import { SendData } from '../models/data/sendData'; import { SendRequest } from '../models/request/sendRequest'; import { ErrorResponse } from '../models/response/errorResponse'; import { SendResponse } from '../models/response/sendResponse'; import { EncArrayBuffer } from '../models/domain/encArrayBuffer'; import { EncString } from '../models/domain/encString'; import { Send } from '../models/domain/send'; import { SendFile } from '../models/domain/sendFile'; import { SendText } from '../models/domain/sendText'; import { SymmetricCryptoKey } from '../models/domain/symmetricCryptoKey'; import { FileUploadType } from '../enums/fileUploadType'; import { SendType } from '../enums/sendType'; import { SendView } from '../models/view/sendView'; import { ApiService } from '../abstractions/api.service'; import { CryptoService } from '../abstractions/crypto.service'; import { CryptoFunctionService } from '../abstractions/cryptoFunction.service'; import { FileUploadService } from '../abstractions/fileUpload.service'; import { I18nService } from '../abstractions/i18n.service'; import { SendService as SendServiceAbstraction } from '../abstractions/send.service'; import { StorageService } from '../abstractions/storage.service'; import { UserService } from '../abstractions/user.service'; import { Utils } from '../misc/utils'; const Keys = { sendsPrefix: 'sends_', }; export class SendService implements SendServiceAbstraction { decryptedSendCache: SendView[]; constructor(private cryptoService: CryptoService, private userService: UserService, private apiService: ApiService, private fileUploadService: FileUploadService, private storageService: StorageService, private i18nService: I18nService, private cryptoFunctionService: CryptoFunctionService) { } clearCache(): void { this.decryptedSendCache = null; } async encrypt(model: SendView, file: File | ArrayBuffer, password: string, key?: SymmetricCryptoKey): Promise<[Send, EncArrayBuffer]> { let fileData: EncArrayBuffer = null; const send = new Send(); =; send.type = model.type; send.disabled = model.disabled; send.hideEmail = model.hideEmail; send.maxAccessCount = model.maxAccessCount; if (model.key == null) { model.key = await this.cryptoFunctionService.randomBytes(16); model.cryptoKey = await this.cryptoService.makeSendKey(model.key); } if (password != null) { const passwordHash = await this.cryptoFunctionService.pbkdf2(password, model.key, 'sha256', 100000); send.password = Utils.fromBufferToB64(passwordHash); } send.key = await this.cryptoService.encrypt(model.key, key); = await this.cryptoService.encrypt(, model.cryptoKey); send.notes = await this.cryptoService.encrypt(model.notes, model.cryptoKey); if (send.type === SendType.Text) { send.text = new SendText(); send.text.text = await this.cryptoService.encrypt(model.text.text, model.cryptoKey); send.text.hidden = model.text.hidden; } else if (send.type === SendType.File) { send.file = new SendFile(); if (file != null) { if (file instanceof ArrayBuffer) { const [name, data] = await this.encryptFileData(model.file.fileName, file, model.cryptoKey); send.file.fileName = name; fileData = data; } else { fileData = await this.parseFile(send, file, model.cryptoKey); } } } return [send, fileData]; } async get(id: string): Promise { const userId = await this.userService.getUserId(); const sends = await this.storageService.get<{ [id: string]: SendData; }>( Keys.sendsPrefix + userId); if (sends == null || !sends.hasOwnProperty(id)) { return null; } return new Send(sends[id]); } async getAll(): Promise { const userId = await this.userService.getUserId(); const sends = await this.storageService.get<{ [id: string]: SendData; }>( Keys.sendsPrefix + userId); const response: Send[] = []; for (const id in sends) { if (sends.hasOwnProperty(id)) { response.push(new Send(sends[id])); } } return response; } async getAllDecrypted(): Promise { if (this.decryptedSendCache != null) { return this.decryptedSendCache; } const hasKey = await this.cryptoService.hasKey(); if (!hasKey) { throw new Error('No key.'); } const decSends: SendView[] = []; const promises: Promise[] = []; const sends = await this.getAll(); sends.forEach(send => { promises.push(send.decrypt().then(f => decSends.push(f))); }); await Promise.all(promises); decSends.sort(Utils.getSortFunction(this.i18nService, 'name')); this.decryptedSendCache = decSends; return this.decryptedSendCache; } async saveWithServer(sendData: [Send, EncArrayBuffer]): Promise { const request = new SendRequest(sendData[0], sendData[1]?.buffer.byteLength); let response: SendResponse; if (sendData[0].id == null) { if (sendData[0].type === SendType.Text) { response = await this.apiService.postSend(request); } else { try { const uploadDataResponse = await this.apiService.postFileTypeSend(request); response = uploadDataResponse.sendResponse; await this.fileUploadService.uploadSendFile(uploadDataResponse, sendData[0].file.fileName, sendData[1]); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof ErrorResponse && (e as ErrorResponse).statusCode === 404) { response = await this.legacyServerSendFileUpload(sendData, request); } else if (e instanceof ErrorResponse) { throw new Error((e as ErrorResponse).getSingleMessage()); } else { throw e; } } } sendData[0].id =; sendData[0].accessId = response.accessId; } else { response = await this.apiService.putSend(sendData[0].id, request); } const userId = await this.userService.getUserId(); const data = new SendData(response, userId); await this.upsert(data); } /** * @deprecated Mar 25 2021: This method has been deprecated in favor of direct uploads. * This method still exists for backward compatibility with old server versions. */ async legacyServerSendFileUpload(sendData: [Send, EncArrayBuffer], request: SendRequest): Promise { const fd = new FormData(); try { const blob = new Blob([sendData[1].buffer], { type: 'application/octet-stream' }); fd.append('model', JSON.stringify(request)); fd.append('data', blob, sendData[0].file.fileName.encryptedString); } catch (e) { if (Utils.isNode && !Utils.isBrowser) { fd.append('model', JSON.stringify(request)); fd.append('data', Buffer.from(sendData[1].buffer) as any, { filepath: sendData[0].file.fileName.encryptedString, contentType: 'application/octet-stream', } as any); } else { throw e; } } return await this.apiService.postSendFileLegacy(fd); } async upsert(send: SendData | SendData[]): Promise { const userId = await this.userService.getUserId(); let sends = await this.storageService.get<{ [id: string]: SendData; }>( Keys.sendsPrefix + userId); if (sends == null) { sends = {}; } if (send instanceof SendData) { const s = send as SendData; sends[] = s; } else { (send as SendData[]).forEach(s => { sends[] = s; }); } await + userId, sends); this.decryptedSendCache = null; } async replace(sends: { [id: string]: SendData; }): Promise { const userId = await this.userService.getUserId(); await + userId, sends); this.decryptedSendCache = null; } async clear(userId: string): Promise { await this.storageService.remove(Keys.sendsPrefix + userId); this.decryptedSendCache = null; } async delete(id: string | string[]): Promise { const userId = await this.userService.getUserId(); const sends = await this.storageService.get<{ [id: string]: SendData; }>( Keys.sendsPrefix + userId); if (sends == null) { return; } if (typeof id === 'string') { if (sends[id] == null) { return; } delete sends[id]; } else { (id as string[]).forEach(i => { delete sends[i]; }); } await + userId, sends); this.decryptedSendCache = null; } async deleteWithServer(id: string): Promise { await this.apiService.deleteSend(id); await this.delete(id); } async removePasswordWithServer(id: string): Promise { const response = await this.apiService.putSendRemovePassword(id); const userId = await this.userService.getUserId(); const data = new SendData(response, userId); await this.upsert(data); } private parseFile(send: Send, file: File, key: SymmetricCryptoKey): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); reader.onload = async evt => { try { const [name, data] = await this.encryptFileData(, as ArrayBuffer, key); send.file.fileName = name; resolve(data); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }; reader.onerror = evt => { reject('Error reading file.'); }; }); } private async encryptFileData(fileName: string, data: ArrayBuffer, key: SymmetricCryptoKey): Promise<[EncString, EncArrayBuffer]> { const encFileName = await this.cryptoService.encrypt(fileName, key); const encFileData = await this.cryptoService.encryptToBytes(data, key); return [encFileName, encFileData]; } }