import { CipherRepromptType } from "../../enums/cipherRepromptType"; import { CipherType } from "../../enums/cipherType"; import { LinkedIdType } from "../../enums/linkedIdType"; import { Cipher } from "../domain/cipher"; import { AttachmentView } from "./attachmentView"; import { CardView } from "./cardView"; import { FieldView } from "./fieldView"; import { IdentityView } from "./identityView"; import { LoginView } from "./loginView"; import { PasswordHistoryView } from "./passwordHistoryView"; import { SecureNoteView } from "./secureNoteView"; import { View } from "./view"; export class CipherView implements View { id: string = null; organizationId: string = null; folderId: string = null; name: string = null; notes: string = null; type: CipherType = null; favorite = false; organizationUseTotp = false; edit = false; viewPassword = true; localData: any; login = new LoginView(); identity = new IdentityView(); card = new CardView(); secureNote = new SecureNoteView(); attachments: AttachmentView[] = null; fields: FieldView[] = null; passwordHistory: PasswordHistoryView[] = null; collectionIds: string[] = null; revisionDate: Date = null; deletedDate: Date = null; reprompt: CipherRepromptType = CipherRepromptType.None; constructor(c?: Cipher) { if (!c) { return; } =; this.organizationId = c.organizationId; this.folderId = c.folderId; this.favorite = c.favorite; this.organizationUseTotp = c.organizationUseTotp; this.edit = c.edit; this.viewPassword = c.viewPassword; this.type = c.type; this.localData = c.localData; this.collectionIds = c.collectionIds; this.revisionDate = c.revisionDate; this.deletedDate = c.deletedDate; // Old locally stored ciphers might have reprompt == null. If so set it to None. this.reprompt = c.reprompt ?? CipherRepromptType.None; } private get item() { switch (this.type) { case CipherType.Login: return this.login; case CipherType.SecureNote: return this.secureNote; case CipherType.Card: return this.card; case CipherType.Identity: return this.identity; default: break; } return null; } get subTitle(): string { return this.item.subTitle; } get hasPasswordHistory(): boolean { return this.passwordHistory && this.passwordHistory.length > 0; } get hasAttachments(): boolean { return this.attachments && this.attachments.length > 0; } get hasOldAttachments(): boolean { if (this.hasAttachments) { for (let i = 0; i < this.attachments.length; i++) { if (this.attachments[i].key == null) { return true; } } } return false; } get hasFields(): boolean { return this.fields && this.fields.length > 0; } get passwordRevisionDisplayDate(): Date { if (this.type !== CipherType.Login || this.login == null) { return null; } else if (this.login.password == null || this.login.password === "") { return null; } return this.login.passwordRevisionDate; } get isDeleted(): boolean { return this.deletedDate != null; } get linkedFieldOptions() { return this.item.linkedFieldOptions; } linkedFieldValue(id: LinkedIdType) { const linkedFieldOption = this.linkedFieldOptions?.get(id); if (linkedFieldOption == null) { return null; } const item = this.item; return this.item[linkedFieldOption.propertyKey as keyof typeof item]; } linkedFieldI18nKey(id: LinkedIdType): string { return this.linkedFieldOptions.get(id)?.i18nKey; } toJSON(): any { const result: any = { id:, organizationId: this.organizationId, folderId: this.folderId, name:, notes: this.notes, type: this.type, favorite: this.favorite, organizationUseTotp: this.organizationUseTotp, edit: this.edit, viewPassword: this.viewPassword, localData: this.localData, collectionIds: this.collectionIds, reprompt: this.reprompt, attachments: this.attachments, fields: this.fields, passwordHistory: this.passwordHistory, revisionDate: this.revisionDate, deletedDate: this.deletedDate, }; switch (this.type) { case CipherType.Card: result.card = this.card; break; case CipherType.Identity: result.identity = this.identity; break; case CipherType.Login: result.login = this.login; break; case CipherType.SecureNote: result.secureNote = this.secureNote; break; default: break; } return result; } static fromJSON(obj: any): CipherView { const view = new CipherView(); =; view.organizationId = obj.organizationId; view.folderId = obj.folderId; =; view.notes = obj.notes; view.type = obj.type; view.favorite = obj.favorite; view.organizationUseTotp = obj.organizationUseTotp; view.edit = obj.edit; view.viewPassword = obj.viewPassword; view.localData = obj.localData; view.collectionIds = obj.collectionIds; view.reprompt = obj.reprompt; // Dates view.revisionDate = obj.revisionDate == null ? null : new Date(obj.revisionDate); view.deletedDate = obj.deletedDate == null ? null : new Date(obj.deletedDate); // Nested objects view.attachments = obj.attachments?.map((a: any) => AttachmentView.fromJSON(a)); view.fields = obj.fields?.map((f: any) => FieldView.fromJSON(f)); view.passwordHistory = obj.passwordHistory?.map((ph: any) => PasswordHistoryView.fromJSON(ph)); switch (view.type) { case CipherType.Card: view.card = CardView.fromJSON(obj.card); break; case CipherType.Identity: view.identity = IdentityView.fromJSON(obj.identity); break; case CipherType.Login: view.login = LoginView.fromJSON(obj.login); break; case CipherType.SecureNote: view.secureNote = SecureNoteView.fromJSON(obj.secureNote); break; default: break; } return view; } }