
281 lines
8.4 KiB

import { DeviceType } from "@bitwarden/common/enums";
import { TabMessage } from "../../types/tab-messages";
import BrowserPlatformUtilsService from "../services/browser-platform-utils.service";
export class BrowserApi {
static isWebExtensionsApi: boolean = typeof browser !== "undefined";
static isSafariApi: boolean =
navigator.userAgent.indexOf(" Safari/") !== -1 &&
navigator.userAgent.indexOf(" Chrome/") === -1 &&
navigator.userAgent.indexOf(" Chromium/") === -1;
static isChromeApi: boolean = !BrowserApi.isSafariApi && typeof chrome !== "undefined";
static isFirefoxOnAndroid: boolean =
navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox/") !== -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android") !== -1;
static get manifestVersion() {
return chrome.runtime.getManifest().manifest_version;
static async getTabFromCurrentWindowId(): Promise<chrome.tabs.Tab> | null {
return await BrowserApi.tabsQueryFirst({
active: true,
static async getTab(tabId: number) {
if (tabId == null) {
return null;
return await chrome.tabs.get(tabId);
static async getTabFromCurrentWindow(): Promise<chrome.tabs.Tab> | null {
return await BrowserApi.tabsQueryFirst({
active: true,
currentWindow: true,
static async getActiveTabs(): Promise<chrome.tabs.Tab[]> {
return await BrowserApi.tabsQuery({
active: true,
static async tabsQuery(options: chrome.tabs.QueryInfo): Promise<chrome.tabs.Tab[]> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
chrome.tabs.query(options, (tabs) => {
static async tabsQueryFirst(options: chrome.tabs.QueryInfo): Promise<chrome.tabs.Tab> | null {
const tabs = await BrowserApi.tabsQuery(options);
if (tabs.length > 0) {
return tabs[0];
return null;
static tabSendMessageData(
tab: chrome.tabs.Tab,
command: string,
data: any = null
): Promise<void> {
const obj: any = {
command: command,
if (data != null) { = data;
return BrowserApi.tabSendMessage(tab, obj);
static async tabSendMessage<T>(
tab: chrome.tabs.Tab,
obj: T,
options: chrome.tabs.MessageSendOptions = null
): Promise<void> {
if (!tab || ! {
return new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(, obj, options, () => {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
// Some error happened
static sendTabsMessage<T>(
tabId: number,
message: TabMessage,
options?: chrome.tabs.MessageSendOptions,
responseCallback?: (response: T) => void
) {
chrome.tabs.sendMessage<TabMessage, T>(tabId, message, options, responseCallback);
static async getPrivateModeWindows(): Promise<[]> {
return (await => win.incognito);
static async onWindowCreated(callback: (win: => any) {
static getBackgroundPage(): any {
return chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage();
static isBackgroundPage(window: Window & typeof globalThis): boolean {
return window === chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage();
static getApplicationVersion(): string {
return chrome.runtime.getManifest().version;
static async isPopupOpen(): Promise<boolean> {
return Promise.resolve(chrome.extension.getViews({ type: "popup" }).length > 0);
static createNewTab(url: string, active = true): Promise<chrome.tabs.Tab> {
return new Promise((resolve) =>
chrome.tabs.create({ url: url, active: active }, (tab) => resolve(tab))
static async focusWindow(windowId: number) {
await, { focused: true });
static async openBitwardenExtensionTab(relativeUrl: string, active = true) {
let url = relativeUrl;
if (!relativeUrl.includes("uilocation=tab")) {
const fullUrl = chrome.extension.getURL(relativeUrl);
const parsedUrl = new URL(fullUrl);
parsedUrl.searchParams.set("uilocation", "tab");
url = parsedUrl.toString();
const createdTab = await this.createNewTab(url, active);
static async closeBitwardenExtensionTab() {
const tabs = await BrowserApi.tabsQuery({
active: true,
title: "Bitwarden",
windowType: "normal",
currentWindow: true,
if (tabs.length === 0) {
const tabToClose = tabs[tabs.length - 1];
private static registeredMessageListeners: any[] = [];
static messageListener(
name: string,
callback: (message: any, sender: chrome.runtime.MessageSender, response: any) => void
) {
// Keep track of all the events registered in a Safari popup so we can remove
// them when the popup gets unloaded, otherwise we cause a memory leak
if (BrowserApi.isSafariApi && !BrowserApi.isBackgroundPage(window)) {
// The MDN recommend using 'visibilitychange' but that event is fired any time the popup window is obscured as well
// 'pagehide' works just like 'unload' but is compatible with the back/forward cache, so we prefer using that one
window.onpagehide = () => {
for (const callback of BrowserApi.registeredMessageListeners) {
static sendMessage(subscriber: string, arg: any = {}) {
const message = Object.assign({}, { command: subscriber }, arg);
return chrome.runtime.sendMessage(message);
static async focusTab(tabId: number) {
chrome.tabs.update(tabId, { active: true, highlighted: true });
static closePopup(win: Window) {
if (BrowserApi.isWebExtensionsApi && BrowserApi.isFirefoxOnAndroid) {
// Reactivating the active tab dismisses the popup tab. The promise final
// condition is only called if the popup wasn't already dismissed (future proofing).
// ref:
browser.tabs.update({ active: true }).finally(win.close);
} else {
static gaFilter() {
return process.env.ENV !== "production";
static getUILanguage(win: Window) {
return chrome.i18n.getUILanguage();
static reloadExtension(win: Window) {
if (win != null) {
return (win.location as any).reload(true);
} else {
return chrome.runtime.reload();
static reloadOpenWindows(exemptCurrentHref = false) {
const currentHref = window.location.href;
const views = chrome.extension.getViews() as Window[];
.filter((w) => w.location.href != null && !w.location.href.includes("background.html"))
.filter((w) => !exemptCurrentHref || w.location.href !== currentHref)
.forEach((w) => {
static connectNative(application: string): browser.runtime.Port | chrome.runtime.Port {
if (BrowserApi.isWebExtensionsApi) {
return browser.runtime.connectNative(application);
} else if (BrowserApi.isChromeApi) {
return chrome.runtime.connectNative(application);
static requestPermission(permission: any) {
if (BrowserApi.isWebExtensionsApi) {
return browser.permissions.request(permission);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
chrome.permissions.request(permission, resolve);
static getPlatformInfo(): Promise<browser.runtime.PlatformInfo | chrome.runtime.PlatformInfo> {
if (BrowserApi.isWebExtensionsApi) {
return browser.runtime.getPlatformInfo();
return new Promise((resolve) => {
static getBrowserAction() {
return BrowserApi.manifestVersion === 3 ? chrome.action : chrome.browserAction;
static getSidebarAction(
win: Window & typeof globalThis
): OperaSidebarAction | FirefoxSidebarAction | null {
const deviceType = BrowserPlatformUtilsService.getDevice(win);
if (deviceType !== DeviceType.FirefoxExtension && deviceType !== DeviceType.OperaExtension) {
return null;
return win.opr?.sidebarAction || browser.sidebarAction;