# Degoogle Mirrors

If you host a mirror, let me know through an Issue or PR so it can be added to the community mirrors list. It would be prefered if your mirror is auto-updating.

Official mirrors are the main sources and are maintained by me (@tycrek). Community mirrors are other Git instances run by other users that I can't control.

## Official mirrors

- [GitHub repo](https://github.com/tycrek/degoogle)
- [GitHub Pages](https://degoogle.jmoore.dev) (I am using my personal domain as some firewalls block GitHub)
- [r/Privacy wiki](https://old.reddit.com/r/privacy/wiki/de-google) (automatically updated using GitHub Actions)

## Community mirrors

- [GitLab mirror](https://gitlab.com/SheepKid12/degoogle) from u/SheepKid12
- [Gitea mirror](https://git.xerbo.net/Xerbo/degoogle) from [@Xerbo](https://github.com/Xerbo)
- [BookRefine Publishing](https://bookrefine.com/degoogle/) (thanks @GreyLivesMatter for the updated link)

## Non-english mirrors

- [German/Deutsch](https://github.com/arentro/degoogle_german) from [@arentro](https://github.com/arentro)