import { clipboard, ipcRenderer, shell } from "electron"; import { I18nService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/i18n.service"; import { MessagingService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/messaging.service"; import { PlatformUtilsService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/platformUtils.service"; import { StateService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/state.service"; import { ClientType } from "@bitwarden/common/enums/clientType"; import { DeviceType } from "@bitwarden/common/enums/deviceType"; import { isDev, isMacAppStore } from "../utils"; export class ElectronPlatformUtilsService implements PlatformUtilsService { private deviceCache: DeviceType = null; constructor( protected i18nService: I18nService, private messagingService: MessagingService, private clientType: ClientType.Desktop | ClientType.DirectoryConnector, private stateService: StateService ) {} getDevice(): DeviceType { if (!this.deviceCache) { switch (process.platform) { case "win32": this.deviceCache = DeviceType.WindowsDesktop; break; case "darwin": this.deviceCache = DeviceType.MacOsDesktop; break; case "linux": default: this.deviceCache = DeviceType.LinuxDesktop; break; } } return this.deviceCache; } getDeviceString(): string { const device = DeviceType[this.getDevice()].toLowerCase(); return device.replace("desktop", ""); } getClientType() { return this.clientType; } isFirefox(): boolean { return false; } isChrome(): boolean { return true; } isEdge(): boolean { return false; } isOpera(): boolean { return false; } isVivaldi(): boolean { return false; } isSafari(): boolean { return false; } isMacAppStore(): boolean { return isMacAppStore(); } isViewOpen(): Promise { return Promise.resolve(false); } launchUri(uri: string, options?: any): void { shell.openExternal(uri); } getApplicationVersion(): Promise { return ipcRenderer.invoke("appVersion"); } // Temporarily restricted to only Windows until // has been merged and an updated electron build is available. supportsWebAuthn(win: Window): boolean { return process.platform === "win32"; } supportsDuo(): boolean { return true; } showToast( type: "error" | "success" | "warning" | "info", title: string, text: string | string[], options?: any ): void { this.messagingService.send("showToast", { text: text, title: title, type: type, options: options, }); } async showDialog( text: string, title?: string, confirmText?: string, cancelText?: string, type?: string ): Promise { const buttons = [confirmText == null ? this.i18nService.t("ok") : confirmText]; if (cancelText != null) { buttons.push(cancelText); } const result = await ipcRenderer.invoke("showMessageBox", { type: type, title: title, message: title, detail: text, buttons: buttons, cancelId: buttons.length === 2 ? 1 : null, defaultId: 0, noLink: true, }); return Promise.resolve(result.response === 0); } isDev(): boolean { return isDev(); } isSelfHost(): boolean { return false; } copyToClipboard(text: string, options?: any): void { const type = options ? options.type : null; const clearing = options ? !!options.clearing : false; const clearMs: number = options && options.clearMs ? options.clearMs : null; clipboard.writeText(text, type); if (!clearing) { this.messagingService.send("copiedToClipboard", { clipboardValue: text, clearMs: clearMs, type: type, clearing: clearing, }); } } readFromClipboard(options?: any): Promise { const type = options ? options.type : null; return Promise.resolve(clipboard.readText(type)); } async supportsBiometric(): Promise { return await this.stateService.getEnableBiometric(); } authenticateBiometric(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { const val = ipcRenderer.sendSync("biometric", { action: "authenticate", }); resolve(val); }); } supportsSecureStorage(): boolean { return true; } }