import { ApiService as ApiServiceAbstraction } from "../abstractions/api.service"; import { AppIdService } from "../abstractions/appId.service"; import { EnvironmentService } from "../abstractions/environment.service"; import { PlatformUtilsService } from "../abstractions/platformUtils.service"; import { TokenService } from "../abstractions/token.service"; import { DeviceType } from "../enums/deviceType"; import { OrganizationConnectionType } from "../enums/organizationConnectionType"; import { PolicyType } from "../enums/policyType"; import { Utils } from "../misc/utils"; import { SetKeyConnectorKeyRequest } from "../models/request/account/setKeyConnectorKeyRequest"; import { VerifyOTPRequest } from "../models/request/account/verifyOTPRequest"; import { AttachmentRequest } from "../models/request/attachmentRequest"; import { BitPayInvoiceRequest } from "../models/request/bitPayInvoiceRequest"; import { CipherBulkDeleteRequest } from "../models/request/cipherBulkDeleteRequest"; import { CipherBulkMoveRequest } from "../models/request/cipherBulkMoveRequest"; import { CipherBulkShareRequest } from "../models/request/cipherBulkShareRequest"; import { CipherCollectionsRequest } from "../models/request/cipherCollectionsRequest"; import { CipherCreateRequest } from "../models/request/cipherCreateRequest"; import { CipherRequest } from "../models/request/cipherRequest"; import { CipherShareRequest } from "../models/request/cipherShareRequest"; import { CollectionRequest } from "../models/request/collectionRequest"; import { DeleteRecoverRequest } from "../models/request/deleteRecoverRequest"; import { DeviceRequest } from "../models/request/deviceRequest"; import { DeviceVerificationRequest } from "../models/request/deviceVerificationRequest"; import { EmailRequest } from "../models/request/emailRequest"; import { EmailTokenRequest } from "../models/request/emailTokenRequest"; import { EmergencyAccessAcceptRequest } from "../models/request/emergencyAccessAcceptRequest"; import { EmergencyAccessConfirmRequest } from "../models/request/emergencyAccessConfirmRequest"; import { EmergencyAccessInviteRequest } from "../models/request/emergencyAccessInviteRequest"; import { EmergencyAccessPasswordRequest } from "../models/request/emergencyAccessPasswordRequest"; import { EmergencyAccessUpdateRequest } from "../models/request/emergencyAccessUpdateRequest"; import { EventRequest } from "../models/request/eventRequest"; import { FolderRequest } from "../models/request/folderRequest"; import { GroupRequest } from "../models/request/groupRequest"; import { IapCheckRequest } from "../models/request/iapCheckRequest"; import { ApiTokenRequest } from "../models/request/identityToken/apiTokenRequest"; import { PasswordTokenRequest } from "../models/request/identityToken/passwordTokenRequest"; import { SsoTokenRequest } from "../models/request/identityToken/ssoTokenRequest"; import { TokenRequestTwoFactor } from "../models/request/identityToken/tokenRequestTwoFactor"; import { ImportCiphersRequest } from "../models/request/importCiphersRequest"; import { ImportDirectoryRequest } from "../models/request/importDirectoryRequest"; import { ImportOrganizationCiphersRequest } from "../models/request/importOrganizationCiphersRequest"; import { KdfRequest } from "../models/request/kdfRequest"; import { KeyConnectorUserKeyRequest } from "../models/request/keyConnectorUserKeyRequest"; import { KeysRequest } from "../models/request/keysRequest"; import { OrganizationSponsorshipCreateRequest } from "../models/request/organization/organizationSponsorshipCreateRequest"; import { OrganizationSponsorshipRedeemRequest } from "../models/request/organization/organizationSponsorshipRedeemRequest"; import { OrganizationSsoRequest } from "../models/request/organization/organizationSsoRequest"; import { OrganizationApiKeyRequest } from "../models/request/organizationApiKeyRequest"; import { OrganizationConnectionRequest } from "../models/request/organizationConnectionRequest"; import { OrganizationCreateRequest } from "../models/request/organizationCreateRequest"; import { OrganizationImportRequest } from "../models/request/organizationImportRequest"; import { OrganizationKeysRequest } from "../models/request/organizationKeysRequest"; import { OrganizationSubscriptionUpdateRequest } from "../models/request/organizationSubscriptionUpdateRequest"; import { OrganizationTaxInfoUpdateRequest } from "../models/request/organizationTaxInfoUpdateRequest"; import { OrganizationUpdateRequest } from "../models/request/organizationUpdateRequest"; import { OrganizationUpgradeRequest } from "../models/request/organizationUpgradeRequest"; import { OrganizationUserAcceptRequest } from "../models/request/organizationUserAcceptRequest"; import { OrganizationUserBulkConfirmRequest } from "../models/request/organizationUserBulkConfirmRequest"; import { OrganizationUserBulkRequest } from "../models/request/organizationUserBulkRequest"; import { OrganizationUserConfirmRequest } from "../models/request/organizationUserConfirmRequest"; import { OrganizationUserInviteRequest } from "../models/request/organizationUserInviteRequest"; import { OrganizationUserResetPasswordEnrollmentRequest } from "../models/request/organizationUserResetPasswordEnrollmentRequest"; import { OrganizationUserResetPasswordRequest } from "../models/request/organizationUserResetPasswordRequest"; import { OrganizationUserUpdateGroupsRequest } from "../models/request/organizationUserUpdateGroupsRequest"; import { OrganizationUserUpdateRequest } from "../models/request/organizationUserUpdateRequest"; import { PasswordHintRequest } from "../models/request/passwordHintRequest"; import { PasswordRequest } from "../models/request/passwordRequest"; import { PaymentRequest } from "../models/request/paymentRequest"; import { PolicyRequest } from "../models/request/policyRequest"; import { PreloginRequest } from "../models/request/preloginRequest"; import { ProviderAddOrganizationRequest } from "../models/request/provider/providerAddOrganizationRequest"; import { ProviderOrganizationCreateRequest } from "../models/request/provider/providerOrganizationCreateRequest"; import { ProviderSetupRequest } from "../models/request/provider/providerSetupRequest"; import { ProviderUpdateRequest } from "../models/request/provider/providerUpdateRequest"; import { ProviderUserAcceptRequest } from "../models/request/provider/providerUserAcceptRequest"; import { ProviderUserBulkConfirmRequest } from "../models/request/provider/providerUserBulkConfirmRequest"; import { ProviderUserBulkRequest } from "../models/request/provider/providerUserBulkRequest"; import { ProviderUserConfirmRequest } from "../models/request/provider/providerUserConfirmRequest"; import { ProviderUserInviteRequest } from "../models/request/provider/providerUserInviteRequest"; import { ProviderUserUpdateRequest } from "../models/request/provider/providerUserUpdateRequest"; import { RegisterRequest } from "../models/request/registerRequest"; import { SeatRequest } from "../models/request/seatRequest"; import { SecretVerificationRequest } from "../models/request/secretVerificationRequest"; import { SelectionReadOnlyRequest } from "../models/request/selectionReadOnlyRequest"; import { SendAccessRequest } from "../models/request/sendAccessRequest"; import { SendRequest } from "../models/request/sendRequest"; import { SetPasswordRequest } from "../models/request/setPasswordRequest"; import { StorageRequest } from "../models/request/storageRequest"; import { TaxInfoUpdateRequest } from "../models/request/taxInfoUpdateRequest"; import { TwoFactorEmailRequest } from "../models/request/twoFactorEmailRequest"; import { TwoFactorProviderRequest } from "../models/request/twoFactorProviderRequest"; import { TwoFactorRecoveryRequest } from "../models/request/twoFactorRecoveryRequest"; import { UpdateDomainsRequest } from "../models/request/updateDomainsRequest"; import { UpdateKeyRequest } from "../models/request/updateKeyRequest"; import { UpdateProfileRequest } from "../models/request/updateProfileRequest"; import { UpdateTempPasswordRequest } from "../models/request/updateTempPasswordRequest"; import { UpdateTwoFactorAuthenticatorRequest } from "../models/request/updateTwoFactorAuthenticatorRequest"; import { UpdateTwoFactorDuoRequest } from "../models/request/updateTwoFactorDuoRequest"; import { UpdateTwoFactorEmailRequest } from "../models/request/updateTwoFactorEmailRequest"; import { UpdateTwoFactorWebAuthnDeleteRequest } from "../models/request/updateTwoFactorWebAuthnDeleteRequest"; import { UpdateTwoFactorWebAuthnRequest } from "../models/request/updateTwoFactorWebAuthnRequest"; import { UpdateTwoFactorYubioOtpRequest } from "../models/request/updateTwoFactorYubioOtpRequest"; import { VerifyBankRequest } from "../models/request/verifyBankRequest"; import { VerifyDeleteRecoverRequest } from "../models/request/verifyDeleteRecoverRequest"; import { VerifyEmailRequest } from "../models/request/verifyEmailRequest"; import { ApiKeyResponse } from "../models/response/apiKeyResponse"; import { AttachmentResponse } from "../models/response/attachmentResponse"; import { AttachmentUploadDataResponse } from "../models/response/attachmentUploadDataResponse"; import { BillingHistoryResponse } from "../models/response/billingHistoryResponse"; import { BillingPaymentResponse } from "../models/response/billingPaymentResponse"; import { BillingResponse } from "../models/response/billingResponse"; import { BreachAccountResponse } from "../models/response/breachAccountResponse"; import { CipherResponse } from "../models/response/cipherResponse"; import { CollectionGroupDetailsResponse, CollectionResponse, } from "../models/response/collectionResponse"; import { DeviceVerificationResponse } from "../models/response/deviceVerificationResponse"; import { DomainsResponse } from "../models/response/domainsResponse"; import { EmergencyAccessGranteeDetailsResponse, EmergencyAccessGrantorDetailsResponse, EmergencyAccessTakeoverResponse, EmergencyAccessViewResponse, } from "../models/response/emergencyAccessResponse"; import { ErrorResponse } from "../models/response/errorResponse"; import { EventResponse } from "../models/response/eventResponse"; import { FolderResponse } from "../models/response/folderResponse"; import { GroupDetailsResponse, GroupResponse } from "../models/response/groupResponse"; import { IdentityCaptchaResponse } from "../models/response/identityCaptchaResponse"; import { IdentityTokenResponse } from "../models/response/identityTokenResponse"; import { IdentityTwoFactorResponse } from "../models/response/identityTwoFactorResponse"; import { KeyConnectorUserKeyResponse } from "../models/response/keyConnectorUserKeyResponse"; import { ListResponse } from "../models/response/listResponse"; import { OrganizationSsoResponse } from "../models/response/organization/organizationSsoResponse"; import { OrganizationApiKeyInformationResponse } from "../models/response/organizationApiKeyInformationResponse"; import { OrganizationAutoEnrollStatusResponse } from "../models/response/organizationAutoEnrollStatusResponse"; import { OrganizationConnectionConfigApis, OrganizationConnectionResponse, } from "../models/response/organizationConnectionResponse"; import { OrganizationKeysResponse } from "../models/response/organizationKeysResponse"; import { OrganizationResponse } from "../models/response/organizationResponse"; import { OrganizationSponsorshipSyncStatusResponse } from "../models/response/organizationSponsorshipSyncStatusResponse"; import { OrganizationSubscriptionResponse } from "../models/response/organizationSubscriptionResponse"; import { OrganizationUserBulkPublicKeyResponse } from "../models/response/organizationUserBulkPublicKeyResponse"; import { OrganizationUserBulkResponse } from "../models/response/organizationUserBulkResponse"; import { OrganizationUserDetailsResponse, OrganizationUserResetPasswordDetailsReponse, OrganizationUserUserDetailsResponse, } from "../models/response/organizationUserResponse"; import { PaymentResponse } from "../models/response/paymentResponse"; import { PlanResponse } from "../models/response/planResponse"; import { PolicyResponse } from "../models/response/policyResponse"; import { PreloginResponse } from "../models/response/preloginResponse"; import { ProfileResponse } from "../models/response/profileResponse"; import { ProviderOrganizationOrganizationDetailsResponse, ProviderOrganizationResponse, } from "../models/response/provider/providerOrganizationResponse"; import { ProviderResponse } from "../models/response/provider/providerResponse"; import { ProviderUserBulkPublicKeyResponse } from "../models/response/provider/providerUserBulkPublicKeyResponse"; import { ProviderUserBulkResponse } from "../models/response/provider/providerUserBulkResponse"; import { ProviderUserResponse, ProviderUserUserDetailsResponse, } from "../models/response/provider/providerUserResponse"; import { SelectionReadOnlyResponse } from "../models/response/selectionReadOnlyResponse"; import { SendAccessResponse } from "../models/response/sendAccessResponse"; import { SendFileDownloadDataResponse } from "../models/response/sendFileDownloadDataResponse"; import { SendFileUploadDataResponse } from "../models/response/sendFileUploadDataResponse"; import { SendResponse } from "../models/response/sendResponse"; import { SsoPreValidateResponse } from "../models/response/ssoPreValidateResponse"; import { SubscriptionResponse } from "../models/response/subscriptionResponse"; import { SyncResponse } from "../models/response/syncResponse"; import { TaxInfoResponse } from "../models/response/taxInfoResponse"; import { TaxRateResponse } from "../models/response/taxRateResponse"; import { TwoFactorAuthenticatorResponse } from "../models/response/twoFactorAuthenticatorResponse"; import { TwoFactorDuoResponse } from "../models/response/twoFactorDuoResponse"; import { TwoFactorEmailResponse } from "../models/response/twoFactorEmailResponse"; import { TwoFactorProviderResponse } from "../models/response/twoFactorProviderResponse"; import { TwoFactorRecoverResponse } from "../models/response/twoFactorRescoverResponse"; import { TwoFactorWebAuthnResponse, ChallengeResponse, } from "../models/response/twoFactorWebAuthnResponse"; import { TwoFactorYubiKeyResponse } from "../models/response/twoFactorYubiKeyResponse"; import { UserKeyResponse } from "../models/response/userKeyResponse"; import { SendAccessView } from "../models/view/sendAccessView"; export class ApiService implements ApiServiceAbstraction { private device: DeviceType; private deviceType: string; private isWebClient = false; private isDesktopClient = false; constructor( private tokenService: TokenService, private platformUtilsService: PlatformUtilsService, private environmentService: EnvironmentService, private appIdService: AppIdService, private logoutCallback: (expired: boolean) => Promise, private customUserAgent: string = null ) { this.device = platformUtilsService.getDevice(); this.deviceType = this.device.toString(); this.isWebClient = this.device === DeviceType.IEBrowser || this.device === DeviceType.ChromeBrowser || this.device === DeviceType.EdgeBrowser || this.device === DeviceType.FirefoxBrowser || this.device === DeviceType.OperaBrowser || this.device === DeviceType.SafariBrowser || this.device === DeviceType.UnknownBrowser || this.device === DeviceType.VivaldiBrowser; this.isDesktopClient = this.device === DeviceType.WindowsDesktop || this.device === DeviceType.MacOsDesktop || this.device === DeviceType.LinuxDesktop; } // Auth APIs async postIdentityToken( request: ApiTokenRequest | PasswordTokenRequest | SsoTokenRequest ): Promise { const headers = new Headers({ "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8", Accept: "application/json", "Device-Type": this.deviceType, }); if (this.customUserAgent != null) { headers.set("User-Agent", this.customUserAgent); } request.alterIdentityTokenHeaders(headers); const identityToken = request instanceof ApiTokenRequest ? request.toIdentityToken() : request.toIdentityToken(this.platformUtilsService.getClientType()); const response = await this.fetch( new Request(this.environmentService.getIdentityUrl() + "/connect/token", { body: this.qsStringify(identityToken), credentials: this.getCredentials(), cache: "no-store", headers: headers, method: "POST", }) ); let responseJson: any = null; if (this.isJsonResponse(response)) { responseJson = await response.json(); } if (responseJson != null) { if (response.status === 200) { return new IdentityTokenResponse(responseJson); } else if ( response.status === 400 && responseJson.TwoFactorProviders2 && Object.keys(responseJson.TwoFactorProviders2).length ) { await this.tokenService.clearTwoFactorToken(); return new IdentityTwoFactorResponse(responseJson); } else if ( response.status === 400 && responseJson.HCaptcha_SiteKey && Object.keys(responseJson.HCaptcha_SiteKey).length ) { return new IdentityCaptchaResponse(responseJson); } } return Promise.reject(new ErrorResponse(responseJson, response.status, true)); } async refreshIdentityToken(): Promise { try { await this.doAuthRefresh(); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(null); } } // Account APIs async getProfile(): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/accounts/profile", null, true, true); return new ProfileResponse(r); } async getUserSubscription(): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/accounts/subscription", null, true, true); return new SubscriptionResponse(r); } async getTaxInfo(): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/accounts/tax", null, true, true); return new TaxInfoResponse(r); } async putProfile(request: UpdateProfileRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("PUT", "/accounts/profile", request, true, true); return new ProfileResponse(r); } putTaxInfo(request: TaxInfoUpdateRequest): Promise { return this.send("PUT", "/accounts/tax", request, true, false); } async postPrelogin(request: PreloginRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send( "POST", "/accounts/prelogin", request, false, true, this.platformUtilsService.isDev() ? this.environmentService.getIdentityUrl() : this.environmentService.getApiUrl() ); return new PreloginResponse(r); } postEmailToken(request: EmailTokenRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/email-token", request, true, false); } postEmail(request: EmailRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/email", request, true, false); } postPassword(request: PasswordRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/password", request, true, false); } setPassword(request: SetPasswordRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/set-password", request, true, false); } postSetKeyConnectorKey(request: SetKeyConnectorKeyRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/set-key-connector-key", request, true, false); } postSecurityStamp(request: SecretVerificationRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/security-stamp", request, true, false); } deleteAccount(request: SecretVerificationRequest): Promise { return this.send("DELETE", "/accounts", request, true, false); } async getAccountRevisionDate(): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/accounts/revision-date", null, true, true); return r as number; } postPasswordHint(request: PasswordHintRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/password-hint", request, false, false); } postRegister(request: RegisterRequest): Promise { return this.send( "POST", "/accounts/register", request, false, false, this.platformUtilsService.isDev() ? this.environmentService.getIdentityUrl() : this.environmentService.getApiUrl() ); } async postPremium(data: FormData): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/accounts/premium", data, true, true); return new PaymentResponse(r); } async postIapCheck(request: IapCheckRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/iap-check", request, true, false); } postReinstatePremium(): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/reinstate-premium", null, true, false); } postCancelPremium(): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/cancel-premium", null, true, false); } async postAccountStorage(request: StorageRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/accounts/storage", request, true, true); return new PaymentResponse(r); } postAccountPayment(request: PaymentRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/payment", request, true, false); } postAccountLicense(data: FormData): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/license", data, true, false); } postAccountKeys(request: KeysRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/keys", request, true, false); } postAccountKey(request: UpdateKeyRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/key", request, true, false); } postAccountVerifyEmail(): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/verify-email", null, true, false); } postAccountVerifyEmailToken(request: VerifyEmailRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/verify-email-token", request, false, false); } postAccountVerifyPassword(request: SecretVerificationRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/verify-password", request, true, false); } postAccountRecoverDelete(request: DeleteRecoverRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/delete-recover", request, false, false); } postAccountRecoverDeleteToken(request: VerifyDeleteRecoverRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/delete-recover-token", request, false, false); } postAccountKdf(request: KdfRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/kdf", request, true, false); } async deleteSsoUser(organizationId: string): Promise { return this.send("DELETE", "/accounts/sso/" + organizationId, null, true, false); } async getSsoUserIdentifier(): Promise { return this.send("GET", "/accounts/sso/user-identifier", null, true, true); } async postUserApiKey(id: string, request: SecretVerificationRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/accounts/api-key", request, true, true); return new ApiKeyResponse(r); } async postUserRotateApiKey( id: string, request: SecretVerificationRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/accounts/rotate-api-key", request, true, true); return new ApiKeyResponse(r); } putUpdateTempPassword(request: UpdateTempPasswordRequest): Promise { return this.send("PUT", "/accounts/update-temp-password", request, true, false); } postAccountRequestOTP(): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/request-otp", null, true, false); } postAccountVerifyOTP(request: VerifyOTPRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/verify-otp", request, true, false); } postConvertToKeyConnector(): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/accounts/convert-to-key-connector", null, true, false); } // Account Billing APIs async getUserBillingHistory(): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/accounts/billing/history", null, true, true); return new BillingHistoryResponse(r); } async getUserBillingPayment(): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/accounts/billing/payment-method", null, true, true); return new BillingPaymentResponse(r); } // Folder APIs async getFolder(id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/folders/" + id, null, true, true); return new FolderResponse(r); } async postFolder(request: FolderRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/folders", request, true, true); return new FolderResponse(r); } async putFolder(id: string, request: FolderRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("PUT", "/folders/" + id, request, true, true); return new FolderResponse(r); } deleteFolder(id: string): Promise { return this.send("DELETE", "/folders/" + id, null, true, false); } // Send APIs async getSend(id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/sends/" + id, null, true, true); return new SendResponse(r); } async postSendAccess( id: string, request: SendAccessRequest, apiUrl?: string ): Promise { const addSendIdHeader = (headers: Headers) => { headers.set("Send-Id", id); }; const r = await this.send( "POST", "/sends/access/" + id, request, false, true, apiUrl, addSendIdHeader ); return new SendAccessResponse(r); } async getSendFileDownloadData( send: SendAccessView, request: SendAccessRequest, apiUrl?: string ): Promise { const addSendIdHeader = (headers: Headers) => { headers.set("Send-Id",; }; const r = await this.send( "POST", "/sends/" + + "/access/file/" +, request, false, true, apiUrl, addSendIdHeader ); return new SendFileDownloadDataResponse(r); } async getSends(): Promise> { const r = await this.send("GET", "/sends", null, true, true); return new ListResponse(r, SendResponse); } async postSend(request: SendRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/sends", request, true, true); return new SendResponse(r); } async postFileTypeSend(request: SendRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/sends/file/v2", request, true, true); return new SendFileUploadDataResponse(r); } async renewSendFileUploadUrl( sendId: string, fileId: string ): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/sends/" + sendId + "/file/" + fileId, null, true, true); return new SendFileUploadDataResponse(r); } postSendFile(sendId: string, fileId: string, data: FormData): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/sends/" + sendId + "/file/" + fileId, data, true, false); } /** * @deprecated Mar 25 2021: This method has been deprecated in favor of direct uploads. * This method still exists for backward compatibility with old server versions. */ async postSendFileLegacy(data: FormData): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/sends/file", data, true, true); return new SendResponse(r); } async putSend(id: string, request: SendRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("PUT", "/sends/" + id, request, true, true); return new SendResponse(r); } async putSendRemovePassword(id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send("PUT", "/sends/" + id + "/remove-password", null, true, true); return new SendResponse(r); } deleteSend(id: string): Promise { return this.send("DELETE", "/sends/" + id, null, true, false); } // Cipher APIs async getCipher(id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/ciphers/" + id, null, true, true); return new CipherResponse(r); } async getCipherAdmin(id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/ciphers/" + id + "/admin", null, true, true); return new CipherResponse(r); } async getCiphersOrganization(organizationId: string): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/ciphers/organization-details?organizationId=" + organizationId, null, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, CipherResponse); } async postCipher(request: CipherRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/ciphers", request, true, true); return new CipherResponse(r); } async postCipherCreate(request: CipherCreateRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/ciphers/create", request, true, true); return new CipherResponse(r); } async postCipherAdmin(request: CipherCreateRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/ciphers/admin", request, true, true); return new CipherResponse(r); } async putCipher(id: string, request: CipherRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("PUT", "/ciphers/" + id, request, true, true); return new CipherResponse(r); } async putCipherAdmin(id: string, request: CipherRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("PUT", "/ciphers/" + id + "/admin", request, true, true); return new CipherResponse(r); } deleteCipher(id: string): Promise { return this.send("DELETE", "/ciphers/" + id, null, true, false); } deleteCipherAdmin(id: string): Promise { return this.send("DELETE", "/ciphers/" + id + "/admin", null, true, false); } deleteManyCiphers(request: CipherBulkDeleteRequest): Promise { return this.send("DELETE", "/ciphers", request, true, false); } deleteManyCiphersAdmin(request: CipherBulkDeleteRequest): Promise { return this.send("DELETE", "/ciphers/admin", request, true, false); } putMoveCiphers(request: CipherBulkMoveRequest): Promise { return this.send("PUT", "/ciphers/move", request, true, false); } async putShareCipher(id: string, request: CipherShareRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("PUT", "/ciphers/" + id + "/share", request, true, true); return new CipherResponse(r); } putShareCiphers(request: CipherBulkShareRequest): Promise { return this.send("PUT", "/ciphers/share", request, true, false); } putCipherCollections(id: string, request: CipherCollectionsRequest): Promise { return this.send("PUT", "/ciphers/" + id + "/collections", request, true, false); } putCipherCollectionsAdmin(id: string, request: CipherCollectionsRequest): Promise { return this.send("PUT", "/ciphers/" + id + "/collections-admin", request, true, false); } postPurgeCiphers( request: SecretVerificationRequest, organizationId: string = null ): Promise { let path = "/ciphers/purge"; if (organizationId != null) { path += "?organizationId=" + organizationId; } return this.send("POST", path, request, true, false); } postImportCiphers(request: ImportCiphersRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/ciphers/import", request, true, false); } postImportOrganizationCiphers( organizationId: string, request: ImportOrganizationCiphersRequest ): Promise { return this.send( "POST", "/ciphers/import-organization?organizationId=" + organizationId, request, true, false ); } putDeleteCipher(id: string): Promise { return this.send("PUT", "/ciphers/" + id + "/delete", null, true, false); } putDeleteCipherAdmin(id: string): Promise { return this.send("PUT", "/ciphers/" + id + "/delete-admin", null, true, false); } putDeleteManyCiphers(request: CipherBulkDeleteRequest): Promise { return this.send("PUT", "/ciphers/delete", request, true, false); } putDeleteManyCiphersAdmin(request: CipherBulkDeleteRequest): Promise { return this.send("PUT", "/ciphers/delete-admin", request, true, false); } async putRestoreCipher(id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send("PUT", "/ciphers/" + id + "/restore", null, true, true); return new CipherResponse(r); } async putRestoreCipherAdmin(id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send("PUT", "/ciphers/" + id + "/restore-admin", null, true, true); return new CipherResponse(r); } async putRestoreManyCiphers( request: CipherBulkDeleteRequest ): Promise> { const r = await this.send("PUT", "/ciphers/restore", request, true, true); return new ListResponse(r, CipherResponse); } // Attachments APIs async getAttachmentData( cipherId: string, attachmentId: string, emergencyAccessId?: string ): Promise { const path = (emergencyAccessId != null ? "/emergency-access/" + emergencyAccessId + "/" : "/ciphers/") + cipherId + "/attachment/" + attachmentId; const r = await this.send("GET", path, null, true, true); return new AttachmentResponse(r); } async postCipherAttachment( id: string, request: AttachmentRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/ciphers/" + id + "/attachment/v2", request, true, true); return new AttachmentUploadDataResponse(r); } /** * @deprecated Mar 25 2021: This method has been deprecated in favor of direct uploads. * This method still exists for backward compatibility with old server versions. */ async postCipherAttachmentLegacy(id: string, data: FormData): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/ciphers/" + id + "/attachment", data, true, true); return new CipherResponse(r); } /** * @deprecated Mar 25 2021: This method has been deprecated in favor of direct uploads. * This method still exists for backward compatibility with old server versions. */ async postCipherAttachmentAdminLegacy(id: string, data: FormData): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/ciphers/" + id + "/attachment-admin", data, true, true); return new CipherResponse(r); } deleteCipherAttachment(id: string, attachmentId: string): Promise { return this.send("DELETE", "/ciphers/" + id + "/attachment/" + attachmentId, null, true, false); } deleteCipherAttachmentAdmin(id: string, attachmentId: string): Promise { return this.send( "DELETE", "/ciphers/" + id + "/attachment/" + attachmentId + "/admin", null, true, false ); } postShareCipherAttachment( id: string, attachmentId: string, data: FormData, organizationId: string ): Promise { return this.send( "POST", "/ciphers/" + id + "/attachment/" + attachmentId + "/share?organizationId=" + organizationId, data, true, false ); } async renewAttachmentUploadUrl( id: string, attachmentId: string ): Promise { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/ciphers/" + id + "/attachment/" + attachmentId + "/renew", null, true, true ); return new AttachmentUploadDataResponse(r); } postAttachmentFile(id: string, attachmentId: string, data: FormData): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/ciphers/" + id + "/attachment/" + attachmentId, data, true, false); } // Collections APIs async getCollectionDetails( organizationId: string, id: string ): Promise { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/collections/" + id + "/details", null, true, true ); return new CollectionGroupDetailsResponse(r); } async getUserCollections(): Promise> { const r = await this.send("GET", "/collections", null, true, true); return new ListResponse(r, CollectionResponse); } async getCollections(organizationId: string): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/collections", null, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, CollectionResponse); } async getCollectionUsers( organizationId: string, id: string ): Promise { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/collections/" + id + "/users", null, true, true ); return any) => new SelectionReadOnlyResponse(dr)); } async postCollection( organizationId: string, request: CollectionRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send( "POST", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/collections", request, true, true ); return new CollectionResponse(r); } async putCollection( organizationId: string, id: string, request: CollectionRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send( "PUT", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/collections/" + id, request, true, true ); return new CollectionResponse(r); } async putCollectionUsers( organizationId: string, id: string, request: SelectionReadOnlyRequest[] ): Promise { await this.send( "PUT", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/collections/" + id + "/users", request, true, false ); } deleteCollection(organizationId: string, id: string): Promise { return this.send( "DELETE", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/collections/" + id, null, true, false ); } deleteCollectionUser( organizationId: string, id: string, organizationUserId: string ): Promise { return this.send( "DELETE", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/collections/" + id + "/user/" + organizationUserId, null, true, false ); } // Groups APIs async getGroupDetails(organizationId: string, id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/groups/" + id + "/details", null, true, true ); return new GroupDetailsResponse(r); } async getGroups(organizationId: string): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/groups", null, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, GroupResponse); } async getGroupUsers(organizationId: string, id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/groups/" + id + "/users", null, true, true ); return r; } async postGroup(organizationId: string, request: GroupRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send( "POST", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/groups", request, true, true ); return new GroupResponse(r); } async putGroup( organizationId: string, id: string, request: GroupRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send( "PUT", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/groups/" + id, request, true, true ); return new GroupResponse(r); } async putGroupUsers(organizationId: string, id: string, request: string[]): Promise { await this.send( "PUT", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/groups/" + id + "/users", request, true, false ); } deleteGroup(organizationId: string, id: string): Promise { return this.send( "DELETE", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/groups/" + id, null, true, false ); } deleteGroupUser(organizationId: string, id: string, organizationUserId: string): Promise { return this.send( "DELETE", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/groups/" + id + "/user/" + organizationUserId, null, true, false ); } // Policy APIs async getPolicy(organizationId: string, type: PolicyType): Promise { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/policies/" + type, null, true, true ); return new PolicyResponse(r); } async getPolicies(organizationId: string): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/policies", null, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, PolicyResponse); } async getPoliciesByToken( organizationId: string, token: string, email: string, organizationUserId: string ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/policies/token?" + "token=" + encodeURIComponent(token) + "&email=" + encodeURIComponent(email) + "&organizationUserId=" + organizationUserId, null, false, true ); return new ListResponse(r, PolicyResponse); } async getPoliciesByInvitedUser( organizationId: string, userId: string ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/policies/invited-user?" + "userId=" + userId, null, false, true ); return new ListResponse(r, PolicyResponse); } async putPolicy( organizationId: string, type: PolicyType, request: PolicyRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send( "PUT", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/policies/" + type, request, true, true ); return new PolicyResponse(r); } // Organization User APIs async getOrganizationUser( organizationId: string, id: string ): Promise { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/" + id, null, true, true ); return new OrganizationUserDetailsResponse(r); } async getOrganizationUserGroups(organizationId: string, id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/" + id + "/groups", null, true, true ); return r; } async getOrganizationUsers( organizationId: string ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users", null, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, OrganizationUserUserDetailsResponse); } async getOrganizationUserResetPasswordDetails( organizationId: string, id: string ): Promise { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/" + id + "/reset-password-details", null, true, true ); return new OrganizationUserResetPasswordDetailsReponse(r); } async getOrganizationAutoEnrollStatus( identifier: string ): Promise { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/organizations/" + identifier + "/auto-enroll-status", null, true, true ); return new OrganizationAutoEnrollStatusResponse(r); } postOrganizationUserInvite( organizationId: string, request: OrganizationUserInviteRequest ): Promise { return this.send( "POST", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/invite", request, true, false ); } postOrganizationUserReinvite(organizationId: string, id: string): Promise { return this.send( "POST", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/" + id + "/reinvite", null, true, false ); } async postManyOrganizationUserReinvite( organizationId: string, request: OrganizationUserBulkRequest ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "POST", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/reinvite", request, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, OrganizationUserBulkResponse); } postOrganizationUserAccept( organizationId: string, id: string, request: OrganizationUserAcceptRequest ): Promise { return this.send( "POST", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/" + id + "/accept", request, true, false ); } postOrganizationUserConfirm( organizationId: string, id: string, request: OrganizationUserConfirmRequest ): Promise { return this.send( "POST", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/" + id + "/confirm", request, true, false ); } async postOrganizationUsersPublicKey( organizationId: string, request: OrganizationUserBulkRequest ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "POST", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/public-keys", request, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, OrganizationUserBulkPublicKeyResponse); } async postOrganizationUserBulkConfirm( organizationId: string, request: OrganizationUserBulkConfirmRequest ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "POST", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/confirm", request, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, OrganizationUserBulkResponse); } putOrganizationUser( organizationId: string, id: string, request: OrganizationUserUpdateRequest ): Promise { return this.send( "PUT", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/" + id, request, true, false ); } putOrganizationUserGroups( organizationId: string, id: string, request: OrganizationUserUpdateGroupsRequest ): Promise { return this.send( "PUT", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/" + id + "/groups", request, true, false ); } putOrganizationUserResetPasswordEnrollment( organizationId: string, userId: string, request: OrganizationUserResetPasswordEnrollmentRequest ): Promise { return this.send( "PUT", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/" + userId + "/reset-password-enrollment", request, true, false ); } putOrganizationUserResetPassword( organizationId: string, id: string, request: OrganizationUserResetPasswordRequest ): Promise { return this.send( "PUT", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/" + id + "/reset-password", request, true, false ); } deleteOrganizationUser(organizationId: string, id: string): Promise { return this.send( "DELETE", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/" + id, null, true, false ); } async deleteManyOrganizationUsers( organizationId: string, request: OrganizationUserBulkRequest ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "DELETE", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users", request, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, OrganizationUserBulkResponse); } deactivateOrganizationUser(organizationId: string, id: string): Promise { return this.send( "PUT", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/" + id + "/deactivate", null, true, false ); } async deactivateManyOrganizationUsers( organizationId: string, request: OrganizationUserBulkRequest ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "PUT", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/deactivate", request, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, OrganizationUserBulkResponse); } activateOrganizationUser(organizationId: string, id: string): Promise { return this.send( "PUT", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/" + id + "/activate", null, true, false ); } async activateManyOrganizationUsers( organizationId: string, request: OrganizationUserBulkRequest ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "PUT", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/activate", request, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, OrganizationUserBulkResponse); } // Plan APIs async getPlans(): Promise> { const r = await this.send("GET", "/plans/", null, true, true); return new ListResponse(r, PlanResponse); } async postImportDirectory(organizationId: string, request: ImportDirectoryRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/import", request, true, false); } async postPublicImportDirectory(request: OrganizationImportRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/public/organization/import", request, true, false); } async getTaxRates(): Promise> { const r = await this.send("GET", "/plans/sales-tax-rates/", null, true, true); return new ListResponse(r, TaxRateResponse); } // Settings APIs async getSettingsDomains(): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/settings/domains", null, true, true); return new DomainsResponse(r); } async putSettingsDomains(request: UpdateDomainsRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("PUT", "/settings/domains", request, true, true); return new DomainsResponse(r); } // Sync APIs async getSync(): Promise { const path = this.isDesktopClient || this.isWebClient ? "/sync?excludeDomains=true" : "/sync"; const r = await this.send("GET", path, null, true, true); return new SyncResponse(r); } // Two-factor APIs async getTwoFactorProviders(): Promise> { const r = await this.send("GET", "/two-factor", null, true, true); return new ListResponse(r, TwoFactorProviderResponse); } async getTwoFactorOrganizationProviders( organizationId: string ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/two-factor", null, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, TwoFactorProviderResponse); } async getTwoFactorAuthenticator( request: SecretVerificationRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/two-factor/get-authenticator", request, true, true); return new TwoFactorAuthenticatorResponse(r); } async getTwoFactorEmail(request: SecretVerificationRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/two-factor/get-email", request, true, true); return new TwoFactorEmailResponse(r); } async getTwoFactorDuo(request: SecretVerificationRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/two-factor/get-duo", request, true, true); return new TwoFactorDuoResponse(r); } async getTwoFactorOrganizationDuo( organizationId: string, request: SecretVerificationRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send( "POST", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/two-factor/get-duo", request, true, true ); return new TwoFactorDuoResponse(r); } async getTwoFactorYubiKey(request: SecretVerificationRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/two-factor/get-yubikey", request, true, true); return new TwoFactorYubiKeyResponse(r); } async getTwoFactorWebAuthn( request: SecretVerificationRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/two-factor/get-webauthn", request, true, true); return new TwoFactorWebAuthnResponse(r); } async getTwoFactorWebAuthnChallenge( request: SecretVerificationRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/two-factor/get-webauthn-challenge", request, true, true); return new ChallengeResponse(r); } async getTwoFactorRecover(request: SecretVerificationRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/two-factor/get-recover", request, true, true); return new TwoFactorRecoverResponse(r); } async putTwoFactorAuthenticator( request: UpdateTwoFactorAuthenticatorRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send("PUT", "/two-factor/authenticator", request, true, true); return new TwoFactorAuthenticatorResponse(r); } async putTwoFactorEmail(request: UpdateTwoFactorEmailRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("PUT", "/two-factor/email", request, true, true); return new TwoFactorEmailResponse(r); } async putTwoFactorDuo(request: UpdateTwoFactorDuoRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("PUT", "/two-factor/duo", request, true, true); return new TwoFactorDuoResponse(r); } async putTwoFactorOrganizationDuo( organizationId: string, request: UpdateTwoFactorDuoRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send( "PUT", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/two-factor/duo", request, true, true ); return new TwoFactorDuoResponse(r); } async putTwoFactorYubiKey( request: UpdateTwoFactorYubioOtpRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send("PUT", "/two-factor/yubikey", request, true, true); return new TwoFactorYubiKeyResponse(r); } async putTwoFactorWebAuthn( request: UpdateTwoFactorWebAuthnRequest ): Promise { const response = request.deviceResponse.response as AuthenticatorAttestationResponse; const data: any = Object.assign({}, request); data.deviceResponse = { id:, rawId: btoa(, type: request.deviceResponse.type, extensions: request.deviceResponse.getClientExtensionResults(), response: { AttestationObject: Utils.fromBufferToB64(response.attestationObject), clientDataJson: Utils.fromBufferToB64(response.clientDataJSON), }, }; const r = await this.send("PUT", "/two-factor/webauthn", data, true, true); return new TwoFactorWebAuthnResponse(r); } async deleteTwoFactorWebAuthn( request: UpdateTwoFactorWebAuthnDeleteRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send("DELETE", "/two-factor/webauthn", request, true, true); return new TwoFactorWebAuthnResponse(r); } async putTwoFactorDisable(request: TwoFactorProviderRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("PUT", "/two-factor/disable", request, true, true); return new TwoFactorProviderResponse(r); } async putTwoFactorOrganizationDisable( organizationId: string, request: TwoFactorProviderRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send( "PUT", "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/two-factor/disable", request, true, true ); return new TwoFactorProviderResponse(r); } postTwoFactorRecover(request: TwoFactorRecoveryRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/two-factor/recover", request, false, false); } postTwoFactorEmailSetup(request: TwoFactorEmailRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/two-factor/send-email", request, true, false); } postTwoFactorEmail(request: TwoFactorEmailRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/two-factor/send-email-login", request, false, false); } async getDeviceVerificationSettings(): Promise { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/two-factor/get-device-verification-settings", null, true, true ); return new DeviceVerificationResponse(r); } async putDeviceVerificationSettings( request: DeviceVerificationRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send( "PUT", "/two-factor/device-verification-settings", request, true, true ); return new DeviceVerificationResponse(r); } // Emergency Access APIs async getEmergencyAccessTrusted(): Promise> { const r = await this.send("GET", "/emergency-access/trusted", null, true, true); return new ListResponse(r, EmergencyAccessGranteeDetailsResponse); } async getEmergencyAccessGranted(): Promise> { const r = await this.send("GET", "/emergency-access/granted", null, true, true); return new ListResponse(r, EmergencyAccessGrantorDetailsResponse); } async getEmergencyAccess(id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/emergency-access/" + id, null, true, true); return new EmergencyAccessGranteeDetailsResponse(r); } async getEmergencyGrantorPolicies(id: string): Promise> { const r = await this.send("GET", "/emergency-access/" + id + "/policies", null, true, true); return new ListResponse(r, PolicyResponse); } putEmergencyAccess(id: string, request: EmergencyAccessUpdateRequest): Promise { return this.send("PUT", "/emergency-access/" + id, request, true, false); } deleteEmergencyAccess(id: string): Promise { return this.send("DELETE", "/emergency-access/" + id, null, true, false); } postEmergencyAccessInvite(request: EmergencyAccessInviteRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/emergency-access/invite", request, true, false); } postEmergencyAccessReinvite(id: string): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/emergency-access/" + id + "/reinvite", null, true, false); } postEmergencyAccessAccept(id: string, request: EmergencyAccessAcceptRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/emergency-access/" + id + "/accept", request, true, false); } postEmergencyAccessConfirm(id: string, request: EmergencyAccessConfirmRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/emergency-access/" + id + "/confirm", request, true, false); } postEmergencyAccessInitiate(id: string): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/emergency-access/" + id + "/initiate", null, true, false); } postEmergencyAccessApprove(id: string): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/emergency-access/" + id + "/approve", null, true, false); } postEmergencyAccessReject(id: string): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/emergency-access/" + id + "/reject", null, true, false); } async postEmergencyAccessTakeover(id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/emergency-access/" + id + "/takeover", null, true, true); return new EmergencyAccessTakeoverResponse(r); } async postEmergencyAccessPassword( id: string, request: EmergencyAccessPasswordRequest ): Promise { await this.send("POST", "/emergency-access/" + id + "/password", request, true, true); } async postEmergencyAccessView(id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/emergency-access/" + id + "/view", null, true, true); return new EmergencyAccessViewResponse(r); } // Organization APIs async getOrganization(id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/organizations/" + id, null, true, true); return new OrganizationResponse(r); } async getOrganizationBilling(id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/organizations/" + id + "/billing", null, true, true); return new BillingResponse(r); } async getOrganizationSubscription(id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/organizations/" + id + "/subscription", null, true, true); return new OrganizationSubscriptionResponse(r); } async getCloudCommunicationsEnabled(): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/organizations/connections/enabled", null, true, true); return r as boolean; } async getOrganizationConnection( id: string, type: OrganizationConnectionType, configType: { new (response: any): TConfig } ): Promise> { const r = await this.send("GET", `/organizations/connections/${id}/${type}`, null, true, true); return new OrganizationConnectionResponse(r, configType); } async createOrganizationConnection( request: OrganizationConnectionRequest, configType: { new (response: any): TConfig } ): Promise> { const r = await this.send("POST", "/organizations/connections/", request, true, true); return new OrganizationConnectionResponse(r, configType); } async updateOrganizationConnection( request: OrganizationConnectionRequest, configType: { new (response: any): TConfig }, organizationConnectionId?: string ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "PUT", "/organizations/connections/" + organizationConnectionId, request, true, true ); return new OrganizationConnectionResponse(r, configType); } async deleteOrganizationConnection(id: string): Promise { return this.send("DELETE", "/organizations/connections/" + id, null, true, false); } async getOrganizationLicense(id: string, installationId: string): Promise { return this.send( "GET", "/organizations/" + id + "/license?installationId=" + installationId, null, true, true ); } async getOrganizationTaxInfo(id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/organizations/" + id + "/tax", null, true, true); return new TaxInfoResponse(r); } async getOrganizationSso(id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/organizations/" + id + "/sso", null, true, true); return new OrganizationSsoResponse(r); } async postOrganization(request: OrganizationCreateRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/organizations", request, true, true); return new OrganizationResponse(r); } async putOrganization( id: string, request: OrganizationUpdateRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send("PUT", "/organizations/" + id, request, true, true); return new OrganizationResponse(r); } async putOrganizationTaxInfo( id: string, request: OrganizationTaxInfoUpdateRequest ): Promise { return this.send("PUT", "/organizations/" + id + "/tax", request, true, false); } postLeaveOrganization(id: string): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/organizations/" + id + "/leave", null, true, false); } async postOrganizationLicense(data: FormData): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/organizations/license", data, true, true); return new OrganizationResponse(r); } async postOrganizationLicenseUpdate(id: string, data: FormData): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/organizations/" + id + "/license", data, true, false); } async postOrganizationApiKey( id: string, request: OrganizationApiKeyRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/organizations/" + id + "/api-key", request, true, true); return new ApiKeyResponse(r); } async getOrganizationApiKeyInformation( id: string ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/organizations/" + id + "/api-key-information", null, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, OrganizationApiKeyInformationResponse); } async postOrganizationRotateApiKey( id: string, request: OrganizationApiKeyRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send( "POST", "/organizations/" + id + "/rotate-api-key", request, true, true ); return new ApiKeyResponse(r); } async postOrganizationSso( id: string, request: OrganizationSsoRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/organizations/" + id + "/sso", request, true, true); return new OrganizationSsoResponse(r); } async postOrganizationUpgrade( id: string, request: OrganizationUpgradeRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/organizations/" + id + "/upgrade", request, true, true); return new PaymentResponse(r); } async postOrganizationUpdateSubscription( id: string, request: OrganizationSubscriptionUpdateRequest ): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/organizations/" + id + "/subscription", request, true, false); } async postOrganizationSeat(id: string, request: SeatRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/organizations/" + id + "/seat", request, true, true); return new PaymentResponse(r); } async postOrganizationStorage(id: string, request: StorageRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/organizations/" + id + "/storage", request, true, true); return new PaymentResponse(r); } postOrganizationPayment(id: string, request: PaymentRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/organizations/" + id + "/payment", request, true, false); } postOrganizationVerifyBank(id: string, request: VerifyBankRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/organizations/" + id + "/verify-bank", request, true, false); } postOrganizationCancel(id: string): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/organizations/" + id + "/cancel", null, true, false); } postOrganizationReinstate(id: string): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/organizations/" + id + "/reinstate", null, true, false); } deleteOrganization(id: string, request: SecretVerificationRequest): Promise { return this.send("DELETE", "/organizations/" + id, request, true, false); } async getOrganizationKeys(id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/organizations/" + id + "/keys", null, true, true); return new OrganizationKeysResponse(r); } async postOrganizationKeys( id: string, request: OrganizationKeysRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/organizations/" + id + "/keys", request, true, true); return new OrganizationKeysResponse(r); } // Provider APIs async postProviderSetup(id: string, request: ProviderSetupRequest) { const r = await this.send("POST", "/providers/" + id + "/setup", request, true, true); return new ProviderResponse(r); } async getProvider(id: string) { const r = await this.send("GET", "/providers/" + id, null, true, true); return new ProviderResponse(r); } async putProvider(id: string, request: ProviderUpdateRequest) { const r = await this.send("PUT", "/providers/" + id, request, true, true); return new ProviderResponse(r); } // Provider User APIs async getProviderUsers( providerId: string ): Promise> { const r = await this.send("GET", "/providers/" + providerId + "/users", null, true, true); return new ListResponse(r, ProviderUserUserDetailsResponse); } async getProviderUser(providerId: string, id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/providers/" + providerId + "/users/" + id, null, true, true); return new ProviderUserResponse(r); } postProviderUserInvite(providerId: string, request: ProviderUserInviteRequest): Promise { return this.send("POST", "/providers/" + providerId + "/users/invite", request, true, false); } postProviderUserReinvite(providerId: string, id: string): Promise { return this.send( "POST", "/providers/" + providerId + "/users/" + id + "/reinvite", null, true, false ); } async postManyProviderUserReinvite( providerId: string, request: ProviderUserBulkRequest ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "POST", "/providers/" + providerId + "/users/reinvite", request, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, ProviderUserBulkResponse); } async postProviderUserBulkConfirm( providerId: string, request: ProviderUserBulkConfirmRequest ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "POST", "/providers/" + providerId + "/users/confirm", request, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, ProviderUserBulkResponse); } async deleteManyProviderUsers( providerId: string, request: ProviderUserBulkRequest ): Promise> { const r = await this.send("DELETE", "/providers/" + providerId + "/users", request, true, true); return new ListResponse(r, ProviderUserBulkResponse); } postProviderUserAccept( providerId: string, id: string, request: ProviderUserAcceptRequest ): Promise { return this.send( "POST", "/providers/" + providerId + "/users/" + id + "/accept", request, true, false ); } postProviderUserConfirm( providerId: string, id: string, request: ProviderUserConfirmRequest ): Promise { return this.send( "POST", "/providers/" + providerId + "/users/" + id + "/confirm", request, true, false ); } async postProviderUsersPublicKey( providerId: string, request: ProviderUserBulkRequest ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "POST", "/providers/" + providerId + "/users/public-keys", request, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, ProviderUserBulkPublicKeyResponse); } putProviderUser( providerId: string, id: string, request: ProviderUserUpdateRequest ): Promise { return this.send("PUT", "/providers/" + providerId + "/users/" + id, request, true, false); } deleteProviderUser(providerId: string, id: string): Promise { return this.send("DELETE", "/providers/" + providerId + "/users/" + id, null, true, false); } // Provider Organization APIs async getProviderClients( providerId: string ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "GET", "/providers/" + providerId + "/organizations", null, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, ProviderOrganizationOrganizationDetailsResponse); } postProviderAddOrganization( providerId: string, request: ProviderAddOrganizationRequest ): Promise { return this.send( "POST", "/providers/" + providerId + "/organizations/add", request, true, false ); } async postProviderCreateOrganization( providerId: string, request: ProviderOrganizationCreateRequest ): Promise { const r = await this.send( "POST", "/providers/" + providerId + "/organizations", request, true, true ); return new ProviderOrganizationResponse(r); } deleteProviderOrganization(providerId: string, id: string): Promise { return this.send( "DELETE", "/providers/" + providerId + "/organizations/" + id, null, true, false ); } // Event APIs async getEvents(start: string, end: string, token: string): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "GET", this.addEventParameters("/events", start, end, token), null, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, EventResponse); } async getEventsCipher( id: string, start: string, end: string, token: string ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "GET", this.addEventParameters("/ciphers/" + id + "/events", start, end, token), null, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, EventResponse); } async getEventsOrganization( id: string, start: string, end: string, token: string ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "GET", this.addEventParameters("/organizations/" + id + "/events", start, end, token), null, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, EventResponse); } async getEventsOrganizationUser( organizationId: string, id: string, start: string, end: string, token: string ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "GET", this.addEventParameters( "/organizations/" + organizationId + "/users/" + id + "/events", start, end, token ), null, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, EventResponse); } async getEventsProvider( id: string, start: string, end: string, token: string ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "GET", this.addEventParameters("/providers/" + id + "/events", start, end, token), null, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, EventResponse); } async getEventsProviderUser( providerId: string, id: string, start: string, end: string, token: string ): Promise> { const r = await this.send( "GET", this.addEventParameters( "/providers/" + providerId + "/users/" + id + "/events", start, end, token ), null, true, true ); return new ListResponse(r, EventResponse); } async postEventsCollect(request: EventRequest[]): Promise { const authHeader = await this.getActiveBearerToken(); const headers = new Headers({ "Device-Type": this.deviceType, Authorization: "Bearer " + authHeader, "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", }); if (this.customUserAgent != null) { headers.set("User-Agent", this.customUserAgent); } const response = await this.fetch( new Request(this.environmentService.getEventsUrl() + "/collect", { cache: "no-store", credentials: this.getCredentials(), method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(request), headers: headers, }) ); if (response.status !== 200) { return Promise.reject("Event post failed."); } } // User APIs async getUserPublicKey(id: string): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/users/" + id + "/public-key", null, true, true); return new UserKeyResponse(r); } // HIBP APIs async getHibpBreach(username: string): Promise { const r = await this.send("GET", "/hibp/breach?username=" + username, null, true, true); return any) => new BreachAccountResponse(a)); } // Misc async postBitPayInvoice(request: BitPayInvoiceRequest): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/bitpay-invoice", request, true, true); return r as string; } async postSetupPayment(): Promise { const r = await this.send("POST", "/setup-payment", null, true, true); return r as string; } // Key Connector async getUserKeyFromKeyConnector(keyConnectorUrl: string): Promise { const authHeader = await this.getActiveBearerToken(); const response = await this.fetch( new Request(keyConnectorUrl + "/user-keys", { cache: "no-store", method: "GET", headers: new Headers({ Accept: "application/json", Authorization: "Bearer " + authHeader, }), }) ); if (response.status !== 200) { const error = await this.handleError(response, false, true); return Promise.reject(error); } return new KeyConnectorUserKeyResponse(await response.json()); } async postUserKeyToKeyConnector( keyConnectorUrl: string, request: KeyConnectorUserKeyRequest ): Promise { const authHeader = await this.getActiveBearerToken(); const response = await this.fetch( new Request(keyConnectorUrl + "/user-keys", { cache: "no-store", method: "POST", headers: new Headers({ Accept: "application/json", Authorization: "Bearer " + authHeader, "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", }), body: JSON.stringify(request), }) ); if (response.status !== 200) { const error = await this.handleError(response, false, true); return Promise.reject(error); } } async getKeyConnectorAlive(keyConnectorUrl: string) { const response = await this.fetch( new Request(keyConnectorUrl + "/alive", { cache: "no-store", method: "GET", headers: new Headers({ Accept: "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", }), }) ); if (response.status !== 200) { const error = await this.handleError(response, false, true); return Promise.reject(error); } } // Helpers async getActiveBearerToken(): Promise { let accessToken = await this.tokenService.getToken(); if (await this.tokenService.tokenNeedsRefresh()) { await this.doAuthRefresh(); accessToken = await this.tokenService.getToken(); } return accessToken; } async fetch(request: Request): Promise { if (request.method === "GET") { request.headers.set("Cache-Control", "no-store"); request.headers.set("Pragma", "no-cache"); } request.headers.set("Bitwarden-Client-Name", this.platformUtilsService.getClientType()); request.headers.set( "Bitwarden-Client-Version", await this.platformUtilsService.getApplicationVersion() ); return this.nativeFetch(request); } nativeFetch(request: Request): Promise { return fetch(request); } async preValidateSso(identifier: string): Promise { if (identifier == null || identifier === "") { throw new Error("Organization Identifier was not provided."); } const headers = new Headers({ Accept: "application/json", "Device-Type": this.deviceType, }); if (this.customUserAgent != null) { headers.set("User-Agent", this.customUserAgent); } const path = `/account/prevalidate?domainHint=${encodeURIComponent(identifier)}`; const response = await this.fetch( new Request(this.environmentService.getIdentityUrl() + path, { cache: "no-store", credentials: this.getCredentials(), headers: headers, method: "GET", }) ); if (response.status === 200) { const body = await response.json(); return new SsoPreValidateResponse(body); } else { const error = await this.handleError(response, false, true); return Promise.reject(error); } } async postCreateSponsorship( sponsoredOrgId: string, request: OrganizationSponsorshipCreateRequest ): Promise { return await this.send( "POST", "/organization/sponsorship/" + (this.platformUtilsService.isSelfHost() ? "self-hosted/" : "") + sponsoredOrgId + "/families-for-enterprise", request, true, false ); } async getSponsorshipSyncStatus( sponsoredOrgId: string ): Promise { const response = await this.send( "GET", "/organization/sponsorship/" + sponsoredOrgId + "/sync-status", null, true, true ); return new OrganizationSponsorshipSyncStatusResponse(response); } async deleteRevokeSponsorship(sponsoringOrganizationId: string): Promise { return await this.send( "DELETE", "/organization/sponsorship/" + (this.platformUtilsService.isSelfHost() ? "self-hosted/" : "") + sponsoringOrganizationId, null, true, false ); } async deleteRemoveSponsorship(sponsoringOrgId: string): Promise { return await this.send( "DELETE", "/organization/sponsorship/sponsored/" + sponsoringOrgId, null, true, false ); } async postPreValidateSponsorshipToken(sponsorshipToken: string): Promise { const r = await this.send( "POST", "/organization/sponsorship/validate-token?sponsorshipToken=" + encodeURIComponent(sponsorshipToken), null, true, true ); return r as boolean; } async postRedeemSponsorship( sponsorshipToken: string, request: OrganizationSponsorshipRedeemRequest ): Promise { return await this.send( "POST", "/organization/sponsorship/redeem?sponsorshipToken=" + encodeURIComponent(sponsorshipToken), request, true, false ); } async postResendSponsorshipOffer(sponsoringOrgId: string): Promise { return await this.send( "POST", "/organization/sponsorship/" + sponsoringOrgId + "/families-for-enterprise/resend", null, true, false ); } protected async doAuthRefresh(): Promise { const refreshToken = await this.tokenService.getRefreshToken(); if (refreshToken != null && refreshToken !== "") { return this.doRefreshToken(); } const clientId = await this.tokenService.getClientId(); const clientSecret = await this.tokenService.getClientSecret(); if (!Utils.isNullOrWhitespace(clientId) && !Utils.isNullOrWhitespace(clientSecret)) { return this.doApiTokenRefresh(); } throw new Error("Cannot refresh token, no refresh token or api keys are stored"); } protected async doRefreshToken(): Promise { const refreshToken = await this.tokenService.getRefreshToken(); if (refreshToken == null || refreshToken === "") { throw new Error(); } const headers = new Headers({ "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8", Accept: "application/json", "Device-Type": this.deviceType, }); if (this.customUserAgent != null) { headers.set("User-Agent", this.customUserAgent); } const decodedToken = await this.tokenService.decodeToken(); const response = await this.fetch( new Request(this.environmentService.getIdentityUrl() + "/connect/token", { body: this.qsStringify({ grant_type: "refresh_token", client_id: decodedToken.client_id, refresh_token: refreshToken, }), cache: "no-store", credentials: this.getCredentials(), headers: headers, method: "POST", }) ); if (response.status === 200) { const responseJson = await response.json(); const tokenResponse = new IdentityTokenResponse(responseJson); await this.tokenService.setTokens( tokenResponse.accessToken, tokenResponse.refreshToken, null ); } else { const error = await this.handleError(response, true, true); return Promise.reject(error); } } protected async doApiTokenRefresh(): Promise { const clientId = await this.tokenService.getClientId(); const clientSecret = await this.tokenService.getClientSecret(); const appId = await this.appIdService.getAppId(); const deviceRequest = new DeviceRequest(appId, this.platformUtilsService); const tokenRequest = new ApiTokenRequest( clientId, clientSecret, new TokenRequestTwoFactor(), deviceRequest ); const response = await this.postIdentityToken(tokenRequest); if (!(response instanceof IdentityTokenResponse)) { throw new Error("Invalid response received when refreshing api token"); } await this.tokenService.setToken(response.accessToken); } private async send( method: "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE", path: string, body: any, authed: boolean, hasResponse: boolean, apiUrl?: string, alterHeaders?: (headers: Headers) => void ): Promise { apiUrl = Utils.isNullOrWhitespace(apiUrl) ? this.environmentService.getApiUrl() : apiUrl; const requestUrl = apiUrl + path; // Prevent directory traversal from malicious paths if (new URL(requestUrl).href !== requestUrl) { return Promise.reject("Invalid request url path."); } const headers = new Headers({ "Device-Type": this.deviceType, }); if (this.customUserAgent != null) { headers.set("User-Agent", this.customUserAgent); } const requestInit: RequestInit = { cache: "no-store", credentials: this.getCredentials(), method: method, }; if (authed) { const authHeader = await this.getActiveBearerToken(); headers.set("Authorization", "Bearer " + authHeader); } if (body != null) { if (typeof body === "string") { requestInit.body = body; headers.set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"); } else if (typeof body === "object") { if (body instanceof FormData) { requestInit.body = body; } else { headers.set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); requestInit.body = JSON.stringify(body); } } } if (hasResponse) { headers.set("Accept", "application/json"); } if (alterHeaders != null) { alterHeaders(headers); } requestInit.headers = headers; const response = await this.fetch(new Request(requestUrl, requestInit)); if (hasResponse && response.status === 200) { const responseJson = await response.json(); return responseJson; } else if (response.status !== 200) { const error = await this.handleError(response, false, authed); return Promise.reject(error); } } private async handleError( response: Response, tokenError: boolean, authed: boolean ): Promise { if ( authed && ((tokenError && response.status === 400) || response.status === 401 || response.status === 403) ) { await this.logoutCallback(true); return null; } let responseJson: any = null; if (this.isJsonResponse(response)) { responseJson = await response.json(); } else if (this.isTextResponse(response)) { responseJson = { Message: await response.text() }; } return new ErrorResponse(responseJson, response.status, tokenError); } private qsStringify(params: any): string { return Object.keys(params) .map((key) => { return encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[key]); }) .join("&"); } private getCredentials(): RequestCredentials { if (!this.isWebClient || this.environmentService.hasBaseUrl()) { return "include"; } return undefined; } private addEventParameters(base: string, start: string, end: string, token: string) { if (start != null) { base += "?start=" + start; } if (end != null) { base += base.indexOf("?") > -1 ? "&" : "?"; base += "end=" + end; } if (token != null) { base += base.indexOf("?") > -1 ? "&" : "?"; base += "continuationToken=" + token; } return base; } private isJsonResponse(response: Response): boolean { const typeHeader = response.headers.get("content-type"); return typeHeader != null && typeHeader.indexOf("application/json") > -1; } private isTextResponse(response: Response): boolean { const typeHeader = response.headers.get("content-type"); return typeHeader != null && typeHeader.indexOf("text") > -1; } }