import { Directive, ElementRef, HostListener } from "@angular/core"; import { PlatformUtilsService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/platformUtils.service"; @Directive({ selector: "[appSelectCopy]", }) export class SelectCopyDirective { constructor(private el: ElementRef, private platformUtilsService: PlatformUtilsService) {} @HostListener("copy") onCopy() { if (window == null) { return; } let copyText = ""; const selection = window.getSelection(); for (let i = 0; i < selection.rangeCount; i++) { const range = selection.getRangeAt(i); const text = range.toString(); // The selection should only contain one line of text. In some cases however, the // selection contains newlines and space characters from the indentation of following // sibling nodes. To avoid copying passwords containing trailing newlines and spaces // that aren't part of the password, the selection has to be trimmed. let stringEndPos = text.length; const newLinePos =\r\n|\r|\n)/); if (newLinePos > -1) { const otherPart = text.substr(newLinePos).trim(); if (otherPart === "") { stringEndPos = newLinePos; } } copyText += text.substring(0, stringEndPos); } this.platformUtilsService.copyToClipboard(copyText, { window: window }); } }