
286 lines
5.9 KiB

$icomoon-font-family: "bwi-font" !default;
$icomoon-font-path: "~@bitwarden/angular/src/scss/bwicons/fonts/" !default;
// New font sheet? Update the font-face information below
@font-face {
font-family: "#{$icomoon-font-family}";
url($icomoon-font-path + "bwi-font.svg") format("svg"),
url($icomoon-font-path + "bwi-font.ttf") format("truetype"),
url($icomoon-font-path + "bwi-font.woff") format("woff"),
url($icomoon-font-path + "bwi-font.woff2") format("woff2");
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
font-display: block;
// Base Class
.bwi {
/* use !important to prevent issues with browser extensions that change fonts */
font-family: "#{$icomoon-font-family}" !important;
speak: never;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
font-variant: normal;
text-transform: none;
line-height: 1;
display: inline-block;
/* Better Font Rendering */
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
// Fixed Width Icons
.bwi-fw {
width: calc(18em / 14);
text-align: center;
// Sizing Changes
.bwi-sm {
font-size: 0.875em;
.bwi-lg {
font-size: calc(4em / 3);
line-height: calc(3em / 4);
vertical-align: -15%;
.bwi-2x {
font-size: 2em;
.bwi-3x {
font-size: 3em;
.bwi-4x {
font-size: 4em;
// Spin Animations
.bwi-spin {
animation: bwi-spin 2s infinite linear;
@keyframes bwi-spin {
0% {
transform: rotate(0deg);
100% {
transform: rotate(359deg);
// List Icons
.bwi-ul {
padding-left: 0;
margin-left: calc(30em / 14);
list-style-type: none;
> li {
position: relative;
.bwi-li {
position: absolute;
left: calc(-30em / 14);
width: calc(30em / 14);
top: calc(2em / 14);
text-align: center;
&.bwi-lg {
left: calc(-30em / 14) + calc(4em / 14);
// Rotation
.bwi-rotate-270 {
transform: rotate(270deg);
// For new icons - add their glyph name and value to the map below
$icons: (
"universal-access": "\e991",
"save-changes": "\e988",
"browser": "\e985",
"browser-alt": "\e9a3",
"mobile": "\e986",
"mobile-alt": "\e9a4",
"cli": "\e987",
"providers": "\e983",
"vault": "\e984",
"vault-f": "\e9ab",
"folder-closed-f": "\e982",
"rocket": "\e9ee",
"ellipsis-h": "\e9ef",
"ellipsis-v": "\e9f0",
"safari": "\e974",
"opera": "\e975",
"firefox": "\e976",
"edge": "\e977",
"chrome": "\e978",
"star-f": "\e979",
"arrow-circle-up": "\e97a",
"arrow-circle-right": "\e97b",
"arrow-circle-left": "\e97c",
"arrow-circle-down": "\e97d",
"undo": "\e97e",
"bolt": "\e97f",
"puzzle": "\e980",
"rss": "\e973",
"dbl-angle-left": "\e970",
"dbl-angle-right": "\e971",
"hamburger": "\e972",
"bw-folder-open-f1": "\e93e",
"desktop": "\e96a",
"desktop-alt": "\e9a2",
"angle-up": "\e969",
"user": "\e900",
"user-f": "\e901",
"user-monitor": "\e9a7",
"key": "\e902",
"share-square": "\e903",
"hashtag": "\e904",
"clone": "\e905",
"list-alt": "\e906",
"id-card": "\e907",
"credit-card": "\e908",
"globe": "\e909",
"sticky-note": "\e90a",
"folder": "\e90b",
"lock": "\e90c",
"lock-f": "\e90d",
"generate": "\e90e",
"generate-f": "\e90f",
"cog": "\e910",
"cog-f": "\e911",
"check-circle": "\e912",
"eye": "\e913",
"pencil-square": "\e914",
"bookmark": "\e915",
"files": "\e916",
"trash": "\e917",
"plus": "\e918",
"plus-f": "\e9a9",
"star": "\e919",
"list": "\e91a",
"angle-down": "\e92d",
"external-link": "\e91c",
"refresh": "\e91d",
"search": "\e91f",
"filter": "\e920",
"plus-circle": "\e921",
"user-circle": "\e922",
"question-circle": "\e923",
"cogs": "\e924",
"minus-circle": "\e925",
"send": "\e926",
"send-f": "\e927",
"download": "\e928",
"pencil": "\e929",
"sign-out": "\e92a",
"share": "\e92b",
"clock": "\e92c",
"angle-left": "\e96b",
"caret-left": "\e92e",
"square": "\e92f",
"collection": "\e930",
"bank": "\e931",
"shield": "\e932",
"stop": "\e933",
"plus-square": "\e934",
"save": "\e935",
"sign-in": "\e936",
"spinner": "\e937",
"dollar": "\e939",
"check": "\e93a",
"check-square": "\e93b",
"minus-square": "\e93c",
"close": "\e93d",
"share-arrow": "\e96c",
"paperclip": "\e93f",
"bitcoin": "\e940",
"cut": "\e941",
"frown": "\e942",
"folder-open": "\e943",
"bug": "\e946",
"chain-broken": "\e947",
"dashboard": "\e948",
"envelope": "\e949",
"exclamation-circle": "\e94a",
"exclamation-triangle": "\e94b",
"caret-right": "\e94c",
"file-pdf": "\e94e",
"file-text": "\e94f",
"info-circle": "\e952",
"lightbulb": "\e953",
"link": "\e954",
"linux": "\e956",
"long-arrow-right": "\e957",
"money": "\e958",
"play": "\e959",
"reddit": "\e95a",
"refresh-tab": "\e95b",
"sitemap": "\e95c",
"sliders": "\e95d",
"tag": "\e95e",
"thumb-tack": "\e95f",
"thumbs-up": "\e960",
"unlock": "\e962",
"users": "\e963",
"wrench": "\e965",
"ban": "\e967",
"camera": "\e968",
"angle-right": "\e91b",
"eye-slash": "\e96d",
"file": "\e96e",
"paste": "\e96f",
"github": "\e950",
"facebook": "\e94d",
"paypal": "\e938",
"google": "\e951",
"linkedin": "\e955",
"discourse": "\e91e",
"twitter": "\e961",
"x-twitter": "\e9a5",
"youtube": "\e966",
"windows": "\e964",
"apple": "\e945",
"android": "\e944",
"error": "\e981",
"numbered-list": "\e989",
"billing": "\e98a",
"family": "\e98b",
"provider": "\e98c",
"business": "\e98d",
"learning": "\e98e",
"chat": "\e990",
"server": "\e98f",
"search-book": "\e992",
"twitch": "\e993",
"community": "\e994",
"mastodon": "\e995",
"insurance": "\e996",
"wireless": "\e997",
"software-license": "\e998",
"instagram": "\e999",
"down-solid": "\e99a",
"up-solid": "\e99b",
"up-down-btn": "\e99c",
"caret-up": "\e99d",
"caret-down": "\e99e",
"passkey": "\e99f",
"lock-encrypted": "\e9a0",
"back": "\e9a8",
"popout": "\e9aa",
"wand": "\e9a6",
"msp": "\e9a1",
@each $name, $glyph in $icons {
.bwi-#{$name}:before {
content: $glyph;