import { DialogRef, DIALOG_DATA } from "@angular/cdk/dialog"; import { Component, Inject, OnInit } from "@angular/core"; export interface BulkStatusDetails { title: string; subTitle: string; columnTitle: string; message: string; details: BulkOperationStatus[]; } export class BulkOperationStatus { id: string; name: string; errorMessage?: string; } @Component({ selector: "sm-bulk-status-dialog", templateUrl: "./bulk-status-dialog.component.html", }) export class BulkStatusDialogComponent implements OnInit { constructor(public dialogRef: DialogRef, @Inject(DIALOG_DATA) public data: BulkStatusDetails) {} ngOnInit(): void { // TODO remove null checks once strictNullChecks in TypeScript is turned on. if ( ! || ! || ! || ! || !( >= 1) ) { this.dialogRef.close(); throw new Error( "The bulk status dialog was not called with the appropriate operation values." ); } } }