
45 lines
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import {
} from "type-fest";
import { NotJsonable } from "type-fest/source/jsonify";
* Extracted from type-fest and extended with Jsonification of objects returned from `toJSON` methods.
export type DeepJsonify<T> =
// Check if there are any non-JSONable types represented in the union.
// Note: The use of tuples in this first condition side-steps distributive conditional types
// (see
[Extract<T, NotJsonable | bigint>] extends [never]
? T extends PositiveInfinity | NegativeInfinity ? null
: T extends JsonPrimitive
? T // Primitive is acceptable
: T extends number ? number
: T extends string ? string
: T extends boolean ? boolean
: T extends Map<any, any> | Set<any> ? Record<string, unknown> // {}
: T extends TypedArray ? Record<string, number>
: T extends Array<infer U>
? Array<DeepJsonify<U extends NotJsonable ? null : U>> // It's an array: recursive call for its children
: T extends object
? T extends { toJSON(): infer J }
? (() => J) extends () => JsonValue // Is J assignable to JsonValue?
? J // Then T is Jsonable and its Jsonable value is J
: {[P in keyof J as P extends symbol
? never
: J[P] extends NotJsonable
? never
: P]: DeepJsonify<Required<J>[P]>;
} // Not Jsonable because its toJSON() method does not return JsonValue
: {[P in keyof T as P extends symbol
? never
: T[P] extends NotJsonable
? never
: P]: DeepJsonify<Required<T>[P]>} // It's an object: recursive call for its children
: never // Otherwise any other non-object is removed
: never; // Otherwise non-JSONable type union was found not empty