import { Jsonify } from "type-fest"; import { SessionStorable } from "./session-storable"; class BuildOptions { ctor?: new () => T; initializer?: (keyValuePair: Jsonify) => T; initializeAsArray? = false; } /** * A decorator used to indicate the BehaviorSubject should be synced for this browser session across all contexts. * * >**Note** This decorator does nothing if the enclosing class is not decorated with @browserSession. * * >**Note** The Behavior subject must be initialized with a default or in the constructor of the class. If it is not, an error will be thrown. * * >**!!Warning!!** If the property is overwritten at any time, the new value will not be synced across the browser session. * * @param buildOptions * Builders for the value, requires either a constructor (ctor) for your BehaviorSubject type or an * initializer function that takes a key value pair representation of the BehaviorSubject data * and returns your instantiated BehaviorSubject value. `initializeAsArray can optionally be used to indicate * the provided initializer function should be used to build an array of values. For example, * ```ts * \@sessionSync({ initializer: Foo.fromJSON, initializeAsArray: true }) * ``` * is equivalent to * ``` * \@sessionSync({ initializer: (obj: any[]) => => Foo.fromJSON }) * ``` * * @returns decorator function */ export function sessionSync(buildOptions: BuildOptions) { return (prototype: unknown, propertyKey: string) => { // Force prototype into SessionStorable and implement it. const p = prototype as SessionStorable; if (p.__syncedItemMetadata == null) { p.__syncedItemMetadata = []; } p.__syncedItemMetadata.push({ propertyKey, sessionKey: `${}_${propertyKey}`, ctor: buildOptions.ctor, initializer: buildOptions.initializer, initializeAsArray: buildOptions.initializeAsArray, }); }; }