import { Meta, StoryObj, moduleMetadata } from "@storybook/angular"; import { AnchorLinkDirective, ButtonLinkDirective } from "./link.directive"; import { LinkModule } from "./link.module"; export default { title: "Component Library/Link", decorators: [ moduleMetadata({ imports: [LinkModule], }), ], argTypes: { linkType: { options: ["primary", "secondary", "contrast"], control: { type: "radio" }, }, }, parameters: { design: { type: "figma", url: "", }, }, } as Meta; type Story = StoryObj; export const Buttons: Story = { render: (args) => ({ props: args, template: `
`, }), args: { linkType: "primary", }, }; export const Anchors: StoryObj = { render: (args) => ({ props: args, template: ` `, }), args: { linkType: "primary", }, }; export const Inline: Story = { render: (args) => ({ props: args, template: ` On the internet paragraphs often contain inline links, but few know that can be used for similar purposes. `, }), args: { linkType: "primary", }, }; export const Disabled: Story = { render: (args) => ({ props: args, template: `
`, }), parameters: { controls: { exclude: ["linkType"], hideNoControlsWarning: true, }, }, };