import { firstValueFrom, mergeMap } from "rxjs"; import { NotificationsService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/notifications.service"; import { AutofillOverlayVisibility } from "@bitwarden/common/autofill/constants"; import { AutofillSettingsServiceAbstraction } from "@bitwarden/common/autofill/services/autofill-settings.service"; import { ConfigService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/config/config.service"; import { LogService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/log.service"; import { MessagingService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/messaging.service"; import { SystemService } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/abstractions/system.service"; import { Utils } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/misc/utils"; import { CipherType } from "@bitwarden/common/vault/enums"; import { MessageListener, isExternalMessage } from "../../../../libs/common/src/platform/messaging"; import { closeUnlockPopout, openSsoAuthResultPopout, openTwoFactorAuthPopout, } from "../auth/popup/utils/auth-popout-window"; import { LockedVaultPendingNotificationsData } from "../autofill/background/abstractions/notification.background"; import { AutofillService } from "../autofill/services/abstractions/autofill.service"; import { BrowserApi } from "../platform/browser/browser-api"; import { BrowserStateService } from "../platform/services/abstractions/browser-state.service"; import { BrowserEnvironmentService } from "../platform/services/browser-environment.service"; import { BrowserPlatformUtilsService } from "../platform/services/platform-utils/browser-platform-utils.service"; import { Fido2Background } from "../vault/fido2/background/abstractions/fido2.background"; import MainBackground from "./main.background"; export default class RuntimeBackground { private autofillTimeout: any; private pageDetailsToAutoFill: any[] = []; private onInstalledReason: string = null; private lockedVaultPendingNotifications: LockedVaultPendingNotificationsData[] = []; constructor( private main: MainBackground, private autofillService: AutofillService, private platformUtilsService: BrowserPlatformUtilsService, private notificationsService: NotificationsService, private stateService: BrowserStateService, private autofillSettingsService: AutofillSettingsServiceAbstraction, private systemService: SystemService, private environmentService: BrowserEnvironmentService, private messagingService: MessagingService, private logService: LogService, private configService: ConfigService, private fido2Background: Fido2Background, private messageListener: MessageListener, ) { // onInstalled listener must be wired up before anything else, so we do it in the ctor chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener((details: any) => { this.onInstalledReason = details.reason; }); } async init() { if (!chrome.runtime) { return; } await this.checkOnInstalled(); const backgroundMessageListener = ( msg: any, sender: chrome.runtime.MessageSender, sendResponse: (response: any) => void, ) => { const messagesWithResponse = ["biometricUnlock"]; if (messagesWithResponse.includes(msg.command)) { this.processMessageWithSender(msg, sender).then( (value) => sendResponse({ result: value }), (error) => sendResponse({ error: { ...error, message: error.message } }), ); return true; } void this.processMessageWithSender(msg, sender).catch((err) => this.logService.error( `Error while processing message in RuntimeBackground '${msg?.command}'. Error: ${err?.message ?? "Unknown Error"}`, ), ); return false; }; this.messageListener.allMessages$ .pipe( mergeMap(async (message: any) => { await this.processMessage(message); }), ) .subscribe(); // For messages that require the full on message interface BrowserApi.messageListener("runtime.background", backgroundMessageListener); } // Messages that need the chrome sender and send back a response need to be registered in this method. async processMessageWithSender(msg: any, sender: chrome.runtime.MessageSender) { switch (msg.command) { case "triggerAutofillScriptInjection": await this.autofillService.injectAutofillScripts(, sender.frameId); break; case "bgCollectPageDetails": await this.main.collectPageDetailsForContentScript(, msg.sender, sender.frameId); break; case "collectPageDetailsResponse": switch (msg.sender) { case "autofiller": case "autofill_cmd": { // FIXME: Verify that this floating promise is intentional. If it is, add an explanatory comment and ensure there is proper error handling. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises this.stateService.setLastActive(new Date().getTime()); const totpCode = await this.autofillService.doAutoFillActiveTab( [ { frameId: sender.frameId, tab:, details: msg.details, }, ], msg.sender === "autofill_cmd", ); if (totpCode != null) { this.platformUtilsService.copyToClipboard(totpCode); } break; } case "autofill_card": { await this.autofillService.doAutoFillActiveTab( [ { frameId: sender.frameId, tab:, details: msg.details, }, ], false, CipherType.Card, ); break; } case "autofill_identity": { await this.autofillService.doAutoFillActiveTab( [ { frameId: sender.frameId, tab:, details: msg.details, }, ], false, CipherType.Identity, ); break; } case "contextMenu": clearTimeout(this.autofillTimeout); this.pageDetailsToAutoFill.push({ frameId: sender.frameId, tab:, details: msg.details, }); this.autofillTimeout = setTimeout(async () => await this.autofillPage(, 300); break; default: break; } break; case "biometricUnlock": { const result = await this.main.biometricUnlock(); return result; } } } async processMessage(msg: any) { switch (msg.command) { case "loggedIn": case "unlocked": { let item: LockedVaultPendingNotificationsData; if (msg.command === "loggedIn") { await this.sendBwInstalledMessageToVault(); } if (this.lockedVaultPendingNotifications?.length > 0) { item = this.lockedVaultPendingNotifications.pop(); await closeUnlockPopout(); } await this.notificationsService.updateConnection(msg.command === "loggedIn"); await this.main.refreshBadge(); await this.main.refreshMenu(false); this.systemService.cancelProcessReload(); if (item) { await BrowserApi.focusWindow(; await BrowserApi.focusTab(; await BrowserApi.tabSendMessageData(, "unlockCompleted", item, ); } break; } case "addToLockedVaultPendingNotifications": this.lockedVaultPendingNotifications.push(; break; case "logout": await this.main.logout(msg.expired, msg.userId); break; case "syncCompleted": if (msg.successfully) { setTimeout(async () => { await this.main.refreshBadge(); await this.main.refreshMenu(); }, 2000); await this.configService.ensureConfigFetched(); } break; case "openPopup": await this.main.openPopup(); break; case "bgUpdateContextMenu": case "editedCipher": case "addedCipher": case "deletedCipher": await this.main.refreshBadge(); await this.main.refreshMenu(); break; case "bgReseedStorage": await this.main.reseedStorage(); break; case "authResult": { const env = await firstValueFrom(this.environmentService.environment$); const vaultUrl = env.getWebVaultUrl(); if (msg.referrer == null || Utils.getHostname(vaultUrl) !== msg.referrer) { return; } if (msg.lastpass) { this.messagingService.send("importCallbackLastPass", { code: msg.code, state: msg.state, }); } else { try { await openSsoAuthResultPopout(msg); } catch { this.logService.error("Unable to open sso popout tab"); } } break; } case "webAuthnResult": { const env = await firstValueFrom(this.environmentService.environment$); const vaultUrl = env.getWebVaultUrl(); if (msg.referrer == null || Utils.getHostname(vaultUrl) !== msg.referrer) { return; } await openTwoFactorAuthPopout(msg); break; } case "reloadPopup": if (isExternalMessage(msg)) { this.messagingService.send("reloadPopup"); } break; case "emailVerificationRequired": this.messagingService.send("showDialog", { title: { key: "emailVerificationRequired" }, content: { key: "emailVerificationRequiredDesc" }, acceptButtonText: { key: "ok" }, cancelButtonText: null, type: "info", }); break; case "getClickedElementResponse": this.platformUtilsService.copyToClipboard(msg.identifier); break; case "switchAccount": { await this.main.switchAccount(msg.userId); break; } case "clearClipboard": { await this.main.clearClipboard(msg.clipboardValue, msg.timeoutMs); break; } } } private async autofillPage(tabToAutoFill: chrome.tabs.Tab) { const totpCode = await this.autofillService.doAutoFill({ tab: tabToAutoFill, cipher: this.main.loginToAutoFill, pageDetails: this.pageDetailsToAutoFill, fillNewPassword: true, allowTotpAutofill: true, }); if (totpCode != null) { this.platformUtilsService.copyToClipboard(totpCode); } // reset this.main.loginToAutoFill = null; this.pageDetailsToAutoFill = []; } private async checkOnInstalled() { setTimeout(async () => { void this.fido2Background.injectFido2ContentScriptsInAllTabs(); void this.autofillService.loadAutofillScriptsOnInstall(); if (this.onInstalledReason != null) { if (this.onInstalledReason === "install") { // FIXME: Verify that this floating promise is intentional. If it is, add an explanatory comment and ensure there is proper error handling. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises BrowserApi.createNewTab(""); await this.autofillSettingsService.setInlineMenuVisibility( AutofillOverlayVisibility.OnFieldFocus, ); if (await this.environmentService.hasManagedEnvironment()) { await this.environmentService.setUrlsToManagedEnvironment(); } } this.onInstalledReason = null; } }, 100); } async sendBwInstalledMessageToVault() { try { const env = await firstValueFrom(this.environmentService.environment$); const vaultUrl = env.getWebVaultUrl(); const urlObj = new URL(vaultUrl); const tabs = await BrowserApi.tabsQuery({ url: `${urlObj.href}*` }); if (!tabs?.length) { return; } for (const tab of tabs) { await BrowserApi.executeScriptInTab(, { file: "content/send-on-installed-message.js", runAt: "document_end", }); } } catch (e) { this.logService.error(`Error sending on installed message to vault: ${e}`); } } }