/* eslint-disable */ const colors = require("tailwindcss/colors"); const plugin = require("tailwindcss/plugin"); function rgba(color) { return "rgb(var(" + color + ") / )"; } module.exports = { prefix: "tw-", content: [ "./src/**/*.{html,ts}", "../../libs/components/src/**/*.{html,ts}", "../../libs/auth/src/**/*.{html,ts}", ], safelist: [], corePlugins: { preflight: false }, theme: { colors: { transparent: { DEFAULT: colors.transparent, hover: "var(--color-transparent-hover)", }, current: colors.current, black: colors.black, primary: { // Can only be used behind the extension refresh flag 100: rgba("--color-primary-100"), 300: rgba("--color-primary-300"), // Can only be used behind the extension refresh flag 500: rgba("--color-primary-500"), 600: rgba("--color-primary-600"), 700: rgba("--color-primary-700"), }, secondary: { 100: rgba("--color-secondary-100"), 300: rgba("--color-secondary-300"), 600: rgba("--color-secondary-600"), 700: rgba("--color-secondary-700"), }, success: { 600: rgba("--color-success-600"), 700: rgba("--color-success-700"), }, danger: { 600: rgba("--color-danger-600"), 700: rgba("--color-danger-700"), }, warning: { 600: rgba("--color-warning-600"), 700: rgba("--color-warning-700"), }, info: { 600: rgba("--color-info-600"), 700: rgba("--color-info-700"), }, text: { main: rgba("--color-text-main"), muted: rgba("--color-text-muted"), contrast: rgba("--color-text-contrast"), alt2: rgba("--color-text-alt2"), code: rgba("--color-text-code"), headers: rgba("--color-text-headers"), }, background: { DEFAULT: rgba("--color-background"), alt: rgba("--color-background-alt"), alt2: rgba("--color-background-alt2"), alt3: rgba("--color-background-alt3"), alt4: rgba("--color-background-alt4"), }, "marketing-logo": rgba("--color-marketing-logo"), }, textColor: { main: rgba("--color-text-main"), muted: rgba("--color-text-muted"), contrast: rgba("--color-text-contrast"), headers: rgba("--color-text-headers"), alt2: rgba("--color-text-alt2"), code: rgba("--color-text-code"), success: rgba("--color-success-600"), danger: rgba("--color-danger-600"), warning: rgba("--color-warning-600"), info: rgba("--color-info-600"), primary: { 300: rgba("--color-primary-300"), 600: rgba("--color-primary-600"), 700: rgba("--color-primary-700"), }, }, ringOffsetColor: ({ theme }) => ({ DEFAULT: theme("colors.background"), ...theme("colors"), }), extend: { width: { "50vw": "50vw", "75vw": "75vw", }, minWidth: { 52: "13rem", }, maxWidth: ({ theme }) => ({ ...theme("width"), "90vw": "90vw", }), }, }, plugins: [ plugin(function ({ matchUtilities, theme, addUtilities, addComponents, e, config }) { matchUtilities( { "mask-image": (value) => ({ "-webkit-mask-image": value, "mask-image": value, }), "mask-position": (value) => ({ "-webkit-mask-position": value, "mask-position": value, }), "mask-repeat": (value) => ({ "-webkit-mask-repeat": value, "mask-repeat": value, }), }, {}, ); }), ], };