import { CipherService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/cipher.service"; import { Response } from "jslib-node/cli/models/response"; import { CipherResponse } from "../models/response/cipherResponse"; import { CliUtils } from "../utils"; export class ShareCommand { constructor(private cipherService: CipherService) {} async run(id: string, organizationId: string, requestJson: string): Promise { if (process.env.BW_SERVE !== "true" && (requestJson == null || requestJson === "")) { requestJson = await CliUtils.readStdin(); } if (requestJson == null || requestJson === "") { return Response.badRequest("`requestJson` was not provided."); } let req: string[] = []; if (typeof requestJson !== "string") { req = requestJson; } else { try { const reqJson = Buffer.from(requestJson, "base64").toString(); req = JSON.parse(reqJson); if (req == null || req.length === 0) { return Response.badRequest("You must provide at least one collection id for this item."); } } catch (e) { return Response.badRequest("Error parsing the encoded request data."); } } if (id != null) { id = id.toLowerCase(); } if (organizationId != null) { organizationId = organizationId.toLowerCase(); } const cipher = await this.cipherService.get(id); if (cipher == null) { return Response.notFound(); } if (cipher.organizationId != null) { return Response.badRequest("This item already belongs to an organization."); } const cipherView = await cipher.decrypt(); try { await this.cipherService.shareWithServer(cipherView, organizationId, req); const updatedCipher = await this.cipherService.get(; const decCipher = await updatedCipher.decrypt(); const res = new CipherResponse(decCipher); return Response.success(res); } catch (e) { return Response.error(e); } } }