mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 00:28:48 +01:00
Ported 87d68cb662
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,13 +8,14 @@ pipeline:
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- pip install requests colorama
- python src/instances/get_instances.py
# SSH configuration
- mkdir ~/.ssh
- ssh-keyscan -t ed25519 codeberg.org >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- eval `ssh-agent`
- echo "$TOKEN" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add -
# Git configuration
- git config --global user.email $MAIL
- git config --global user.name "Woodpecker CI"
- git commit -am "updated instances"
- mkdir ~/.ssh
- ssh-keyscan -t ed25519 codeberg.org >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- git remote set-url origin git@codeberg.org:libredirect/libredirect.git
- eval `ssh-agent`
- echo "$TOKEN" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add -
- git push --set-upstream origin master
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Send Files => [Send](https://gitlab.com/timvisee/send)
**Note**: The Extension will be using random instances by default. You can modify this and add custom instances too.
# Please read the [FAQ](https://libredirect.github.io/faq.html) if you have any questions!
# Please read the [FAQ](https://libredirect.codeberg.page/faq.html) if you have any questions!
## Donate
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ npm update
npm install
If you are modifying any files ending with .ejs, you need to run the following command to render html:
If you are modifying `config.json` or any files ending with .ejs, you need to run the following command to render html:
npm run ejs
@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
class FrontEnd {
constructor({ enable, frontends, frontend, redirect }) {
this.redirects = {}
this.enable = enable
this.frontend = frontend
this.protocol = "normal"
this.protocolFallback = true
.then(response => response.text())
.then(async data => {
data = JSON.parse(data)
.then(response => response.text())
.then(async blackList => {
blackList = JSON.parse(blackList)
for (const frontend in frontends) {
this.redirects[frontend] = {}
this.redirects[frontend].cookies = [...frontends[frontend].cookies]
for (const protocol in data[frontend]) {
this.redirects[frontend][protocol] = {}
this.redirects[frontend][protocol].all = [...data[frontend][protocol]]
this.redirects[frontend][protocol].custom = []
this.redirects[frontend][protocol].checked = [...data[frontend][protocol]]
for (const instance of blackList.cloudflare) {
const a = this.redirects[frontend][protocol].checked.indexOf(instance)
if (a > -1) this.redirects[frontend][protocol].checked.splice(a, 1)
for (const instance of blackList.offline) {
const a = this.redirects[frontend][protocol].checked.indexOf(instance)
if (a > -1) this.redirects[frontend][protocol].checked.splice(a, 1)
this.unifyCookies = from =>
new Promise(async resolve => {
await init()
const protocolHost = utils.protocolHost(from)
const list = [...this.redirects[this.frontend][this.protocol]]
if (![...list.checked, ...list.custom].includes(protocolHost)) {
for (const cookie of this.redirects[this.frontend].cookies) {
await utils.copyCookie(frontend, protocolHost, [...list.checked, list.custom], cookie)
this.switchInstance = (url, disableOverride) => {
if (!this.enable && !disableOverride) return
const protocolHost = utils.protocolHost(url)
const list = [...this.redirects[this.frontend][this.protocol]]
if (!list.all.includes(protocolHost)) return
let userList = [...list.checked, ...list.custom]
if (userList.length === 0 && this.protocolFallback) userList = [...list.normal.all]
const i = userList.indexOf(protocolHost)
if (i > -1) userList.splice(i, 1)
if (userList.length === 0) return
const randomInstance = utils.getRandomInstance(userList)
return `${randomInstance}${url.pathname}${url.search}`
this.redirect = (url, type, initiator, disableOverride) => {
const result = redirect(url, type, initiator, disableOverride)
if (result == "BYPASSTAB") return "BYPASSTAB"
if (result) {
const list = [...this.redirects[this.frontend][this.protocol]]
let userList = [...list.checked, ...list.custom]
const randomInstance = utils.getRandomInstance(userList)
return `${randomInstance}${result.pathname}${result.search}`
let init = () => new Promise(async resolve => {})
let Reddit = new FrontEnd({
enable: true,
frontends: {
libreddit: { cookies: ["theme", "front_page", "layout", "wide", "post_sort", "comment_sort", "show_nsfw", "autoplay_videos", "use_hls", "hide_hls_notification", "subscriptions", "filters"] },
teddit: {
cookies: [
frontend: "libreddit",
redirect: (url, type, initiator, disableOverride) => {
if (this.enable && !disableOverride) return
const targets = [/^https?:\/{2}(www\.|old\.|np\.|new\.|amp\.|)reddit\.com/, /^https?:\/{2}(i\.|preview\.)redd\.it/]
if (!targets.some(rx => rx.test(url.href))) return
if (initiator && all().includes(initiator.origin)) return "BYPASSTAB"
if (!["main_frame", "xmlhttprequest", "other", "image", "media"].includes(type)) return
const bypassPaths = /\/(gallery\/poll\/rpan\/settings\/topics)/
if (url.pathname.match(bypassPaths)) return
const protocolHost = utils.protocolHost(url)
if (url.host === "i.redd.it") {
if (this.frontend == "libreddit") return `${protocolHost}/img${url.pathname}${url.search}`
if (this.frontend == "teddit") return `${protocolHost}/pics/w:null_${url.pathname.substring(1)}${url.search}`
} else if (url.host === "redd.it") {
// https://redd.it/foo => https://libredd.it/comments/foo
if (this.frontend == "libreddit" && !url.pathname.match(/^\/+[^\/]+\/+[^\/]/)) return `${protocolHost}/comments${url.pathname}${url.search}`
// https://redd.it/foo => https://teddit.net/comments/foo
if (this.frontend == "teddit" && !url.pathname.match(/^\/+[^\/]+\/+[^\/]/)) return `${protocolHost}/comments${url.pathname}${url.search}`
} else if (url.host === "preview.redd.it") {
if (this.frontend == "libreddit") return `${protocolHost}/preview/pre${url.pathname}${url.search}`
if (this.frontend == "teddit") return
} else {
return `${url.href}`
export default {}
@ -140,13 +140,23 @@ function redirect(url, type, initiator) {
case "send":
return randomInstance
case "nitter":
let search = new URLSearchParams(url.search)
search = search.toString()
if (search !== "") search = `?${search}`
if (url.host.split(".")[0] === "pbs" || url.host.split(".")[0] === "video") {
const [, id, format, extra] = url.search.match(/(.*)\?format=(.*)&(.*)/)
const query = encodeURIComponent(`${id}.${format}?${extra}`)
return `${randomInstance}/pic${url.pathname}${query}`
} else if (url.pathname.split("/").includes("tweets")) return `${randomInstance}${url.pathname.replace("/tweets", "")}${url.search}`
else if (url.host == "t.co") return `${randomInstance}/t.co${url.pathname}`
else return `${randomInstance}${url.pathname}${url.search}`
return `${randomInstance}/pic${search}${query}`
if (url.pathname.split("/").includes("tweets")) return `${randomInstance}${url.pathname.replace("/tweets", "")}${search}`
if (url.host == "t.co") return `${randomInstance}/t.co${url.pathname}`
return `${randomInstance}${url.pathname}${search}`
case "yattee":
return url.href.replace(/^https?:\/{2}/, "yattee://")
case "freetube":
@ -1,250 +1,3 @@
<<<<<<< HEAD
"use strict"
import generalHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/general.js"
import utils from "../../assets/javascripts/utils.js"
import youtubeHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/youtube/youtube.js"
import youtubeMusicHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/youtubeMusic.js"
import twitterHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/twitter.js"
import instagramHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/instagram.js"
import redditHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/reddit.js"
import searchHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/search.js"
import translateHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/translate/translate.js"
import mapsHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/maps.js"
import wikipediaHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/wikipedia.js"
import mediumHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/medium.js"
import quoraHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/quora.js"
import libremdbHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/imdb.js"
import reutersHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/reuters.js"
import imgurHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/imgur.js"
import tiktokHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/tiktok.js"
import sendTargetsHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/sendTargets.js"
import peertubeHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/peertube.js"
import lbryHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/lbry.js"
import frontend from "../../assets/javascripts/frontend.js"
window.browser = window.browser || window.chrome
browser.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(details => {
function initDefaults() {
.then(response => response.text())
.then(async data => {
browser.storage.local.clear(() => {
browser.storage.local.set({ cloudflareBlackList: JSON.parse(data).cloudflare }, () => {
browser.storage.local.set({ authenticateBlackList: JSON.parse(data).authenticate }, () => {
browser.storage.local.set({ offlineBlackList: JSON.parse(data).offline }, () => {
if (details.reason == "install") initDefaults()
// if (details.reason == 'install' || (details.reason == "update" && details.previousVersion != browser.runtime.getManifest().version)) {
// if (details.reason == "update")
// browser.storage.local.get(null, r => {
// if (r.theme) {
// const old = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(r))
// browser.tabs.create({ url: browser.runtime.getURL(`/pages/background/reset_warning.html?data=${old}`) });
// }
// initDefaults();
// })
// else initDefaults();
// }
let BYPASSTABs = []
details => {
const url = new URL(details.url)
if (new RegExp(/^chrome-extension:\/{2}.*\/instances\/.*.json$/).test(url.href) && details.type == "xmlhttprequest") return
let initiator
try {
if (details.originUrl) initiator = new URL(details.originUrl)
else if (details.initiator) initiator = new URL(details.initiator)
} catch {
return null
let newUrl = youtubeMusicHelper.redirect(url, details.type)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = youtubeHelper.redirect(url, details.type, details.tabId, initiator)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = twitterHelper.redirect(url, details.type, initiator)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = instagramHelper.redirect(url, details.type, initiator)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = mapsHelper.redirect(url, initiator)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = redditHelper.redirect(url, details.type, initiator)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = mediumHelper.redirect(url, details.type, initiator)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = quoraHelper.redirect(url, details.type, initiator)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = libremdbHelper.redirect(url, details.type, initiator)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = reutersHelper.redirect(url, details.type, initiator)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = imgurHelper.redirect(url, details.type, initiator)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = tiktokHelper.redirect(url, details.type, initiator)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = sendTargetsHelper.redirect(url, details.type, initiator)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = peertubeHelper.redirect(url, details.type, initiator)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = lbryHelper.redirect(url, details.type, initiator)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = translateHelper.redirect(url)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = searchHelper.redirect(url)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = wikipediaHelper.redirect(url)
if (details.frameAncestors && details.frameAncestors.length > 0 && generalHelper.isException(new URL(details.frameAncestors[0].url))) newUrl = null
if (generalHelper.isException(url)) newUrl = "BYPASSTAB"
if (BYPASSTABs.includes(details.tabId)) newUrl = null
if (newUrl) {
if (newUrl === "CANCEL") {
console.log(`Canceled ${url}`)
return { cancel: true }
if (newUrl === "BYPASSTAB") {
console.log(`Bypassed ${details.tabId} ${url}`)
if (!BYPASSTABs.includes(details.tabId)) BYPASSTABs.push(details.tabId)
return null
console.info("Redirecting", url.href, "=>", newUrl)
return { redirectUrl: newUrl }
return null
{ urls: ["<all_urls>"] },
browser.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(tabId => {
const i = BYPASSTABs.indexOf(tabId)
if (i > -1) {
BYPASSTABs.splice(i, 1)
console.log("Removed BYPASSTABs", tabId)
e => {
let response = youtubeHelper.removeXFrameOptions(e)
if (!response) response = twitterHelper.removeXFrameOptions(e)
return response
{ urls: ["<all_urls>"] },
["blocking", "responseHeaders"]
async function redirectOfflineInstance(url, tabId) {
let newUrl = await youtubeHelper.switchInstance(url, true)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = await twitterHelper.switchInstance(url, true)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = await instagramHelper.switchInstance(url, true)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = await redditHelper.switchInstance(url, true)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = await searchHelper.switchInstance(url, true)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = await translateHelper.switchInstance(url, true)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = await mediumHelper.switchInstance(url, true)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = await quoraHelper.switchInstance(url, true)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = await libremdbHelper.switchInstance(url, true)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = await tiktokHelper.switchInstance(url, true)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = await imgurHelper.switchInstance(url, true)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = await wikipediaHelper.switchInstance(url, true)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = await peertubeHelper.switchInstance(url, true)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = await lbryHelper.switchInstance(url, true)
if (!newUrl) newUrl = await youtubeMusicHelper.switchInstance(url, true)
if (newUrl) {
if (counter >= 5) {
browser.tabs.update(tabId, {
url: `/pages/errors/instance_offline.html?url=${encodeURIComponent(newUrl)}`,
counter = 0
} else {
browser.tabs.update(tabId, { url: newUrl })
let counter = 0
function isAutoRedirect() {
return new Promise(resolve => browser.storage.local.get("autoRedirect", r => resolve(r.autoRedirect == true)))
async details => {
if (!(await isAutoRedirect())) return null
if (details.type == "main_frame" && details.statusCode >= 500) redirectOfflineInstance(new URL(details.url), details.tabId)
{ urls: ["<all_urls>"] }
async details => {
if (!(await isAutoRedirect())) return
if (details.type == "main_frame") redirectOfflineInstance(new URL(details.url), details.tabId)
{ urls: ["<all_urls>"] }
browser.commands.onCommand.addListener(command => {
if (command === "switchInstance") utils.switchInstance()
else if (command == "copyRaw") utils.copyRaw()
else if (command == "unify") utils.unify()
id: "settings",
title: browser.i18n.getMessage("Settings"),
contexts: ["browser_action"],
id: "switchInstance",
title: browser.i18n.getMessage("switchInstance"),
contexts: ["browser_action"],
id: "copyRaw",
title: browser.i18n.getMessage("copyRaw"),
contexts: ["browser_action"],
id: "unify",
title: browser.i18n.getMessage("unifySettings"),
contexts: ["browser_action"],
browser.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener(info => {
if (info.menuItemId == "switchInstance") utils.switchInstance()
else if (info.menuItemId == "settings") browser.runtime.openOptionsPage()
else if (info.menuItemId == "copyRaw") utils.copyRaw()
else if (info.menuItemId == "unify") utils.unify()
browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message, sender, sendResponse) => {
if (message.function === "unify") utils.unify(false).then(r => sendResponse({ response: r }))
return true
browser.storage.local.set({ version: browser.runtime.getManifest().version })
"use strict"
import generalHelper from "../../assets/javascripts/general.js"
@ -436,4 +189,3 @@ browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message, sender, sendResponse) => {
if (message.function === "unify") utils.unify(false).then(r => sendResponse({ response: r }))
return true
>>>>>>> optimizations
Reference in New Issue
Block a user