import * as program from "commander"; import * as inquirer from "inquirer"; import { ExportFormat, ExportService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/export.service"; import { PolicyService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/policy.service"; import { PolicyType } from "jslib-common/enums/policyType"; import { Utils } from "jslib-common/misc/utils"; import { Response } from "jslib-node/cli/models/response"; import { CliUtils } from "../utils"; export class ExportCommand { constructor(private exportService: ExportService, private policyService: PolicyService) {} async run(options: program.OptionValues): Promise { if ( options.organizationid == null && (await this.policyService.policyAppliesToUser(PolicyType.DisablePersonalVaultExport)) ) { return Response.badRequest( "One or more organization policies prevents you from exporting your personal vault." ); } const format = options.format ?? "csv"; if (options.organizationid != null && !Utils.isGuid(options.organizationid)) { return Response.error("`" + options.organizationid + "` is not a GUID."); } let exportContent: string = null; try { exportContent = format === "encrypted_json" ? await this.getProtectedExport(options.password, options.organizationid) : await this.getUnprotectedExport(format, options.organizationid); } catch (e) { return Response.error(e); } return await this.saveFile(exportContent, options, format); } private async getProtectedExport(passwordOption: string | boolean, organizationId?: string) { const password = await this.promptPassword(passwordOption); return password == null ? await this.exportService.getExport("encrypted_json", organizationId) : await this.exportService.getPasswordProtectedExport(password, organizationId); } private async getUnprotectedExport(format: ExportFormat, organizationId?: string) { return this.exportService.getExport(format, organizationId); } private async saveFile( exportContent: string, options: program.OptionValues, format: ExportFormat ): Promise { try { const fileName = this.getFileName(format, options.organizationid != null ? "org" : null); return await CliUtils.saveResultToFile(exportContent, options.output, fileName); } catch (e) { return Response.error(e.toString()); } } private getFileName(format: ExportFormat, prefix?: string) { if (format === "encrypted_json") { if (prefix == null) { prefix = "encrypted"; } else { prefix = "encrypted_" + prefix; } format = "json"; } return this.exportService.getFileName(prefix, format); } private async promptPassword(password: string | boolean) { // boolean => flag set with no value, we need to prompt for password // string => flag set with value, use this value for password // undefined/null/false => account protect, not password, no password needed if (typeof password === "string") { return password; } else if (password) { const answer: inquirer.Answers = await inquirer.createPromptModule({ output: process.stderr, })({ type: "password", name: "password", message: "Export file password:", }); return answer.password as string; } return null; } }