{ "pageTitle": { "message": "$APP_NAME$ Spletni sef", "description": "The title of the website in the browser window.", "placeholders": { "app_name": { "content": "$1", "example": "Bitwarden" } } }, "whatTypeOfItem": { "message": "Kakšne vrste vnos je to?" }, "name": { "message": "Ime" }, "uri": { "message": "URI" }, "uriPosition": { "message": "URI $POSITION$", "description": "A listing of URIs. Ex: URI 1, URI 2, URI 3, etc.", "placeholders": { "position": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "newUri": { "message": "Nov URI" }, "username": { "message": "Uporabniško ime" }, "password": { "message": "Geslo" }, "newPassword": { "message": "Novo geslo" }, "passphrase": { "message": "Šifrirna fraza" }, "notes": { "message": "Zapiski" }, "customFields": { "message": "Polja po meri" }, "cardholderName": { "message": "Ime imetnika kartice" }, "number": { "message": "Številka" }, "brand": { "message": "Znamka" }, "expiration": { "message": "Potek" }, "securityCode": { "message": "Varnostna koda (CVV)" }, "identityName": { "message": "Ime identitete" }, "company": { "message": "Podjetje" }, "ssn": { "message": "EMŠO" }, "passportNumber": { "message": "Številka potnega lista" }, "licenseNumber": { "message": "Številka dovoljenja" }, "email": { "message": "E-pošta" }, "phone": { "message": "Telefon" }, "january": { "message": "Januar" }, "february": { "message": "Februar" }, "march": { "message": "Marec" }, "april": { "message": "April" }, "may": { "message": "Maj" }, "june": { "message": "Junij" }, "july": { "message": "Julij" }, "august": { "message": "Avgust" }, "september": { "message": "September" }, "october": { "message": "Oktober" }, "november": { "message": "November" }, "december": { "message": "December" }, "title": { "message": "Naziv" }, "mr": { "message": "G" }, "mrs": { "message": "Ga" }, "ms": { "message": "Gdč" }, "dr": { "message": "Dr" }, "expirationMonth": { "message": "Mesec poteka" }, "expirationYear": { "message": "Leto poteka" }, "authenticatorKeyTotp": { "message": "Ključ avtentikatorja (TOTP)" }, "folder": { "message": "Mapa" }, "newCustomField": { "message": "Novo polje po meri" }, "value": { "message": "Vrednost" }, "dragToSort": { "message": "Povleci za sortiranje" }, "cfTypeText": { "message": "Besedilo" }, "cfTypeHidden": { "message": "Skrito" }, "cfTypeBoolean": { "message": "Logična vrednost" }, "cfTypeLinked": { "message": "Povezano", "description": "This describes a field that is 'linked' (related) to another field." }, "remove": { "message": "Odstrani" }, "unassigned": { "message": "Nedodeljeno" }, "noneFolder": { "message": "Brez mape", "description": "This is the folder for uncategorized items" }, "addFolder": { "message": "Dodaj mapo" }, "editFolder": { "message": "Uredi mapo" }, "baseDomain": { "message": "Domena" }, "host": { "message": "Gostitelj", "description": "A URL's host value. For example, the host of https://sub.domain.com:443 is 'sub.domain.com:443'." }, "exact": { "message": "Točno" }, "startsWith": { "message": "Začne se z" }, "regEx": { "message": "Regularni izraz", "description": "A programming term, also known as 'RegEx'." }, "matchDetection": { "message": "Način ujemanja", "description": "URI match detection for auto-fill." }, "defaultMatchDetection": { "message": "Privzet način ujemanja", "description": "Default URI match detection for auto-fill." }, "never": { "message": "Nikoli" }, "toggleVisibility": { "message": "Preklopi vidljivost" }, "toggleCollapse": { "message": "Skrči/Razširi", "description": "Toggling an expand/collapse state." }, "generatePassword": { "message": "Generiraj geslo" }, "checkPassword": { "message": "Preveri izpostavljenost gesla." }, "passwordExposed": { "message": "To geslo je bilo med ukradenimi podatki izpostavljeno $VALUE$ krat. Morali bi ga zamenjati.", "placeholders": { "value": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "passwordSafe": { "message": "To geslo ni bilo najdeno med do sedaj znanimi krajami podatkov. Njegova uporaba bi morala biti varna." }, "save": { "message": "Shrani" }, "cancel": { "message": "Prekliči" }, "canceled": { "message": "Preklicano" }, "close": { "message": "Zapri" }, "delete": { "message": "Izbriši" }, "favorite": { "message": "Priljubljeni" }, "unfavorite": { "message": "Odstrani iz priljubljenih" }, "edit": { "message": "Uredi" }, "searchCollection": { "message": "Preišči zbirko" }, "searchFolder": { "message": "Preišči mapo" }, "searchFavorites": { "message": "Preišči priljubljene" }, "searchType": { "message": "Način iskanja", "description": "Search item type" }, "searchVault": { "message": "Preišči trezor" }, "allItems": { "message": "Vsi elementi" }, "favorites": { "message": "Priljubljeno" }, "types": { "message": "Vrste" }, "typeLogin": { "message": "Prijava" }, "typeCard": { "message": "Kartica" }, "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identiteta" }, "typeSecureNote": { "message": "Varni zapisek" }, "typeLoginPlural": { "message": "Logins" }, "typeCardPlural": { "message": "Cards" }, "typeIdentityPlural": { "message": "Identities" }, "typeSecureNotePlural": { "message": "Secure Notes" }, "folders": { "message": "Mape" }, "collections": { "message": "Zbirke" }, "firstName": { "message": "Ime" }, "middleName": { "message": "Srednje ime" }, "lastName": { "message": "Priimek" }, "fullName": { "message": "Polno ime" }, "address1": { "message": "Naslov 1" }, "address2": { "message": "Naslov 2" }, "address3": { "message": "Naslov 3" }, "cityTown": { "message": "Mesto / naselje" }, "stateProvince": { "message": "Regija / provinca" }, "zipPostalCode": { "message": "Poštna številka" }, "country": { "message": "Država" }, "shared": { "message": "Deljeno" }, "attachments": { "message": "Priponke" }, "select": { "message": "Izberi" }, "addItem": { "message": "Dodaj vnos" }, "editItem": { "message": "Uredi vnos" }, "viewItem": { "message": "Ogled vnosa" }, "ex": { "message": "npr.", "description": "Short abbreviation for 'example'." }, "other": { "message": "Drugo" }, "share": { "message": "Deli" }, "moveToOrganization": { "message": "Premakni v organizacijo" }, "valueCopied": { "message": "$VALUE$ kopirana", "description": "Value has been copied to the clipboard.", "placeholders": { "value": { "content": "$1", "example": "Password" } } }, "copyValue": { "message": "Kopiraj vrednost", "description": "Copy value to clipboard" }, "copyPassword": { "message": "Kopiraj geslo", "description": "Copy password to clipboard" }, "copyUsername": { "message": "Kopiraj uporabniško ime", "description": "Copy username to clipboard" }, "copyNumber": { "message": "Kopiraj številko", "description": "Copy credit card number" }, "copySecurityCode": { "message": "Kopiraj varnostno kodo", "description": "Copy credit card security code (CVV)" }, "copyUri": { "message": "Kopiraj URI", "description": "Copy URI to clipboard" }, "myVault": { "message": "Moj sef" }, "vault": { "message": "Sef" }, "moveSelectedToOrg": { "message": "Premakni označeno v organizacijo" }, "deleteSelected": { "message": "Izbriši izbrano" }, "moveSelected": { "message": "Premakni izbrano" }, "selectAll": { "message": "Izberi vse" }, "unselectAll": { "message": "Odizberi vse" }, "launch": { "message": "Zaženi" }, "newAttachment": { "message": "Dodaj novo priponko" }, "deletedAttachment": { "message": "Izbriši priponko" }, "deleteAttachmentConfirmation": { "message": "Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to prilogo?" }, "attachmentSaved": { "message": "Ta priloga je bila shranjena." }, "file": { "message": "Datoteka" }, "selectFile": { "message": "Izberite datoteko." }, "maxFileSize": { "message": "Največja velikost datoteke je 500 MB." }, "updateKey": { "message": "Te funkcije ne morete koristiti, dokler dokler ne posodobite vašega ključa za šifriranje." }, "addedItem": { "message": "Dodaj vnos" }, "editedItem": { "message": "Uredi vnos" }, "movedItemToOrg": { "message": "$ITEMNAME$ premaknjen v $ORGNAME$", "placeholders": { "itemname": { "content": "$1", "example": "Secret Item" }, "orgname": { "content": "$2", "example": "Company Name" } } }, "movedItemsToOrg": { "message": "Označeni vnosi premaknjeni v $ORGNAME$", "placeholders": { "orgname": { "content": "$1", "example": "Company Name" } } }, "deleteItem": { "message": "Izbriši vnos" }, "deleteFolder": { "message": "Izbriši mapo" }, "deleteAttachment": { "message": "Izbriši priponoko" }, "deleteItemConfirmation": { "message": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati?" }, "deletedItem": { "message": "Vnos poslan v smeti" }, "deletedItems": { "message": "Vnosi poslani v smeti" }, "movedItems": { "message": "Premaknjeni vnosi" }, "overwritePasswordConfirmation": { "message": "Ste prepričani, da želite povoziti obstoječe geslo?" }, "editedFolder": { "message": "Mapa je bila urejena" }, "addedFolder": { "message": "Mapa je bila dodana" }, "deleteFolderConfirmation": { "message": "Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to mapo?" }, "deletedFolder": { "message": "Mapa je bila izbrisana" }, "loggedOut": { "message": "Odjavljen" }, "loginExpired": { "message": "Vaša seja je potekla." }, "logOutConfirmation": { "message": "Ste prepričani, da se želite odjaviti?" }, "logOut": { "message": "Odjavi se" }, "ok": { "message": "V redu" }, "yes": { "message": "Da" }, "no": { "message": "Ne" }, "loginOrCreateNewAccount": { "message": "Prijavite se ali ustvarite nov račun za dostop do vašega varnega trezorja." }, "createAccount": { "message": "Ustvari račun" }, "logIn": { "message": "Prijava" }, "submit": { "message": "Potrdi" }, "emailAddressDesc": { "message": "Za prijavo boste uporabili vaš e-poštni naslov." }, "yourName": { "message": "Vaše ime" }, "yourNameDesc": { "message": "Kako vas naj kličemo?" }, "masterPass": { "message": "Glavno geslo" }, "masterPassDesc": { "message": "Glavno geslo je geslo, ki ga uporabljate za dostop do vašega trezorja. Zelo pomembno je, da ne pozabite vaše glavno geslo. Gesla ni mogoče obnoviti v primeru, če ga pozabite." }, "masterPassHintDesc": { "message": "Namig glavnega gesla vam lahko pomaga, da se spomnite vašega gesla, če ga pozabite." }, "reTypeMasterPass": { "message": "Ponovno vnesite glavno geslo" }, "masterPassHint": { "message": "Namig za glavno geslo (neobvezno)" }, "masterPassHintLabel": { "message": "Namig za glavno geslo" }, "settings": { "message": "Nastavitve" }, "passwordHint": { "message": "Namig za geslo" }, "enterEmailToGetHint": { "message": "Vnesite e-poštni naslov vašega računa, da prejmete namig za vaše glavno geslo." }, "getMasterPasswordHint": { "message": "Pridobi namig za glavno geslo" }, "emailRequired": { "message": "E-poštni naslov je obvezen." }, "invalidEmail": { "message": "Neveljaven e-poštni naslov." }, "masterPassRequired": { "message": "Glavno geslo je obvezno." }, "masterPassLength": { "message": "Glavno geslo mora biti dolgo najmanj 8 znakov." }, "masterPassDoesntMatch": { "message": "Potrditev glavnega gesla se ne ujema." }, "newAccountCreated": { "message": "Vaš nov račun je bil ustvarjen! Sedaj se lahko prijavite." }, "masterPassSent": { "message": "Poslali smo vam epoštno spročilo z namigom za vaše glavno geslo." }, "unexpectedError": { "message": "Prišlo je do nepričakovane napake." }, "emailAddress": { "message": "E-poštni naslov" }, "yourVaultIsLocked": { "message": "Vaš trezor je zaklenjen. Potrdite vaše glavno geslo za nadaljevanje." }, "unlock": { "message": "Odkleni" }, "loggedInAsEmailOn": { "message": "Prijavljeni kot $EMAIL$ na $HOSTNAME$.", "placeholders": { "email": { "content": "$1", "example": "name@example.com" }, "hostname": { "content": "$2", "example": "bitwarden.com" } } }, "invalidMasterPassword": { "message": "Napačno glavno geslo" }, "lockNow": { "message": "Zakleni zdaj" }, "noItemsInList": { "message": "Ni vnosov za prikaz." }, "noCollectionsInList": { "message": "Ni zbirk za prikaz." }, "noGroupsInList": { "message": "Ni skupin za prikaz." }, "noUsersInList": { "message": "Ni uporabnikov za prikaz." }, "noEventsInList": { "message": "Ni dogodkov za prikaz." }, "newOrganization": { "message": "Nova organizacija" }, "noOrganizationsList": { "message": "Ne pripadate nobeni organizaciji. Organizacije omogočajo varno deljenje vnosov med uporabniki." }, "versionNumber": { "message": "Različica $VERSION_NUMBER$", "placeholders": { "version_number": { "content": "$1", "example": "1.2.3" } } }, "enterVerificationCodeApp": { "message": "Vnesite 6-mestno potrditveno kodo iz vaše avtorizacijske aplikacije." }, "enterVerificationCodeEmail": { "message": "Vnesite 6-mestno potrditveno kodo, poslano na e-poštni naslov $EMAIL$.", "placeholders": { "email": { "content": "$1", "example": "example@gmail.com" } } }, "verificationCodeEmailSent": { "message": "Potrditveno sporočilo poslano na $EMAIL$.", "placeholders": { "email": { "content": "$1", "example": "example@gmail.com" } } }, "rememberMe": { "message": "Zapomni si me" }, "sendVerificationCodeEmailAgain": { "message": "Ponovno posreduj potrditveno kodo na e-poštni naslov" }, "useAnotherTwoStepMethod": { "message": "Uporabi drug dvostopenjski način vpisa" }, "insertYubiKey": { "message": "Svoj YubiKey ključek vstavite v USB režo in pritisnite na njegovo tipko." }, "insertU2f": { "message": "Svoj varnostni USB ključek vstavite v USB režo. Če ima gumb, ga sedaj pritisnite." }, "loginUnavailable": { "message": "Prijava ni na voljo" }, "noTwoStepProviders": { "message": "Ta račun ima omogočemo prijavo v dveh korakih, ampak nobena izmed konfiguriranih ni podprta v tem spletnem brskalniku." }, "noTwoStepProviders2": { "message": "Uporabite enega izmed podprtih spletnih brskalnikov (npr. Chrome) in/ali dodajte ponudnika, ki je bolje podprt na različnih brskalnikih (npr. aplikacija za avtentikacijo)." }, "twoStepOptions": { "message": "Možnosti dvostopenjske prijave" }, "recoveryCodeDesc": { "message": "Ste izgubili dostop do vseh vaših ponudnikov dvostopenjse prijave? Uporabite svoje kode za obnovitev in tako onemogočite dvostopenjsko prijavo v svoj račun." }, "recoveryCodeTitle": { "message": "Koda za obnovitev" }, "authenticatorAppTitle": { "message": "Aplikacija za avtentikacijo" }, "authenticatorAppDesc": { "message": "Upoabite aplikacijo za avtentikacijo (npr. Authy ali Google Authenticator), ki za vas ustvarja kode z omejenim časom veljavnosti.", "description": "'Authy' and 'Google Authenticator' are product names and should not be translated." }, "yubiKeyTitle": { "message": "YubiKey varnostni ključ za enkratna gesla" }, "yubiKeyDesc": { "message": "Uporabite YubiKey za dostop do svojega računa. Podprti so YubiKey serije 4, serije 5 in naprave NEO." }, "duoDesc": { "message": "Preverjajte z uporabo Duo Security, ki omogoča prijavo z Duo Mobile aplikacijo, SMS sporočilom, telefonskim klicem ali U2F varnostnim ključem.", "description": "'Duo Security' and 'Duo Mobile' are product names and should not be translated." }, "duoOrganizationDesc": { "message": "Preverjajte z Duo Security za vašo organizacijo, ki omogoča prijavo z Duo Mobile aplikacijo, SMS sporočilom, telefonskim klicem ali U2F varnostnim ključem.", "description": "'Duo Security' and 'Duo Mobile' are product names and should not be translated." }, "u2fDesc": { "message": "Za dostop do vašega računa uporabite katerikoli FIDO U2F varnostni ključ." }, "u2fTitle": { "message": "FIDO U2F varnostni ključ" }, "webAuthnTitle": { "message": "FIDO2 WebAuthn" }, "webAuthnDesc": { "message": "Za dostop do vašega računa uporabite katerikoli WebAuthn varnostni ključ." }, "webAuthnMigrated": { "message": "(Preseljeno iz FIDO)" }, "emailTitle": { "message": "E-pošta" }, "emailDesc": { "message": "Potrditvene kode vam bodo posredovane po e-pošti." }, "continue": { "message": "Nadaljuj" }, "organization": { "message": "Organizacija" }, "organizations": { "message": "Organizacije" }, "moveToOrgDesc": { "message": "Izberi organizacijo s katero želite deliti ta vnos. Delitev prenese lasništvo vnosa na organizacijo. Po delitvi ne boste več direktni lastnik tega vnosa." }, "moveManyToOrgDesc": { "message": "Izberi organizacijo s katero želite deliti ta vnos. Delitev prenese lasništvo vnosa na organizacijo. Po delitvi ne boste več direktni lastnik tega vnosa." }, "collectionsDesc": { "message": "Uredite zbirke s katerimi želite deliti ta predmet. Predmet bodo lahko videli le uporabniki orgnanizacije, ki bodo imajo dostop do teh zbirk." }, "deleteSelectedItemsDesc": { "message": "Izbrali ste $COUNT$ vnos(ov) za izbris. Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati vse izbrane vnose?", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "150" } } }, "moveSelectedItemsDesc": { "message": "Choose a folder that you would like to move the $COUNT$ selected item(s) to.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "150" } } }, "moveSelectedItemsCountDesc": { "message": "You have selected $COUNT$ item(s). $MOVEABLE_COUNT$ item(s) can be moved to an organization, $NONMOVEABLE_COUNT$ cannot.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "10" }, "moveable_count": { "content": "$2", "example": "8" }, "nonmoveable_count": { "content": "$3", "example": "2" } } }, "verificationCodeTotp": { "message": "Verifikacijska koda (TOTP)" }, "copyVerificationCode": { "message": "Kopiraj verifikacijsko kodo" }, "warning": { "message": "Opozorilo" }, "confirmVaultExport": { "message": "Potrdite izvoz trezorja" }, "exportWarningDesc": { "message": "This export contains your vault data in an unencrypted format. You should not store or send the exported file over unsecure channels (such as email). Delete it immediately after you are done using it." }, "encExportKeyWarningDesc": { "message": "This export encrypts your data using your account's encryption key. If you ever rotate your account's encryption key you should export again since you will not be able to decrypt this export file." }, "encExportAccountWarningDesc": { "message": "Account encryption keys are unique to each Bitwarden user account, so you can't import an encrypted export into a different account." }, "export": { "message": "Izvozi" }, "exportVault": { "message": "Izvozi sef" }, "fileFormat": { "message": "Format datoteke" }, "exportSuccess": { "message": "Podatki vašega sefa so bili izvoženi." }, "passwordGenerator": { "message": "Ustvarjalnik gesel" }, "minComplexityScore": { "message": "Najnižja ocena kompleksnosti" }, "minNumbers": { "message": "Najmanj števil" }, "minSpecial": { "message": "Najmanj posebnih znakov", "description": "Minimum Special Characters" }, "ambiguous": { "message": "Izogibaj se dvoumnim znakom" }, "regeneratePassword": { "message": "Regeneriraj geslo" }, "length": { "message": "Dolžina" }, "numWords": { "message": "Število besed" }, "wordSeparator": { "message": "Ločilo besed" }, "capitalize": { "message": "Zapiši z veliko začetnico", "description": "Make the first letter of a work uppercase." }, "includeNumber": { "message": "Vključi številko" }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Zgodovina gesla" }, "noPasswordsInList": { "message": "Ni gesel za prikaz." }, "clear": { "message": "Počisti", "description": "To clear something out. example: To clear browser history." }, "accountUpdated": { "message": "Račun posodobljen" }, "changeEmail": { "message": "Spremeni e-poštni naslov" }, "changeEmailTwoFactorWarning": { "message": "Proceeding will change your account email address. It will not change the email address used for two-factor authentication. You can change this email address in the Two-Step Login settings." }, "newEmail": { "message": "Novi e-poštni naslov" }, "code": { "message": "Koda" }, "changeEmailDesc": { "message": "We have emailed a verification code to $EMAIL$. Please check your email for this code and enter it below to finalize the email address change.", "placeholders": { "email": { "content": "$1", "example": "john.smith@example.com" } } }, "loggedOutWarning": { "message": "Proceeding will log you out of your current session, requiring you to log back in. Active sessions on other devices may continue to remain active for up to one hour." }, "emailChanged": { "message": "E-poštni naslov spremenjen" }, "logBackIn": { "message": "Prosimo, ponovno se prijavite." }, "logBackInOthersToo": { "message": "Prosimo, ponovno se prijavite. Če uporabljate druge Bitwarden aplikacije, se odjavite in ponovno prijavite tudi tam." }, "changeMasterPassword": { "message": "Spremeni glavno geslo" }, "masterPasswordChanged": { "message": "Glavno geslo je bilo spremenjeno" }, "currentMasterPass": { "message": "Aktualno glavno geslo" }, "newMasterPass": { "message": "Nastavite glavno geslo" }, "confirmNewMasterPass": { "message": "Potrdite novo geslo" }, "encKeySettings": { "message": "Nastavitve kodirnega ključa" }, "kdfAlgorithm": { "message": "KDF algoritem" }, "kdfIterations": { "message": "KDF iteracije" }, "kdfIterationsDesc": { "message": "Higher KDF iterations can help protect your master password from being brute forced by an attacker. We recommend a value of $VALUE$ or more.", "placeholders": { "value": { "content": "$1", "example": "100,000" } } }, "kdfIterationsWarning": { "message": "Setting your KDF iterations too high could result in poor performance when logging into (and unlocking) Bitwarden on devices with slower CPUs. We recommend that you increase the value in increments of $INCREMENT$ and then test all of your devices.", "placeholders": { "increment": { "content": "$1", "example": "50,000" } } }, "changeKdf": { "message": "Spremeni KDF" }, "encKeySettingsChanged": { "message": "Encryption Key Settings Changed" }, "dangerZone": { "message": "Danger Zone" }, "dangerZoneDesc": { "message": "Careful, these actions are not reversible!" }, "deauthorizeSessions": { "message": "Deauthorize Sessions" }, "deauthorizeSessionsDesc": { "message": "Concerned your account is logged in on another device? Proceed below to deauthorize all computers or devices that you have previously used. This security step is recommended if you previously used a public computer or accidentally saved your password on a device that isn't yours. This step will also clear all previously remembered two-step login sessions." }, "deauthorizeSessionsWarning": { "message": "Proceeding will also log you out of your current session, requiring you to log back in. You will also be prompted for two-step login again, if enabled. Active sessions on other devices may continue to remain active for up to one hour." }, "sessionsDeauthorized": { "message": "All Sessions Deauthorized" }, "purgeVault": { "message": "Počisti trezor" }, "purgedOrganizationVault": { "message": "Trezor organizacije je bil počiščen." }, "vaultAccessedByProvider": { "message": "Vault accessed by provider." }, "purgeVaultDesc": { "message": "Proceed below to delete all items and folders in your vault. Items that belong to an organization that you share with will not be deleted." }, "purgeOrgVaultDesc": { "message": "Proceed below to delete all items in the organization's vault." }, "purgeVaultWarning": { "message": "Purging your vault is permanent. It cannot be undone." }, "vaultPurged": { "message": "Vaš trezor je bil počiščen." }, "deleteAccount": { "message": "Izbriši račun" }, "deleteAccountDesc": { "message": "Proceed below to delete your account and all associated data." }, "deleteAccountWarning": { "message": "Deleting your account is permanent. It cannot be undone." }, "accountDeleted": { "message": "Account Deleted" }, "accountDeletedDesc": { "message": "Your account has been closed and all associated data has been deleted." }, "myAccount": { "message": "Moj račun" }, "tools": { "message": "Orodja" }, "importData": { "message": "Uvoz podatkov" }, "importError": { "message": "Napaka pri uvozu" }, "importErrorDesc": { "message": "There was a problem with the data you tried to import. Please resolve the errors listed below in your source file and try again." }, "importSuccess": { "message": "Data has been successfully imported into your vault." }, "importWarning": { "message": "You are importing data to $ORGANIZATION$. Your data may be shared with members of this organization. Do you want to proceed?", "placeholders": { "organization": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Org Name" } } }, "importFormatError": { "message": "Data is not formatted correctly. Please check your import file and try again." }, "importNothingError": { "message": "Ničesar ni bilo uvoženo." }, "importEncKeyError": { "message": "Error decrypting the exported file. Your encryption key does not match the encryption key used export the data." }, "selectFormat": { "message": "Select the format of the import file" }, "selectImportFile": { "message": "Select the import file" }, "orCopyPasteFileContents": { "message": "or copy/paste the import file contents" }, "instructionsFor": { "message": "$NAME$ Instructions", "description": "The title for the import tool instructions.", "placeholders": { "name": { "content": "$1", "example": "LastPass (csv)" } } }, "options": { "message": "Options" }, "optionsDesc": { "message": "Customize your web vault experience." }, "optionsUpdated": { "message": "Options updated" }, "language": { "message": "Jezik" }, "languageDesc": { "message": "Change the language used by the web vault." }, "disableIcons": { "message": "Onemogoči ikone spletnih mest" }, "disableIconsDesc": { "message": "Website Icons provide a recognizable image next to each login item in your vault." }, "enableGravatars": { "message": "Enable Gravatars", "description": "'Gravatar' is the name of a service. See www.gravatar.com" }, "enableGravatarsDesc": { "message": "Use avatar images loaded from gravatar.com." }, "enableFullWidth": { "message": "Enable Full Width Layout", "description": "Allows scaling the web vault UI's width" }, "enableFullWidthDesc": { "message": "Allow the web vault to expand the full width of the browser window." }, "default": { "message": "Default" }, "domainRules": { "message": "Domain Rules" }, "domainRulesDesc": { "message": "If you have the same login across multiple different website domains, you can mark the website as \"equivalent\". \"Global\" domains are ones already created for you by Bitwarden." }, "globalEqDomains": { "message": "Global Equivalent Domains" }, "customEqDomains": { "message": "Custom Equivalent Domains" }, "exclude": { "message": "Exclude" }, "include": { "message": "Include" }, "customize": { "message": "Prilagodi" }, "newCustomDomain": { "message": "Nova domena po meri" }, "newCustomDomainDesc": { "message": "Enter a list of domains separated by commas. Only \"base\" domains are allowed. Do not enter subdomains. For example, enter \"google.com\" instead of \"www.google.com\". You can also enter \"androidapp://package.name\" to associate an android app with other website domains." }, "customDomainX": { "message": "Custom Domain $INDEX$", "placeholders": { "index": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "domainsUpdated": { "message": "Domene posodobljene" }, "twoStepLogin": { "message": "Prijava v dveh korakih" }, "twoStepLoginDesc": { "message": "Secure your account by requiring an additional step when logging in." }, "twoStepLoginOrganizationDesc": { "message": "Require two-step login for your organization's users by configuring providers at the organization level." }, "twoStepLoginRecoveryWarning": { "message": "Enabling two-step login can permanently lock you out of your Bitwarden account. A recovery code allows you to access your account in the event that you can no longer use your normal two-step login provider (ex. you lose your device). Bitwarden support will not be able to assist you if you lose access to your account. We recommend you write down or print the recovery code and keep it in a safe place." }, "viewRecoveryCode": { "message": "View Recovery Code" }, "providers": { "message": "Ponudniki", "description": "Two-step login providers such as YubiKey, Duo, Authenticator apps, Email, etc." }, "enable": { "message": "Omogoči" }, "enabled": { "message": "Omogočeno" }, "premium": { "message": "Premium", "description": "Premium Membership" }, "premiumMembership": { "message": "Premium Membership" }, "premiumRequired": { "message": "Premium Required" }, "premiumRequiredDesc": { "message": "A premium membership is required to use this feature." }, "youHavePremiumAccess": { "message": "You have premium access" }, "alreadyPremiumFromOrg": { "message": "You already have access to premium features because of an organization you are a member of." }, "manage": { "message": "Upravljaj" }, "disable": { "message": "Onemogočeno" }, "twoStepLoginProviderEnabled": { "message": "This two-step login provider is enabled on your account." }, "twoStepLoginAuthDesc": { "message": "Enter your master password to modify two-step login settings." }, "twoStepAuthenticatorDesc": { "message": "Follow these steps to set up two-step login with an authenticator app:" }, "twoStepAuthenticatorDownloadApp": { "message": "Download a two-step authenticator app" }, "twoStepAuthenticatorNeedApp": { "message": "Need a two-step authenticator app? Download one of the following" }, "iosDevices": { "message": "iOS naprave" }, "androidDevices": { "message": "Android naprave" }, "windowsDevices": { "message": "Windows naprave" }, "twoStepAuthenticatorAppsRecommended": { "message": "These apps are recommended, however, other authenticator apps will also work." }, "twoStepAuthenticatorScanCode": { "message": "Scan this QR code with your authenticator app" }, "key": { "message": "Key" }, "twoStepAuthenticatorEnterCode": { "message": "Enter the resulting 6 digit verification code from the app" }, "twoStepAuthenticatorReaddDesc": { "message": "In case you need to add it to another device, below is the QR code (or key) required by your authenticator app." }, "twoStepDisableDesc": { "message": "Are you sure you want to disable this two-step login provider?" }, "twoStepDisabled": { "message": "Two-step login provider disabled." }, "twoFactorYubikeyAdd": { "message": "Add a new YubiKey to your account" }, "twoFactorYubikeyPlugIn": { "message": "Plug the YubiKey into your computer's USB port." }, "twoFactorYubikeySelectKey": { "message": "Select the first empty YubiKey input field below." }, "twoFactorYubikeyTouchButton": { "message": "Touch the YubiKey's button." }, "twoFactorYubikeySaveForm": { "message": "Save the form." }, "twoFactorYubikeyWarning": { "message": "Due to platform limitations, YubiKeys cannot be used on all Bitwarden applications. You should enable another two-step login provider so that you can access your account when YubiKeys cannot be used. Supported platforms:" }, "twoFactorYubikeySupportUsb": { "message": "Web vault, desktop application, CLI, and all browser extensions on a device with a USB port that can accept your YubiKey." }, "twoFactorYubikeySupportMobile": { "message": "Mobile apps on a device with NFC capabilities or a data port that can accept your YubiKey." }, "yubikeyX": { "message": "YubiKey $INDEX$", "placeholders": { "index": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "u2fkeyX": { "message": "U2F Key $INDEX$", "placeholders": { "index": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "webAuthnkeyX": { "message": "WebAuthn Key $INDEX$", "placeholders": { "index": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "nfcSupport": { "message": "NFC Support" }, "twoFactorYubikeySupportsNfc": { "message": "One of my keys supports NFC." }, "twoFactorYubikeySupportsNfcDesc": { "message": "If one of your YubiKeys supports NFC (such as a YubiKey NEO), you will be prompted on mobile devices whenever NFC availability is detected." }, "yubikeysUpdated": { "message": "YubiKeys updated" }, "disableAllKeys": { "message": "Disable All Keys" }, "twoFactorDuoDesc": { "message": "Enter the Bitwarden application information from your Duo Admin panel." }, "twoFactorDuoIntegrationKey": { "message": "Integration Key" }, "twoFactorDuoSecretKey": { "message": "Secret Key" }, "twoFactorDuoApiHostname": { "message": "API Hostname" }, "twoFactorEmailDesc": { "message": "Follow these steps to set up two-step login with email:" }, "twoFactorEmailEnterEmail": { "message": "Enter the email that you wish to receive verification codes" }, "twoFactorEmailEnterCode": { "message": "Enter the resulting 6 digit verification code from the email" }, "sendEmail": { "message": "Send Email" }, "twoFactorU2fAdd": { "message": "Add a FIDO U2F security key to your account" }, "removeU2fConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to remove this security key?" }, "twoFactorWebAuthnAdd": { "message": "Add a WebAuthn security key to your account" }, "readKey": { "message": "Read Key" }, "keyCompromised": { "message": "Key is compromised." }, "twoFactorU2fGiveName": { "message": "Give the security key a friendly name to identify it." }, "twoFactorU2fPlugInReadKey": { "message": "Plug the security key into your computer's USB port and click the \"Read Key\" button." }, "twoFactorU2fTouchButton": { "message": "If the security key has a button, touch it." }, "twoFactorU2fSaveForm": { "message": "Save the form." }, "twoFactorU2fWarning": { "message": "Due to platform limitations, FIDO U2F cannot be used on all Bitwarden applications. You should enable another two-step login provider so that you can access your account when FIDO U2F cannot be used. Supported platforms:" }, "twoFactorU2fSupportWeb": { "message": "Web vault and browser extensions on a desktop/laptop with a U2F enabled browser (Chrome, Opera, Vivaldi, or Firefox with FIDO U2F enabled)." }, "twoFactorU2fWaiting": { "message": "Waiting for you to touch the button on your security key" }, "twoFactorU2fClickSave": { "message": "Click the \"Save\" button below to enable this security key for two-step login." }, "twoFactorU2fProblemReadingTryAgain": { "message": "There was a problem reading the security key. Try again." }, "twoFactorWebAuthnWarning": { "message": "Due to platform limitations, WebAuthn cannot be used on all Bitwarden applications. You should enable another two-step login provider so that you can access your account when WebAuthn cannot be used. Supported platforms:" }, "twoFactorWebAuthnSupportWeb": { "message": "Web vault and browser extensions on a desktop/laptop with a WebAuthn enabled browser (Chrome, Opera, Vivaldi, or Firefox with FIDO U2F enabled)." }, "twoFactorRecoveryYourCode": { "message": "Your Bitwarden two-step login recovery code" }, "twoFactorRecoveryNoCode": { "message": "You have not enabled any two-step login providers yet. After you have enabled a two-step login provider you can check back here for your recovery code." }, "printCode": { "message": "Print Code", "description": "Print 2FA recovery code" }, "reports": { "message": "Reports" }, "unsecuredWebsitesReport": { "message": "Unsecured Websites Report" }, "unsecuredWebsitesReportDesc": { "message": "Using unsecured websites with the http:// scheme can be dangerous. If the website allows, you should always access it using the https:// scheme so that your connection is encrypted." }, "unsecuredWebsitesFound": { "message": "Unsecured Websites Found" }, "unsecuredWebsitesFoundDesc": { "message": "We found $COUNT$ items in your vault with unsecured URIs. You should change their URI scheme to https:// if the website allows it.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "8" } } }, "noUnsecuredWebsites": { "message": "No items in your vault have unsecured URIs." }, "inactive2faReport": { "message": "Inactive 2FA Report" }, "inactive2faReportDesc": { "message": "Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an important security setting that helps secure your accounts. If the website offers it, you should always enable two-factor authentication." }, "inactive2faFound": { "message": "Logins Without 2FA Found" }, "inactive2faFoundDesc": { "message": "We found $COUNT$ website(s) in your vault that may not be configured with two-factor authentication (according to 2fa.directory). To further protect these accounts, you should enable two-factor authentication.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "8" } } }, "noInactive2fa": { "message": "No websites were found in your vault with a missing two-factor authentication configuration." }, "instructions": { "message": "Instructions" }, "exposedPasswordsReport": { "message": "Exposed Passwords Report" }, "exposedPasswordsReportDesc": { "message": "Exposed passwords are passwords that have been uncovered in known data breaches that were released publicly or sold on the dark web by hackers." }, "exposedPasswordsFound": { "message": "Exposed Passwords Found" }, "exposedPasswordsFoundDesc": { "message": "We found $COUNT$ items in your vault that have passwords that were exposed in known data breaches. You should change them to use a new password.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "8" } } }, "noExposedPasswords": { "message": "No items in your vault have passwords that have been exposed in known data breaches." }, "checkExposedPasswords": { "message": "Check Exposed Passwords" }, "exposedXTimes": { "message": "Exposed $COUNT$ time(s)", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "52" } } }, "weakPasswordsReport": { "message": "Weak Passwords Report" }, "weakPasswordsReportDesc": { "message": "Weak passwords can easily be guessed by hackers and automated tools that are used to crack passwords. The Bitwarden password generator can help you create strong passwords." }, "weakPasswordsFound": { "message": "Weak Passwords Found" }, "weakPasswordsFoundDesc": { "message": "We found $COUNT$ items in your vault with passwords that are not strong. You should update them to use stronger passwords.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "8" } } }, "noWeakPasswords": { "message": "No items in your vault have weak passwords." }, "reusedPasswordsReport": { "message": "Reused Passwords Report" }, "reusedPasswordsReportDesc": { "message": "If a service that you use is compromised, reusing the same password elsewhere can allow hackers to easily gain access to more of your online accounts. You should use a unique password for every account or service." }, "reusedPasswordsFound": { "message": "Reused Passwords Found" }, "reusedPasswordsFoundDesc": { "message": "We found $COUNT$ passwords that are being reused in your vault. You should change them to a unique value.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "8" } } }, "noReusedPasswords": { "message": "No logins in your vault have passwords that are being reused." }, "reusedXTimes": { "message": "Reused $COUNT$ times", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "8" } } }, "dataBreachReport": { "message": "Data Breach Report" }, "breachDesc": { "message": "A \"breach\" is an incident where a site's data has been illegally accessed by hackers and then released publicly. Review the types of data that were compromised (email addresses, passwords, credit cards etc.) and take appropriate action, such as changing passwords." }, "breachCheckUsernameEmail": { "message": "Check any usernames or email addresses that you use." }, "checkBreaches": { "message": "Check Breaches" }, "breachUsernameNotFound": { "message": "$USERNAME$ was not found in any known data breaches.", "placeholders": { "username": { "content": "$1", "example": "user@example.com" } } }, "goodNews": { "message": "Good News", "description": "ex. Good News, No Breached Accounts Found!" }, "breachUsernameFound": { "message": "$USERNAME$ was found in $COUNT$ different data breaches online.", "placeholders": { "username": { "content": "$1", "example": "user@example.com" }, "count": { "content": "$2", "example": "7" } } }, "breachFound": { "message": "Breached Accounts Found" }, "compromisedData": { "message": "Compromised data" }, "website": { "message": "Website" }, "affectedUsers": { "message": "Affected Users" }, "breachOccurred": { "message": "Breach Occurred" }, "breachReported": { "message": "Breach Reported" }, "reportError": { "message": "An error occurred trying to load the report. Try again" }, "billing": { "message": "Billing" }, "accountCredit": { "message": "Account Credit", "description": "Financial term. In the case of Bitwarden, a positive balance means that you owe money, while a negative balance means that you have a credit (Bitwarden owes you money)." }, "accountBalance": { "message": "Account Balance", "description": "Financial term. In the case of Bitwarden, a positive balance means that you owe money, while a negative balance means that you have a credit (Bitwarden owes you money)." }, "addCredit": { "message": "Add Credit", "description": "Add more credit to your account's balance." }, "amount": { "message": "Amount", "description": "Dollar amount, or quantity." }, "creditDelayed": { "message": "Added credit will appear on your account after the payment has been fully processed. Some payment methods are delayed and can take longer to process than others." }, "makeSureEnoughCredit": { "message": "Please make sure that your account has enough credit available for this purchase. If your account does not have enough credit available, your default payment method on file will be used for the difference. You can add credit to your account from the Billing page." }, "creditAppliedDesc": { "message": "Your account's credit can be used to make purchases. Any available credit will be automatically applied towards invoices generated for this account." }, "goPremium": { "message": "Go Premium", "description": "Another way of saying \"Get a premium membership\"" }, "premiumUpdated": { "message": "You've upgraded to premium." }, "premiumUpgradeUnlockFeatures": { "message": "Upgrade your account to a premium membership and unlock some great additional features." }, "premiumSignUpStorage": { "message": "1 GB encrypted storage for file attachments." }, "premiumSignUpTwoStep": { "message": "Additional two-step login options such as YubiKey, FIDO U2F, and Duo." }, "premiumSignUpEmergency": { "message": "Emergency Access" }, "premiumSignUpReports": { "message": "Password hygiene, account health, and data breach reports to keep your vault safe." }, "premiumSignUpTotp": { "message": "TOTP verification code (2FA) generator for logins in your vault." }, "premiumSignUpSupport": { "message": "Priority customer support." }, "premiumSignUpFuture": { "message": "All future premium features. More coming soon!" }, "premiumPrice": { "message": "All for just $PRICE$ /year!", "placeholders": { "price": { "content": "$1", "example": "$10" } } }, "addons": { "message": "Addons" }, "premiumAccess": { "message": "Premium Access" }, "premiumAccessDesc": { "message": "You can add premium access to all members of your organization for $PRICE$ /$INTERVAL$.", "placeholders": { "price": { "content": "$1", "example": "$3.33" }, "interval": { "content": "$2", "example": "'month' or 'year'" } } }, "additionalStorageGb": { "message": "Additional Storage (GB)" }, "additionalStorageGbDesc": { "message": "# of additional GB" }, "additionalStorageIntervalDesc": { "message": "Your plan comes with $SIZE$ of encrypted file storage. You can add additional storage for $PRICE$ per GB /$INTERVAL$.", "placeholders": { "size": { "content": "$1", "example": "1 GB" }, "price": { "content": "$2", "example": "$4.00" }, "interval": { "content": "$3", "example": "'month' or 'year'" } } }, "summary": { "message": "Summary" }, "total": { "message": "Total" }, "year": { "message": "year" }, "month": { "message": "month" }, "monthAbbr": { "message": "mo.", "description": "Short abbreviation for 'month'" }, "paymentChargedAnnually": { "message": "Your payment method will be charged immediately and then on a recurring basis each year. You may cancel at any time." }, "paymentCharged": { "message": "Your payment method will be charged immediately and then on a recurring basis each $INTERVAL$. You may cancel at any time.", "placeholders": { "interval": { "content": "$1", "example": "month or year" } } }, "paymentChargedWithTrial": { "message": "Your plan comes with a free 7 day trial. Your payment method will not be charged until the trial has ended. You may cancel at any time." }, "paymentInformation": { "message": "Payment Information" }, "billingInformation": { "message": "Billing Information" }, "creditCard": { "message": "Credit Card" }, "paypalClickSubmit": { "message": "Click the PayPal button to log into your PayPal account, then click the Submit button below to continue." }, "cancelSubscription": { "message": "Cancel Subscription" }, "subscriptionCanceled": { "message": "The subscription has been canceled." }, "pendingCancellation": { "message": "Pending Cancellation" }, "subscriptionPendingCanceled": { "message": "The subscription has been marked for cancellation at the end of the current billing period." }, "reinstateSubscription": { "message": "Reinstate Subscription" }, "reinstateConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to remove the pending cancellation request and reinstate your subscription?" }, "reinstated": { "message": "The subscription has been reinstated." }, "cancelConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to cancel? You will lose access to all of this subscription's features at the end of this billing cycle." }, "canceledSubscription": { "message": "The subscription has been canceled." }, "neverExpires": { "message": "Never Expires" }, "status": { "message": "Status" }, "nextCharge": { "message": "Next Charge" }, "details": { "message": "Details" }, "downloadLicense": { "message": "Download License" }, "updateLicense": { "message": "Update License" }, "updatedLicense": { "message": "Updated license" }, "manageSubscription": { "message": "Manage Subscription" }, "storage": { "message": "Storage" }, "addStorage": { "message": "Add Storage" }, "removeStorage": { "message": "Remove Storage" }, "subscriptionStorage": { "message": "Your subscription has a total of $MAX_STORAGE$ GB of encrypted file storage. You are currently using $USED_STORAGE$.", "placeholders": { "max_storage": { "content": "$1", "example": "4" }, "used_storage": { "content": "$2", "example": "65 MB" } } }, "paymentMethod": { "message": "Payment Method" }, "noPaymentMethod": { "message": "No payment method on file." }, "addPaymentMethod": { "message": "Add Payment Method" }, "changePaymentMethod": { "message": "Change Payment Method" }, "invoices": { "message": "Invoices" }, "noInvoices": { "message": "No invoices." }, "paid": { "message": "Paid", "description": "Past tense status of an invoice. ex. Paid or unpaid." }, "unpaid": { "message": "Unpaid", "description": "Past tense status of an invoice. ex. Paid or unpaid." }, "transactions": { "message": "Transactions", "description": "Payment/credit transactions." }, "noTransactions": { "message": "No transactions." }, "chargeNoun": { "message": "Charge", "description": "Noun. A charge from a payment method." }, "refundNoun": { "message": "Refund", "description": "Noun. A refunded payment that was charged." }, "chargesStatement": { "message": "Any charges will appear on your statement as $STATEMENT_NAME$.", "placeholders": { "statement_name": { "content": "$1", "example": "BITWARDEN" } } }, "gbStorageAdd": { "message": "GB of Storage To Add" }, "gbStorageRemove": { "message": "GB of Storage To Remove" }, "storageAddNote": { "message": "Adding storage will result in adjustments to your billing totals and immediately charge your payment method on file. The first charge will be prorated for the remainder of the current billing cycle." }, "storageRemoveNote": { "message": "Removing storage will result in adjustments to your billing totals that will be prorated as credits toward your next billing charge." }, "adjustedStorage": { "message": "Adjusted $AMOUNT$ GB of storage.", "placeholders": { "amount": { "content": "$1", "example": "5" } } }, "contactSupport": { "message": "Contact Customer Support" }, "updatedPaymentMethod": { "message": "Updated payment method." }, "purchasePremium": { "message": "Purchase Premium" }, "licenseFile": { "message": "License File" }, "licenseFileDesc": { "message": "Your license file will be named something like $FILE_NAME$", "placeholders": { "file_name": { "content": "$1", "example": "bitwarden_premium_license.json" } } }, "uploadLicenseFilePremium": { "message": "To upgrade your account to a premium membership you need to upload a valid license file." }, "uploadLicenseFileOrg": { "message": "To create an on-premises hosted organization you need to upload a valid license file." }, "accountEmailMustBeVerified": { "message": "Your account's email address must be verified." }, "newOrganizationDesc": { "message": "Organizations allow you to share parts of your vault with others as well as manage related users for a specific entity such as a family, small team, or large company." }, "generalInformation": { "message": "General Information" }, "organizationName": { "message": "Organization Name" }, "accountOwnedBusiness": { "message": "This account is owned by a business." }, "billingEmail": { "message": "Billing Email" }, "businessName": { "message": "Business Name" }, "chooseYourPlan": { "message": "Choose Your Plan" }, "users": { "message": "Users" }, "userSeats": { "message": "User Seats" }, "additionalUserSeats": { "message": "Additional User Seats" }, "userSeatsDesc": { "message": "# of user seats" }, "userSeatsAdditionalDesc": { "message": "Your plan comes with $BASE_SEATS$ user seats. You can add additional users for $SEAT_PRICE$ per user /month.", "placeholders": { "base_seats": { "content": "$1", "example": "5" }, "seat_price": { "content": "$2", "example": "$2.00" } } }, "userSeatsHowManyDesc": { "message": "How many user seats do you need? You can also add additional seats later if needed." }, "planNameFree": { "message": "Free", "description": "Free as in 'free beer'." }, "planDescFree": { "message": "For testing or personal users to share with $COUNT$ other user.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } } }, "planNameFamilies": { "message": "Families" }, "planDescFamilies": { "message": "For personal use, to share with family & friends." }, "planNameTeams": { "message": "Teams" }, "planDescTeams": { "message": "For businesses and other team organizations." }, "planNameEnterprise": { "message": "Enterprise" }, "planDescEnterprise": { "message": "For businesses and other large organizations." }, "freeForever": { "message": "Free Forever" }, "includesXUsers": { "message": "includes $COUNT$ users", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "5" } } }, "additionalUsers": { "message": "Additional Users" }, "costPerUser": { "message": "$COST$ per user", "placeholders": { "cost": { "content": "$1", "example": "$3" } } }, "limitedUsers": { "message": "Limited to $COUNT$ users (including you)", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "limitedCollections": { "message": "Limited to $COUNT$ collections", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "addShareLimitedUsers": { "message": "Add and share with up to $COUNT$ users", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "5" } } }, "addShareUnlimitedUsers": { "message": "Add and share with unlimited users" }, "createUnlimitedCollections": { "message": "Create unlimited Collections" }, "gbEncryptedFileStorage": { "message": "$SIZE$ encrypted file storage", "placeholders": { "size": { "content": "$1", "example": "1 GB" } } }, "onPremHostingOptional": { "message": "On-premise hosting (optional)" }, "usersGetPremium": { "message": "Users get access to Premium Features" }, "controlAccessWithGroups": { "message": "Control user access with Groups" }, "syncUsersFromDirectory": { "message": "Sync your users and Groups from a directory" }, "trackAuditLogs": { "message": "Track user actions with audit logs" }, "enforce2faDuo": { "message": "Enforce 2FA with Duo" }, "priorityCustomerSupport": { "message": "Priority customer support" }, "xDayFreeTrial": { "message": "$COUNT$ day free trial, cancel anytime", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "7" } } }, "monthly": { "message": "Monthly" }, "annually": { "message": "Annually" }, "basePrice": { "message": "Base Price" }, "organizationCreated": { "message": "Organization Created" }, "organizationReadyToGo": { "message": "Your new organization is ready to go!" }, "organizationUpgraded": { "message": "Your organization has been upgraded." }, "leave": { "message": "Leave" }, "leaveOrganizationConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to leave this organization?" }, "leftOrganization": { "message": "You have left the organization." }, "defaultCollection": { "message": "Default Collection" }, "getHelp": { "message": "Get Help" }, "getApps": { "message": "Get the Apps" }, "loggedInAs": { "message": "Logged in as" }, "eventLogs": { "message": "Event Logs" }, "people": { "message": "People" }, "policies": { "message": "Policies" }, "singleSignOn": { "message": "Single Sign-On" }, "editPolicy": { "message": "Edit Policy" }, "groups": { "message": "Groups" }, "newGroup": { "message": "New Group" }, "addGroup": { "message": "Add Group" }, "editGroup": { "message": "Edit Group" }, "deleteGroupConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to delete this group?" }, "removeUserConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to remove this user?" }, "removeUserConfirmationKeyConnector": { "message": "Warning! This user requires Key Connector to manage their encryption. Removing this user from your organization will permanently disable their account. This action cannot be undone. Do you want to proceed?" }, "externalId": { "message": "External Id" }, "externalIdDesc": { "message": "The external id can be used as a reference or to link this resource to an external system such as a user directory." }, "accessControl": { "message": "Access Control" }, "groupAccessAllItems": { "message": "This group can access and modify all items." }, "groupAccessSelectedCollections": { "message": "This group can access only the selected collections." }, "readOnly": { "message": "Read Only" }, "newCollection": { "message": "New Collection" }, "addCollection": { "message": "Add Collection" }, "editCollection": { "message": "Edit Collection" }, "deleteCollectionConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to delete this collection?" }, "editUser": { "message": "Edit User" }, "inviteUser": { "message": "Invite User" }, "inviteUserDesc": { "message": "Invite a new user to your organization by entering their Bitwarden account email address below. If they do not have a Bitwarden account already, they will be prompted to create a new account." }, "inviteMultipleEmailDesc": { "message": "You can invite up to $COUNT$ users at a time by comma separating a list of email addresses.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "20" } } }, "userUsingTwoStep": { "message": "This user is using two-step login to protect their account." }, "userAccessAllItems": { "message": "This user can access and modify all items." }, "userAccessSelectedCollections": { "message": "This user can access only the selected collections." }, "search": { "message": "Search" }, "invited": { "message": "Invited" }, "accepted": { "message": "Accepted" }, "confirmed": { "message": "Confirmed" }, "clientOwnerEmail": { "message": "Client Owner Email" }, "owner": { "message": "Owner" }, "ownerDesc": { "message": "The highest access user that can manage all aspects of your organization." }, "clientOwnerDesc": { "message": "This user should be independent of the Provider. If the Provider is disassociated with the organization, this user will maintain ownership of the organization." }, "admin": { "message": "Admin" }, "adminDesc": { "message": "Admins can access and manage all items, collections and users in your organization." }, "user": { "message": "User" }, "userDesc": { "message": "A regular user with access to assigned collections in your organization." }, "manager": { "message": "Manager" }, "managerDesc": { "message": "Managers can access and manage assigned collections in your organization." }, "all": { "message": "All" }, "refresh": { "message": "Refresh" }, "timestamp": { "message": "Timestamp" }, "event": { "message": "Event" }, "unknown": { "message": "Unknown" }, "loadMore": { "message": "Load More" }, "mobile": { "message": "Mobile", "description": "Mobile app" }, "extension": { "message": "Extension", "description": "Browser extension/addon" }, "desktop": { "message": "Desktop", "description": "Desktop app" }, "webVault": { "message": "Web Vault" }, "loggedIn": { "message": "Logged in." }, "changedPassword": { "message": "Changed account password." }, "enabledUpdated2fa": { "message": "Enabled/updated two-step login." }, "disabled2fa": { "message": "Disabled two-step login." }, "recovered2fa": { "message": "Recovered account from two-step login." }, "failedLogin": { "message": "Login attempt failed with incorrect password." }, "failedLogin2fa": { "message": "Login attempt failed with incorrect two-step login." }, "exportedVault": { "message": "Exported vault." }, "exportedOrganizationVault": { "message": "Exported organization vault." }, "editedOrgSettings": { "message": "Edited organization settings." }, "createdItemId": { "message": "Created item $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "editedItemId": { "message": "Edited item $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "deletedItemId": { "message": "Sent item $ID$ to trash.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "movedItemIdToOrg": { "message": "Moved item $ID$ to an organization.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "'Google'" } } }, "viewedItemId": { "message": "Viewed item $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "viewedPasswordItemId": { "message": "Viewed password for item $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "viewedHiddenFieldItemId": { "message": "Viewed hidden field for item $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "viewedSecurityCodeItemId": { "message": "Viewed security code for item $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "copiedPasswordItemId": { "message": "Copied password for item $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "copiedHiddenFieldItemId": { "message": "Copied hidden field for item $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "copiedSecurityCodeItemId": { "message": "Copied security code for item $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "autofilledItemId": { "message": "Auto-filled item $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "createdCollectionId": { "message": "Created collection $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Server Passwords" } } }, "editedCollectionId": { "message": "Edited collection $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Server Passwords" } } }, "deletedCollectionId": { "message": "Deleted collection $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Server Passwords" } } }, "editedPolicyId": { "message": "Edited policy $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Master Password" } } }, "createdGroupId": { "message": "Created group $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Developers" } } }, "editedGroupId": { "message": "Edited group $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Developers" } } }, "deletedGroupId": { "message": "Deleted group $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Developers" } } }, "removedUserId": { "message": "Removed user $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "createdAttachmentForItem": { "message": "Created attachment for item $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "deletedAttachmentForItem": { "message": "Deleted attachment for item $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "editedCollectionsForItem": { "message": "Edited collections for item $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "invitedUserId": { "message": "Invited user $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "confirmedUserId": { "message": "Confirmed user $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "editedUserId": { "message": "Edited user $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "editedGroupsForUser": { "message": "Edited groups for user $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "unlinkedSsoUser": { "message": "Unlinked SSO for user $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "createdOrganizationId": { "message": "Created organization $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "addedOrganizationId": { "message": "Added organization $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "removedOrganizationId": { "message": "Removed organization $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "accessedClientVault": { "message": "Accessed $ID$ organization vault.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "device": { "message": "Device" }, "view": { "message": "View" }, "invalidDateRange": { "message": "Invalid date range." }, "errorOccurred": { "message": "An error has occurred." }, "userAccess": { "message": "User Access" }, "userType": { "message": "User Type" }, "groupAccess": { "message": "Group Access" }, "groupAccessUserDesc": { "message": "Edit the groups that this user belongs to." }, "invitedUsers": { "message": "Invited user(s)." }, "resendInvitation": { "message": "Resend Invitation" }, "resendEmail": { "message": "Resend Email" }, "hasBeenReinvited": { "message": "$USER$ has been reinvited.", "placeholders": { "user": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "confirm": { "message": "Confirm" }, "confirmUser": { "message": "Confirm User" }, "hasBeenConfirmed": { "message": "$USER$ has been confirmed.", "placeholders": { "user": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "confirmUsers": { "message": "Confirm Users" }, "usersNeedConfirmed": { "message": "You have users that have accepted their invitation, but still need to be confirmed. Users will not have access to the organization until they are confirmed." }, "startDate": { "message": "Start Date" }, "endDate": { "message": "End Date" }, "verifyEmail": { "message": "Verify Email" }, "verifyEmailDesc": { "message": "Verify your account's email address to unlock access to all features." }, "verifyEmailFirst": { "message": "Your account's email address first must be verified." }, "checkInboxForVerification": { "message": "Check your email inbox for a verification link." }, "emailVerified": { "message": "Your email has been verified." }, "emailVerifiedFailed": { "message": "Unable to verify your email. Try sending a new verification email." }, "emailVerificationRequired": { "message": "Email Verification Required" }, "emailVerificationRequiredDesc": { "message": "You must verify your email to use this feature." }, "updateBrowser": { "message": "Update Browser" }, "updateBrowserDesc": { "message": "You are using an unsupported web browser. The web vault may not function properly." }, "joinOrganization": { "message": "Join Organization" }, "joinOrganizationDesc": { "message": "You've been invited to join the organization listed above. To accept the invitation, you need to log in or create a new Bitwarden account." }, "inviteAccepted": { "message": "Invitation Accepted" }, "inviteAcceptedDesc": { "message": "You can access this organization once an administrator confirms your membership. We'll send you an email when that happens." }, "inviteAcceptFailed": { "message": "Unable to accept invitation. Ask an organization admin to send a new invitation." }, "inviteAcceptFailedShort": { "message": "Unable to accept invitation. $DESCRIPTION$", "placeholders": { "description": { "content": "$1", "example": "You must enable 2FA on your user account before you can join this organization." } } }, "rememberEmail": { "message": "Remember email" }, "recoverAccountTwoStepDesc": { "message": "If you cannot access your account through your normal two-step login methods, you can use your two-step login recovery code to disable all two-step providers on your account." }, "recoverAccountTwoStep": { "message": "Recover Account Two-Step Login" }, "twoStepRecoverDisabled": { "message": "Two-step login has been disabled on your account." }, "learnMore": { "message": "Learn more" }, "deleteRecoverDesc": { "message": "Enter your email address below to recover and delete your account." }, "deleteRecoverEmailSent": { "message": "If your account exists, we've sent you an email with further instructions." }, "deleteRecoverConfirmDesc": { "message": "You have requested to delete your Bitwarden account. Click the button below to confirm." }, "myOrganization": { "message": "My Organization" }, "deleteOrganization": { "message": "Delete Organization" }, "deletingOrganizationContentWarning": { "message": "Enter the master password to confirm deletion of $ORGANIZATION$ and all associated data. Vault data in $ORGANIZATION$ includes:", "placeholders": { "organization": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Org Name" } } }, "deletingOrganizationActiveUserAccountsWarning": { "message": "User accounts will remain active after deletion but will no longer be associated to this organization." }, "deletingOrganizationIsPermanentWarning": { "message": "Deleting $ORGANIZATION$ is permanent and irreversible.", "placeholders": { "organization": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Org Name" } } }, "organizationDeleted": { "message": "Organization Deleted" }, "organizationDeletedDesc": { "message": "The organization and all associated data has been deleted." }, "organizationUpdated": { "message": "Organization updated" }, "taxInformation": { "message": "Tax Information" }, "taxInformationDesc": { "message": "For customers within the US, ZIP code is required to satisfy sales tax requirements, for other countries you may optionally provide a tax identification number (VAT/GST) and/or address to appear on your invoices." }, "billingPlan": { "message": "Plan", "description": "A billing plan/package. For example: families, teams, enterprise, etc." }, "changeBillingPlan": { "message": "Upgrade Plan", "description": "A billing plan/package. For example: families, teams, enterprise, etc." }, "changeBillingPlanUpgrade": { "message": "Upgrade your account to another plan by providing the information below. Please ensure that you have an active payment method added to the account.", "description": "A billing plan/package. For example: families, teams, enterprise, etc." }, "invoiceNumber": { "message": "Invoice #$NUMBER$", "description": "ex. Invoice #79C66F0-0001", "placeholders": { "number": { "content": "$1", "example": "79C66F0-0001" } } }, "viewInvoice": { "message": "View Invoice" }, "downloadInvoice": { "message": "Download Invoice" }, "verifyBankAccount": { "message": "Verify Bank Account" }, "verifyBankAccountDesc": { "message": "We have made two micro-deposits to your bank account (it may take 1-2 business days to show up). Enter these amounts to verify the bank account." }, "verifyBankAccountInitialDesc": { "message": "Payment with a bank account is only available to customers in the United States. You will be required to verify your bank account. We will make two micro-deposits within the next 1-2 business days. Enter these amounts on the organization's billing page to verify the bank account." }, "verifyBankAccountFailureWarning": { "message": "Failure to verify the bank account will result in a missed payment and your subscription being disabled." }, "verifiedBankAccount": { "message": "Bank account has been verified." }, "bankAccount": { "message": "Bank Account" }, "amountX": { "message": "Amount $COUNT$", "description": "Used in bank account verification of micro-deposits. Amount, as in a currency amount. Ex. Amount 1 is $2.00, Amount 2 is $1.50", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } } }, "routingNumber": { "message": "Routing Number", "description": "Bank account routing number" }, "accountNumber": { "message": "Account Number" }, "accountHolderName": { "message": "Account Holder Name" }, "bankAccountType": { "message": "Account Type" }, "bankAccountTypeCompany": { "message": "Company (Business)" }, "bankAccountTypeIndividual": { "message": "Individual (Personal)" }, "enterInstallationId": { "message": "Enter your installation id" }, "limitSubscriptionDesc": { "message": "Set a seat limit for your subscription. Once this limit is reached, you will not be able to invite new users." }, "maxSeatLimit": { "message": "Maximum Seat Limit (optional)", "description": "Upper limit of seats to allow through autoscaling" }, "maxSeatCost": { "message": "Max potential seat cost" }, "addSeats": { "message": "Add Seats", "description": "Seat = User Seat" }, "removeSeats": { "message": "Remove Seats", "description": "Seat = User Seat" }, "subscriptionDesc": { "message": "Adjustments to your subscription will result in prorated changes to your billing totals. If newly invited users exceed your subscription seats, you will immediately receive a prorated charge for the additional users." }, "subscriptionUserSeats": { "message": "Your subscription allows for a total of $COUNT$ users.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "50" } } }, "limitSubscription": { "message": "Limit Subscription (Optional)" }, "subscriptionSeats": { "message": "Subscription Seats" }, "subscriptionUpdated": { "message": "Subscription updated" }, "additionalOptions": { "message": "Additional Options" }, "additionalOptionsDesc": { "message": "For additional help in managing your subscription, please contact Customer Support." }, "subscriptionUserSeatsUnlimitedAutoscale": { "message": "Adjustments to your subscription will result in prorated changes to your billing totals. If newly invited users exceed your subscription seats, you will immediately receive a prorated charge for the additional users." }, "subscriptionUserSeatsLimitedAutoscale": { "message": "Adjustments to your subscription will result in prorated changes to your billing totals. If newly invited users exceed your subscription seats, you will immediately receive a prorated charge for the additional users until your $MAX$ seat limit is reached.", "placeholders": { "max": { "content": "$1", "example": "50" } } }, "subscriptionFreePlan": { "message": "You cannot invite more than $COUNT$ users without upgrading your plan.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "subscriptionFamiliesPlan": { "message": "You cannot invite more than $COUNT$ users without upgrading your plan. Please contact Customer Support to upgrade.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "6" } } }, "subscriptionSponsoredFamiliesPlan": { "message": "Your subscription allows for a total of $COUNT$ users. Your plan is sponsored and billed to an external organization.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "6" } } }, "subscriptionMaxReached": { "message": "Adjustments to your subscription will result in prorated changes to your billing totals. You cannot invite more than $COUNT$ users without increasing your subscription seats.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "50" } } }, "seatsToAdd": { "message": "Seats To Add" }, "seatsToRemove": { "message": "Seats To Remove" }, "seatsAddNote": { "message": "Adding user seats will result in adjustments to your billing totals and immediately charge your payment method on file. The first charge will be prorated for the remainder of the current billing cycle." }, "seatsRemoveNote": { "message": "Removing user seats will result in adjustments to your billing totals that will be prorated as credits toward your next billing charge." }, "adjustedSeats": { "message": "Adjusted $AMOUNT$ user seats.", "placeholders": { "amount": { "content": "$1", "example": "15" } } }, "keyUpdated": { "message": "Key Updated" }, "updateKeyTitle": { "message": "Update Key" }, "updateEncryptionKey": { "message": "Update Encryption Key" }, "updateEncryptionKeyShortDesc": { "message": "You are currently using an outdated encryption scheme." }, "updateEncryptionKeyDesc": { "message": "We've moved to larger encryption keys that provide better security and access to newer features. Updating your encryption key is quick and easy. Just type your master password below. This update will eventually become mandatory." }, "updateEncryptionKeyWarning": { "message": "After updating your encryption key, you are required to log out and back in to all Bitwarden applications that you are currently using (such as the mobile app or browser extensions). Failure to log out and back in (which downloads your new encryption key) may result in data corruption. We will attempt to log you out automatically, however, it may be delayed." }, "updateEncryptionKeyExportWarning": { "message": "Any encrypted exports that you have saved will also become invalid." }, "subscription": { "message": "Subscription" }, "loading": { "message": "Loading" }, "upgrade": { "message": "Upgrade" }, "upgradeOrganization": { "message": "Upgrade Organization" }, "upgradeOrganizationDesc": { "message": "This feature is not available for free organizations. Switch to a paid plan to unlock more features." }, "createOrganizationStep1": { "message": "Create Organization: Step 1" }, "createOrganizationCreatePersonalAccount": { "message": "Before creating your organization, you first need to create a free personal account." }, "refunded": { "message": "Refunded" }, "nothingSelected": { "message": "You have not selected anything." }, "acceptPolicies": { "message": "By checking this box you agree to the following:" }, "acceptPoliciesError": { "message": "Terms of Service and Privacy Policy have not been acknowledged." }, "termsOfService": { "message": "Terms of Service" }, "privacyPolicy": { "message": "Privacy Policy" }, "filters": { "message": "Filters" }, "vaultTimeout": { "message": "Vault Timeout" }, "vaultTimeoutDesc": { "message": "Choose when your vault will timeout and perform the selected action." }, "oneMinute": { "message": "1 minute" }, "fiveMinutes": { "message": "5 minutes" }, "fifteenMinutes": { "message": "15 minutes" }, "thirtyMinutes": { "message": "30 minutes" }, "oneHour": { "message": "1 hour" }, "fourHours": { "message": "4 hours" }, "onRefresh": { "message": "On Browser Refresh" }, "dateUpdated": { "message": "Updated", "description": "ex. Date this item was updated" }, "datePasswordUpdated": { "message": "Password Updated", "description": "ex. Date this password was updated" }, "organizationIsDisabled": { "message": "Organization is disabled." }, "licenseIsExpired": { "message": "License is expired." }, "updatedUsers": { "message": "Updated users" }, "selected": { "message": "Selected" }, "ownership": { "message": "Ownership" }, "whoOwnsThisItem": { "message": "Who owns this item?" }, "strong": { "message": "Strong", "description": "ex. A strong password. Scale: Very Weak -> Weak -> Good -> Strong" }, "good": { "message": "Good", "description": "ex. A good password. Scale: Very Weak -> Weak -> Good -> Strong" }, "weak": { "message": "Weak", "description": "ex. A weak password. Scale: Very Weak -> Weak -> Good -> Strong" }, "veryWeak": { "message": "Very Weak", "description": "ex. A very weak password. Scale: Very Weak -> Weak -> Good -> Strong" }, "weakMasterPassword": { "message": "Weak Master Password" }, "weakMasterPasswordDesc": { "message": "The master password you have chosen is weak. You should use a strong master password (or a passphrase) to properly protect your Bitwarden account. Are you sure you want to use this master password?" }, "rotateAccountEncKey": { "message": "Also rotate my account's encryption key" }, "rotateEncKeyTitle": { "message": "Rotate Encryption Key" }, "rotateEncKeyConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to rotate your account's encryption key?" }, "attachmentsNeedFix": { "message": "This item has old file attachments that need to be fixed." }, "attachmentFixDesc": { "message": "This is an old file attachment the needs to be fixed. Click to learn more." }, "fix": { "message": "Fix", "description": "This is a verb. ex. 'Fix The Car'" }, "oldAttachmentsNeedFixDesc": { "message": "There are old file attachments in your vault that need to be fixed before you can rotate your account's encryption key." }, "yourAccountsFingerprint": { "message": "Your account's fingerprint phrase", "description": "A 'fingerprint phrase' is a unique word phrase (similar to a passphrase) that a user can use to authenticate their public key with another user, for the purposes of sharing." }, "fingerprintEnsureIntegrityVerify": { "message": "To ensure the integrity of your encryption keys, please verify the user's fingerprint phrase before continuing.", "description": "A 'fingerprint phrase' is a unique word phrase (similar to a passphrase) that a user can use to authenticate their public key with another user, for the purposes of sharing." }, "dontAskFingerprintAgain": { "message": "Never prompt to verify fingerprint phrases for invited users (Not recommended)", "description": "A 'fingerprint phrase' is a unique word phrase (similar to a passphrase) that a user can use to authenticate their public key with another user, for the purposes of sharing." }, "free": { "message": "Free", "description": "Free, as in 'Free beer'" }, "apiKey": { "message": "API Key" }, "apiKeyDesc": { "message": "Your API key can be used to authenticate to the Bitwarden public API." }, "apiKeyRotateDesc": { "message": "Rotating the API key will invalidate the previous key. You can rotate your API key if you believe that the current key is no longer safe to use." }, "apiKeyWarning": { "message": "Your API key has full access to the organization. It should be kept secret." }, "userApiKeyDesc": { "message": "Your API key can be used to authenticate in the Bitwarden CLI." }, "userApiKeyWarning": { "message": "Your API key is an alternative authentication mechanism. It should be kept secret." }, "oauth2ClientCredentials": { "message": "OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials", "description": "'OAuth 2.0' is a programming protocol. It should probably not be translated." }, "viewApiKey": { "message": "View API Key" }, "rotateApiKey": { "message": "Rotate API Key" }, "selectOneCollection": { "message": "You must select at least one collection." }, "couldNotChargeCardPayInvoice": { "message": "We were not able to charge your card. Please view and pay the unpaid invoice listed below." }, "inAppPurchase": { "message": "In-app Purchase" }, "cannotPerformInAppPurchase": { "message": "You cannot perform this action while using an in-app purchase payment method." }, "manageSubscriptionFromStore": { "message": "You must manage your subscription from the store where your in-app purchase was made." }, "minLength": { "message": "Minimum Length" }, "clone": { "message": "Clone" }, "masterPassPolicyDesc": { "message": "Set minimum requirements for master password strength." }, "twoStepLoginPolicyDesc": { "message": "Require users to set up two-step login on their personal accounts." }, "twoStepLoginPolicyWarning": { "message": "Organization members who are not Owners or Administrators and do not have two-step login enabled for their personal account will be removed from the organization and will receive an email notifying them about the change." }, "twoStepLoginPolicyUserWarning": { "message": "You are a member of an organization that requires two-step login to be enabled on your user account. If you disable all two-step login providers you will be automatically removed from these organizations." }, "passwordGeneratorPolicyDesc": { "message": "Set minimum requirements for password generator configuration." }, "passwordGeneratorPolicyInEffect": { "message": "One or more organization policies are affecting your generator settings." }, "masterPasswordPolicyInEffect": { "message": "One or more organization policies require your master password to meet the following requirements:" }, "policyInEffectMinComplexity": { "message": "Minimum complexity score of $SCORE$", "placeholders": { "score": { "content": "$1", "example": "4" } } }, "policyInEffectMinLength": { "message": "Minimum length of $LENGTH$", "placeholders": { "length": { "content": "$1", "example": "14" } } }, "policyInEffectUppercase": { "message": "Contain one or more uppercase characters" }, "policyInEffectLowercase": { "message": "Contain one or more lowercase characters" }, "policyInEffectNumbers": { "message": "Contain one or more numbers" }, "policyInEffectSpecial": { "message": "Contain one or more of the following special characters $CHARS$", "placeholders": { "chars": { "content": "$1", "example": "!@#$%^&*" } } }, "masterPasswordPolicyRequirementsNotMet": { "message": "Your new master password does not meet the policy requirements." }, "minimumNumberOfWords": { "message": "Minimum Number of Words" }, "defaultType": { "message": "Default Type" }, "userPreference": { "message": "User Preference" }, "vaultTimeoutAction": { "message": "Vault Timeout Action" }, "vaultTimeoutActionLockDesc": { "message": "A locked vault requires that you re-enter your master password to access it again." }, "vaultTimeoutActionLogOutDesc": { "message": "A logged out vault requires that you re-authenticate to access it again." }, "lock": { "message": "Lock", "description": "Verb form: to make secure or inaccesible by" }, "trash": { "message": "Trash", "description": "Noun: A special folder for holding deleted items that have not yet been permanently deleted" }, "searchTrash": { "message": "Search Trash" }, "permanentlyDelete": { "message": "Permanently Delete" }, "permanentlyDeleteSelected": { "message": "Permanently Delete Selected" }, "permanentlyDeleteItem": { "message": "Permanently Delete Item" }, "permanentlyDeleteItemConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this item?" }, "permanentlyDeletedItem": { "message": "Permanently Deleted item" }, "permanentlyDeletedItems": { "message": "Permanently Deleted items" }, "permanentlyDeleteSelectedItemsDesc": { "message": "You have selected $COUNT$ item(s) to permanently delete. Are you sure you want to permanently delete all of these items?", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "150" } } }, "permanentlyDeletedItemId": { "message": "Permanently Deleted item $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "restore": { "message": "Restore" }, "restoreSelected": { "message": "Restore Selected" }, "restoreItem": { "message": "Restore Item" }, "restoredItem": { "message": "Restored Item" }, "restoredItems": { "message": "Restored Items" }, "restoreItemConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to restore this item?" }, "restoreItems": { "message": "Restore items" }, "restoreSelectedItemsDesc": { "message": "You have selected $COUNT$ item(s) to restore. Are you sure you want to restore all of these items?", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "150" } } }, "restoredItemId": { "message": "Restored item $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Google" } } }, "vaultTimeoutLogOutConfirmation": { "message": "Logging out will remove all access to your vault and requires online authentication after the timeout period. Are you sure you want to use this setting?" }, "vaultTimeoutLogOutConfirmationTitle": { "message": "Timeout Action Confirmation" }, "hidePasswords": { "message": "Hide Passwords" }, "countryPostalCodeRequiredDesc": { "message": "We require this information for calculating sales tax and financial reporting only." }, "includeVAT": { "message": "Include VAT/GST Information (optional)" }, "taxIdNumber": { "message": "VAT/GST Tax ID" }, "taxInfoUpdated": { "message": "Tax information updated." }, "setMasterPassword": { "message": "Set Master Password" }, "ssoCompleteRegistration": { "message": "In order to complete logging in with SSO, please set a master password to access and protect your vault." }, "identifier": { "message": "Identifier" }, "organizationIdentifier": { "message": "Organization Identifier" }, "ssoLogInWithOrgIdentifier": { "message": "Log in using your organization's single sign-on portal. Please enter your organization's identifier to begin." }, "enterpriseSingleSignOn": { "message": "Enterprise Single Sign-On" }, "ssoHandOff": { "message": "You may now close this tab and continue in the extension." }, "includeAllTeamsFeatures": { "message": "All Teams features, plus:" }, "includeSsoAuthentication": { "message": "SSO Authentication via SAML2.0 and OpenID Connect" }, "includeEnterprisePolicies": { "message": "Enterprise Policies" }, "ssoValidationFailed": { "message": "SSO Validation Failed" }, "ssoIdentifierRequired": { "message": "Organization Identifier is required." }, "unlinkSso": { "message": "Unlink SSO" }, "unlinkSsoConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to unlink SSO for this organization?" }, "linkSso": { "message": "Link SSO" }, "singleOrg": { "message": "Single Organization" }, "singleOrgDesc": { "message": "Restrict users from being able to join any other organizations." }, "singleOrgBlockCreateMessage": { "message": "Your current organization has a policy that does not allow you to join more than one organization. Please contact your organization admins or sign up from a different Bitwarden account." }, "singleOrgPolicyWarning": { "message": "Organization members who are not Owners or Administrators and are already a member of another organization will be removed from your organization." }, "requireSso": { "message": "Single Sign-On Authentication" }, "requireSsoPolicyDesc": { "message": "Require users to log in with the Enterprise Single Sign-On method." }, "prerequisite": { "message": "Prerequisite" }, "requireSsoPolicyReq": { "message": "The Single Organization enterprise policy must be enabled before activating this policy." }, "requireSsoPolicyReqError": { "message": "Single Organization policy not enabled." }, "requireSsoExemption": { "message": "Organization Owners and Administrators are exempt from this policy's enforcement." }, "sendTypeFile": { "message": "File" }, "sendTypeText": { "message": "Text" }, "createSend": { "message": "Create New Send", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "editSend": { "message": "Edit Send", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "createdSend": { "message": "Created Send", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "editedSend": { "message": "Edited Send", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "deletedSend": { "message": "Deleted Send", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "deleteSend": { "message": "Delete Send", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "deleteSendConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to delete this Send?", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "whatTypeOfSend": { "message": "What type of Send is this?", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "deletionDate": { "message": "Deletion Date" }, "deletionDateDesc": { "message": "The Send will be permanently deleted on the specified date and time.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "expirationDate": { "message": "Expiration Date" }, "expirationDateDesc": { "message": "If set, access to this Send will expire on the specified date and time.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "maxAccessCount": { "message": "Maximum Access Count" }, "maxAccessCountDesc": { "message": "If set, users will no longer be able to access this Send once the maximum access count is reached.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "currentAccessCount": { "message": "Current Access Count" }, "sendPasswordDesc": { "message": "Optionally require a password for users to access this Send.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendNotesDesc": { "message": "Private notes about this Send.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "disabled": { "message": "Disabled" }, "sendLink": { "message": "Send link", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "copySendLink": { "message": "Copy Send Link", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "removePassword": { "message": "Remove Password" }, "removedPassword": { "message": "Removed Password" }, "removePasswordConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to remove the password?" }, "hideEmail": { "message": "Hide my email address from recipients." }, "disableThisSend": { "message": "Disable this Send so that no one can access it.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "allSends": { "message": "All Sends" }, "maxAccessCountReached": { "message": "Max access count reached" }, "pendingDeletion": { "message": "Pending deletion" }, "expired": { "message": "Expired" }, "searchSends": { "message": "Search Sends", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendProtectedPassword": { "message": "This Send is protected with a password. Please type the password below to continue.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendProtectedPasswordDontKnow": { "message": "Don't know the password? Ask the Sender for the password needed to access this Send.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendHiddenByDefault": { "message": "This send is hidden by default. You can toggle its visibility using the button below.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "downloadFile": { "message": "Download File" }, "sendAccessUnavailable": { "message": "The Send you are trying to access does not exist or is no longer available.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "missingSendFile": { "message": "The file associated with this Send could not be found.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "noSendsInList": { "message": "There are no Sends to list.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "emergencyAccess": { "message": "Emergency Access" }, "emergencyAccessDesc": { "message": "Grant and manage emergency access for trusted contacts. Trusted contacts may request access to either View or Takeover your account in case of an emergency. Visit our help page for more information and details into how zero knowledge sharing works." }, "emergencyAccessOwnerWarning": { "message": "You are an Owner of one or more organizations. If you give takeover access to an emergency contact, they will be able to use all your permissions as Owner after a takeover." }, "trustedEmergencyContacts": { "message": "Trusted emergency contacts" }, "noTrustedContacts": { "message": "You have not added any emergency contacts yet, invite a trusted contact to get started." }, "addEmergencyContact": { "message": "Add emergency contact" }, "designatedEmergencyContacts": { "message": "Designated as emergency contact" }, "noGrantedAccess": { "message": "You have not been designated as an emergency contact for anyone yet." }, "inviteEmergencyContact": { "message": "Invite emergency contact" }, "editEmergencyContact": { "message": "Edit emergency contact" }, "inviteEmergencyContactDesc": { "message": "Invite a new emergency contact by entering their Bitwarden account email address below. If they do not have a Bitwarden account already, they will be prompted to create a new account." }, "emergencyAccessRecoveryInitiated": { "message": "Emergency Access Initiated" }, "emergencyAccessRecoveryApproved": { "message": "Emergency Access Approved" }, "viewDesc": { "message": "Can view all items in your own vault." }, "takeover": { "message": "Takeover" }, "takeoverDesc": { "message": "Can reset your account with a new master password." }, "waitTime": { "message": "Wait Time" }, "waitTimeDesc": { "message": "Time required before automatically granting access." }, "oneDay": { "message": "1 day" }, "days": { "message": "$DAYS$ days", "placeholders": { "days": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } } }, "invitedUser": { "message": "Invited user." }, "acceptEmergencyAccess": { "message": "You've been invited to become an emergency contact for the user listed above. To accept the invitation, you need to log in or create a new Bitwarden account." }, "emergencyInviteAcceptFailed": { "message": "Unable to accept invitation. Ask the user to send a new invitation." }, "emergencyInviteAcceptFailedShort": { "message": "Unable to accept invitation. $DESCRIPTION$", "placeholders": { "description": { "content": "$1", "example": "You must enable 2FA on your user account before you can join this organization." } } }, "emergencyInviteAcceptedDesc": { "message": "You can access the emergency options for this user after your identity has been confirmed. We'll send you an email when that happens." }, "requestAccess": { "message": "Request Access" }, "requestAccessConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to request emergency access? You will be provided access after $WAITTIME$ day(s) or whenever the user manually approves the request.", "placeholders": { "waittime": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } } }, "requestSent": { "message": "Emergency access requested for $USER$. We'll notify you by email when it's possible to continue.", "placeholders": { "user": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "approve": { "message": "Approve" }, "reject": { "message": "Reject" }, "approveAccessConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to approve emergency access? This will allow $USER$ to $ACTION$ your account.", "placeholders": { "user": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" }, "action": { "content": "$2", "example": "View" } } }, "emergencyApproved": { "message": "Emergency access approved." }, "emergencyRejected": { "message": "Emergency access rejected" }, "passwordResetFor": { "message": "Password reset for $USER$. You can now login using the new password.", "placeholders": { "user": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "personalOwnership": { "message": "Personal Ownership" }, "personalOwnershipPolicyDesc": { "message": "Require users to save vault items to an organization by removing the personal ownership option." }, "personalOwnershipExemption": { "message": "Organization Owners and Administrators are exempt from this policy's enforcement." }, "personalOwnershipSubmitError": { "message": "Due to an enterprise policy, you are restricted from saving items to your personal vault. Change the Ownership option to an organization and choose from available Collections." }, "disableSend": { "message": "Disable Send" }, "disableSendPolicyDesc": { "message": "Do not allow users to create or edit a Bitwarden Send. Deleting an existing Send is still allowed.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "disableSendExemption": { "message": "Organization users that can manage the organization's policies are exempt from this policy's enforcement." }, "sendDisabled": { "message": "Send disabled", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendDisabledWarning": { "message": "Due to an enterprise policy, you are only able to delete an existing Send.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendOptions": { "message": "Send Options", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendOptionsPolicyDesc": { "message": "Set options for creating and editing Sends.", "description": "'Sends' is a plural noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendOptionsExemption": { "message": "Organization users that can manage the organization's policies are exempt from this policy's enforcement." }, "disableHideEmail": { "message": "Do not allow users to hide their email address from recipients when creating or editing a Send.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendOptionsPolicyInEffect": { "message": "The following organization policies are currently in effect:" }, "sendDisableHideEmailInEffect": { "message": "Users are not allowed to hide their email address from recipients when creating or editing a Send.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "modifiedPolicyId": { "message": "Modified policy $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "Master Password" } } }, "planPrice": { "message": "Plan price" }, "estimatedTax": { "message": "Estimated tax" }, "custom": { "message": "Custom" }, "customDesc": { "message": "Allows more granular control of user permissions for advanced configurations." }, "permissions": { "message": "Permissions" }, "accessEventLogs": { "message": "Access Event Logs" }, "accessImportExport": { "message": "Access Import/Export" }, "accessReports": { "message": "Access Reports" }, "missingPermissions": { "message": "You lack the necessary permissions to perform this action." }, "manageAllCollections": { "message": "Manage All Collections" }, "createNewCollections": { "message": "Create New Collections" }, "editAnyCollection": { "message": "Edit Any Collection" }, "deleteAnyCollection": { "message": "Delete Any Collection" }, "manageAssignedCollections": { "message": "Manage Assigned Collections" }, "editAssignedCollections": { "message": "Edit Assigned Collections" }, "deleteAssignedCollections": { "message": "Delete Assigned Collections" }, "manageGroups": { "message": "Manage Groups" }, "managePolicies": { "message": "Manage Policies" }, "manageSso": { "message": "Manage SSO" }, "manageUsers": { "message": "Manage Users" }, "manageResetPassword": { "message": "Manage Password Reset" }, "disableRequiredError": { "message": "You must manually disable the $POLICYNAME$ policy before this policy can be disabled.", "placeholders": { "policyName": { "content": "$1", "example": "Single Sign-On Authentication" } } }, "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organization policy is affecting your ownership options." }, "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffectImports": { "message": "An organization policy has disabled importing items into your personal vault." }, "personalOwnershipCheckboxDesc": { "message": "Disable personal ownership for organization users" }, "textHiddenByDefault": { "message": "When accessing the Send, hide the text by default", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendNameDesc": { "message": "A friendly name to describe this Send.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendTextDesc": { "message": "The text you want to send." }, "sendFileDesc": { "message": "The file you want to send." }, "copySendLinkOnSave": { "message": "Copy the link to share this Send to my clipboard upon save." }, "sendLinkLabel": { "message": "Send link", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "send": { "message": "Send", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendAccessTaglineProductDesc": { "message": "Bitwarden Send transmits sensitive, temporary information to others easily and securely.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendAccessTaglineLearnMore": { "message": "Learn more about", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read '**Learn more about** Bitwarden Send or sign up to try it today.'" }, "sendVaultCardProductDesc": { "message": "Share text or files directly with anyone." }, "sendVaultCardLearnMore": { "message": "Learn more", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read '**Learn more**, see how it works, or try it now. '" }, "sendVaultCardSee": { "message": "see", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more, **see** how it works, or try it now.'" }, "sendVaultCardHowItWorks": { "message": "how it works", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more, see **how it works**, or try it now.'" }, "sendVaultCardOr": { "message": "or", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more, see how it works, **or** try it now.'" }, "sendVaultCardTryItNow": { "message": "try it now", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more, see how it works, or **try it now**.'" }, "sendAccessTaglineOr": { "message": "or", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more about Bitwarden Send **or** sign up to try it today.'" }, "sendAccessTaglineSignUp": { "message": "sign up", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more about Bitwarden Send or **sign up** to try it today.'" }, "sendAccessTaglineTryToday": { "message": "to try it today.", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Learn more about Bitwarden Send or sign up to **try it today.**'" }, "sendCreatorIdentifier": { "message": "Bitwarden user $USER_IDENTIFIER$ shared the following with you", "placeholders": { "user_identifier": { "content": "$1", "example": "An email address" } } }, "viewSendHiddenEmailWarning": { "message": "The Bitwarden user who created this Send has chosen to hide their email address. You should ensure you trust the source of this link before using or downloading its content.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "expirationDateIsInvalid": { "message": "The expiration date provided is not valid." }, "deletionDateIsInvalid": { "message": "The deletion date provided is not valid." }, "expirationDateAndTimeRequired": { "message": "An expiration date and time are required." }, "deletionDateAndTimeRequired": { "message": "A deletion date and time are required." }, "dateParsingError": { "message": "There was an error saving your deletion and expiration dates." }, "webAuthnFallbackMsg": { "message": "To verify your 2FA please click the button below." }, "webAuthnAuthenticate": { "message": "Authenticate WebAuthn" }, "webAuthnNotSupported": { "message": "WebAuthn is not supported in this browser." }, "webAuthnSuccess": { "message": "WebAuthn verified successfully! You may close this tab." }, "hintEqualsPassword": { "message": "Your password hint cannot be the same as your password." }, "enrollPasswordReset": { "message": "Enroll in Password Reset" }, "enrolledPasswordReset": { "message": "Enrolled in Password Reset" }, "withdrawPasswordReset": { "message": "Withdraw from Password Reset" }, "enrollPasswordResetSuccess": { "message": "Enrollment success!" }, "withdrawPasswordResetSuccess": { "message": "Withdrawal success!" }, "eventEnrollPasswordReset": { "message": "User $ID$ enrolled in password reset assistance.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "eventWithdrawPasswordReset": { "message": "User $ID$ withdrew from password reset assistance.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "eventAdminPasswordReset": { "message": "Master password reset for user $ID$.", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "eventResetSsoLink": { "message": "Reset Sso link for user $ID$", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "firstSsoLogin": { "message": "$ID$ logged in using Sso for the first time", "placeholders": { "id": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "resetPassword": { "message": "Reset Password" }, "resetPasswordLoggedOutWarning": { "message": "Proceeding will log $NAME$ out of their current session, requiring them to log back in. Active sessions on other devices may continue to remain active for up to one hour.", "placeholders": { "name": { "content": "$1", "example": "John Smith" } } }, "thisUser": { "message": "this user" }, "resetPasswordMasterPasswordPolicyInEffect": { "message": "One or more organization policies require the master password to meet the following requirements:" }, "resetPasswordSuccess": { "message": "Password reset success!" }, "resetPasswordEnrollmentWarning": { "message": "Enrollment will allow organization administrators to change your master password. Are you sure you want to enroll?" }, "resetPasswordPolicy": { "message": "Master Password Reset" }, "resetPasswordPolicyDescription": { "message": "Allow administrators in the organization to reset organization users' master password." }, "resetPasswordPolicyWarning": { "message": "Users in the organization will need to self-enroll or be auto-enrolled before administrators can reset their master password." }, "resetPasswordPolicyAutoEnroll": { "message": "Automatic Enrollment" }, "resetPasswordPolicyAutoEnrollDescription": { "message": "All users will be automatically enrolled in password reset once their invite is accepted and will not be allowed to withdraw." }, "resetPasswordPolicyAutoEnrollWarning": { "message": "Users already in the organization will not be retroactively enrolled in password reset. They will need to self-enroll before administrators can reset their master password." }, "resetPasswordPolicyAutoEnrollCheckbox": { "message": "Require new users to be enrolled automatically" }, "resetPasswordAutoEnrollInviteWarning": { "message": "This organization has an enterprise policy that will automatically enroll you in password reset. Enrollment will allow organization administrators to change your master password." }, "resetPasswordOrgKeysError": { "message": "Organization Keys response is null" }, "resetPasswordDetailsError": { "message": "Reset Password Details response is null" }, "trashCleanupWarning": { "message": "Items that have been in Trash more than 30 days will be automatically deleted." }, "trashCleanupWarningSelfHosted": { "message": "Items that have been in Trash for a while will be automatically deleted." }, "passwordPrompt": { "message": "Master password re-prompt" }, "passwordConfirmation": { "message": "Master password confirmation" }, "passwordConfirmationDesc": { "message": "This action is protected. To continue, please re-enter your master password to verify your identity." }, "reinviteSelected": { "message": "Resend Invitations" }, "noSelectedUsersApplicable": { "message": "This action is not applicable to any of the selected users." }, "removeUsersWarning": { "message": "Are you sure you want to remove the following users? The process may take a few seconds to complete and cannot be interrupted or canceled." }, "theme": { "message": "Theme" }, "themeDesc": { "message": "Choose a theme for your web vault." }, "themeSystem": { "message": "Use System Theme" }, "themeDark": { "message": "Dark" }, "themeLight": { "message": "Light" }, "confirmSelected": { "message": "Confirm Selected" }, "bulkConfirmStatus": { "message": "Bulk action status" }, "bulkConfirmMessage": { "message": "Confirmed successfully." }, "bulkReinviteMessage": { "message": "Reinvited successfully." }, "bulkRemovedMessage": { "message": "Removed successfully" }, "bulkFilteredMessage": { "message": "Excluded, not applicable for this action." }, "fingerprint": { "message": "Fingerprint" }, "removeUsers": { "message": "Remove Users" }, "error": { "message": "Error" }, "resetPasswordManageUsers": { "message": "Manage Users must also be enabled with the Manage Password Reset permission" }, "setupProvider": { "message": "Provider Setup" }, "setupProviderLoginDesc": { "message": "You've been invited to setup a new provider. To continue, you need to log in or create a new Bitwarden account." }, "setupProviderDesc": { "message": "Please enter the details below to complete the provider setup. Contact Customer Support if you have any questions." }, "providerName": { "message": "Provider Name" }, "providerSetup": { "message": "The provider has been set up." }, "clients": { "message": "Clients" }, "providerAdmin": { "message": "Provider Admin" }, "providerAdminDesc": { "message": "The highest access user that can manage all aspects of your provider as well as access and manage client organizations." }, "serviceUser": { "message": "Service User" }, "serviceUserDesc": { "message": "Service users can access and manage all client organizations." }, "providerInviteUserDesc": { "message": "Invite a new user to your provider by entering their Bitwarden account email address below. If they do not have a Bitwarden account already, they will be prompted to create a new account." }, "joinProvider": { "message": "Join Provider" }, "joinProviderDesc": { "message": "You've been invited to join the provider listed above. To accept the invitation, you need to log in or create a new Bitwarden account." }, "providerInviteAcceptFailed": { "message": "Unable to accept invitation. Ask a provider admin to send a new invitation." }, "providerInviteAcceptedDesc": { "message": "You can access this provider once an administrator confirms your membership. We'll send you an email when that happens." }, "providerUsersNeedConfirmed": { "message": "You have users that have accepted their invitation, but still need to be confirmed. Users will not have access to the provider until they are confirmed." }, "provider": { "message": "Provider" }, "newClientOrganization": { "message": "New Client Organization" }, "newClientOrganizationDesc": { "message": "Create a new client organization that will be associated with you as the provider. You will be able to access and manage this organization." }, "addExistingOrganization": { "message": "Add Existing Organization" }, "myProvider": { "message": "My Provider" }, "addOrganizationConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to add $ORGANIZATION$ as a client to $PROVIDER$?", "placeholders": { "organization": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Org Name" }, "provider": { "content": "$2", "example": "My Provider Name" } } }, "organizationJoinedProvider": { "message": "Organization was successfully added to the provider" }, "accessingUsingProvider": { "message": "Accessing organization using provider $PROVIDER$", "placeholders": { "provider": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Provider Name" } } }, "providerIsDisabled": { "message": "Provider is disabled." }, "providerUpdated": { "message": "Provider updated" }, "yourProviderIs": { "message": "Your provider is $PROVIDER$. They have administrative and billing privileges for your organization.", "placeholders": { "provider": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Provider Name" } } }, "detachedOrganization": { "message": "The organization $ORGANIZATION$ has been detached from your provider.", "placeholders": { "organization": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Org Name" } } }, "detachOrganizationConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to detach this organization? The organization will continue to exist but will no longer be managed by the provider." }, "add": { "message": "Add" }, "updatedMasterPassword": { "message": "Updated Master Password" }, "updateMasterPassword": { "message": "Update Master Password" }, "updateMasterPasswordWarning": { "message": "Your Master Password was recently changed by an administrator in your organization. In order to access the vault, you must update your Master Password now. Proceeding will log you out of your current session, requiring you to log back in. Active sessions on other devices may continue to remain active for up to one hour." }, "masterPasswordInvalidWarning": { "message": "Your Master Password does not meet the policy requirements of this organization. In order to join the organization, you must update your Master Password now. Proceeding will log you out of your current session, requiring you to log back in. Active sessions on other devices may continue to remain active for up to one hour." }, "maximumVaultTimeout": { "message": "Vault Timeout" }, "maximumVaultTimeoutDesc": { "message": "Configure a maximum vault timeout for all users." }, "maximumVaultTimeoutLabel": { "message": "Maximum Vault Timeout" }, "invalidMaximumVaultTimeout": { "message": "Invalid Maximum Vault Timeout." }, "hours": { "message": "Hours" }, "minutes": { "message": "Minutes" }, "vaultTimeoutPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Your organization policies are affecting your vault timeout. Maximum allowed Vault Timeout is $HOURS$ hour(s) and $MINUTES$ minute(s)", "placeholders": { "hours": { "content": "$1", "example": "5" }, "minutes": { "content": "$2", "example": "5" } } }, "customVaultTimeout": { "message": "Custom Vault Timeout" }, "vaultTimeoutToLarge": { "message": "Your vault timeout exceeds the restriction set by your organization." }, "disablePersonalVaultExport": { "message": "Disable Personal Vault Export" }, "disablePersonalVaultExportDesc": { "message": "Prohibits users from exporting their private vault data." }, "vaultExportDisabled": { "message": "Vault Export Disabled" }, "personalVaultExportPolicyInEffect": { "message": "One or more organization policies prevents you from exporting your personal vault." }, "selectType": { "message": "Select SSO Type" }, "type": { "message": "Type" }, "openIdConnectConfig": { "message": "OpenID Connect Configuration" }, "samlSpConfig": { "message": "SAML Service Provider Configuration" }, "samlIdpConfig": { "message": "SAML Identity Provider Configuration" }, "callbackPath": { "message": "Callback Path" }, "signedOutCallbackPath": { "message": "Signed Out Callback Path" }, "authority": { "message": "Authority" }, "clientId": { "message": "Client ID" }, "clientSecret": { "message": "Client Secret" }, "metadataAddress": { "message": "Metadata Address" }, "oidcRedirectBehavior": { "message": "OIDC Redirect Behavior" }, "getClaimsFromUserInfoEndpoint": { "message": "Get claims from user info endpoint" }, "additionalScopes": { "message": "Custom Scopes" }, "additionalUserIdClaimTypes": { "message": "Custom User ID Claim Types" }, "additionalEmailClaimTypes": { "message": "Email Claim Types" }, "additionalNameClaimTypes": { "message": "Custom Name Claim Types" }, "acrValues": { "message": "Requested Authentication Context Class Reference values" }, "expectedReturnAcrValue": { "message": "Expected \"acr\" Claim Value In Response" }, "spEntityId": { "message": "SP Entity ID" }, "spMetadataUrl": { "message": "SAML 2.0 Metadata URL" }, "spAcsUrl": { "message": "Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL" }, "spNameIdFormat": { "message": "Name ID Format" }, "spOutboundSigningAlgorithm": { "message": "Outbound Signing Algorithm" }, "spSigningBehavior": { "message": "Signing Behavior" }, "spMinIncomingSigningAlgorithm": { "message": "Minimum Incoming Signing Algorithm" }, "spWantAssertionsSigned": { "message": "Expect signed assertions" }, "spValidateCertificates": { "message": "Validate certificates" }, "idpEntityId": { "message": "Entity ID" }, "idpBindingType": { "message": "Binding Type" }, "idpSingleSignOnServiceUrl": { "message": "Single Sign On Service URL" }, "idpSingleLogoutServiceUrl": { "message": "Single Log Out Service URL" }, "idpX509PublicCert": { "message": "X509 Public Certificate" }, "idpOutboundSigningAlgorithm": { "message": "Outbound Signing Algorithm" }, "idpAllowUnsolicitedAuthnResponse": { "message": "Allow unsolicited authentication response" }, "idpAllowOutboundLogoutRequests": { "message": "Allow outbound logout requests" }, "idpSignAuthenticationRequests": { "message": "Sign authentication requests" }, "ssoSettingsSaved": { "message": "Single Sign-On configuration was saved." }, "sponsoredFamilies": { "message": "Free Bitwarden Families" }, "sponsoredFamiliesEligible": { "message": "You and your family are eligible for Free Bitwarden Families. Redeem with your personal email to keep your data secure even when you are not at work." }, "sponsoredFamiliesEligibleCard": { "message": "Redeem your Free Bitwarden for Families plan today to keep your data secure even when you are not at work." }, "sponsoredFamiliesInclude": { "message": "The Bitwarden for Families plan include" }, "sponsoredFamiliesPremiumAccess": { "message": "Premium access for up to 6 users" }, "sponsoredFamiliesSharedCollections": { "message": "Shared collections for Family secrets" }, "badToken": { "message": "The link is no longer valid. Please have the sponsor resend the offer." }, "reclaimedFreePlan": { "message": "Reclaimed free plan" }, "redeem": { "message": "Redeem" }, "sponsoredFamiliesSelectOffer": { "message": "Select the organization you would like sponsored" }, "familiesSponsoringOrgSelect": { "message": "Which Free Families offer would you like to redeem?" }, "sponsoredFamiliesEmail": { "message": "Enter your personal email to redeem Bitwarden Families" }, "sponsoredFamiliesLeaveCopy": { "message": "If you leave or are removed from the sponsoring organization, your Families plan will expire at the end of the billing period." }, "acceptBitwardenFamiliesHelp": { "message": "Accept offer for an existing organization or create a new Families organization." }, "setupSponsoredFamiliesLoginDesc": { "message": "You've been offered a free Bitwarden Families Plan Organization. To continue, you need to log in to the account that received the offer." }, "sponsoredFamiliesAcceptFailed": { "message": "Unable to accept offer. Please resend the offer email from your enterprise account and try again." }, "sponsoredFamiliesAcceptFailedShort": { "message": "Unable to accept offer. $DESCRIPTION$", "placeholders": { "description": { "content": "$1", "example": "You must have at least one existing Families Organization." } } }, "sponsoredFamiliesOffer": { "message": "Accept Free Bitwarden Families" }, "sponsoredFamiliesOfferRedeemed": { "message": "Free Bitwarden Families offer successfully redeemed" }, "redeemed": { "message": "Redeemed" }, "redeemedAccount": { "message": "Redeemed Account" }, "revokeAccount": { "message": "Revoke account $NAME$", "placeholders": { "name": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Sponsorship Name" } } }, "resendEmailLabel": { "message": "Resend Sponsorship email to $NAME$ sponsorship", "placeholders": { "name": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Sponsorship Name" } } }, "freeFamiliesPlan": { "message": "Free Families Plan" }, "redeemNow": { "message": "Redeem Now" }, "recipient": { "message": "Recipient" }, "removeSponsorship": { "message": "Remove Sponsorship" }, "removeSponsorshipConfirmation": { "message": "After removing a sponsorship, you will be responsible for this subscription and related invoices. Are you sure you want to continue?" }, "sponsorshipCreated": { "message": "Sponsorship Created" }, "revoke": { "message": "Revoke" }, "emailSent": { "message": "Email Sent" }, "revokeSponsorshipConfirmation": { "message": "After removing this account, the Families organization owner will be responsible for this subscription and related invoices. Are you sure you want to continue?" }, "removeSponsorshipSuccess": { "message": "Sponsorship Removed" }, "ssoKeyConnectorUnavailable": { "message": "Unable to reach the Key Connector, try again later." }, "keyConnectorUrl": { "message": "Key Connector URL" }, "sendVerificationCode": { "message": "Send a verification code to your email" }, "sendCode": { "message": "Send Code" }, "codeSent": { "message": "Code Sent" }, "verificationCode": { "message": "Verification Code" }, "confirmIdentity": { "message": "Confirm your identity to continue." }, "verificationCodeRequired": { "message": "Verification code is required." }, "invalidVerificationCode": { "message": "Invalid verification code" }, "convertOrganizationEncryptionDesc": { "message": "$ORGANIZATION$ is using SSO with a self-hosted key server. A master password is no longer required to log in for members of this organization.", "placeholders": { "organization": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Org Name" } } }, "leaveOrganization": { "message": "Leave Organization" }, "removeMasterPassword": { "message": "Remove Master Password" }, "removedMasterPassword": { "message": "Master password removed." }, "allowSso": { "message": "Allow SSO authentication" }, "allowSsoDesc": { "message": "Once set up, your configuration will be saved and members will be able to authenticate using their Identity Provider credentials." }, "ssoPolicyHelpStart": { "message": "Enable the", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Enable the SSO Authentication policy to require all members to log in with SSO.'" }, "ssoPolicyHelpLink": { "message": "SSO Authentication policy", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Enable the SSO Authentication policy to require all members to log in with SSO.'" }, "ssoPolicyHelpEnd": { "message": "to require all members to log in with SSO.", "description": "This will be used as part of a larger sentence, broken up to include links. The full sentence will read 'Enable the SSO Authentication policy to require all members to log in with SSO.'" }, "ssoPolicyHelpKeyConnector": { "message": "SSO Authentication and Single Organization policies are required to set up Key Connector decryption." }, "memberDecryptionOption": { "message": "Member Decryption Options" }, "memberDecryptionPassDesc": { "message": "Once authenticated, members will decrypt vault data using their Master Passwords." }, "keyConnector": { "message": "Key Connector" }, "memberDecryptionKeyConnectorDesc": { "message": "Connect Login with SSO to your self-hosted decryption key server. Using this option, members won’t need to use their Master Passwords to decrypt vault data. Contact Bitwarden Support for set up assistance." }, "keyConnectorPolicyRestriction": { "message": "\"Login with SSO and Key Connector Decryption\" is enabled. This policy will only apply to Owners and Admins." }, "enabledSso": { "message": "Enabled SSO" }, "disabledSso": { "message": "Disabled SSO" }, "enabledKeyConnector": { "message": "Enabled Key Connector" }, "disabledKeyConnector": { "message": "Disabled Key Connector" }, "keyConnectorWarning": { "message": "Once members begin using Key Connector, your Organization cannot revert to Master Password decryption. Proceed only if you are comfortable deploying and managing a key server." }, "migratedKeyConnector": { "message": "Migrated to Key Connector" }, "paymentSponsored": { "message": "Please provide a payment method to associate with the organization. Don't worry, we won't charge you anything unless you select additional features or your sponsorship expires. " }, "orgCreatedSponsorshipInvalid": { "message": "The sponsorship offer has expired. You may delete the organization you created to avoid a charge at the end of your 7 day trial. Otherwise you may close this prompt to keep the organization and assume billing responsibility." }, "newFamiliesOrganization": { "message": "New Families Organization" }, "acceptOffer": { "message": "Accept Offer" }, "sponsoringOrg": { "message": "Sponsoring Organization" }, "keyConnectorTest": { "message": "Test" }, "keyConnectorTestSuccess": { "message": "Success! Key Connector reached." }, "keyConnectorTestFail": { "message": "Cannot reach Key Connector. Check URL." }, "sponsorshipTokenHasExpired": { "message": "The sponsorship offer has expired." }, "freeWithSponsorship": { "message": "FREE with sponsorship" }, "formErrorSummaryPlural": { "message": "$COUNT$ fields above need your attention.", "placeholders": { "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "5" } } }, "formErrorSummarySingle": { "message": "1 field above needs your attention." }, "fieldRequiredError": { "message": "$FIELDNAME$ is required.", "placeholders": { "fieldname": { "content": "$1", "example": "Full name" } } }, "required": { "message": "required" }, "idpSingleSignOnServiceUrlRequired": { "message": "Required if Entity ID is not a URL." }, "openIdOptionalCustomizations": { "message": "Optional Customizations" }, "openIdAuthorityRequired": { "message": "Required if Authority is not valid." }, "separateMultipleWithComma": { "message": "Separate multiple with a comma." }, "sessionTimeout": { "message": "Your session has timed out. Please go back and try logging in again." }, "exportingPersonalVaultTitle": { "message": "Exporting Personal Vault" }, "exportingOrganizationVaultTitle": { "message": "Exporting Organization Vault" }, "exportingPersonalVaultDescription": { "message": "Only the personal vault items associated with $EMAIL$ will be exported. Organization vault items will not be included.", "placeholders": { "email": { "content": "$1", "example": "name@example.com" } } }, "exportingOrganizationVaultDescription": { "message": "Only the organization vault associated with $ORGANIZATION$ will be exported. Personal vault items and items from other organizations will not be included.", "placeholders": { "organization": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Org Name" } } } }