'); - case C._yield: - this.state.inGenerator && this.unexpected(); - case - n = this.startNode(); - var r = 'await' === this.state.value && this.state.inAsync, - i = this.shouldAllowYieldIdentifier(), - s = this.parseIdentifier(r || i); - if ('await' === { - if (this.state.inAsync || this.inModule) return this.parseAwait(n) - } else { - if ('async' === && this.match(C._function) && !this.canInsertSemicolon()) return, - this.parseFunction(n, !1, !1, !0); - if (t && 'async' === && this.match( { - var o = [ - this.parseIdentifier() - ]; - return this.expect(C.arrow), - this.parseArrowExpression(n, o, !0) - } - } - return t && !this.canInsertSemicolon() && ? this.parseArrowExpression(n, [ - s - ]) : s; - case C._do: - if (this.hasPlugin('doExpressions')) { - var a = this.startNode(); -; - var u = this.state.inFunction, - l = this.state.labels; - return this.state.labels = [ - ], - this.state.inFunction = !1, - a.body = this.parseBlock(!1, !0), - this.state.inFunction = u, - this.state.labels = l, - this.finishNode(a, 'DoExpression') - } - case C.regexp: - var c = this.state.value; - return (n = this.parseLiteral(c.value, 'RegExpLiteral')).pattern = c.pattern, - n.flags = c.flags, - n; - case C.num: - return this.parseLiteral(this.state.value, 'NumericLiteral'); - case C.string: - return this.parseLiteral(this.state.value, 'StringLiteral'); - case C._null: - return n = this.startNode(), -, - this.finishNode(n, 'NullLiteral'); - case C._true: - case C._false: - return (n = this.startNode()).value = this.match(C._true), -, - this.finishNode(n, 'BooleanLiteral'); - case C.parenL: - return this.parseParenAndDistinguishExpression(null, null, t); - case C.bracketL: - return n = this.startNode(), -, - n.elements = this.parseExprList(C.bracketR, !0, e), - this.toReferencedList(n.elements), - this.finishNode(n, 'ArrayExpression'); - case C.braceL: - return this.parseObj(!1, e); - case C._function: - return this.parseFunctionExpression(); - case - this.parseDecorators(); - case C._class: - return n = this.startNode(), - this.takeDecorators(n), - this.parseClass(n, !1); - case C._new: - return this.parseNew(); - case C.backQuote: - return this.parseTemplate(!1); - case C.doubleColon: - n = this.startNode(), -, - n.object = null; - var p = n.callee = this.parseNoCallExpr(); - if ('MemberExpression' === p.type) return this.finishNode(n, 'BindExpression'); - this.raise(p.start, 'Binding should be performed on object property.'); - default: - this.unexpected() - } - }, - $.parseFunctionExpression = function () { - var e = this.startNode(), - t = this.parseIdentifier(!0); - return this.state.inGenerator && && this.hasPlugin('functionSent') ? this.parseMetaProperty(e, t, 'sent') : this.parseFunction(e, !1) - }, - $.parseMetaProperty = function (e, t, n) { - return e.meta = t, - = this.parseIdentifier(!0), - !== n && this.raise(, 'The only valid meta property for new is ' + + '.' + n), - this.finishNode(e, 'MetaProperty') - }, - $.parseLiteral = function (e, t, n, r) { - n = n || this.state.start, - r = r || this.state.startLoc; - var i = this.startNodeAt(n, r); - return this.addExtra(i, 'rawValue', e), - this.addExtra(i, 'raw', this.input.slice(n, this.state.end)), - i.value = e, -, - this.finishNode(i, t) - }, - $.parseParenExpression = function () { - this.expect(C.parenL); - var e = this.parseExpression(); - return this.expect(C.parenR), - e - }, - $.parseParenAndDistinguishExpression = function (e, t, n) { - e = e || this.state.start, - t = t || this.state.startLoc; - var r = void 0; - this.expect(C.parenL); - for (var i = this.state.start, s = this.state.startLoc, o = [ - ], a = { - start: 0 - }, u = { - start: 0 - }, l = !0, c = void 0, p = void 0; !this.match(C.parenR); ) { - if (l) l = !1; - else if (this.expect(C.comma, u.start || null), this.match(C.parenR)) { - p = this.state.start; - break - } - if (this.match(C.ellipsis)) { - var h = this.state.start, - f = this.state.startLoc; - c = this.state.start, - o.push(this.parseParenItem(this.parseRest(), h, f)); - break - } - o.push(this.parseMaybeAssign(!1, a, this.parseParenItem, u)) - } - var d = this.state.start, - m = this.state.startLoc; - this.expect(C.parenR); - var g = this.startNodeAt(e, t); - if (n && this.shouldParseArrow() && (g = this.parseArrow(g))) { - var y = o, - v = Array.isArray(y), - b = 0; - for (y = v ? y : y[Symbol.iterator](); ; ) { - var x; - if (v) { - if (b >= y.length) break; - x = y[b++] - } else { - if ((b = break; - x = b.value - } - var A = x; - A.extra && A.extra.parenthesized && this.unexpected(A.extra.parenStart) - } - return this.parseArrowExpression(g, o) - } - return o.length || this.unexpected(this.state.lastTokStart), - p && this.unexpected(p), - c && this.unexpected(c), - a.start && this.unexpected(a.start), - u.start && this.unexpected(u.start), - o.length > 1 ? ((r = this.startNodeAt(i, s)).expressions = o, this.toReferencedList(r.expressions), this.finishNodeAt(r, 'SequenceExpression', d, m)) : r = o[0], - this.addExtra(r, 'parenthesized', !0), - this.addExtra(r, 'parenStart', e), - r - }, - $.shouldParseArrow = function () { - return !this.canInsertSemicolon() - }, - $.parseArrow = function (e) { - if ( return e - }, - $.parseParenItem = function (e) { - return e - }, - $.parseNew = function () { - var e = this.startNode(), - t = this.parseIdentifier(!0); - if ( { - var n = this.parseMetaProperty(e, t, 'target'); - return this.state.inFunction || this.raise(, ' can only be used in functions'), - n - } - return e.callee = this.parseNoCallExpr(), - ? (e.arguments = this.parseExprList(C.parenR), this.toReferencedList(e.arguments)) : e.arguments = [ - ], - this.finishNode(e, 'NewExpression') - }, - $.parseTemplateElement = function (e) { - var t = this.startNode(); - return null === this.state.value && (e && this.hasPlugin('templateInvalidEscapes') ? this.state.invalidTemplateEscapePosition = null : this.raise(this.state.invalidTemplateEscapePosition, 'Invalid escape sequence in template')), - t.value = { - raw: this.input.slice(this.state.start, this.state.end).replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n'), - cooked: this.state.value - }, -, - t.tail = this.match(C.backQuote), - this.finishNode(t, 'TemplateElement') - }, - $.parseTemplate = function (e) { - var t = this.startNode(); -, - t.expressions = [ - ]; - var n = this.parseTemplateElement(e); - for (t.quasis = [ - n - ]; !n.tail; ) this.expect(C.dollarBraceL), - t.expressions.push(this.parseExpression()), - this.expect(C.braceR), - t.quasis.push(n = this.parseTemplateElement(e)); - return, - this.finishNode(t, 'TemplateLiteral') - }, - $.parseObj = function (e, t) { - var n = [ - ], - r = Object.create(null), - i = !0, - s = this.startNode(); - = [ - ], -; - for (var o = null; !; ) { - if (i) i = !1; - else if (this.expect(C.comma), break; - for (; this.match(; ) n.push(this.parseDecorator()); - var a = this.startNode(), - u = !1, - l = !1, - c = void 0, - p = void 0; - if (n.length && (a.decorators = n, n = [ - ]), this.hasPlugin('objectRestSpread') && this.match(C.ellipsis)) { - if ((a = this.parseSpread(e ? { - start: 0 - } - : void 0)).type = e ? 'RestProperty' : 'SpreadProperty', e && this.toAssignable(a.argument, !0, 'object pattern'),, !e) continue; - var h = this.state.start; - if (null === o) { - if ( break; - if (this.match(C.comma) && this.lookahead().type === C.braceR) continue; - o = h; - continue - } - this.unexpected(o, 'Cannot have multiple rest elements when destructuring') - } - if (a.method = !1, a.shorthand = !1, (e || t) && (c = this.state.start, p = this.state.startLoc), e || (u =, !e && this.isContextual('async')) { - u && this.unexpected(); - var f = this.parseIdentifier(); - this.match(C.colon) || this.match(C.parenL) || this.match(C.braceR) || this.match(C.eq) || this.match(C.comma) ? (a.key = f, a.computed = !1) : (l = !0, this.hasPlugin('asyncGenerators') && (u =, this.parsePropertyName(a)) - } else this.parsePropertyName(a); - this.parseObjPropValue(a, c, p, u, l, e, t), - this.checkPropClash(a, r), - a.shorthand && this.addExtra(a, 'shorthand', !0), - - } - return null !== o && this.unexpected(o, 'The rest element has to be the last element when destructuring'), - n.length && this.raise(this.state.start, 'You have trailing decorators with no property'), - this.finishNode(s, e ? 'ObjectPattern' : 'ObjectExpression') - }, - $.isGetterOrSetterMethod = function (e, t) { - return !t && !e.computed && 'Identifier' === e.key.type && ('get' === || 'set' === && (this.match(C.string) || this.match(C.num) || this.match(C.bracketL) || this.match( || this.state.type.keyword) - }, - $.checkGetterSetterParamCount = function (e) { - var t = 'get' === e.kind ? 0 : 1; - if (e.params.length !== t) { - var n = e.start; - 'get' === e.kind ? this.raise(n, 'getter should have no params') : this.raise(n, 'setter should have exactly one param') - } - }, - $.parseObjectMethod = function (e, t, n, r) { - return n || t || this.match(C.parenL) ? (r && this.unexpected(), e.kind = 'method', e.method = !0, this.parseMethod(e, t, n), this.finishNode(e, 'ObjectMethod')) : this.isGetterOrSetterMethod(e, r) ? ((t || n) && this.unexpected(), e.kind =, this.parsePropertyName(e), this.parseMethod(e), this.checkGetterSetterParamCount(e), this.finishNode(e, 'ObjectMethod')) : void 0 - }, - $.parseObjectProperty = function (e, t, n, r, i) { - return ? (e.value = r ? this.parseMaybeDefault(this.state.start, this.state.startLoc) : this.parseMaybeAssign(!1, i), this.finishNode(e, 'ObjectProperty')) : e.computed || 'Identifier' !== e.key.type ? void 0 : (this.checkReservedWord(, e.key.start, !0, !0), r ? e.value = this.parseMaybeDefault(t, n, e.key.__clone()) : this.match(C.eq) && i ? (i.start || (i.start = this.state.start), e.value = this.parseMaybeDefault(t, n, e.key.__clone())) : e.value = e.key.__clone(), e.shorthand = !0, this.finishNode(e, 'ObjectProperty')) - }, - $.parseObjPropValue = function (e, t, n, r, i, s, o) { - var a = this.parseObjectMethod(e, r, i, s) || this.parseObjectProperty(e, t, n, s, o); - return a || this.unexpected(), - a - }, - $.parsePropertyName = function (e) { - if ( e.computed = !0, - e.key = this.parseMaybeAssign(), - this.expect(C.bracketR); - else { - e.computed = !1; - var t = this.state.inPropertyName; - this.state.inPropertyName = !0, - e.key = this.match(C.num) || this.match(C.string) ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.parseIdentifier(!0), - this.state.inPropertyName = t - } - return e.key - }, - $.initFunction = function (e, t) { - = null, - e.generator = !1, - e.expression = !1, - e.async = !!t - }, - $.parseMethod = function (e, t, n) { - var r = this.state.inMethod; - return this.state.inMethod = e.kind || !0, - this.initFunction(e, n), - this.expect(C.parenL), - e.params = this.parseBindingList(C.parenR), - e.generator = !!t, - this.parseFunctionBody(e), - this.state.inMethod = r, - e - }, - $.parseArrowExpression = function (e, t, n) { - return this.initFunction(e, n), - e.params = this.toAssignableList(t, !0, 'arrow function parameters'), - this.parseFunctionBody(e, !0), - this.finishNode(e, 'ArrowFunctionExpression') - }, - $.isStrictBody = function (e, t) { - if (!t && e.body.directives.length) { - var n = e.body.directives, - r = Array.isArray(n), - i = 0; - for (n = r ? n : n[Symbol.iterator](); ; ) { - var s; - if (r) { - if (i >= n.length) break; - s = n[i++] - } else { - if ((i = break; - s = i.value - } - if ('use strict' === s.value.value) return !0 - } - } - return !1 - }, - $.parseFunctionBody = function (e, t) { - var n = t && !this.match(C.braceL), - r = this.state.inAsync; - if (this.state.inAsync = e.async, n) e.body = this.parseMaybeAssign(), - e.expression = !0; - else { - var i = this.state.inFunction, - s = this.state.inGenerator, - o = this.state.labels; - this.state.inFunction = !0, - this.state.inGenerator = e.generator, - this.state.labels = [ - ], - e.body = this.parseBlock(!0), - e.expression = !1, - this.state.inFunction = i, - this.state.inGenerator = s, - this.state.labels = o - } - this.state.inAsync = r; - var a = this.isStrictBody(e, n), - u = this.state.strict || t || a; - if (a && && 'Identifier' === && 'yield' === && this.raise(, 'Binding yield in strict mode'), u) { - var l = Object.create(null), - c = this.state.strict; - a && (this.state.strict = !0), - && this.checkLVal(, !0, void 0, 'function name'); - var p = e.params, - h = Array.isArray(p), - f = 0; - for (p = h ? p : p[Symbol.iterator](); ; ) { - var d; - if (h) { - if (f >= p.length) break; - d = p[f++] - } else { - if ((f = break; - d = f.value - } - var m = d; - a && 'Identifier' !== m.type && this.raise(m.start, 'Non-simple parameter in strict mode'), - this.checkLVal(m, !0, l, 'function parameter list') - } - this.state.strict = c - } - }, - $.parseExprList = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = [ - ], i = !0; !; ) { - if (i) i = !1; - else if (this.expect(C.comma), break; - r.push(this.parseExprListItem(t, n)) - } - return r - }, - $.parseExprListItem = function (e, t, n) { - return e && this.match(C.comma) ? null : this.match(C.ellipsis) ? this.parseSpread(t) : this.parseMaybeAssign(!1, t, this.parseParenItem, n) - }, - $.parseIdentifier = function (e) { - var t = this.startNode(); - return e || this.checkReservedWord(this.state.value, this.state.start, !!this.state.type.keyword, !1), - this.match( ? = this.state.value : this.state.type.keyword ? = this.state.type.keyword : this.unexpected(), - !e && 'await' === && this.state.inAsync && this.raise(t.start, 'invalid use of await inside of an async function'), - t.loc.identifierName =, -, - this.finishNode(t, 'Identifier') - }, - $.checkReservedWord = function (e, t, n, r) { - (this.isReservedWord(e) || n && this.isKeyword(e)) && this.raise(t, e + ' is a reserved word'), - this.state.strict && (i.strict(e) || r && i.strictBind(e)) && this.raise(t, e + ' is a reserved word in strict mode') - }, - $.parseAwait = function (e) { - return this.state.inAsync || this.unexpected(), - this.match( && this.raise(e.start, 'await* has been removed from the async functions proposal. Use Promise.all() instead.'), - e.argument = this.parseMaybeUnary(), - this.finishNode(e, 'AwaitExpression') - }, - $.parseYield = function () { - var e = this.startNode(); - return, - this.match(C.semi) || this.canInsertSemicolon() || !this.match( && !this.state.type.startsExpr ? (e.delegate = !1, e.argument = null) : (e.delegate =, e.argument = this.parseMaybeAssign()), - this.finishNode(e, 'YieldExpression') - }; - var Y = j.prototype, - W = [ - 'leadingComments', - 'trailingComments', - 'innerComments' - ], - G = function () { - function e(t, n, r) { - y(this, e), - this.type = '', - this.start = t, - this.end = 0, - this.loc = new P(n), - r && (this.loc.filename = r) - } - return e.prototype.__clone = function () { - var t = new e; - for (var n in this) W.indexOf(n) < 0 && (t[n] = this[n]); - return t - }, - e - }(); - function H(e, t, n, r) { - return e.type = t, - e.end = n, - e.loc.end = r, - this.processComment(e), - e - } - function X(e) { - return e[e.length - 1] - } - Y.startNode = function () { - return new G(this.state.start, this.state.startLoc, this.filename) - }, - Y.startNodeAt = function (e, t) { - return new G(e, t, this.filename) - }, - Y.finishNode = function (e, t) { - return, e, t, this.state.lastTokEnd, this.state.lastTokEndLoc) - }, - Y.finishNodeAt = function (e, t, n, r) { - return, e, t, n, r) - }, - j.prototype.raise = function (e, t) { - var n = function (e, t) { - for (var n = 1, r = 0; ; ) { - k.lastIndex = r; - var i = k.exec(e); - if (!(i && i.index < t)) return new B(n, t - r); - ++n, - r = i.index + i[0].length - } - }(this.input, e); - t += ' (' + n.line + ':' + n.column + ')'; - var r = new SyntaxError(t); - throw r.pos = e, - r.loc = n, - r - }; - var J = j.prototype; - J.addComment = function (e) { - this.filename && (e.loc.filename = this.filename), - this.state.trailingComments.push(e), - this.state.leadingComments.push(e) - }, - J.processComment = function (e) { - if (!('Program' === e.type && e.body.length > 0)) { - var t = this.state.commentStack, - n = void 0, - r = void 0, - i = void 0, - s = void 0, - o = void 0; - if (this.state.trailingComments.length > 0) this.state.trailingComments[0].start >= e.end ? (i = this.state.trailingComments, this.state.trailingComments = [ - ]) : this.state.trailingComments.length = 0; - else { - var a = X(t); - t.length > 0 && a.trailingComments && a.trailingComments[0].start >= e.end && (i = a.trailingComments, a.trailingComments = null) - } - for (t.length > 0 && X(t).start >= e.start && (n = t.pop()); t.length > 0 && X(t).start >= e.start; ) r = t.pop(); - if (!r && n && (r = n), n && this.state.leadingComments.length > 0) { - var u = X(this.state.leadingComments); - if ('ObjectProperty' === n.type) { - if (u.start >= e.start && this.state.commentPreviousNode) { - for (o = 0; o < this.state.leadingComments.length; o++) this.state.leadingComments[o].end < this.state.commentPreviousNode.end && (this.state.leadingComments.splice(o, 1), o--); - this.state.leadingComments.length > 0 && (n.trailingComments = this.state.leadingComments, this.state.leadingComments = [ - ]) - } - } else if ('CallExpression' === e.type && e.arguments && e.arguments.length) { - var l = X(e.arguments); - l && u.start >= l.start && u.end <= e.end && this.state.commentPreviousNode && this.state.leadingComments.length > 0 && (l.trailingComments = this.state.leadingComments, this.state.leadingComments = [ - ]) - } - } - if (r) { - if (r.leadingComments) if (r !== e && X(r.leadingComments).end <= e.start) e.leadingComments = r.leadingComments, - r.leadingComments = null; - else for (s = r.leadingComments.length - 2; s >= 0; --s) if (r.leadingComments[s].end <= e.start) { - e.leadingComments = r.leadingComments.splice(0, s + 1); - break - } - } else if (this.state.leadingComments.length > 0) if (X(this.state.leadingComments).end <= e.start) { - if (this.state.commentPreviousNode) for (o = 0; o < this.state.leadingComments.length; o++) this.state.leadingComments[o].end < this.state.commentPreviousNode.end && (this.state.leadingComments.splice(o, 1), o--); - this.state.leadingComments.length > 0 && (e.leadingComments = this.state.leadingComments, this.state.leadingComments = [ - ]) - } else { - for (s = 0; s < this.state.leadingComments.length && !(this.state.leadingComments[s].end > e.start); s++); - e.leadingComments = this.state.leadingComments.slice(0, s), - 0 === e.leadingComments.length && (e.leadingComments = null), - 0 === (i = this.state.leadingComments.slice(s)).length && (i = null) - } - this.state.commentPreviousNode = e, - i && (i.length && i[0].start >= e.start && X(i).end <= e.end ? e.innerComments = i : e.trailingComments = i), - t.push(e) - } - }; - var Q = j.prototype; - function Z(e) { - return e && 'Property' === e.type && 'init' === e.kind && !1 === e.method - } - Q.estreeParseRegExpLiteral = function (e) { - var t = e.pattern, - n = e.flags, - r = null; - try { - r = new RegExp(t, n) - } catch (e) { - } - var i = this.estreeParseLiteral(r); - return i.regex = { - pattern: t, - flags: n - }, - i - }, - Q.estreeParseLiteral = function (e) { - return this.parseLiteral(e, 'Literal') - }, - Q.directiveToStmt = function (e) { - var t = e.value, - n = this.startNodeAt(e.start, e.loc.start), - r = this.startNodeAt(t.start, t.loc.start); - return r.value = t.value, - r.raw = t.extra.raw, - n.expression = this.finishNodeAt(r, 'Literal', t.end, t.loc.end), - n.directive = t.extra.raw.slice(1, - 1), - this.finishNodeAt(n, 'ExpressionStatement', e.end, e.loc.end) - }; - var ee = [ - 'any', - 'mixed', - 'empty', - 'bool', - 'boolean', - 'number', - 'string', - 'void', - 'null' - ], - te = j.prototype; - te.flowParseTypeInitialiser = function (e) { - var t = this.state.inType; - this.state.inType = !0, - this.expect(e || C.colon); - var n = this.flowParseType(); - return this.state.inType = t, - n - }, - te.flowParsePredicate = function () { - var e = this.startNode(), - t = this.state.startLoc, - n = this.state.start; - this.expect(C.modulo); - var r = this.state.startLoc; - return this.expectContextual('checks'), - t.line === r.line && t.column === r.column - 1 || this.raise(n, 'Spaces between ´%´ and ´checks´ are not allowed here.'), - ? (e.expression = this.parseExpression(), this.expect(C.parenR), this.finishNode(e, 'DeclaredPredicate')) : this.finishNode(e, 'InferredPredicate') - }, - te.flowParseTypeAndPredicateInitialiser = function () { - var e = this.state.inType; - this.state.inType = !0, - this.expect(C.colon); - var t = null, - n = null; - return this.match(C.modulo) ? (this.state.inType = e, n = this.flowParsePredicate()) : (t = this.flowParseType(), this.state.inType = e, this.match(C.modulo) && (n = this.flowParsePredicate())), - [ - t, - n - ] - }, - te.flowParseDeclareClass = function (e) { - return, - this.flowParseInterfaceish(e, !0), - this.finishNode(e, 'DeclareClass') - }, - te.flowParseDeclareFunction = function (e) { -; - var t = = this.parseIdentifier(), - n = this.startNode(), - r = this.startNode(); - this.isRelational('<') ? n.typeParameters = this.flowParseTypeParameterDeclaration() : n.typeParameters = null, - this.expect(C.parenL); - var i = this.flowParseFunctionTypeParams(); - n.params = i.params, - =, - this.expect(C.parenR); - var s, - o = this.flowParseTypeAndPredicateInitialiser(); - return n.returnType = o[0], - s = o[1], - r.typeAnnotation = this.finishNode(n, 'FunctionTypeAnnotation'), - r.predicate = s, - t.typeAnnotation = this.finishNode(r, 'TypeAnnotation'), - this.finishNode(t, t.type), - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'DeclareFunction') - }, - te.flowParseDeclare = function (e) { - return this.match(C._class) ? this.flowParseDeclareClass(e) : this.match(C._function) ? this.flowParseDeclareFunction(e) : this.match(C._var) ? this.flowParseDeclareVariable(e) : this.isContextual('module') ? this.lookahead().type === ? this.flowParseDeclareModuleExports(e) : this.flowParseDeclareModule(e) : this.isContextual('type') ? this.flowParseDeclareTypeAlias(e) : this.isContextual('opaque') ? this.flowParseDeclareOpaqueType(e) : this.isContextual('interface') ? this.flowParseDeclareInterface(e) : this.match(C._export) ? this.flowParseDeclareExportDeclaration(e) : void this.unexpected() - }, - te.flowParseDeclareExportDeclaration = function (e) { - if (this.expect(C._export), this.isContextual('opaque')) return e.declaration = this.flowParseDeclare(this.startNode()), - e.default = !1, - this.finishNode(e, 'DeclareExportDeclaration'); - throw this.unexpected() - }, - te.flowParseDeclareVariable = function (e) { - return, - = this.flowParseTypeAnnotatableIdentifier(), - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'DeclareVariable') - }, - te.flowParseDeclareModule = function (e) { -, - this.match(C.string) ? = this.parseExprAtom() : = this.parseIdentifier(); - var t = e.body = this.startNode(), - n = t.body = [ - ]; - for (this.expect(C.braceL); !this.match(C.braceR); ) { - var r = this.startNode(); - if (this.match(C._import)) { - var i = this.lookahead(); - 'type' !== i.value && 'typeof' !== i.value && this.unexpected(null, 'Imports within a `declare module` body must always be `import type` or `import typeof`'), - this.parseImport(r) - } else this.expectContextual('declare', 'Only declares and type imports are allowed inside declare module'), - r = this.flowParseDeclare(r, !0); - n.push(r) - } - return this.expect(C.braceR), - this.finishNode(t, 'BlockStatement'), - this.finishNode(e, 'DeclareModule') - }, - te.flowParseDeclareModuleExports = function (e) { - return this.expectContextual('module'), - this.expect(, - this.expectContextual('exports'), - e.typeAnnotation = this.flowParseTypeAnnotation(), - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'DeclareModuleExports') - }, - te.flowParseDeclareTypeAlias = function (e) { - return, - this.flowParseTypeAlias(e), - this.finishNode(e, 'DeclareTypeAlias') - }, - te.flowParseDeclareOpaqueType = function (e) { - return, - this.flowParseOpaqueType(e, !0), - this.finishNode(e, 'DeclareOpaqueType') - }, - te.flowParseDeclareInterface = function (e) { - return, - this.flowParseInterfaceish(e), - this.finishNode(e, 'DeclareInterface') - }, - te.flowParseInterfaceish = function (e) { - if ( = this.parseIdentifier(), this.isRelational('<') ? e.typeParameters = this.flowParseTypeParameterDeclaration() : e.typeParameters = null, e.extends = [ - ], e.mixins = [ - ], do { - e.extends.push(this.flowParseInterfaceExtends()) - } while (; - if (this.isContextual('mixins')) { -; - do { - e.mixins.push(this.flowParseInterfaceExtends()) - } while ( - } - e.body = this.flowParseObjectType(!0, !1, !1) - }, - te.flowParseInterfaceExtends = function () { - var e = this.startNode(); - return = this.flowParseQualifiedTypeIdentifier(), - this.isRelational('<') ? e.typeParameters = this.flowParseTypeParameterInstantiation() : e.typeParameters = null, - this.finishNode(e, 'InterfaceExtends') - }, - te.flowParseInterface = function (e) { - return this.flowParseInterfaceish(e, !1), - this.finishNode(e, 'InterfaceDeclaration') - }, - te.flowParseRestrictedIdentifier = function (e) { - return ee.indexOf(this.state.value) > - 1 && this.raise(this.state.start, 'Cannot overwrite primitive type ' + this.state.value), - this.parseIdentifier(e) - }, - te.flowParseTypeAlias = function (e) { - return = this.flowParseRestrictedIdentifier(), - this.isRelational('<') ? e.typeParameters = this.flowParseTypeParameterDeclaration() : e.typeParameters = null, - e.right = this.flowParseTypeInitialiser(C.eq), - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'TypeAlias') - }, - te.flowParseOpaqueType = function (e, t) { - return this.expectContextual('type'), - = this.flowParseRestrictedIdentifier(), - this.isRelational('<') ? e.typeParameters = this.flowParseTypeParameterDeclaration() : e.typeParameters = null, - e.supertype = null, - this.match(C.colon) && (e.supertype = this.flowParseTypeInitialiser(C.colon)), - e.impltype = null, - t || (e.impltype = this.flowParseTypeInitialiser(C.eq)), - this.semicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'OpaqueType') - }, - te.flowParseTypeParameter = function () { - var e = this.startNode(), - t = this.flowParseVariance(), - n = this.flowParseTypeAnnotatableIdentifier(); - return =, - e.variance = t, - e.bound = n.typeAnnotation, - this.match(C.eq) && (, e.default = this.flowParseType()), - this.finishNode(e, 'TypeParameter') - }, - te.flowParseTypeParameterDeclaration = function () { - var e = this.state.inType, - t = this.startNode(); - t.params = [ - ], - this.state.inType = !0, - this.isRelational('<') || this.match(C.jsxTagStart) ? : this.unexpected(); - do { - t.params.push(this.flowParseTypeParameter()), - this.isRelational('>') || this.expect(C.comma) - } while (!this.isRelational('>')); - return this.expectRelational('>'), - this.state.inType = e, - this.finishNode(t, 'TypeParameterDeclaration') - }, - te.flowParseTypeParameterInstantiation = function () { - var e = this.startNode(), - t = this.state.inType; - for (e.params = [ - ], this.state.inType = !0, this.expectRelational('<'); !this.isRelational('>'); ) e.params.push(this.flowParseType()), - this.isRelational('>') || this.expect(C.comma); - return this.expectRelational('>'), - this.state.inType = t, - this.finishNode(e, 'TypeParameterInstantiation') - }, - te.flowParseObjectPropertyKey = function () { - return this.match(C.num) || this.match(C.string) ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.parseIdentifier(!0) - }, - te.flowParseObjectTypeIndexer = function (e, t, n) { - return e.static = t, - this.expect(C.bracketL), - this.lookahead().type === C.colon ? ( = this.flowParseObjectPropertyKey(), e.key = this.flowParseTypeInitialiser()) : ( = null, e.key = this.flowParseType()), - this.expect(C.bracketR), - e.value = this.flowParseTypeInitialiser(), - e.variance = n, - this.flowObjectTypeSemicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'ObjectTypeIndexer') - }, - te.flowParseObjectTypeMethodish = function (e) { - for (e.params = [ - ], = null, e.typeParameters = null, this.isRelational('<') && (e.typeParameters = this.flowParseTypeParameterDeclaration()), this.expect(C.parenL); !this.match(C.parenR) && !this.match(C.ellipsis); ) e.params.push(this.flowParseFunctionTypeParam()), - this.match(C.parenR) || this.expect(C.comma); - return && ( = this.flowParseFunctionTypeParam()), - this.expect(C.parenR), - e.returnType = this.flowParseTypeInitialiser(), - this.finishNode(e, 'FunctionTypeAnnotation') - }, - te.flowParseObjectTypeMethod = function (e, t, n, r) { - var i = this.startNodeAt(e, t); - return i.value = this.flowParseObjectTypeMethodish(this.startNodeAt(e, t)), - i.static = n, - i.key = r, - i.optional = !1, - this.flowObjectTypeSemicolon(), - this.finishNode(i, 'ObjectTypeProperty') - }, - te.flowParseObjectTypeCallProperty = function (e, t) { - var n = this.startNode(); - return e.static = t, - e.value = this.flowParseObjectTypeMethodish(n), - this.flowObjectTypeSemicolon(), - this.finishNode(e, 'ObjectTypeCallProperty') - }, - te.flowParseObjectType = function (e, t, n) { - var r = this.state.inType; - this.state.inType = !0; - var i = this.startNode(), - s = void 0, - o = void 0, - a = !1; - i.callProperties = [ - ], - = [ - ], - i.indexers = [ - ]; - var u = void 0, - l = void 0; - for (t && this.match(C.braceBarL) ? (this.expect(C.braceBarL), u = C.braceBarR, l = !0) : (this.expect(C.braceL), u = C.braceR, l = !1), i.exact = l; !this.match(u); ) { - var c = !1, - p = this.state.start, - h = this.state.startLoc; - s = this.startNode(), - e && this.isContextual('static') && this.lookahead().type !== C.colon && (, a = !0); - var f = this.state.start, - d = this.flowParseVariance(); - this.match(C.bracketL) ? i.indexers.push(this.flowParseObjectTypeIndexer(s, a, d)) : this.match(C.parenL) || this.isRelational('<') ? (d && this.unexpected(f), i.callProperties.push(this.flowParseObjectTypeCallProperty(s, a))) : this.match(C.ellipsis) ? (n || this.unexpected(null, 'Spread operator cannot appear in class or interface definitions'), d && this.unexpected(d.start, 'Spread properties cannot have variance'), this.expect(C.ellipsis), s.argument = this.flowParseType(), this.flowObjectTypeSemicolon(),, 'ObjectTypeSpreadProperty'))) : (o = this.flowParseObjectPropertyKey(), this.isRelational('<') || this.match(C.parenL) ? (d && this.unexpected(d.start),, h, a, o))) : ( && (c = !0), s.key = o, s.value = this.flowParseTypeInitialiser(), s.optional = c, s.static = a, s.variance = d, this.flowObjectTypeSemicolon(),, 'ObjectTypeProperty')))), - a = !1 - } - this.expect(u); - var m = this.finishNode(i, 'ObjectTypeAnnotation'); - return this.state.inType = r, - m - }, - te.flowObjectTypeSemicolon = function () { - || || this.match(C.braceR) || this.match(C.braceBarR) || this.unexpected() - }, - te.flowParseQualifiedTypeIdentifier = function (e, t, n) { - e = e || this.state.start, - t = t || this.state.startLoc; - for (var r = n || this.parseIdentifier();; ) { - var i = this.startNodeAt(e, t); - i.qualification = r, - = this.parseIdentifier(), - r = this.finishNode(i, 'QualifiedTypeIdentifier') - } - return r - }, - te.flowParseGenericType = function (e, t, n) { - var r = this.startNodeAt(e, t); - return r.typeParameters = null, - = this.flowParseQualifiedTypeIdentifier(e, t, n), - this.isRelational('<') && (r.typeParameters = this.flowParseTypeParameterInstantiation()), - this.finishNode(r, 'GenericTypeAnnotation') - }, - te.flowParseTypeofType = function () { - var e = this.startNode(); - return this.expect(C._typeof), - e.argument = this.flowParsePrimaryType(), - this.finishNode(e, 'TypeofTypeAnnotation') - }, - te.flowParseTupleType = function () { - var e = this.startNode(); - for (e.types = [ - ], this.expect(C.bracketL); this.state.pos < this.input.length && !this.match(C.bracketR) && (e.types.push(this.flowParseType()), !this.match(C.bracketR)); ) this.expect(C.comma); - return this.expect(C.bracketR), - this.finishNode(e, 'TupleTypeAnnotation') - }, - te.flowParseFunctionTypeParam = function () { - var e = null, - t = !1, - n = null, - r = this.startNode(), - i = this.lookahead(); - return i.type === C.colon || i.type === C.question ? (e = this.parseIdentifier(), && (t = !0), n = this.flowParseTypeInitialiser()) : n = this.flowParseType(), - = e, - r.optional = t, - r.typeAnnotation = n, - this.finishNode(r, 'FunctionTypeParam') - }, - te.reinterpretTypeAsFunctionTypeParam = function (e) { - var t = this.startNodeAt(e.start, e.loc.start); - return = null, - t.optional = !1, - t.typeAnnotation = e, - this.finishNode(t, 'FunctionTypeParam') - }, - te.flowParseFunctionTypeParams = function () { - for (var e = { - params: arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : [ - ], - rest: null - }; !this.match(C.parenR) && !this.match(C.ellipsis); ) e.params.push(this.flowParseFunctionTypeParam()), - this.match(C.parenR) || this.expect(C.comma); - return && ( = this.flowParseFunctionTypeParam()), - e - }, - te.flowIdentToTypeAnnotation = function (e, t, n, r) { - switch ( { - case 'any': - return this.finishNode(n, 'AnyTypeAnnotation'); - case 'void': - return this.finishNode(n, 'VoidTypeAnnotation'); - case 'bool': - case 'boolean': - return this.finishNode(n, 'BooleanTypeAnnotation'); - case 'mixed': - return this.finishNode(n, 'MixedTypeAnnotation'); - case 'empty': - return this.finishNode(n, 'EmptyTypeAnnotation'); - case 'number': - return this.finishNode(n, 'NumberTypeAnnotation'); - case 'string': - return this.finishNode(n, 'StringTypeAnnotation'); - default: - return this.flowParseGenericType(e, t, r) - } - }, - te.flowParsePrimaryType = function () { - var e = this.state.start, - t = this.state.startLoc, - n = this.startNode(), - r = void 0, - i = void 0, - s = !1, - o = this.state.noAnonFunctionType; - switch (this.state.type) { - case - return this.flowIdentToTypeAnnotation(e, t, n, this.parseIdentifier()); - case C.braceL: - return this.flowParseObjectType(!1, !1, !0); - case C.braceBarL: - return this.flowParseObjectType(!1, !0, !0); - case C.bracketL: - return this.flowParseTupleType(); - case C.relational: - if ('<' === this.state.value) return n.typeParameters = this.flowParseTypeParameterDeclaration(), - this.expect(C.parenL), - r = this.flowParseFunctionTypeParams(), - n.params = r.params, - =, - this.expect(C.parenR), - this.expect(C.arrow), - n.returnType = this.flowParseType(), - this.finishNode(n, 'FunctionTypeAnnotation'); - break; - case C.parenL: - if (, !this.match(C.parenR) && !this.match(C.ellipsis)) if (this.match( { - var a = this.lookahead().type; - s = a !== C.question && a !== C.colon - } else s = !0; - if (s) { - if (this.state.noAnonFunctionType = !1, i = this.flowParseType(), this.state.noAnonFunctionType = o, this.state.noAnonFunctionType || !(this.match(C.comma) || this.match(C.parenR) && this.lookahead().type === C.arrow)) return this.expect(C.parenR), - i; - - } - return r = i ? this.flowParseFunctionTypeParams([this.reinterpretTypeAsFunctionTypeParam(i)]) : this.flowParseFunctionTypeParams(), - n.params = r.params, - =, - this.expect(C.parenR), - this.expect(C.arrow), - n.returnType = this.flowParseType(), - n.typeParameters = null, - this.finishNode(n, 'FunctionTypeAnnotation'); - case C.string: - return this.parseLiteral(this.state.value, 'StringLiteralTypeAnnotation'); - case C._true: - case C._false: - return n.value = this.match(C._true), -, - this.finishNode(n, 'BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation'); - case C.plusMin: - if ('-' === this.state.value) return, - this.match(C.num) || this.unexpected(null, 'Unexpected token, expected number'), - this.parseLiteral( - this.state.value, 'NumericLiteralTypeAnnotation', n.start, n.loc.start); - this.unexpected(); - case C.num: - return this.parseLiteral(this.state.value, 'NumericLiteralTypeAnnotation'); - case C._null: - return n.value = this.match(C._null), -, - this.finishNode(n, 'NullLiteralTypeAnnotation'); - case C._this: - return n.value = this.match(C._this), -, - this.finishNode(n, 'ThisTypeAnnotation'); - case - return, - this.finishNode(n, 'ExistentialTypeParam'); - default: - if ('typeof' === this.state.type.keyword) return this.flowParseTypeofType() - } - this.unexpected() - }, - te.flowParsePostfixType = function () { - for (var e = this.state.start, t = this.state.startLoc, n = this.flowParsePrimaryType(); !this.canInsertSemicolon() && this.match(C.bracketL); ) { - var r = this.startNodeAt(e, t); - r.elementType = n, - this.expect(C.bracketL), - this.expect(C.bracketR), - n = this.finishNode(r, 'ArrayTypeAnnotation') - } - return n - }, - te.flowParsePrefixType = function () { - var e = this.startNode(); - return ? (e.typeAnnotation = this.flowParsePrefixType(), this.finishNode(e, 'NullableTypeAnnotation')) : this.flowParsePostfixType() - }, - te.flowParseAnonFunctionWithoutParens = function () { - var e = this.flowParsePrefixType(); - if (!this.state.noAnonFunctionType && { - var t = this.startNodeAt(e.start, e.loc.start); - return t.params = [ - this.reinterpretTypeAsFunctionTypeParam(e) - ], - = null, - t.returnType = this.flowParseType(), - t.typeParameters = null, - this.finishNode(t, 'FunctionTypeAnnotation') - } - return e - }, - te.flowParseIntersectionType = function () { - var e = this.startNode(); -; - var t = this.flowParseAnonFunctionWithoutParens(); - for (e.types = [ - t - ];; ) e.types.push(this.flowParseAnonFunctionWithoutParens()); - return 1 === e.types.length ? t : this.finishNode(e, 'IntersectionTypeAnnotation') - }, - te.flowParseUnionType = function () { - var e = this.startNode(); -; - var t = this.flowParseIntersectionType(); - for (e.types = [ - t - ];; ) e.types.push(this.flowParseIntersectionType()); - return 1 === e.types.length ? t : this.finishNode(e, 'UnionTypeAnnotation') - }, - te.flowParseType = function () { - var e = this.state.inType; - this.state.inType = !0; - var t = this.flowParseUnionType(); - return this.state.inType = e, - t - }, - te.flowParseTypeAnnotation = function () { - var e = this.startNode(); - return e.typeAnnotation = this.flowParseTypeInitialiser(), - this.finishNode(e, 'TypeAnnotation') - }, - te.flowParseTypeAndPredicateAnnotation = function () { - var e = this.startNode(), - t = this.flowParseTypeAndPredicateInitialiser(); - return e.typeAnnotation = t[0], - e.predicate = t[1], - this.finishNode(e, 'TypeAnnotation') - }, - te.flowParseTypeAnnotatableIdentifier = function () { - var e = this.flowParseRestrictedIdentifier(); - return this.match(C.colon) && (e.typeAnnotation = this.flowParseTypeAnnotation(), this.finishNode(e, e.type)), - e - }, - te.typeCastToParameter = function (e) { - return e.expression.typeAnnotation = e.typeAnnotation, - this.finishNodeAt(e.expression, e.expression.type, e.typeAnnotation.end, e.typeAnnotation.loc.end) - }, - te.flowParseVariance = function () { - var e = null; - return this.match(C.plusMin) && ('+' === this.state.value ? e = 'plus' : '-' === this.state.value && (e = 'minus'),, - e - }; - var ne = String.fromCodePoint; - if (!ne) { - var re = String.fromCharCode, - ie = Math.floor; - ne = function () { - var e = [ - ], - t = void 0, - n = void 0, - r = - 1, - i = arguments.length; - if (!i) return ''; - for (var s = ''; ++r < i; ) { - var o = Number(arguments[r]); - if (!isFinite(o) || o < 0 || o > 1114111 || ie(o) != o) throw RangeError('Invalid code point: ' + o); - o <= 65535 ? e.push(o) : (t = 55296 + ((o -= 65536) >> 10), n = o % 1024 + 56320, e.push(t, n)), - (r + 1 == i || e.length > 16384) && (s += re.apply(null, e), e.length = 0) - } - return s - } - } - var se = ne, - oe = { - quot: '"', - amp: '&', - apos: '\'', - lt: '<', - gt: '>', - nbsp: ' ', - iexcl: '¡', - cent: '¢', - pound: '£', - curren: '¤', - yen: '¥', - brvbar: '¦', - sect: '§', - uml: '¨', - copy: '©', - ordf: 'ª', - laquo: '«', - not: '¬', - shy: '­', - reg: '®', - macr: '¯', - deg: '°', - plusmn: '±', - sup2: '²', - sup3: '³', - acute: '´', - micro: 'µ', - para: '¶', - middot: '·', - cedil: '¸', - sup1: '¹', - ordm: 'º', - raquo: '»', - frac14: '¼', - frac12: '½', - frac34: '¾', - iquest: '¿', - Agrave: 'À', - Aacute: 'Á', - Acirc: 'Â', - Atilde: 'Ã', - Auml: 'Ä', - Aring: 'Å', - AElig: 'Æ', - Ccedil: 'Ç', - Egrave: 'È', - Eacute: 'É', - Ecirc: 'Ê', - Euml: 'Ë', - Igrave: 'Ì', - Iacute: 'Í', - Icirc: 'Î', - Iuml: 'Ï', - ETH: 'Ð', - Ntilde: 'Ñ', - Ograve: 'Ò', - Oacute: 'Ó', - Ocirc: 'Ô', - Otilde: 'Õ', - Ouml: 'Ö', - times: '×', - Oslash: 'Ø', - Ugrave: 'Ù', - Uacute: 'Ú', - Ucirc: 'Û', - Uuml: 'Ü', - Yacute: 'Ý', - THORN: 'Þ', - szlig: 'ß', - agrave: 'à', - aacute: 'á', - acirc: 'â', - atilde: 'ã', - auml: 'ä', - aring: 'å', - aelig: 'æ', - ccedil: 'ç', - egrave: 'è', - eacute: 'é', - ecirc: 'ê', - euml: 'ë', - igrave: 'ì', - iacute: 'í', - icirc: 'î', - iuml: 'ï', - eth: 'ð', - ntilde: 'ñ', - ograve: 'ò', - oacute: 'ó', - ocirc: 'ô', - otilde: 'õ', - ouml: 'ö', - divide: '÷', - oslash: 'ø', - ugrave: 'ù', - uacute: 'ú', - ucirc: 'û', - uuml: 'ü', - yacute: 'ý', - thorn: 'þ', - yuml: 'ÿ', - OElig: 'Œ', - oelig: 'œ', - Scaron: 'Š', - scaron: 'š', - Yuml: 'Ÿ', - fnof: 'ƒ', - circ: 'ˆ', - tilde: '˜', - Alpha: 'Α', - Beta: 'Β', - Gamma: 'Γ', - Delta: 'Δ', - Epsilon: 'Ε', - Zeta: 'Ζ', - Eta: 'Η', - Theta: 'Θ', - Iota: 'Ι', - Kappa: 'Κ', - Lambda: 'Λ', - Mu: 'Μ', - Nu: 'Ν', - Xi: 'Ξ', - Omicron: 'Ο', - Pi: 'Π', - Rho: 'Ρ', - Sigma: 'Σ', - Tau: 'Τ', - Upsilon: 'Υ', - Phi: 'Φ', - Chi: 'Χ', - Psi: 'Ψ', - Omega: 'Ω', - alpha: 'α', - beta: 'β', - gamma: 'γ', - delta: 'δ', - epsilon: 'ε', - zeta: 'ζ', - eta: 'η', - theta: 'θ', - iota: 'ι', - kappa: 'κ', - lambda: 'λ', - mu: 'μ', - nu: 'ν', - xi: 'ξ', - omicron: 'ο', - pi: 'π', - rho: 'ρ', - sigmaf: 'ς', - sigma: 'σ', - tau: 'τ', - upsilon: 'υ', - phi: 'φ', - chi: 'χ', - psi: 'ψ', - omega: 'ω', - thetasym: 'ϑ', - upsih: 'ϒ', - piv: 'ϖ', - ensp: ' ', - emsp: ' ', - thinsp: ' ', - zwnj: '‌', - zwj: '‍', - lrm: '‎', - rlm: '‏', - ndash: '–', - mdash: '—', - lsquo: '‘', - rsquo: '’', - sbquo: '‚', - ldquo: '“', - rdquo: '”', - bdquo: '„', - dagger: '†', - Dagger: '‡', - bull: '•', - hellip: '…', - permil: '‰', - prime: '′', - Prime: '″', - lsaquo: '‹', - rsaquo: '›', - oline: '‾', - frasl: '⁄', - euro: '€', - image: 'ℑ', - weierp: '℘', - real: 'ℜ', - trade: '™', - alefsym: 'ℵ', - larr: '←', - uarr: '↑', - rarr: '→', - darr: '↓', - harr: '↔', - crarr: '↵', - lArr: '⇐', - uArr: '⇑', - rArr: '⇒', - dArr: '⇓', - hArr: '⇔', - forall: '∀', - part: '∂', - exist: '∃', - empty: '∅', - nabla: '∇', - isin: '∈', - notin: '∉', - ni: '∋', - prod: '∏', - sum: '∑', - minus: '−', - lowast: '∗', - radic: '√', - prop: '∝', - infin: '∞', - ang: '∠', - and: '∧', - or: '∨', - cap: '∩', - cup: '∪', - int: '∫', - there4: '∴', - sim: '∼', - cong: '≅', - asymp: '≈', - ne: '≠', - equiv: '≡', - le: '≤', - ge: '≥', - sub: '⊂', - sup: '⊃', - nsub: '⊄', - sube: '⊆', - supe: '⊇', - oplus: '⊕', - otimes: '⊗', - perp: '⊥', - sdot: '⋅', - lceil: '⌈', - rceil: '⌉', - lfloor: '⌊', - rfloor: '⌋', - lang: '〈', - rang: '〉', - loz: '◊', - spades: '♠', - clubs: '♣', - hearts: '♥', - diams: '♦' - }, - ae = /^[\da-fA-F]+$/, - ue = /^\d+$/; - O.j_oTag = new F('...', !0, !0), - C.jsxName = new A('jsxName'), - C.jsxText = new A('jsxText', { - beforeExpr: !0 - }), - C.jsxTagStart = new A('jsxTagStart', { - startsExpr: !0 - }), - C.jsxTagEnd = new A('jsxTagEnd'), - C.jsxTagStart.updateContext = function () { - this.state.context.push(O.j_expr), - this.state.context.push(O.j_oTag), - this.state.exprAllowed = !1 - }, - C.jsxTagEnd.updateContext = function (e) { - var t = this.state.context.pop(); - t === O.j_oTag && e === C.slash || t === O.j_cTag ? (this.state.context.pop(), this.state.exprAllowed = this.curContext() === O.j_expr) : this.state.exprAllowed = !0 - }; - var le = j.prototype; - function ce(e) { - return 'JSXIdentifier' === e.type ? : 'JSXNamespacedName' === e.type ? + ':' + : 'JSXMemberExpression' === e.type ? ce(e.object) + '.' + ce( : void 0 - } - le.jsxReadToken = function () { - for (var e = '', t = this.state.pos; ; ) { - this.state.pos >= this.input.length && this.raise(this.state.start, 'Unterminated JSX contents'); - var n = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos); - switch (n) { - case 60: - case 123: - return this.state.pos === this.state.start ? 60 === n && this.state.exprAllowed ? (++this.state.pos, this.finishToken(C.jsxTagStart)) : this.getTokenFromCode(n) : (e += this.input.slice(t, this.state.pos), this.finishToken(C.jsxText, e)); - case 38: - e += this.input.slice(t, this.state.pos), - e += this.jsxReadEntity(), - t = this.state.pos; - break; - default: - S(n) ? (e += this.input.slice(t, this.state.pos), e += this.jsxReadNewLine(!0), t = this.state.pos) : ++this.state.pos - } - } - }, - le.jsxReadNewLine = function (e) { - var t = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos), - n = void 0; - return ++this.state.pos, - 13 === t && 10 === this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos) ? (++this.state.pos, n = e ? '\n' : '\r\n') : n = String.fromCharCode(t), - ++this.state.curLine, - this.state.lineStart = this.state.pos, - n - }, - le.jsxReadString = function (e) { - for (var t = '', n = ++this.state.pos; ; ) { - this.state.pos >= this.input.length && this.raise(this.state.start, 'Unterminated string constant'); - var r = this.input.charCodeAt(this.state.pos); - if (r === e) break; - 38 === r ? (t += this.input.slice(n, this.state.pos), t += this.jsxReadEntity(), n = this.state.pos) : S(r) ? (t += this.input.slice(n, this.state.pos), t += this.jsxReadNewLine(!1), n = this.state.pos) : ++this.state.pos - } - return t += this.input.slice(n, this.state.pos++), - this.finishToken(C.string, t) - }, - le.jsxReadEntity = function () { - for (var e = '', t = 0, n = void 0, r = this.input[this.state.pos], i = ++this.state.pos; this.state.pos < this.input.length && t++ < 10; ) { - if (';' === (r = this.input[this.state.pos++])) { - '#' === e[0] ? 'x' === e[1] ? (e = e.substr(2), ae.test(e) && (n = se(parseInt(e, 16)))) : (e = e.substr(1), ue.test(e) && (n = se(parseInt(e, 10)))) : n = oe[e]; - break - } - e += r - } - return n || (this.state.pos = i, '&') - }, - le.jsxReadWord = function () { - var e = void 0, - t = this.state.pos; - do { - e = this.input.charCodeAt(++this.state.pos) - } while (d(e) || 45 === e); - return this.finishToken(C.jsxName, this.input.slice(t, this.state.pos)) - }, - le.jsxParseIdentifier = function () { - var e = this.startNode(); - return this.match(C.jsxName) ? = this.state.value : this.state.type.keyword ? = this.state.type.keyword : this.unexpected(), -, - this.finishNode(e, 'JSXIdentifier') - }, - le.jsxParseNamespacedName = function () { - var e = this.state.start, - t = this.state.startLoc, - n = this.jsxParseIdentifier(); - if (! return n; - var r = this.startNodeAt(e, t); - return r.namespace = n, - = this.jsxParseIdentifier(), - this.finishNode(r, 'JSXNamespacedName') - }, - le.jsxParseElementName = function () { - for (var e = this.state.start, t = this.state.startLoc, n = this.jsxParseNamespacedName();; ) { - var r = this.startNodeAt(e, t); - r.object = n, - = this.jsxParseIdentifier(), - n = this.finishNode(r, 'JSXMemberExpression') - } - return n - }, - le.jsxParseAttributeValue = function () { - var e = void 0; - switch (this.state.type) { - case C.braceL: - if ('JSXEmptyExpression' !== (e = this.jsxParseExpressionContainer()).expression.type) return e; - this.raise(e.start, 'JSX attributes must only be assigned a non-empty expression'); - case C.jsxTagStart: - case C.string: - return (e = this.parseExprAtom()).extra = null, - e; - default: - this.raise(this.state.start, 'JSX value should be either an expression or a quoted JSX text') - } - }, - le.jsxParseEmptyExpression = function () { - var e = this.startNodeAt(this.state.lastTokEnd, this.state.lastTokEndLoc); - return this.finishNodeAt(e, 'JSXEmptyExpression', this.state.start, this.state.startLoc) - }, - le.jsxParseSpreadChild = function () { - var e = this.startNode(); - return this.expect(C.braceL), - this.expect(C.ellipsis), - e.expression = this.parseExpression(), - this.expect(C.braceR), - this.finishNode(e, 'JSXSpreadChild') - }, - le.jsxParseExpressionContainer = function () { - var e = this.startNode(); - return, - this.match(C.braceR) ? e.expression = this.jsxParseEmptyExpression() : e.expression = this.parseExpression(), - this.expect(C.braceR), - this.finishNode(e, 'JSXExpressionContainer') - }, - le.jsxParseAttribute = function () { - var e = this.startNode(); - return ? (this.expect(C.ellipsis), e.argument = this.parseMaybeAssign(), this.expect(C.braceR), this.finishNode(e, 'JSXSpreadAttribute')) : ( = this.jsxParseNamespacedName(), e.value = ? this.jsxParseAttributeValue() : null, this.finishNode(e, 'JSXAttribute')) - }, - le.jsxParseOpeningElementAt = function (e, t) { - var n = this.startNodeAt(e, t); - for (n.attributes = [ - ], = this.jsxParseElementName(); !this.match(C.slash) && !this.match(C.jsxTagEnd); ) n.attributes.push(this.jsxParseAttribute()); - return n.selfClosing =, - this.expect(C.jsxTagEnd), - this.finishNode(n, 'JSXOpeningElement') - }, - le.jsxParseClosingElementAt = function (e, t) { - var n = this.startNodeAt(e, t); - return = this.jsxParseElementName(), - this.expect(C.jsxTagEnd), - this.finishNode(n, 'JSXClosingElement') - }, - le.jsxParseElementAt = function (e, t) { - var n = this.startNodeAt(e, t), - r = [ - ], - i = this.jsxParseOpeningElementAt(e, t), - s = null; - if (!i.selfClosing) { - e: for (; ; ) switch (this.state.type) { - case C.jsxTagStart: - if (e = this.state.start, t = this.state.startLoc,, { - s = this.jsxParseClosingElementAt(e, t); - break e - } - r.push(this.jsxParseElementAt(e, t)); - break; - case C.jsxText: - r.push(this.parseExprAtom()); - break; - case C.braceL: - this.lookahead().type === C.ellipsis ? r.push(this.jsxParseSpreadChild()) : r.push(this.jsxParseExpressionContainer()); - break; - default: - this.unexpected() - } - ce( !== ce( && this.raise(s.start, 'Expected corresponding JSX closing tag for <' + ce( + '>') - } - return n.openingElement = i, - n.closingElement = s, - n.children = r, - this.match(C.relational) && '<' === this.state.value && this.raise(this.state.start, 'Adjacent JSX elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag'), - this.finishNode(n, 'JSXElement') - }, - le.jsxParseElement = function () { - var e = this.state.start, - t = this.state.startLoc; - return, - this.jsxParseElementAt(e, t) - }; - L.estree = function (e) { - e.extend('checkDeclaration', function (e) { - return function (t) { - Z(t) ? this.checkDeclaration(t.value) :, t) - } - }), - e.extend('checkGetterSetterParamCount', function () { - return function (e) { - var t = 'get' === e.kind ? 0 : 1; - if (e.value.params.length !== t) { - var n = e.start; - 'get' === e.kind ? this.raise(n, 'getter should have no params') : this.raise(n, 'setter should have exactly one param') - } - } - }), - e.extend('checkLVal', function (e) { - return function (t, n, r) { - var i = this; - switch (t.type) { - case 'ObjectPattern': - (e) { - i.checkLVal('Property' === e.type ? e.value : e, n, r, 'object destructuring pattern') - }); - break; - default: - for (var s = arguments.length, o = Array(s > 3 ? s - 3 : 0), a = 3; a < s; a++) o[a - 3] = arguments[a]; -, [ - this, - t, - n, - r - ].concat(o)) - } - } - }), - e.extend('checkPropClash', function () { - return function (e, t) { - if (!e.computed && Z(e)) { - var n = e.key; - '__proto__' === ('Identifier' === n.type ? : String(n.value)) && (t.proto && this.raise(n.start, 'Redefinition of __proto__ property'), t.proto = !0) - } - } - }), - e.extend('isStrictBody', function () { - return function (e, t) { - if (!t && e.body.body.length > 0) { - var n = e.body.body, - r = Array.isArray(n), - i = 0; - for (n = r ? n : n[Symbol.iterator](); ; ) { - var s; - if (r) { - if (i >= n.length) break; - s = n[i++] - } else { - if ((i = break; - s = i.value - } - var o = s; - if ('ExpressionStatement' !== o.type || 'Literal' !== o.expression.type) break; - if ('use strict' === o.expression.value) return !0 - } - } - return !1 - } - }), - e.extend('isValidDirective', function () { - return function (e) { - return !('ExpressionStatement' !== e.type || 'Literal' !== e.expression.type || 'string' != typeof e.expression.value || e.expression.extra && e.expression.extra.parenthesized) - } - }), - e.extend('stmtToDirective', function (e) { - return function (t) { - var n =, t), - r = t.expression.value; - return n.value.value = r, - n - } - }), - e.extend('parseBlockBody', function (e) { - return function (t) { - for (var n = this, r = arguments.length, i = Array(r > 1 ? r - 1 : 0), s = 1; s < r; s++) i[s - 1] = arguments[s]; -, [ - this, - t - ].concat(i)), - t.directives.reverse().forEach(function (e) { - t.body.unshift(n.directiveToStmt(e)) - }), - delete t.directives - } - }), - e.extend('parseClassMethod', function () { - return function (e, t, n, r) { - this.parseMethod(t, n, r), - t.typeParameters && (t.value.typeParameters = t.typeParameters, delete t.typeParameters), - e.body.push(this.finishNode(t, 'MethodDefinition')) - } - }), - e.extend('parseExprAtom', function (e) { - return function () { - switch (this.state.type) { - case C.regexp: - return this.estreeParseRegExpLiteral(this.state.value); - case C.num: - case C.string: - return this.estreeParseLiteral(this.state.value); - case C._null: - return this.estreeParseLiteral(null); - case C._true: - return this.estreeParseLiteral(!0); - case C._false: - return this.estreeParseLiteral(!1); - default: - for (var t = arguments.length, n = Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) n[r] = arguments[r]; - return, [ - this - ].concat(n)) - } - } - }), - e.extend('parseLiteral', function (e) { - return function () { - for (var t = arguments.length, n = Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) n[r] = arguments[r]; - var i =, [ - this - ].concat(n)); - return i.raw = i.extra.raw, - delete i.extra, - i - } - }), - e.extend('parseMethod', function (e) { - return function (t) { - var n = this.startNode(); - n.kind = t.kind; - for (var r = arguments.length, i = Array(r > 1 ? r - 1 : 0), s = 1; s < r; s++) i[s - 1] = arguments[s]; - return delete (n =, [ - this, - n - ].concat(i))).kind, - t.value = this.finishNode(n, 'FunctionExpression'), - t - } - }), - e.extend('parseObjectMethod', function (e) { - return function () { - for (var t = arguments.length, n = Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) n[r] = arguments[r]; - var i =, [ - this - ].concat(n)); - return i && ('method' === i.kind && (i.kind = 'init'), i.type = 'Property'), - i - } - }), - e.extend('parseObjectProperty', function (e) { - return function () { - for (var t = arguments.length, n = Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) n[r] = arguments[r]; - var i =, [ - this - ].concat(n)); - return i && (i.kind = 'init', i.type = 'Property'), - i - } - }), - e.extend('toAssignable', function (e) { - return function (t, n) { - for (var r = arguments.length, i = Array(r > 2 ? r - 2 : 0), s = 2; s < r; s++) i[s - 2] = arguments[s]; - if (Z(t)) return this.toAssignable.apply(this, [ - t.value, - n - ].concat(i)), - t; - if ('ObjectExpression' === t.type) { - t.type = 'ObjectPattern'; - var o =, - a = Array.isArray(o), - u = 0; - for (o = a ? o : o[Symbol.iterator](); ; ) { - var l; - if (a) { - if (u >= o.length) break; - l = o[u++] - } else { - if ((u = break; - l = u.value - } - var c = l; - 'get' === c.kind || 'set' === c.kind ? this.raise(c.key.start, 'Object pattern can\'t contain getter or setter') : c.method ? this.raise(c.key.start, 'Object pattern can\'t contain methods') : this.toAssignable(c, n, 'object destructuring pattern') - } - return t - } - return, [ - this, - t, - n - ].concat(i)) - } - }) - }, - L.flow = function (e) { - e.extend('parseFunctionBody', function (e) { - return function (t, n) { - return this.match(C.colon) && !n && (t.returnType = this.flowParseTypeAndPredicateAnnotation()), -, t, n) - } - }), - e.extend('parseStatement', function (e) { - return function (t, n) { - if (this.state.strict && this.match( && 'interface' === this.state.value) { - var r = this.startNode(); - return, - this.flowParseInterface(r) - } - return, t, n) - } - }), - e.extend('parseExpressionStatement', function (e) { - return function (t, n) { - if ('Identifier' === n.type) if ('declare' === { - if (this.match(C._class) || this.match( || this.match(C._function) || this.match(C._var) || this.match(C._export)) return this.flowParseDeclare(t) - } else if (this.match( { - if ('interface' === return this.flowParseInterface(t); - if ('type' === return this.flowParseTypeAlias(t); - if ('opaque' === return this.flowParseOpaqueType(t, !1) - } - return, t, n) - } - }), - e.extend('shouldParseExportDeclaration', function (e) { - return function () { - return this.isContextual('type') || this.isContextual('interface') || this.isContextual('opaque') || - } - }), - e.extend('isExportDefaultSpecifier', function (e) { - return function () { - return (!this.match( || 'type' !== this.state.value && 'interface' !== this.state.value && 'opaque' !== this.state.value) && - } - }), - e.extend('parseConditional', function (e) { - return function (t, n, r, i, s) { - if (s && this.match(C.question)) { - var o = this.state.clone(); - try { - return, t, n, r, i) - } catch (e) { - if (e instanceof SyntaxError) return this.state = o, - s.start = e.pos || this.state.start, - t; - throw e - } - } - return, t, n, r, i) - } - }), - e.extend('parseParenItem', function (e) { - return function (t, n, r) { - if (t =, t, n, r), && (t.optional = !0), this.match(C.colon)) { - var i = this.startNodeAt(n, r); - return i.expression = t, - i.typeAnnotation = this.flowParseTypeAnnotation(), - this.finishNode(i, 'TypeCastExpression') - } - return t - } - }), - e.extend('parseExport', function (e) { - return function (t) { - return 'ExportNamedDeclaration' === (t =, t)).type && (t.exportKind = t.exportKind || 'value'), - t - } - }), - e.extend('parseExportDeclaration', function (e) { - return function (t) { - if (this.isContextual('type')) { - t.exportKind = 'type'; - var n = this.startNode(); - return, - this.match(C.braceL) ? (t.specifiers = this.parseExportSpecifiers(), this.parseExportFrom(t), null) : this.flowParseTypeAlias(n) - } - if (this.isContextual('opaque')) { - t.exportKind = 'type'; - var r = this.startNode(); - return, - this.flowParseOpaqueType(r, !1) - } - if (this.isContextual('interface')) { - t.exportKind = 'type'; - var i = this.startNode(); - return, - this.flowParseInterface(i) - } - return, t) - } - }), - e.extend('parseClassId', function (e) { - return function (t) { - e.apply(this, arguments), - this.isRelational('<') && (t.typeParameters = this.flowParseTypeParameterDeclaration()) - } - }), - e.extend('isKeyword', function (e) { - return function (t) { - return (!this.state.inType || 'void' !== t) &&, t) - } - }), - e.extend('readToken', function (e) { - return function (t) { - return !this.state.inType || 62 !== t && 60 !== t ?, t) : this.finishOp(C.relational, 1) - } - }), - e.extend('jsx_readToken', function (e) { - return function () { - if (!this.state.inType) return - } - }), - e.extend('toAssignable', function (e) { - return function (t, n, r) { - return 'TypeCastExpression' === t.type ?, this.typeCastToParameter(t), n, r) :, t, n, r) - } - }), - e.extend('toAssignableList', function (e) { - return function (t, n, r) { - for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { - var s = t[i]; - s && 'TypeCastExpression' === s.type && (t[i] = this.typeCastToParameter(s)) - } - return, t, n, r) - } - }), - e.extend('toReferencedList', function () { - return function (e) { - for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { - var n = e[t]; - n && n._exprListItem && 'TypeCastExpression' === n.type && this.raise(n.start, 'Unexpected type cast') - } - return e - } - }), - e.extend('parseExprListItem', function (e) { - return function () { - for (var t = this.startNode(), n = arguments.length, r = Array(n), i = 0; i < n; i++) r[i] = arguments[i]; - var s =, [ - this - ].concat(r)); - return this.match(C.colon) ? (t._exprListItem = !0, t.expression = s, t.typeAnnotation = this.flowParseTypeAnnotation(), this.finishNode(t, 'TypeCastExpression')) : s - } - }), - e.extend('checkLVal', function (e) { - return function (t) { - if ('TypeCastExpression' !== t.type) return e.apply(this, arguments) - } - }), - e.extend('parseClassProperty', function (e) { - return function (t) { - return delete t.variancePos, - this.match(C.colon) && (t.typeAnnotation = this.flowParseTypeAnnotation()), -, t) - } - }), - e.extend('isClassMethod', function (e) { - return function () { - return this.isRelational('<') || - } - }), - e.extend('isClassProperty', function (e) { - return function () { - return this.match(C.colon) || - } - }), - e.extend('isNonstaticConstructor', function (e) { - return function (t) { - return !this.match(C.colon) &&, t) - } - }), - e.extend('parseClassMethod', function (e) { - return function (t, n) { - n.variance && this.unexpected(n.variancePos), - delete n.variance, - delete n.variancePos, - this.isRelational('<') && (n.typeParameters = this.flowParseTypeParameterDeclaration()); - for (var r = arguments.length, i = Array(r > 2 ? r - 2 : 0), s = 2; s < r; s++) i[s - 2] = arguments[s]; -, [ - this, - t, - n - ].concat(i)) - } - }), - e.extend('parseClassSuper', function (e) { - return function (t, n) { - if (, t, n), t.superClass && this.isRelational('<') && (t.superTypeParameters = this.flowParseTypeParameterInstantiation()), this.isContextual('implements')) { -; - var r = t.implements = [ - ]; - do { - var i = this.startNode(); - = this.parseIdentifier(), - this.isRelational('<') ? i.typeParameters = this.flowParseTypeParameterInstantiation() : i.typeParameters = null, - r.push(this.finishNode(i, 'ClassImplements')) - } while ( - } - } - }), - e.extend('parsePropertyName', function (e) { - return function (t) { - var n = this.state.start, - r = this.flowParseVariance(), - i =, t); - return t.variance = r, - t.variancePos = n, - i - } - }), - e.extend('parseObjPropValue', function (e) { - return function (t) { - t.variance && this.unexpected(t.variancePos), - delete t.variance, - delete t.variancePos; - var n = void 0; - this.isRelational('<') && (n = this.flowParseTypeParameterDeclaration(), this.match(C.parenL) || this.unexpected()), - e.apply(this, arguments), - n && ((t.value || t).typeParameters = n) - } - }), - e.extend('parseAssignableListItemTypes', function () { - return function (e) { - return && (e.optional = !0), - this.match(C.colon) && (e.typeAnnotation = this.flowParseTypeAnnotation()), - this.finishNode(e, e.type), - e - } - }), - e.extend('parseMaybeDefault', function (e) { - return function () { - for (var t = arguments.length, n = Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) n[r] = arguments[r]; - var i = e.apply(this, n); - return 'AssignmentPattern' === i.type && i.typeAnnotation && i.right.start < i.typeAnnotation.start && this.raise(i.typeAnnotation.start, 'Type annotations must come before default assignments, e.g. instead of `age = 25: number` use `age: number = 25`'), - i - } - }), - e.extend('parseImportSpecifiers', function (e) { - return function (t) { - t.importKind = 'value'; - var n = null; - if (this.match(C._typeof) ? n = 'typeof' : this.isContextual('type') && (n = 'type'), n) { - var r = this.lookahead(); - (r.type === && 'from' !== r.value || r.type === C.braceL || r.type === && (, t.importKind = n) - } -, t) - } - }), - e.extend('parseImportSpecifier', function () { - return function (e) { - var t = this.startNode(), - n = this.state.start, - r = this.parseIdentifier(!0), - i = null; - 'type' === ? i = 'type' : 'typeof' === && (i = 'typeof'); - var s = !1; - if (this.isContextual('as')) { - var o = this.parseIdentifier(!0); - null === i || this.match( || this.state.type.keyword ? (t.imported = r, t.importKind = null, t.local = this.parseIdentifier()) : (t.imported = o, t.importKind = i, t.local = o.__clone()) - } else null !== i && (this.match( || this.state.type.keyword) ? (t.imported = this.parseIdentifier(!0), t.importKind = i, this.eatContextual('as') ? t.local = this.parseIdentifier() : (s = !0, t.local = t.imported.__clone())) : (s = !0, t.imported = r, t.importKind = null, t.local = t.imported.__clone()); - 'type' !== e.importKind && 'typeof' !== e.importKind || 'type' !== t.importKind && 'typeof' !== t.importKind || this.raise(n, '`The `type` and `typeof` keywords on named imports can only be used on regular `import` statements. It cannot be used with `import type` or `import typeof` statements`'), - s && this.checkReservedWord(, t.start, !0, !0), - this.checkLVal(t.local, !0, void 0, 'import specifier'), - e.specifiers.push(this.finishNode(t, 'ImportSpecifier')) - } - }), - e.extend('parseFunctionParams', function (e) { - return function (t) { - this.isRelational('<') && (t.typeParameters = this.flowParseTypeParameterDeclaration()), -, t) - } - }), - e.extend('parseVarHead', function (e) { - return function (t) { -, t), - this.match(C.colon) && ( = this.flowParseTypeAnnotation(), this.finishNode(, - } - }), - e.extend('parseAsyncArrowFromCallExpression', function (e) { - return function (t, n) { - if (this.match(C.colon)) { - var r = this.state.noAnonFunctionType; - this.state.noAnonFunctionType = !0, - t.returnType = this.flowParseTypeAnnotation(), - this.state.noAnonFunctionType = r - } - return, t, n) - } - }), - e.extend('shouldParseAsyncArrow', function (e) { - return function () { - return this.match(C.colon) || - } - }), - e.extend('parseMaybeAssign', function (e) { - return function () { - for (var t = null, n = arguments.length, r = Array(n), i = 0; i < n; i++) r[i] = arguments[i]; - if (C.jsxTagStart && this.match(C.jsxTagStart)) { - var s = this.state.clone(); - try { - return e.apply(this, r) - } catch (e) { - if (!(e instanceof SyntaxError)) throw e; - this.state = s, - this.state.context.length -= 2, - t = e - } - } - if (null != t || this.isRelational('<')) { - var o = void 0, - a = void 0; - try { - a = this.flowParseTypeParameterDeclaration(), - (o = e.apply(this, r)).typeParameters = a, - o.start = a.start, - o.loc.start = a.loc.start - } catch (e) { - throw t || e - } - if ('ArrowFunctionExpression' === o.type) return o; - if (null != t) throw t; - this.raise(a.start, 'Expected an arrow function after this type parameter declaration') - } - return e.apply(this, r) - } - }), - e.extend('parseArrow', function (e) { - return function (t) { - if (this.match(C.colon)) { - var n = this.state.clone(); - try { - var r = this.state.noAnonFunctionType; - this.state.noAnonFunctionType = !0; - var i = this.flowParseTypeAndPredicateAnnotation(); - this.state.noAnonFunctionType = r, - this.canInsertSemicolon() && this.unexpected(), - this.match(C.arrow) || this.unexpected(), - t.returnType = i - } catch (e) { - if (!(e instanceof SyntaxError)) throw e; - this.state = n - } - } - return, t) - } - }), - e.extend('shouldParseArrow', function (e) { - return function () { - return this.match(C.colon) || - } - }) - }, - L.jsx = function (e) { - e.extend('parseExprAtom', function (e) { - return function (t) { - if (this.match(C.jsxText)) { - var n = this.parseLiteral(this.state.value, 'JSXText'); - return n.extra = null, - n - } - return this.match(C.jsxTagStart) ? this.jsxParseElement() :, t) - } - }), - e.extend('readToken', function (e) { - return function (t) { - if (this.state.inPropertyName) return, t); - var n = this.curContext(); - if (n === O.j_expr) return this.jsxReadToken(); - if (n === O.j_oTag || n === O.j_cTag) { - if (f(t)) return this.jsxReadWord(); - if (62 === t) return ++this.state.pos, - this.finishToken(C.jsxTagEnd); - if ((34 === t || 39 === t) && n === O.j_oTag) return this.jsxReadString(t) - } - return 60 === t && this.state.exprAllowed ? (++this.state.pos, this.finishToken(C.jsxTagStart)) :, t) - } - }), - e.extend('updateContext', function (e) { - return function (t) { - if (this.match(C.braceL)) { - var n = this.curContext(); - n === O.j_oTag ? this.state.context.push(O.braceExpression) : n === O.j_expr ? this.state.context.push(O.templateQuasi) :, t), - this.state.exprAllowed = !0 - } else { - if (!this.match(C.slash) || t !== C.jsxTagStart) return, t); - this.state.context.length -= 2, - this.state.context.push(O.j_cTag), - this.state.exprAllowed = !1 - } - } - }) - }, - n.parse = function (e, t) { - return new j(t, e).parse() - }, - n.parseExpression = function (e, t) { - var n = new j(t, e); - return n.options.strictMode && (n.state.strict = !0), - n.getExpression() - }, - n.tokTypes = C - }, - { - } - ], - 39: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - n.byteLength = function (e) { - var t = l(e), - n = t[0], - r = t[1]; - return 3 * (n + r) / 4 - r - }, - n.toByteArray = function (e) { - var t, - n, - r = l(e), - o = r[0], - a = r[1], - u = new s(function (e, t, n) { - return 3 * (t + n) / 4 - n - }(0, o, a)), - c = 0, - p = a > 0 ? o - 4 : o; - for (n = 0; n < p; n += 4) t = i[e.charCodeAt(n)] << 18 | i[e.charCodeAt(n + 1)] << 12 | i[e.charCodeAt(n + 2)] << 6 | i[e.charCodeAt(n + 3)], - u[c++] = t >> 16 & 255, - u[c++] = t >> 8 & 255, - u[c++] = 255 & t; - 2 === a && (t = i[e.charCodeAt(n)] << 2 | i[e.charCodeAt(n + 1)] >> 4, u[c++] = 255 & t); - 1 === a && (t = i[e.charCodeAt(n)] << 10 | i[e.charCodeAt(n + 1)] << 4 | i[e.charCodeAt(n + 2)] >> 2, u[c++] = t >> 8 & 255, u[c++] = 255 & t); - return u - }, - n.fromByteArray = function (e) { - for (var t, n = e.length, i = n % 3, s = [ - ], o = 0, a = n - i; o < a; o += 16383) s.push(c(e, o, o + 16383 > a ? a : o + 16383)); - 1 === i ? (t = e[n - 1], s.push(r[t >> 2] + r[t << 4 & 63] + '==')) : 2 === i && (t = (e[n - 2] << 8) + e[n - 1], s.push(r[t >> 10] + r[t >> 4 & 63] + r[t << 2 & 63] + '=')); - return s.join('') - }; - for (var r = [ - ], i = [ - ], s = 'undefined' != typeof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array : Array, o = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/', a = 0, u = o.length; a < u; ++a) r[a] = o[a], - i[o.charCodeAt(a)] = a; - function l(e) { - var t = e.length; - if (t % 4 > 0) throw new Error('Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4'); - var n = e.indexOf('='); - return - 1 === n && (n = t), - [ - n, - n === t ? 0 : 4 - n % 4 - ] - } - function c(e, t, n) { - for (var i, s, o = [ - ], a = t; a < n; a += 3) i = (e[a] << 16 & 16711680) + (e[a + 1] << 8 & 65280) + (255 & e[a + 2]), - o.push(r[(s = i) >> 18 & 63] + r[s >> 12 & 63] + r[s >> 6 & 63] + r[63 & s]); - return o.join('') - } - i['-'.charCodeAt(0)] = 62, - i['_'.charCodeAt(0)] = 63 - }, - { - } - ], - 40: [ - function (e, t, n) { - }, - { - } - ], - 41: [ - function (e, t, n) { - arguments[4][40][0].apply(n, arguments) - }, - { - dup: 40 - } - ], - 42: [ - function (e, t, n) { - (function (t) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('base64-js'), - i = e('ieee754'), - s = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'function' == typeof Symbol.for ? Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom') : null; - n.Buffer = t, - n.SlowBuffer = function (e) { - + e != e && (e = 0); - return t.alloc( + e) - }, - n.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50; - var o = 2147483647; - function a(e) { - if (e > o) throw new RangeError('The value "' + e + '" is invalid for option "size"'); - var n = new Uint8Array(e); - return Object.setPrototypeOf(n, t.prototype), - n - } - function t(e, t, n) { - if ('number' == typeof e) { - if ('string' == typeof t) throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number'); - return c(e) - } - return u(e, t, n) - } - function u(e, n, r) { - if ('string' == typeof e) return function (e, n) { - 'string' == typeof n && '' !== n || (n = 'utf8'); - if (!t.isEncoding(n)) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + n); - var r = 0 | f(e, n), - i = a(r), - s = i.write(e, n); - s !== r && (i = i.slice(0, s)); - return i - }(e, n); - if (ArrayBuffer.isView(e)) return p(e); - if (null == e) throw new TypeError('The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type ' + typeof e); - if (M(e, ArrayBuffer) || e && M(e.buffer, ArrayBuffer)) return function (e, n, r) { - if (n < 0 || e.byteLength < n) throw new RangeError('"offset" is outside of buffer bounds'); - if (e.byteLength < n + (r || 0)) throw new RangeError('"length" is outside of buffer bounds'); - var i; - i = void 0 === n && void 0 === r ? new Uint8Array(e) : void 0 === r ? new Uint8Array(e, n) : new Uint8Array(e, n, r); - return Object.setPrototypeOf(i, t.prototype), - i - }(e, n, r); - if ('number' == typeof e) throw new TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number'); - var i = e.valueOf && e.valueOf(); - if (null != i && i !== e) return t.from(i, n, r); - var s = function (e) { - if (t.isBuffer(e)) { - var n = 0 | h(e.length), - r = a(n); - return 0 === r.length ? r : (e.copy(r, 0, 0, n), r) - } - if (void 0 !== e.length) return 'number' != typeof e.length || U(e.length) ? a(0) : p(e); - if ('Buffer' === e.type && Array.isArray( return p( - }(e); - if (s) return s; - if ('undefined' != typeof Symbol && null != Symbol.toPrimitive && 'function' == typeof e[Symbol.toPrimitive]) return t.from(e[Symbol.toPrimitive]('string'), n, r); - throw new TypeError('The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type ' + typeof e) - } - function l(e) { - if ('number' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number'); - if (e < 0) throw new RangeError('The value "' + e + '" is invalid for option "size"') - } - function c(e) { - return l(e), - a(e < 0 ? 0 : 0 | h(e)) - } - function p(e) { - for (var t = e.length < 0 ? 0 : 0 | h(e.length), n = a(t), r = 0; r < t; r += 1) n[r] = 255 & e[r]; - return n - } - function h(e) { - if (e >= o) throw new RangeError('Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x' + o.toString(16) + ' bytes'); - return 0 | e - } - function f(e, n) { - if (t.isBuffer(e)) return e.length; - if (ArrayBuffer.isView(e) || M(e, ArrayBuffer)) return e.byteLength; - if ('string' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type ' + typeof e); - var r = e.length, - i = arguments.length > 2 && !0 === arguments[2]; - if (!i && 0 === r) return 0; - for (var s = !1; ; ) switch (n) { - case 'ascii': - case 'latin1': - case 'binary': - return r; - case 'utf8': - case 'utf-8': - return L(e).length; - case 'ucs2': - case 'ucs-2': - case 'utf16le': - case 'utf-16le': - return 2 * r; - case 'hex': - return r >>> 1; - case 'base64': - return I(e).length; - default: - if (s) return i ? - 1 : L(e).length; - n = ('' + n).toLowerCase(), - s = !0 - } - } - function d(e, t, n) { - var r = e[t]; - e[t] = e[n], - e[n] = r - } - function m(e, n, r, i, s) { - if (0 === e.length) return - 1; - if ('string' == typeof r ? (i = r, r = 0) : r > 2147483647 ? r = 2147483647 : r < - 2147483648 && (r = - 2147483648), U(r = + r) && (r = s ? 0 : e.length - 1), r < 0 && (r = e.length + r), r >= e.length) { - if (s) return - 1; - r = e.length - 1 - } else if (r < 0) { - if (!s) return - 1; - r = 0 - } - if ('string' == typeof n && (n = t.from(n, i)), t.isBuffer(n)) return 0 === n.length ? - 1 : g(e, n, r, i, s); - if ('number' == typeof n) return n &= 255, - 'function' == typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf ? s ?, n, r) :, n, r) : g(e, [ - n - ], r, i, s); - throw new TypeError('val must be string, number or Buffer') - } - function g(e, t, n, r, i) { - var s, - o = 1, - a = e.length, - u = t.length; - if (void 0 !== r && ('ucs2' === (r = String(r).toLowerCase()) || 'ucs-2' === r || 'utf16le' === r || 'utf-16le' === r)) { - if (e.length < 2 || t.length < 2) return - 1; - o = 2, - a /= 2, - u /= 2, - n /= 2 - } - function l(e, t) { - return 1 === o ? e[t] : e.readUInt16BE(t * o) - } - if (i) { - var c = - 1; - for (s = n; s < a; s++) if (l(e, s) === l(t, - 1 === c ? 0 : s - c)) { - if ( - 1 === c && (c = s), s - c + 1 === u) return c * o - } else - 1 !== c && (s -= s - c), - c = - 1 - } else for (n + u > a && (n = a - u), s = n; s >= 0; s--) { - for (var p = !0, h = 0; h < u; h++) if (l(e, s + h) !== l(t, h)) { - p = !1; - break - } - if (p) return s - } - return - 1 - } - function y(e, t, n, r) { - n = Number(n) || 0; - var i = e.length - n; - r ? (r = Number(r)) > i && (r = i) : r = i; - var s = t.length; - r > s / 2 && (r = s / 2); - for (var o = 0; o < r; ++o) { - var a = parseInt(t.substr(2 * o, 2), 16); - if (U(a)) return o; - e[n + o] = a - } - return o - } - function v(e, t, n, r) { - return j(L(t, e.length - n), e, n, r) - } - function b(e, t, n, r) { - return j(function (e) { - for (var t = [ - ], n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) t.push(255 & e.charCodeAt(n)); - return t - }(t), e, n, r) - } - function x(e, t, n, r) { - return b(e, t, n, r) - } - function A(e, t, n, r) { - return j(I(t), e, n, r) - } - function E(e, t, n, r) { - return j(function (e, t) { - for (var n, r, i, s = [ - ], o = 0; o < e.length && !((t -= 2) < 0); ++o) n = e.charCodeAt(o), - r = n >> 8, - i = n % 256, - s.push(i), - s.push(r); - return s - }(t, e.length - n), e, n, r) - } - function _(e, t, n) { - return 0 === t && n === e.length ? r.fromByteArray(e) : r.fromByteArray(e.slice(t, n)) - } - function C(e, t, n) { - n = Math.min(e.length, n); - for (var r = [ - ], i = t; i < n; ) { - var s, - o, - a, - u, - l = e[i], - c = null, - p = l > 239 ? 4 : l > 223 ? 3 : l > 191 ? 2 : 1; - if (i + p <= n) switch (p) { - case 1: - l < 128 && (c = l); - break; - case 2: - 128 == (192 & (s = e[i + 1])) && (u = (31 & l) << 6 | 63 & s) > 127 && (c = u); - break; - case 3: - s = e[i + 1], - o = e[i + 2], - 128 == (192 & s) && 128 == (192 & o) && (u = (15 & l) << 12 | (63 & s) << 6 | 63 & o) > 2047 && (u < 55296 || u > 57343) && (c = u); - break; - case 4: - s = e[i + 1], - o = e[i + 2], - a = e[i + 3], - 128 == (192 & s) && 128 == (192 & o) && 128 == (192 & a) && (u = (15 & l) << 18 | (63 & s) << 12 | (63 & o) << 6 | 63 & a) > 65535 && u < 1114112 && (c = u) - } - null === c ? (c = 65533, p = 1) : c > 65535 && (c -= 65536, r.push(c >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), c = 56320 | 1023 & c), - r.push(c), - i += p - } - return function (e) { - var t = e.length; - if (t <= w) return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, e); - var n = '', - r = 0; - for (; r < t; ) n += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, e.slice(r, r += w)); - return n - }(r) - } - n.kMaxLength = o, - t.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = function () { - try { - var e = new Uint8Array(1), - t = { - foo: function () { - return 42 - } - }; - return Object.setPrototypeOf(t, Uint8Array.prototype), - Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t), - 42 === - } catch (e) { - return !1 - } - }(), - t.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT || 'undefined' == typeof console || 'function' != typeof console.error || console.error('This browser lacks typed array (Uint8Array) support which is required by `buffer` v5.x. Use `buffer` v4.x if you require old browser support.'), - Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, 'parent', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - if (t.isBuffer(this)) return this.buffer - } - }), - Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, 'offset', { - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - if (t.isBuffer(this)) return this.byteOffset - } - }), - 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && null != Symbol.species && t[Symbol.species] === t && Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.species, { - value: null, - configurable: !0, - enumerable: !1, - writable: !1 - }), - t.poolSize = 8192, - t.from = function (e, t, n) { - return u(e, t, n) - }, - Object.setPrototypeOf(t.prototype, Uint8Array.prototype), - Object.setPrototypeOf(t, Uint8Array), - t.alloc = function (e, t, n) { - return function (e, t, n) { - return l(e), - e <= 0 ? a(e) : void 0 !== t ? 'string' == typeof n ? a(e).fill(t, n) : a(e).fill(t) : a(e) - }(e, t, n) - }, - t.allocUnsafe = function (e) { - return c(e) - }, - t.allocUnsafeSlow = function (e) { - return c(e) - }, - t.isBuffer = function (e) { - return null != e && !0 === e._isBuffer && e !== t.prototype - }, - = function (e, n) { - if (M(e, Uint8Array) && (e = t.from(e, e.offset, e.byteLength)), M(n, Uint8Array) && (n = t.from(n, n.offset, n.byteLength)), !t.isBuffer(e) || !t.isBuffer(n)) throw new TypeError('The "buf1", "buf2" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array'); - if (e === n) return 0; - for (var r = e.length, i = n.length, s = 0, o = Math.min(r, i); s < o; ++s) if (e[s] !== n[s]) { - r = e[s], - i = n[s]; - break - } - return r < i ? - 1 : i < r ? 1 : 0 - }, - t.isEncoding = function (e) { - switch (String(e).toLowerCase()) { - case 'hex': - case 'utf8': - case 'utf-8': - case 'ascii': - case 'latin1': - case 'binary': - case 'base64': - case 'ucs2': - case 'ucs-2': - case 'utf16le': - case 'utf-16le': - return !0; - default: - return !1 - } - }, - t.concat = function (e, n) { - if (!Array.isArray(e)) throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers'); - if (0 === e.length) return t.alloc(0); - var r; - if (void 0 === n) for (n = 0, r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) n += e[r].length; - var i = t.allocUnsafe(n), - s = 0; - for (r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) { - var o = e[r]; - if (M(o, Uint8Array) && (o = t.from(o)), !t.isBuffer(o)) throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers'); - o.copy(i, s), - s += o.length - } - return i - }, - t.byteLength = f, - t.prototype._isBuffer = !0, - t.prototype.swap16 = function () { - var e = this.length; - if (e % 2 != 0) throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits'); - for (var t = 0; t < e; t += 2) d(this, t, t + 1); - return this - }, - t.prototype.swap32 = function () { - var e = this.length; - if (e % 4 != 0) throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits'); - for (var t = 0; t < e; t += 4) d(this, t, t + 3), - d(this, t + 1, t + 2); - return this - }, - t.prototype.swap64 = function () { - var e = this.length; - if (e % 8 != 0) throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits'); - for (var t = 0; t < e; t += 8) d(this, t, t + 7), - d(this, t + 1, t + 6), - d(this, t + 2, t + 5), - d(this, t + 3, t + 4); - return this - }, - t.prototype.toString = function () { - var e = this.length; - return 0 === e ? '' : 0 === arguments.length ? C(this, 0, e) : function (e, t, n) { - var r = !1; - if ((void 0 === t || t < 0) && (t = 0), t > this.length) return ''; - if ((void 0 === n || n > this.length) && (n = this.length), n <= 0) return ''; - if ((n >>>= 0) <= (t >>>= 0)) return ''; - for (e || (e = 'utf8'); ; ) switch (e) { - case 'hex': - return S(this, t, n); - case 'utf8': - case 'utf-8': - return C(this, t, n); - case 'ascii': - return D(this, t, n); - case 'latin1': - case 'binary': - return k(this, t, n); - case 'base64': - return _(this, t, n); - case 'ucs2': - case 'ucs-2': - case 'utf16le': - case 'utf-16le': - return T(this, t, n); - default: - if (r) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + e); - e = (e + '').toLowerCase(), - r = !0 - } - }.apply(this, arguments) - }, - t.prototype.toLocaleString = t.prototype.toString, - t.prototype.equals = function (e) { - if (!t.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Buffer'); - return this === e || 0 ===, e) - }, - t.prototype.inspect = function () { - var e = '', - t = n.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES; - return e = this.toString('hex', 0, t).replace(/(.{2})/g, '$1 ').trim(), - this.length > t && (e += ' ... '), - '' - }, - s && (t.prototype[s] = t.prototype.inspect), - = function (e, n, r, i, s) { - if (M(e, Uint8Array) && (e = t.from(e, e.offset, e.byteLength)), !t.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError('The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type ' + typeof e); - if (void 0 === n && (n = 0), void 0 === r && (r = e ? e.length : 0), void 0 === i && (i = 0), void 0 === s && (s = this.length), n < 0 || r > e.length || i < 0 || s > this.length) throw new RangeError('out of range index'); - if (i >= s && n >= r) return 0; - if (i >= s) return - 1; - if (n >= r) return 1; - if (n >>>= 0, r >>>= 0, i >>>= 0, s >>>= 0, this === e) return 0; - for (var o = s - i, a = r - n, u = Math.min(o, a), l = this.slice(i, s), c = e.slice(n, r), p = 0; p < u; ++p) if (l[p] !== c[p]) { - o = l[p], - a = c[p]; - break - } - return o < a ? - 1 : a < o ? 1 : 0 - }, - t.prototype.includes = function (e, t, n) { - return - 1 !== this.indexOf(e, t, n) - }, - t.prototype.indexOf = function (e, t, n) { - return m(this, e, t, n, !0) - }, - t.prototype.lastIndexOf = function (e, t, n) { - return m(this, e, t, n, !1) - }, - t.prototype.write = function (e, t, n, r) { - if (void 0 === t) r = 'utf8', - n = this.length, - t = 0; - else if (void 0 === n && 'string' == typeof t) r = t, - n = this.length, - t = 0; - else { - if (!isFinite(t)) throw new Error('Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported'); - t >>>= 0, - isFinite(n) ? (n >>>= 0, void 0 === r && (r = 'utf8')) : (r = n, n = void 0) - } - var i = this.length - t; - if ((void 0 === n || n > i) && (n = i), e.length > 0 && (n < 0 || t < 0) || t > this.length) throw new RangeError('Attempt to write outside buffer bounds'); - r || (r = 'utf8'); - for (var s = !1; ; ) switch (r) { - case 'hex': - return y(this, e, t, n); - case 'utf8': - case 'utf-8': - return v(this, e, t, n); - case 'ascii': - return b(this, e, t, n); - case 'latin1': - case 'binary': - return x(this, e, t, n); - case 'base64': - return A(this, e, t, n); - case 'ucs2': - case 'ucs-2': - case 'utf16le': - case 'utf-16le': - return E(this, e, t, n); - default: - if (s) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + r); - r = ('' + r).toLowerCase(), - s = !0 - } - }, - t.prototype.toJSON = function () { - return { - type: 'Buffer', - data: || this, 0) - } - }; - var w = 4096; - function D(e, t, n) { - var r = ''; - n = Math.min(e.length, n); - for (var i = t; i < n; ++i) r += String.fromCharCode(127 & e[i]); - return r - } - function k(e, t, n) { - var r = ''; - n = Math.min(e.length, n); - for (var i = t; i < n; ++i) r += String.fromCharCode(e[i]); - return r - } - function S(e, t, n) { - var r = e.length; - (!t || t < 0) && (t = 0), - (!n || n < 0 || n > r) && (n = r); - for (var i = '', s = t; s < n; ++s) i += V[e[s]]; - return i - } - function T(e, t, n) { - for (var r = e.slice(t, n), i = '', s = 0; s < r.length; s += 2) i += String.fromCharCode(r[s] + 256 * r[s + 1]); - return i - } - function F(e, t, n) { - if (e % 1 != 0 || e < 0) throw new RangeError('offset is not uint'); - if (e + t > n) throw new RangeError('Trying to access beyond buffer length') - } - function O(e, n, r, i, s, o) { - if (!t.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance'); - if (n > s || n < o) throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds'); - if (r + i > e.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range') - } - function B(e, t, n, r, i, s) { - if (n + r > e.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range'); - if (n < 0) throw new RangeError('Index out of range') - } - function P(e, t, n, r, s) { - return t = + t, - n >>>= 0, - s || B(e, 0, n, 4), - i.write(e, t, n, r, 23, 4), - n + 4 - } - function N(e, t, n, r, s) { - return t = + t, - n >>>= 0, - s || B(e, 0, n, 8), - i.write(e, t, n, r, 52, 8), - n + 8 - } - t.prototype.slice = function (e, n) { - var r = this.length; - e = ~~e, - n = void 0 === n ? r : ~~n, - e < 0 ? (e += r) < 0 && (e = 0) : e > r && (e = r), - n < 0 ? (n += r) < 0 && (n = 0) : n > r && (n = r), - n < e && (n = e); - var i = this.subarray(e, n); - return Object.setPrototypeOf(i, t.prototype), - i - }, - t.prototype.readUIntLE = function (e, t, n) { - e >>>= 0, - t >>>= 0, - n || F(e, t, this.length); - for (var r = this[e], i = 1, s = 0; ++s < t && (i *= 256); ) r += this[e + s] * i; - return r - }, - t.prototype.readUIntBE = function (e, t, n) { - e >>>= 0, - t >>>= 0, - n || F(e, t, this.length); - for (var r = this[e + --t], i = 1; t > 0 && (i *= 256); ) r += this[e + --t] * i; - return r - }, - t.prototype.readUInt8 = function (e, t) { - return e >>>= 0, - t || F(e, 1, this.length), - this[e] - }, - t.prototype.readUInt16LE = function (e, t) { - return e >>>= 0, - t || F(e, 2, this.length), - this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8 - }, - t.prototype.readUInt16BE = function (e, t) { - return e >>>= 0, - t || F(e, 2, this.length), - this[e] << 8 | this[e + 1] - }, - t.prototype.readUInt32LE = function (e, t) { - return e >>>= 0, - t || F(e, 4, this.length), - (this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8 | this[e + 2] << 16) + 16777216 * this[e + 3] - }, - t.prototype.readUInt32BE = function (e, t) { - return e >>>= 0, - t || F(e, 4, this.length), - 16777216 * this[e] + (this[e + 1] << 16 | this[e + 2] << 8 | this[e + 3]) - }, - t.prototype.readIntLE = function (e, t, n) { - e >>>= 0, - t >>>= 0, - n || F(e, t, this.length); - for (var r = this[e], i = 1, s = 0; ++s < t && (i *= 256); ) r += this[e + s] * i; - return r >= (i *= 128) && (r -= Math.pow(2, 8 * t)), - r - }, - t.prototype.readIntBE = function (e, t, n) { - e >>>= 0, - t >>>= 0, - n || F(e, t, this.length); - for (var r = t, i = 1, s = this[e + --r]; r > 0 && (i *= 256); ) s += this[e + --r] * i; - return s >= (i *= 128) && (s -= Math.pow(2, 8 * t)), - s - }, - t.prototype.readInt8 = function (e, t) { - return e >>>= 0, - t || F(e, 1, this.length), - 128 & this[e] ? - 1 * (255 - this[e] + 1) : this[e] - }, - t.prototype.readInt16LE = function (e, t) { - e >>>= 0, - t || F(e, 2, this.length); - var n = this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8; - return 32768 & n ? 4294901760 | n : n - }, - t.prototype.readInt16BE = function (e, t) { - e >>>= 0, - t || F(e, 2, this.length); - var n = this[e + 1] | this[e] << 8; - return 32768 & n ? 4294901760 | n : n - }, - t.prototype.readInt32LE = function (e, t) { - return e >>>= 0, - t || F(e, 4, this.length), - this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8 | this[e + 2] << 16 | this[e + 3] << 24 - }, - t.prototype.readInt32BE = function (e, t) { - return e >>>= 0, - t || F(e, 4, this.length), - this[e] << 24 | this[e + 1] << 16 | this[e + 2] << 8 | this[e + 3] - }, - t.prototype.readFloatLE = function (e, t) { - return e >>>= 0, - t || F(e, 4, this.length), -, e, !0, 23, 4) - }, - t.prototype.readFloatBE = function (e, t) { - return e >>>= 0, - t || F(e, 4, this.length), -, e, !1, 23, 4) - }, - t.prototype.readDoubleLE = function (e, t) { - return e >>>= 0, - t || F(e, 8, this.length), -, e, !0, 52, 8) - }, - t.prototype.readDoubleBE = function (e, t) { - return e >>>= 0, - t || F(e, 8, this.length), -, e, !1, 52, 8) - }, - t.prototype.writeUIntLE = function (e, t, n, r) { - (e = + e, t >>>= 0, n >>>= 0, r) || O(this, e, t, n, Math.pow(2, 8 * n) - 1, 0); - var i = 1, - s = 0; - for (this[t] = 255 & e; ++s < n && (i *= 256); ) this[t + s] = e / i & 255; - return t + n - }, - t.prototype.writeUIntBE = function (e, t, n, r) { - (e = + e, t >>>= 0, n >>>= 0, r) || O(this, e, t, n, Math.pow(2, 8 * n) - 1, 0); - var i = n - 1, - s = 1; - for (this[t + i] = 255 & e; --i >= 0 && (s *= 256); ) this[t + i] = e / s & 255; - return t + n - }, - t.prototype.writeUInt8 = function (e, t, n) { - return e = + e, - t >>>= 0, - n || O(this, e, t, 1, 255, 0), - this[t] = 255 & e, - t + 1 - }, - t.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function (e, t, n) { - return e = + e, - t >>>= 0, - n || O(this, e, t, 2, 65535, 0), - this[t] = 255 & e, - this[t + 1] = e >>> 8, - t + 2 - }, - t.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function (e, t, n) { - return e = + e, - t >>>= 0, - n || O(this, e, t, 2, 65535, 0), - this[t] = e >>> 8, - this[t + 1] = 255 & e, - t + 2 - }, - t.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function (e, t, n) { - return e = + e, - t >>>= 0, - n || O(this, e, t, 4, 4294967295, 0), - this[t + 3] = e >>> 24, - this[t + 2] = e >>> 16, - this[t + 1] = e >>> 8, - this[t] = 255 & e, - t + 4 - }, - t.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function (e, t, n) { - return e = + e, - t >>>= 0, - n || O(this, e, t, 4, 4294967295, 0), - this[t] = e >>> 24, - this[t + 1] = e >>> 16, - this[t + 2] = e >>> 8, - this[t + 3] = 255 & e, - t + 4 - }, - t.prototype.writeIntLE = function (e, t, n, r) { - if (e = + e, t >>>= 0, !r) { - var i = Math.pow(2, 8 * n - 1); - O(this, e, t, n, i - 1, - i) - } - var s = 0, - o = 1, - a = 0; - for (this[t] = 255 & e; ++s < n && (o *= 256); ) e < 0 && 0 === a && 0 !== this[t + s - 1] && (a = 1), - this[t + s] = (e / o >> 0) - a & 255; - return t + n - }, - t.prototype.writeIntBE = function (e, t, n, r) { - if (e = + e, t >>>= 0, !r) { - var i = Math.pow(2, 8 * n - 1); - O(this, e, t, n, i - 1, - i) - } - var s = n - 1, - o = 1, - a = 0; - for (this[t + s] = 255 & e; --s >= 0 && (o *= 256); ) e < 0 && 0 === a && 0 !== this[t + s + 1] && (a = 1), - this[t + s] = (e / o >> 0) - a & 255; - return t + n - }, - t.prototype.writeInt8 = function (e, t, n) { - return e = + e, - t >>>= 0, - n || O(this, e, t, 1, 127, - 128), - e < 0 && (e = 255 + e + 1), - this[t] = 255 & e, - t + 1 - }, - t.prototype.writeInt16LE = function (e, t, n) { - return e = + e, - t >>>= 0, - n || O(this, e, t, 2, 32767, - 32768), - this[t] = 255 & e, - this[t + 1] = e >>> 8, - t + 2 - }, - t.prototype.writeInt16BE = function (e, t, n) { - return e = + e, - t >>>= 0, - n || O(this, e, t, 2, 32767, - 32768), - this[t] = e >>> 8, - this[t + 1] = 255 & e, - t + 2 - }, - t.prototype.writeInt32LE = function (e, t, n) { - return e = + e, - t >>>= 0, - n || O(this, e, t, 4, 2147483647, - 2147483648), - this[t] = 255 & e, - this[t + 1] = e >>> 8, - this[t + 2] = e >>> 16, - this[t + 3] = e >>> 24, - t + 4 - }, - t.prototype.writeInt32BE = function (e, t, n) { - return e = + e, - t >>>= 0, - n || O(this, e, t, 4, 2147483647, - 2147483648), - e < 0 && (e = 4294967295 + e + 1), - this[t] = e >>> 24, - this[t + 1] = e >>> 16, - this[t + 2] = e >>> 8, - this[t + 3] = 255 & e, - t + 4 - }, - t.prototype.writeFloatLE = function (e, t, n) { - return P(this, e, t, !0, n) - }, - t.prototype.writeFloatBE = function (e, t, n) { - return P(this, e, t, !1, n) - }, - t.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function (e, t, n) { - return N(this, e, t, !0, n) - }, - t.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function (e, t, n) { - return N(this, e, t, !1, n) - }, - t.prototype.copy = function (e, n, r, i) { - if (!t.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError('argument should be a Buffer'); - if (r || (r = 0), i || 0 === i || (i = this.length), n >= e.length && (n = e.length), n || (n = 0), i > 0 && i < r && (i = r), i === r) return 0; - if (0 === e.length || 0 === this.length) return 0; - if (n < 0) throw new RangeError('targetStart out of bounds'); - if (r < 0 || r >= this.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range'); - if (i < 0) throw new RangeError('sourceEnd out of bounds'); - i > this.length && (i = this.length), - e.length - n < i - r && (i = e.length - n + r); - var s = i - r; - if (this === e && 'function' == typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin) this.copyWithin(n, r, i); - else if (this === e && r < n && n < i) for (var o = s - 1; o >= 0; --o) e[o + n] = this[o + r]; - else, this.subarray(r, i), n); - return s - }, - t.prototype.fill = function (e, n, r, i) { - if ('string' == typeof e) { - if ('string' == typeof n ? (i = n, n = 0, r = this.length) : 'string' == typeof r && (i = r, r = this.length), void 0 !== i && 'string' != typeof i) throw new TypeError('encoding must be a string'); - if ('string' == typeof i && !t.isEncoding(i)) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + i); - if (1 === e.length) { - var s = e.charCodeAt(0); - ('utf8' === i && s < 128 || 'latin1' === i) && (e = s) - } - } else 'number' == typeof e ? e &= 255 : 'boolean' == typeof e && (e = Number(e)); - if (n < 0 || this.length < n || this.length < r) throw new RangeError('Out of range index'); - if (r <= n) return this; - var o; - if (n >>>= 0, r = void 0 === r ? this.length : r >>> 0, e || (e = 0), 'number' == typeof e) for (o = n; o < r; ++o) this[o] = e; - else { - var a = t.isBuffer(e) ? e : t.from(e, i), - u = a.length; - if (0 === u) throw new TypeError('The value "' + e + '" is invalid for argument "value"'); - for (o = 0; o < r - n; ++o) this[o + n] = a[o % u] - } - return this - }; - var R = /[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g; - function L(e, t) { - var n; - t = t || 1 / 0; - for (var r = e.length, i = null, s = [ - ], o = 0; o < r; ++o) { - if ((n = e.charCodeAt(o)) > 55295 && n < 57344) { - if (!i) { - if (n > 56319) { - (t -= 3) > - 1 && s.push(239, 191, 189); - continue - } - if (o + 1 === r) { - (t -= 3) > - 1 && s.push(239, 191, 189); - continue - } - i = n; - continue - } - if (n < 56320) { - (t -= 3) > - 1 && s.push(239, 191, 189), - i = n; - continue - } - n = 65536 + (i - 55296 << 10 | n - 56320) - } else i && (t -= 3) > - 1 && s.push(239, 191, 189); - if (i = null, n < 128) { - if ((t -= 1) < 0) break; - s.push(n) - } else if (n < 2048) { - if ((t -= 2) < 0) break; - s.push(n >> 6 | 192, 63 & n | 128) - } else if (n < 65536) { - if ((t -= 3) < 0) break; - s.push(n >> 12 | 224, n >> 6 & 63 | 128, 63 & n | 128) - } else { - if (!(n < 1114112)) throw new Error('Invalid code point'); - if ((t -= 4) < 0) break; - s.push(n >> 18 | 240, n >> 12 & 63 | 128, n >> 6 & 63 | 128, 63 & n | 128) - } - } - return s - } - function I(e) { - return r.toByteArray(function (e) { - if ((e = (e = e.split('=') [0]).trim().replace(R, '')).length < 2) return ''; - for (; e.length % 4 != 0; ) e += '='; - return e - }(e)) - } - function j(e, t, n, r) { - for (var i = 0; i < r && !(i + n >= t.length || i >= e.length); ++i) t[i + n] = e[i]; - return i - } - function M(e, t) { - return e instanceof t || null != e && null != e.constructor && null != && === - } - function U(e) { - return e != e - } - var V = function () { - for (var e = new Array(256), t = 0; t < 16; ++t) for (var n = 16 * t, r = 0; r < 16; ++r) e[n + r] = '0123456789abcdef'[t] + '0123456789abcdef'[r]; - return e - }() - }).call(this, e('buffer').Buffer) - }, - { - 'base64-js': 39, - buffer: 42, - ieee754: 236 - } - ], - 43: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('is-regex'), - i = (n = t.exports = a).TOKEN_TYPES = { - LINE_COMMENT: '//', - BLOCK_COMMENT: '/**/', - SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'', - DOUBLE_QUOTE: '"', - TEMPLATE_QUOTE: '`', - REGEXP: '//g' - }, - s = n.BRACKETS = { - '(': ')', - '{': '}', - '[': ']' - }, - o = { - ')': '(', - '}': '{', - ']': '[' - }; - function a(e, t, r) { - r = r || { - }, - t = t || n.defaultState(); - for (var i = r.start || 0, s = r.end || e.length, o = i; o < s; ) { - try { - u(e[o], t) - } catch (e) { - throw e.index = o, - e - } - o++ - } - return t - } - function u(e, t) { - if (1 !== e.length) throw (l = new Error('Character must be a string of length 1')).name = 'InvalidArgumentError', - l.code = 'CHARACTER_PARSER:CHAR_LENGTH_NOT_ONE', - l; - (t = t || n.defaultState()).src += e; - var r, - a = t.isComment(), - u = t.history ? t.history[0] : ''; - switch (t.regexpStart && ('/' !== e && '*' != e || t.stack.pop(), t.regexpStart = !1), t.current()) { - case i.LINE_COMMENT: - '\n' === e && t.stack.pop(); - break; - case i.BLOCK_COMMENT: - '*' === t.lastChar && '/' === e && t.stack.pop(); - break; - case i.SINGLE_QUOTE: - '\'' !== e || t.escaped ? '\\' !== e || t.escaped ? t.escaped = !1 : t.escaped = !0 : t.stack.pop(); - break; - case i.DOUBLE_QUOTE: - '"' !== e || t.escaped ? '\\' !== e || t.escaped ? t.escaped = !1 : t.escaped = !0 : t.stack.pop(); - break; - case i.TEMPLATE_QUOTE: - '`' !== e || t.escaped ? '\\' !== e || t.escaped ? '$' !== e || t.escaped ? '{' === e && t.hasDollar ? t.stack.push(s[e]) : (t.escaped = !1, t.hasDollar = !1) : t.hasDollar = !0 : (t.escaped = !0, t.hasDollar = !1) : (t.stack.pop(), t.hasDollar = !1); - break; - case i.REGEXP: - '/' !== e || t.escaped ? '\\' !== e || t.escaped ? t.escaped = !1 : t.escaped = !0 : t.stack.pop(); - break; - default: - if (e in s) t.stack.push(s[e]); - else if (e in o) { - var l; - if (t.current() !== e) throw (l = new SyntaxError('Mismatched Bracket: ' + e)).code = 'CHARACTER_PARSER:MISMATCHED_BRACKET', - l; - t.stack.pop() - } else '/' === u && '/' === e ? (t.history = t.history.substr(1), t.stack.push(i.LINE_COMMENT)) : '/' === u && '*' === e ? (t.history = t.history.substr(1), t.stack.push(i.BLOCK_COMMENT)) : '/' === e && (')' !== (r = (r = t.history).replace(/^\s*/, '')) [0] && ('}' === r[0] || p(r[0]) || /^\w+\b/.test(r) && h(/^\w+\b/.exec(r) [0].split('').reverse().join('')))) ? (t.stack.push(i.REGEXP), t.regexpStart = !0) : '\'' === e ? t.stack.push(i.SINGLE_QUOTE) : '"' === e ? t.stack.push(i.DOUBLE_QUOTE) : '`' === e && t.stack.push(i.TEMPLATE_QUOTE) - } - return t.isComment() || a || (t.history = e + t.history), - t.lastChar = e, - t - } - function l() { - this.stack = [ - ], - this.regexpStart = !1, - this.escaped = !1, - this.hasDollar = !1, - this.src = '', - this.history = '', - this.lastChar = '' - } - function c(e, t, n) { - return r(t) ? t.test(e.substr(n || 0)) : e.substr(n || 0, t.length) === t - } - function p(e) { - if (!e) return !0; - switch (e.charCodeAt(0)) { - case 46: - case 40: - case 41: - case 59: - case 44: - case 123: - case 125: - case 91: - case 93: - case 58: - case 63: - case 126: - case 37: - case 38: - case 42: - case 43: - case 45: - case 47: - case 60: - case 62: - case 94: - case 124: - case 33: - case 61: - return !0; - default: - return !1 - } - } - function h(e) { - return 'if' === e || 'in' === e || 'do' === e || 'var' === e || 'for' === e || 'new' === e || 'try' === e || 'let' === e || 'this' === e || 'else' === e || 'case' === e || 'void' === e || 'with' === e || 'enum' === e || 'while' === e || 'break' === e || 'catch' === e || 'throw' === e || 'const' === e || 'yield' === e || 'class' === e || 'super' === e || 'return' === e || 'typeof' === e || 'delete' === e || 'switch' === e || 'export' === e || 'import' === e || 'default' === e || 'finally' === e || 'extends' === e || 'function' === e || 'continue' === e || 'debugger' === e || 'package' === e || 'private' === e || 'interface' === e || 'instanceof' === e || 'implements' === e || 'protected' === e || 'public' === e || 'static' === e - } - n.parse = a, - n.parseUntil = function (e, t, r) { - var i = (r = r || { - }).start || 0, - s = i, - o = n.defaultState(); - for (; s < e.length; ) { - if ((r.ignoreNesting || !o.isNesting(r)) && c(e, t, s)) { - var a = s; - return { - start: i, - end: a, - src: e.substring(i, a) - } - } - try { - u(e[s], o) - } catch (e) { - throw e.index = s, - e - } - s++ - } - var l = new Error('The end of the string was reached with no closing bracket found.'); - throw l.code = 'CHARACTER_PARSER:END_OF_STRING_REACHED', - l.index = s, - l - }, - n.parseChar = u, - n.defaultState = function () { - return new l - }, - l.prototype.current = function () { - return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] - }, - l.prototype.isString = function () { - return this.current() === i.SINGLE_QUOTE || this.current() === i.DOUBLE_QUOTE || this.current() === i.TEMPLATE_QUOTE - }, - l.prototype.isComment = function () { - return this.current() === i.LINE_COMMENT || this.current() === i.BLOCK_COMMENT - }, - l.prototype.isNesting = function (e) { - return (!e || !e.ignoreLineComment || 1 !== this.stack.length || this.stack[0] !== i.LINE_COMMENT) && !!this.stack.length - }, - n.isPunctuator = p, - n.isKeyword = h - }, - { - 'is-regex': 241 - } - ], - 44: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = e('./lib/clean') - }, - { - './lib/clean': 45 - } - ], - 45: [ - function (e, t, n) { - (function (n) { - var r = e('./optimizer/level-0/optimize'), - i = e('./optimizer/level-1/optimize'), - s = e('./optimizer/level-2/optimize'), - o = e('./optimizer/validator'), - a = e('./options/compatibility'), - u = e('./options/fetch'), - l = e('./options/format').formatFrom, - c = e('./options/inline'), - p = e('./options/inline-request'), - h = e('./options/inline-timeout'), - f = e('./options/optimization-level').OptimizationLevel, - d = e('./options/optimization-level').optimizationLevelFrom, - m = e('./options/rebase'), - g = e('./options/rebase-to'), - y = e('./reader/input-source-map-tracker'), - v = e('./reader/read-sources'), - b = e('./writer/simple'), - x = e('./writer/source-maps'), - A = t.exports = function (e) { - e = e || { - }, - this.options = { - compatibility: a(e.compatibility), - fetch: u(e.fetch), - format: l(e.format), - inline: c(e.inline), - inlineRequest: p(e.inlineRequest), - inlineTimeout: h(e.inlineTimeout), - level: d(e.level), - rebase: m(e.rebase), - rebaseTo: g(e.rebaseTo), - returnPromise: !!e.returnPromise, - sourceMap: !!e.sourceMap, - sourceMapInlineSources: !!e.sourceMapInlineSources - } - }; - function E(e, t, a, u) { - var l = 'function' != typeof a ? a : null, - c = 'function' == typeof u ? u : 'function' == typeof a ? a : null, - p = { - stats: { - efficiency: 0, - minifiedSize: 0, - originalSize: 0, - startedAt:, - timeSpent: 0 - }, - cache: { - specificity: { - } - }, - errors: [ - ], - inlinedStylesheets: [ - ], - inputSourceMapTracker: y(), - localOnly: !c, - options: t, - source: null, - sourcesContent: { - }, - validator: o(t.compatibility), - warnings: [ - ] - }; - return l && p.inputSourceMapTracker.track(void 0, l), - (p.localOnly ? function (e) { - return e() - } - : n.nextTick) (function () { - return v(e, p, function (e) { - var t = function (e, t) { - return e.stats = function (e, t) { - var n = - t.stats.startedAt; - return delete t.stats.startedAt, - t.stats.timeSpent = n, - t.stats.efficiency = 1 - e.length / t.stats.originalSize, - t.stats.minifiedSize = e.length, - t.stats - }(e.styles, t), - e.errors = t.errors, - e.inlinedStylesheets = t.inlinedStylesheets, - e.warnings = t.warnings, - e - }((p.options.sourceMap ? x : b) (function (e, t) { - var n; - return n = r(e, t), - n = f.One in t.options.level ? i(e, t) : e, - n = f.Two in t.options.level ? s(e, t, !0) : n - }(e, p), p), p); - return c ? c(p.errors.length > 0 ? p.errors : null, t) : t - }) - }) - } - A.process = function (e, t) { - var n =; - return delete, - new A(Object.assign({ - returnPromise: !0, - rebaseTo: n - }, t)).minify(e).then(function (e) { - return { - css: e.styles - } - }) - }, - A.prototype.minify = function (e, t, n) { - var r = this.options; - return r.returnPromise ? new Promise(function (n, i) { - E(e, r, t, function (e, t) { - return e ? i(e) : n(t) - }) - }) : E(e, r, t, n) - } - }).call(this, e('_process')) - }, - { - './optimizer/level-0/optimize': 47, - './optimizer/level-1/optimize': 48, - './optimizer/level-2/optimize': 67, - './optimizer/validator': 95, - './options/compatibility': 97, - './options/fetch': 98, - './options/format': 99, - './options/inline': 102, - './options/inline-request': 100, - './options/inline-timeout': 101, - './options/optimization-level': 103, - './options/rebase': 105, - './options/rebase-to': 104, - './reader/input-source-map-tracker': 109, - './reader/read-sources': 115, - './writer/simple': 137, - './writer/source-maps': 138, - _process: 373 - } - ], - 46: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = { - ASTERISK: 'asterisk', - BANG: 'bang', - BACKSLASH: 'backslash', - UNDERSCORE: 'underscore' - } - }, - { - } - ], - 47: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - return e - } - }, - { - } - ], - 48: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./shorten-hex'), - i = e('./shorten-hsl'), - s = e('./shorten-rgb'), - o = e('./sort-selectors'), - a = e('./tidy-rules'), - u = e('./tidy-block'), - l = e('./tidy-at-rule'), - c = e('../hack'), - p = e('../remove-unused'), - h = e('../restore-from-optimizing'), - f = e('../wrap-for-optimizing').all, - d = e('../../options/optimization-level').OptimizationLevel, - m = e('../../tokenizer/token'), - g = e('../../tokenizer/marker'), - y = e('../../utils/format-position'), - v = e('../../utils/split'), - b = e('../../writer/one-time').rules, - x = 'ignore-property', - A = '@charset', - E = new RegExp('^' + A, 'i'), - _ = e('../../options/rounding-precision').DEFAULT, - C = /(?:^|\s|\()(-?\d+)px/, - w = /^(\-?[\d\.]+)(m?s)$/, - D = /[0-9a-f]/i, - k = /^(?:\-chrome\-|\-[\w\-]+\w|\w[\w\-]+\w|\-\-\S+)$/, - S = /^@import/i, - T = /^('.*'|".*")$/, - F = /^['"][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d\-_]+['"]$/, - O = /^url\(/i, - B = /^--\S+$/; - function P(e) { - return e && '-' == e[1][0] && parseFloat(e[1]) < 0 - } - function N(e) { - return T.test(e) - } - function R(e) { - return O.test(e) - } - function L(e) { - return e.replace(O, 'url(').replace(/\\?\n|\\?\r\n/g, '') - } - function I(e) { - var t = e.value; - 1 == t.length && 'none' == t[0][1] && (t[0][1] = '0 0'), - 1 == t.length && 'transparent' == t[0][1] && (t[0][1] = '0 0') - } - function j(e) { - var t, - n = e.value; - 3 == n.length && '/' == n[1][1] && n[0][1] == n[2][1] ? t = 1 : 5 == n.length && '/' == n[2][1] && n[0][1] == n[3][1] && n[1][1] == n[4][1] ? t = 2 : 7 == n.length && '/' == n[3][1] && n[0][1] == n[4][1] && n[1][1] == n[5][1] && n[2][1] == n[6][1] ? t = 3 : 9 == n.length && '/' == n[4][1] && n[0][1] == n[5][1] && n[1][1] == n[6][1] && n[2][1] == n[7][1] && n[3][1] == n[8][1] && (t = 4), - t && (e.value.splice(t), e.dirty = !0) - } - function M(e, t, n) { - return - 1 === t.indexOf('#') && - 1 == t.indexOf('rgb') && - 1 == t.indexOf('hsl') ? r(t) : (t = t.replace(/rgb\((\-?\d+),(\-?\d+),(\-?\d+)\)/g, function (e, t, n, r) { - return s(t, n, r) - }).replace(/hsl\((-?\d+),(-?\d+)%?,(-?\d+)%?\)/g, function (e, t, n, r) { - return i(t, n, r) - }).replace(/(^|[^='"])#([0-9a-f]{6})/gi, function (e, t, n, r, i) { - var s = i[r + e.length]; - return s && D.test(s) ? e : n[0] == n[1] && n[2] == n[3] && n[4] == n[5] ? (t + '#' + n[0] + n[2] + n[4]).toLowerCase() : (t + '#' + n).toLowerCase() - }).replace(/(^|[^='"])#([0-9a-f]{3})/gi, function (e, t, n) { - return t + '#' + n.toLowerCase() - }).replace(/(rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla)\(([^\)]+)\)/g, function (e, t, n) { - var r = n.split(','); - return 'hsl' == t && 3 == r.length || 'hsla' == t && 4 == r.length || 'rgb' == t && 3 == r.length && n.indexOf('%') > 0 || 'rgba' == t && 4 == r.length && n.indexOf('%') > 0 ? ( - 1 == r[1].indexOf('%') && (r[1] += '%'), - 1 == r[2].indexOf('%') && (r[2] += '%'), t + '(' + r.join(',') + ')') : e - }), n.colors.opacity && - 1 == e.indexOf('background') && (t = t.replace(/(?:rgba|hsla)\(0,0%?,0%?,0\)/g, function (e) { - return v(t, ',').pop().indexOf('gradient(') > - 1 ? e : 'transparent' - })), r(t)) - } - function U(e) { - 1 == e.value.length && (e.value[0][1] = e.value[0][1].replace(/progid:DXImageTransform\.Microsoft\.(Alpha|Chroma)(\W)/, function (e, t, n) { - return t.toLowerCase() + n - })), - e.value[0][1] = e.value[0][1].replace(/,(\S)/g, ', $1').replace(/ ?= ?/g, '=') - } - function V(e, t) { - var n = e.value[t][1]; - 'normal' == n ? n = '400' : 'bold' == n && (n = '700'), - e.value[t][1] = n - } - function z(e) { - var t, - n = e.value; - 4 == n.length && '0' === n[0][1] && '0' === n[1][1] && '0' === n[2][1] && '0' === n[3][1] && (t ='box-shadow') > - 1 ? 2 : 1), - t && (e.value.splice(t), e.dirty = !0) - } - function q(e) { - var t = e.value; - 1 == t.length && 'none' == t[0][1] && (t[0][1] = '0') - } - function K(e, t, n) { - return C.test(t) ? t.replace(C, function (e, t) { - var r, - i = parseInt(t); - return 0 === i ? e : ( && && 3 * i % 4 == 0 && (r = 3 * i / 4 + 'pt'), && n.units.pc && i % 16 == 0 && (r = i / 16 + 'pc'), && && i % 96 == 0 && (r = i / 96 + 'in'), r && (r = e.substring(0, e.indexOf(t)) + r), r && r.length < e.length ? r : e) - }) : t - } - function $(e, t, n) { - return n.enabled && - 1 !== t.indexOf('.') ? t.replace(n.decimalPointMatcher, '$1$2$3').replace(n.zeroMatcher, function (e, t, r, i) { - var s = n.units[i].multiplier, - o = parseInt(t), - a = isNaN(o) ? 0 : o, - u = parseFloat(r); - return Math.round((a + u) * s) / s + i - }) : t - } - function Y(e, t) { - return w.test(t) ? t.replace(w, function (e, t, n) { - var r; - return 'ms' == n ? r = parseInt(t) / 1000 + 's' : 's' == n && (r = 1000 * parseFloat(t) + 'ms'), - r.length < e.length ? r : e - }) : t - } - function W(e, t, n) { - return /^(?:\-moz\-calc|\-webkit\-calc|calc|rgb|hsl|rgba|hsla)\(/.test(t) ? t : 'flex' == e || '-ms-flex' == e || '-webkit-flex' == e || 'flex-basis' == e || '-webkit-flex-basis' == e ? t : t.indexOf('%') > 0 && ('height' == e || 'max-height' == e || 'width' == e || 'max-width' == e) ? t : t.replace(n, '$10$2').replace(n, '$10$2') - } - function G(e, t) { - return e.indexOf('filter') > - 1 || - 1 == t.indexOf(' ') || 0 === t.indexOf('expression') ? t : t.indexOf(g.SINGLE_QUOTE) > - 1 || t.indexOf(g.DOUBLE_QUOTE) > - 1 ? t : ((t = t.replace(/\s+/g, ' ')).indexOf('calc') > - 1 && (t = t.replace(/\) ?\/ ?/g, ')/ ')), t.replace(/(\(;?)\s+/g, '$1').replace(/\s+(;?\))/g, '$1').replace(/, /g, ',')) - } - function H(e, t) { - return - 1 == t.indexOf('0deg') ? t : t.replace(/\(0deg\)/g, '(0)') - } - function X(e, t) { - return - 1 == t.indexOf('0') ? t : (t.indexOf('-') > - 1 && (t = t.replace(/([^\w\d\-]|^)\-0([^\.]|$)/g, '$10$2').replace(/([^\w\d\-]|^)\-0([^\.]|$)/g, '$10$2')), t.replace(/(^|\s)0+([1-9])/g, '$1$2').replace(/(^|\D)\.0+(\D|$)/g, '$10$2').replace(/(^|\D)\.0+(\D|$)/g, '$10$2').replace(/\.([1-9]*)0+(\D|$)/g, function (e, t, n) { - return (t.length > 0 ? '.' : '') + t + n - }).replace(/(^|\D)0\.(\d)/g, '$1.$2')) - } - function J(e, t) { - return 'content' == e || e.indexOf('font-variation-settings') > - 1 || e.indexOf('font-feature-settings') > - 1 || e.indexOf('grid-') > - 1 ? t : F.test(t) ? t.substring(1, t.length - 1) : t - } - function Q(e) { - return !/^url\(['"].+['"]\)$/.test(e) || /^url\(['"].*[\*\s\(\)'"].*['"]\)$/.test(e) || /^url\(['"]data:[^;]+;charset/.test(e) ? e : e.replace(/["']/g, '') - } - function Z(e, t, n, r) { - var i = r(e, t, b(n)); - return void 0 === i ? t : !1 === i ? x : i - } - function ee(e, t, n) { - var r, - i, - s, - o, - a, - u, - l = n.options, - g = l.level[d.One], - v = f(t, !0); - e: for (var b = 0, A = v.length; b < A; b++) if (i = (r = v[b]).name, k.test(i) || (u = r.all[r.position], n.warnings.push('Invalid property name \'' + i + '\' at ' + y(u[1][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.'), r.unused = !0), 0 === r.value.length && (u = r.all[r.position], n.warnings.push('Empty property \'' + i + '\' at ' + y(u[1][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.'), r.unused = !0), r.hack && ((r.hack[0] == c.ASTERISK || r.hack[0] == c.UNDERSCORE) && ! || r.hack[0] == c.BACKSLASH && ! || r.hack[0] == c.BANG && ! && (r.unused = !0), g.removeNegativePaddings && 0 === i.indexOf('padding') && (P(r.value[0]) || P(r.value[1]) || P(r.value[2]) || P(r.value[3])) && (r.unused = !0), ! && re(r) && (r.unused = !0), !r.unused) if (r.block) ee(e, r.value[0][1], n); - else if (!B.test(i)) { - for (var E = 0, _ = r.value.length; E < _; E++) { - if (s = r.value[E][0], a = R(o = r.value[E][1]), s == m.PROPERTY_BLOCK) { - r.unused = !0, - n.warnings.push('Invalid value token at ' + y(o[0][1][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.'); - break - } - if (a && !n.validator.isUrl(o)) { - r.unused = !0, - n.warnings.push('Broken URL \'' + o + '\' at ' + y(r.value[E][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.'); - break - } - if (a ? (o = g.normalizeUrls ? L(o) : o, o = ? o : Q(o)) : N(o) ? o = g.removeQuotes ? J(i, o) : o : (o = K(0, o = $(0, o = g.removeWhitespace ? G(i, o) : o, l.precision), l.compatibility), o = g.replaceTimeUnits ? Y(0, o) : o, o = g.replaceZeroUnits ? X(0, o) : o, && (o = W(i, o = H(0, o), l.unitsRegexp)), && (o = M(i, o, l.compatibility))), (o = Z(i, o, e, g.transform)) === x) { - r.unused = !0; - continue e - } - r.value[E][1] = o - } - g.replaceMultipleZeros && z(r), - 'background' == i && g.optimizeBackground ? I(r) : 0 === i.indexOf('border') && i.indexOf('radius') > 0 && g.optimizeBorderRadius ? j(r) : 'filter' == i && g.optimizeFilter && ? U(r) : 'font-weight' == i && g.optimizeFontWeight ? V(r, 0) : 'outline' == i && g.optimizeOutline && q(r) - } - h(v), - p(v), - function (e, t) { - var n, - r; - for (r = 0; r < e.length; r++) (n = e[r]) [0] == m.COMMENT && (te(n, t), 0 === n[1].length && (e.splice(r, 1), r--)) - }(t, l) - } - function te(e, t) { - e[1][2] == g.EXCLAMATION && ('all' == t.level[d.One].specialComments || t.commentsKept < t.level[d.One].specialComments) ? t.commentsKept++ : e[1] = [ - ] - } - function ne(e) { - return S.test(e[1]) - } - function re(e) { - var t; - return ('filter' == || '-ms-filter' == && ((t = e.value[0][1]).indexOf('progid') > - 1 || 0 === t.indexOf('alpha') || 0 === t.indexOf('chroma')) - } - t.exports = function e(t, n) { - var r = n.options, - i = r.level[d.One], - s = r.compatibility.selectors.ie7Hack, - c = r.compatibility.selectors.adjacentSpace, - p =, - h = r.format, - f = !1, - g = !1; - r.unitsRegexp = r.unitsRegexp || function (e) { - var t = [ - 'px', - 'em', - 'ex', - 'cm', - 'mm', - 'in', - 'pt', - 'pc', - '%' - ]; - return ['ch', - 'rem', - 'vh', - 'vm', - 'vmax', - 'vmin', - 'vw'].forEach(function (n) { - e.compatibility.units[n] && t.push(n) - }), - new RegExp('(^|\\s|\\(|,)0(?:' + t.join('|') + ')(\\W|$)', 'g') - }(r), - r.precision = r.precision || function (e) { - var t, - n, - r = { - matcher: null, - units: { - } - }, - i = [ - ]; - for (t in e) (n = e[t]) != _ && (r.units[t] = { - }, r.units[t].value = n, r.units[t].multiplier = Math.pow(10, n), i.push(t)); - return i.length > 0 && (r.enabled = !0, r.decimalPointMatcher = new RegExp('(\\d)\\.($|' + i.join('|') + ')($|W)', 'g'), r.zeroMatcher = new RegExp('(\\d*)(\\.\\d+)(' + i.join('|') + ')', 'g')), - r - }(i.roundingPrecision), - r.commentsKept = r.commentsKept || 0; - for (var y = 0, v = t.length; y < v; y++) { - var b = t[y]; - switch (b[0]) { - case m.AT_RULE: - b[1] = ne(b) && g ? '' : b[1], - b[1] = i.tidyAtRules ? l(b[1]) : b[1], - f = !0; - break; - case m.AT_RULE_BLOCK: - ee(b[1], b[2], n), - g = !0; - break; - case m.NESTED_BLOCK: - b[1] = i.tidyBlockScopes ? u(b[1], p) : b[1], - e(b[2], n), - g = !0; - break; - case m.COMMENT: - te(b, r); - break; - case m.RULE: - b[1] = i.tidySelectors ? a(b[1], !s, c, h, n.warnings) : b[1], - b[1] = b[1].length > 1 ? o(b[1], i.selectorsSortingMethod) : b[1], - ee(b[1], b[2], n), - g = !0 - }(b[0] == m.COMMENT && 0 === b[1].length || i.removeEmpty && (0 === b[1].length || b[2] && 0 === b[2].length)) && (t.splice(y, 1), y--, v--) - } - return i.cleanupCharsets && f && function (e) { - for (var t = !1, n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++) { - var i = e[n]; - i[0] == m.AT_RULE && E.test(i[1]) && (t || - 1 == i[1].indexOf(A) ? (e.splice(n, 1), n--, r--) : (t = !0, e.splice(n, 1), e.unshift([m.AT_RULE, - i[1].replace(E, A)]))) - } - }(t), - t - } - }, - { - '../../options/optimization-level': 103, - '../../options/rounding-precision': 106, - '../../tokenizer/marker': 121, - '../../tokenizer/token': 122, - '../../utils/format-position': 125, - '../../utils/split': 134, - '../../writer/one-time': 136, - '../hack': 46, - '../remove-unused': 93, - '../restore-from-optimizing': 94, - '../wrap-for-optimizing': 96, - './shorten-hex': 49, - './shorten-hsl': 50, - './shorten-rgb': 51, - './sort-selectors': 52, - './tidy-at-rule': 53, - './tidy-block': 54, - './tidy-rules': 55 - } - ], - 49: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = { - aliceblue: '#f0f8ff', - antiquewhite: '#faebd7', - aqua: '#0ff', - aquamarine: '#7fffd4', - azure: '#f0ffff', - beige: '#f5f5dc', - bisque: '#ffe4c4', - black: '#000', - blanchedalmond: '#ffebcd', - blue: '#00f', - blueviolet: '#8a2be2', - brown: '#a52a2a', - burlywood: '#deb887', - cadetblue: '#5f9ea0', - chartreuse: '#7fff00', - chocolate: '#d2691e', - coral: '#ff7f50', - cornflowerblue: '#6495ed', - cornsilk: '#fff8dc', - crimson: '#dc143c', - cyan: '#0ff', - darkblue: '#00008b', - darkcyan: '#008b8b', - darkgoldenrod: '#b8860b', - darkgray: '#a9a9a9', - darkgreen: '#006400', - darkgrey: '#a9a9a9', - darkkhaki: '#bdb76b', - darkmagenta: '#8b008b', - darkolivegreen: '#556b2f', - darkorange: '#ff8c00', - darkorchid: '#9932cc', - darkred: '#8b0000', - darksalmon: '#e9967a', - darkseagreen: '#8fbc8f', - darkslateblue: '#483d8b', - darkslategray: '#2f4f4f', - darkslategrey: '#2f4f4f', - darkturquoise: '#00ced1', - darkviolet: '#9400d3', - deeppink: '#ff1493', - deepskyblue: '#00bfff', - dimgray: '#696969', - dimgrey: '#696969', - dodgerblue: '#1e90ff', - firebrick: '#b22222', - floralwhite: '#fffaf0', - forestgreen: '#228b22', - fuchsia: '#f0f', - gainsboro: '#dcdcdc', - ghostwhite: '#f8f8ff', - gold: '#ffd700', - goldenrod: '#daa520', - gray: '#808080', - green: '#008000', - greenyellow: '#adff2f', - grey: '#808080', - honeydew: '#f0fff0', - hotpink: '#ff69b4', - indianred: '#cd5c5c', - indigo: '#4b0082', - ivory: '#fffff0', - khaki: '#f0e68c', - lavender: '#e6e6fa', - lavenderblush: '#fff0f5', - lawngreen: '#7cfc00', - lemonchiffon: '#fffacd', - lightblue: '#add8e6', - lightcoral: '#f08080', - lightcyan: '#e0ffff', - lightgoldenrodyellow: '#fafad2', - lightgray: '#d3d3d3', - lightgreen: '#90ee90', - lightgrey: '#d3d3d3', - lightpink: '#ffb6c1', - lightsalmon: '#ffa07a', - lightseagreen: '#20b2aa', - lightskyblue: '#87cefa', - lightslategray: '#778899', - lightslategrey: '#778899', - lightsteelblue: '#b0c4de', - lightyellow: '#ffffe0', - lime: '#0f0', - limegreen: '#32cd32', - linen: '#faf0e6', - magenta: '#ff00ff', - maroon: '#800000', - mediumaquamarine: '#66cdaa', - mediumblue: '#0000cd', - mediumorchid: '#ba55d3', - mediumpurple: '#9370db', - mediumseagreen: '#3cb371', - mediumslateblue: '#7b68ee', - mediumspringgreen: '#00fa9a', - mediumturquoise: '#48d1cc', - mediumvioletred: '#c71585', - midnightblue: '#191970', - mintcream: '#f5fffa', - mistyrose: '#ffe4e1', - moccasin: '#ffe4b5', - navajowhite: '#ffdead', - navy: '#000080', - oldlace: '#fdf5e6', - olive: '#808000', - olivedrab: '#6b8e23', - orange: '#ffa500', - orangered: '#ff4500', - orchid: '#da70d6', - palegoldenrod: '#eee8aa', - palegreen: '#98fb98', - paleturquoise: '#afeeee', - palevioletred: '#db7093', - papayawhip: '#ffefd5', - peachpuff: '#ffdab9', - peru: '#cd853f', - pink: '#ffc0cb', - plum: '#dda0dd', - powderblue: '#b0e0e6', - purple: '#800080', - rebeccapurple: '#663399', - red: '#f00', - rosybrown: '#bc8f8f', - royalblue: '#4169e1', - saddlebrown: '#8b4513', - salmon: '#fa8072', - sandybrown: '#f4a460', - seagreen: '#2e8b57', - seashell: '#fff5ee', - sienna: '#a0522d', - silver: '#c0c0c0', - skyblue: '#87ceeb', - slateblue: '#6a5acd', - slategray: '#708090', - slategrey: '#708090', - snow: '#fffafa', - springgreen: '#00ff7f', - steelblue: '#4682b4', - tan: '#d2b48c', - teal: '#008080', - thistle: '#d8bfd8', - tomato: '#ff6347', - turquoise: '#40e0d0', - violet: '#ee82ee', - wheat: '#f5deb3', - white: '#fff', - whitesmoke: '#f5f5f5', - yellow: '#ff0', - yellowgreen: '#9acd32' - }, - i = { - }, - s = { - }; - for (var o in r) { - var a = r[o]; - o.length < a.length ? s[a] = o : i[o] = a - } - var u = new RegExp('(^| |,|\\))(' + Object.keys(i).join('|') + ')( |,|\\)|$)', 'ig'), - l = new RegExp('(' + Object.keys(s).join('|') + ')([^a-f0-9]|$)', 'ig'); - function c(e, t, n, r) { - return t + i[n.toLowerCase()] + r - } - function p(e, t, n) { - return s[t.toLowerCase()] + n - } - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = e.indexOf('#') > - 1, - n = e.replace(u, c); - return n != e && (n = n.replace(u, c)), - t ? n.replace(l, p) : n - } - }, - { - } - ], - 50: [ - function (e, t, n) { - function r(e, t, n) { - return n < 0 && (n += 1), - n > 1 && (n -= 1), - n < 1 / 6 ? e + 6 * (t - e) * n : n < 0.5 ? t : n < 2 / 3 ? e + (t - e) * (2 / 3 - n) * 6 : e - } - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - var i = function (e, t, n) { - var i, - s, - o; - if ((e %= 360) < 0 && (e += 360), e = ~~e / 360, t < 0 ? t = 0 : t > 100 && (t = 100), t = ~~t / 100, n < 0 ? n = 0 : n > 100 && (n = 100), n = ~~n / 100, 0 === t) i = s = o = n; - else { - var a = n < 0.5 ? n * (1 + t) : n + t - n * t, - u = 2 * n - a; - i = r(u, a, e + 1 / 3), - s = r(u, a, e), - o = r(u, a, e - 1 / 3) - } - return [~~(255 * i), - ~~(255 * s), - ~~(255 * o)] - }(e, t, n), - s = i[0].toString(16), - o = i[1].toString(16), - a = i[2].toString(16); - return '#' + (1 == s.length ? '0' : '') + s + (1 == o.length ? '0' : '') + o + (1 == a.length ? '0' : '') + a - } - }, - { - } - ], - 51: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - return '#' + ('00000' + (Math.max(0, Math.min(parseInt(e), 255)) << 16 | Math.max(0, Math.min(parseInt(t), 255)) << 8 | Math.max(0, Math.min(parseInt(n), 255))).toString(16)).slice( - 6) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 52: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../../utils/natural-compare'); - function i(e, t) { - return r(e[1], t[1]) - } - function s(e, t) { - return e[1] > t[1] ? 1 : - 1 - } - t.exports = function (e, t) { - switch (t) { - case 'natural': - return e.sort(i); - case 'standard': - return e.sort(s); - case 'none': - case !1: - return e - } - } - }, - { - '../../utils/natural-compare': 132 - } - ], - 53: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - return e.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(/url\(\s+/g, 'url(').replace(/\s+\)/g, ')').trim() - } - }, - { - } - ], - 54: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = /^@media\W/; - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n, - i; - for (i = e.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) n = !t && r.test(e[i][1]), - e[i][1] = e[i][1].replace(/\n|\r\n/g, ' ').replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(/(,|:|\() /g, '$1').replace(/ \)/g, ')').replace(/'([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d\-_]+)'/, '$1').replace(/"([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d\-_]+)"/, '$1').replace(n ? /\) /g : null, ')'); - return e - } - }, - { - } - ], - 55: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../../options/format').Spaces, - i = e('../../tokenizer/marker'), - s = e('../../utils/format-position'), - o = /[\s"'][iI]\s*\]/, - a = /([\d\w])([iI])\]/g, - u = /="([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d\-_]+)"([iI])/g, - l = /="([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d\-_]+)"(\s|\])/g, - c = /^(?:(?:)\s*)+/, - p = /='([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d\-_]+)'([iI])/g, - h = /='([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d\-_]+)'(\s|\])/g, - f = /[>\+~]/, - d = /\s/, - m = '*+html ', - g = '*:first-child+html ', - y = '<'; - function v(e) { - var t, - n, - r, - s, - o = !1, - a = !1; - for (r = 0, s = e.length; r < s; r++) { - if (n = e[r], t); - else if (n == i.SINGLE_QUOTE || n == i.DOUBLE_QUOTE) a = !a; - else { - if (!(a || n != i.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET && n != i.EXCLAMATION && n != y && n != i.SEMICOLON)) { - o = !0; - break - } - if (!a && 0 === r && f.test(n)) { - o = !0; - break - } - } - t = n == i.BACK_SLASH - } - return o - } - function b(e, t) { - var n, - s, - u, - l, - c, - p, - h, - m, - g, - y, - v, - b, - x, - A = [ - ], - E = 0, - _ = !1, - C = !1, - w = o.test(e), - D = t && t.spaces[r.AroundSelectorRelation]; - for (b = 0, x = e.length; b < x; b++) { - if (s = (n = e[b]) == i.NEW_LINE_NIX, u = n == i.NEW_LINE_NIX && e[b - 1] == i.CARRIAGE_RETURN, p = h || m, y = !g && !l && 0 === E && f.test(n), v = d.test(n), c && p && u) A.pop(), - A.pop(); - else if (l && p && s) A.pop(); - else if (l) A.push(n); - else if (n != i.OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET || p) if (n != i.CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET || p) if (n != i.OPEN_ROUND_BRACKET || p) if (n != i.CLOSE_ROUND_BRACKET || p) if (n != i.SINGLE_QUOTE || p) if (n != i.DOUBLE_QUOTE || p) if (n == i.SINGLE_QUOTE && p) A.push(n), - h = !1; - else if (n == i.DOUBLE_QUOTE && p) A.push(n), - m = !1; - else { - if (v && _ && !D) continue; - !v && _ && D ? (A.push(i.SPACE), A.push(n)) : v && (g || E > 0) && !p || v && C && !p || (u || s) && (g || E > 0) && p || (y && C && !D ? (A.pop(), A.push(n)) : y && !C && D ? (A.push(i.SPACE), A.push(n)) : v ? A.push(i.SPACE) : A.push(n)) - } else A.push(n), - m = !0; - else A.push(n), - h = !0; - else A.push(n), - E--; - else A.push(n), - E++; - else A.push(n), - g = !1; - else A.push(n), - g = !0; - c = l, - l = n == i.BACK_SLASH, - _ = y, - C = v - } - return w ? A.join('').replace(a, '$1 $2]') : A.join('') - } - t.exports = function (e, t, n, r, i) { - var o, - a = [ - ], - f = [ - ]; - function d(e, t) { - return i.push('HTML comment \'' + t + '\' at ' + s(e[2][0]) + '. Removing.'), - '' - } - for (var y = 0, x = e.length; y < x; y++) { - var A = e[y], - E = A[1]; - v(E = E.replace(c, d.bind(null, A))) ? i.push('Invalid selector \'' + A[1] + '\' at ' + s(A[2][0]) + '. Ignoring.') : (E = b(E, r), E = - 1 == (o = E).indexOf('\'') && - 1 == o.indexOf('"') ? o : o.replace(p, '=$1 $2').replace(h, '=$1$2').replace(u, '=$1 $2').replace(l, '=$1$2'), n && E.indexOf('nav') > 0 && (E = E.replace(/\+nav(\S|$)/, '+ nav$1')), t && E.indexOf(m) > - 1 || t && E.indexOf(g) > - 1 || (E.indexOf('*') > - 1 && (E = E.replace(/\*([:#\.\[])/g, '$1').replace(/^(\:first\-child)?\+html/, '*$1+html')), f.indexOf(E) > - 1 || (A[1] = E, f.push(E), a.push(A)))) - } - return 1 == a.length && 0 === a[0][1].length && (i.push('Empty selector \'' + a[0][1] + '\' at ' + s(a[0][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.'), a = [ - ]), - a - } - }, - { - '../../options/format': 99, - '../../tokenizer/marker': 121, - '../../utils/format-position': 125 - } - ], - 56: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./invalid-property-error'), - i = e('../wrap-for-optimizing').single, - s = e('../../tokenizer/token'), - o = e('../../tokenizer/marker'), - a = e('../../utils/format-position'); - function u(e) { - var t, - n; - for (t = 0, n = e.length; t < n; t++) if ('inherit' == e[t][1]) return !0; - return !1 - } - function l(e, t, n) { - var r = n[e]; - return r.doubleValues && 2 == r.defaultValue.length ? i([s.PROPERTY, - [ - s.PROPERTY_NAME, - e - ], - [ - s.PROPERTY_VALUE, - r.defaultValue[0] - ], - [ - s.PROPERTY_VALUE, - r.defaultValue[1] - ]]) : r.doubleValues && 1 == r.defaultValue.length ? i([s.PROPERTY, - [ - s.PROPERTY_NAME, - e - ], - [ - s.PROPERTY_VALUE, - r.defaultValue[0] - ]]) : i([s.PROPERTY, - [ - s.PROPERTY_NAME, - e - ], - [ - s.PROPERTY_VALUE, - r.defaultValue - ]]) - } - function c(e, t) { - var n = t[].components, - r = [ - ], - o = e.value; - if (o.length < 1) return []; - o.length < 2 && (o[1] = o[0].slice(0)), - o.length < 3 && (o[2] = o[0].slice(0)), - o.length < 4 && (o[3] = o[1].slice(0)); - for (var a = n.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) { - var u = i([s.PROPERTY, - [ - s.PROPERTY_NAME, - n[a] - ]]); - u.value = [ - o[a] - ], - r.unshift(u) - } - return r - } - function p(e, t, n) { - for (var r, i, s, o = t[], a = [ - l(o.components[0], 0, t), - l(o.components[1], 0, t), - l(o.components[2], 0, t) - ], u = 0; u < 3; u++) { - var c = a[u]; -'color') > 0 ? r = c :'style') > 0 ? i = c : s = c - } - if (1 == e.value.length && 'inherit' == e.value[0][1] || 3 == e.value.length && 'inherit' == e.value[0][1] && 'inherit' == e.value[1][1] && 'inherit' == e.value[2][1]) return r.value = i.value = s.value = [ - e.value[0] - ], - a; - var p, - h, - f = e.value.slice(0); - return f.length > 0 && (p = (h = f.filter(function (e) { - return function (t) { - return 'inherit' != t[1] && (e.isWidth(t[1]) || e.isUnit(t[1]) && !e.isDynamicUnit(t[1])) && !e.isStyleKeyword(t[1]) && !e.isColorFunction(t[1]) - } - }(n))).length > 1 && ('none' == h[0][1] || 'auto' == h[0][1]) ? h[1] : h[0]) && (s.value = [ - p - ], f.splice(f.indexOf(p), 1)), - f.length > 0 && (p = f.filter(function (e) { - return function (t) { - return 'inherit' != t[1] && e.isStyleKeyword(t[1]) && !e.isColorFunction(t[1]) - } - }(n)) [0]) && (i.value = [ - p - ], f.splice(f.indexOf(p), 1)), - f.length > 0 && (p = f.filter(function (e) { - return function (t) { - return 'invert' == t[1] || e.isColor(t[1]) || e.isPrefixed(t[1]) - } - }(n)) [0]) && (r.value = [ - p - ], f.splice(f.indexOf(p), 1)), - a - } - t.exports = { - animation: function (e, t, n) { - var i, - s, - o, - c = l( + '-duration', 0, t), - p = l( + '-timing-function', 0, t), - h = l( + '-delay', 0, t), - f = l( + '-iteration-count', 0, t), - d = l( + '-direction', 0, t), - m = l( + '-fill-mode', 0, t), - g = l( + '-play-state', 0, t), - y = l( + '-name', 0, t), - v = [ - c, - p, - h, - f, - d, - m, - g, - y - ], - b = e.value, - x = !1, - A = !1, - E = !1, - _ = !1, - C = !1, - w = !1, - D = !1, - k = !1; - if (1 == e.value.length && 'inherit' == e.value[0][1]) return c.value = p.value = h.value = f.value = d.value = m.value = g.value = y.value = e.value, - v; - if (b.length > 1 && u(b)) throw new r('Invalid animation values at ' + a(b[0][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.'); - for (s = 0, o = b.length; s < o; s++) if (i = b[s], n.isTime(i[1]) && !x) c.value = [ - i - ], - x = !0; - else if (n.isTime(i[1]) && !E) h.value = [ - i - ], - E = !0; - else if (!n.isGlobal(i[1]) && !n.isTimingFunction(i[1]) || A) if (!n.isAnimationIterationCountKeyword(i[1]) && !n.isPositiveNumber(i[1]) || _) if (n.isAnimationDirectionKeyword(i[1]) && !C) d.value = [ - i - ], - C = !0; - else if (n.isAnimationFillModeKeyword(i[1]) && !w) m.value = [ - i - ], - w = !0; - else if (n.isAnimationPlayStateKeyword(i[1]) && !D) g.value = [ - i - ], - D = !0; - else { - if (!n.isAnimationNameKeyword(i[1]) && !n.isIdentifier(i[1]) || k) throw new r('Invalid animation value at ' + a(i[2][0]) + '. Ignoring.'); - y.value = [ - i - ], - k = !0 - } else f.value = [ - i - ], - _ = !0; - else p.value = [ - i - ], - A = !0; - return v - }, - background: function (e, t, n) { - var i = l('background-image', 0, t), - s = l('background-position', 0, t), - u = l('background-size', 0, t), - c = l('background-repeat', 0, t), - p = l('background-attachment', 0, t), - h = l('background-origin', 0, t), - f = l('background-clip', 0, t), - d = l('background-color', 0, t), - m = [ - i, - s, - u, - c, - p, - h, - f, - d - ], - g = e.value, - y = !1, - v = !1, - b = !1, - x = !1, - A = !1; - if (1 == e.value.length && 'inherit' == e.value[0][1]) return d.value = i.value = c.value = s.value = u.value = h.value = f.value = e.value, - m; - if (1 == e.value.length && '0 0' == e.value[0][1]) return m; - for (var E = g.length - 1; E >= 0; E--) { - var _ = g[E]; - if (n.isBackgroundAttachmentKeyword(_[1])) p.value = [ - _ - ], - A = !0; - else if (n.isBackgroundClipKeyword(_[1]) || n.isBackgroundOriginKeyword(_[1])) v ? (h.value = [ - _ - ], b = !0) : (f.value = [ - _ - ], v = !0), - A = !0; - else if (n.isBackgroundRepeatKeyword(_[1])) x ? c.value.unshift(_) : (c.value = [ - _ - ], x = !0), - A = !0; - else if (n.isBackgroundPositionKeyword(_[1]) || n.isBackgroundSizeKeyword(_[1]) || n.isUnit(_[1]) || n.isDynamicUnit(_[1])) { - if (E > 0) { - var C = g[E - 1]; - C[1] == o.FORWARD_SLASH ? u.value = [ - _ - ] : E > 1 && g[E - 2][1] == o.FORWARD_SLASH ? (u.value = [ - C, - _ - ], E -= 2) : (y || (s.value = [ - ]), s.value.unshift(_), y = !0) - } else y || (s.value = [ - ]), - s.value.unshift(_), - y = !0; - A = !0 - } else d.value[0][1] != t[].defaultValue && 'none' != d.value[0][1] || !n.isColor(_[1]) && !n.isPrefixed(_[1]) ? (n.isUrl(_[1]) || n.isFunction(_[1])) && (i.value = [ - _ - ], A = !0) : (d.value = [ - _ - ], A = !0) - } - if (v && !b && (h.value = f.value.slice(0)), !A) throw new r('Invalid background value at ' + a(g[0][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.'); - return m - }, - border: p, - borderRadius: function (e, t) { - for (var n = e.value, i = - 1, s = 0, u = n.length; s < u; s++) if (n[s][1] == o.FORWARD_SLASH) { - i = s; - break - } - if (0 === i || i === n.length - 1) throw new r('Invalid border-radius value at ' + a(n[0][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.'); - var p = l(, 0, t); - p.value = i > - 1 ? n.slice(0, i) : n.slice(0), - p.components = c(p, t); - var h = l(, 0, t); - h.value = i > - 1 ? n.slice(i + 1) : n.slice(0), - h.components = c(h, t); - for (var f = 0; f < 4; f++) p.components[f].multiplex = !0, - p.components[f].value = p.components[f].value.concat(h.components[f].value); - return p.components - }, - font: function (e, t, n) { - var i, - s, - c, - p, - h = l('font-style', 0, t), - f = l('font-variant', 0, t), - d = l('font-weight', 0, t), - m = l('font-stretch', 0, t), - g = l('font-size', 0, t), - y = l('line-height', 0, t), - v = l('font-family', 0, t), - b = [ - h, - f, - d, - m, - g, - y, - v - ], - x = e.value, - A = 0, - E = !1, - _ = !1, - C = !1, - w = !1, - D = !1, - k = !1; - if (!x[A]) throw new r('Missing font values at ' + a(e.all[e.position][1][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.'); - if (1 == x.length && 'inherit' == x[0][1]) return h.value = f.value = d.value = m.value = g.value = y.value = v.value = x, - b; - if (1 == x.length && (n.isFontKeyword(x[0][1]) || n.isGlobal(x[0][1]) || n.isPrefixed(x[0][1]))) return x[0][1] = o.INTERNAL + x[0][1], - h.value = f.value = d.value = m.value = g.value = y.value = v.value = x, - b; - if (x.length < 2 || !function (e, t) { - var n, - r, - i; - for (r = 0, i = e.length; r < i; r++) if (n = e[r], t.isFontSizeKeyword(n[1]) || t.isUnit(n[1]) && !t.isDynamicUnit(n[1]) || t.isFunction(n[1])) return !0; - return !1 - }(x, n) || !function (e, t) { - var n, - r, - i; - for (r = 0, i = e.length; r < i; r++) if (n = e[r], t.isIdentifier(n[1])) return !0; - return !1 - }(x, n)) throw new r('Invalid font values at ' + a(e.all[e.position][1][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.'); - if (x.length > 1 && u(x)) throw new r('Invalid font values at ' + a(x[0][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.'); - for (; A < 4; ) { - if (i = n.isFontStretchKeyword(x[A][1]) || n.isGlobal(x[A][1]), s = n.isFontStyleKeyword(x[A][1]) || n.isGlobal(x[A][1]), c = n.isFontVariantKeyword(x[A][1]) || n.isGlobal(x[A][1]), p = n.isFontWeightKeyword(x[A][1]) || n.isGlobal(x[A][1]), s && !_) h.value = [ - x[A] - ], - _ = !0; - else if (c && !C) f.value = [ - x[A] - ], - C = !0; - else if (p && !w) d.value = [ - x[A] - ], - w = !0; - else { - if (!i || E) { - if (s && _ || c && C || p && w || i && E) throw new r('Invalid font style / variant / weight / stretch value at ' + a(x[0][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.'); - break - } - m.value = [ - x[A] - ], - E = !0 - } - A++ - } - if (!(n.isFontSizeKeyword(x[A][1]) || n.isUnit(x[A][1]) && !n.isDynamicUnit(x[A][1]))) throw new r('Missing font size at ' + a(x[0][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.'); - if (g.value = [ - x[A] - ], D = !0, !x[++A]) throw new r('Missing font family at ' + a(x[0][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.'); - for (D && x[A] && x[A][1] == o.FORWARD_SLASH && x[A + 1] && (n.isLineHeightKeyword(x[A + 1][1]) || n.isUnit(x[A + 1][1]) || n.isNumber(x[A + 1][1])) && (y.value = [ - x[A + 1] - ], A++, A++), v.value = [ - ]; x[A]; ) x[A][1] == o.COMMA ? k = !1 : (k ? v.value[v.value.length - 1][1] += o.SPACE + x[A][1] : v.value.push(x[A]), k = !0), - A++; - if (0 === v.value.length) throw new r('Missing font family at ' + a(x[0][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.'); - return b - }, - fourValues: c, - listStyle: function (e, t, n) { - var r = l('list-style-type', 0, t), - i = l('list-style-position', 0, t), - s = l('list-style-image', 0, t), - o = [ - r, - i, - s - ]; - if (1 == e.value.length && 'inherit' == e.value[0][1]) return r.value = i.value = s.value = [ - e.value[0] - ], - o; - var a = e.value.slice(0), - u = a.length, - c = 0; - for (c = 0, u = a.length; c < u; c++) if (n.isUrl(a[c][1]) || '0' == a[c][1]) { - s.value = [ - a[c] - ], - a.splice(c, 1); - break - } - for (c = 0, u = a.length; c < u; c++) if (n.isListStylePositionKeyword(a[c][1])) { - i.value = [ - a[c] - ], - a.splice(c, 1); - break - } - return a.length > 0 && (n.isListStyleTypeKeyword(a[0][1]) || n.isIdentifier(a[0][1])) && (r.value = [ - a[0] - ]), - o - }, - multiplex: function (e) { - return function (t, n, r) { - var i, - a, - u, - c, - p = [ - ], - h = t.value; - for (i = 0, u = h.length; i < u; i++) ',' == h[i][1] && p.push(i); - if (0 === p.length) return e(t, n, r); - var f = [ - ]; - for (i = 0, u = p.length; i <= u; i++) { - var d = 0 === i ? 0 : p[i - 1] + 1, - m = i < u ? p[i] : h.length, - g = l(, 0, n); - g.value = h.slice(d, m), - f.push(e(g, n, r)) - } - var y = f[0]; - for (i = 0, u = y.length; i < u; i++) for (y[i].multiplex = !0, a = 1, c = f.length; a < c; a++) y[i].value.push([s.PROPERTY_VALUE, - o.COMMA]), - Array.prototype.push.apply(y[i].value, f[a][i].value); - return y - } - }, - outline: p, - transition: function (e, t, n) { - var i, - s, - o, - c = l( + '-property', 0, t), - p = l( + '-duration', 0, t), - h = l( + '-timing-function', 0, t), - f = l( + '-delay', 0, t), - d = [ - c, - p, - h, - f - ], - m = e.value, - g = !1, - y = !1, - v = !1, - b = !1; - if (1 == e.value.length && 'inherit' == e.value[0][1]) return c.value = p.value = h.value = f.value = e.value, - d; - if (m.length > 1 && u(m)) throw new r('Invalid animation values at ' + a(m[0][2][0]) + '. Ignoring.'); - for (s = 0, o = m.length; s < o; s++) if (i = m[s], n.isTime(i[1]) && !g) p.value = [ - i - ], - g = !0; - else if (n.isTime(i[1]) && !y) f.value = [ - i - ], - y = !0; - else if (!n.isGlobal(i[1]) && !n.isTimingFunction(i[1]) || b) { - if (!n.isIdentifier(i[1]) || v) throw new r('Invalid animation value at ' + a(i[2][0]) + '. Ignoring.'); - c.value = [ - i - ], - v = !0 - } else h.value = [ - i - ], - b = !0; - return d - } - } - }, - { - '../../tokenizer/marker': 121, - '../../tokenizer/token': 122, - '../../utils/format-position': 125, - '../wrap-for-optimizing': 96, - './invalid-property-error': 61 - } - ], - 57: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./properties/understandable'); - function i(e) { - return function (t, n, i) { - return !(!r(t, n, i, 0, !0) && !t.isKeyword(e) (i)) && (!(!t.isVariable(n) || !t.isVariable(i)) || t.isKeyword(e) (i)) - } - } - function s(e) { - return function (t, n, i) { - return !!(r(t, n, i, 0, !0) || t.isKeyword(e) (i) || t.isGlobal(i)) && (!(!t.isVariable(n) || !t.isVariable(i)) || (t.isKeyword(e) (i) || t.isGlobal(i))) - } - } - function o(e, t, n) { - return !!function (e, t, n) { - return !(!e.isFunction(t) || !e.isFunction(n)) && t.substring(0, t.indexOf('(')) === n.substring(0, n.indexOf('(')) - }(e, t, n) || t === n - } - function a(e, t, n) { - return !(!r(e, t, n, 0, !0) && !e.isUnit(n)) && (!(!e.isVariable(t) || !e.isVariable(n)) || !(e.isUnit(t) && !e.isUnit(n)) && (!!e.isUnit(n) || !e.isUnit(t) && (!(!e.isFunction(t) || e.isPrefixed(t) || !e.isFunction(n) || e.isPrefixed(n)) || o(e, t, n)))) - } - function u(e) { - var t = s(e); - return function (e, n, r) { - return a(e, n, r) || t(e, n, r) - } - } - t.exports = { - generic: { - color: function (e, t, n) { - return !(!r(e, t, n, 0, !0) && !e.isColor(n)) && (!(!e.isVariable(t) || !e.isVariable(n)) || !(!e.colorOpacity && (e.isRgbColor(t) || e.isHslColor(t))) && !(!e.colorOpacity && (e.isRgbColor(n) || e.isHslColor(n))) && (!(!e.isColor(t) || !e.isColor(n)) || o(e, t, n))) - }, - components: function (e) { - return function (t, n, r, i) { - return e[i](t, n, r) - } - }, - image: function (e, t, n) { - return !(!r(e, t, n, 0, !0) && !e.isImage(n)) && (!(!e.isVariable(t) || !e.isVariable(n)) || !!e.isImage(n) || !e.isImage(t) && o(e, t, n)) - }, - propertyName: function (e, t, n) { - return !(!r(e, t, n, 0, !0) && !e.isIdentifier(n)) && (!(!e.isVariable(t) || !e.isVariable(n)) || e.isIdentifier(n)) - }, - time: function (e, t, n) { - return !(!r(e, t, n, 0, !0) && !e.isTime(n)) && (!(!e.isVariable(t) || !e.isVariable(n)) || !(e.isTime(t) && !e.isTime(n)) && (!!e.isTime(n) || !e.isTime(t) && (!(!e.isFunction(t) || e.isPrefixed(t) || !e.isFunction(n) || e.isPrefixed(n)) || o(e, t, n)))) - }, - timingFunction: function (e, t, n) { - return !!(r(e, t, n, 0, !0) || e.isTimingFunction(n) || e.isGlobal(n)) && (!(!e.isVariable(t) || !e.isVariable(n)) || e.isTimingFunction(n) || e.isGlobal(n)) - }, - unit: a, - unitOrNumber: function (e, t, n) { - return !!(r(e, t, n, 0, !0) || e.isUnit(n) || e.isNumber(n)) && (!(!e.isVariable(t) || !e.isVariable(n)) || !((e.isUnit(t) || e.isNumber(t)) && !e.isUnit(n) && !e.isNumber(n)) && (!(!e.isUnit(n) && !e.isNumber(n)) || !e.isUnit(t) && !e.isNumber(t) && (!(!e.isFunction(t) || e.isPrefixed(t) || !e.isFunction(n) || e.isPrefixed(n)) || o(e, t, n)))) - } - }, - property: { - animationDirection: s('animation-direction'), - animationFillMode: i('animation-fill-mode'), - animationIterationCount: function (e, t, n) { - return !!(r(e, t, n, 0, !0) || e.isAnimationIterationCountKeyword(n) || e.isPositiveNumber(n)) && (!(!e.isVariable(t) || !e.isVariable(n)) || e.isAnimationIterationCountKeyword(n) || e.isPositiveNumber(n)) - }, - animationName: function (e, t, n) { - return !!(r(e, t, n, 0, !0) || e.isAnimationNameKeyword(n) || e.isIdentifier(n)) && (!(!e.isVariable(t) || !e.isVariable(n)) || e.isAnimationNameKeyword(n) || e.isIdentifier(n)) - }, - animationPlayState: s('animation-play-state'), - backgroundAttachment: i('background-attachment'), - backgroundClip: s('background-clip'), - backgroundOrigin: i('background-origin'), - backgroundPosition: function (e, t, n) { - return !!(r(e, t, n, 0, !0) || e.isBackgroundPositionKeyword(n) || e.isGlobal(n)) && (!(!e.isVariable(t) || !e.isVariable(n)) || !(!e.isBackgroundPositionKeyword(n) && !e.isGlobal(n)) || a(e, t, n)) - }, - backgroundRepeat: i('background-repeat'), - backgroundSize: function (e, t, n) { - return !!(r(e, t, n, 0, !0) || e.isBackgroundSizeKeyword(n) || e.isGlobal(n)) && (!(!e.isVariable(t) || !e.isVariable(n)) || !(!e.isBackgroundSizeKeyword(n) && !e.isGlobal(n)) || a(e, t, n)) - }, - bottom: u('bottom'), - borderCollapse: i('border-collapse'), - borderStyle: s('*-style'), - clear: s('clear'), - cursor: s('cursor'), - display: s('display'), - float: s('float'), - left: u('left'), - fontFamily: function (e, t, n) { - return r(e, t, n, 0, !0) - }, - fontStretch: s('font-stretch'), - fontStyle: s('font-style'), - fontVariant: s('font-variant'), - fontWeight: s('font-weight'), - listStyleType: s('list-style-type'), - listStylePosition: s('list-style-position'), - outlineStyle: s('*-style'), - overflow: s('overflow'), - position: s('position'), - right: u('right'), - textAlign: s('text-align'), - textDecoration: s('text-decoration'), - textOverflow: s('text-overflow'), - textShadow: function (e, t, n) { - return !!(r(e, t, n, 0, !0) || e.isUnit(n) || e.isColor(n) || e.isGlobal(n)) && (!(!e.isVariable(t) || !e.isVariable(n)) || e.isUnit(n) || e.isColor(n) || e.isGlobal(n)) - }, - top: u('top'), - transform: o, - verticalAlign: u('vertical-align'), - visibility: s('visibility'), - whiteSpace: s('white-space'), - zIndex: function (e, t, n) { - return !(!r(e, t, n, 0, !0) && !e.isZIndex(n)) && (!(!e.isVariable(t) || !e.isVariable(n)) || e.isZIndex(n)) - } - } - } - }, - { - './properties/understandable': 78 - } - ], - 58: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../wrap-for-optimizing').single, - i = e('../../tokenizer/token'); - function s(e) { - var t = r([i.PROPERTY, - [ - i.PROPERTY_NAME, - - ]]); - return t.important = e.important, - t.hack = e.hack, - t.unused = !1, - t - } - t.exports = { - deep: function (e) { - for (var t = s(e), n = e.components.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) { - var r = s(e.components[n]); - r.value = e.components[n].value.slice(0), - t.components.unshift(r) - } - return t.dirty = !0, - t.value = e.value.slice(0), - t - }, - shallow: s - } - }, - { - '../../tokenizer/token': 122, - '../wrap-for-optimizing': 96 - } - ], - 59: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./break-up'), - i = e('./can-override'), - s = e('./restore'), - o = e('../../utils/override'), - a = { - animation: { - canOverride: i.generic.components([i.generic.time, - i.generic.timingFunction, - i.generic.time, -, -, -, -, -]), - components: [ - 'animation-duration', - 'animation-timing-function', - 'animation-delay', - 'animation-iteration-count', - 'animation-direction', - 'animation-fill-mode', - 'animation-play-state', - 'animation-name' - ], - breakUp: r.multiplex(r.animation), - defaultValue: 'none', - restore: s.multiplex(s.withoutDefaults), - shorthand: !0, - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-o-', - '-webkit-' - ] - }, - 'animation-delay': { - canOverride: i.generic.time, - componentOf: [ - 'animation' - ], - defaultValue: '0s', - intoMultiplexMode: 'real', - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-o-', - '-webkit-' - ] - }, - 'animation-direction': { - canOverride:, - componentOf: [ - 'animation' - ], - defaultValue: 'normal', - intoMultiplexMode: 'real', - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-o-', - '-webkit-' - ] - }, - 'animation-duration': { - canOverride: i.generic.time, - componentOf: [ - 'animation' - ], - defaultValue: '0s', - intoMultiplexMode: 'real', - keepUnlessDefault: 'animation-delay', - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-o-', - '-webkit-' - ] - }, - 'animation-fill-mode': { - canOverride:, - componentOf: [ - 'animation' - ], - defaultValue: 'none', - intoMultiplexMode: 'real', - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-o-', - '-webkit-' - ] - }, - 'animation-iteration-count': { - canOverride:, - componentOf: [ - 'animation' - ], - defaultValue: '1', - intoMultiplexMode: 'real', - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-o-', - '-webkit-' - ] - }, - 'animation-name': { - canOverride:, - componentOf: [ - 'animation' - ], - defaultValue: 'none', - intoMultiplexMode: 'real', - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-o-', - '-webkit-' - ] - }, - 'animation-play-state': { - canOverride:, - componentOf: [ - 'animation' - ], - defaultValue: 'running', - intoMultiplexMode: 'real', - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-o-', - '-webkit-' - ] - }, - 'animation-timing-function': { - canOverride: i.generic.timingFunction, - componentOf: [ - 'animation' - ], - defaultValue: 'ease', - intoMultiplexMode: 'real', - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-o-', - '-webkit-' - ] - }, - background: { - canOverride: i.generic.components([i.generic.image, -, -, -, -, -, -, - i.generic.color]), - components: [ - 'background-image', - 'background-position', - 'background-size', - 'background-repeat', - 'background-attachment', - 'background-origin', - 'background-clip', - 'background-color' - ], - breakUp: r.multiplex(r.background), - defaultValue: '0 0', - restore: s.multiplex(s.background), - shortestValue: '0', - shorthand: !0 - }, - 'background-attachment': { - canOverride:, - componentOf: [ - 'background' - ], - defaultValue: 'scroll', - intoMultiplexMode: 'real' - }, - 'background-clip': { - canOverride:, - componentOf: [ - 'background' - ], - defaultValue: 'border-box', - intoMultiplexMode: 'real', - shortestValue: 'border-box' - }, - 'background-color': { - canOverride: i.generic.color, - componentOf: [ - 'background' - ], - defaultValue: 'transparent', - intoMultiplexMode: 'real', - multiplexLastOnly: !0, - nonMergeableValue: 'none', - shortestValue: 'red' - }, - 'background-image': { - canOverride: i.generic.image, - componentOf: [ - 'background' - ], - defaultValue: 'none', - intoMultiplexMode: 'default' - }, - 'background-origin': { - canOverride:, - componentOf: [ - 'background' - ], - defaultValue: 'padding-box', - intoMultiplexMode: 'real', - shortestValue: 'border-box' - }, - 'background-position': { - canOverride:, - componentOf: [ - 'background' - ], - defaultValue: [ - '0', - '0' - ], - doubleValues: !0, - intoMultiplexMode: 'real', - shortestValue: '0' - }, - 'background-repeat': { - canOverride:, - componentOf: [ - 'background' - ], - defaultValue: [ - 'repeat' - ], - doubleValues: !0, - intoMultiplexMode: 'real' - }, - 'background-size': { - canOverride:, - componentOf: [ - 'background' - ], - defaultValue: [ - 'auto' - ], - doubleValues: !0, - intoMultiplexMode: 'real', - shortestValue: '0 0' - }, - bottom: { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'auto' - }, - border: { - breakUp: r.border, - canOverride: i.generic.components([i.generic.unit, -, - i.generic.color]), - components: [ - 'border-width', - 'border-style', - 'border-color' - ], - defaultValue: 'none', - overridesShorthands: [ - 'border-bottom', - 'border-left', - 'border-right', - 'border-top' - ], - restore: s.withoutDefaults, - shorthand: !0, - shorthandComponents: !0 - }, - 'border-bottom': { - breakUp: r.border, - canOverride: i.generic.components([i.generic.unit, -, - i.generic.color]), - components: [ - 'border-bottom-width', - 'border-bottom-style', - 'border-bottom-color' - ], - defaultValue: 'none', - restore: s.withoutDefaults, - shorthand: !0 - }, - 'border-bottom-color': { - canOverride: i.generic.color, - componentOf: [ - 'border-bottom', - 'border-color' - ], - defaultValue: 'none' - }, - 'border-bottom-left-radius': { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - componentOf: [ - 'border-radius' - ], - defaultValue: '0', - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-o-' - ] - }, - 'border-bottom-right-radius': { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - componentOf: [ - 'border-radius' - ], - defaultValue: '0', - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-o-' - ] - }, - 'border-bottom-style': { - canOverride:, - componentOf: [ - 'border-bottom', - 'border-style' - ], - defaultValue: 'none' - }, - 'border-bottom-width': { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - componentOf: [ - 'border-bottom', - 'border-width' - ], - defaultValue: 'medium', - oppositeTo: 'border-top-width', - shortestValue: '0' - }, - 'border-collapse': { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'separate' - }, - 'border-color': { - breakUp: r.fourValues, - canOverride: i.generic.components([i.generic.color, - i.generic.color, - i.generic.color, - i.generic.color]), - componentOf: [ - 'border' - ], - components: [ - 'border-top-color', - 'border-right-color', - 'border-bottom-color', - 'border-left-color' - ], - defaultValue: 'none', - restore: s.fourValues, - shortestValue: 'red', - shorthand: !0 - }, - 'border-left': { - breakUp: r.border, - canOverride: i.generic.components([i.generic.unit, -, - i.generic.color]), - components: [ - 'border-left-width', - 'border-left-style', - 'border-left-color' - ], - defaultValue: 'none', - restore: s.withoutDefaults, - shorthand: !0 - }, - 'border-left-color': { - canOverride: i.generic.color, - componentOf: [ - 'border-color', - 'border-left' - ], - defaultValue: 'none' - }, - 'border-left-style': { - canOverride:, - componentOf: [ - 'border-left', - 'border-style' - ], - defaultValue: 'none' - }, - 'border-left-width': { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - componentOf: [ - 'border-left', - 'border-width' - ], - defaultValue: 'medium', - oppositeTo: 'border-right-width', - shortestValue: '0' - }, - 'border-radius': { - breakUp: r.borderRadius, - canOverride: i.generic.components([i.generic.unit, - i.generic.unit, - i.generic.unit, - i.generic.unit]), - components: [ - 'border-top-left-radius', - 'border-top-right-radius', - 'border-bottom-right-radius', - 'border-bottom-left-radius' - ], - defaultValue: '0', - restore: s.borderRadius, - shorthand: !0, - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-o-' - ] - }, - 'border-right': { - breakUp: r.border, - canOverride: i.generic.components([i.generic.unit, -, - i.generic.color]), - components: [ - 'border-right-width', - 'border-right-style', - 'border-right-color' - ], - defaultValue: 'none', - restore: s.withoutDefaults, - shorthand: !0 - }, - 'border-right-color': { - canOverride: i.generic.color, - componentOf: [ - 'border-color', - 'border-right' - ], - defaultValue: 'none' - }, - 'border-right-style': { - canOverride:, - componentOf: [ - 'border-right', - 'border-style' - ], - defaultValue: 'none' - }, - 'border-right-width': { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - componentOf: [ - 'border-right', - 'border-width' - ], - defaultValue: 'medium', - oppositeTo: 'border-left-width', - shortestValue: '0' - }, - 'border-style': { - breakUp: r.fourValues, - canOverride: i.generic.components([, -, -, -]), - componentOf: [ - 'border' - ], - components: [ - 'border-top-style', - 'border-right-style', - 'border-bottom-style', - 'border-left-style' - ], - defaultValue: 'none', - restore: s.fourValues, - shorthand: !0 - }, - 'border-top': { - breakUp: r.border, - canOverride: i.generic.components([i.generic.unit, -, - i.generic.color]), - components: [ - 'border-top-width', - 'border-top-style', - 'border-top-color' - ], - defaultValue: 'none', - restore: s.withoutDefaults, - shorthand: !0 - }, - 'border-top-color': { - canOverride: i.generic.color, - componentOf: [ - 'border-color', - 'border-top' - ], - defaultValue: 'none' - }, - 'border-top-left-radius': { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - componentOf: [ - 'border-radius' - ], - defaultValue: '0', - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-o-' - ] - }, - 'border-top-right-radius': { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - componentOf: [ - 'border-radius' - ], - defaultValue: '0', - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-o-' - ] - }, - 'border-top-style': { - canOverride:, - componentOf: [ - 'border-style', - 'border-top' - ], - defaultValue: 'none' - }, - 'border-top-width': { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - componentOf: [ - 'border-top', - 'border-width' - ], - defaultValue: 'medium', - oppositeTo: 'border-bottom-width', - shortestValue: '0' - }, - 'border-width': { - breakUp: r.fourValues, - canOverride: i.generic.components([i.generic.unit, - i.generic.unit, - i.generic.unit, - i.generic.unit]), - componentOf: [ - 'border' - ], - components: [ - 'border-top-width', - 'border-right-width', - 'border-bottom-width', - 'border-left-width' - ], - defaultValue: 'medium', - restore: s.fourValues, - shortestValue: '0', - shorthand: !0 - }, - clear: { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'none' - }, - color: { - canOverride: i.generic.color, - defaultValue: 'transparent', - shortestValue: 'red' - }, - cursor: { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'auto' - }, - display: { - canOverride: - }, - float: { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'none' - }, - font: { - breakUp: r.font, - canOverride: i.generic.components([, -, -, -, - i.generic.unit, - i.generic.unit, -]), - components: [ - 'font-style', - 'font-variant', - 'font-weight', - 'font-stretch', - 'font-size', - 'line-height', - 'font-family' - ], - restore: s.font, - shorthand: !0 - }, - 'font-family': { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'user|agent|specific' - }, - 'font-size': { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - defaultValue: 'medium', - shortestValue: '0' - }, - 'font-stretch': { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'normal' - }, - 'font-style': { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'normal' - }, - 'font-variant': { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'normal' - }, - 'font-weight': { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'normal', - shortestValue: '400' - }, - height: { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - defaultValue: 'auto', - shortestValue: '0' - }, - left: { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'auto' - }, - 'line-height': { - canOverride: i.generic.unitOrNumber, - defaultValue: 'normal', - shortestValue: '0' - }, - 'list-style': { - canOverride: i.generic.components([, -, -]), - components: [ - 'list-style-type', - 'list-style-position', - 'list-style-image' - ], - breakUp: r.listStyle, - restore: s.withoutDefaults, - defaultValue: 'outside', - shortestValue: 'none', - shorthand: !0 - }, - 'list-style-image': { - canOverride: i.generic.image, - componentOf: [ - 'list-style' - ], - defaultValue: 'none' - }, - 'list-style-position': { - canOverride:, - componentOf: [ - 'list-style' - ], - defaultValue: 'outside', - shortestValue: 'inside' - }, - 'list-style-type': { - canOverride:, - componentOf: [ - 'list-style' - ], - defaultValue: 'decimal|disc', - shortestValue: 'none' - }, - margin: { - breakUp: r.fourValues, - canOverride: i.generic.components([i.generic.unit, - i.generic.unit, - i.generic.unit, - i.generic.unit]), - components: [ - 'margin-top', - 'margin-right', - 'margin-bottom', - 'margin-left' - ], - defaultValue: '0', - restore: s.fourValues, - shorthand: !0 - }, - 'margin-bottom': { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - componentOf: [ - 'margin' - ], - defaultValue: '0', - oppositeTo: 'margin-top' - }, - 'margin-left': { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - componentOf: [ - 'margin' - ], - defaultValue: '0', - oppositeTo: 'margin-right' - }, - 'margin-right': { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - componentOf: [ - 'margin' - ], - defaultValue: '0', - oppositeTo: 'margin-left' - }, - 'margin-top': { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - componentOf: [ - 'margin' - ], - defaultValue: '0', - oppositeTo: 'margin-bottom' - }, - outline: { - canOverride: i.generic.components([i.generic.color, -, - i.generic.unit]), - components: [ - 'outline-color', - 'outline-style', - 'outline-width' - ], - breakUp: r.outline, - restore: s.withoutDefaults, - defaultValue: '0', - shorthand: !0 - }, - 'outline-color': { - canOverride: i.generic.color, - componentOf: [ - 'outline' - ], - defaultValue: 'invert', - shortestValue: 'red' - }, - 'outline-style': { - canOverride:, - componentOf: [ - 'outline' - ], - defaultValue: 'none' - }, - 'outline-width': { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - componentOf: [ - 'outline' - ], - defaultValue: 'medium', - shortestValue: '0' - }, - overflow: { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'visible' - }, - 'overflow-x': { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'visible' - }, - 'overflow-y': { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'visible' - }, - padding: { - breakUp: r.fourValues, - canOverride: i.generic.components([i.generic.unit, - i.generic.unit, - i.generic.unit, - i.generic.unit]), - components: [ - 'padding-top', - 'padding-right', - 'padding-bottom', - 'padding-left' - ], - defaultValue: '0', - restore: s.fourValues, - shorthand: !0 - }, - 'padding-bottom': { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - componentOf: [ - 'padding' - ], - defaultValue: '0', - oppositeTo: 'padding-top' - }, - 'padding-left': { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - componentOf: [ - 'padding' - ], - defaultValue: '0', - oppositeTo: 'padding-right' - }, - 'padding-right': { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - componentOf: [ - 'padding' - ], - defaultValue: '0', - oppositeTo: 'padding-left' - }, - 'padding-top': { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - componentOf: [ - 'padding' - ], - defaultValue: '0', - oppositeTo: 'padding-bottom' - }, - position: { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'static' - }, - right: { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'auto' - }, - 'text-align': { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'left|right' - }, - 'text-decoration': { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'none' - }, - 'text-overflow': { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'none' - }, - 'text-shadow': { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'none' - }, - top: { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'auto' - }, - transform: { - canOverride:, - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-ms-', - '-webkit-' - ] - }, - transition: { - breakUp: r.multiplex(r.transition), - canOverride: i.generic.components([, - i.generic.time, - i.generic.timingFunction, - i.generic.time]), - components: [ - 'transition-property', - 'transition-duration', - 'transition-timing-function', - 'transition-delay' - ], - defaultValue: 'none', - restore: s.multiplex(s.withoutDefaults), - shorthand: !0, - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-o-', - '-webkit-' - ] - }, - 'transition-delay': { - canOverride: i.generic.time, - componentOf: [ - 'transition' - ], - defaultValue: '0s', - intoMultiplexMode: 'real', - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-o-', - '-webkit-' - ] - }, - 'transition-duration': { - canOverride: i.generic.time, - componentOf: [ - 'transition' - ], - defaultValue: '0s', - intoMultiplexMode: 'real', - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-o-', - '-webkit-' - ] - }, - 'transition-property': { - canOverride: i.generic.propertyName, - componentOf: [ - 'transition' - ], - defaultValue: 'all', - intoMultiplexMode: 'placeholder', - placeholderValue: '_', - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-o-', - '-webkit-' - ] - }, - 'transition-timing-function': { - canOverride: i.generic.timingFunction, - componentOf: [ - 'transition' - ], - defaultValue: 'ease', - intoMultiplexMode: 'real', - vendorPrefixes: [ - '-moz-', - '-o-', - '-webkit-' - ] - }, - 'vertical-align': { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'baseline' - }, - visibility: { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'visible' - }, - 'white-space': { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'normal' - }, - width: { - canOverride: i.generic.unit, - defaultValue: 'auto', - shortestValue: '0' - }, - 'z-index': { - canOverride:, - defaultValue: 'auto' - } - }; - function u(e, t) { - var n = o(a[e], { - }); - return 'componentOf' in n && (n.componentOf = (e) { - return t + e - })), - 'components' in n && (n.components = (e) { - return t + e - })), - 'keepUnlessDefault' in n && (n.keepUnlessDefault = t + n.keepUnlessDefault), - n - } - var l = { - }; - for (var c in a) { - var p = a[c]; - if ('vendorPrefixes' in p) { - for (var h = 0; h < p.vendorPrefixes.length; h++) { - var f = p.vendorPrefixes[h], - d = u(c, f); - delete d.vendorPrefixes, - l[f + c] = d - } - delete p.vendorPrefixes - } - } - t.exports = o(a, l) - }, - { - '../../utils/override': 133, - './break-up': 56, - './can-override': 57, - './restore': 87 - } - ], - 60: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../../tokenizer/token'), - i = e('../../writer/one-time').rules, - s = e('../../writer/one-time').value; - function o(e) { - return 'list-style' == e ? e : e.indexOf('-radius') > 0 ? 'border-radius' : 'border-collapse' == e || 'border-spacing' == e || 'border-image' == e ? e : 0 === e.indexOf('border-') && /^border\-\w+\-\w+$/.test(e) ? e.match(/border\-\w+/) [0] : 0 === e.indexOf('border-') && /^border\-\w+$/.test(e) ? 'border' : 0 === e.indexOf('text-') ? e : '-chrome-' == e ? e : e.replace(/^\-\w+\-/, '').match(/([a-zA-Z]+)/) [0].toLowerCase() - } - t.exports = function e(t) { - var n, - a, - u, - l, - c, - p, - h = [ - ]; - if (t[0] == r.RULE) for (n = !/[\.\+>~]/.test(i(t[1])), c = 0, p = t[2].length; c < p; c++) (a = t[2][c]) [0] == r.PROPERTY && 0 !== (u = a[1][1]).length && 0 !== u.indexOf('--') && (l = s(a, c), h.push([u, - l, - o(u), - t[2][c], - u + ':' + l, - t[1], - n])); - else if (t[0] == r.NESTED_BLOCK) for (c = 0, p = t[2].length; c < p; c++) h = h.concat(e(t[2][c])); - return h - } - }, - { - '../../tokenizer/token': 122, - '../../writer/one-time': 136 - } - ], - 61: [ - function (e, t, n) { - function r(e) { - = 'InvalidPropertyError', - this.message = e, - this.stack = (new Error).stack - } - r.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype), - r.prototype.constructor = r, - t.exports = r - }, - { - } - ], - 62: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../../tokenizer/marker'), - i = e('../../utils/split'), - s = /\/deep\//, - o = /^::/, - a = ':not', - u = [ - ':dir', - ':lang', - ':not', - ':nth-child', - ':nth-last-child', - ':nth-last-of-type', - ':nth-of-type' - ], - l = /[>\+~]/, - c = [ - ':after', - ':before', - ':first-letter', - ':first-line', - ':lang' - ], - p = [ - '::after', - '::before', - '::first-letter', - '::first-line' - ], - h = { - DOUBLE_QUOTE: 'double-quote', - SINGLE_QUOTE: 'single-quote', - ROOT: 'root' - }; - function f(e) { - return s.test(e) - } - function d(e) { - var t, - n, - i, - s, - o, - a, - u = [ - ], - c = [ - ], - p = h.ROOT, - f = 0, - d = !1, - m = !1; - for (o = 0, a = e.length; o < a; o++) t = e[o], - s = !i && l.test(t), - n = p == h.DOUBLE_QUOTE || p == h.SINGLE_QUOTE, - i ? c.push(t) : t == r.DOUBLE_QUOTE && p == h.ROOT ? (c.push(t), p = h.DOUBLE_QUOTE) : t == r.DOUBLE_QUOTE && p == h.DOUBLE_QUOTE ? (c.push(t), p = h.ROOT) : t == r.SINGLE_QUOTE && p == h.ROOT ? (c.push(t), p = h.SINGLE_QUOTE) : t == r.SINGLE_QUOTE && p == h.SINGLE_QUOTE ? (c.push(t), p = h.ROOT) : n ? c.push(t) : t == r.OPEN_ROUND_BRACKET ? (c.push(t), f++) : t == r.CLOSE_ROUND_BRACKET && 1 == f && d ? (c.push(t), u.push(c.join('')), f--, c = [ - ], d = !1) : t == r.CLOSE_ROUND_BRACKET ? (c.push(t), f--) : t == r.COLON && 0 === f && d && !m ? (u.push(c.join('')), (c = [ - ]).push(t)) : t != r.COLON || 0 !== f || m ? t == r.SPACE && 0 === f && d ? (u.push(c.join('')), c = [ - ], d = !1) : s && 0 === f && d ? (u.push(c.join('')), c = [ - ], d = !1) : c.push(t) : ((c = [ - ]).push(t), d = !0), - i = t == r.BACK_SLASH, - m = t == r.COLON; - return c.length > 0 && d && u.push(c.join('')), - u - } - function m(e, t, n, i, s) { - return function (e, t, n) { - var i, - s, - o, - a; - for (o = 0, a = e.length; o < a; o++) if (i = e[o], s = i.indexOf(r.OPEN_ROUND_BRACKET) > - 1 ? i.substring(0, i.indexOf(r.OPEN_ROUND_BRACKET)) : i, - 1 === t.indexOf(s) && - 1 === n.indexOf(s)) return !1; - return !0 - }(t, n, i) && function (e) { - var t, - n, - i, - s, - o, - a; - for (o = 0, a = e.length; o < a; o++) { - if (t = e[o], i = t.indexOf(r.OPEN_ROUND_BRACKET), n = (s = i > - 1) ? t.substring(0, i) : t, s && - 1 == u.indexOf(n)) return !1; - if (!s && u.indexOf(n) > - 1) return !1 - } - return !0 - }(t) && (t.length < 2 || !function (e, t) { - var n, - i, - s, - o, - u, - l, - c, - p, - h = 0; - for (c = 0, p = t.length; c < p && (n = t[c], s = t[c + 1]); c++) if (i = e.indexOf(n, h), o = e.indexOf(n, i + 1), h = o, i + n.length == o && (u = n.indexOf(r.OPEN_ROUND_BRACKET) > - 1 ? n.substring(0, n.indexOf(r.OPEN_ROUND_BRACKET)) : n, l = s.indexOf(r.OPEN_ROUND_BRACKET) > - 1 ? s.substring(0, s.indexOf(r.OPEN_ROUND_BRACKET)) : s, u != a || l != a)) return !0; - return !1 - }(e, t)) && (t.length < 2 || s && function (e) { - var t, - n, - r, - i = 0; - for (n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++) if (t = e[n], s = t, o.test(s) ? i += p.indexOf(t) > - 1 ? 1 : 0 : i += c.indexOf(t) > - 1 ? 1 : 0, i > 1) return !1; - var s; - return !0 - }(t)) - } - t.exports = function (e, t, n, s) { - var o, - a, - u, - l = i(e, r.COMMA); - for (a = 0, u = l.length; a < u; a++) if (0 === (o = l[a]).length || f(o) || o.indexOf(r.COLON) > - 1 && !m(o, d(o), t, n, s)) return !1; - return !0 - } - }, - { - '../../tokenizer/marker': 121, - '../../utils/split': 134 - } - ], - 63: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./is-mergeable'), - i = e('./properties/optimize'), - s = e('../level-1/sort-selectors'), - o = e('../level-1/tidy-rules'), - a = e('../../options/optimization-level').OptimizationLevel, - u = e('../../writer/one-time').body, - l = e('../../writer/one-time').rules, - c = e('../../tokenizer/token'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - for (var n = [ - null, - [ - ], - [ - ] - ], p = t.options, h = p.compatibility.selectors.adjacentSpace, f = p.level[a.One].selectorsSortingMethod, d = p.compatibility.selectors.mergeablePseudoClasses, m = p.compatibility.selectors.mergeablePseudoElements, g = p.compatibility.selectors.mergeLimit, y = p.compatibility.selectors.multiplePseudoMerging, v = 0, b = e.length; v < b; v++) { - var x = e[v]; - x[0] == c.RULE ? n[0] == c.RULE && l(x[1]) == l(n[1]) ? (Array.prototype.push.apply(n[2], x[2]), i(n[2], !0, !0, t), x[2] = [ - ]) : n[0] == c.RULE && u(x[2]) == u(n[2]) && r(l(x[1]), d, m, y) && r(l(n[1]), d, m, y) && n[1].length < g ? (n[1] = o(n[1].concat(x[1]), !1, h, !1, t.warnings), n[1] = n.length > 1 ? s(n[1], f) : n[1], x[2] = [ - ]) : n = x : n = [ - null, - [ - ], - [ - ] - ] - } - } - }, - { - '../../options/optimization-level': 103, - '../../tokenizer/token': 122, - '../../writer/one-time': 136, - '../level-1/sort-selectors': 52, - '../level-1/tidy-rules': 55, - './is-mergeable': 62, - './properties/optimize': 74 - } - ], - 64: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./reorderable').canReorder, - i = e('./reorderable').canReorderSingle, - s = e('./extract-properties'), - o = e('./rules-overlap'), - a = e('../../writer/one-time').rules, - u = e('../../options/optimization-level').OptimizationLevel, - l = e('../../tokenizer/token'); - function c(e, t, n) { - var r, - s, - a, - u, - l, - c, - p, - h; - for (l = 0, c = e.length; l < c; l++) for (s = (r = e[l]) [5], p = 0, h = t.length; p < h; p++) if (u = (a = t[p]) [5], o(s, u, !0) && !i(r, a, n)) return !1; - return !0 - } - t.exports = function (e, t) { - for (var n = t.options.level[u.Two].mergeSemantically, i = t.cache.specificity, o = { - }, p = [ - ], h = e.length - 1; h >= 0; h--) { - var f = e[h]; - if (f[0] == l.NESTED_BLOCK) { - var d = a(f[1]), - m = o[d]; - m || (m = [ - ], o[d] = m), - m.push(h) - } - } - for (var g in o) { - var y = o[g]; - e: for (var v = y.length - 1; v > 0; v--) { - var b = y[v], - x = e[b], - A = y[v - 1], - E = e[A]; - t: for (var _ = 1; _ >= - 1; _ -= 2) { - for (var C = 1 == _, w = C ? b + 1 : A - 1, D = C ? A : b, k = C ? 1 : - 1, S = C ? x : E, T = C ? E : x, F = s(S); w != D; ) { - var O = s(e[w]); - if (w += k, !(n && c(F, O, i) || r(F, O, i))) continue t - } - T[2] = C ? S[2].concat(T[2]) : T[2].concat(S[2]), - S[2] = [ - ], - p.push(T); - continue e - } - } - } - return p - } - }, - { - '../../options/optimization-level': 103, - '../../tokenizer/token': 122, - '../../writer/one-time': 136, - './extract-properties': 60, - './reorderable': 85, - './rules-overlap': 89 - } - ], - 65: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./is-mergeable'), - i = e('../level-1/sort-selectors'), - s = e('../level-1/tidy-rules'), - o = e('../../options/optimization-level').OptimizationLevel, - a = e('../../writer/one-time').body, - u = e('../../writer/one-time').rules, - l = e('../../tokenizer/token'); - function c(e) { - var t = u(e[1]); - return t.indexOf('__') > - 1 || t.indexOf('--') > - 1 - } - function p(e) { - return e.replace(/--[^ ,>\+~:]+/g, '') - } - function h(e, t) { - var n = p(u(e[1])); - for (var r in t) { - var i = t[r], - s = p(u(i[1])); - (s.indexOf(n) > - 1 || n.indexOf(s) > - 1) && delete t[r] - } - } - t.exports = function (e, t) { - for (var n, p = t.options, f = p.level[o.Two].mergeSemantically, d = p.compatibility.selectors.adjacentSpace, m = p.level[o.One].selectorsSortingMethod, g = p.compatibility.selectors.mergeablePseudoClasses, y = p.compatibility.selectors.mergeablePseudoElements, v = p.compatibility.selectors.multiplePseudoMerging, b = { - }, x = e.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) { - var A = e[x]; - if (A[0] == l.RULE) { - A[2].length > 0 && !f && (n = u(A[1]), /\.|\*| :/.test(n)) && (b = { - }), - A[2].length > 0 && f && c(A) && h(A, b); - var E = a(A[2]), - _ = b[E]; - _ && r(u(A[1]), g, y, v) && r(u(_[1]), g, y, v) && (A[2].length > 0 ? (A[1] = s(_[1].concat(A[1]), !1, d, !1, t.warnings), A[1] = A[1].length > 1 ? i(A[1], m) : A[1]) : A[1] = _[1].concat(A[1]), _[2] = [ - ], b[E] = null), - b[a(A[2])] = A - } - } - } - }, - { - '../../options/optimization-level': 103, - '../../tokenizer/token': 122, - '../../writer/one-time': 136, - '../level-1/sort-selectors': 52, - '../level-1/tidy-rules': 55, - './is-mergeable': 62 - } - ], - 66: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./reorderable').canReorder, - i = e('./extract-properties'), - s = e('./properties/optimize'), - o = e('../../writer/one-time').rules, - a = e('../../tokenizer/token'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n, - u = t.cache.specificity, - l = { - }, - c = [ - ]; - for (n = e.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) if (e[n][0] == a.RULE && 0 !== e[n][2].length) { - var p = o(e[n][1]); - l[p] = [ - n - ].concat(l[p] || [ - ]), - 2 == l[p].length && c.push(p) - } - for (n = c.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) { - var h = l[c[n]]; - e: for (var f = h.length - 1; f > 0; f--) { - var d = h[f - 1], - m = e[d], - g = h[f], - y = e[g]; - t: for (var v = 1; v >= - 1; v -= 2) { - for (var b = 1 == v, x = b ? d + 1 : g - 1, A = b ? g : d, E = b ? 1 : - 1, _ = b ? m : y, C = b ? y : m, w = i(_); x != A; ) { - var D = i(e[x]); - x += E; - var k = b ? r(w, D, u) : r(D, w, u); - if (!k && !b) continue e; - if (!k && b) continue t - } - b ? (Array.prototype.push.apply(_[2], C[2]), C[2] = _[2]) : Array.prototype.push.apply(C[2], _[2]), - s(C[2], !0, !0, t), - _[2] = [ - ] - } - } - } - } - }, - { - '../../tokenizer/token': 122, - '../../writer/one-time': 136, - './extract-properties': 60, - './properties/optimize': 74, - './reorderable': 85 - } - ], - 67: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./merge-adjacent'), - i = e('./merge-media-queries'), - s = e('./merge-non-adjacent-by-body'), - o = e('./merge-non-adjacent-by-selector'), - a = e('./reduce-non-adjacent'), - u = e('./remove-duplicate-font-at-rules'), - l = e('./remove-duplicate-media-queries'), - c = e('./remove-duplicates'), - p = e('./remove-unused-at-rules'), - h = e('./restructure'), - f = e('./properties/optimize'), - d = e('../../options/optimization-level').OptimizationLevel, - m = e('../../tokenizer/token'); - function g(e, t, n) { - var y, - v, - b = t.options.level[d.Two]; - if (function (e, t) { - for (var n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++) { - var i = e[n]; - if (i[0] == m.NESTED_BLOCK) { - var s = /@(-moz-|-o-|-webkit-)?keyframes/.test(i[1][0][1]); - g(i[2], t, !s) - } - } - }(e, t), function e(t, n) { - for (var r = 0, i = t.length; r < i; r++) { - var s = t[r]; - switch (s[0]) { - case m.RULE: - f(s[2], !0, !0, n); - break; - case m.NESTED_BLOCK: - e(s[2], n) - } - } - }(e, t), b.removeDuplicateRules && c(e, t), b.mergeAdjacentRules && r(e, t), b.reduceNonAdjacentRules && a(e, t), b.mergeNonAdjacentRules && 'body' != b.mergeNonAdjacentRules && o(e, t), b.mergeNonAdjacentRules && 'selector' != b.mergeNonAdjacentRules && s(e, t), b.restructureRules && b.mergeAdjacentRules && n && (h(e, t), r(e, t)), b.restructureRules && !b.mergeAdjacentRules && n && h(e, t), b.removeDuplicateFontRules && u(e, t), b.removeDuplicateMediaBlocks && l(e, t), b.removeUnusedAtRules && p(e, t), b.mergeMedia) for (v = (y = i(e, t)).length - 1; v >= 0; v--) g(y[v][2], t, !1); - return b.removeEmpty && function e(t) { - for (var n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; n++) { - var i = t[n], - s = !1; - switch (i[0]) { - case m.RULE: - s = 0 === i[1].length || 0 === i[2].length; - break; - case m.NESTED_BLOCK: - e(i[2]), - s = 0 === i[2].length; - break; - case m.AT_RULE: - s = 0 === i[1].length; - break; - case m.AT_RULE_BLOCK: - s = 0 === i[2].length - } - s && (t.splice(n, 1), n--, r--) - } - }(e), - e - } - t.exports = g - }, - { - '../../options/optimization-level': 103, - '../../tokenizer/token': 122, - './merge-adjacent': 63, - './merge-media-queries': 64, - './merge-non-adjacent-by-body': 65, - './merge-non-adjacent-by-selector': 66, - './properties/optimize': 74, - './reduce-non-adjacent': 80, - './remove-duplicate-font-at-rules': 81, - './remove-duplicate-media-queries': 82, - './remove-duplicates': 83, - './remove-unused-at-rules': 84, - './restructure': 88 - } - ], - 68: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../../../tokenizer/marker'); - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - var i, - s, - o, - a = t.value.length, - u = n.value.length, - l = Math.max(a, u), - c = Math.min(a, u) - 1; - for (o = 0; o < l; o++) if (i = t.value[o] && t.value[o][1] || i, s = n.value[o] && n.value[o][1] || s, i != r.COMMA && s != r.COMMA && !e(i, s, o, o <= c)) return !1; - return !0 - } - }, - { - '../../../tokenizer/marker': 121 - } - ], - 69: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../compactable'); - function i(e, t) { - return e.components.filter(t) [0] - } - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n, - s = (n = t, function (e) { - return === - }); - return i(e, s) || function (e, t) { - var n, - s, - o, - a; - if (r[].shorthandComponents) for (o = 0, a = e.components.length; o < a; o++) if (n = e.components[o], s = i(n, t)) return s - }(e, s) - } - }, - { - '../compactable': 59 - } - ], - 70: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - for (var t = e.value.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) if ('inherit' == e.value[t][1]) return !0; - return !1 - } - }, - { - } - ], - 71: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../compactable'); - function i(e, t) { - var n = r[]; - return 'components' in n && n.components.indexOf( > - 1 - } - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - return i(e, t) || !n && !!r[].shorthandComponents && function (e, t) { - return e.components.some(function (e) { - return i(e, t) - }) - }(e, t) - } - }, - { - '../compactable': 59 - } - ], - 72: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../../../tokenizer/marker'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return 'font' != || - 1 == e.value[0][1].indexOf(r.INTERNAL) - } - }, - { - '../../../tokenizer/marker': 121 - } - ], - 73: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./every-values-pair'), - i = e('./has-inherit'), - s = e('./populate-components'), - o = e('../compactable'), - a = e('../clone').deep, - u = e('../restore-with-components'), - l = e('../../restore-from-optimizing'), - c = e('../../wrap-for-optimizing').single, - p = e('../../../writer/one-time').body, - h = e('../../../tokenizer/token'); - function f(e, t, n, r) { - var i, - s, - a, - u = e[t]; - for (i in n) void 0 !== u && i == || (s = o[i], a = n[i], u && d(n, i, u) ? delete n[i] : s.components.length > Object.keys(a).length || m(a) || g(a, i, r) && y(a) && (v(a) ? b(e, a, i, r) : C(e, a, i, r))) - } - function d(e, t, n) { - var r, - i = o[t], - s = o[]; - if ('overridesShorthands' in i && i.overridesShorthands.indexOf( > - 1) return !0; - if (s && 'componentOf' in s) for (r in e[t]) if (s.componentOf.indexOf(r) > - 1) return !0; - return !1 - } - function m(e) { - var t, - n; - for (n in e) { - if (void 0 !== t && e[n].important != t) return !0; - t = e[n].important - } - return !1 - } - function g(e, t, n) { - var i, - a, - u, - l, - p = o[t], - f = [ - h.PROPERTY, - [ - h.PROPERTY_NAME, - t - ], - [ - h.PROPERTY_VALUE, - p.defaultValue - ] - ], - d = c(f); - for (s([d], n, [ - ]), u = 0, l = p.components.length; u < l; u++) if (i = e[p.components[u]], a = o[].canOverride, !r(a.bind(null, n), d.components[u], i)) return !1; - return !0 - } - function y(e) { - var t, - n, - r, - i, - s = null; - for (n in e) if (r = e[n], 'restore' in (i = o[n])) { - if (l([r.all[r.position]], u), t = i.restore(r, o).length, null !== s && t !== s) return !1; - s = t - } - return !0 - } - function v(e) { - var t, - n, - r = null; - for (t in e) { - if (n = i(e[t]), null !== r && r !== n) return !0; - r = n - } - return !1 - } - function b(e, t, n, r) { - var f, - d, - m, - g, - y = function (e, t, n) { - var r, - p, - f, - d, - m, - g, - y = [ - ], - v = { - }, - b = { - }, - E = o[t], - _ = [ - h.PROPERTY, - [ - h.PROPERTY_NAME, - t - ], - [ - h.PROPERTY_VALUE, - E.defaultValue - ] - ], - C = c(_); - for (s([C], n, [ - ]), m = 0, g = E.components.length; m < g; m++) r = e[E.components[m]], - i(r) ? (p = r.all[r.position].slice(0, 2), Array.prototype.push.apply(p, r.value), y.push(p), (f = a(r)).value = x(e,, C.components[m] = f, v[] = a(r)) : ((f = a(r)).all = r.all, C.components[m] = f, b[] = r); - return d = A(b, 1), - _[1].push(d), - l([C], u), - _ = _.slice(0, 2), - Array.prototype.push.apply(_, C.value), - y.unshift(_), - [ - y, - C, - v - ] - }(t, n, r), - v = function (e, t, n) { - var r, - u, - l, - p, - f, - d, - m = [ - ], - g = { - }, - y = { - }, - v = o[t], - b = [ - h.PROPERTY, - [ - h.PROPERTY_NAME, - t - ], - [ - h.PROPERTY_VALUE, - 'inherit' - ] - ], - x = c(b); - for (s([x], n, [ - ]), f = 0, d = v.components.length; f < d; f++) r = e[v.components[f]], - i(r) ? g[] = r : (u = r.all[r.position].slice(0, 2), Array.prototype.push.apply(u, r.value), m.push(u), y[] = a(r)); - return l = A(g, 1), - b[1].push(l), - p = A(g, 2), - b[2].push(p), - m.unshift(b), - [ - m, - x, - y - ] - }(t, n, r), - b = y[0], - E = v[0], - C = p(b).length < p(E).length, - w = C ? b : E, - D = C ? y[1] : v[1], - k = C ? y[2] : v[2], - S = t[Object.keys(t) [0]].all; - for (f in D.position = S.length, D.shorthand = !0, D.dirty = !0, D.all = S, D.all.push(w[0]), e.push(D), t) (d = t[f]).unused = !0, - in k && (m = k[], g = _(w, f), m.position = S.length, m.all = S, m.all.push(g), e.push(m)) - } - function x(e, t) { - var n = o[t]; - return 'oppositeTo' in n ? e[n.oppositeTo].value : [ - [h.PROPERTY_VALUE, - n.defaultValue] - ] - } - function A(e, t) { - var n, - r, - i, - s, - o = [ - ]; - for (s in e) i = (r = (n = e[s]).all[n.position]) [t][r[t].length - 1], - Array.prototype.push.apply(o, i); - return o.sort(E) - } - function E(e, t) { - var n = e[0], - r = t[0], - i = e[1], - s = t[1]; - return n < r ? - 1 : n === r && i < s ? - 1 : 1 - } - function _(e, t) { - var n, - r; - for (n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++) if (e[n][1][1] == t) return e[n] - } - function C(e, t, n, r) { - var i, - u, - l, - p = o[n], - f = [ - h.PROPERTY, - [ - h.PROPERTY_NAME, - n - ], - [ - h.PROPERTY_VALUE, - p.defaultValue - ] - ], - d = c(f); - d.shorthand = !0, - d.dirty = !0, - s([d], r, [ - ]); - for (var m = 0, g = p.components.length; m < g; m++) { - var y = t[p.components[m]]; - d.components[m] = a(y), - d.important = y.important, - l = y.all - } - for (var v in t) t[v].unused = !0; - i = A(t, 1), - f[1].push(i), - u = A(t, 2), - f[2].push(u), - d.position = l.length, - d.all = l, - d.all.push(f), - e.push(d) - } - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n, - r, - i, - s, - a, - u, - l, - c = { - }; - if (!(e.length < 3)) { - for (s = 0, a = e.length; s < a; s++) if (i = e[s], n = o[], !i.unused && !i.hack && !i.block && (f(e, s, c, t), n && n.componentOf)) for (u = 0, l = n.componentOf.length; u < l; u++) c[r = n.componentOf[u]] = c[r] || { - }, - c[r][] = i; - f(e, s, c, t) - } - } - }, - { - '../../../tokenizer/token': 122, - '../../../writer/one-time': 136, - '../../restore-from-optimizing': 94, - '../../wrap-for-optimizing': 96, - '../clone': 58, - '../compactable': 59, - '../restore-with-components': 86, - './every-values-pair': 68, - './has-inherit': 70, - './populate-components': 77 - } - ], - 74: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./merge-into-shorthands'), - i = e('./override-properties'), - s = e('./populate-components'), - o = e('../restore-with-components'), - a = e('../../wrap-for-optimizing').all, - u = e('../../remove-unused'), - l = e('../../restore-from-optimizing'), - c = e('../../../options/optimization-level').OptimizationLevel; - t.exports = function e(t, n, p, h) { - var f, - d, - m, - g = h.options.level[c.Two], - y = a(t, !1, g.skipProperties); - for (s(y, h.validator, h.warnings), d = 0, m = y.length; d < m; d++) (f = y[d]).block && e(f.value[0][1], n, p, h); - p && g.mergeIntoShorthands && r(y, h.validator), - n && g.overrideProperties && i(y, p, h.options.compatibility, h.validator), - l(y, o), - u(y) - } - }, - { - '../../../options/optimization-level': 103, - '../../remove-unused': 93, - '../../restore-from-optimizing': 94, - '../../wrap-for-optimizing': 96, - '../restore-with-components': 86, - './merge-into-shorthands': 73, - './override-properties': 75, - './populate-components': 77 - } - ], - 75: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./has-inherit'), - i = e('./every-values-pair'), - s = e('./find-component-in'), - o = e('./is-component-of'), - a = e('./is-mergeable-shorthand'), - u = e('./overrides-non-component-shorthand'), - l = e('./vendor-prefixes').same, - c = e('../compactable'), - p = e('../clone').deep, - h = e('../restore-with-components'), - f = e('../clone').shallow, - d = e('../../restore-from-optimizing'), - m = e('../../../tokenizer/token'), - g = e('../../../tokenizer/marker'), - y = e('../../../writer/one-time').property; - function v(e, t) { - for (var n = 0; n < e.components.length; n++) { - var r = e.components[n], - s = c[], - o = s && s.canOverride || o.sameValue, - a = f(r); - if (a.value = [ - [m.PROPERTY_VALUE, - s.defaultValue] - ], !i(o.bind(null, t), a, r)) return !0 - } - return !1 - } - function b(e, t) { - t.unused = !0, - _(t, w(e)), - e.value = t.value - } - function x(e, t) { - t.unused = !0, - e.multiplex = !0, - e.value = t.value - } - function A(e, t) { - t.multiplex ? x(e, t) : e.multiplex ? b(e, t) : function (e, t) { - t.unused = !0, - e.value = t.value - }(e, t) - } - function E(e, t) { - t.unused = !0; - for (var n = 0, r = e.components.length; n < r; n++) A(e.components[n], t.components[n], e.multiplex) - } - function _(e, t) { - e.multiplex = !0, - c[].shorthand ? function (e, t) { - var n, - r, - i; - for (r = 0, i = e.components.length; r < i; r++) (n = e.components[r]).multiplex || C(n, t) - }(e, t) : C(e, t) - } - function C(e, t) { - for (var n, r = c[], i = 'real' == r.intoMultiplexMode, s = 'real' == r.intoMultiplexMode ? e.value.slice(0) : 'placeholder' == r.intoMultiplexMode ? r.placeholderValue : r.defaultValue, o = w(e), a = s.length; o < t; o++) if (e.value.push([m.PROPERTY_VALUE, - g.COMMA]), Array.isArray(s)) for (n = 0; n < a; n++) e.value.push(i ? s[n] : [ - m.PROPERTY_VALUE, - s[n] - ]); - else e.value.push(i ? s : [ - m.PROPERTY_VALUE, - s - ]) - } - function w(e) { - for (var t = 0, n = 0, r = e.value.length; n < r; n++) e.value[n][1] == g.COMMA && t++; - return t + 1 - } - function D(e) { - var t = [ - m.PROPERTY, - [ - m.PROPERTY_NAME, - - ] - ].concat(e.value); - return y([t], 0).length - } - function k(e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0, i = t; i >= 0 && (e[i].name != n || e[i].unused || r++, !(r > 1)); i--); - return r > 1 - } - function S(e, t) { - for (var n = 0, r = e.components.length; n < r; n++) if (!T(t.isUrl, e.components[n]) && T(t.isFunction, e.components[n])) return !0; - return !1 - } - function T(e, t) { - for (var n = 0, r = t.value.length; n < r; n++) if (t.value[n][1] != g.COMMA && e(t.value[n][1])) return !0; - return !1 - } - function F(e, t) { - if (!e.multiplex && !t.multiplex || e.multiplex && t.multiplex) return !1; - var n, - r = e.multiplex ? e : t, - i = e.multiplex ? t : e, - o = p(r); - d([o], h); - var a = p(i); - d([a], h); - var u = D(o) + 1 + D(a); - return e.multiplex ? b(n = s(o, a), a) : (n = s(a, o), _(a, w(o)), x(n, o)), - d([a], h), - u <= D(a) - } - function O(e) { - return in c - } - function B(e, t) { - return !e.multiplex && ('background' == || 'background-image' == && t.multiplex && ('background' == || 'background-image' == && function (e) { - for (var t = function (e) { - for (var t = [ - ], n = 0, r = [ - ], i = e.length; n < i; n++) { - var s = e[n]; - s[1] == g.COMMA ? (t.push(r), r = [ - ]) : r.push(s) - } - return t.push(r), - t - }(e), n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; n++) if (1 == t[n].length && 'none' == t[n][0][1]) return !0; - return !1 - }(t.value) - } - t.exports = function (e, t, n, p) { - var h, - f, - d, - m, - g, - y, - b, - x, - C, - D, - P; - e: for (C = e.length - 1; C >= 0; C--) if (O(f = e[C]) && !f.block) { - h = c[].canOverride; - t: for (D = C - 1; D >= 0; D--) if (O(d = e[D]) && !d.block && !d.unused && !f.unused && (!d.hack || f.hack || f.important) && (d.hack || d.important || !f.hack) && (d.important != f.important || d.hack[0] == f.hack[0]) && !(d.important == f.important && (d.hack[0] != f.hack[0] || d.hack[1] && d.hack[1] != f.hack[1]) || r(f) || B(d, f))) if (f.shorthand && o(f, d)) { - if (!f.important && d.important) continue; - if (!l([d], f.components)) continue; - if (!T(p.isFunction, d) && S(f, p)) continue; - if (!a(f)) { - d.unused = !0; - continue - } - m = s(f, d), - h = c[].canOverride, - i(h.bind(null, p), d, m) && (d.unused = !0) - } else if (f.shorthand && u(f, d)) { - if (!f.important && d.important) continue; - if (!l([d], f.components)) continue; - if (!T(p.isFunction, d) && S(f, p)) continue; - for (P = (g = d.shorthand ? d.components : [ - d - ]).length - 1; P >= 0; P--) if (y = g[P], b = s(f, y), h = c[].canOverride, !i(h.bind(null, p), d, b)) continue t; - d.unused = !0 - } else if (t && d.shorthand && !f.shorthand && o(d, f, !0)) { - if (f.important && !d.important) continue; - if (!f.important && d.important) { - f.unused = !0; - continue - } - if (k(e, C - 1, continue; - if (S(d, p)) continue; - if (!a(d)) continue; - if (m = s(d, f), i(h.bind(null, p), m, f)) { - var N = ! &&'background-clip') > - 1 || ! &&'background-origin') > - 1 || ! &&'background-size') > - 1, - R = c[].nonMergeableValue === f.value[0][1]; - if (N || R) continue; - if (! && v(d, p)) continue; - if (m.value[0][1] != f.value[0][1] && (r(d) || r(f))) continue; - if (F(d, f)) continue; - !d.multiplex && f.multiplex && _(d, w(f)), - A(m, f), - d.dirty = !0 - } - } else if (t && d.shorthand && f.shorthand && == { - if (!d.multiplex && f.multiplex) continue; - if (!f.important && d.important) { - f.unused = !0; - continue e - } - if (f.important && !d.important) { - d.unused = !0; - continue - } - if (!a(f)) { - d.unused = !0; - continue - } - for (P = d.components.length - 1; P >= 0; P--) { - var L = d.components[P], - I = f.components[P]; - if (h = c[].canOverride, !i(h.bind(null, p), L, I)) continue e - } - E(d, f), - d.dirty = !0 - } else if (t && d.shorthand && f.shorthand && o(d, f)) { - if (!d.important && f.important) continue; - if (m = s(d, f), h = c[].canOverride, !i(h.bind(null, p), m, f)) continue; - if (d.important && !f.important) { - f.unused = !0; - continue - } - if (c[].restore(f, c).length > 1) continue; - A(m = s(d, f), f), - f.dirty = !0 - } else if ( == { - if (x = !0, f.shorthand) for (P = f.components.length - 1; P >= 0 && x; P--) y = d.components[P], - b = f.components[P], - h = c[].canOverride, - x = x && i(h.bind(null, p), y, b); - else h = c[].canOverride, - x = i(h.bind(null, p), d, f); - if (d.important && !f.important && x) { - f.unused = !0; - continue - } - if (!d.important && f.important && x) { - d.unused = !0; - continue - } - if (!x) continue; - d.unused = !0 - } - } - } - }, - { - '../../../tokenizer/marker': 121, - '../../../tokenizer/token': 122, - '../../../writer/one-time': 136, - '../../restore-from-optimizing': 94, - '../clone': 58, - '../compactable': 59, - '../restore-with-components': 86, - './every-values-pair': 68, - './find-component-in': 69, - './has-inherit': 70, - './is-component-of': 71, - './is-mergeable-shorthand': 72, - './overrides-non-component-shorthand': 76, - './vendor-prefixes': 79 - } - ], - 76: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../compactable'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - return in r && 'overridesShorthands' in r[] && r[].overridesShorthands.indexOf( > - 1 - } - }, - { - '../compactable': 59 - } - ], - 77: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../compactable'), - i = e('../invalid-property-error'); - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - for (var s, o, a, u = e.length - 1; u >= 0; u--) { - var l = e[u], - c = r[]; - if (c && c.shorthand) { - l.shorthand = !0, - l.dirty = !0; - try { - if (l.components = c.breakUp(l, r, t), c.shorthandComponents) for (o = 0, a = l.components.length; o < a; o++) (s = l.components[o]).components = r[].breakUp(s, r, t) - } catch (e) { - if (!(e instanceof i)) throw e; - l.components = [ - ], - n.push(e.message) - } - l.components.length > 0 ? l.multiplex = l.components[0].multiplex : l.unused = !0 - } - } - } - }, - { - '../compactable': 59, - '../invalid-property-error': 61 - } - ], - 78: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./vendor-prefixes').same; - t.exports = function (e, t, n, i, s) { - return !(!r(t, n) || s && e.isVariable(t) !== e.isVariable(n)) - } - }, - { - './vendor-prefixes': 79 - } - ], - 79: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = /(?:^|\W)(\-\w+\-)/g; - function i(e) { - for (var t, n = [ - ]; null !== (t = r.exec(e)); ) - 1 == n.indexOf(t[0]) && n.push(t[0]); - return n - } - t.exports = { - unique: i, - same: function (e, t) { - return i(e).sort().join(',') == i(t).sort().join(',') - } - } - }, - { - } - ], - 80: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./is-mergeable'), - i = e('./properties/optimize'), - s = e('../../utils/clone-array'), - o = e('../../tokenizer/token'), - a = e('../../writer/one-time').body, - u = e('../../writer/one-time').rules; - function l(e) { - for (var t = [ - ], n = 0; n < e.length; n++) t.push([e[n][1]]); - return t - } - function c(e, t, n, r, o) { - for (var a = [ - ], u = [ - ], l = [ - ], c = t.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) if (!n.filterOut(c, a)) { - var p = t[c].where, - h = e[p], - f = s(h[2]); - a = a.concat(f), - u.push(f), - l.push(p) - } - i(a, !0, !1, o); - for (var d = l.length, m = a.length - 1, g = d - 1; g >= 0; ) if ((0 === g || a[m] && u[g].indexOf(a[m]) > - 1) && m > - 1) m--; - else { - var y = a.splice(m + 1); - n.callback(e[l[g]], y, d, g), - g-- - } - } - t.exports = function (e, t) { - for (var n = t.options, i = n.compatibility.selectors.mergeablePseudoClasses, s = n.compatibility.selectors.mergeablePseudoElements, p = n.compatibility.selectors.multiplePseudoMerging, h = { - }, f = [ - ], d = e.length - 1; d >= 0; d--) { - var m = e[d]; - if (m[0] == o.RULE && 0 !== m[2].length) for (var g = u(m[1]), y = m[1].length > 1 && r(g, i, s, p), v = l(m[1]), b = y ? [ - g - ].concat(v) : [ - g - ], x = 0, A = b.length; x < A; x++) { - var E = b[x]; - h[E] ? f.push(E) : h[E] = [ - ], - h[E].push({ - where: d, - list: v, - isPartial: y && x > 0, - isComplex: y && 0 === x - }) - } - } - !function (e, t, n, r, i) { - function s(e, t) { - return p[e].isPartial && 0 === t.length - } - function o(e, t, n, r) { - p[n - r - 1].isPartial || (e[2] = t) - } - for (var a = 0, u = t.length; a < u; a++) { - var l = t[a], - p = n[l]; - c(e, p, { - filterOut: s, - callback: o - }, 0, i) - } - }(e, f, h, 0, t), - function (e, t, n, i) { - var s = n.compatibility.selectors.mergeablePseudoClasses, - o = n.compatibility.selectors.mergeablePseudoElements, - u = n.compatibility.selectors.multiplePseudoMerging, - l = { - }; - function p(e) { - return[e].where < l.intoPosition - } - function h(e, t, n, r) { - 0 === r && l.reducedBodies.push(t) - } - e: for (var f in t) { - var d = t[f]; - if (d[0].isComplex) { - var m = d[d.length - 1].where, - g = e[m], - y = [ - ], - v = r(f, s, o, u) ? d[0].list : [ - f - ]; - l.intoPosition = m, - l.reducedBodies = y; - for (var b = 0, x = v.length; b < x; b++) { - var A = v[b], - E = t[A]; - if (E.length < 2) continue e; - if ( = E, c(e, E, { - filterOut: p, - callback: h - }, 0, i), a(y[y.length - 1]) != a(y[0])) continue e - } - g[2] = y[0] - } - } - }(e, h, n, t) - } - }, - { - '../../tokenizer/token': 122, - '../../utils/clone-array': 124, - '../../writer/one-time': 136, - './is-mergeable': 62, - './properties/optimize': 74 - } - ], - 81: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../../tokenizer/token'), - i = e('../../writer/one-time').all, - s = '@font-face'; - t.exports = function (e) { - var t, - n, - o, - a, - u = [ - ]; - for (o = 0, a = e.length; o < a; o++) (t = e[o]) [0] != r.AT_RULE_BLOCK && t[1][0][1] != s || (n = i([t]), u.indexOf(n) > - 1 ? t[2] = [ - ] : u.push(n)) - } - }, - { - '../../tokenizer/token': 122, - '../../writer/one-time': 136 - } - ], - 82: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../../tokenizer/token'), - i = e('../../writer/one-time').all, - s = e('../../writer/one-time').rules; - t.exports = function (e) { - var t, - n, - o, - a, - u, - l = { - }; - for (a = 0, u = e.length; a < u; a++) (n = e[a]) [0] == r.NESTED_BLOCK && ((t = l[o = s(n[1]) + '%' + i(n[2])]) && (t[2] = [ - ]), l[o] = n) - } - }, - { - '../../tokenizer/token': 122, - '../../writer/one-time': 136 - } - ], - 83: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../../tokenizer/token'), - i = e('../../writer/one-time').body, - s = e('../../writer/one-time').rules; - t.exports = function (e) { - for (var t, n, o, a, u = { - }, l = [ - ], c = 0, p = e.length; c < p; c++) (n = e[c]) [0] == r.RULE && (u[t = s(n[1])] && 1 == u[t].length ? l.push(t) : u[t] = u[t] || [ - ], u[t].push(c)); - for (c = 0, p = l.length; c < p; c++) { - a = [ - ]; - for (var h = u[t = l[c]].length - 1; h >= 0; h--) n = e[u[t][h]], - o = i(n[2]), - a.indexOf(o) > - 1 ? n[2] = [ - ] : a.push(o) - } - } - }, - { - '../../tokenizer/token': 122, - '../../writer/one-time': 136 - } - ], - 84: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./properties/populate-components'), - i = e('../wrap-for-optimizing').single, - s = e('../restore-from-optimizing'), - o = e('../../tokenizer/token'), - a = /^(\-moz\-|\-o\-|\-webkit\-)?animation-name$/, - u = /^(\-moz\-|\-o\-|\-webkit\-)?animation$/, - l = /^@(\-moz\-|\-o\-|\-webkit\-)?keyframes /, - c = /\s{0,31}!important$/, - p = /^(['"]?)(.*)\1$/; - function h(e) { - return e.replace(p, '$2').replace(c, '') - } - function f(e, t, n, r) { - var i, - s, - a, - u, - l, - c = { - }; - for (u = 0, l = e.length; u < l; u++) t(e[u], c); - if (0 !== Object.keys(c).length) for (i in function e(t, n, r, i) { - var s = n(r); - var a, - u; - for (a = 0, u = t.length; a < u; a++) switch (t[a][0]) { - case o.RULE: - s(t[a], i); - break; - case o.NESTED_BLOCK: - e(t[a][2], n, r, i) - } - }(e, n, c, r), c) for (u = 0, l = (s = c[i]).length; u < l; u++) (a = s[u]) [a[0] == o.AT_RULE ? 1 : 2] = [ - ] - } - function d(e, t) { - var n; - e[0] == o.AT_RULE_BLOCK && 0 === e[1][0][1].indexOf('@counter-style') && (t[n = e[1][0][1].split(' ') [1]] = t[n] || [ - ], t[n].push(e)) - } - function m(e) { - return function (t, n) { - var o, - a, - u, - l; - for (u = 0, l = t[2].length; u < l; u++) 'list-style' == (o = t[2][u]) [1][1] && (a = i(o), r([a], n.validator, n.warnings), a.components[0].value[0][1] in e && delete e[o[2][1]], s([a])), - 'list-style-type' == o[1][1] && o[2][1] in e && delete e[o[2][1]] - } - } - function g(e, t) { - var n, - r, - i, - s; - if (e[0] == o.AT_RULE_BLOCK && '@font-face' == e[1][0][1]) for (i = 0, s = e[2].length; i < s; i++) if ('font-family' == (n = e[2][i]) [1][1]) { - t[r = h(n[2][1].toLowerCase())] = t[r] || [ - ], - t[r].push(e); - break - } - } - function y(e) { - return function (t, n) { - var o, - a, - u, - l, - c, - p, - f, - d; - for (c = 0, p = t[2].length; c < p; c++) { - if ('font' == (o = t[2][c]) [1][1]) { - for (a = i(o), r([a], n.validator, n.warnings), f = 0, d = (u = a.components[6]).value.length; f < d; f++) (l = h(u.value[f][1].toLowerCase())) in e && delete e[l]; - s([a]) - } - if ('font-family' == o[1][1]) for (f = 2, d = o.length; f < d; f++) (l = h(o[f][1].toLowerCase())) in e && delete e[l] - } - } - } - function v(e, t) { - var n; - e[0] == o.NESTED_BLOCK && l.test(e[1][0][1]) && (t[n = e[1][0][1].split(' ') [1]] = t[n] || [ - ], t[n].push(e)) - } - function b(e) { - return function (t, n) { - var o, - l, - c, - p, - h, - f, - d; - for (p = 0, h = t[2].length; p < h; p++) { - if (o = t[2][p], u.test(o[1][1])) { - for (l = i(o), r([l], n.validator, n.warnings), f = 0, d = (c = l.components[7]).value.length; f < d; f++) c.value[f][1] in e && delete e[c.value[f][1]]; - s([l]) - } - if (a.test(o[1][1])) for (f = 2, d = o.length; f < d; f++) o[f][1] in e && delete e[o[f][1]] - } - } - } - function x(e, t) { - var n; - e[0] == o.AT_RULE && 0 === e[1].indexOf('@namespace') && (t[n = e[1].split(' ') [1]] = t[n] || [ - ], t[n].push(e)) - } - function A(e) { - var t = new RegExp(Object.keys(e).join('\\||') + '\\|', 'g'); - return function (n) { - var r, - i, - s, - o, - a, - u; - for (s = 0, o = n[1].length; s < o; s++) for (a = 0, u = (r = n[1][s][1].match(t)).length; a < u; a++) (i = r[a].substring(0, r[a].length - 1)) in e && delete e[i] - } - } - t.exports = function (e, t) { - f(e, d, m, t), - f(e, g, y, t), - f(e, v, b, t), - f(e, x, A, t) - } - }, - { - '../../tokenizer/token': 122, - '../restore-from-optimizing': 94, - '../wrap-for-optimizing': 96, - './properties/populate-components': 77 - } - ], - 85: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./rules-overlap'), - i = e('./specificities-overlap'), - s = /align\-items|box\-align|box\-pack|flex|justify/, - o = /^border\-(top|right|bottom|left|color|style|width|radius)/; - function a(e, t, n) { - var a, - d, - m = e[0], - g = e[1], - y = e[2], - v = e[5], - b = e[6], - x = t[0], - A = t[1], - E = t[2], - _ = t[5], - C = t[6]; - return !('font' == m && 'line-height' == x || 'font' == x && 'line-height' == m) && ((!s.test(m) || !s.test(x)) && (!(y == E && l(m) == l(x) && u(m) ^ u(x)) && (('border' != y || !o.test(E) || !('border' == m || m == E || g != A && c(m, x))) && (('border' != E || !o.test(y) || !('border' == x || x == y || g != A && c(m, x))) && (('border' != y || 'border' != E || m == x || !(p(m) && h(x) || h(m) && p(x))) && (y != E || (!(m != x || y != E || g != A && (a = g, d = A, !u(a) || !u(d) || a.split('-') [1] == d.split('-') [2])) || (m != x && y == E && m != y && x != E || (m != x && y == E && g == A || (!(!C || !b || f(y) || f(E) || r(_, v, !1)) || !i(v, _, n))))))))))) - } - function u(e) { - return /^\-(?:moz|webkit|ms|o)\-/.test(e) - } - function l(e) { - return e.replace(/^\-(?:moz|webkit|ms|o)\-/, '') - } - function c(e, t) { - return e.split('-').pop() == t.split('-').pop() - } - function p(e) { - return 'border-top' == e || 'border-right' == e || 'border-bottom' == e || 'border-left' == e - } - function h(e) { - return 'border-color' == e || 'border-style' == e || 'border-width' == e - } - function f(e) { - return 'font' == e || 'line-height' == e || 'list-style' == e - } - t.exports = { - canReorder: function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = t.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) for (var i = e.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (!a(e[i], t[r], n)) return !1; - return !0 - }, - canReorderSingle: a - } - }, - { - './rules-overlap': 89, - './specificities-overlap': 90 - } - ], - 86: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./compactable'); - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = r[]; - return t && t.shorthand ? t.restore(e, r) : e.value - } - }, - { - './compactable': 59 - } - ], - 87: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./clone').shallow, - i = e('../../tokenizer/token'), - s = e('../../tokenizer/marker'); - function o(e) { - for (var t = 0, n = e.length; t < n; t++) { - var r = e[t][1]; - if ('inherit' != r && r != s.COMMA && r != s.FORWARD_SLASH) return !1 - } - return !0 - } - function a(e) { - var t = e.components, - n = t[0].value[0], - r = t[1].value[0], - i = t[2].value[0], - s = t[3].value[0]; - return n[1] == r[1] && n[1] == i[1] && n[1] == s[1] ? [ - n - ] : n[1] == i[1] && r[1] == s[1] ? [ - n, - r - ] : r[1] == s[1] ? [ - n, - r, - i - ] : [ - n, - r, - i, - s - ] - } - function u(e, t, n) { - var r, - i, - s; - for (i = 0, s = e.length; i < s; i++) if ((r = e[i]).name == n && r.value[0][1] == t[n].defaultValue) return !0; - return !1 - } - t.exports = { - background: function (e, t, n) { - var r, - a, - u = e.components, - l = [ - ]; - function c(e) { - Array.prototype.unshift.apply(l, e.value) - } - function p(e) { - var n = t[]; - return n.doubleValues && 1 == n.defaultValue.length ? e.value[0][1] == n.defaultValue[0] && (!e.value[1] || e.value[1][1] == n.defaultValue[0]) : n.doubleValues && 1 != n.defaultValue.length ? e.value[0][1] == n.defaultValue[0] && (e.value[1] ? e.value[1][1] : e.value[0][1]) == n.defaultValue[1] : e.value[0][1] == n.defaultValue - } - for (var h = u.length - 1; h >= 0; h--) { - var f = u[h], - d = p(f); - if ('background-clip' == { - var m = u[h - 1], - g = p(m); - a = !(r = f.value[0][1] == m.value[0][1]) && (g && !d || !g && !d || !g && d && f.value[0][1] != m.value[0][1]), - r ? c(m) : a && (c(f), c(m)), - h-- - } else if ('background-size' == { - var y = u[h - 1], - v = p(y); - a = !(r = !v && d) && (v && !d || !v && !d), - r ? c(y) : a ? (c(f), l.unshift([i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - s.FORWARD_SLASH]), c(y)) : 1 == y.value.length && c(y), - h-- - } else { - if (d || t[].multiplexLastOnly && !n) continue; - c(f) - } - } - return 0 === l.length && 1 == e.value.length && '0' == e.value[0][1] && l.push(e.value[0]), - 0 === l.length && l.push([i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - t[].defaultValue]), - o(l) ? [ - l[0] - ] : l - }, - borderRadius: function (e, t) { - if (e.multiplex) { - for (var n = r(e), o = r(e), u = 0; u < 4; u++) { - var l = e.components[u], - c = r(e); - c.value = [ - l.value[0] - ], - n.components.push(c); - var p = r(e); - p.value = [ - l.value[1] || l.value[0] - ], - o.components.push(p) - } - var h = a(n), - f = a(o); - return h.length != f.length || h[0][1] != f[0][1] || h.length > 1 && h[1][1] != f[1][1] || h.length > 2 && h[2][1] != f[2][1] || h.length > 3 && h[3][1] != f[3][1] ? h.concat([[i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - s.FORWARD_SLASH]]).concat(f) : h - } - return a(e) - }, - font: function (e, t) { - var n, - r = e.components, - a = [ - ], - u = 0, - l = 0; - if (0 === e.value[0][1].indexOf(s.INTERNAL)) return e.value[0][1] = e.value[0][1].substring(s.INTERNAL.length), - e.value; - for (; u < 4; ) (n = r[u]).value[0][1] != t[].defaultValue && Array.prototype.push.apply(a, n.value), - u++; - for (Array.prototype.push.apply(a, r[u].value), r[++u].value[0][1] != t[r[u].name].defaultValue && (Array.prototype.push.apply(a, [ - [i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - s.FORWARD_SLASH] - ]), Array.prototype.push.apply(a, r[u].value)), u++; r[u].value[l]; ) a.push(r[u].value[l]), - r[u].value[l + 1] && a.push([i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - s.COMMA]), - l++; - return o(a) ? [ - a[0] - ] : a - }, - fourValues: a, - multiplex: function (e) { - return function (t, n) { - if (!t.multiplex) return e(t, n, !0); - var o, - a, - u = 0, - l = [ - ], - c = { - }; - for (o = 0, a = t.components[0].value.length; o < a; o++) t.components[0].value[o][1] == s.COMMA && u++; - for (o = 0; o <= u; o++) { - for (var p = r(t), h = 0, f = t.components.length; h < f; h++) { - var d = t.components[h], - m = r(d); - p.components.push(m); - for (var g = c[] || 0, y = d.value.length; g < y; g++) { - if (d.value[g][1] == s.COMMA) { - c[] = g + 1; - break - } - m.value.push(d.value[g]) - } - } - var v = e(p, n, o == u); - Array.prototype.push.apply(l, v), - o < u && l.push([i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - s.COMMA]) - } - return l - } - }, - withoutDefaults: function (e, t) { - for (var n = e.components, r = [ - ], s = n.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) { - var a = n[s], - l = t[]; - (a.value[0][1] != l.defaultValue || 'keepUnlessDefault' in l && !u(n, t, l.keepUnlessDefault)) && r.unshift(a.value[0]) - } - return 0 === r.length && r.push([i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - t[].defaultValue]), - o(r) ? [ - r[0] - ] : r - } - } - }, - { - '../../tokenizer/marker': 121, - '../../tokenizer/token': 122, - './clone': 58 - } - ], - 88: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./reorderable').canReorderSingle, - i = e('./extract-properties'), - s = e('./is-mergeable'), - o = e('./tidy-rule-duplicates'), - a = e('../../tokenizer/token'), - u = e('../../utils/clone-array'), - l = e('../../writer/one-time').body, - c = e('../../writer/one-time').rules; - function p(e, t) { - return e > t ? 1 : - 1 - } - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n, - h, - f, - d = t.options, - m = d.compatibility.selectors.mergeablePseudoClasses, - g = d.compatibility.selectors.mergeablePseudoElements, - y = d.compatibility.selectors.mergeLimit, - v = d.compatibility.selectors.multiplePseudoMerging, - b = t.cache.specificity, - x = { - }, - A = [ - ], - E = { - }, - _ = [ - ], - C = 2, - w = '%'; - function D(e, t) { - var n = function (e) { - for (var t = [ - ], n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++) t.push(c(e[n][1])); - return t.join(w) - }(t); - return E[n] = E[n] || [ - ], - E[n].push([e, - t]), - n - } - function k(e) { - var t, - n = e.split(w), - r = [ - ]; - for (var i in E) { - var s = i.split(w); - for (t = s.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) if (n.indexOf(s[t]) > - 1) { - r.push(i); - break - } - } - for (t = r.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) delete E[r[t]] - } - function S(e) { - for (var t = [ - ], n = [ - ], r = e.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) s(c(e[r][1]), m, g, v) && (n.unshift(e[r]), e[r][2].length > 0 && - 1 == t.indexOf(e[r]) && t.push(e[r])); - return t.length > 1 ? n : [ - ] - } - function T(e, t) { - var n = t[0], - r = t[1], - i = t[4], - s = n.length + r.length + 1, - a = [ - ], - u = [ - ], - l = S(x[i]); - if (!(l.length < 2)) { - var c = O(l, s, 1), - p = c[0]; - if (p[1] > 0) return function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = n.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) { - var i = D(t, n[r][0]); - if (E[i].length > 1 && N(e, E[i])) { - k(i); - break - } - } - }(e, t, c); - for (var h = p[0].length - 1; h >= 0; h--) a = p[0][h][1].concat(a), - u.unshift(p[0][h]); - B(e, [ - t - ], a = o(a), u) - } - } - function F(e, t) { - return e[1] > t[1] ? 1 : e[1] == t[1] ? 0 : - 1 - } - function O(e, t, n) { - return function e(t, n, r, i) { - var s = [ - [t, - function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = 0, i = e.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) r += e[i][2].length > n ? c(e[i][1]).length : - 1; - return r - (e.length - 1) * t + 1 - }(t, n, r)] - ]; - if (t.length > 2 && i > 0) for (var o = t.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) { - var a =, 0); - a.splice(o, 1), - s = s.concat(e(a, n, r, i - 1)) - } - return s - }(e, t, n, C - 1).sort(F) - } - function B(t, n, r, i) { - var s, - o, - u, - c, - p = [ - ]; - for (s = i.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) { - var h = i[s]; - for (o = h[2].length - 1; o >= 0; o--) { - var f = h[2][o]; - for (u = 0, c = n.length; u < c; u++) { - var d = n[u], - m = f[1][1], - g = d[0], - y = d[4]; - if (m == g && l([f]) == y) { - h[2].splice(o, 1); - break - } - } - } - } - for (s = n.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) p.unshift(n[s][3]); - var v = [ - a.RULE, - r, - p - ]; - e.splice(t, 0, v) - } - function P(e, t) { - var n = t[4], - r = x[n]; - r && r.length > 1 && (function (e, t) { - var n, - r, - i = [ - ], - s = [ - ], - o = t[4], - a = S(x[o]); - if (!(a.length < 2)) { - e: for (var u in x) { - var l = x[u]; - for (n = a.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) if ( - 1 == l.indexOf(a[n])) continue e; - i.push(u) - } - if (i.length < 2) return !1; - for (n = i.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) for (r = A.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) if (A[r][4] == i[n]) { - s.unshift([A[r], - a]); - break - } - return N(e, s) - } - }(e, t) || T(e, t)) - } - function N(e, t) { - for (var n, r = 0, i = [ - ], s = t.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) r += (n = t[s][0]) [4].length + (s > 0 ? 1 : 0), - i.push(n); - var a = O(t[0][1], r, i.length) [0]; - if (a[1] > 0) return !1; - var u = [ - ], - l = [ - ]; - for (s = a[0].length - 1; s >= 0; s--) u = a[0][s][1].concat(u), - l.unshift(a[0][s]); - for (B(e, i, u = o(u), l), s = i.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) { - n = i[s]; - var c = A.indexOf(n); - delete x[n[4]], - c > - 1 && - 1 == _.indexOf(c) && _.push(c) - } - return !0 - } - function R(e, t, n) { - if (e[0] != t[0]) return !1; - var r = t[4], - i = x[r]; - return i && i.indexOf(n) > - 1 - } - for (var L = e.length - 1; L >= 0; L--) { - var I, - j, - M, - U, - V, - z = e[L]; - if (z[0] == a.RULE) I = !0; - else { - if (z[0] != a.NESTED_BLOCK) continue; - I = !1 - } - var q = A.length, - K = i(z); - _ = [ - ]; - var $ = [ - ]; - for (j = K.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) for (M = j - 1; M >= 0; M--) if (!r(K[j], K[M], b)) { - $.push(j); - break - } - for (j = K.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { - var Y = K[j], - W = !1; - for (M = 0; M < q; M++) { - var G = A[M]; - - 1 == _.indexOf(M) && (!r(Y, G, b) && !R(Y, G, z) || x[G[4]] && x[G[4]].length === y) && (P(L + 1, G), - 1 == _.indexOf(M) && (_.push(M), delete x[G[4]])), - W || (W = Y[0] == G[0] && Y[1] == G[1]) && (V = M) - } - if (I && !($.indexOf(j) > - 1)) { - var H = Y[4]; - W && A[V][5].length + Y[5].length > y ? (P(L + 1, A[V]), A.splice(V, 1), x[H] = [ - z - ], W = !1) : (x[H] = x[H] || [ - ], x[H].push(z)), - W ? A[V] = (n = A[V], h = Y, f = void 0, (f = u(n)) [5] = f[5].concat(h[5]), f) : A.push(Y) - } - } - for (j = 0, U = (_ = _.sort(p)).length; j < U; j++) { - var X = _[j] - j; - A.splice(X, 1) - } - } - for (var J = e[0] && e[0][0] == a.AT_RULE && 0 === e[0][1].indexOf('@charset') ? 1 : 0; J < e.length - 1; J++) { - var Q = e[J][0] === a.AT_RULE && 0 === e[J][1].indexOf('@import'), - Z = e[J][0] === a.COMMENT; - if (!Q && !Z) break - } - for (L = 0; L < A.length; L++) P(J, A[L]) - } - }, - { - '../../tokenizer/token': 122, - '../../utils/clone-array': 124, - '../../writer/one-time': 136, - './extract-properties': 60, - './is-mergeable': 62, - './reorderable': 85, - './tidy-rule-duplicates': 92 - } - ], - 89: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = /\-\-.+$/; - function i(e) { - return e.replace(r, '') - } - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - var r, - s, - o, - a, - u, - l; - for (o = 0, a = e.length; o < a; o++) for (r = e[o][1], u = 0, l = t.length; u < l; u++) { - if (r == (s = t[u][1])) return !0; - if (n && i(r) == i(s)) return !0 - } - return !1 - } - }, - { - } - ], - 90: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./specificity'); - function i(e, t) { - var n; - return e in t || (t[e] = n = r(e)), - n || t[e] - } - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - var r, - s, - o, - a, - u, - l; - for (o = 0, a = e.length; o < a; o++) for (r = i(e[o][1], n), u = 0, l = t.length; u < l; u++) if (s = i(t[u][1], n), r[0] === s[0] && r[1] === s[1] && r[2] === s[2]) return !0; - return !1 - } - }, - { - './specificity': 91 - } - ], - 91: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../../tokenizer/marker'), - i = { - ADJACENT_SIBLING: '+', - DESCENDANT: '>', - DOT: '.', - HASH: '#', - NON_ADJACENT_SIBLING: '~', - PSEUDO: ':' - }, - s = /[a-zA-Z]/, - o = ':not(', - a = /[\s,\(>~\+]/; - function u(e, t) { - return e.indexOf(o, t) === t - } - t.exports = function (e) { - var t, - n, - o, - l, - c, - p, - h, - f = [ - 0, - 0, - 0 - ], - d = 0, - m = !1, - g = !1; - for (p = 0, h = e.length; p < h; p++) { - if (t = e[p], n); - else if (t != r.SINGLE_QUOTE || l || o) if (t == r.SINGLE_QUOTE && !l && o) o = !1; - else if (t != r.DOUBLE_QUOTE || l || o) if (t == r.DOUBLE_QUOTE && l && !o) l = !1; - else { - if (o || l) continue; - d > 0 && !m || (t == r.OPEN_ROUND_BRACKET ? d++ : t == r.CLOSE_ROUND_BRACKET && 1 == d ? (d--, m = !1) : t == r.CLOSE_ROUND_BRACKET ? d-- : t == i.HASH ? f[0]++ : t == i.DOT || t == r.OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET ? f[1]++ : t != i.PSEUDO || g || u(e, p) ? t == i.PSEUDO ? m = !0 : (0 === p || c) && s.test(t) && f[2]++ : (f[1]++, m = !1)) - } else l = !0; - else o = !0; - n = t == r.BACK_SLASH, - g = t == i.PSEUDO, - c = !n && a.test(t) - } - return f - } - }, - { - '../../tokenizer/marker': 121 - } - ], - 92: [ - function (e, t, n) { - function r(e, t) { - return e[1] > t[1] ? 1 : - 1 - } - t.exports = function (e) { - for (var t = [ - ], n = [ - ], i = 0, s = e.length; i < s; i++) { - var o = e[i]; - - 1 == n.indexOf(o[1]) && (n.push(o[1]), t.push(o)) - } - return t.sort(r) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 93: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - for (var t = e.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) { - var n = e[t]; - n.unused && n.all.splice(n.position, 1) - } - } - }, - { - } - ], - 94: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./hack'), - i = e('../tokenizer/marker'), - s = '*', - o = '\\', - a = '!important', - u = '_', - l = '!ie'; - function c(e) { - e.value[e.value.length - 1][1] += a - } - function p(e) { - e.hack[0] == r.UNDERSCORE ? = u + : e.hack[0] == r.ASTERISK ? = s + : e.hack[0] == r.BACKSLASH ? e.value[e.value.length - 1][1] += o + e.hack[1] : e.hack[0] == r.BANG && (e.value[e.value.length - 1][1] += i.SPACE + l) - } - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n, - r, - i, - s; - for (s = e.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) (n = e[s]).unused || (n.dirty || n.important || n.hack) && (t ? (r = t(n), n.value = r) : r = n.value, n.important && c(n), n.hack && p(n), 'all' in n && ((i = n.all[n.position]) [1][1] =, i.splice(2, i.length - 1), Array.prototype.push.apply(i, r))) - } - }, - { - '../tokenizer/marker': 121, - './hack': 46 - } - ], - 95: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = new RegExp('^(\\-moz\\-|\\-webkit\\-)?calc\\([^\\)]+\\)$', 'i'), - i = /[0-9]/, - s = new RegExp('^(var\\(\\-\\-[^\\)]+\\)|[A-Z]+(\\-|[A-Z]|[0-9])+\\(.*?\\)|\\-(\\-|[A-Z]|[0-9])+\\(.*?\\))$', 'i'), - o = /^hsl\(\s{0,31}[\-\.]?\d+\s{0,31},\s{0,31}\.?\d+%\s{0,31},\s{0,31}\.?\d+%\s{0,31}\)|hsla\(\s{0,31}[\-\.]?\d+\s{0,31},\s{0,31}\.?\d+%\s{0,31},\s{0,31}\.?\d+%\s{0,31},\s{0,31}\.?\d+\s{0,31}\)$/, - a = /^(\-[a-z0-9_][a-z0-9\-_]*|[a-z][a-z0-9\-_]*)$/i, - u = /^[a-z]+$/i, - l = /^-([a-z0-9]|-)*$/i, - c = /^rgb\(\s{0,31}[\d]{1,3}\s{0,31},\s{0,31}[\d]{1,3}\s{0,31},\s{0,31}[\d]{1,3}\s{0,31}\)|rgba\(\s{0,31}[\d]{1,3}\s{0,31},\s{0,31}[\d]{1,3}\s{0,31},\s{0,31}[\d]{1,3}\s{0,31},\s{0,31}[\.\d]+\s{0,31}\)$/, - p = /^(cubic\-bezier|steps)\([^\)]+\)$/, - h = [ - 'ms', - 's' - ], - f = /^url\([\s\S]+\)$/i, - d = new RegExp('^var\\(\\-\\-[^\\)]+\\)$', 'i'), - m = /^#[0-9a-f]{8}$/i, - g = /^#[0-9a-f]{4}$/i, - y = /^#[0-9a-f]{6}$/i, - v = /^#[0-9a-f]{3}$/i, - b = '.', - x = '-', - A = '+', - E = { - '^': [ - 'inherit', - 'initial', - 'unset' - ], - '*-style': [ - 'auto', - 'dashed', - 'dotted', - 'double', - 'groove', - 'hidden', - 'inset', - 'none', - 'outset', - 'ridge', - 'solid' - ], - '*-timing-function': [ - 'ease', - 'ease-in', - 'ease-in-out', - 'ease-out', - 'linear', - 'step-end', - 'step-start' - ], - 'animation-direction': [ - 'alternate', - 'alternate-reverse', - 'normal', - 'reverse' - ], - 'animation-fill-mode': [ - 'backwards', - 'both', - 'forwards', - 'none' - ], - 'animation-iteration-count': [ - 'infinite' - ], - 'animation-name': [ - 'none' - ], - 'animation-play-state': [ - 'paused', - 'running' - ], - 'background-attachment': [ - 'fixed', - 'inherit', - 'local', - 'scroll' - ], - 'background-clip': [ - 'border-box', - 'content-box', - 'inherit', - 'padding-box', - 'text' - ], - 'background-origin': [ - 'border-box', - 'content-box', - 'inherit', - 'padding-box' - ], - 'background-position': [ - 'bottom', - 'center', - 'left', - 'right', - 'top' - ], - 'background-repeat': [ - 'no-repeat', - 'inherit', - 'repeat', - 'repeat-x', - 'repeat-y', - 'round', - 'space' - ], - 'background-size': [ - 'auto', - 'cover', - 'contain' - ], - 'border-collapse': [ - 'collapse', - 'inherit', - 'separate' - ], - bottom: [ - 'auto' - ], - clear: [ - 'both', - 'left', - 'none', - 'right' - ], - color: [ - 'transparent' - ], - cursor: [ - 'all-scroll', - 'auto', - 'col-resize', - 'crosshair', - 'default', - 'e-resize', - 'help', - 'move', - 'n-resize', - 'ne-resize', - 'no-drop', - 'not-allowed', - 'nw-resize', - 'pointer', - 'progress', - 'row-resize', - 's-resize', - 'se-resize', - 'sw-resize', - 'text', - 'vertical-text', - 'w-resize', - 'wait' - ], - display: [ - 'block', - 'inline', - 'inline-block', - 'inline-table', - 'list-item', - 'none', - 'table', - 'table-caption', - 'table-cell', - 'table-column', - 'table-column-group', - 'table-footer-group', - 'table-header-group', - 'table-row', - 'table-row-group' - ], - float: [ - 'left', - 'none', - 'right' - ], - left: [ - 'auto' - ], - font: [ - 'caption', - 'icon', - 'menu', - 'message-box', - 'small-caption', - 'status-bar', - 'unset' - ], - 'font-size': [ - 'large', - 'larger', - 'medium', - 'small', - 'smaller', - 'x-large', - 'x-small', - 'xx-large', - 'xx-small' - ], - 'font-stretch': [ - 'condensed', - 'expanded', - 'extra-condensed', - 'extra-expanded', - 'normal', - 'semi-condensed', - 'semi-expanded', - 'ultra-condensed', - 'ultra-expanded' - ], - 'font-style': [ - 'italic', - 'normal', - 'oblique' - ], - 'font-variant': [ - 'normal', - 'small-caps' - ], - 'font-weight': [ - '100', - '200', - '300', - '400', - '500', - '600', - '700', - '800', - '900', - 'bold', - 'bolder', - 'lighter', - 'normal' - ], - 'line-height': [ - 'normal' - ], - 'list-style-position': [ - 'inside', - 'outside' - ], - 'list-style-type': [ - 'armenian', - 'circle', - 'decimal', - 'decimal-leading-zero', - 'disc', - 'decimal|disc', - 'georgian', - 'lower-alpha', - 'lower-greek', - 'lower-latin', - 'lower-roman', - 'none', - 'square', - 'upper-alpha', - 'upper-latin', - 'upper-roman' - ], - overflow: [ - 'auto', - 'hidden', - 'scroll', - 'visible' - ], - position: [ - 'absolute', - 'fixed', - 'relative', - 'static' - ], - right: [ - 'auto' - ], - 'text-align': [ - 'center', - 'justify', - 'left', - 'left|right', - 'right' - ], - 'text-decoration': [ - 'line-through', - 'none', - 'overline', - 'underline' - ], - 'text-overflow': [ - 'clip', - 'ellipsis' - ], - top: [ - 'auto' - ], - 'vertical-align': [ - 'baseline', - 'bottom', - 'middle', - 'sub', - 'super', - 'text-bottom', - 'text-top', - 'top' - ], - visibility: [ - 'collapse', - 'hidden', - 'visible' - ], - 'white-space': [ - 'normal', - 'nowrap', - 'pre' - ], - width: [ - 'inherit', - 'initial', - 'medium', - 'thick', - 'thin' - ] - }, - _ = [ - '%', - 'ch', - 'cm', - 'em', - 'ex', - 'in', - 'mm', - 'pc', - 'pt', - 'px', - 'rem', - 'vh', - 'vm', - 'vmax', - 'vmin', - 'vw' - ]; - function C(e) { - return 'auto' != e && (O('color') (e) || function (e) { - return v.test(e) || g.test(e) || y.test(e) || m.test(e) - }(e) || w(e) || function (e) { - return u.test(e) - }(e)) - } - function w(e) { - return P(e) || S(e) - } - function D(e) { - return r.test(e) - } - function k(e) { - return s.test(e) - } - function S(e) { - return o.test(e) - } - function T(e) { - return a.test(e) - } - function F(e) { - return 'none' == e || 'inherit' == e || j(e) - } - function O(e) { - return function (t) { - return E[e].indexOf(t) > - 1 - } - } - function B(e) { - return U(e) == e.length - } - function P(e) { - return c.test(e) - } - function N(e) { - return l.test(e) - } - function R(e) { - return B(e) && parseFloat(e) >= 0 - } - function L(e) { - return d.test(e) - } - function I(e) { - var t = U(e); - return t == e.length && 0 === parseInt(e) || t > - 1 && h.indexOf(e.slice(t + 1)) > - 1 - } - function j(e) { - return f.test(e) - } - function M(e) { - return 'auto' == e || B(e) || O('^') (e) - } - function U(e) { - var t, - n, - r, - s = !1, - o = !1; - for (n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++) if (t = e[n], 0 !== n || t != A && t != x) { - if (n > 0 && o && (t == A || t == x)) return n - 1; - if (t != b || s) { - if (t == b && s) return n - 1; - if (i.test(t)) continue; - return n - 1 - } - s = !0 - } else o = !0; - return n - } - t.exports = function (e) { - var t, - n = _.slice(0).filter(function (t) { - return !(t in e.units) || !0 === e.units[t] - }); - return { - colorOpacity: e.colors.opacity, - isAnimationDirectionKeyword: O('animation-direction'), - isAnimationFillModeKeyword: O('animation-fill-mode'), - isAnimationIterationCountKeyword: O('animation-iteration-count'), - isAnimationNameKeyword: O('animation-name'), - isAnimationPlayStateKeyword: O('animation-play-state'), - isTimingFunction: (t = O('*-timing-function'), function (e) { - return t(e) || p.test(e) - }), - isBackgroundAttachmentKeyword: O('background-attachment'), - isBackgroundClipKeyword: O('background-clip'), - isBackgroundOriginKeyword: O('background-origin'), - isBackgroundPositionKeyword: O('background-position'), - isBackgroundRepeatKeyword: O('background-repeat'), - isBackgroundSizeKeyword: O('background-size'), - isColor: C, - isColorFunction: w, - isDynamicUnit: D, - isFontKeyword: O('font'), - isFontSizeKeyword: O('font-size'), - isFontStretchKeyword: O('font-stretch'), - isFontStyleKeyword: O('font-style'), - isFontVariantKeyword: O('font-variant'), - isFontWeightKeyword: O('font-weight'), - isFunction: k, - isGlobal: O('^'), - isHslColor: S, - isIdentifier: T, - isImage: F, - isKeyword: O, - isLineHeightKeyword: O('line-height'), - isListStylePositionKeyword: O('list-style-position'), - isListStyleTypeKeyword: O('list-style-type'), - isNumber: B, - isPrefixed: N, - isPositiveNumber: R, - isRgbColor: P, - isStyleKeyword: O('*-style'), - isTime: I, - isUnit: function (e, t) { - var n = U(t); - return n == t.length && 0 === parseInt(t) || n > - 1 && e.indexOf(t.slice(n + 1)) > - 1 || 'auto' == t || 'inherit' == t - }.bind(null, n), - isUrl: j, - isVariable: L, - isWidth: O('width'), - isZIndex: M - } - } - }, - { - } - ], - 96: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./hack'), - i = e('../tokenizer/marker'), - s = e('../tokenizer/token'), - o = { - ASTERISK: '*', - BACKSLASH: '\\', - BANG: '!', - BANG_SUFFIX_PATTERN: /!\w+$/, - IMPORTANT_TOKEN: '!important', - IMPORTANT_TOKEN_PATTERN: new RegExp('!important$', 'i'), - IMPORTANT_WORD: 'important', - IMPORTANT_WORD_PATTERN: new RegExp('important$', 'i'), - SUFFIX_BANG_PATTERN: /!$/, - UNDERSCORE: '_', - VARIABLE_REFERENCE_PATTERN: /var\(--.+\)$/ - }; - function a(e) { - var t, - n, - r; - for (t = 2, n = e.length; t < n; t++) if ((r = e[t]) [0] == s.PROPERTY_VALUE && u(r[1])) return !0; - return !1 - } - function u(e) { - return o.VARIABLE_REFERENCE_PATTERN.test(e) - } - function l(e) { - var t = function (e) { - if (e.length < 3) return !1; - var t = e[e.length - 1]; - return !!o.IMPORTANT_TOKEN_PATTERN.test(t[1]) || !(!o.IMPORTANT_WORD_PATTERN.test(t[1]) || !o.SUFFIX_BANG_PATTERN.test(e[e.length - 2][1])) - }(e); - t && function (e) { - var t = e[e.length - 1], - n = e[e.length - 2]; - o.IMPORTANT_TOKEN_PATTERN.test(t[1]) ? t[1] = t[1].replace(o.IMPORTANT_TOKEN_PATTERN, '') : (t[1] = t[1].replace(o.IMPORTANT_WORD_PATTERN, ''), n[1] = n[1].replace(o.SUFFIX_BANG_PATTERN, '')), - 0 === t[1].length && e.pop(), - 0 === n[1].length && e.pop() - }(e); - var n = function (e) { - var t = !1, - n = e[1][1], - i = e[e.length - 1]; - return n[0] == o.UNDERSCORE ? t = [ - r.UNDERSCORE - ] : n[0] == o.ASTERISK ? t = [ - r.ASTERISK - ] : i[1][0] != o.BANG || i[1].match(o.IMPORTANT_WORD_PATTERN) ? i[1].indexOf(o.BANG) > 0 && !i[1].match(o.IMPORTANT_WORD_PATTERN) && o.BANG_SUFFIX_PATTERN.test(i[1]) ? t = [ - r.BANG - ] : i[1].indexOf(o.BACKSLASH) > 0 && i[1].indexOf(o.BACKSLASH) == i[1].length - o.BACKSLASH.length - 1 ? t = [ - r.BACKSLASH, - i[1].substring(i[1].indexOf(o.BACKSLASH) + 1) - ] : 0 === i[1].indexOf(o.BACKSLASH) && 2 == i[1].length && (t = [ - r.BACKSLASH, - i[1].substring(1) - ]) : t = [ - r.BANG - ], - t - }(e); - return n[0] == r.ASTERISK || n[0] == r.UNDERSCORE ? function (e) { - e[1][1] = e[1][1].substring(1) - }(e) : n[0] != r.BACKSLASH && n[0] != r.BANG || function (e, t) { - var n = e[e.length - 1]; - n[1] = n[1].substring(0, n[1].indexOf(t[0] == r.BACKSLASH ? o.BACKSLASH : o.BANG)).trim(), - 0 === n[1].length && e.pop() - }(e, n), - { - block: e[2] && e[2][0] == s.PROPERTY_BLOCK, - components: [ - ], - dirty: !1, - hack: n, - important: t, - name: e[1][1], - multiplex: e.length > 3 && function (e) { - var t, - n, - r; - for (n = 3, r = e.length; n < r; n++) if ((t = e[n]) [0] == s.PROPERTY_VALUE && (t[1] == i.COMMA || t[1] == i.FORWARD_SLASH)) return !0; - return !1 - }(e), - position: 0, - shorthand: !1, - unused: !1, - value: e.slice(2) - } - } - t.exports = { - all: function (e, t, n) { - var r, - i, - o, - u = [ - ]; - for (o = e.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) (i = e[o]) [0] == s.PROPERTY && (!t && a(i) || n && n.indexOf(i[1][1]) > - 1 || ((r = l(i)).all = e, r.position = o, u.unshift(r))); - return u - }, - single: l - } - }, - { - '../tokenizer/marker': 121, - '../tokenizer/token': 122, - './hack': 46 - } - ], - 97: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = { - '*': { - colors: { - opacity: !0 - }, - properties: { - backgroundClipMerging: !0, - backgroundOriginMerging: !0, - backgroundSizeMerging: !0, - colors: !0, - ieBangHack: !1, - ieFilters: !1, - iePrefixHack: !1, - ieSuffixHack: !1, - merging: !0, - shorterLengthUnits: !1, - spaceAfterClosingBrace: !0, - urlQuotes: !1, - zeroUnits: !0 - }, - selectors: { - adjacentSpace: !1, - ie7Hack: !1, - mergeablePseudoClasses: [ - ':active', - ':after', - ':before', - ':empty', - ':checked', - ':disabled', - ':empty', - ':enabled', - ':first-child', - ':first-letter', - ':first-line', - ':first-of-type', - ':focus', - ':hover', - ':lang', - ':last-child', - ':last-of-type', - ':link', - ':not', - ':nth-child', - ':nth-last-child', - ':nth-last-of-type', - ':nth-of-type', - ':only-child', - ':only-of-type', - ':root', - ':target', - ':visited' - ], - mergeablePseudoElements: [ - '::after', - '::before', - '::first-letter', - '::first-line' - ], - mergeLimit: 8191, - multiplePseudoMerging: !0 - }, - units: { - ch: !0, - in : !0, - pc: !0, - pt: !0, - rem: !0, - vh: !0, - vm: !0, - vmax: !0, - vmin: !0, - vw: !0 - } - } - }; - function i(e, t) { - for (var n in e) { - var r = e[n]; - 'object' != typeof r || Array.isArray(r) ? t[n] = n in t ? t[n] : r : t[n] = i(r, t[n] || { - }) - } - return t - } - r.ie11 = r['*'], - r.ie10 = r['*'], - r.ie9 = i(r['*'], { - properties: { - ieFilters: !0, - ieSuffixHack: !0 - } - }), - r.ie8 = i(r.ie9, { - colors: { - opacity: !1 - }, - properties: { - backgroundClipMerging: !1, - backgroundOriginMerging: !1, - backgroundSizeMerging: !1, - iePrefixHack: !0, - merging: !1 - }, - selectors: { - mergeablePseudoClasses: [ - ':after', - ':before', - ':first-child', - ':first-letter', - ':focus', - ':hover', - ':visited' - ], - mergeablePseudoElements: [ - ] - }, - units: { - ch: !1, - rem: !1, - vh: !1, - vm: !1, - vmax: !1, - vmin: !1, - vw: !1 - } - }), - r.ie7 = i(r.ie8, { - properties: { - ieBangHack: !0 - }, - selectors: { - ie7Hack: !0, - mergeablePseudoClasses: [ - ':first-child', - ':first-letter', - ':hover', - ':visited' - ] - } - }), - t.exports = function (e) { - return i(r['*'], function (e) { - if ('object' == typeof e) return e; - if (!/[,\+\-]/.test(e)) return r[e] || r['*']; - var t = e.split(','), - n = t[0] in r ? r[t.shift()] : r['*']; - return e = { - }, - t.forEach(function (t) { - var n = '+' == t[0], - r = t.substring(1).split('.'), - i = r[0], - s = r[1]; - e[i] = e[i] || { - }, - e[i][s] = n - }), - i(n, e) - }(e)) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 98: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../reader/load-remote-resource'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return e || r - } - }, - { - '../reader/load-remote-resource': 112 - } - ], - 99: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('os').EOL, - i = e('../utils/override'), - s = { - AfterAtRule: 'afterAtRule', - AfterBlockBegins: 'afterBlockBegins', - AfterBlockEnds: 'afterBlockEnds', - AfterComment: 'afterComment', - AfterProperty: 'afterProperty', - AfterRuleBegins: 'afterRuleBegins', - AfterRuleEnds: 'afterRuleEnds', - BeforeBlockEnds: 'beforeBlockEnds', - BetweenSelectors: 'betweenSelectors' - }, - o = { - CarriageReturnLineFeed: '\r\n', - LineFeed: '\n', - System: r - }, - a = { - Space: ' ', - Tab: '\t' - }, - u = { - AroundSelectorRelation: 'aroundSelectorRelation', - BeforeBlockBegins: 'beforeBlockBegins', - BeforeValue: 'beforeValue' - }, - l = { - breaks: x(!1), - breakWith: o.System, - indentBy: 0, - indentWith: a.Space, - spaces: A(!1), - wrapAt: !1, - semicolonAfterLastProperty: !1 - }, - c = 'beautify', - p = 'keep-breaks', - h = ';', - f = ':', - d = ',', - m = '=', - g = 'false', - y = 'off', - v = 'true', - b = 'on'; - function x(e) { - var t = { - }; - return t[s.AfterAtRule] = e, - t[s.AfterBlockBegins] = e, - t[s.AfterBlockEnds] = e, - t[s.AfterComment] = e, - t[s.AfterProperty] = e, - t[s.AfterRuleBegins] = e, - t[s.AfterRuleEnds] = e, - t[s.BeforeBlockEnds] = e, - t[s.BetweenSelectors] = e, - t - } - function A(e) { - var t = { - }; - return t[u.AroundSelectorRelation] = e, - t[u.BeforeBlockBegins] = e, - t[u.BeforeValue] = e, - t - } - function E(e) { - switch (e) { - case 'windows': - case 'crlf': - case o.CarriageReturnLineFeed: - return o.CarriageReturnLineFeed; - case 'unix': - case 'lf': - case o.LineFeed: - return o.LineFeed; - default: - return r - } - } - function _(e) { - switch (e) { - case 'space': - return a.Space; - case 'tab': - return a.Tab; - default: - return e - } - } - t.exports = { - Breaks: s, - Spaces: u, - formatFrom: function (e) { - return void 0 !== e && !1 !== e && ('object' == typeof e && 'breakWith' in e && (e = i(e, { - breakWith: E(e.breakWith) - })), 'object' == typeof e && 'indentBy' in e && (e = i(e, { - indentBy: parseInt(e.indentBy) - })), 'object' == typeof e && 'indentWith' in e && (e = i(e, { - indentWith: _(e.indentWith) - })), 'object' == typeof e ? i(l, e) : 'object' == typeof e ? i(l, e) : 'string' == typeof e && e == c ? i(l, { - breaks: x(!0), - indentBy: 2, - spaces: A(!0) - }) : 'string' == typeof e && e == p ? i(l, { - breaks: { - afterAtRule: !0, - afterBlockBegins: !0, - afterBlockEnds: !0, - afterComment: !0, - afterRuleEnds: !0, - beforeBlockEnds: !0 - } - }) : 'string' == typeof e ? i(l, e.split(h).reduce(function (e, t) { - var n = t.split(f), - r = n[0], - i = n[1]; - return 'breaks' == r || 'spaces' == r ? e[r] = i.split(d).reduce(function (e, t) { - var n = t.split(m), - r = n[0], - i = n[1]; - return e[r] = function (e) { - switch (e) { - case g: - case y: - return !1; - case v: - case b: - return !0; - default: - return e - } - }(i), - e - }, { - }) : 'indentBy' == r || 'wrapAt' == r ? e[r] = parseInt(i) : 'indentWith' == r ? e[r] = _(i) : 'breakWith' == r && (e[r] = E(i)), - e - }, { - })) : l) - } - } - }, - { - '../utils/override': 133, - os: 371 - } - ], - 100: [ - function (e, t, n) { - (function (n) { - var r = e('url'), - i = e('../utils/override'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return i((t = n.env.HTTP_PROXY || n.env.http_proxy) ? { - hostname: r.parse(t).hostname, - port: parseInt(r.parse(t).port) - } - : { - }, e || { - }); - var t - } - }).call(this, e('_process')) - }, - { - '../utils/override': 133, - _process: 373, - url: 424 - } - ], - 101: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = 5000; - t.exports = function (e) { - return e || r - } - }, - { - } - ], - 102: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - return Array.isArray(e) ? e : !1 === e ? [ - 'none' - ] : void 0 === e ? [ - 'local' - ] : e.split(',') - } - }, - { - } - ], - 103: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./rounding-precision').roundingPrecisionFrom, - i = e('../utils/override'), - s = { - Zero: '0', - One: '1', - Two: '2' - }, - o = { - }; - o[s.Zero] = { - }, - o[s.One] = { - cleanupCharsets: !0, - normalizeUrls: !0, - optimizeBackground: !0, - optimizeBorderRadius: !0, - optimizeFilter: !0, - optimizeFontWeight: !0, - optimizeOutline: !0, - removeEmpty: !0, - removeNegativePaddings: !0, - removeQuotes: !0, - removeWhitespace: !0, - replaceMultipleZeros: !0, - replaceTimeUnits: !0, - replaceZeroUnits: !0, - roundingPrecision: r(void 0), - selectorsSortingMethod: 'standard', - specialComments: 'all', - tidyAtRules: !0, - tidyBlockScopes: !0, - tidySelectors: !0, - transform: function () { - } - }, - o[s.Two] = { - mergeAdjacentRules: !0, - mergeIntoShorthands: !0, - mergeMedia: !0, - mergeNonAdjacentRules: !0, - mergeSemantically: !1, - overrideProperties: !0, - removeEmpty: !0, - reduceNonAdjacentRules: !0, - removeDuplicateFontRules: !0, - removeDuplicateMediaBlocks: !0, - removeDuplicateRules: !0, - removeUnusedAtRules: !1, - restructureRules: !1, - skipProperties: [ - ] - }; - var a = '*', - u = 'all', - l = 'false', - c = 'off', - p = 'true', - h = 'on', - f = ',', - d = ';', - m = ':'; - function g(e, t) { - var n, - r = i(o[e], { - }); - for (n in r) 'boolean' == typeof r[n] && (r[n] = t); - return r - } - function y(e) { - switch (e) { - case l: - case c: - return !1; - case p: - case h: - return !0; - default: - return e - } - } - function v(e, t) { - return e.split(d).reduce(function (e, n) { - var r = n.split(m), - s = r[0], - o = y(r[1]); - return a == s || u == s ? e = i(e, g(t, o)) : e[s] = o, - e - }, { - }) - } - t.exports = { - OptimizationLevel: s, - optimizationLevelFrom: function (e) { - var t = i(o, { - }), - n = s.Zero, - l = s.One, - c = s.Two; - return void 0 === e ? (delete t[c], t) : ('string' == typeof e && (e = parseInt(e)), 'number' == typeof e && e === parseInt(c) ? t : 'number' == typeof e && e === parseInt(l) ? (delete t[c], t) : 'number' == typeof e && e === parseInt(n) ? (delete t[c], delete t[l], t) : ('object' == typeof e && (e = function (e) { - var t, - n, - r = i(e, { - }); - for (n = 0; n <= 2; n++) (t = '' + n) in r && (void 0 === r[t] || !1 === r[t]) && delete r[t], - t in r && !0 === r[t] && (r[t] = { - }), - t in r && 'string' == typeof r[t] && (r[t] = v(r[t], t)); - return r - }(e)), l in e && 'roundingPrecision' in e[l] && (e[l].roundingPrecision = r(e[l].roundingPrecision)), c in e && 'skipProperties' in e[c] && 'string' == typeof e[c].skipProperties && (e[c].skipProperties = e[c].skipProperties.split(f)), (n in e || l in e || c in e) && (t[n] = i(t[n], e[n])), l in e && a in e[l] && (t[l] = i(t[l], g(l, y(e[l][a]))), delete e[l][a]), l in e && u in e[l] && (t[l] = i(t[l], g(l, y(e[l][u]))), delete e[l][u]), l in e || c in e ? t[l] = i(t[l], e[l]) : delete t[l], c in e && a in e[c] && (t[c] = i(t[c], g(c, y(e[c][a]))), delete e[c][a]), c in e && u in e[c] && (t[c] = i(t[c], g(c, y(e[c][u]))), delete e[c][u]), c in e ? t[c] = i(t[c], e[c]) : delete t[c], t)) - } - } - }, - { - '../utils/override': 133, - './rounding-precision': 106 - } - ], - 104: [ - function (e, t, n) { - (function (n) { - var r = e('path'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return e ? r.resolve(e) : n.cwd() - } - }).call(this, e('_process')) - }, - { - _process: 373, - path: 372 - } - ], - 105: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - return void 0 === e || !!e - } - }, - { - } - ], - 106: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../utils/override'), - i = /^\d+$/, - s = [ - '*', - 'all' - ], - o = 'off', - a = ',', - u = '='; - function l(e) { - return { - ch: e, - cm: e, - em: e, - ex: e, - in : e, - mm: e, - pc: e, - pt: e, - px: e, - q: e, - rem: e, - vh: e, - vmax: e, - vmin: e, - vw: e, - '%': e - } - } - t.exports = { - DEFAULT: o, - roundingPrecisionFrom: function (e) { - return r(l(o), function (e) { - return null === e || void 0 === e ? { - } - : 'boolean' == typeof e ? { - } - : 'number' == typeof e && - 1 == e ? l(o) : 'number' == typeof e ? l(e) : 'string' == typeof e && i.test(e) ? l(parseInt(e)) : 'string' == typeof e && e == o ? l(o) : 'object' == typeof e ? e : e.split(a).reduce(function (e, t) { - var n = t.split(u), - i = n[0], - a = parseInt(n[1]); - return (isNaN(a) || - 1 == a) && (a = o), - s.indexOf(i) > - 1 ? e = r(e, l(a)) : e[i] = a, - e - }, { - }) - }(e)) - } - } - }, - { - '../utils/override': 133 - } - ], - 107: [ - function (e, t, n) { - (function (n, r) { - var i = e('fs'), - s = e('path'), - o = e('./is-allowed-resource'), - a = e('./match-data-uri'), - u = e('./rebase-local-map'), - l = e('./rebase-remote-map'), - c = e('../tokenizer/token'), - p = e('../utils/has-protocol'), - h = e('../utils/is-data-uri-resource'), - f = e('../utils/is-remote-resource'), - d = /^\/\*# sourceMappingURL=(\S+) \*\/$/; - function m(e) { - var t, - n, - r, - i = [ - ], - s = g(e.sourceTokens[0]); - for (r = e.sourceTokens.length; e.index < r; e.index++) if ((t = g(n = e.sourceTokens[e.index])) != s && (i = [ - ], s = t), i.push(n), e.processedTokens.push(n), n[0] == c.COMMENT && d.test(n[1])) return y(n[1], t, i, e); - return e.callback(e.processedTokens) - } - function g(e) { - return (e[0] == c.AT_RULE || e[0] == c.COMMENT ? e[2][0] : e[1][0][2][0]) [2] - } - function y(e, t, g, y) { - return function (e, t, c) { - var m, - g, - y, - v = d.exec(e) [1]; - return h(v) ? (g = function (e) { - var t = a(e), - i = t[2] ? t[2].split(/[=;]/) [2] : 'us-ascii', - s = t[3] ? t[3].split(';') [1] : 'utf8', - o = 'utf8' == s ? n.unescape(t[4]) : t[4], - u = new r(o, s); - return u.charset = i, - JSON.parse(u.toString()) - }(v), c(g)) : f(v) ? function (e, t, n) { - var r = o(e, !0, t.inline), - i = !p(e); - if (t.localOnly) return t.warnings.push('Cannot fetch remote resource from "' + e + '" as no callback given.'), - n(null); - if (i) return t.warnings.push('Cannot fetch "' + e + '" as no protocol given.'), - n(null); - if (!r) return t.warnings.push('Cannot fetch "' + e + '" as resource is not allowed.'), - n(null); - t.fetch(e, t.inlineRequest, t.inlineTimeout, function (r, i) { - if (r) return t.warnings.push('Missing source map at "' + e + '" - ' + r), - n(null); - n(i) - }) - }(v, t, function (e) { - var t; - e ? (t = JSON.parse(e), y = l(t, v), c(y)) : c(null) - }) : (m = s.resolve(t.rebaseTo, v), (g = function (e, t) { - var n, - r = o(e, !1, t.inline); - if (!i.existsSync(e) || !i.statSync(e).isFile()) return t.warnings.push('Ignoring local source map at "' + e + '" as resource is missing.'), - null; - if (!r) return t.warnings.push('Cannot fetch "' + e + '" as resource is not allowed.'), - null; - return n = i.readFileSync(e, 'utf-8'), - JSON.parse(n) - }(m, t)) ? (y = u(g, m, t.rebaseTo), c(y)) : c(null)) - }(e, y, function (e) { - return e && (y.inputSourceMapTracker.track(t, e), function e(t, n) { - var r; - var i, - s; - for (i = 0, s = t.length; i < s; i++) switch ((r = t[i]) [0]) { - case c.AT_RULE: - v(r, n); - break; - case c.AT_RULE_BLOCK: - e(r[1], n), - e(r[2], n); - break; - case c.AT_RULE_BLOCK_SCOPE: - v(r, n); - break; - case c.NESTED_BLOCK: - e(r[1], n), - e(r[2], n); - break; - case c.NESTED_BLOCK_SCOPE: - case c.COMMENT: - v(r, n); - break; - case c.PROPERTY: - e(r, n); - break; - case c.PROPERTY_BLOCK: - e(r[1], n); - break; - case c.PROPERTY_NAME: - case c.PROPERTY_VALUE: - v(r, n); - break; - case c.RULE: - e(r[1], n), - e(r[2], n); - break; - case c.RULE_SCOPE: - v(r, n) - } - return t - }(g, y.inputSourceMapTracker)), - y.index++, - m(y) - }) - } - function v(e, t) { - var n, - r, - i = e[1], - s = e[2], - o = [ - ]; - for (n = 0, r = s.length; n < r; n++) o.push(t.originalPositionFor(s[n], i.length)); - e[2] = o - } - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - var r = { - callback: n, - fetch: t.options.fetch, - index: 0, - inline: t.options.inline, - inlineRequest: t.options.inlineRequest, - inlineTimeout: t.options.inlineTimeout, - inputSourceMapTracker: t.inputSourceMapTracker, - localOnly: t.localOnly, - processedTokens: [ - ], - rebaseTo: t.options.rebaseTo, - sourceTokens: e, - warnings: t.warnings - }; - return t.options.sourceMap && e.length > 0 ? m(r) : n(e) - } - }).call(this, 'undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof self ? self : 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : { - }, e('buffer').Buffer) - }, - { - '../tokenizer/token': 122, - '../utils/has-protocol': 126, - '../utils/is-data-uri-resource': 127, - '../utils/is-remote-resource': 131, - './is-allowed-resource': 110, - './match-data-uri': 113, - './rebase-local-map': 116, - './rebase-remote-map': 117, - buffer: 42, - fs: 41, - path: 372 - } - ], - 108: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../utils/split'), - i = /^\(/, - s = /\)$/, - o = /^@import/i, - a = /['"]\s*/, - u = /\s*['"]/, - l = /^url\(\s*/i, - c = /\s*\)/i; - t.exports = function (e) { - var t, - n; - return t = e.replace(o, '').trim().replace(l, '(').replace(c, ')').replace(a, '').replace(u, ''), - [ - (n = r(t, ' ')) [0].replace(i, '').replace(s, ''), - n.slice(1).join(' ') - ] - } - }, - { - '../utils/split': 134 - } - ], - 109: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('source-map').SourceMapConsumer; - t.exports = function () { - var e = { - }; - return { - all: function (e) { - return e - }.bind(null, e), - isTracking: function (e, t) { - return t in e - }.bind(null, e), - originalPositionFor: function e(t, n, r, i) { - for (var s, o, a = n[0], u = n[1], l = n[2], c = { - line: a, - column: u + r - }; !s && c.column > u; ) c.column--, - s = t[l].originalPositionFor(c); - return !s || s.column < 0 ? n : null === s.line && a > 1 && i > 0 ? e(t, [ - a - 1, - u, - l - ], r, i - 1) : null !== s.line ? [ - (o = s).line, - o.column, - o.source - ] : n - }.bind(null, e), - track: function (e, t, n) { - e[t] = new r(n) - }.bind(null, e) - } - } - }, - { - 'source-map': 149 - } - ], - 110: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('path'), - i = e('url'), - s = e('../utils/is-remote-resource'), - o = e('../utils/has-protocol'), - a = 'http:'; - function u(e) { - return s(e) || i.parse(a + '//' + e).host == e - } - t.exports = function e(t, n, s) { - var l, - c, - p, - h, - f, - d, - m = !n; - if (0 === s.length) return !1; - for (n && !o(t) && (t = a + t), l = n ? i.parse(t).host : t, c = n ? t : r.resolve(t), d = 0; d < s.length; d++) h = '!' == (p = s[d]) [0], - f = p.substring(1), - m = h && n && u(f) ? m && !e(t, !0, [ - f - ]) : !h || n || u(f) ? h ? m && !0 : 'all' == p || (n && 'local' == p ? m || !1 : !(!n || 'remote' != p) || !(!n && 'remote' == p) && (!n && 'local' == p || p === l || p === t || !(!n || 0 !== c.indexOf(p)) || !n && 0 === c.indexOf(r.resolve(p)) || n != u(f) && m && !0)) : m && !e(t, !1, [ - f - ]); - return m - } - }, - { - '../utils/has-protocol': 126, - '../utils/is-remote-resource': 131, - path: 372, - url: 424 - } - ], - 111: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('fs'), - i = e('path'), - s = e('./is-allowed-resource'), - o = e('../utils/has-protocol'), - a = e('../utils/is-remote-resource'); - function u(e) { - var t, - n, - r, - i = Object.keys(e.uriToSource); - for (r = i.length; e.index < r; e.index++) { - if (t = i[e.index], !(n = e.uriToSource[t])) return l(t, e); - e.sourcesContent[t] = n - } - return e.callback() - } - function l(e, t) { - var n; - return a(e) ? function (e, t, n) { - var r = s(e, !0, t.inline), - i = !o(e); - if (t.localOnly) return t.warnings.push('Cannot fetch remote resource from "' + e + '" as no callback given.'), - n(null); - if (i) return t.warnings.push('Cannot fetch "' + e + '" as no protocol given.'), - n(null); - if (!r) return t.warnings.push('Cannot fetch "' + e + '" as resource is not allowed.'), - n(null); - t.fetch(e, t.inlineRequest, t.inlineTimeout, function (r, i) { - r && t.warnings.push('Missing original source at "' + e + '" - ' + r), - n(i) - }) - }(e, t, function (n) { - return t.index++, - t.sourcesContent[e] = n, - u(t) - }) : (n = function (e, t) { - var n = s(e, !1, t.inline), - o = i.resolve(t.rebaseTo, e); - if (!r.existsSync(o) || !r.statSync(o).isFile()) return t.warnings.push('Ignoring local source map at "' + o + '" as resource is missing.'), - null; - if (!n) return t.warnings.push('Cannot fetch "' + o + '" as resource is not allowed.'), - null; - return r.readFileSync(o, 'utf8') - }(e, t), t.index++, t.sourcesContent[e] = n, u(t)) - } - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n = { - callback: t, - fetch: e.options.fetch, - index: 0, - inline: e.options.inline, - inlineRequest: e.options.inlineRequest, - inlineTimeout: e.options.inlineTimeout, - localOnly: e.localOnly, - rebaseTo: e.options.rebaseTo, - sourcesContent: e.sourcesContent, - uriToSource: function (e) { - var t, - n, - r, - i, - s, - o = { - }; - for (r in e) for (t = e[r], i = 0, s = t.sources.length; i < s; i++) n = t.sources[i], - r = t.sourceContentFor(n, !0), - o[n] = r; - return o - }(e.inputSourceMapTracker.all()), - warnings: e.warnings - }; - return e.options.sourceMap && e.options.sourceMapInlineSources ? u(n) : t() - } - }, - { - '../utils/has-protocol': 126, - '../utils/is-remote-resource': 131, - './is-allowed-resource': 110, - fs: 41, - path: 372 - } - ], - 112: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('http'), - i = e('https'), - s = e('url'), - o = e('../utils/is-http-resource'), - a = e('../utils/is-https-resource'), - u = e('../utils/override'), - l = 'http:'; - t.exports = function e(t, n, c, p) { - var h, - f = n.protocol || n.hostname, - d = !1; - h = u(s.parse(t), n || { - }), - void 0 !== n.hostname && (h.protocol = n.protocol || l, h.path = h.href), - (f && !a(f) || o(t) ? r.get : i.get) (h, function (r) { - var i = [ - ]; - if (!d) { - if (r.statusCode < 200 || r.statusCode > 399) return p(r.statusCode, null); - if (r.statusCode > 299) return e(s.resolve(t, r.headers.location), n, c, p); - r.on('data', function (e) { - i.push(e.toString()) - }), - r.on('end', function () { - var e = i.join(''); - p(null, e) - }) - } - }).on('error', function (e) { - d || (d = !0, p(e.message, null)) - }).on('timeout', function () { - d || (d = !0, p('timeout', null)) - }).setTimeout(c) - } - }, - { - '../utils/is-http-resource': 128, - '../utils/is-https-resource': 129, - '../utils/override': 133, - http: 41, - https: 41, - url: 424 - } - ], - 113: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = /^data:(\S*?)?(;charset=[^;]+)?(;[^,]+?)?,(.+)/; - t.exports = function (e) { - return r.exec(e) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 114: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = '/', - i = /\\/g; - t.exports = function (e) { - return e.replace(i, r) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 115: [ - function (e, t, n) { - (function (n, r) { - var i = e('fs'), - s = e('path'), - o = e('./apply-source-maps'), - a = e('./extract-import-url-and-media'), - u = e('./is-allowed-resource'), - l = e('./load-original-sources'), - c = e('./normalize-path'), - p = e('./rebase'), - h = e('./rebase-local-map'), - f = e('./rebase-remote-map'), - d = e('./restore-import'), - m = e('../tokenizer/tokenize'), - g = e('../tokenizer/token'), - y = e('../tokenizer/marker'), - v = e('../utils/has-protocol'), - b = e('../utils/is-import'), - x = e('../utils/is-remote-resource'), - A = 'uri:unknown'; - function E(e, t, n) { - return t.source = void 0, - t.sourcesContent[void 0] = e, - t.stats.originalSize += e.length, - k(e, t, { - inline: t.options.inline - }, n) - } - function _(e, t, n) { - var r, - i, - s; - for (r in e) s = e[r], - i = C(r), - n.push(D(i)), - t.sourcesContent[i] = s.styles, - s.sourceMap && w(s.sourceMap, i, t); - return n - } - function C(e) { - var t, - n, - r = s.resolve(''); - return x(e) ? e : (t = s.isAbsolute(e) ? e : s.resolve(e), n = s.relative(r, t), c(n)) - } - function w(e, t, n) { - var r = 'string' == typeof e ? JSON.parse(e) : e, - i = x(t) ? f(r, t) : h(r, t || A, n.options.rebaseTo); - n.inputSourceMapTracker.track(t, i) - } - function D(e) { - return d('url(' + e + ')', '') + y.SEMICOLON - } - function k(e, t, n, r) { - var i, - o = { - }; - return t.source ? x(t.source) ? (o.fromBase = t.source, o.toBase = t.source) : s.isAbsolute(t.source) ? (o.fromBase = s.dirname(t.source), o.toBase = t.options.rebaseTo) : (o.fromBase = s.dirname(s.resolve(t.source)), o.toBase = t.options.rebaseTo) : (o.fromBase = s.resolve(''), o.toBase = t.options.rebaseTo), - i = m(e, t), - i = p(i, t.options.rebase, t.validator, o), - function (e) { - return !(1 == e.length && 'none' == e[0]) - }(n.inline) ? function (e, t, n, r) { - return S({ - afterContent: !1, - callback: r, - errors: t.errors, - externalContext: t, - fetch: t.options.fetch, - inlinedStylesheets: n.inlinedStylesheets || t.inlinedStylesheets, - inline: n.inline, - inlineRequest: t.options.inlineRequest, - inlineTimeout: t.options.inlineTimeout, - isRemote: n.isRemote || !1, - localOnly: t.localOnly, - outputTokens: [ - ], - rebaseTo: t.options.rebaseTo, - sourceTokens: e, - warnings: t.warnings - }) - }(i, t, n, r) : r(i) - } - function S(e) { - var t, - n, - r; - for (n = 0, r = e.sourceTokens.length; n < r; n++) { - if ((t = e.sourceTokens[n]) [0] == g.AT_RULE && b(t[1])) return e.sourceTokens.splice(0, n), - T(t, e); - t[0] == g.AT_RULE || t[0] == g.COMMENT ? e.outputTokens.push(t) : (e.outputTokens.push(t), e.afterContent = !0) - } - return e.sourceTokens = [ - ], - e.callback(e.outputTokens) - } - function T(e, t) { - var n = a(e[1]), - o = n[0], - l = n[1], - p = e[2]; - return x(o) ? function (e, t, n, i) { - var s = u(e, !0, i.inline), - o = e, - a = e in i.externalContext.sourcesContent, - l = !v(e); - if (i.inlinedStylesheets.indexOf(e) > - 1) return i.warnings.push('Ignoring remote @import of "' + e + '" as it has already been imported.'), - i.sourceTokens = i.sourceTokens.slice(1), - S(i); - if (i.localOnly && i.afterContent) return i.warnings.push('Ignoring remote @import of "' + e + '" as no callback given and after other content.'), - i.sourceTokens = i.sourceTokens.slice(1), - S(i); - if (l) return i.warnings.push('Skipping remote @import of "' + e + '" as no protocol given.'), - i.outputTokens = i.outputTokens.concat(i.sourceTokens.slice(0, 1)), - i.sourceTokens = i.sourceTokens.slice(1), - S(i); - if (i.localOnly && !a) return i.warnings.push('Skipping remote @import of "' + e + '" as no callback given.'), - i.outputTokens = i.outputTokens.concat(i.sourceTokens.slice(0, 1)), - i.sourceTokens = i.sourceTokens.slice(1), - S(i); - if (!s && i.afterContent) return i.warnings.push('Ignoring remote @import of "' + e + '" as resource is not allowed and after other content.'), - i.sourceTokens = i.sourceTokens.slice(1), - S(i); - if (!s) return i.warnings.push('Skipping remote @import of "' + e + '" as resource is not allowed.'), - i.outputTokens = i.outputTokens.concat(i.sourceTokens.slice(0, 1)), - i.sourceTokens = i.sourceTokens.slice(1), - S(i); - function c(s, a) { - return s ? (i.errors.push('Broken @import declaration of "' + e + '" - ' + s), r.nextTick(function () { - i.outputTokens = i.outputTokens.concat(i.sourceTokens.slice(0, 1)), - i.sourceTokens = i.sourceTokens.slice(1), - S(i) - })) : (i.inline = i.externalContext.options.inline, i.isRemote = !0, i.externalContext.source = o, i.externalContext.sourcesContent[e] = a, i.externalContext.stats.originalSize += a.length, k(a, i.externalContext, i, function (e) { - return e = F(e, t, n), - i.outputTokens = i.outputTokens.concat(e), - i.sourceTokens = i.sourceTokens.slice(1), - S(i) - })) - } - return i.inlinedStylesheets.push(e), - a ? c(null, i.externalContext.sourcesContent[e]) : i.fetch(e, i.inlineRequest, i.inlineTimeout, c) - }(o, l, p, t) : function (e, t, n, r) { - var o, - a = s.resolve(''), - l = s.isAbsolute(e) ? s.resolve(a, '/' == e[0] ? e.substring(1) : e) : s.resolve(r.rebaseTo, e), - p = s.relative(a, l), - h = u(e, !1, r.inline), - f = c(p), - d = f in r.externalContext.sourcesContent; - if (r.inlinedStylesheets.indexOf(l) > - 1) r.warnings.push('Ignoring local @import of "' + e + '" as it has already been imported.'); - else if (d || i.existsSync(l) && i.statSync(l).isFile()) if (!h && r.afterContent) r.warnings.push('Ignoring local @import of "' + e + '" as resource is not allowed and after other content.'); - else if (r.afterContent) r.warnings.push('Ignoring local @import of "' + e + '" as after other content.'); - else { - if (h) return o = d ? r.externalContext.sourcesContent[f] : i.readFileSync(l, 'utf-8'), - r.inlinedStylesheets.push(l), - r.inline = r.externalContext.options.inline, - r.externalContext.source = f, - r.externalContext.sourcesContent[f] = o, - r.externalContext.stats.originalSize += o.length, - k(o, r.externalContext, r, function (e) { - return e = F(e, t, n), - r.outputTokens = r.outputTokens.concat(e), - r.sourceTokens = r.sourceTokens.slice(1), - S(r) - }); - r.warnings.push('Skipping local @import of "' + e + '" as resource is not allowed.'), - r.outputTokens = r.outputTokens.concat(r.sourceTokens.slice(0, 1)) - } else r.errors.push('Ignoring local @import of "' + e + '" as resource is missing.'); - return r.sourceTokens = r.sourceTokens.slice(1), - S(r) - }(o, l, p, t) - } - function F(e, t, n) { - return t ? [ - [g.NESTED_BLOCK, - [ - [g.NESTED_BLOCK_SCOPE, - '@media ' + t, - n] - ], - e] - ] : e - } - t.exports = function (e, t, r) { - return function (e, t, r) { - return 'string' == typeof e ? E(e, t, r) : n.isBuffer(e) ? E(e.toString(), t, r) : Array.isArray(e) ? function (e, t, n) { - return k(e.reduce(function (e, n) { - return 'string' == typeof n ? (r = n, (i = e).push(D(C(r))), i) : _(n, t, e); - var r, - i - }, [ - ]).join(''), t, { - inline: [ - 'all' - ] - }, n) - }(e, t, r) : 'object' == typeof e ? function (e, t, n) { - return k(_(e, t, [ - ]).join(''), t, { - inline: [ - 'all' - ] - }, n) - }(e, t, r) : void 0 - }(e, t, function (e) { - return o(e, t, function () { - return l(t, function () { - return r(e) - }) - }) - }) - } - }).call(this, { - isBuffer: e('../../../is-buffer/index.js') - }, e('_process')) - }, - { - '../../../is-buffer/index.js': 237, - '../tokenizer/marker': 121, - '../tokenizer/token': 122, - '../tokenizer/tokenize': 123, - '../utils/has-protocol': 126, - '../utils/is-import': 130, - '../utils/is-remote-resource': 131, - './apply-source-maps': 107, - './extract-import-url-and-media': 108, - './is-allowed-resource': 110, - './load-original-sources': 111, - './normalize-path': 114, - './rebase': 118, - './rebase-local-map': 116, - './rebase-remote-map': 117, - './restore-import': 119, - _process: 373, - fs: 41, - path: 372 - } - ], - 116: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('path'); - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - var i = r.resolve(''), - s = r.resolve(i, t), - o = r.dirname(s); - return e.sources = (e) { - return r.relative(n, r.resolve(o, e)) - }), - e - } - }, - { - path: 372 - } - ], - 117: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('path'), - i = e('url'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n = r.dirname(t); - return e.sources = (e) { - return i.resolve(n, e) - }), - e - } - }, - { - path: 372, - url: 424 - } - ], - 118: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./extract-import-url-and-media'), - i = e('./restore-import'), - s = e('./rewrite-url'), - o = e('../tokenizer/token'), - a = e('../utils/is-import'), - u = /^\/\*# sourceMappingURL=(\S+) \*\/$/; - function l(e, t, n) { - if (a(e[1])) { - var o = r(e[1]), - u = s(o[0], n), - l = o[1]; - e[1] = i(u, l) - } - } - function c(e, t) { - var n = u.exec(e[1]); - n && - 1 === n[1].indexOf('data:') && (e[1] = e[1].replace(n[1], s(n[1], t, !0))) - } - function p(e, t, n) { - var r, - i, - o, - a, - u, - l; - for (o = 0, a = e.length; o < a; o++) for (u = 2, l = (r = e[o]).length; u < l; u++) i = r[u][1], - t.isUrl(i) && (r[u][1] = s(i, n)) - } - t.exports = function (e, t, n, r) { - return t ? function e(t, n, r) { - var i, - s, - a; - for (s = 0, a = t.length; s < a; s++) switch ((i = t[s]) [0]) { - case o.AT_RULE: - l(i, 0, r); - break; - case o.AT_RULE_BLOCK: - p(i[2], n, r); - break; - case o.COMMENT: - c(i, r); - break; - case o.NESTED_BLOCK: - e(i[2], n, r); - break; - case o.RULE: - p(i[2], n, r) - } - return t - }(e, n, r) : function (e, t, n) { - var r, - i, - s; - for (i = 0, s = e.length; i < s; i++) switch ((r = e[i]) [0]) { - case o.AT_RULE: - l(r, 0, n) - } - return e - }(e, 0, r) - } - }, - { - '../tokenizer/token': 122, - '../utils/is-import': 130, - './extract-import-url-and-media': 108, - './restore-import': 119, - './rewrite-url': 120 - } - ], - 119: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e, t) { - return ('@import ' + e + ' ' + t).trim() - } - }, - { - } - ], - 120: [ - function (e, t, n) { - (function (n) { - var r = e('path'), - i = e('url'), - s = '"', - o = '\'', - a = 'url(', - u = ')', - l = /^["']/, - c = /["']$/, - p = /[\(\)]/, - h = /^url\(/i, - f = /\)$/, - d = /\s/, - m = 'win32' == n.platform; - function g(e, t) { - return t ? function (e) { - return r.isAbsolute(e) - }(e) && !y(t.toBase) ? e : y(e) || function (e) { - return '#' == e[0] - }(e) || function (e) { - return /^\w+:\w+/.test(e) - }(e) ? e : function (e) { - return 0 === e.indexOf('data:') - }(e) ? '\'' + e + '\'' : y(t.toBase) ? i.resolve(t.toBase, e) : t.absolute ? v(function (e, t) { - return r.resolve(r.join(t.fromBase || '', e)).replace(t.toBase, '') - }(e, t)) : v(function (e, t) { - return r.relative(t.toBase, r.join(t.fromBase || '', e)) - }(e, t)) : e - } - function y(e) { - return /^[^:]+?:\/\//.test(e) || 0 === e.indexOf('//') - } - function v(e) { - return m ? e.replace(/\\/g, '/') : e - } - function b(e) { - return e.indexOf(o) > - 1 ? s : e.indexOf(s) > - 1 ? o : (t = e, d.test(t) || function (e) { - return p.test(e) - }(e) ? o : ''); - var t - } - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - var r = e.replace(h, '').replace(f, '').trim(), - i = r.replace(l, '').replace(c, '').trim(), - p = r[0] == o || r[0] == s ? r[0] : b(i); - return n ? g(i, t) : a + p + g(i, t) + p + u - } - }).call(this, e('_process')) - }, - { - _process: 373, - path: 372, - url: 424 - } - ], - 121: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = { - ASTERISK: '*', - AT: '@', - BACK_SLASH: '\\', - CARRIAGE_RETURN: '\r', - CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET: '}', - CLOSE_ROUND_BRACKET: ')', - CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET: ']', - COLON: ':', - COMMA: ',', - DOUBLE_QUOTE: '"', - EXCLAMATION: '!', - FORWARD_SLASH: '/', - INTERNAL: '-clean-css-', - NEW_LINE_NIX: '\n', - OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET: '{', - OPEN_ROUND_BRACKET: '(', - OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET: '[', - SEMICOLON: ';', - SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'', - SPACE: ' ', - TAB: '\t', - UNDERSCORE: '_' - } - }, - { - } - ], - 122: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = { - AT_RULE: 'at-rule', - AT_RULE_BLOCK: 'at-rule-block', - AT_RULE_BLOCK_SCOPE: 'at-rule-block-scope', - COMMENT: 'comment', - NESTED_BLOCK: 'nested-block', - NESTED_BLOCK_SCOPE: 'nested-block-scope', - PROPERTY: 'property', - PROPERTY_BLOCK: 'property-block', - PROPERTY_NAME: 'property-name', - PROPERTY_VALUE: 'property-value', - RAW: 'raw', - RULE: 'rule', - RULE_SCOPE: 'rule-scope' - } - }, - { - } - ], - 123: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./marker'), - i = e('./token'), - s = e('../utils/format-position'), - o = { - BLOCK: 'block', - COMMENT: 'comment', - DOUBLE_QUOTE: 'double-quote', - RULE: 'rule', - SINGLE_QUOTE: 'single-quote' - }, - a = [ - '@charset', - '@import' - ], - u = [ - '@-moz-document', - '@document', - '@-moz-keyframes', - '@-ms-keyframes', - '@-o-keyframes', - '@-webkit-keyframes', - '@keyframes', - '@media', - '@supports' - ], - l = /\/\* clean\-css ignore:end \*\/$/, - c = /^\/\* clean\-css ignore:start \*\//, - p = [ - '@bottom-center', - '@bottom-left', - '@bottom-left-corner', - '@bottom-right', - '@bottom-right-corner', - '@left-bottom', - '@left-middle', - '@left-top', - '@right-bottom', - '@right-middle', - '@right-top', - '@top-center', - '@top-left', - '@top-left-corner', - '@top-right', - '@top-right-corner' - ], - h = [ - '@footnote', - '@footnotes', - '@left', - '@page-float-bottom', - '@page-float-top', - '@right' - ], - f = /^\[\s{0,31}\d+\s{0,31}\]$/, - d = /[\s\(]/, - m = /[\s|\}]*$/; - function g(e) { - return c.test(e.join('') + r.FORWARD_SLASH) - } - function y(e) { - return l.test(e.join('') + r.FORWARD_SLASH) - } - function v(e, t, n, r) { - var i = e[2]; - return n.inputSourceMapTracker.isTracking(i) ? n.inputSourceMapTracker.originalPositionFor(e, t.length, r) : e - } - function b(e) { - var t = e[0] == r.AT || e[0] == r.UNDERSCORE, - n = e.join('').split(d) [0]; - return t && u.indexOf(n) > - 1 ? i.NESTED_BLOCK : t && a.indexOf(n) > - 1 ? i.AT_RULE : t ? i.AT_RULE_BLOCK : i.RULE - } - function x(e) { - return e == i.RULE ? i.RULE_SCOPE : e == i.NESTED_BLOCK ? i.NESTED_BLOCK_SCOPE : e == i.AT_RULE_BLOCK ? i.AT_RULE_BLOCK_SCOPE : void 0 - } - function A(e) { - var t = e.join('').trim(); - return p.indexOf(t) > - 1 || h.indexOf(t) > - 1 - } - function E(e) { - return f.test(e.join('') + r.CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET) - } - t.exports = function (e, t) { - return function e(t, n, a, u) { - for (var l, c, p, h, f, d, _, C, w, D, k, S, T, F, O, B, P = [ - ], N = P, R = [ - ], L = [ - ], I = a.level, j = [ - ], M = [ - ], U = [ - ], V = 0, z = !1, q = !1, K = !1, $ = !1, Y = !1, W = a.position; W.index < t.length; W.index++) { - var G = t[W.index]; - if (_ = I == o.SINGLE_QUOTE || I == o.DOUBLE_QUOTE, C = G == r.SPACE || G == r.TAB, w = G == r.NEW_LINE_NIX, D = G == r.NEW_LINE_NIX && t[W.index - 1] == r.CARRIAGE_RETURN, k = G == r.CARRIAGE_RETURN && t[W.index + 1] && t[W.index + 1] != r.NEW_LINE_NIX, S = !q && I != o.COMMENT && !_ && G == r.ASTERISK && t[W.index - 1] == r.FORWARD_SLASH, F = !z && !_ && G == r.FORWARD_SLASH && t[W.index - 1] == r.ASTERISK, T = I == o.COMMENT && F, V = Math.max(V, 0), h = 0 === M.length ? [ - W.line, - W.column, - W.source - ] : h, O) M.push(G); - else if (T || I != o.COMMENT) if (S || T || !K) if (S && (I == o.BLOCK || I == o.RULE) && M.length > 1) L.push(h), - M.push(G), - U.push(M.slice(0, M.length - 2)), - M = M.slice(M.length - 2), - h = [ - W.line, - W.column - 1, - W.source - ], - j.push(I), - I = o.COMMENT; - else if (S) j.push(I), - I = o.COMMENT, - M.push(G); - else if (T && g(M)) f = M.join('').trim() + G, - l = [ - i.COMMENT, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ] - ], - N.push(l), - K = !0, - h = L.pop() || null, - M = U.pop() || [ - ]; - else if (T && y(M)) f = M.join('') + G, - B = f.lastIndexOf(r.FORWARD_SLASH + r.ASTERISK), - d = f.substring(0, B), - l = [ - i.RAW, - d, - [ - v(h, d, n) - ] - ], - N.push(l), - d = f.substring(B), - h = [ - W.line, - W.column - d.length + 1, - W.source - ], - l = [ - i.COMMENT, - d, - [ - v(h, d, n) - ] - ], - N.push(l), - K = !1, - I = j.pop(), - h = L.pop() || null, - M = U.pop() || [ - ]; - else if (T) f = M.join('').trim() + G, - l = [ - i.COMMENT, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ] - ], - N.push(l), - I = j.pop(), - h = L.pop() || null, - M = U.pop() || [ - ]; - else if (F && t[W.index + 1] != r.ASTERISK) n.warnings.push('Unexpected \'*/\' at ' + s([W.line, - W.column, - W.source]) + '.'), - M = [ - ]; - else if (G != r.SINGLE_QUOTE || _) if (G == r.SINGLE_QUOTE && I == o.SINGLE_QUOTE) I = j.pop(), - M.push(G); - else if (G != r.DOUBLE_QUOTE || _) if (G == r.DOUBLE_QUOTE && I == o.DOUBLE_QUOTE) I = j.pop(), - M.push(G); - else if (!S && !T && G != r.CLOSE_ROUND_BRACKET && G != r.OPEN_ROUND_BRACKET && I != o.COMMENT && !_ && V > 0) M.push(G); - else if (G != r.OPEN_ROUND_BRACKET || _ || I == o.COMMENT || $) if (G != r.CLOSE_ROUND_BRACKET || _ || I == o.COMMENT || $) if (G == r.SEMICOLON && I == o.BLOCK && M[0] == r.AT) f = M.join('').trim(), - P.push([i.AT_RULE, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ]]), - M = [ - ]; - else if (G == r.COMMA && I == o.BLOCK && c) f = M.join('').trim(), - c[1].push([x(c[0]), - f, - [ - v(h, f, n, c[1].length) - ]]), - M = [ - ]; - else if (G == r.COMMA && I == o.BLOCK && b(M) == i.AT_RULE) M.push(G); - else if (G == r.COMMA && I == o.BLOCK) c = [ - b(M), - [ - ], - [ - ] - ], - f = M.join('').trim(), - c[1].push([x(c[0]), - f, - [ - v(h, f, n, 0) - ]]), - M = [ - ]; - else if (G == r.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET && I == o.BLOCK && c && c[0] == i.NESTED_BLOCK) f = M.join('').trim(), - c[1].push([i.NESTED_BLOCK_SCOPE, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ]]), - P.push(c), - j.push(I), - W.column++, - W.index++, - M = [ - ], - c[2] = e(t, n, a, !0), - c = null; - else if (G == r.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET && I == o.BLOCK && b(M) == i.NESTED_BLOCK) f = M.join('').trim(), - (c = c || [ - i.NESTED_BLOCK, - [ - ], - [ - ] - ]) [1].push([i.NESTED_BLOCK_SCOPE, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ]]), - P.push(c), - j.push(I), - W.column++, - W.index++, - M = [ - ], - c[2] = e(t, n, a, !0), - c = null; - else if (G == r.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET && I == o.BLOCK) f = M.join('').trim(), - (c = c || [ - b(M), - [ - ], - [ - ] - ]) [1].push([x(c[0]), - f, - [ - v(h, f, n, c[1].length) - ]]), - N = c[2], - P.push(c), - j.push(I), - I = o.RULE, - M = [ - ]; - else if (G == r.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET && I == o.RULE && $) R.push(c), - c = [ - i.PROPERTY_BLOCK, - [ - ] - ], - p.push(c), - N = c[1], - j.push(I), - I = o.RULE, - $ = !1; - else if (G == r.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET && I == o.RULE && A(M)) f = M.join('').trim(), - R.push(c), - (c = [ - i.AT_RULE_BLOCK, - [ - ], - [ - ] - ]) [1].push([i.AT_RULE_BLOCK_SCOPE, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ]]), - N.push(c), - N = c[2], - j.push(I), - I = o.RULE, - M = [ - ]; - else if (G != r.COLON || I != o.RULE || $) if (G == r.SEMICOLON && I == o.RULE && p && R.length > 0 && M.length > 0 && M[0] == r.AT) f = M.join('').trim(), - c[1].push([i.AT_RULE, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ]]), - M = [ - ]; - else if (G == r.SEMICOLON && I == o.RULE && p && M.length > 0) f = M.join('').trim(), - p.push([i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ]]), - p = null, - $ = !1, - M = [ - ]; - else if (G == r.SEMICOLON && I == o.RULE && p && 0 === M.length) p = null, - $ = !1; - else if (G == r.SEMICOLON && I == o.RULE && M.length > 0 && M[0] == r.AT) f = M.join(''), - N.push([i.AT_RULE, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ]]), - $ = !1, - M = [ - ]; - else if (G == r.SEMICOLON && I == o.RULE && Y) Y = !1, - M = [ - ]; - else if (G == r.SEMICOLON && I == o.RULE && 0 === M.length); - else if (G == r.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET && I == o.RULE && p && $ && M.length > 0 && R.length > 0) f = M.join(''), - p.push([i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ]]), - p = null, - c = R.pop(), - N = c[2], - I = j.pop(), - $ = !1, - M = [ - ]; - else if (G == r.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET && I == o.RULE && p && M.length > 0 && M[0] == r.AT && R.length > 0) f = M.join(''), - c[1].push([i.AT_RULE, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ]]), - p = null, - c = R.pop(), - N = c[2], - I = j.pop(), - $ = !1, - M = [ - ]; - else if (G == r.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET && I == o.RULE && p && R.length > 0) p = null, - c = R.pop(), - N = c[2], - I = j.pop(), - $ = !1; - else if (G == r.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET && I == o.RULE && p && M.length > 0) f = M.join(''), - p.push([i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ]]), - p = null, - c = R.pop(), - N = P, - I = j.pop(), - $ = !1, - M = [ - ]; - else if (G == r.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET && I == o.RULE && M.length > 0 && M[0] == r.AT) p = null, - c = null, - f = M.join('').trim(), - N.push([i.AT_RULE, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ]]), - N = P, - I = j.pop(), - $ = !1, - M = [ - ]; - else if (G == r.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET && I == o.RULE && j[j.length - 1] == o.RULE) p = null, - c = R.pop(), - N = c[2], - I = j.pop(), - $ = !1, - Y = !0, - M = [ - ]; - else if (G == r.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET && I == o.RULE) p = null, - c = null, - N = P, - I = j.pop(), - $ = !1; - else if (G == r.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET && I == o.BLOCK && !u && W.index <= t.length - 1) n.warnings.push('Unexpected \'}\' at ' + s([W.line, - W.column, - W.source]) + '.'), - M.push(G); - else { - if (G == r.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET && I == o.BLOCK) break; - G == r.OPEN_ROUND_BRACKET && I == o.RULE && $ ? (M.push(G), V++) : G == r.CLOSE_ROUND_BRACKET && I == o.RULE && $ && 1 == V ? (M.push(G), f = M.join('').trim(), p.push([i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ]]), V--, M = [ - ]) : G == r.CLOSE_ROUND_BRACKET && I == o.RULE && $ ? (M.push(G), V--) : G == r.FORWARD_SLASH && t[W.index + 1] != r.ASTERISK && I == o.RULE && $ && M.length > 0 ? (f = M.join('').trim(), p.push([i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ]]), p.push([i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - G, - [ - [W.line, - W.column, - W.source] - ]]), M = [ - ]) : G == r.FORWARD_SLASH && t[W.index + 1] != r.ASTERISK && I == o.RULE && $ ? (p.push([i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - G, - [ - [W.line, - W.column, - W.source] - ]]), M = [ - ]) : G == r.COMMA && I == o.RULE && $ && M.length > 0 ? (f = M.join('').trim(), p.push([i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ]]), p.push([i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - G, - [ - [W.line, - W.column, - W.source] - ]]), M = [ - ]) : G == r.COMMA && I == o.RULE && $ ? (p.push([i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - G, - [ - [W.line, - W.column, - W.source] - ]]), M = [ - ]) : G == r.CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET && p && p.length > 1 && M.length > 0 && E(M) ? (M.push(G), f = M.join('').trim(), p[p.length - 1][1] += f, M = [ - ]) : (C || w && !D) && I == o.RULE && $ && p && M.length > 0 ? (f = M.join('').trim(), p.push([i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ]]), M = [ - ]) : D && I == o.RULE && $ && p && M.length > 1 ? (f = M.join('').trim(), p.push([i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ]]), M = [ - ]) : D && I == o.RULE && $ ? M = [ - ] : 1 == M.length && D ? M.pop() : (M.length > 0 || !C && !w && !D && !k) && M.push(G) - } else f = M.join('').trim(), - p = [ - i.PROPERTY, - [ - i.PROPERTY_NAME, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ] - ] - ], - N.push(p), - $ = !0, - M = [ - ]; - else M.push(G), - V--; - else M.push(G), - V++; - else j.push(I), - I = o.DOUBLE_QUOTE, - M.push(G); - else j.push(I), - I = o.SINGLE_QUOTE, - M.push(G); - else M.push(G); - else M.push(G); - O = !O && G == r.BACK_SLASH, - z = S, - q = T, - W.line = D || w || k ? W.line + 1 : W.line, - W.column = D || w || k ? 0 : W.column + 1 - } - return $ && n.warnings.push('Missing \'}\' at ' + s([W.line, - W.column, - W.source]) + '.'), - $ && M.length > 0 && (f = M.join('').replace(m, ''), p.push([i.PROPERTY_VALUE, - f, - [ - v(h, f, n) - ]]), M = [ - ]), - M.length > 0 && n.warnings.push('Invalid character(s) \'' + M.join('') + '\' at ' + s(h) + '. Ignoring.'), - P - }(e, t, { - level: o.BLOCK, - position: { - source: t.source || void 0, - line: 1, - column: 0, - index: 0 - } - }, !1) - } - }, - { - '../utils/format-position': 125, - './marker': 121, - './token': 122 - } - ], - 124: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function e(t) { - for (var n = t.slice(0), r = 0, i = n.length; r < i; r++) Array.isArray(n[r]) && (n[r] = e(n[r])); - return n - } - }, - { - } - ], - 125: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = e[0], - n = e[1], - r = e[2]; - return r ? r + ':' + t + ':' + n : t + ':' + n - } - }, - { - } - ], - 126: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = /^\/\//; - t.exports = function (e) { - return !r.test(e) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 127: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = /^data:(\S*?)?(;charset=[^;]+)?(;[^,]+?)?,(.+)/; - t.exports = function (e) { - return r.test(e) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 128: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = /^http:\/\//; - t.exports = function (e) { - return r.test(e) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 129: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = /^https:\/\//; - t.exports = function (e) { - return r.test(e) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 130: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = /^@import/i; - t.exports = function (e) { - return r.test(e) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 131: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = /^(\w+:\/\/|\/\/)/; - t.exports = function (e) { - return r.test(e) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 132: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = /([0-9]+)/; - function i(e) { - return '' + parseInt(e) == e ? parseInt(e) : e - } - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n, - s, - o, - a, - u = ('' + e).split(r).map(i), - l = ('' + t).split(r).map(i); - for (o = 0, a = Math.min(u.length, l.length); o < a; o++) if ((n = u[o]) != (s = l[o])) return n > s ? 1 : - 1; - return u.length > l.length ? 1 : u.length == l.length ? 0 : - 1 - } - }, - { - } - ], - 133: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function e(t, n) { - var r, - i, - s, - o = { - }; - for (r in t) s = t[r], - Array.isArray(s) ? o[r] = s.slice(0) : o[r] = 'object' == typeof s && null !== s ? e(s, { - }) : s; - for (i in n) s = n[i], - i in o && Array.isArray(s) ? o[i] = s.slice(0) : o[i] = i in o && 'object' == typeof s && null !== s ? e(o[i], s) : s; - return o - } - }, - { - } - ], - 134: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../tokenizer/marker'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n, - i = r.OPEN_ROUND_BRACKET, - s = r.CLOSE_ROUND_BRACKET, - o = 0, - a = 0, - u = 0, - l = e.length, - c = [ - ]; - if ( - 1 == e.indexOf(t)) return [e]; - if ( - 1 == e.indexOf(i)) return e.split(t); - for (; a < l; ) e[a] == i ? o++ : e[a] == s && o--, - 0 === o && a > 0 && a + 1 < l && e[a] == t && (c.push(e.substring(u, a)), u = a + 1), - a++; - return u < a + 1 && ((n = e.substring(u)) [n.length - 1] == t && (n = n.substring(0, n.length - 1)), c.push(n)), - c - } - }, - { - '../tokenizer/marker': 121 - } - ], - 135: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = '', - i = e('../options/format').Breaks, - s = e('../options/format').Spaces, - o = e('../tokenizer/marker'), - a = e('../tokenizer/token'); - function u(e) { - return 'filter' == e[1][1] || '-ms-filter' == e[1][1] - } - function l(e, t, n) { - return !e.spaceAfterClosingBrace && function (e) { - return 'background' == e[1][1] || 'transform' == e[1][1] || 'src' == e[1][1] - }(t) && function (e, t) { - return e[t][1][e[t][1].length - 1] == o.CLOSE_ROUND_BRACKET - }(t, n) || function (e, t) { - return e[t + 1] && e[t + 1][1] == o.FORWARD_SLASH - }(t, n) || function (e, t) { - return e[t][1] == o.FORWARD_SLASH - }(t, n) || function (e, t) { - return e[t + 1] && e[t + 1][1] == o.COMMA - }(t, n) || function (e, t) { - return e[t][1] == o.COMMA - }(t, n) - } - function c(e, t) { - for (var n =, r = 0, i = t.length; r < i; r++) n(e, t[r]), - r < i - 1 && n(e, b(e)) - } - function p(e, t) { - for (var n = function (e) { - for (var t = e.length - 1; t >= 0 && e[t][0] == a.COMMENT; t--); - return t - }(t), r = 0, i = t.length; r < i; r++) h(e, t, r, n) - } - function h(e, t, n, u) { - var l, - h =, - d = t[n], - b = d[2][0] == a.PROPERTY_BLOCK; - l = e.format ? !(!e.format.semicolonAfterLastProperty && !b) || n < u : n < u || b; - var x = n === u; - switch (d[0]) { - case a.AT_RULE: - h(e, d), - h(e, v(e, i.AfterProperty, !1)); - break; - case a.AT_RULE_BLOCK: - c(e, d[1]), - h(e, g(e, i.AfterRuleBegins, !0)), - p(e, d[2]), - h(e, y(e, i.AfterRuleEnds, !1, x)); - break; - case a.COMMENT: - h(e, d); - break; - case a.PROPERTY: - h(e, d[1]), - h(e, function (e) { - return e.format ? o.COLON + (m(e, s.BeforeValue) ? o.SPACE : r) : o.COLON - }(e)), - f(e, d), - h(e, l ? v(e, i.AfterProperty, x) : r); - break; - case a.RAW: - h(e, d) - } - } - function f(e, t) { - var n, - r, - s =; - if (t[2][0] == a.PROPERTY_BLOCK) s(e, g(e, i.AfterBlockBegins, !1)), - p(e, t[2][1]), - s(e, y(e, i.AfterBlockEnds, !1, !0)); - else for (n = 2, r = t.length; n < r; n++) s(e, t[n]), - n < r - 1 && (u(t) || !l(e, t, n)) && s(e, o.SPACE) - } - function d(e, t) { - return e.format && e.format.breaks[t] - } - function m(e, t) { - return e.format && e.format.spaces[t] - } - function g(e, t, n) { - return e.format ? (e.indentBy += e.format.indentBy, e.indentWith = e.format.indentWith.repeat(e.indentBy), (n && m(e, s.BeforeBlockBegins) ? o.SPACE : r) + o.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET + (d(e, t) ? e.format.breakWith : r) + e.indentWith) : o.OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET - } - function y(e, t, n, s) { - return e.format ? (e.indentBy -= e.format.indentBy, e.indentWith = e.format.indentWith.repeat(e.indentBy), (d(e, i.AfterProperty) || n && d(e, i.BeforeBlockEnds) ? e.format.breakWith : r) + e.indentWith + o.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET + (s ? r : (d(e, t) ? e.format.breakWith : r) + e.indentWith)) : o.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET - } - function v(e, t, n) { - return e.format ? o.SEMICOLON + (n || !d(e, t) ? r : e.format.breakWith + e.indentWith) : o.SEMICOLON - } - function b(e) { - return e.format ? o.COMMA + (d(e, i.BetweenSelectors) ? e.format.breakWith : r) + e.indentWith : o.COMMA - } - t.exports = { - all: function e(t, n) { - var s, - o, - u, - l, - h =; - for (u = 0, l = n.length; u < l; u++) switch (o = u == l - 1, (s = n[u]) [0]) { - case a.AT_RULE: - h(t, s), - h(t, v(t, i.AfterAtRule, o)); - break; - case a.AT_RULE_BLOCK: - c(t, s[1]), - h(t, g(t, i.AfterRuleBegins, !0)), - p(t, s[2]), - h(t, y(t, i.AfterRuleEnds, !1, o)); - break; - case a.NESTED_BLOCK: - c(t, s[1]), - h(t, g(t, i.AfterBlockBegins, !0)), - e(t, s[2]), - h(t, y(t, i.AfterBlockEnds, !0, o)); - break; - case a.COMMENT: - h(t, s), - h(t, d(t, i.AfterComment) ? t.format.breakWith : r); - break; - case a.RAW: - h(t, s); - break; - case a.RULE: - c(t, s[1]), - h(t, g(t, i.AfterRuleBegins, !0)), - p(t, s[2]), - h(t, y(t, i.AfterRuleEnds, !1, o)) - } - }, - body: p, - property: h, - rules: c, - value: f - } - }, - { - '../options/format': 99, - '../tokenizer/marker': 121, - '../tokenizer/token': 122 - } - ], - 136: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./helpers'); - function i(e, t) { - e.output.push('string' == typeof t ? t : t[1]) - } - function s() { - return { - output: [ - ], - store: i - } - } - t.exports = { - all: function (e) { - var t = s(); - return r.all(t, e), - t.output.join('') - }, - body: function (e) { - var t = s(); - return r.body(t, e), - t.output.join('') - }, - property: function (e, t) { - var n = s(); - return, e, t, !0), - n.output.join('') - }, - rules: function (e) { - var t = s(); - return r.rules(t, e), - t.output.join('') - }, - value: function (e) { - var t = s(); - return r.value(t, e), - t.output.join('') - } - } - }, - { - './helpers': 135 - } - ], - 137: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./helpers').all; - function i(e, t) { - var n = 'string' == typeof t ? t : t[1]; - (0, e.wrap) (e, n), - o(e, n), - e.output.push(n) - } - function s(e, t) { - e.column + t.length > e.format.wrapAt && (o(e, e.format.breakWith), e.output.push(e.format.breakWith)) - } - function o(e, t) { - var n = t.split('\n'); - e.line += n.length - 1, - e.column = n.length > 1 ? 0 : e.column + n.pop().length - } - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n = { - column: 0, - format: t.options.format, - indentBy: 0, - indentWith: '', - line: 1, - output: [ - ], - spaceAfterClosingBrace:, - store: i, - wrap: t.options.format.wrapAt ? s : function () { - } - }; - return r(n, e), - { - styles: n.output.join('') - } - } - }, - { - './helpers': 135 - } - ], - 138: [ - function (e, t, n) { - (function (n) { - var r = e('source-map').SourceMapGenerator, - i = e('./helpers').all, - s = e('../utils/is-remote-resource'), - o = 'win32' == n.platform, - a = /\//g, - u = '$stdin', - l = '\\'; - function c(e, t) { - var n = 'string' == typeof t, - r = n ? t : t[1], - i = n ? null : t[2]; - (0, e.wrap) (e, r), - h(e, r, i), - e.output.push(r) - } - function p(e, t) { - e.column + t.length > e.format.wrapAt && (h(e, e.format.breakWith, !1), e.output.push(e.format.breakWith)) - } - function h(e, t, n) { - var r = t.split('\n'); - n && function (e, t) { - for (var n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; n++) f(e, t[n]) - }(e, n), - e.line += r.length - 1, - e.column = r.length > 1 ? 0 : e.column + r.pop().length - } - function f(e, t) { - var n = t[0], - r = t[1], - i = t[2], - c = i, - p = c || u; - o && c && !s(c) && (p = c.replace(a, l)), - e.outputMap.addMapping({ - generated: { - line: e.line, - column: e.column - }, - source: p, - original: { - line: n, - column: r - } - }), - e.inlineSources && i in e.sourcesContent && e.outputMap.setSourceContent(p, e.sourcesContent[i]) - } - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n = { - column: 0, - format: t.options.format, - indentBy: 0, - indentWith: '', - inlineSources: t.options.sourceMapInlineSources, - line: 1, - output: [ - ], - outputMap: new r, - sourcesContent: t.sourcesContent, - spaceAfterClosingBrace:, - store: c, - wrap: t.options.format.wrapAt ? p : function () { - } - }; - return i(n, e), - { - sourceMap: n.outputMap, - styles: n.output.join('') - } - } - }).call(this, e('_process')) - }, - { - '../utils/is-remote-resource': 131, - './helpers': 135, - _process: 373, - 'source-map': 149 - } - ], - 139: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./util'), - i = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, - s = 'undefined' != typeof Map; - function o() { - this._array = [ - ], - this._set = s ? new Map : Object.create(null) - } - o.fromArray = function (e, t) { - for (var n = new o, r = 0, i = e.length; r < i; r++) n.add(e[r], t); - return n - }, - o.prototype.size = function () { - return s ? this._set.size : Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this._set).length - }, - o.prototype.add = function (e, t) { - var n = s ? e : r.toSetString(e), - o = s ? this.has(e) :, n), - a = this._array.length; - o && !t || this._array.push(e), - o || (s ? this._set.set(e, a) : this._set[n] = a) - }, - o.prototype.has = function (e) { - if (s) return this._set.has(e); - var t = r.toSetString(e); - return, t) - }, - o.prototype.indexOf = function (e) { - if (s) { - var t = this._set.get(e); - if (t >= 0) return t - } else { - var n = r.toSetString(e); - if (, n)) return this._set[n] - } - throw new Error('"' + e + '" is not in the set.') - }, - = function (e) { - if (e >= 0 && e < this._array.length) return this._array[e]; - throw new Error('No element indexed by ' + e) - }, - o.prototype.toArray = function () { - return this._array.slice() - }, - n.ArraySet = o - }, - { - './util': 148 - } - ], - 140: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./base64'); - n.encode = function (e) { - var t, - n = '', - i = function (e) { - return e < 0 ? 1 + ( - e << 1) : 0 + (e << 1) - }(e); - do { - t = 31 & i, - (i >>>= 5) > 0 && (t |= 32), - n += r.encode(t) - } while (i > 0); - return n - }, - n.decode = function (e, t, n) { - var i, - s, - o, - a, - u = e.length, - l = 0, - c = 0; - do { - if (t >= u) throw new Error('Expected more digits in base 64 VLQ value.'); - if ( - 1 === (s = r.decode(e.charCodeAt(t++)))) throw new Error('Invalid base64 digit: ' + e.charAt(t - 1)); - i = !!(32 & s), - l += (s &= 31) << c, - c += 5 - } while (i); - n.value = (a = (o = l) >> 1, 1 == (1 & o) ? - a : a), - = t - } - }, - { - './base64': 141 - } - ], - 141: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'.split(''); - n.encode = function (e) { - if (0 <= e && e < r.length) return r[e]; - throw new TypeError('Must be between 0 and 63: ' + e) - }, - n.decode = function (e) { - return 65 <= e && e <= 90 ? e - 65 : 97 <= e && e <= 122 ? e - 97 + 26 : 48 <= e && e <= 57 ? e - 48 + 52 : 43 == e ? 62 : 47 == e ? 63 : - 1 - } - }, - { - } - ], - 142: [ - function (e, t, n) { - n.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND = 1, - n.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND = 2, - = function (e, t, r, i) { - if (0 === t.length) return - 1; - var s = function e(t, r, i, s, o, a) { - var u = Math.floor((r - t) / 2) + t, - l = o(i, s[u], !0); - return 0 === l ? u : l > 0 ? r - u > 1 ? e(u, r, i, s, o, a) : a == n.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND ? r < s.length ? r : - 1 : u : u - t > 1 ? e(t, u, i, s, o, a) : a == n.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND ? u : t < 0 ? - 1 : t - }( - 1, t.length, e, t, r, i || n.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND); - if (s < 0) return - 1; - for (; s - 1 >= 0 && 0 === r(t[s], t[s - 1], !0); ) --s; - return s - } - }, - { - } - ], - 143: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./util'); - function i() { - this._array = [ - ], - this._sorted = !0, - this._last = { - generatedLine: - 1, - generatedColumn: 0 - } - } - i.prototype.unsortedForEach = function (e, t) { - this._array.forEach(e, t) - }, - i.prototype.add = function (e) { - var t, - n, - i, - s, - o, - a; - t = this._last, - n = e, - i = t.generatedLine, - s = n.generatedLine, - o = t.generatedColumn, - a = n.generatedColumn, - s > i || s == i && a >= o || r.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(t, n) <= 0 ? (this._last = e, this._array.push(e)) : (this._sorted = !1, this._array.push(e)) - }, - i.prototype.toArray = function () { - return this._sorted || (this._array.sort(r.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated), this._sorted = !0), - this._array - }, - n.MappingList = i - }, - { - './util': 148 - } - ], - 144: [ - function (e, t, n) { - function r(e, t, n) { - var r = e[t]; - e[t] = e[n], - e[n] = r - } - function i(e, t, n, s) { - if (n < s) { - var o = n - 1; - r(e, (c = n, p = s, Math.round(c + Math.random() * (p - c))), s); - for (var a = e[s], u = n; u < s; u++) t(e[u], a) <= 0 && r(e, o += 1, u); - r(e, o + 1, u); - var l = o + 1; - i(e, t, n, l - 1), - i(e, t, l + 1, s) - } - var c, - p - } - n.quickSort = function (e, t) { - i(e, t, 0, e.length - 1) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 145: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./util'), - i = e('./binary-search'), - s = e('./array-set').ArraySet, - o = e('./base64-vlq'), - a = e('./quick-sort').quickSort; - function u(e, t) { - var n = e; - return 'string' == typeof e && (n = r.parseSourceMapInput(e)), - null != n.sections ? new p(n, t) : new l(n, t) - } - function l(e, t) { - var n = e; - 'string' == typeof e && (n = r.parseSourceMapInput(e)); - var i = r.getArg(n, 'version'), - o = r.getArg(n, 'sources'), - a = r.getArg(n, 'names', [ - ]), - u = r.getArg(n, 'sourceRoot', null), - l = r.getArg(n, 'sourcesContent', null), - c = r.getArg(n, 'mappings'), - p = r.getArg(n, 'file', null); - if (i != this._version) throw new Error('Unsupported version: ' + i); - u && (u = r.normalize(u)), - o = (e) { - return u && r.isAbsolute(u) && r.isAbsolute(e) ? r.relative(u, e) : e - }), - this._names = s.fromArray(, !0), - this._sources = s.fromArray(o, !0), - this._absoluteSources = this._sources.toArray().map(function (e) { - return r.computeSourceURL(u, e, t) - }), - this.sourceRoot = u, - this.sourcesContent = l, - this._mappings = c, - this._sourceMapURL = t, - this.file = p - } - function c() { - this.generatedLine = 0, - this.generatedColumn = 0, - this.source = null, - this.originalLine = null, - this.originalColumn = null, - = null - } - function p(e, t) { - var n = e; - 'string' == typeof e && (n = r.parseSourceMapInput(e)); - var i = r.getArg(n, 'version'), - o = r.getArg(n, 'sections'); - if (i != this._version) throw new Error('Unsupported version: ' + i); - this._sources = new s, - this._names = new s; - var a = { - line: - 1, - column: 0 - }; - this._sections = (e) { - if (e.url) throw new Error('Support for url field in sections not implemented.'); - var n = r.getArg(e, 'offset'), - i = r.getArg(n, 'line'), - s = r.getArg(n, 'column'); - if (i < a.line || i === a.line && s < a.column) throw new Error('Section offsets must be ordered and non-overlapping.'); - return a = n, - { - generatedOffset: { - generatedLine: i + 1, - generatedColumn: s + 1 - }, - consumer: new u(r.getArg(e, 'map'), t) - } - }) - } - u.fromSourceMap = function (e, t) { - return l.fromSourceMap(e, t) - }, - u.prototype._version = 3, - u.prototype.__generatedMappings = null, - Object.defineProperty(u.prototype, '_generatedMappings', { - configurable: !0, - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return this.__generatedMappings || this._parseMappings(this._mappings, this.sourceRoot), - this.__generatedMappings - } - }), - u.prototype.__originalMappings = null, - Object.defineProperty(u.prototype, '_originalMappings', { - configurable: !0, - enumerable: !0, - get: function () { - return this.__originalMappings || this._parseMappings(this._mappings, this.sourceRoot), - this.__originalMappings - } - }), - u.prototype._charIsMappingSeparator = function (e, t) { - var n = e.charAt(t); - return ';' === n || ',' === n - }, - u.prototype._parseMappings = function (e, t) { - throw new Error('Subclasses must implement _parseMappings') - }, - u.GENERATED_ORDER = 1, - u.ORIGINAL_ORDER = 2, - u.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND = 1, - u.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND = 2, - u.prototype.eachMapping = function (e, t, n) { - var i, - s = t || null; - switch (n || u.GENERATED_ORDER) { - case u.GENERATED_ORDER: - i = this._generatedMappings; - break; - case u.ORIGINAL_ORDER: - i = this._originalMappings; - break; - default: - throw new Error('Unknown order of iteration.') - } - var o = this.sourceRoot; - (e) { - var t = null === e.source ? null :; - return { - source: t = r.computeSourceURL(o, t, this._sourceMapURL), - generatedLine: e.generatedLine, - generatedColumn: e.generatedColumn, - originalLine: e.originalLine, - originalColumn: e.originalColumn, - name: null === ? null : - } - }, this).forEach(e, s) - }, - u.prototype.allGeneratedPositionsFor = function (e) { - var t = r.getArg(e, 'line'), - n = { - source: r.getArg(e, 'source'), - originalLine: t, - originalColumn: r.getArg(e, 'column', 0) - }; - if (n.source = this._findSourceIndex(n.source), n.source < 0) return []; - var s = [ - ], - o = this._findMapping(n, this._originalMappings, 'originalLine', 'originalColumn', r.compareByOriginalPositions, i.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND); - if (o >= 0) { - var a = this._originalMappings[o]; - if (void 0 === e.column) for (var u = a.originalLine; a && a.originalLine === u; ) s.push({ - line: r.getArg(a, 'generatedLine', null), - column: r.getArg(a, 'generatedColumn', null), - lastColumn: r.getArg(a, 'lastGeneratedColumn', null) - }), - a = this._originalMappings[++o]; - else for (var l = a.originalColumn; a && a.originalLine === t && a.originalColumn == l; ) s.push({ - line: r.getArg(a, 'generatedLine', null), - column: r.getArg(a, 'generatedColumn', null), - lastColumn: r.getArg(a, 'lastGeneratedColumn', null) - }), - a = this._originalMappings[++o] - } - return s - }, - n.SourceMapConsumer = u, - l.prototype = Object.create(u.prototype), - l.prototype.consumer = u, - l.prototype._findSourceIndex = function (e) { - var t, - n = e; - if (null != this.sourceRoot && (n = r.relative(this.sourceRoot, n)), this._sources.has(n)) return this._sources.indexOf(n); - for (t = 0; t < this._absoluteSources.length; ++t) if (this._absoluteSources[t] == e) return t; - return - 1 - }, - l.fromSourceMap = function (e, t) { - var n = Object.create(l.prototype), - i = n._names = s.fromArray(e._names.toArray(), !0), - o = n._sources = s.fromArray(e._sources.toArray(), !0); - n.sourceRoot = e._sourceRoot, - n.sourcesContent = e._generateSourcesContent(n._sources.toArray(), n.sourceRoot), - n.file = e._file, - n._sourceMapURL = t, - n._absoluteSources = n._sources.toArray().map(function (e) { - return r.computeSourceURL(n.sourceRoot, e, t) - }); - for (var u = e._mappings.toArray().slice(), p = n.__generatedMappings = [ - ], h = n.__originalMappings = [ - ], f = 0, d = u.length; f < d; f++) { - var m = u[f], - g = new c; - g.generatedLine = m.generatedLine, - g.generatedColumn = m.generatedColumn, - m.source && (g.source = o.indexOf(m.source), g.originalLine = m.originalLine, g.originalColumn = m.originalColumn, && ( = i.indexOf(, h.push(g)), - p.push(g) - } - return a(n.__originalMappings, r.compareByOriginalPositions), - n - }, - l.prototype._version = 3, - Object.defineProperty(l.prototype, 'sources', { - get: function () { - return this._absoluteSources.slice() - } - }), - l.prototype._parseMappings = function (e, t) { - for (var n, i, s, u, l, p = 1, h = 0, f = 0, d = 0, m = 0, g = 0, y = e.length, v = 0, b = { - }, x = { - }, A = [ - ], E = [ - ]; v < y; ) if (';' === e.charAt(v)) p++, - v++, - h = 0; - else if (',' === e.charAt(v)) v++; - else { - for ((n = new c).generatedLine = p, u = v; u < y && !this._charIsMappingSeparator(e, u); u++); - if (s = b[i = e.slice(v, u)]) v += i.length; - else { - for (s = [ - ]; v < u; ) o.decode(e, v, x), - l = x.value, - v =, - s.push(l); - if (2 === s.length) throw new Error('Found a source, but no line and column'); - if (3 === s.length) throw new Error('Found a source and line, but no column'); - b[i] = s - } - n.generatedColumn = h + s[0], - h = n.generatedColumn, - s.length > 1 && (n.source = m + s[1], m += s[1], n.originalLine = f + s[2], f = n.originalLine, n.originalLine += 1, n.originalColumn = d + s[3], d = n.originalColumn, s.length > 4 && ( = g + s[4], g += s[4])), - E.push(n), - 'number' == typeof n.originalLine && A.push(n) - } - a(E, r.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated), - this.__generatedMappings = E, - a(A, r.compareByOriginalPositions), - this.__originalMappings = A - }, - l.prototype._findMapping = function (e, t, n, r, s, o) { - if (e[n] <= 0) throw new TypeError('Line must be greater than or equal to 1, got ' + e[n]); - if (e[r] < 0) throw new TypeError('Column must be greater than or equal to 0, got ' + e[r]); - return, t, s, o) - }, - l.prototype.computeColumnSpans = function () { - for (var e = 0; e < this._generatedMappings.length; ++e) { - var t = this._generatedMappings[e]; - if (e + 1 < this._generatedMappings.length) { - var n = this._generatedMappings[e + 1]; - if (t.generatedLine === n.generatedLine) { - t.lastGeneratedColumn = n.generatedColumn - 1; - continue - } - } - t.lastGeneratedColumn = 1 / 0 - } - }, - l.prototype.originalPositionFor = function (e) { - var t = { - generatedLine: r.getArg(e, 'line'), - generatedColumn: r.getArg(e, 'column') - }, - n = this._findMapping(t, this._generatedMappings, 'generatedLine', 'generatedColumn', r.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated, r.getArg(e, 'bias', u.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND)); - if (n >= 0) { - var i = this._generatedMappings[n]; - if (i.generatedLine === t.generatedLine) { - var s = r.getArg(i, 'source', null); - null !== s && (s =, s = r.computeSourceURL(this.sourceRoot, s, this._sourceMapURL)); - var o = r.getArg(i, 'name', null); - return null !== o && (o =, - { - source: s, - line: r.getArg(i, 'originalLine', null), - column: r.getArg(i, 'originalColumn', null), - name: o - } - } - } - return { - source: null, - line: null, - column: null, - name: null - } - }, - l.prototype.hasContentsOfAllSources = function () { - return !!this.sourcesContent && (this.sourcesContent.length >= this._sources.size() && !this.sourcesContent.some(function (e) { - return null == e - })) - }, - l.prototype.sourceContentFor = function (e, t) { - if (!this.sourcesContent) return null; - var n = this._findSourceIndex(e); - if (n >= 0) return this.sourcesContent[n]; - var i, - s = e; - if (null != this.sourceRoot && (s = r.relative(this.sourceRoot, s)), null != this.sourceRoot && (i = r.urlParse(this.sourceRoot))) { - var o = s.replace(/^file:\/\//, ''); - if ('file' == i.scheme && this._sources.has(o)) return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf(o)]; - if ((!i.path || '/' == i.path) && this._sources.has('/' + s)) return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf('/' + s)] - } - if (t) return null; - throw new Error('"' + s + '" is not in the SourceMap.') - }, - l.prototype.generatedPositionFor = function (e) { - var t = r.getArg(e, 'source'); - if ((t = this._findSourceIndex(t)) < 0) return { - line: null, - column: null, - lastColumn: null - }; - var n = { - source: t, - originalLine: r.getArg(e, 'line'), - originalColumn: r.getArg(e, 'column') - }, - i = this._findMapping(n, this._originalMappings, 'originalLine', 'originalColumn', r.compareByOriginalPositions, r.getArg(e, 'bias', u.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND)); - if (i >= 0) { - var s = this._originalMappings[i]; - if (s.source === n.source) return { - line: r.getArg(s, 'generatedLine', null), - column: r.getArg(s, 'generatedColumn', null), - lastColumn: r.getArg(s, 'lastGeneratedColumn', null) - } - } - return { - line: null, - column: null, - lastColumn: null - } - }, - n.BasicSourceMapConsumer = l, - p.prototype = Object.create(u.prototype), - p.prototype.constructor = u, - p.prototype._version = 3, - Object.defineProperty(p.prototype, 'sources', { - get: function () { - for (var e = [ - ], t = 0; t < this._sections.length; t++) for (var n = 0; n < this._sections[t].consumer.sources.length; n++) e.push(this._sections[t].consumer.sources[n]); - return e - } - }), - p.prototype.originalPositionFor = function (e) { - var t = { - generatedLine: r.getArg(e, 'line'), - generatedColumn: r.getArg(e, 'column') - }, - n =, this._sections, function (e, t) { - var n = e.generatedLine - t.generatedOffset.generatedLine; - return n || e.generatedColumn - t.generatedOffset.generatedColumn - }), - s = this._sections[n]; - return s ? s.consumer.originalPositionFor({ - line: t.generatedLine - (s.generatedOffset.generatedLine - 1), - column: t.generatedColumn - (s.generatedOffset.generatedLine === t.generatedLine ? s.generatedOffset.generatedColumn - 1 : 0), - bias: e.bias - }) : { - source: null, - line: null, - column: null, - name: null - } - }, - p.prototype.hasContentsOfAllSources = function () { - return this._sections.every(function (e) { - return e.consumer.hasContentsOfAllSources() - }) - }, - p.prototype.sourceContentFor = function (e, t) { - for (var n = 0; n < this._sections.length; n++) { - var r = this._sections[n].consumer.sourceContentFor(e, !0); - if (r) return r - } - if (t) return null; - throw new Error('"' + e + '" is not in the SourceMap.') - }, - p.prototype.generatedPositionFor = function (e) { - for (var t = 0; t < this._sections.length; t++) { - var n = this._sections[t]; - if ( - 1 !== n.consumer._findSourceIndex(r.getArg(e, 'source'))) { - var i = n.consumer.generatedPositionFor(e); - if (i) return { - line: i.line + (n.generatedOffset.generatedLine - 1), - column: i.column + (n.generatedOffset.generatedLine === i.line ? n.generatedOffset.generatedColumn - 1 : 0) - } - } - } - return { - line: null, - column: null - } - }, - p.prototype._parseMappings = function (e, t) { - this.__generatedMappings = [ - ], - this.__originalMappings = [ - ]; - for (var n = 0; n < this._sections.length; n++) for (var i = this._sections[n], s = i.consumer._generatedMappings, o = 0; o < s.length; o++) { - var u = s[o], - l =; - l = r.computeSourceURL(i.consumer.sourceRoot, l, this._sourceMapURL), - this._sources.add(l), - l = this._sources.indexOf(l); - var c = null; - && (c =, this._names.add(c), c = this._names.indexOf(c)); - var p = { - source: l, - generatedLine: u.generatedLine + (i.generatedOffset.generatedLine - 1), - generatedColumn: u.generatedColumn + (i.generatedOffset.generatedLine === u.generatedLine ? i.generatedOffset.generatedColumn - 1 : 0), - originalLine: u.originalLine, - originalColumn: u.originalColumn, - name: c - }; - this.__generatedMappings.push(p), - 'number' == typeof p.originalLine && this.__originalMappings.push(p) - } - a(this.__generatedMappings, r.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated), - a(this.__originalMappings, r.compareByOriginalPositions) - }, - n.IndexedSourceMapConsumer = p - }, - { - './array-set': 139, - './base64-vlq': 140, - './binary-search': 142, - './quick-sort': 144, - './util': 148 - } - ], - 146: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./base64-vlq'), - i = e('./util'), - s = e('./array-set').ArraySet, - o = e('./mapping-list').MappingList; - function a(e) { - e || (e = { - }), - this._file = i.getArg(e, 'file', null), - this._sourceRoot = i.getArg(e, 'sourceRoot', null), - this._skipValidation = i.getArg(e, 'skipValidation', !1), - this._sources = new s, - this._names = new s, - this._mappings = new o, - this._sourcesContents = null - } - a.prototype._version = 3, - a.fromSourceMap = function (e) { - var t = e.sourceRoot, - n = new a({ - file: e.file, - sourceRoot: t - }); - return e.eachMapping(function (e) { - var r = { - generated: { - line: e.generatedLine, - column: e.generatedColumn - } - }; - null != e.source && (r.source = e.source, null != t && (r.source = i.relative(t, r.source)), r.original = { - line: e.originalLine, - column: e.originalColumn - }, null != && ( =, - n.addMapping(r) - }), - e.sources.forEach(function (r) { - var s = r; - null !== t && (s = i.relative(t, r)), - n._sources.has(s) || n._sources.add(s); - var o = e.sourceContentFor(r); - null != o && n.setSourceContent(r, o) - }), - n - }, - a.prototype.addMapping = function (e) { - var t = i.getArg(e, 'generated'), - n = i.getArg(e, 'original', null), - r = i.getArg(e, 'source', null), - s = i.getArg(e, 'name', null); - this._skipValidation || this._validateMapping(t, n, r, s), - null != r && (r = String(r), this._sources.has(r) || this._sources.add(r)), - null != s && (s = String(s), this._names.has(s) || this._names.add(s)), - this._mappings.add({ - generatedLine: t.line, - generatedColumn: t.column, - originalLine: null != n && n.line, - originalColumn: null != n && n.column, - source: r, - name: s - }) - }, - a.prototype.setSourceContent = function (e, t) { - var n = e; - null != this._sourceRoot && (n = i.relative(this._sourceRoot, n)), - null != t ? (this._sourcesContents || (this._sourcesContents = Object.create(null)), this._sourcesContents[i.toSetString(n)] = t) : this._sourcesContents && (delete this._sourcesContents[i.toSetString(n)], 0 === Object.keys(this._sourcesContents).length && (this._sourcesContents = null)) - }, - a.prototype.applySourceMap = function (e, t, n) { - var r = t; - if (null == t) { - if (null == e.file) throw new Error('SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap requires either an explicit source file, or the source map\'s "file" property. Both were omitted.'); - r = e.file - } - var o = this._sourceRoot; - null != o && (r = i.relative(o, r)); - var a = new s, - u = new s; - this._mappings.unsortedForEach(function (t) { - if (t.source === r && null != t.originalLine) { - var s = e.originalPositionFor({ - line: t.originalLine, - column: t.originalColumn - }); - null != s.source && (t.source = s.source, null != n && (t.source = i.join(n, t.source)), null != o && (t.source = i.relative(o, t.source)), t.originalLine = s.line, t.originalColumn = s.column, null != && ( = - } - var l = t.source; - null == l || a.has(l) || a.add(l); - var c =; - null == c || u.has(c) || u.add(c) - }, this), - this._sources = a, - this._names = u, - e.sources.forEach(function (t) { - var r = e.sourceContentFor(t); - null != r && (null != n && (t = i.join(n, t)), null != o && (t = i.relative(o, t)), this.setSourceContent(t, r)) - }, this) - }, - a.prototype._validateMapping = function (e, t, n, r) { - if (t && 'number' != typeof t.line && 'number' != typeof t.column) throw new Error('original.line and original.column are not numbers -- you probably meant to omit the original mapping entirely and only map the generated position. If so, pass null for the original mapping instead of an object with empty or null values.'); - if ((!(e && 'line' in e && 'column' in e && e.line > 0 && e.column >= 0) || t || n || r) && !(e && 'line' in e && 'column' in e && t && 'line' in t && 'column' in t && e.line > 0 && e.column >= 0 && t.line > 0 && t.column >= 0 && n)) throw new Error('Invalid mapping: ' + JSON.stringify({ - generated: e, - source: n, - original: t, - name: r - })) - }, - a.prototype._serializeMappings = function () { - for (var e, t, n, s, o = 0, a = 1, u = 0, l = 0, c = 0, p = 0, h = '', f = this._mappings.toArray(), d = 0, m = f.length; d < m; d++) { - if (e = '', (t = f[d]).generatedLine !== a) for (o = 0; t.generatedLine !== a; ) e += ';', - a++; - else if (d > 0) { - if (!i.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(t, f[d - 1])) continue; - e += ',' - } - e += r.encode(t.generatedColumn - o), - o = t.generatedColumn, - null != t.source && (s = this._sources.indexOf(t.source), e += r.encode(s - p), p = s, e += r.encode(t.originalLine - 1 - l), l = t.originalLine - 1, e += r.encode(t.originalColumn - u), u = t.originalColumn, null != && (n = this._names.indexOf(, e += r.encode(n - c), c = n)), - h += e - } - return h - }, - a.prototype._generateSourcesContent = function (e, t) { - return (e) { - if (!this._sourcesContents) return null; - null != t && (e = i.relative(t, e)); - var n = i.toSetString(e); - return, n) ? this._sourcesContents[n] : null - }, this) - }, - a.prototype.toJSON = function () { - var e = { - version: this._version, - sources: this._sources.toArray(), - names: this._names.toArray(), - mappings: this._serializeMappings() - }; - return null != this._file && (e.file = this._file), - null != this._sourceRoot && (e.sourceRoot = this._sourceRoot), - this._sourcesContents && (e.sourcesContent = this._generateSourcesContent(e.sources, e.sourceRoot)), - e - }, - a.prototype.toString = function () { - return JSON.stringify(this.toJSON()) - }, - n.SourceMapGenerator = a - }, - { - './array-set': 139, - './base64-vlq': 140, - './mapping-list': 143, - './util': 148 - } - ], - 147: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./source-map-generator').SourceMapGenerator, - i = e('./util'), - s = /(\r?\n)/, - o = '$$$isSourceNode$$$'; - function a(e, t, n, r, i) { - this.children = [ - ], - this.sourceContents = { - }, - this.line = null == e ? null : e, - this.column = null == t ? null : t, - this.source = null == n ? null : n, - = null == i ? null : i, - this[o] = !0, - null != r && this.add(r) - } - a.fromStringWithSourceMap = function (e, t, n) { - var r = new a, - o = e.split(s), - u = 0, - l = function () { - return e() + (e() || ''); - function e() { - return u < o.length ? o[u++] : void 0 - } - }, - c = 1, - p = 0, - h = null; - return t.eachMapping(function (e) { - if (null !== h) { - if (!(c < e.generatedLine)) { - var t = (n = o[u] || '').substr(0, e.generatedColumn - p); - return o[u] = n.substr(e.generatedColumn - p), - p = e.generatedColumn, - f(h, t), - void (h = e) - } - f(h, l()), - c++, - p = 0 - } - for (; c < e.generatedLine; ) r.add(l()), - c++; - if (p < e.generatedColumn) { - var n = o[u] || ''; - r.add(n.substr(0, e.generatedColumn)), - o[u] = n.substr(e.generatedColumn), - p = e.generatedColumn - } - h = e - }, this), - u < o.length && (h && f(h, l()), r.add(o.splice(u).join(''))), - t.sources.forEach(function (e) { - var s = t.sourceContentFor(e); - null != s && (null != n && (e = i.join(n, e)), r.setSourceContent(e, s)) - }), - r; - function f(e, t) { - if (null === e || void 0 === e.source) r.add(t); - else { - var s = n ? i.join(n, e.source) : e.source; - r.add(new a(e.originalLine, e.originalColumn, s, t, - } - } - }, - a.prototype.add = function (e) { - if (Array.isArray(e)) e.forEach(function (e) { - this.add(e) - }, this); - else { - if (!e[o] && 'string' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('Expected a SourceNode, string, or an array of SourceNodes and strings. Got ' + e); - e && this.children.push(e) - } - return this - }, - a.prototype.prepend = function (e) { - if (Array.isArray(e)) for (var t = e.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) this.prepend(e[t]); - else { - if (!e[o] && 'string' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('Expected a SourceNode, string, or an array of SourceNodes and strings. Got ' + e); - this.children.unshift(e) - } - return this - }, - a.prototype.walk = function (e) { - for (var t, n = 0, r = this.children.length; n < r; n++) (t = this.children[n]) [o] ? t.walk(e) : '' !== t && e(t, { - source: this.source, - line: this.line, - column: this.column, - name: - }) - }, - a.prototype.join = function (e) { - var t, - n, - r = this.children.length; - if (r > 0) { - for (t = [ - ], n = 0; n < r - 1; n++) t.push(this.children[n]), - t.push(e); - t.push(this.children[n]), - this.children = t - } - return this - }, - a.prototype.replaceRight = function (e, t) { - var n = this.children[this.children.length - 1]; - return n[o] ? n.replaceRight(e, t) : 'string' == typeof n ? this.children[this.children.length - 1] = n.replace(e, t) : this.children.push(''.replace(e, t)), - this - }, - a.prototype.setSourceContent = function (e, t) { - this.sourceContents[i.toSetString(e)] = t - }, - a.prototype.walkSourceContents = function (e) { - for (var t = 0, n = this.children.length; t < n; t++) this.children[t][o] && this.children[t].walkSourceContents(e); - var r = Object.keys(this.sourceContents); - for (t = 0, n = r.length; t < n; t++) e(i.fromSetString(r[t]), this.sourceContents[r[t]]) - }, - a.prototype.toString = function () { - var e = ''; - return this.walk(function (t) { - e += t - }), - e - }, - a.prototype.toStringWithSourceMap = function (e) { - var t = { - code: '', - line: 1, - column: 0 - }, - n = new r(e), - i = !1, - s = null, - o = null, - a = null, - u = null; - return this.walk(function (e, r) { - t.code += e, - null !== r.source && null !== r.line && null !== r.column ? (s === r.source && o === r.line && a === r.column && u === || n.addMapping({ - source: r.source, - original: { - line: r.line, - column: r.column - }, - generated: { - line: t.line, - column: t.column - }, - name: - }), s = r.source, o = r.line, a = r.column, u =, i = !0) : i && (n.addMapping({ - generated: { - line: t.line, - column: t.column - } - }), s = null, i = !1); - for (var l = 0, c = e.length; l < c; l++) 10 === e.charCodeAt(l) ? (t.line++, t.column = 0, l + 1 === c ? (s = null, i = !1) : i && n.addMapping({ - source: r.source, - original: { - line: r.line, - column: r.column - }, - generated: { - line: t.line, - column: t.column - }, - name: - })) : t.column++ - }), - this.walkSourceContents(function (e, t) { - n.setSourceContent(e, t) - }), - { - code: t.code, - map: n - } - }, - n.SourceNode = a - }, - { - './source-map-generator': 146, - './util': 148 - } - ], - 148: [ - function (e, t, n) { - n.getArg = function (e, t, n) { - if (t in e) return e[t]; - if (3 === arguments.length) return n; - throw new Error('"' + t + '" is a required argument.') - }; - var r = /^(?:([\w+\-.]+):)?\/\/(?:(\w+:\w+)@)?([\w.-]*)(?::(\d+))?(.*)$/, - i = /^data:.+\,.+$/; - function s(e) { - var t = e.match(r); - return t ? { - scheme: t[1], - auth: t[2], - host: t[3], - port: t[4], - path: t[5] - } - : null - } - function o(e) { - var t = ''; - return e.scheme && (t += e.scheme + ':'), - t += '//', - e.auth && (t += e.auth + '@'), - && (t +=, - e.port && (t += ':' + e.port), - e.path && (t += e.path), - t - } - function a(e) { - var t = e, - r = s(e); - if (r) { - if (!r.path) return e; - t = r.path - } - for (var i, a = n.isAbsolute(t), u = t.split(/\/+/), l = 0, c = u.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) '.' === (i = u[c]) ? u.splice(c, 1) : '..' === i ? l++ : l > 0 && ('' === i ? (u.splice(c + 1, l), l = 0) : (u.splice(c, 2), l--)); - return '' === (t = u.join('/')) && (t = a ? '/' : '.'), - r ? (r.path = t, o(r)) : t - } - function u(e, t) { - '' === e && (e = '.'), - '' === t && (t = '.'); - var n = s(t), - r = s(e); - if (r && (e = r.path || '/'), n && !n.scheme) return r && (n.scheme = r.scheme), - o(n); - if (n || t.match(i)) return t; - if (r && ! && !r.path) return = t, - o(r); - var u = '/' === t.charAt(0) ? t : a(e.replace(/\/+$/, '') + '/' + t); - return r ? (r.path = u, o(r)) : u - } - n.urlParse = s, - n.urlGenerate = o, - n.normalize = a, - n.join = u, - n.isAbsolute = function (e) { - return '/' === e.charAt(0) || r.test(e) - }, - n.relative = function (e, t) { - '' === e && (e = '.'), - e = e.replace(/\/$/, ''); - for (var n = 0; 0 !== t.indexOf(e + '/'); ) { - var r = e.lastIndexOf('/'); - if (r < 0) return t; - if ((e = e.slice(0, r)).match(/^([^\/]+:\/)?\/*$/)) return t; - ++n - } - return Array(n + 1).join('../') + t.substr(e.length + 1) - }; - var l = !('__proto__' in Object.create(null)); - function c(e) { - return e - } - function p(e) { - if (!e) return !1; - var t = e.length; - if (t < 9) return !1; - if (95 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 1) || 95 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 2) || 111 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 3) || 116 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 4) || 111 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 5) || 114 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 6) || 112 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 7) || 95 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 8) || 95 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 9)) return !1; - for (var n = t - 10; n >= 0; n--) if (36 !== e.charCodeAt(n)) return !1; - return !0 - } - function h(e, t) { - return e === t ? 0 : null === e ? 1 : null === t ? - 1 : e > t ? 1 : - 1 - } - n.toSetString = l ? c : function (e) { - return p(e) ? '$' + e : e - }, - n.fromSetString = l ? c : function (e) { - return p(e) ? e.slice(1) : e - }, - n.compareByOriginalPositions = function (e, t, n) { - var r = h(e.source, t.source); - return 0 !== r ? r : 0 != (r = e.originalLine - t.originalLine) ? r : 0 != (r = e.originalColumn - t.originalColumn) || n ? r : 0 != (r = e.generatedColumn - t.generatedColumn) ? r : 0 != (r = e.generatedLine - t.generatedLine) ? r : h(, - }, - n.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated = function (e, t, n) { - var r = e.generatedLine - t.generatedLine; - return 0 !== r ? r : 0 != (r = e.generatedColumn - t.generatedColumn) || n ? r : 0 !== (r = h(e.source, t.source)) ? r : 0 != (r = e.originalLine - t.originalLine) ? r : 0 != (r = e.originalColumn - t.originalColumn) ? r : h(, - }, - n.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated = function (e, t) { - var n = e.generatedLine - t.generatedLine; - return 0 !== n ? n : 0 != (n = e.generatedColumn - t.generatedColumn) ? n : 0 !== (n = h(e.source, t.source)) ? n : 0 != (n = e.originalLine - t.originalLine) ? n : 0 != (n = e.originalColumn - t.originalColumn) ? n : h(, - }, - n.parseSourceMapInput = function (e) { - return JSON.parse(e.replace(/^\)]}'[^\n]*\n/, '')) - }, - n.computeSourceURL = function (e, t, n) { - if (t = t || '', e && ('/' !== e[e.length - 1] && '/' !== t[0] && (e += '/'), t = e + t), n) { - var r = s(n); - if (!r) throw new Error('sourceMapURL could not be parsed'); - if (r.path) { - var i = r.path.lastIndexOf('/'); - i >= 0 && (r.path = r.path.substring(0, i + 1)) - } - t = u(o(r), t) - } - return a(t) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 149: [ - function (e, t, n) { - n.SourceMapGenerator = e('./lib/source-map-generator').SourceMapGenerator, - n.SourceMapConsumer = e('./lib/source-map-consumer').SourceMapConsumer, - n.SourceNode = e('./lib/source-node').SourceNode - }, - { - './lib/source-map-consumer': 145, - './lib/source-map-generator': 146, - './lib/source-node': 147 - } - ], - 150: [ - function (e, t, n) { - e('../modules/web.dom.iterable'), - e('../modules/es6.string.iterator'), - t.exports = e('../modules/core.get-iterator') - }, - { - '../modules/core.get-iterator': 217, - '../modules/es6.string.iterator': 223, - '../modules/web.dom.iterable': 227 - } - ], - 151: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('../../modules/_core'), - i = r.JSON || (r.JSON = { - stringify: JSON.stringify - }); - t.exports = function (e) { - return i.stringify.apply(i, arguments) - } - }, - { - '../../modules/_core': 165 - } - ], - 152: [ - function (e, t, n) { - e('../../modules/es6.number.max-safe-integer'), - t.exports = 9007199254740991 - }, - { - '../../modules/es6.number.max-safe-integer': 219 - } - ], - 153: [ - function (e, t, n) { - e('../../modules/es6.object.create'); - var r = e('../../modules/_core').Object; - t.exports = function (e, t) { - return r.create(e, t) - } - }, - { - '../../modules/_core': 165, - '../../modules/es6.object.create': 220 - } - ], - 154: [ - function (e, t, n) { - e('../../modules/es6.symbol'), - t.exports = e('../../modules/_core').Object.getOwnPropertySymbols - }, - { - '../../modules/_core': 165, - '../../modules/es6.symbol': 224 - } - ], - 155: [ - function (e, t, n) { - e('../../modules/es6.object.keys'), - t.exports = e('../../modules/_core').Object.keys - }, - { - '../../modules/_core': 165, - '../../modules/es6.object.keys': 221 - } - ], - 156: [ - function (e, t, n) { - e('../../modules/es6.symbol'), - t.exports = e('../../modules/_core').Symbol.for - }, - { - '../../modules/_core': 165, - '../../modules/es6.symbol': 224 - } - ], - 157: [ - function (e, t, n) { - e('../../modules/es6.symbol'), - e('../../modules/'), - e('../../modules/es7.symbol.async-iterator'), - e('../../modules/es7.symbol.observable'), - t.exports = e('../../modules/_core').Symbol - }, - { - '../../modules/_core': 165, - '../../modules/': 222, - '../../modules/es6.symbol': 224, - '../../modules/es7.symbol.async-iterator': 225, - '../../modules/es7.symbol.observable': 226 - } - ], - 158: [ - function (e, t, n) { - e('../../modules/es6.string.iterator'), - e('../../modules/web.dom.iterable'), - t.exports = e('../../modules/_wks-ext').f('iterator') - }, - { - '../../modules/_wks-ext': 214, - '../../modules/es6.string.iterator': 223, - '../../modules/web.dom.iterable': 227 - } - ], - 159: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - if ('function' != typeof e) throw TypeError(e + ' is not a function!'); - return e - } - }, - { - } - ], - 160: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function () { - } - }, - { - } - ], - 161: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_is-object'); - t.exports = function (e) { - if (!r(e)) throw TypeError(e + ' is not an object!'); - return e - } - }, - { - './_is-object': 181 - } - ], - 162: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_to-iobject'), - i = e('./_to-length'), - s = e('./_to-absolute-index'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return function (t, n, o) { - var a, - u = r(t), - l = i(u.length), - c = s(o, l); - if (e && n != n) { - for (; l > c; ) if ((a = u[c++]) != a) return !0 - } else for (; l > c; c++) if ((e || c in u) && u[c] === n) return e || c || 0; - return !e && - 1 - } - } - }, - { - './_to-absolute-index': 206, - './_to-iobject': 208, - './_to-length': 209 - } - ], - 163: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_cof'), - i = e('./_wks') ('toStringTag'), - s = 'Arguments' == r(function () { - return arguments - }()); - t.exports = function (e) { - var t, - n, - o; - return void 0 === e ? 'Undefined' : null === e ? 'Null' : 'string' == typeof (n = function (e, t) { - try { - return e[t] - } catch (e) { - } - }(t = Object(e), i)) ? n : s ? r(t) : 'Object' == (o = r(t)) && 'function' == typeof t.callee ? 'Arguments' : o - } - }, - { - './_cof': 164, - './_wks': 215 - } - ], - 164: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = { - }.toString; - t.exports = function (e) { - return, - 1) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 165: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = t.exports = { - version: '2.6.9' - }; - 'number' == typeof __e && (__e = r) - }, - { - } - ], - 166: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_a-function'); - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - if (r(e), void 0 === t) return e; - switch (n) { - case 1: - return function (n) { - return, n) - }; - case 2: - return function (n, r) { - return, n, r) - }; - case 3: - return function (n, r, i) { - return, n, r, i) - } - } - return function () { - return e.apply(t, arguments) - } - } - }, - { - './_a-function': 159 - } - ], - 167: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - if (void 0 == e) throw TypeError('Can\'t call method on ' + e); - return e - } - }, - { - } - ], - 168: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = !e('./_fails') (function () { - return 7 != Object.defineProperty({ - }, 'a', { - get: function () { - return 7 - } - }).a - }) - }, - { - './_fails': 173 - } - ], - 169: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_is-object'), - i = e('./_global').document, - s = r(i) && r(i.createElement); - t.exports = function (e) { - return s ? i.createElement(e) : { - } - } - }, - { - './_global': 174, - './_is-object': 181 - } - ], - 170: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = 'constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf'.split(',') - }, - { - } - ], - 171: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_object-keys'), - i = e('./_object-gops'), - s = e('./_object-pie'); - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = r(e), - n = i.f; - if (n) for (var o, a = n(e), u = s.f, l = 0; a.length > l; ), o = a[l++]) && t.push(o); - return t - } - }, - { - './_object-gops': 194, - './_object-keys': 197, - './_object-pie': 198 - } - ], - 172: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_global'), - i = e('./_core'), - s = e('./_ctx'), - o = e('./_hide'), - a = e('./_has'), - u = function (e, t, n) { - var l, - c, - p, - h = e & u.F, - f = e & u.G, - d = e & u.S, - m = e & u.P, - g = e & u.B, - y = e & u.W, - v = f ? i : i[t] || (i[t] = { - }), - b = v.prototype, - x = f ? r : d ? r[t] : (r[t] || { - }).prototype; - for (l in f && (n = t), n) (c = !h && x && void 0 !== x[l]) && a(v, l) || (p = c ? x[l] : n[l], v[l] = f && 'function' != typeof x[l] ? n[l] : g && c ? s(p, r) : y && x[l] == p ? function (e) { - var t = function (t, n, r) { - if (this instanceof e) { - switch (arguments.length) { - case 0: - return new e; - case 1: - return new e(t); - case 2: - return new e(t, n) - } - return new e(t, n, r) - } - return e.apply(this, arguments) - }; - return t.prototype = e.prototype, - t - }(p) : m && 'function' == typeof p ? s(, p) : p, m && ((v.virtual || (v.virtual = { - })) [l] = p, e & u.R && b && !b[l] && o(b, l, p))) - }; - u.F = 1, - u.G = 2, - u.S = 4, - u.P = 8, - u.B = 16, - u.W = 32, - u.U = 64, - u.R = 128, - t.exports = u - }, - { - './_core': 165, - './_ctx': 166, - './_global': 174, - './_has': 175, - './_hide': 176 - } - ], - 173: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - try { - return !!e() - } catch (e) { - return !0 - } - } - }, - { - } - ], - 174: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = t.exports = 'undefined' != typeof window && window.Math == Math ? window : 'undefined' != typeof self && self.Math == Math ? self : Function('return this') (); - 'number' == typeof __g && (__g = r) - }, - { - } - ], - 175: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = { - }.hasOwnProperty; - t.exports = function (e, t) { - return, t) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 176: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_object-dp'), - i = e('./_property-desc'); - t.exports = e('./_descriptors') ? function (e, t, n) { - return r.f(e, t, i(1, n)) - } - : function (e, t, n) { - return e[t] = n, - e - } - }, - { - './_descriptors': 168, - './_object-dp': 189, - './_property-desc': 200 - } - ], - 177: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_global').document; - t.exports = r && r.documentElement - }, - { - './_global': 174 - } - ], - 178: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = !e('./_descriptors') && !e('./_fails') (function () { - return 7 != Object.defineProperty(e('./_dom-create') ('div'), 'a', { - get: function () { - return 7 - } - }).a - }) - }, - { - './_descriptors': 168, - './_dom-create': 169, - './_fails': 173 - } - ], - 179: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_cof'); - t.exports = Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function (e) { - return 'String' == r(e) ? e.split('') : Object(e) - } - }, - { - './_cof': 164 - } - ], - 180: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_cof'); - t.exports = Array.isArray || function (e) { - return 'Array' == r(e) - } - }, - { - './_cof': 164 - } - ], - 181: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - return 'object' == typeof e ? null !== e : 'function' == typeof e - } - }, - { - } - ], - 182: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('./_object-create'), - i = e('./_property-desc'), - s = e('./_set-to-string-tag'), - o = { - }; - e('./_hide') (o, e('./_wks') ('iterator'), function () { - return this - }), - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - e.prototype = r(o, { - next: i(1, n) - }), - s(e, t + ' Iterator') - } - }, - { - './_hide': 176, - './_object-create': 188, - './_property-desc': 200, - './_set-to-string-tag': 202, - './_wks': 215 - } - ], - 183: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('./_library'), - i = e('./_export'), - s = e('./_redefine'), - o = e('./_hide'), - a = e('./_iterators'), - u = e('./_iter-create'), - l = e('./_set-to-string-tag'), - c = e('./_object-gpo'), - p = e('./_wks') ('iterator'), - h = !([].keys && 'next' in [ - ].keys()), - f = function () { - return this - }; - t.exports = function (e, t, n, d, m, g, y) { - u(n, t, d); - var v, - b, - x, - A = function (e) { - if (!h && e in w) return w[e]; - switch (e) { - case 'keys': - case 'values': - return function () { - return new n(this, e) - } - } - return function () { - return new n(this, e) - } - }, - E = t + ' Iterator', - _ = 'values' == m, - C = !1, - w = e.prototype, - D = w[p] || w['@@iterator'] || m && w[m], - k = D || A(m), - S = m ? _ ? A('entries') : k : void 0, - T = 'Array' == t && w.entries || D; - if (T && (x = c( e))) !== Object.prototype && && (l(x, E, !0), r || 'function' == typeof x[p] || o(x, p, f)), _ && D && 'values' !== && (C = !0, k = function () { - return - }), r && !y || !h && !C && w[p] || o(w, p, k), a[t] = k, a[E] = f, m) if (v = { - values: _ ? k : A('values'), - keys: g ? k : A('keys'), - entries: S - }, y) for (b in v) b in w || s(w, b, v[b]); - else i(i.P + i.F * (h || C), t, v); - return v - } - }, - { - './_export': 172, - './_hide': 176, - './_iter-create': 182, - './_iterators': 185, - './_library': 186, - './_object-gpo': 195, - './_redefine': 201, - './_set-to-string-tag': 202, - './_wks': 215 - } - ], - 184: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e, t) { - return { - value: t, - done: !!e - } - } - }, - { - } - ], - 185: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = { - } - }, - { - } - ], - 186: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = !0 - }, - { - } - ], - 187: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_uid') ('meta'), - i = e('./_is-object'), - s = e('./_has'), - o = e('./_object-dp').f, - a = 0, - u = Object.isExtensible || function () { - return !0 - }, - l = !e('./_fails') (function () { - return u(Object.preventExtensions({ - })) - }), - c = function (e) { - o(e, r, { - value: { - i: 'O' + ++a, - w: { - } - } - }) - }, - p = t.exports = { - KEY: r, - NEED: !1, - fastKey: function (e, t) { - if (!i(e)) return 'symbol' == typeof e ? e : ('string' == typeof e ? 'S' : 'P') + e; - if (!s(e, r)) { - if (!u(e)) return 'F'; - if (!t) return 'E'; - c(e) - } - return e[r].i - }, - getWeak: function (e, t) { - if (!s(e, r)) { - if (!u(e)) return !0; - if (!t) return !1; - c(e) - } - return e[r].w - }, - onFreeze: function (e) { - return l && p.NEED && u(e) && !s(e, r) && c(e), - e - } - } - }, - { - './_fails': 173, - './_has': 175, - './_is-object': 181, - './_object-dp': 189, - './_uid': 212 - } - ], - 188: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_an-object'), - i = e('./_object-dps'), - s = e('./_enum-bug-keys'), - o = e('./_shared-key') ('IE_PROTO'), - a = function () { - }, - u = function () { - var t, - n = e('./_dom-create') ('iframe'), - r = s.length; - for ( = 'none', e('./_html').appendChild(n), n.src = 'javascript:', (t = n.contentWindow.document).open(), t.write(''), t.close(), u = t.F; r--; ) delete u.prototype[s[r]]; - return u() - }; - t.exports = Object.create || function (e, t) { - var n; - return null !== e ? (a.prototype = r(e), n = new a, a.prototype = null, n[o] = e) : n = u(), - void 0 === t ? n : i(n, t) - } - }, - { - './_an-object': 161, - './_dom-create': 169, - './_enum-bug-keys': 170, - './_html': 177, - './_object-dps': 190, - './_shared-key': 203 - } - ], - 189: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_an-object'), - i = e('./_ie8-dom-define'), - s = e('./_to-primitive'), - o = Object.defineProperty; - n.f = e('./_descriptors') ? Object.defineProperty : function (e, t, n) { - if (r(e), t = s(t, !0), r(n), i) try { - return o(e, t, n) - } catch (e) { - } - if ('get' in n || 'set' in n) throw TypeError('Accessors not supported!'); - return 'value' in n && (e[t] = n.value), - e - } - }, - { - './_an-object': 161, - './_descriptors': 168, - './_ie8-dom-define': 178, - './_to-primitive': 211 - } - ], - 190: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_object-dp'), - i = e('./_an-object'), - s = e('./_object-keys'); - t.exports = e('./_descriptors') ? Object.defineProperties : function (e, t) { - i(e); - for (var n, o = s(t), a = o.length, u = 0; a > u; ) r.f(e, n = o[u++], t[n]); - return e - } - }, - { - './_an-object': 161, - './_descriptors': 168, - './_object-dp': 189, - './_object-keys': 197 - } - ], - 191: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_object-pie'), - i = e('./_property-desc'), - s = e('./_to-iobject'), - o = e('./_to-primitive'), - a = e('./_has'), - u = e('./_ie8-dom-define'), - l = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; - n.f = e('./_descriptors') ? l : function (e, t) { - if (e = s(e), t = o(t, !0), u) try { - return l(e, t) - } catch (e) { - } - if (a(e, t)) return i(!, t), e[t]) - } - }, - { - './_descriptors': 168, - './_has': 175, - './_ie8-dom-define': 178, - './_object-pie': 198, - './_property-desc': 200, - './_to-iobject': 208, - './_to-primitive': 211 - } - ], - 192: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_to-iobject'), - i = e('./_object-gopn').f, - s = { - }.toString, - o = 'object' == typeof window && window && Object.getOwnPropertyNames ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) : [ - ]; - t.exports.f = function (e) { - return o && '[object Window]' == ? function (e) { - try { - return i(e) - } catch (e) { - return o.slice() - } - }(e) : i(r(e)) - } - }, - { - './_object-gopn': 193, - './_to-iobject': 208 - } - ], - 193: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_object-keys-internal'), - i = e('./_enum-bug-keys').concat('length', 'prototype'); - n.f = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function (e) { - return r(e, i) - } - }, - { - './_enum-bug-keys': 170, - './_object-keys-internal': 196 - } - ], - 194: [ - function (e, t, n) { - n.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols - }, - { - } - ], - 195: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_has'), - i = e('./_to-object'), - s = e('./_shared-key') ('IE_PROTO'), - o = Object.prototype; - t.exports = Object.getPrototypeOf || function (e) { - return e = i(e), - r(e, s) ? e[s] : 'function' == typeof e.constructor && e instanceof e.constructor ? e.constructor.prototype : e instanceof Object ? o : null - } - }, - { - './_has': 175, - './_shared-key': 203, - './_to-object': 210 - } - ], - 196: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_has'), - i = e('./_to-iobject'), - s = e('./_array-includes') (!1), - o = e('./_shared-key') ('IE_PROTO'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n, - a = i(e), - u = 0, - l = [ - ]; - for (n in a) n != o && r(a, n) && l.push(n); - for (; t.length > u; ) r(a, n = t[u++]) && (~s(l, n) || l.push(n)); - return l - } - }, - { - './_array-includes': 162, - './_has': 175, - './_shared-key': 203, - './_to-iobject': 208 - } - ], - 197: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_object-keys-internal'), - i = e('./_enum-bug-keys'); - t.exports = Object.keys || function (e) { - return r(e, i) - } - }, - { - './_enum-bug-keys': 170, - './_object-keys-internal': 196 - } - ], - 198: [ - function (e, t, n) { - n.f = { - }.propertyIsEnumerable - }, - { - } - ], - 199: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_export'), - i = e('./_core'), - s = e('./_fails'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n = (i.Object || { - }) [e] || Object[e], - o = { - }; - o[e] = t(n), - r(r.S + r.F * s(function () { - n(1) - }), 'Object', o) - } - }, - { - './_core': 165, - './_export': 172, - './_fails': 173 - } - ], - 200: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e, t) { - return { - enumerable: !(1 & e), - configurable: !(2 & e), - writable: !(4 & e), - value: t - } - } - }, - { - } - ], - 201: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = e('./_hide') - }, - { - './_hide': 176 - } - ], - 202: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_object-dp').f, - i = e('./_has'), - s = e('./_wks') ('toStringTag'); - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - e && !i(e = n ? e : e.prototype, s) && r(e, s, { - configurable: !0, - value: t - }) - } - }, - { - './_has': 175, - './_object-dp': 189, - './_wks': 215 - } - ], - 203: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_shared') ('keys'), - i = e('./_uid'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return r[e] || (r[e] = i(e)) - } - }, - { - './_shared': 204, - './_uid': 212 - } - ], - 204: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_core'), - i = e('./_global'), - s = i['__core-js_shared__'] || (i['__core-js_shared__'] = { - }); - (t.exports = function (e, t) { - return s[e] || (s[e] = void 0 !== t ? t : { - }) - }) ('versions', [ - ]).push({ - version: r.version, - mode: e('./_library') ? 'pure' : 'global', - copyright: '© 2019 Denis Pushkarev (' - }) - }, - { - './_core': 165, - './_global': 174, - './_library': 186 - } - ], - 205: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_to-integer'), - i = e('./_defined'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return function (t, n) { - var s, - o, - a = String(i(t)), - u = r(n), - l = a.length; - return u < 0 || u >= l ? e ? '' : void 0 : (s = a.charCodeAt(u)) < 55296 || s > 56319 || u + 1 === l || (o = a.charCodeAt(u + 1)) < 56320 || o > 57343 ? e ? a.charAt(u) : s : e ? a.slice(u, u + 2) : o - 56320 + (s - 55296 << 10) + 65536 - } - } - }, - { - './_defined': 167, - './_to-integer': 207 - } - ], - 206: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_to-integer'), - i = Math.max, - s = Math.min; - t.exports = function (e, t) { - return (e = r(e)) < 0 ? i(e + t, 0) : s(e, t) - } - }, - { - './_to-integer': 207 - } - ], - 207: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = Math.ceil, - i = Math.floor; - t.exports = function (e) { - return isNaN(e = + e) ? 0 : (e > 0 ? i : r) (e) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 208: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_iobject'), - i = e('./_defined'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return r(i(e)) - } - }, - { - './_defined': 167, - './_iobject': 179 - } - ], - 209: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_to-integer'), - i = Math.min; - t.exports = function (e) { - return e > 0 ? i(r(e), 9007199254740991) : 0 - } - }, - { - './_to-integer': 207 - } - ], - 210: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_defined'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return Object(r(e)) - } - }, - { - './_defined': 167 - } - ], - 211: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_is-object'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - if (!r(e)) return e; - var n, - i; - if (t && 'function' == typeof (n = e.toString) && !r(i = return i; - if ('function' == typeof (n = e.valueOf) && !r(i = return i; - if (!t && 'function' == typeof (n = e.toString) && !r(i = return i; - throw TypeError('Can\'t convert object to primitive value') - } - }, - { - './_is-object': 181 - } - ], - 212: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = 0, - i = Math.random(); - t.exports = function (e) { - return 'Symbol('.concat(void 0 === e ? '' : e, ')_', (++r + i).toString(36)) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 213: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_global'), - i = e('./_core'), - s = e('./_library'), - o = e('./_wks-ext'), - a = e('./_object-dp').f; - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = i.Symbol || (i.Symbol = s ? { - } - : r.Symbol || { - }); - '_' == e.charAt(0) || e in t || a(t, e, { - value: o.f(e) - }) - } - }, - { - './_core': 165, - './_global': 174, - './_library': 186, - './_object-dp': 189, - './_wks-ext': 214 - } - ], - 214: [ - function (e, t, n) { - n.f = e('./_wks') - }, - { - './_wks': 215 - } - ], - 215: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_shared') ('wks'), - i = e('./_uid'), - s = e('./_global').Symbol, - o = 'function' == typeof s; - (t.exports = function (e) { - return r[e] || (r[e] = o && s[e] || (o ? s : i) ('Symbol.' + e)) - }).store = r - }, - { - './_global': 174, - './_shared': 204, - './_uid': 212 - } - ], - 216: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_classof'), - i = e('./_wks') ('iterator'), - s = e('./_iterators'); - t.exports = e('./_core').getIteratorMethod = function (e) { - if (void 0 != e) return e[i] || e['@@iterator'] || s[r(e)] - } - }, - { - './_classof': 163, - './_core': 165, - './_iterators': 185, - './_wks': 215 - } - ], - 217: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_an-object'), - i = e('./core.get-iterator-method'); - t.exports = e('./_core').getIterator = function (e) { - var t = i(e); - if ('function' != typeof t) throw TypeError(e + ' is not iterable!'); - return r( - } - }, - { - './_an-object': 161, - './_core': 165, - './core.get-iterator-method': 216 - } - ], - 218: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('./_add-to-unscopables'), - i = e('./_iter-step'), - s = e('./_iterators'), - o = e('./_to-iobject'); - t.exports = e('./_iter-define') (Array, 'Array', function (e, t) { - this._t = o(e), - this._i = 0, - this._k = t - }, function () { - var e = this._t, - t = this._k, - n = this._i++; - return !e || n >= e.length ? (this._t = void 0, i(1)) : i(0, 'keys' == t ? n : 'values' == t ? e[n] : [ - n, - e[n] - ]) - }, 'values'), - s.Arguments = s.Array, - r('keys'), - r('values'), - r('entries') - }, - { - './_add-to-unscopables': 160, - './_iter-define': 183, - './_iter-step': 184, - './_iterators': 185, - './_to-iobject': 208 - } - ], - 219: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_export'); - r(r.S, 'Number', { - MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: 9007199254740991 - }) - }, - { - './_export': 172 - } - ], - 220: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_export'); - r(r.S, 'Object', { - create: e('./_object-create') - }) - }, - { - './_export': 172, - './_object-create': 188 - } - ], - 221: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_to-object'), - i = e('./_object-keys'); - e('./_object-sap') ('keys', function () { - return function (e) { - return i(r(e)) - } - }) - }, - { - './_object-keys': 197, - './_object-sap': 199, - './_to-object': 210 - } - ], - 222: [ - function (e, t, n) { - arguments[4][40][0].apply(n, arguments) - }, - { - dup: 40 - } - ], - 223: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('./_string-at') (!0); - e('./_iter-define') (String, 'String', function (e) { - this._t = String(e), - this._i = 0 - }, function () { - var e, - t = this._t, - n = this._i; - return n >= t.length ? { - value: void 0, - done: !0 - } - : (e = r(t, n), this._i += e.length, { - value: e, - done: !1 - }) - }) - }, - { - './_iter-define': 183, - './_string-at': 205 - } - ], - 224: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('./_global'), - i = e('./_has'), - s = e('./_descriptors'), - o = e('./_export'), - a = e('./_redefine'), - u = e('./_meta').KEY, - l = e('./_fails'), - c = e('./_shared'), - p = e('./_set-to-string-tag'), - h = e('./_uid'), - f = e('./_wks'), - d = e('./_wks-ext'), - m = e('./_wks-define'), - g = e('./_enum-keys'), - y = e('./_is-array'), - v = e('./_an-object'), - b = e('./_is-object'), - x = e('./_to-object'), - A = e('./_to-iobject'), - E = e('./_to-primitive'), - _ = e('./_property-desc'), - C = e('./_object-create'), - w = e('./_object-gopn-ext'), - D = e('./_object-gopd'), - k = e('./_object-gops'), - S = e('./_object-dp'), - T = e('./_object-keys'), - F = D.f, - O = S.f, - B = w.f, - P = r.Symbol, - N = r.JSON, - R = N && N.stringify, - L = f('_hidden'), - I = f('toPrimitive'), - j = { - }.propertyIsEnumerable, - M = c('symbol-registry'), - U = c('symbols'), - V = c('op-symbols'), - z = Object.prototype, - q = 'function' == typeof P && !!k.f, - K = r.QObject, - $ = !K || !K.prototype || !K.prototype.findChild, - Y = s && l(function () { - return 7 != C(O({ - }, 'a', { - get: function () { - return O(this, 'a', { - value: 7 - }).a - } - })).a - }) ? function (e, t, n) { - var r = F(z, t); - r && delete z[t], - O(e, t, n), - r && e !== z && O(z, t, r) - } - : O, - W = function (e) { - var t = U[e] = C(P.prototype); - return t._k = e, - t - }, - G = q && 'symbol' == typeof P.iterator ? function (e) { - return 'symbol' == typeof e - } - : function (e) { - return e instanceof P - }, - H = function (e, t, n) { - return e === z && H(V, t, n), - v(e), - t = E(t, !0), - v(n), - i(U, t) ? (n.enumerable ? (i(e, L) && e[L][t] && (e[L][t] = !1), n = C(n, { - enumerable: _(0, !1) - })) : (i(e, L) || O(e, L, _(1, { - })), e[L][t] = !0), Y(e, t, n)) : O(e, t, n) - }, - X = function (e, t) { - v(e); - for (var n, r = g(t = A(t)), i = 0, s = r.length; s > i; ) H(e, n = r[i++], t[n]); - return e - }, - J = function (e) { - var t =, e = E(e, !0)); - return !(this === z && i(U, e) && !i(V, e)) && (!(t || !i(this, e) || !i(U, e) || i(this, L) && this[L][e]) || t) - }, - Q = function (e, t) { - if (e = A(e), t = E(t, !0), e !== z || !i(U, t) || i(V, t)) { - var n = F(e, t); - return !n || !i(U, t) || i(e, L) && e[L][t] || (n.enumerable = !0), - n - } - }, - Z = function (e) { - for (var t, n = B(A(e)), r = [ - ], s = 0; n.length > s; ) i(U, t = n[s++]) || t == L || t == u || r.push(t); - return r - }, - ee = function (e) { - for (var t, n = e === z, r = B(n ? V : A(e)), s = [ - ], o = 0; r.length > o; ) !i(U, t = r[o++]) || n && !i(z, t) || s.push(U[t]); - return s - }; - q || (a((P = function () { - if (this instanceof P) throw TypeError('Symbol is not a constructor!'); - var e = h(arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : void 0), - t = function (n) { - this === z &&, n), - i(this, L) && i(this[L], e) && (this[L][e] = !1), - Y(this, e, _(1, n)) - }; - return s && $ && Y(z, e, { - configurable: !0, - set: t - }), - W(e) - }).prototype, 'toString', function () { - return this._k - }), D.f = Q, S.f = H, e('./_object-gopn').f = w.f = Z, e('./_object-pie').f = J, k.f = ee, s && !e('./_library') && a(z, 'propertyIsEnumerable', J, !0), d.f = function (e) { - return W(f(e)) - }), - o(o.G + o.W + o.F * !q, { - Symbol: P - }); - for (var te = 'hasInstance,isConcatSpreadable,iterator,match,replace,search,species,split,toPrimitive,toStringTag,unscopables'.split(','), ne = 0; te.length > ne; ) f(te[ne++]); - for (var re = T(, ie = 0; re.length > ie; ) m(re[ie++]); - o(o.S + o.F * !q, 'Symbol', { - for : function (e) { - return i(M, e += '') ? M[e] : M[e] = P(e) - }, - keyFor: function (e) { - if (!G(e)) throw TypeError(e + ' is not a symbol!'); - for (var t in M) if (M[t] === e) return t - }, - useSetter: function () { - $ = !0 - }, - useSimple: function () { - $ = !1 - } - }), - o(o.S + o.F * !q, 'Object', { - create: function (e, t) { - return void 0 === t ? C(e) : X(C(e), t) - }, - defineProperty: H, - defineProperties: X, - getOwnPropertyDescriptor: Q, - getOwnPropertyNames: Z, - getOwnPropertySymbols: ee - }); - var se = l(function () { - k.f(1) - }); - o(o.S + o.F * se, 'Object', { - getOwnPropertySymbols: function (e) { - return k.f(x(e)) - } - }), - N && o(o.S + o.F * (!q || l(function () { - var e = P(); - return '[null]' != R([e]) || '{}' != R({ - a: e - }) || '{}' != R(Object(e)) - })), 'JSON', { - stringify: function (e) { - for (var t, n, r = [ - e - ], i = 1; arguments.length > i; ) r.push(arguments[i++]); - if (n = t = r[1], (b(t) || void 0 !== e) && !G(e)) return y(t) || (t = function (e, t) { - if ('function' == typeof n && (t =, e, t)), !G(t)) return t - }), - r[1] = t, - R.apply(N, r) - } - }), - P.prototype[I] || e('./_hide') (P.prototype, I, P.prototype.valueOf), - p(P, 'Symbol'), - p(Math, 'Math', !0), - p(r.JSON, 'JSON', !0) - }, - { - './_an-object': 161, - './_descriptors': 168, - './_enum-keys': 171, - './_export': 172, - './_fails': 173, - './_global': 174, - './_has': 175, - './_hide': 176, - './_is-array': 180, - './_is-object': 181, - './_library': 186, - './_meta': 187, - './_object-create': 188, - './_object-dp': 189, - './_object-gopd': 191, - './_object-gopn': 193, - './_object-gopn-ext': 192, - './_object-gops': 194, - './_object-keys': 197, - './_object-pie': 198, - './_property-desc': 200, - './_redefine': 201, - './_set-to-string-tag': 202, - './_shared': 204, - './_to-iobject': 208, - './_to-object': 210, - './_to-primitive': 211, - './_uid': 212, - './_wks': 215, - './_wks-define': 213, - './_wks-ext': 214 - } - ], - 225: [ - function (e, t, n) { - e('./_wks-define') ('asyncIterator') - }, - { - './_wks-define': 213 - } - ], - 226: [ - function (e, t, n) { - e('./_wks-define') ('observable') - }, - { - './_wks-define': 213 - } - ], - 227: [ - function (e, t, n) { - e('./es6.array.iterator'); - for (var r = e('./_global'), i = e('./_hide'), s = e('./_iterators'), o = e('./_wks') ('toStringTag'), a = 'CSSRuleList,CSSStyleDeclaration,CSSValueList,ClientRectList,DOMRectList,DOMStringList,DOMTokenList,DataTransferItemList,FileList,HTMLAllCollection,HTMLCollection,HTMLFormElement,HTMLSelectElement,MediaList,MimeTypeArray,NamedNodeMap,NodeList,PaintRequestList,Plugin,PluginArray,SVGLengthList,SVGNumberList,SVGPathSegList,SVGPointList,SVGStringList,SVGTransformList,SourceBufferList,StyleSheetList,TextTrackCueList,TextTrackList,TouchList'.split(','), u = 0; u < a.length; u++) { - var l = a[u], - c = r[l], - p = c && c.prototype; - p && !p[o] && i(p, o, l), - s[l] = s.Array - } - }, - { - './_global': 174, - './_hide': 176, - './_iterators': 185, - './_wks': 215, - './es6.array.iterator': 218 - } - ], - 228: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - t.exports = { - html: '', - xml: '', - transitional: '', - strict: '', - frameset: '', - 1.1: '', - basic: '', - mobile: '', - plist: '' - } - }, - { - } - ], - 229: [ - function (e, t, n) { - !function () { - 'use strict'; - function e(e) { - if (null == e) return !1; - switch (e.type) { - case 'BlockStatement': - case 'BreakStatement': - case 'ContinueStatement': - case 'DebuggerStatement': - case 'DoWhileStatement': - case 'EmptyStatement': - case 'ExpressionStatement': - case 'ForInStatement': - case 'ForStatement': - case 'IfStatement': - case 'LabeledStatement': - case 'ReturnStatement': - case 'SwitchStatement': - case 'ThrowStatement': - case 'TryStatement': - case 'VariableDeclaration': - case 'WhileStatement': - case 'WithStatement': - return !0 - } - return !1 - } - function n(e) { - switch (e.type) { - case 'IfStatement': - return null != e.alternate ? e.alternate : e.consequent; - case 'LabeledStatement': - case 'ForStatement': - case 'ForInStatement': - case 'WhileStatement': - case 'WithStatement': - return e.body - } - return null - } - t.exports = { - isExpression: function (e) { - if (null == e) return !1; - switch (e.type) { - case 'ArrayExpression': - case 'AssignmentExpression': - case 'BinaryExpression': - case 'CallExpression': - case 'ConditionalExpression': - case 'FunctionExpression': - case 'Identifier': - case 'Literal': - case 'LogicalExpression': - case 'MemberExpression': - case 'NewExpression': - case 'ObjectExpression': - case 'SequenceExpression': - case 'ThisExpression': - case 'UnaryExpression': - case 'UpdateExpression': - return !0 - } - return !1 - }, - isStatement: e, - isIterationStatement: function (e) { - if (null == e) return !1; - switch (e.type) { - case 'DoWhileStatement': - case 'ForInStatement': - case 'ForStatement': - case 'WhileStatement': - return !0 - } - return !1 - }, - isSourceElement: function (t) { - return e(t) || null != t && 'FunctionDeclaration' === t.type - }, - isProblematicIfStatement: function (e) { - var t; - if ('IfStatement' !== e.type) return !1; - if (null == e.alternate) return !1; - t = e.consequent; - do { - if ('IfStatement' === t.type && null == t.alternate) return !0; - t = n(t) - } while (t); - return !1 - }, - trailingStatement: n - } - }() - }, - { - } - ], - 230: [ - function (e, t, n) { - !function () { - 'use strict'; - var e, - n, - r, - i, - s, - o; - function a(e) { - return e <= 65535 ? String.fromCharCode(e) : String.fromCharCode(Math.floor((e - 65536) / 1024) + 55296) + String.fromCharCode((e - 65536) % 1024 + 56320) - } - for (n = { - NonAsciiIdentifierStart: /[\xAA\xB5\xBA\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\u02C1\u02C6-\u02D1\u02E0-\u02E4\u02EC\u02EE\u0370-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037A-\u037D\u037F\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03F5\u03F7-\u0481\u048A-\u052F\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u05D0-\u05EA\u05F0-\u05F2\u0620-\u064A\u066E\u066F\u0671-\u06D3\u06D5\u06E5\u06E6\u06EE\u06EF\u06FA-\u06FC\u06FF\u0710\u0712-\u072F\u074D-\u07A5\u07B1\u07CA-\u07EA\u07F4\u07F5\u07FA\u0800-\u0815\u081A\u0824\u0828\u0840-\u0858\u08A0-\u08B4\u08B6-\u08BD\u0904-\u0939\u093D\u0950\u0958-\u0961\u0971-\u0980\u0985-\u098C\u098F\u0990\u0993-\u09A8\u09AA-\u09B0\u09B2\u09B6-\u09B9\u09BD\u09CE\u09DC\u09DD\u09DF-\u09E1\u09F0\u09F1\u0A05-\u0A0A\u0A0F\u0A10\u0A13-\u0A28\u0A2A-\u0A30\u0A32\u0A33\u0A35\u0A36\u0A38\u0A39\u0A59-\u0A5C\u0A5E\u0A72-\u0A74\u0A85-\u0A8D\u0A8F-\u0A91\u0A93-\u0AA8\u0AAA-\u0AB0\u0AB2\u0AB3\u0AB5-\u0AB9\u0ABD\u0AD0\u0AE0\u0AE1\u0AF9\u0B05-\u0B0C\u0B0F\u0B10\u0B13-\u0B28\u0B2A-\u0B30\u0B32\u0B33\u0B35-\u0B39\u0B3D\u0B5C\u0B5D\u0B5F-\u0B61\u0B71\u0B83\u0B85-\u0B8A\u0B8E-\u0B90\u0B92-\u0B95\u0B99\u0B9A\u0B9C\u0B9E\u0B9F\u0BA3\u0BA4\u0BA8-\u0BAA\u0BAE-\u0BB9\u0BD0\u0C05-\u0C0C\u0C0E-\u0C10\u0C12-\u0C28\u0C2A-\u0C39\u0C3D\u0C58-\u0C5A\u0C60\u0C61\u0C80\u0C85-\u0C8C\u0C8E-\u0C90\u0C92-\u0CA8\u0CAA-\u0CB3\u0CB5-\u0CB9\u0CBD\u0CDE\u0CE0\u0CE1\u0CF1\u0CF2\u0D05-\u0D0C\u0D0E-\u0D10\u0D12-\u0D3A\u0D3D\u0D4E\u0D54-\u0D56\u0D5F-\u0D61\u0D7A-\u0D7F\u0D85-\u0D96\u0D9A-\u0DB1\u0DB3-\u0DBB\u0DBD\u0DC0-\u0DC6\u0E01-\u0E30\u0E32\u0E33\u0E40-\u0E46\u0E81\u0E82\u0E84\u0E87\u0E88\u0E8A\u0E8D\u0E94-\u0E97\u0E99-\u0E9F\u0EA1-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7\u0EAA\u0EAB\u0EAD-\u0EB0\u0EB2\u0EB3\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0EC6\u0EDC-\u0EDF\u0F00\u0F40-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F6C\u0F88-\u0F8C\u1000-\u102A\u103F\u1050-\u1055\u105A-\u105D\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106E-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108E\u10A0-\u10C5\u10C7\u10CD\u10D0-\u10FA\u10FC-\u1248\u124A-\u124D\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125A-\u125D\u1260-\u1288\u128A-\u128D\u1290-\u12B0\u12B2-\u12B5\u12B8-\u12BE\u12C0\u12C2-\u12C5\u12C8-\u12D6\u12D8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135A\u1380-\u138F\u13A0-\u13F5\u13F8-\u13FD\u1401-\u166C\u166F-\u167F\u1681-\u169A\u16A0-\u16EA\u16EE-\u16F8\u1700-\u170C\u170E-\u1711\u1720-\u1731\u1740-\u1751\u1760-\u176C\u176E-\u1770\u1780-\u17B3\u17D7\u17DC\u1820-\u1877\u1880-\u1884\u1887-\u18A8\u18AA\u18B0-\u18F5\u1900-\u191E\u1950-\u196D\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19AB\u19B0-\u19C9\u1A00-\u1A16\u1A20-\u1A54\u1AA7\u1B05-\u1B33\u1B45-\u1B4B\u1B83-\u1BA0\u1BAE\u1BAF\u1BBA-\u1BE5\u1C00-\u1C23\u1C4D-\u1C4F\u1C5A-\u1C7D\u1C80-\u1C88\u1CE9-\u1CEC\u1CEE-\u1CF1\u1CF5\u1CF6\u1D00-\u1DBF\u1E00-\u1F15\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F20-\u1F45\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1FB4\u1FB6-\u1FBC\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6-\u1FCC\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6-\u1FDB\u1FE0-\u1FEC\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6-\u1FFC\u2071\u207F\u2090-\u209C\u2102\u2107\u210A-\u2113\u2115\u2119-\u211D\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212A-\u212D\u212F-\u2139\u213C-\u213F\u2145-\u2149\u214E\u2160-\u2188\u2C00-\u2C2E\u2C30-\u2C5E\u2C60-\u2CE4\u2CEB-\u2CEE\u2CF2\u2CF3\u2D00-\u2D25\u2D27\u2D2D\u2D30-\u2D67\u2D6F\u2D80-\u2D96\u2DA0-\u2DA6\u2DA8-\u2DAE\u2DB0-\u2DB6\u2DB8-\u2DBE\u2DC0-\u2DC6\u2DC8-\u2DCE\u2DD0-\u2DD6\u2DD8-\u2DDE\u2E2F\u3005-\u3007\u3021-\u3029\u3031-\u3035\u3038-\u303C\u3041-\u3096\u309D-\u309F\u30A1-\u30FA\u30FC-\u30FF\u3105-\u312D\u3131-\u318E\u31A0-\u31BA\u31F0-\u31FF\u3400-\u4DB5\u4E00-\u9FD5\uA000-\uA48C\uA4D0-\uA4FD\uA500-\uA60C\uA610-\uA61F\uA62A\uA62B\uA640-\uA66E\uA67F-\uA69D\uA6A0-\uA6EF\uA717-\uA71F\uA722-\uA788\uA78B-\uA7AE\uA7B0-\uA7B7\uA7F7-\uA801\uA803-\uA805\uA807-\uA80A\uA80C-\uA822\uA840-\uA873\uA882-\uA8B3\uA8F2-\uA8F7\uA8FB\uA8FD\uA90A-\uA925\uA930-\uA946\uA960-\uA97C\uA984-\uA9B2\uA9CF\uA9E0-\uA9E4\uA9E6-\uA9EF\uA9FA-\uA9FE\uAA00-\uAA28\uAA40-\uAA42\uAA44-\uAA4B\uAA60-\uAA76\uAA7A\uAA7E-\uAAAF\uAAB1\uAAB5\uAAB6\uAAB9-\uAABD\uAAC0\uAAC2\uAADB-\uAADD\uAAE0-\uAAEA\uAAF2-\uAAF4\uAB01-\uAB06\uAB09-\uAB0E\uAB11-\uAB16\uAB20-\uAB26\uAB28-\uAB2E\uAB30-\uAB5A\uAB5C-\uAB65\uAB70-\uABE2\uAC00-\uD7A3\uD7B0-\uD7C6\uD7CB-\uD7FB\uF900-\uFA6D\uFA70-\uFAD9\uFB00-\uFB06\uFB13-\uFB17\uFB1D\uFB1F-\uFB28\uFB2A-\uFB36\uFB38-\uFB3C\uFB3E\uFB40\uFB41\uFB43\uFB44\uFB46-\uFBB1\uFBD3-\uFD3D\uFD50-\uFD8F\uFD92-\uFDC7\uFDF0-\uFDFB\uFE70-\uFE74\uFE76-\uFEFC\uFF21-\uFF3A\uFF41-\uFF5A\uFF66-\uFFBE\uFFC2-\uFFC7\uFFCA-\uFFCF\uFFD2-\uFFD7\uFFDA-\uFFDC]/, - NonAsciiIdentifierPart: /[\xAA\xB5\xBA\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\u02C1\u02C6-\u02D1\u02E0-\u02E4\u02EC\u02EE\u0300-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037A-\u037D\u037F\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03F5\u03F7-\u0481\u0483-\u0487\u048A-\u052F\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u0591-\u05BD\u05BF\u05C1\u05C2\u05C4\u05C5\u05C7\u05D0-\u05EA\u05F0-\u05F2\u0610-\u061A\u0620-\u0669\u066E-\u06D3\u06D5-\u06DC\u06DF-\u06E8\u06EA-\u06FC\u06FF\u0710-\u074A\u074D-\u07B1\u07C0-\u07F5\u07FA\u0800-\u082D\u0840-\u085B\u08A0-\u08B4\u08B6-\u08BD\u08D4-\u08E1\u08E3-\u0963\u0966-\u096F\u0971-\u0983\u0985-\u098C\u098F\u0990\u0993-\u09A8\u09AA-\u09B0\u09B2\u09B6-\u09B9\u09BC-\u09C4\u09C7\u09C8\u09CB-\u09CE\u09D7\u09DC\u09DD\u09DF-\u09E3\u09E6-\u09F1\u0A01-\u0A03\u0A05-\u0A0A\u0A0F\u0A10\u0A13-\u0A28\u0A2A-\u0A30\u0A32\u0A33\u0A35\u0A36\u0A38\u0A39\u0A3C\u0A3E-\u0A42\u0A47\u0A48\u0A4B-\u0A4D\u0A51\u0A59-\u0A5C\u0A5E\u0A66-\u0A75\u0A81-\u0A83\u0A85-\u0A8D\u0A8F-\u0A91\u0A93-\u0AA8\u0AAA-\u0AB0\u0AB2\u0AB3\u0AB5-\u0AB9\u0ABC-\u0AC5\u0AC7-\u0AC9\u0ACB-\u0ACD\u0AD0\u0AE0-\u0AE3\u0AE6-\u0AEF\u0AF9\u0B01-\u0B03\u0B05-\u0B0C\u0B0F\u0B10\u0B13-\u0B28\u0B2A-\u0B30\u0B32\u0B33\u0B35-\u0B39\u0B3C-\u0B44\u0B47\u0B48\u0B4B-\u0B4D\u0B56\u0B57\u0B5C\u0B5D\u0B5F-\u0B63\u0B66-\u0B6F\u0B71\u0B82\u0B83\u0B85-\u0B8A\u0B8E-\u0B90\u0B92-\u0B95\u0B99\u0B9A\u0B9C\u0B9E\u0B9F\u0BA3\u0BA4\u0BA8-\u0BAA\u0BAE-\u0BB9\u0BBE-\u0BC2\u0BC6-\u0BC8\u0BCA-\u0BCD\u0BD0\u0BD7\u0BE6-\u0BEF\u0C00-\u0C03\u0C05-\u0C0C\u0C0E-\u0C10\u0C12-\u0C28\u0C2A-\u0C39\u0C3D-\u0C44\u0C46-\u0C48\u0C4A-\u0C4D\u0C55\u0C56\u0C58-\u0C5A\u0C60-\u0C63\u0C66-\u0C6F\u0C80-\u0C83\u0C85-\u0C8C\u0C8E-\u0C90\u0C92-\u0CA8\u0CAA-\u0CB3\u0CB5-\u0CB9\u0CBC-\u0CC4\u0CC6-\u0CC8\u0CCA-\u0CCD\u0CD5\u0CD6\u0CDE\u0CE0-\u0CE3\u0CE6-\u0CEF\u0CF1\u0CF2\u0D01-\u0D03\u0D05-\u0D0C\u0D0E-\u0D10\u0D12-\u0D3A\u0D3D-\u0D44\u0D46-\u0D48\u0D4A-\u0D4E\u0D54-\u0D57\u0D5F-\u0D63\u0D66-\u0D6F\u0D7A-\u0D7F\u0D82\u0D83\u0D85-\u0D96\u0D9A-\u0DB1\u0DB3-\u0DBB\u0DBD\u0DC0-\u0DC6\u0DCA\u0DCF-\u0DD4\u0DD6\u0DD8-\u0DDF\u0DE6-\u0DEF\u0DF2\u0DF3\u0E01-\u0E3A\u0E40-\u0E4E\u0E50-\u0E59\u0E81\u0E82\u0E84\u0E87\u0E88\u0E8A\u0E8D\u0E94-\u0E97\u0E99-\u0E9F\u0EA1-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7\u0EAA\u0EAB\u0EAD-\u0EB9\u0EBB-\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0EC6\u0EC8-\u0ECD\u0ED0-\u0ED9\u0EDC-\u0EDF\u0F00\u0F18\u0F19\u0F20-\u0F29\u0F35\u0F37\u0F39\u0F3E-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F6C\u0F71-\u0F84\u0F86-\u0F97\u0F99-\u0FBC\u0FC6\u1000-\u1049\u1050-\u109D\u10A0-\u10C5\u10C7\u10CD\u10D0-\u10FA\u10FC-\u1248\u124A-\u124D\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125A-\u125D\u1260-\u1288\u128A-\u128D\u1290-\u12B0\u12B2-\u12B5\u12B8-\u12BE\u12C0\u12C2-\u12C5\u12C8-\u12D6\u12D8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135A\u135D-\u135F\u1380-\u138F\u13A0-\u13F5\u13F8-\u13FD\u1401-\u166C\u166F-\u167F\u1681-\u169A\u16A0-\u16EA\u16EE-\u16F8\u1700-\u170C\u170E-\u1714\u1720-\u1734\u1740-\u1753\u1760-\u176C\u176E-\u1770\u1772\u1773\u1780-\u17D3\u17D7\u17DC\u17DD\u17E0-\u17E9\u180B-\u180D\u1810-\u1819\u1820-\u1877\u1880-\u18AA\u18B0-\u18F5\u1900-\u191E\u1920-\u192B\u1930-\u193B\u1946-\u196D\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19AB\u19B0-\u19C9\u19D0-\u19D9\u1A00-\u1A1B\u1A20-\u1A5E\u1A60-\u1A7C\u1A7F-\u1A89\u1A90-\u1A99\u1AA7\u1AB0-\u1ABD\u1B00-\u1B4B\u1B50-\u1B59\u1B6B-\u1B73\u1B80-\u1BF3\u1C00-\u1C37\u1C40-\u1C49\u1C4D-\u1C7D\u1C80-\u1C88\u1CD0-\u1CD2\u1CD4-\u1CF6\u1CF8\u1CF9\u1D00-\u1DF5\u1DFB-\u1F15\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F20-\u1F45\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1FB4\u1FB6-\u1FBC\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6-\u1FCC\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6-\u1FDB\u1FE0-\u1FEC\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6-\u1FFC\u200C\u200D\u203F\u2040\u2054\u2071\u207F\u2090-\u209C\u20D0-\u20DC\u20E1\u20E5-\u20F0\u2102\u2107\u210A-\u2113\u2115\u2119-\u211D\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212A-\u212D\u212F-\u2139\u213C-\u213F\u2145-\u2149\u214E\u2160-\u2188\u2C00-\u2C2E\u2C30-\u2C5E\u2C60-\u2CE4\u2CEB-\u2CF3\u2D00-\u2D25\u2D27\u2D2D\u2D30-\u2D67\u2D6F\u2D7F-\u2D96\u2DA0-\u2DA6\u2DA8-\u2DAE\u2DB0-\u2DB6\u2DB8-\u2DBE\u2DC0-\u2DC6\u2DC8-\u2DCE\u2DD0-\u2DD6\u2DD8-\u2DDE\u2DE0-\u2DFF\u2E2F\u3005-\u3007\u3021-\u302F\u3031-\u3035\u3038-\u303C\u3041-\u3096\u3099\u309A\u309D-\u309F\u30A1-\u30FA\u30FC-\u30FF\u3105-\u312D\u3131-\u318E\u31A0-\u31BA\u31F0-\u31FF\u3400-\u4DB5\u4E00-\u9FD5\uA000-\uA48C\uA4D0-\uA4FD\uA500-\uA60C\uA610-\uA62B\uA640-\uA66F\uA674-\uA67D\uA67F-\uA6F1\uA717-\uA71F\uA722-\uA788\uA78B-\uA7AE\uA7B0-\uA7B7\uA7F7-\uA827\uA840-\uA873\uA880-\uA8C5\uA8D0-\uA8D9\uA8E0-\uA8F7\uA8FB\uA8FD\uA900-\uA92D\uA930-\uA953\uA960-\uA97C\uA980-\uA9C0\uA9CF-\uA9D9\uA9E0-\uA9FE\uAA00-\uAA36\uAA40-\uAA4D\uAA50-\uAA59\uAA60-\uAA76\uAA7A-\uAAC2\uAADB-\uAADD\uAAE0-\uAAEF\uAAF2-\uAAF6\uAB01-\uAB06\uAB09-\uAB0E\uAB11-\uAB16\uAB20-\uAB26\uAB28-\uAB2E\uAB30-\uAB5A\uAB5C-\uAB65\uAB70-\uABEA\uABEC\uABED\uABF0-\uABF9\uAC00-\uD7A3\uD7B0-\uD7C6\uD7CB-\uD7FB\uF900-\uFA6D\uFA70-\uFAD9\uFB00-\uFB06\uFB13-\uFB17\uFB1D-\uFB28\uFB2A-\uFB36\uFB38-\uFB3C\uFB3E\uFB40\uFB41\uFB43\uFB44\uFB46-\uFBB1\uFBD3-\uFD3D\uFD50-\uFD8F\uFD92-\uFDC7\uFDF0-\uFDFB\uFE00-\uFE0F\uFE20-\uFE2F\uFE33\uFE34\uFE4D-\uFE4F\uFE70-\uFE74\uFE76-\uFEFC\uFF10-\uFF19\uFF21-\uFF3A\uFF3F\uFF41-\uFF5A\uFF66-\uFFBE\uFFC2-\uFFC7\uFFCA-\uFFCF\uFFD2-\uFFD7\uFFDA-\uFFDC]/ - }, e = { - NonAsciiIdentifierStart: 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uDC03-\uDC37\uDC83-\uDCAF\uDCD0-\uDCE8\uDD03-\uDD26\uDD50-\uDD72\uDD76\uDD83-\uDDB2\uDDC1-\uDDC4\uDDDA\uDDDC\uDE00-\uDE11\uDE13-\uDE2B\uDE80-\uDE86\uDE88\uDE8A-\uDE8D\uDE8F-\uDE9D\uDE9F-\uDEA8\uDEB0-\uDEDE\uDF05-\uDF0C\uDF0F\uDF10\uDF13-\uDF28\uDF2A-\uDF30\uDF32\uDF33\uDF35-\uDF39\uDF3D\uDF50\uDF5D-\uDF61]|\uD805[\uDC00-\uDC34\uDC47-\uDC4A\uDC80-\uDCAF\uDCC4\uDCC5\uDCC7\uDD80-\uDDAE\uDDD8-\uDDDB\uDE00-\uDE2F\uDE44\uDE80-\uDEAA\uDF00-\uDF19]|\uD806[\uDCA0-\uDCDF\uDCFF\uDEC0-\uDEF8]|\uD807[\uDC00-\uDC08\uDC0A-\uDC2E\uDC40\uDC72-\uDC8F]|\uD808[\uDC00-\uDF99]|\uD809[\uDC00-\uDC6E\uDC80-\uDD43]|[\uD80C\uD81C-\uD820\uD840-\uD868\uD86A-\uD86C\uD86F-\uD872][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|\uD80D[\uDC00-\uDC2E]|\uD811[\uDC00-\uDE46]|\uD81A[\uDC00-\uDE38\uDE40-\uDE5E\uDED0-\uDEED\uDF00-\uDF2F\uDF40-\uDF43\uDF63-\uDF77\uDF7D-\uDF8F]|\uD81B[\uDF00-\uDF44\uDF50\uDF93-\uDF9F\uDFE0]|\uD821[\uDC00-\uDFEC]|\uD822[\uDC00-\uDEF2]|\uD82C[\uDC00\uDC01]|\uD82F[\uDC00-\uDC6A\uDC70-\uDC7C\uDC80-\uDC88\uDC90-\uDC99]|\uD835[\uDC00-\uDC54\uDC56-\uDC9C\uDC9E\uDC9F\uDCA2\uDCA5\uDCA6\uDCA9-\uDCAC\uDCAE-\uDCB9\uDCBB\uDCBD-\uDCC3\uDCC5-\uDD05\uDD07-\uDD0A\uDD0D-\uDD14\uDD16-\uDD1C\uDD1E-\uDD39\uDD3B-\uDD3E\uDD40-\uDD44\uDD46\uDD4A-\uDD50\uDD52-\uDEA5\uDEA8-\uDEC0\uDEC2-\uDEDA\uDEDC-\uDEFA\uDEFC-\uDF14\uDF16-\uDF34\uDF36-\uDF4E\uDF50-\uDF6E\uDF70-\uDF88\uDF8A-\uDFA8\uDFAA-\uDFC2\uDFC4-\uDFCB]|\uD83A[\uDC00-\uDCC4\uDD00-\uDD43]|\uD83B[\uDE00-\uDE03\uDE05-\uDE1F\uDE21\uDE22\uDE24\uDE27\uDE29-\uDE32\uDE34-\uDE37\uDE39\uDE3B\uDE42\uDE47\uDE49\uDE4B\uDE4D-\uDE4F\uDE51\uDE52\uDE54\uDE57\uDE59\uDE5B\uDE5D\uDE5F\uDE61\uDE62\uDE64\uDE67-\uDE6A\uDE6C-\uDE72\uDE74-\uDE77\uDE79-\uDE7C\uDE7E\uDE80-\uDE89\uDE8B-\uDE9B\uDEA1-\uDEA3\uDEA5-\uDEA9\uDEAB-\uDEBB]|\uD869[\uDC00-\uDED6\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD86D[\uDC00-\uDF34\uDF40-\uDFFF]|\uD86E[\uDC00-\uDC1D\uDC20-\uDFFF]|\uD873[\uDC00-\uDEA1]|\uD87E[\uDC00-\uDE1D]/, - NonAsciiIdentifierPart: /[\xAA\xB5\xB7\xBA\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\u02C1\u02C6-\u02D1\u02E0-\u02E4\u02EC\u02EE\u0300-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037A-\u037D\u037F\u0386-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03F5\u03F7-\u0481\u0483-\u0487\u048A-\u052F\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u0591-\u05BD\u05BF\u05C1\u05C2\u05C4\u05C5\u05C7\u05D0-\u05EA\u05F0-\u05F2\u0610-\u061A\u0620-\u0669\u066E-\u06D3\u06D5-\u06DC\u06DF-\u06E8\u06EA-\u06FC\u06FF\u0710-\u074A\u074D-\u07B1\u07C0-\u07F5\u07FA\u0800-\u082D\u0840-\u085B\u08A0-\u08B4\u08B6-\u08BD\u08D4-\u08E1\u08E3-\u0963\u0966-\u096F\u0971-\u0983\u0985-\u098C\u098F\u0990\u0993-\u09A8\u09AA-\u09B0\u09B2\u09B6-\u09B9\u09BC-\u09C4\u09C7\u09C8\u09CB-\u09CE\u09D7\u09DC\u09DD\u09DF-\u09E3\u09E6-\u09F1\u0A01-\u0A03\u0A05-\u0A0A\u0A0F\u0A10\u0A13-\u0A28\u0A2A-\u0A30\u0A32\u0A33\u0A35\u0A36\u0A38\u0A39\u0A3C\u0A3E-\u0A42\u0A47\u0A48\u0A4B-\u0A4D\u0A51\u0A59-\u0A5C\u0A5E\u0A66-\u0A75\u0A81-\u0A83\u0A85-\u0A8D\u0A8F-\u0A91\u0A93-\u0AA8\u0AAA-\u0AB0\u0AB2\u0AB3\u0AB5-\u0AB9\u0ABC-\u0AC5\u0AC7-\u0AC9\u0ACB-\u0ACD\u0AD0\u0AE0-\u0AE3\u0AE6-\u0AEF\u0AF9\u0B01-\u0B03\u0B05-\u0B0C\u0B0F\u0B10\u0B13-\u0B28\u0B2A-\u0B30\u0B32\u0B33\u0B35-\u0B39\u0B3C-\u0B44\u0B47\u0B48\u0B4B-\u0B4D\u0B56\u0B57\u0B5C\u0B5D\u0B5F-\u0B63\u0B66-\u0B6F\u0B71\u0B82\u0B83\u0B85-\u0B8A\u0B8E-\u0B90\u0B92-\u0B95\u0B99\u0B9A\u0B9C\u0B9E\u0B9F\u0BA3\u0BA4\u0BA8-\u0BAA\u0BAE-\u0BB9\u0BBE-\u0BC2\u0BC6-\u0BC8\u0BCA-\u0BCD\u0BD0\u0BD7\u0BE6-\u0BEF\u0C00-\u0C03\u0C05-\u0C0C\u0C0E-\u0C10\u0C12-\u0C28\u0C2A-\u0C39\u0C3D-\u0C44\u0C46-\u0C48\u0C4A-\u0C4D\u0C55\u0C56\u0C58-\u0C5A\u0C60-\u0C63\u0C66-\u0C6F\u0C80-\u0C83\u0C85-\u0C8C\u0C8E-\u0C90\u0C92-\u0CA8\u0CAA-\u0CB3\u0CB5-\u0CB9\u0CBC-\u0CC4\u0CC6-\u0CC8\u0CCA-\u0CCD\u0CD5\u0CD6\u0CDE\u0CE0-\u0CE3\u0CE6-\u0CEF\u0CF1\u0CF2\u0D01-\u0D03\u0D05-\u0D0C\u0D0E-\u0D10\u0D12-\u0D3A\u0D3D-\u0D44\u0D46-\u0D48\u0D4A-\u0D4E\u0D54-\u0D57\u0D5F-\u0D63\u0D66-\u0D6F\u0D7A-\u0D7F\u0D82\u0D83\u0D85-\u0D96\u0D9A-\u0DB1\u0DB3-\u0DBB\u0DBD\u0DC0-\u0DC6\u0DCA\u0DCF-\u0DD4\u0DD6\u0DD8-\u0DDF\u0DE6-\u0DEF\u0DF2\u0DF3\u0E01-\u0E3A\u0E40-\u0E4E\u0E50-\u0E59\u0E81\u0E82\u0E84\u0E87\u0E88\u0E8A\u0E8D\u0E94-\u0E97\u0E99-\u0E9F\u0EA1-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7\u0EAA\u0EAB\u0EAD-\u0EB9\u0EBB-\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0EC6\u0EC8-\u0ECD\u0ED0-\u0ED9\u0EDC-\u0EDF\u0F00\u0F18\u0F19\u0F20-\u0F29\u0F35\u0F37\u0F39\u0F3E-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F6C\u0F71-\u0F84\u0F86-\u0F97\u0F99-\u0FBC\u0FC6\u1000-\u1049\u1050-\u109D\u10A0-\u10C5\u10C7\u10CD\u10D0-\u10FA\u10FC-\u1248\u124A-\u124D\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125A-\u125D\u1260-\u1288\u128A-\u128D\u1290-\u12B0\u12B2-\u12B5\u12B8-\u12BE\u12C0\u12C2-\u12C5\u12C8-\u12D6\u12D8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135A\u135D-\u135F\u1369-\u1371\u1380-\u138F\u13A0-\u13F5\u13F8-\u13FD\u1401-\u166C\u166F-\u167F\u1681-\u169A\u16A0-\u16EA\u16EE-\u16F8\u1700-\u170C\u170E-\u1714\u1720-\u1734\u1740-\u1753\u1760-\u176C\u176E-\u1770\u1772\u1773\u1780-\u17D3\u17D7\u17DC\u17DD\u17E0-\u17E9\u180B-\u180D\u1810-\u1819\u1820-\u1877\u1880-\u18AA\u18B0-\u18F5\u1900-\u191E\u1920-\u192B\u1930-\u193B\u1946-\u196D\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19AB\u19B0-\u19C9\u19D0-\u19DA\u1A00-\u1A1B\u1A20-\u1A5E\u1A60-\u1A7C\u1A7F-\u1A89\u1A90-\u1A99\u1AA7\u1AB0-\u1ABD\u1B00-\u1B4B\u1B50-\u1B59\u1B6B-\u1B73\u1B80-\u1BF3\u1C00-\u1C37\u1C40-\u1C49\u1C4D-\u1C7D\u1C80-\u1C88\u1CD0-\u1CD2\u1CD4-\u1CF6\u1CF8\u1CF9\u1D00-\u1DF5\u1DFB-\u1F15\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F20-\u1F45\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1FB4\u1FB6-\u1FBC\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6-\u1FCC\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6-\u1FDB\u1FE0-\u1FEC\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6-\u1FFC\u200C\u200D\u203F\u2040\u2054\u2071\u207F\u2090-\u209C\u20D0-\u20DC\u20E1\u20E5-\u20F0\u2102\u2107\u210A-\u2113\u2115\u2118-\u211D\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212A-\u2139\u213C-\u213F\u2145-\u2149\u214E\u2160-\u2188\u2C00-\u2C2E\u2C30-\u2C5E\u2C60-\u2CE4\u2CEB-\u2CF3\u2D00-\u2D25\u2D27\u2D2D\u2D30-\u2D67\u2D6F\u2D7F-\u2D96\u2DA0-\u2DA6\u2DA8-\u2DAE\u2DB0-\u2DB6\u2DB8-\u2DBE\u2DC0-\u2DC6\u2DC8-\u2DCE\u2DD0-\u2DD6\u2DD8-\u2DDE\u2DE0-\u2DFF\u3005-\u3007\u3021-\u302F\u3031-\u3035\u3038-\u303C\u3041-\u3096\u3099-\u309F\u30A1-\u30FA\u30FC-\u30FF\u3105-\u312D\u3131-\u318E\u31A0-\u31BA\u31F0-\u31FF\u3400-\u4DB5\u4E00-\u9FD5\uA000-\uA48C\uA4D0-\uA4FD\uA500-\uA60C\uA610-\uA62B\uA640-\uA66F\uA674-\uA67D\uA67F-\uA6F1\uA717-\uA71F\uA722-\uA788\uA78B-\uA7AE\uA7B0-\uA7B7\uA7F7-\uA827\uA840-\uA873\uA880-\uA8C5\uA8D0-\uA8D9\uA8E0-\uA8F7\uA8FB\uA8FD\uA900-\uA92D\uA930-\uA953\uA960-\uA97C\uA980-\uA9C0\uA9CF-\uA9D9\uA9E0-\uA9FE\uAA00-\uAA36\uAA40-\uAA4D\uAA50-\uAA59\uAA60-\uAA76\uAA7A-\uAAC2\uAADB-\uAADD\uAAE0-\uAAEF\uAAF2-\uAAF6\uAB01-\uAB06\uAB09-\uAB0E\uAB11-\uAB16\uAB20-\uAB26\uAB28-\uAB2E\uAB30-\uAB5A\uAB5C-\uAB65\uAB70-\uABEA\uABEC\uABED\uABF0-\uABF9\uAC00-\uD7A3\uD7B0-\uD7C6\uD7CB-\uD7FB\uF900-\uFA6D\uFA70-\uFAD9\uFB00-\uFB06\uFB13-\uFB17\uFB1D-\uFB28\uFB2A-\uFB36\uFB38-\uFB3C\uFB3E\uFB40\uFB41\uFB43\uFB44\uFB46-\uFBB1\uFBD3-\uFD3D\uFD50-\uFD8F\uFD92-\uFDC7\uFDF0-\uFDFB\uFE00-\uFE0F\uFE20-\uFE2F\uFE33\uFE34\uFE4D-\uFE4F\uFE70-\uFE74\uFE76-\uFEFC\uFF10-\uFF19\uFF21-\uFF3A\uFF3F\uFF41-\uFF5A\uFF66-\uFFBE\uFFC2-\uFFC7\uFFCA-\uFFCF\uFFD2-\uFFD7\uFFDA-\uFFDC]|\uD800[\uDC00-\uDC0B\uDC0D-\uDC26\uDC28-\uDC3A\uDC3C\uDC3D\uDC3F-\uDC4D\uDC50-\uDC5D\uDC80-\uDCFA\uDD40-\uDD74\uDDFD\uDE80-\uDE9C\uDEA0-\uDED0\uDEE0\uDF00-\uDF1F\uDF30-\uDF4A\uDF50-\uDF7A\uDF80-\uDF9D\uDFA0-\uDFC3\uDFC8-\uDFCF\uDFD1-\uDFD5]|\uD801[\uDC00-\uDC9D\uDCA0-\uDCA9\uDCB0-\uDCD3\uDCD8-\uDCFB\uDD00-\uDD27\uDD30-\uDD63\uDE00-\uDF36\uDF40-\uDF55\uDF60-\uDF67]|\uD802[\uDC00-\uDC05\uDC08\uDC0A-\uDC35\uDC37\uDC38\uDC3C\uDC3F-\uDC55\uDC60-\uDC76\uDC80-\uDC9E\uDCE0-\uDCF2\uDCF4\uDCF5\uDD00-\uDD15\uDD20-\uDD39\uDD80-\uDDB7\uDDBE\uDDBF\uDE00-\uDE03\uDE05\uDE06\uDE0C-\uDE13\uDE15-\uDE17\uDE19-\uDE33\uDE38-\uDE3A\uDE3F\uDE60-\uDE7C\uDE80-\uDE9C\uDEC0-\uDEC7\uDEC9-\uDEE6\uDF00-\uDF35\uDF40-\uDF55\uDF60-\uDF72\uDF80-\uDF91]|\uD803[\uDC00-\uDC48\uDC80-\uDCB2\uDCC0-\uDCF2]|\uD804[\uDC00-\uDC46\uDC66-\uDC6F\uDC7F-\uDCBA\uDCD0-\uDCE8\uDCF0-\uDCF9\uDD00-\uDD34\uDD36-\uDD3F\uDD50-\uDD73\uDD76\uDD80-\uDDC4\uDDCA-\uDDCC\uDDD0-\uDDDA\uDDDC\uDE00-\uDE11\uDE13-\uDE37\uDE3E\uDE80-\uDE86\uDE88\uDE8A-\uDE8D\uDE8F-\uDE9D\uDE9F-\uDEA8\uDEB0-\uDEEA\uDEF0-\uDEF9\uDF00-\uDF03\uDF05-\uDF0C\uDF0F\uDF10\uDF13-\uDF28\uDF2A-\uDF30\uDF32\uDF33\uDF35-\uDF39\uDF3C-\uDF44\uDF47\uDF48\uDF4B-\uDF4D\uDF50\uDF57\uDF5D-\uDF63\uDF66-\uDF6C\uDF70-\uDF74]|\uD805[\uDC00-\uDC4A\uDC50-\uDC59\uDC80-\uDCC5\uDCC7\uDCD0-\uDCD9\uDD80-\uDDB5\uDDB8-\uDDC0\uDDD8-\uDDDD\uDE00-\uDE40\uDE44\uDE50-\uDE59\uDE80-\uDEB7\uDEC0-\uDEC9\uDF00-\uDF19\uDF1D-\uDF2B\uDF30-\uDF39]|\uD806[\uDCA0-\uDCE9\uDCFF\uDEC0-\uDEF8]|\uD807[\uDC00-\uDC08\uDC0A-\uDC36\uDC38-\uDC40\uDC50-\uDC59\uDC72-\uDC8F\uDC92-\uDCA7\uDCA9-\uDCB6]|\uD808[\uDC00-\uDF99]|\uD809[\uDC00-\uDC6E\uDC80-\uDD43]|[\uD80C\uD81C-\uD820\uD840-\uD868\uD86A-\uD86C\uD86F-\uD872][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|\uD80D[\uDC00-\uDC2E]|\uD811[\uDC00-\uDE46]|\uD81A[\uDC00-\uDE38\uDE40-\uDE5E\uDE60-\uDE69\uDED0-\uDEED\uDEF0-\uDEF4\uDF00-\uDF36\uDF40-\uDF43\uDF50-\uDF59\uDF63-\uDF77\uDF7D-\uDF8F]|\uD81B[\uDF00-\uDF44\uDF50-\uDF7E\uDF8F-\uDF9F\uDFE0]|\uD821[\uDC00-\uDFEC]|\uD822[\uDC00-\uDEF2]|\uD82C[\uDC00\uDC01]|\uD82F[\uDC00-\uDC6A\uDC70-\uDC7C\uDC80-\uDC88\uDC90-\uDC99\uDC9D\uDC9E]|\uD834[\uDD65-\uDD69\uDD6D-\uDD72\uDD7B-\uDD82\uDD85-\uDD8B\uDDAA-\uDDAD\uDE42-\uDE44]|\uD835[\uDC00-\uDC54\uDC56-\uDC9C\uDC9E\uDC9F\uDCA2\uDCA5\uDCA6\uDCA9-\uDCAC\uDCAE-\uDCB9\uDCBB\uDCBD-\uDCC3\uDCC5-\uDD05\uDD07-\uDD0A\uDD0D-\uDD14\uDD16-\uDD1C\uDD1E-\uDD39\uDD3B-\uDD3E\uDD40-\uDD44\uDD46\uDD4A-\uDD50\uDD52-\uDEA5\uDEA8-\uDEC0\uDEC2-\uDEDA\uDEDC-\uDEFA\uDEFC-\uDF14\uDF16-\uDF34\uDF36-\uDF4E\uDF50-\uDF6E\uDF70-\uDF88\uDF8A-\uDFA8\uDFAA-\uDFC2\uDFC4-\uDFCB\uDFCE-\uDFFF]|\uD836[\uDE00-\uDE36\uDE3B-\uDE6C\uDE75\uDE84\uDE9B-\uDE9F\uDEA1-\uDEAF]|\uD838[\uDC00-\uDC06\uDC08-\uDC18\uDC1B-\uDC21\uDC23\uDC24\uDC26-\uDC2A]|\uD83A[\uDC00-\uDCC4\uDCD0-\uDCD6\uDD00-\uDD4A\uDD50-\uDD59]|\uD83B[\uDE00-\uDE03\uDE05-\uDE1F\uDE21\uDE22\uDE24\uDE27\uDE29-\uDE32\uDE34-\uDE37\uDE39\uDE3B\uDE42\uDE47\uDE49\uDE4B\uDE4D-\uDE4F\uDE51\uDE52\uDE54\uDE57\uDE59\uDE5B\uDE5D\uDE5F\uDE61\uDE62\uDE64\uDE67-\uDE6A\uDE6C-\uDE72\uDE74-\uDE77\uDE79-\uDE7C\uDE7E\uDE80-\uDE89\uDE8B-\uDE9B\uDEA1-\uDEA3\uDEA5-\uDEA9\uDEAB-\uDEBB]|\uD869[\uDC00-\uDED6\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD86D[\uDC00-\uDF34\uDF40-\uDFFF]|\uD86E[\uDC00-\uDC1D\uDC20-\uDFFF]|\uD873[\uDC00-\uDEA1]|\uD87E[\uDC00-\uDE1D]|\uDB40[\uDD00-\uDDEF]/ - }, r = [ - 5760, - 8192, - 8193, - 8194, - 8195, - 8196, - 8197, - 8198, - 8199, - 8200, - 8201, - 8202, - 8239, - 8287, - 12288, - 65279 - ], i = new Array(128), o = 0; o < 128; ++o) i[o] = o >= 97 && o <= 122 || o >= 65 && o <= 90 || 36 === o || 95 === o; - for (s = new Array(128), o = 0; o < 128; ++o) s[o] = o >= 97 && o <= 122 || o >= 65 && o <= 90 || o >= 48 && o <= 57 || 36 === o || 95 === o; - t.exports = { - isDecimalDigit: function (e) { - return 48 <= e && e <= 57 - }, - isHexDigit: function (e) { - return 48 <= e && e <= 57 || 97 <= e && e <= 102 || 65 <= e && e <= 70 - }, - isOctalDigit: function (e) { - return e >= 48 && e <= 55 - }, - isWhiteSpace: function (e) { - return 32 === e || 9 === e || 11 === e || 12 === e || 160 === e || e >= 5760 && r.indexOf(e) >= 0 - }, - isLineTerminator: function (e) { - return 10 === e || 13 === e || 8232 === e || 8233 === e - }, - isIdentifierStartES5: function (e) { - return e < 128 ? i[e] : n.NonAsciiIdentifierStart.test(a(e)) - }, - isIdentifierPartES5: function (e) { - return e < 128 ? s[e] : n.NonAsciiIdentifierPart.test(a(e)) - }, - isIdentifierStartES6: function (t) { - return t < 128 ? i[t] : e.NonAsciiIdentifierStart.test(a(t)) - }, - isIdentifierPartES6: function (t) { - return t < 128 ? s[t] : e.NonAsciiIdentifierPart.test(a(t)) - } - } - }() - }, - { - } - ], - 231: [ - function (e, t, n) { - !function () { - 'use strict'; - var n = e('./code'); - function r(e, t) { - return !(!t && 'yield' === e) && i(e, t) - } - function i(e, t) { - if (t && function (e) { - switch (e) { - case 'implements': - case 'interface': - case 'package': - case 'private': - case 'protected': - case 'public': - case 'static': - case 'let': - return !0; - default: - return !1 - } - }(e)) return !0; - switch (e.length) { - case 2: - return 'if' === e || 'in' === e || 'do' === e; - case 3: - return 'var' === e || 'for' === e || 'new' === e || 'try' === e; - case 4: - return 'this' === e || 'else' === e || 'case' === e || 'void' === e || 'with' === e || 'enum' === e; - case 5: - return 'while' === e || 'break' === e || 'catch' === e || 'throw' === e || 'const' === e || 'yield' === e || 'class' === e || 'super' === e; - case 6: - return 'return' === e || 'typeof' === e || 'delete' === e || 'switch' === e || 'export' === e || 'import' === e; - case 7: - return 'default' === e || 'finally' === e || 'extends' === e; - case 8: - return 'function' === e || 'continue' === e || 'debugger' === e; - case 10: - return 'instanceof' === e; - default: - return !1 - } - } - function s(e, t) { - return 'null' === e || 'true' === e || 'false' === e || r(e, t) - } - function o(e, t) { - return 'null' === e || 'true' === e || 'false' === e || i(e, t) - } - function a(e) { - var t, - r, - i; - if (0 === e.length) return !1; - if (i = e.charCodeAt(0), !n.isIdentifierStartES5(i)) return !1; - for (t = 1, r = e.length; t < r; ++t) if (i = e.charCodeAt(t), !n.isIdentifierPartES5(i)) return !1; - return !0 - } - function u(e) { - var t, - r, - i, - s, - o; - if (0 === e.length) return !1; - for (o = n.isIdentifierStartES6, t = 0, r = e.length; t < r; ++t) { - if (55296 <= (i = e.charCodeAt(t)) && i <= 56319) { - if (++t >= r) return !1; - if (!(56320 <= (s = e.charCodeAt(t)) && s <= 57343)) return !1; - i = 1024 * (i - 55296) + (s - 56320) + 65536 - } - if (!o(i)) return !1; - o = n.isIdentifierPartES6 - } - return !0 - } - t.exports = { - isKeywordES5: r, - isKeywordES6: i, - isReservedWordES5: s, - isReservedWordES6: o, - isRestrictedWord: function (e) { - return 'eval' === e || 'arguments' === e - }, - isIdentifierNameES5: a, - isIdentifierNameES6: u, - isIdentifierES5: function (e, t) { - return a(e) && !s(e, t) - }, - isIdentifierES6: function (e, t) { - return u(e) && !o(e, t) - } - } - }() - }, - { - './code': 230 - } - ], - 232: [ - function (e, t, n) { - !function () { - 'use strict'; - n.ast = e('./ast'), - n.code = e('./code'), - n.keyword = e('./keyword') - }() - }, - { - './ast': 229, - './code': 230, - './keyword': 231 - } - ], - 233: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = Array.prototype.slice, - i = Object.prototype.toString; - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = this; - if ('function' != typeof t || '[object Function]' !== throw new TypeError('Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible ' + t); - for (var n, s =, 1), o = Math.max(0, t.length - s.length), a = [ - ], u = 0; u < o; u++) a.push('$' + u); - if (n = Function('binder', 'return function (' + a.join(',') + '){ return binder.apply(this,arguments); }') (function () { - if (this instanceof n) { - var i = t.apply(this, s.concat(; - return Object(i) === i ? i : this - } - return t.apply(e, s.concat( - }), t.prototype) { - var l = function () { - }; - l.prototype = t.prototype, - n.prototype = new l, - l.prototype = null - } - return n - } - }, - { - } - ], - 234: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('./implementation'); - t.exports = Function.prototype.bind || r - }, - { - './implementation': 233 - } - ], - 235: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('function-bind'); - t.exports =, Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty) - }, - { - 'function-bind': 234 - } - ], - 236: [ - function (e, t, n) { - = function (e, t, n, r, i) { - var s, - o, - a = 8 * i - r - 1, - u = (1 << a) - 1, - l = u >> 1, - c = - 7, - p = n ? i - 1 : 0, - h = n ? - 1 : 1, - f = e[t + p]; - for (p += h, s = f & (1 << - c) - 1, f >>= - c, c += a; c > 0; s = 256 * s + e[t + p], p += h, c -= 8); - for (o = s & (1 << - c) - 1, s >>= - c, c += r; c > 0; o = 256 * o + e[t + p], p += h, c -= 8); - if (0 === s) s = 1 - l; - else { - if (s === u) return o ? NaN : 1 / 0 * (f ? - 1 : 1); - o += Math.pow(2, r), - s -= l - } - return (f ? - 1 : 1) * o * Math.pow(2, s - r) - }, - n.write = function (e, t, n, r, i, s) { - var o, - a, - u, - l = 8 * s - i - 1, - c = (1 << l) - 1, - p = c >> 1, - h = 23 === i ? Math.pow(2, - 24) - Math.pow(2, - 77) : 0, - f = r ? 0 : s - 1, - d = r ? 1 : - 1, - m = t < 0 || 0 === t && 1 / t < 0 ? 1 : 0; - for (t = Math.abs(t), isNaN(t) || t === 1 / 0 ? (a = isNaN(t) ? 1 : 0, o = c) : (o = Math.floor(Math.log(t) / Math.LN2), t * (u = Math.pow(2, - o)) < 1 && (o--, u *= 2), (t += o + p >= 1 ? h / u : h * Math.pow(2, 1 - p)) * u >= 2 && (o++, u /= 2), o + p >= c ? (a = 0, o = c) : o + p >= 1 ? (a = (t * u - 1) * Math.pow(2, i), o += p) : (a = t * Math.pow(2, p - 1) * Math.pow(2, i), o = 0)); i >= 8; e[n + f] = 255 & a, f += d, a /= 256, i -= 8); - for (o = o << i | a, l += i; l > 0; e[n + f] = 255 & o, f += d, o /= 256, l -= 8); - e[n + f - d] |= 128 * m - } - }, - { - } - ], - 237: [ - function (e, t, n) { - function r(e) { - return !!e.constructor && 'function' == typeof e.constructor.isBuffer && e.constructor.isBuffer(e) - } - t.exports = function (e) { - return null != e && (r(e) || function (e) { - return 'function' == typeof e.readFloatLE && 'function' == typeof e.slice && r(e.slice(0, 0)) - }(e) || !!e._isBuffer) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 238: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('acorn'), - i = e('object-assign'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - t = i({ - }, s, t); - try { - var n = new r.Parser(t, e, 0); - t.strict && (n.strict = !0), - t.lineComment || (n.skipLineComment = function (e) { - this.raise(this.pos, 'Line comments not allowed in an expression') - }), - n.nextToken(), - n.parseExpression(), - n.type !== r.tokTypes.eof && n.unexpected() - } catch (e) { - if (!t.throw) return !1; - throw e - } - return !0 - }; - var s = { - throw : !1, - strict: !1, - lineComment: !1 - } - }, - { - acorn: 239, - 'object-assign': 370 - } - ], - 239: [ - function (e, t, n) { - arguments[4][2][0].apply(n, arguments) - }, - { - dup: 2 - } - ], - 240: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - return !!e && ('object' == typeof e || 'function' == typeof e) && 'function' == typeof e.then - } - }, - { - } - ], - 241: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('has'), - i = RegExp.prototype.exec, - s = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, - o = Object.prototype.toString, - a = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol.toStringTag; - t.exports = function (e) { - if (!e || 'object' != typeof e) return !1; - if (!a) return '[object RegExp]' ===; - var t = s(e, 'lastIndex'); - return !(!t || !r(t, 'value')) && function (e) { - try { - var t = e.lastIndex; - return e.lastIndex = 0, -, - !0 - } catch (e) { - return !1 - } finally { - e.lastIndex = t - } - }(e) - } - }, - { - has: 235 - } - ], - 242: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - t.exports = function e(t) { - if (t instanceof Date) return 'new Date(' + e(t.toISOString()) + ')'; - if (void 0 === t) return 'undefined'; - return JSON.stringify(t).replace(/\u2028/g, '\\u2028').replace(/\u2029/g, '\\u2029').replace(//g, '\\u003E').replace(/\//g, '\\u002F') - } - }, - { - } - ], - 243: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('fs'), - i = e('assert'), - s = e('promise'), - o = e('is-promise'), - a = t.exports = function (e) { - return new u(e) - }; - function u(e) { - i(e, 'Transformer must be an object'), - i('string' == typeof, 'Transformer must have a name'), - i('string' == typeof e.outputFormat, 'Transformer must have an output format'), - i(['compile', - 'compileAsync', - 'compileFile', - 'compileFileAsync', - 'compileClient', - 'compileClientAsync', - 'compileFileClient', - 'compileFileClientAsync', - 'render', - 'renderAsync', - 'renderFile', - 'renderFileAsync'].some(function (t) { - return 'function' == typeof e[t] - }), 'Transformer must implement at least one of the potential methods.'), - this._tr = e, - =, - this.outputFormat = this._tr.outputFormat, - this.inputFormats = this._tr.inputFormats || [ - - ] - } - a.Transformer = u, - a.normalizeFn = function (e) { - if ('function' == typeof e) return { - fn: e, - dependencies: [ - ] - }; - if (e && 'object' == typeof e && 'function' == typeof e.fn) { - if ('dependencies' in e) { - if (!Array.isArray(e.dependencies)) throw new Error('Result should have a dependencies property that is an array') - } else e.dependencies = [ - ]; - return e - } - throw new Error('Invalid result object from transform.') - }, - a.normalizeFnAsync = function (e, t) { - return s.resolve(e).then(function (e) { - return e && o(e.fn) ? e.fn.then(function (t) { - return e.fn = t, - e - }) : e - }).then(a.normalizeFn).nodeify(t) - }, - a.normalize = function (e) { - if ('string' == typeof e) return { - body: e, - dependencies: [ - ] - }; - if (e && 'object' == typeof e && 'string' == typeof e.body) { - if ('dependencies' in e) { - if (!Array.isArray(e.dependencies)) throw new Error('Result should have a dependencies property that is an array') - } else e.dependencies = [ - ]; - return e - } - throw new Error('Invalid result object from transform.') - }, - a.normalizeAsync = function (e, t) { - return s.resolve(e).then(function (e) { - return e && o(e.body) ? e.body.then(function (t) { - return e.body = t, - e - }) : e - }).then(a.normalize).nodeify(t) - }, - r.readFile ? (a.readFile = s.denodeify(r.readFile), a.readFileSync = r.readFileSync) : (a.readFile = function () { - throw new Error('fs.readFile unsupported') - }, a.readFileSync = function () { - throw new Error('fs.readFileSync unsupported') - }); - var l = { - compile: [ - 'compile', - 'render' - ], - compileAsync: [ - 'compileAsync', - 'compile', - 'render' - ], - compileFile: [ - 'compileFile', - 'compile', - 'renderFile', - 'render' - ], - compileFileAsync: [ - 'compileFileAsync', - 'compileFile', - 'compileAsync', - 'compile', - 'renderFile', - 'render' - ], - compileClient: [ - 'compileClient' - ], - compileClientAsync: [ - 'compileClientAsync', - 'compileClient' - ], - compileFileClient: [ - 'compileFileClient', - 'compileClient' - ], - compileFileClientAsync: [ - 'compileFileClientAsync', - 'compileFileClient', - 'compileClientAsync', - 'compileClient' - ], - render: [ - 'render', - 'compile' - ], - renderAsync: [ - 'renderAsync', - 'render', - 'compileAsync', - 'compile' - ], - renderFile: [ - 'renderFile', - 'render', - 'compileFile', - 'compile' - ], - renderFileAsync: [ - 'renderFileAsync', - 'renderFile', - 'renderAsync', - 'render', - 'compileFileAsync', - 'compileFile', - 'compileAsync', - 'compile' - ] - }; - u.prototype._hasMethod = function (e) { - return 'function' == typeof this._tr[e] - }, - u.prototype.can = function (e) { - return l[e].some(function (e) { - return this._hasMethod(e) - }.bind(this)) - }, - u.prototype.compile = function (e, t) { - if (!this._hasMethod('compile')) { - if (this.can('render')) { - var n = this; - return { - fn: function (r) { - return a.normalize(n._tr.render(e, t, r)).body - }, - dependencies: [ - ] - } - } - throw this.can('compileAsync') ? new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support synchronous compilation') : this.can('compileFileAsync') ? new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support compiling plain strings') : new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support compilation') - } - return a.normalizeFn(this._tr.compile(e, t)) - }, - u.prototype.compileAsync = function (e, t, n) { - return this.can('compileAsync') ? this._hasMethod('compileAsync') ? a.normalizeFnAsync(this._tr.compileAsync(e, t), n) : a.normalizeFnAsync(this.compile(e, t), n) : s.reject(new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support compiling plain strings')).nodeify(n) - }, - u.prototype.compileFile = function (e, t) { - if (!this.can('compileFile')) throw new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support synchronous compilation'); - return this._hasMethod('compileFile') ? a.normalizeFn(this._tr.compileFile(e, t)) : this._hasMethod('renderFile') ? a.normalizeFn(function (n) { - return a.normalize(this._tr.renderFile(e, t, n)).body - }.bind(this)) : (t || (t = { - }), void 0 === t.filename && (t.filename = e), this.compile(a.readFileSync(e, 'utf8'), t)) - }, - u.prototype.compileFileAsync = function (e, t, n) { - return this.can('compileFileAsync') ? this._hasMethod('compileFileAsync') ? a.normalizeFnAsync(this._tr.compileFileAsync(e, t), n) : this._hasMethod('compileFile') || this._hasMethod('renderFile') ? a.normalizeFnAsync(this.compileFile(e, t), n) : (t || (t = { - }), void 0 === t.filename && (t.filename = e), a.normalizeFnAsync(a.readFile(e, 'utf8').then(function (e) { - return this._hasMethod('compileAsync') ? this._tr.compileAsync(e, t) : this.compile(e, t) - }.bind(this)), n)) : s.reject(new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support compilation')) - }, - u.prototype.compileClient = function (e, t) { - if (!this.can('compileClient')) throw this.can('compileClientAsync') ? new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support compiling for the client synchronously.') : this.can('compileFileClientAsync') ? new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support compiling for the client from a string.') : new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support compiling for the client'); - return a.normalize(this._tr.compileClient(e, t)) - }, - u.prototype.compileClientAsync = function (e, t, n) { - return this.can('compileClientAsync') ? this._hasMethod('compileClientAsync') ? a.normalizeAsync(this._tr.compileClientAsync(e, t), n) : a.normalizeAsync(this._tr.compileClient(e, t), n) : this.can('compileFileClientAsync') ? s.reject(new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support compiling for the client from a string.')).nodeify(n) : s.reject(new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support compiling for the client')).nodeify(n) - }, - u.prototype.compileFileClient = function (e, t) { - if (!this.can('compileFileClient')) throw this.can('compileFileClientAsync') ? new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support compiling for the client synchronously.') : new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support compiling for the client'); - return this._hasMethod('compileFileClient') ? a.normalize(this._tr.compileFileClient(e, t)) : (t || (t = { - }), void 0 === t.filename && (t.filename = e), a.normalize(this._tr.compileClient(a.readFileSync(e, 'utf8'), t))) - }, - u.prototype.compileFileClientAsync = function (e, t, n) { - return this.can('compileFileClientAsync') ? this._hasMethod('compileFileClientAsync') ? a.normalizeAsync(this._tr.compileFileClientAsync(e, t), n) : this._hasMethod('compileFileClient') ? a.normalizeAsync(this._tr.compileFileClient(e, t), n) : (t || (t = { - }), void 0 === t.filename && (t.filename = e), a.normalizeAsync(a.readFile(e, 'utf8').then(function (e) { - return this._hasMethod('compileClientAsync') ? this._tr.compileClientAsync(e, t) : this._tr.compileClient(e, t) - }.bind(this)), n)) : s.reject(new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support compiling for the client')).nodeify(n) - }, - u.prototype.render = function (e, t, n) { - if (!this.can('render')) throw this.can('renderAsync') ? new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support rendering synchronously.') : this.can('renderFileAsync') ? new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support rendering from a string.') : new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support rendering'); - if (this._hasMethod('render')) return a.normalize(this._tr.render(e, t, n)); - var r = a.normalizeFn(this._tr.compile(e, t)), - i = r.fn(n || t); - if ('string' != typeof i) throw new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support rendering synchronously.'); - return a.normalize({ - body: i, - dependencies: r.dependencies - }) - }, - u.prototype.renderAsync = function (e, t, n, r) { - return 'function' == typeof n && (r = n, n = t), - this.can('renderAsync') ? this._hasMethod('renderAsync') ? a.normalizeAsync(this._tr.renderAsync(e, t, n), r) : this._hasMethod('render') ? a.normalizeAsync(this._tr.render(e, t, n), r) : a.normalizeAsync(this.compileAsync(e, t).then(function (e) { - return { - body: e.fn(n || t), - dependencies: e.dependencies - } - }), r) : this.can('renderFileAsync') ? s.reject(new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support rendering from a string.')).nodeify(r) : s.reject(new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support rendering')).nodeify(r) - }, - u.prototype.renderFile = function (e, t, n) { - if (!this.can('renderFile')) throw new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support rendering synchronously.'); - if (this._hasMethod('renderFile')) return a.normalize(this._tr.renderFile(e, t, n)); - if (this._hasMethod('render')) return t || (t = { - }), - void 0 === t.filename && (t.filename = e), - a.normalize(this._tr.render(a.readFileSync(e, 'utf8'), t, n)); - var r = this.compileFile(e, t); - return a.normalize({ - body: r.fn(n || t), - dependencies: r.dependencies - }) - }, - u.prototype.renderFileAsync = function (e, t, n, r) { - if (!this.can('renderFileAsync')) throw new Error('The Transform "' + + '" does not support rendering.'); - return 'function' == typeof n && (r = n, n = t), - this._hasMethod('renderFileAsync') ? a.normalizeAsync(this._tr.renderFileAsync(e, t, n), r) : this._hasMethod('renderFile') ? a.normalizeAsync(this._tr.renderFile(e, t, n), r) : this._hasMethod('compile') || this._hasMethod('compileAsync') || this._hasMethod('compileFile') || this._hasMethod('compileFileAsync') ? a.normalizeAsync(this.compileFileAsync(e, t).then(function (e) { - return { - body: e.fn(n || t), - dependencies: e.dependencies - } - }), r) : (t || (t = { - }), void 0 === t.filename && (t.filename = e), a.normalizeAsync(a.readFile(e, 'utf8').then(function (e) { - return this.renderAsync(e, t, n) - }.bind(this)), r)) - } - }, - { - assert: 8, - fs: 41, - 'is-promise': 240, - promise: 374 - } - ], - 244: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_getNative') (e('./_root'), 'DataView'); - t.exports = r - }, - { - './_getNative': 303, - './_root': 338 - } - ], - 245: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_hashClear'), - i = e('./_hashDelete'), - s = e('./_hashGet'), - o = e('./_hashHas'), - a = e('./_hashSet'); - function u(e) { - var t = - 1, - n = null == e ? 0 : e.length; - for (this.clear(); ++t < n; ) { - var r = e[t]; - this.set(r[0], r[1]) - } - } - u.prototype.clear = r, - u.prototype.delete = i, - u.prototype.get = s, - u.prototype.has = o, - u.prototype.set = a, - t.exports = u - }, - { - './_hashClear': 310, - './_hashDelete': 311, - './_hashGet': 312, - './_hashHas': 313, - './_hashSet': 314 - } - ], - 246: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_listCacheClear'), - i = e('./_listCacheDelete'), - s = e('./_listCacheGet'), - o = e('./_listCacheHas'), - a = e('./_listCacheSet'); - function u(e) { - var t = - 1, - n = null == e ? 0 : e.length; - for (this.clear(); ++t < n; ) { - var r = e[t]; - this.set(r[0], r[1]) - } - } - u.prototype.clear = r, - u.prototype.delete = i, - u.prototype.get = s, - u.prototype.has = o, - u.prototype.set = a, - t.exports = u - }, - { - './_listCacheClear': 322, - './_listCacheDelete': 323, - './_listCacheGet': 324, - './_listCacheHas': 325, - './_listCacheSet': 326 - } - ], - 247: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_getNative') (e('./_root'), 'Map'); - t.exports = r - }, - { - './_getNative': 303, - './_root': 338 - } - ], - 248: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_mapCacheClear'), - i = e('./_mapCacheDelete'), - s = e('./_mapCacheGet'), - o = e('./_mapCacheHas'), - a = e('./_mapCacheSet'); - function u(e) { - var t = - 1, - n = null == e ? 0 : e.length; - for (this.clear(); ++t < n; ) { - var r = e[t]; - this.set(r[0], r[1]) - } - } - u.prototype.clear = r, - u.prototype.delete = i, - u.prototype.get = s, - u.prototype.has = o, - u.prototype.set = a, - t.exports = u - }, - { - './_mapCacheClear': 327, - './_mapCacheDelete': 328, - './_mapCacheGet': 329, - './_mapCacheHas': 330, - './_mapCacheSet': 331 - } - ], - 249: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_getNative') (e('./_root'), 'Promise'); - t.exports = r - }, - { - './_getNative': 303, - './_root': 338 - } - ], - 250: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_getNative') (e('./_root'), 'Set'); - t.exports = r - }, - { - './_getNative': 303, - './_root': 338 - } - ], - 251: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_MapCache'), - i = e('./_setCacheAdd'), - s = e('./_setCacheHas'); - function o(e) { - var t = - 1, - n = null == e ? 0 : e.length; - for (this.__data__ = new r; ++t < n; ) this.add(e[t]) - } - o.prototype.add = o.prototype.push = i, - o.prototype.has = s, - t.exports = o - }, - { - './_MapCache': 248, - './_setCacheAdd': 339, - './_setCacheHas': 340 - } - ], - 252: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_ListCache'), - i = e('./_stackClear'), - s = e('./_stackDelete'), - o = e('./_stackGet'), - a = e('./_stackHas'), - u = e('./_stackSet'); - function l(e) { - var t = this.__data__ = new r(e); - this.size = t.size - } - l.prototype.clear = i, - l.prototype.delete = s, - l.prototype.get = o, - l.prototype.has = a, - l.prototype.set = u, - t.exports = l - }, - { - './_ListCache': 246, - './_stackClear': 342, - './_stackDelete': 343, - './_stackGet': 344, - './_stackHas': 345, - './_stackSet': 346 - } - ], - 253: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_root').Symbol; - t.exports = r - }, - { - './_root': 338 - } - ], - 254: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_root').Uint8Array; - t.exports = r - }, - { - './_root': 338 - } - ], - 255: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_getNative') (e('./_root'), 'WeakMap'); - t.exports = r - }, - { - './_getNative': 303, - './_root': 338 - } - ], - 256: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e, t) { - for (var n = - 1, r = null == e ? 0 : e.length; ++n < r && !1 !== t(e[n], n, e); ); - return e - } - }, - { - } - ], - 257: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e, t) { - for (var n = - 1, r = null == e ? 0 : e.length, i = 0, s = [ - ]; ++n < r; ) { - var o = e[n]; - t(o, n, e) && (s[i++] = o) - } - return s - } - }, - { - } - ], - 258: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseIndexOf'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - return !(null == e || !e.length) && r(e, t, 0) > - 1 - } - }, - { - './_baseIndexOf': 272 - } - ], - 259: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = - 1, i = null == e ? 0 : e.length; ++r < i; ) if (n(t, e[r])) return !0; - return !1 - } - }, - { - } - ], - 260: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseTimes'), - i = e('./isArguments'), - s = e('./isArray'), - o = e('./isBuffer'), - a = e('./_isIndex'), - u = e('./isTypedArray'), - l = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n = s(e), - c = !n && i(e), - p = !n && !c && o(e), - h = !n && !c && !p && u(e), - f = n || c || p || h, - d = f ? r(e.length, String) : [ - ], - m = d.length; - for (var g in e) !t && !, g) || f && ('length' == g || p && ('offset' == g || 'parent' == g) || h && ('buffer' == g || 'byteLength' == g || 'byteOffset' == g) || a(g, m)) || d.push(g); - return d - } - }, - { - './_baseTimes': 282, - './_isIndex': 318, - './isArguments': 351, - './isArray': 352, - './isBuffer': 354, - './isTypedArray': 363 - } - ], - 261: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e, t) { - for (var n = - 1, r = t.length, i = e.length; ++n < r; ) e[i + n] = t[n]; - return e - } - }, - { - } - ], - 262: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseAssignValue'), - i = e('./eq'), - s = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - var o = e[t]; -, t) && i(o, n) && (void 0 !== n || t in e) || r(e, t, n) - } - }, - { - './_baseAssignValue': 266, - './eq': 350 - } - ], - 263: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./eq'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - for (var n = e.length; n--; ) if (r(e[n][0], t)) return n; - return - 1 - } - }, - { - './eq': 350 - } - ], - 264: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_copyObject'), - i = e('./keys'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - return e && r(t, i(t), e) - } - }, - { - './_copyObject': 293, - './keys': 364 - } - ], - 265: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_copyObject'), - i = e('./keysIn'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - return e && r(t, i(t), e) - } - }, - { - './_copyObject': 293, - './keysIn': 365 - } - ], - 266: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_defineProperty'); - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - '__proto__' == t && r ? r(e, t, { - configurable: !0, - enumerable: !0, - value: n, - writable: !0 - }) : e[t] = n - } - }, - { - './_defineProperty': 298 - } - ], - 267: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_Stack'), - i = e('./_arrayEach'), - s = e('./_assignValue'), - o = e('./_baseAssign'), - a = e('./_baseAssignIn'), - u = e('./_cloneBuffer'), - l = e('./_copyArray'), - c = e('./_copySymbols'), - p = e('./_copySymbolsIn'), - h = e('./_getAllKeys'), - f = e('./_getAllKeysIn'), - d = e('./_getTag'), - m = e('./_initCloneArray'), - g = e('./_initCloneByTag'), - y = e('./_initCloneObject'), - v = e('./isArray'), - b = e('./isBuffer'), - x = e('./isMap'), - A = e('./isObject'), - E = e('./isSet'), - _ = e('./keys'), - C = 1, - w = 2, - D = 4, - k = '[object Arguments]', - S = '[object Function]', - T = '[object GeneratorFunction]', - F = '[object Object]', - O = { - }; - O[k] = O['[object Array]'] = O['[object ArrayBuffer]'] = O['[object DataView]'] = O['[object Boolean]'] = O['[object Date]'] = O['[object Float32Array]'] = O['[object Float64Array]'] = O['[object Int8Array]'] = O['[object Int16Array]'] = O['[object Int32Array]'] = O['[object Map]'] = O['[object Number]'] = O[F] = O['[object RegExp]'] = O['[object Set]'] = O['[object String]'] = O['[object Symbol]'] = O['[object Uint8Array]'] = O['[object Uint8ClampedArray]'] = O['[object Uint16Array]'] = O['[object Uint32Array]'] = !0, - O['[object Error]'] = O[S] = O['[object WeakMap]'] = !1, - t.exports = function e(t, n, B, P, N, R) { - var L, - I = n & C, - j = n & w, - M = n & D; - if (B && (L = N ? B(t, P, N, R) : B(t)), void 0 !== L) return L; - if (!A(t)) return t; - var U = v(t); - if (U) { - if (L = m(t), !I) return l(t, L) - } else { - var V = d(t), - z = V == S || V == T; - if (b(t)) return u(t, I); - if (V == F || V == k || z && !N) { - if (L = j || z ? { - } - : y(t), !I) return j ? p(t, a(L, t)) : c(t, o(L, t)) - } else { - if (!O[V]) return N ? t : { - }; - L = g(t, V, I) - } - } - R || (R = new r); - var q = R.get(t); - if (q) return q; - R.set(t, L), - E(t) ? t.forEach(function (r) { - L.add(e(r, n, B, r, t, R)) - }) : x(t) && t.forEach(function (r, i) { - L.set(i, e(r, n, B, i, t, R)) - }); - var K = M ? j ? f : h : j ? keysIn : _, - $ = U ? void 0 : K(t); - return i($ || t, function (r, i) { - $ && (r = t[i = r]), - s(L, i, e(r, n, B, i, t, R)) - }), - L - } - }, - { - './_Stack': 252, - './_arrayEach': 256, - './_assignValue': 262, - './_baseAssign': 264, - './_baseAssignIn': 265, - './_cloneBuffer': 287, - './_copyArray': 292, - './_copySymbols': 294, - './_copySymbolsIn': 295, - './_getAllKeys': 300, - './_getAllKeysIn': 301, - './_getTag': 308, - './_initCloneArray': 315, - './_initCloneByTag': 316, - './_initCloneObject': 317, - './isArray': 352, - './isBuffer': 354, - './isMap': 357, - './isObject': 358, - './isSet': 362, - './keys': 364 - } - ], - 268: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./isObject'), - i = Object.create, - s = function () { - function e() { - } - return function (t) { - if (!r(t)) return { - }; - if (i) return i(t); - e.prototype = t; - var n = new e; - return e.prototype = void 0, - n - } - }(); - t.exports = s - }, - { - './isObject': 358 - } - ], - 269: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e, t, n, r) { - for (var i = e.length, s = n + (r ? 1 : - 1); r ? s-- : ++s < i; ) if (t(e[s], s, e)) return s; - return - 1 - } - }, - { - } - ], - 270: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_arrayPush'), - i = e('./isArray'); - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - var s = t(e); - return i(e) ? s : r(s, n(e)) - } - }, - { - './_arrayPush': 261, - './isArray': 352 - } - ], - 271: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_Symbol'), - i = e('./_getRawTag'), - s = e('./_objectToString'), - o = '[object Null]', - a = '[object Undefined]', - u = r ? r.toStringTag : void 0; - t.exports = function (e) { - return null == e ? void 0 === e ? a : o : u && u in Object(e) ? i(e) : s(e) - } - }, - { - './_Symbol': 253, - './_getRawTag': 305, - './_objectToString': 336 - } - ], - 272: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseFindIndex'), - i = e('./_baseIsNaN'), - s = e('./_strictIndexOf'); - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - return t == t ? s(e, t, n) : r(e, i, n) - } - }, - { - './_baseFindIndex': 269, - './_baseIsNaN': 275, - './_strictIndexOf': 347 - } - ], - 273: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseGetTag'), - i = e('./isObjectLike'), - s = '[object Arguments]'; - t.exports = function (e) { - return i(e) && r(e) == s - } - }, - { - './_baseGetTag': 271, - './isObjectLike': 359 - } - ], - 274: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_getTag'), - i = e('./isObjectLike'), - s = '[object Map]'; - t.exports = function (e) { - return i(e) && r(e) == s - } - }, - { - './_getTag': 308, - './isObjectLike': 359 - } - ], - 275: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - return e != e - } - }, - { - } - ], - 276: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./isFunction'), - i = e('./_isMasked'), - s = e('./isObject'), - o = e('./_toSource'), - a = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/, - u = Function.prototype, - l = Object.prototype, - c = u.toString, - p = l.hasOwnProperty, - h = RegExp('^' +[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, '\\$&').replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, '$1.*?') + '$'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return !(!s(e) || i(e)) && (r(e) ? h : a).test(o(e)) - } - }, - { - './_isMasked': 320, - './_toSource': 348, - './isFunction': 355, - './isObject': 358 - } - ], - 277: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseGetTag'), - i = e('./isObjectLike'), - s = '[object RegExp]'; - t.exports = function (e) { - return i(e) && r(e) == s - } - }, - { - './_baseGetTag': 271, - './isObjectLike': 359 - } - ], - 278: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_getTag'), - i = e('./isObjectLike'), - s = '[object Set]'; - t.exports = function (e) { - return i(e) && r(e) == s - } - }, - { - './_getTag': 308, - './isObjectLike': 359 - } - ], - 279: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseGetTag'), - i = e('./isLength'), - s = e('./isObjectLike'), - o = { - }; - o['[object Float32Array]'] = o['[object Float64Array]'] = o['[object Int8Array]'] = o['[object Int16Array]'] = o['[object Int32Array]'] = o['[object Uint8Array]'] = o['[object Uint8ClampedArray]'] = o['[object Uint16Array]'] = o['[object Uint32Array]'] = !0, - o['[object Arguments]'] = o['[object Array]'] = o['[object ArrayBuffer]'] = o['[object Boolean]'] = o['[object DataView]'] = o['[object Date]'] = o['[object Error]'] = o['[object Function]'] = o['[object Map]'] = o['[object Number]'] = o['[object Object]'] = o['[object RegExp]'] = o['[object Set]'] = o['[object String]'] = o['[object WeakMap]'] = !1, - t.exports = function (e) { - return s(e) && i(e.length) && !!o[r(e)] - } - }, - { - './_baseGetTag': 271, - './isLength': 356, - './isObjectLike': 359 - } - ], - 280: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_isPrototype'), - i = e('./_nativeKeys'), - s = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - t.exports = function (e) { - if (!r(e)) return i(e); - var t = [ - ]; - for (var n in Object(e)), n) && 'constructor' != n && t.push(n); - return t - } - }, - { - './_isPrototype': 321, - './_nativeKeys': 333 - } - ], - 281: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./isObject'), - i = e('./_isPrototype'), - s = e('./_nativeKeysIn'), - o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - t.exports = function (e) { - if (!r(e)) return s(e); - var t = i(e), - n = [ - ]; - for (var a in e) ('constructor' != a || !t &&, a)) && n.push(a); - return n - } - }, - { - './_isPrototype': 321, - './_nativeKeysIn': 334, - './isObject': 358 - } - ], - 282: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e, t) { - for (var n = - 1, r = Array(e); ++n < e; ) r[n] = t(n); - return r - } - }, - { - } - ], - 283: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - return function (t) { - return e(t) - } - } - }, - { - } - ], - 284: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_SetCache'), - i = e('./_arrayIncludes'), - s = e('./_arrayIncludesWith'), - o = e('./_cacheHas'), - a = e('./_createSet'), - u = e('./_setToArray'), - l = 200; - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - var c = - 1, - p = i, - h = e.length, - f = !0, - d = [ - ], - m = d; - if (n) f = !1, - p = s; - else if (h >= l) { - var g = t ? null : a(e); - if (g) return u(g); - f = !1, - p = o, - m = new r - } else m = t ? [ - ] : d; - e: for (; ++c < h; ) { - var y = e[c], - v = t ? t(y) : y; - if (y = n || 0 !== y ? y : 0, f && v == v) { - for (var b = m.length; b--; ) if (m[b] === v) continue e; - t && m.push(v), - d.push(y) - } else p(m, v, n) || (m !== d && m.push(v), d.push(y)) - } - return d - } - }, - { - './_SetCache': 251, - './_arrayIncludes': 258, - './_arrayIncludesWith': 259, - './_cacheHas': 285, - './_createSet': 297, - './_setToArray': 341 - } - ], - 285: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e, t) { - return e.has(t) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 286: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_Uint8Array'); - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = new e.constructor(e.byteLength); - return new r(t).set(new r(e)), - t - } - }, - { - './_Uint8Array': 254 - } - ], - 287: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_root'), - i = 'object' == typeof n && n && !n.nodeType && n, - s = i && 'object' == typeof t && t && !t.nodeType && t, - o = s && s.exports === i ? r.Buffer : void 0, - a = o ? o.allocUnsafe : void 0; - t.exports = function (e, t) { - if (t) return e.slice(); - var n = e.length, - r = a ? a(n) : new e.constructor(n); - return e.copy(r), - r - } - }, - { - './_root': 338 - } - ], - 288: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_cloneArrayBuffer'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n = t ? r(e.buffer) : e.buffer; - return new e.constructor(n, e.byteOffset, e.byteLength) - } - }, - { - './_cloneArrayBuffer': 286 - } - ], - 289: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = /\w*$/; - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = new e.constructor(e.source, r.exec(e)); - return t.lastIndex = e.lastIndex, - t - } - }, - { - } - ], - 290: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_Symbol'), - i = r ? r.prototype : void 0, - s = i ? i.valueOf : void 0; - t.exports = function (e) { - return s ? Object( : { - } - } - }, - { - './_Symbol': 253 - } - ], - 291: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_cloneArrayBuffer'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n = t ? r(e.buffer) : e.buffer; - return new e.constructor(n, e.byteOffset, e.length) - } - }, - { - './_cloneArrayBuffer': 286 - } - ], - 292: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n = - 1, - r = e.length; - for (t || (t = Array(r)); ++n < r; ) t[n] = e[n]; - return t - } - }, - { - } - ], - 293: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_assignValue'), - i = e('./_baseAssignValue'); - t.exports = function (e, t, n, s) { - var o = !n; - n || (n = { - }); - for (var a = - 1, u = t.length; ++a < u; ) { - var l = t[a], - c = s ? s(n[l], e[l], l, n, e) : void 0; - void 0 === c && (c = e[l]), - o ? i(n, l, c) : r(n, l, c) - } - return n - } - }, - { - './_assignValue': 262, - './_baseAssignValue': 266 - } - ], - 294: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_copyObject'), - i = e('./_getSymbols'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - return r(e, i(e), t) - } - }, - { - './_copyObject': 293, - './_getSymbols': 306 - } - ], - 295: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_copyObject'), - i = e('./_getSymbolsIn'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - return r(e, i(e), t) - } - }, - { - './_copyObject': 293, - './_getSymbolsIn': 307 - } - ], - 296: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_root') ['__core-js_shared__']; - t.exports = r - }, - { - './_root': 338 - } - ], - 297: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_Set'), - i = e('./noop'), - s = e('./_setToArray'), - o = r && 1 / s(new r([, - - 0])) [1] == 1 / 0 ? function (e) { - return new r(e) - } - : i; - t.exports = o - }, - { - './_Set': 250, - './_setToArray': 341, - './noop': 366 - } - ], - 298: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_getNative'), - i = function () { - try { - var e = r(Object, 'defineProperty'); - return e({ - }, '', { - }), - e - } catch (e) { - } - }(); - t.exports = i - }, - { - './_getNative': 303 - } - ], - 299: [ - function (e, t, n) { - (function (e) { - var n = 'object' == typeof e && e && e.Object === Object && e; - t.exports = n - }).call(this, 'undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof self ? self : 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : { - }) - }, - { - } - ], - 300: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseGetAllKeys'), - i = e('./_getSymbols'), - s = e('./keys'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return r(e, s, i) - } - }, - { - './_baseGetAllKeys': 270, - './_getSymbols': 306, - './keys': 364 - } - ], - 301: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseGetAllKeys'), - i = e('./_getSymbolsIn'), - s = e('./keysIn'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return r(e, s, i) - } - }, - { - './_baseGetAllKeys': 270, - './_getSymbolsIn': 307, - './keysIn': 365 - } - ], - 302: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_isKeyable'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n = e.__data__; - return r(t) ? n['string' == typeof t ? 'string' : 'hash'] : - } - }, - { - './_isKeyable': 319 - } - ], - 303: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseIsNative'), - i = e('./_getValue'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n = i(e, t); - return r(n) ? n : void 0 - } - }, - { - './_baseIsNative': 276, - './_getValue': 309 - } - ], - 304: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_overArg') (Object.getPrototypeOf, Object); - t.exports = r - }, - { - './_overArg': 337 - } - ], - 305: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_Symbol'), - i = Object.prototype, - s = i.hasOwnProperty, - o = i.toString, - a = r ? r.toStringTag : void 0; - t.exports = function (e) { - var t =, a), - n = e[a]; - try { - e[a] = void 0; - var r = !0 - } catch (e) { - } - var i =; - return r && (t ? e[a] = n : delete e[a]), - i - } - }, - { - './_Symbol': 253 - } - ], - 306: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_arrayFilter'), - i = e('./stubArray'), - s = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, - o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, - a = o ? function (e) { - return null == e ? [ - ] : (e = Object(e), r(o(e), function (t) { - return, t) - })) - } - : i; - t.exports = a - }, - { - './_arrayFilter': 257, - './stubArray': 367 - } - ], - 307: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_arrayPush'), - i = e('./_getPrototype'), - s = e('./_getSymbols'), - o = e('./stubArray'), - a = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? function (e) { - for (var t = [ - ]; e; ) r(t, s(e)), - e = i(e); - return t - } - : o; - t.exports = a - }, - { - './_arrayPush': 261, - './_getPrototype': 304, - './_getSymbols': 306, - './stubArray': 367 - } - ], - 308: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_DataView'), - i = e('./_Map'), - s = e('./_Promise'), - o = e('./_Set'), - a = e('./_WeakMap'), - u = e('./_baseGetTag'), - l = e('./_toSource'), - c = l(r), - p = l(i), - h = l(s), - f = l(o), - d = l(a), - m = u; - (r && '[object DataView]' != m(new r(new ArrayBuffer(1))) || i && '[object Map]' != m(new i) || s && '[object Promise]' != m(s.resolve()) || o && '[object Set]' != m(new o) || a && '[object WeakMap]' != m(new a)) && (m = function (e) { - var t = u(e), - n = '[object Object]' == t ? e.constructor : void 0, - r = n ? l(n) : ''; - if (r) switch (r) { - case c: - return '[object DataView]'; - case p: - return '[object Map]'; - case h: - return '[object Promise]'; - case f: - return '[object Set]'; - case d: - return '[object WeakMap]' - } - return t - }), - t.exports = m - }, - { - './_DataView': 244, - './_Map': 247, - './_Promise': 249, - './_Set': 250, - './_WeakMap': 255, - './_baseGetTag': 271, - './_toSource': 348 - } - ], - 309: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e, t) { - return null == e ? void 0 : e[t] - } - }, - { - } - ], - 310: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_nativeCreate'); - t.exports = function () { - this.__data__ = r ? r(null) : { - }, - this.size = 0 - } - }, - { - './_nativeCreate': 332 - } - ], - 311: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = this.has(e) && delete this.__data__[e]; - return this.size -= t ? 1 : 0, - t - } - }, - { - } - ], - 312: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_nativeCreate'), - i = '__lodash_hash_undefined__', - s = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = this.__data__; - if (r) { - var n = t[e]; - return n === i ? void 0 : n - } - return, e) ? t[e] : void 0 - } - }, - { - './_nativeCreate': 332 - } - ], - 313: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_nativeCreate'), - i = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = this.__data__; - return r ? void 0 !== t[e] :, e) - } - }, - { - './_nativeCreate': 332 - } - ], - 314: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_nativeCreate'), - i = '__lodash_hash_undefined__'; - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n = this.__data__; - return this.size += this.has(e) ? 0 : 1, - n[e] = r && void 0 === t ? i : t, - this - } - }, - { - './_nativeCreate': 332 - } - ], - 315: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = e.length, - n = new e.constructor(t); - return t && 'string' == typeof e[0] &&, 'index') && (n.index = e.index, n.input = e.input), - n - } - }, - { - } - ], - 316: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_cloneArrayBuffer'), - i = e('./_cloneDataView'), - s = e('./_cloneRegExp'), - o = e('./_cloneSymbol'), - a = e('./_cloneTypedArray'), - u = '[object Boolean]', - l = '[object Date]', - c = '[object Map]', - p = '[object Number]', - h = '[object RegExp]', - f = '[object Set]', - d = '[object String]', - m = '[object Symbol]', - g = '[object ArrayBuffer]', - y = '[object DataView]', - v = '[object Float32Array]', - b = '[object Float64Array]', - x = '[object Int8Array]', - A = '[object Int16Array]', - E = '[object Int32Array]', - _ = '[object Uint8Array]', - C = '[object Uint8ClampedArray]', - w = '[object Uint16Array]', - D = '[object Uint32Array]'; - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - var k = e.constructor; - switch (t) { - case g: - return r(e); - case u: - case l: - return new k( + e); - case y: - return i(e, n); - case v: - case b: - case x: - case A: - case E: - case _: - case C: - case w: - case D: - return a(e, n); - case c: - return new k; - case p: - case d: - return new k(e); - case h: - return s(e); - case f: - return new k; - case m: - return o(e) - } - } - }, - { - './_cloneArrayBuffer': 286, - './_cloneDataView': 288, - './_cloneRegExp': 289, - './_cloneSymbol': 290, - './_cloneTypedArray': 291 - } - ], - 317: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseCreate'), - i = e('./_getPrototype'), - s = e('./_isPrototype'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return 'function' != typeof e.constructor || s(e) ? { - } - : r(i(e)) - } - }, - { - './_baseCreate': 268, - './_getPrototype': 304, - './_isPrototype': 321 - } - ], - 318: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = 9007199254740991, - i = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/; - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n = typeof e; - return !!(t = null == t ? r : t) && ('number' == n || 'symbol' != n && i.test(e)) && e > - 1 && e % 1 == 0 && e < t - } - }, - { - } - ], - 319: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = typeof e; - return 'string' == t || 'number' == t || 'symbol' == t || 'boolean' == t ? '__proto__' !== e : null === e - } - }, - { - } - ], - 320: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r, - i = e('./_coreJsData'), - s = (r = /[^.]+$/.exec(i && i.keys && i.keys.IE_PROTO || '')) ? 'Symbol(src)_1.' + r : ''; - t.exports = function (e) { - return !!s && s in e - } - }, - { - './_coreJsData': 296 - } - ], - 321: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = Object.prototype; - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = e && e.constructor; - return e === ('function' == typeof t && t.prototype || r) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 322: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function () { - this.__data__ = [ - ], - this.size = 0 - } - }, - { - } - ], - 323: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_assocIndexOf'), - i = Array.prototype.splice; - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = this.__data__, - n = r(t, e); - return !(n < 0 || (n == t.length - 1 ? t.pop() :, n, 1), --this.size, 0)) - } - }, - { - './_assocIndexOf': 263 - } - ], - 324: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_assocIndexOf'); - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = this.__data__, - n = r(t, e); - return n < 0 ? void 0 : t[n][1] - } - }, - { - './_assocIndexOf': 263 - } - ], - 325: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_assocIndexOf'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return r(this.__data__, e) > - 1 - } - }, - { - './_assocIndexOf': 263 - } - ], - 326: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_assocIndexOf'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n = this.__data__, - i = r(n, e); - return i < 0 ? (++this.size, n.push([e, - t])) : n[i][1] = t, - this - } - }, - { - './_assocIndexOf': 263 - } - ], - 327: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_Hash'), - i = e('./_ListCache'), - s = e('./_Map'); - t.exports = function () { - this.size = 0, - this.__data__ = { - hash: new r, - map: new (s || i), - string: new r - } - } - }, - { - './_Hash': 245, - './_ListCache': 246, - './_Map': 247 - } - ], - 328: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_getMapData'); - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = r(this, e).delete(e); - return this.size -= t ? 1 : 0, - t - } - }, - { - './_getMapData': 302 - } - ], - 329: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_getMapData'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return r(this, e).get(e) - } - }, - { - './_getMapData': 302 - } - ], - 330: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_getMapData'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return r(this, e).has(e) - } - }, - { - './_getMapData': 302 - } - ], - 331: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_getMapData'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n = r(this, e), - i = n.size; - return n.set(e, t), - this.size += n.size == i ? 0 : 1, - this - } - }, - { - './_getMapData': 302 - } - ], - 332: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_getNative') (Object, 'create'); - t.exports = r - }, - { - './_getNative': 303 - } - ], - 333: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_overArg') (Object.keys, Object); - t.exports = r - }, - { - './_overArg': 337 - } - ], - 334: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = [ - ]; - if (null != e) for (var n in Object(e)) t.push(n); - return t - } - }, - { - } - ], - 335: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_freeGlobal'), - i = 'object' == typeof n && n && !n.nodeType && n, - s = i && 'object' == typeof t && t && !t.nodeType && t, - o = s && s.exports === i && r.process, - a = function () { - try { - var e = s && s.require && s.require('util').types; - return e || o && o.binding && o.binding('util') - } catch (e) { - } - }(); - t.exports = a - }, - { - './_freeGlobal': 299 - } - ], - 336: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = Object.prototype.toString; - t.exports = function (e) { - return - } - }, - { - } - ], - 337: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e, t) { - return function (n) { - return e(t(n)) - } - } - }, - { - } - ], - 338: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_freeGlobal'), - i = 'object' == typeof self && self && self.Object === Object && self, - s = r || i || Function('return this') (); - t.exports = s - }, - { - './_freeGlobal': 299 - } - ], - 339: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = '__lodash_hash_undefined__'; - t.exports = function (e) { - return this.__data__.set(e, r), - this - } - }, - { - } - ], - 340: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - return this.__data__.has(e) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 341: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = - 1, - n = Array(e.size); - return e.forEach(function (e) { - n[++t] = e - }), - n - } - }, - { - } - ], - 342: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_ListCache'); - t.exports = function () { - this.__data__ = new r, - this.size = 0 - } - }, - { - './_ListCache': 246 - } - ], - 343: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = this.__data__, - n = t.delete(e); - return this.size = t.size, - n - } - }, - { - } - ], - 344: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - return this.__data__.get(e) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 345: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - return this.__data__.has(e) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 346: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_ListCache'), - i = e('./_Map'), - s = e('./_MapCache'), - o = 200; - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n = this.__data__; - if (n instanceof r) { - var a = n.__data__; - if (!i || a.length < o - 1) return a.push([e, - t]), - this.size = ++n.size, - this; - n = this.__data__ = new s(a) - } - return n.set(e, t), - this.size = n.size, - this - } - }, - { - './_ListCache': 246, - './_Map': 247, - './_MapCache': 248 - } - ], - 347: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - for (var r = n - 1, i = e.length; ++r < i; ) if (e[r] === t) return r; - return - 1 - } - }, - { - } - ], - 348: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = Function.prototype.toString; - t.exports = function (e) { - if (null != e) { - try { - return - } catch (e) { - } - try { - return e + '' - } catch (e) { - } - } - return '' - } - }, - { - } - ], - 349: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseClone'), - i = 4; - t.exports = function (e) { - return r(e, i) - } - }, - { - './_baseClone': 267 - } - ], - 350: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e, t) { - return e === t || e != e && t != t - } - }, - { - } - ], - 351: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseIsArguments'), - i = e('./isObjectLike'), - s = Object.prototype, - o = s.hasOwnProperty, - a = s.propertyIsEnumerable, - u = r(function () { - return arguments - }()) ? r : function (e) { - return i(e) &&, 'callee') && !, 'callee') - }; - t.exports = u - }, - { - './_baseIsArguments': 273, - './isObjectLike': 359 - } - ], - 352: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = Array.isArray; - t.exports = r - }, - { - } - ], - 353: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./isFunction'), - i = e('./isLength'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return null != e && i(e.length) && !r(e) - } - }, - { - './isFunction': 355, - './isLength': 356 - } - ], - 354: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_root'), - i = e('./stubFalse'), - s = 'object' == typeof n && n && !n.nodeType && n, - o = s && 'object' == typeof t && t && !t.nodeType && t, - a = o && o.exports === s ? r.Buffer : void 0, - u = (a ? a.isBuffer : void 0) || i; - t.exports = u - }, - { - './_root': 338, - './stubFalse': 368 - } - ], - 355: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseGetTag'), - i = e('./isObject'), - s = '[object AsyncFunction]', - o = '[object Function]', - a = '[object GeneratorFunction]', - u = '[object Proxy]'; - t.exports = function (e) { - if (!i(e)) return !1; - var t = r(e); - return t == o || t == a || t == s || t == u - } - }, - { - './_baseGetTag': 271, - './isObject': 358 - } - ], - 356: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = 9007199254740991; - t.exports = function (e) { - return 'number' == typeof e && e > - 1 && e % 1 == 0 && e <= r - } - }, - { - } - ], - 357: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseIsMap'), - i = e('./_baseUnary'), - s = e('./_nodeUtil'), - o = s && s.isMap, - a = o ? i(o) : r; - t.exports = a - }, - { - './_baseIsMap': 274, - './_baseUnary': 283, - './_nodeUtil': 335 - } - ], - 358: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = typeof e; - return null != e && ('object' == t || 'function' == t) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 359: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function (e) { - return null != e && 'object' == typeof e - } - }, - { - } - ], - 360: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseGetTag'), - i = e('./_getPrototype'), - s = e('./isObjectLike'), - o = '[object Object]', - a = Function.prototype, - u = Object.prototype, - l = a.toString, - c = u.hasOwnProperty, - p =; - t.exports = function (e) { - if (!s(e) || r(e) != o) return !1; - var t = i(e); - if (null === t) return !0; - var n =, 'constructor') && t.constructor; - return 'function' == typeof n && n instanceof n && == p - } - }, - { - './_baseGetTag': 271, - './_getPrototype': 304, - './isObjectLike': 359 - } - ], - 361: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseIsRegExp'), - i = e('./_baseUnary'), - s = e('./_nodeUtil'), - o = s && s.isRegExp, - a = o ? i(o) : r; - t.exports = a - }, - { - './_baseIsRegExp': 277, - './_baseUnary': 283, - './_nodeUtil': 335 - } - ], - 362: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseIsSet'), - i = e('./_baseUnary'), - s = e('./_nodeUtil'), - o = s && s.isSet, - a = o ? i(o) : r; - t.exports = a - }, - { - './_baseIsSet': 278, - './_baseUnary': 283, - './_nodeUtil': 335 - } - ], - 363: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseIsTypedArray'), - i = e('./_baseUnary'), - s = e('./_nodeUtil'), - o = s && s.isTypedArray, - a = o ? i(o) : r; - t.exports = a - }, - { - './_baseIsTypedArray': 279, - './_baseUnary': 283, - './_nodeUtil': 335 - } - ], - 364: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_arrayLikeKeys'), - i = e('./_baseKeys'), - s = e('./isArrayLike'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return s(e) ? r(e) : i(e) - } - }, - { - './_arrayLikeKeys': 260, - './_baseKeys': 280, - './isArrayLike': 353 - } - ], - 365: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_arrayLikeKeys'), - i = e('./_baseKeysIn'), - s = e('./isArrayLike'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return s(e) ? r(e, !0) : i(e) - } - }, - { - './_arrayLikeKeys': 260, - './_baseKeysIn': 281, - './isArrayLike': 353 - } - ], - 366: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function () { - } - }, - { - } - ], - 367: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function () { - return [] - } - }, - { - } - ], - 368: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = function () { - return !1 - } - }, - { - } - ], - 369: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./_baseUniq'); - t.exports = function (e) { - return e && e.length ? r(e) : [ - ] - } - }, - { - './_baseUniq': 284 - } - ], - 370: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, - i = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, - s = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; - t.exports = function () { - try { - if (!Object.assign) return !1; - var e = new String('abc'); - if (e[5] = 'de', '5' === Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e) [0]) return !1; - for (var t = { - }, n = 0; n < 10; n++) t['_' + String.fromCharCode(n)] = n; - if ('0123456789' !== Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t).map(function (e) { - return t[e] - }).join('')) return !1; - var r = { - }; - return 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst'.split('').forEach(function (e) { - r[e] = e - }), - 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst' === Object.keys(Object.assign({ - }, r)).join('') - } catch (e) { - return !1 - } - }() ? Object.assign : function (e, t) { - for (var n, o, a = function (e) { - if (null === e || void 0 === e) throw new TypeError('Object.assign cannot be called with null or undefined'); - return Object(e) - }(e), u = 1; u < arguments.length; u++) { - for (var l in n = Object(arguments[u])), l) && (a[l] = n[l]); - if (r) { - o = r(n); - for (var c = 0; c < o.length; c++), o[c]) && (a[o[c]] = n[o[c]]) - } - } - return a - } - }, - { - } - ], - 371: [ - function (e, t, n) { - n.endianness = function () { - return 'LE' - }, - n.hostname = function () { - return 'undefined' != typeof location ? location.hostname : '' - }, - n.loadavg = function () { - return [] - }, - n.uptime = function () { - return 0 - }, - n.freemem = function () { - return Number.MAX_VALUE - }, - n.totalmem = function () { - return Number.MAX_VALUE - }, - n.cpus = function () { - return [] - }, - n.type = function () { - return 'Browser' - }, - n.release = function () { - return 'undefined' != typeof navigator ? navigator.appVersion : '' - }, - n.networkInterfaces = n.getNetworkInterfaces = function () { - return { - } - }, - n.arch = function () { - return 'javascript' - }, - n.platform = function () { - return 'browser' - }, - n.tmpdir = n.tmpDir = function () { - return '/tmp' - }, - n.EOL = '\n', - n.homedir = function () { - return '/' - } - }, - { - } - ], - 372: [ - function (e, t, n) { - (function (e) { - function t(e, t) { - for (var n = 0, r = e.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) { - var i = e[r]; - '.' === i ? e.splice(r, 1) : '..' === i ? (e.splice(r, 1), n++) : n && (e.splice(r, 1), n--) - } - if (t) for (; n--; n) e.unshift('..'); - return e - } - function r(e, t) { - if (e.filter) return e.filter(t); - for (var n = [ - ], r = 0; r < e.length; r++) t(e[r], r, e) && n.push(e[r]); - return n - } - n.resolve = function () { - for (var n = '', i = !1, s = arguments.length - 1; s >= - 1 && !i; s--) { - var o = s >= 0 ? arguments[s] : e.cwd(); - if ('string' != typeof o) throw new TypeError('Arguments to path.resolve must be strings'); - o && (n = o + '/' + n, i = '/' === o.charAt(0)) - } - return n = t(r(n.split('/'), function (e) { - return !!e - }), !i).join('/'), - (i ? '/' : '') + n || '.' - }, - n.normalize = function (e) { - var s = n.isAbsolute(e), - o = '/' === i(e, - 1); - return (e = t(r(e.split('/'), function (e) { - return !!e - }), !s).join('/')) || s || (e = '.'), - e && o && (e += '/'), - (s ? '/' : '') + e - }, - n.isAbsolute = function (e) { - return '/' === e.charAt(0) - }, - n.join = function () { - var e =, 0); - return n.normalize(r(e, function (e, t) { - if ('string' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('Arguments to path.join must be strings'); - return e - }).join('/')) - }, - n.relative = function (e, t) { - function r(e) { - for (var t = 0; t < e.length && '' === e[t]; t++); - for (var n = e.length - 1; n >= 0 && '' === e[n]; n--); - return t > n ? [ - ] : e.slice(t, n - t + 1) - } - e = n.resolve(e).substr(1), - t = n.resolve(t).substr(1); - for (var i = r(e.split('/')), s = r(t.split('/')), o = Math.min(i.length, s.length), a = o, u = 0; u < o; u++) if (i[u] !== s[u]) { - a = u; - break - } - var l = [ - ]; - for (u = a; u < i.length; u++) l.push('..'); - return (l = l.concat(s.slice(a))).join('/') - }, - n.sep = '/', - n.delimiter = ':', - n.dirname = function (e) { - if ('string' != typeof e && (e += ''), 0 === e.length) return '.'; - for (var t = e.charCodeAt(0), n = 47 === t, r = - 1, i = !0, s = e.length - 1; s >= 1; --s) if (47 === (t = e.charCodeAt(s))) { - if (!i) { - r = s; - break - } - } else i = !1; - return - 1 === r ? n ? '/' : '.' : n && 1 === r ? '/' : e.slice(0, r) - }, - n.basename = function (e, t) { - var n = function (e) { - 'string' != typeof e && (e += ''); - var t, - n = 0, - r = - 1, - i = !0; - for (t = e.length - 1; t >= 0; --t) if (47 === e.charCodeAt(t)) { - if (!i) { - n = t + 1; - break - } - } else - 1 === r && (i = !1, r = t + 1); - return - 1 === r ? '' : e.slice(n, r) - }(e); - return t && n.substr( - 1 * t.length) === t && (n = n.substr(0, n.length - t.length)), - n - }, - n.extname = function (e) { - 'string' != typeof e && (e += ''); - for (var t = - 1, n = 0, r = - 1, i = !0, s = 0, o = e.length - 1; o >= 0; --o) { - var a = e.charCodeAt(o); - if (47 !== a) - 1 === r && (i = !1, r = o + 1), - 46 === a ? - 1 === t ? t = o : 1 !== s && (s = 1) : - 1 !== t && (s = - 1); - else if (!i) { - n = o + 1; - break - } - } - return - 1 === t || - 1 === r || 0 === s || 1 === s && t === r - 1 && t === n + 1 ? '' : e.slice(t, r) - }; - var i = 'b' === 'ab'.substr( - 1) ? function (e, t, n) { - return e.substr(t, n) - } - : function (e, t, n) { - return t < 0 && (t = e.length + t), - e.substr(t, n) - } - }).call(this, e('_process')) - }, - { - _process: 373 - } - ], - 373: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r, - i, - s = t.exports = { - }; - function o() { - throw new Error('setTimeout has not been defined') - } - function a() { - throw new Error('clearTimeout has not been defined') - } - function u(e) { - if (r === setTimeout) return setTimeout(e, 0); - if ((r === o || !r) && setTimeout) return r = setTimeout, - setTimeout(e, 0); - try { - return r(e, 0) - } catch (t) { - try { - return, e, 0) - } catch (t) { - return, e, 0) - } - } - } - !function () { - try { - r = 'function' == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : o - } catch (e) { - r = o - } - try { - i = 'function' == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : a - } catch (e) { - i = a - } - }(); - var l, - c = [ - ], - p = !1, - h = - 1; - function f() { - p && l && (p = !1, l.length ? c = l.concat(c) : h = - 1, c.length && d()) - } - function d() { - if (!p) { - var e = u(f); - p = !0; - for (var t = c.length; t; ) { - for (l = c, c = [ - ]; ++h < t; ) l && l[h].run(); - h = - 1, - t = c.length - } - l = null, - p = !1, - function (e) { - if (i === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(e); - if ((i === a || !i) && clearTimeout) return i = clearTimeout, - clearTimeout(e); - try { - i(e) - } catch (t) { - try { - return, e) - } catch (t) { - return, e) - } - } - }(e) - } - } - function m(e, t) { - = e, - this.array = t - } - function g() { - } - s.nextTick = function (e) { - var t = new Array(arguments.length - 1); - if (arguments.length > 1) for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) t[n - 1] = arguments[n]; - c.push(new m(e, t)), - 1 !== c.length || p || u(d) - }, - = function () { -, this.array) - }, - s.title = 'browser', - s.browser = !0, - s.env = { - }, - s.argv = [ - ], - s.version = '', - s.versions = { - }, - s.on = g, - s.addListener = g, - s.once = g, - = g, - s.removeListener = g, - s.removeAllListeners = g, - s.emit = g, - s.prependListener = g, - s.prependOnceListener = g, - s.listeners = function (e) { - return [] - }, - s.binding = function (e) { - throw new Error('process.binding is not supported') - }, - s.cwd = function () { - return '/' - }, - s.chdir = function (e) { - throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported') - }, - s.umask = function () { - return 0 - } - }, - { - } - ], - 374: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - t.exports = e('./lib') - }, - { - './lib': 379 - } - ], - 375: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('asap/raw'); - function i() { - } - var s = null, - o = { - }; - function a(e) { - if ('object' != typeof this) throw new TypeError('Promises must be constructed via new'); - if ('function' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('Promise constructor\'s argument is not a function'); - this._40 = 0, - this._65 = 0, - this._55 = null, - this._72 = null, - e !== i && f(e, this) - } - function u(e, t) { - for (; 3 === e._65; ) e = e._55; - if (a._37 && a._37(e), 0 === e._65) return 0 === e._40 ? (e._40 = 1, void (e._72 = t)) : 1 === e._40 ? (e._40 = 2, void (e._72 = [ - e._72, - t - ])) : void e._72.push(t); - !function (e, t) { - r(function () { - var n = 1 === e._65 ? t.onFulfilled : t.onRejected; - if (null !== n) { - var r = function (e, t) { - try { - return e(t) - } catch (e) { - return s = e, - o - } - }(n, e._55); - r === o ? c(t.promise, s) : l(t.promise, r) - } else 1 === e._65 ? l(t.promise, e._55) : c(t.promise, e._55) - }) - }(e, t) - } - function l(e, t) { - if (t === e) return c(e, new TypeError('A promise cannot be resolved with itself.')); - if (t && ('object' == typeof t || 'function' == typeof t)) { - var n = function (e) { - try { - return e.then - } catch (e) { - return s = e, - o - } - }(t); - if (n === o) return c(e, s); - if (n === e.then && t instanceof a) return e._65 = 3, - e._55 = t, - void p(e); - if ('function' == typeof n) return void f(n.bind(t), e) - } - e._65 = 1, - e._55 = t, - p(e) - } - function c(e, t) { - e._65 = 2, - e._55 = t, - a._87 && a._87(e, t), - p(e) - } - function p(e) { - if (1 === e._40 && (u(e, e._72), e._72 = null), 2 === e._40) { - for (var t = 0; t < e._72.length; t++) u(e, e._72[t]); - e._72 = null - } - } - function h(e, t, n) { - this.onFulfilled = 'function' == typeof e ? e : null, - this.onRejected = 'function' == typeof t ? t : null, - this.promise = n - } - function f(e, t) { - var n = !1, - r = function (e, t, n) { - try { - e(t, n) - } catch (e) { - return s = e, - o - } - }(e, function (e) { - n || (n = !0, l(t, e)) - }, function (e) { - n || (n = !0, c(t, e)) - }); - n || r !== o || (n = !0, c(t, s)) - } - t.exports = a, - a._37 = null, - a._87 = null, - a._61 = i, - a.prototype.then = function (e, t) { - if (this.constructor !== a) return function (e, t, n) { - return new e.constructor(function (r, s) { - var o = new a(i); - o.then(r, s), - u(e, new h(t, n, o)) - }) - }(this, e, t); - var n = new a(i); - return u(this, new h(e, t, n)), - n - } - }, - { - 'asap/raw': 7 - } - ], - 376: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('./core.js'); - t.exports = r, - r.prototype.done = function (e, t) { - (arguments.length ? this.then.apply(this, arguments) : this).then(null, function (e) { - setTimeout(function () { - throw e - }, 0) - }) - } - }, - { - './core.js': 375 - } - ], - 377: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('./core.js'); - t.exports = r; - var i = c(!0), - s = c(!1), - o = c(null), - a = c(void 0), - u = c(0), - l = c(''); - function c(e) { - var t = new r(r._61); - return t._65 = 1, - t._55 = e, - t - } - r.resolve = function (e) { - if (e instanceof r) return e; - if (null === e) return o; - if (void 0 === e) return a; - if (!0 === e) return i; - if (!1 === e) return s; - if (0 === e) return u; - if ('' === e) return l; - if ('object' == typeof e || 'function' == typeof e) try { - var t = e.then; - if ('function' == typeof t) return new r(t.bind(e)) - } catch (e) { - return new r(function (t, n) { - n(e) - }) - } - return c(e) - }, - r.all = function (e) { - var t =; - return new r(function (e, n) { - if (0 === t.length) return e([]); - var i = t.length; - function s(o, a) { - if (a && ('object' == typeof a || 'function' == typeof a)) { - if (a instanceof r && a.then === r.prototype.then) { - for (; 3 === a._65; ) a = a._55; - return 1 === a._65 ? s(o, a._55) : (2 === a._65 && n(a._55), void a.then(function (e) { - s(o, e) - }, n)) - } - var u = a.then; - if ('function' == typeof u) return void new r(u.bind(a)).then(function (e) { - s(o, e) - }, n) - } - t[o] = a, - 0 == --i && e(t) - } - for (var o = 0; o < t.length; o++) s(o, t[o]) - }) - }, - r.reject = function (e) { - return new r(function (t, n) { - n(e) - }) - }, - r.race = function (e) { - return new r(function (t, n) { - e.forEach(function (e) { - r.resolve(e).then(t, n) - }) - }) - }, - r.prototype.catch = function (e) { - return this.then(null, e) - } - }, - { - './core.js': 375 - } - ], - 378: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('./core.js'); - t.exports = r, - r.prototype.finally = function (e) { - return this.then(function (t) { - return r.resolve(e()).then(function () { - return t - }) - }, function (t) { - return r.resolve(e()).then(function () { - throw t - }) - }) - } - }, - { - './core.js': 375 - } - ], - 379: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - t.exports = e('./core.js'), - e('./done.js'), - e('./finally.js'), - e('./es6-extensions.js'), - e('./node-extensions.js'), - e('./synchronous.js') - }, - { - './core.js': 375, - './done.js': 376, - './es6-extensions.js': 377, - './finally.js': 378, - './node-extensions.js': 380, - './synchronous.js': 381 - } - ], - 380: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('./core.js'), - i = e('asap'); - t.exports = r, - r.denodeify = function (e, t) { - return 'number' == typeof t && t !== 1 / 0 ? function (e, t) { - for (var n = [ - ], i = 0; i < t; i++) n.push('a' + i); - var o = [ - 'return function (' + n.join(',') + ') {', - 'var self = this;', - 'return new Promise(function (rs, rj) {', - 'var res =', - [ - 'self' - ].concat(n).concat([s]).join(','), - ');', - 'if (res &&', - '(typeof res === "object" || typeof res === "function") &&', - 'typeof res.then === "function"', - ') {rs(res);}', - '});', - '};' - ].join(''); - return Function(['Promise', - 'fn'], o) (r, e) - }(e, t) : function (e) { - for (var t = Math.max(e.length - 1, 3), n = [ - ], i = 0; i < t; i++) n.push('a' + i); - var o = [ - 'return function (' + n.join(',') + ') {', - 'var self = this;', - 'var args;', - 'var argLength = arguments.length;', - 'if (arguments.length > ' + t + ') {', - 'args = new Array(arguments.length + 1);', - 'for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {', - 'args[i] = arguments[i];', - '}', - '}', - 'return new Promise(function (rs, rj) {', - 'var cb = ' + s + ';', - 'var res;', - 'switch (argLength) {', - n.concat(['extra']).map(function (e, t) { - return 'case ' + t + ':res =' + ['self'].concat(n.slice(0, t)).concat('cb').join(',') + ');break;' - }).join(''), - 'default:', - 'args[argLength] = cb;', - 'res = fn.apply(self, args);', - '}', - 'if (res &&', - '(typeof res === "object" || typeof res === "function") &&', - 'typeof res.then === "function"', - ') {rs(res);}', - '});', - '};' - ].join(''); - return Function(['Promise', - 'fn'], o) (r, e) - }(e) - }; - var s = 'function (err, res) {if (err) { rj(err); } else { rs(res); }}'; - r.nodeify = function (e) { - return function () { - var t =, - n = 'function' == typeof t[t.length - 1] ? t.pop() : null, - s = this; - try { - return e.apply(this, arguments).nodeify(n, s) - } catch (e) { - if (null === n || void 0 === n) return new r(function (t, n) { - n(e) - }); - i(function () { -, e) - }) - } - } - }, - r.prototype.nodeify = function (e, t) { - if ('function' != typeof e) return this; - this.then(function (n) { - i(function () { -, null, n) - }) - }, function (n) { - i(function () { -, n) - }) - }) - } - }, - { - './core.js': 375, - asap: 6 - } - ], - 381: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('./core.js'); - t.exports = r, - r.enableSynchronous = function () { - r.prototype.isPending = function () { - return 0 == this.getState() - }, - r.prototype.isFulfilled = function () { - return 1 == this.getState() - }, - r.prototype.isRejected = function () { - return 2 == this.getState() - }, - r.prototype.getValue = function () { - if (3 === this._65) return this._55.getValue(); - if (!this.isFulfilled()) throw new Error('Cannot get a value of an unfulfilled promise.'); - return this._55 - }, - r.prototype.getReason = function () { - if (3 === this._65) return this._55.getReason(); - if (!this.isRejected()) throw new Error('Cannot get a rejection reason of a non-rejected promise.'); - return this._55 - }, - r.prototype.getState = function () { - return 3 === this._65 ? this._55.getState() : - 1 === this._65 || - 2 === this._65 ? 0 : this._65 - } - }, - r.disableSynchronous = function () { - r.prototype.isPending = void 0, - r.prototype.isFulfilled = void 0, - r.prototype.isRejected = void 0, - r.prototype.getValue = void 0, - r.prototype.getReason = void 0, - r.prototype.getState = void 0 - } - }, - { - './core.js': 375 - } - ], - 382: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('assert'), - i = e('constantinople'), - s = e('pug-runtime'), - o = e('js-stringify'); - function a(e) { - return i(e, { - pug: s, - pug_interp: void 0 - }) - } - function u(e) { - return i.toConstant(e, { - pug: s, - pug_interp: void 0 - }) - } - t.exports = function (e, t) { - r(Array.isArray(e), 'Attrs should be an array'), - r(e.every(function (e) { - return e && 'object' == typeof e && 'string' == typeof && ('string' == typeof e.val || 'boolean' == typeof e.val) && 'boolean' == typeof e.mustEscape - }), 'All attributes should be supplied as an object of the form {name, val, mustEscape}'), - r(t && 'object' == typeof t, 'Options should be an object'), - r('boolean' == typeof t.terse, 'Options.terse should be a boolean'), - r('function' == typeof t.runtime, 'Options.runtime should be a function that takes a runtime function name and returns the source code that will evaluate to that function at runtime'), - r('html' === t.format || 'object' === t.format, 'Options.format should be "html" or "object"'); - var n = [ - ], - i = [ - ], - l = [ - ]; - function c(e, n, r, i) { - if (a(n)) if ('html' === t.format) { - var l = o(s.attr(e, u(n), r, t.terse)), - c = i[i.length - 1]; - c && c[c.length - 1] === l[0] ? i[i.length - 1] = c.substr(0, c.length - 1) + l.substr(1) : i.push(l) - } else n = u(n), - r && (n = s.escape(n)), - i.push(o(e) + ': ' + o(n)); - else 'html' === t.format ? i.push(t.runtime('attr') + '("' + e + '", ' + n + ', ' + o(r) + ', ' + o(t.terse) + ')') : (r && (n = t.runtime('escape') + '(' + n + ')'), i.push(o(e) + ': ' + n)) - } - e.forEach(function (e) { - var r =, - p = e.val, - h = e.mustEscape; - 'class' === r ? (i.push(p), l.push(h)) : ('style' === r && (p = a(p) ? o( : t.runtime('style') + '(' + p + ')'), c(r, p, h, n)) - }); - var p = [ - ]; - i.length && (i.every(a) ? c('class', o(s.classes(, l)), !1, p) : (i = (e, t) { - return a(e) && (e = o(l[t] ? s.escape(u(e)) : u(e)), l[t] = !1), - e - }), c('class', t.runtime('classes') + '([' + i.join(',') + '], ' + o(l) + ')', !1, p))); - return n = p.concat(n), - 'html' === t.format ? n.length ? n.join('+') : '""' : '{' + n.join(',') + '}' - } - }, - { - assert: 8, - constantinople: 384, - 'js-stringify': 242, - 'pug-runtime': 400 - } - ], - 383: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - n.__esModule = !0, - n.default = function (e, t, n) { - switch (e) { - case '+': - return t + n; - case '-': - return t - n; - case '/': - return t / n; - case '%': - return t % n; - case '*': - return t * n; - case '**': - return Math.pow(t, n); - case '&': - return t & n; - case '|': - return t | n; - case '>>': - return t >> n; - case '>>>': - return t >>> n; - case '<<': - return t << n; - case '^': - return t ^ n; - case '==': - return t == n; - case '===': - return t === n; - case '!=': - return t != n; - case '!==': - return t !== n; - case 'in': - return t in n; - case 'instanceof': - return t instanceof n; - case '>': - return t > n; - case '<': - return t < n; - case '>=': - return t >= n; - case '<=': - return t <= n - } - } - }, - { - } - ], - 384: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - n.__esModule = !0; - var r = e('babylon'), - i = e('babel-types'), - s = e('./binaryOperation'); - function o(e, t) { - void 0 === t && (t = { - }); - var n = !0; - var r = function e(r) { - if (n) { - if (i.isArrayExpression(r)) { - for (var o = [ - ], u = 0; n && u < r.elements.length; u++) { - var l = r.elements[u]; - i.isSpreadElement(l) ? a(f = e(l.argument)) && n ? o.push.apply(o, f) : n = !1 : o.push(e(l)) - } - return o - } - if (i.isBinaryExpression(r)) { - var c = e(r.left), - p = e(r.right); - return n && s.default(r.operator, c, p) - } - if (i.isBooleanLiteral(r)) return r.value; - if (i.isCallExpression(r)) { - var h = [ - ]; - for (u = 0; n && u < r.arguments.length; u++) { - var f, - d = r.arguments[u]; - i.isSpreadElement(d) ? a(f = e(d.argument)) && n ? h.push.apply(h, f) : n = !1 : h.push(e(d)) - } - if (!n) return; - if (!i.isMemberExpression(r.callee)) { - var m = e(r.callee); - if (!n) return; - return m.apply(null, h) - } - if (!(g = e(r.callee.object)) || !n) return void (n = !1); - if (void 0 !== (y = r.callee.computed ? e( : i.isIdentifier( ? : void 0) || r.callee.computed || (n = !1), !n) return; - if (function (e, t) { - switch (typeof e) { - case 'boolean': - switch (t) { - case 'toString': - return !0; - default: - return !1 - } - case 'number': - switch (t) { - case 'toExponential': - case 'toFixed': - case 'toPrecision': - case 'toString': - return !0; - default: - return !1 - } - case 'string': - switch (t) { - case 'charAt': - case 'charCodeAt': - case 'codePointAt': - case 'concat': - case 'endsWith': - case 'includes': - case 'indexOf': - case 'lastIndexOf': - case 'match': - case 'normalize': - case 'padEnd': - case 'padStart': - case 'repeat': - case 'replace': - case 'search': - case 'slice': - case 'split': - case 'startsWith': - case 'substr': - case 'substring': - case 'toLowerCase': - case 'toUpperCase': - case 'trim': - return !0; - default: - return !1 - } - default: - if (e instanceof RegExp) switch (t) { - case 'test': - case 'exec': - return !0; - default: - return !1 - } - return { - }, t) && '_' !== t[0] - } - }(g, '' + y)) return g[y].apply(g, h) - } - if (i.isConditionalExpression(r)) return e(e(r.test) ? r.consequent : r.alternate); - if (i.isIdentifier(r) && t.constants && { - }, return t.constants[]; - if (i.isLogicalExpression(r)) { - if (c = e(r.left), p = e(r.right), n && '&&' === r.operator) return c && p; - if (n && '||' === r.operator) return c || p - } - if (i.isMemberExpression(r)) { - var g, - y; - if (!(g = e(r.object)) || !n) return void (n = !1); - if (void 0 !== (y = r.computed ? e( : i.isIdentifier( ? : void 0) || r.computed || (n = !1), !n) return; - if ({ - }, '' + y) && '_' !== y[0]) return g[y] - } - if (i.isNullLiteral(r)) return null; - if (i.isNumericLiteral(r)) return r.value; - if (i.isObjectExpression(r)) { - var v = { - }; - for (u = 0; n && u <; u++) { - var b =[u]; - if (i.isObjectProperty(b)) { - if (b.shorthand) return void (n = !1); - var x = b.computed ? e(b.key) : i.isIdentifier(b.key) ? : i.isStringLiteral(b.key) ? b.key.value : void 0; - if (x && '_' !== x[0] || (n = !1), !n) return; - var A = e(b.value); - if (!n) return; - v[x] = A - } else if (i.isObjectMethod(b)) n = !1; - else if (i.isSpreadProperty(b)) { - if ((_ = e(b.argument)) || (n = !1), !n) return; - Object.assign(v, _) - } - } - return v - } - if (i.isParenthesizedExpression(r)) return e(r.expression); - if (i.isRegExpLiteral(r)) return new RegExp(r.pattern, r.flags); - if (i.isSequenceExpression(r)) { - for (u = 0; u < r.expressions.length - 1 && n; u++) e(r.expressions[u]); - return e(r.expressions[r.expressions.length - 1]) - } - if (i.isStringLiteral(r)) return r.value; - if (i.isTemplateLiteral(r)) { - var E = ''; - for (u = 0; u < r.quasis.length; u++) E += r.quasis[u].value.cooked, - u < r.expressions.length && (E += '' + e(r.expressions[u])); - return E - } - if (i.isUnaryExpression(r)) { - var _ = e(r.argument); - if (!n) return; - switch (r.operator) { - case '-': - return - _; - case '+': - return + _; - case '!': - return !_; - case '~': - return ~_; - case 'typeof': - return typeof _; - case 'void': - return - } - } - n = !1 - } - }(e); - return n ? { - constant: !0, - result: r - } - : { - constant: !1 - } - } - function a(e) { - return 'string' == typeof e || Array.isArray(e) || 'undefined' != typeof Set && e instanceof Set || 'undefined' != typeof Map && e instanceof Map - } - function u(e, t) { - if (e === t) return !0; - if (e && t && 'object' == typeof e && 'object' == typeof t) { - for (var n in e) if (e[n] !== t[n]) return !1; - for (var n in t) if (e[n] !== t[n]) return !1; - return !0 - } - return !1 - } - n.expressionToConstant = o; - var l = { - }, - c = '', - p = l, - h = l, - f = null, - d = !1; - function m(e, t, n) { - if (void 0 === t && (t = l), void 0 === n && (n = l), c === e && u(p, t) && u(h, n)) return d; - var i; - c = e, - p = t; - try { - i = r.parseExpression(e, n) - } catch (e) { - return d = !1 - } - var s = o(i, { - constants: t - }), - a = s.result, - m = s.constant; - return f = a, - d = m - } - function g(e, t, n) { - if (void 0 === t && (t = l), void 0 === n && (n = l), !m(e, t, n)) throw new Error(JSON.stringify(e) + ' is not constant.'); - return f - } - n.isConstant = m, - n.toConstant = g, - n.default = m, - t.exports = m, - t.exports.default = m, - t.exports.expressionToConstant = o, - t.exports.isConstant = m, - t.exports.toConstant = g - }, - { - './binaryOperation': 383, - 'babel-types': 33, - babylon: 38 - } - ], - 385: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('doctypes'), - i = e('pug-error'), - s = e('pug-runtime/build'), - o = e('pug-runtime'), - a = e('pug-attrs'), - u = e('void-elements'), - l = e('constantinople'), - c = e('js-stringify'), - p = e('with'), - h = { - pre: !0, - textarea: !0 - }, - f = [ - 'pug', - 'pug_mixins', - 'pug_interp', - 'pug_debug_filename', - 'pug_debug_line', - 'pug_debug_sources', - 'pug_html' - ]; - function d(e, t) { - this.options = t = t || { - }, - this.node = e, - this.bufferedConcatenationCount = 0, - this.hasCompiledDoctype = !1, - this.hasCompiledTag = !1, - this.pp = t.pretty || !1, - this.pp && 'string' != typeof this.pp && (this.pp = ' '), - this.debug = !1 !== t.compileDebug, - this.indents = 0, - this.parentIndents = 0, - this.terse = !1, - this.mixins = { - }, - this.dynamicMixins = !1, - this.eachCount = 0, - t.doctype && this.setDoctype(t.doctype), - this.runtimeFunctionsUsed = [ - ], - this.inlineRuntimeFunctions = t.inlineRuntimeFunctions || !1, - this.debug && this.inlineRuntimeFunctions && this.runtimeFunctionsUsed.push('rethrow') - } - t.exports = function (e, t) { - return new d(e, t).compile() - }, - t.exports.CodeGenerator = d, - d.prototype = { - runtime: function (e) { - return this.inlineRuntimeFunctions ? (this.runtimeFunctionsUsed.push(e), 'pug_' + e) : 'pug.' + e - }, - error: function (e, t, n) { - throw i(t, e, { - line: n.line, - column: n.column, - filename: n.filename - }) - }, - compile: function () { - if (this.buf = [ - ], this.pp && this.buf.push('var pug_indent = [];'), this.lastBufferedIdx = - 1, this.visit(this.node), !this.dynamicMixins) for (var e = Object.keys(this.mixins), t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { - var n = this.mixins[e[t]]; - if (!n.used) for (var r = 0; r < n.instances.length; r++) for (var i = n.instances[r].start; i < n.instances[r].end; i++) this.buf[i] = '' - } - var o = this.buf.join('\n'), - a = this.options.globals ? this.options.globals.concat(f) : f; - return o = this.options.self ? 'var self = locals || {};' + o : p('locals || {}', o, a.concat( (e) { - return 'pug_' + e - }))), - this.debug && (this.options.includeSources && (o = 'var pug_debug_sources = ' + c(this.options.includeSources) + ';\n' + o), o = 'var pug_debug_filename, pug_debug_line;try {' + o + '} catch (err) {' + (this.inlineRuntimeFunctions ? 'pug_rethrow' : 'pug.rethrow') + '(err, pug_debug_filename, pug_debug_line' + (this.options.includeSources ? ', pug_debug_sources[pug_debug_filename]' : '') + ');}'), - s(this.runtimeFunctionsUsed) + 'function ' + (this.options.templateName || 'template') + '(locals) {var pug_html = "", pug_mixins = {}, pug_interp;' + o + ';return pug_html;}' - }, - setDoctype: function (e) { - this.doctype = r[e.toLowerCase()] || '', - this.terse = '' == this.doctype.toLowerCase(), - this.xml = 0 == this.doctype.indexOf(' 1 && !t && 'Text' === e.nodes[0].type && 'Text' === e.nodes[1].type && this.prettyIndent(1, !0); - for (var r = 0; r < e.nodes.length; ++r) n && r > 0 && !t && 'Text' === e.nodes[r].type && 'Text' === e.nodes[r - 1].type && /\n$/.test(e.nodes[r - 1].val) && this.prettyIndent(1, !1), - this.visit(e.nodes[r], e) - }, - visitMixinBlock: function (e) { - this.pp && this.buf.push('pug_indent.push(\'' + Array(this.indents + 1).join(this.pp) + '\');'), - this.buf.push('block && block();'), - this.pp && this.buf.push('pug_indent.pop();') - }, - visitDoctype: function (e) { - !e || !e.val && this.doctype || this.setDoctype(e.val || 'html'), - this.doctype && this.buffer(this.doctype), - this.hasCompiledDoctype = !0 - }, - visitMixin: function (e) { - var t = 'pug_mixins[', - n = e.args || '', - r = e.block, - i = e.attrs, - s = this.attributeBlocks(e.attributeBlocks), - o = this.pp, - a = '#' ===[0], - u =; - if (a && (this.dynamicMixins = !0), t += (a ?, - 3) : '"' + + '"') + ']', this.mixins[u] = this.mixins[u] || { - used: !1, - instances: [ - ] - }, { - if (this.mixins[u].used = !0, o && this.buf.push('pug_indent.push(\'' + Array(this.indents + 1).join(o) + '\');'), r || i.length || s.length) { - if (this.buf.push(t + '.call({'), r) { - this.buf.push('block: function(){'), - this.parentIndents++; - var l = this.indents; - this.indents = 0, - this.visit(e.block, e), - this.indents = l, - this.parentIndents--, - i.length || s.length ? this.buf.push('},') : this.buf.push('}') - } - if (s.length) { - if (i.length) { - var c = this.attrs(i); - s.unshift(c) - } - s.length > 1 ? this.buf.push('attributes: ' + this.runtime('merge') + '([' + s.join(',') + '])') : this.buf.push('attributes: ' + s[0]) - } else if (i.length) { - c = this.attrs(i); - this.buf.push('attributes: ' + c) - } - n ? this.buf.push('}, ' + n + ');') : this.buf.push('});') - } else this.buf.push(t + '(' + n + ');'); - o && this.buf.push('pug_indent.pop();') - } else { - var p, - h = this.buf.length; - (n = n ? n.split(',') : [ - ]).length && /^\.\.\./.test(n[n.length - 1].trim()) && (p = n.pop().trim().replace(/^\.\.\./, '')), - this.buf.push(t + ' = pug_interp = function(' + n.join(',') + '){'), - this.buf.push('var block = (this && this.block), attributes = (this && this.attributes) || {};'), - p && (this.buf.push('var ' + p + ' = [];'), this.buf.push('for (pug_interp = ' + n.length + '; pug_interp < arguments.length; pug_interp++) {'), this.buf.push(' ' + p + '.push(arguments[pug_interp]);'), this.buf.push('}')), - this.parentIndents++, - this.visit(r, e), - this.parentIndents--, - this.buf.push('};'); - var f = this.buf.length; - this.mixins[u].instances.push({ - start: h, - end: f - }) - } - }, - visitTag: function (e, t) { - this.indents++; - var n =, - r = this.pp, - i = this; - function s() { - t ? i.bufferExpression(e.expr) : i.buffer(n) - } - !0 === h[] && (this.escapePrettyMode = !0), - this.hasCompiledTag || (this.hasCompiledDoctype || 'html' != n || this.visitDoctype(), this.hasCompiledTag = !0), - r && !e.isInline && this.prettyIndent(0, !0), - e.selfClosing || !this.xml && u[] ? (this.buffer('<'), s(), this.visitAttributes(e.attrs, this.attributeBlocks(e.attributeBlocks)), this.terse && !e.selfClosing ? this.buffer('>') : this.buffer('/>'), (e.code || e.block && ('Block' !== e.block.type || 0 !== e.block.nodes.length) && e.block.nodes.some(function (e) { - return 'Text' !== e.type || !/^\s*$/.test(e.val) - })) && this.error(n + ' is a self closing element: <' + n + '/> but contains nested content.', 'SELF_CLOSING_CONTENT', e)) : (this.buffer('<'), s(), this.visitAttributes(e.attrs, this.attributeBlocks(e.attributeBlocks)), this.buffer('>'), e.code && this.visitCode(e.code), this.visit(e.block, e), !r || e.isInline || !0 === h[] || function (e) { - return e.block.nodes.every(function e(t) { - if ('Block' === t.type) return t.nodes.every(e); - if ('YieldBlock' === t.type) return !0; - return 'Text' === t.type && !/\n/.test(t.val) || t.isInline - }) - }(e) || this.prettyIndent(0, !0), this.buffer('')), - !0 === h[] && (this.escapePrettyMode = !1), - this.indents-- - }, - visitInterpolatedTag: function (e) { - return this.visitTag(e, !0) - }, - visitText: function (e) { - this.buffer(e.val) - }, - visitComment: function (e) { - e.buffer && (this.pp && this.prettyIndent(1, !0), this.buffer('')) - }, - visitYieldBlock: function (e) { - }, - visitBlockComment: function (e) { - e.buffer && (this.pp && this.prettyIndent(1, !0), this.buffer('')) - }, - visitCode: function (e) { - if (e.buffer) { - var t = e.val.trim(); - t = 'null == (pug_interp = ' + t + ') ? "" : pug_interp', - !1 !== e.mustEscape && (t = this.runtime('escape') + '(' + t + ')'), - this.bufferExpression(t) - } else this.buf.push(e.val); - e.block && (e.buffer || this.buf.push('{'), this.visit(e.block, e), e.buffer || this.buf.push('}')) - }, - visitConditional: function (e) { - var t = e.test; - this.buf.push('if (' + t + ') {'), - this.visit(e.consequent, e), - this.buf.push('}'), - e.alternate && ('Conditional' === e.alternate.type ? (this.buf.push('else'), this.visitConditional(e.alternate)) : (this.buf.push('else {'), this.visit(e.alternate, e), this.buf.push('}'))) - }, - visitWhile: function (e) { - var t = e.test; - this.buf.push('while (' + t + ') {'), - this.visit(e.block, e), - this.buf.push('}') - }, - visitEach: function (e) { - var t = e.key || 'pug_index' + this.eachCount; - this.eachCount++, - this.buf.push('// iterate ' + e.obj + '\n;(function(){\n var $$obj = ' + e.obj + ';\n if (\'number\' == typeof $$obj.length) {'), - e.alternate && this.buf.push(' if ($$obj.length) {'), - this.buf.push(' for (var ' + t + ' = 0, $$l = $$obj.length; ' + t + ' < $$l; ' + t + '++) {\n var ' + e.val + ' = $$obj[' + t + '];'), - this.visit(e.block, e), - this.buf.push(' }'), - e.alternate && (this.buf.push(' } else {'), this.visit(e.alternate, e), this.buf.push(' }')), - this.buf.push(' } else {\n var $$l = 0;\n for (var ' + t + ' in $$obj) {\n $$l++;\n var ' + e.val + ' = $$obj[' + t + '];'), - this.visit(e.block, e), - this.buf.push(' }'), - e.alternate && (this.buf.push(' if ($$l === 0) {'), this.visit(e.alternate, e), this.buf.push(' }')), - this.buf.push(' }\n}).call(this);\n') - }, - visitAttributes: function (e, t) { - if (t.length) { - if (e.length) { - var n = this.attrs(e); - t.unshift(n) - } - t.length > 1 ? this.bufferExpression(this.runtime('attrs') + '(' + this.runtime('merge') + '([' + t.join(',') + ']), ' + c(this.terse) + ')') : this.bufferExpression(this.runtime('attrs') + '(' + t[0] + ', ' + c(this.terse) + ')') - } else e.length && this.attrs(e, !0) - }, - attrs: function (e, t) { - var n = a(e, { - terse: this.terse, - format: t ? 'html' : 'object', - runtime: this.runtime.bind(this) - }); - return t && this.bufferExpression(n), - n - }, - attributeBlocks: function (e) { - return e && e.slice().map(function (e) { - return e.val - }) - } - } - }, - { - constantinople: 387, - doctypes: 228, - 'js-stringify': 242, - 'pug-attrs': 382, - 'pug-error': 388, - 'pug-runtime': 400, - 'pug-runtime/build': 399, - 'void-elements': 429, - with : 430 - } - ], - 386: [ - function (e, t, n) { - arguments[4][383][0].apply(n, arguments) - }, - { - dup: 383 - } - ], - 387: [ - function (e, t, n) { - arguments[4][384][0].apply(n, arguments) - }, - { - './binaryOperation': 386, - 'babel-types': 33, - babylon: 38, - dup: 384 - } - ], - 388: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - var r, - i = n.line, - s = n.column, - o = n.filename, - a = n.src, - u = i + (s ? ':' + s : ''); - if (a && i >= 1 && i <= a.split('\n').length) { - var l = a.split('\n'), - c = Math.max(i - 3, 0), - p = Math.min(l.length, i + 3), - h = l.slice(c, p).map(function (e, t) { - var n = t + c + 1, - r = (n == i ? ' > ' : ' ') + n + '| ', - o = r + e; - return n === i && s > 0 && (o += '\n', o += Array(r.length + s).join('-') + '^'), - o - }).join('\n'); - r = (o || 'Pug') + ':' + u + '\n' + h + '\n\n' + t - } else r = (o || 'Pug') + ':' + u + '\n\n' + t; - var f = new Error(r); - return f.code = 'PUG:' + e, - f.msg = t, - f.line = i, - f.column = s, - f.filename = o, - f.src = a, - f.toJSON = function () { - return { - code: this.code, - msg: this.msg, - line: this.line, - column: this.column, - filename: this.filename - } - }, - f - } - }, - { - } - ], - 389: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - n.runFilter = e('./lib/run-filter'), - n.handleFilters = e('./lib/handle-filters') - }, - { - './lib/handle-filters': 390, - './lib/run-filter': 391 - } - ], - 390: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('path').dirname, - i = e('constantinople'), - s = e('pug-walk'), - o = e('pug-error'), - a = e('./run-filter'); - function u(e, t, n, i) { - function c(e) { - var t =; - if (i && i[t] && (t = i[t], i[t])) throw o('FILTER_ALISE_CHAIN', 'The filter "' + + '" is an alias for "' + t + '", which is an alias for "' + i[t] + '". Pug does not support chains of filter aliases.', e); - return t - } - return n = n || { - }, - s(e, function (e) { - var s = e.filename ? r(e.filename) : null; - if ('Filter' === e.type) { - !function (e, t, n, r) { - e.block.nodes[0] && 'Filter' === e.block.nodes[0].type && (e.block.nodes[0] = u(e.block, t, n, r).nodes[0]) - }(e, t, n, i); - var p = function (e) { - return (e) { - return e.val - }).join('') - }(e); - (h = l(e, n)).filename = e.filename, - e.type = 'Text', - e.val = g(e, p, h) - } else if ('RawInclude' === e.type && e.filters.length) { - var h, - f = e.filters.pop(), - d = (h = l(f, n)).filename = e.file.fullPath, - m = e.file.str; - e.type = 'Text', - e.val = function (e, n, r, i) { - var s = c(e); - return t && t[s] ? t[s](r, i) : g(e, n, i, 'renderFile') - }(f, d, m, h), - e.filters.slice().reverse().forEach(function (t) { - var r = l(t, n); - r.filename = d, - e.val = g(t, e.val, r) - }), - e.filters = void 0, - e.file = void 0 - } - function g(e, n, r, i) { - try { - var u = c(e); - return t && t[u] ? t[u](n, r) : a(u, n, r, s, i) - } catch (t) { - if ('UNKNOWN_FILTER' === t.code) throw o(t.code, t.message, e); - throw t - } - } - }, { - includeDependencies: !0 - }), - e - } - function l(e, t) { - var n = { - }; - e.attrs.forEach(function (t) { - try { - n[] = !0 === t.val || i.toConstant(t.val) - } catch (t) { - if (/not constant/.test(t.message)) throw o('FILTER_OPTION_NOT_CONSTANT', t.message + ' All filters are rendered compile-time so filter options must be constants.', e); - throw t - } - }); - var r = t[] || { - }; - return Object.keys(r).forEach(function (e) { - n.hasOwnProperty(e) || (n[e] = r[e]) - }), - n - } - t.exports = u - }, - { - './run-filter': 391, - constantinople: 393, - path: 372, - 'pug-error': 388, - 'pug-walk': 406 - } - ], - 391: [ - function (e, t, n) { - (function (n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('jstransformer'), - i = e('uglify-js'), - s = e('clean-css'), - o = e('resolve'); - t.exports = function (t, a, u, l, c) { - var p; - c = c || 'render'; - try { - try { - p = o.sync('jstransformer-' + t, { - basedir: l || n.cwd() - }) - } catch (n) { - p = e.resolve('jstransformer-' + t) - } - } catch (e) { - var h = new Error('unknown filter ":' + t + '"'); - throw h.code = 'UNKNOWN_FILTER', - h - } - var f = r(e(p)), - d = f[c](a, u, u).body; - if (u && u.minify) try { - switch (f.outputFormat) { - case 'js': - d = i.minify(d, { - fromString: !0 - }).code; - break; - case 'css': - d = (new s).minify(d).styles - } - } catch (e) { - } - return d - } - }).call(this, e('_process')) - }, - { - _process: 373, - 'clean-css': 44, - jstransformer: 243, - resolve: 41, - 'uglify-js': 423 - } - ], - 392: [ - function (e, t, n) { - arguments[4][383][0].apply(n, arguments) - }, - { - dup: 383 - } - ], - 393: [ - function (e, t, n) { - arguments[4][384][0].apply(n, arguments) - }, - { - './binaryOperation': 392, - 'babel-types': 33, - babylon: 38, - dup: 384 - } - ], - 394: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('assert'), - i = e('is-expression'), - s = e('character-parser'), - o = e('pug-error'); - function a(e, t) { - if (t = t || { - }, 'string' != typeof e) throw new Error('Expected source code to be a string but got "' + typeof e + '"'); - if ('object' != typeof t) throw new Error('Expected "options" to be an object but got "' + typeof t + '"'); - e = e.replace(/^\uFEFF/, ''), - this.input = e.replace(/\r\n|\r/g, '\n'), - this.originalInput = this.input, - this.filename = t.filename, - this.interpolated = t.interpolated || !1, - this.lineno = t.startingLine || 1, - this.colno = t.startingColumn || 1, - this.plugins = t.plugins || [ - ], - this.indentStack = [ - 0 - ], - this.indentRe = null, - this.interpolationAllowed = !0, - this.whitespaceRe = /[ \n\t]/, - this.tokens = [ - ], - this.ended = !1 - } - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n = new a(e, t); - return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(n.getTokens())) - }, - t.exports.Lexer = a, - a.prototype = { - constructor: a, - error: function (e, t) { - throw o(e, t, { - line: this.lineno, - column: this.colno, - filename: this.filename, - src: this.originalInput - }) - }, - assert: function (e, t) { - e || this.error('ASSERT_FAILED', t) - }, - isExpression: function (e) { - return i(e, { - throw : !0 - }) - }, - assertExpression: function (e, t) { - try { - return this.callLexerFunction('isExpression', e), - !0 - } catch (e) { - if (t) return !1; - if (!e.loc) throw e; - this.incrementLine(e.loc.line - 1), - this.incrementColumn(e.loc.column); - var n = 'Syntax Error: ' + e.message.replace(/ \([0-9]+:[0-9]+\)$/, ''); - this.error('SYNTAX_ERROR', n) - } - }, - assertNestingCorrect: function (e) { - s(e).isNesting() && this.error('INCORRECT_NESTING', 'Nesting must match on expression `' + e + '`') - }, - tok: function (e, t) { - var n = { - type: e, - loc: { - start: { - line: this.lineno, - column: this.colno - }, - filename: this.filename - } - }; - return void 0 !== t && (n.val = t), - n - }, - tokEnd: function (e) { - return e.loc.end = { - line: this.lineno, - column: this.colno - }, - e - }, - incrementLine: function (e) { - this.lineno += e, - e && (this.colno = 1) - }, - incrementColumn: function (e) { - this.colno += e - }, - consume: function (e) { - this.input = this.input.substr(e) - }, - scan: function (e, t) { - var n; - if (n = e.exec(this.input)) { - var r = n[0].length, - i = n[1], - s = r - (i ? i.length : 0), - o = this.tok(t, i); - return this.consume(r), - this.incrementColumn(s), - o - } - }, - scanEndOfLine: function (e, t) { - var n; - if (n = e.exec(this.input)) { - var r, - i, - s = 0; - (r = /^([ ]+)([^ ]*)/.exec(n[0])) && (s = r[1].length, this.incrementColumn(s)); - var o = this.input.substr(n[0].length); - if (':' === o[0]) return this.input = o, - i = this.tok(t, n[1]), - this.incrementColumn(n[0].length - s), - i; - if (/^[ \t]*(\n|$)/.test(o)) return this.input = o.substr(/^[ \t]*/.exec(o) [0].length), - i = this.tok(t, n[1]), - this.incrementColumn(n[0].length - s), - i - } - }, - bracketExpression: function (e) { - e = e || 0; - var t = this.input[e]; - r('(' === t || '{' === t || '[' === t, 'The start character should be "(", "{" or "["'); - var n, - i = s.BRACKETS[t]; - try { - n = s.parseUntil(this.input, i, { - start: e + 1 - }) - } catch (t) { - if (void 0 !== t.index) { - for (var o = t.index, a = this.input.substr(e).indexOf('\n'), u = a + e, l = 0; o > u && - 1 !== a; ) this.incrementLine(1), - o -= u + 1, - l += u + 1, - a = u = this.input.substr(l).indexOf('\n'); - this.incrementColumn(o) - } - throw 'CHARACTER_PARSER:END_OF_STRING_REACHED' === t.code ? this.error('NO_END_BRACKET', 'The end of the string reached with no closing bracket ' + i + ' found.') : 'CHARACTER_PARSER:MISMATCHED_BRACKET' === t.code && this.error('BRACKET_MISMATCH', t.message), - t - } - return n - }, - scanIndentation: function () { - var e, - t; - return this.indentRe ? e = this.indentRe.exec(this.input) : ((e = (t = /^\n(\t*) */).exec(this.input)) && !e[1].length && (e = (t = /^\n( *)/).exec(this.input)), e && e[1].length && (this.indentRe = t)), - e - }, - eos: function () { - if (!this.input.length) { - this.interpolated && this.error('NO_END_BRACKET', 'End of line was reached with no closing bracket for interpolation.'); - for (var e = 0; this.indentStack[e]; e++) this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(this.tok('outdent'))); - return this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(this.tok('eos'))), - this.ended = !0, - !0 - } - }, - blank: function () { - var e; - if (e = /^\n[ \t]*\n/.exec(this.input)) return this.consume(e[0].length - 1), - this.incrementLine(1), - !0 - }, - comment: function () { - var e; - if (e = /^\/\/(-)?([^\n]*)/.exec(this.input)) { - this.consume(e[0].length); - var t = this.tok('comment', e[2]); - return t.buffer = '-' != e[1], - this.interpolationAllowed = t.buffer, - this.tokens.push(t), - this.incrementColumn(e[0].length), - this.tokEnd(t), - this.callLexerFunction('pipelessText'), - !0 - } - }, - interpolation: function () { - if (/^#\{/.test(this.input)) { - var e = this.bracketExpression(1); - this.consume(e.end + 1); - var t = this.tok('interpolation', e.src); - this.tokens.push(t), - this.incrementColumn(2), - this.assertExpression(e.src); - var n = e.src.split('\n'), - r = n.length - 1; - return this.incrementLine(r), - this.incrementColumn(n[r].length + 1), - this.tokEnd(t), - !0 - } - }, - tag: function () { - var e; - if (e = /^(\w(?:[-:\w]*\w)?)/.exec(this.input)) { - var t, - n = e[1], - r = e[0].length; - return this.consume(r), - t = this.tok('tag', n), - this.tokens.push(t), - this.incrementColumn(r), - this.tokEnd(t), - !0 - } - }, - filter: function (e) { - var t = this.scan(/^:([\w\-]+)/, 'filter'), - n = e && e.inInclude; - if (t) return this.tokens.push(t), - this.incrementColumn(t.val.length), - this.tokEnd(t), - this.callLexerFunction('attrs'), - n || (this.interpolationAllowed = !1, this.callLexerFunction('pipelessText')), - !0 - }, - doctype: function () { - var e = this.scanEndOfLine(/^doctype *([^\n]*)/, 'doctype'); - if (e) return this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(e)), - !0 - }, - id: function () { - var e = this.scan(/^#([\w-]+)/, 'id'); - if (e) return this.tokens.push(e), - this.incrementColumn(e.val.length), - this.tokEnd(e), - !0; - /^#/.test(this.input) && this.error('INVALID_ID', '"' + /.[^ \t\(\#\.\:]*/.exec(this.input.substr(1)) [0] + '" is not a valid ID.') - }, - className: function () { - var e = this.scan(/^\.([_a-z0-9\-]*[_a-z][_a-z0-9\-]*)/i, 'class'); - if (e) return this.tokens.push(e), - this.incrementColumn(e.val.length), - this.tokEnd(e), - !0; - /^\.[_a-z0-9\-]+/i.test(this.input) && this.error('INVALID_CLASS_NAME', 'Class names must contain at least one letter or underscore.'), - /^\./.test(this.input) && this.error('INVALID_CLASS_NAME', '"' + /.[^ \t\(\#\.\:]*/.exec(this.input.substr(1)) [0] + '" is not a valid class name. Class names can only contain "_", "-", a-z and 0-9, and must contain at least one of "_", or a-z') - }, - endInterpolation: function () { - if (this.interpolated && ']' === this.input[0]) return this.input = this.input.substr(1), - this.ended = !0, - !0 - }, - addText: function (e, t, n, r) { - var i; - if (t + n !== '') { - n = n || '', - r = r || 0; - var o = this.interpolated ? t.indexOf(']') : - 1, - a = this.interpolationAllowed ? t.indexOf('#[') : - 1, - u = this.interpolationAllowed ? t.indexOf('\\#[') : - 1, - l = /(\\)?([#!]){((?:.|\n)*)$/.exec(t), - c = this.interpolationAllowed && l ? l.index : 1 / 0; - if ( - 1 === o && (o = 1 / 0), - 1 === a && (a = 1 / 0), - 1 === u && (u = 1 / 0), u !== 1 / 0 && u < o && u < a && u < c) return n = n + t.substring(0, u) + '#[', - this.addText(e, t.substring(u + 3), n, r + 1); - if (a !== 1 / 0 && a < o && a < u && a < c) { - i = this.tok(e, n + t.substring(0, a)), - this.incrementColumn(n.length + a + r), - this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(i)), - i = this.tok('start-pug-interpolation'), - this.incrementColumn(2), - this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(i)); - var p, - h = new this.constructor(t.substr(a + 2), { - filename: this.filename, - interpolated: !0, - startingLine: this.lineno, - startingColumn: this.colno - }); - try { - p = h.getTokens() - } catch (e) { - throw e.code && /^PUG:/.test(e.code) && (this.colno = e.column, this.error(e.code.substr(4), e.msg)), - e - } - return this.colno = h.colno, - this.tokens = this.tokens.concat(p), - i = this.tok('end-pug-interpolation'), - this.incrementColumn(1), - this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(i)), - void this.addText(e, h.input) - } - if (o !== 1 / 0 && o < a && o < u && o < c) return n + t.substring(0, o) && this.addText(e, t.substring(0, o), n), - this.ended = !0, - void (this.input = t.substr(t.indexOf(']') + 1) + this.input); - if (c !== 1 / 0) { - if (l[1]) return n = n + t.substring(0, c) + '#{', - this.addText(e, t.substring(c + 3), n, r + 1); - var f = t.substr(0, c); - (n || f) && (f = n + f, i = this.tok(e, f), this.incrementColumn(f.length + r), this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(i))); - var d, - m = l[3]; - i = this.tok('interpolated-code'), - this.incrementColumn(2); - try { - d = s.parseUntil(m, '}') - } catch (e) { - if (void 0 !== e.index && this.incrementColumn(e.index), 'CHARACTER_PARSER:END_OF_STRING_REACHED' === e.code) this.error('NO_END_BRACKET', 'End of line was reached with no closing bracket for interpolation.'); - else { - if ('CHARACTER_PARSER:MISMATCHED_BRACKET' !== e.code) throw e; - this.error('BRACKET_MISMATCH', e.message) - } - } - return i.mustEscape = '#' === l[2], - i.buffer = !0, - i.val = d.src, - this.assertExpression(d.src), - void (d.end + 1 < m.length ? (m = m.substr(d.end + 1), this.incrementColumn(d.end + 1), this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(i)), this.addText(e, m)) : (this.incrementColumn(m.length), this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(i)))) - } - t = n + t, - i = this.tok(e, t), - this.incrementColumn(t.length + r), - this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(i)) - } - }, - text: function () { - var e = this.scan(/^(?:\| ?| )([^\n]+)/, 'text') || this.scan(/^( )/, 'text') || this.scan(/^\|( ?)/, 'text'); - if (e) return this.addText('text', e.val), - !0 - }, - textHtml: function () { - var e = this.scan(/^(<[^\n]*)/, 'text-html'); - if (e) return this.addText('text-html', e.val), - !0 - }, - dot: function () { - var e; - if (e = this.scanEndOfLine(/^\./, 'dot')) return this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(e)), - this.callLexerFunction('pipelessText'), - !0 - }, - extends : function () { - var e = this.scan(/^extends?(?= |$|\n)/, 'extends'); - if (e) return this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(e)), - this.callLexerFunction('path') || this.error('NO_EXTENDS_PATH', 'missing path for extends'), - !0; - this.scan(/^extends?\b/) && this.error('MALFORMED_EXTENDS', 'malformed extends') - }, - prepend: function () { - var e; - if (e = /^(?:block +)?prepend +([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) { - var t = e[1].trim(), - n = ''; - if ( - 1 !== t.indexOf('//') && (n = '//' + t.split('//').slice(1).join('//'), t = t.split('//') [0].trim()), !t) return; - for (var r = this.tok('block', t), i = e[0].length - n.length; this.whitespaceRe.test(this.input.charAt(i - 1)); ) i--; - return this.incrementColumn(i), - r.mode = 'prepend', - this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(r)), - this.consume(e[0].length - n.length), - this.incrementColumn(e[0].length - n.length - i), - !0 - } - }, - append: function () { - var e; - if (e = /^(?:block +)?append +([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) { - var t = e[1].trim(), - n = ''; - if ( - 1 !== t.indexOf('//') && (n = '//' + t.split('//').slice(1).join('//'), t = t.split('//') [0].trim()), !t) return; - for (var r = this.tok('block', t), i = e[0].length - n.length; this.whitespaceRe.test(this.input.charAt(i - 1)); ) i--; - return this.incrementColumn(i), - r.mode = 'append', - this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(r)), - this.consume(e[0].length - n.length), - this.incrementColumn(e[0].length - n.length - i), - !0 - } - }, - block: function () { - var e; - if (e = /^block +([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) { - var t = e[1].trim(), - n = ''; - if ( - 1 !== t.indexOf('//') && (n = '//' + t.split('//').slice(1).join('//'), t = t.split('//') [0].trim()), !t) return; - for (var r = this.tok('block', t), i = e[0].length - n.length; this.whitespaceRe.test(this.input.charAt(i - 1)); ) i--; - return this.incrementColumn(i), - r.mode = 'replace', - this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(r)), - this.consume(e[0].length - n.length), - this.incrementColumn(e[0].length - n.length - i), - !0 - } - }, - mixinBlock: function () { - var e; - if (e = this.scanEndOfLine(/^block/, 'mixin-block')) return this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(e)), - !0 - }, - yield: function () { - var e = this.scanEndOfLine(/^yield/, 'yield'); - if (e) return this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(e)), - !0 - }, - include: function () { - var e = this.scan(/^include(?=:| |$|\n)/, 'include'); - if (e) { - for (this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(e)); this.callLexerFunction('filter', { - inInclude: !0 - }); ); - return this.callLexerFunction('path') || (/^[^ \n]+/.test(this.input) ? : this.error('NO_INCLUDE_PATH', 'missing path for include')), - !0 - } - this.scan(/^include\b/) && this.error('MALFORMED_INCLUDE', 'malformed include') - }, - path: function () { - var e = this.scanEndOfLine(/^ ([^\n]+)/, 'path'); - if (e && (e.val = e.val.trim())) return this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(e)), - !0 - }, - case : - function () { - var e = this.scanEndOfLine(/^case +([^\n]+)/, 'case'); - if (e) return this.incrementColumn( - e.val.length), - this.assertExpression(e.val), - this.incrementColumn(e.val.length), - this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(e)), - !0; - this.scan(/^case\b/) && this.error('NO_CASE_EXPRESSION', 'missing expression for case') - }, - when: function () { - var e = this.scanEndOfLine(/^when +([^:\n]+)/, 'when'); - if (e) { - for (var t = s(e.val); t.isNesting() || t.isString(); ) { - var n = /:([^:\n]+)/.exec(this.input); - if (!n) break; - e.val += n[0], - this.consume(n[0].length), - this.incrementColumn(n[0].length), - t = s(e.val) - } - return this.incrementColumn( - e.val.length), - this.assertExpression(e.val), - this.incrementColumn(e.val.length), - this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(e)), - !0 - } - this.scan(/^when\b/) && this.error('NO_WHEN_EXPRESSION', 'missing expression for when') - }, - default: - function () { - var e = this.scanEndOfLine(/^default/, 'default'); - if (e) return this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(e)), - !0; - this.scan(/^default\b/) && this.error('DEFAULT_WITH_EXPRESSION', 'default should not have an expression') - }, - call: function () { - var e, - t, - n; - if (t = /^\+(\s*)(([-\w]+)|(#\{))/.exec(this.input)) { - if (t[3]) n = t[0].length, - this.consume(n), - e = this.tok('call', t[3]); - else { - var r = this.bracketExpression(2 + t[1].length); - n = r.end + 1, - this.consume(n), - this.assertExpression(r.src), - e = this.tok('call', '#{' + r.src + '}') - } - if (this.incrementColumn(n), e.args = null, t = /^ *\(/.exec(this.input)) { - var i = this.bracketExpression(t[0].length - 1); - if (!/^\s*[-\w]+ *=/.test(i.src)) { - this.incrementColumn(1), - this.consume(i.end + 1), - e.args = i.src, - this.assertExpression('[' + e.args + ']'); - for (var s = 0; s <= e.args.length; s++) '\n' === e.args[s] ? this.incrementLine(1) : this.incrementColumn(1) - } - } - return this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(e)), - !0 - } - }, - mixin: function () { - var e; - if (e = /^mixin +([-\w]+)(?: *\((.*)\))? */.exec(this.input)) { - this.consume(e[0].length); - var t = this.tok('mixin', e[1]); - return t.args = e[2] || null, - this.incrementColumn(e[0].length), - this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(t)), - !0 - } - }, - conditional: function () { - var e; - if (e = /^(if|unless|else if|else)\b([^\n]*)/.exec(this.input)) { - this.consume(e[0].length); - var t = e[1].replace(/ /g, '-'), - n = e[2] && e[2].trim(), - r = this.tok(t, n); - switch (this.incrementColumn(e[0].length - n.length), t) { - case 'if': - case 'else-if': - this.assertExpression(n); - break; - case 'unless': - this.assertExpression(n), - r.val = '!(' + n + ')', - r.type = 'if'; - break; - case 'else': - n && this.error('ELSE_CONDITION', '`else` cannot have a condition, perhaps you meant `else if`') - } - return this.incrementColumn(n.length), - this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(r)), - !0 - } - }, - while : function () { - var e, - t; - if (e = /^while +([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) return this.consume(e[0].length), - this.assertExpression(e[1]), - t = this.tok('while', e[1]), - this.incrementColumn(e[0].length), - this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(t)), - !0; - this.scan(/^while\b/) && this.error('NO_WHILE_EXPRESSION', 'missing expression for while') - }, - each: function () { - var e; - if (e = /^(?:each|for) +([a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*)(?: *, *([a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*))? * in *([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) { - this.consume(e[0].length); - var t = this.tok('each', e[1]); - return t.key = e[2] || null, - this.incrementColumn(e[0].length - e[3].length), - this.assertExpression(e[3]), - t.code = e[3], - this.incrementColumn(e[3].length), - this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(t)), - !0 - } - this.scan(/^(?:each|for)\b/) && this.error('MALFORMED_EACH', 'malformed each'), - (e = /^- *(?:each|for) +([a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*)(?: *, *([a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*))? +in +([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) && this.error('MALFORMED_EACH', 'Pug each and for should no longer be prefixed with a dash ("-"). They are pug keywords and not part of JavaScript.') - }, - code: function () { - var e; - if (e = /^(!?=|-)[ \t]*([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) { - var t = e[1], - n = e[2], - r = 0; - if (this.interpolated) { - var i; - try { - i = s.parseUntil(n, ']') - } catch (t) { - if (void 0 !== t.index && this.incrementColumn(e[0].length - n.length + t.index), 'CHARACTER_PARSER:END_OF_STRING_REACHED' === t.code) this.error('NO_END_BRACKET', 'End of line was reached with no closing bracket for interpolation.'); - else { - if ('CHARACTER_PARSER:MISMATCHED_BRACKET' !== t.code) throw t; - this.error('BRACKET_MISMATCH', t.message) - } - } - r = n.length - i.end, - n = i.src - } - var o = e[0].length - r; - this.consume(o); - var a = this.tok('code', n); - return a.mustEscape = '=' === t.charAt(0), - a.buffer = '=' === t.charAt(0) || '=' === t.charAt(1), - this.incrementColumn(e[0].length - e[2].length), - a.buffer && this.assertExpression(n), - this.tokens.push(a), - this.incrementColumn(n.length), - this.tokEnd(a), - !0 - } - }, - blockCode: function () { - var e; - if (e = this.scanEndOfLine(/^-/, 'blockcode')) return this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(e)), - this.interpolationAllowed = !1, - this.callLexerFunction('pipelessText'), - !0 - }, - attribute: function (e) { - var t, - n = '', - r = ''; - for (t = 0; t < e.length && this.whitespaceRe.test(e[t]); t++) '\n' === e[t] ? this.incrementLine(1) : this.incrementColumn(1); - if (t === e.length) return ''; - var i = this.tok('attribute'); - for (/['"]/.test(e[t]) && (n = e[t], this.incrementColumn(1), t++); t < e.length; t++) { - if (n) { - if (e[t] === n) { - this.incrementColumn(1), - t++; - break - } - } else if (this.whitespaceRe.test(e[t]) || '!' === e[t] || '=' === e[t] || ',' === e[t]) break; - r += e[t], - '\n' === e[t] ? this.incrementLine(1) : this.incrementColumn(1) - } - = r; - var s = this.attributeValue(e.substr(t)); - for (s.val ? (i.val = s.val, i.mustEscape = s.mustEscape) : (i.val = !0, i.mustEscape = !0), e = s.remainingSource, this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(i)), t = 0; t < e.length && this.whitespaceRe.test(e[t]); t++) '\n' === e[t] ? this.incrementLine(1) : this.incrementColumn(1); - return ',' === e[t] && (this.incrementColumn(1), t++), - e.substr(t) - }, - attributeValue: function (e) { - var t, - n, - r, - i = /['"]/, - o = '', - a = !0, - u = s.defaultState(), - l = this.colno, - c = this.lineno; - for (n = 0; n < e.length && this.whitespaceRe.test(e[n]); n++) '\n' === e[n] ? (c++, l = 1) : l++; - if (n === e.length) return { - remainingSource: e - }; - if ('!' === e[n] && (a = !1, l++, '=' !== e[++n] && this.error('INVALID_KEY_CHARACTER', 'Unexpected character ' + e[n] + ' expected `=`')), '=' !== e[n]) { - if (0 !== n || !e || this.whitespaceRe.test(e[0]) || ',' === e[0]) return { - remainingSource: e - }; - this.error('INVALID_KEY_CHARACTER', 'Unexpected character ' + e[0] + ' expected `=`') - } - for (this.lineno = c, this.colno = l + 1, n++; n < e.length && this.whitespaceRe.test(e[n]); n++) '\n' === e[n] ? this.incrementLine(1) : this.incrementColumn(1); - for (c = this.lineno, l = this.colno; n < e.length; n++) { - if (!u.isNesting() && !u.isString()) { - if (this.whitespaceRe.test(e[n])) { - for (t = !1, r = n; r < e.length; r++) if (!this.whitespaceRe.test(e[r])) { - const n = !s.isPunctuator(e[r]), - a = i.test(e[r]), - u = ':' === e[r], - l = e[r] + e[r + 1] + e[r + 2] === '...'; - (n || a || u || l) && this.assertExpression(o, !0) && (t = !0); - break - } - if (t || r === e.length) break - } - if (',' === e[n] && this.assertExpression(o, !0)) break - } - u = s.parseChar(e[n], u), - o += e[n], - '\n' === e[n] ? (c++, l = 1) : l++ - } - return this.assertExpression(o), - this.lineno = c, - this.colno = l, - { - val: o, - mustEscape: a, - remainingSource: e.substr(n) - } - }, - attrs: function () { - var e; - if ('(' == this.input.charAt(0)) { - e = this.tok('start-attributes'); - var t = this.bracketExpression().end, - n = this.input.substr(1, t - 1); - for (this.incrementColumn(1), this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(e)), this.assertNestingCorrect(n), this.consume(t + 1); n; ) n = this.attribute(n); - return e = this.tok('end-attributes'), - this.incrementColumn(1), - this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(e)), - !0 - } - }, - attributesBlock: function () { - if (/^&attributes\b/.test(this.input)) { - var e = 11; - this.consume(e); - var t = this.tok('&attributes'); - this.incrementColumn(e); - var n = this.bracketExpression(); - return e = n.end + 1, - this.consume(e), - t.val = n.src, - this.incrementColumn(e), - this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(t)), - !0 - } - }, - indent: function () { - var e, - t = this.scanIndentation(); - if (t) { - var n = t[1].length; - if (this.incrementLine(1), this.consume(n + 1), ' ' != this.input[0] && '\t' != this.input[0] || this.error('INVALID_INDENTATION', 'Invalid indentation, you can use tabs or spaces but not both'), '\n' == this.input[0]) return this.interpolationAllowed = !0, - this.tokEnd(this.tok('newline')); - if (n < this.indentStack[0]) { - for (var r = 0; this.indentStack[0] > n; ) this.indentStack[1] < n && this.error('INCONSISTENT_INDENTATION', 'Inconsistent indentation. Expecting either ' + this.indentStack[1] + ' or ' + this.indentStack[0] + ' spaces/tabs.'), - r++, - this.indentStack.shift(); - for (; r--; ) this.colno = 1, - e = this.tok('outdent'), - this.colno = this.indentStack[0] + 1, - this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(e)) - } else n && n != this.indentStack[0] ? (e = this.tok('indent', n), this.colno = 1 + n, this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(e)), this.indentStack.unshift(n)) : (e = this.tok('newline'), this.colno = 1 + Math.min(this.indentStack[0] || 0, n), this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(e))); - return this.interpolationAllowed = !0, - !0 - } - }, - pipelessText: function e(t) { - for (; this.callLexerFunction('blank'); ); - var n = this.scanIndentation(); - if ((t = t || n && n[1].length) > this.indentStack[0]) { - this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(this.tok('start-pipeless-text'))); - var r, - i = [ - ], - s = [ - ], - o = 0; - do { - var a = this.input.substr(o + 1).indexOf('\n'); - - 1 == a && (a = this.input.length - o - 1); - var u = this.input.substr(o + 1, a), - l = this.indentRe.exec('\n' + u), - c = l && l[1].length; - if (r = c >= t, s.push(r), r = r || !u.trim()) o += u.length + 1, - i.push(u.substr(t)); - else if (c > this.indentStack[0]) return this.tokens.pop(), -, l[1].length) - } while (this.input.length - o && r); - for (this.consume(o); 0 === this.input.length && '' === i[i.length - 1]; ) i.pop(); - return i.forEach(function (e, n) { - var r; - this.incrementLine(1), - 0 !== n && (r = this.tok('newline')), - s[n] && this.incrementColumn(t), - r && this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(r)), - this.addText('text', e) - }.bind(this)), - this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(this.tok('end-pipeless-text'))), - !0 - } - }, - slash: function () { - var e = this.scan(/^\//, 'slash'); - if (e) return this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(e)), - !0 - }, - colon: function () { - var e = this.scan(/^: +/, ':'); - if (e) return this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(e)), - !0 - }, - fail: function () { - this.error('UNEXPECTED_TEXT', 'unexpected text "' + this.input.substr(0, 5) + '"') - }, - callLexerFunction: function (e) { - for (var t = [ - ], n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) t.push(arguments[n]); - var r = [ - this - ].concat(t); - for (n = 0; n < this.plugins.length; n++) { - var i = this.plugins[n]; - if (i[e] && i[e].apply(i, r)) return !0 - } - return this[e].apply(this, t) - }, - advance: function () { - return this.callLexerFunction('blank') || this.callLexerFunction('eos') || this.callLexerFunction('endInterpolation') || this.callLexerFunction('yield') || this.callLexerFunction('doctype') || this.callLexerFunction('interpolation') || this.callLexerFunction('case') || this.callLexerFunction('when') || this.callLexerFunction('default') || this.callLexerFunction('extends') || this.callLexerFunction('append') || this.callLexerFunction('prepend') || this.callLexerFunction('block') || this.callLexerFunction('mixinBlock') || this.callLexerFunction('include') || this.callLexerFunction('mixin') || this.callLexerFunction('call') || this.callLexerFunction('conditional') || this.callLexerFunction('each') || this.callLexerFunction('while') || this.callLexerFunction('tag') || this.callLexerFunction('filter') || this.callLexerFunction('blockCode') || this.callLexerFunction('code') || this.callLexerFunction('id') || this.callLexerFunction('dot') || this.callLexerFunction('className') || this.callLexerFunction('attrs') || this.callLexerFunction('attributesBlock') || this.callLexerFunction('indent') || this.callLexerFunction('text') || this.callLexerFunction('textHtml') || this.callLexerFunction('comment') || this.callLexerFunction('slash') || this.callLexerFunction('colon') || - }, - getTokens: function () { - for (; !this.ended; ) this.callLexerFunction('advance'); - return this.tokens - } - } - }, - { - assert: 8, - 'character-parser': 43, - 'is-expression': 238, - 'pug-error': 388 - } - ], - 395: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('assert'), - i = e('pug-walk'); - function s() { - throw e('pug-error').apply(null, arguments) - } - function o(e) { - r('Block' === e.type, 'The top level element should always be a block'); - var t = null; - if (e.nodes.length) { - var n = 'Extends' === e.nodes[0].type; - !function (e, t) { - var n = !1; - i(e, function (e) { - 'Extends' === e.type && (t && !n ? n = !0 : s('EXTENDS_NOT_FIRST', 'Declaration of template inheritance ("extends") should be the first thing in the file. There can only be one extends statement per file.', e)) - }) - }(e, n), - n && (t = e.nodes.shift()) - } - if ((e = function (e, t) { - return i(e, function (e, t) { - 'RawInclude' === e.type && t({ - type: 'Text', - val: e.file.str.replace(/\r/g, '') - }) - }, function (e, t) { - if ('Include' === e.type) { - var n = o(e.file.ast); - n.hasExtends && (n = i(n, function (e, t) { - 'NamedBlock' === e.type && t({ - type: 'Block', - nodes: e.nodes - }) - })), - t(function (e, t) { - if (!t || !t.nodes.length) return e; - var n = !1; - e = i(e, null, function (e, r) { - 'YieldBlock' === e.type && (n = !0, e.type = 'Block', e.nodes = [ - t - ]) - }), - n || function e(t) { - var n = t; - for (var r = 0; r < t.nodes.length; r++) t.nodes[r].textOnly || ('Block' === t.nodes[r].type ? n = e(t.nodes[r]) : t.nodes[r].block && t.nodes[r].block.nodes.length && (n = e(t.nodes[r].block))); - return n - }(e).nodes.push(t); - return e - }(n, e.block)) - } - }) - }(e)).declaredBlocks = function (e) { - var t = { - }; - return i(e, function (e) { - 'NamedBlock' === e.type && 'replace' === e.mode && (t[] = t[] || [ - ], t[].push(e)) - }), - t - }(e), t) { - var a = [ - ], - u = [ - ]; - e.nodes.forEach(function e(t) { - 'NamedBlock' === t.type ? u.push(t) : 'Block' === t.type ? t.nodes.forEach(e) : 'Mixin' === t.type && !1 === ? a.push(t) : s('UNEXPECTED_NODES_IN_EXTENDING_ROOT', 'Only named blocks and mixins can appear at the top level of an extending template', t) - }); - var l = o(t.file.ast); - !function (e, t) { - var n = { - }; - i(t, function (t) { - if ('NamedBlock' === t.type) { - if (n[] === return t.ignore = !0; - n[] =; - var r = e[] ? function e(t, n) { - n = n || [ - ]; - t.forEach(function (t) { - t.parents && e(t.parents, n), - n.push(t) - }); - return n - }(e[]) : [ - ]; - r.length && (t.parents = r, r.forEach(function (e) { - switch (t.mode) { - case 'append': - e.nodes = e.nodes.concat(t.nodes); - break; - case 'prepend': - e.nodes = t.nodes.concat(e.nodes); - break; - case 'replace': - e.nodes = t.nodes - } - })) - } - }, function (e) { - 'NamedBlock' !== e.type || e.ignore || delete n[] - }) - }(l.declaredBlocks, e); - var c = [ - ]; - return i(l, function (e) { - 'NamedBlock' === e.type && c.push( - }), - u.forEach(function (e) { - - 1 === c.indexOf( && s('UNEXPECTED_BLOCK', 'Unexpected block ' +, e) - }), - Object.keys(e.declaredBlocks).forEach(function (t) { - l.declaredBlocks[t] = e.declaredBlocks[t] - }), - l.nodes = a.concat(l.nodes), - l.hasExtends = !0, - l - } - return e - } - t.exports = o - }, - { - assert: 8, - 'pug-error': 388, - 'pug-walk': 406 - } - ], - 396: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('fs'), - i = e('path'), - s = e('pug-walk'), - o = e('object-assign'); - function a(e, t) { - return t = u(t), - e = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e)), - s(e, function (e) { - if (void 0 === e.str && ('Include' === e.type || 'RawInclude' === e.type || 'Extends' === e.type)) { - var n, - r, - i = e.file; - if ('FileReference' !== i.type) throw new Error('Expected file.type to be "FileReference"'); - try { - n = t.resolve(i.path, i.filename, t), - i.fullPath = n, - r =, t) - } catch (t) { - throw t.message += '\n at ' + e.filename + ' line ' + e.line, - t - } - i.str = r, - 'Extends' !== e.type && 'Include' !== e.type || (i.ast = a.string(r, o({ - }, t, { - filename: n - }))) - } - }) - } - function u(e) { - return a.validateOptions(e), - o({ - resolve: a.resolve, - read: - }, e) - } - t.exports = a, - a.string = function (e, t) { - var n = (t = o(u(t), { - src: e - })).lex(e, t); - return a(t.parse(n, t), t) - }, - a.file = function (e, t) { - var n = (t = o(u(t), { - filename: e - })).read(e); - return a.string(n, t) - }, - a.resolve = function (e, t, n) { - if ('/' !== (e = e.trim()) [0] && !t) throw new Error('the "filename" option is required to use includes and extends with "relative" paths'); - if ('/' === e[0] && !n.basedir) throw new Error('the "basedir" option is required to use includes and extends with "absolute" paths'); - return e = i.join('/' === e[0] ? n.basedir : i.dirname(t.trim()), e) - }, - = function (e, t) { - return r.readFileSync(e, 'utf8') - }, - a.validateOptions = function (e) { - if ('object' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('options must be an object'); - if ('function' != typeof e.lex) throw new TypeError('options.lex must be a function'); - if ('function' != typeof e.parse) throw new TypeError('options.parse must be a function'); - if (e.resolve && 'function' != typeof e.resolve) throw new TypeError('options.resolve must be a function'); - if ( && 'function' != typeof throw new TypeError(' must be a function') - } - }, - { - fs: 41, - 'object-assign': 370, - path: 372, - 'pug-walk': 406 - } - ], - 397: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('assert'), - i = e('token-stream'), - s = e('pug-error'), - o = e('./lib/inline-tags'); - function a(e, t) { - if (t = t || { - }, !Array.isArray(e)) throw new Error('Expected tokens to be an Array but got "' + typeof e + '"'); - if ('object' != typeof t) throw new Error('Expected "options" to be an object but got "' + typeof t + '"'); - this.tokens = new i(e), - this.filename = t.filename, - this.src = t.src, - this.inMixin = 0, - this.plugins = t.plugins || [ - ] - } - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n = new a(e, t).parse(); - return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(n)) - }, - t.exports.Parser = a, - a.prototype = { - constructor: a, - error: function (e, t, n) { - throw s(e, t, { - line: n.loc.start.line, - column: n.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename, - src: this.src - }) - }, - advance: function () { - return this.tokens.advance() - }, - peek: function () { - return this.tokens.peek() - }, - lookahead: function (e) { - return this.tokens.lookahead(e) - }, - parse: function () { - for (var e = this.emptyBlock(0); 'eos' != this.peek().type; ) if ('newline' == this.peek().type) this.advance(); - else if ('text-html' == this.peek().type) e.nodes = e.nodes.concat(this.parseTextHtml()); - else { - var t = this.parseExpr(); - t && ('Block' === t.type ? e.nodes = e.nodes.concat(t.nodes) : e.nodes.push(t)) - } - return e - }, - expect: function (e) { - if (this.peek().type === e) return this.advance(); - this.error('INVALID_TOKEN', 'expected "' + e + '", but got "' + this.peek().type + '"', this.peek()) - }, - accept: function (e) { - if (this.peek().type === e) return this.advance() - }, - initBlock: function (e, t) { - if ((0 | e) !== e) throw new Error('`line` is not an integer'); - if (!Array.isArray(t)) throw new Error('`nodes` is not an array'); - return { - type: 'Block', - nodes: t, - line: e, - filename: this.filename - } - }, - emptyBlock: function (e) { - return this.initBlock(e, [ - ]) - }, - runPlugin: function (e, t) { - for (var n, r = [ - this - ], i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) r.push(arguments[i]); - for (i = 0; i < this.plugins.length; i++) { - var s = this.plugins[i]; - if (s[e] && s[e][t.type]) { - if (n) throw new Error('Multiple plugin handlers found for context ' + JSON.stringify(e) + ', token type ' + JSON.stringify(t.type)); - n = s[e] - } - } - if (n) return n[t.type].apply(n, r) - }, - parseExpr: function () { - switch (this.peek().type) { - case 'tag': - return this.parseTag(); - case 'mixin': - return this.parseMixin(); - case 'block': - return this.parseBlock(); - case 'mixin-block': - return this.parseMixinBlock(); - case 'case': - return this.parseCase(); - case 'extends': - return this.parseExtends(); - case 'include': - return this.parseInclude(); - case 'doctype': - return this.parseDoctype(); - case 'filter': - return this.parseFilter(); - case 'comment': - return this.parseComment(); - case 'text': - case 'interpolated-code': - case 'start-pug-interpolation': - return this.parseText({ - block: !0 - }); - case 'text-html': - return this.initBlock(this.peek().loc.start.line, this.parseTextHtml()); - case 'dot': - return this.parseDot(); - case 'each': - return this.parseEach(); - case 'code': - return this.parseCode(); - case 'blockcode': - return this.parseBlockCode(); - case 'if': - return this.parseConditional(); - case 'while': - return this.parseWhile(); - case 'call': - return this.parseCall(); - case 'interpolation': - return this.parseInterpolation(); - case 'yield': - return this.parseYield(); - case 'id': - case 'class': - return this.peek().loc.start, - this.tokens.defer({ - type: 'tag', - val: 'div', - loc: this.peek().loc, - filename: this.filename - }), - this.parseExpr(); - default: - var e = this.runPlugin('expressionTokens', this.peek()); - if (e) return e; - this.error('INVALID_TOKEN', 'unexpected token "' + this.peek().type + '"', this.peek()) - } - }, - parseDot: function () { - return this.advance(), - this.parseTextBlock() - }, - parseText: function (e) { - var t = [ - ], - n = this.peek().loc.start.line, - r = this.peek(); - e: for (; ; ) { - switch (r.type) { - case 'text': - var i = this.advance(); - t.push({ - type: 'Text', - val: i.val, - line: i.loc.start.line, - column: i.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - }); - break; - case 'interpolated-code': - i = this.advance(); - t.push({ - type: 'Code', - val: i.val, - buffer: i.buffer, - mustEscape: !1 !== i.mustEscape, - isInline: !0, - line: i.loc.start.line, - column: i.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - }); - break; - case 'newline': - if (!e || !e.block) break e; - i = this.advance(); - var s = this.peek().type; - 'text' !== s && 'interpolated-code' !== s || t.push({ - type: 'Text', - val: '\n', - line: i.loc.start.line, - column: i.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - }); - break; - case 'start-pug-interpolation': - this.advance(), - t.push(this.parseExpr()), - this.expect('end-pug-interpolation'); - break; - default: - if (this.runPlugin('textTokens', r, t)) break; - break e - } - r = this.peek() - } - return 1 === t.length ? t[0] : this.initBlock(n, t) - }, - parseTextHtml: function () { - var e = [ - ], - t = null; - e: for (; ; ) switch (this.peek().type) { - case 'text-html': - var n = this.advance(); - t ? t.val += '\n' + n.val : (t = { - type: 'Text', - val: n.val, - filename: this.filename, - line: n.loc.start.line, - column: n.loc.start.column, - isHtml: !0 - }, e.push(t)); - break; - case 'indent': - this.block().nodes.forEach(function (n) { - n.isHtml ? t ? t.val += '\n' + n.val : (t = n, e.push(t)) : (t = null, e.push(n)) - }); - break; - case 'code': - t = null, - e.push(this.parseCode(!0)); - break; - case 'newline': - this.advance(); - break; - default: - break e - } - return e - }, - parseBlockExpansion: function () { - var e = this.accept(':'); - if (e) { - var t = this.parseExpr(); - return 'Block' === t.type ? t : this.initBlock(e.loc.start.line, [ - t - ]) - } - return this.block() - }, - parseCase: function () { - var e = this.expect('case'), - t = { - type: 'Case', - expr: e.val, - line: e.loc.start.line, - column: e.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - }, - n = this.emptyBlock(e.loc.start.line + 1); - for (this.expect('indent'); 'outdent' != this.peek().type; ) switch (this.peek().type) { - case 'comment': - case 'newline': - this.advance(); - break; - case 'when': - n.nodes.push(this.parseWhen()); - break; - case 'default': - n.nodes.push(this.parseDefault()); - break; - default: - if (this.runPlugin('caseTokens', this.peek(), n)) break; - this.error('INVALID_TOKEN', 'Unexpected token "' + this.peek().type + '", expected "when", "default" or "newline"', this.peek()) - } - return this.expect('outdent'), - t.block = n, - t - }, - parseWhen: function () { - var e = this.expect('when'); - return 'newline' !== this.peek().type ? { - type: 'When', - expr: e.val, - block: this.parseBlockExpansion(), - debug: !1, - line: e.loc.start.line, - column: e.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - } - : { - type: 'When', - expr: e.val, - debug: !1, - line: e.loc.start.line, - column: e.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - } - }, - parseDefault: function () { - var e = this.expect('default'); - return { - type: 'When', - expr: 'default', - block: this.parseBlockExpansion(), - debug: !1, - line: e.loc.start.line, - column: e.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - } - }, - parseCode: function (e) { - var t = this.expect('code'); - r('boolean' == typeof t.mustEscape, 'Please update to the newest version of pug-lexer.'); - var n = { - type: 'Code', - val: t.val, - buffer: t.buffer, - mustEscape: !1 !== t.mustEscape, - isInline: !!e, - line: t.loc.start.line, - column: t.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - }; - return n.val.match(/^ *else/) && (n.debug = !1), - e ? n : ('indent' == this.peek().type && (t.buffer && this.error('BLOCK_IN_BUFFERED_CODE', 'Buffered code cannot have a block attached to it', this.peek()), n.block = this.block()), n) - }, - parseConditional: function () { - var e = this.expect('if'), - t = { - type: 'Conditional', - test: e.val, - consequent: this.emptyBlock(e.loc.start.line), - alternate: null, - line: e.loc.start.line, - column: e.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - }; - 'indent' == this.peek().type && (t.consequent = this.block()); - for (var n = t; ; ) if ('newline' === this.peek().type) this.expect('newline'); - else { - if ('else-if' !== this.peek().type) { - if ('else' === this.peek().type) { - this.expect('else'), - 'indent' === this.peek().type && (n.alternate = this.block()); - break - } - break - } - e = this.expect('else-if'), - n = n.alternate = { - type: 'Conditional', - test: e.val, - consequent: this.emptyBlock(e.loc.start.line), - alternate: null, - line: e.loc.start.line, - column: e.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - }, - 'indent' == this.peek().type && (n.consequent = this.block()) - } - return t - }, - parseWhile: function () { - var e = this.expect('while'), - t = { - type: 'While', - test: e.val, - line: e.loc.start.line, - column: e.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - }; - return 'indent' == this.peek().type ? t.block = this.block() : t.block = this.emptyBlock(e.loc.start.line), - t - }, - parseBlockCode: function () { - var e = this.expect('blockcode'), - t = e.loc.start.line, - n = e.loc.start.column, - r = ''; - if ('start-pipeless-text' === this.peek().type) { - for (this.advance(); 'end-pipeless-text' !== this.peek().type; ) switch ((e = this.advance()).type) { - case 'text': - r += e.val; - break; - case 'newline': - r += '\n'; - break; - default: - var i = this.runPlugin('blockCodeTokens', e, e); - if (i) { - r += i; - break - } - this.error('INVALID_TOKEN', 'Unexpected token type: ' + e.type, e) - } - this.advance() - } - return { - type: 'Code', - val: r, - buffer: !1, - mustEscape: !1, - isInline: !1, - line: t, - column: n, - filename: this.filename - } - }, - parseComment: function () { - var e, - t = this.expect('comment'); - return (e = this.parseTextBlock()) ? { - type: 'BlockComment', - val: t.val, - block: e, - buffer: t.buffer, - line: t.loc.start.line, - column: t.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - } - : { - type: 'Comment', - val: t.val, - buffer: t.buffer, - line: t.loc.start.line, - column: t.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - } - }, - parseDoctype: function () { - var e = this.expect('doctype'); - return { - type: 'Doctype', - val: e.val, - line: e.loc.start.line, - column: e.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - } - }, - parseIncludeFilter: function () { - var e = this.expect('filter'), - t = [ - ]; - return 'start-attributes' === this.peek().type && (t = this.attrs()), - { - type: 'IncludeFilter', - name: e.val, - attrs: t, - line: e.loc.start.line, - column: e.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - } - }, - parseFilter: function () { - var e, - t = this.expect('filter'), - n = [ - ]; - if ('start-attributes' === this.peek().type && (n = this.attrs()), 'text' === this.peek().type) { - var r = this.advance(); - e = this.initBlock(r.loc.start.line, [ - { - type: 'Text', - val: r.val, - line: r.loc.start.line, - column: r.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - } - ]) - } else e = 'filter' === this.peek().type ? this.initBlock(t.loc.start.line, [ - this.parseFilter() - ]) : this.parseTextBlock() || this.emptyBlock(t.loc.start.line); - return { - type: 'Filter', - name: t.val, - block: e, - attrs: n, - line: t.loc.start.line, - column: t.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - } - }, - parseEach: function () { - var e = this.expect('each'), - t = { - type: 'Each', - obj: e.code, - val: e.val, - key: e.key, - block: this.block(), - line: e.loc.start.line, - column: e.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - }; - return 'else' == this.peek().type && (this.advance(), t.alternate = this.block()), - t - }, - parseExtends: function () { - var e = this.expect('extends'), - t = this.expect('path'); - return { - type: 'Extends', - file: { - type: 'FileReference', - path: t.val.trim(), - line: t.loc.start.line, - column: t.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - }, - line: e.loc.start.line, - column: e.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - } - }, - parseBlock: function () { - var e = this.expect('block'), - t = 'indent' == this.peek().type ? this.block() : this.emptyBlock(e.loc.start.line); - return t.type = 'NamedBlock', - = e.val.trim(), - t.mode = e.mode, - t.line = e.loc.start.line, - t.column = e.loc.start.column, - t - }, - parseMixinBlock: function () { - var e = this.expect('mixin-block'); - return this.inMixin || this.error('BLOCK_OUTISDE_MIXIN', 'Anonymous blocks are not allowed unless they are part of a mixin.', e), - { - type: 'MixinBlock', - line: e.loc.start.line, - column: e.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - } - }, - parseYield: function () { - var e = this.expect('yield'); - return { - type: 'YieldBlock', - line: e.loc.start.line, - column: e.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - } - }, - parseInclude: function () { - for (var e = this.expect('include'), t = { - type: 'Include', - file: { - type: 'FileReference', - filename: this.filename - }, - line: e.loc.start.line, - column: e.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - }, n = [ - ]; 'filter' === this.peek().type; ) n.push(this.parseIncludeFilter()); - var r = this.expect('path'); - return t.file.path = r.val.trim(), - t.file.line = r.loc.start.line, - t.file.column = r.loc.start.column, - !/\.jade$/.test(t.file.path) && !/\.pug$/.test(t.file.path) || n.length ? (t.type = 'RawInclude', t.filters = n, 'indent' === this.peek().type && this.error('RAW_INCLUDE_BLOCK', 'Raw inclusion cannot contain a block', this.peek())) : (t.block = 'indent' == this.peek().type ? this.block() : this.emptyBlock(e.loc.start.line), /\.jade$/.test(t.file.path) && console.warn(this.filename + ', line ' + e.loc.start.line + ':\nThe .jade extension is deprecated, use .pug for "' + t.file.path + '".')), - t - }, - parseCall: function () { - var e = this.expect('call'), - t = { - type: 'Mixin', - name: e.val, - args: e.args, - block: this.emptyBlock(e.loc.start.line), - call: !0, - attrs: [ - ], - attributeBlocks: [ - ], - line: e.loc.start.line, - column: e.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - }; - return this.tag(t), - t.code && (t.block.nodes.push(t.code), delete t.code), - 0 === t.block.nodes.length && (t.block = null), - t - }, - parseMixin: function () { - var e = this.expect('mixin'), - t = e.val, - n = e.args; - if ('indent' == this.peek().type) { - this.inMixin++; - var r = { - type: 'Mixin', - name: t, - args: n, - block: this.block(), - call: !1, - line: e.loc.start.line, - column: e.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - }; - return this.inMixin--, - r - } - this.error('MIXIN_WITHOUT_BODY', 'Mixin ' + t + ' declared without body', e) - }, - parseTextBlock: function () { - if (t = this.accept('start-pipeless-text')) { - for (var e = this.emptyBlock(t.loc.start.line); 'end-pipeless-text' !== this.peek().type; ) { - var t; - switch ((t = this.advance()).type) { - case 'text': - e.nodes.push({ - type: 'Text', - val: t.val, - line: t.loc.start.line, - column: t.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - }); - break; - case 'newline': - e.nodes.push({ - type: 'Text', - val: '\n', - line: t.loc.start.line, - column: t.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - }); - break; - case 'start-pug-interpolation': - e.nodes.push(this.parseExpr()), - this.expect('end-pug-interpolation'); - break; - case 'interpolated-code': - e.nodes.push({ - type: 'Code', - val: t.val, - buffer: t.buffer, - mustEscape: !1 !== t.mustEscape, - isInline: !0, - line: t.loc.start.line, - column: t.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - }); - break; - default: - if (this.runPlugin('textBlockTokens', t, e, t)) break; - this.error('INVALID_TOKEN', 'Unexpected token type: ' + t.type, t) - } - } - return this.advance(), - e - } - }, - block: function () { - for (var e = this.expect('indent'), t = this.emptyBlock(e.loc.start.line); 'outdent' != this.peek().type; ) if ('newline' == this.peek().type) this.advance(); - else if ('text-html' == this.peek().type) t.nodes = t.nodes.concat(this.parseTextHtml()); - else { - var n = this.parseExpr(); - 'Block' === n.type ? t.nodes = t.nodes.concat(n.nodes) : t.nodes.push(n) - } - return this.expect('outdent'), - t - }, - parseInterpolation: function () { - var e = this.advance(), - t = { - type: 'InterpolatedTag', - expr: e.val, - selfClosing: !1, - block: this.emptyBlock(e.loc.start.line), - attrs: [ - ], - attributeBlocks: [ - ], - isInline: !1, - line: e.loc.start.line, - column: e.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - }; - return this.tag(t, { - selfClosingAllowed: !0 - }) - }, - parseTag: function () { - var e = this.advance(), - t = { - type: 'Tag', - name: e.val, - selfClosing: !1, - block: this.emptyBlock(e.loc.start.line), - attrs: [ - ], - attributeBlocks: [ - ], - isInline: - 1 !== o.indexOf(e.val), - line: e.loc.start.line, - column: e.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - }; - return this.tag(t, { - selfClosingAllowed: !0 - }) - }, - tag: function (e, t) { - var n = !1, - r = [ - ], - i = t && t.selfClosingAllowed; - e: for (; ; ) switch (this.peek().type) { - case 'id': - case 'class': - 'id' === (s = this.advance()).type && ( - 1 !== r.indexOf('id') && this.error('DUPLICATE_ID', 'Duplicate attribute "id" is not allowed.', s), r.push('id')), - e.attrs.push({ - name: s.type, - val: '\'' + s.val + '\'', - line: s.loc.start.line, - column: s.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename, - mustEscape: !1 - }); - continue; - case 'start-attributes': - n && console.warn(this.filename + ', line ' + this.peek().loc.start.line + ':\nYou should not have pug tags with multiple attributes.'), - n = !0, - e.attrs = e.attrs.concat(this.attrs(r)); - continue; - case '&attributes': - var s = this.advance(); - e.attributeBlocks.push({ - type: 'AttributeBlock', - val: s.val, - line: s.loc.start.line, - column: s.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename - }); - break; - default: - if (this.runPlugin('tagAttributeTokens', this.peek(), e, r)) break; - break e - } - switch ('dot' == this.peek().type && (e.textOnly = !0, this.advance()), this.peek().type) { - case 'text': - case 'interpolated-code': - var o = this.parseText(); - 'Block' === o.type ? e.block.nodes.push.apply(e.block.nodes, o.nodes) : e.block.nodes.push(o); - break; - case 'code': - e.block.nodes.push(this.parseCode(!0)); - break; - case ':': - this.advance(); - var a = this.parseExpr(); - e.block = 'Block' === a.type ? a : this.initBlock(e.line, [ - a - ]); - break; - case 'newline': - case 'indent': - case 'outdent': - case 'eos': - case 'start-pipeless-text': - case 'end-pug-interpolation': - break; - case 'slash': - if (i) { - this.advance(), - e.selfClosing = !0; - break - } - default: - if (this.runPlugin('tagTokens', this.peek(), e, t)) break; - this.error('INVALID_TOKEN', 'Unexpected token `' + this.peek().type + '` expected `text`, `interpolated-code`, `code`, `:`' + (i ? ', `slash`' : '') + ', `newline` or `eos`', this.peek()) - } - for (; 'newline' == this.peek().type; ) this.advance(); - if (e.textOnly) e.block = this.parseTextBlock() || this.emptyBlock(e.line); - else if ('indent' == this.peek().type) for (var u = this.block(), l = 0, c = u.nodes.length; l < c; ++l) e.block.nodes.push(u.nodes[l]); - return e - }, - attrs: function (e) { - this.expect('start-attributes'); - for (var t = [ - ], n = this.advance(); 'attribute' === n.type; ) 'class' !== && e && ( - 1 !== e.indexOf( && this.error('DUPLICATE_ATTRIBUTE', 'Duplicate attribute "' + + '" is not allowed.', n), e.push(, - t.push({ - name:, - val: n.val, - line: n.loc.start.line, - column: n.loc.start.column, - filename: this.filename, - mustEscape: !1 !== n.mustEscape - }), - n = this.advance(); - return this.tokens.defer(n), - this.expect('end-attributes'), - t - } - } - }, - { - './lib/inline-tags': 398, - assert: 8, - 'pug-error': 388, - 'token-stream': 422 - } - ], - 398: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - t.exports = [ - 'a', - 'abbr', - 'acronym', - 'b', - 'br', - 'code', - 'em', - 'font', - 'i', - 'img', - 'ins', - 'kbd', - 'map', - 'samp', - 'small', - 'span', - 'strong', - 'sub', - 'sup' - ] - }, - { - } - ], - 399: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - e('fs'); - var r = e('./lib/dependencies.js'), - i = e('./lib/internals.js'), - s = e('./lib/sources.js'); - t.exports = function (e) { - var t = [ - ]; - e = e.filter(function (e) { - return !i[e] - }); - for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) - 1 === t.indexOf(e[n]) && (t.push(e[n]), e.push.apply(e, r[e[n]])); - return t.sort().map(function (e) { - return s[e] - }).join('\n') - } - }, - { - './lib/dependencies.js': 401, - './lib/internals.js': 402, - './lib/sources.js': 403, - fs: 40 - } - ], - 400: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - function i(e, t) { - return Array.isArray(e) ? function (e, t) { - for (var n, r = '', s = '', o = Array.isArray(t), a = 0; a < e.length; a++) (n = i(e[a])) && (o && t[a] && (n = u(n)), r = r + s + n, s = ' '); - return r - }(e, t) : e && 'object' == typeof e ? function (e) { - var t = '', - n = ''; - for (var i in e) i && e[i] &&, i) && (t = t + n + i, n = ' '); - return t - }(e) : e || '' - } - function s(e) { - if (!e) return ''; - if ('object' == typeof e) { - var t = ''; - for (var n in e), n) && (t = t + n + ':' + e[n] + ';'); - return t - } - return e + '' - } - function o(e, t, n, r) { - if (!1 === t || null == t || !t && ('class' === e || 'style' === e)) return ''; - if (!0 === t) return ' ' + (r ? e : e + '="' + e + '"'); - var i = typeof t; - return 'object' !== i && 'function' !== i || 'function' != typeof t.toJSON || (t = t.toJSON()), - 'string' == typeof t || (t = JSON.stringify(t), n || - 1 === t.indexOf('"')) ? (n && (t = u(t)), ' ' + e + '="' + t + '"') : ' ' + e + '=\'' + t.replace(/'/g, ''') + '\'' - } - n.merge = function e(t, n) { - if (1 === arguments.length) { - for (var r = t[0], i = 1; i < t.length; i++) r = e(r, t[i]); - return r - } - for (var o in n) if ('class' === o) { - var a = t[o] || [ - ]; - t[o] = (Array.isArray(a) ? a : [ - a - ]).concat(n[o] || [ - ]) - } else if ('style' === o) { - var a = s(t[o]); - a = a && ';' !== a[a.length - 1] ? a + ';' : a; - var u = s(n[o]); - u = u && ';' !== u[u.length - 1] ? u + ';' : u, - t[o] = a + u - } else t[o] = n[o]; - return t - }, - n.classes = i, - = s, - n.attr = o, - n.attrs = function (e, t) { - var n = ''; - for (var a in e) if (, a)) { - var u = e[a]; - if ('class' === a) { - u = i(u), - n = o(a, u, !1, t) + n; - continue - } - 'style' === a && (u = s(u)), - n += o(a, u, !1, t) - } - return n - }; - var a = /["&<>]/; - function u(e) { - var t = '' + e, - n = a.exec(t); - if (!n) return e; - var r, - i, - s, - o = ''; - for (r = n.index, i = 0; r < t.length; r++) { - switch (t.charCodeAt(r)) { - case 34: - s = '"'; - break; - case 38: - s = '&'; - break; - case 60: - s = '<'; - break; - case 62: - s = '>'; - break; - default: - continue - } - i !== r && (o += t.substring(i, r)), - i = r + 1, - o += s - } - return i !== r ? o + t.substring(i, r) : o - } - n.escape = u, - n.rethrow = function t(n, r, i, s) { - if (!(n instanceof Error)) throw n; - if (!('undefined' == typeof window && r || s)) throw n.message += ' on line ' + i, - n; - try { - s = s || e('fs').readFileSync(r, 'utf8') - } catch (e) { - t(n, null, i) - } - var o = 3, - a = s.split('\n'), - u = Math.max(i - o, 0), - l = Math.min(a.length, i + o); - var o = a.slice(u, l).map(function (e, t) { - var n = t + u + 1; - return (n == i ? ' > ' : ' ') + n + '| ' + e - }).join('\n'); - n.path = r; - n.message = (r || 'Pug') + ':' + i + '\n' + o + '\n\n' + n.message; - throw n - } - }, - { - fs: 40 - } - ], - 401: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = { - has_own_property: [ - ], - merge: [ - 'style' - ], - classes_array: [ - 'classes', - 'escape' - ], - classes_object: [ - 'has_own_property' - ], - classes: [ - 'classes_array', - 'classes_object' - ], - style: [ - 'has_own_property' - ], - attr: [ - 'escape' - ], - attrs: [ - 'attr', - 'classes', - 'has_own_property', - 'style' - ], - match_html: [ - ], - escape: [ - 'match_html' - ], - rethrow: [ - ] - } - }, - { - } - ], - 402: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = { - dependencies: !0, - internals: !0, - has_own_property: !0, - classes_array: !0, - classes_object: !0, - match_html: !0 - } - }, - { - } - ], - 403: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = { - has_own_property: 'var pug_has_own_property=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;', - merge: 'function pug_merge(e,r){if(1===arguments.length){for(var t=e[0],g=1;g]/;', - escape: 'function pug_escape(e){var a=""+e,t=pug_match_html.exec(a);if(!t)return e;var r,c,n,s="";for(r=t.index,c=0;r ":" ")+t+"| "+n}).join("\\n");throw n.path=e,n.message=(e||"Pug")+":"+r+"\\n"+i+"\\n\\n"+n.message,n}' - } - }, - { - } - ], - 404: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./'); - t.exports = function (e, t) { - return t = t || 'template', - Function('pug', e + '\nreturn ' + t + ';') (r) - } - }, - { - './': 400 - } - ], - 405: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('pug-error'); - function i(e, t, n, i) { - throw r('UNEXPECTED_TOKEN', '`' + e + '` encountered when ' + t, { - filename: n, - line: i - }) - } - t.exports = function (e, t) { - var n = !1 !== (t = t || { - }).stripUnbuffered, - r = !0 === t.stripBuffered, - s = t.filename, - o = !1, - a = !1; - return e.filter(function (e) { - switch (e.type) { - case 'comment': - if (!o) return !(o = e.buffer ? r : n); - i('comment', 'already in a comment', s, e.line); - case 'start-pipeless-text': - return !o || (a && i('start-pipeless-text', 'already in pipeless text mode', s, e.line), a = !0, !1); - case 'end-pipeless-text': - return !o || (a || i('end-pipeless-text', 'not in pipeless text mode', s, e.line), a = !1, o = !1, !1); - case 'text': - return !o; - default: - return !a && (o = !1, !0) - } - }) - } - }, - { - 'pug-error': 388 - } - ], - 406: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - t.exports = function e(t, n, r, i) { - r && 'object' == typeof r && void 0 === i && (i = r, r = null); - i = i || { - includeDependencies: !1 - }; - var s = i.parents = i.parents || [ - ]; - var o = function e(n) { - if (Array.isArray(n) && !e.arrayAllowed) throw new Error('replace() can only be called with an array if the last parent is a Block or NamedBlock'); - t = n - }; - o.arrayAllowed = s[0] && (/^(Named)?Block$/.test(s[0].type) || 'RawInclude' === s[0].type && 'IncludeFilter' === t.type); - if (n) { - var a = n(t, o); - if (!1 === a) return t; - if (Array.isArray(t)) return u(t) - } - s.unshift(t); - switch (t.type) { - case 'NamedBlock': - case 'Block': - t.nodes = u(t.nodes); - break; - case 'Case': - case 'Filter': - case 'Mixin': - case 'Tag': - case 'InterpolatedTag': - case 'When': - case 'Code': - case 'While': - t.block && (t.block = e(t.block, n, r, i)); - break; - case 'Each': - t.block && (t.block = e(t.block, n, r, i)), - t.alternate && (t.alternate = e(t.alternate, n, r, i)); - break; - case 'Conditional': - t.consequent && (t.consequent = e(t.consequent, n, r, i)), - t.alternate && (t.alternate = e(t.alternate, n, r, i)); - break; - case 'Include': - e(t.block, n, r, i), - e(t.file, n, r, i); - break; - case 'Extends': - e(t.file, n, r, i); - break; - case 'RawInclude': - t.filters = u(t.filters), - e(t.file, n, r, i); - break; - case 'Attrs': - case 'BlockComment': - case 'Comment': - case 'Doctype': - case 'IncludeFilter': - case 'MixinBlock': - case 'YieldBlock': - case 'Text': - break; - case 'FileReference': - i.includeDependencies && t.ast && e(t.ast, n, r, i); - break; - default: - throw new Error('Unexpected node type ' + t.type) - } - s.shift(); - r && r(t, o); - return t; - function u(t) { - return t.reduce(function (t, s) { - var o = e(s, n, r, i); - return Array.isArray(o) ? t.concat(o) : t.concat([o]) - }, [ - ]) - } - } - }, - { - } - ], - 407: [ - function (e, t, n) { - (function (e) { - !function (r) { - var i = 'object' == typeof n && n && !n.nodeType && n, - s = 'object' == typeof t && t && !t.nodeType && t, - o = 'object' == typeof e && e; - !== o && o.window !== o && o.self !== o || (r = o); - var a, - u, - l = 2147483647, - c = 36, - p = 1, - h = 26, - f = 38, - d = 700, - m = 72, - g = 128, - y = '-', - v = /^xn--/, - b = /[^\x20-\x7E]/, - x = /[\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g, - A = { - overflow: 'Overflow: input needs wider integers to process', - 'not-basic': 'Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)', - 'invalid-input': 'Invalid input' - }, - E = c - p, - _ = Math.floor, - C = String.fromCharCode; - function w(e) { - throw new RangeError(A[e]) - } - function D(e, t) { - for (var n = e.length, r = [ - ]; n--; ) r[n] = t(e[n]); - return r - } - function k(e, t) { - var n = e.split('@'), - r = ''; - return n.length > 1 && (r = n[0] + '@', e = n[1]), - r + D((e = e.replace(x, '.')).split('.'), t).join('.') - } - function S(e) { - for (var t, n, r = [ - ], i = 0, s = e.length; i < s; ) (t = e.charCodeAt(i++)) >= 55296 && t <= 56319 && i < s ? 56320 == (64512 & (n = e.charCodeAt(i++))) ? r.push(((1023 & t) << 10) + (1023 & n) + 65536) : (r.push(t), i--) : r.push(t); - return r - } - function T(e) { - return D(e, function (e) { - var t = ''; - return e > 65535 && (t += C((e -= 65536) >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), e = 56320 | 1023 & e), - t += C(e) - }).join('') - } - function F(e, t) { - return e + 22 + 75 * (e < 26) - ((0 != t) << 5) - } - function O(e, t, n) { - var r = 0; - for (e = n ? _(e / d) : e >> 1, e += _(e / t); e > E * h >> 1; r += c) e = _(e / E); - return _(r + (E + 1) * e / (e + f)) - } - function B(e) { - var t, - n, - r, - i, - s, - o, - a, - u, - f, - d, - v, - b = [ - ], - x = e.length, - A = 0, - E = g, - C = m; - for ((n = e.lastIndexOf(y)) < 0 && (n = 0), r = 0; r < n; ++r) e.charCodeAt(r) >= 128 && w('not-basic'), - b.push(e.charCodeAt(r)); - for (i = n > 0 ? n + 1 : 0; i < x; ) { - for (s = A, o = 1, a = c; i >= x && w('invalid-input'), ((u = (v = e.charCodeAt(i++)) - 48 < 10 ? v - 22 : v - 65 < 26 ? v - 65 : v - 97 < 26 ? v - 97 : c) >= c || u > _((l - A) / o)) && w('overflow'), A += u * o, !(u < (f = a <= C ? p : a >= C + h ? h : a - C)); a += c) o > _(l / (d = c - f)) && w('overflow'), - o *= d; - C = O(A - s, t = b.length + 1, 0 == s), - _(A / t) > l - E && w('overflow'), - E += _(A / t), - A %= t, - b.splice(A++, 0, E) - } - return T(b) - } - function P(e) { - var t, - n, - r, - i, - s, - o, - a, - u, - f, - d, - v, - b, - x, - A, - E, - D = [ - ]; - for (b = (e = S(e)).length, t = g, n = 0, s = m, o = 0; o < b; ++o) (v = e[o]) < 128 && D.push(C(v)); - for (r = i = D.length, i && D.push(y); r < b; ) { - for (a = l, o = 0; o < b; ++o) (v = e[o]) >= t && v < a && (a = v); - for (a - t > _((l - n) / (x = r + 1)) && w('overflow'), n += (a - t) * x, t = a, o = 0; o < b; ++o) if ((v = e[o]) < t && ++n > l && w('overflow'), v == t) { - for (u = n, f = c; !(u < (d = f <= s ? p : f >= s + h ? h : f - s)); f += c) E = u - d, - A = c - d, - D.push(C(F(d + E % A, 0))), - u = _(E / A); - D.push(C(F(u, 0))), - s = O(n, x, r == i), - n = 0, - ++r - } - ++n, - ++t - } - return D.join('') - } - if (a = { - version: '1.4.1', - ucs2: { - decode: S, - encode: T - }, - decode: B, - encode: P, - toASCII: function (e) { - return k(e, function (e) { - return b.test(e) ? 'xn--' + P(e) : e - }) - }, - toUnicode: function (e) { - return k(e, function (e) { - return v.test(e) ? B(e.slice(4).toLowerCase()) : e - }) - } - }, 'function' == typeof define && 'object' == typeof define.amd && define.amd) define('punycode', function () { - return a - }); - else if (i && s) if (t.exports == i) s.exports = a; - else for (u in a) a.hasOwnProperty(u) && (i[u] = a[u]); - else r.punycode = a - }(this) - }).call(this, 'undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof self ? self : 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : { - }) - }, - { - } - ], - 408: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - function r(e, t) { - return, t) - } - t.exports = function (e, t, n, s) { - t = t || '&', - n = n || '='; - var o = { - }; - if ('string' != typeof e || 0 === e.length) return o; - var a = /\+/g; - e = e.split(t); - var u = 1000; - s && 'number' == typeof s.maxKeys && (u = s.maxKeys); - var l = e.length; - u > 0 && l > u && (l = u); - for (var c = 0; c < l; ++c) { - var p, - h, - f, - d, - m = e[c].replace(a, '%20'), - g = m.indexOf(n); - g >= 0 ? (p = m.substr(0, g), h = m.substr(g + 1)) : (p = m, h = ''), - f = decodeURIComponent(p), - d = decodeURIComponent(h), - r(o, f) ? i(o[f]) ? o[f].push(d) : o[f] = [ - o[f], - d - ] : o[f] = d - } - return o - }; - var i = Array.isArray || function (e) { - return '[object Array]' === - } - }, - { - } - ], - 409: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = function (e) { - switch (typeof e) { - case 'string': - return e; - case 'boolean': - return e ? 'true' : 'false'; - case 'number': - return isFinite(e) ? e : ''; - default: - return '' - } - }; - t.exports = function (e, t, n, a) { - return t = t || '&', - n = n || '=', - null === e && (e = void 0), - 'object' == typeof e ? s(o(e), function (o) { - var a = encodeURIComponent(r(o)) + n; - return i(e[o]) ? s(e[o], function (e) { - return a + encodeURIComponent(r(e)) - }).join(t) : a + encodeURIComponent(r(e[o])) - }).join(t) : a ? encodeURIComponent(r(a)) + n + encodeURIComponent(r(e)) : '' - }; - var i = Array.isArray || function (e) { - return '[object Array]' === - }; - function s(e, t) { - if ( return; - for (var n = [ - ], r = 0; r < e.length; r++) n.push(t(e[r], r)); - return n - } - var o = Object.keys || function (e) { - var t = [ - ]; - for (var n in e), n) && t.push(n); - return t - } - }, - { - } - ], - 410: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - n.decode = n.parse = e('./decode'), - n.encode = n.stringify = e('./encode') - }, - { - './decode': 408, - './encode': 409 - } - ], - 411: [ - function (e, t, n) { - arguments[4][139][0].apply(n, arguments) - }, - { - './util': 420, - dup: 139 - } - ], - 412: [ - function (e, t, n) { - arguments[4][140][0].apply(n, arguments) - }, - { - './base64': 413, - dup: 140 - } - ], - 413: [ - function (e, t, n) { - arguments[4][141][0].apply(n, arguments) - }, - { - dup: 141 - } - ], - 414: [ - function (e, t, n) { - arguments[4][142][0].apply(n, arguments) - }, - { - dup: 142 - } - ], - 415: [ - function (e, t, n) { - arguments[4][143][0].apply(n, arguments) - }, - { - './util': 420, - dup: 143 - } - ], - 416: [ - function (e, t, n) { - arguments[4][144][0].apply(n, arguments) - }, - { - dup: 144 - } - ], - 417: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./util'), - i = e('./binary-search'), - s = e('./array-set').ArraySet, - o = e('./base64-vlq'), - a = e('./quick-sort').quickSort; - function u(e) { - var t = e; - return 'string' == typeof e && (t = JSON.parse(e.replace(/^\)\]\}'/, ''))), - null != t.sections ? new p(t) : new l(t) - } - function l(e) { - var t = e; - 'string' == typeof e && (t = JSON.parse(e.replace(/^\)\]\}'/, ''))); - var n = r.getArg(t, 'version'), - i = r.getArg(t, 'sources'), - o = r.getArg(t, 'names', [ - ]), - a = r.getArg(t, 'sourceRoot', null), - u = r.getArg(t, 'sourcesContent', null), - l = r.getArg(t, 'mappings'), - c = r.getArg(t, 'file', null); - if (n != this._version) throw new Error('Unsupported version: ' + n); - i = (e) { - return a && r.isAbsolute(a) && r.isAbsolute(e) ? r.relative(a, e) : e - }), - this._names = s.fromArray(, !0), - this._sources = s.fromArray(i, !0), - this.sourceRoot = a, - this.sourcesContent = u, - this._mappings = l, - this.file = c - } - function c() { - this.generatedLine = 0, - this.generatedColumn = 0, - this.source = null, - this.originalLine = null, - this.originalColumn = null, - = null - } - function p(e) { - var t = e; - 'string' == typeof e && (t = JSON.parse(e.replace(/^\)\]\}'/, ''))); - var n = r.getArg(t, 'version'), - i = r.getArg(t, 'sections'); - if (n != this._version) throw new Error('Unsupported version: ' + n); - this._sources = new s, - this._names = new s; - var o = { - line: - 1, - column: 0 - }; - this._sections = (e) { - if (e.url) throw new Error('Support for url field in sections not implemented.'); - var t = r.getArg(e, 'offset'), - n = r.getArg(t, 'line'), - i = r.getArg(t, 'column'); - if (n < o.line || n === o.line && i < o.column) throw new Error('Section offsets must be ordered and non-overlapping.'); - return o = t, - { - generatedOffset: { - generatedLine: n + 1, - generatedColumn: i + 1 - }, - consumer: new u(r.getArg(e, 'map')) - } - }) - } - u.fromSourceMap = function (e) { - return l.fromSourceMap(e) - }, - u.prototype._version = 3, - u.prototype.__generatedMappings = null, - Object.defineProperty(u.prototype, '_generatedMappings', { - get: function () { - return this.__generatedMappings || this._parseMappings(this._mappings, this.sourceRoot), - this.__generatedMappings - } - }), - u.prototype.__originalMappings = null, - Object.defineProperty(u.prototype, '_originalMappings', { - get: function () { - return this.__originalMappings || this._parseMappings(this._mappings, this.sourceRoot), - this.__originalMappings - } - }), - u.prototype._charIsMappingSeparator = function (e, t) { - var n = e.charAt(t); - return ';' === n || ',' === n - }, - u.prototype._parseMappings = function (e, t) { - throw new Error('Subclasses must implement _parseMappings') - }, - u.GENERATED_ORDER = 1, - u.ORIGINAL_ORDER = 2, - u.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND = 1, - u.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND = 2, - u.prototype.eachMapping = function (e, t, n) { - var i, - s = t || null; - switch (n || u.GENERATED_ORDER) { - case u.GENERATED_ORDER: - i = this._generatedMappings; - break; - case u.ORIGINAL_ORDER: - i = this._originalMappings; - break; - default: - throw new Error('Unknown order of iteration.') - } - var o = this.sourceRoot; - (e) { - var t = null === e.source ? null :; - return null != t && null != o && (t = r.join(o, t)), - { - source: t, - generatedLine: e.generatedLine, - generatedColumn: e.generatedColumn, - originalLine: e.originalLine, - originalColumn: e.originalColumn, - name: null === ? null : - } - }, this).forEach(e, s) - }, - u.prototype.allGeneratedPositionsFor = function (e) { - var t = r.getArg(e, 'line'), - n = { - source: r.getArg(e, 'source'), - originalLine: t, - originalColumn: r.getArg(e, 'column', 0) - }; - if (null != this.sourceRoot && (n.source = r.relative(this.sourceRoot, n.source)), !this._sources.has(n.source)) return []; - n.source = this._sources.indexOf(n.source); - var s = [ - ], - o = this._findMapping(n, this._originalMappings, 'originalLine', 'originalColumn', r.compareByOriginalPositions, i.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND); - if (o >= 0) { - var a = this._originalMappings[o]; - if (void 0 === e.column) for (var u = a.originalLine; a && a.originalLine === u; ) s.push({ - line: r.getArg(a, 'generatedLine', null), - column: r.getArg(a, 'generatedColumn', null), - lastColumn: r.getArg(a, 'lastGeneratedColumn', null) - }), - a = this._originalMappings[++o]; - else for (var l = a.originalColumn; a && a.originalLine === t && a.originalColumn == l; ) s.push({ - line: r.getArg(a, 'generatedLine', null), - column: r.getArg(a, 'generatedColumn', null), - lastColumn: r.getArg(a, 'lastGeneratedColumn', null) - }), - a = this._originalMappings[++o] - } - return s - }, - n.SourceMapConsumer = u, - l.prototype = Object.create(u.prototype), - l.prototype.consumer = u, - l.fromSourceMap = function (e) { - var t = Object.create(l.prototype), - n = t._names = s.fromArray(e._names.toArray(), !0), - i = t._sources = s.fromArray(e._sources.toArray(), !0); - t.sourceRoot = e._sourceRoot, - t.sourcesContent = e._generateSourcesContent(t._sources.toArray(), t.sourceRoot), - t.file = e._file; - for (var o = e._mappings.toArray().slice(), u = t.__generatedMappings = [ - ], p = t.__originalMappings = [ - ], h = 0, f = o.length; h < f; h++) { - var d = o[h], - m = new c; - m.generatedLine = d.generatedLine, - m.generatedColumn = d.generatedColumn, - d.source && (m.source = i.indexOf(d.source), m.originalLine = d.originalLine, m.originalColumn = d.originalColumn, && ( = n.indexOf(, p.push(m)), - u.push(m) - } - return a(t.__originalMappings, r.compareByOriginalPositions), - t - }, - l.prototype._version = 3, - Object.defineProperty(l.prototype, 'sources', { - get: function () { - return this._sources.toArray().map(function (e) { - return null != this.sourceRoot ? r.join(this.sourceRoot, e) : e - }, this) - } - }), - l.prototype._parseMappings = function (e, t) { - for (var n, i, s, u, l, p = 1, h = 0, f = 0, d = 0, m = 0, g = 0, y = e.length, v = 0, b = { - }, x = { - }, A = [ - ], E = [ - ]; v < y; ) if (';' === e.charAt(v)) p++, - v++, - h = 0; - else if (',' === e.charAt(v)) v++; - else { - for ((n = new c).generatedLine = p, u = v; u < y && !this._charIsMappingSeparator(e, u); u++); - if (s = b[i = e.slice(v, u)]) v += i.length; - else { - for (s = [ - ]; v < u; ) o.decode(e, v, x), - l = x.value, - v =, - s.push(l); - if (2 === s.length) throw new Error('Found a source, but no line and column'); - if (3 === s.length) throw new Error('Found a source and line, but no column'); - b[i] = s - } - n.generatedColumn = h + s[0], - h = n.generatedColumn, - s.length > 1 && (n.source = m + s[1], m += s[1], n.originalLine = f + s[2], f = n.originalLine, n.originalLine += 1, n.originalColumn = d + s[3], d = n.originalColumn, s.length > 4 && ( = g + s[4], g += s[4])), - E.push(n), - 'number' == typeof n.originalLine && A.push(n) - } - a(E, r.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated), - this.__generatedMappings = E, - a(A, r.compareByOriginalPositions), - this.__originalMappings = A - }, - l.prototype._findMapping = function (e, t, n, r, s, o) { - if (e[n] <= 0) throw new TypeError('Line must be greater than or equal to 1, got ' + e[n]); - if (e[r] < 0) throw new TypeError('Column must be greater than or equal to 0, got ' + e[r]); - return, t, s, o) - }, - l.prototype.computeColumnSpans = function () { - for (var e = 0; e < this._generatedMappings.length; ++e) { - var t = this._generatedMappings[e]; - if (e + 1 < this._generatedMappings.length) { - var n = this._generatedMappings[e + 1]; - if (t.generatedLine === n.generatedLine) { - t.lastGeneratedColumn = n.generatedColumn - 1; - continue - } - } - t.lastGeneratedColumn = 1 / 0 - } - }, - l.prototype.originalPositionFor = function (e) { - var t = { - generatedLine: r.getArg(e, 'line'), - generatedColumn: r.getArg(e, 'column') - }, - n = this._findMapping(t, this._generatedMappings, 'generatedLine', 'generatedColumn', r.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated, r.getArg(e, 'bias', u.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND)); - if (n >= 0) { - var i = this._generatedMappings[n]; - if (i.generatedLine === t.generatedLine) { - var s = r.getArg(i, 'source', null); - null !== s && (s =, null != this.sourceRoot && (s = r.join(this.sourceRoot, s))); - var o = r.getArg(i, 'name', null); - return null !== o && (o =, - { - source: s, - line: r.getArg(i, 'originalLine', null), - column: r.getArg(i, 'originalColumn', null), - name: o - } - } - } - return { - source: null, - line: null, - column: null, - name: null - } - }, - l.prototype.hasContentsOfAllSources = function () { - return !!this.sourcesContent && (this.sourcesContent.length >= this._sources.size() && !this.sourcesContent.some(function (e) { - return null == e - })) - }, - l.prototype.sourceContentFor = function (e, t) { - if (!this.sourcesContent) return null; - if (null != this.sourceRoot && (e = r.relative(this.sourceRoot, e)), this._sources.has(e)) return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf(e)]; - var n; - if (null != this.sourceRoot && (n = r.urlParse(this.sourceRoot))) { - var i = e.replace(/^file:\/\//, ''); - if ('file' == n.scheme && this._sources.has(i)) return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf(i)]; - if ((!n.path || '/' == n.path) && this._sources.has('/' + e)) return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf('/' + e)] - } - if (t) return null; - throw new Error('"' + e + '" is not in the SourceMap.') - }, - l.prototype.generatedPositionFor = function (e) { - var t = r.getArg(e, 'source'); - if (null != this.sourceRoot && (t = r.relative(this.sourceRoot, t)), !this._sources.has(t)) return { - line: null, - column: null, - lastColumn: null - }; - var n = { - source: t = this._sources.indexOf(t), - originalLine: r.getArg(e, 'line'), - originalColumn: r.getArg(e, 'column') - }, - i = this._findMapping(n, this._originalMappings, 'originalLine', 'originalColumn', r.compareByOriginalPositions, r.getArg(e, 'bias', u.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND)); - if (i >= 0) { - var s = this._originalMappings[i]; - if (s.source === n.source) return { - line: r.getArg(s, 'generatedLine', null), - column: r.getArg(s, 'generatedColumn', null), - lastColumn: r.getArg(s, 'lastGeneratedColumn', null) - } - } - return { - line: null, - column: null, - lastColumn: null - } - }, - n.BasicSourceMapConsumer = l, - p.prototype = Object.create(u.prototype), - p.prototype.constructor = u, - p.prototype._version = 3, - Object.defineProperty(p.prototype, 'sources', { - get: function () { - for (var e = [ - ], t = 0; t < this._sections.length; t++) for (var n = 0; n < this._sections[t].consumer.sources.length; n++) e.push(this._sections[t].consumer.sources[n]); - return e - } - }), - p.prototype.originalPositionFor = function (e) { - var t = { - generatedLine: r.getArg(e, 'line'), - generatedColumn: r.getArg(e, 'column') - }, - n =, this._sections, function (e, t) { - var n = e.generatedLine - t.generatedOffset.generatedLine; - return n || e.generatedColumn - t.generatedOffset.generatedColumn - }), - s = this._sections[n]; - return s ? s.consumer.originalPositionFor({ - line: t.generatedLine - (s.generatedOffset.generatedLine - 1), - column: t.generatedColumn - (s.generatedOffset.generatedLine === t.generatedLine ? s.generatedOffset.generatedColumn - 1 : 0), - bias: e.bias - }) : { - source: null, - line: null, - column: null, - name: null - } - }, - p.prototype.hasContentsOfAllSources = function () { - return this._sections.every(function (e) { - return e.consumer.hasContentsOfAllSources() - }) - }, - p.prototype.sourceContentFor = function (e, t) { - for (var n = 0; n < this._sections.length; n++) { - var r = this._sections[n].consumer.sourceContentFor(e, !0); - if (r) return r - } - if (t) return null; - throw new Error('"' + e + '" is not in the SourceMap.') - }, - p.prototype.generatedPositionFor = function (e) { - for (var t = 0; t < this._sections.length; t++) { - var n = this._sections[t]; - if ( - 1 !== n.consumer.sources.indexOf(r.getArg(e, 'source'))) { - var i = n.consumer.generatedPositionFor(e); - if (i) return { - line: i.line + (n.generatedOffset.generatedLine - 1), - column: i.column + (n.generatedOffset.generatedLine === i.line ? n.generatedOffset.generatedColumn - 1 : 0) - } - } - } - return { - line: null, - column: null - } - }, - p.prototype._parseMappings = function (e, t) { - this.__generatedMappings = [ - ], - this.__originalMappings = [ - ]; - for (var n = 0; n < this._sections.length; n++) for (var i = this._sections[n], s = i.consumer._generatedMappings, o = 0; o < s.length; o++) { - var u = s[o], - l =; - null !== i.consumer.sourceRoot && (l = r.join(i.consumer.sourceRoot, l)), - this._sources.add(l), - l = this._sources.indexOf(l); - var c =; - this._names.add(c), - c = this._names.indexOf(c); - var p = { - source: l, - generatedLine: u.generatedLine + (i.generatedOffset.generatedLine - 1), - generatedColumn: u.generatedColumn + (i.generatedOffset.generatedLine === u.generatedLine ? i.generatedOffset.generatedColumn - 1 : 0), - originalLine: u.originalLine, - originalColumn: u.originalColumn, - name: c - }; - this.__generatedMappings.push(p), - 'number' == typeof p.originalLine && this.__originalMappings.push(p) - } - a(this.__generatedMappings, r.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated), - a(this.__originalMappings, r.compareByOriginalPositions) - }, - n.IndexedSourceMapConsumer = p - }, - { - './array-set': 411, - './base64-vlq': 412, - './binary-search': 414, - './quick-sort': 416, - './util': 420 - } - ], - 418: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./base64-vlq'), - i = e('./util'), - s = e('./array-set').ArraySet, - o = e('./mapping-list').MappingList; - function a(e) { - e || (e = { - }), - this._file = i.getArg(e, 'file', null), - this._sourceRoot = i.getArg(e, 'sourceRoot', null), - this._skipValidation = i.getArg(e, 'skipValidation', !1), - this._sources = new s, - this._names = new s, - this._mappings = new o, - this._sourcesContents = null - } - a.prototype._version = 3, - a.fromSourceMap = function (e) { - var t = e.sourceRoot, - n = new a({ - file: e.file, - sourceRoot: t - }); - return e.eachMapping(function (e) { - var r = { - generated: { - line: e.generatedLine, - column: e.generatedColumn - } - }; - null != e.source && (r.source = e.source, null != t && (r.source = i.relative(t, r.source)), r.original = { - line: e.originalLine, - column: e.originalColumn - }, null != && ( =, - n.addMapping(r) - }), - e.sources.forEach(function (t) { - var r = e.sourceContentFor(t); - null != r && n.setSourceContent(t, r) - }), - n - }, - a.prototype.addMapping = function (e) { - var t = i.getArg(e, 'generated'), - n = i.getArg(e, 'original', null), - r = i.getArg(e, 'source', null), - s = i.getArg(e, 'name', null); - this._skipValidation || this._validateMapping(t, n, r, s), - null != r && (r = String(r), this._sources.has(r) || this._sources.add(r)), - null != s && (s = String(s), this._names.has(s) || this._names.add(s)), - this._mappings.add({ - generatedLine: t.line, - generatedColumn: t.column, - originalLine: null != n && n.line, - originalColumn: null != n && n.column, - source: r, - name: s - }) - }, - a.prototype.setSourceContent = function (e, t) { - var n = e; - null != this._sourceRoot && (n = i.relative(this._sourceRoot, n)), - null != t ? (this._sourcesContents || (this._sourcesContents = Object.create(null)), this._sourcesContents[i.toSetString(n)] = t) : this._sourcesContents && (delete this._sourcesContents[i.toSetString(n)], 0 === Object.keys(this._sourcesContents).length && (this._sourcesContents = null)) - }, - a.prototype.applySourceMap = function (e, t, n) { - var r = t; - if (null == t) { - if (null == e.file) throw new Error('SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap requires either an explicit source file, or the source map\'s "file" property. Both were omitted.'); - r = e.file - } - var o = this._sourceRoot; - null != o && (r = i.relative(o, r)); - var a = new s, - u = new s; - this._mappings.unsortedForEach(function (t) { - if (t.source === r && null != t.originalLine) { - var s = e.originalPositionFor({ - line: t.originalLine, - column: t.originalColumn - }); - null != s.source && (t.source = s.source, null != n && (t.source = i.join(n, t.source)), null != o && (t.source = i.relative(o, t.source)), t.originalLine = s.line, t.originalColumn = s.column, null != && ( = - } - var l = t.source; - null == l || a.has(l) || a.add(l); - var c =; - null == c || u.has(c) || u.add(c) - }, this), - this._sources = a, - this._names = u, - e.sources.forEach(function (t) { - var r = e.sourceContentFor(t); - null != r && (null != n && (t = i.join(n, t)), null != o && (t = i.relative(o, t)), this.setSourceContent(t, r)) - }, this) - }, - a.prototype._validateMapping = function (e, t, n, r) { - if (t && 'number' != typeof t.line && 'number' != typeof t.column) throw new Error('original.line and original.column are not numbers -- you probably meant to omit the original mapping entirely and only map the generated position. If so, pass null for the original mapping instead of an object with empty or null values.'); - if ((!(e && 'line' in e && 'column' in e && e.line > 0 && e.column >= 0) || t || n || r) && !(e && 'line' in e && 'column' in e && t && 'line' in t && 'column' in t && e.line > 0 && e.column >= 0 && t.line > 0 && t.column >= 0 && n)) throw new Error('Invalid mapping: ' + JSON.stringify({ - generated: e, - source: n, - original: t, - name: r - })) - }, - a.prototype._serializeMappings = function () { - for (var e, t, n, s, o = 0, a = 1, u = 0, l = 0, c = 0, p = 0, h = '', f = this._mappings.toArray(), d = 0, m = f.length; d < m; d++) { - if (e = '', (t = f[d]).generatedLine !== a) for (o = 0; t.generatedLine !== a; ) e += ';', - a++; - else if (d > 0) { - if (!i.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(t, f[d - 1])) continue; - e += ',' - } - e += r.encode(t.generatedColumn - o), - o = t.generatedColumn, - null != t.source && (s = this._sources.indexOf(t.source), e += r.encode(s - p), p = s, e += r.encode(t.originalLine - 1 - l), l = t.originalLine - 1, e += r.encode(t.originalColumn - u), u = t.originalColumn, null != && (n = this._names.indexOf(, e += r.encode(n - c), c = n)), - h += e - } - return h - }, - a.prototype._generateSourcesContent = function (e, t) { - return (e) { - if (!this._sourcesContents) return null; - null != t && (e = i.relative(t, e)); - var n = i.toSetString(e); - return, n) ? this._sourcesContents[n] : null - }, this) - }, - a.prototype.toJSON = function () { - var e = { - version: this._version, - sources: this._sources.toArray(), - names: this._names.toArray(), - mappings: this._serializeMappings() - }; - return null != this._file && (e.file = this._file), - null != this._sourceRoot && (e.sourceRoot = this._sourceRoot), - this._sourcesContents && (e.sourcesContent = this._generateSourcesContent(e.sources, e.sourceRoot)), - e - }, - a.prototype.toString = function () { - return JSON.stringify(this.toJSON()) - }, - n.SourceMapGenerator = a - }, - { - './array-set': 411, - './base64-vlq': 412, - './mapping-list': 415, - './util': 420 - } - ], - 419: [ - function (e, t, n) { - var r = e('./source-map-generator').SourceMapGenerator, - i = e('./util'), - s = /(\r?\n)/, - o = '$$$isSourceNode$$$'; - function a(e, t, n, r, i) { - this.children = [ - ], - this.sourceContents = { - }, - this.line = null == e ? null : e, - this.column = null == t ? null : t, - this.source = null == n ? null : n, - = null == i ? null : i, - this[o] = !0, - null != r && this.add(r) - } - a.fromStringWithSourceMap = function (e, t, n) { - var r = new a, - o = e.split(s), - u = 0, - l = function () { - return e() + (e() || ''); - function e() { - return u < o.length ? o[u++] : void 0 - } - }, - c = 1, - p = 0, - h = null; - return t.eachMapping(function (e) { - if (null !== h) { - if (!(c < e.generatedLine)) { - var t = (n = o[u]).substr(0, e.generatedColumn - p); - return o[u] = n.substr(e.generatedColumn - p), - p = e.generatedColumn, - f(h, t), - void (h = e) - } - f(h, l()), - c++, - p = 0 - } - for (; c < e.generatedLine; ) r.add(l()), - c++; - if (p < e.generatedColumn) { - var n = o[u]; - r.add(n.substr(0, e.generatedColumn)), - o[u] = n.substr(e.generatedColumn), - p = e.generatedColumn - } - h = e - }, this), - u < o.length && (h && f(h, l()), r.add(o.splice(u).join(''))), - t.sources.forEach(function (e) { - var s = t.sourceContentFor(e); - null != s && (null != n && (e = i.join(n, e)), r.setSourceContent(e, s)) - }), - r; - function f(e, t) { - if (null === e || void 0 === e.source) r.add(t); - else { - var s = n ? i.join(n, e.source) : e.source; - r.add(new a(e.originalLine, e.originalColumn, s, t, - } - } - }, - a.prototype.add = function (e) { - if (Array.isArray(e)) e.forEach(function (e) { - this.add(e) - }, this); - else { - if (!e[o] && 'string' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('Expected a SourceNode, string, or an array of SourceNodes and strings. Got ' + e); - e && this.children.push(e) - } - return this - }, - a.prototype.prepend = function (e) { - if (Array.isArray(e)) for (var t = e.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) this.prepend(e[t]); - else { - if (!e[o] && 'string' != typeof e) throw new TypeError('Expected a SourceNode, string, or an array of SourceNodes and strings. Got ' + e); - this.children.unshift(e) - } - return this - }, - a.prototype.walk = function (e) { - for (var t, n = 0, r = this.children.length; n < r; n++) (t = this.children[n]) [o] ? t.walk(e) : '' !== t && e(t, { - source: this.source, - line: this.line, - column: this.column, - name: - }) - }, - a.prototype.join = function (e) { - var t, - n, - r = this.children.length; - if (r > 0) { - for (t = [ - ], n = 0; n < r - 1; n++) t.push(this.children[n]), - t.push(e); - t.push(this.children[n]), - this.children = t - } - return this - }, - a.prototype.replaceRight = function (e, t) { - var n = this.children[this.children.length - 1]; - return n[o] ? n.replaceRight(e, t) : 'string' == typeof n ? this.children[this.children.length - 1] = n.replace(e, t) : this.children.push(''.replace(e, t)), - this - }, - a.prototype.setSourceContent = function (e, t) { - this.sourceContents[i.toSetString(e)] = t - }, - a.prototype.walkSourceContents = function (e) { - for (var t = 0, n = this.children.length; t < n; t++) this.children[t][o] && this.children[t].walkSourceContents(e); - var r = Object.keys(this.sourceContents); - for (t = 0, n = r.length; t < n; t++) e(i.fromSetString(r[t]), this.sourceContents[r[t]]) - }, - a.prototype.toString = function () { - var e = ''; - return this.walk(function (t) { - e += t - }), - e - }, - a.prototype.toStringWithSourceMap = function (e) { - var t = { - code: '', - line: 1, - column: 0 - }, - n = new r(e), - i = !1, - s = null, - o = null, - a = null, - u = null; - return this.walk(function (e, r) { - t.code += e, - null !== r.source && null !== r.line && null !== r.column ? (s === r.source && o === r.line && a === r.column && u === || n.addMapping({ - source: r.source, - original: { - line: r.line, - column: r.column - }, - generated: { - line: t.line, - column: t.column - }, - name: - }), s = r.source, o = r.line, a = r.column, u =, i = !0) : i && (n.addMapping({ - generated: { - line: t.line, - column: t.column - } - }), s = null, i = !1); - for (var l = 0, c = e.length; l < c; l++) 10 === e.charCodeAt(l) ? (t.line++, t.column = 0, l + 1 === c ? (s = null, i = !1) : i && n.addMapping({ - source: r.source, - original: { - line: r.line, - column: r.column - }, - generated: { - line: t.line, - column: t.column - }, - name: - })) : t.column++ - }), - this.walkSourceContents(function (e, t) { - n.setSourceContent(e, t) - }), - { - code: t.code, - map: n - } - }, - n.SourceNode = a - }, - { - './source-map-generator': 418, - './util': 420 - } - ], - 420: [ - function (e, t, n) { - n.getArg = function (e, t, n) { - if (t in e) return e[t]; - if (3 === arguments.length) return n; - throw new Error('"' + t + '" is a required argument.') - }; - var r = /^(?:([\w+\-.]+):)?\/\/(?:(\w+:\w+)@)?([\w.]*)(?::(\d+))?(\S*)$/, - i = /^data:.+\,.+$/; - function s(e) { - var t = e.match(r); - return t ? { - scheme: t[1], - auth: t[2], - host: t[3], - port: t[4], - path: t[5] - } - : null - } - function o(e) { - var t = ''; - return e.scheme && (t += e.scheme + ':'), - t += '//', - e.auth && (t += e.auth + '@'), - && (t +=, - e.port && (t += ':' + e.port), - e.path && (t += e.path), - t - } - function a(e) { - var t = e, - r = s(e); - if (r) { - if (!r.path) return e; - t = r.path - } - for (var i, a = n.isAbsolute(t), u = t.split(/\/+/), l = 0, c = u.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) '.' === (i = u[c]) ? u.splice(c, 1) : '..' === i ? l++ : l > 0 && ('' === i ? (u.splice(c + 1, l), l = 0) : (u.splice(c, 2), l--)); - return '' === (t = u.join('/')) && (t = a ? '/' : '.'), - r ? (r.path = t, o(r)) : t - } - n.urlParse = s, - n.urlGenerate = o, - n.normalize = a, - n.join = function (e, t) { - '' === e && (e = '.'), - '' === t && (t = '.'); - var n = s(t), - r = s(e); - if (r && (e = r.path || '/'), n && !n.scheme) return r && (n.scheme = r.scheme), - o(n); - if (n || t.match(i)) return t; - if (r && ! && !r.path) return = t, - o(r); - var u = '/' === t.charAt(0) ? t : a(e.replace(/\/+$/, '') + '/' + t); - return r ? (r.path = u, o(r)) : u - }, - n.isAbsolute = function (e) { - return '/' === e.charAt(0) || !!e.match(r) - }, - n.relative = function (e, t) { - '' === e && (e = '.'), - e = e.replace(/\/$/, ''); - for (var n = 0; 0 !== t.indexOf(e + '/'); ) { - var r = e.lastIndexOf('/'); - if (r < 0) return t; - if ((e = e.slice(0, r)).match(/^([^\/]+:\/)?\/*$/)) return t; - ++n - } - return Array(n + 1).join('../') + t.substr(e.length + 1) - }; - var u = !('__proto__' in Object.create(null)); - function l(e) { - return e - } - function c(e) { - if (!e) return !1; - var t = e.length; - if (t < 9) return !1; - if (95 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 1) || 95 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 2) || 111 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 3) || 116 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 4) || 111 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 5) || 114 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 6) || 112 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 7) || 95 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 8) || 95 !== e.charCodeAt(t - 9)) return !1; - for (var n = t - 10; n >= 0; n--) if (36 !== e.charCodeAt(n)) return !1; - return !0 - } - function p(e, t) { - return e === t ? 0 : e > t ? 1 : - 1 - } - n.toSetString = u ? l : function (e) { - return c(e) ? '$' + e : e - }, - n.fromSetString = u ? l : function (e) { - return c(e) ? e.slice(1) : e - }, - n.compareByOriginalPositions = function (e, t, n) { - var r = e.source - t.source; - return 0 !== r ? r : 0 != (r = e.originalLine - t.originalLine) ? r : 0 != (r = e.originalColumn - t.originalColumn) || n ? r : 0 != (r = e.generatedColumn - t.generatedColumn) ? r : 0 != (r = e.generatedLine - t.generatedLine) ? r : - - }, - n.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated = function (e, t, n) { - var r = e.generatedLine - t.generatedLine; - return 0 !== r ? r : 0 != (r = e.generatedColumn - t.generatedColumn) || n ? r : 0 != (r = e.source - t.source) ? r : 0 != (r = e.originalLine - t.originalLine) ? r : 0 != (r = e.originalColumn - t.originalColumn) ? r : - - }, - n.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated = function (e, t) { - var n = e.generatedLine - t.generatedLine; - return 0 !== n ? n : 0 != (n = e.generatedColumn - t.generatedColumn) ? n : 0 !== (n = p(e.source, t.source)) ? n : 0 != (n = e.originalLine - t.originalLine) ? n : 0 != (n = e.originalColumn - t.originalColumn) ? n : p(, - } - }, - { - } - ], - 421: [ - function (e, t, n) { - arguments[4][149][0].apply(n, arguments) - }, - { - './lib/source-map-consumer': 417, - './lib/source-map-generator': 418, - './lib/source-node': 419, - dup: 149 - } - ], - 422: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - function r(e) { - if (!Array.isArray(e)) throw new TypeError('tokens must be passed to TokenStream as an array.'); - this._tokens = e - } - t.exports = r, - r.prototype.lookahead = function (e) { - if (this._tokens.length <= e) throw new Error('Cannot read past the end of a stream'); - return this._tokens[e] - }, - r.prototype.peek = function () { - if (0 === this._tokens.length) throw new Error('Cannot read past the end of a stream'); - return this._tokens[0] - }, - r.prototype.advance = function () { - if (0 === this._tokens.length) throw new Error('Cannot read past the end of a stream'); - return this._tokens.shift() - }, - r.prototype.defer = function (e) { - this._tokens.unshift(e) - } - }, - { - } - ], - 423: [ - function (e, t, n) { - (function (t) { - var r = e('util'), - i = e('source-map'), - s = n; - function o(e) { - for (var t = Object.create(null), n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) t[e[n]] = !0; - return t - } - function a(e) { - return e.split('') - } - function u(e, t) { - return t.indexOf(e) >= 0 - } - function l(e, t) { - for (var n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; ++n) if (e(t[n])) return t[n] - } - function c(e, t) { - if (t <= 0) return ''; - if (1 == t) return e; - var n = c(e, t >> 1); - return n += n, - 1 & t && (n += e), - n - } - function p(e) { - Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, 'stack', { - get: function () { - var e = new Error(this.message); - =; - try { - throw e - } catch (e) { - return e.stack - } - } - }) - } - function h(e, t) { - this.message = e, - this.defs = t - } - function f(e, t, n) { - !0 === e && (e = { - }); - var r = e || { - }; - if (n) for (var i in r) S(r, i) && !S(t, i) && h.croak('`' + i + '` is not a supported option', t); - for (var i in t) S(t, i) && (r[i] = e && S(e, i) ? e[i] : t[i]); - return r - } - function d(e, t) { - var n = 0; - for (var r in t) S(t, r) && (e[r] = t[r], n++); - return n - } - function m() { - } - function g() { - return !1 - } - function y() { - return !0 - } - function v() { - return this - } - function b() { - return null - } - h.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype), - h.prototype.constructor = h, - = 'DefaultsError', - p(h), - h.croak = function (e, t) { - throw new h(e, t) - }; - var x = function () { - function e(e, s, o) { - var a, - u = [ - ], - l = [ - ]; - function c() { - var c = s(e[a], a), - p = c instanceof i; - return p && (c = c.v), - c instanceof n ? (c = c.v) instanceof r ? l.push.apply(l, o ? c.v.slice().reverse() : c.v) : l.push(c) : c !== t && (c instanceof r ? u.push.apply(u, o ? c.v.slice().reverse() : c.v) : u.push(c)), - p - } - if (e instanceof Array) if (o) { - for (a = e.length; --a >= 0 && !c(); ); - u.reverse(), - l.reverse() - } else for (a = 0; a < e.length && !c(); ++a); - else for (a in e) if (S(e, a) && c()) break; - return l.concat(u) - } - e.at_top = function (e) { - return new n(e) - }, - e.splice = function (e) { - return new r(e) - }, - e.last = function (e) { - return new i(e) - }; - var t = e.skip = { - }; - function n(e) { - this.v = e - } - function r(e) { - this.v = e - } - function i(e) { - this.v = e - } - return e - }(); - function A(e, t) { - e.indexOf(t) < 0 && e.push(t) - } - function E(e, t) { - return e.replace(/\{(.+?)\}/g, function (e, n) { - return t && t[n] - }) - } - function _(e, t) { - for (var n = e.length; --n >= 0; ) e[n] === t && e.splice(n, 1) - } - function C(e, t) { - if (e.length < 2) return e.slice(); - return function e(n) { - if (n.length <= 1) return n; - var r = Math.floor(n.length / 2), - i = n.slice(0, r), - s = n.slice(r); - return function (e, n) { - for (var r = [ - ], i = 0, s = 0, o = 0; i < e.length && s < n.length; ) t(e[i], n[s]) <= 0 ? r[o++] = e[i++] : r[o++] = n[s++]; - return i < e.length && r.push.apply(r, e.slice(i)), - s < n.length && r.push.apply(r, n.slice(s)), - r - }(i = e(i), s = e(s)) - }(e) - } - function w(e) { - e instanceof Array || (e = e.split(' ')); - var t = '', - n = [ - ]; - e: for (var r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) { - for (var i = 0; i < n.length; ++i) if (n[i][0].length == e[r].length) { - n[i].push(e[r]); - continue e - } - n.push([e[r]]) - } - function s(e) { - return JSON.stringify(e).replace(/[\u2028\u2029]/g, function (e) { - switch (e) { - case '\u2028': - return '\\u2028'; - case '\u2029': - return '\\u2029' - } - return e - }) - } - function o(e) { - if (1 == e.length) return t += 'return str === ' + s(e[0]) + ';'; - t += 'switch(str){'; - for (var n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) t += 'case ' + s(e[n]) + ':'; - t += 'return true}return false;' - } - if (n.length > 3) { - n.sort(function (e, t) { - return t.length - e.length - }), - t += 'switch(str.length){'; - for (r = 0; r < n.length; ++r) { - var a = n[r]; - t += 'case ' + a[0].length + ':', - o(a) - } - t += '}' - } else o(e); - return new Function('str', t) - } - function D(e, t) { - for (var n = e.length; --n >= 0; ) if (!t(e[n])) return !1; - return !0 - } - function k() { - this._values = Object.create(null), - this._size = 0 - } - function S(e, t) { - return, t) - } - function T(e) { - for (var t, n = e.parent( - 1), r = 0; t = e.parent(r); r++) { - if (t instanceof P && t.body === n) return !0; - if (!(t instanceof _e && === n || t instanceof Ae && t.expression === n && !(t instanceof Ee) || t instanceof we && t.expression === n || t instanceof De && t.expression === n || t instanceof Oe && t.condition === n || t instanceof Fe && t.left === n || t instanceof Te && t.expression === n)) return !1; - n = t - } - } - function F(e, t, r, i) { - arguments.length < 4 && (i = B); - var s = t = t ? t.split(/\s+/) : [ - ]; - i && i.PROPS && (t = t.concat(i.PROPS)); - for (var o = 'return function AST_' + e + '(props){ if (props) { ', a = t.length; --a >= 0; ) o += 'this.' + t[a] + ' = props.' + t[a] + ';'; - var u = i && new i; - (u && u.initialize || r && r.initialize) && (o += 'this.initialize();'), - o += '}}'; - var l = new Function(o) (); - if (u && (l.prototype = u, l.BASE = i), i && i.SUBCLASSES.push(l), l.prototype.CTOR = l, l.PROPS = t || null, l.SELF_PROPS = s, l.SUBCLASSES = [ - ], e && (l.prototype.TYPE = l.TYPE = e), r) for (a in r) S(r, a) && (/^\$/.test(a) ? l[a.substr(1)] = r[a] : l.prototype[a] = r[a]); - return l.DEFMETHOD = function (e, t) { - this.prototype[e] = t - }, - void 0 !== n && (n['AST_' + e] = l), - l - } - k.prototype = { - set: function (e, t) { - return this.has(e) || ++this._size, - this._values['$' + e] = t, - this - }, - add: function (e, t) { - return this.has(e) ? this.get(e).push(t) : this.set(e, [ - t - ]), - this - }, - get: function (e) { - return this._values['$' + e] - }, - del: function (e) { - return this.has(e) && (--this._size, delete this._values['$' + e]), - this - }, - has: function (e) { - return '$' + e in this._values - }, - each: function (e) { - for (var t in this._values) e(this._values[t], t.substr(1)) - }, - size: function () { - return this._size - }, - map: function (e) { - var t = [ - ]; - for (var n in this._values) t.push(e(this._values[n], n.substr(1))); - return t - }, - toObject: function () { - return this._values - } - }, - k.fromObject = function (e) { - var t = new k; - return t._size = d(t._values, e), - t - }; - var O = F('Token', 'type value line col pos endline endcol endpos nlb comments_before file raw', { - }, null), - B = F('Node', 'start end', { - _clone: function (e) { - if (e) { - var t = this.clone(); - return t.transform(new Ht(function (e) { - if (e !== t) return e.clone(!0) - })) - } - return new this.CTOR(this) - }, - clone: function (e) { - return this._clone(e) - }, - $documentation: 'Base class of all AST nodes', - $propdoc: { - start: '[AST_Token] The first token of this node', - end: '[AST_Token] The last token of this node' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this) - }, - walk: function (e) { - return this._walk(e) - } - }, null); - B.warn_function = null, - B.warn = function (e, t) { - B.warn_function && B.warn_function(E(e, t)) - }; - var P = F('Statement', null, { - $documentation: 'Base class of all statements' - }), - N = F('Debugger', null, { - $documentation: 'Represents a debugger statement' - }, P), - R = F('Directive', 'value scope quote', { - $documentation: 'Represents a directive, like "use strict";', - $propdoc: { - value: '[string] The value of this directive as a plain string (it\'s not an AST_String!)', - scope: '[AST_Scope/S] The scope that this directive affects', - quote: '[string] the original quote character' - } - }, P), - L = F('SimpleStatement', 'body', { - $documentation: 'A statement consisting of an expression, i.e. a = 1 + 2', - $propdoc: { - body: '[AST_Node] an expression node (should not be instanceof AST_Statement)' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - this.body._walk(e) - }) - } - }, P); - function I(e, t) { - var n = e.body; - if (n instanceof P) n._walk(t); - else for (var r = 0, i = n.length; r < i; r++) n[r]._walk(t) - } - var j = F('Block', 'body', { - $documentation: 'A body of statements (usually bracketed)', - $propdoc: { - body: '[AST_Statement*] an array of statements' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - I(this, e) - }) - } - }, P), - M = F('BlockStatement', null, { - $documentation: 'A block statement' - }, j), - U = F('EmptyStatement', null, { - $documentation: 'The empty statement (empty block or simply a semicolon)', - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this) - } - }, P), - V = F('StatementWithBody', 'body', { - $documentation: 'Base class for all statements that contain one nested body: `For`, `ForIn`, `Do`, `While`, `With`', - $propdoc: { - body: '[AST_Statement] the body; this should always be present, even if it\'s an AST_EmptyStatement' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - this.body._walk(e) - }) - } - }, P), - z = F('LabeledStatement', 'label', { - $documentation: 'Statement with a label', - $propdoc: { - label: '[AST_Label] a label definition' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - this.label._walk(e), - this.body._walk(e) - }) - }, - clone: function (e) { - var t = this._clone(e); - if (e) { - var n = t.label, - r = this.label; - t.walk(new pt(function (e) { - e instanceof oe && e.label && e.label.thedef === r && (e.label.thedef = n, n.references.push(e)) - })) - } - return t - } - }, V), - q = F('IterationStatement', null, { - $documentation: 'Internal class. All loops inherit from it.' - }, V), - K = F('DWLoop', 'condition', { - $documentation: 'Base class for do/while statements', - $propdoc: { - condition: '[AST_Node] the loop condition. Should not be instanceof AST_Statement' - } - }, q), - $ = F('Do', null, { - $documentation: 'A `do` statement', - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - this.body._walk(e), - this.condition._walk(e) - }) - } - }, K), - Y = F('While', null, { - $documentation: 'A `while` statement', - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - this.condition._walk(e), - this.body._walk(e) - }) - } - }, K), - W = F('For', 'init condition step', { - $documentation: 'A `for` statement', - $propdoc: { - init: '[AST_Node?] the `for` initialization code, or null if empty', - condition: '[AST_Node?] the `for` termination clause, or null if empty', - step: '[AST_Node?] the `for` update clause, or null if empty' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - this.init && this.init._walk(e), - this.condition && this.condition._walk(e), - this.step && this.step._walk(e), - this.body._walk(e) - }) - } - }, q), - G = F('ForIn', 'init name object', { - $documentation: 'A `for ... in` statement', - $propdoc: { - init: '[AST_Node] the `for/in` initialization code', - name: '[AST_SymbolRef?] the loop variable, only if `init` is AST_Var', - object: '[AST_Node] the object that we\'re looping through' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - this.init._walk(e), - this.object._walk(e), - this.body._walk(e) - }) - } - }, q), - H = F('With', 'expression', { - $documentation: 'A `with` statement', - $propdoc: { - expression: '[AST_Node] the `with` expression' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - this.expression._walk(e), - this.body._walk(e) - }) - } - }, V), - X = F('Scope', 'directives variables functions uses_with uses_eval parent_scope enclosed cname', { - $documentation: 'Base class for all statements introducing a lexical scope', - $propdoc: { - directives: '[string*/S] an array of directives declared in this scope', - variables: '[Object/S] a map of name -> SymbolDef for all variables/functions defined in this scope', - functions: '[Object/S] like `variables`, but only lists function declarations', - uses_with: '[boolean/S] tells whether this scope uses the `with` statement', - uses_eval: '[boolean/S] tells whether this scope contains a direct call to the global `eval`', - parent_scope: '[AST_Scope?/S] link to the parent scope', - enclosed: '[SymbolDef*/S] a list of all symbol definitions that are accessed from this scope or any subscopes', - cname: '[integer/S] current index for mangling variables (used internally by the mangler)' - } - }, j), - J = F('Toplevel', 'globals', { - $documentation: 'The toplevel scope', - $propdoc: { - globals: '[Object/S] a map of name -> SymbolDef for all undeclared names' - }, - wrap_enclose: function (e) { - var t = this, - n = [ - ], - r = [ - ]; - e.forEach(function (e) { - var t = e.lastIndexOf(':'); - n.push(e.substr(0, t)), - r.push(e.substr(t + 1)) - }); - var i = '(function(' + r.join(',') + '){ \'$ORIG\'; })(' + n.join(',') + ')'; - return i = (i = Gt(i)).transform(new Ht(function (e) { - if (e instanceof R && '$ORIG' == e.value) return x.splice(t.body) - })) - }, - wrap_commonjs: function (e, t) { - var n = this, - r = [ - ]; - t && (n.figure_out_scope(), n.walk(new pt(function (e) { - e instanceof Ve && e.definition().global && (l(function (t) { - return == - }, r) || r.push(e)) - }))); - var i = '(function(exports, global){ \'$ORIG\'; \'$EXPORTS\'; global[\'' + e + '\'] = exports; }({}, (function(){return this}())))'; - return i = (i = Gt(i)).transform(new Ht(function (e) { - if (e instanceof R) switch (e.value) { - case '$ORIG': - return x.splice(n.body); - case '$EXPORTS': - var t = [ - ]; - return r.forEach(function (e) { - t.push(new L({ - body: new Be({ - left: new De({ - expression: new He({ - name: 'exports' - }), - property: new Ze({ - value: - }) - }), - operator: '=', - right: new He(e) - }) - })) - }), - x.splice(t) - } - })) - } - }, X), - Q = F('Lambda', 'name argnames uses_arguments', { - $documentation: 'Base class for functions', - $propdoc: { - name: '[AST_SymbolDeclaration?] the name of this function', - argnames: '[AST_SymbolFunarg*] array of function arguments', - uses_arguments: '[boolean/S] tells whether this function accesses the arguments array' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - &&; - for (var t = this.argnames, n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; n++) t[n]._walk(e); - I(this, e) - }) - } - }, X), - Z = F('Accessor', null, { - $documentation: 'A setter/getter function. The `name` property is always null.' - }, Q), - ee = F('Function', null, { - $documentation: 'A function expression' - }, Q), - te = F('Defun', null, { - $documentation: 'A function definition' - }, Q), - ne = F('Jump', null, { - $documentation: 'Base class for “jumps” (for now that\'s `return`, `throw`, `break` and `continue`)' - }, P), - re = F('Exit', 'value', { - $documentation: 'Base class for “exits” (`return` and `throw`)', - $propdoc: { - value: '[AST_Node?] the value returned or thrown by this statement; could be null for AST_Return' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, this.value && function () { - this.value._walk(e) - }) - } - }, ne), - ie = F('Return', null, { - $documentation: 'A `return` statement' - }, re), - se = F('Throw', null, { - $documentation: 'A `throw` statement' - }, re), - oe = F('LoopControl', 'label', { - $documentation: 'Base class for loop control statements (`break` and `continue`)', - $propdoc: { - label: '[AST_LabelRef?] the label, or null if none' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, this.label && function () { - this.label._walk(e) - }) - } - }, ne), - ae = F('Break', null, { - $documentation: 'A `break` statement' - }, oe), - ue = F('Continue', null, { - $documentation: 'A `continue` statement' - }, oe), - le = F('If', 'condition alternative', { - $documentation: 'A `if` statement', - $propdoc: { - condition: '[AST_Node] the `if` condition', - alternative: '[AST_Statement?] the `else` part, or null if not present' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - this.condition._walk(e), - this.body._walk(e), - this.alternative && this.alternative._walk(e) - }) - } - }, V), - ce = F('Switch', 'expression', { - $documentation: 'A `switch` statement', - $propdoc: { - expression: '[AST_Node] the `switch` “discriminant”' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - this.expression._walk(e), - I(this, e) - }) - } - }, j), - pe = F('SwitchBranch', null, { - $documentation: 'Base class for `switch` branches' - }, j), - he = F('Default', null, { - $documentation: 'A `default` switch branch' - }, pe), - fe = F('Case', 'expression', { - $documentation: 'A `case` switch branch', - $propdoc: { - expression: '[AST_Node] the `case` expression' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - this.expression._walk(e), - I(this, e) - }) - } - }, pe), - de = F('Try', 'bcatch bfinally', { - $documentation: 'A `try` statement', - $propdoc: { - bcatch: '[AST_Catch?] the catch block, or null if not present', - bfinally: '[AST_Finally?] the finally block, or null if not present' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - I(this, e), - this.bcatch && this.bcatch._walk(e), - this.bfinally && this.bfinally._walk(e) - }) - } - }, j), - me = F('Catch', 'argname', { - $documentation: 'A `catch` node; only makes sense as part of a `try` statement', - $propdoc: { - argname: '[AST_SymbolCatch] symbol for the exception' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - this.argname._walk(e), - I(this, e) - }) - } - }, j), - ge = F('Finally', null, { - $documentation: 'A `finally` node; only makes sense as part of a `try` statement' - }, j), - ye = F('Definitions', 'definitions', { - $documentation: 'Base class for `var` or `const` nodes (variable declarations/initializations)', - $propdoc: { - definitions: '[AST_VarDef*] array of variable definitions' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - for (var t = this.definitions, n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; n++) t[n]._walk(e) - }) - } - }, P), - ve = F('Var', null, { - $documentation: 'A `var` statement' - }, ye), - be = F('Const', null, { - $documentation: 'A `const` statement' - }, ye), - xe = F('VarDef', 'name value', { - $documentation: 'A variable declaration; only appears in a AST_Definitions node', - $propdoc: { - name: '[AST_SymbolVar|AST_SymbolConst] name of the variable', - value: '[AST_Node?] initializer, or null of there\'s no initializer' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { -, - this.value && this.value._walk(e) - }) - } - }), - Ae = F('Call', 'expression args', { - $documentation: 'A function call expression', - $propdoc: { - expression: '[AST_Node] expression to invoke as function', - args: '[AST_Node*] array of arguments' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - this.expression._walk(e); - for (var t = this.args, n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; n++) t[n]._walk(e) - }) - } - }), - Ee = F('New', null, { - $documentation: 'An object instantiation. Derives from a function call since it has exactly the same properties' - }, Ae), - _e = F('Seq', 'car cdr', { - $documentation: 'A sequence expression (two comma-separated expressions)', - $propdoc: { - car: '[AST_Node] first element in sequence', - cdr: '[AST_Node] second element in sequence' - }, - $cons: function (e, t) { - var n = new _e(e); - return = e, - n.cdr = t, - n - }, - $from_array: function (e) { - if (0 == e.length) return null; - if (1 == e.length) return e[0].clone(); - for (var t = null, n = e.length; --n >= 0; ) t = _e.cons(e[n], t); - for (var r = t; r; ) { - if (r.cdr && !r.cdr.cdr) { - r.cdr =; - break - } - r = r.cdr - } - return t - }, - to_array: function () { - for (var e = this, t = [ - ]; e; ) { - if (t.push(, e.cdr && !(e.cdr instanceof _e)) { - t.push(e.cdr); - break - } - e = e.cdr - } - return t - }, - add: function (e) { - for (var t = this; t; ) { - if (!(t.cdr instanceof _e)) { - var n = _e.cons(t.cdr, e); - return t.cdr = n - } - t = t.cdr - } - }, - len: function () { - return this.cdr instanceof _e ? this.cdr.len() + 1 : 2 - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { -, - this.cdr && this.cdr._walk(e) - }) - } - }), - Ce = F('PropAccess', 'expression property', { - $documentation: 'Base class for property access expressions, i.e. `` or `a["foo"]`', - $propdoc: { - expression: '[AST_Node] the “container” expression', - property: '[AST_Node|string] the property to access. For AST_Dot this is always a plain string, while for AST_Sub it\'s an arbitrary AST_Node' - } - }), - we = F('Dot', null, { - $documentation: 'A dotted property access expression', - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - this.expression._walk(e) - }) - } - }, Ce), - De = F('Sub', null, { - $documentation: 'Index-style property access, i.e. `a["foo"]`', - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - this.expression._walk(e), - - }) - } - }, Ce), - ke = F('Unary', 'operator expression', { - $documentation: 'Base class for unary expressions', - $propdoc: { - operator: '[string] the operator', - expression: '[AST_Node] expression that this unary operator applies to' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - this.expression._walk(e) - }) - } - }), - Se = F('UnaryPrefix', null, { - $documentation: 'Unary prefix expression, i.e. `typeof i` or `++i`' - }, ke), - Te = F('UnaryPostfix', null, { - $documentation: 'Unary postfix expression, i.e. `i++`' - }, ke), - Fe = F('Binary', 'left operator right', { - $documentation: 'Binary expression, i.e. `a + b`', - $propdoc: { - left: '[AST_Node] left-hand side expression', - operator: '[string] the operator', - right: '[AST_Node] right-hand side expression' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - this.left._walk(e), - this.right._walk(e) - }) - } - }), - Oe = F('Conditional', 'condition consequent alternative', { - $documentation: 'Conditional expression using the ternary operator, i.e. `a ? b : c`', - $propdoc: { - condition: '[AST_Node]', - consequent: '[AST_Node]', - alternative: '[AST_Node]' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - this.condition._walk(e), - this.consequent._walk(e), - this.alternative._walk(e) - }) - } - }), - Be = F('Assign', null, { - $documentation: 'An assignment expression — `a = b + 5`' - }, Fe), - Pe = F('Array', 'elements', { - $documentation: 'An array literal', - $propdoc: { - elements: '[AST_Node*] array of elements' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - for (var t = this.elements, n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; n++) t[n]._walk(e) - }) - } - }), - Ne = F('Object', 'properties', { - $documentation: 'An object literal', - $propdoc: { - properties: '[AST_ObjectProperty*] array of properties' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - for (var t =, n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; n++) t[n]._walk(e) - }) - } - }), - Re = F('ObjectProperty', 'key value', { - $documentation: 'Base class for literal object properties', - $propdoc: { - key: '[string] the property name converted to a string for ObjectKeyVal. For setters and getters this is an AST_SymbolAccessor.', - value: '[AST_Node] property value. For setters and getters this is an AST_Accessor.' - }, - _walk: function (e) { - return e._visit(this, function () { - this.value._walk(e) - }) - } - }), - Le = F('ObjectKeyVal', 'quote', { - $documentation: 'A key: value object property', - $propdoc: { - quote: '[string] the original quote character' - } - }, Re), - Ie = F('ObjectSetter', null, { - $documentation: 'An object setter property' - }, Re), - je = F('ObjectGetter', null, { - $documentation: 'An object getter property' - }, Re), - Me = F('Symbol', 'scope name thedef', { - $propdoc: { - name: '[string] name of this symbol', - scope: '[AST_Scope/S] the current scope (not necessarily the definition scope)', - thedef: '[SymbolDef/S] the definition of this symbol' - }, - $documentation: 'Base class for all symbols' - }), - Ue = F('SymbolAccessor', null, { - $documentation: 'The name of a property accessor (setter/getter function)' - }, Me), - Ve = F('SymbolDeclaration', 'init', { - $documentation: 'A declaration symbol (symbol in var/const, function name or argument, symbol in catch)' - }, Me), - ze = F('SymbolVar', null, { - $documentation: 'Symbol defining a variable' - }, Ve), - qe = F('SymbolConst', null, { - $documentation: 'A constant declaration' - }, Ve), - Ke = F('SymbolFunarg', null, { - $documentation: 'Symbol naming a function argument' - }, ze), - $e = F('SymbolDefun', null, { - $documentation: 'Symbol defining a function' - }, Ve), - Ye = F('SymbolLambda', null, { - $documentation: 'Symbol naming a function expression' - }, Ve), - We = F('SymbolCatch', null, { - $documentation: 'Symbol naming the exception in catch' - }, Ve), - Ge = F('Label', 'references', { - $documentation: 'Symbol naming a label (declaration)', - $propdoc: { - references: '[AST_LoopControl*] a list of nodes referring to this label' - }, - initialize: function () { - this.references = [ - ], - this.thedef = this - } - }, Me), - He = F('SymbolRef', null, { - $documentation: 'Reference to some symbol (not definition/declaration)' - }, Me), - Xe = F('LabelRef', null, { - $documentation: 'Reference to a label symbol' - }, Me), - Je = F('This', null, { - $documentation: 'The `this` symbol' - }, Me), - Qe = F('Constant', null, { - $documentation: 'Base class for all constants', - getValue: function () { - return this.value - } - }), - Ze = F('String', 'value quote', { - $documentation: 'A string literal', - $propdoc: { - value: '[string] the contents of this string', - quote: '[string] the original quote character' - } - }, Qe), - et = F('Number', 'value literal', { - $documentation: 'A number literal', - $propdoc: { - value: '[number] the numeric value', - literal: '[string] numeric value as string (optional)' - } - }, Qe), - tt = F('RegExp', 'value', { - $documentation: 'A regexp literal', - $propdoc: { - value: '[RegExp] the actual regexp' - } - }, Qe), - nt = F('Atom', null, { - $documentation: 'Base class for atoms' - }, Qe), - rt = F('Null', null, { - $documentation: 'The `null` atom', - value: null - }, nt), - it = F('NaN', null, { - $documentation: 'The impossible value', - value: NaN - }, nt), - st = F('Undefined', null, { - $documentation: 'The `undefined` value', - value: void 0 - }, nt), - ot = F('Hole', null, { - $documentation: 'A hole in an array', - value: void 0 - }, nt), - at = F('Infinity', null, { - $documentation: 'The `Infinity` value', - value: 1 / 0 - }, nt), - ut = F('Boolean', null, { - $documentation: 'Base class for booleans' - }, nt), - lt = F('False', null, { - $documentation: 'The `false` atom', - value: !1 - }, ut), - ct = F('True', null, { - $documentation: 'The `true` atom', - value: !0 - }, ut); - function pt(e) { - this.visit = e, - this.stack = [ - ], - this.directives = Object.create(null) - } - pt.prototype = { - _visit: function (e, t) { - this.push(e); - var n = this.visit(e, t ? function () { - - } - : m); - return !n && t &&, - this.pop(e), - n - }, - parent: function (e) { - return this.stack[this.stack.length - 2 - (e || 0)] - }, - push: function (e) { - e instanceof Q ? this.directives = Object.create(this.directives) : e instanceof R && !this.directives[e.value] && (this.directives[e.value] = e), - this.stack.push(e) - }, - pop: function (e) { - this.stack.pop(), - e instanceof Q && (this.directives = Object.getPrototypeOf(this.directives)) - }, - self: function () { - return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] - }, - find_parent: function (e) { - for (var t = this.stack, n = t.length; --n >= 0; ) { - var r = t[n]; - if (r instanceof e) return r - } - }, - has_directive: function (e) { - var t = this.directives[e]; - if (t) return t; - var n = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; - if (n instanceof X) for (var r = 0; r < n.body.length; ++r) { - var i = n.body[r]; - if (!(i instanceof R)) break; - if (i.value == e) return i - } - }, - in_boolean_context: function () { - for (var e = this.stack, t = e.length, n = e[--t]; t > 0; ) { - var r = e[--t]; - if (r instanceof le && r.condition === n || r instanceof Oe && r.condition === n || r instanceof K && r.condition === n || r instanceof W && r.condition === n || r instanceof Se && '!' == r.operator && r.expression === n) return !0; - if (!(r instanceof Fe) || '&&' != r.operator && '||' != r.operator) return !1; - n = r - } - }, - loopcontrol_target: function (e) { - var t = this.stack; - if (e.label) for (var n = t.length; --n >= 0; ) { - if ((r = t[n]) instanceof z && == return r.body - } else for (n = t.length; --n >= 0; ) { - var r; - if ((r = t[n]) instanceof q || e instanceof ae && r instanceof ce) return r - } - } - }; - var ht = 'break case catch const continue debugger default delete do else finally for function if in instanceof new return switch throw try typeof var void while with', - ft = 'false null true', - dt = 'abstract boolean byte char class double enum export extends final float goto implements import int interface let long native package private protected public short static super synchronized this throws transient volatile yield ' + ft + ' ' + ht, - mt = 'return new delete throw else case'; - ht = w(ht), - dt = w(dt), - mt = w(mt), - ft = w(ft); - var gt = w(a('+-*&%=<>!?|~^')), - yt = /^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i, - vt = /^0[0-7]+$/, - bt = w(['in', - 'instanceof', - 'typeof', - 'new', - 'void', - 'delete', - '++', - '--', - '+', - '-', - '!', - '~', - '&', - '|', - '^', - '*', - '/', - '%', - '>>', - '<<', - '>>>', - '<', - '>', - '<=', - '>=', - '==', - '===', - '!=', - '!==', - '?', - '=', - '+=', - '-=', - '/=', - '*=', - '%=', - '>>=', - '<<=', - '>>>=', - '|=', - '^=', - '&=', - '&&', - '||']), - xt = w(a('  \n\r\t\f\v​           \u2028\u2029   ')), - At = w(a('\n\r\u2028\u2029')), - Et = w(a('[{(,;:')), - _t = w(a('[]{}(),;:')), - Ct = w(a('gmsiy')), - wt = { - letter: new RegExp('[\\u0041-\\u005A\\u0061-\\u007A\\u00AA\\u00B5\\u00BA\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6\\u00F8-\\u02C1\\u02C6-\\u02D1\\u02E0-\\u02E4\\u02EC\\u02EE\\u0370-\\u0374\\u0376\\u0377\\u037A-\\u037D\\u037F\\u0386\\u0388-\\u038A\\u038C\\u038E-\\u03A1\\u03A3-\\u03F5\\u03F7-\\u0481\\u048A-\\u052F\\u0531-\\u0556\\u0559\\u0561-\\u0587\\u05D0-\\u05EA\\u05F0-\\u05F2\\u0620-\\u064A\\u066E\\u066F\\u0671-\\u06D3\\u06D5\\u06E5\\u06E6\\u06EE\\u06EF\\u06FA-\\u06FC\\u06FF\\u0710\\u0712-\\u072F\\u074D-\\u07A5\\u07B1\\u07CA-\\u07EA\\u07F4\\u07F5\\u07FA\\u0800-\\u0815\\u081A\\u0824\\u0828\\u0840-\\u0858\\u08A0-\\u08B2\\u0904-\\u0939\\u093D\\u0950\\u0958-\\u0961\\u0971-\\u0980\\u0985-\\u098C\\u098F\\u0990\\u0993-\\u09A8\\u09AA-\\u09B0\\u09B2\\u09B6-\\u09B9\\u09BD\\u09CE\\u09DC\\u09DD\\u09DF-\\u09E1\\u09F0\\u09F1\\u0A05-\\u0A0A\\u0A0F\\u0A10\\u0A13-\\u0A28\\u0A2A-\\u0A30\\u0A32\\u0A33\\u0A35\\u0A36\\u0A38\\u0A39\\u0A59-\\u0A5C\\u0A5E\\u0A72-\\u0A74\\u0A85-\\u0A8D\\u0A8F-\\u0A91\\u0A93-\\u0AA8\\u0AAA-\\u0AB0\\u0AB2\\u0AB3\\u0AB5-\\u0AB9\\u0ABD\\u0AD0\\u0AE0\\u0AE1\\u0B05-\\u0B0C\\u0B0F\\u0B10\\u0B13-\\u0B28\\u0B2A-\\u0B30\\u0B32\\u0B33\\u0B35-\\u0B39\\u0B3D\\u0B5C\\u0B5D\\u0B5F-\\u0B61\\u0B71\\u0B83\\u0B85-\\u0B8A\\u0B8E-\\u0B90\\u0B92-\\u0B95\\u0B99\\u0B9A\\u0B9C\\u0B9E\\u0B9F\\u0BA3\\u0BA4\\u0BA8-\\u0BAA\\u0BAE-\\u0BB9\\u0BD0\\u0C05-\\u0C0C\\u0C0E-\\u0C10\\u0C12-\\u0C28\\u0C2A-\\u0C39\\u0C3D\\u0C58\\u0C59\\u0C60\\u0C61\\u0C85-\\u0C8C\\u0C8E-\\u0C90\\u0C92-\\u0CA8\\u0CAA-\\u0CB3\\u0CB5-\\u0CB9\\u0CBD\\u0CDE\\u0CE0\\u0CE1\\u0CF1\\u0CF2\\u0D05-\\u0D0C\\u0D0E-\\u0D10\\u0D12-\\u0D3A\\u0D3D\\u0D4E\\u0D60\\u0D61\\u0D7A-\\u0D7F\\u0D85-\\u0D96\\u0D9A-\\u0DB1\\u0DB3-\\u0DBB\\u0DBD\\u0DC0-\\u0DC6\\u0E01-\\u0E30\\u0E32\\u0E33\\u0E40-\\u0E46\\u0E81\\u0E82\\u0E84\\u0E87\\u0E88\\u0E8A\\u0E8D\\u0E94-\\u0E97\\u0E99-\\u0E9F\\u0EA1-\\u0EA3\\u0EA5\\u0EA7\\u0EAA\\u0EAB\\u0EAD-\\u0EB0\\u0EB2\\u0EB3\\u0EBD\\u0EC0-\\u0EC4\\u0EC6\\u0EDC-\\u0EDF\\u0F00\\u0F40-\\u0F47\\u0F49-\\u0F6C\\u0F88-\\u0F8C\\u1000-\\u102A\\u103F\\u1050-\\u1055\\u105A-\\u105D\\u1061\\u1065\\u1066\\u106E-\\u1070\\u1075-\\u1081\\u108E\\u10A0-\\u10C5\\u10C7\\u10CD\\u10D0-\\u10FA\\u10FC-\\u1248\\u124A-\\u124D\\u1250-\\u1256\\u1258\\u125A-\\u125D\\u1260-\\u1288\\u128A-\\u128D\\u1290-\\u12B0\\u12B2-\\u12B5\\u12B8-\\u12BE\\u12C0\\u12C2-\\u12C5\\u12C8-\\u12D6\\u12D8-\\u1310\\u1312-\\u1315\\u1318-\\u135A\\u1380-\\u138F\\u13A0-\\u13F4\\u1401-\\u166C\\u166F-\\u167F\\u1681-\\u169A\\u16A0-\\u16EA\\u16EE-\\u16F8\\u1700-\\u170C\\u170E-\\u1711\\u1720-\\u1731\\u1740-\\u1751\\u1760-\\u176C\\u176E-\\u1770\\u1780-\\u17B3\\u17D7\\u17DC\\u1820-\\u1877\\u1880-\\u18A8\\u18AA\\u18B0-\\u18F5\\u1900-\\u191E\\u1950-\\u196D\\u1970-\\u1974\\u1980-\\u19AB\\u19C1-\\u19C7\\u1A00-\\u1A16\\u1A20-\\u1A54\\u1AA7\\u1B05-\\u1B33\\u1B45-\\u1B4B\\u1B83-\\u1BA0\\u1BAE\\u1BAF\\u1BBA-\\u1BE5\\u1C00-\\u1C23\\u1C4D-\\u1C4F\\u1C5A-\\u1C7D\\u1CE9-\\u1CEC\\u1CEE-\\u1CF1\\u1CF5\\u1CF6\\u1D00-\\u1DBF\\u1E00-\\u1F15\\u1F18-\\u1F1D\\u1F20-\\u1F45\\u1F48-\\u1F4D\\u1F50-\\u1F57\\u1F59\\u1F5B\\u1F5D\\u1F5F-\\u1F7D\\u1F80-\\u1FB4\\u1FB6-\\u1FBC\\u1FBE\\u1FC2-\\u1FC4\\u1FC6-\\u1FCC\\u1FD0-\\u1FD3\\u1FD6-\\u1FDB\\u1FE0-\\u1FEC\\u1FF2-\\u1FF4\\u1FF6-\\u1FFC\\u2071\\u207F\\u2090-\\u209C\\u2102\\u2107\\u210A-\\u2113\\u2115\\u2119-\\u211D\\u2124\\u2126\\u2128\\u212A-\\u212D\\u212F-\\u2139\\u213C-\\u213F\\u2145-\\u2149\\u214E\\u2160-\\u2188\\u2C00-\\u2C2E\\u2C30-\\u2C5E\\u2C60-\\u2CE4\\u2CEB-\\u2CEE\\u2CF2\\u2CF3\\u2D00-\\u2D25\\u2D27\\u2D2D\\u2D30-\\u2D67\\u2D6F\\u2D80-\\u2D96\\u2DA0-\\u2DA6\\u2DA8-\\u2DAE\\u2DB0-\\u2DB6\\u2DB8-\\u2DBE\\u2DC0-\\u2DC6\\u2DC8-\\u2DCE\\u2DD0-\\u2DD6\\u2DD8-\\u2DDE\\u2E2F\\u3005-\\u3007\\u3021-\\u3029\\u3031-\\u3035\\u3038-\\u303C\\u3041-\\u3096\\u309D-\\u309F\\u30A1-\\u30FA\\u30FC-\\u30FF\\u3105-\\u312D\\u3131-\\u318E\\u31A0-\\u31BA\\u31F0-\\u31FF\\u3400-\\u4DB5\\u4E00-\\u9FCC\\uA000-\\uA48C\\uA4D0-\\uA4FD\\uA500-\\uA60C\\uA610-\\uA61F\\uA62A\\uA62B\\uA640-\\uA66E\\uA67F-\\uA69D\\uA6A0-\\uA6EF\\uA717-\\uA71F\\uA722-\\uA788\\uA78B-\\uA78E\\uA790-\\uA7AD\\uA7B0\\uA7B1\\uA7F7-\\uA801\\uA803-\\uA805\\uA807-\\uA80A\\uA80C-\\uA822\\uA840-\\uA873\\uA882-\\uA8B3\\uA8F2-\\uA8F7\\uA8FB\\uA90A-\\uA925\\uA930-\\uA946\\uA960-\\uA97C\\uA984-\\uA9B2\\uA9CF\\uA9E0-\\uA9E4\\uA9E6-\\uA9EF\\uA9FA-\\uA9FE\\uAA00-\\uAA28\\uAA40-\\uAA42\\uAA44-\\uAA4B\\uAA60-\\uAA76\\uAA7A\\uAA7E-\\uAAAF\\uAAB1\\uAAB5\\uAAB6\\uAAB9-\\uAABD\\uAAC0\\uAAC2\\uAADB-\\uAADD\\uAAE0-\\uAAEA\\uAAF2-\\uAAF4\\uAB01-\\uAB06\\uAB09-\\uAB0E\\uAB11-\\uAB16\\uAB20-\\uAB26\\uAB28-\\uAB2E\\uAB30-\\uAB5A\\uAB5C-\\uAB5F\\uAB64\\uAB65\\uABC0-\\uABE2\\uAC00-\\uD7A3\\uD7B0-\\uD7C6\\uD7CB-\\uD7FB\\uF900-\\uFA6D\\uFA70-\\uFAD9\\uFB00-\\uFB06\\uFB13-\\uFB17\\uFB1D\\uFB1F-\\uFB28\\uFB2A-\\uFB36\\uFB38-\\uFB3C\\uFB3E\\uFB40\\uFB41\\uFB43\\uFB44\\uFB46-\\uFBB1\\uFBD3-\\uFD3D\\uFD50-\\uFD8F\\uFD92-\\uFDC7\\uFDF0-\\uFDFB\\uFE70-\\uFE74\\uFE76-\\uFEFC\\uFF21-\\uFF3A\\uFF41-\\uFF5A\\uFF66-\\uFFBE\\uFFC2-\\uFFC7\\uFFCA-\\uFFCF\\uFFD2-\\uFFD7\\uFFDA-\\uFFDC]'), - digit: new RegExp('[\\u0030-\\u0039\\u0660-\\u0669\\u06F0-\\u06F9\\u07C0-\\u07C9\\u0966-\\u096F\\u09E6-\\u09EF\\u0A66-\\u0A6F\\u0AE6-\\u0AEF\\u0B66-\\u0B6F\\u0BE6-\\u0BEF\\u0C66-\\u0C6F\\u0CE6-\\u0CEF\\u0D66-\\u0D6F\\u0DE6-\\u0DEF\\u0E50-\\u0E59\\u0ED0-\\u0ED9\\u0F20-\\u0F29\\u1040-\\u1049\\u1090-\\u1099\\u17E0-\\u17E9\\u1810-\\u1819\\u1946-\\u194F\\u19D0-\\u19D9\\u1A80-\\u1A89\\u1A90-\\u1A99\\u1B50-\\u1B59\\u1BB0-\\u1BB9\\u1C40-\\u1C49\\u1C50-\\u1C59\\uA620-\\uA629\\uA8D0-\\uA8D9\\uA900-\\uA909\\uA9D0-\\uA9D9\\uA9F0-\\uA9F9\\uAA50-\\uAA59\\uABF0-\\uABF9\\uFF10-\\uFF19]'), - non_spacing_mark: new RegExp('[\\u0300-\\u036F\\u0483-\\u0487\\u0591-\\u05BD\\u05BF\\u05C1\\u05C2\\u05C4\\u05C5\\u05C7\\u0610-\\u061A\\u064B-\\u065E\\u0670\\u06D6-\\u06DC\\u06DF-\\u06E4\\u06E7\\u06E8\\u06EA-\\u06ED\\u0711\\u0730-\\u074A\\u07A6-\\u07B0\\u07EB-\\u07F3\\u0816-\\u0819\\u081B-\\u0823\\u0825-\\u0827\\u0829-\\u082D\\u0900-\\u0902\\u093C\\u0941-\\u0948\\u094D\\u0951-\\u0955\\u0962\\u0963\\u0981\\u09BC\\u09C1-\\u09C4\\u09CD\\u09E2\\u09E3\\u0A01\\u0A02\\u0A3C\\u0A41\\u0A42\\u0A47\\u0A48\\u0A4B-\\u0A4D\\u0A51\\u0A70\\u0A71\\u0A75\\u0A81\\u0A82\\u0ABC\\u0AC1-\\u0AC5\\u0AC7\\u0AC8\\u0ACD\\u0AE2\\u0AE3\\u0B01\\u0B3C\\u0B3F\\u0B41-\\u0B44\\u0B4D\\u0B56\\u0B62\\u0B63\\u0B82\\u0BC0\\u0BCD\\u0C3E-\\u0C40\\u0C46-\\u0C48\\u0C4A-\\u0C4D\\u0C55\\u0C56\\u0C62\\u0C63\\u0CBC\\u0CBF\\u0CC6\\u0CCC\\u0CCD\\u0CE2\\u0CE3\\u0D41-\\u0D44\\u0D4D\\u0D62\\u0D63\\u0DCA\\u0DD2-\\u0DD4\\u0DD6\\u0E31\\u0E34-\\u0E3A\\u0E47-\\u0E4E\\u0EB1\\u0EB4-\\u0EB9\\u0EBB\\u0EBC\\u0EC8-\\u0ECD\\u0F18\\u0F19\\u0F35\\u0F37\\u0F39\\u0F71-\\u0F7E\\u0F80-\\u0F84\\u0F86\\u0F87\\u0F90-\\u0F97\\u0F99-\\u0FBC\\u0FC6\\u102D-\\u1030\\u1032-\\u1037\\u1039\\u103A\\u103D\\u103E\\u1058\\u1059\\u105E-\\u1060\\u1071-\\u1074\\u1082\\u1085\\u1086\\u108D\\u109D\\u135F\\u1712-\\u1714\\u1732-\\u1734\\u1752\\u1753\\u1772\\u1773\\u17B7-\\u17BD\\u17C6\\u17C9-\\u17D3\\u17DD\\u180B-\\u180D\\u18A9\\u1920-\\u1922\\u1927\\u1928\\u1932\\u1939-\\u193B\\u1A17\\u1A18\\u1A56\\u1A58-\\u1A5E\\u1A60\\u1A62\\u1A65-\\u1A6C\\u1A73-\\u1A7C\\u1A7F\\u1B00-\\u1B03\\u1B34\\u1B36-\\u1B3A\\u1B3C\\u1B42\\u1B6B-\\u1B73\\u1B80\\u1B81\\u1BA2-\\u1BA5\\u1BA8\\u1BA9\\u1C2C-\\u1C33\\u1C36\\u1C37\\u1CD0-\\u1CD2\\u1CD4-\\u1CE0\\u1CE2-\\u1CE8\\u1CED\\u1DC0-\\u1DE6\\u1DFD-\\u1DFF\\u20D0-\\u20DC\\u20E1\\u20E5-\\u20F0\\u2CEF-\\u2CF1\\u2DE0-\\u2DFF\\u302A-\\u302F\\u3099\\u309A\\uA66F\\uA67C\\uA67D\\uA6F0\\uA6F1\\uA802\\uA806\\uA80B\\uA825\\uA826\\uA8C4\\uA8E0-\\uA8F1\\uA926-\\uA92D\\uA947-\\uA951\\uA980-\\uA982\\uA9B3\\uA9B6-\\uA9B9\\uA9BC\\uAA29-\\uAA2E\\uAA31\\uAA32\\uAA35\\uAA36\\uAA43\\uAA4C\\uAAB0\\uAAB2-\\uAAB4\\uAAB7\\uAAB8\\uAABE\\uAABF\\uAAC1\\uABE5\\uABE8\\uABED\\uFB1E\\uFE00-\\uFE0F\\uFE20-\\uFE26]'), - space_combining_mark: new RegExp('[\\u0903\\u093E-\\u0940\\u0949-\\u094C\\u094E\\u0982\\u0983\\u09BE-\\u09C0\\u09C7\\u09C8\\u09CB\\u09CC\\u09D7\\u0A03\\u0A3E-\\u0A40\\u0A83\\u0ABE-\\u0AC0\\u0AC9\\u0ACB\\u0ACC\\u0B02\\u0B03\\u0B3E\\u0B40\\u0B47\\u0B48\\u0B4B\\u0B4C\\u0B57\\u0BBE\\u0BBF\\u0BC1\\u0BC2\\u0BC6-\\u0BC8\\u0BCA-\\u0BCC\\u0BD7\\u0C01-\\u0C03\\u0C41-\\u0C44\\u0C82\\u0C83\\u0CBE\\u0CC0-\\u0CC4\\u0CC7\\u0CC8\\u0CCA\\u0CCB\\u0CD5\\u0CD6\\u0D02\\u0D03\\u0D3E-\\u0D40\\u0D46-\\u0D48\\u0D4A-\\u0D4C\\u0D57\\u0D82\\u0D83\\u0DCF-\\u0DD1\\u0DD8-\\u0DDF\\u0DF2\\u0DF3\\u0F3E\\u0F3F\\u0F7F\\u102B\\u102C\\u1031\\u1038\\u103B\\u103C\\u1056\\u1057\\u1062-\\u1064\\u1067-\\u106D\\u1083\\u1084\\u1087-\\u108C\\u108F\\u109A-\\u109C\\u17B6\\u17BE-\\u17C5\\u17C7\\u17C8\\u1923-\\u1926\\u1929-\\u192B\\u1930\\u1931\\u1933-\\u1938\\u19B0-\\u19C0\\u19C8\\u19C9\\u1A19-\\u1A1B\\u1A55\\u1A57\\u1A61\\u1A63\\u1A64\\u1A6D-\\u1A72\\u1B04\\u1B35\\u1B3B\\u1B3D-\\u1B41\\u1B43\\u1B44\\u1B82\\u1BA1\\u1BA6\\u1BA7\\u1BAA\\u1C24-\\u1C2B\\u1C34\\u1C35\\u1CE1\\u1CF2\\uA823\\uA824\\uA827\\uA880\\uA881\\uA8B4-\\uA8C3\\uA952\\uA953\\uA983\\uA9B4\\uA9B5\\uA9BA\\uA9BB\\uA9BD-\\uA9C0\\uAA2F\\uAA30\\uAA33\\uAA34\\uAA4D\\uAA7B\\uABE3\\uABE4\\uABE6\\uABE7\\uABE9\\uABEA\\uABEC]'), - connector_punctuation: new RegExp('[\\u005F\\u203F\\u2040\\u2054\\uFE33\\uFE34\\uFE4D-\\uFE4F\\uFF3F]') - }; - function Dt(e) { - return e >= 97 && e <= 122 || e >= 65 && e <= 90 || e >= 170 && wt.letter.test(String.fromCharCode(e)) - } - function kt(e) { - return e >= 48 && e <= 57 - } - function St(e) { - return kt(e) || Dt(e) - } - function Tt(e) { - return wt.digit.test(String.fromCharCode(e)) - } - function Ft(e) { - return wt.non_spacing_mark.test(e) || wt.space_combining_mark.test(e) - } - function Ot(e) { - return wt.connector_punctuation.test(e) - } - function Bt(e) { - return !dt(e) && /^[a-z_$][a-z0-9_$]*$/i.test(e) - } - function Pt(e) { - return 36 == e || 95 == e || Dt(e) - } - function Nt(e) { - var t = e.charCodeAt(0); - return Pt(t) || kt(t) || 8204 == t || 8205 == t || Ft(e) || Ot(e) || Tt(t) - } - function Rt(e) { - return /^[a-z_$][a-z0-9_$]*$/i.test(e) - } - function Lt(e) { - if (yt.test(e)) return parseInt(e.substr(2), 16); - if (vt.test(e)) return parseInt(e.substr(1), 8); - var t = parseFloat(e); - return t == e ? t : void 0 - } - function It(e, t, n, r, i) { - this.message = e, - this.filename = t, - this.line = n, - this.col = r, - this.pos = i - } - function jt(e, t, n, r, i) { - throw new It(e, t, n, r, i) - } - function Mt(e, t, n) { - return e.type == t && (null == n || e.value == n) - } - It.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype), - It.prototype.constructor = It, - = 'SyntaxError', - p(It); - var Ut = { - }; - function Vt(e, t, n, r) { - var i = { - text: e, - filename: t, - pos: 0, - tokpos: 0, - line: 1, - tokline: 0, - col: 0, - tokcol: 0, - newline_before: !1, - regex_allowed: !1, - comments_before: [ - ], - directives: { - }, - directive_stack: [ - ] - }; - function s() { - return i.text.charAt(i.pos) - } - function o(e, t) { - var n = i.text.charAt(i.pos++); - if (e && !n) throw Ut; - return At(n) ? (i.newline_before = i.newline_before || !t, ++i.line, i.col = 0, t || '\r' != n || '\n' != s() || (++i.pos, n = '\n')) : ++i.col, - n - } - function a(e) { - for (; e-- > 0; ) o() - } - function u(e) { - return i.text.substr(i.pos, e.length) == e - } - function l() { - i.tokline = i.line, - i.tokcol = i.col, - i.tokpos = i.pos - } - var c = !1; - function p(n, r, s) { - i.regex_allowed = 'operator' == n && !qt(r) || 'keyword' == n && mt(r) || 'punc' == n && Et(r), - 'punc' == n && '.' == r ? c = !0 : s || (c = !1); - var o = { - type: n, - value: r, - line: i.tokline, - col: i.tokcol, - pos: i.tokpos, - endline: i.line, - endcol: i.col, - endpos: i.pos, - nlb: i.newline_before, - file: t - }; - if (/^(?:num|string|regexp)$/i.test(n) && (o.raw = e.substring(o.pos, o.endpos)), !s) { - o.comments_before = i.comments_before, - i.comments_before = [ - ]; - for (var a = 0, u = o.comments_before.length; a < u; a++) o.nlb = o.nlb || o.comments_before[a].nlb - } - return i.newline_before = !1, - new O(o) - } - function h() { - for (; xt(s()); ) o() - } - function f(e) { - jt(e, t, i.tokline, i.tokcol, i.tokpos) - } - function d(e) { - var t = !1, - n = !1, - r = !1, - i = '.' == e, - a = function (e) { - for (var t, n = '', r = 0; (t = s()) && e(t, r++); ) n += o(); - return n - }(function (s, o) { - var a = s.charCodeAt(0); - switch (a) { - case 120: - case 88: - return !r && (r = !0); - case 101: - case 69: - return !!r || !t && (t = n = !0); - case 45: - return n || 0 == o && !e; - case 43: - return n; - case n = !1, - 46: - return !(i || r || t) && (i = !0) - } - return St(a) - }); - e && (a = e + a), - vt.test(a) && w.has_directive('use strict') && f('Legacy octal literals are not allowed in strict mode'); - var u = Lt(a); - if (!isNaN(u)) return p('num', u); - f('Invalid syntax: ' + a) - } - function m(e) { - var t = o(!0, e); - switch (t.charCodeAt(0)) { - case 110: - return '\n'; - case 114: - return '\r'; - case 116: - return '\t'; - case 98: - return ''; - case 118: - return '\v'; - case 102: - return '\f'; - case 120: - return String.fromCharCode(g(2)); - case 117: - return String.fromCharCode(g(4)); - case 10: - return ''; - case 13: - if ('\n' == s()) return o(!0, e), - '' - } - return t >= '0' && t <= '7' ? function (e) { - var t = s(); - t >= '0' && t <= '7' && (e += o(!0)) [0] <= '3' && (t = s()) >= '0' && t <= '7' && (e += o(!0)); - if ('0' === e) return '\x00'; - e.length > 0 && w.has_directive('use strict') && f('Legacy octal escape sequences are not allowed in strict mode'); - return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e, 8)) - }(t) : t - } - function g(e) { - for (var t = 0; e > 0; --e) { - var n = parseInt(o(!0), 16); - isNaN(n) && f('Invalid hex-character pattern in string'), - t = t << 4 | n - } - return t - } - var y = C('Unterminated string constant', function (e) { - for (var t = o(), n = ''; ; ) { - var r = o(!0, !0); - if ('\\' == r) r = m(!0); - else if (At(r)) f('Unterminated string constant'); - else if (r == t) break; - n += r - } - var i = p('string', n); - return i.quote = e, - i - }); - function v(e) { - var t, - n = i.regex_allowed, - r = function () { - for (var e = i.text, t = i.pos, n = i.text.length; t < n; ++t) { - var r = e[t]; - if (At(r)) return t - } - return - 1 - }(); - return - 1 == r ? (t = i.text.substr(i.pos), i.pos = i.text.length) : (t = i.text.substring(i.pos, r), i.pos = r), - i.col = i.tokcol + (i.pos - i.tokpos), - i.comments_before.push(p(e, t, !0)), - i.regex_allowed = n, - w - } - var b = C('Unterminated multiline comment', function () { - var e = i.regex_allowed, - t = function (e, t) { - var n = i.text.indexOf(e, i.pos); - if (t && - 1 == n) throw Ut; - return n - }('*/', !0), - n = i.text.substring(i.pos, t).replace(/\r\n|\r|\u2028|\u2029/g, '\n'); - return a(n.length + 2), - i.comments_before.push(p('comment2', n, !0)), - i.regex_allowed = e, - w - }); - function x() { - for (var e, t, n = !1, r = '', i = !1; null != (e = s()); ) if (n) 'u' != e && f('Expecting UnicodeEscapeSequence -- uXXXX'), - Nt(e = m()) || f('Unicode char: ' + e.charCodeAt(0) + ' is not valid in identifier'), - r += e, - n = !1; - else if ('\\' == e) i = n = !0, - o(); - else { - if (!Nt(e)) break; - r += o() - } - return ht(r) && i && (t = r.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase(), r = '\\u' + '0000'.substr(t.length) + t + r.slice(1)), - r - } - var A = C('Unterminated regular expression', function (e) { - for (var t, n = !1, r = !1; t = o(!0); ) if (At(t)) f('Unexpected line terminator'); - else if (n) e += '\\' + t, - n = !1; - else if ('[' == t) r = !0, - e += t; - else if (']' == t && r) r = !1, - e += t; - else { - if ('/' == t && !r) break; - '\\' == t ? n = !0 : e += t - } - var i = x(); - try { - return p('regexp', new RegExp(e, i)) - } catch (e) { - f(e.message) - } - }); - function E(e) { - return p('operator', function e(t) { - if (!s()) return t; - var n = t + s(); - return bt(n) ? (o(), e(n)) : t - }(e || o())) - } - function _() { - switch (o(), s()) { - case '/': - return o(), - v('comment1'); - case '*': - return o(), - b() - } - return i.regex_allowed ? A('') : E('/') - } - function C(e, t) { - return function (n) { - try { - return t(n) - } catch (t) { - if (t !== Ut) throw t; - f(e) - } - } - } - function w(e) { - if (null != e) return A(e); - for (r && 0 == i.pos && u('#!') && (l(), a(2), v('comment5')); ; ) { - if (h(), l(), n) { - if (u('') && i.newline_before) { - a(3), - v('comment4'); - continue - } - } - var t = s(); - if (!t) return p('eof'); - var m = t.charCodeAt(0); - switch (m) { - case 34: - case 39: - return y(t); - case 46: - return o(), - kt(s().charCodeAt(0)) ? d('.') : p('punc', '.'); - case 47: - var g = _(); - if (g === w) continue; - return g - } - if (kt(m)) return d(); - if (_t(t)) return p('punc', o()); - if (gt(t)) return E(); - if (92 == m || Pt(m)) return void 0, - b = x(), - c ? p('name', b) : ft(b) ? p('atom', b) : ht(b) ? bt(b) ? p('operator', b) : p('keyword', b) : p('name', b); - break - } - var b; - f('Unexpected character \'' + t + '\'') - } - return w.context = function (e) { - return e && (i = e), - i - }, - w.add_directive = function (e) { - i.directive_stack[i.directive_stack.length - 1].push(e), - void 0 === i.directives[e] ? i.directives[e] = 1 : i.directives[e]++ - }, - w.push_directives_stack = function () { - i.directive_stack.push([]) - }, - w.pop_directives_stack = function () { - for (var e = i.directive_stack[i.directive_stack.length - 1], t = 0; t < e.length; t++) i.directives[e[t]]--; - i.directive_stack.pop() - }, - w.has_directive = function (e) { - return void 0 !== i.directives[e] && i.directives[e] > 0 - }, - w - } - var zt = w(['typeof', - 'void', - 'delete', - '--', - '++', - '!', - '~', - '-', - '+']), - qt = w(['--', - '++']), - Kt = w(['=', - '+=', - '-=', - '/=', - '*=', - '%=', - '>>=', - '<<=', - '>>>=', - '|=', - '^=', - '&=']), - $t = function (e, t) { - for (var n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) for (var r = e[n], i = 0; i < r.length; ++i) t[r[i]] = n + 1; - return t - }([['||'], - [ - '&&' - ], - [ - '|' - ], - [ - '^' - ], - [ - '&' - ], - [ - '==', - '===', - '!=', - '!==' - ], - [ - '<', - '>', - '<=', - '>=', - 'in', - 'instanceof' - ], - [ - '>>', - '<<', - '>>>' - ], - [ - '+', - '-' - ], - [ - '*', - '/', - '%' - ]], { - }), - Yt = o(['for', - 'do', - 'while', - 'switch']), - Wt = o(['atom', - 'num', - 'string', - 'regexp', - 'name']); - function Gt(e, t) { - t = f(t, { - bare_returns: !1, - cli: !1, - expression: !1, - filename: null, - html5_comments: !0, - shebang: !0, - strict: !1, - toplevel: null - }); - var n = { - input: 'string' == typeof e ? Vt(e, t.filename, t.html5_comments, t.shebang) : e, - token: null, - prev: null, - peeked: null, - in_function: 0, - in_directives: !0, - in_loop: 0, - labels: [ - ] - }; - function r(e, t) { - return Mt(n.token, e, t) - } - function i() { - return n.peeked || (n.peeked = n.input()) - } - function s() { - return n.prev = n.token, - n.peeked ? (n.token = n.peeked, n.peeked = null) : n.token = n.input(), - n.in_directives = n.in_directives && ('string' == n.token.type || r('punc', ';')), - n.token - } - function o() { - return n.prev - } - function a(e, t, r, i) { - var s = n.input.context(); - jt(e, s.filename, null != t ? t : s.tokline, null != r ? r : s.tokcol, null != i ? i : s.tokpos) - } - function u(e, t) { - a(t, e.line, e.col) - } - function c(e) { - null == e && (e = n.token), - u(e, 'Unexpected token: ' + e.type + ' (' + e.value + ')') - } - function p(e, t) { - if (r(e, t)) return s(); - u(n.token, 'Unexpected token ' + n.token.type + ' «' + n.token.value + '», expected ' + e + ' «' + t + '»') - } - function h(e) { - return p('punc', e) - } - function d() { - return !t.strict && (n.token.nlb || r('eof') || r('punc', '}')) - } - function m(e) { - r('punc', ';') ? s() : e || d() || c() - } - function g() { - h('('); - var e = pe(!0); - return h(')'), - e - } - function y(e) { - return function () { - var t = n.token, - r = e(), - i = o(); - return r.start = t, - r.end = i, - r - } - } - function v() { - (r('operator', '/') || r('operator', '/=')) && (n.peeked = null, n.token = n.input(n.token.value.substr(1))) - } - n.token = s(); - var b = y(function () { - switch (v(), n.token.type) { - case 'string': - if (n.in_directives) { - var e = i(); - - 1 == n.token.raw.indexOf('\\') && (e.nlb || Mt(e, 'eof') || Mt(e, 'punc', ';') || Mt(e, 'punc', '}')) ? n.input.add_directive(n.token.value) : n.in_directives = !1 - } - var u = n.in_directives, - f = x(); - return u ? new R(f.body) : f; - case 'num': - case 'regexp': - case 'operator': - case 'atom': - return x(); - case 'name': - return Mt(i(), 'punc', ':') ? function () { - var e = j(Ge); - l(function (t) { - return == - }, n.labels) && a('Label ' + + ' defined twice'); - h(':'), - n.labels.push(e); - var t = b(); - n.labels.pop(), - t instanceof q || e.references.forEach(function (t) { - t instanceof ue && (t = t.label.start, a('Continue label `' + + '` refers to non-IterationStatement.', t.line, t.col, t.pos)) - }); - return new z({ - body: t, - label: e - }) - }() : x(); - case 'punc': - switch (n.token.value) { - case '{': - return new M({ - start: n.token, - body: _(), - end: o() - }); - case '[': - case '(': - return x(); - case ';': - return n.in_directives = !1, - s(), - new U; - default: - c() - } - case 'keyword': - switch (n.token.value) { - case 'break': - return s(), - A(ae); - case 'continue': - return s(), - A(ue); - case 'debugger': - return s(), - m(), - new N; - case 'do': - s(); - var y = ye(b); - p('keyword', 'while'); - var w = g(); - return m(!0), - new $({ - body: y, - condition: w - }); - case 'while': - return s(), - new Y({ - condition: g(), - body: ye(b) - }); - case 'for': - return s(), - function () { - h('('); - var e = null; - if (!r('punc', ';') && (e = r('keyword', 'var') ? (s(), D(!0)) : pe(!0, !0), r('operator', 'in'))) return e instanceof ve && e.definitions.length > 1 && a('Only one variable declaration allowed in loop'), - s(), - function (e) { - var t = e instanceof ve ? e.definitions[0].name : null, - n = pe(!0); - return h(')'), - new G({ - init: e, - name: t, - object: n, - body: ye(b) - }) - }(e); - return function (e) { - h(';'); - var t = r('punc', ';') ? null : pe(!0); - h(';'); - var n = r('punc', ')') ? null : pe(!0); - return h(')'), - new W({ - init: e, - condition: t, - step: n, - body: ye(b) - }) - }(e) - }(); - case 'function': - return s(), - E(te); - case 'if': - return s(), - function () { - var e = g(), - t = b(), - n = null; - r('keyword', 'else') && (s(), n = b()); - return new le({ - condition: e, - body: t, - alternative: n - }) - }(); - case 'return': - 0 != n.in_function || t.bare_returns || a('\'return\' outside of function'), - s(); - var S = null; - return r('punc', ';') ? s() : d() || (S = pe(!0), m()), - new ie({ - value: S - }); - case 'switch': - return s(), - new ce({ - expression: g(), - body: ye(C) - }); - case 'throw': - s(), - n.token.nlb && a('Illegal newline after \'throw\''); - S = pe(!0); - return m(), - new se({ - value: S - }); - case 'try': - return s(), - function () { - var e = _(), - t = null, - i = null; - if (r('keyword', 'catch')) { - var u = n.token; - s(), - h('('); - var l = j(We); - h(')'), - t = new me({ - start: u, - argname: l, - body: _(), - end: o() - }) - } - if (r('keyword', 'finally')) { - var u = n.token; - s(), - i = new ge({ - start: u, - body: _(), - end: o() - }) - } - t || i || a('Missing catch/finally blocks'); - return new de({ - body: e, - bcatch: t, - bfinally: i - }) - }(); - case 'var': - s(); - var T = D(); - return m(), - T; - case 'const': - s(); - T = k(); - return m(), - T; - case 'with': - return n.input.has_directive('use strict') && a('Strict mode may not include a with statement'), - s(), - new H({ - expression: g(), - body: b() - }) - } - } - c() - }); - function x(e) { - return new L({ - body: (e = pe(!0), m(), e) - }) - } - function A(e) { - var t, - r = null; - d() || (r = j(Xe, !0)), - null != r ? ((t = l(function (e) { - return == - }, n.labels)) || a('Undefined label ' +, r.thedef = t) : 0 == n.in_loop && a(e.TYPE + ' not inside a loop or switch'), - m(); - var i = new e({ - label: r - }); - return t && t.references.push(i), - i - } - var E = function (e) { - var t = e === te, - i = r('name') ? j(t ? $e : Ye) : null; - return t && !i && c(), - h('('), - new e({ - name: i, - argnames: function (e, t) { - for (; !r('punc', ')'); ) e ? e = !1 : h(','), - t.push(j(Ke)); - return s(), - t - }(!0, [ - ]), - body: function (e, t) { - ++n.in_function, - n.in_directives = !0, - n.input.push_directives_stack(), - n.in_loop = 0, - n.labels = [ - ]; - var r = _(); - return n.input.pop_directives_stack(), - --n.in_function, - n.in_loop = e, - n.labels = t, - r - }(n.in_loop, n.labels) - }) - }; - function _() { - h('{'); - for (var e = [ - ]; !r('punc', '}'); ) r('eof') && c(), - e.push(b()); - return s(), - e - } - function C() { - h('{'); - for (var e, t = [ - ], i = null, a = null; !r('punc', '}'); ) r('eof') && c(), - r('keyword', 'case') ? (a && (a.end = o()), i = [ - ], a = new fe({ - start: (e = n.token, s(), e), - expression: pe(!0), - body: i - }), t.push(a), h(':')) : r('keyword', 'default') ? (a && (a.end = o()), i = [ - ], a = new he({ - start: (e = n.token, s(), h(':'), e), - body: i - }), t.push(a)) : (i || c(), i.push(b())); - return a && (a.end = o()), - s(), - t - } - function w(e, t) { - for (var i = [ - ]; i.push(new xe({ - start: n.token, - name: j(t ? qe : ze), - value: r('operator', '=') ? (s(), pe(!1, e)) : null, - end: o() - })), r('punc', ','); ) s(); - return i - } - var D = function (e) { - return new ve({ - start: o(), - definitions: w(e, !1), - end: o() - }) - }, - k = function () { - return new be({ - start: o(), - definitions: w(!1, !0), - end: o() - }) - }; - var S = function (e) { - if (r('operator', 'new')) return function (e) { - var t = n.token; - p('operator', 'new'); - var i, - a = S(!1); - return r('punc', '(') ? (s(), i = T(')')) : i = [ - ], - V(new Ee({ - start: t, - expression: a, - args: i, - end: o() - }), e) - }(e); - var t = n.token; - if (r('punc')) { - switch (t.value) { - case '(': - s(); - var i = pe(!0); - return i.start = t, - i.end = n.token, - h(')'), - V(i, e); - case '[': - return V(F(), e); - case '{': - return V(B(), e) - } - c() - } - if (r('keyword', 'function')) { - s(); - var u = E(ee); - return u.start = t, - u.end = o(), - V(u, e) - } - if (Wt[n.token.type]) return V(function () { - var e, - t = n.token; - switch (t.type) { - case 'name': - case 'keyword': - e = I(He); - break; - case 'num': - e = new et({ - start: t, - end: t, - value: t.value - }); - break; - case 'string': - e = new Ze({ - start: t, - end: t, - value: t.value, - quote: t.quote - }); - break; - case 'regexp': - e = new tt({ - start: t, - end: t, - value: t.value - }); - break; - case 'atom': - switch (t.value) { - case 'false': - e = new lt({ - start: t, - end: t - }); - break; - case 'true': - e = new ct({ - start: t, - end: t - }); - break; - case 'null': - e = new rt({ - start: t, - end: t - }) - } - break; - case 'operator': - Rt(t.value) || a('Invalid getter/setter name: ' + t.value, t.line, t.col, t.pos), - e = I(He) - } - return s(), - e - }(), e); - c() - }; - function T(e, t, i) { - for (var o = !0, a = [ - ]; !r('punc', e) && (o ? o = !1 : h(','), !t || !r('punc', e)); ) r('punc', ',') && i ? a.push(new ot({ - start: n.token, - end: n.token - })) : a.push(pe(!1)); - return s(), - a - } - var F = y(function () { - return h('['), - new Pe({ - elements: T(']', !t.strict, !0) - }) - }), - O = y(function () { - return E(Z) - }), - B = y(function () { - h('{'); - for (var e = !0, i = [ - ]; !r('punc', '}') && (e ? e = !1 : h(','), t.strict || !r('punc', '}')); ) { - var a = n.token, - u = a.type, - l = P(); - if ('name' == u && !r('punc', ':')) { - var c = new Ue({ - start: n.token, - name: P(), - end: o() - }); - if ('get' == l) { - i.push(new je({ - start: a, - key: c, - value: O(), - end: o() - })); - continue - } - if ('set' == l) { - i.push(new Ie({ - start: a, - key: c, - value: O(), - end: o() - })); - continue - } - } - h(':'), - i.push(new Le({ - start: a, - quote: a.quote, - key: l, - value: pe(!1), - end: o() - })) - } - return s(), - new Ne({ - properties: i - }) - }); - function P() { - var e = n.token; - switch (e.type) { - case 'operator': - ht(e.value) || c(); - case 'num': - case 'string': - case 'name': - case 'keyword': - case 'atom': - return s(), - e.value; - default: - c() - } - } - function I(e) { - var t = n.token.value; - return new ('this' == t ? Je : e) ({ - name: String(t), - start: n.token, - end: n.token - }) - } - function j(e, t) { - if (!r('name')) return t || a('Name expected'), - null; - var n = I(e); - return s(), - n - } - var V = function (e, t) { - var i, - a = e.start; - if (r('punc', '.')) return s(), - V(new we({ - start: a, - expression: e, - property: (i = n.token, 'name' != i.type && c(), s(), i.value), - end: o() - }), t); - if (r('punc', '[')) { - s(); - var u = pe(!0); - return h(']'), - V(new De({ - start: a, - expression: e, - property: u, - end: o() - }), t) - } - return t && r('punc', '(') ? (s(), V(new Ae({ - start: a, - expression: e, - args: T(')'), - end: o() - }), !0)) : e - }, - K = function (e) { - var t = n.token; - if (r('operator') && zt(t.value)) { - s(), - v(); - var i = X(Se, t, K(e)); - return i.start = t, - i.end = o(), - i - } - for (var a = S(e); r('operator') && qt(n.token.value) && !n.token.nlb; ) (a = X(Te, n.token, a)).start = t, - a.end = n.token, - s(); - return a - }; - function X(e, t, n) { - var r = t.value; - return '++' != r && '--' != r || re(n) || a('Invalid use of ' + r + ' operator', t.line, t.col, t.pos), - new e({ - operator: r, - expression: n - }) - } - var Q = function (e, t, i) { - var o = r('operator') ? n.token.value : null; - 'in' == o && i && (o = null); - var a = null != o ? $t[o] : null; - if (null != a && a > t) { - s(); - var u = Q(K(!0), a, i); - return Q(new Fe({ - start: e.start, - left: e, - operator: o, - right: u, - end: u.end - }), t, i) - } - return e - }; - var ne = function (e) { - var t = n.token, - i = function (e) { - return Q(K(!0), 0, e) - }(e); - if (r('operator', '?')) { - s(); - var a = pe(!1); - return h(':'), - new Oe({ - start: t, - condition: i, - consequent: a, - alternative: pe(!1, e), - end: o() - }) - } - return i - }; - function re(e) { - return !!t.cli || (e instanceof Ce || e instanceof He) - } - var oe = function (e) { - var t = n.token, - i = ne(e), - u = n.token.value; - if (r('operator') && Kt(u)) { - if (re(i)) return s(), - new Be({ - start: t, - left: i, - operator: u, - right: oe(e), - end: o() - }); - a('Invalid assignment') - } - return i - }, - pe = function (e, t) { - var o = n.token, - a = oe(t); - return e && r('punc', ',') ? (s(), new _e({ - start: o, - car: a, - cdr: pe(!0, t), - end: i() - })) : a - }; - function ye(e) { - ++n.in_loop; - var t = e(); - return --n.in_loop, - t - } - return t.expression ? pe(!0) : function () { - var e = n.token, - i = [ - ]; - for (n.input.push_directives_stack(); !r('eof'); ) i.push(b()); - n.input.pop_directives_stack(); - var s = o(), - a = t.toplevel; - return a ? (a.body = a.body.concat(i), a.end = s) : a = new J({ - start: e, - body: i, - end: s - }), - a - }() - } - function Ht(e, t) { -, - this.before = e, - this.after = t - } - function Xt(e, t, n) { - =, - this.orig = [ - n - ], - this.scope = e, - this.references = [ - ], - = !1, - this.mangled_name = null, - this.undeclared = !1, - this.index = t, - = Xt.next_id++ - } - Ht.prototype = new pt, - function (e) { - function t(t, n) { - t.DEFMETHOD('transform', function (t, r) { - var i, - s; - return t.push(this), - t.before && (i = t.before(this, n, r)), - i === e && (t.after ? (t.stack[t.stack.length - 1] = i = this, n(i, t), (s = t.after(i, r)) !== e && (i = s)) : n(i = this, t)), - t.pop(this), - i - }) - } - function n(e, t) { - return x(e, function (e) { - return e.transform(t, !0) - }) - } - t(B, m), - t(z, function (e, t) { - e.label = e.label.transform(t), - e.body = e.body.transform(t) - }), - t(L, function (e, t) { - e.body = e.body.transform(t) - }), - t(j, function (e, t) { - e.body = n(e.body, t) - }), - t(K, function (e, t) { - e.condition = e.condition.transform(t), - e.body = e.body.transform(t) - }), - t(W, function (e, t) { - e.init && (e.init = e.init.transform(t)), - e.condition && (e.condition = e.condition.transform(t)), - e.step && (e.step = e.step.transform(t)), - e.body = e.body.transform(t) - }), - t(G, function (e, t) { - e.init = e.init.transform(t), - e.object = e.object.transform(t), - e.body = e.body.transform(t) - }), - t(H, function (e, t) { - e.expression = e.expression.transform(t), - e.body = e.body.transform(t) - }), - t(re, function (e, t) { - e.value && (e.value = e.value.transform(t)) - }), - t(oe, function (e, t) { - e.label && (e.label = e.label.transform(t)) - }), - t(le, function (e, t) { - e.condition = e.condition.transform(t), - e.body = e.body.transform(t), - e.alternative && (e.alternative = e.alternative.transform(t)) - }), - t(ce, function (e, t) { - e.expression = e.expression.transform(t), - e.body = n(e.body, t) - }), - t(fe, function (e, t) { - e.expression = e.expression.transform(t), - e.body = n(e.body, t) - }), - t(de, function (e, t) { - e.body = n(e.body, t), - e.bcatch && (e.bcatch = e.bcatch.transform(t)), - e.bfinally && (e.bfinally = e.bfinally.transform(t)) - }), - t(me, function (e, t) { - e.argname = e.argname.transform(t), - e.body = n(e.body, t) - }), - t(ye, function (e, t) { - e.definitions = n(e.definitions, t) - }), - t(xe, function (e, t) { - =, - e.value && (e.value = e.value.transform(t)) - }), - t(Q, function (e, t) { - && ( =, - e.argnames = n(e.argnames, t), - e.body = n(e.body, t) - }), - t(Ae, function (e, t) { - e.expression = e.expression.transform(t), - e.args = n(e.args, t) - }), - t(_e, function (e, t) { - =, - e.cdr = e.cdr.transform(t) - }), - t(we, function (e, t) { - e.expression = e.expression.transform(t) - }), - t(De, function (e, t) { - e.expression = e.expression.transform(t), - = - }), - t(ke, function (e, t) { - e.expression = e.expression.transform(t) - }), - t(Fe, function (e, t) { - e.left = e.left.transform(t), - e.right = e.right.transform(t) - }), - t(Oe, function (e, t) { - e.condition = e.condition.transform(t), - e.consequent = e.consequent.transform(t), - e.alternative = e.alternative.transform(t) - }), - t(Pe, function (e, t) { - e.elements = n(e.elements, t) - }), - t(Ne, function (e, t) { - = n(, t) - }), - t(Re, function (e, t) { - e.value = e.value.transform(t) - }) - }(), - Xt.next_id = 1, - Xt.prototype = { - unmangleable: function (e) { - return e || (e = { - }), - && !e.toplevel || this.undeclared || !e.eval && (this.scope.uses_eval || this.scope.uses_with) || e.keep_fnames && (this.orig[0] instanceof Ye || this.orig[0] instanceof $e) - }, - mangle: function (e) { - var t = e.cache && e.cache.props; - if ( && t && t.has( this.mangled_name = t.get(; - else if (!this.mangled_name && !this.unmangleable(e)) { - var n, - r = this.scope, - i = this.orig[0]; - !e.screw_ie8 && i instanceof Ye && (r = r.parent_scope), - this.defun && (n = this.defun.variables.get( ? this.mangled_name = n.mangled_name || : this.mangled_name = r.next_mangled(e, this), - && t && t.set(, this.mangled_name) - } - } - }, - J.DEFMETHOD('figure_out_scope', function (e) { - e = f(e, { - cache: null, - screw_ie8: !0 - }); - var t = this, - n = t.parent_scope = null, - r = new k, - i = null, - s = new pt(function (t, s) { - if (t instanceof me) { - var o = n; - return (n = new X(t)).init_scope_vars(o), - s(), - n = o, - !0 - } - if (t instanceof X) { - t.init_scope_vars(n); - o = n; - var a = i, - u = r; - return i = n = t, - r = new k, - s(), - n = o, - i = a, - r = u, - !0 - } - if (t instanceof z) { - var l = t.label; - if (r.has( throw new Error(E('Label {name} defined twice', l)); - return r.set(, l), - s(), - r.del(, - !0 - } - if (t instanceof H) for (var c = n; c; c = c.parent_scope) c.uses_with = !0; - else if (t instanceof Me && (t.scope = n), t instanceof Ge && (t.thedef = t, t.references = [ - ]), t instanceof Ye) i.def_function(t); - else if (t instanceof $e) (t.scope = i.parent_scope).def_function(t); - else if (t instanceof ze || t instanceof qe) { - if (i.def_variable(t), i !== n) { - t.mark_enclosed(e); - var p = n.find_variable(t); - t.thedef !== p && (t.thedef = p, t.reference(e)) - } - } else if (t instanceof We) n.def_variable(t).defun = i; - else if (t instanceof Xe) { - var h = r.get(; - if (!h) throw new Error(E('Undefined label {name} [{line},{col}]', { - name:, - line: t.start.line, - col: t.start.col - })); - t.thedef = h - } - }); - t.walk(s); - var o = null; - t.globals = new k, - s = new pt(function (n, r) { - if (n instanceof Q) { - var i = o; - return o = n, - r(), - o = i, - !0 - } - if (n instanceof oe && n.label) return n.label.thedef.references.push(n), - !0; - if (n instanceof He) { - var a =; - if ('eval' == a && s.parent() instanceof Ae) for (var u = n.scope; u && !u.uses_eval; u = u.parent_scope) u.uses_eval = !0; - var l = n.scope.find_variable(a); - return n.scope instanceof Q && 'arguments' == a && (n.scope.uses_arguments = !0), - l || (l = t.def_global(n)), - n.thedef = l, - n.reference(e), - !0 - } - }); - t.walk(s), - e.screw_ie8 || t.walk(new pt(function (n, r) { - if (n instanceof We) { - var i =, - s = n.thedef.references, - o = n.thedef.defun, - a = o.find_variable(i) || t.globals.get(i) || o.def_variable(n); - return s.forEach(function (t) { - t.thedef = a, - t.reference(e) - }), - n.thedef = a, - !0 - } - })), - e.cache && (this.cname = e.cache.cname) - }), - J.DEFMETHOD('def_global', function (e) { - var t = this.globals, - n =; - if (t.has(n)) return t.get(n); - var r = new Xt(this, t.size(), e); - return r.undeclared = !0, - = !0, - t.set(n, r), - r - }), - X.DEFMETHOD('init_scope_vars', function (e) { - this.variables = new k, - this.functions = new k, - this.uses_with = !1, - this.uses_eval = !1, - this.parent_scope = e, - this.enclosed = [ - ], - this.cname = - 1 - }), - Q.DEFMETHOD('init_scope_vars', function () { - X.prototype.init_scope_vars.apply(this, arguments), - this.uses_arguments = !1, - this.def_variable(new ze({ - name: 'arguments', - start: this.start, - end: this.end - })) - }), - Me.DEFMETHOD('mark_enclosed', function (e) { - for (var t = this.definition(), n = this.scope; n && (A(n.enclosed, t), e.keep_fnames && n.functions.each(function (e) { - A(t.scope.enclosed, e) - }), n !== t.scope); ) n = n.parent_scope - }), - Me.DEFMETHOD('reference', function (e) { - this.definition().references.push(this), - this.mark_enclosed(e) - }), - X.DEFMETHOD('find_variable', function (e) { - return e instanceof Me && (e =, - this.variables.get(e) || this.parent_scope && this.parent_scope.find_variable(e) - }), - X.DEFMETHOD('def_function', function (e) { - this.functions.set(, this.def_variable(e)) - }), - X.DEFMETHOD('def_variable', function (e) { - var t; - return this.variables.has( ? (t = this.variables.get( : (t = new Xt(this, this.variables.size(), e), this.variables.set(, t), = !this.parent_scope), - e.thedef = t - }), - X.DEFMETHOD('next_mangled', function (e) { - var t = this.enclosed; - e: for (; ; ) { - var n = Jt(++this.cname); - if (Bt(n) && !(e.except.indexOf(n) >= 0)) { - for (var r = t.length; --r >= 0; ) { - var i = t[r]; - if (n == (i.mangled_name || i.unmangleable(e) && continue e - } - return n - } - } - }), - ee.DEFMETHOD('next_mangled', function (e, t) { - for (var n = t.orig[0] instanceof Ke && &&, r = n ? n.mangled_name || : null; ; ) { - var i =, e, t); - if (!r || r != i) return i - } - }), - Me.DEFMETHOD('unmangleable', function (e) { - return this.definition().unmangleable(e) - }), - Ge.DEFMETHOD('unmangleable', function () { - return !1 - }), - Me.DEFMETHOD('unreferenced', function () { - return 0 == this.definition().references.length && !(this.scope.uses_eval || this.scope.uses_with) - }), - Me.DEFMETHOD('undeclared', function () { - return this.definition().undeclared - }), - Xe.DEFMETHOD('undeclared', function () { - return !1 - }), - Ge.DEFMETHOD('undeclared', function () { - return !1 - }), - Me.DEFMETHOD('definition', function () { - return this.thedef - }), - Me.DEFMETHOD('global', function () { - return this.definition().global - }), - J.DEFMETHOD('_default_mangler_options', function (e) { - return f(e, { - eval: !1, - except: [ - ], - keep_fnames: !1, - screw_ie8: !0, - sort: !1, - toplevel: !1 - }) - }), - J.DEFMETHOD('mangle_names', function (e) { - (e = this._default_mangler_options(e)).except.push('arguments'); - var t = - 1, - n = [ - ]; - e.cache && this.globals.each(function (t) { - e.except.indexOf( < 0 && n.push(t) - }); - var r = new pt(function (i, s) { - if (i instanceof z) { - var o = t; - return s(), - t = o, - !0 - } - if (i instanceof X) { - r.parent(); - var a = [ - ]; - return i.variables.each(function (t) { - e.except.indexOf( < 0 && a.push(t) - }), - void n.push.apply(n, a) - } - if (i instanceof Ge) { - var u; - do { - u = Jt(++t) - } while (!Bt(u)); - return i.mangled_name = u, - !0 - } - e.screw_ie8 && i instanceof We && n.push(i.definition()) - }); - this.walk(r), - n.forEach(function (t) { - t.mangle(e) - }), - e.cache && (e.cache.cname = this.cname) - }), - J.DEFMETHOD('compute_char_frequency', function (e) { - e = this._default_mangler_options(e); - var t = new pt(function (t) { - t instanceof Qe ? Jt.consider(t.print_to_string()) : t instanceof ie ? Jt.consider('return') : t instanceof se ? Jt.consider('throw') : t instanceof ue ? Jt.consider('continue') : t instanceof ae ? Jt.consider('break') : t instanceof N ? Jt.consider('debugger') : t instanceof R ? Jt.consider(t.value) : t instanceof Y ? Jt.consider('while') : t instanceof $ ? Jt.consider('do while') : t instanceof le ? (Jt.consider('if'), t.alternative && Jt.consider('else')) : t instanceof ve ? Jt.consider('var') : t instanceof be ? Jt.consider('const') : t instanceof Q ? Jt.consider('function') : t instanceof W ? Jt.consider('for') : t instanceof G ? Jt.consider('for in') : t instanceof ce ? Jt.consider('switch') : t instanceof fe ? Jt.consider('case') : t instanceof he ? Jt.consider('default') : t instanceof H ? Jt.consider('with') : t instanceof Ie ? Jt.consider('set' + t.key) : t instanceof je ? Jt.consider('get' + t.key) : t instanceof Le ? Jt.consider(t.key) : t instanceof Ee ? Jt.consider('new') : t instanceof Je ? Jt.consider('this') : t instanceof de ? Jt.consider('try') : t instanceof me ? Jt.consider('catch') : t instanceof ge ? Jt.consider('finally') : t instanceof Me && t.unmangleable(e) ? Jt.consider( : t instanceof ke || t instanceof Fe ? Jt.consider(t.operator) : t instanceof we && Jt.consider( - }); - this.walk(t), - Jt.sort() - }); - var Jt = function () { - var e, - t, - n = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_0123456789'; - function r() { - t = Object.create(null), - (e = n.split('').map(function (e) { - return e.charCodeAt(0) - })).forEach(function (e) { - t[e] = 0 - }) - } - function i(t) { - var n = '', - r = 54; - t++; - do { - t--, - n += String.fromCharCode(e[t % r]), - t = Math.floor(t / r), - r = 64 - } while (t > 0); - return n - } - return i.consider = function (e) { - for (var n = e.length; --n >= 0; ) { - var r = e.charCodeAt(n); - r in t && ++t[r] - } - }, - i.sort = function () { - e = C(e, function (e, n) { - return kt(e) && !kt(n) ? 1 : kt(n) && !kt(e) ? - 1 : t[n] - t[e] - }) - }, - i.reset = r, - r(), - i.get = function () { - return e - }, - i.freq = function () { - return t - }, - i - }(); - J.DEFMETHOD('scope_warnings', function (e) { - e = f(e, { - assign_to_global: !0, - eval: !0, - func_arguments: !0, - nested_defuns: !0, - undeclared: !1, - unreferenced: !0 - }); - var t = new pt(function (n) { - if (e.undeclared && n instanceof He && n.undeclared() && B.warn('Undeclared symbol: {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]', { - name:, - file: n.start.file, - line: n.start.line, - col: n.start.col - }), e.assign_to_global) { - var r = null; - n instanceof Be && n.left instanceof He ? r = n.left : n instanceof G && n.init instanceof He && (r = n.init), - r && (r.undeclared() || && r.scope !== r.definition().scope) && B.warn('{msg}: {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]', { - msg: r.undeclared() ? 'Accidental global?' : 'Assignment to global', - name:, - file: r.start.file, - line: r.start.line, - col: r.start.col - }) - } - e.eval && n instanceof He && n.undeclared() && 'eval' == && B.warn('Eval is used [{file}:{line},{col}]', n.start), - e.unreferenced && (n instanceof Ve || n instanceof Ge) && !(n instanceof We) && n.unreferenced() && B.warn('{type} {name} is declared but not referenced [{file}:{line},{col}]', { - type: n instanceof Ge ? 'Label' : 'Symbol', - name:, - file: n.start.file, - line: n.start.line, - col: n.start.col - }), - e.func_arguments && n instanceof Q && n.uses_arguments && B.warn('arguments used in function {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]', { - name: ? : 'anonymous', - file: n.start.file, - line: n.start.line, - col: n.start.col - }), - e.nested_defuns && n instanceof te && !(t.parent() instanceof X) && B.warn('Function {name} declared in nested statement "{type}" [{file}:{line},{col}]', { - name:, - type: t.parent().TYPE, - file: n.start.file, - line: n.start.line, - col: n.start.col - }) - }); - this.walk(t) - }); - var Qt = /^$|[;{][\s\n]*$/; - function Zt(e) { - return 'comment2' == e.type && /@preserve|@license|@cc_on/i.test(e.value) - } - function en(e) { - var t = g; - if ((e = f(e, { - ascii_only: !1, - beautify: !1, - bracketize: !1, - comments: !1, - indent_level: 4, - indent_start: 0, - inline_script: !0, - keep_quoted_props: !1, - max_line_len: !1, - preamble: null, - preserve_line: !1, - quote_keys: !1, - quote_style: 0, - screw_ie8: !0, - semicolons: !0, - shebang: !0, - source_map: null, - space_colon: !0, - unescape_regexps: !1, - width: 80, - wrap_iife: !1 - }, !0)).comments) { - var n = e.comments; - if ('string' == typeof e.comments && /^\/.*\/[a-zA-Z]*$/.test(e.comments)) { - var r = e.comments.lastIndexOf('/'); - n = new RegExp(e.comments.substr(1, r - 1), e.comments.substr(r + 1)) - } - t = n instanceof RegExp ? function (e) { - return 'comment5' != e.type && n.test(e.value) - } - : 'function' == typeof n ? function (e) { - return 'comment5' != e.type && n(this, e) - } - : 'some' === n ? Zt : y - } - var i = 0, - s = 0, - o = 1, - a = 0, - u = ''; - function l(e, t) { - return e.replace(/[\u0000-\u001f\u007f-\uffff]/g, function (e) { - var n = e.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); - if (n.length <= 2 && !t) { - for (; n.length < 2; ) n = '0' + n; - return '\\x' + n - } - for (; n.length < 4; ) n = '0' + n; - return '\\u' + n - }) - } - function p(t, n) { - var r = function (t, n) { - var r = 0, - i = 0; - function s() { - return '\'' + t.replace(/\x27/g, '\\\'') + '\'' - } - function o() { - return '"' + t.replace(/\x22/g, '\\"') + '"' - } - switch (t = t.replace(/[\\\b\f\n\r\v\t\x22\x27\u2028\u2029\0\ufeff]/g, function (n, s) { - switch (n) { - case '"': - return ++r, - '"'; - case '\'': - return ++i, - '\''; - case '\\': - return '\\\\'; - case '\n': - return '\\n'; - case '\r': - return '\\r'; - case '\t': - return '\\t'; - case '': - return '\\b'; - case '\f': - return '\\f'; - case '\v': - return e.screw_ie8 ? '\\v' : '\\x0B'; - case '\u2028': - return '\\u2028'; - case '\u2029': - return '\\u2029'; - case '': - return '\\ufeff'; - case '\x00': - return /[0-7]/.test(t.charAt(s + 1)) ? '\\x00' : '\\0' - } - return n - }), e.ascii_only && (t = l(t)), e.quote_style) { - case 1: - return s(); - case 2: - return o(); - case 3: - return '\'' == n ? s() : o(); - default: - return r > i ? s() : o() - } - }(t, n); - return e.inline_script && (r = (r = (r = r.replace(/<\x2fscript([>\/\t\n\f\r ])/gi, '<\\/script$1')).replace(/\x3c!--/g, '\\x3c!--')).replace(/--\x3e/g, '--\\x3e')), - r - } - var h = !1, - d = !1, - v = 0, - b = '', - x = e.max_line_len ? function () { - if (s > e.max_line_len) { - if (v) { - var t = u.slice(0, v), - n = u.slice(v); - u = t + '\n' + n, - o++, - a++, - s = n.length - } - s > e.max_line_len && B.warn('Output exceeds {max_line_len} characters', e) - } - v = 0 - } - : m, - A = w('( [ + * / - , .'); - function E(t) { - var n = (t = String(t)).charAt(0), - r = b.charAt(b.length - 1); - if (d && (d = !1, (':' == r && '}' == n || (!n || ';}'.indexOf(n) < 0) && ';' != r) && (e.semicolons || A(n) ? (u += ';', s++, a++) : (x(), u += '\n', a++, o++, s = 0, /^\s+$/.test(t) && (d = !0)), e.beautify || (h = !1))), !e.beautify && e.preserve_line && N[N.length - 1]) for (var i = N[N.length - 1].start.line; o < i; ) x(), - u += '\n', - a++, - o++, - s = 0, - h = !1; - h && ((Nt(r) && (Nt(n) || '\\' == n) || '/' == n && n == r || ('+' == n || '-' == n) && n == b) && (u += ' ', s++, a++), h = !1), - u += t, - a += t.length; - var l = t.split(/\r?\n/), - c = l.length - 1; - o += c, - s += l[0].length, - c > 0 && (x(), s = l[c].length), - b = t - } - var _ = e.beautify ? function () { - E(' ') - } - : function () { - h = !0 - }, - C = e.beautify ? function (t) { - var n; - e.beautify && E((n = t ? 0.5 : 0, c(' ', e.indent_start + i - n * e.indent_level))) - } - : m, - D = e.beautify ? function (e, t) { - !0 === e && (e = F()); - var n = i; - i = e; - var r = t(); - return i = n, - r - } - : function (e, t) { - return t() - }, - k = e.beautify ? function () { - E('\n') - } - : e.max_line_len ? function () { - x(), - v = u.length - } - : m, - S = e.beautify ? function () { - E(';') - } - : function () { - d = !0 - }; - function T() { - d = !1, - E(';') - } - function F() { - return i + e.indent_level - } - var O = e.source_map ? function (t, n) { - try { - t && e.source_map.add(t.file || '?', o, s, t.line, t.col, n || 'name' != t.type ? n : t.value) - } catch (e) { - B.warn('Couldn\'t figure out mapping for {file}:{line},{col} → {cline},{ccol} [{name}]', { - file: t.file, - line: t.line, - col: t.col, - cline: o, - ccol: s, - name: n || '' - }) - } - } - : m; - function P() { - return v && x(), - u - } - var N = [ - ]; - return { - get: P, - toString: P, - indent: C, - indentation: function () { - return i - }, - current_width: function () { - return s - i - }, - should_break: function () { - return e.width && this.current_width() >= e.width - }, - newline: k, - print: E, - space: _, - comma: function () { - E(','), - _() - }, - colon: function () { - E(':'), - e.space_colon && _() - }, - last: function () { - return b - }, - semicolon: S, - force_semicolon: T, - to_ascii: l, - print_name: function (t) { - E(function (t) { - return t = t.toString(), - e.ascii_only && (t = l(t, !0)), - t - }(t)) - }, - print_string: function (e, t, n) { - var r = p(e, t); - !0 === n && - 1 === r.indexOf('\\') && (Qt.test(u) || T(), T()), - E(r) - }, - encode_string: p, - next_indent: F, - with_indent: D, - with_block: function (e) { - var t; - return E('{'), - k(), - D(F(), function () { - t = e() - }), - C(), - E('}'), - t - }, - with_parens: function (e) { - E('('); - var t = e(); - return E(')'), - t - }, - with_square: function (e) { - E('['); - var t = e(); - return E(']'), - t - }, - add_mapping: O, - option: function (t) { - return e[t] - }, - comment_filter: t, - line: function () { - return o - }, - col: function () { - return s - }, - pos: function () { - return a - }, - push_node: function (e) { - N.push(e) - }, - pop_node: function () { - return N.pop() - }, - parent: function (e) { - return N[N.length - 2 - (e || 0)] - } - } - } - function tn(e, t) { - if (!(this instanceof tn)) return new tn(e, t); -, this.before, this.after), - this.options = f(e, { - angular: !1, - booleans: !t, - cascade: !t, - collapse_vars: !t, - comparisons: !t, - conditionals: !t, - dead_code: !t, - drop_console: !1, - drop_debugger: !t, - evaluate: !t, - expression: !1, - global_defs: { - }, - hoist_funs: !t, - hoist_vars: !1, - if_return: !t, - join_vars: !t, - keep_fargs: !0, - keep_fnames: !1, - keep_infinity: !1, - loops: !t, - negate_iife: !t, - passes: 1, - properties: !t, - pure_getters: !t && 'strict', - pure_funcs: null, - reduce_vars: !t, - screw_ie8: !0, - sequences: !t, - side_effects: !t, - switches: !t, - top_retain: null, - toplevel: !(!e || !e.top_retain), - unsafe: !1, - unsafe_comps: !1, - unsafe_math: !1, - unsafe_proto: !1, - unsafe_regexp: !1, - unused: !t, - warnings: !0 - }, !0); - var n = this.options.pure_funcs; - this.pure_funcs = 'function' == typeof n ? n : n ? function (e) { - return n.indexOf(e.expression.print_to_string()) < 0 - } - : y; - var r = this.options.top_retain; - r instanceof RegExp ? this.top_retain = function (e) { - return r.test( - } - : 'function' == typeof r ? this.top_retain = r : r && ('string' == typeof r && (r = r.split(/,/)), this.top_retain = function (e) { - return r.indexOf( >= 0 - }); - var i = this.options.sequences; - this.sequences_limit = 1 == i ? 200 : 0 | i, - this.warnings_produced = { - } - } - function nn(e) { - e = f(e, { - file: null, - root: null, - orig: null, - orig_line_diff: 0, - dest_line_diff: 0 - }); - var t = new i.SourceMapGenerator({ - file: e.file, - sourceRoot: e.root - }), - n = e.orig && new i.SourceMapConsumer(e.orig); - return n && Array.isArray(e.orig.sources) && n._sources.toArray().forEach(function (e) { - var r = n.sourceContentFor(e, !0); - r && t.setSourceContent(e, r) - }), - { - add: function (r, i, s, o, a, u) { - if (n) { - var l = n.originalPositionFor({ - line: o, - column: a - }); - if (null === l.source) return; - r = l.source, - o = l.line, - a = l.column, - u = || u - } - t.addMapping({ - generated: { - line: i + e.dest_line_diff, - column: s - }, - original: { - line: o + e.orig_line_diff, - column: a - }, - source: r, - name: u - }) - }, - get: function () { - return t - }, - toString: function () { - return JSON.stringify(t.toJSON()) - } - } - } - function rn() { - var e = [ - 'null', - 'true', - 'false', - 'Infinity', - '-Infinity', - 'undefined' - ]; - function t(t) { - A(e, t) - } - return [Object, - Array, - Function, - Number, - String, - Boolean, - Error, - Math, - Date, - RegExp].forEach(function (e) { - Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).map(t), - e.prototype && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e.prototype).map(t) - }), - e - } - function sn(e, t) { - var n = (t = f(t, { - cache: null, - debug: !1, - ignore_quoted: !1, - only_cache: !1, - regex: null, - reserved: null - })).reserved; - null == n && (n = rn()); - var r = t.cache; - null == r && (r = { - cname: - 1, - props: new k - }); - var i, - s = t.regex, - o = t.ignore_quoted, - a = !1 !== t.debug; - a && (i = !0 === t.debug ? '' : t.debug); - var u = [ - ], - l = [ - ], - c = { - }; - return e.walk(new pt(function (e) { - e instanceof Le ? d(e.key, o && e.quote) : e instanceof Re ? d( : e instanceof we ? d( : e instanceof De && function (e, t) { - var n = { - }; - try { - !function e(r) { - r.walk(new pt(function (r) { - if (r instanceof _e) return e(r.cdr), - !0; - if (r instanceof Ze) return d(r.value, t), - !0; - if (r instanceof Oe) return e(r.consequent), - e(r.alternative), - !0; - throw n - })) - }(e) - } catch (e) { - if (e !== n) throw e - } - }(, o) - })), - e.transform(new Ht(function (e) { - e instanceof Le ? o && e.quote || (e.key = m(e.key)) : e instanceof Re ? = m( : e instanceof we ? = m( : e instanceof De && (o || ( = function e(t) { - return t.transform(new Ht(function (t) { - return t instanceof _e ? t.cdr = e(t.cdr) : t instanceof Ze ? t.value = m(t.value) : t instanceof Oe && (t.consequent = e(t.consequent), t.alternative = e(t.alternative)), - t - })) - }( - })); - function p(e) { - return !(l.indexOf(e) >= 0) && (!(n.indexOf(e) >= 0) && (t.only_cache ? r.props.has(e) : !/^-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?(e[+-][0-9]+)?$/.test(e))) - } - function h(e) { - return !(o && e in c) && (!(s && !s.test(e)) && (!(n.indexOf(e) >= 0) && (r.props.has(e) || u.indexOf(e) >= 0))) - } - function d(e, t) { - t ? c[e] = !0 : (p(e) && A(u, e), h(e) || A(l, e)) - } - function m(e) { - if (!h(e)) return e; - var t = r.props.get(e); - if (!t) { - if (a) { - var n = '_$' + e + '$' + i + '_'; - !p(n) || o && n in c || (t = n) - } - if (!t) do { - t = Jt(++r.cname) - } while (!p(t) || o && t in c); - r.props.set(e, t) - } - return t - } - } - !function () { - function e(e, t) { - e.DEFMETHOD('_codegen', t) - } - var t = !1, - n = !1; - function r(e, t) { - Array.isArray(e) ? e.forEach(function (e) { - r(e, t) - }) : e.DEFMETHOD('needs_parens', t) - } - function i(e, t, r, i) { - var s = e.length - 1; - n = i, - e.forEach(function (e, i) { - !0 !== n || e instanceof R || e instanceof U || e instanceof L && e.body instanceof Ze || (n = !1), - e instanceof U || (r.indent(), e.print(r), i == s && t || (r.newline(), t && r.newline())), - !0 === n && e instanceof L && e.body instanceof Ze && (n = !1) - }), - n = !1 - } - function s(e, t, n) { - e.length > 0 ? t.with_block(function () { - i(e, !1, t, n) - }) : t.print('{}') - } - function o(e, t, n) { - if (n) try { - e.walk(new pt(function (e) { - if (e instanceof Fe && 'in' == e.operator) throw t - })), - e.print(t) - } catch (n) { - if (n !== t) throw n; - e.print(t, !0) - } else e.print(t) - } - function a(e, t, n) { - n.option('quote_keys') ? n.print_string(e + '') : ('number' == typeof e || !n.option('beautify') && + e + '' == e) && parseFloat(e) >= 0 ? n.print(c(e)) : (dt(e) ? n.option('screw_ie8') : Rt(e)) ? t && n.option('keep_quoted_props') ? n.print_string(e, t) : n.print_name(e) : n.print_string(e, t) - } - function u(e, t) { - t.option('bracketize') ? p(e, t) : !e || e instanceof U ? t.force_semicolon() : e.print(t) - } - function l(e, t) { - return e.args.length > 0 || t.option('beautify') - } - function c(e) { - var t, - n = e.toString(10), - r = [ - n.replace(/^0\./, '.').replace('e+', 'e') - ]; - return Math.floor(e) === e ? (e >= 0 ? r.push('0x' + e.toString(16).toLowerCase(), '0' + e.toString(8)) : r.push('-0x' + ( - e).toString(16).toLowerCase(), '-0' + ( - e).toString(8)), (t = /^(.*?)(0+)$/.exec(e)) && r.push(t[1] + 'e' + t[2].length)) : (t = /^0?\.(0+)(.*)$/.exec(e)) && r.push(t[2] + 'e-' + (t[1].length + t[2].length), n.substr(n.indexOf('.'))), - function (e) { - for (var t = e[0], n = t.length, r = 1; r < e.length; ++r) e[r].length < n && (n = (t = e[r]).length); - return t - }(r) - } - function p(e, t) { - !e || e instanceof U ? t.print('{}') : e instanceof M ? e.print(t) : t.with_block(function () { - t.indent(), - e.print(t), - t.newline() - }) - } - function h(e, t) { - e.DEFMETHOD('add_source_map', function (e) { - t(this, e) - }) - } - function f(e, t) { - t.add_mapping(e.start) - } - B.DEFMETHOD('print', function (e, n) { - var r = this, - i = r._codegen, - s = t; - function o() { - r.add_comments(e), - r.add_source_map(e), - i(r, e) - } - r instanceof R && 'use asm' == r.value && e.parent() instanceof X && (t = !0), - e.push_node(r), - n || r.needs_parens(e) ? e.with_parens(o) : o(), - e.pop_node(), - r instanceof X && (t = s) - }), - B.DEFMETHOD('print_to_string', function (e) { - var t = en(e); - return e || (t._readonly = !0), - this.print(t), - t.get() - }), - B.DEFMETHOD('add_comments', function (e) { - if (!e._readonly) { - var t = this.start; - if (t && !t._comments_dumped) { - t._comments_dumped = !0; - var n = t.comments_before || [ - ]; - if (this instanceof re && this.value && this.value.walk(new pt(function (e) { - if (e.start && e.start.comments_before && (n = n.concat(e.start.comments_before), e.start.comments_before = [ - ]), e instanceof ee || e instanceof Pe || e instanceof Ne) return !0 - })), 0 == e.pos()) { - n.length > 0 && e.option('shebang') && 'comment5' == n[0].type && (e.print('#!' + n.shift().value + '\n'), e.indent()); - var r = e.option('preamble'); - r && e.print(r.replace(/\r\n?|[\n\u2028\u2029]|\s*$/g, '\n')) - } - n = n.filter(e.comment_filter, this), - !e.option('beautify') && n.length > 0 && /comment[134]/.test(n[0].type) && 0 !== e.col() && n[0].nlb && e.print('\n'), - n.forEach(function (n) { - /comment[134]/.test(n.type) ? (e.print('//' + n.value + '\n'), e.indent()) : 'comment2' == n.type && (e.print('/*' + n.value + '*/'), t.nlb ? (e.print('\n'), e.indent()) : - }) - } - } - }), - r(B, function () { - return !1 - }), - r(ee, function (e) { - if (T(e)) return !0; - if (e.option('wrap_iife')) { - var t = e.parent(); - return t instanceof Ae && t.expression === this - } - return !1 - }), - r(Ne, function (e) { - return T(e) - }), - r(ke, function (e) { - var t = e.parent(); - return t instanceof Ce && t.expression === this || t instanceof Ae && t.expression === this - }), - r(_e, function (e) { - var t = e.parent(); - return t instanceof Ae || t instanceof ke || t instanceof Fe || t instanceof xe || t instanceof Ce || t instanceof Pe || t instanceof Re || t instanceof Oe - }), - r(Fe, function (e) { - var t = e.parent(); - if (t instanceof Ae && t.expression === this) return !0; - if (t instanceof ke) return !0; - if (t instanceof Ce && t.expression === this) return !0; - if (t instanceof Fe) { - var n = t.operator, - r = $t[n], - i = this.operator, - s = $t[i]; - if (r > s || r == s && this === t.right) return !0 - } - }), - r(Ce, function (e) { - var t = e.parent(); - if (t instanceof Ee && t.expression === this) try { - this.walk(new pt(function (e) { - if (e instanceof Ae) throw t - })) - } catch (e) { - if (e !== t) throw e; - return !0 - } - }), - r(Ae, function (e) { - var t, - n = e.parent(); - return n instanceof Ee && n.expression === this || this.expression instanceof ee && n instanceof Ce && n.expression === this && (t = e.parent(1)) instanceof Be && t.left === n - }), - r(Ee, function (e) { - var t = e.parent(); - if (!l(this, e) && (t instanceof Ce || t instanceof Ae && t.expression === this)) return !0 - }), - r(et, function (e) { - var t = e.parent(); - if (t instanceof Ce && t.expression === this) { - var n = this.getValue(); - if (n < 0 || /^0/.test(c(n))) return !0 - } - }), - r([Be, - Oe], function (e) { - var t = e.parent(); - return t instanceof ke || (t instanceof Fe && !(t instanceof Be) || (t instanceof Ae && t.expression === this || (t instanceof Oe && t.condition === this || (t instanceof Ce && t.expression === this || void 0)))) - }), - e(R, function (e, t) { - t.print_string(e.value, e.quote), - t.semicolon() - }), - e(N, function (e, t) { - t.print('debugger'), - t.semicolon() - }), - V.DEFMETHOD('_do_print_body', function (e) { - u(this.body, e) - }), - e(P, function (e, t) { - e.body.print(t), - t.semicolon() - }), - e(J, function (e, t) { - i(e.body, !0, t, !0), - t.print('') - }), - e(z, function (e, t) { - e.label.print(t), - t.colon(), - e.body.print(t) - }), - e(L, function (e, t) { - e.body.print(t), - t.semicolon() - }), - e(M, function (e, t) { - s(e.body, t) - }), - e(U, function (e, t) { - t.semicolon() - }), - e($, function (e, t) { - t.print('do'), -, - p(e.body, t), -, - t.print('while'), -, - t.with_parens(function () { - e.condition.print(t) - }), - t.semicolon() - }), - e(Y, function (e, t) { - t.print('while'), -, - t.with_parens(function () { - e.condition.print(t) - }), -, - e._do_print_body(t) - }), - e(W, function (e, t) { - t.print('for'), -, - t.with_parens(function () { - e.init ? (e.init instanceof ye ? e.init.print(t) : o(e.init, t, !0), t.print(';'), : t.print(';'), - e.condition ? (e.condition.print(t), t.print(';'), : t.print(';'), - e.step && e.step.print(t) - }), -, - e._do_print_body(t) - }), - e(G, function (e, t) { - t.print('for'), -, - t.with_parens(function () { - e.init.print(t), -, - t.print('in'), -, - e.object.print(t) - }), -, - e._do_print_body(t) - }), - e(H, function (e, t) { - t.print('with'), -, - t.with_parens(function () { - e.expression.print(t) - }), -, - e._do_print_body(t) - }), - Q.DEFMETHOD('_do_print', function (e, t) { - var n = this; - t || e.print('function'), - && (,, - e.with_parens(function () { - n.argnames.forEach(function (t, n) { - n && e.comma(), - t.print(e) - }) - }), -, - s(n.body, e, !0) - }), - e(Q, function (e, t) { - e._do_print(t) - }), - re.DEFMETHOD('_do_print', function (e, t) { - e.print(t), - this.value && (, this.value.print(e)), - e.semicolon() - }), - e(ie, function (e, t) { - e._do_print(t, 'return') - }), - e(se, function (e, t) { - e._do_print(t, 'throw') - }), - oe.DEFMETHOD('_do_print', function (e, t) { - e.print(t), - this.label && (, this.label.print(e)), - e.semicolon() - }), - e(ae, function (e, t) { - e._do_print(t, 'break') - }), - e(ue, function (e, t) { - e._do_print(t, 'continue') - }), - e(le, function (e, t) { - t.print('if'), -, - t.with_parens(function () { - e.condition.print(t) - }), -, - e.alternative ? (!function (e, t) { - var n = e.body; - if (t.option('bracketize') || !t.option('screw_ie8') && n instanceof $) return p(n, t); - if (!n) return t.force_semicolon(); - for (; ; ) if (n instanceof le) { - if (!n.alternative) return void p(e.body, t); - n = n.alternative - } else { - if (!(n instanceof V)) break; - n = n.body - } - u(e.body, t) - }(e, t),, t.print('else'),, e.alternative instanceof le ? e.alternative.print(t) : u(e.alternative, t)) : e._do_print_body(t) - }), - e(ce, function (e, t) { - t.print('switch'), -, - t.with_parens(function () { - e.expression.print(t) - }), -; - var n = e.body.length - 1; - n < 0 ? t.print('{}') : t.with_block(function () { - e.body.forEach(function (e, r) { - t.indent(!0), - e.print(t), - r < n && e.body.length > 0 && t.newline() - }) - }) - }), - pe.DEFMETHOD('_do_print_body', function (e) { - e.newline(), - this.body.forEach(function (t) { - e.indent(), - t.print(e), - e.newline() - }) - }), - e(he, function (e, t) { - t.print('default:'), - e._do_print_body(t) - }), - e(fe, function (e, t) { - t.print('case'), -, - e.expression.print(t), - t.print(':'), - e._do_print_body(t) - }), - e(de, function (e, t) { - t.print('try'), -, - s(e.body, t), - e.bcatch && (, e.bcatch.print(t)), - e.bfinally && (, e.bfinally.print(t)) - }), - e(me, function (e, t) { - t.print('catch'), -, - t.with_parens(function () { - e.argname.print(t) - }), -, - s(e.body, t) - }), - e(ge, function (e, t) { - t.print('finally'), -, - s(e.body, t) - }), - ye.DEFMETHOD('_do_print', function (e, t) { - e.print(t), -, - this.definitions.forEach(function (t, n) { - n && e.comma(), - t.print(e) - }); - var n = e.parent(); - (n instanceof W || n instanceof G) && n.init === this || e.semicolon() - }), - e(ve, function (e, t) { - e._do_print(t, 'var') - }), - e(be, function (e, t) { - e._do_print(t, 'const') - }), - e(xe, function (e, t) { - if (, e.value) { -, - t.print('='), -; - var n = t.parent(1), - r = n instanceof W || n instanceof G; - o(e.value, t, r) - } - }), - e(Ae, function (e, t) { - e.expression.print(t), - e instanceof Ee && !l(e, t) || t.with_parens(function () { - e.args.forEach(function (e, n) { - n && t.comma(), - e.print(t) - }) - }) - }), - e(Ee, function (e, t) { - t.print('new'), -, - Ae.prototype._codegen(e, t) - }), - _e.DEFMETHOD('_do_print', function (e) { -, - this.cdr && (e.comma(), e.should_break() && (e.newline(), e.indent()), this.cdr.print(e)) - }), - e(_e, function (e, t) { - e._do_print(t) - }), - e(we, function (e, t) { - var n = e.expression; - n.print(t), - n instanceof et && n.getValue() >= 0 && (/[xa-f.)]/i.test(t.last()) || t.print('.')), - t.print('.'), - t.add_mapping(e.end), - t.print_name( - }), - e(De, function (e, t) { - e.expression.print(t), - t.print('['), -, - t.print(']') - }), - e(Se, function (e, t) { - var n = e.operator; - t.print(n), - (/^[a-z]/i.test(n) || /[+-]$/.test(n) && e.expression instanceof Se && /^[+-]/.test(e.expression.operator)) &&, - e.expression.print(t) - }), - e(Te, function (e, t) { - e.expression.print(t), - t.print(e.operator) - }), - e(Fe, function (e, t) { - var n = e.operator; - e.left.print(t), - '>' == n[0] && e.left instanceof Te && '--' == e.left.operator ? t.print(' ') :, - t.print(n), - ('<' == n || '<<' == n) && e.right instanceof Se && '!' == e.right.operator && e.right.expression instanceof Se && '--' == e.right.expression.operator ? t.print(' ') :, - e.right.print(t) - }), - e(Oe, function (e, t) { - e.condition.print(t), -, - t.print('?'), -, - e.consequent.print(t), -, - t.colon(), - e.alternative.print(t) - }), - e(Pe, function (e, t) { - t.with_square(function () { - var n = e.elements, - r = n.length; - r > 0 &&, - n.forEach(function (e, n) { - n && t.comma(), - e.print(t), - n === r - 1 && e instanceof ot && t.comma() - }), - r > 0 && - }) - }), - e(Ne, function (e, t) { - > 0 ? t.with_block(function () { - (e, n) { - n && (t.print(','), t.newline()), - t.indent(), - e.print(t) - }), - t.newline() - }) : t.print('{}') - }), - e(Le, function (e, t) { - a(e.key, e.quote, t), - t.colon(), - e.value.print(t) - }), - Re.DEFMETHOD('_print_getter_setter', function (e, t) { - t.print(e), -, - a(, this.quote, t), - this.value._do_print(t, !0) - }), - e(Ie, function (e, t) { - e._print_getter_setter('set', t) - }), - e(je, function (e, t) { - e._print_getter_setter('get', t) - }), - e(Me, function (e, t) { - var n = e.definition(); - t.print_name(n ? n.mangled_name || : - }), - e(ot, m), - e(Je, function (e, t) { - t.print('this') - }), - e(Qe, function (e, t) { - t.print(e.getValue()) - }), - e(Ze, function (e, t) { - t.print_string(e.getValue(), e.quote, n) - }), - e(et, function (e, n) { - t && e.start && null != e.start.raw ? n.print(e.start.raw) : n.print(c(e.getValue())) - }), - e(tt, function (e, t) { - var n = e.getValue().toString(); - t.option('ascii_only') ? n = t.to_ascii(n) : t.option('unescape_regexps') && (n = n.split('\\\\').map(function (e) { - return e.replace(/\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}/g, function (e) { - var t = parseInt(e.substr(2), 16); - return function (e) { - return [92, - 47, - 46, - 43, - 42, - 63, - 40, - 41, - 91, - 93, - 123, - 125, - 36, - 94, - 58, - 124, - 33, - 10, - 13, - 0, - 65279, - 8232, - 8233].indexOf(e) < 0 - }(t) ? String.fromCharCode(t) : e - }) - }).join('\\\\')), - t.print(n); - var r = t.parent(); - r instanceof Fe && /^in/.test(r.operator) && r.left === e && t.print(' ') - }), - h(B, m), - h(R, f), - h(N, f), - h(Me, f), - h(ne, f), - h(V, f), - h(z, m), - h(Q, f), - h(ce, f), - h(pe, f), - h(M, f), - h(J, m), - h(Ee, f), - h(de, f), - h(me, f), - h(ge, f), - h(ye, f), - h(Qe, f), - h(Ie, function (e, t) { - t.add_mapping(e.start, - }), - h(je, function (e, t) { - t.add_mapping(e.start, - }), - h(Re, function (e, t) { - t.add_mapping(e.start, e.key) - }) - }(), - tn.prototype = new Ht, - d(tn.prototype, { - option: function (e) { - return this.options[e] - }, - compress: function (e) { - this.option('expression') && (e = e.process_expression(!0)); - for (var t = + this.options.passes || 1, n = 0; n < t && n < 3; ++n) (n > 0 || this.option('reduce_vars')) && e.reset_opt_flags(this, !0), - e = e.transform(this); - return this.option('expression') && (e = e.process_expression(!1)), - e - }, - info: function () { - 'verbose' == this.options.warnings && B.warn.apply(B, arguments) - }, - warn: function (e, t) { - if (this.options.warnings) { - var n = E(e, t); - n in this.warnings_produced || (this.warnings_produced[n] = !0, B.warn.apply(B, arguments)) - } - }, - clear_warnings: function () { - this.warnings_produced = { - } - }, - before: function (e, t, n) { - if (e._squeezed) return e; - var r = !1; - e instanceof X && (e = e.hoist_declarations(this), r = !0), - t(e, this), - t(e, this); - var i = e.optimize(this); - return r && i instanceof X && (i.drop_unused(this), t(i, this)), - i === e && (i._squeezed = !0), - i - } - }), - function () { - function e(e, t) { - e.DEFMETHOD('optimize', function (e) { - if (this._optimized) return this; - if (e.has_directive('use asm')) return this; - var n = t(this, e); - return n._optimized = !0, - n - }) - } - function t(e) { - if (!(e instanceof He)) return !1; - for (var t = e.definition().orig, n = t.length; --n >= 0; ) if (t[n] instanceof qe) return !0 - } - function n(e, t) { - for (var n, r = 0; (n = e.parent(r++)) && !(n instanceof X); ) if (n instanceof me) { - n = n.argname.definition().scope; - break - } - return n.find_variable(t) - } - function r(e, t, n) { - return n || (n = { - }), - t && (n.start || (n.start = t.start), n.end || (n.end = t.end)), - new e(n) - } - function i(e, t) { - switch (typeof e) { - case 'string': - return r(Ze, t, { - value: e - }); - case 'number': - return isNaN(e) ? r(it, t) : isFinite(e) ? 1 / e < 0 ? r(Se, t, { - operator: '-', - expression: r(et, t, { - value: - e - }) - }) : r(et, t, { - value: e - }) : e < 0 ? r(Se, t, { - operator: '-', - expression: r(at, t) - }) : r(at, t); - case 'boolean': - return r(e ? ct : lt, t); - case 'undefined': - return r(st, t); - default: - if (null === e) return r(rt, t, { - value: null - }); - if (e instanceof RegExp) return r(tt, t, { - value: e - }); - throw new Error(E('Can\'t handle constant of type: {type}', { - type: typeof e - })) - } - } - function s(e, t, n) { - return e instanceof Se && 'delete' == e.operator || e instanceof Ae && e.expression === t && (n instanceof Ce || n instanceof He && 'eval' == ? r(_e, t, { - car: r(et, t, { - value: 0 - }), - cdr: n - }) : n - } - function o(e) { - if (null === e) return []; - if (e instanceof M) return e.body; - if (e instanceof U) return []; - if (e instanceof P) return [e]; - throw new Error('Can\'t convert thing to statement array') - } - function a(e) { - return null === e || (e instanceof U || e instanceof M && 0 == e.body.length) - } - function c(e) { - return e instanceof ce ? e : (e instanceof W || e instanceof G || e instanceof K) && e.body instanceof M ? e.body : e - } - function p(e) { - return e instanceof Ae && !(e instanceof Ee) && (e.expression instanceof ee || p(e.expression)) - } - function h(e, t) { - var n, - i = 10; - do { - n = !1, - t.option('angular') && (e = u(e)), - e = l(e), - t.option('dead_code') && (e = h(e, t)), - t.option('if_return') && (e = p(e, t)), - t.sequences_limit > 0 && (e = m(e, t)), - t.option('join_vars') && (e = g(e, t)), - t.option('collapse_vars') && (e = a(e, t)) - } while (n && i-- > 0); - return e; - function a(e, t) { - for (var i = t.self(), o = !1, u = t.option('toplevel'), l = e.length; --l >= 0; ) { - var c = e[l]; - if (!(c instanceof ye)) { - if ([c, - c.body, - c.alternative, - c.bcatch, - c.bfinally].forEach(function (e) { - e && e.body && a(e.body, t) - }), l <= 0) break; - var p = l - 1, - h = e[p]; - if (h instanceof ye) { - var f = h.definitions; - if (null != f) for (var d = { - }, m = !1, g = !1, y = { - }, v = f.length; --v >= 0; ) { - var b = f[v]; - if (null == b.value) break; - var x =; - if (!x || !x.length) break; - if (x in d) break; - d[x] = !0; - var A = i.find_variable && i.find_variable(x); - if (A && A.references && 1 === A.references.length && 'arguments' != x && (u || ! { - var E = A.references[0]; - if (E.scope.uses_eval || E.scope.uses_with) break; - if (b.value.is_constant()) { - var _ = new Ht(function (e) { - var t = _.parent(); - return t instanceof q && (t.condition === e || t.init === e) ? e : e === E ? F(e, t, !0) : void 0 - }); - c.transform(_) - } else if (!(m |= g)) { - var C = b.value.has_side_effects(t); - if (E.scope === i) { - var w = new pt(function (e) { - e instanceof He && T(e, w.parent()) && (y[] = g = !0) - }); - b.value.walk(w); - var D = !1, - k = new Ht(function (e) { - if (D) return e; - var t = k.parent(); - if (e instanceof Q || e instanceof de || e instanceof H || e instanceof fe || e instanceof q || t instanceof le && e !== t.condition || t instanceof Oe && e !== t.condition || e instanceof He && C && !function (e, t) { - if (1 === e.orig.length && e.orig[0] instanceof $e) return !0; - if (e.scope !== t) return !1; - for (var n = e.references, r = 0, i = n.length; r < i; r++) if (n[r].scope !== t) return !1; - return !0 - }(e.definition(), i) || t instanceof Fe && ('&&' == t.operator || '||' == t.operator) && e === t.right || t instanceof ce && e !== t.expression) return m = D = !0, - e - }, function (e) { - return D ? e : e === E ? (D = !0, F(e, k.parent(), !1)) : (m |= e.has_side_effects(t)) ? (D = !0, e) : g && e instanceof He && in y ? (m = !0, D = !0, e) : void 0 - }); - c.transform(k) - } else m |= C - } - } else m = !0 - } - } - } - } - if (o) for (var S = e.length; --S >= 0; ) e.length > 1 && e[S] instanceof U && e.splice(S, 1); - return e; - function T(e, t) { - return e instanceof He && ge(e, t) - } - function F(a, u, l) { - if (T(a, u)) return a; - var h = s(u, a, b.value); - return b.value = null, - f.splice(v, 1), - 0 === f.length && (e[p] = r(U, i), o = !0), - c.reset_opt_flags(t), -'Collapsing ' + (l ? 'constant' : 'variable') + ' ' + x + ' [{file}:{line},{col}]', a.start), - n = !0, - h - } - } - function u(e) { - function n(e) { - return /@ngInject/.test(e.value) - } - function i(e) { - return (e) { - return r(Ze, e, { - value: - }) - }) - } - function s(e, t) { - return r(Pe, e, { - elements: t - }) - } - function o(e, t) { - return r(L, e, { - body: r(Be, e, { - operator: '=', - left: r(we, t, { - expression: r(He, t, t), - property: '$inject' - }), - right: s(e, i(e)) - }) - }) - } - return e.reduce(function (e, r) { - if (e.push(r), r.body && r.body.args) !function e(t) { - t && t.args && (t.args.forEach(function (e, t, r) { - var o = e.start.comments_before; - e instanceof Q && o.length && n(o[0]) && (r[t] = s(e, i(e).concat(e))) - }), t.expression && t.expression.expression && e(t.expression.expression)) - }(r.body); - else { - var a = r.start, - u = a.comments_before; - if (u && u.length > 0) n(u.pop()) && (r instanceof te ? e.push(o(r, : r instanceof ye ? r.definitions.forEach(function (t) { - t.value && t.value instanceof Q && e.push(o(t.value, - }) : t.warn('Unknown statement marked with @ngInject [{file}:{line},{col}]', a)) - } - return e - }, [ - ]) - } - function l(e) { - var t = [ - ]; - return e.reduce(function (e, r) { - return r instanceof M ? (n = !0, e.push.apply(e, l(r.body))) : r instanceof U ? n = !0 : r instanceof R ? t.indexOf(r.value) < 0 ? (e.push(r), t.push(r.value)) : n = !0 : e.push(r), - e - }, [ - ]) - } - function p(e, t) { - var i = t.self(), - s = function (e) { - for (var t = 0, n = e.length; --n >= 0; ) { - var r = e[n]; - if (r instanceof le && r.body instanceof ie && ++t > 1) return !0 - } - return !1 - }(e), - a = i instanceof Q, - u = [ - ]; - e: for (var l = e.length; --l >= 0; ) { - var p = e[l]; - switch (!0) { - case a && p instanceof ie && !p.value && 0 == u.length: - n = !0; - continue e; - case p instanceof le: - if (p.body instanceof ie) { - if ((a && 0 == u.length || u[0] instanceof ie && !u[0].value) && !p.body.value && !p.alternative) { - n = !0; - var h = r(L, p.condition, { - body: p.condition - }); - u.unshift(h); - continue e - } - if (u[0] instanceof ie && p.body.value && u[0].value && !p.alternative) { - n = !0, - (p = p.clone()).alternative = u[0], - u[0] = p.transform(t); - continue e - } - if (s && (0 == u.length || u[0] instanceof ie) && p.body.value && !p.alternative && a) { - n = !0, - (p = p.clone()).alternative = u[0] || r(ie, p, { - value: null - }), - u[0] = p.transform(t); - continue e - } - if (!p.body.value && a) { - n = !0, - (p = p.clone()).condition = p.condition.negate(t); - var d = f(g = o(p.alternative).concat(u)); - p.body = r(M, p, { - body: g - }), - p.alternative = null, - u = d.concat([p.transform(t)]); - continue e - } - if (t.option('sequences') && l > 0 && e[l - 1] instanceof le && e[l - 1].body instanceof ie && 1 == u.length && a && u[0] instanceof L && !p.alternative) { - n = !0, - u.push(r(ie, u[0], { - value: null - }).transform(t)), - u.unshift(p); - continue e - } - } - var m = (y = je(p.body)) instanceof oe ? t.loopcontrol_target(y) : null; - if (y && (y instanceof ie && !y.value && a || y instanceof ue && i === c(m) || y instanceof ae && m instanceof M && i === m)) { - y.label && _(y.label.thedef.references, y), - n = !0; - var g = o(p.body).slice(0, - 1); - (p = p.clone()).condition = p.condition.negate(t), - p.body = r(M, p, { - body: o(p.alternative).concat(u) - }), - p.alternative = r(M, p, { - body: g - }), - u = [ - p.transform(t) - ]; - continue e - } - var y; - m = (y = je(p.alternative)) instanceof oe ? t.loopcontrol_target(y) : null; - if (y && (y instanceof ie && !y.value && a || y instanceof ue && i === c(m) || y instanceof ae && m instanceof M && i === m)) { - y.label && _(y.label.thedef.references, y), - n = !0, - (p = p.clone()).body = r(M, p.body, { - body: o(p.body).concat(u) - }), - p.alternative = r(M, p.alternative, { - body: o(p.alternative).slice(0, - 1) - }), - u = [ - p.transform(t) - ]; - continue e - } - u.unshift(p); - break; - default: - u.unshift(p) - } - } - return u - } - function h(e, t) { - var r = !1, - i = e.length, - s = t.self(); - return e = e.reduce(function (e, n) { - if (r) d(t, n, e); - else { - if (n instanceof oe) { - var i = t.loopcontrol_target(n); - n instanceof ae && !(i instanceof q) && c(i) === s || n instanceof ue && c(i) === s ? n.label && _(n.label.thedef.references, n) : e.push(n) - } else e.push(n); - je(n) && (r = !0) - } - return e - }, [ - ]), - n = e.length != i, - e - } - function m(e, t) { - if (e.length < 2) return e; - var i = [ - ], - s = [ - ]; - function o() { - (i = _e.from_array(i)) && s.push(r(L, i, { - body: i - })), - i = [ - ] - } - return e.forEach(function (e) { - if (e instanceof L) { - (function (e) { - for (var t = 0, n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) { - var r = e[n]; - r instanceof _e ? t += r.len() : t++ - } - return t - }) (i) >= t.sequences_limit && o(); - var n = e.body; - i.length > 0 && (n = n.drop_side_effect_free(t)), - n && i.push(n) - } else o(), - s.push(e) - }), - o(), - s = function (e, t) { - function n(e) { - i.pop(); - var n = s.body; - return n instanceof _e ? n.add(e) : n = _e.cons(n, e), - n.transform(t) - } - var i = [ - ], - s = null; - return e.forEach(function (e) { - if (s) if (e instanceof W) { - var o = { - }; - try { - s.body.walk(new pt(function (e) { - if (e instanceof Fe && 'in' == e.operator) throw o - })), - !e.init || e.init instanceof ye ? e.init || (e.init = s.body.drop_side_effect_free(t), i.pop()) : e.init = n(e.init) - } catch (e) { - if (e !== o) throw e - } - } else e instanceof le ? e.condition = n(e.condition) : e instanceof H ? e.expression = n(e.expression) : e instanceof re && e.value ? e.value = n(e.value) : e instanceof re ? e.value = n(r(st, e).transform(t)) : e instanceof ce && (e.expression = n(e.expression)); - i.push(e), - s = e instanceof L ? e : null - }), - i - }(s, t), - n = s.length != e.length, - s - } - function g(e, t) { - var r = null; - return e.reduce(function (e, t) { - return t instanceof ye && r && r.TYPE == t.TYPE ? (r.definitions = r.definitions.concat(t.definitions), n = !0) : t instanceof W && r instanceof ve && (!t.init || t.init.TYPE == r.TYPE) ? (n = !0, e.pop(), t.init ? t.init.definitions = r.definitions.concat(t.init.definitions) : t.init = r, e.push(t), r = t) : (r = t, e.push(t)), - e - }, [ - ]) - } - } - function f(e) { - for (var t = [ - ], n = e.length - 1; n >= 0; --n) { - var r = e[n]; - r instanceof te && (e.splice(n, 1), t.unshift(r)) - } - return t - } - function d(e, t, n) { - t instanceof te || e.warn('Dropping unreachable code [{file}:{line},{col}]', t.start), - t.walk(new pt(function (t) { - return t instanceof ye ? (e.warn('Declarations in unreachable code! [{file}:{line},{col}]', t.start), t.remove_initializers(), n.push(t), !0) : t instanceof te ? (n.push(t), !0) : t instanceof X || void 0 - })) - } - function A(e, t) { - return e.is_undefined || e instanceof st || e instanceof Se && 'void' == e.operator && !e.expression.has_side_effects(t) - } - var F, - O, - V; - e(B, function (e, t) { - return e - }), - B.DEFMETHOD('equivalent_to', function (e) { - return this.TYPE == e.TYPE && this.print_to_string() == e.print_to_string() - }), - B.DEFMETHOD('process_expression', function (e, t) { - var n = this, - i = new Ht(function (s) { - if (e && s instanceof L) return r(ie, s, { - value: s.body - }); - if (!e && s instanceof ie) { - if (t) { - var o = s.value && s.value.drop_side_effect_free(t, !0); - return o ? r(L, s, { - body: o - }) : r(U, s) - } - return r(L, s, { - body: s.value || r(Se, s, { - operator: 'void', - expression: r(et, s, { - value: 0 - }) - }) - }) - } - if (s instanceof Q && s !== n) return s; - if (s instanceof j) { - var a = s.body.length - 1; - a >= 0 && (s.body[a] = s.body[a].transform(i)) - } - return s instanceof le && (s.body = s.body.transform(i), s.alternative && (s.alternative = s.alternative.transform(i))), - s instanceof H && (s.body = s.body.transform(i)), - s - }); - return n.transform(i) - }), - B.DEFMETHOD('reset_opt_flags', function (e, t) { - var n = t && e.option('reduce_vars'), - i = e.option('toplevel'), - s = Object.create(null), - o = new pt(function (e) { - if (e instanceof Me) { - var t = e.definition(); - e instanceof He && t.references.push(e), - t.fixed = !1 - } - }), - a = new pt(function (e, t) { - if (e._squeezed = !1, e._optimized = !1, n) { - var f; - if (e instanceof J && e.globals.each(h), e instanceof X && e.variables.each(h), e instanceof He) if ((m = e.definition()).references.push(e), void 0 === m.fixed || !l(m) || function e(t, n, r) { - var i = a.parent(n); - if (ge(t, i) || !r && i instanceof Ae && i.expression === t) return !0; - if (i instanceof Ce && i.expression === t) return !r && e(i, n + 1) - }(e, 0, e.fixed_value() instanceof Q)) m.fixed = !1; - else { - var d = a.parent(); - (d instanceof Be && '=' == d.operator && e === d.right || d instanceof Ae && e !== d.expression || d instanceof ie && e === d.value && e.scope !== m.scope || d instanceof xe && e === d.value) && (m.escaped = !0) - } - if (e instanceof We && (e.definition().fixed = !1), e instanceof xe) { - if (null == (m = return e.value ? (m.fixed = function () { - return e.value - }, u(m, !1), t()) : m.fixed = null, - u(m, !0), - !0; - e.value && (m.fixed = !1) - } - if (e instanceof te) { - var m =; - !i && || l(m) ? m.fixed = !1 : (m.fixed = e, u(m, !0)); - var g = s; - return s = Object.create(null), - t(), - s = g, - !0 - } - if (e instanceof ee) return c(), - ! && (f = a.parent()) instanceof Ae && f.expression === e && e.argnames.forEach(function (t, n) { - var i = t.definition(); - e.uses_arguments || void 0 !== i.fixed ? i.fixed = !1 : (i.fixed = function () { - return f.args[n] || r(st, f) - }, u(i, !0)) - }), - t(), - p(), - !0; - if (e instanceof Z) { - g = s; - return s = Object.create(null), - t(), - s = g, - !0 - } - if (e instanceof Fe && ('&&' == e.operator || '||' == e.operator)) return e.left.walk(a), - c(), - e.right.walk(a), - p(), - !0; - if (e instanceof Oe) return e.condition.walk(a), - c(), - e.consequent.walk(a), - p(), - c(), - e.alternative.walk(a), - p(), - !0; - if (e instanceof le || e instanceof K) return e.condition.walk(a), - c(), - e.body.walk(a), - p(), - e.alternative && (c(), e.alternative.walk(a), p()), - !0; - if (e instanceof z) return c(), - e.body.walk(a), - p(), - !0; - if (e instanceof W) return e.init && e.init.walk(a), - c(), - e.condition && e.condition.walk(a), - e.body.walk(a), - e.step && e.step.walk(a), - p(), - !0; - if (e instanceof G) return e.init.walk(o), - e.object.walk(a), - c(), - e.body.walk(a), - p(), - !0; - if (e instanceof de) return c(), - I(e, a), - p(), - e.bcatch && (c(), e.bcatch.walk(a), p()), - e.bfinally && e.bfinally.walk(a), - !0; - if (e instanceof pe) return c(), - t(), - p(), - !0 - } - }); - function u(e, t) { - s[] = t - } - function l(e) { - if (s[]) { - if (null == e.fixed) { - var t = e.orig[0]; - if (t instanceof Ke || 'arguments' == return !1; - e.fixed = r(st, t) - } - return !0 - } - } - function c() { - s = Object.create(s) - } - function p() { - s = Object.getPrototypeOf(s) - } - function h(e) { - e.escaped = !1, - e.scope.uses_eval ? e.fixed = !1 : i || ! || e.orig[0] instanceof qe ? e.fixed = void 0 : e.fixed = !1, - e.references = [ - ], - e.should_replace = void 0 - } - this.walk(a) - }), - He.DEFMETHOD('fixed_value', function () { - var e = this.definition().fixed; - return !e || e instanceof B ? e : e() - }), - function (e) { - function t(e) { - return /strict/.test(e) - } - B.DEFMETHOD('may_throw_on_access', function (e) { - var t = e.option('pure_getters'); - return !t || this._throw_on_access(t) - }), - e(B, t), - e(rt, y), - e(st, y), - e(Qe, g), - e(Pe, g), - e(Ne, function (e) { - if (!t(e)) return !1; - for (var n =; --n >= 0; ) if ([n].value instanceof Z) return !0; - return !1 - }), - e(ee, g), - e(Te, g), - e(Se, function () { - return 'void' == this.operator - }), - e(Fe, function (e) { - switch (this.operator) { - case '&&': - return this.left._throw_on_access(e); - case '||': - return this.left._throw_on_access(e) && this.right._throw_on_access(e); - default: - return !1 - } - }), - e(Be, function (e) { - return '=' == this.operator && this.right._throw_on_access(e) - }), - e(Oe, function (e) { - return this.consequent._throw_on_access(e) || this.alternative._throw_on_access(e) - }), - e(_e, function (e) { - return this.cdr._throw_on_access(e) - }), - e(He, function (e) { - if (this.is_undefined) return !0; - if (!t(e)) return !1; - var n = this.fixed_value(); - return !n || n._throw_on_access(e) - }) - }(function (e, t) { - e.DEFMETHOD('_throw_on_access', t) - }), - O = [ - '!', - 'delete' - ], - V = [ - 'in', - 'instanceof', - '==', - '!=', - '===', - '!==', - '<', - '<=', - '>=', - '>' - ], - (F = function (e, t) { - e.DEFMETHOD('is_boolean', t) - }) (B, g), - F(Se, function () { - return u(this.operator, O) - }), - F(Fe, function () { - return u(this.operator, V) || ('&&' == this.operator || '||' == this.operator) && this.left.is_boolean() && this.right.is_boolean() - }), - F(Oe, function () { - return this.consequent.is_boolean() && this.alternative.is_boolean() - }), - F(Be, function () { - return '=' == this.operator && this.right.is_boolean() - }), - F(_e, function () { - return this.cdr.is_boolean() - }), - F(ct, y), - F(lt, y), - function (e) { - e(B, g), - e(et, y); - var t = w('+ - ~ ++ --'); - e(ke, function () { - return t(this.operator) - }); - var n = w('- * / % & | ^ << >> >>>'); - e(Fe, function (e) { - return n(this.operator) || '+' == this.operator && this.left.is_number(e) && this.right.is_number(e) - }), - e(Be, function (e) { - return n(this.operator.slice(0, - 1)) || '=' == this.operator && this.right.is_number(e) - }), - e(_e, function (e) { - return this.cdr.is_number(e) - }), - e(Oe, function (e) { - return this.consequent.is_number(e) && this.alternative.is_number(e) - }) - }(function (e, t) { - e.DEFMETHOD('is_number', t) - }), - function (e) { - e(B, g), - e(Ze, y), - e(Se, function () { - return 'typeof' == this.operator - }), - e(Fe, function (e) { - return '+' == this.operator && (this.left.is_string(e) || this.right.is_string(e)) - }), - e(Be, function (e) { - return ('=' == this.operator || '+=' == this.operator) && this.right.is_string(e) - }), - e(_e, function (e) { - return this.cdr.is_string(e) - }), - e(Oe, function (e) { - return this.consequent.is_string(e) && this.alternative.is_string(e) - }) - }(function (e, t) { - e.DEFMETHOD('is_string', t) - }); - var se = w('delete ++ --'); - function ge(e, t) { - return t instanceof ke && se(t.operator) ? t.expression : t instanceof Be && t.left === e ? e : void 0 - } - function be(e, t) { - return e.print_to_string().length > t.print_to_string().length ? t : e - } - function Ie(e, t, n) { - return (T(e) ? function (e, t) { - return be(r(L, e, { - body: e - }), r(L, t, { - body: t - })).body - } - : be) (t, n) - } - function je(e) { - return e && e.aborts() - } - !function (e) { - B.DEFMETHOD('resolve_defines', function (e) { - if (e.option('global_defs')) { - var t = this._find_defs(e, ''); - if (t) { - var n, - r = this, - i = 0; - do { - n = r, - r = e.parent(i++) - } while (r instanceof Ce && r.expression === n); - if (!ge(n, r)) return t; - e.warn('global_defs ' + this.print_to_string() + ' redefined [{file}:{line},{col}]', this.start) - } - } - }), - e(B, m), - e(we, function (e, t) { - return this.expression._find_defs(e, '.' + + t) - }), - e(He, function (e, t) { - if ( { - var n, - s = e.option('global_defs'); - if (s && S(s, n = + t)) { - var o = function e(t, n) { - if (t instanceof B) return r(t.CTOR, n, t); - if (Array.isArray(t)) return r(Pe, n, { - elements: (t) { - return e(t, n) - }) - }); - if (t && 'object' == typeof t) { - var s = [ - ]; - for (var o in t) s.push(r(Le, n, { - key: o, - value: e(t[o], n) - })); - return r(Ne, n, { - properties: s - }) - } - return i(t, n) - }(s[n], this), - a = e.find_parent(J); - return o.walk(new pt(function (e) { - e instanceof He && (e.scope = a, e.thedef = a.def_global(e)) - })), - o - } - } - }) - }(function (e, t) { - e.DEFMETHOD('_find_defs', t) - }), - function (e) { - B.DEFMETHOD('evaluate', function (t) { - if (!t.option('evaluate')) return this; - try { - var n = this._eval(t); - return !n || n instanceof RegExp || 'object' != typeof n ? n : this - } catch (t) { - if (t !== e) throw t; - return this - } - }); - var t = w('! ~ - + void'); - function n(e, t) { - if (!t) throw new Error('Compressor must be passed'); - return e._eval(t) - } - B.DEFMETHOD('is_constant', function () { - return this instanceof Qe ? !(this instanceof tt) : this instanceof Se && this.expression instanceof Qe && t(this.operator) - }), - B.DEFMETHOD('constant_value', function (e) { - if (this instanceof Qe && !(this instanceof tt)) return this.value; - if (this instanceof Se && this.expression instanceof Qe) switch (this.operator) { - case '!': - return !this.expression.value; - case '~': - return ~this.expression.value; - case '-': - return - this.expression.value; - case '+': - return + this.expression.value; - default: - throw new Error(E('Cannot evaluate unary expression {value}', { - value: this.print_to_string() - })) - } - var t = this.evaluate(e); - if (t !== this) return t; - throw new Error(E('Cannot evaluate constant [{file}:{line},{col}]', this.start)) - }), - e(P, function () { - throw new Error(E('Cannot evaluate a statement [{file}:{line},{col}]', this.start)) - }), - e(Q, function () { - throw e - }), - e(B, function () { - throw e - }), - e(Qe, function () { - return this.getValue() - }), - e(Pe, function (t) { - if (t.option('unsafe')) return (e) { - return n(e, t) - }); - throw e - }), - e(Ne, function (t) { - if (t.option('unsafe')) { - for (var r = { - }, i = 0, s =; i < s; i++) { - var o =[i], - a = o.key; - if (a instanceof Me ? a = : a instanceof B && (a = n(a, t)), 'function' == typeof Object.prototype[a]) throw e; - r[a] = n(o.value, t) - } - return r - } - throw e - }), - e(Se, function (t) { - var r = this.expression; - switch (this.operator) { - case '!': - return !n(r, t); - case 'typeof': - if (r instanceof ee) return 'function'; - if ((r = n(r, t)) instanceof RegExp) throw e; - return typeof r; - case 'void': - return void n(r, t); - case '~': - return ~n(r, t); - case '-': - return - n(r, t); - case '+': - return + n(r, t) - } - throw e - }), - e(Fe, function (t) { - var r, - i = this.left, - s = this.right; - switch (this.operator) { - case '&&': - r = n(i, t) && n(s, t); - break; - case '||': - r = n(i, t) || n(s, t); - break; - case '|': - r = n(i, t) | n(s, t); - break; - case '&': - r = n(i, t) & n(s, t); - break; - case '^': - r = n(i, t) ^ n(s, t); - break; - case '+': - r = n(i, t) + n(s, t); - break; - case '*': - r = n(i, t) * n(s, t); - break; - case '/': - r = n(i, t) / n(s, t); - break; - case '%': - r = n(i, t) % n(s, t); - break; - case '-': - r = n(i, t) - n(s, t); - break; - case '<<': - r = n(i, t) << n(s, t); - break; - case '>>': - r = n(i, t) >> n(s, t); - break; - case '>>>': - r = n(i, t) >>> n(s, t); - break; - case '==': - r = n(i, t) == n(s, t); - break; - case '===': - r = n(i, t) === n(s, t); - break; - case '!=': - r = n(i, t) != n(s, t); - break; - case '!==': - r = n(i, t) !== n(s, t); - break; - case '<': - r = n(i, t) < n(s, t); - break; - case '<=': - r = n(i, t) <= n(s, t); - break; - case '>': - r = n(i, t) > n(s, t); - break; - case '>=': - r = n(i, t) >= n(s, t); - break; - default: - throw e - } - if (isNaN(r) && t.find_parent(H)) throw e; - return r - }), - e(Oe, function (e) { - return n(this.condition, e) ? n(this.consequent, e) : n(this.alternative, e) - }), - e(He, function (t) { - if (!t.option('reduce_vars') || this._evaluating) throw e; - this._evaluating = !0; - try { - var r = this.fixed_value(); - if (!r) throw e; - var i = n(r, t); - if (S(r, '_eval') || (r._eval = function () { - return i - }), i && 'object' == typeof i && this.definition().escaped) throw e; - return i - } finally { - this._evaluating = !1 - } - }), - e(Ce, function (t) { - if (t.option('unsafe')) { - var r =; - r instanceof B && (r = n(r, t)); - var i = n(this.expression, t); - if (i && S(i, r)) return i[r] - } - throw e - }) - }(function (e, t) { - e.DEFMETHOD('_eval', t) - }), - function (e) { - function t(e) { - return r(Se, e, { - operator: '!', - expression: e - }) - } - function n(e, n, i) { - var s = t(e); - if (i) { - var o = r(L, n, { - body: n - }); - return be(s, o) === o ? n : s - } - return be(s, n) - } - e(B, function () { - return t(this) - }), - e(P, function () { - throw new Error('Cannot negate a statement') - }), - e(ee, function () { - return t(this) - }), - e(Se, function () { - return '!' == this.operator ? this.expression : t(this) - }), - e(_e, function (e) { - var t = this.clone(); - return t.cdr = t.cdr.negate(e), - t - }), - e(Oe, function (e, t) { - var r = this.clone(); - return r.consequent = r.consequent.negate(e), - r.alternative = r.alternative.negate(e), - n(this, r, t) - }), - e(Fe, function (e, r) { - var i = this.clone(), - s = this.operator; - if (e.option('unsafe_comps')) switch (s) { - case '<=': - return i.operator = '>', - i; - case '<': - return i.operator = '>=', - i; - case '>=': - return i.operator = '<', - i; - case '>': - return i.operator = '<=', - i - } - switch (s) { - case '==': - return i.operator = '!=', - i; - case '!=': - return i.operator = '==', - i; - case '===': - return i.operator = '!==', - i; - case '!==': - return i.operator = '===', - i; - case '&&': - return i.operator = '||', - i.left = i.left.negate(e, r), - i.right = i.right.negate(e), - n(this, i, r); - case '||': - return i.operator = '&&', - i.left = i.left.negate(e, r), - i.right = i.right.negate(e), - n(this, i, r) - } - return t(this) - }) - }(function (e, t) { - e.DEFMETHOD('negate', function (e, n) { - return, e, n) - }) - }), - Ae.DEFMETHOD('has_pure_annotation', function (e) { - if (!e.option('side_effects')) return !1; - if (void 0 !== this.pure) return this.pure; - var t, - n, - r = !1; - return this.start && (t = this.start.comments_before) && t.length && /[@#]__PURE__/.test((n = t[t.length - 1]).value) && (r = n), - this.pure = r - }), - function (e) { - function t(e, t) { - for (var n = e.length; --n >= 0; ) if (e[n].has_side_effects(t)) return !0; - return !1 - } - e(B, y), - e(U, g), - e(Qe, g), - e(Je, g), - e(Ae, function (e) { - if (!this.has_pure_annotation(e) && e.pure_funcs(this)) return !0; - for (var t = this.args.length; --t >= 0; ) if (this.args[t].has_side_effects(e)) return !0; - return !1 - }), - e(j, function (e) { - return t(this.body, e) - }), - e(ce, function (e) { - return this.expression.has_side_effects(e) || t(this.body, e) - }), - e(fe, function (e) { - return this.expression.has_side_effects(e) || t(this.body, e) - }), - e(de, function (e) { - return t(this.body, e) || this.bcatch && this.bcatch.has_side_effects(e) || this.bfinally && this.bfinally.has_side_effects(e) - }), - e(le, function (e) { - return this.condition.has_side_effects(e) || this.body && this.body.has_side_effects(e) || this.alternative && this.alternative.has_side_effects(e) - }), - e(z, function (e) { - return this.body.has_side_effects(e) - }), - e(L, function (e) { - return this.body.has_side_effects(e) - }), - e(te, y), - e(ee, g), - e(Fe, function (e) { - return this.left.has_side_effects(e) || this.right.has_side_effects(e) - }), - e(Be, y), - e(Oe, function (e) { - return this.condition.has_side_effects(e) || this.consequent.has_side_effects(e) || this.alternative.has_side_effects(e) - }), - e(ke, function (e) { - return se(this.operator) || this.expression.has_side_effects(e) - }), - e(He, function (e) { - return this.undeclared() - }), - e(Ne, function (e) { - return t(, e) - }), - e(Re, function (e) { - return this.value.has_side_effects(e) - }), - e(Pe, function (e) { - return t(this.elements, e) - }), - e(we, function (e) { - return this.expression.may_throw_on_access(e) || this.expression.has_side_effects(e) - }), - e(De, function (e) { - return this.expression.may_throw_on_access(e) || this.expression.has_side_effects(e) || - }), - e(_e, function (e) { - return || this.cdr.has_side_effects(e) - }) - }(function (e, t) { - e.DEFMETHOD('has_side_effects', t) - }), - function (e) { - function t() { - var e = this.body.length; - return e > 0 && je(this.body[e - 1]) - } - e(P, b), - e(ne, v), - e(M, t), - e(pe, t), - e(le, function () { - return this.alternative && je(this.body) && je(this.alternative) && this - }) - }(function (e, t) { - e.DEFMETHOD('aborts', t) - }), - e(R, function (e, t) { - return t.has_directive(e.value) !== e ? r(U, e) : e - }), - e(N, function (e, t) { - return t.option('drop_debugger') ? r(U, e) : e - }), - e(z, function (e, t) { - return e.body instanceof ae && t.loopcontrol_target(e.body) === e.body ? r(U, e) : 0 == e.label.references.length ? e.body : e - }), - e(j, function (e, t) { - return e.body = h(e.body, t), - e - }), - e(M, function (e, t) { - switch (e.body = h(e.body, t), e.body.length) { - case 1: - return e.body[0]; - case 0: - return r(U, e) - } - return e - }), - X.DEFMETHOD('drop_unused', function (e) { - var n = this; - if (e.has_directive('use asm')) return n; - var i = e.option('toplevel'); - if (e.option('unused') && (!(n instanceof J) || i) && !n.uses_eval && !n.uses_with) { - var o = !/keep_assign/.test(e.option('unused')), - u = /funcs/.test(i), - l = /vars/.test(i); - n instanceof J && 1 != i || (u = l = !0); - var c = [ - ], - p = Object.create(null); - n instanceof J && e.top_retain && n.variables.each(function (t) { - !e.top_retain(t) || in p || (p[] = !0, c.push(t)) - }); - var h = new k, - f = this, - d = new pt(function (r, i) { - if (r !== n) { - if (r instanceof te) { - if (!u && f === n) (s = in p || (p[] = !0, c.push(s)); - return h.add(, r), - !0 - } - if (r instanceof ye && f === n) return r.definitions.forEach(function (t) { - if (!l) { - var n =; - in p || (p[] = !0, c.push(n)) - } - t.value && (h.add(, t.value), t.value.has_side_effects(e) && t.value.walk(d)) - }), - !0; - if (o && r instanceof Be && '=' == r.operator && r.left instanceof He && !t(r.left) && f === n) return r.right.walk(d), - !0; - var s; - if (r instanceof He) return (s = r.definition()).id in p || (p[] = !0, c.push(s)), - !0; - if (r instanceof X) { - var a = f; - return f = r, - i(), - f = a, - !0 - } - } - }); - n.walk(d); - for (var m = 0; m < c.length; ++m) c[m].orig.forEach(function (e) { - var t = h.get(; - t && t.forEach(function (e) { - var t = new pt(function (e) { - if (e instanceof He) { - var t = e.definition(); - in p || (p[] = !0, c.push(t)) - } - }); - e.walk(t) - }) - }); - var g = new Ht(function (t, i, c) { - t instanceof ee && && !e.option('keep_fnames') && ((y = in p && !(y.orig.length > 1) || ( = null)); - if (t instanceof Q && !(t instanceof Z)) for (var h = !e.option('keep_fargs'), f = t.argnames, d = f.length; --d >= 0; ) { - var m = f[d]; - m.definition().id in p ? h = !1 : (m.__unused = !0, h && (f.pop(), e[m.unreferenced() ? 'warn' : 'info']('Dropping unused function argument {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]', { - name:, - file: m.start.file, - line: m.start.line, - col: m.start.col - }))) - } - if (u && t instanceof te && t !== n) return in p ? t : (e[ ? 'warn' : 'info']('Dropping unused function {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]', { - name:, - file:, - line:, - col: - }), r(U, t)); - if (l && t instanceof ye && !(g.parent() instanceof G && g.parent().init === t)) { - var y; - y = C(y = t.definitions.filter(function (t) { - t.value && (t.value = t.value.transform(g)); - var n =; - if ( in p) return !0; - if (n.orig[0] instanceof We) return t.value = t.value && t.value.drop_side_effect_free(e), - !0; - var r = { - name:, - file:, - line:, - col: - }; - return t.value && (t._unused_side_effects = t.value.drop_side_effect_free(e)) ? (e.warn('Side effects in initialization of unused variable {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]', r), !0) : (e[ ? 'warn' : 'info']('Dropping unused variable {name} [{file}:{line},{col}]', r), !1) - }), function (e, t) { - return !e.value && t.value ? - 1 : !t.value && e.value ? 1 : 0 - }); - var v = [ - ]; - for (d = 0; d < y.length; ) { - var b = y[d]; - b._unused_side_effects ? (v.push(b._unused_side_effects), y.splice(d, 1)) : (v.length > 0 && (v.push(b.value), b.value = _e.from_array(v), v = [ - ]), ++d) - } - return v = v.length > 0 ? r(M, t, { - body: [ - r(L, t, { - body: _e.from_array(v) - }) - ] - }) : null, - 0 != y.length || v ? 0 == y.length ? c ? x.splice(v.body) : v : (t.definitions = y, v ? (v.body.unshift(t), c ? x.splice(v.body) : v) : t) : r(U, t) - } - if (l && o && t instanceof Be && '=' == t.operator && t.left instanceof He && (!((y = t.left.definition()).id in p) && n.variables.get( === y)) return s(g.parent(), t, t.right.transform(g)); - if (t instanceof W) { - if (i(t, this), t.init instanceof M) { - var A = t.init; - return t.init = A.body.pop(), - A.body.push(t), - c ? x.splice(A.body) : A - } - return a(t.init) && (t.init = null), - t - } - if (t instanceof z && t.body instanceof W) { - if (i(t, this), t.body instanceof M) { - A = t.body; - return t.body = A.body.pop(), - A.body.push(t), - c ? x.splice(A.body) : A - } - return t - } - return t instanceof X && t !== n ? t : void 0 - }); - n.transform(g) - } - }), - X.DEFMETHOD('hoist_declarations', function (e) { - var t = this; - if (e.has_directive('use asm')) return t; - var n = e.option('hoist_funs'), - i = e.option('hoist_vars'); - if (n || i) { - var s = [ - ], - o = [ - ], - a = new k, - u = 0, - c = 0; - t.walk(new pt(function (e) { - return e instanceof X && e !== t || (e instanceof ve ? (++c, !0) : void 0) - })), - i = i && c > 1; - var p = new Ht(function (l) { - if (l !== t) { - if (l instanceof R) return s.push(l), - r(U, l); - if (l instanceof te && n) return o.push(l), - r(U, l); - if (l instanceof ve && i) { - l.definitions.forEach(function (e) { - a.set(, e), - ++u - }); - var c = l.to_assignments(e), - h = p.parent(); - if (h instanceof G && h.init === l) { - if (null == c) { - var f = l.definitions[0].name; - return r(He, f, f) - } - return c - } - return h instanceof W && h.init === l ? c : c ? r(L, l, { - body: c - }) : r(U, l) - } - if (l instanceof X) return l - } - }); - if (t = t.transform(p), u > 0) { - var h = [ - ]; - if (a.each(function (e, n) { - t instanceof Q && l(function (t) { - return == - }, t.argnames) ? a.del(n) : ((e = e.clone()).value = null, h.push(e), a.set(n, e)) - }), h.length > 0) { - for (var f = 0; f < t.body.length; ) { - if (t.body[f] instanceof L) { - var d, - m, - g = t.body[f].body; - if (g instanceof Be && '=' == g.operator && (d = g.left) instanceof Me && a.has( { - if ((y = a.get( break; - y.value = g.right, - _(h, y), - h.push(y), - t.body.splice(f, 1); - continue - } - if (g instanceof _e && (m = instanceof Be && '=' == m.operator && (d = m.left) instanceof Me && a.has( { - var y; - if ((y = a.get( break; - y.value = m.right, - _(h, y), - h.push(y), - t.body[f].body = g.cdr; - continue - } - } - if (t.body[f] instanceof U) t.body.splice(f, 1); - else { - if (!(t.body[f] instanceof M)) break; - var v = [ - f, - 1 - ].concat(t.body[f].body); - t.body.splice.apply(t.body, v) - } - } - h = r(ve, t, { - definitions: h - }), - o.push(h) - } - } - t.body = s.concat(o, t.body) - } - return t - }), - function (e) { - function t(e, t, n) { - for (var r = [ - ], i = !1, s = 0, o = e.length; s < o; s++) { - var a = e[s].drop_side_effect_free(t, n); - i |= a !== e[s], - a && (r.push(a), n = !1) - } - return i ? r.length ? r : null : e - } - e(B, v), - e(Qe, b), - e(Je, b), - e(Ae, function (e, n) { - if (!this.has_pure_annotation(e) && e.pure_funcs(this)) { - if (this.expression instanceof ee && (! || ! { - var r = this.clone(); - return r.expression = r.expression.process_expression(!1, e), - r - } - return this - } - this.pure && (e.warn('Dropping __PURE__ call [{file}:{line},{col}]', this.start), this.pure.value = this.pure.value.replace(/[@#]__PURE__/g, ' ')); - var i = t(this.args, e, n); - return i && _e.from_array(i) - }), - e(Z, b), - e(ee, b), - e(Fe, function (e, t) { - var n = this.right.drop_side_effect_free(e); - if (!n) return this.left.drop_side_effect_free(e, t); - switch (this.operator) { - case '&&': - case '||': - if (n === this.right) return this; - var i = this.clone(); - return i.right = n, - i; - default: - var s = this.left.drop_side_effect_free(e, t); - return s ? r(_e, this, { - car: s, - cdr: n - }) : this.right.drop_side_effect_free(e, t) - } - }), - e(Be, v), - e(Oe, function (e) { - var t = this.consequent.drop_side_effect_free(e), - n = this.alternative.drop_side_effect_free(e); - if (t === this.consequent && n === this.alternative) return this; - if (!t) return n ? r(Fe, this, { - operator: '||', - left: this.condition, - right: n - }) : this.condition.drop_side_effect_free(e); - if (!n) return r(Fe, this, { - operator: '&&', - left: this.condition, - right: t - }); - var i = this.clone(); - return i.consequent = t, - i.alternative = n, - i - }), - e(ke, function (e, t) { - if (se(this.operator)) return this; - if ('typeof' == this.operator && this.expression instanceof He) return null; - var n = this.expression.drop_side_effect_free(e, t); - return t && this instanceof Se && p(n) ? n === this.expression && 1 === this.operator.length ? this : r(Se, this, { - operator: 1 === this.operator.length ? this.operator : '!', - expression: n - }) : n - }), - e(He, function () { - return this.undeclared() ? this : null - }), - e(Ne, function (e, n) { - var r = t(, e, n); - return r && _e.from_array(r) - }), - e(Re, function (e, t) { - return this.value.drop_side_effect_free(e, t) - }), - e(Pe, function (e, n) { - var r = t(this.elements, e, n); - return r && _e.from_array(r) - }), - e(we, function (e, t) { - return this.expression.may_throw_on_access(e) ? this : this.expression.drop_side_effect_free(e, t) - }), - e(De, function (e, t) { - if (this.expression.may_throw_on_access(e)) return this; - var n = this.expression.drop_side_effect_free(e, t); - if (!n) return, t); - var i =; - return i ? r(_e, this, { - car: n, - cdr: i - }) : n - }), - e(_e, function (e) { - var t = this.cdr.drop_side_effect_free(e); - return t === this.cdr ? this : t ? r(_e, this, { - car:, - cdr: t - }) : - }) - }(function (e, t) { - e.DEFMETHOD('drop_side_effect_free', t) - }), - e(L, function (e, t) { - if (t.option('side_effects')) { - var n = e.body, - i = n.drop_side_effect_free(t, !0); - if (!i) return t.warn('Dropping side-effect-free statement [{file}:{line},{col}]', e.start), - r(U, e); - if (i !== n) return r(L, e, { - body: i - }) - } - return e - }), - e(K, function (e, t) { - if (!t.option('loops')) return e; - var n = e.condition.evaluate(t); - if (n !== e.condition) { - if (n) return r(W, e, { - body: e.body - }); - if (t.option('dead_code') && e instanceof Y) { - var i = [ - ]; - return d(t, e.body, i), - r(M, e, { - body: i - }).optimize(t) - } - if (e instanceof $) { - var s = !1, - o = new pt(function (t) { - return !!(t instanceof X || s) || (t instanceof oe && o.loopcontrol_target(t) === e ? s = !0 : void 0) - }), - a = t.parent(); - if ((a instanceof z ? a : e).walk(o), !s) return e.body - } - } - return e instanceof Y ? r(W, e, e).optimize(t) : e - }), - e(W, function (e, t) { - if (!t.option('loops')) return e; - if (e.condition) { - var n = e.condition.evaluate(t); - if (t.option('dead_code') && !n) { - var s = [ - ]; - return e.init instanceof P ? s.push(e.init) : e.init && s.push(r(L, e.init, { - body: e.init - })), - d(t, e.body, s), - r(M, e, { - body: s - }).optimize(t) - } - n !== e.condition && (n = i(n, e.condition).transform(t), e.condition = be(n, e.condition)) - } - return function e(t, n) { - function i(i) { - i = o(i), - t.body instanceof M ? (t.body = t.body.clone(), t.body.body = i.concat(t.body.body.slice(1)), t.body = t.body.transform(n)) : t.body = r(M, t.body, { - body: i - }).transform(n), - e(t, n) - } - var s = t.body instanceof M ? t.body.body[0] : t.body; - s instanceof le && (s.body instanceof ae && n.loopcontrol_target(s.body) === n.self() ? (t.condition ? t.condition = r(Fe, t.condition, { - left: t.condition, - operator: '&&', - right: s.condition.negate(n) - }) : t.condition = s.condition.negate(n), i(s.alternative)) : s.alternative instanceof ae && n.loopcontrol_target(s.alternative) === n.self() && (t.condition ? t.condition = r(Fe, t.condition, { - left: t.condition, - operator: '&&', - right: s.condition - }) : t.condition = s.condition, i(s.body))) - }(e, t), - e - }), - e(le, function (e, t) { - if (a(e.alternative) && (e.alternative = null), !t.option('conditionals')) return e; - var n = e.condition.evaluate(t); - if (n !== e.condition) { - if (n) { - if (t.warn('Condition always true [{file}:{line},{col}]', e.condition.start), t.option('dead_code')) { - var s = [ - ]; - return e.alternative && d(t, e.alternative, s), - s.push(e.body), - r(M, e, { - body: s - }).optimize(t) - } - } else if (t.warn('Condition always false [{file}:{line},{col}]', e.condition.start), t.option('dead_code')) { - s = [ - ]; - return d(t, e.body, s), - e.alternative && s.push(e.alternative), - r(M, e, { - body: s - }).optimize(t) - } - n = i(n, e.condition).transform(t), - e.condition = be(n, e.condition) - } - var o = e.condition.negate(t), - u = e.condition.print_to_string().length, - l = o.print_to_string().length, - c = l < u; - if (e.alternative && c) { - c = !1, - e.condition = o; - var p = e.body; - e.body = e.alternative || r(U, e), - e.alternative = p - } - if (a(e.body) && a(e.alternative)) return r(L, e.condition, { - body: e.condition.clone() - }).optimize(t); - if (e.body instanceof L && e.alternative instanceof L) return r(L, e, { - body: r(Oe, e, { - condition: e.condition, - consequent: e.body.body, - alternative: e.alternative.body - }) - }).optimize(t); - if (a(e.alternative) && e.body instanceof L) return u === l && !c && e.condition instanceof Fe && '||' == e.condition.operator && (c = !0), - c ? r(L, e, { - body: r(Fe, e, { - operator: '||', - left: o, - right: e.body.body - }) - }).optimize(t) : r(L, e, { - body: r(Fe, e, { - operator: '&&', - left: e.condition, - right: e.body.body - }) - }).optimize(t); - if (e.body instanceof U && e.alternative instanceof L) return r(L, e, { - body: r(Fe, e, { - operator: '||', - left: e.condition, - right: e.alternative.body - }) - }).optimize(t); - if (e.body instanceof re && e.alternative instanceof re && e.body.TYPE == e.alternative.TYPE) return r(e.body.CTOR, e, { - value: r(Oe, e, { - condition: e.condition, - consequent: e.body.value || r(st, e.body), - alternative: e.alternative.value || r(st, e.alternative) - }).transform(t) - }).optimize(t); - if (e.body instanceof le && !e.body.alternative && !e.alternative && (e = r(le, e, { - condition: r(Fe, e.condition, { - operator: '&&', - left: e.condition, - right: e.body.condition - }), - body: e.body.body, - alternative: null - })), je(e.body) && e.alternative) { - var h = e.alternative; - return e.alternative = null, - r(M, e, { - body: [ - e, - h - ] - }).optimize(t) - } - if (je(e.alternative)) { - var f = e.body; - return e.body = e.alternative, - e.condition = c ? o : e.condition.negate(t), - e.alternative = null, - r(M, e, { - body: [ - e, - f - ] - }).optimize(t) - } - return e - }), - e(ce, function (e, t) { - if (!t.option('switches')) return e; - var n, - s = e.expression.evaluate(t); - if (s !== e.expression) { - var o = i(s, e.expression).transform(t); - e.expression = be(o, e.expression) - } - if (!t.option('dead_code')) return e; - for (var a, u, l = [ - ], c = [ - ], p = 0, h = e.body.length; p < h && !u; p++) { - if ((n = e.body[p]) instanceof he) a ? x(n, c[c.length - 1]) : a = n; - else if (s !== e.expression) { - var f = n.expression.evaluate(t); - if (f === s) { - if (u = n, a) { - var m = c.indexOf(a); - c.splice(m, 1), - x(a, c[m - 1]), - a = null - } - } else if (f !== n.expression) { - x(n, c[c.length - 1]); - continue - } - } - if (je(n)) { - var g = c[c.length - 1]; - je(g) && g.body.length == n.body.length && r(M, g, g).equivalent_to(r(M, n, n)) && (g.body = [ - ]) - } - c.push(n) - } - for (; p < h; ) x(e.body[p++], c[c.length - 1]); - for (c.length > 0 && (c[0].body = l.concat(c[0].body)), e.body = c; n = c[c.length - 1]; ) { - var y = n.body[n.body.length - 1]; - if (y instanceof ae && t.loopcontrol_target(y) === e && n.body.pop(), n.body.length || n instanceof fe && (a || n.expression.has_side_effects(t))) break; - c.pop() === a && (a = null) - } - if (0 == c.length) return r(M, e, { - body: l.concat(r(L, e.expression, { - body: e.expression - })) - }).optimize(t); - if (1 == c.length && (c[0] === u || c[0] === a)) { - var v = !1, - b = new pt(function (t) { - if (v || t instanceof Q || t instanceof L) return !0; - t instanceof ae && b.loopcontrol_target(t) === e && (v = !0) - }); - if (e.walk(b), !v) return (c = c[0].body.slice()).unshift(r(L, e.expression, { - body: e.expression - })), - r(M, e, { - body: c - }).optimize(t) - } - return e; - function x(e, n) { - n && !je(n) ? n.body = n.body.concat(e.body) : d(t, e, l) - } - }), - e(de, function (e, t) { - if (e.body = h(e.body, t), e.bcatch && e.bfinally && D(e.bfinally.body, a) && (e.bfinally = null), D(e.body, a)) { - var n = [ - ]; - return e.bcatch && d(t, e.bcatch, n), - e.bfinally && (n = n.concat(e.bfinally.body)), - r(M, e, { - body: n - }).optimize(t) - } - return e - }), - ye.DEFMETHOD('remove_initializers', function () { - this.definitions.forEach(function (e) { - e.value = null - }) - }), - ye.DEFMETHOD('to_assignments', function (e) { - var t = e.option('reduce_vars'), - n = this.definitions.reduce(function (e, n) { - if (n.value) { - var i = r(He,,; - e.push(r(Be, n, { - operator: '=', - left: i, - right: n.value - })), - t && (i.definition().fixed = !1) - } - return e - }, [ - ]); - return 0 == n.length ? null : _e.from_array(n) - }), - e(ye, function (e, t) { - return 0 == e.definitions.length ? r(U, e) : e - }), - e(Ae, function (e, t) { - var n = e.expression; - if (t.option('reduce_vars') && n instanceof He) { - var s = n.definition(), - o = n.fixed_value(); - o instanceof te && (s.fixed = o = r(ee, o, o).clone(!0)), - o instanceof ee && (n = o, !t.option('unused') || 1 != s.references.length || s.scope.uses_arguments && s.orig[0] instanceof Ke || s.scope.uses_eval || t.find_parent(X) !== s.scope || (e.expression = n)) - } - if (t.option('unused') && n instanceof ee && !n.uses_arguments && !n.uses_eval) { - for (var u = 0, l = 0, c = 0, h = e.args.length; c < h; c++) { - var f = c >= n.argnames.length; - if (f || n.argnames[c].__unused) { - if (A = e.args[c].drop_side_effect_free(t)) e.args[u++] = A; - else if (!f) { - e.args[u++] = r(et, e.args[c], { - value: 0 - }); - continue - } - } else e.args[u++] = e.args[c]; - l = u - } - e.args.length = l - } - if (t.option('unsafe')) if (n instanceof He && n.undeclared()) switch ( { - case 'Array': - if (1 != e.args.length) return r(Pe, e, { - elements: e.args - }).optimize(t); - break; - case 'Object': - if (0 == e.args.length) return r(Ne, e, { - properties: [ - ] - }); - break; - case 'String': - if (0 == e.args.length) return r(Ze, e, { - value: '' - }); - if (e.args.length <= 1) return r(Fe, e, { - left: e.args[0], - operator: '+', - right: r(Ze, e, { - value: '' - }) - }).optimize(t); - break; - case 'Number': - if (0 == e.args.length) return r(et, e, { - value: 0 - }); - if (1 == e.args.length) return r(Se, e, { - expression: e.args[0], - operator: '+' - }).optimize(t); - case 'Boolean': - if (0 == e.args.length) return r(lt, e); - if (1 == e.args.length) return r(Se, e, { - expression: r(Se, e, { - expression: e.args[0], - operator: '!' - }), - operator: '!' - }).optimize(t); - break; - case 'Function': - if (0 == e.args.length) return r(ee, e, { - argnames: [ - ], - body: [ - ] - }); - if (D(e.args, function (e) { - return e instanceof Ze - })) try { - var d = Gt(v = '(function(' + e.args.slice(0, - 1).map(function (e) { - return e.value - }).join(',') + '){' + e.args[e.args.length - 1].value + '})()'); - d.figure_out_scope({ - screw_ie8: t.option('screw_ie8') - }); - var m, - g = new tn(t.options); - (d = d.transform(g)).figure_out_scope({ - screw_ie8: t.option('screw_ie8') - }), - d.mangle_names(); - try { - d.walk(new pt(function (e) { - if (e instanceof Q) throw m = e, - d - })) - } catch (e) { - if (e !== d) throw e - } - if (!m) return e; - var y = (t, n) { - return r(Ze, e.args[n], { - value: t.print_to_string() - }) - }), - v = en(); - return, m, v), - v = v.toString().replace(/^\{|\}$/g, ''), - y.push(r(Ze, e.args[e.args.length - 1], { - value: v - })), - e.args = y, - e - } catch (n) { - if (!(n instanceof It)) throw console.log(n), - n; - t.warn('Error parsing code passed to new Function [{file}:{line},{col}]', e.args[e.args.length - 1].start), - t.warn(n.toString()) - } - } else { - if (n instanceof we && 'toString' == && 0 == e.args.length) return r(Fe, e, { - left: r(Ze, e, { - value: '' - }), - operator: '+', - right: n.expression - }).optimize(t); - var b; - if (n instanceof we && n.expression instanceof Pe && 'join' == { - if (!(e.args.length > 0 && (b = e.args[0].evaluate(t)) === e.args[0])) { - var x, - A, - E = [ - ], - _ = [ - ]; - return n.expression.elements.forEach(function (n) { - var i = n.evaluate(t); - i !== n ? _.push(i) : (_.length > 0 && (E.push(r(Ze, e, { - value: _.join(b) - })), _.length = 0), E.push(n)) - }), - _.length > 0 && E.push(r(Ze, e, { - value: _.join(b) - })), - 0 == E.length ? r(Ze, e, { - value: '' - }) : 1 == E.length ? E[0].is_string(t) ? E[0] : r(Fe, E[0], { - operator: '+', - left: r(Ze, e, { - value: '' - }), - right: E[0] - }) : '' == b ? (x = E[0].is_string(t) || E[1].is_string(t) ? E.shift() : r(Ze, e, { - value: '' - }), E.reduce(function (e, t) { - return r(Fe, t, { - operator: '+', - left: e, - right: t - }) - }, x).optimize(t)) : ((A = e.clone()).expression = A.expression.clone(), A.expression.expression = A.expression.expression.clone(), A.expression.expression.elements = E, Ie(t, e, A)) - } - } else if (n instanceof we && n.expression.is_string(t) && 'charAt' == { - var C = e.args[0], - w = C ? C.evaluate(t) : 0; - if (w !== C) return r(De, n, { - expression: n.expression, - property: i(0 | w, C || n) - }).optimize(t) - } - } - if (n instanceof ee) { - if (n.body[0] instanceof ie) { - var k = n.body[0].value; - if (!k || k.is_constant()) { - y = e.args.concat(k || r(st, e)); - return _e.from_array(y).transform(t) - } - } - if (t.option('side_effects') && D(n.body, a)) { - y = e.args.concat(r(st, e)); - return _e.from_array(y).transform(t) - } - } - if (t.option('drop_console') && n instanceof Ce) { - for (var S = n.expression; S.expression; ) S = S.expression; - if (S instanceof He && 'console' == && S.undeclared()) return r(st, e).optimize(t) - } - return t.option('negate_iife') && t.parent() instanceof L && p(e) ? e.negate(t, !0) : e - }), - e(Ee, function (e, t) { - if (t.option('unsafe')) { - var n = e.expression; - if (n instanceof He && n.undeclared()) switch ( { - case 'Object': - case 'RegExp': - case 'Function': - case 'Error': - case 'Array': - return r(Ae, e, e).transform(t) - } - } - return e - }), - e(_e, function (e, n) { - if (!n.option('side_effects')) return e; - if ( =, T(n)), ! return s(n.parent(), e, e.cdr); - var i; - if (n.option('cascade') && ( instanceof Be && ! ? i = : instanceof ke && ('++' == || '--' == && (i =, i && !(i instanceof He && (i.definition().orig[0] instanceof Ye || t(i))))) for (var o, a, u = e.cdr; ; ) { - if (u.equivalent_to(i)) { - var l = instanceof Te ? r(Se,, { - operator:, - expression: i - }) :; - return o ? (o[a] = l, e.cdr) : l - } - if (u instanceof Fe && !(u instanceof Be)) if (u.left.is_constant()) { - if ('||' == u.operator || '&&' == u.operator) break; - a = 'right' - } else a = 'left'; - else { - if (!(u instanceof Ae || u instanceof ke && !se(u.operator))) break; - a = 'expression' - } - o = u, - u = u[a] - } - return A(e.cdr, n) ? r(Se, e, { - operator: 'void', - expression: - }) : e - }), - ke.DEFMETHOD('lift_sequences', function (e) { - if (e.option('sequences') && this.expression instanceof _e) { - var t = this.expression, - n = t.to_array(), - r = this.clone(); - return r.expression = n.pop(), - n.push(r), - t = _e.from_array(n).transform(e) - } - return this - }), - e(Te, function (e, t) { - return e.lift_sequences(t) - }), - e(Se, function (e, t) { - var n = e.expression; - if ('delete' == e.operator && !(n instanceof He || n instanceof Ce || n instanceof it || n instanceof at || n instanceof st)) return n instanceof _e ? ((n = n.to_array()).push(r(ct, e)), _e.from_array(n).optimize(t)) : r(_e, e, { - car: n, - cdr: r(ct, e) - }).optimize(t); - var s = e.lift_sequences(t); - if (s !== e) return s; - if (t.option('side_effects') && 'void' == e.operator) return (n = n.drop_side_effect_free(t)) ? (e.expression = n, e) : r(st, e).optimize(t); - if (t.option('booleans') && t.in_boolean_context()) switch (e.operator) { - case '!': - if (n instanceof Se && '!' == n.operator) return n.expression; - n instanceof Fe && (e = Ie(t, e, n.negate(t, T(t)))); - break; - case 'typeof': - return t.warn('Boolean expression always true [{file}:{line},{col}]', e.start), - (n instanceof He ? r(ct, e) : r(_e, e, { - car: n, - cdr: r(ct, e) - })).optimize(t) - } - if ('-' == e.operator && n instanceof at && (n = n.transform(t)), n instanceof Fe && ('+' == e.operator || '-' == e.operator) && ('*' == n.operator || '/' == n.operator || '%' == n.operator)) return r(Fe, e, { - operator: n.operator, - left: r(Se, n.left, { - operator: e.operator, - expression: n.left - }), - right: n.right - }); - if ('-' != e.operator || !(n instanceof et || n instanceof at)) { - var o = e.evaluate(t); - if (o !== e) return Ie(t, o = i(o, e).optimize(t), e) - } - return e - }), - Fe.DEFMETHOD('lift_sequences', function (e) { - if (e.option('sequences')) { - if (this.left instanceof _e) { - var t = (o = this.left).to_array(); - return (r = this.clone()).left = t.pop(), - t.push(r), - _e.from_array(t).optimize(e) - } - if (this.right instanceof _e && !this.left.has_side_effects(e)) { - for (var n, r, i = '=' == this.operator && this.left instanceof He, s = this.right.clone(), o = s; (i || ! && (n = o, o.cdr instanceof _e); ) o = o.cdr = o.cdr.clone(); - if (n) return (r = this.clone()).right = n.cdr, - n.cdr = r, - s.optimize(e) - } - } - return this - }); - var Ue = w('== === != !== * & | ^'); - function Ve(e, t) { - return e instanceof He || e.TYPE === t.TYPE - } - e(Fe, function (e, t) { - function n() { - return e.left.is_constant() || e.right.is_constant() || !e.left.has_side_effects(t) && !e.right.has_side_effects(t) - } - function o(t) { - if (n()) { - t && (e.operator = t); - var r = e.left; - e.left = e.right, - e.right = r - } - } - if (Ue(e.operator) && e.right.is_constant() && !e.left.is_constant() && (e.left instanceof Fe && $t[e.left.operator] >= $t[e.operator] || o()), e = e.lift_sequences(t), t.option('comparisons')) switch (e.operator) { - case '===': - case '!==': - (e.left.is_string(t) && e.right.is_string(t) || e.left.is_number(t) && e.right.is_number(t) || e.left.is_boolean() && e.right.is_boolean()) && (e.operator = e.operator.substr(0, 2)); - case '==': - case '!=': - if (e.left instanceof Ze && 'undefined' == e.left.value && e.right instanceof Se && 'typeof' == e.right.operator) { - var a = e.right.expression; - (a instanceof He ? a.undeclared() : a instanceof Ce && !t.option('screw_ie8')) || (e.right = a, e.left = r(st, e.left).optimize(t), 2 == e.operator.length && (e.operator += '=')) - } - } - if (t.option('booleans') && '+' == e.operator && t.in_boolean_context()) { - var u = e.left.evaluate(t), - l = e.right.evaluate(t); - if (u && 'string' == typeof u) return t.warn('+ in boolean context always true [{file}:{line},{col}]', e.start), - r(_e, e, { - car: e.right, - cdr: r(ct, e) - }).optimize(t); - if (l && 'string' == typeof l) return t.warn('+ in boolean context always true [{file}:{line},{col}]', e.start), - r(_e, e, { - car: e.left, - cdr: r(ct, e) - }).optimize(t) - } - if (t.option('comparisons') && e.is_boolean()) { - if (!(t.parent() instanceof Fe) || t.parent() instanceof Be) { - var c = r(Se, e, { - operator: '!', - expression: e.negate(t, T(t)) - }); - e = Ie(t, e, c) - } - if (t.option('unsafe_comps')) switch (e.operator) { - case '<': - o('>'); - break; - case '<=': - o('>=') - } - } - if ('+' == e.operator) { - if (e.right instanceof Ze && '' == e.right.getValue() && e.left.is_string(t)) return e.left; - if (e.left instanceof Ze && '' == e.left.getValue() && e.right.is_string(t)) return e.right; - if (e.left instanceof Fe && '+' == e.left.operator && e.left.left instanceof Ze && '' == e.left.left.getValue() && e.right.is_string(t)) return e.left = e.left.right, - e.transform(t) - } - if (t.option('evaluate')) { - switch (e.operator) { - case '&&': - if (!(u = e.left.evaluate(t))) return t.warn('Condition left of && always false [{file}:{line},{col}]', e.start), - s(t.parent(), e, e.left).optimize(t); - if (u !== e.left) return t.warn('Condition left of && always true [{file}:{line},{col}]', e.start), - s(t.parent(), e, e.right).optimize(t); - if (t.option('booleans') && t.in_boolean_context()) { - if (!(l = e.right.evaluate(t))) return t.warn('Boolean && always false [{file}:{line},{col}]', e.start), - r(_e, e, { - car: e.left, - cdr: r(lt, e) - }).optimize(t); - if (l !== e.right) return t.warn('Dropping side-effect-free && in boolean context [{file}:{line},{col}]', e.start), - e.left.optimize(t) - } - break; - case '||': - if (!(u = e.left.evaluate(t))) return t.warn('Condition left of || always false [{file}:{line},{col}]', e.start), - s(t.parent(), e, e.right).optimize(t); - if (u !== e.left) return t.warn('Condition left of || always true [{file}:{line},{col}]', e.start), - s(t.parent(), e, e.left).optimize(t); - if (t.option('booleans') && t.in_boolean_context()) { - if (!(l = e.right.evaluate(t))) return t.warn('Dropping side-effect-free || in boolean context [{file}:{line},{col}]', e.start), - e.left.optimize(t); - if (l !== e.right) return t.warn('Boolean || always true [{file}:{line},{col}]', e.start), - r(_e, e, { - car: e.left, - cdr: r(ct, e) - }).optimize(t) - } - } - var p = !0; - switch (e.operator) { - case '+': - if (e.left instanceof Qe && e.right instanceof Fe && '+' == e.right.operator && e.right.left instanceof Qe && e.right.is_string(t) && (e = r(Fe, e, { - operator: '+', - left: r(Ze, e.left, { - value: '' + e.left.getValue() + e.right.left.getValue(), - start: e.left.start, - end: e.right.left.end - }), - right: e.right.right - })), e.right instanceof Qe && e.left instanceof Fe && '+' == e.left.operator && e.left.right instanceof Qe && e.left.is_string(t) && (e = r(Fe, e, { - operator: '+', - left: e.left.left, - right: r(Ze, e.right, { - value: '' + e.left.right.getValue() + e.right.getValue(), - start: e.left.right.start, - end: e.right.end - }) - })), e.left instanceof Fe && '+' == e.left.operator && e.left.is_string(t) && e.left.right instanceof Qe && e.right instanceof Fe && '+' == e.right.operator && e.right.left instanceof Qe && e.right.is_string(t) && (e = r(Fe, e, { - operator: '+', - left: r(Fe, e.left, { - operator: '+', - left: e.left.left, - right: r(Ze, e.left.right, { - value: '' + e.left.right.getValue() + e.right.left.getValue(), - start: e.left.right.start, - end: e.right.left.end - }) - }), - right: e.right.right - })), e.right instanceof Se && '-' == e.right.operator && e.left.is_number(t)) { - e = r(Fe, e, { - operator: '-', - left: e.left, - right: e.right.expression - }); - break - } - if (e.left instanceof Se && '-' == e.left.operator && n() && e.right.is_number(t)) { - e = r(Fe, e, { - operator: '-', - left: e.right, - right: e.left.expression - }); - break - } - case '*': - p = t.option('unsafe_math'); - case '&': - case '|': - case '^': - if (e.left.is_number(t) && e.right.is_number(t) && n() && !(e.left instanceof Fe && e.left.operator != e.operator && $t[e.left.operator] >= $t[e.operator])) { - var h = r(Fe, e, { - operator: e.operator, - left: e.right, - right: e.left - }); - e = e.right instanceof Qe && !(e.left instanceof Qe) ? Ie(t, h, e) : Ie(t, e, h) - } - p && e.is_number(t) && (e.right instanceof Fe && e.right.operator == e.operator && (e = r(Fe, e, { - operator: e.operator, - left: r(Fe, e.left, { - operator: e.operator, - left: e.left, - right: e.right.left, - start: e.left.start, - end: e.right.left.end - }), - right: e.right.right - })), e.right instanceof Qe && e.left instanceof Fe && e.left.operator == e.operator && (e.left.left instanceof Qe ? e = r(Fe, e, { - operator: e.operator, - left: r(Fe, e.left, { - operator: e.operator, - left: e.left.left, - right: e.right, - start: e.left.left.start, - end: e.right.end - }), - right: e.left.right - }) : e.left.right instanceof Qe && (e = r(Fe, e, { - operator: e.operator, - left: r(Fe, e.left, { - operator: e.operator, - left: e.left.right, - right: e.right, - start: e.left.right.start, - end: e.right.end - }), - right: e.left.left - }))), e.left instanceof Fe && e.left.operator == e.operator && e.left.right instanceof Qe && e.right instanceof Fe && e.right.operator == e.operator && e.right.left instanceof Qe && (e = r(Fe, e, { - operator: e.operator, - left: r(Fe, e.left, { - operator: e.operator, - left: r(Fe, e.left.left, { - operator: e.operator, - left: e.left.right, - right: e.right.left, - start: e.left.right.start, - end: e.right.left.end - }), - right: e.left.left - }), - right: e.right.right - }))) - } - } - if (e.right instanceof Fe && e.right.operator == e.operator && ('&&' == e.operator || '||' == e.operator || '+' == e.operator && (e.right.left.is_string(t) || e.left.is_string(t) && e.right.right.is_string(t)))) return e.left = r(Fe, e.left, { - operator: e.operator, - left: e.left, - right: e.right.left - }), - e.right = e.right.right, - e.transform(t); - var f = e.evaluate(t); - return f !== e ? (f = i(f, e).optimize(t), Ie(t, f, e)) : e - }), - e(He, function (e, t) { - var n = e.resolve_defines(t); - if (n) return n.optimize(t); - if (t.option('screw_ie8') && e.undeclared() && (!e.scope.uses_with || !t.find_parent(H))) switch ( { - case 'undefined': - return r(st, e).optimize(t); - case 'NaN': - return r(it, e).optimize(t); - case 'Infinity': - return r(at, e).optimize(t) - } - if (t.option('evaluate') && t.option('reduce_vars') && ge(e, t.parent()) !== e) { - var s = e.definition(), - o = e.fixed_value(); - if (o) { - if (void 0 === s.should_replace) { - var a = o.evaluate(t); - if (a === o || !t.option('unsafe_regexp') && a instanceof RegExp) s.should_replace = !1; - else { - var u, - l = (a = i(a, o)).optimize(t).print_to_string().length; - !function (e) { - var t; - return e.walk(new pt(function (e) { - if (e instanceof He && (t = !0), t) return !0 - })), - t - }(o) ? (l = Math.min(l, o.print_to_string().length), u = function () { - var e = be(a.optimize(t), o); - return e === a || e === o ? e.clone(!0) : e - }) : u = function () { - var e = a.optimize(t); - return e === a ? e.clone(!0) : e - }; - var c =, - p = 0; - !t.option('unused') || && !t.option('toplevel') || (p = (c + 2 + l) / s.references.length), - s.should_replace = l <= c + p && u - } - } - if (s.should_replace) return s.should_replace() - } - } - return e - }), - e(st, function (e, t) { - if (t.option('unsafe')) { - var i = n(t, 'undefined'); - if (i) { - var s = r(He, e, { - name: 'undefined', - scope: i.scope, - thedef: i - }); - return s.is_undefined = !0, - s - } - } - var o = ge(t.self(), t.parent()); - return o && Ve(o, e) ? e : r(Se, e, { - operator: 'void', - expression: r(et, e, { - value: 0 - }) - }) - }), - e(at, function (e, t) { - var i = ge(t.self(), t.parent()); - return i && Ve(i, e) ? e : !t.option('keep_infinity') || i && !Ve(i, e) || n(t, 'Infinity') ? r(Fe, e, { - operator: '/', - left: r(et, e, { - value: 1 - }), - right: r(et, e, { - value: 0 - }) - }) : e - }), - e(it, function (e, t) { - var i = ge(t.self(), t.parent()); - return i && !Ve(i, e) || n(t, 'NaN') ? r(Fe, e, { - operator: '/', - left: r(et, e, { - value: 0 - }), - right: r(et, e, { - value: 0 - }) - }) : e - }); - var ze = [ - '+', - '-', - '/', - '*', - '%', - '>>', - '<<', - '>>>', - '|', - '^', - '&' - ], - Ge = [ - '*', - '|', - '^', - '&' - ]; - function Xe(e, t) { - return t.option('booleans') && t.in_boolean_context() ? Ie(t, e, r(_e, e, { - car: e, - cdr: r(ct, e) - }).optimize(t)) : e - } - e(Be, function (e, t) { - return '=' == (e = e.lift_sequences(t)).operator && e.left instanceof He && e.right instanceof Fe && (e.right.left instanceof He && == && u(e.right.operator, ze) ? (e.operator = e.right.operator + '=', e.right = e.right.right) : e.right.right instanceof He && == && u(e.right.operator, Ge) && !e.right.left.has_side_effects(t) && (e.operator = e.right.operator + '=', e.right = e.right.left)), - e - }), - e(Oe, function (e, t) { - if (!t.option('conditionals')) return e; - if (e.condition instanceof _e) { - var n =; - return e.condition = e.condition.cdr, - _e.cons(n, e) - } - var i = e.condition.evaluate(t); - if (i !== e.condition) return i ? (t.warn('Condition always true [{file}:{line},{col}]', e.start), s(t.parent(), e, e.consequent)) : (t.warn('Condition always false [{file}:{line},{col}]', e.start), s(t.parent(), e, e.alternative)); - var o = i.negate(t, T(t)); - Ie(t, i, o) === o && (e = r(Oe, e, { - condition: o, - consequent: e.alternative, - alternative: e.consequent - })); - var a = e.condition, - u = e.consequent, - l = e.alternative; - return a instanceof He && u instanceof He && a.definition() === u.definition() ? r(Fe, e, { - operator: '||', - left: a, - right: l - }) : u instanceof Be && l instanceof Be && u.operator == l.operator && u.left.equivalent_to(l.left) && (!e.condition.has_side_effects(t) || '=' == u.operator && !u.left.has_side_effects(t)) ? r(Be, e, { - operator: u.operator, - left: u.left, - right: r(Oe, e, { - condition: e.condition, - consequent: u.right, - alternative: l.right - }) - }) : u instanceof Ae && l.TYPE === u.TYPE && 1 == u.args.length && 1 == l.args.length && u.expression.equivalent_to(l.expression) && !u.expression.has_side_effects(t) ? (u.args[0] = r(Oe, e, { - condition: e.condition, - consequent: u.args[0], - alternative: l.args[0] - }), u) : u instanceof Oe && u.alternative.equivalent_to(l) ? r(Oe, e, { - condition: r(Fe, e, { - left: e.condition, - operator: '&&', - right: u.condition - }), - consequent: u.consequent, - alternative: l - }) : u.equivalent_to(l) ? r(_e, e, { - car: e.condition, - cdr: u - }).optimize(t) : p(e.consequent) ? h(e.alternative) ? c(e.condition) : r(Fe, e, { - operator: '||', - left: c(e.condition), - right: e.alternative - }) : h(e.consequent) ? p(e.alternative) ? c(e.condition.negate(t)) : r(Fe, e, { - operator: '&&', - left: c(e.condition.negate(t)), - right: e.alternative - }) : p(e.alternative) ? r(Fe, e, { - operator: '||', - left: c(e.condition.negate(t)), - right: e.consequent - }) : h(e.alternative) ? r(Fe, e, { - operator: '&&', - left: c(e.condition), - right: e.consequent - }) : e; - function c(e) { - return e.is_boolean() ? e : r(Se, e, { - operator: '!', - expression: e.negate(t) - }) - } - function p(e) { - return e instanceof ct || e instanceof Se && '!' == e.operator && e.expression instanceof Qe && !e.expression.value - } - function h(e) { - return e instanceof lt || e instanceof Se && '!' == e.operator && e.expression instanceof Qe && !!e.expression.value - } - }), - e(ut, function (e, t) { - if (t.option('booleans')) { - var n = t.parent(); - return n instanceof Fe && ('==' == n.operator || '!=' == n.operator) ? (t.warn('Non-strict equality against boolean: {operator} {value} [{file}:{line},{col}]', { - operator: n.operator, - value: e.value, - file: n.start.file, - line: n.start.line, - col: n.start.col - }), r(et, e, { - value: + e.value - })) : r(Se, e, { - operator: '!', - expression: r(et, e, { - value: 1 - e.value - }) - }) - } - return e - }), - e(De, function (e, t) { - var n =; - if (n instanceof Ze && t.option('properties')) { - if (n = n.getValue(), dt(n) ? t.option('screw_ie8') : Rt(n)) return r(we, e, { - expression: e.expression, - property: n - }).optimize(t); - var s = parseFloat(n); - isNaN(s) || s.toString() != n || ( = r(et,, { - value: s - })) - } - var o = e.evaluate(t); - return o !== e ? Ie(t, o = i(o, e).optimize(t), e) : e - }), - e(we, function (e, t) { - var n = e.resolve_defines(t); - if (n) return n.optimize(t); - var s =; - if (dt(s) && !t.option('screw_ie8')) return r(De, e, { - expression: e.expression, - property: r(Ze, e, { - value: s - }) - }).optimize(t); - if (t.option('unsafe_proto') && e.expression instanceof we && 'prototype' == { - var o = e.expression.expression; - if (o instanceof He && o.undeclared()) switch ( { - case 'Array': - e.expression = r(Pe, e.expression, { - elements: [ - ] - }); - break; - case 'Object': - e.expression = r(Ne, e.expression, { - properties: [ - ] - }); - break; - case 'String': - e.expression = r(Ze, e.expression, { - value: '' - }) - } - } - var a = e.evaluate(t); - return a !== e ? Ie(t, a = i(a, e).optimize(t), e) : e - }), - e(Pe, Xe), - e(Ne, Xe), - e(tt, Xe), - e(ie, function (e, t) { - return e.value && A(e.value, t) && (e.value = null), - e - }), - e(xe, function (e, t) { - var n = t.option('global_defs'); - return n && S(n, && t.warn('global_defs ' + + ' redefined [{file}:{line},{col}]', e.start), - e - }) - }(), - function () { - var e = function (e) { - for (var t = !0, n = 0; n < e.length; n++) t && e[n] instanceof P && e[n].body instanceof Ze ? e[n] = new R({ - start: e[n].start, - end: e[n].end, - value: e[n].body.value - }) : !t || e[n] instanceof P && e[n].body instanceof Ze || (t = !1); - return e - }, - t = { - Program: function (t) { - return new J({ - start: i(t), - end: s(t), - body: e( - }) - }, - FunctionDeclaration: function (t) { - return new te({ - start: i(t), - end: s(t), - name: u(, - argnames:, - body: e(u(t.body).body) - }) - }, - FunctionExpression: function (t) { - return new ee({ - start: i(t), - end: s(t), - name: u(, - argnames:, - body: e(u(t.body).body) - }) - }, - ExpressionStatement: function (e) { - return new L({ - start: i(e), - end: s(e), - body: u(e.expression) - }) - }, - TryStatement: function (e) { - var t = e.handlers || [ - e.handler - ]; - if (t.length > 1 || e.guardedHandlers && e.guardedHandlers.length) throw new Error('Multiple catch clauses are not supported.'); - return new de({ - start: i(e), - end: s(e), - body: u(e.block).body, - bcatch: u(t[0]), - bfinally: e.finalizer ? new ge(u(e.finalizer)) : null - }) - }, - Property: function (e) { - var t = e.key, - n = { - start: i(t), - end: s(e.value), - key: 'Identifier' == t.type ? : t.value, - value: u(e.value) - }; - return 'init' == e.kind ? new Le(n) : (n.key = new Ue({ - name: n.key - }), n.value = new Z(n.value), 'get' == e.kind ? new je(n) : 'set' == e.kind ? new Ie(n) : void 0) - }, - ArrayExpression: function (e) { - return new Pe({ - start: i(e), - end: s(e), - elements: (e) { - return null === e ? new ot : u(e) - }) - }) - }, - ObjectExpression: function (e) { - return new Ne({ - start: i(e), - end: s(e), - properties: (e) { - return e.type = 'Property', - u(e) - }) - }) - }, - SequenceExpression: function (e) { - return _e.from_array( - }, - MemberExpression: function (e) { - return new (e.computed ? De : we) ({ - start: i(e), - end: s(e), - property: e.computed ? u( :, - expression: u(e.object) - }) - }, - SwitchCase: function (e) { - return new (e.test ? fe : he) ({ - start: i(e), - end: s(e), - expression: u(e.test), - body: - }) - }, - VariableDeclaration: function (e) { - return new ('const' === e.kind ? be : ve) ({ - start: i(e), - end: s(e), - definitions: - }) - }, - Literal: function (e) { - var t = e.value, - n = { - start: i(e), - end: s(e) - }; - if (null === t) return new rt(n); - switch (typeof t) { - case 'string': - return n.value = t, - new Ze(n); - case 'number': - return n.value = t, - new et(n); - case 'boolean': - return new (t ? ct : lt) (n); - default: - var r = e.regex; - return r && r.pattern ? n.value = new RegExp(r.pattern, r.flags).toString() : n.value = e.regex && e.raw ? e.raw : t, - new tt(n) - } - }, - Identifier: function (e) { - var t = a[a.length - 2]; - return new ('LabeledStatement' == t.type ? Ge : 'VariableDeclarator' == t.type && === e ? 'const' == t.kind ? qe : ze : 'FunctionExpression' == t.type ? === e ? Ye : Ke : 'FunctionDeclaration' == t.type ? === e ? $e : Ke : 'CatchClause' == t.type ? We : 'BreakStatement' == t.type || 'ContinueStatement' == t.type ? Xe : He) ({ - start: i(e), - end: s(e), - name: - }) - } - }; - function r(e) { - if ('Literal' == e.type) return null != e.raw ? e.raw : e.value + '' - } - function i(e) { - var t = e.loc, - n = t && t.start, - i = e.range; - return new O({ - file: t && t.source, - line: n && n.line, - col: n && n.column, - pos: i ? i[0] : e.start, - endline: n && n.line, - endcol: n && n.column, - endpos: i ? i[0] : e.start, - raw: r(e) - }) - } - function s(e) { - var t = e.loc, - n = t && t.end, - i = e.range; - return new O({ - file: t && t.source, - line: n && n.line, - col: n && n.column, - pos: i ? i[1] : e.end, - endline: n && n.line, - endcol: n && n.column, - endpos: i ? i[1] : e.end, - raw: r(e) - }) - } - function o(e, r, o) { - var a = 'function From_Moz_' + e + '(M){\n'; - a += 'return new U2.' + + '({\nstart: my_start_token(M),\nend: my_end_token(M)'; - var f = 'function To_Moz_' + e + '(M){\n'; - f += 'return {\ntype: ' + JSON.stringify(e), - o && o.split(/\s*,\s*/).forEach(function (e) { - var t = /([a-z0-9$_]+)(=|@|>|%)([a-z0-9$_]+)/i.exec(e); - if (!t) throw new Error('Can\'t understand property map: ' + e); - var n = t[1], - r = t[2], - i = t[3]; - switch (a += ',\n' + i + ': ', f += ',\n' + n + ': ', r) { - case '@': - a += 'M.' + n + '.map(from_moz)', - f += 'M.' + i + '.map(to_moz)'; - break; - case '>': - a += 'from_moz(M.' + n + ')', - f += 'to_moz(M.' + i + ')'; - break; - case '=': - a += 'M.' + n, - f += 'M.' + i; - break; - case '%': - a += 'from_moz(M.' + n + ').body', - f += 'to_moz_block(M)'; - break; - default: - throw new Error('Can\'t understand operator in propmap: ' + e) - } - }), - a += '\n})\n}', - f += '\n}\n}', - a = new Function('U2', 'my_start_token', 'my_end_token', 'from_moz', 'return(' + a + ')') (n, i, s, u), - f = new Function('to_moz', 'to_moz_block', 'to_moz_scope', 'return(' + f + ')') (c, p, h), - t[e] = a, - l(r, f) - } - t.UpdateExpression = t.UnaryExpression = function (e) { - return new (('prefix' in e ? e.prefix : 'UnaryExpression' == e.type) ? Se : Te) ({ - start: i(e), - end: s(e), - operator: e.operator, - expression: u(e.argument) - }) - }, - o('EmptyStatement', U), - o('BlockStatement', M, 'body@body'), - o('IfStatement', le, 'test>condition, consequent>body, alternate>alternative'), - o('LabeledStatement', z, 'label>label, body>body'), - o('BreakStatement', ae, 'label>label'), - o('ContinueStatement', ue, 'label>label'), - o('WithStatement', H, 'object>expression, body>body'), - o('SwitchStatement', ce, 'discriminant>expression, cases@body'), - o('ReturnStatement', ie, 'argument>value'), - o('ThrowStatement', se, 'argument>value'), - o('WhileStatement', Y, 'test>condition, body>body'), - o('DoWhileStatement', $, 'test>condition, body>body'), - o('ForStatement', W, 'init>init, test>condition, update>step, body>body'), - o('ForInStatement', G, 'left>init, right>object, body>body'), - o('DebuggerStatement', N), - o('VariableDeclarator', xe, 'id>name, init>value'), - o('CatchClause', me, 'param>argname, body%body'), - o('ThisExpression', Je), - o('BinaryExpression', Fe, 'operator=operator, left>left, right>right'), - o('LogicalExpression', Fe, 'operator=operator, left>left, right>right'), - o('AssignmentExpression', Be, 'operator=operator, left>left, right>right'), - o('ConditionalExpression', Oe, 'test>condition, consequent>consequent, alternate>alternative'), - o('NewExpression', Ee, 'callee>expression, arguments@args'), - o('CallExpression', Ae, 'callee>expression, arguments@args'), - l(J, function (e) { - return h('Program', e) - }), - l(te, function (e) { - return { - type: 'FunctionDeclaration', - id: c(, - params:, - body: h('BlockStatement', e) - } - }), - l(ee, function (e) { - return { - type: 'FunctionExpression', - id: c(, - params:, - body: h('BlockStatement', e) - } - }), - l(R, function (e) { - return { - type: 'ExpressionStatement', - expression: { - type: 'Literal', - value: e.value - } - } - }), - l(L, function (e) { - return { - type: 'ExpressionStatement', - expression: c(e.body) - } - }), - l(pe, function (e) { - return { - type: 'SwitchCase', - test: c(e.expression), - consequent: - } - }), - l(de, function (e) { - return { - type: 'TryStatement', - block: p(e), - handler: c(e.bcatch), - guardedHandlers: [ - ], - finalizer: c(e.bfinally) - } - }), - l(me, function (e) { - return { - type: 'CatchClause', - param: c(e.argname), - guard: null, - body: p(e) - } - }), - l(ye, function (e) { - return { - type: 'VariableDeclaration', - kind: e instanceof be ? 'const' : 'var', - declarations: - } - }), - l(_e, function (e) { - return { - type: 'SequenceExpression', - expressions: e.to_array().map(c) - } - }), - l(Ce, function (e) { - var t = e instanceof De; - return { - type: 'MemberExpression', - object: c(e.expression), - computed: t, - property: t ? c( : { - type: 'Identifier', - name: - } - } - }), - l(ke, function (e) { - return { - type: '++' == e.operator || '--' == e.operator ? 'UpdateExpression' : 'UnaryExpression', - operator: e.operator, - prefix: e instanceof Se, - argument: c(e.expression) - } - }), - l(Fe, function (e) { - return { - type: '&&' == e.operator || '||' == e.operator ? 'LogicalExpression' : 'BinaryExpression', - left: c(e.left), - operator: e.operator, - right: c(e.right) - } - }), - l(Pe, function (e) { - return { - type: 'ArrayExpression', - elements: - } - }), - l(Ne, function (e) { - return { - type: 'ObjectExpression', - properties: - } - }), - l(Re, function (e) { - var t, - n = { - type: 'Literal', - value: e.key instanceof Ue ? : e.key - }; - return e instanceof Le ? t = 'init' : e instanceof je ? t = 'get' : e instanceof Ie && (t = 'set'), - { - type: 'Property', - kind: t, - key: n, - value: c(e.value) - } - }), - l(Me, function (e) { - var t = e.definition(); - return { - type: 'Identifier', - name: t ? t.mangled_name || : - } - }), - l(tt, function (e) { - var t = e.value; - return { - type: 'Literal', - value: t, - raw: t.toString(), - regex: { - pattern: t.source, - flags: t.toString().match(/[gimuy]*$/) [0] - } - } - }), - l(Qe, function (e) { - var t = e.value; - return 'number' == typeof t && (t < 0 || 0 === t && 1 / t < 0) ? { - type: 'UnaryExpression', - operator: '-', - prefix: !0, - argument: { - type: 'Literal', - value: - t, - raw: e.start.raw - } - } - : { - type: 'Literal', - value: t, - raw: e.start.raw - } - }), - l(nt, function (e) { - return { - type: 'Identifier', - name: String(e.value) - } - }), - ut.DEFMETHOD('to_mozilla_ast', Qe.prototype.to_mozilla_ast), - rt.DEFMETHOD('to_mozilla_ast', Qe.prototype.to_mozilla_ast), - ot.DEFMETHOD('to_mozilla_ast', function () { - return null - }), - j.DEFMETHOD('to_mozilla_ast', M.prototype.to_mozilla_ast), - Q.DEFMETHOD('to_mozilla_ast', ee.prototype.to_mozilla_ast); - var a = null; - function u(e) { - a.push(e); - var n = null != e ? t[e.type](e) : null; - return a.pop(), - n - } - function l(e, t) { - e.DEFMETHOD('to_mozilla_ast', function () { - return e = this, - n = t(this), - r = e.start, - i = e.end, - null != r.pos && null != i.endpos && (n.range = [ - r.pos, - i.endpos - ]), - r.line && (n.loc = { - start: { - line: r.line, - column: r.col - }, - end: i.endline ? { - line: i.endline, - column: i.endcol - } - : null - }, r.file && (n.loc.source = r.file)), - n; - var e, - n, - r, - i - }) - } - function c(e) { - return null != e ? e.to_mozilla_ast() : null - } - function p(e) { - return { - type: 'BlockStatement', - body: - } - } - function h(e, t) { - var n =; - return t.body[0] instanceof L && t.body[0].body instanceof Ze && n.unshift(c(new U(t.body[0]))), - { - type: e, - body: n - } - } - B.from_mozilla_ast = function (e) { - var t = a; - a = [ - ]; - var n = u(e); - return a = t, - n - } - }(), - n.Compressor = tn, - n.DefaultsError = h, - n.Dictionary = k, - n.JS_Parse_Error = It, - n.MAP = x, - n.OutputStream = en, - n.SourceMap = nn, - n.TreeTransformer = Ht, - n.TreeWalker = pt, - n.base54 = Jt, - n.defaults = f, - n.mangle_properties = sn, - n.merge = d, - n.parse = Gt, - n.push_uniq = A, - n.string_template = E, - n.tokenizer = Vt, - n.is_identifier = Bt, - n.SymbolDef = Xt, - n.sys = r, - n.MOZ_SourceMap = i, - n.UglifyJS = s, - n.array_to_hash = o, - n.slice = function (e, t) { - return, t || 0) - }, - n.characters = a, - n.member = u, - n.find_if = l, - n.repeat_string = c, - n.configure_error_stack = p, - n.DefaultsError = h, - n.defaults = f, - n.merge = d, - n.noop = m, - n.return_false = g, - n.return_true = y, - n.return_this = v, - n.return_null = b, - n.MAP = x, - n.push_uniq = A, - n.string_template = E, - n.remove = _, - n.mergeSort = C, - n.set_difference = function (e, t) { - return e.filter(function (e) { - return t.indexOf(e) < 0 - }) - }, - n.set_intersection = function (e, t) { - return e.filter(function (e) { - return t.indexOf(e) >= 0 - }) - }, - n.makePredicate = w, - n.all = D, - n.Dictionary = k, - n.HOP = S, - n.first_in_statement = T, - n.DEFNODE = F, - n.AST_Token = O, - n.AST_Node = B, - n.AST_Statement = P, - n.AST_Debugger = N, - n.AST_Directive = R, - n.AST_SimpleStatement = L, - n.walk_body = I, - n.AST_Block = j, - n.AST_BlockStatement = M, - n.AST_EmptyStatement = U, - n.AST_StatementWithBody = V, - n.AST_LabeledStatement = z, - n.AST_IterationStatement = q, - n.AST_DWLoop = K, - n.AST_Do = $, - n.AST_While = Y, - n.AST_For = W, - n.AST_ForIn = G, - n.AST_With = H, - n.AST_Scope = X, - n.AST_Toplevel = J, - n.AST_Lambda = Q, - n.AST_Accessor = Z, - n.AST_Function = ee, - n.AST_Defun = te, - n.AST_Jump = ne, - n.AST_Exit = re, - n.AST_Return = ie, - n.AST_Throw = se, - n.AST_LoopControl = oe, - n.AST_Break = ae, - n.AST_Continue = ue, - n.AST_If = le, - n.AST_Switch = ce, - n.AST_SwitchBranch = pe, - n.AST_Default = he, - n.AST_Case = fe, - n.AST_Try = de, - n.AST_Catch = me, - n.AST_Finally = ge, - n.AST_Definitions = ye, - n.AST_Var = ve, - n.AST_Const = be, - n.AST_VarDef = xe, - n.AST_Call = Ae, - n.AST_New = Ee, - n.AST_Seq = _e, - n.AST_PropAccess = Ce, - n.AST_Dot = we, - n.AST_Sub = De, - n.AST_Unary = ke, - n.AST_UnaryPrefix = Se, - n.AST_UnaryPostfix = Te, - n.AST_Binary = Fe, - n.AST_Conditional = Oe, - n.AST_Assign = Be, - n.AST_Array = Pe, - n.AST_Object = Ne, - n.AST_ObjectProperty = Re, - n.AST_ObjectKeyVal = Le, - n.AST_ObjectSetter = Ie, - n.AST_ObjectGetter = je, - n.AST_Symbol = Me, - n.AST_SymbolAccessor = Ue, - n.AST_SymbolDeclaration = Ve, - n.AST_SymbolVar = ze, - n.AST_SymbolConst = qe, - n.AST_SymbolFunarg = Ke, - n.AST_SymbolDefun = $e, - n.AST_SymbolLambda = Ye, - n.AST_SymbolCatch = We, - n.AST_Label = Ge, - n.AST_SymbolRef = He, - n.AST_LabelRef = Xe, - n.AST_This = Je, - n.AST_Constant = Qe, - n.AST_String = Ze, - n.AST_Number = et, - n.AST_RegExp = tt, - n.AST_Atom = nt, - n.AST_Null = rt, - n.AST_NaN = it, - n.AST_Undefined = st, - n.AST_Hole = ot, - n.AST_Infinity = at, - n.AST_Boolean = ut, - n.AST_False = lt, - n.AST_True = ct, - n.TreeWalker = pt, - n.KEYWORDS = ht, - n.KEYWORDS_ATOM = ft, - n.RESERVED_WORDS = dt, - n.KEYWORDS_BEFORE_EXPRESSION = mt, - n.OPERATOR_CHARS = gt, - n.RE_HEX_NUMBER = yt, - n.RE_OCT_NUMBER = vt, - n.OPERATORS = bt, - n.WHITESPACE_CHARS = xt, - n.NEWLINE_CHARS = At, - n.PUNC_BEFORE_EXPRESSION = Et, - n.PUNC_CHARS = _t, - n.REGEXP_MODIFIERS = Ct, - n.UNICODE = wt, - n.is_letter = Dt, - n.is_digit = kt, - n.is_alphanumeric_char = St, - n.is_unicode_digit = Tt, - n.is_unicode_combining_mark = Ft, - n.is_unicode_connector_punctuation = Ot, - n.is_identifier = Bt, - n.is_identifier_start = Pt, - n.is_identifier_char = Nt, - n.is_identifier_string = Rt, - n.parse_js_number = Lt, - n.JS_Parse_Error = It, - n.js_error = jt, - n.is_token = Mt, - n.EX_EOF = Ut, - n.tokenizer = Vt, - n.UNARY_PREFIX = zt, - n.UNARY_POSTFIX = qt, - n.ASSIGNMENT = Kt, - n.PRECEDENCE = $t, - n.STATEMENTS_WITH_LABELS = Yt, - n.ATOMIC_START_TOKEN = Wt, - n.parse = Gt, - n.TreeTransformer = Ht, - n.SymbolDef = Xt, - n.base54 = Jt, - n.EXPECT_DIRECTIVE = Qt, - n.is_some_comments = Zt, - n.OutputStream = en, - n.Compressor = tn, - n.SourceMap = nn, - n.find_builtins = rn, - n.mangle_properties = sn, - n.AST_Node.warn_function = function (e) { - 'undefined' != typeof console && 'function' == typeof console.warn && console.warn(e) - }, - n.minify = function (e, n) { - n = s.defaults(n, { - compress: { - }, - fromString: !1, - inSourceMap: null, - mangle: { - }, - mangleProperties: !1, - nameCache: null, - outFileName: null, - output: null, - outSourceMap: null, - parse: { - }, - sourceMapInline: !1, - sourceMapUrl: null, - sourceRoot: null, - spidermonkey: !1, - warnings: !1 - }), - s.base54.reset(); - var r = n.inSourceMap; - 'string' == typeof r && 'inline' != r && (r = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(r, 'utf8'))); - var i = null, - o = { - }; - if (n.spidermonkey) { - if ('inline' == r) throw new Error('inline source map only works with built-in parser'); - i = s.AST_Node.from_mozilla_ast(e) - } else { - function a(e, t) { - var a = n.fromString ? e : fs.readFileSync(e, 'utf8'); - 'inline' == r && (r = read_source_map(a)), - o[t] = a, - i = s.parse(a, { - filename: t, - toplevel: i, - bare_returns: n.parse ? n.parse.bare_returns : void 0 - }) - } - if (!n.fromString && (e = s.simple_glob(e), 'inline' == r && e.length > 1)) throw new Error('inline source map only works with singular input'); - [ - ].concat(e).forEach(function (e, t) { - if ('string' == typeof e) a(e, n.fromString ? t : e); - else for (var r in e) a(e[r], r) - }) - } - if (n.wrap && (i = i.wrap_commonjs(n.wrap, n.exportAll)), n.compress) { - var u = { - warnings: n.warnings - }; - s.merge(u, n.compress), - i.figure_out_scope(n.mangle); - var l = s.Compressor(u); - i = l.compress(i) - }(n.mangleProperties || n.nameCache) && (n.mangleProperties.cache = s.readNameCache(n.nameCache, 'props'), i = s.mangle_properties(i, n.mangleProperties), s.writeNameCache(n.nameCache, 'props', n.mangleProperties.cache)), - n.mangle && (i.figure_out_scope(n.mangle), i.compute_char_frequency(n.mangle), i.mangle_names(n.mangle)); - var c = { - max_line_len: 32000 - }; - if ((n.outSourceMap || n.sourceMapInline) && (c.source_map = s.SourceMap({ - file: n.outFileName || ('string' == typeof n.outSourceMap ? n.outSourceMap.replace(/\.map$/i, '') : null), - orig: r, - root: n.sourceRoot - }), n.sourceMapIncludeSources)) for (var p in o) o.hasOwnProperty(p) && c.source_map.get().setSourceContent(p, o[p]); - n.output && s.merge(c, n.output); - var h = s.OutputStream(c); - i.print(h); - var f = c.source_map; - f && (f += ''); - return n.sourceMapInline ? h += '\n//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,' + new t(f).toString('base64') : n.outSourceMap && 'string' == typeof n.outSourceMap && !1 !== n.sourceMapUrl && (h += '\n//# sourceMappingURL=' + ('string' == typeof n.sourceMapUrl ? n.sourceMapUrl : n.outSourceMap)), - { - code: h + '', - map: f - } - }, - n.describe_ast = function () { - var e = s.OutputStream({ - beautify: !0 - }); - return function t(n) { - e.print('AST_' + n.TYPE); - var r = n.SELF_PROPS.filter(function (e) { - return !/^\$/.test(e) - }); - r.length > 0 && (, e.with_parens(function () { - r.forEach(function (t, n) { - n &&, - e.print(t) - }) - })), - n.documentation && (, e.print_string(n.documentation)), - n.SUBCLASSES.length > 0 && (, e.with_block(function () { - n.SUBCLASSES.forEach(function (n, r) { - e.indent(), - t(n), - e.newline() - }) - })) - }(s.AST_Node), - e + '' - } - }).call(this, e('buffer').Buffer) - }, - { - buffer: 42, - 'source-map': 421, - util: 428 - } - ], - 424: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('punycode'), - i = e('./util'); - function s() { - this.protocol = null, - this.slashes = null, - this.auth = null, - = null, - this.port = null, - this.hostname = null, - this.hash = null, - = null, - this.query = null, - this.pathname = null, - this.path = null, - this.href = null - } - n.parse = b, - n.resolve = function (e, t) { - return b(e, !1, !0).resolve(t) - }, - n.resolveObject = function (e, t) { - return e ? b(e, !1, !0).resolveObject(t) : t - }, - n.format = function (e) { - i.isString(e) && (e = b(e)); - return e instanceof s ? e.format() : - }, - n.Url = s; - var o = /^([a-z0-9.+-]+:)/i, - a = /:[0-9]*$/, - u = /^(\/\/?(?!\/)[^\?\s]*)(\?[^\s]*)?$/, - l = [ - '{', - '}', - '|', - '\\', - '^', - '`' - ].concat(['<', - '>', - '"', - '`', - ' ', - '\r', - '\n', - '\t']), - c = [ - '\'' - ].concat(l), - p = [ - '%', - '/', - '?', - ';', - '#' - ].concat(c), - h = [ - '/', - '?', - '#' - ], - f = /^[+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63}$/, - d = /^([+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63})(.*)$/, - m = { - javascript: !0, - 'javascript:': !0 - }, - g = { - javascript: !0, - 'javascript:': !0 - }, - y = { - http: !0, - https: !0, - ftp: !0, - gopher: !0, - file: !0, - 'http:': !0, - 'https:': !0, - 'ftp:': !0, - 'gopher:': !0, - 'file:': !0 - }, - v = e('querystring'); - function b(e, t, n) { - if (e && i.isObject(e) && e instanceof s) return e; - var r = new s; - return r.parse(e, t, n), - r - } - s.prototype.parse = function (e, t, n) { - if (!i.isString(e)) throw new TypeError('Parameter \'url\' must be a string, not ' + typeof e); - var s = e.indexOf('?'), - a = - 1 !== s && s < e.indexOf('#') ? '?' : '#', - l = e.split(a); - l[0] = l[0].replace(/\\/g, '/'); - var b = e = l.join(a); - if (b = b.trim(), !n && 1 === e.split('#').length) { - var x = u.exec(b); - if (x) return this.path = b, - this.href = b, - this.pathname = x[1], - x[2] ? ( = x[2], this.query = t ? v.parse( : : t && ( = '', this.query = { - }), - this - } - var A = o.exec(b); - if (A) { - var E = (A = A[0]).toLowerCase(); - this.protocol = E, - b = b.substr(A.length) - } - if (n || A || b.match(/^\/\/[^@\/]+@[^@\/]+/)) { - var _ = '//' === b.substr(0, 2); - !_ || A && g[A] || (b = b.substr(2), this.slashes = !0) - } - if (!g[A] && (_ || A && !y[A])) { - for (var C, w, D = - 1, k = 0; k < h.length; k++) { - - 1 !== (S = b.indexOf(h[k])) && ( - 1 === D || S < D) && (D = S) - } - - 1 !== (w = - 1 === D ? b.lastIndexOf('@') : b.lastIndexOf('@', D)) && (C = b.slice(0, w), b = b.slice(w + 1), this.auth = decodeURIComponent(C)), - D = - 1; - for (k = 0; k < p.length; k++) { - var S; - - 1 !== (S = b.indexOf(p[k])) && ( - 1 === D || S < D) && (D = S) - } - - 1 === D && (D = b.length), - = b.slice(0, D), - b = b.slice(D), - this.parseHost(), - this.hostname = this.hostname || ''; - var T = '[' === this.hostname[0] && ']' === this.hostname[this.hostname.length - 1]; - if (!T) for (var F = this.hostname.split(/\./), O = (k = 0, F.length); k < O; k++) { - var B = F[k]; - if (B && !B.match(f)) { - for (var P = '', N = 0, R = B.length; N < R; N++) B.charCodeAt(N) > 127 ? P += 'x' : P += B[N]; - if (!P.match(f)) { - var L = F.slice(0, k), - I = F.slice(k + 1), - j = B.match(d); - j && (L.push(j[1]), I.unshift(j[2])), - I.length && (b = '/' + I.join('.') + b), - this.hostname = L.join('.'); - break - } - } - } - this.hostname.length > 255 ? this.hostname = '' : this.hostname = this.hostname.toLowerCase(), - T || (this.hostname = r.toASCII(this.hostname)); - var M = this.port ? ':' + this.port : '', - U = this.hostname || ''; - = U + M, - this.href +=, - T && (this.hostname = this.hostname.substr(1, this.hostname.length - 2), '/' !== b[0] && (b = '/' + b)) - } - if (!m[E]) for (k = 0, O = c.length; k < O; k++) { - var V = c[k]; - if ( - 1 !== b.indexOf(V)) { - var z = encodeURIComponent(V); - z === V && (z = escape(V)), - b = b.split(V).join(z) - } - } - var q = b.indexOf('#'); - - 1 !== q && (this.hash = b.substr(q), b = b.slice(0, q)); - var K = b.indexOf('?'); - if ( - 1 !== K ? ( = b.substr(K), this.query = b.substr(K + 1), t && (this.query = v.parse(this.query)), b = b.slice(0, K)) : t && ( = '', this.query = { - }), b && (this.pathname = b), y[E] && this.hostname && !this.pathname && (this.pathname = '/'), this.pathname || { - M = this.pathname || ''; - var $ = || ''; - this.path = M + $ - } - return this.href = this.format(), - this - }, - s.prototype.format = function () { - var e = this.auth || ''; - e && (e = (e = encodeURIComponent(e)).replace(/%3A/i, ':'), e += '@'); - var t = this.protocol || '', - n = this.pathname || '', - r = this.hash || '', - s = !1, - o = ''; - ? s = e + : this.hostname && (s = e + ( - 1 === this.hostname.indexOf(':') ? this.hostname : '[' + this.hostname + ']'), this.port && (s += ':' + this.port)), - this.query && i.isObject(this.query) && Object.keys(this.query).length && (o = v.stringify(this.query)); - var a = || o && '?' + o || ''; - return t && ':' !== t.substr( - 1) && (t += ':'), - this.slashes || (!t || y[t]) && !1 !== s ? (s = '//' + (s || ''), n && '/' !== n.charAt(0) && (n = '/' + n)) : s || (s = ''), - r && '#' !== r.charAt(0) && (r = '#' + r), - a && '?' !== a.charAt(0) && (a = '?' + a), - t + s + (n = n.replace(/[?#]/g, function (e) { - return encodeURIComponent(e) - })) + (a = a.replace('#', '%23')) + r - }, - s.prototype.resolve = function (e) { - return this.resolveObject(b(e, !1, !0)).format() - }, - s.prototype.resolveObject = function (e) { - if (i.isString(e)) { - var t = new s; - t.parse(e, !1, !0), - e = t - } - for (var n = new s, r = Object.keys(this), o = 0; o < r.length; o++) { - var a = r[o]; - n[a] = this[a] - } - if (n.hash = e.hash, '' === e.href) return n.href = n.format(), - n; - if (e.slashes && !e.protocol) { - for (var u = Object.keys(e), l = 0; l < u.length; l++) { - var c = u[l]; - 'protocol' !== c && (n[c] = e[c]) - } - return y[n.protocol] && n.hostname && !n.pathname && (n.path = n.pathname = '/'), - n.href = n.format(), - n - } - if (e.protocol && e.protocol !== n.protocol) { - if (!y[e.protocol]) { - for (var p = Object.keys(e), h = 0; h < p.length; h++) { - var f = p[h]; - n[f] = e[f] - } - return n.href = n.format(), - n - } - if (n.protocol = e.protocol, || g[e.protocol]) n.pathname = e.pathname; - else { - for (var d = (e.pathname || '').split('/'); d.length && !( = d.shift()); ); - || ( = ''), - e.hostname || (e.hostname = ''), - '' !== d[0] && d.unshift(''), - d.length < 2 && d.unshift(''), - n.pathname = d.join('/') - } - if ( =, n.query = e.query, = || '', n.auth = e.auth, n.hostname = e.hostname ||, n.port = e.port, n.pathname || { - var m = n.pathname || '', - v = || ''; - n.path = m + v - } - return n.slashes = n.slashes || e.slashes, - n.href = n.format(), - n - } - var b = n.pathname && '/' === n.pathname.charAt(0), - x = || e.pathname && '/' === e.pathname.charAt(0), - A = x || b || && e.pathname, - E = A, - _ = n.pathname && n.pathname.split('/') || [ - ], - C = (d = e.pathname && e.pathname.split('/') || [ - ], n.protocol && !y[n.protocol]); - if (C && (n.hostname = '', n.port = null, && ('' === _[0] ? _[0] = : _.unshift(, = '', e.protocol && (e.hostname = null, e.port = null, && ('' === d[0] ? d[0] = : d.unshift(, = null), A = A && ('' === d[0] || '' === _[0])), x) = || '' === ? :, - n.hostname = e.hostname || '' === e.hostname ? e.hostname : n.hostname, - =, - n.query = e.query, - _ = d; - else if (d.length) _ || (_ = [ - ]), - _.pop(), - _ = _.concat(d), - =, - n.query = e.query; - else if (!i.isNullOrUndefined( { - if (C) n.hostname = = _.shift(), - (T = !!( &&'@') > 0) &&'@')) && (n.auth = T.shift(), = n.hostname = T.shift()); - return =, - n.query = e.query, - i.isNull(n.pathname) && i.isNull( || (n.path = (n.pathname ? n.pathname : '') + ( ? : '')), - n.href = n.format(), - n - } - if (!_.length) return n.pathname = null, - ? n.path = '/' + : n.path = null, - n.href = n.format(), - n; - for (var w = _.slice( - 1) [0], D = ( || || _.length > 1) && ('.' === w || '..' === w) || '' === w, k = 0, S = _.length; S >= 0; S--) '.' === (w = _[S]) ? _.splice(S, 1) : '..' === w ? (_.splice(S, 1), k++) : k && (_.splice(S, 1), k--); - if (!A && !E) for (; k--; k) _.unshift('..'); - !A || '' === _[0] || _[0] && '/' === _[0].charAt(0) || _.unshift(''), - D && '/' !== _.join('/').substr( - 1) && _.push(''); - var T, - F = '' === _[0] || _[0] && '/' === _[0].charAt(0); - C && (n.hostname = = F ? '' : _.length ? _.shift() : '', (T = !!( &&'@') > 0) &&'@')) && (n.auth = T.shift(), = n.hostname = T.shift())); - return (A = A || && _.length) && !F && _.unshift(''), - _.length ? n.pathname = _.join('/') : (n.pathname = null, n.path = null), - i.isNull(n.pathname) && i.isNull( || (n.path = (n.pathname ? n.pathname : '') + ( ? : '')), - n.auth = e.auth || n.auth, - n.slashes = n.slashes || e.slashes, - n.href = n.format(), - n - }, - s.prototype.parseHost = function () { - var e =, - t = a.exec(e); - t && (':' !== (t = t[0]) && (this.port = t.substr(1)), e = e.substr(0, e.length - t.length)), - e && (this.hostname = e) - } - }, - { - './util': 425, - punycode: 407, - querystring: 410 - } - ], - 425: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - t.exports = { - isString: function (e) { - return 'string' == typeof e - }, - isObject: function (e) { - return 'object' == typeof e && null !== e - }, - isNull: function (e) { - return null === e - }, - isNullOrUndefined: function (e) { - return null == e - } - } - }, - { - } - ], - 426: [ - function (e, t, n) { - arguments[4][9][0].apply(n, arguments) - }, - { - dup: 9 - } - ], - 427: [ - function (e, t, n) { - arguments[4][10][0].apply(n, arguments) - }, - { - dup: 10 - } - ], - 428: [ - function (e, t, n) { - arguments[4][11][0].apply(n, arguments) - }, - { - './support/isBuffer': 427, - _process: 373, - dup: 11, - inherits: 426 - } - ], - 429: [ - function (e, t, n) { - t.exports = { - area: !0, - base: !0, - br: !0, - col: !0, - embed: !0, - hr: !0, - img: !0, - input: !0, - keygen: !0, - link: !0, - menuitem: !0, - meta: !0, - param: !0, - source: !0, - track: !0, - wbr: !0 - } - }, - { - } - ], - 430: [ - function (e, t, n) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('acorn-globals'), - i = e('acorn'), - s = e('acorn/dist/walk'); - t.exports = function (e, t, n) { - e += '', - t += '', - n = (n = n || [ - ]).concat(r(e).map(function (e) { - return - })); - var o = r(t).map(function (e) { - return - }).filter(function (e) { - return - 1 === n.indexOf(e) && 'undefined' !== e && 'this' !== e - }); - if (0 === o.length) return t; - var a = '', - u = 'locals_for_with', - l = 'result_of_with'; - if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9$_]+$/.test(e)) u = e; - else { - for (; - 1 != o.indexOf(u) || - 1 != n.indexOf(u); ) u += '_'; - a = 'var ' + u + ' = (' + e + ')' - } - for (; - 1 != o.indexOf(l) || - 1 != n.indexOf(l); ) l += '_'; - var c = (e) { - return JSON.stringify(e) + ' in ' + u + '?' + u + '.' + e + ':typeof ' + e + '!=="undefined"?' + e + ':undefined' - }); - return t = '(function (' + o.join(', ') + ') {' + t + '}.call(this' + (e) { - return ',' + e - }).join('') + '))', - ';' + a + ';' + function (e, t) { - var n, - r = e, - o = !1, - a = function (e) { - return i.parse(e, { - ecmaVersion: 6, - allowReturnOutsideFunction: !0 - }) - }(e); - if (e = e.split(''), 1 !== (n = a.body).length || 'ExpressionStatement' !== (n = n[0]).type || 'CallExpression' !== (n = n.expression).type || 'MemberExpression' !== (n = n.callee).type || !1 !== n.computed || 'call' !== || 'FunctionExpression' !== (n = n.object).type) throw new Error('AST does not seem to represent a self-calling function'); - var u = n; - return s.recursive(a, null, { - Function: function (e, t, n) { - e === u && n(e.body, t, 'ScopeBody') - }, - ReturnStatement: function (t) { - o = !0, - function (t, n) { - for (var r = t.start; r < t.end; r++) e[r] = ''; - e[t.start] = n - }(t, 'return {value: (' + (t.argument ? function (t) { - return e.slice(t.start, t.end).join('') - }(t.argument) : 'undefined') + ')};') - } - }), - o ? 'var ' + t + '=' + e.join('') + ';if (' + t + ') return ' + t + '.value' : r - }(t, l) + ';' - } - }, - { - acorn: 4, - 'acorn-globals': 1, - 'acorn/dist/walk': 5 - } - ], - pug: [ - function (e, t, n) { - (function (t) { - 'use strict'; - var r = e('fs'), - i = e('path'), - s = e('pug-lexer'), - o = e('pug-strip-comments'), - a = e('pug-parser'), - u = e('pug-load'), - l = e('pug-filters'), - c = e('pug-linker'), - p = e('pug-code-gen'), - h = e('pug-runtime'), - f = e('pug-runtime/wrap'); - function d(e, t, n, r) { - return n.reduce(function (e, n) { - return n[r] ? n[r](e, t) : e - }, e) - } - function m(e, t) { - var n = e.filter(function (e) { - return e[t] - }); - if (n.length > 1) throw new Error('Two or more plugins all implement ' + t + ' method.'); - return n.length ? n[0][t].bind(n[0]) : null - } - function g(e, t) { - var r = { - }; - r[t.filename] = e; - var h = [ - ], - f = t.plugins || [ - ], - g = u.string(e, { - filename: t.filename, - basedir: t.basedir, - lex: function (e, t) { - var n = { - }; - Object.keys(t).forEach(function (e) { - n[e] = t[e] - }), - n.plugins = f.filter(function (e) { - return !!e.lex - }).map(function (e) { - return e.lex - }); - var r = d(e, { - filename: t.filename - }, f, 'preLex'); - return d(s(r, n), t, f, 'postLex') - }, - parse: function (e, t) { - e = (e) { - return 'path' === e.type && '' === i.extname(e.val) ? { - type: 'path', - loc: e.loc, - val: e.val + '.pug' - } - : e - }), - e = d(e = o(e, t), t, f, 'preParse'); - var n = { - }; - return Object.keys(t).forEach(function (e) { - n[e] = t[e] - }), - n.plugins = f.filter(function (e) { - return !!e.parse - }).map(function (e) { - return e.parse - }), - d(d(a(e, n), t, f, 'postParse'), t, f, 'preLoad') - }, - resolve: function (e, n, r) { - var i = m(f, 'resolve'); - return i ? i(e, n, t) : u.resolve(e, n, r) - }, - read: function (e, n) { - var i; - h.push(e); - var s = m(f, 'read'); - return i = s ? s(e, t) :, n), - r[e] = i, - i - } - }); - g = d(g = d(g, t, f, 'postLoad'), t, f, 'preFilters'); - var y = { - }; - Object.keys(n.filters).forEach(function (e) { - y[e] = n.filters[e] - }), - t.filters && Object.keys(t.filters).forEach(function (e) { - y[e] = t.filters[e] - }), - g = d(g = d(g = l.handleFilters(g, y, t.filterOptions, t.filterAliases), t, f, 'postFilters'), t, f, 'preLink'), - g = d(g = d(g = c(g), t, f, 'postLink'), t, f, 'preCodeGen'); - var v = p(g, { - pretty: t.pretty, - compileDebug: t.compileDebug, - doctype: t.doctype, - inlineRuntimeFunctions: t.inlineRuntimeFunctions, - globals: t.globals, - self: t.self, - includeSources: !!t.includeSources && r, - templateName: t.templateName - }); - return v = d(v, t, f, 'postCodeGen'), - t.debug && console.error('\nCompiled Function:\n\n%s', v.replace(/^/gm, ' ')), - { - body: v, - dependencies: h - } - } - function y(e, t) { - var i = e.filename; - if (e.cache && n.cache[i]) return n.cache[i]; - void 0 === t && (t = r.readFileSync(e.filename, 'utf8')); - var s = n.compile(t, e); - return e.cache && (n.cache[i] = s), - s - } - = 'Pug', - n.runtime = h, - n.cache = { - }, - n.filters = { - }, - n.compile = function (e, t) { - t = t || { - }; - var n = g(e = String(e), { - compileDebug: !1 !== t.compileDebug, - filename: t.filename, - basedir: t.basedir, - pretty: t.pretty, - doctype: t.doctype, - inlineRuntimeFunctions: t.inlineRuntimeFunctions, - globals: t.globals, - self: t.self, - includeSources: !0 === t.compileDebug, - debug: t.debug, - templateName: 'template', - filters: t.filters, - filterOptions: t.filterOptions, - filterAliases: t.filterAliases, - plugins: t.plugins - }), - r = t.inlineRuntimeFunctions ? new Function('', n.body + ';return template;') () : f(n.body); - return r.dependencies = n.dependencies, - r - }, - n.compileClientWithDependenciesTracked = function (e, t) { - t = t || { - }; - var n = g(e = String(e), { - compileDebug: t.compileDebug, - filename: t.filename, - basedir: t.basedir, - pretty: t.pretty, - doctype: t.doctype, - inlineRuntimeFunctions: !1 !== t.inlineRuntimeFunctions, - globals: t.globals, - self: t.self, - includeSources: t.compileDebug, - debug: t.debug, - templateName: || 'template', - filters: t.filters, - filterOptions: t.filterOptions, - filterAliases: t.filterAliases, - plugins: t.plugins - }), - r = n.body; - return t.module && (!1 === t.inlineRuntimeFunctions && (r = 'var pug = require("pug-runtime");' + r), r += ' module.exports = ' + ( || 'template') + ';'), - { - body: r, - dependencies: n.dependencies - } - }, - n.compileClient = function (e, t) { - return n.compileClientWithDependenciesTracked(e, t).body - }, - n.compileFile = function (e, t) { - return (t = t || { - }).filename = e, - y(t) - }, - n.render = function (e, t, r) { - if ('function' == typeof t && (r = t, t = void 0), 'function' == typeof r) { - var i; - try { - i = n.render(e, t) - } catch (e) { - return r(e) - } - return r(null, i) - } - if ((t = t || { - }).cache && !t.filename) throw new Error('the "filename" option is required for caching'); - return y(t, e) (t) - }, - n.renderFile = function (e, t, r) { - if ('function' == typeof t && (r = t, t = void 0), 'function' == typeof r) { - var i; - try { - i = n.renderFile(e, t) - } catch (e) { - return r(e) - } - return r(null, i) - } - return (t = t || { - }).filename = e, - y(t) (t) - }, - n.compileFileClient = function (e, t) { - var i = e + ':client'; - if ((t = t || { - }).filename = e, t.cache && n.cache[i]) return n.cache[i]; - var s = r.readFileSync(t.filename, 'utf8'), - o = n.compileClient(s, t); - return t.cache && (n.cache[i] = o), - o - }, - n.__express = function (e, r, i) { - void 0 == r.compileDebug && 'production' === t.env.NODE_ENV && (r.compileDebug = !1), - n.renderFile(e, r, i) - } - }).call(this, e('_process')) - }, - { - _process: 373, - fs: 40, - path: 372, - 'pug-code-gen': 385, - 'pug-filters': 389, - 'pug-lexer': 394, - 'pug-linker': 395, - 'pug-load': 396, - 'pug-parser': 397, - 'pug-runtime': 400, - 'pug-runtime/wrap': 404, - 'pug-strip-comments': 405 - } - ] - }, - { - }, - [ - ]); - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/javascripts/services.js b/src/assets/javascripts/services.js index 17091e9d..598dd30e 100644 --- a/src/assets/javascripts/services.js +++ b/src/assets/javascripts/services.js @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ function init() { options = r.options redirects = r.redirects targets = r.targets - fetch("/config/config.json") + fetch("/config.json") .then(response => response.text()) .then(configData => { config = JSON.parse(configData) @@ -124,10 +124,6 @@ function redirect(url, type, initiator, forceRedirection) { else return `${randomInstance}/u${url.pathname}${}` // Likely a user profile, redirect to '/u/...' case "lbryDesktop": return url.href.replace(/^https?:\/{2}odysee\.com\//, "lbry://").replace(/:(?=[a-zA-Z0-9])/g, "#") - case "neuters": - if (url.pathname.startsWith("/article/") || url.pathname.startsWith("/pf/") || url.pathname.startsWith("/arc/") || url.pathname.startsWith("/resizer/")) return null - else if (url.pathname.endsWith("/")) return `${randomInstance}${url.pathname}` - else return `${randomInstance}${url.pathname}/` case "searx": case "searxng": return `${randomInstance}/${}` @@ -363,27 +359,6 @@ function redirect(url, type, initiator, forceRedirection) { if (query) return `${randomInstance}/${mapCentre}/Mpnk/${query}` } } - case "wikiless": - let GETArguments = [] - if ( > 0) { - let search = //get rid of '?' - let argstrings = search.split("&") - for (let i = 0; i < argstrings.length; i++) { - let args = argstrings[i].split("=") - GETArguments.push([args[0], args[1]]) - } - } - - let link = `${randomInstance}${url.pathname}` - let urlSplit =".") - if (urlSplit[0] != "wikipedia" && urlSplit[0] != "www") { - if (urlSplit[0] == "m") GETArguments.push(["mobileaction", "toggle_view_mobile"]) - else GETArguments.push(["lang", urlSplit[0]]) - if (urlSplit[1] == "m") GETArguments.push(["mobileaction", "toggle_view_mobile"]) - // wikiless doesn't have mobile view support yet - } - for (let i = 0; i < GETArguments.length; i++) link += (i == 0 ? "?" : "&") + GETArguments[i][0] + "=" + GETArguments[i][1] - return link case "lingva": let params_arr ="&") params_arr[0] = params_arr[0].substring(1) @@ -443,7 +418,7 @@ function redirect(url, type, initiator, forceRedirection) { function computeService(url, returnFrontend) { return new Promise(resolve => { - fetch("/config/config.json") + fetch("/config.json") .then(response => response.text()) .then(configData => { const config = JSON.parse(configData) @@ -529,13 +504,8 @@ function reverse(url, urlString) { case "twitter": case "reddit": case "imdb": - case "reuters": case "quora": case "medium": - case "wikipedia": - if (!urlString) resolve([service].url + url.pathname + - else resolve(url.replace(/https?:\/{2}(?:[^\s\/]+\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9]+/,[service].url)) - return case "fandom": let regex = url.pathname.match(/^\/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\/wiki\/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/) if (regex) { @@ -555,7 +525,7 @@ function reverse(url, urlString) { function setRedirects(passedRedirects) { return new Promise(resolve => { - fetch("/config/config.json") + fetch("/config.json") .then(response => response.text()) .then(configData => {* [ */ "options" /* , "blacklists"] */, async r => { @@ -612,7 +582,7 @@ function initDefaults() { fetch("/instances/data.json") .then(response => response.text()) .then(data => { - fetch("/config/config.json") + fetch("/config.json") .then(response => response.text()) .then(configData => {["options", "blacklists"], r => { @@ -655,7 +625,7 @@ function initDefaults() { function upgradeOptions() { return new Promise(resolve => { - fetch("/config/config.json") + fetch("/config.json") .then(response => response.text()) .then(configData => {, r => { @@ -727,7 +697,7 @@ function processUpdate() { fetch("/instances/data.json") .then(response => response.text()) .then(data => { - fetch("/config/config.json") + fetch("/config.json") .then(response => response.text()) .then(configData => {["options", "blacklists", "targets"], r => { diff --git a/src/assets/javascripts/utils.js b/src/assets/javascripts/utils.js index cff8c2a9..d6c5e300 100644 --- a/src/assets/javascripts/utils.js +++ b/src/assets/javascripts/utils.js @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ window.browser = window.browser || -import localise from "./localise.js" import servicesHelper from "./services.js" function getRandomInstance(instances) { @@ -11,204 +10,11 @@ function camelCase(str) { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1) } -let cloudflareBlackList = [] -let authenticateBlackList = [] -async function initBlackList() { - return new Promise(resolve => { - fetch("/instances/blacklist.json") - .then(response => response.text()) - .then(data => { - cloudflareBlackList = JSON.parse(data).cloudflare - authenticateBlackList = JSON.parse(data).authenticate - resolve() - }) - }) -} - -function updateInstances() { - return new Promise(async resolve => { - let http = new XMLHttpRequest() - let fallback = new XMLHttpRequest() -"GET", "", false) - http.send(null) - if (http.status != 200) { -"GET", "", false) - fallback.send(null) - if (fallback.status === 200) { - http = fallback - } else { - resolve() - return - } - } - await initBlackList() - const instances = JSON.parse(http.responseText) - - await servicesHelper.setRedirects(instances) - -"Successfully updated Instances") - resolve(true) - return - }) -} - function protocolHost(url) { if (url.username && url.password) return `${url.protocol}//${url.username}:${url.password}@${}` return `${url.protocol}//${}` } -async function processDefaultCustomInstances(service, frontend, network, document) { - let frontendNetworkElement = document.getElementById(frontend).getElementsByClassName(network)[0] - - let frontendCustomInstances = [] - let frontendCheckListElement = frontendNetworkElement.getElementsByClassName("checklist")[0] - - await initBlackList() - - let frontendDefaultRedirects - - let redirects, options - - async function getFromStorage() { - return new Promise(async resolve => -["options", "redirects",], r => { - frontendDefaultRedirects = r.options[frontend][network].enabled - frontendCustomInstances = r.options[frontend][network].custom - options = r.options - redirects = r.redirects - resolve() - }) - ) - } - - await getFromStorage() - - function calcFrontendCheckBoxes() { - let isTrue = true - for (const item of redirects[frontend][network]) { - if (!frontendDefaultRedirects.includes(item)) { - isTrue = false - break - } - } - for (const element of frontendCheckListElement.getElementsByTagName("input")) { - element.checked = frontendDefaultRedirects.includes(element.className) - } - if (frontendDefaultRedirects.length == 0) isTrue = false - frontendNetworkElement.getElementsByClassName("toggle-all")[0].checked = isTrue - } - frontendCheckListElement.innerHTML = [ - `
- Toggle All - -
`, - ...redirects[frontend][network] - .sort((a, b) => - (cloudflareBlackList.includes(a) && !cloudflareBlackList.includes(b)) - || - (authenticateBlackList.includes(a) && !authenticateBlackList.includes(b)) - ) - .map(x => { - const cloudflare = cloudflareBlackList.includes(x) ? ' cloudflare' : "" - const authenticate = authenticateBlackList.includes(x) ? ' authenticate' : "" - - let warnings = [cloudflare, authenticate].join(" ") - return `
- ${x}${warnings} - -
` - }), - ].join("\n
\n") - - localise.localisePage() - - calcFrontendCheckBoxes() - frontendNetworkElement.getElementsByClassName("toggle-all")[0].addEventListener("change", async event => { -"options", r => { - let options = r.options - if ( frontendDefaultRedirects = [...redirects[frontend][network]] - else frontendDefaultRedirects = [] - - options[frontend][network].enabled = frontendDefaultRedirects -{ options }) - calcFrontendCheckBoxes() - }) - }) - - for (let element of frontendCheckListElement.getElementsByTagName("input")) { - if (element.className != "toggle-all") - frontendNetworkElement.getElementsByClassName(element.className)[0].addEventListener("change", async event => { -"options", r => { - let options = r.options - if ( frontendDefaultRedirects.push(element.className) - else { - let index = frontendDefaultRedirects.indexOf(element.className) - if (index > -1) frontendDefaultRedirects.splice(index, 1) - } - - options[frontend][network].enabled = frontendDefaultRedirects -{ options }) - calcFrontendCheckBoxes() - }) - }) - } - - function calcFrontendCustomInstances() { - console.log('calcFrontendCustomInstances()') - document.getElementById(frontend).getElementsByClassName("custom-checklist")[0].innerHTML = frontendCustomInstances - .map( - x => `
- ${x} - -
` - ) - .join("\n") - - for (const item of frontendCustomInstances) { - document.getElementById(frontend).getElementsByClassName(`clear-${item}`)[0].addEventListener("click", async () => { -"options", r => { - let options = r.options - let index = frontendCustomInstances.indexOf(item) - if (index > -1) frontendCustomInstances.splice(index, 1) - options[frontend][network].custom = frontendCustomInstances -{ options }) - calcFrontendCustomInstances() - }) - }) - } - } - calcFrontendCustomInstances() - document.getElementById(frontend).getElementsByClassName("custom-instance-form")[0].addEventListener("submit", async event => { - event.preventDefault(); -"options", async r => { - let options = r.options - event.preventDefault() - let frontendCustomInstanceInput = document.getElementById(frontend).getElementsByClassName("custom-instance")[0] - let url - try { - url = new URL(frontendCustomInstanceInput.value) - } catch (error) { - return - } - let protocolHostVar = protocolHost(url) - if (frontendCustomInstanceInput.validity.valid && !redirects[frontend][network].includes(protocolHostVar)) { - if (!frontendCustomInstances.includes(protocolHostVar)) { - frontendCustomInstances.push(protocolHostVar) - options[frontend][network].custom = frontendCustomInstances -{ options }) - frontendCustomInstanceInput.value = "" - } - calcFrontendCustomInstances() - } - }) - }) -} - function copyRaw(test, copyRawElement) { return new Promise(resolve => { browser.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, async tabs => { @@ -266,9 +72,7 @@ function switchInstance(test) { export default { getRandomInstance, - updateInstances, protocolHost, - processDefaultCustomInstances, switchInstance, copyRaw, camelCase, diff --git a/src/config/config.json b/src/config.json similarity index 93% rename from src/config/config.json rename to src/config.json index 4a28194d..ae9a9f64 100644 --- a/src/config/config.json +++ b/src/config.json @@ -210,24 +210,6 @@ "embeddable": true, "url": "" }, - "wikipedia": { - "frontends": { - "wikiless": { - "name": "Wikiless", - "instanceList": true - } - }, - "targets": [ - "^https?:\\/{2}(?:[a-z]+\\.)*wikipedia\\.org(\\/|$)" - ], - "name": "Wikipedia", - "options": { - "enabled": false - }, - "imageType": "svg", - "embeddable": false, - "url": "" - }, "medium": { "frontends": { "scribe": { @@ -299,24 +281,6 @@ "embeddable": false, "url": "" }, - "reuters": { - "frontends": { - "neuters": { - "name": "Neuters", - "instanceList": true - } - }, - "targets": [ - "^https?:\\/{2}(www\\.|)reuters\\.com(\\/|$)" - ], - "name": "Reuters", - "options": { - "enabled": false - }, - "imageType": "svg", - "embeddable": false, - "url": "" - }, "fandom": { "frontends": { "breezeWiki": { diff --git a/src/index.pug b/src/index.pug deleted file mode 100644 index eac8472a..00000000 --- a/src/index.pug +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -string of pug \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/instances/ b/src/instances/ index e8b137dc..248f719a 100755 --- a/src/instances/ +++ b/src/instances/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ authRegex = r"https?:\/{2}\S+:\S+@(?:[^\s\/]+\.)*[a-zA-Z0-9]+" + endRegex # 2.0 because Libredirect is currently on version 2.x.x headers = {'User-Agent': 'Libredirect-instance-fetcher/2.0'} -with open('./src/config/config.json', 'rt') as tmp: +with open('./src/config.json', 'rt') as tmp: config['networks'] = json.load(tmp)['networks'] @@ -328,12 +328,6 @@ def teddit(): fetchJsonList('teddit', 'Teddit', '', {'clearnet': 'url', 'tor': 'onion', 'i2p': 'i2p', 'loki': None}, False) - -def wikiless(): - fetchJsonList('wikiless', 'Wikiless', '', - {'clearnet': 'url', 'tor': 'onion', 'i2p': 'i2p', 'loki': None}, False) - - def scribe(): fetchJsonList('scribe', 'Scribe', '', None, False) @@ -490,7 +484,6 @@ nitter() bibliogram() libreddit() teddit() -wikiless() scribe() quetre() libremdb() diff --git a/src/instances/neuters.json b/src/instances/neuters.json deleted file mode 100644 index 8023079b..00000000 --- a/src/instances/neuters.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -{ - "clearnet": [""], - "tor": [], - "i2p": [], - "loki": [] -} diff --git a/src/pages/options/index.ejs b/src/pages/options/index.ejs deleted file mode 100644 index 7f09e6da..00000000 --- a/src/pages/options/index.ejs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ - - - <%- include('src/pages/widgets/head') -%> - - <%- include('src/pages/widgets/links', {services: services}) -%> -
- <%- include('src/pages/options/widgets/general', {config: {networks, services}}) -%> - <%- include('src/pages/options/widgets/services', {config: {networks, services}}) -%> - <%- include('src/pages/options/widgets/about') -%> -
- - - diff --git a/src/pages/options/index.js b/src/pages/options/index.js index 409fa5b5..a735110a 100644 --- a/src/pages/options/index.js +++ b/src/pages/options/index.js @@ -1,3 +1,10 @@ +import utils from "../../assets/javascripts/utils.js" +import localise from "../../assets/javascripts/localise.js" + +let config, + options, + divs = {} + for (const a of document.getElementById("links").getElementsByTagName("a")) { a.addEventListener("click", e => { const path = a.getAttribute("href").replace("#", "") @@ -6,6 +13,35 @@ for (const a of document.getElementById("links").getElementsByTagName("a")) { }) } +await new Promise(resolve => { + fetch("/config.json").then(response => response.text()) + .then(data => { + config = JSON.parse(data) + resolve() + }) +}) +await new Promise(resolve => { +"options", r => { + options = r.options + resolve() + }) +}) + +function changeFrontendsSettings(service) { + for (const frontend in[service].frontends) { + if ([service].frontends[frontend].instanceList) { + const frontendDiv = document.getElementById(frontend) + if (typeof divs[service].frontend !== "undefined") { + if (frontend == divs[service].frontend.value) { + = "block" + } else { + = "none" + } + } + } + } +} + function loadPage(path) { for (const section of document.getElementById("pages").getElementsByTagName("section")) = "none" document.getElementById(`${path}_page`).style.display = "block" @@ -16,8 +52,171 @@ function loadPage(path) { let stateObj = { id: "100" } window.history.pushState(stateObj, "Page 2", `/pages/options/index.html#${path}`) + + const service = path; + divs[service] = {} + for (const option in[service].options) { + divs[service][option] = document.getElementById(`${service}-${option}`) + + if (typeof[service].options[option] == "boolean") divs[service][option].checked = options[service][option] + else divs[service][option].value = options[service][option] + + divs[service][option].addEventListener("change", () => { +"options", r => { + let options = r.options + if (typeof[service].options[option] == "boolean") options[service][option] = divs[service][option].checked + else options[service][option] = divs[service][option].value +{ options }) + changeFrontendsSettings(service) + }) + }) + } + + if (Object.keys([service].frontends).length > 1) { + changeFrontendsSettings(service) + } + + for (const frontend in[service].frontends) { + if ([service].frontends[frontend].instanceList) { + for (const network in config.networks) { + processDefaultCustomInstances(frontend, network, document) + } + } + } } const r = window.location.href.match(/#(.*)/) if (r) loadPage(r[1]) else loadPage("general") + +async function processDefaultCustomInstances(frontend, network, document) { + let networkElement = document.getElementById(frontend).getElementsByClassName(network)[0] + let customInstances = [] + let checkListElement = networkElement.getElementsByClassName("checklist")[0] + + let cloudflareBlackList = [] + let authenticateBlackList = [] + await new Promise(resolve => { + fetch("/instances/blacklist.json") + .then(response => response.text()) + .then(data => { + cloudflareBlackList = JSON.parse(data).cloudflare + authenticateBlackList = JSON.parse(data).authenticate + resolve() + }) + }) + + let frontendDefaultRedirects + + let redirects, options + + await new Promise(async resolve => +["options", "redirects",], r => { + frontendDefaultRedirects = r.options[frontend][network].enabled + customInstances = r.options[frontend][network].custom + options = r.options + redirects = r.redirects + resolve() + }) + ) + + function calcCheckBoxes() { + for (const element of checkListElement.getElementsByTagName("input")) { + element.checked = frontendDefaultRedirects.includes(element.className) + } + } + if (redirects[frontend][network].length > 0) + checkListElement.innerHTML = [ + ` +


+ `, + ...redirects[frontend][network] + .sort((a, b) => + (cloudflareBlackList.includes(a) && !cloudflareBlackList.includes(b)) + || + (authenticateBlackList.includes(a) && !authenticateBlackList.includes(b)) + ) + .map(x => { + const cloudflare = cloudflareBlackList.includes(x) ? ' cloudflare' : "" + const authenticate = authenticateBlackList.includes(x) ? ' authenticate' : "" + + let warnings = [cloudflare, authenticate].join(" ") + return ` +
+ + ${x}${warnings} + + +
` + }), + '
' + ].join("\n
\n") + + localise.localisePage() + + calcCheckBoxes() + + for (let element of checkListElement.getElementsByTagName("input")) { + networkElement.getElementsByClassName(element.className)[0].addEventListener("change", async event => { + if ( frontendDefaultRedirects.push(element.className) + else { + let index = frontendDefaultRedirects.indexOf(element.className) + if (index > -1) frontendDefaultRedirects.splice(index, 1) + } + + options[frontend][network].enabled = frontendDefaultRedirects +{ options }, () => calcCheckBoxes()) + }) + } + + function calcCustomInstances() { + document.getElementById(frontend).getElementsByClassName("custom-checklist")[0].innerHTML = customInstances + .map( + x => ` +
+ ${x} + +
` + ) + .join("\n") + + for (const item of customInstances) { + document.getElementById(frontend).getElementsByClassName(`clear-${item}`)[0].addEventListener("click", async () => { + let index = customInstances.indexOf(item) + if (index > -1) customInstances.splice(index, 1) + options[frontend][network].custom = customInstances +{ options }, () => calcCustomInstances()) + }) + } + } + calcCustomInstances() + document.getElementById(frontend).getElementsByClassName("custom-instance-form")[0].addEventListener("submit", async event => { + event.preventDefault(); + event.preventDefault() + let frontendCustomInstanceInput = document.getElementById(frontend).getElementsByClassName("custom-instance")[0] + let url + try { + url = new URL(frontendCustomInstanceInput.value) + } catch (error) { + return + } + let protocolHostVar = utils.protocolHost(url) + if (frontendCustomInstanceInput.validity.valid && !redirects[frontend][network].includes(protocolHostVar)) { + if (!customInstances.includes(protocolHostVar)) { + customInstances.push(protocolHostVar) + options[frontend][network].custom = customInstances +{ options }, () => { + frontendCustomInstanceInput.value = "" + calcCustomInstances() + }) + } + } + }) +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/pages/options/widgets/general.js b/src/pages/options/widgets/general.js index a73ac85e..2fd6a9a5 100644 --- a/src/pages/options/widgets/general.js +++ b/src/pages/options/widgets/general.js @@ -5,21 +5,11 @@ import utils from "../../../assets/javascripts/utils.js" import generalHelper from "../../../assets/javascripts/general.js" import servicesHelper from "../../../assets/javascripts/services.js" -let updateInstancesElement = document.getElementById("update-instances") -updateInstancesElement.addEventListener("click", async () => { - let oldHtml = updateInstancesElement.innerHTML - updateInstancesElement.innerHTML = "..." - if (await utils.updateInstances()) { - updateInstancesElement.innerHTML = oldHtml - location.reload() - } else updateInstancesElement.innerHTML = "Failed Miserabely" -}) - let config async function getConfig() { return new Promise(resolve => { - fetch("/config/config.json") + fetch("/config.json") .then(response => response.text()) .then(data => { config = JSON.parse(data) diff --git a/src/pages/options/widgets/services.js b/src/pages/options/widgets/services.js deleted file mode 100644 index 06c560f8..00000000 --- a/src/pages/options/widgets/services.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -import utils from "../../../assets/javascripts/utils.js" - -let config, - options, - divs = {} - -function getConfig() { - return new Promise(resolve => { - fetch("/config/config.json") - .then(response => response.text()) - .then(data => { - config = JSON.parse(data) - resolve() - }) - }) -} - -function getOptions() { - return new Promise(resolve => { -"options", r => { - options = r.options - resolve() - }) - }) -} - -await getConfig() -await getOptions() - -function changeFrontendsSettings(service) { - for (const frontend in[service].frontends) { - if ([service].frontends[frontend].instanceList) { - const frontendDiv = document.getElementById(frontend) - if (typeof divs[service].frontend !== "undefined") { - if (frontend == divs[service].frontend.value) { - = "block" - } else { - = "none" - } - } - } - } -} - -for (const service in { - divs[service] = {} - //divs[service].page = document.getElementById(`${service}_page`) - for (const option in[service].options) { - divs[service][option] = document.getElementById(`${service}-${option}`) - - if (typeof[service].options[option] == "boolean") divs[service][option].checked = options[service][option] - else divs[service][option].value = options[service][option] - - divs[service][option].addEventListener("change", () => { -"options", r => { - let options = r.options - if (typeof[service].options[option] == "boolean") options[service][option] = divs[service][option].checked - else options[service][option] = divs[service][option].value -{ options }) - changeFrontendsSettings(service) - }) - }) - } - - if (Object.keys([service].frontends).length > 1) { - changeFrontendsSettings(service) - } - - for (const frontend in[service].frontends) { - if ([service].frontends[frontend].instanceList) { - for (const network in config.networks) { - utils.processDefaultCustomInstances(service, frontend, network, document) - } - } - } -} diff --git a/src/pages/options/widgets/services.pug b/src/pages/options/widgets/services.pug index 3a32f517..ddd244d4 100644 --- a/src/pages/options/widgets/services.pug +++ b/src/pages/options/widgets/services.pug @@ -28,25 +28,18 @@ each val, service in services option(value="sub_frame" data-localise="__MSG_onlyEmbedded__") Only Embedded option(value="main_frame" data-localise="__MSG_onlyNotEmbedded__") Only Not Embedded - hr - each val, frontend in services[service].frontends if services[service].frontends[frontend].instanceList div(id=frontend) each val, network in networks div(class=network) - div(class="some-block option-block") - h4=network.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + network.slice(1) div(class="checklist") - hr div(class="some-block option-block") h4(data-localise="__MSG_customInstances__") Custom Instances form(class="custom-instance-form") div(class="some-block option-block") - input(class="custom-instance" placeholder="http://<%= frontend %>.com" type="url" ) + input(class="custom-instance" placeholder=`http://${frontend}.com` type="url" ) button(class="add add-instance" type="submit") svg(xmlns="" height="20px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="20px" fill="currentColor") path(d="M19 13h-6v6h-2v-6H5v-2h6V5h2v6h6v2z") - div(class="checklist custom-checklist") - - script(type="module" src="./widgets/services.js") + div(class="checklist custom-checklist") \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/pages/popup/index.html b/src/pages/popup/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9c37f116..00000000 --- a/src/pages/popup/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1893 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - General - - - - -




- -

Excluded from redirecting

-   -   -
- - - - -
- -    - - -   - Export Settings   - - - - - Reset Settings -
- -




- -

Show in Popup

- -


- -

Redirect Type

- -









Custom Instances

- - -









Custom Instances

- - -









Custom Instances

- - -









Custom Instances

- - -
- -

YT Music



- -

Show in Popup

- -


- -









Custom Instances

- - -









Custom Instances

- - -
- -




- -

Show in Popup

- -

Redirect Type

- -









Custom Instances

- - -
- -




- -

Show in Popup

- -









Custom Instances

- - -
- -




- -

Show in Popup

- -









Custom Instances

- - -
- -




- -

Show in Popup

- -


- -









Custom Instances

- - -









Custom Instances

- - -
- -




- -

Show in Popup

- -

Redirect Type

- -









Custom Instances

- - -
- -




- -

Show in Popup

- -









Custom Instances

- - -
- -




- -

Show in Popup

- -









Custom Instances

- - -
- -




- -

Show in Popup

- -









Custom Instances

- - -
- -




- -

Show in Popup

- -









Custom Instances

- - -
- -




- -

Show in Popup

- -









Custom Instances

- - -
- -




- -

Show in Popup

- -









Custom Instances

- - -
- -




- -

Show in Popup

- -









Custom Instances

- - -
- -




- -

Show in Popup

- -


- -

Redirect Type

- -









Custom Instances

- - -
- -




- -

Show in Popup

- -


- -









Custom Instances

- - -









Custom Instances

- - -









Custom Instances

- - -









Custom Instances

- - -
- -




- -

Show in Popup

- -


- -









Custom Instances

- - -









Custom Instances

- - -









Custom Instances

- - -
- -




- -

Show in Popup

- -


- -









Custom Instances

- - -









Custom Instances

- - -
- -

Send Files



- -

Show in Popup

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Custom Instances

- - -
- -

Paste Text



- -

Show in Popup

- -









Custom Instances

- - -
- -


- -
- - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/pages/popup/popup.js b/src/pages/popup/popup.js index 1ac804d0..b2f2c299 100644 --- a/src/pages/popup/popup.js +++ b/src/pages/popup/popup.js @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ let config, async function getConfig() { return new Promise(resolve => { - fetch("/config/config.json") + fetch("/config.json") .then(response => response.text()) .then(data => { config = JSON.parse(data)