/** * Use as a Decorator on async functions, it will prevent multiple 'active' calls as the same time * * If a promise was returned from a previous call to this function, that hasn't yet resolved it will * be returned, instead of calling the original function again * * Results are not cached, once the promise has returned, the next call will result in a fresh call * * Read more at https://github.com/bitwarden/jslib/pull/7 */ export function sequentialize(cacheKey: (args: any[]) => string) { return (target: any, propertyKey: string | symbol, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) => { const originalMethod: () => Promise = descriptor.value; const caches = new Map>>(); const getCache = (obj: any) => { let cache = caches.get(obj); if (cache != null) { return cache; } cache = new Map>(); caches.set(obj, cache); return cache; }; return { value: function(...args: any[]) { const cache = getCache(this); const argsCacheKey = cacheKey(args); let response = cache.get(argsCacheKey); if (response != null) { return response; } const onFinally = () => { cache.delete(argsCacheKey); if (cache.size === 0) { caches.delete(this); } }; response = originalMethod.apply(this, args).then((val: any) => { onFinally(); return val; }).catch((err: any) => { onFinally(); throw err; }); cache.set(argsCacheKey, response); return response; }, }; }; }