import { Meta, Story, Source } from "@storybook/addon-docs"; # Forms Examples and usage guidelines for form control styles, layout options, and custom components for creating a wide variety of forms. ## Overview Component Library forms should always be built using [Angular Reactive Forms][reactive]. Please read [ADR-0001][adr-0001] for a background to this decision. In practice this means that forms should always use the native `form` element and bind a `formGroup`. Forms consists of one or multiple sections, and ends with one or multiple buttons. ### Form Field A form field is the most common section in a form. It consists of a label, control and a optional hint. ### Radio group A radio group is a form field that consists of a main label and multiple radio groups. Each group consists of a label and a radio input. #### Block #### Inline ## Full Example [reactive]: [adr-0001]: