
376 lines
13 KiB

import { Directive } from "@angular/core";
import { ActivatedRoute, NavigationExtras, Router } from "@angular/router";
import { first } from "rxjs/operators";
import { ApiService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/api.service";
import { AuthService } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/abstractions/auth.service";
import { AuthResult } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/models/domain/auth-result";
import { ForceResetPasswordReason } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/models/domain/force-reset-password-reason";
import { SsoLogInCredentials } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/models/domain/log-in-credentials";
import { TrustedDeviceUserDecryptionOption } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/models/domain/user-decryption-options/trusted-device-user-decryption-option";
import { SsoPreValidateResponse } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/models/response/sso-pre-validate.response";
import { FeatureFlag } from "@bitwarden/common/enums/feature-flag.enum";
import { ConfigServiceAbstraction } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/config/config.service.abstraction";
import { CryptoFunctionService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/crypto-function.service";
import { EnvironmentService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/environment.service";
import { I18nService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/i18n.service";
import { LogService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/log.service";
import { PlatformUtilsService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/platform-utils.service";
import { StateService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/state.service";
import { Utils } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/misc/utils";
import { AccountDecryptionOptions } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/models/domain/account";
import { PasswordGenerationServiceAbstraction } from "@bitwarden/common/tools/generator/password";
export class SsoComponent {
identifier: string;
loggingIn = false;
formPromise: Promise<AuthResult>;
initiateSsoFormPromise: Promise<SsoPreValidateResponse>;
onSuccessfulLogin: () => Promise<void>;
onSuccessfulLoginNavigate: () => Promise<void>;
onSuccessfulLoginTwoFactorNavigate: () => Promise<void>;
onSuccessfulLoginChangePasswordNavigate: () => Promise<void>;
onSuccessfulLoginForceResetNavigate: () => Promise<void>;
onSuccessfulLoginTde: () => Promise<void>;
onSuccessfulLoginTdeNavigate: () => Promise<void>;
protected twoFactorRoute = "2fa";
protected successRoute = "lock";
protected trustedDeviceEncRoute = "login-initiated";
protected changePasswordRoute = "set-password";
protected forcePasswordResetRoute = "update-temp-password";
protected clientId: string;
protected redirectUri: string;
protected state: string;
protected codeChallenge: string;
protected authService: AuthService,
protected router: Router,
protected i18nService: I18nService,
protected route: ActivatedRoute,
protected stateService: StateService,
protected platformUtilsService: PlatformUtilsService,
protected apiService: ApiService,
protected cryptoFunctionService: CryptoFunctionService,
protected environmentService: EnvironmentService,
protected passwordGenerationService: PasswordGenerationServiceAbstraction,
protected logService: LogService,
protected configService: ConfigServiceAbstraction
) {}
async ngOnInit() {
// eslint-disable-next-line rxjs/no-async-subscribe
this.route.queryParams.pipe(first()).subscribe(async (qParams) => {
if (qParams.code != null && qParams.state != null) {
const codeVerifier = await this.stateService.getSsoCodeVerifier();
const state = await this.stateService.getSsoState();
await this.stateService.setSsoCodeVerifier(null);
await this.stateService.setSsoState(null);
if (
qParams.code != null &&
codeVerifier != null &&
state != null &&
this.checkState(state, qParams.state)
) {
// We are not using a query param to pass org identifier around specifically
// for the browser SSO case when it needs it on extension open after SSO success
// on the TDE login decryption options component
const ssoOrganizationIdentifier = this.getOrgIdentifierFromState(qParams.state);
await this.logIn(qParams.code, codeVerifier, ssoOrganizationIdentifier);
await this.stateService.setUserSsoOrganizationIdentifier(ssoOrganizationIdentifier);
} else if (
qParams.clientId != null &&
qParams.redirectUri != null &&
qParams.state != null &&
qParams.codeChallenge != null
) {
this.redirectUri = qParams.redirectUri;
this.state = qParams.state;
this.codeChallenge = qParams.codeChallenge;
this.clientId = qParams.clientId;
async submit(returnUri?: string, includeUserIdentifier?: boolean) {
if (this.identifier == null || this.identifier === "") {
this.initiateSsoFormPromise = this.apiService.preValidateSso(this.identifier);
const response = await this.initiateSsoFormPromise;
const authorizeUrl = await this.buildAuthorizeUrl(
this.platformUtilsService.launchUri(authorizeUrl, { sameWindow: true });
protected async buildAuthorizeUrl(
returnUri?: string,
includeUserIdentifier?: boolean,
token?: string
): Promise<string> {
let codeChallenge = this.codeChallenge;
let state = this.state;
const passwordOptions: any = {
type: "password",
length: 64,
uppercase: true,
lowercase: true,
numbers: true,
special: false,
if (codeChallenge == null) {
const codeVerifier = await this.passwordGenerationService.generatePassword(passwordOptions);
const codeVerifierHash = await this.cryptoFunctionService.hash(codeVerifier, "sha256");
codeChallenge = Utils.fromBufferToUrlB64(codeVerifierHash);
await this.stateService.setSsoCodeVerifier(codeVerifier);
if (state == null) {
state = await this.passwordGenerationService.generatePassword(passwordOptions);
if (returnUri) {
state += `_returnUri='${returnUri}'`;
// Add Organization Identifier to state
state += `_identifier=${this.identifier}`;
// Save state (regardless of new or existing)
await this.stateService.setSsoState(state);
let authorizeUrl =
this.environmentService.getIdentityUrl() +
"/connect/authorize?" +
"client_id=" +
this.clientId +
"&redirect_uri=" +
encodeURIComponent(this.redirectUri) +
"&" +
"response_type=code&scope=api offline_access&" +
"state=" +
state +
"&code_challenge=" +
codeChallenge +
"&" +
"code_challenge_method=S256&response_mode=query&" +
"domain_hint=" +
encodeURIComponent(this.identifier) +
"&ssoToken=" +
if (includeUserIdentifier) {
const userIdentifier = await this.apiService.getSsoUserIdentifier();
authorizeUrl += `&user_identifier=${encodeURIComponent(userIdentifier)}`;
return authorizeUrl;
private async logIn(code: string, codeVerifier: string, orgIdentifier: string) {
this.loggingIn = true;
try {
const credentials = new SsoLogInCredentials(
this.formPromise = this.authService.logIn(credentials);
const authResult = await this.formPromise;
const acctDecryptionOpts: AccountDecryptionOptions =
await this.stateService.getAccountDecryptionOptions();
if (authResult.requiresTwoFactor) {
return await this.handleTwoFactorRequired(orgIdentifier);
const tdeEnabled = await this.isTrustedDeviceEncEnabled(
if (tdeEnabled) {
return await this.handleTrustedDeviceEncryptionEnabled(
// In the standard, non TDE case, a user must set password if they don't
// have one and they aren't using key connector.
// Note: TDE & Key connector are mutually exclusive org config options.
const requireSetPassword =
!acctDecryptionOpts.hasMasterPassword &&
acctDecryptionOpts.keyConnectorOption === undefined;
if (requireSetPassword || authResult.resetMasterPassword) {
// Change implies going no password -> password in this case
return await this.handleChangePasswordRequired(orgIdentifier);
// Users enrolled in admin acct recovery can be forced to set a new password after
// having the admin set a temp password for them
if (authResult.forcePasswordReset == ForceResetPasswordReason.AdminForcePasswordReset) {
return await this.handleForcePasswordReset(orgIdentifier);
// Standard SSO login success case
return await this.handleSuccessfulLogin();
} catch (e) {
await this.handleLoginError(e);
private async isTrustedDeviceEncEnabled(
trustedDeviceOption: TrustedDeviceUserDecryptionOption
): Promise<boolean> {
const trustedDeviceEncryptionFeatureActive = await this.configService.getFeatureFlag<boolean>(
return trustedDeviceEncryptionFeatureActive && trustedDeviceOption !== undefined;
private async handleTwoFactorRequired(orgIdentifier: string) {
await this.navigateViaCallbackOrRoute(
queryParams: {
identifier: orgIdentifier,
sso: "true",
private async handleTrustedDeviceEncryptionEnabled(
authResult: AuthResult,
orgIdentifier: string,
acctDecryptionOpts: AccountDecryptionOptions
): Promise<void> {
// If user doesn't have a MP, but has reset password permission, they must set a MP
if (
!acctDecryptionOpts.hasMasterPassword &&
) {
// Change implies going no password -> password in this case
return await this.handleChangePasswordRequired(orgIdentifier);
if (authResult.forcePasswordReset !== ForceResetPasswordReason.None) {
return await this.handleForcePasswordReset(orgIdentifier);
if (this.onSuccessfulLoginTde != null) {
// Don't await b/c causes hang on desktop & browser
// Navigate to TDE page (if user was on trusted device and TDE has decrypted
// their user key, the login-initiated guard will redirect them to the vault)
private async handleChangePasswordRequired(orgIdentifier: string) {
await this.navigateViaCallbackOrRoute(
queryParams: {
identifier: orgIdentifier,
private async handleForcePasswordReset(orgIdentifier: string) {
await this.navigateViaCallbackOrRoute(
queryParams: {
identifier: orgIdentifier,
private async handleSuccessfulLogin() {
if (this.onSuccessfulLogin != null) {
// Don't await b/c causes hang on desktop & browser
await this.navigateViaCallbackOrRoute(this.onSuccessfulLoginNavigate, [this.successRoute]);
private async handleLoginError(e: any) {
// TODO: Key Connector Service should pass this error message to the logout callback instead of displaying here
if (e.message === "Key Connector error") {
private async navigateViaCallbackOrRoute(
callback: () => Promise<unknown>,
commands: unknown[],
extras?: NavigationExtras
): Promise<void> {
if (callback) {
await callback();
} else {
await this.router.navigate(commands, extras);
private getOrgIdentifierFromState(state: string): string {
if (state === null || state === undefined) {
return null;
const stateSplit = state.split("_identifier=");
return stateSplit.length > 1 ? stateSplit[1] : null;
private checkState(state: string, checkState: string): boolean {
if (state === null || state === undefined) {
return false;
if (checkState === null || checkState === undefined) {
return false;
const stateSplit = state.split("_identifier=");
const checkStateSplit = checkState.split("_identifier=");
return stateSplit[0] === checkStateSplit[0];