
106 lines
3.7 KiB

import { firstValueFrom, map, from, zip } from "rxjs";
import { EventCollectionService as EventCollectionServiceAbstraction } from "../../abstractions/event/event-collection.service";
import { EventUploadService } from "../../abstractions/event/event-upload.service";
import { OrganizationService } from "../../admin-console/abstractions/organization/organization.service.abstraction";
import { AuthService } from "../../auth/abstractions/auth.service";
import { AuthenticationStatus } from "../../auth/enums/authentication-status";
import { EventType } from "../../enums";
import { EventData } from "../../models/data/";
import { StateProvider } from "../../platform/state";
import { CipherService } from "../../vault/abstractions/cipher.service";
import { EVENT_COLLECTION } from "./key-definitions";
export class EventCollectionService implements EventCollectionServiceAbstraction {
private cipherService: CipherService,
private stateProvider: StateProvider,
private organizationService: OrganizationService,
private eventUploadService: EventUploadService,
private authService: AuthService,
) {}
/** Adds an event to the active user's event collection
* @param eventType the event type to be added
* @param cipherId if provided the id of the cipher involved in the event
* @param uploadImmediately in some cases the recorded events should be uploaded right after being added
* @param organizationId the organizationId involved in the event. If the cipherId is not provided an organizationId is required
async collect(
eventType: EventType,
cipherId: string = null,
uploadImmediately = false,
organizationId: string = null,
): Promise<any> {
const userId = await firstValueFrom(this.stateProvider.activeUserId$);
const eventStore = this.stateProvider.getUser(userId, EVENT_COLLECTION);
if (!(await this.shouldUpdate(cipherId, organizationId))) {
const event = new EventData();
event.type = eventType;
event.cipherId = cipherId; = new Date().toISOString();
event.organizationId = organizationId;
await eventStore.update((events) => {
events = events ?? [];
return events;
if (uploadImmediately) {
await this.eventUploadService.uploadEvents();
/** Verifies if the event collection should be updated for the provided information
* @param cipherId the cipher for the event
* @param organizationId the organization for the event
private async shouldUpdate(
cipherId: string = null,
organizationId: string = null,
): Promise<boolean> {
const orgIds$ = this.organizationService.organizations$.pipe(
map((orgs) => orgs?.filter((o) => o.useEvents)?.map((x) => ?? []),
const cipher$ = from(this.cipherService.get(cipherId));
const [authStatus, orgIds, cipher] = await firstValueFrom(
zip(this.authService.activeAccountStatus$, orgIds$, cipher$),
// The user must be authorized
if (authStatus != AuthenticationStatus.Unlocked) {
return false;
// User must have organizations assigned to them
if (orgIds == null || orgIds.length == 0) {
return false;
// If the cipher is null there must be an organization id provided
if (cipher == null && organizationId == null) {
return false;
// If the cipher is present it must be in the user's org list
if (cipher != null && !orgIds.includes(cipher?.organizationId)) {
return false;
// If the organization id is provided it must be in the user's org list
if (organizationId != null && !orgIds.includes(organizationId)) {
return false;
return true;