
153 lines
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import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { TestBed } from "@angular/core/testing";
import { CanActivateFn, Router } from "@angular/router";
import { RouterTestingModule } from "@angular/router/testing";
import { mock, MockProxy } from "jest-mock-extended";
import { FeatureFlag } from "@bitwarden/common/enums/feature-flag.enum";
import { ConfigService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/config/config.service";
import { I18nService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/i18n.service";
import { LogService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/log.service";
import { PlatformUtilsService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/platform-utils.service";
import { I18nMockService } from "@bitwarden/components/src";
import { canAccessFeature } from "./feature-flag.guard";
@Component({ template: "" })
export class EmptyComponent {}
describe("canAccessFeature", () => {
const testFlag: FeatureFlag = "test-flag" as FeatureFlag;
const featureRoute = "enabled-feature";
const redirectRoute = "redirect";
let mockConfigService: MockProxy<ConfigService>;
let mockPlatformUtilsService: MockProxy<PlatformUtilsService>;
const setup = (featureGuard: CanActivateFn, flagValue: any) => {
mockConfigService = mock<ConfigService>();
mockPlatformUtilsService = mock<PlatformUtilsService>();
// Mock the correct getter based on the type of flagValue; also mock default values if one is not provided
if (typeof flagValue === "boolean") {
mockConfigService.getFeatureFlag.mockImplementation((flag, defaultValue = false) =>
flag == testFlag ? Promise.resolve(flagValue) : Promise.resolve(defaultValue),
} else if (typeof flagValue === "string") {
mockConfigService.getFeatureFlag.mockImplementation((flag) =>
flag == testFlag ? Promise.resolve(flagValue as any) : Promise.resolve(""),
} else if (typeof flagValue === "number") {
mockConfigService.getFeatureFlag.mockImplementation((flag) =>
flag == testFlag ? Promise.resolve(flagValue as any) : Promise.resolve(0),
const testBed = TestBed.configureTestingModule({
imports: [
{ path: "", component: EmptyComponent },
path: featureRoute,
component: EmptyComponent,
canActivate: [featureGuard],
{ path: redirectRoute, component: EmptyComponent },
providers: [
{ provide: ConfigService, useValue: mockConfigService },
{ provide: PlatformUtilsService, useValue: mockPlatformUtilsService },
{ provide: LogService, useValue: mock<LogService>() },
provide: I18nService,
useValue: new I18nMockService({
accessDenied: "Access Denied!",
return {
router: testBed.inject(Router),
it("successfully navigates when the feature flag is enabled", async () => {
const { router } = setup(canAccessFeature(testFlag), true);
await router.navigate([featureRoute]);
it("successfully navigates when the feature flag value matches the required value", async () => {
const { router } = setup(canAccessFeature(testFlag, "some-value"), "some-value");
await router.navigate([featureRoute]);
it("fails to navigate when the feature flag is disabled", async () => {
const { router } = setup(canAccessFeature(testFlag), false);
await router.navigate([featureRoute]);
it("fails to navigate when the feature flag value does not match the required value", async () => {
const { router } = setup(canAccessFeature(testFlag, "some-value"), "some-wrong-value");
await router.navigate([featureRoute]);
it("fails to navigate when the feature flag does not exist", async () => {
const { router } = setup(canAccessFeature("missing-flag" as FeatureFlag), true);
await router.navigate([featureRoute]);
it("shows an error toast when the feature flag is disabled", async () => {
const { router } = setup(canAccessFeature(testFlag), false);
await router.navigate([featureRoute]);
"Access Denied!",
it("does not show an error toast when the feature flag is enabled", async () => {
const { router } = setup(canAccessFeature(testFlag), true);
await router.navigate([featureRoute]);
it("redirects to the specified redirect url when the feature flag is disabled", async () => {
const { router } = setup(canAccessFeature(testFlag, true, redirectRoute), false);
await router.navigate([featureRoute]);
it("fails to navigate when the config service throws an unexpected exception", async () => {
const { router } = setup(canAccessFeature(testFlag), true);
mockConfigService.getFeatureFlag.mockImplementation(() => Promise.reject("Some error"));
await router.navigate([featureRoute]);