
76 lines
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import { mock, MockProxy } from "jest-mock-extended";
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-restricted-paths -- Needed to print log messages
import { LogService } from "../platform/abstractions/log.service";
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-restricted-paths -- Needed to interface with storage locations
import { AbstractStorageService } from "../platform/abstractions/storage.service";
import { MigrationHelper } from "./migration-helper";
import { Migrator } from "./migrator";
describe("migrator default methods", () => {
class TestMigrator extends Migrator<0, 1> {
async migrate(helper: MigrationHelper): Promise<void> {
await helper.set("test", "test");
async rollback(helper: MigrationHelper): Promise<void> {
await helper.set("test", "rollback");
let storage: MockProxy<AbstractStorageService>;
let logService: MockProxy<LogService>;
let helper: MigrationHelper;
let sut: TestMigrator;
beforeEach(() => {
storage = mock();
logService = mock();
helper = new MigrationHelper(0, storage, logService);
sut = new TestMigrator(0, 1);
describe("shouldMigrate", () => {
describe("up", () => {
it("should return true if the current version equals the from version", async () => {
expect(await sut.shouldMigrate(helper, "up")).toBe(true);
it("should return false if the current version does not equal the from version", async () => {
helper.currentVersion = 1;
expect(await sut.shouldMigrate(helper, "up")).toBe(false);
describe("down", () => {
it("should return true if the current version equals the to version", async () => {
helper.currentVersion = 1;
expect(await sut.shouldMigrate(helper, "down")).toBe(true);
it("should return false if the current version does not equal the to version", async () => {
expect(await sut.shouldMigrate(helper, "down")).toBe(false);
describe("updateVersion", () => {
describe("up", () => {
it("should update the version", async () => {
await sut.updateVersion(helper, "up");
expect("stateVersion", 1);
describe("down", () => {
it("should update the version", async () => {
helper.currentVersion = 1;
await sut.updateVersion(helper, "down");
expect("stateVersion", 0);