import { MockProxy, mock } from "jest-mock-extended"; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-restricted-paths -- Needed to print log messages import { FakeStorageService } from "../../spec/fake-storage.service"; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-restricted-paths -- Needed to print log messages import { LogService } from "../platform/abstractions/log.service"; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-restricted-paths -- Needed to interface with storage locations import { AbstractStorageService } from "../platform/abstractions/storage.service"; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-restricted-paths -- Needed to generate unique strings for injection import { Utils } from "../platform/misc/utils"; import { MigrationHelper } from "./migration-helper"; import { Migrator } from "./migrator"; const exampleJSON = { authenticatedAccounts: [ "c493ed01-4e08-4e88-abc7-332f380ca760", "23e61a5f-2ece-4f5e-b499-f0bc489482a9", ], "c493ed01-4e08-4e88-abc7-332f380ca760": { otherStuff: "otherStuff1", }, "23e61a5f-2ece-4f5e-b499-f0bc489482a9": { otherStuff: "otherStuff2", }, global_serviceName_key: "global_serviceName_key", user_userId_serviceName_key: "user_userId_serviceName_key", }; describe("RemoveLegacyEtmKeyMigrator", () => { let storage: MockProxy; let logService: MockProxy; let sut: MigrationHelper; beforeEach(() => { logService = mock(); storage = mock(); storage.get.mockImplementation((key) => (exampleJSON as any)[key]); sut = new MigrationHelper(0, storage, logService); }); describe("get", () => { it("should delegate to storage.get", async () => { await sut.get("key"); expect(storage.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith("key"); }); }); describe("set", () => { it("should delegate to", async () => { await sut.set("key", "value"); expect("key", "value"); }); }); describe("getAccounts", () => { it("should return all accounts", async () => { const accounts = await sut.getAccounts(); expect(accounts).toEqual([ { userId: "c493ed01-4e08-4e88-abc7-332f380ca760", account: { otherStuff: "otherStuff1" } }, { userId: "23e61a5f-2ece-4f5e-b499-f0bc489482a9", account: { otherStuff: "otherStuff2" } }, ]); }); it("should handle missing authenticatedAccounts", async () => { storage.get.mockImplementation((key) => key === "authenticatedAccounts" ? undefined : (exampleJSON as any)[key], ); const accounts = await sut.getAccounts(); expect(accounts).toEqual([]); }); }); describe("getFromGlobal", () => { it("should return the correct value", async () => { sut.currentVersion = 9; const value = await sut.getFromGlobal({ stateDefinition: { name: "serviceName" }, key: "key", }); expect(value).toEqual("global_serviceName_key"); }); it("should throw if the current version is less than 9", () => { expect(() => sut.getFromGlobal({ stateDefinition: { name: "serviceName" }, key: "key" }), ).toThrowError("No key builder should be used for versions prior to 9."); }); }); describe("setToGlobal", () => { it("should set the correct value", async () => { sut.currentVersion = 9; await sut.setToGlobal({ stateDefinition: { name: "serviceName" }, key: "key" }, "new_value"); expect("global_serviceName_key", "new_value"); }); it("should throw if the current version is less than 9", () => { expect(() => sut.setToGlobal( { stateDefinition: { name: "serviceName" }, key: "key" }, "global_serviceName_key", ), ).toThrowError("No key builder should be used for versions prior to 9."); }); }); describe("getFromUser", () => { it("should return the correct value", async () => { sut.currentVersion = 9; const value = await sut.getFromUser("userId", { stateDefinition: { name: "serviceName" }, key: "key", }); expect(value).toEqual("user_userId_serviceName_key"); }); it("should throw if the current version is less than 9", () => { expect(() => sut.getFromUser("userId", { stateDefinition: { name: "serviceName" }, key: "key" }), ).toThrowError("No key builder should be used for versions prior to 9."); }); }); describe("setToUser", () => { it("should set the correct value", async () => { sut.currentVersion = 9; await sut.setToUser( "userId", { stateDefinition: { name: "serviceName" }, key: "key" }, "new_value", ); expect("user_userId_serviceName_key", "new_value"); }); it("should throw if the current version is less than 9", () => { expect(() => sut.setToUser( "userId", { stateDefinition: { name: "serviceName" }, key: "key" }, "new_value", ), ).toThrowError("No key builder should be used for versions prior to 9."); }); }); }); /** Helper to create well-mocked migration helpers in migration tests */ export function mockMigrationHelper( storageJson: any, stateVersion = 0, ): MockProxy { const logService: MockProxy = mock(); const storage: MockProxy = mock(); storage.get.mockImplementation((key) => (storageJson as any)[key]); (key, value) => { (storageJson as any)[key] = value; }); const helper = new MigrationHelper(stateVersion, storage, logService); const mockHelper = mock(); mockHelper.get.mockImplementation((key) => helper.get(key)); mockHelper.set.mockImplementation((key, value) => helper.set(key, value)); mockHelper.getFromGlobal.mockImplementation((keyDefinition) => helper.getFromGlobal(keyDefinition), ); mockHelper.setToGlobal.mockImplementation((keyDefinition, value) => helper.setToGlobal(keyDefinition, value), ); mockHelper.getFromUser.mockImplementation((userId, keyDefinition) => helper.getFromUser(userId, keyDefinition), ); mockHelper.setToUser.mockImplementation((userId, keyDefinition, value) => helper.setToUser(userId, keyDefinition, value), ); mockHelper.getAccounts.mockImplementation(() => helper.getAccounts()); return mockHelper; } // TODO: Use const generic for TUsers in TypeScript 5.0 so consumers don't have to `as const` themselves export type InitialDataHint = { /** * A string array of the users id who are authenticated * * NOTE: It's recommended to as const this string array so you get type help defining the users data */ authenticatedAccounts?: TUsers; /** * Global data */ global?: unknown; /** * Other top level data */ [key: string]: unknown; } & { /** * A users data */ [userData in TUsers[number]]?: unknown; }; type InjectedData = { propertyName: string; propertyValue: string; originalPath: string[]; }; // This is a slight lie, technically the type is `Record // but for the purposes of things in the migrations this is enough. function isStringRecord(object: unknown | undefined): object is Record { return object && typeof object === "object" && !Array.isArray(object); } function injectData(data: Record, path: string[]): InjectedData[] { if (!data) { return []; } const injectedData: InjectedData[] = []; // Traverse keys for other objects const keys = Object.keys(data); for (const key of keys) { const currentProperty = data[key]; if (isStringRecord(currentProperty)) { injectedData.push(...injectData(currentProperty, [...path, key])); } } const propertyName = `__injectedProperty__${Utils.newGuid()}`; const propertyValue = `__injectedValue__${Utils.newGuid()}`; injectedData.push({ propertyName: propertyName, propertyValue: propertyValue, // Track the path it was originally injected in just for a better error originalPath: path, }); data[propertyName] = propertyValue; return injectedData; } function expectInjectedData( data: Record, injectedData: InjectedData[], ): [data: Record, leftoverInjectedData: InjectedData[]] { const keys = Object.keys(data); for (const key of keys) { const propertyValue = data[key]; // Injected data does not have to be found exactly where it was injected, // just that it exists at all. const injectedIndex = injectedData.findIndex( (d) => d.propertyName === key && typeof propertyValue === "string" && propertyValue === d.propertyValue, ); if (injectedIndex !== -1) { // We found something we injected, remove it injectedData.splice(injectedIndex, 1); delete data[key]; continue; } if (isStringRecord(propertyValue)) { const [updatedData, leftoverInjectedData] = expectInjectedData(propertyValue, injectedData); data[key] = updatedData; injectedData = leftoverInjectedData; } } return [data, injectedData]; } /** * Runs the {@link Migrator.migrate} method of your migrator. You may pass in your test data and get back the data after the migration. * This also injects extra properties at every level of your state and makes sure that it can be found. * @param migrator Your migrator to use to do the migration * @param initalData The data to start with * @returns State after your migration has ran. */ // TODO: Use const generic for TUsers in TypeScript 5.0 so consumers don't have to `as const` themselves export async function runMigrator< TMigrator extends Migrator, TUsers extends readonly string[] = string[], >( migrator: TMigrator, initalData?: InitialDataHint, direction: "migrate" | "rollback" = "migrate", ): Promise> { // Inject fake data at every level of the object const allInjectedData = injectData(initalData, []); const fakeStorageService = new FakeStorageService(initalData); const helper = new MigrationHelper(migrator.fromVersion, fakeStorageService, mock()); // Run their migrations if (direction === "rollback") { await migrator.rollback(helper); } else { await migrator.migrate(helper); } const [data, leftoverInjectedData] = expectInjectedData( fakeStorageService.internalStore, allInjectedData, ); expect(leftoverInjectedData).toHaveLength(0); return data; }