
150 lines
5.1 KiB

import * as fs from "fs";
import * as path from "path";
import { EnvironmentService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/environment.service";
import { SendService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/send.service";
import { StateService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/state.service";
import { SendType } from "jslib-common/enums/sendType";
import { NodeUtils } from "jslib-common/misc/nodeUtils";
import { Response } from "jslib-node/cli/models/response";
import { SendResponse } from "../../models/response/sendResponse";
import { SendTextResponse } from "../../models/response/sendTextResponse";
import { CliUtils } from "../../utils";
export class SendCreateCommand {
private sendService: SendService,
private stateService: StateService,
private environmentService: EnvironmentService
) {}
async run(requestJson: any, cmdOptions: Record<string, any>) {
let req: any = null;
if (process.env.BW_SERVE !== "true" && (requestJson == null || requestJson === "")) {
requestJson = await CliUtils.readStdin();
if (requestJson == null || requestJson === "") {
return Response.badRequest("`requestJson` was not provided.");
if (typeof requestJson !== "string") {
req = requestJson;
req.deletionDate = req.deletionDate == null ? null : new Date(req.deletionDate);
req.expirationDate = req.expirationDate == null ? null : new Date(req.expirationDate);
} else {
try {
const reqJson = Buffer.from(requestJson, "base64").toString();
req = SendResponse.fromJson(reqJson);
if (req == null) {
throw new Error("Null request");
} catch (e) {
return Response.badRequest("Error parsing the encoded request data.");
if (
req.deletionDate == null ||
isNaN(new Date(req.deletionDate).getTime()) ||
new Date(req.deletionDate) <= new Date()
) {
return Response.badRequest("Must specify a valid deletion date after the current time");
if (req.expirationDate != null && isNaN(new Date(req.expirationDate).getTime())) {
return Response.badRequest("Unable to parse expirationDate: " + req.expirationDate);
const normalizedOptions = new Options(cmdOptions);
return this.createSend(req, normalizedOptions);
private async createSend(req: SendResponse, options: Options) {
const filePath = req.file?.fileName ?? options.file;
const text = req.text?.text ?? options.text;
const hidden = req.text?.hidden ?? options.hidden;
const password = req.password ?? options.password;
const maxAccessCount = req.maxAccessCount ?? options.maxAccessCount;
req.key = null;
req.maxAccessCount = maxAccessCount;
switch (req.type) {
case SendType.File:
if (process.env.BW_SERVE === "true") {
return Response.error(
"Creating a file-based Send is unsupported through the `serve` command at this time."
if (!(await this.stateService.getCanAccessPremium())) {
return Response.error("Premium status is required to use this feature.");
if (filePath == null) {
return Response.badRequest(
"Must specify a file to Send either with the --file option or in the request JSON."
req.file.fileName = path.basename(filePath);
case SendType.Text:
if (text == null) {
return Response.badRequest(
"Must specify text content to Send either with the --text option or in the request JSON."
req.text = new SendTextResponse();
req.text.text = text;
req.text.hidden = hidden;
return Response.badRequest(
"Unknown Send type " + SendType[req.type] + ". Valid types are: file, text"
try {
let fileBuffer: ArrayBuffer = null;
if (req.type === SendType.File) {
fileBuffer = NodeUtils.bufferToArrayBuffer(fs.readFileSync(filePath));
const sendView = SendResponse.toView(req);
const [encSend, fileData] = await this.sendService.encrypt(sendView, fileBuffer, password);
// Add dates from template
encSend.deletionDate = sendView.deletionDate;
encSend.expirationDate = sendView.expirationDate;
await this.sendService.saveWithServer([encSend, fileData]);
const newSend = await this.sendService.get(;
const decSend = await newSend.decrypt();
const res = new SendResponse(decSend, this.environmentService.getWebVaultUrl());
return Response.success(res);
} catch (e) {
return Response.error(e);
class Options {
file: string;
text: string;
maxAccessCount: number;
password: string;
hidden: boolean;
constructor(passedOptions: Record<string, any>) {
this.file = passedOptions?.file;
this.text = passedOptions?.text;
this.password = passedOptions?.password;
this.hidden = CliUtils.convertBooleanOption(passedOptions?.hidden);
this.maxAccessCount =
passedOptions?.maxAccessCount != null ? parseInt(passedOptions.maxAccessCount, null) : null;